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addicted2wasps · 29 days ago
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Random minerals post!
That's only the tip of the iceberg concerning my collection, but these are some of my favourites.
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forestemporium · 6 years ago
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Thunder Bay Amethyst Pendulum Necklaces. Available at @hoxeyville in two weeks! The red in these amethyst points come from hematite inclusions in the crystals. Mined on the northwestern side of Lake Superior, buried under the earth’s surface. #thunderbayamethyst #amethyst #redcappedcamethyst #crystalnecklace #rawamethyst #ladysmith https://www.instagram.com/p/B0oqN73ABdL/?igshid=cah7gy1s2333
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This vole skull was found by @runs_with_deer & given to me to be immortalized in copper 💀 This little guy features some Thunder Bay amethyst growing from his previously cracked skull 💜 #immortalized #electroformedjewelry #skullart #vultureculture #thunderbayamethyst #earthboundjewelleryco https://www.instagram.com/earthboundjewelleryco/p/BvfMzrIHaLd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1786h281gmj79
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nmmrockshop · 7 years ago
Beautiful Thunder Bay Amethyst Crystal Cluster! *NEW CLEARANCE ITEM* Message Me Directly To Purchase! On Sale Now @ Northern Maine Minerals Rock & Gem Shop in Historic Greenville, Maine!
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ulgnd · 7 years ago
Check out the sunset bands of color in this hematite capped amethyst 🧡🌅💜#auralite23 #arcanecrystal #thunderbayamethyst #hematite #harlequinamethyst #rustyred #sunsetcrystal #sunsetorange #royalpurple #crystalcluster #silkandcrystals #sacredcrystal #inspiringcolors #chakrabalancing
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the7directions · 5 years ago
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Thunder Bay amethyst Amethyst coated with hematite, third eye grounding !! Love it!! Perfect for meditation ! - - #thunderbayamethyst #super7 #amethyst #hematite #the7directions #om #Crystalhealing #crystals #sacredspace #sacredgeometry #totem #meditation #clearquartz #crystalgrid #reiki #altar #buddha #bestill #zodiac #tarotcard #divination #mercuryretrograde #vibrationalhealing #namaste (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B715hcrH4g6/?igshid=125zs7xldkifc
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janicklemieux · 6 years ago
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New! Handmade with love 💞 (by moi) just for you For sale: Wire wrapped pendants made with Canadian amethysts from Thunderbay, that I handpicked myself. They are ALL Reiki infused. Starting at $25 each. 🔨 💎 💜 💯 🇨🇦 #amethyst #amethystlove Janick ☎️ 226.238.8178 📫 [email protected] 🌐 https://bordenyoga.as.me #amethystcrystal #amethystgemstone #naturalamethyst #canadianamethyst #thunderbayamethyst #thunderbayamethystmine #iamcanadian #masterhealer #ArtistsStone #ComposersStone #InventorsStone #PoetsStone #PaintersStone #Amethystcrystal #Naturalunpolished #naturesTranquilizer #calming #soothing #janicklemieux #soulnakedjanick #openheartsoulutions #bordenyoga #reiki #energyworker #amethystpower #reikiwithjanick #healingwithjanick (at Canadian Forces Base Borden) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqEoTkah1IB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17ga2mr4hpeew
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silverfoxcrafts · 7 years ago
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New in stock, thunderbay amethyst! #thunderbayamethyst #geode #geodesforsale #amethystcrystal #amethyst #amethystforsale #crystals #crystalsforsale #shiny #shinyforsale
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etherealfiyaaa · 7 years ago
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Thunder Bay Amethyst (trademarked as Auralite 23) was discovered in Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada. This unique crystal has been called by many names, including Auralite, Thunder Bay Amethyst, Kindred Spirit Stone, & Super 23. It’s in fact, basically an Amethyst with inclusions. It is said that Auralite contains upward of 23 elements, but many contain at least seventeen: Titanite, Cacoxenite, Lepidocrosite, Ajoite, Hematite (which gives Auralite its red coloring), Magnetite, Pyrite, Goethite, Pyrolusite, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Limonite, Sphalerite, Covellite, Chalcopyrite, Gialite, Epidote, Bornite & Rutile. Auralite 23, assists in unimpeded positive intellectual, spiritual, mental, physical growth, study of geometry & dimensional space, it heals rifts in groups & families, disagreements, love-thyself, grid for Earth Stabilization, enhance aura/aura-sight, weight loss, disorders of dizziness, fevers... Ect... 😘 Love, light & warm blessings!!! XOXOXO Barbie 🖤🖤🖤 #Barbiesmagickalpathcurio #Themagickalpath #Crystals #Healingcrystals #Healing #Stones #Minerals #Gemstones #Stones #Crystalhealing #Crystalproperties #Metaphysicalhealing #Magickal #Thunderbayamethyst #Loveandlight #Crystalsforsale #Crystalbusiness #Crystalshop #Handmade #Thunderbayamethystproperties #Auralite23 (at New Baltimore, Michigan)
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phenomenalgems · 6 years ago
