#thunder's comic books and movies collection
insanityclause · 4 months
Over the past 13 years, Tom Hiddleston has died more times than he can recall. “Let me think about this,” the actor tells us, pausing to count in his head. “I think, officially, there were two big ones.” 
He’s referring to his many exits from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the blockbuster franchise in which he’s played shape-shifting Norse god Loki Laufeyson since Kenneth Branagh’s 2011 film “Thor”—the son of Asgardians Odin (Anthony Hopkins) and Frigga (Rene Russo), and the half-sibling of Thor (Chris Hemsworth), the god of thunder. 
The character has since bounced between villain and reluctant antihero across five films, a handful of post-credits scenes, and Michael Waldron’s Disney+ spinoff series “Loki,” which Hiddleston also executive produces. The show wrapped its second—and supposedly final—season last November. The finale presents an end for the character, but not one of the aforementioned “big ones.” 
Hiddleston’s first “official” farewell came in Alan Taylor’s 2013 sequel “Thor: The Dark World,” which saw the god of mischief take a sword to the chest to save his beefy brother. “As written in the first script, it was a true sacrifice,” Hiddleston says. Unfortunately for Marvel’s long-term plans, the actor had done too good a job playing the trickster.
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“When Marvel [executives] were testing the movie, they’d given [viewers] questionnaires that said, ‘Is there anything you didn’t understand?’ ” he remembers. “Literally every single audience member said, ‘Well, obviously, Loki’s not really dead.’ ” 
In classic comic-book fashion, the character did return, gallivanting alongside his brother in Taika Waititi’s 2017 follow-up “Thor: Ragnarok.” He died again one year later (“big one” number two) in the Russo brothers’  “Avengers: Infinity War.” There were no smokescreens or questionnaires this time; audiences watched as Loki’s neck was crushed by the purple fist of intergalactic warlord Thanos (Josh Brolin). 
Hiddleston remembers arriving in Atlanta to shoot his final scene and immediately bumping into Brolin. “He came up to me, gave me this huge hug, and said, ‘I’m so sorry, man.’ ” 
He meant it, too; everyone meant it. The sun, it seemed, had actually set on Hiddleston’s MCU journey. “At the end of that scene, I got a big round of applause, and everybody was so sweet and kind and gracious,” he says. “I got notes and emails saying, ‘Tom, you’ve done so much for us—what a journey. Come and see us anytime.’ I really thought that was the end.” 
And it was, for real, right up until it wasn’t—when the time-traveling shenanigans of 2019’s “Avengers: Endgame” blasted a younger version of Loki out of the established canon and into his own series. Over two seasons, the multiversal storyline envisions the title character as a figure who exists outside time and space. Across all there is, was, and may come to pass, there will always be a Loki, in some form, wreaking havoc. 
Hiddleston has long since accepted what this means for him as an actor. Maybe “Loki” Season 2 really was his last time in the role; or maybe he’ll play him until the sun burns out. “I’ve realized that, in human consciousness, that’s who Loki is,” he says. “Loki is this ancient, mythic character, who, in our collective mythology, represents the trickster, the transgressor, the boundary-crosser, the shape-shifter—somebody who’s mercurial and spontaneous and unpredictable who will always confound your expectations and wriggle out from underneath your certainties and convictions. Someone who we need and [who] is necessary.”
Hiddleston pauses, getting emotional. “Maybe Loki escaping death a couple of times is sort of an emblem of who he is in our culture,” he says, grinning at his own gusto. The actor has a habit of being self-deprecating about the depth of the character’s lore. “I spend a lot of time thinking about Loki. You can probably tell.”
You can tell, and it’s incredibly endearing. Talking to Hiddleston about Loki feels like discussing Shakespeare’s Richard III with Laurence Olivier or Tennessee Williams’ Blanche DuBois with Jessica Lange. They were actors who put their definitive stamps on those roles by returning to the well and constantly digging deeper. 
In conversation, Hiddleston is equally as likely to reference comic-book arcs as he is the ancient, anonymous Old Norse scribes of the “Poetic Edda” or Richard Wagner’s epic four-cycle opera “Der Ring des Nibelungen.” He speaks reverently of actors who embodied the trickster god before him, like Jim Carrey in Chuck Russell’s 1994 comedy “The Mask” and Alan Cumming in Lawrence Guterman’s 2005 sequel, “Son of the Mask.” He also heaps praise on those who played the part after him, such as his “Loki” costars Sophia Di Martino, Richard E. Grant, Deobia Oparei, and—in one very surreal Season 1 moment—“some alligator they found somewhere.” He cites legendary Marvel creators Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Walter Simonson alongside the likes of English essayist Walter Pater and Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw, who once wrote of life as a “splendid torch” to keep burning for those who follow.
“Loki is ‘a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment,’ ” Hiddleston quotes, “and I want to make it burn as brightly as I can before passing it on to future generations.” 
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This level of study started before he even landed the role. He recalls the 24 hours leading up to his “Thor” audition, when he was 28 years old. After graduating from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in 2005, he quickly earned small-screen and stage acclaim—but he hadn’t yet achieved a major breakthrough. When he received the script for “Thor,” it felt familiar. “I remember thinking, This is almost Shakespearean, this language,” Hiddleston says. “What’s the best example I can [look to] of an actor who managed to humanize and make real this elevated world of myth?” 
He found the answer in Christopher Reeve, who played the title role in Richard Donner’s 1978 blockbuster “Superman.” “He’s masterful in that film,” Hiddleston says. “In a way, it’s a similar premise: He’s a god or he’s a being from a different realm, and it’s not naturalistic in the way that we might expect. He does it so truthfully, and it’s so clear and clean and open and honest. I thought, If I can even approximate or get close to the kind of clarity that Christopher Reeve had in those films, I’ll be lucky.” 
And then, the morning of his “Thor” audition, Hiddleston went for a run, “which is my habit before doing anything unusual,” he explains. 
Running has remained a constant throughout the actor’s MCU tenure. At any given moment over the last decade, the god of mischief was likely doing laps around Marvel’s go-to shooting location, Pinewood Studios (now Trilith Studios) in Atlanta. “Life is movement; I really believe that,” Hiddleston says. 
“I find when I’m running or walking, the repetitive nature of it relaxes the mind and allows ideas and inspiration to come from a deeper place. I see my work as an actor—especially in preparation for a project or a scene—as almost preparing myself to be open and ready to receive ideas, to receive energy from other actors, to receive energy from my imagination.”
Hiddleston found the technique particularly helpful when he was filming a scene for the “Loki” series premiere that he calls “one of the most thrilling challenges I’ve ever had as an actor.” In it, Loki has been poached from the flow of time itself by the temporality-policing Time Variance Authority and forced to watch what is, essentially, a highlight reel of his entire MCU arc. It’s one of the most deeply existential moments you’ll ever find streaming alongside the likes of “Bluey” and the “Cars” movies. Here is a man watching the sum total of his life—his hopes, his dreams, his failures, his own death—play out in a 30-second clip that ends with the cold, clinical words: “End of file.”
“I just kept imagining: If you were afforded the opportunity or forced to watch your own death as a bystander, it would bring about an existential shock and crisis unlike any other,” Hiddleston explains. “It was a scene where I thought, I don’t have a reference for how to play this. I just have to allow shock, disgust, disgrace, shame, disbelief, acceptance, incredulity, and sorrow to exist in the center of me.” 
As an executive producer on the series, Hiddleston had a say as to which of Loki’s many misdeeds would play in the sequence. He chose clips like Frigga’s death in “Thor: The Dark World” and his father’s final words in “Thor: Ragnarok”—moments Hiddleston knew would most fill the character with regret. As production was preparing to shoot the scene, he asked first assistant director Richard Graves for a 20-minute warning.
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 “I decided to jog around the stage and internalize as many of those memories of those people, those characters, those actors [as possible]—to try and find the center of my own vulnerability,” Hiddleston says. “Part of the joy of it was just going back to basics, trying to simplify this very complex thing…. Go for a jog, get into your body, allow yourself to be open, and just be there; just feel it.”
One “Loki”-like time jump later, Hiddleston found himself in a similar situation as he was preparing to shoot his final moment of Season 2—a scene that effectively caps Loki’s 13-year arc. Across 12 episodes, the show guided its title character toward a truly heroic end: With all of existence on the verge of collapse, he steps out of time to tie the strands of every reality together. As the credits roll, Loki sits at the center of time, holding in place all that is—alone. 
