#thunder is just a noise. it can't hit you. it can't hurt you
lifewithoutrainydays · 10 months
thoughts on roman and remus: harbinger and herald
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diazsdimples · 3 months
Hiiii James 💕💕💕💕
buddie + Why are you even here?
Hi Saturn!! I hope this is what you were looking for!
"Why are you even here?"
Eddie flinches at the ice in Buck's tone. It's not like he's never heard Buck angry before - there's been plenty of times where Buck's anger has been displayed, but always directed towards others. Never at him.
Eddie licks his lips and wills his mouth to work. It's hot out here, hotter than the hallway in Buck's apartment usually is. Eddie dimly wonders if he's coming down with a fever.
"Can- can I come in?" he asks tentatively. He clutches at his fingers, twisting them together in a way that's uncomfortable enough that it gives him something else to focus on besides the way his heart is thundering in his chest.
Buck stares at him, eyes dark and unreadable, his body language radiating an energy that makes Eddie's stomach twist into knots. He's got one foot braced in the door, leaning against the door jamb. Eddie feels trapped in the doorway, like a rabbit caught in a snare, waiting for the final blow to kill it.
He thinks Buck is going to say no, and honestly, Eddie wouldn't blame him. He's the last person Buck probably wants to see.
Except then, Buck steps aside, allowing Eddie to shuffle his way into the apartment. He shuts the door behind Eddie and the click of the lock engaging is louder than a gunshot in the otherwise silent apartment.
Eddie stops, unsure of how to go about saying everything that he wants to. He's got no clue where to start, or if Buck even wants him to talk. Eddie just knows he needs to apologize, and explain, and beg for forgiveness if that's what it takes to get Buck back in his life.
Buck leans against the kitchen island and raises his eyebrows. He's waiting, waiting to see if Eddie will grovel, get down on his knees and plead Buck to forgive him. And he would, too. He's not beyond doing anything if it means he gets his Buck back.
But he hurt him. Eddie hurt Buck with his words, and he doesn't know how Buck could ever forgive him for it. He wanted to take them back the moment they'd left his mouth, hanging in the air like a poisonous gas. He'd watched Buck's face crumple, the light leave his body, and Eddie felt like he was going to throw up because it was him that did that to Buck.
"I was hoping we could talk," he finally manages. Buck drops his head and lets out a dry, derisive chuckle, and Eddie feels like all the air has been sucked from his lungs.
"What more is there to say?" Buck demands. "You were pretty clear earlier."
"I wasn't - I didn't - please, if you'd just let me explain-"
"Why? There's nothing to explain, Eddie, why should I listen to-"
"Because I love you!"
It's bursting from him before he can stop it, exploding from his chest with all the force of a tsunami, the words crashing through the space between them, and Buck recoils as though he's been physically hit.
"You - what?"
Eddie runs a hand through his hair, clutching at the strands and pulling. The gentle sting is enough to centre him, to give him a moment to focus and breathe, and figure out what the fuck he's going to say next.
"I love you, Buck," he repeats. "A-and I know what I said earlier. I panicked. I've never - I haven't ever, you know, been with a man or even considered that as a possibility before you, and I've spent years trying to convince myself that you didn't want me. That I wasn't good enough for you, or that I was too broken for you."
Buck lets out a wounded noise in the back of his throat at that, and Eddie can see tears threatening to spill over. His own throat is tight, making his voice high and constricted, but he presses on. He needs Buck to hear this. Tentatively, he takes a step forward, slowly closing the gap between them.
"A-and then you asked me out, and I was so scared, Buck! Because what if we tried this and you realised that I wasn't right for you, or my relationship trauma was too much for you, or something happened and we broke up. Because I can't lose you, Buck. You and Chris - you're everything to me. I can't live a life without you by my side, as my best friend or as my partner. So you asked me out and I - I panicked. I said no because I didn't want to fuck this up with you and then lose you. And I thought - I thought that maybe I could live with you angry at me but still my friend more than I could live knowing what it would be like to have you, but to never experience it again."
It's silent now. Buck stares at him with wide, glistening eyes, and Eddie feels like his skin is crawling with nerves. He's laid himself bare here, in front of Buck, bared his soul and his love and every deep, intimate part of him he'd hoped to hide, and now all he can do is hope that it was enough. That he wasn't too late.
Buck lets out a shuddering breath, and his shoulders slump. He looks exhausted, and Eddie wants nothing more than to reach out and hold him. But he can't. Not until Buck says something, and Eddie can find out if this is fixable or if he's already lost the most important person in his life.
"Eds," Buck sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You're the biggest self-sacrificing idiot on the planet, you know that?"
"Yeah," Eddie laughs wetly, "so I've been told."
Buck takes a step towards him, and then another, until there's barely a foot between them. He can feel Buck's breath ghosting over his face, and there's something in his eyes that Eddie can't quite pick out. But he doesn't look angry. He looks... sad? Hopeful, maybe.
"You're more than enough for me," Buck whispers, reaching out to cup Eddie's face. Eddie sighs shakily as Buck's thumb strokes over his cheekbone, and he leans into the touch, his throat tightening as he fights back tears of his own.
"You always have been. And you would never lose me. I-I'm not going anywhere, Eddie. Because I love you too. I have done for years. You and Chris, you're my family. My life. So I would never let anything happen that would jeopardise that. Sure, we might have fights. It might be messy, b-but that's what relationships are, right? So we - we'd work it out together. "
Buck crooks a finger under Eddie's chin and tilts his head up, forcing eye contact. His thumb brushes over Eddie's lower lip, and Eddie lets out a shuddery breath.
"If - if you really don't want to, if you think we'd be better off as friends that's fine, I just -"
"No!" Eddie cuts in. It takes him by surprise but he's damned if he's going to fuck this up again. "No, I don't want that. I'm sorry I said I did, I'm sorry that I hurt you. I want you, Buck. Fuck, I need you."
Buck's hand slips from Eddie's chin and curves around the back of his neck, pulling him close until their foreheads rest against each other.
"Jesus Christ, Eddie, you can't just say things like that." His other hand comes up to cup Eddie's jaw, stroking over the days worth of stubble he's grown. "Can I - can I kiss you? Please?"
Eddie nods frantically, unable to get any words out past the lump in his throat, and then Buck is kissing him, his lips sliding against Eddie's and oh.
The world tilts on its axis, spinning rapidly around him as everything he's ever known or believed crumbles, only to be rebuilt anew. It's just Buck's lips against his own, nothing more, and yet it feels like the whole universe is crashing into place. Like his entire life, everything he's gone through, the struggles, the pain, the loss, has led him to this exact moment.
The hand at the back of his neck slips up and tangles in his hair, holding him firmly in place, and Eddie lets out a quiet whimper, the sound swallowed up by Buck's mouth against his.
And then Buck pulls away, and Eddie's eyes snap open, a whine catching in his throat, until he sees the look on Buck's face. It's full of love and adoration and awe, and it takes Eddie's breath away.
"We're okay?" he breathes, and Buck nods, his bottom lip trembling. "I-I'm so sorry I hurt you, Buck. Can you forgive me?"
"Of course, Eddie. I will always forgive you, no matter what," Buck assures him.
"Can I kiss you again?"
Eddie was such an idiot if he ever thought he could live without this. His best friend, his Buck, by his side forever. Because this is where they belong. They were made to be together, and this solidifies it. He will never let Buck go again. Not as long as they both live.
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
hello, I don't want to be annoying but could you please write a Azriel angst + comfort fic? Maybe something where his mate, the reader, was in a bad mood and is very mean to Azriel, so when he leaves she thinks that he's mad and never coming back and just spirals.
Hopefully Azriel shows up later with the reader's favorite things because I can't live without a little fluff after my heart breaks into a million pieces~
Pointless Fights
Azriel x reader
A/n: hi anon! You’re not annoying at all I love hurt/comfort Az
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, and some anxiety
You had been avoiding Azriel all morning since you woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Some days you were irrationally angry. It was nothing in particular, your hard days built up and you felt like you deserved to be mad sometimes.
You didn’t want to take it out on Azriel, he didn’t deserve to be the victim of your bad mood. Sitting in your little library reading was the best thing to do today. Especially since it was the perfect weather for it. A rough storm had made landfall in Velaris early this morning the thunder and lightning was so loud you jolted awake.
A knock sounded from the grand wooden door. You didn’t bother with a reply Azriel entered anyway. He came to sit next to you on the couch gently running his pointer finger along your shoulder. “Hey, I just wanted to check on you. You ok?”
You only gave him an unenthusiastic hum without looking up from your book. If you had looked up you would have seen Azriel’s concerned frown. His finger stopped and rested on your shoulder before you tilted away from his touch. Azriel wasn’t hurt by you shrugging away from his touch. He was too busy wracking his brain as to why you were in a bad mood.
Nothing happened last night at dinner. Unless he completely misinterpreted the conversation you and Nesta had as friendly. Cauldron save them if you and Nesta were fighting.
“Is it ok if I sit with you?” You nod still staring down at your book. Your eyes scanning the words but not fully comprehending them. Azriel leaned back into the couch propping his feet up on the coffee table to read over reports.
You were fine with him sitting with you for a while. Until his breathing and constant sighs were starting to grate on your brain. You kept giving him glares through your lashes that he didn’t notice. Azriel clears his throat and you hit your limit with noises.
Gripping your book tight you whip your head up making Azriel look at you. “Oh my gods! You are so loud! Can you please leave me alone, I want to be by myself please.” Azriel looked taken aback, blinking a few times. Azriel rises from the couch whispering a small ‘ok’ before leaving.