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😍🌌 This absolutely stunning Thunder Bay amethyst has it all! Soft purple shades and bright red hematite inclusions make the crystal structure shine, especially when backlit—this cluster, from Moonlight Mine, Thunder Bay, Canada, displays minimal damage on just one or two of the terminated amethyst crystals, giving it a near perfect appearance. Striking example from this desirable Canadian locality! $120 shipped US—dm to claim or get more info, or visit this and more at PhenomenalGems.Etsy.com. 😍🌌 #thunderbay #amethyst #hematite #crystals #minerals #rocksandminerals #mineralspecimens #healingcrystals #harlequin #fire #moonlight #purple #red #nature #healingcrystals #moonlightmine #thunderbayamethyst #naturelovers #nature #boho #hippie #goodvibes #naturalbeauty #phenomenalgems #etsy #etsyshop #etsycrystals
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nebuloso11 · 8 years ago
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#Goodnight! 😴💤💤 ✨⭐️🌙⭐️✨ (NFS) Chevron Amethyst is a violet variety of Quartz, containing bands of White Quartz and Smoky Quartz in a purple crystal structure. This specimen is from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. It's beautiful chevron-shaped layers are are finely speckled with iron minerals, and [backlit] the faces of the termination point displays a dense concentration of iron specks. All of the termination faces on this specimen also feature very deep Trigons, (downward pointing triangles). This is such an awesome piece! This is one of my favorite crystals in my collection! ❤️ "Amethyst in its purest form is colorless and transparent. Experts are of the opinion that the rich purple colour of the Amethyst is to its high content of Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) impurities. It contains more Iron than any other form of Quartz. Quartz makes up about 12% of the earth's crust, making it the single most abundant mineral on Earth. It is present in an extensive range of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Found in abundance, Amethyst is a variety of Macro Crystalline Quartz. It has been found in Quartz veins and siliceous volcanic as geodes. However, it is not the same everywhere. Amethysts are unique to geographical regions or even mines. Different areas have different types of formations and Iron distribution patterns. Experts can often identify the source mine that a particular Amethyst came from. The key to this is the color, shape of crystal, inclusions, associations and formation of the Amethyst." Sourced from: http://www.jewelinfo4u.com/Amethyst_Chemical_Properties.asp #thunderbayamethyst, #amethyst, #chevronamethyst, #bandedamethyst, #quartz, #quartzcrystal, #trigon, #trigons, #trigonic, #lgbt, #gay, #crystals, #stones, #minerals, #gems, #gemstones, #rocks, #thunderbay, #ontario, #canada, #geology, #science, #mineralogy, #gemology, #mineralfacts, #violet, #purple, #happy, #nofilter
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handsofspirit · 6 years ago
Saturday’s Live Sale is quickly getting closer. We thought we would show you a sneak peek of one of the displays at the Crystalline Temple. Please excuse the bad video lighting! The Live starts at 3pm MST. Karen will be speaking about Lemurian Seed Crystals and the Gemstone Enrichment Collection by Hands of Spirit which was three years in the making. Don’t forget this live sale helps benefit @carson_cats if you are not following them, go see all the incredible things they are up to☀️ - - - #apatite #selenite #sulfur #quartz #smokyquartz #celestite #geodes #celestitegeode #amethyst #fluorite #rainbowfluorite #serpentine #okinitees #labradorite #elestial #elestialquartz #pinkamethyst #morganite #iolite #thunderbayamethyst #grapeagate #fishtailselenite #auraquartz #boulder #livesale #livesales #livecrystalsale #livecrystalsales #handsofspirit (at Hands of Spirit Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0oIKjfnfzE/?igshid=sza8glkhxjiz
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janicklemieux · 6 years ago
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New! Handmade with love (by moi!) just for you! For sale: Wire wrapped pendants made with Canadian amethysts from Thunderbay, that I handpicked myself. They are ALL Reiki infused. Starting at $25 each. 🔨 💎 💜 💯 🇨🇦 #amethyst #amethystlove Janick ☎️ 226.238.8178 📫 [email protected] 🌐 https://bordenyoga.as.me #amethystcrystal #amethystgemstone #naturalamethyst #canadianamethyst #thunderbayamethyst #thunderbayamethystmine #iamcanadian #masterhealer #ArtistsStone #ComposersStone #InventorsStone #PoetsStone #PaintersStone #Amethystcrystal #Naturalunpolished #naturesTranquilizer #calming #soothing #janicklemieux #soulnakedjanick #openheartsoulutions #bordenyoga #reiki #energyworker #amethystpower #reikiwithjanick #healingwithjanick (at Canadian Forces Base Borden) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqDkzLWhlkL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1j40mzmbhwe47
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janicklemieux · 7 years ago
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For sale! Canadian handpicked amethysts from Thunderbay. There are ALL Reiki infused. Let me know if you would like to buy one - you will have so many to choose from! 🔨 💎 💜 💯 🇨🇦 #amethyst #amethystlove #amethystcrystal #amethystgemstone #naturalamethyst #canadianamethyst #thunderbayamethyst #thunderbayamethystmine #iamcanadian #masterhealer #ArtistsStone #ComposersStone #InventorsStone #PoetsStone #PaintersStone #Amethystcrystal #Naturalunpolished #naturesTranquilizer #calming #soothing #janicklemieux #soulnakedjanick #openheartsoulutions #bordenyoga #reiki #energyworker #amethystpower (at Canadian Forces Base Borden)
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