It’s a lot for any actor to internalize, especially one who’s performing solo in front of a blue screen. With 45 minutes to cameras rolling, episode co-director Aaron Moorhead made a suggestion. “He said to me, ‘Why don’t you go back, if you can bear it, and watch some of your work [over] the last 15 years?’ ” Hiddleston remembers. “ ‘Take it in, see what it means to you, and then carry it when you step out onto the stage.’ ” 
The actor took Moorhead’s advice to heart. And suddenly, without meaning to, he was mirroring the moment that started the series: absorbing the sum total of Loki’s MCU run. But this time, his regret had been replaced with gratitude. Hiddleston watched clips from “Thor,” remembering a time when he and Hemsworth had yet to ascend to the A-list. He recalled working with powerhouses like Hopkins and Russo, and the bonds he forged with the “original six Avengers” in 2011. He thought about how fun it was to film “Thor: Ragnarok” with Tessa Thompson and Jeff Goldblum, and of the more recent friendships he found with his “Loki” castmates Di Martino and Owen Wilson. 
“I thought, What Loki is doing, he is doing for his friends. And so, Tom, why don’t you do it for your friends?” Hiddleston says. “That’s where the two of us met in that moment. And then I was so grateful I had this most amazing crew, and we did it together.”
The actor is, of course, noncommittal as to whether this is actually the end of his MCU run. The franchise is scheduled out until at least 2027, and Hemsworth has mentioned his desire to make another “Thor” film. And if Loki’s past has proven anything, even the most official endings can be undone. 
Either way, it seems to Hiddleston that something significant has ended, even if it’s just Loki’s full-circle arc. “I hope it feels redemptive because his broken soul is partially healed; and you see that this character, who is capable of love, has made a decision from and for love,” he says. The actor cites the “beautiful prologue” of the first “Thor” film, in which Hopkins’ Odin tells his two sons: “Only one of you can ascend to the throne, but both of you were born to be kings.”
“At the end of Season 2, Loki is sitting on a kind of throne; but it’s not arrived in the shape he expected, and there’s no glory in it,” Hiddleston explains. “There’s a kind of burden, and he’s alone. He’s doing it for his friends, but he has to stay there without them. There’s a poetic melancholy there which I found very moving.”
For now, Hiddleston “can’t even conceive” of his life without Loki. He only hopes that he’s lived up to his guiding ethos as an actor, which he sums up with a plea from E.M. Forster’s 1910 novel “Howards End”: “Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its height.”
“The feedback loop for actors is that we get to inhabit a fiction,” Hiddleston says. “But hopefully, that fiction bears the shape of a truth that we recognize about life—that what we do reflects the ups and downs, the peaks and troughs, and the breadth and profundity of all of our lives.”
Hiddleston exists in that space between fiction and reality, the work and the resulting art, the prose and the passion. Long after we’ve moved on from our interview and started casually discussing the cherry blossoms blooming in New York, his eyes light up. He’s made another connection, remembered one more thing—just one last thing he’d like to impart about Loki. 
He spends a lot of time thinking about Loki. You can probably tell.
“I’m so aware that the reason I’ve been able to play him for so long is because of the audience’s curiosity and passion,” Hiddleston says. “I’ve been delighted to find that for a character of such stature, he’s remarkably human. Many of the characteristics that people connect to in Loki are deeply human feelings. That’s been the pleasure, is infusing this elevated character with humanity.”
Even then, honestly, it feels as if Hiddleston, like Loki, could go on forever. Unfortunately, outside of the MCU, time moves in only one direction. Once again, he has to run.
This story originally appeared in the June 6 issue of Backstage Magazine. Subscribe to In the Envelope: The Actor's Podcast to hear our full conversation with Hiddleston (out 6/6). 
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herssian · 1 year
there's a frightening collective dissonance when it comes to what people consume in forms of daily entertainment and realizing. remembering, finding out that artists of various levels and mediums have worked on it. the heavens didn't open in thunderous uproar as cherubs played upon their golden harps to deliver your favorite movie, show, comic, animation, book, digital or otherwise art piece to you
every time i say how artists deserve more respect, especially in the last few years where every platform and industry has seemingly been making it a personal goal to remove or silence us, i get some comment or another among the lines of "get a real job" or "you just scribble lol" or "internet artist get an actual living challenge" and every single one of those people's blogs is filled with reblogged art from various media they enjoy, or happened to come across and liked enough to share. someone made that. it's not in a vacuum. someone used their practiced (for years, most of the time) skills to produce that. this is the object impermanence olympics and you're getting all golds
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agentnico · 2 months
Deadpool & Wolverine (2024) review
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I recall when I watched the first two Deadpool movies in the cinema, it was so difficult to catch all the jokes over the constant laughter of the audience. In Deadpool & Wolverine I heard every single joke.
Plot: A listless Wade Wilson toils away in civilian life with his days as the morally flexible mercenary, Deadpool, behind him. But when his homeworld faces an existential threat, Wade must reluctantly suit-up again with an even more reluctant Wolverine.
So Deadpool finally makes it into the Marvel Cinematic Universe due to Disney’s acquisition of 20th Century Fox, and as such there’s hope that the X-Men may breath new life into a franchise that recently has shown strong signs of wear and tear. Since Endgame the MCU has really struggled to reignite the magic of what made these movies so special, and aside from certain exceptions such as Spider-Man: No Way Home and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, it’s essentially been adequate at best if not straight up terrible. I myself have checked out of the cinematic universe for a while, however hearing the return of Deadpool and the promise that this movie will pay homage to the 20th Century Fox era of superhero films and the surprising yet welcome return of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine with the director of Free Guy and the Night at the Museum films attached, I naturally had to see what all the fuss was about.
Deadpool & Wolverine isn’t really a movie. It’s primarily a collection of crass and silly jokes mixed into a messy narrative thread-line involving multiversal mumbo-jumbo as an excuse to get these two popular comic-book heroes in a film together. There’s practically no substance here, and relies heavily on endless fan-service to get by, and not going to lie I found it exhausting. Even the humour for the most part did not hit for me, as it was mostly a repetitive load of f-bombs and Deadpool making a million jokes about Disney which first or second time was amusing, but when you keep saying the same joke endless amounts of time it loses its flavour. It’s disappointing as the first two Deadpool movies are both hilarious comedies in their own right, yet here the jokes were being thrown at you with every single line that it felt more so like a parody. Not to the extent of Thor: Love & Thunder but it was getting annoying. As for any kind of emotional depth, the few scenes where there is that is quickly overshadowed yet again by some unfunny gag.
Ryan Reynolds’ and Hugh Jackman’s buddy cop energy is easily the film’s strongest suite, which I guess is a good thing seeing as the movie is titled after their characters. Even though not every joke lands, Ryan Reynolds is riffing quips at such a relentless speed it’s actually impressive how much bull-crap can come out of that man’s mouth. Hugh Jackman is massive. The guy’s in his 50s yet manages to achieve such a ripped physique for this movie it’s hard to not be lost in awe. It’s also delightful seeing him back all grizzly and rage-filled, and again he reminds us why his Wolverine is one of the best on-screen superheroes to ever exist. The villains of the movie are very one-dimensional, and though there are some cool visuals used with Emma Corrin’s superpowers, there’s not much else to them. Matthew Macfadyen is essentially a walking piece of exposition, constantly trying to catch audiences up in case they didn’t watch the Loki series on Disney+. Then Rob Delaney returns as Peter, and who doesn’t love Peter, am I right??
As you may have heard there are also an abundance of surprises in the film, including a crazy amount of cameos that are sure to make fans feel nostalgic over a bygone era of the superhero genre, and I will say for the most part I enjoyed the cameos, even if they were there literally there for the WOW factor. That being said one cameo I did absolutely love, as this actor truly deserves to finally get their moment following all the issues in the past, and seeing them in this movie was a delightful surprise and really cool.
Deadpool & Wolverine is an over-stuffed and bloated threequel that as a film is really messy with terrible pacing, hardly a cohesive plot, tiring jokes and a myriad of other issues, but also this is the kind of summer popcorn fare that is guaranteed to be a money maker and will certainly entertain audiences for the time they watch it, even if it won’t last 5 minutes of shelf life. Will say though I did enjoy the action sequences. It was odd seeing the R-rated gore in an MCU movie, but it was done really stylistically and especially a fight scene inside a car stands out as something that was really entertaining and fun. Oh, and the end credits were really sweet and definitely pandered on the nostalgia factor but I dug that crap up.