After a few minutes you hear the front door of the house shut. You jump up from the couch, rushing to see if Azriel really left the house. Looking out the window next to the front door you see Azriel’s wings flapping in the distance, carrying him toward the city.
“Fuck,” your fist lightly thumps against the glass. You didn’t mean to snap at him. There was definitely a nicer way to say you wanted to be alone. You slightly started to panic as your anxious thoughts took over. What if he never came back? What if you pushed him away this time and he stops talking to you?
You started pacing around the house biting at your nails. You needed a distraction. During your mindless wandering you found yourself in the kitchen. That’s what you’ll do! Bake his favorite cookies. That fixes everything.
In the middle of your baking frenzy you shivered. Deciding you miss the feel of Azriel you head to the bedroom and slip on your favorite hoodie of his.
Over an hour later Azriel entered the house. The scent of his favorite chocolate chip cookies penetrating his nose. Walking into the kitchen he finds you sitting at the table with the cookie plated in front of you. Your leg was bouncing rapidly under the table.
You look up at him with sad, apologetic eyes pushing the plate toward him. Azriel places the shopping bags he’s holding on the table as he sits next to you. He wraps his arm around you pulling your head to rest on his shoulder, playing with your hair. Leaving a soft kiss on your head he murmurs, “What’s wrong baby? I can tell it’s been a bad day.”
You let out a long sigh relaxing into his warmth. “I’m just in a bad mood. I just feel like being mad today. I’m sorry I yelled at you Az, I didn’t mean to.” Azriel wrapped his other arm around you to pull you into a loving embrace. “It’s ok y/n, I understand I have those days too.”
You climb into Azriel’s lap and tuck your face into the side of his neck. “I made you apology cookies.” Your voice comes out muffled. His chest shakes from laughter. “I got you some stuff to cheer you up.” You pick your head up to meet his loving gaze. “Really?”
Azriel drags the bags closer and turns you so your facing the table. As he munches on a cookie you pull out the first gift, it was the newest romance book you’d been meaning to get. You look at Azriel with a surprised face and he gestures for you to keep going. New pens, sticky tabs for taking notes, and a few bookmarks. Opening the next bag you find a new oversized pink hoodie.
“I thought you’d be comfy in that while reading. And I noticed all your pens were out of ink so I thought I’d get you the fun ones.” He smiles down at you. You stand pulling him with you and tightly wrap your arms around his middle. “Thank you Azzy. I love it.”
tags: @rigelus @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane @aroseinvelaris @twsssmlmaa
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vs-space-orcs · 2 years
Imagine aliens who like to come to deathworlds to experience the local nightmare conditions, like those people that do extreme outdoorsy sports stuff (idk what that's called but those people are Insane. Anyway) or storm chasers.
Imagine the alien equivalent of a youtuber from a planet that had no concept of barometric pressure changes documenting their experience waiting for and through a thunderstorm. Would they naturally be able to feel changes in pressure in more detail than us since they aren't used to it?
"Hey everyone, logging in for the first time from Terra. We're two days ahead of a thunderstorm here in 'Ohklawhowma,' as the locals call it, and we can already feel the atmosphere changing around us. It's hard to describe. It's like your skin and bones feel... unsettled. Really fascinating."
"Hey everyone, logging back in one Sol day before the predicted storm, and we are really feeling the atmosphere changing as the day goes on. I'm doing alright but my partner Navideah is in bed, her bones and skin are hurting pretty bad. They say even among humans there are some people who are more susceptible to pain caused by these pressure changes. Absolutely insane to think a whole sentient species, an entire planet, just deals with this every day. I've been to a lot of deathworlds but Terra is something else."
"Hey everyone, it's the day of the storm and the storm is starting to 'roll in' as the humans say. *camera pans to show a large storm cloud approaching on the horizon*Look at these atmospheric water structures! This one is going to be pretty tame by Terra standards. No solid water chunks raining from the sky and definitely no 'tornado.' We respect humans who chase those storms but decided we're not that intense.
Anyway *bright flash of light* OH DAMN I think we just saw some lightning! *thunder clap* and there's the thunder. They say the shorter the time between the flash and the thunder, the closer it is to you. And look at this! The horizon is hazy because that water structure, 'clouds' the humans call them, is dumping absolutely massive amounts of water on the landscape. Really, really exciting stuff!"
*video taken from inside the ship, with the sound of water hitting metal echoing everywhere* "Hey everyone, my recording equipment is having some trouble hearing me over the noise of water hitting the ship. The humans like to say it's 'raining cats and dogs' which are two small Terran companion animals. Not sure what that means but it really is insane how much water is coming out of the sky! I have some more footage being captured on cameras outside the ship that I'll edit and post later.
These changes in the atmosphere are really brutal on the body. I'm feeling it pretty good. My head hurts like you wouldn't believe, and Navideah had a fluid leak from her scent organ earlier. Apparently this is completely normal for humans. Some of them don't even feel any different when these storms come, which is absolutely insane every part of my body including my skin hurts. I have never has more respect for the humans their world is absolutely one of the wildest we've been to. And this is just an every day thing for them! Absolutely wild." *loud thunderclap and screen goes black*
"Hey everyone, we made it through the storm! My recording equipment had some interference so I'll be sorting through footage but I just wanted to let everyone know we made it, and we are packing up to head home.
Pain aside, this has been an incredible experience. The awe you feel on this wide open plain as these massive super structures of water in the atmosphere approach is really something else. It'll set your antennas on end. It really will. The anticipation as the storm approaches and the pain increases is so intense. It's unsettling and uncanny, but you can't help but think how beautiful it all is.
Anyway, it's been a long few days, so we're signing out for a bit while we head back home and recover. Wave Navideah! This is us, signing out."
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hollyhomburg · 9 months
Before I Leave You (Pt.65)
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(Sneak peek) (Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: The truth always comes out one way or another, and with Jimin temporarily whisked away for surgery- it's up to you and yoongi to answer Namjoon's questions.
Tags: angst, blood, guns, murder, discussions of morality, descriptions of dead bodies, discussion of past spousal abuse, confessions, hurt/comfort, sickfic, hospitals, reconciliation, vmin focus, Trans! tae, discussions of transness, everybody lives nobody dies,
W/c: 12.0k
A/N: this chapter is a bit heavy on the dialogue but! sorry that this chapter came out when it did, we're finally here! sorry for the break in chapters- I got some not great news about a family members health and wanted to spend some extra time with them over the holidays.
Previous part - Masterlist - First part
Chapter 65 Sneak Peek: Lucky Gods
You drop a hand on Namjoon’s shoulder without a word. After some beckoning Namjoon follows you into the room. Legs shaking and sluggish at first. The pack is quiet even as the door closes.
But once Namjoon's moving it’s hard to stop, careening like a comet or a bullet in your direction.
To say that Namjoon is angry is an understatement; rage rolls off of him in quiet unending ripples carrying with it the strength to change the pack for good if he’s not careful.
He watches you startle and turn, eyes widening. You do not make to move out of his path.
Namjoon has never made you feel afraid before, but the pulse of it, the threat of it is there as he backs you against the wall until your body lies against it. Looming over your head, so much taller and larger than you.
An alpha. An alpha hunting. You tremble but do not move to avoid him.
He has a tiny bit of blood on his face, and a hairline splatter, almost like a constellation of stars across his temple. His fingers are harsh and shaking when they dig into your cheeks, pinching them until your lips open. Your knees tremble and you press your palm flat against the wall.
His scent thunders so thick and consuming that you can't physically stop yourself from trying to bear your throat. Namjoon stops you, holding you in place.
His eyes are dark and heavy-lidded as he looks down at you, He pinches your cheeks harder, shakinging you just a little. His voice is steady when he speaks, a low snarl.
“Never make me hurt one of our packmates again.” You swallow, although it’s hard. And he pinches again, harder before you get a chance to speak, to try and defend why you brandished that knife at Jimin hours ago. “I mean it. Never.”
He holds you there for a second longer before he lets you go, gasping. His hand slides down your throat to your neck, around the back near your scruff and gives it a small reassuring squeeze that only makes you feel like you're about to fall over. You would fall over if it wasn't for his touch keeping you up.
“I’m sorry.” You choke out, a few stingy tears making themselves known at the corner of your eyes. Namjoon rests his forhead against yours and closes his eyes. his spiky silver hair hitting your skin.
After a second he opens them again, nodding, and his scent looses its bitter edge. He steps closer, guiding you to rest against his chest. You take big gasps of his scent now that he's giving you permission. your instincts thunder through you so viciously that you can't physically stop yourself from tilting your neck and bearing your throat.
Namjoon just drags a finger down it, humming. He holds you up, arms around your shoulders, an anchor and a cage.
“It’s not okay.” I’m not okay, “but I forgive you.” Your knees do give out when Namjoon’s hand brushes the back of your neck, fingers digging in tenderly. Because even if he wants to be angry, anger won’t accomplish anything.
He walks you two strides, to put you into a chair next to Yoongi. Your mate takes you from him. the plastic chair makes a loud scraping noise against the linoleum floor. Jin’s on your other side looking just as tired as the rest of you. You'll get no rest tonight, sleeping in Jimin's hospital room when he gets out of surgery, every fitful dream interrupted by the oxygen monitor on his arm.
Secret, killer, and agent. All there in a pretty little row. Namjoon glares down at the three of you and crosses his arms.
“Explain.” Namjoon can’t wait another minute, another second. “Explain to me everything going on in my pack that I don't know about right now or I swear I’ll-“
Yoongi scoffs, "That you'll what? That you'll tear us apart Namjoon? that you'll leave? Look around you- we're already falling to pieces."
