solidsmax · 18 days
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Azula x Ninja | Thunderroar Studio
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bonefall · 1 year
I have a warrior cats OC named Thundercall due to his laryngeal paralysis giving him an extremely deep voice. When attempting to translate his name to clanmew, I realized that there isn't a word for call- at least not a direct translation. What might a fitting word be?
My first thought was something equally deep to match his deep voice. Thunderboom or Thunderroar. Then I realized... Thunderrumble would be SUPER cool. So here's a few for you to pick whichever fits your boy best;
Call = Ayeo A loud shout to call for attention, or find someone. Most direct translation-- could be seeking connection.
Explosion/Boom = Kaboon Self-explanatory!
Roar = Graow The mythical noise that the Great Clans were able to make instead of a yowl. Unheard of... until the Sundrown Patrol met Sharptooth the Cave Lion in TNP.
Rumble = Ugurr
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godzillaoflondon · 6 months
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thunderroared · 6 years
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                         I’ve found the strength to grow so much more                                              A whisper to a roar                                                No more crying,
                                   It’s time for me to soar
promo template by rcbelborn
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witchlightdesigns · 6 years
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I wanted to get a good picture od Okria with her tattoos done. It... May or may not have turned into this. ‘Cause how can I not put her lovelyness into a gorgeous, sparkly black dress? Of course, her brother would cover her with a burlap sack if he were to see her in this. All while berating her for wearing Sin’dorei clothes. 
I shared the sketch yesterday, and honestly. I’m super proud of this one. She’s tricky with her Dragonmaw “tint”. I also got an older piece of her updated with her tattoos, since at the time I didn’t have ideas for them. I’ll post that shortly.
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supernovanayauna · 7 years
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Inktober day three!
I actually had quite a hard time coming up with something for the prompt “Poison.” I could’ve taken the easy way out and literally just drawn a picture of a poison bottle. But I didn’t want to do that! I was just going to go with a hand holding a bottle of a vial of something poisonous but that was too simple for me, I like crazy amount of detail, especially in traditional art. So I ended up sketching random stuff until I eventually got to what you see here! I actually like it a lot, even if it is a little out of my comfort zone.
(the second panel pic is just me imagining what it would look like as a sequential panel. I should toootally make a witch manga/comic/webtoon)
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Life's Storns - Photo prompt challenge @evepoetrygroup #cafedailyphotoprompt #evereadmypoem - Very inspirational #photoprompt 👍👍 . . . . . #lifesstorms #stormylife #stormyrain #stormywind #wetandcold #sonicthunder #thunderroar #thunder #lightening #illusion #facingdeath #brave #bravery #courage #lifeslessons #bittercold #writerscommunity #poetryofwisdom #beingyoubeingtrue #writersandreaders #poetry #poems #freedomwriter #writingthought #writingprompt #newpoetspotlight #writersthoughts (at Chicago Poetry Center) https://www.instagram.com/godzillion100/p/Bwz0WLihYG1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n9hllcuxwild
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furryeaglebarbarian · 4 years
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Badogiak,thunderroar valkyrie
The most aggressive and passionate of her valkyrie sisters.the most driven to exact justice over guilty,even more so then sister of arms-nike.
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validnightwingnames · 7 years
Sunchaser, Suneater, Constellation, Wisdom, Heartrender, Cloudpuller, Cloudcatcher, Shardseer, Fatechanger, Swiftflier, Smokemaker, Flaremaker, Cloudmaker, Dreamchanger, Rockwings, Stonehorn, Sharptongue, Loudroar, Thunderroar, Stormeater, Rainseer, Stormseer, Giftgiver, Hopemaker, Lifechanger, Fighter, Warfighter, Victory, Warwager, Peaceful, Sharpscales, Silvertongue,
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mosesimmanuvel · 7 years
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In a month of May seeing sky like this not only soothing but also Mesmerizing...#KathiriVeil #Thundering #lightning #ThunderRoar... (at Parappadi)
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facethemusicdude · 7 years
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#indestructible #max #notyourdope #thatfeeling #keepbreathing #makemymark #thunderroar #swinging #hitthefloor #getstronger #burnme #iamindestructible #depleting #keeppushing #attacknow #beenwaiting #tameme #illustrator #adobeillustrator
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The thunder roared...and the rain kept pouring...#rainyday #watchingtherainfall #thunderroar #rainpouring #DreyShots #photographer #mauritius
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carlsbailbonds-blog · 7 years
NWSBayArea: Decent amount of #Lightning ⚡️🌩️ off the #NorCal #OR coast over the last 6 hours. #CAwx #ThunderRoars… http://pic.twitter.com/AA6RO2RCNW
— Carl's Bail Bonds (@CarlsBailBonds) November 13, 2017
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witchlightdesigns · 6 years
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Updated Okria bust with her tatts! 
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mosesimmanuvel · 7 years
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In a month of May seeing sky like this not only soothing but also Mesmerizing...#KathiriVeil #Thundering #lightning #ThunderRoar... (at Parappadi)
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