Overall score: 5/10
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Review: The Avengers (2012)
The Avengers (2012)
Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi violence and action throughout, and a mild drug reference
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<Originally posted at https://kevinsreviewcatalogue.blogspot.com/2023/04/review-avengers-2012.html>
Score: 5 out of 5
Eleven years and dozens of movies and TV shows later, The Avengers still stands as arguably the greatest achievement of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Even more than its best standalone films like Guardians of the Galaxy and Black Panther, this was the movie that demonstrated what the "idea" of the MCU could produce and accomplish, a shared universe that brought together characters from different popular movies for a big crossover in which they all got a chance to shine as a team. Looking back, the legacy of the MCU on Hollywood as a whole has been mixed, such that it's increasingly come in for backlash in the last few years to the point where hating the series is no longer necessarily a contrarian take, the genuinely divisive reception to recent movies and shows in the franchise not helping its case. (I've been nicer to Marvel's recent output than most, and even I can't help but feel that there's a bit of malaise there.) Which makes it all the more impressive to see that, watching the original Avengers again with a group of kids who were either in diapers or not even born yet when it came out and experienced the series mostly through home video and streaming, it still absolutely holds up, and moreover, it reminded me of what Marvel's strengths were back in its 2010s imperial phase when it was firing on all cylinders. It's got an all-star cast, probably the best direction of Joss Whedon's career, and a use of continuity that enriches the experience for those who've seen the prior films in the franchise but doesn't detract from it if you haven't -- the secret sauce that, if you ask me, allowed the MCU to succeed for so long where other, similar attempts at big, modular franchises failed, and something that it's lost sight of recently. Once we're past the backlash phase and old enough to be nostalgic for the MCU (won't that be something), I think that this movie and "Phase One" more broadly will get its due once again.
The plot feels like it could've been lifted out of any number of Big Event crossovers from the comics. An alien race called the Chitauri, led by the Norse trickster god Loki (the Norse gods in this universe being aliens themselves) with a chip on his shoulder, is planning to invade Earth, and Nick Fury, director of the secret government agency S.H.I.E.L.D., has a plan to stop them: assemble a collection of exceptional individuals with unique skills to lead the fight. They include: Tony Stark, the egotistical billionaire CEO of a weapons manufacturer who built a suit of high-tech "Iron Man" powered armor to fight terrorists; Steve Rogers, the product of an American World War II scientific program to create a superior fighting man who wound up frozen in ice for decades and thawed out in the present day; Bruce Banner, a brilliant physicist who, thanks to an accident during an experiment with gamma radiation, developed a monstrous Jekyll-and-Hyde alter ego called the Hulk that comes out when he's angry or stressed; Thor, the Norse god of thunder seeking to stop his adoptive brother Loki's warpath and return him to Asgard for judgment; and Natasha Romanoff; a deadly spy codenamed "Black Widow" who defected from Russia and is now one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s top agents. Unfortunately, Loki, using his own supernatural gifts, has seduced a number of humans to his own side, most notably Erik Selvig, a physicist who was researching an alien artifact called the Tesseract that Loki needs to open a portal to bring his army to Earth, and Clint Barton, another S.H.I.E.L.D. agent codenamed "Hawkeye" who knows his employer inside and out.
The underlying theme of most of the first two acts of this movie is a reflection of what people in real life, from critics to comic book fans to much of the movie's audience, were thinking in 2012: "can this actually work?" Can you do this kind of superhero team-up in the movies the way they do it in the comics? It's here where you see why Marvel producer Kevin Feige sought out Joss Whedon to write and direct this movie, and not just because he was already a geek media legend by then. Whedon's style has unfortunately been caricatured over the years as revolving around jokey, flippant dialogue, thanks in no small part to the many filmmakers and TV show runners who've tried to imitate it, and the man's own personal controversies in the last several years have made him an easy punching bag. That said, anybody who's watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, or Firefly knows that his real strength as a writer, the thing that separated him from the countless writers making jokey, flippant Shane Black ripoffs back in the '90s, was working with large ensemble casts in which there often wasn't a singular protagonist.
Whedon tackles the question of whether this will work head-on by making the real "arc" of the movie revolve less around stopping Loki than around having Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and the Incredible Hulk, the four marquee superheroes who each had their origin stories told in prior movies, learn to put aside their differences and work as a team. They each bring their own larger-than-life personalities to the table, and while Tony and Bruce hit it off immediately over their shared love of science, Tony's ego and gung-ho attitude clash with both Steve's Boy Scout values and military code of honor and Thor's own ego as a superbeing of ancient legend, while Bruce's volatile temper and the end result of such threatens to get them all killed if he can't control it. Loki knows all of this, and for much of the film, a good chunk of his plan, as befitting a trickster god, is to play mind games with the heroes and convince them to tear each other apart so that he can move on and conquer Earth in their absence. Black Widow and Hawkeye, the relative newcomers to the MCU (the former had been a supporting character in Iron Man 2 but wouldn't get her own movie for nearly a decade), serve as surrogates for audience members who know what superheroes are but may not have seen every (or even any) prior movie in the series, while Nick Fury, the authority figure looming over them all, is the ringmaster who introduces us to them and brings them all together.
It helps when you've got a bunch of A-list (or soon-to-be-A-list) actors at the top of their game, the kinds of people who feel born to play these sorts of figures. Robert Downey, Jr.'s great gift as Tony Stark was making him just unlikable enough that you want to see him humbled but not so much that you want to see him lose, Chris Evans always knew how to make Steve Rogers feel like a good-hearted average Joe given extraordinary abilities but never forgetting who he used to be, Chris Hemsworth was exactly the kind of chiseled, Ahnold-style hunk you'd need to play the mighty God of Thunder, and Mark Ruffalo, replacing Edward Norton after some complicated backstage politics, brought an almost Jeff Goldblum-style energy to Bruce Banner, a squirrelly nerd who's visibly hiding a shameful secret. Scarlett Johansson, meanwhile, made her scenes in this movie as Natasha a demo reel for her as both an action hero and a femme fatale, while Samuel L. Jackson brought his usual BAMF energy to a PG-13 version of such as Nick Fury, a man who most of us would happily take orders from. Last but not least, Tom Hiddleston as Loki is exactly the kind of classy-yet-subtly-off-putting British theater actor you want playing a hammy, egomaniacal villain straight out of mythology, like a young Alan Rickman, standing as one of the best villains the MCU's ever had to this day and only failing to steal the show out from under everyone else because, again, this is a Joss Whedon ensemble piece where everybody gets a moment in the sun.
(And Hawkeye seems cool, like a really nice guy. Okay, I kid, Jeremy Renner was alright in the part. He was much better in later movies, though. There's a reason why people used to make fun of him so much.)
The quality of Whedon's work here doesn't stop at his writing, either. The MCU has never been known as a visually inventive series, and a lot of people blame Whedon for that, accusing him of bringing a flat visual style straight out of network television to the biggest blockbuster franchise in Hollywood and relying on his writing as his main creative thumbprint. I'm convinced that they got Whedon mixed up with the Russo brothers who handled the later Avengers films, because Whedon actually does a lot that's interesting behind the camera. Noting that scenes in superhero movies look like they were pulled straight out of a comic book is practically a cliché at this point, but in this case, it's a perfect description, as Whedon seemed to understand exactly how to bring a comic book splash panel to life on the big screen. This movie looks and feels epic, with action that's not only well-shot and easy to follow but also downright massive in scope, often having several things going on at once in the bigger sequences like the attack on the helicarrier and the climatic third-act battle in the streets of Manhattan. The effects were top-notch and felt like they had all the love and care in the world put into them, especially in comparison to some of the rush jobs that more recent Marvel movies have been guilty of. This was the kind of movie they make movie theaters for, and even watching it at home, I was consistently enthralled by its action sequences. There's a reason why so many sci-fi blockbuster action movies in the 2010s had their villains shoot big beams of light into the sky as part of their plan, or featured armies of faceless alien monsters for the heroes to fight without feeling guilty about killing people, and that's because this movie did it so amazingly well that everybody else couldn't help but copy its notes.
The Bottom Line
The Avengers is a movie that still holds up even after countless superhero movies, including in its own franchise, that tried to top it. I don't know if I'd call it the best movie in the MCU, but it's certainly the most impactful, the one that everyone's gonna remember above all else (barring maybe Black Panther) years from now as the movie that made the whole enterprise worth it.
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Author's note starts
I just had a thought that started with "I wish I could write Superman going to Batman for a hug." And then I was like "wait a minute, I can write whatever I want!" So here's superman going to batman for a hug.
Author's note ends
The cafeteria was pretty packed when Clark trudged in. It had been a long night, and for most of the team members, it showed.
The worst part had to be that there wasn't anything to fight.
There was no enemy, nothing sentient to talk to or attack. Just... wind. Just dust. Just water. Just the things that could create and destroy in equal measure.
Apparently Mother Earth woke up and chose violence today. And yesterday. And the day before that. And the day before that. And-.