Coming Saturday January 6th at 5pm EST (Time Zone Adjustments below)
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ellieslittleburrow · 3 months
Motorcycle accident
Summary : Requested by @a-lil-bit-nuts : could i request reader getting into a motorcycle accident and sam and dean freaking out when she calls them crying because her leg got banged up and she's in pain.
Warnings : road accident, mentions of blood and a little panic attack
A/N : 💀 this has also been in my drafts since day one so i literally had to force myself to post or else it wouldn't be posted-ever ahahahaha
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It is said that riding a motorcycle is like flying. When you're at high speed, the scenery gets blurry and all you can think of is staying alive, somehow bringing serenity into your being, peace of mind, a bit of quiet.
You could not relate to that at the moment, as you found yourself sliding along with the bike all the way the sidewalk, the edge of the latter forcing the bike and your own body to a stop.
Cold and adrenaline rush through your body....it's....so cold-your back....cold and-you just-you- accident...
You tug into your pocket and through the shaking hands dial Sam's number. Dean never answers. Sam answers instantly.
"Hey honey." His tone is sweet and confident.
"Sammy i-i-my leg is-i got into-i-" You stutter, waiting for a response but instead all you get is lots of noise, indicating swift moves. "Sammy?"
"I'm coming to you, honey. I'm coming. We're on our w-"
On Sam's side, papers suddenly fly at the speed of his mouvement.
"DEAN" He growls, heading straight for his brother's room. "DEAN" He doesn't bother to knock, too tense to think- "She-Sh-she's been in an accident."
The realization hits Dean like thunder and his whole face contorts before he jumps off the bed. "What-no-where is she?"
The older brother asks, his hands frantically searching for the keys. His swift motions doing him no good, only freaking him out furthur.
"DEAN!" Sam snaps him out of his thoughts and Dean notices the keys in his brother's hands.
As they both head for the door, Sam dials his sister's number. "Come on, baby. Pick up." He pleads...whoever. And when a puff emits from his lips, Dean understands that the ringing died.
"Try it again." The latter orders, a faint hint of hope in his voice. He couldn't tell though, if it was hope or desperation. His little sister not answering instantly means that something bad has happened. That's always been the case with Dean. Ever since he got her a phone. "Always have it by your side, i can't call you and have you not answer." A phrase she's heard and fought about a million times.
And just when his fist hits the steering wheel, her little voice comes over Sam's phone. It's faint, causing Dean to snatch the phone from his brother's hand.
"Kid, where are you-are you okay" The oldest of the family swallows the knot in his stomach, directly asking the question to avoid shuddering in front of his younger siblings.
"Deeeean" Your voice follows the evident heaving of your chest. "It h-h-urts so much. Please-I don't want to be here alone-i'm-it hurts so badly." You freely sob and Dean holds his breath in, swallowing the ache penetrating through his heart. His baby is in so much pain and he-
"Dean!" Dean swiftly turns his head to the side, eyeing the wide eyed Sam sitting beside him. "Drive, man! We have to get to her."
the hunter starts the car, handing the phone to his brother. "Put in on speaker." He orders his younger brother, heading to nowhere still.
"Honey, where are you-we're coming to get you-we're on our way-just tell us where you are"
Both men grimace at the noise around her, the blabbbering and the-
"I'm so scared. Please hurry-i'm only a couple of minutes away-it's right next to the gas station we always go to-"
"I see her!" Enthousism breaks Sam's voice when he spots a crowd and a bike, his heart sinking at the thought of what's hiding behind. "Honey we're here-Don't hang up"
You didn't know which was more painful, the actual burning in your leg or the suffocating feeling caused by the crowd envelopping every inch of your space. You internally thank the tingling wetness in your eyes because it caused enough blurriness that people turned into faceless figures.
As a guy hoists you up. And consequently the road ahead starts to emerge and two familiar figures appear to be running towards you. You blink your tears away-they're here!
They're finally here.
Lil nuts, i hope this isn't too dramatic and i hope this is what freaking out is to you. Kisses to you and thank you again for the request! ❤️❤️❤️🥀🥀🥀
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erenjaegerwifee · 3 months
Red, Anger
Colors of Pandora: Day 1
Paring: Aonung x Fem!Metkayina!Reader
Warnings: angst, murder, suicide, explicit language, Neteyam cries a lot
Word Count: 2k
A/N: I believe this may be a very triggering fic for some people it does include details of murder, killing and suicide. If you are uncomfortable reading these things I suggest you do not interact or bother reading. I don’t wish to make anyone uncomfortable with my work thank you✨
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Your mate Aonung, has been extremely busy of late training the new comers, the Sullys. You admire how much effort he puts into teaching them; it makes you think about how good of a father he would you. Now that your daughter has arrived you couldn't wait to watch your family grow with the love of your life by your side. But all things come to an end, right?
You question yourself in this moment. Standing in front of your own mauri, rain pouring down you hold your baby to your chest shielding her from the rain but you do not open the flap. You stand frozen at the sounds that come from inside, the whimpers and cries you hear from inside your mauri, the one you share with only one other person, your husband.
What confuses you though is not that fact that you hear noises, its that you know it isn't just your husband making them, its someone else too. How do you even go about dealing with this situation. Your mind runs a mile a minute as you pull the flap slowly, quietly walking onto your welcome mat that sits right by the door.
You gasp quietly at the sight in front of you but it is apparently drowned out by the rain and noises that are coming out of their mouths. There on your sleeping mat that over the years you've adorned with soft pillow and fluffy blanket lays your husband and another man.
You know him, you've met him, invited him or dinner at your home, let him hold your daughter when she was just born, allowed him access to your life and he lays under your husband. Neteyam Sully.
'How does this even happen?' you question your sanity watching them not even stop. They didn't even realize you walked in, too caught up in each other.
You put your sleeping daughter in her bassinet that sits next to the cooking area where you had it this morning. Your skin was wet, your hair stuck to it your body as you took in the imagine in front of you, can't see either of their faces at the moment but you know who is who here, Neteyam's dark blue legs are thrown over your husband's shoulder toes curling as he's situated in between his legs. They're fucking.
Tears sting your eyes as you feel so many emotions run through you. Betrayal, hurt, but most Anger. How could he do this to you? Why didn't he just break up with you? Is this why he's been so busy lately? Is this where he disappears off to in the early mornings? And all those late nights how could he?
You step back your tail hits the table that him and Neteyam had built a few weeks ago, a beautiful glass vase sits on it, the one you put the flowers in that he picks for you. Without thinking you grab it and launch it at the bag of his head. The vase shatters into pieces on the floor and the mat. "WHAT THE FUCK AONUNG!" you scream loudly.
Your husband falls to the side of the mat holding the back of his head exposing Neteyam as he goes down. He looks directly at you panicked pulling one of your blankets to cover his naked frame. His mind defaults to Aonung even though you're standing in front of him fuming with anger.
He bends his body resting his hand on your husband's shoulder asking him if he's alright. 'Does he-are they in love or something?' You feel ticked off at the action even more than you already are. Aonung rubs the back of his head bringing to his face to observer the blood before looking up at the person who caused it, his wife.
"HOW COULD YOU?" you scream again, the rain outside pouring, thunder cracks loudly in the sky. "AFTER EVERYTHING I'VE DONE FOR YOU! GIVEN TO YOU!" you scream your tail thrashed around knocking down stuff as it moves.
"Wait baby I-" he tries to explain himself. You cry in frustration and anger you want to kill him; you want to kill them both. "and you!" you point to Neteyam. "I opened up my house to you, I let you sit with us as a friend, as my friend! and you do this to me?!" you feel like you're going crazy watching him feel guilty for what he's done. "I'm Sorry-"
"OH, are you? are you really fucking sorry? what could have possible ever made you both even think about doing this? Neteyam you were there when Aonung welcomes his daughter, his first child into the world! HOW COULD YOU" you cry and scream at them.
You pick up a glass bottle that sits on the floor with a few others a throw it at them. The bottle hits the wall on top of the mat shatters falling onto their bodies, some of the sharp glass cut them but you couldn't find it in yourself to care.
Then you remember, he has a gun. You run into the closet searching through the chest until you pull it out, you know how to use it he taught it, it's his fault. You match angrily back outside see Neteyam is now standing fully dressed with every intention of leaving.
You shoot the floor in front of his foot, "sit the fuck down, I'm not done taking" the anger coarsing through your body but your voice was errily calm. You daughter now awake crying from the earlier commotion. Aonung stands tall next to neteyam ready to talk you down but you don't give him a chance, you raise the gun pointing it at him letting them both know you have no intention of letting them get out of this.
"I'm giving you both one chance to explain what the fuck! is happening here" you say again your voice feels raw, you have tear streaks down your cheeks. You ignore your daughter's cry for you as all your attention is focused on the men in front of you.
Neteyam looks down guilt feeling bad, Aonung notices and places a hand on his back. You look at them both with such hatred, showing affection like this right in front of you? You scoff looking up at the ceiling, the gun drops to your side still in your hand as you wait for someone to start explaining.
They can tell your on edge with this whole situation, "I..." Neteyam starts grabbing your attention. "We were drinking," he begins to mumble, "It was the time we went hunting and got stranded, it was late at night, and-"
"SPEAK UP!" you hiss at him, pacing back and forth in front of them.
He stops, recalling his thoughts before continuing, "we were alone and we just had too much to drink" He glanced at Aonung before looking back at you. "Wait- you don't have to do this" you heard your husband say softly making you hiss in disbelief.
"Excuse me dearest, you do have to explain I wanna seriously know how the fuck this started cause I was under the fucking impression my husband knew I expected him to be loyal to me. AND AFTER EVERYTHING I'VE BEEN THROUGH WITH YOU" you felt like your life was falling apart, because it was.
Tears sting your eyes, "after all of the pressure I took on to ease yours, after all the pain I went through birthing your daughter, this is how you repay me? This is what I get after all these years?" your tears fall freely as you speak to them, "so I think it's my god given fucking right to know why you would do this"
They both look at you with guilt in their eyes, "we got drunk and fucked and after that I couldn't stop thinking about him...I couldn't just let him go. That was a few weeks ago right before you gave birth." Aonung finally for the first time spoke up about the situation.
You scoff, what. the. fuck. "So, are you two like? in love now? all this time have you been together behind my back? this is just sex?" as you speak you wave the gun back and forth.
They both nod their heads, "yea um..I like him a lot" Neteyam speaks up so softly you almost didn't hear him and you watch them look at each other with such love, the kind of loving look Aonung used to give you. Your feel unbelievably furious, how do you even go about getting over this? How does your husband leave you and your new born child for another man.
"What about your daughter? what about your family Aonung?" you look directly at him. "You're acting like we won't be around-"
"I'm sorry, we? who's we? you and him?"
Aonung sat quietly holding onto Neteyam as if they were both about to lose their lives, well they were.
You walk up to your daughter's bassinet watching her wail, "paysyul, your father does not care for us anymore, he cares for this- for this man, I'm sorry but, I can't take care of you alone. I don't want to" the rage you feel is unlike anything you've ever experienced, it clouds your judgement. You are not in your right mind., but you still bend your body giving her a sweet kiss in her perfect head, you know this only ends one way.
You don't even process enough before turning your body back to them immediately shooting Aonung on his dick. He screamed loudly in pain bringing his hands down to hold himself and Neteyam screamed in fear as he watched, they definitely didn't expect this. "You wanna cheat? fuck him now Aonung, TRY FUCKING HIM NOW" you laugh manically watching them cry at your feet in front of you.
The anger doesn't diminish one bit as you laugh, not satisfaction came from shooting him. It wasn't enough. Without another thought you raise the gun again and Neteyam throws his body over Aonung shielding him from the bullets that were about the rain on them. The action makes you laugh more, "aww nete don't worry the next bullet isn't for him."
You shoot Neteyam on his side making him hiss in pain, his hands immediately fall to cover the wound as he bleeds out on your sleeping mat. He's panting heavily along with your husband as they both lay bloodily together, "oh I'm not done, you not getting off that easily."
You walk over the the side of your mat wear lays Neteyam's knife, "remember nete, you killed him, you killed my husband when you decided to crawl in bed with him" Though Neteyam was in pain, he still tries to stop you as you walk over to Aonung and pierce his skin with the sharp knife, straight into the heart. His body drops lifelessly on the floor as you pull it out stabbing him all over his chest and abdomen screaming at his dead body.
Neteyam cries and cries as he watches you kill the love of his life, he knows he's bleeding out and he can't stop it. When you're finished the knife sticks out of Aonung's bloody body and you turn your head to a dying Neteyam, he whimpers at the pain and the heartbreak he feels but you don't, you just feel angry.
you walk over to Neteyam putting the gun in his hand, raising it up to under your neck and looking at him. Taking his dying breath, he watches you rest your finger down over his on the trigger, "This is all your fault, is you had stayed in your dying fucking clan this wouldn't have happened, I would have a family. Its. Your. Fault." you press you finger down on his effective killing yourself blood splatters onto the wall behind you as he takes his last breath fall limp with the other two dead bodies in the room.
No one finds the bodies until after the storm has ended, they walk into a blood bath hearing your baby crying. No one will ever know how this happened but what's important to you is that no one will ever cheat on you again.
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✨ This my first time writing part of an event! Please let me know if u like it or if not I understand. I do not condone cheating in any way but I feel like I got my message across with the emotion I was going for.
✨ I’d absolutely love feedback on this. Repost, comments and likes are always loved!
✨ If anyone would like to me added to my Taglist please let me know whether Thur comments or messages! I always answer
@strongheartneteyam @rivatar @pandoraslxna @xrollingmyeyesx @nilahsstuff @delusionalwh6re @xylianasblog
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the-rio-grande-duran · 10 months
Killer and the Sweetheart
Part Two
TW: Knives, killing, blood, dubcon, kinda cnc, some other shit probably
Summary: Serial Killer! Eddie x Virgin! Reader 18+Serial Killer Eddie murders some bullies and Reader is there. I had a dream like this end it would not let me be so here ya go. is very sloppy
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The screaming really wasn't necessary.
The lights had been flickering all night. It was just a matter a time for them to crap out entirely. A few thuds join the shrieks as the other girls apparently run directly into each other.
" Ow!-Shut up.- What's happening?!!- Seriously shut up you're yellling like right in my ear!"
This could be it. You could finally escape, slip out the back door and just drive. I mean you wouldn't even be here if Anna didn't need a ride. But judging by chorus groans and breaking glass they might not last the night.
" Anna. Anna! I'm gonna go find the breaker."
"But it's dark!"
"Yeah well we can't just sit here. I'll be back."
You stub your toe about a 1,000 times on the way to the basement. Hand against the wall find your way. The box is cool and sticky. Sticky?
Another scream from upstairs. Different. Scared.
You flip the switch stumbling back to the door. Blood smeared hands struggle against the door. The screams are louder now. You can even make out some words. Strange nonsensical apologies. Promises to stop.
Why the fuck are they apologizing? They're the ones being... murdered. Jesus Christ you're listening to people being murdered. You retreat to the breaker box and wait.
It takes forever for the screams to stop. The silence that remains makes your ears ring. You almost miss the door open. You manage to flip the switch just as it opens.
"Oh, we playing hide-n-seek sweetheart?", a man's voice teases from the stairs.
Your heart is threatening to give you away. It screams louder at every thundering step. You've never felt like this. Terror setting every nerve ending on fire. You fight back a scream. Practically drawing blood as you bite down on your tongue.
There's a scraping sound against the wall. Slow. Teasing.
"You don't have to be scared of me you know."
The sound is practically forced out of you. A choked out whine of derision and disbelief. The footsteps stop.
“It’s true. I only play with people I know. People who deserve it.”
Your body betrays you again. An unwanted throb at the harshness in his voice. Jesus, you’re pathetic the most attention you’ve gotten from a man is being murdered. 
“Aw don’t get shy on me now. Where’s those pretty noises?”
You bite down too hard at that, gasping in pain. He’s too close now his steps within arms reach.
“ There she is”
The light clicks on above you. 
He’s looking down at you. Big, wide eyes boring into you. Dark and searching like he’s looking straight into your soul. An angel of death. Soaked in blood and wreathed in light.
You come back to your senses too slow, fumbling with the heavy wrench you’d grabbed. His hands snatch your wrist. Heaving rings biting into your flesh. He moves fast shoving you to the floor roughly. Your head hits the cement with a crack, tears springing to your eyes. 
You cut him off. Teeth connecting with whatever part of him you can reach. Pulling and tearing like an animal in panic. You bring your free arm to the hand holding the knife. Shoving it as far from you as possible. You stay like this struggling blindly in a mess of limbs. Clothes tear. Skin bleeds. And soon he’s shaking against you. Laughing.
Then it’s over. He shifts so his full weight is straddling you as he shoves his knife beneath your chin. His other hand pins both your arms above you. You buck underneath him furiously. Desperate. 
“ Hey, hey easy there Killer”, his knife skates just shy of your cheek. “ I told you I don’t wanna hurt you. But you keep squirming around like that I could… slip.”  The knife is at your chest now right above your heart. “Now I’m gonna let your arms go but you can’t scratch me. Got it?”
“ Why don’t you want to hurt me?”
His smile changes then not the teasing smirk from the moment before. Something soft and surprised. “ I told you I only kill people who deserve it. You don’t deserve it. Do you?”
You shake your head. Mouth going dry from something that’s not quite fear.  “Good”, he starts wiping some tears away. You gasp again surprised at the gentleness. “ You really do make such pretty noises.” You snap your legs shut at that trying to tamp down the heat inbetween there.
“Trying to buck me off again Killer? And here I thought we were getting close”, he growls bringing the knife back to your throat.
“No. No not I-” 
“You what? “, the knife draws a tiny bead of blood.
“You know I think I’d rather die”
The laugh is sweet enough to make your heart ache. 
“ Strange time to make a joke. Did I break your little brain there Killer?”, he says rapping your forehead.
“ Don’t think you’re in the position to call someone else strange Sweetheart “
That laugh again. It has no right sounding that cute.
“ I think I can do whatever I want in this position”, the last words are whispered straight in your ear.
“So what do you want?”
His lips taste like blood. But they’re soft, and so easy to lean into. His hand tightens on your wrists rings cold and harsh. Panic and arousal fill your stomach in equal measure. Knowing there’s nothing you can do if you want this to stop. He pulls away and you chase after him missing the contact. He laughs again bringing the knife to the hem of your shirt. Splitting it in two. You shove against him then panic winning out. 
“Don’t like it?”, You could swear there’s a flash of concern as he says it.
“ I've n-never”  
“ Is that what your little wiggles are? And here I thought you were trying to get away.” Fingers skate down your stomach making you shiver. “ But you wanna get closer”
You go for the same spot you bit earlier. Earning a yelp of pain and surprise. 
“How’s that for close”
“Not good enough”, the knife is cool between your thighs as he reaches beneath your skirt. You still at once terrified he’ll cut you here of all places. But he’s careful as ever freeing you from your panties with intense precision. 