"You're spiraling." A familiar voice reached his ears. Bruce sounded as tired as he did, for different reasons. Gotham hadn't been hit by the elements any harder than usual, but Gotham's usual involved feet of snow and blustering winds that would freeze even the hardiest of dogs solid, let alone a person. So Batman was dealing with his own problems. And Clark wouldn't be surprised if Bruce Waybe had a completely different set of those to cap it all off.
Clark doesn't envy any of the Bats.
But he doesn't envy himself either.
"Still spiraling." Bruce noted, mildly amused.
Clark groaned and leaned forward so that his head met Bruce's shoulder with an extremely soft thump.
"Bad day?"
Clark hummed once to answer affirmatively.
"Same. Want some hot chocolate?"
Clark hummed again and Bruce snorted.
"If you want hot chocolate, you have to get up so one of us can get it."
Clark knew that voice. He'd seen it used on multiple children trained (and partially reared) by the Bat. He did not like that voice being turned on him.
"Not a kid." Clark grumbled.
"You don't have to be. Just know that I will dump you on the floor and goabout my day."
"Cruel and unusual punishment." Clark objected in a lo3, exhausted breath.
"And yet..." Bruce trailed off playfully.
A few moments passed before he spoke again.
"I'm sorry you had to go through all that today."
"I think..." Clark trailed off. "I think the worst part is, there's nothing to stop in case like this. We go out and fight supervillains who are determined to fuck up someone's day, but a change in the wind can do the same amount of damage and I'd get maybe twice the amount of property damage and half the people out of there. What's the point of having all these powers if they can't fight the forces of nature too?"
"You know better than anyone what the true purpose of your powers are, Clark Kent. But I doubt that even a god could stop the wind rising if they were so inclined. Another would take their place."
"I figured. But damn, is it frustrating."
"Ain't it just." Bruce scoffed in a weak imitation of Clark's thickening accent. "Now, there's more snow in Gotham than I know what to do with. Feel like putting that heat vision to use?"
"X-ray might be better for search and rescue." Clark mumbled absently.
"You're the one with the powers. But first, hot chocolate. Stewart knows how to make it almost as good as Alfred and the kids would never forgive me if I didn't bring some back."
"So the heat vision is good for something." Clark snickered quietly.
The two men straightened up and got to their feet.
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1-800-amortentia · 3 years
Random James Potter headcanon
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He loves the smell of his mums perfume so much, for christmas one year all he asked for was a bottle of her perfume to take to hogwarts just so he can smell it when he misses her.
He hates thunder/the dark and tends to crawl into Sirius’ bed during thunder storms.
If he’s home, he’ll crawl in bed with his parents and curl into a little ball by his mum, so she can rub his back to fall back asleep
His love language is definitely touch, weither it be high fives, hugs, cheek kisses, he’s a very affectionate person especially to his friends, significant others, and parents
He hates watching other people cry, so so much. He’ll start crying if you cry.
James really like clothes because he grew up watching his mum be the best dressed woman he knew. He adored watching her dress up, and has carried on that trait by wearing high end sweaters and trousers. He’s very proud of his closet. He also finds it very attractive when someone can dress bold and be confident in it.
Along with pride, he loves the color of his hair because it the same color as his mums
All around, he’s a huge mamas boy.
James will never admit to anyone the extent of his skincare routine. He double cleanses, and uses serums, and moisturizing creams and face oils and spf.
And DONT even get me started on his strategic HAIR CARE routine.
It takes him forever to get ready.
He’s a really light sleeper, and tends to get very restless and hot when he sleeps. He ignores it tho, and sleeps with a pile of blankets because he loves how soft they are.
James likes to read comic books and collects them. He has hundreds of them.
He’s extremely sentimental, and has a hat box full of random knickknacks.
He remembers every detail about every item though. If you asked where he got the acorn from, he’d tell you exactly why it had meaning.
Along with collecting things, he has a big vinyl collection. Like huge.
Hundreds of records line the shelves in his room at home.
He loves written letters. Specially, love letters. He thinks they’re romantic.
He also loves post cards from around the world.
He’s a big fan of the Beatles and Elvis Presley.
He’s secretly loves romance movies, specially Audrey Hepburn (even though he pretends I force him, he still happily watches Roman holiday, and breakfast at Tiffany’s with me)
He’s loves skirts and dresses on girls, his favorite are high waisted bell bottom jeans, though.
He’s has absolutely no preference on body type , skin color, height, hair color, or blood status. At all. If you’re confident and appealing to him, it truly does not matter what you look like. His one weakness though, is glasses.
James loves parties because he likes planning his outfits for them, and being around lots of people at once.
He’s such an Aries.
James is deeply afraid of being alone/dying alone.
He has nightmares about being alone.
James hates getting drunk around anyone else beside the marauders
If they’re not there, he doesn’t drink
He was nervous high when he smoked for the first time, then he got the munchies.
This boy is hungry all the time. All. The. Time.
He loves talking with anyone who will listen.
He’s also fascinated by tarot, and astrology (cutest thing ever)
He gets pissed at anyone who messes with his friends, and will happily put them back in their place with a little public humiliation.
He’s very popular but constantly gets scared no one likes him
He has a huge soft spot for his friends.
No one else sees it except the people very close to him.
He’s a pretty good baker. Cooking though......not so much.
He burnt water in a pot once.
He’s doesn’t like how he looks in his glasses, and tries to not use them, but ultimately fails and has to use them anyway.
“I look like bloody buddy holly”
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wienerbarnes · 3 years
Movie Night
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader (Cheek to Cheek)
Word Count: 1,769
Warnings: nightmares, canon violence, mentions to some comic bucky info
A/N: 👀👀👀 peep some comic bucky facts in this one
“I have a surprise for you.”
Bucky arrives at your apartment Friday night in sweats and a backpack hanging off his shoulders. You can’t imagine what surprise he’s talking about, you already made dinner for the two of you.
It’s the beginning of a routine. For the past month, Bucky has shown up to your apartment on a variety of days. Except Thursdays, you notice, but you’ve never asked him about it. Sometimes he comes with food, sometimes with board games, sometimes with notebooks and maps to plan out finding people on your list, and sometimes with nothing except his presence. You don’t mind it at all; it’s nice to have some company.
He plops his backpack down onto your card table and unzips it, pulling out a laptop.
“You did not.” You immediately refuse.
Bucky glances at you and sees your disbelief, glancing down at the laptop before making your connection and looking back up at you, chuckling, “I didn’t. This is my laptop. I was thinking we could watch a movie.” He explains.
“How fun!” You smile brightly at the reveal of the surprise, not having seen a movie in years. Sometimes you browse the collection at the library, but even if you checked one out, you didn’t have a computer or television to play it on.
“What’d you bring to watch?” You ask.
“I figured we can find something on HBO Max, I just got a subscription for it.”
“What’s that?”
“A streaming service for movies and shows. Like Hulu?” He looks at you from the laptop, seeing your furrowed brows.
“Netflix?” He tries instead. Your brows soften in understanding as you nod.
You watch a movie Sam had recommended for Bucky to watch, and when the credits finish, a loud crack of thunder disrupts the calm and warm atmosphere the two of you have created with a pillow and blanket fort.
“Would it bother you if I stayed for a bit? Until the rain stops? I came on my bike - I’ll sleep on the floor if it bothers you.” Bucky asks, slowly pulling off blanket after blanket to claw his way out of the cotton cave.
“Of course not, Buck, we can have a sleepover!” You respond, excitement flooding your body before realizing you’d have to sleep with Bucky. He doesn’t notice your change in demeanor as he moves to the bathroom, and you choose to make yourself a tea as an attempt to calm yourself down.
You’ll only have nightmares if you focus on having nightmares. Just don’t think about it. You’ll be fine. You’ll sleep perfectly throughout the night.
You make Bucky a tea too, if only to busy yourself and occupy your hands as you stir a bit of sugar into the warm liquid.
“Thank you,” You jump as he approaches from behind, grabbing the steaming mug from your small countertop.
The two of you complete your nightly routine, Bucky following you like a shadow and helping where he can; locking the windows as you lock the door, accepting your face wash and moisturizer when you offer it after applying your skincare.
“Can I ask you something?” You say, leaning against the doorframe of your bathroom as Bucky stands in front of the mirror, rubbing the moisturizer into his skin.
He hums and you continue, “Where do you go on Thursdays? You’ve never come over on a Thursday, is that just a coincidence?”
His hands pause for a split second and he glances over to you before returning his eyes to the mirror, “I, uh..”
“You don’t have to tell me, I was just curious -”
“No, no, it’s fine, I, uh… I see my sister.”