“Fuck me, have you been this wet the whole time?” you clamp your legs down on his hand embarrassed. Not wanting him to go further. “Uh uh, Killer can’t go back on me now. Your whine is pitiful. You know you can’t deny him. 
“Please, please just be gentle with me.”
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ghosttalksalot · 1 month
[pure fluff incoming]
maybe peter doesn't like thunderstorms. he's not scared of them, that's too far, but he certainly dislikes them.
you can only hear gunshots and feel how close you were to being hit, or even dying, so many times before loud crashing *bang* sounds stress you out, you know?
fireworks aren't his favorite either, he tends to involuntarily flinch away from a nonexistent bullet whizzing by his face.
and its not that he's never been shot either. he has. it's possibly his least favorite part of the job. a bitch to heal from, and worse if you need to get the bullet out. so anything close to gunshot sounds, he'd just much rather not hear in his day to day life. he prefers to keep the gun anxiety to when he's suited up and patrolling, when guns are an actual concern.
though, he's a grown man. he's not about to hide under his covers when he knows the thunder isn't going to do anything to him. he's just a little more tense than normal. he tries to stick to reason, knowing his spidey sense keeps him safe.
wade, on the other hand, takes comfort in thunderstorms. the consistent white noise of the rain on the roof, the way it means people are staying inside, aka less bullshit to deal with, and an excuse to have soup. not that you need one, but it doesn't hurt. just canned soup that he still fucks up somehow, but you can't fault a man for liking some soup during a rainy evening. the white noise of a storm outside his apartment keeps his chaotic brain at its calmest, and he likes to get in the best sleep he can.
the first stormy night they spend together, wade is content to relax with peter, assuming peter feels the same about storms and they can just cuddle and listen to the rain.
he notices quickly, though, that peter is not comfortable. he's tense, and sometimes when the thunder is very loud, he curls in tighter, not much, just ever so slightly. wade picks up that peter does not like storms.
wade's working on being more sensitive during intimate moments. so he pushes down his go-to loudness, and he doesnt say anything. instead, wade puts on some calming instrumental music, some of peteys favorites, and turns the ac down, cooler by a notch or two, so he can grab a big blanket. wordlessly, he wraps them both up in the blanket and pulls peter close.
peter doesn't want to talk about it, thankful for the lack of questions, so he just tucks himself closer into wade's secure arms, and tries to let himself relax. eventually, it works, and he's able to doze off, earlier than he normally would in such weather.
when he wakes up, the storm has ended, and wade is awake, but wade is still there. still holding him.
ever since peter became spider-man, hes been used to doing everything he can to protect everyone he can. from any threat that presents itself to the people of his city. for a long time he went home to an empty apartment, with little thanks for everything he poured into being a "hero."
now, he gets to get used to this. someone being there. someone who gets it, and sees him, and isnt bothered by being there for him. spider-man is there for the city, but wade is there for peter. even when its silly, silly like thunder that cant hurt him. wade is there to make sure peter feels secure. to make sure peter sleeps well. to be what peter needs, and everything he could ever ask for. wade is the best thing thats ever happened to peter. he wouldn't change a thing.
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fertilize-my-eggs · 3 months
Send to the mha omegaverse ch.4
Breed breed breeding.
Ch.1 ch.2 ch.3 A03
Every chapter will be posted on thursday ❤️
Breed breeding breeding… was in my mind as I followed shigaraki’s scent, I couldn't stop myself as my body was following the sweet citrus scent.
I ran towards it like a hound dog chasing after a prey as I suddenly stopped at the door in front of me.
I can smell it, I slowly grab the door knob but stopped immediately as I hear the loud growl coming inside.
“ omega, I'm warning you . . . Don't open the door. ” I hear Shigaraki's voice, it's faint and quiet but I can feel his alpha aura in my bones as I begin to smile. I want him and it's been weeks I'm not gonna let this go, my omega mind telling me to head inside and have his puppies.
I turned the knob to realize it wasn't locked but the strong musk smell hit in my nose immediately as I must have cost his rut to start early as I saw him in bed as he growl deeply and humping the sheets.
“ alpha… I want you… I only want you and no one else, do you understand me! ” I chirp at him with hope as my slick juice slides down my legs.
In my old life, I was just a loser and didn't lose my virginity once that thunder hit me and sent me into the mha world… I have always been loyal to shigaraki, I always loved him when I first started watching my hero academia.
It was only him…. I fear tomura will hurt me since I disobey him.
His crimson eyes stare at me, it's a mix of emotions it's hard to describe what he feels as I stare at him.
He begins to smirk as he lets out a deep raspy laughter, it rattles my bones as I shiver with excitement and fear.
“ I can smell it… your heat… ” you watch his eyes dilating fast as he raises his body upwards as he smiles.
“ omega can't control yourself whenever you're around an alpha like me… but I can tell you were interested in me. Why? ” he tilts his head as he stare at me, I begin to feel my cheeks getting hot as I look down.. will he accept me if I'm not from this world.
“ Shigaraki, I'll have to tell you the truth… I'm not from this world, it's a long story but I don't belong there. "Tomura tilted his head confused but I can tell he was curious as he rose up from the bed as he looked at me.
“ Alpha shigaraki. You're probably thinking I'm crazy but in my old world everything… isn't like this. ” I move my hands around in his room as I begin to speak.
“ It's not cartoony like this but my world is realistic and nobody has a quirk.. I-. ”
He growls at me as I immediately shut up.” stop… stop talking, I can't.. ” No warning he kissed my lips, it was soft and gentle as I gasped into the kiss.
It was sweet, I closed my eyes shut as I played with his messy hair. I'll probably regret saying this but for now I want to enjoy this.
He presses me up against the wall as he deep kisses as I moan out. I start to blush, I've never kissed anyone like that and didn't know I could make a noise like it too.
“ omega.~ Are you sure you want to do this? ” He begins to smirk at me as I feel like I'm having butterflies in my stomach as I look at him.
“ because if you accept me as your mate, I'll never let you go. Do you understand me omega? ” I don't know if he was being truthful or my quirk affected him but I didn't care as I pressed a kiss to his lips.
“ alpha.~ ”
“ omega.~ ”
I rise my neck towards him as he growl at the submissive offered to him as he smirks devilish.
“ let's move this to my bed, it'll be cozy for you my omega.~ ” I blink fast as I giggle quietly as I thought to myself, my omega? I feel special already. I begin to feel hot on my cheeks as he pulls me towards the bed.
This is happening, I'm going to have my first time with my favorite anime villain!! I'm fangirling so hard just thinking about it.
I begin to remove my clothes but I feel him grab my wrist as I look at him.
“ What’s wrong my alpha? ” I tilt my head at him as he coo tenderly.
“ let me remove it for you… omega. ” I see him start to blush awww how cute!! He acts so shy, I've never seen him act like this in the anime…  I wonder if he will have the same faith as the manga… I stop thinking about it and not worrying about it, I shouldn't be thinking about it… but wouldn't alpha tend to be aggressive while they're in a rut? Why isn't he ripping my clothes off fast?
“ I don't want to harm you omega~ ” ahh okay I see… he's probably not used to having a woman in his life that's why he's being extra careful.
He carefully pulls my shirt up and over my head as I begin to cover myself… I then realized he's gonna see me naked and this is the first time a man will see myself nude.
I begin to look away as I feel hot all over my face.
“ What's wrong? ” I look at Tomura as he has a soft smile as I blink slowly and begin to smile back.. maybe this isn't a bad idea but I want to live here and stay with him.
I don't care if I die again, I want him.
“ I-it's my first time… having someone see me naked.. I haven't lost my virginity to be honest. ” shigaraki felt his cheeks getting more red as he looked away in embarrassment.
“ ah… it's okay omega, I haven't lost it either… we'll take it nice and slow if you want. ” I smile at him as I pull him close.
“ you're probably dying from the rut my alpha 
~ please use me, I want you to… breed me please~? ” should I say that towards him wouldn't it be-..
Tomura pulls me into a passionate kiss as I moan out loud, I pull him closer as we're landing into the soft sheets.
Without thinking we quickly remove each other's clothes as they fly onto the floor.
I pull away to see tomura shigaraki naked in front of my own eyes, I bite my lip hard… he's so beautiful.. His skinny body was beautiful as I slowly looked down at his lean chest to his stomach area.
The v-line look so tasty as I followed his little happy trail to the base of his cock… holy fuck, he's massive… me and shiggy simps were right in fanfics, shigaraki has a big cock. It starts to make me nervous as I look away. That thing looks so angry and could easily rip me in two.
“ I can sense your stress omega but I'll be gentle okay… don't worry about me, I'll take care of you.~ ” I cover my eyes as I feel tears almost coming out, he's so sweet oh my god.
I nodded my head too embarrassed to look at him, he gently removed my arm.
“ look at me, omega, you look so beautiful like this.~ ” I smile at him as he pushes my thick thighs wide for him, I chip at him.
Feeling a bit embarrassed that he saw myself fully naked.
My heat is driving me nuts as I grab his wrist as he looks up at me.
“ please… no foreplay, I need you now alpha please~ "Tomura snapped as he growled at you, he tapped my clit a bit.
He grabs his cock to my entrance as he looks up at me.
“ Are you sure you want to continue this? ”
“ Yes please!! Alpha I need you already, I'm going crazy by this heat please.~ ” Tomura smiled at you as he thrust himself into my pussy, it was pretty awkward since he missed three times but the fourth time.
He slid into me, he rolled his head back.” crap.. I don-.. ” I feel something hot and wet inside of my pussy as I tilt my head.
“ sorry.. I came inside of you too soon omega.. you're too pretty, I wasn't expecting a beautiful omega to be attractive towards me. ” I frown at him a bit as I pull him close.
Whisper into his ear softly.” it's okay.. you can try again alpha~ just for me please, I still need you. ” I felt his head nod as he began to move. It felt painful as I wrinkled my nose a bit, it hurt but not too bad. 
I was expecting it to hurt for the first time having sex but it's getting good as I moan out.
“ fast please alpha.~ ” Tomura pulls away as he has burning passion and love.
He thrust fast and bit rough but it's very sloppy as I look down when we're connected.
He looks so beautiful like this, sweating and hair messy as his eyes are close shut from the pleasure and tongue sticking out. Oh I'm bleeding a bit, I can see the blood covering his dick.
“ please… please please. ” I tilt my head at him in confusion.
“ Are you sure you want me to breed you? ” For the first time I see shigaraki’s eyes turn dark, the red rings are gone and it's a pitch black hue as I gulp a bit.
I blink at him as I smile. Well, I'm not leaving anytime soon so I want to enjoy this.
I wrapped my legs around his waist to pull him closer as I offered my neck towards him.
“ I'm your omega tomura shigaraki, I want you as my mate please… accept me as yours. ” I thought this is ridiculous and there is no way I'm having sex with tomura shigaraki and letting him be my boyfriend… I don't know how long but I hope we'll last longer.
Shigaraki leans into my neck as he bites it hard, I begin to cry out. I think that was his last straw as he began to pound into me fast and hard.
I wrapped my legs and arm around him for dear life as I screamed out in pain.
I felt him move away to lick my wounds as I leaned near his neck feeling a bit scared but surprisingly he offered his neck towards me as I bit his neck.
My small fangs poke through his skin as he growls lower.
I cry out from his rough heavy thrust, my brain only thinks about breeding and wants his pups fast.
I tight my thighs close, pushing him deeper as I moan his name like a marathon.
I feel his knot at my entrance, he gets closer, I can feel it.
It's kinda confusing me a bit about omegaverse, I thought shigaraki was supposed to cum when he was fully knotted. Maybe I'm not sure about the lord and don't understand it as much.
He leaned in to kiss my marked neck as he cooed.” I'm close omega.~ nghh how do you orgasm? ” I tilt my head at him as I said.
“ I'll show you alpha.~ ” I gently grab his wrist as I move it towards my entrance, I let him touch my clit as I sigh softly from this.
“ rub my clit, it'll help it go faster.~ ” Shigaraki nods his head as I moan out his name.
I can feel it, I feel it's getting closer as I push my head onto the pillow, I feel my legs moving onto the sheet as I breath heavily and fast.
My chest is moving rapidly as I cry out.” I'm close tomura~!! ” He nodded his head too in agreement as he pushed my thighs into my chest as I widened my eyes.
Oh shit…I feel his thighs hitting my ass as I feel his cock twitching inside of me as I grips the sheets.
I couldn't speak.
“ fuck!! Take it~!! Take it, take it, omega, I'm cumming.” the high pitch groan coming from shigaraki as we're reaching our first high together.
I scream out his name, feeling his cum hit my womb as the knot is stuck in my pussy as he collapses on top of me.
We're breathing heavily as he looks at me with love as he kisses my neck.
“ you're so pretty like this omega.~ ” I smile at him as I hug him closer, he growls at me as I raise my brow at him.
“ you're not leaving until you're knocked up by me. ”  I gasp and feel his cock twitching inside of my cunt.
“ This will last a week. ” a week?!? I thought to myself as I bit my lips.
This is gonna be hot steamy love making for one week.
I coo at him as I pull him close.”this is intense… I never had it like this… it's so fuck.. fucking hell. ” he rise his brow at me as I softly giggle at him.
“ it's was amazing alpha, I enjoy your cock.~ it's so good~! ” I purr at him as he begins to blush red, he pulls me closer as he whines.
“ stop.. you're making me get hard again. ” I smirk at him as I kiss his lips passionately.
“ that fine with me my alpha.~” I can feel his smirk grow wider as he pull away.
“ ohh you're definitely gonna be a problem little omega.~ ”
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
okay but like, Ominis seeing the marks on Mcs neck!!! IM HOOKED
Well he won't see them exactly, bless his heart😅 but I was definitely thinking about doing an angsty little piece with my recent posts regarding the marks 👀💔 So here it is
Brotherly Hate 🐍
Ominis isn't fuckin happy, Angsty, probably going to be a stand alone piece to whatever stories I've got going on, because I kinda maybe wanna carry it on in a different approach, I really don't know, but for anyone who wanted to see Omi kick some ass, here you go.
Ominis and MC were sat together chatting one morning in Hogsmeade, he gave her a smile and reached out touching her neck, MC hissed as he touched where Marvolo had bit her the night before when they hooked up, Ominis narrowed his eye's.
Ominis: Have you hurt your neck?
MC: No, I'm fine..
He didn't believe her, something about the way she said that sounded insincere to him, he reached out taking hold of her neckerchief, quickly moving it out of the way and felt her neck, MC panicked but froze in place "Shit" she thought to herself. Ominis gently felt the teeth marks on her, his face went from concern to slight anger..He pulled his hand away slowly, shifting in his seat.
Ominis: Who did that? ..
MC: Ominis..
He couldn't help jealousy from rearing his ugly head. He furrowed his brows, gripping her arm.
Ominis: Who else have you been fooling around with? Don't take me for a fucking fool MC, someone had their mouth on you, and it wasn't me. So who?
MC was frozen, she didn't know what to  say.
Ominis: Sebastian?
MC: ..No
Ominis: Garreth?
MC: *tears forming in her eye's* No..
Ominis: *darkened voice* Then who? ..Tell..Me..
MC: I..I can't.
Ominis narrowed his eyes at her again, he was literally shaking with anger.
Ominis: When did it happen?
MC: Last night.
Ominis: ..When me, you and Sebastian stayed at my parents home?
MC: Y-Yes.
Ominis: ...And you're saying it wasn't Sebastian?
MC didn't say anything, she just stared at his cold face, she saw the moment the glass shattered for Ominis..
Ominis: *whispers lowly and deep* ..Marvolo?
MC: ....
Ominis: *tightening his grip on her arm* Tell me...Was it Marvolo.
MC: Ominis..Please-
Ominis: Did you let my brother fuck you?
MC: I...*sighs as a tear rolls down her cheek* Yes..
Ominis stood, suddenly strangly calm, but that was a worrying thing. He said nothing more to MC as he left the café they sat in, disapparating before MC could run out and reach him, she knew exactly where he'd gone..
Ominis appeared in the front yard of his family home, his fists clenched as he slowly approached the doors and stepped inside, he listened out for noise, hearing something from the kitchen, and made his way in there, he knew it would be Marvolo. He stepped in and simply stood there for a moment, Marvolo looked over his shoulder at him before going back to brewing some kind of potion.
Marvolo: Pfft. What's wrong with you? Walking in here with a face like thunder..
Ominis: Did you fuck her?
Marvolo instantly stopped what he was doing, turning to face Ominis, as he leaned back on the kitchen counter, folding his arms and narrowing his eyes at his younger brother with a smirk on his face.
Marvolo: Did I fuck who?
Ominis: ....MC.
Marvolo: P-ha...No.
Ominis: *steps closer to him, a look of utter hatred on his face as he grit his teeth* MC says otherwise..
Marvolo: *smirks wider* Why ask questions you already know the answers to? That's incredibly annoying Ominis..
Ominis: *now right in front of Marvolo* I want to hear YOU say it..Did you fuck her?
Marvolo had a twisted grin on his face as he simply whispered the word "Yes". Ominis instantly saw red, letting out a scream and lashing out at Marvolo, grabbing him by the collar and throwing him down into the floor, then diving on top of him, his mind focused on nothing else other than hurting his brother, he lashed and he punch, hitting Marvolo straight in the face breaking his nose, Marvolo growled, pushing Ominis backwards then kicking him in the stomach, for the moment that Ominis was winded, as he too growled and hissed through his anger and pain, Marvolo stood running for his wand in the kitchen, Ominis was a step ahead of him though, and knew that's what he was doing, Marvolo lifted his wand towards Ominis a furious look on his face.
Ominis: *still kneeling down on the floor holding his stomach, but aims towards Marvolo* Expelliarmus!!!
Marvolos wand flew out of his hand, as Ominis finally stood, aiming his at Marvolo, his nose crinkled and his brows furrowed heavily,baring his teeth.
Marvolo: *panting as he licks the blood from his nose which dripped down to his top lip* What's the matter little brother?
Ominis: Shut up..
Marvolo: *breathless chuckle*  Sharing is caring.
Ominis: *yells* SHUT UP!
Marvolo: *wicked smile* I fucked her...And I fucked her good.
Ominis's mind broke in that very moment, his hand was shaking as he aimed.
Ominis: *shouts aggressively* CRUCIO!!!!!!
The red bolt flew across the room, hitting Marvolo in the chest, his body flying back before he dropped to the floor in agony, seizuring and letting out pained grunts. Ominis stood there, panting heavily, listening to his brother.
Ominis: You fucking bastard! I HATE you!!!
Ominis composed himself slightly, realising what he'd done, but he was still to angry to care, he hadn't used crucio in years, it still didn't feel good to use, even against his prick of a brother, but desperate times call for desperate measures..He approached Marvolo once the spell had worn slightly, Marvolo lay there, breathing erratically, looking at Ominis, still with a look of anger on his face though he was in a great deal of pain, Ominis leaned over him, speaking in a harsh manner.
Ominis: If you EVER..Touch her again...I will kill you Marvolo..I will..Really..I mean it..