Your eyes widen briefly, “Your… sister?”
“Yeah. She lives in this retirement community for elders with Alzheimers. I take food and some books and games and usually just spend the day there. I’ll go other times throughout the week, but I reserve Thursday’s for her.” He explains, rubbing any excess moisturizer on his flesh hand, wiping his metal one on a small towel.
“I see. Cool. What’s her name?” You ask, intrigued about this new information that’s been uncovered.
Bucky doesn’t normally talk too much about himself with you, and when he does, it’s usually very vague. But now, he’s giving you locations and names. It’s new for him.
“Rebecca. Do you have anything else to do before bed?”
“Not really. Rebecca and James. What were your parents' names?”
“George and Winifred. Can I keep some water next to the bed?”
“Sure. What about your grandparents?”
“What is this, twenty questions?”
He turns to look at you from where he reaches into your cupboard to grab a glass.
Your mouth snaps shut, thinking you’ve overstepped, but the smirk on his face tells you differently.
“I don’t remember, I only ever met them when I was a baby before I moved and then I think they passed away.”
“I was born in Indiana before moving to Brooklyn.”
“What?!” You gasp.
He chuckles, and takes a sip from the now full glass of water.
“Everything is a lie. You’re not even a New York native? What the fuck, Bucky?!”
“I might as well be, I moved here before I even started walkin’.”
“Doesn’t matter. In fact, I don’t think I have space for you to stay over after all.”
The two of you lie next to each other on the bed, you under the covers and him above. Laying next to him, you realize quickly that Bucky’s body runs very warm, and you’ll probably uncover yourself soon as well.
“Thanks for letting me stay. Breakfast’s on me tomorrow, I’ll go get it and bring it back.”
“Sounds like a plan. Goodnight, Buck.”
Your anxiety returns as you close your eyes, and you choose to ignore it, attempting to count as many sheep as you can.
You ignore the rotten smell of the concrete as you wait underneath the car parked in the alleyway. The mask you wear is tied tight against your skin, but it doesn’t do anything to mask the smells around you.
You finally hear the back door open and close and you slowly take out your knife as the feet approach the driver’s side door directly next to your face. You quickly swipe out, slicing the man’s achilles and he screams, falling to the ground.
You roll out from under the car and quickly cover his mouth, holding the same knife up to his neck. His eyes are clouded in fear and you’re not sure why HYDRA wanted you to find him and bring him back. It’s not like you have any kind of a choice, but you can’t help but wonder.
All they told you to do was find him. You used your powers, saw him at work, and came. Bring him back alive, they told you. You didn’t want to know what they’d do to you if you didn’t, so you obey.
You adjust your footing next to him and hear a wet sound, glancing down to see he’s pissed his pants. You look back up at his eyes through your black goggles and he looks even more scared than before. He couldn’t have been older than twenty-five.
You slowly take your hand off of his mouth, and he grunts from the pain in his ankles, but doesn’t try to scream again, not while you have a knife pressed against his throat.
You reach into your belt for a syringe of strong sedative. He whimpers and gasps as you quickly plunge it into his neck, making it easier for you to take him back to the facility. You notice the last thing he does before his eyes close is glance down at the large octopus on your tactical uniform.
Who knows what they’ll do to him. Your job is done. For now.
You gasp awake, air tight in your throat as you blink harshly to reorient yourself. You push out a shaky breath as you glance to your nightstand, the 3:34 staring back at you.
“You okay?” Bucky’s groggy voice next to you causes you to gasp again.
You sigh, “Yeah, fine, go back to sleep.” You stand and quickly go to the bathroom, where you can compose yourself a bit better.
You lock the door behind you and prop your hands on the counter, trying to control your breathing. You feel the panic rise up in your chest and try to stop the tears from collecting in your water line. You continue your breathing and luckily, don’t begin to hyperventilate.
It takes about ten minutes, but after a few splashes of water to your face, you’ve calmed yourself down a bit.
You hesitantly unlock and open the door, going out into the main room to get back into bed, praying that Bucky’s fallen back asleep. He’s laying on his side now, facing where you were sleeping, but you can’t tell if his eyes are open or not.
You slowly climb back in, laying on your back to stare up at the ceiling.
“Wanna talk about it?” He asks quietly, voice no longer sounding so raspy, so you know he’s been awake all this time waiting for you.
You wait a moment before responding with a question of your own, “Does it get better? Easier?”
Bucky studies your side profile as you continue to stare up, not meeting his eyes when you talk.
“Yeah, it does. It takes a while, though.”
You sigh deeply.
“I used to have to sleep with all my lights on, and the television. I’d sleep in my living room on the floor with a gun under my pillow. I’d barely sleep, I’d wake up every hour from nightmares. And that was after getting help from Princess Shuri.” He tells you.
“You’re not really making me feel better.”
“What I’m getting at: You’ve only been on your own for a short while now. Away from your old life. And you’ve done a helluva lot better job at taking care of yourself and healing than I ever did. It’ll take time, but it gets easier. Eventually.” He tells you.
You don’t respond and instead choose to chew on your lip. You finally turn on your side, facing Bucky, and close your eyes. You feel his own eyes staring at you, and you face him for this reason, knowing the feeling of him watching you will make you feel a bit better, a bit more secure falling asleep again.
He stares until he hears snores fall from your mouth, and you don’t wake up again until morning.
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taiinted-a · 2 years
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favorite tea: Iced strawberry tea / hot cranberry tea infused with cinnamon. favorite coffee: Black coffee favorite sweet snack:Sticky candied toffee apples favorite savory snack: Salty popcorn / burger rings ( a Australian snack that reminds him of home. ) favorite flower(s):  Red roses, poppies.  favorite color(s): Oxblood red,burgundy,  black, white favorite fruit: Strawberries, cherries favorite vegetable: Garlic, beetroot favorite season:Winter favorite time of day: Dusk favorite kind of weather(s): Thunder and lightning, a blizzard, foggy rainy days love language(s) to give: Touch, words of affection, love notes and gifts love language(s) to receive: Physical touch, words of affirmation. specific niche love language:Forehead kisses, sharing food with his lovers. ( He rarely shares his food so when he does it means he is completely besotted with them )  favorite hobbies: Painting, drawing, cooking and reading. favorite book(s):Terry Pratchett Discworld collection, Bram stokers Dracula, classic horror novels favorite movie(s): Anything comic book related, nightmare before Christmas, lilo and stitch, Indiana jones ( the whole series ). favorite song(s): All coming back to me now by Celine Dion. favorite musician: Celine Dion, Evanescence, Green day, Meatloaf and Freddie Mercury. favorite animal(s): Turtles, wolves, magpies, kangaroos. favorite insect: Cicadas, ladybirds favorite terrain: Red dusty landscapes that remind him of the Australian outback and frigid icy landscapes
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Tagged by: No one.  Tagging: @takemetochrch @sihnon @sabiyi​ ( Shepherd ) @iincantatorum​ ( Devlin ) @blccdharmonyx​  @conzierge​ ( Moa ) @caffeinehorrors​ @endlessdrifter​ ( Chris ) 
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humanityinahandbag · 4 years
Sonic the Hedgehog: sickfic headcanon
I can’t help but think that sickness was a risk Sonic had to be wary of pre-movie. Before he met Maddie and Tom, Sonic was living in a cave in the woods which, I’m sure, presented a few key issues. Including the fear of being caught. 
I headcanon that when he’s sick, he’s not as fast. And just as there are risks to being him day to day, there are risks to being him when the aches and chills of a fever set in. 
So he has to stay in the dark of the cave. Huddled and shivering. He’d do his best to keep safe. Push the bean bag and the comic book stacks into a makeshift fort. 
One spring, a cold leaves his legs a little wobbly. He sat, glum and bored, behind a little nook in the cave walls, flipping through comic books because his arms wouldn’t move as fast as they usually would. He set up a few empty cans outside as traps. Just in case someone was sneaking around looking for the Blue Devil. 
There was a summer where thunder and lightning flung downwards, and Sonic sat beneath it, under the dripping ground. His fur soaked through as water poured in through the cave mouth. Hungry. Tired. He’d gotten a flu, and his stomach was in knots, his head stuffed with cotton and bees. He wanted so badly to go down and sleep on his bean bag, but he’d brought everyone from the cave floor up to rock ledges, including himself, as the floor flooded and turned to mud. He’d spent two days sitting and sleeping and sick on the ledge until the rain finally stopped. 