With that Ominis stormed out of his family home, taking in a long inhale before shakily exhaling into the cold air outside.
He really did mean it...He would kill him
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foxofninetales · 9 months
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Unlearn the Way of Being Strangers by afrikate, cryptive, fox_of_nine_tales, frith_in_thorns, Hils, Merinnan, mimosaeyes, MountainRose, Onmyo-Jin (silvercolour), rainisfallingdown, WindStainedDreams
Fandom: DMBJ | The Grave Robber’s Chronicles and related fandoms
Relationship: Hei Xiazi/Liu Sang/Xie Yuchen
Rating: Teen
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Action/Adventure, Post-Canon, canon-typical tomb creatures, Injury, Caretaking, Mind Control, Tentacles but not like that
Having finally regained his hearing and his health after his Thunder City adventures with the Iron Triangle, Liu Sang is looking forward to a new contract with a new employer. With Xie Yuchen's reputation for competence and the resources he has to draw on, this should be a smooth, professional tomb raid that gives Liu Sang a chance to showcase his skills. What could go wrong? Well, for starters, Hei Xiazi is there.
Liu Sang wiped his nose irritably; if there was some sort of hyper-allergenic mold down here he was going to be livid–
Oh. His fingers and the back of his knuckles were smeared with something dark, and a flash from his flashlight lit it up bright, virulent red.
"Oh fuck, uhh–" he had tissues somewhere, right? Shit, he’d emptied his pockets when he got doused…
"Use this," Xie-ye said, handing him... was that silk? Definitely too nice a handkerchief to bring into a tomb – unless, apparently, your name was Xie Yuchen. "What happened?
"Nothing," Liu Sang said, reluctantly taking the handkerchief. It really was far too nice to get bloodstains all over it, but it seemed it was that or nothing. "No, really," he added as he held the handkerchief to his nose, catching Xie Yuchen's sceptical look. "I didn't hit it, or smell anything, or get anything in my face, or anything like that. It just started bleeding." He shrugged. "It's just a nosebleed. They happen."
“Did you hear anything before it started bleeding?” Hei Xiazi had materialised next to him, holding up some more standard paper tissues.
That triggered a niggling in Liu Sang's mind. There was something he was supposed to do. He shook his head to try to clear it. The door was open. Right. He needed to map the mechanism he could hear.
"Hey, did you hear me?" Hei Xiazi asked, putting something in his hand. What had he said before? Something about listening?
"I'm listening, the floor's hollow–"
"I'm asking you about the bells, Sangsang," he repeated. "Stop listening, put your white noise in."
There were people on all sides now, the medic, and Mop, and Xie Yuchen was touching his shoulder, and they all had nice, solid heartbeats that he didn't want to stop hearing, actually. "No, no, I'm listening–"
There were suddenly too many hands on him. He felt claustrophobic. He tried to bat them away but they kept coming back. Someone forced his earphones in his ears and turned up the white noise, and suddenly the world felt bleak, like he had lost something precious. He needed to listen. Why didn't they understand?
He tasted some warm and salty on his tongue and his knees hurt – had he fallen? Where was the music?
He tried to get up again, but someone had a hand on his shoulder and he just couldn't get the leverage. Warm, sticky, salty, unswallowable something filled the back of his throat and he was going to choke, off, off, get off–
He heaved over onto his side and coughed, violently enough that his ribs ached. In the harsh light-and-shadow, the ground misted red in front of him.
This fic came about over on the Yucun Discord when Jin suggested cooperatively group-writing a fic just for the fun of it. Well, you can't go wrong with that DMBJ standard, the tomb crawl, and all of us are whump enthusiasts (in fact , I think most of the authors still lovingly refer to this by its working title, Tomb of Whump) so we set out to make our boys suffer and see where the plot took us. Nine months, 176k words, and a whole lot of hurt and comfort later, the entire fic is available to read on AO3!
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sweet-3-whispers · 1 year
𝑳𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒍𝒚𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 (ᴏʀ ɴᴏᴛ)
Word Count: 710 or so
Pairing: Miles!1610 x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst(if you spuint), Established relationship
Warnings: Fear of Thunder(?)
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The slightly soft sound of rain hitting your window and the trees moving along with the wind helps you calm your body and mind, especially when Spider-Man is right beside you asleep.
Miles came into your apartment a couple hours earlier when the rain hadn't hit yet. Claiming he was tired and missed your bed… and obviously you too. He was currency wrapped around your blankets, face squished onto the pillow and a little drool coming out but you didn’t mind that much, it was kinda cute and it made you realize how tired he was.
A sound of thunder interrupted your thoughts.
You jump at the loud sound outside your window. For some reason you were scared of that sound, afraid all the things it done to people would happen to you one day but when Miles found out of your fear, he promised he would always be there to protect you.
That promise was years ago when you guys were kids and now you are laying in bed, cuddling up with each other, away from that horrible sound.
Even now he kept his promise, always checking the weather before he goes over to your room. And at this point you understand why he comes over on late nights, even if he tries to cover it up by saying he was just tired and your place was closer than his.
It's cute the way he cares about you, the way he is always there for you… most of the time.
Lightning strikes outside your window but not too close to hurt you. The heavy rain doesn't help either, only taunting you going back ‘n forth to light and heavy, oh how you wish it'll just stop so you can finally sleep.
With some people they are about to sleep through anything, however with you, you can't sleep thru the thunder especially if Miles wasn't here with you
You wrapped yourself with your blankets, covering your face as well to try and cover the noises outside, you've even tried listening to music but for some reason it didn't work.
Sitting up on your bed with the blankets covering you like its a cloak, you grabbed your phone, about to call Miles you stopped.
‘What if he’s busy’
You paused for a second.. should you? Maybe you shouldn't, maybe he’s really busy , yk being Spider-Man ‘n stuff.
A loud ring was heard from your phone, startling you a little. Upon looking at the screen… Miles’s name popped up
𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠♡ is calling
“hi-uh are you okay?” the sound of worry was in his voice
“I-i know i'm supposed to be there rn, with you, comforting you but im so sorry, i got caught up with some school work and there was this shooting but i made it on time and for some guy started running away so i had to catch him, i had also had to help this lady walk across the road-”
You can hear it in his voice. Worry and Guilt. The worry of your safety and the guilt of not being right by your side right now.
“Miles, it’s okay… but um are you on your way right now..?” cutting him off on his own rambling, he went silent but you can hear him gasping for air, huffing and puffing. 
“-yeah yeah huff huff i-im almost-”
Suddenly the call was cut off and a loud bang was heard outside your window. Thankfully you were home alone but still cautious about the noise.
A hand was placed on the window, sliding it open. The sight of brown curls eased your nerves, instantly knowing who it was.
You moved closer to the boy helping him up and closing the window behind him.
He slowly walked towards your bed and sat, catching his breath. Raising his head, he looked at you with dazed eyes and mouth slightly gapped.
“huff -hi…” 
Miles moved his hands towards you and gently grabbed your hand, pulling you into a warm embrace
“Im sorry im late, got caught up with ‘traffic’ “
He wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his head on your stomach. You pat him softly, comforting him by saying it's okay, just glad that he’s here now.
sorry for the long wait, but I hope you enjoy!💕
this is kinda rushed cuz I didn't want y'all to wait to long
-apologize for to miss spelled words-
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reigenkills · 2 years
girl why is there plot
You keep an ear out for news of the old man and his cursed son Elrick. Being a cursed creature yourself, you've have some sense of solidarity for your fellow unfortunate bastards. And while you don't trust yourself not to go into a depression nap if you try only to fail to save this kid, you still hold on to some hope that he's somehow gonna pull through with this.
A day and a half after the incident at the bar, you hear from local gossip that Elrick is still holding on. Somehow. Whatever's going on with him, ol' Wolfie himself hasn't come to collect yet.
Maybe it's not his time. Death had said something about not meddling with the affairs of life unless it concerned him, and for all that you've bit him, he's refrained from hurting you too badly even though you know full well he could. You don't know all the rules and regulations of being death incarnate, but there must be some line in the sand he can't cross.
You crack the Evil Witch's spellbook and start hunting down whatever you can find that can counter a sleeping spell. 
By the afternoon, you've got little scraps of notes bookmarking possible answers. There's, of course, the classic cure-all - True Love's Kiss; there's the Fountain of Youth, where someone gives a part of their lifespan to someone else, but it won't break the sleeping spell, only buy time until you find another solution; there's a Crossroads Deal, where for a price, any spell can be broken; and there's, of course, finding the original spell caster and having them break the curse.
Things aren't promising, but at least you've got something.
You ask Muffet for directions to Elrick's house. She draws you a map on a napkin and tells you to mind the potholes on the way.
The boy's family lives in a farmhouse in the outskirts of Poisonapple. According to Muffet, the father is a farmer, Elrick's older brother is a Huntsman, and Elrick himself is a shepherd boy. Less than ideal for whatever his beau's family's status is. You can see why he'd get screwed over.
You trudge down the pathway to the farmhouse,  pulling your hood up as a cold breeze blows by. The sky is heavy with clouds tonight, and you can hear the rumble of thunder in the distance. Hopefully you won't get caught in the storm on your way back to your inn.
The lamps hanging from the farmhouse creak and rattle in the wind. You eye them warily, stepping away from them, and raise your fist to knock on the front door.
A tall, burly, man with tired eyes opens it for you. He looks like he hasn't slept in days, and it shows in his voice when he croaks out: "Yes?"
"I don't have a clear cut answer for how to wake your brother up, but I might have some things that can help," you say. 
The Huntsman narrows his eyes at you, studying you from head to foot. "You don't look like no witch."