There was a winter where a fever raged. Hot. Burning. He was on fire. Sometimes when he blinked, he thought he saw Longclaw. But it was a shadow of clouds across the moon. Snow and frozen air blew through the cave, and he huddled under mildew and molded blankets, legs aching and useless. He had managed to follow his survival protocol and wedged himself beneath a little cave ledge, watching the snow collect on the cave floor. He was afraid. Afraid he’d be caught like this. Afraid the fever was lasting too long. Afraid each time he went to sleep he’d wake up worse than before. 
It passed, eventually. All things did. But his recovery was lonely and silent and slow. 
But at least he’s not captured, he reasons. Because there are risks to being sick. When he’s not fast. When he can’t fight. It’s a miracle to wake up in the same spot he fell asleep in. And he’s grateful for it. 
And then Tom and Maddie happen. 
There would be a winter near in the future where he’d wind up sick. It would strike early in the night. Maddie noticed it first when Sonic seemed quieter than usual. Slower. She’d lift him onto the kitchen counter and take his temperature before ushering him to the living room and grabbing a stack of blankets, calling out for Tom to run to the store for pedialite and broth. 
It all gets a little blurry after that.
I wonder, too, if there would be moments then when Sonic would think he was back in the cave. He had survival instincts in place for it. Get hidden. Get away from the entrance. Where he’d forget where he was. Who he was with. Where this was as good as him being taken, and his first move is to try and get out. Stumbling towards the back door, not sure how he knows where it is, but searching it out nonetheless. 
He’s caught within minutes. 
“Hey...” says a voice above him. He blinks. Frowns. Well... he knew eventually someone would find his cave. Find him. Sickness was a risk. It always was. “What are you doing off the couch. Come on.” Hands were under his arms and he was lifted up. Walked somewhere else. 
Well... if he was being caught, this wasn’t too bad. Whoever had him smelled like sea salt and lilac. Slim fingers brushed down his spine. He pressed his face into the crook of their neck. 
"Aw, sweetheart. You’re really not feeling good, huh.” 
Wherever he’s been caught, it’s also warm. There’s no snow or mud or wind. He squints at a light, but it’s not the sun through the cave entrance. It’s the television being turned on. “How about one of your favorites. I’ll get you something to drink.” Someone presses a warm kiss to his brow, checking his temperature. “Lie down. Do you need another blanket?” 
He nods to his supposed captor, whose face is blurry. 
The door opens at some point. Another captor is there. Checking his temperature with the back of their hand, grabbing a cold face cloth. “Hey there, bud. How about we stay down here with you tonight?” 
He doesn’t know what that means. Why captors would need to stay near... Maybe they’re afraid he’ll regain his full speed and get away when their backs are turned... He gave his legs a little experimental kick, but they wouldn’t move. He was stuck there. Captured. Another round of chills made it hard to care. 
He’d wake up at least a little more lucid later. Achey. Tired. Worn. Burning. He’d blink awake for a moment early in the morning. He was in a house. The winter storm was still raging outside, but he was in a house. And below him, on the floor, beneath blankets with their pillows, were two humans. 
Tom and Maddie. 
Not captured. Safe. Warm. Being taken care of. 
Sonic turned his face into his pillow, willing himself not to cry, but did anyway. And when that eventually got tiring, too, he wiped his face, grabbed his pillow and blanket, slid off the couch, and wiggled his way between them on the floor. Tom’s arm draped over him instinctually. Maddie woke up for a moment; enough to notice him, touch his forehead, and brush away the dried tear tracks under his eyes. “Feeling any better?”
“A little,” he whispered. “Still achey. Dizzy.”
“Don’t worry,” she whispered back, wary not to wake her husband, “we’ve got you.” 
Which they did. 
That’s my headcanon about sick Sonic. 
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all-that-tmnt-jazz · 4 years
Random Headcanons
Prompt: Just some Headcanons about the boys I’ve been thinking about.
Warnings: Censored swearing
Incarnation: Bayverse
They leave for their patrol around 10 PM and come back around 2-3 AM.
They are all big on consent toward each other and their partners/friends
They all know English, Japanese, and Italian, and learned them in that order from Splinter.
They used to sleep in a clump when they were younger- especially during storms and the thunder would echo through the sewer line
He loves romance languages. That being said, he also knows Spanish
He appreciates the arts and seeing exhibits
(He’d go to museums more often if he could)
He’s a pretty good cook but has a lot of trouble with baking
He’s always felt like Beast/Adam in “Beauty and the Beast.” He feels cursed and trapped where he is.
He’s not a great dancer. He tries sometimes, but… No.
He has a secret stash of men’s magazines that only Raph knows about
He loves to tell stories it is just his brothers never truly listen so he stopped
He also knows Russian. The only way everyone found out was when he got drunk and started arguing with Donnie in Russian about Russian politics.
(Who knows why)
He loves horror movies and novels- mostly Stephen King’s work. He loves retelling them.
He hides his pornos with Leo’s Men’s Magazines
He has a soft side that others only see when he is around kittens or in a life-or-death situation
(Look to the “I Love You” Scene in the 2014 movie)
He is still afraid of thunderstorms. Only Mikey knows.
He also knows Russian, French, Swahili, Hindi, and Portuguese. He is learning Chinese and Spanish.
He has photographic memory
(But pretends he doesn’t)
He loves horror movies because he loves figuring out the climax or a twist ending
(if it has one)
He f*cking loves Star Wars and Percy Jackson
He found “Nations of the World” from Animaniacs online at age 8 and had it memorized three days later.
He is a perfect speller
I feel like he has OCD or ADD- he either hyperfocuses on one project or physically cannot make himself touch for months
Will secretly sneak out to people watch because of his love of psychology
He watches old animes because those are his favorites. And JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.
He bakes a lot.
He has ADHD and dyslexia
The most curious out of the turtles
Has a comic collection and a video game collection
He is very touch-starved
He always has been a more auditorial learner when it came to reading
Not the biggest fan of horror, though, because Raph has scarred him for life
Makes spray paint portraits like those guys you’d see in Times Square or somewhere on the streets of NYC
He would’ve been the one who had the most trouble sleeping when the turtles were younger, and so he would have Splinter read him old novels and books from/about ancient Japan.
(Now, his knowledge of Ancient Japan is comparable to Splinter’s)
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aunty-venom · 2 years
Tag some mutuals you want to get to know better
Favourite time of the year: summer (I know! But I like it)
Comfort food: egg’s Benedict
Favourite dessert: That’s so hard 😫 probably cheesecake?
Things you collect: comic books, Lego, cat themed art, beanie babies, US state quarters
Favourite drink: coffee
Favourite musical artists: currently SceneQueen, my chemical romance, Pierce the veil, Lizzo
Last song you listened to: Everywhere - Fleetwood Mac
Last movie you watched: I think it was Love and Thunder
Last series you watched: Umbrella Academy
Series you’re currently watching: Transplant
Current obsession: Adrian Chase/Vigilante (comic book and peacemaker version), Eddie Munson, bubble tea, making themed playlists
Dream place to visit: Australia and Japan
A place you’ve been that you want to go back to: Banff and New York
Something you want: money lmao. My own place
Currently working on: saving money to get my own place lol.
Thanks for the tag @nellethiel-aranel sorry it took me like 5 days to respond
No pressure tags: @aprilfire18 @dionboop @wolfie-doggo @hillaryroadheadcllinton
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arctimon · 4 years
The following represents dialogue that is not final and is subject to change.
The group turned to where Fred was pointing to. The line of people were already staring to circle around the makeshift monument, and right at the top, from what Hiro could see on the viewscreens, was some sort of hammer. The camera was zoomed in enough so that he could see the finer details: the long, leather handle handle and a shiny metal protector with leather strap lazily hanging on the end. The head was stone, weathered to almost oblivion, with some sort of writing on the sides that he couldn't make out.
Hiro didn't understand why Fred was worked up about it. But this was also Fred, so no doubt he would tell everyone in about two seconds.
“...The Hammer of the Gods.”
Yup. There it was.
“OK, I'll bite, since Fred is off in Fantasy Land,” Go Go said, glancing at Olivia. “What happens when someone is deemed 'worthy' or whatever?”
“I don't know.” She looked up at Go Go, still fanning Fred's reddening face. “I don't think anyone really does. I follow The Collection as much as Fred does, and I can't recall an instance where anyone was able to lift it. There's rumors for sure; they range from tickets for life to autographs and everything in between. Someone online even said you could pick one single piece of The Collection to take home with you. But everyone agrees..”
She cast a wistful look up at the hammer.
“It's the pinnacle of comic book memorabilia. And people would give an arm and a leg just to touch it, much less lift it.”
“So let me guess. Knucklehead is going to try to get in line and-”
She motioned to where Fred had been last and noticed it was vacant. She looked up to see Fred making a beeline for the end of the queue. “Aaaand he's already way ahead of me.”
----- “I shall have it! You have played a worthy game, but there is nothing that you can do to stop me! I will have it! All of it! No one will stand in my way, not even your haphazard recruitment of heroes!” -----
“It has been a very long time since I have heard the roar of its thunder. The blinding flash of its lightning. The energy that it brings forth...it is unlike anything that has been and will be made.” She looked off into the distance, away from her newcomer. “Perhaps it was for the best that it was lost.” ----- “But I must warn you.” Their hands hung in the air, mere inches away from the glowing light. “This power is not meant to be trifled with. If it is bestowed upon you, then it must only be used in the most dire of consequences. The bleakest of circumstances. When all other options have been exhausted. Only the bravest of souls and the purest of minds can use this without becoming corrupted. So I ask you, young one...” Her eyes danced in the light as she stared them down. “Do you still wish to accept this gift...and perhaps all of the misfortune it may bring?"
So now you guys now what I’ve been working on for the past few days, and I am actually really happy with how this turned out.  But I still can’t draw.  Remember that. But onto the rest of the notes. The hammer is purposefully bigger than everyone's hands for a few reasons. One, because I wanted everyone to notice all of the shiny little details. Two, because someone may have accidentally drawn it too big and didn't feel like redrawing it smaller. Three...because shut up, that why. XD When drawing the BH6 version of Mjolnir, I didn't want to just copy the movie version or comic version and be done with it.  I wanted it to be unique.  I did borrow a lot from the MCU's one (mainly the handle), but the inscription is purely from the comics and the runes on the sides borrow from the Elder Futhark runic alphabet, something that will be commented on by one of the geniuses at some point in this story. It represents, as Olivia said, the shining crown of the Big Hero 6 world's comic nerd fandom. I don't want to give too much away for Artifact, but I can say a couple of things: 1.) Olivia is in it.  This is my first real attempt at writing her, so this should be interesting, if nothing else. 2.) This will be a one-shot, not a multi-chaptered story.  But it will be a long one, perhaps even longer than any one-shot I've had to date. 3.) No, I will not say who the woman is in the dialogue above.  Or who she's talking to.  That is a spoiler.  The mere fact that I'm saying it's a woman may be too much on its own. 4.) The story is still in progress.  I need to finish Continuity II before anything else. But you guys are more than welcome to take guess as to who will be worthy enough to wield the Hammer... *points to the hands in the drawing* Because it will be one of them. But before I go, there is one tiny little thing that eagle-eyed watchers may notice about one of the people in here.  And before you say anything, it's not a mistake. It's intentional.
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Dragon!Bruce, among others
AU where Bruce is a dragon in a world where dragons hoard concepts instead of just material things and Bruce's hoard is the concept of being happy but it's basically all of Gotham who's nice to him. So like Two Face is part of his hoard and so are all of the people who joke with him as Matches. Two Face, being a dragon himself, hoards the ability to make choices.
I'm considering making Joker a dragon who hoards laughter but whatever fucked him over turned him into a "get it by any means necessary" kinda dragon.
Hm... I really want to say Martha and Thomas were both dragons but I gotta make sure there's nothing antisemitic about dragons before I touch that. They would both hoard the very specific knowledge involving what made humans tick but Thomas's would be physical and Martha's would be mental. Alfred's would be, like, competence or giving. @whetstonefires (A friend in a discord server I'm in) said purpose and I like their rationale so likely purpose.
Who else should be a dragon and what should they hoard?
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daisy-mooon · 3 years
What are your expectations on Marvel for the next years? ( like which show are you most excited to see, opinions on the new movies)
also I love infodumps hehe
i dont exactly remember the order but here's what me thinky
- loki: looks a bit eh
- blackwidow: SO MUCH GAY HYPE
- ms marvel: not much promo but it looks cool + i collect ms marvel comics AND I REQUIRE THE FIRST SEASON TO HAVE HER FIGHTING THE BIRD CLONE OF THOMAS EDISON IHJFSDOIJF. plus kamala is very relatable i love her i would die for her
- Shang Chi: idk what to make of it but it looks pretty cool
- Eternals: I'm gay for Gemma Chan and also I really love history and I've already spotted the Ishtar Gate in the promo so eeeeee
- Hawkeye: looks interesting af plus DOG
- Spidermen: No Way Home: HELL YEAH. spideychelle is TIGHT. plus peter is a cinnamon roll
- Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: ??? UH YES? SAHVSDKADJN. I prefer horror books to films but the psychological shit has me so hyped. Plus wanda cute
- Thor: Love and Thunder: I'm not the biggest on Thor but I would DIE for Jane, Darcy and Valkyrie. also vALKYRIE WILL BE BI??? MY BIROMANTIC ASS BE SCREAMING BABY
- Black Panther: Wakanda Forever: It definitely wont have the same vibe as the first one, but I look forward to it. My respects to the cast
- The Marvels: I have SO MANY things to say about this. first of all whoever made the logo is getting paid to much because it sucks ngl. also CAROL and MONICA and KAMALA and I will DIE IM SO GAY. if marvel doesn't make danbeau canon i will break a few commandments
- Antman and the Wasp: Quantamania: it looks ok idk
- Secret Invasion: MYSTERY HELL YEA
- Ironheart: I don't see her much but I love her i love her i love her
- Armor Wars: the plot looks like every ironman and spiderman film ever but Rhodey is pretty cool he's great
- She-Hulk: never read a comic but i think shes cool
- Moon-Knight: idk it seems ok
- Fantastic 4: if Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur don't get involved i will RIOT
- GotG vol 3: NEBULA ME BELOVED. Ill be pretty sad to see Drax go ngl but I respect dave bautistass decision. the guardaisn are epic
- rumoured Agents of SHIELD reboots: YES PLEASE MARVEL
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Disney Investor Day 2020 Info Dump
DIsney just put out the most insane collection of entertainment news I’ve ever seen in a 4-hour presentation. Here’s the big stuff:
Ashoka (Series) Set during the time of The Mandalorian.
Rangers of the New Republic (Series) also set during the time of The Mandalorian.
Andor (Series) follows Cassian Andor before the events of Rogue One. 2022
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Series) will have Hayden Christensen returning as Darth Vader.
The Bad Batch (Series) seems to be an animated continuation of The Clone Wars with The Bad Batch characters introduced in season 7, set after the fall of the Jedi.
The Acolyte (Series) is set many years before the Skywalker saga, following the rise of the dark side.
Lando (Series)
Star Wars Visions (Series) An anime series of Star Wars shorts
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (Movie) directed by Patty Jenkins (Wonder Woman). Christmas 2023
Taika Waititi is writing and directing a new Star Wars movie
Willow (Movie) is getting a sequel with Warwick Davis. 2022
Indiana Jones 5 will be the final film in the series. Harrison Ford returning, and directed by James Mangold (Logan). Summer 2022
Children of Blood and Bone (Movie?) based on the YA series
The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers (Movie?) with Emilio Estevez returning
Turner & Hooch (Movie?)
Beauty and the Beast Prequel Series (Series) with Luke Evans and Josh Gad returning. No Date
Swiss Family Robinson (Series?). No Date
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (Series). No Date
The Mysterious Benedict Society (Movie) looks like Umbrella Academy for kids, but no superpowers... Funny trailer.
Hocus Pocus 2, Three Men and a Baby remake, a bunch of sports movies, Flora & Ulysses, Cheaper by the Dozen, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Ice Age: The Adventures of Buck Wild, an animated Night at the Museum sequel, all revealed without much fanfare
Jungle Cruise (Movie) coming next July
The Lion King Live-Action Sequel
The Little Mermaid (Movie) will be going to theaters
Chip N’ Dale Rescue Rangers (Movie) is a live action/CG hybrid with the voices of Andy Samberg and John Mulaney
Pinnochio (Movie) starring Tom Hanks, going to Disney+
Peter Pan and Wendy (Movie) with Jude Law as Captain Hook going to Disney+
Disenchanted (Movie) is the Enchanted Sequel with Amy Adams returning to Disney+
Sister Act 3 (Movie) with Whoopie Goldberg returning to Disney+
Cruella (Movie) starring Emma Stone in the 70′s set prequel
Raya and the Last Dragon will release in theatres and Disney+ Premier Access in March 2021
Baymax! (Series) focuses on Baymax’s desire to be a nurse robot. Early 2022
Zootopia+ (Shorts) Shorts set in the world of Zootopia. Spring 2022
Tiana (Series) “Long-form musical comedy series” sequel to Princess and the Frog. 2023
Moana (Series) A sequel series to the movie. 2023
Iwaju (Series) This fururistic animated series is a collaboration between Disney and Pan-African comic book entertainment company Kugali,set in Nigeria and “steeped in science fiction”. 2022
Encanto (Movie) Their next animated film from the creators of Zootopia, set in Colombia. Songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda. Fall 2021
Dug Days (Series) A continuation series of Up with Dug and Carl. Fall 2021
Cars Series (Series). It’s Cars.
Win or Lose (Series) It’s about a kids softball team or something. Fall 2023
Luca (Movie) Set in Italy. What if pasta had a soul? June 2021
Turning Red (Movie) A 13-year old girl who "poofs” into a giant red panda when she gets too excited. From the director of the “Bao” short. Spring 2022
Lightyear (Movie) Buzz Lightyear origin story with Chris Evans as Buzz. Actual Buzz Lightyear, not a toy. Summer 2022
Wandavision (January 15), Falcon and Winter Soldier (March 2021) and Loki (May 2021) series coming very soon
Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness confirms Benedict Cumberbatch, Benedict Wong, Rachel McAdams, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Elizabeth Olson returning, as well as newcomer Xochitl Gomez as America Chavez. Connects to Wandavision and Spider-Man 3. March 25, 2022
Black Widow is I guess still coming to Theatres on May 7, 2021
What If...? (series) Animated alternate tales from the MCU (What if T’challa was kidnapped by Yondu instead of Peter? What if Peggy Carter became Captain America? Etc.) 2021
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (Movie) releasing July 9, 2021
Ms. Marvel (Series) filming now, coming in 2021.
Captain Marvel 2 (Movie) will feature Ms. Marvel as well. No date.
Hawkeye (Series) has Jeremy Renner, and Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop. Late 2021
She Hulk (Series) starring Tatiana Maslany and featuring Mark Ruffalo and Tim Roth (Abomination from The Incredible Hulk). Described as “very funny”, and I guess because it’s a legal show, “anyone” could show up. 2022?
Moon Knight (Series) Basically Batman, but with Egyptian gods in his head. Rumours are Oscar Issac is playing him, but no confirmation here
Secret Invasion (Series) will follow the Skrull invasion of Earth, where they imperinate various world politicians and heroes. Starring Samuel L. Jackson and Ben Mendelson
Ironheart (Series) young black supergenius Riri Williams picks up the mantle of Iron Man.
Armor Wars (Series) has Don Cheadle returning as Rhodey, and asks the question “what happens when Tony Stark’s technology falls into the wrong hands”
The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special written and directed by James Gunn. Christmas 2022
The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 (Movie) in 2023
I Am Groot (Shorts). No Date
Thor: Love and Thunder (Movie) from Taika Waititi with Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tessa Thompson, and Christian Bale as Gorr the God-Butcher. May 6 2022
Blade (Movie) starring Mahershala Ali. No date.
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (Movie) Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lily, Michael Douglas and Michelle Pfeiffer returning, with Kathryn Newton as Cassie Lang and Jonathan Majors as the villain, Kang the Conquerer. No date
Black Panther 2 will not recast T’challa but will move forward to further explore the world of Wakanda. July 8, 2022
Fantastic 4 is in some stage of production, with Jon Watts (Director of the recent Spider-Man trilogy) directing.
Zero talk of Spider-Man 3, but recent rumours are nuts. Coming December 2021
Hopefully there is something here to excite you
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littlemissagrafina · 4 years
Thanks for the tag @wh0doyouthinkyouareiam
Rules: Bold the aesthetics you relate to and add twenty of your own aesthetic qualities for others to bold
(soft!) baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night |
(dark academia!) neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story |
(edgy!) closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks |
(seventies!) colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding |
(preppy casual!) collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy-lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
(@masterninjacow) rainy mornings | sweet steaming tea | cats’ purrs| daydreaming about fantasies | back hugs | glinting necklaces | loud video games | grumbling thunder | constantly chewing gum | wearing nothing but a t-shirt and underwear to bed | watching horror movies at night | nibbling on chocolates | talking to yourself | short hair | sad lofi music | messy sketches | sweet-scented body wash | spicy noodles at midnight | hating physical affection but craving it at the same time | ending all texts with lmao or rip
(@cherriigguk) | dried flowers | painting at 2 am in oversized sweater| up until sunrise | abundance of blankets and plushies | minimalistic colours | writing when you can’t sleep | warm banana bread on a winters day | stroking a sleepy dog | big eyeliner | butterfly clips | lo-fi hip hop | glossy lips and rose tinted cheeks | afternoon tea with old friends | oversized cardigans | herbal tea | dainty jewellery | self-care evenings | messy low bun or ponytails | dark hair | too many sketchbooks
(@bisoo) Fairy lights | Walking in the woods | night city | waves sound | drinking hot chocolate or tea during raining days | being wrapped in a blanket | polaroids | pastel stuff | mint tea | cats’ furr | baked brownies or cookies | French toast/pancakes for breakfast | drinking tea at 3 am with friends | café | doing braids on your friend’s hair | lots of plushies | doing old drawings again | boxes full of doodles | iced coffee
(@midnightlunaandinnerfangirl) having tons of plushies | wearing black | knitting | making your own clothes | napping in the sun | dancing in your bedroom | reading books in your bed | oversized hoodies | combat boots | flowy dresses | lots of piercings | wearing multiple rings on your fingers | gardening | ripped black jeans | chokers | wearing tights | oversized sweaters | black nail polish | holding babies | coffee
(@superherotiger) Posters on your bedroom walls | Marvel/Star Wars shirts | hot chocolate at night | platonic cuddling | family jewellery | ocean breeze | sand on your feet | reading books in the sunlight | stuffed toys | big jackets | black hair | playing games | night owl | clean and orderly | blues and greens | trinkets from travels | LEGO | unfinished sketch books | sunny days | starry nights
(@an-odd-idea) constant daydreaming | full notes app | studying maps | staying up late | meaningful jewelry | searching for music to match what you’re writing | loving deeply | always cold | cuddling cats | no makeup | long hair | camp t-shirts | songs on repeat | singing in the car | fuzzy blanket | chamomile tea | midnight snacks | summer nostalgia | bad at hugs but really wanting them anyway | holding hands |
(@jelly-pies) ink on your hands | doodling random quotes/song lyrics | t-shirts and denim shorts | keeping mints in your purse | lip balm | talking to inanimate objects | half-full journals | backpacks | fandom trinkets | flip-flops | board games | songs from original movie soundtracks | holding conversations with kids | fanarts saved to your phone | lying on the grass | floating on your back in the water | full hearty breakfasts | casual side-hugs | dozing off anywhere | fruit shakes |
(@imalivebecauseirondad) daydreaming | platonic hugs | staying up late reading fanfiction | casually telling people you love them | writing when you feel sad | going online when you can’t sleep | messy room | closet filled with all kinds of clothes | stressing about work but still procrastinating | cats | wanting an animal but knowing you can’t take care of one | taking photos of your friends/family at random moments unexpectedly | nostalgia fro something you don’t recognize | doodling in the margins of books | singing alone | karoake | video games | binging shows | comics | wishing for something impossible
(@dredfulhapiness) crowded libraries | naps | chronically cracked phone screen | CD collections | musical theater | Every Kurt Vonnegut book | bookends | patterned button-ups | magical realism | scream-singing Taylor Swift | winter nights | nails bit to the quick | jigsaw puzzles | black coffee | drive-in movie theaters | driving at night | thunderstorms | horror novels | owning multiple sets of dice
(@wh0doyouthinkyouareiam) unmade beds | soft blankets | iced coffee | lightning shows at night | hair tangled with sea salt | rain gear | red lipstick | gold hoop earrings | light summer dresses | messy embroidery | pressed flowers | leather notebooks | black gel pens | books in languages you can hardly understand | glasses slipping down your nose | painted toenails | smiling underneath a mask | foggy October mornings | sneaking out to go stargazing | mint-chocolate candy
(@littlemissagrafina) too many notebooks or sketchbooks | the smell of the ocean | sunsets in summer | painted nails | natural hair | too many WIPS in your docs | musical soundtracks | talking to friends until after midnight | fandom merchandise | high waisted jeans | coffee cups sitting empty next to you long after you finish them | fluffy socks | fairy lights | paint/ink/graphite stained fingers after art | the soft glow of candles | day dreaming | more than one piercing | unedited/unchecked writing | the still silence when the world is meant to be asleep but you're still awake | being open and affection with your friends |
I'll tag: @scooter3scooter @itstimeforachange01 @joyful-soul-collector @justt-ppeachy @canonismybitch @blondsak @vintervittran
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