"I'm not, I just know some magic." Just like you know how to hit a drum. No training and no intricate knowledge of tips and tricks, but you know you have to hit it in order to make a noise. It's not the best method for magic, but as long as you follow the instructions, you should be fine. It's worked for you so far.
The Huntsman grunts. After a moment, he steps aside and lets you in.
You pull your hood off and let out a sigh of relief, realizing you'd been freezing in the cold outside once the warmth of the house hits you.
"What do we do?" The Huntsman asks.
"I was told you live with your father," you say. "I think we should discuss this with him."
The Huntsman grunts again, but he leads you to the living room and ushers you to sit. He disappears into a hallway right after, and you hear a door open; he's in the backyard, probably. As you wait, you pull out your spellbook from your satchel, arranging the notes you've pinned between the pages on the table.
The Hunstman returns with his father a few minutes later. The old man's eyes widen as he recognizes you.
"Witch," he says.
"I'm a mercenary, not a witch," you say. "I just have some knowledge from dealing with witches."
"You can help us?"
"I have some terms, first."
The old man nods, quickly moving to sit down while his eldest son eyes you with suspicion and remains standing.
"When you address me, please say can you, or may you, or please," you say. "I am not a dog. Don't tell me what to do so flippantly."
"...and?" the Huntsman asks.
"That's it. Overstep and I'm out the door." You smile thinly. "All I ask is some politeness."
"Huh." The man lets out a huff and takes the seat beside his father. "Okay, can you help us?"
You nod, and present to them your notes, turning the papers around so they can read it, as they're both sitting across you. "Obviously, there's True Love's Kiss, but we have no idea how we can contact your son's beloved, and we might not have enough time to save him if we kidnap her. The Fountain of Youth can buy us some time, but it swaps a portion of someone's lifespan for someone else's."
"That wouldn't wake my brother up, would it?" the Huntsman asks.
"No, it's a transference spell. Nothing to do with breaking curses, but it'll reset our clock." You push a sheet of paper towards them. "This one isn't the most optimal, but I've worked many a job concerning Crossroads Deals. As long as you pay up, you can just about ask for anything you want."
"How much is the payment?" the old man asks, wringing his hands together. 
You glance to the Huntsman with some pity. He, at least, seems to know what a Crossroads Deal entails. "It's a what. It's demon magic. They ask for your soul."
The old man sags back in his seat. Alarmingly, a deep look of thought passes over his face. The Huntsman flips the page over to hide the instructions on a Deal away. "You got anything else?"
"We can find the original spellcaster and get them to undo the curse," you say. 
The Huntsman's face falls. There are barely any witches in the area, so if the aristocratic family that's cursed his brother got a spell from one, they probably live miles from here. Maybe they're from a completely different island, even. 
"Could you find the spellcaster?" he asks.
"I could try, but your brother doesn't have enough time," you say. He nods jerkily, frowning down at the table in silence. You lean back in your seat and turn your attention to the window, watching the storm and giving the father and son some privacy.
The Huntsman clears his throat. "Can you…give us some space?"
"Of course." You rise from your seat, taking your spellbook and your notes and tucking them under your arm. "I'll be outside."
Outside is cold and windy, and half of the lamps have already blown out from the chilly draft around you. You draw your hood up over your head again and stuff your spellbook back in your satchel, drawing the rest of your cloak closer to yourself.
A gust of wind snuffs the rest of the lamps at the front of the house out. In the dim light, you can barely see anything. 
There's a flash of lightning to your left. You turn, attention instinctively caught by light, and find yourself looking up at the tall shadow that looms over you.
Twin pinpricks of red stare down at you. In the cold and the dark, you remember exactly how menacing Death can be when he wants.
"Mercenary," he greets.
"Señor Muerte," you say, because you've got manners and he's probably on duty and not in the mood to mess with you, if he's so serious. "So the boy dies, then, after all?"
He chuckles, a low throaty sound that comes out more intimidating than mirthful. "We'll see. His brother's still thinking things over."
"So you're…waiting to see if he does?" you ask. "And then you're scaring the dad into a heart attack?"
"They can't see me, Mercenary. You only can because I want you to." he says. "And Death is patient. I always wait."
"I thought that was supposed to be Love is patient." You snort. "So the kid's either gonna live or die tonight depending on what his brother decides?"
"Yep," he says. "Would have been a straightforward visit if you hadn't come here telling them about the Fountain of Youth, but, look at you. Altruistic little thing that you are."
Ah, shit, is he here to kick your ass for meddling with death or something?
"At ease, Mercenary," he says, laughing slightly. "I'm not going to collect your soul just yet. You didn't completely overturn the balance of nature, don't flatter yourself like that."
"I thought you just, like, knew when it's people's time."
"I do. Every action has its equal opposite reaction, and when people make certain choices, they shape and change their paths," Death says. "Sometimes those paths get them killed, sometimes they don't. When they're on track to kick the bucket, I come fetch them."
"So is Fate, like, bullshit?"
"No, my sister's very real. She's a lot less complicated than you people think she is, though."
You hum, nodding. That…makes sense, you suppose. And it's somewhat comforting to know free will does exist, to some extent.
There's a clatter behind you. You look up just in time as the breeze bangs a lamp against the underside of the overhang. Ugh. It'll be a strong storm tonight.
"Don't suppose I can hitch a ride for when you do your whole disappearing act," you say.
"Hah, tough shit," Death says. "Walk in the rain on your own; maybe then I can snatch you off this mortal coil a little earlier."
"Pipe dream if I've ever heard one, lobo." You chuckle. "You're not getting my soul until I wring every ounce of misery from it by my own damn hands."
"Eh, your lifespans are barely anything to me."
"Yeah, yeah, flex being the grim reaper or whatever." You turn around to glance in the house, and smile as you spot the Huntsman by the window. You know he probably can't hear you over the wind, but you ask anyway: "Well?"
The man blinks, like he's waking from a trance. He moves away from the window and opens the door, beckoning you back inside. Behind you, you can hear Death move, but just as he's said, the Huntsman doesn't appear to notice him.
He steps in with you, ducking under the doorway carefully. You have half a mind to ask if it's possible for him to bump into it if he's somewhat incorporeal, but you'd probably look like you're talking to thin air in front of the Huntsman.
"So?" you ask the Huntsman instead.
"Uh - my dad and I talked," he says, motioning to where his father was still sitting on the couch, his hands wrung together and a concerned, but resigned look on his face. "We want to buy some time for Elrick first."
"Fountain of Youth, then?"
"Yes," he says. "I'll swap a week of my life for Elrick."
"And after?"
"We want you to find the one who made his curse," he says. "But - we probably can't pay you in money, but we can give you our harvest - "
You raise a hand, motioning for him to stop. He does.
"Even I don't know if I can find this spellcaster on time. Think about that if I'm successful," you say.
Death leans over to you and says: "Not really selling your services as a mercenary there."
"My skills are more suited for clean-up," you say, both as an answer and a clarification for Elrick's family. "Not detective work."
"That's fine," the old man by the couch says. "Please just help us."
"I'll do what I can." You turn to the Huntsman. "Now, the Fountain of Youth?"
He nods. "Tell me what to do."
You've packed spell ingredients in your satchel just in case they chose to do the Fountain of Youth. You wouldn't have brought it up if you didn't think there was a possibility they wouldn't bite. So you spend the next few minutes throwing yarrow, lavender, and dragonfly wings into a bowl and mashing it all into a poultice. Afterwards, you pull out a dagger from your boot and motion for the Huntsman's hand.
"I need you and your brother's blood," you say. He warily offers you his palm, and you pull it closer so you can get to his lower arm, cutting a thin line near the elbow and catching the dribble of blood in the bowl. You do the same to the unconscious Elrick, mix everything again, and pour the mixture into two different glasses. 
The blood-mash-potion is barely a few centimeters from the bottom of the glasses. The Huntsman looks at you skeptically.
"You said a week," you say. "You underestimate how human lifespans can be."
Behind you, leaning on the wall, though nobody else can see him, Death chuckles.
The father lifts the glass up to his unconscious son's lips while the Huntsman, though grimacing, knocks the whole thing back. A flash of cold sneaks up behind you, and the candles in the room flicker. You look up just in time as Death approaches and reaches a claw out.
As both Elrick and the Huntsman drink, a faint, thin line of gold loops around their necks. Your eyes widen, though neither the Huntsman nor his father seem to see the glowing string. Death slowly, carefully, grazes it with the tip of a sharp nail, and the color melts into bright, searing red, before it vanishes from existence.
"I honor this exchange," he declares. The candles in the room die out, and in the next instance, spring back into brightness, strong and steady.
Oh. Oh. That's why he stuck around. Because an exchange of lifespans means someone's trading in death for that missing life.
"There," you say. "It's done."
"And…Elrick's got a week?"
You glance towards Death as discreetly as you can.
"About a week and two days, you flubbed the amount of blood," he says.
"About a week and two days, made sure to give us a bit of wiggle room," you say.
Death lets out a bark of laughter. "Hack."
"I'll get to looking for that spellcaster as soon as I can," you say. "I'll try to get correspondence sent in a few days."
"Thank you," the father says, the most relieved you've seen him. "Thank you so much."
"Don't thank me yet," you say, eyeing Elrick's sleeping form. He looks way better, less starved, but it'll only be for nine days.
You have to work fast.
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monsterfuxkermarya · 10 months
Dad's older friend (reader x Male OC)
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Now playing: Sugar by Sleep Token
Length: 4471 words, ~ 15 - 20 minute read
Summary: “Please, please daddy, please give me more! Please I’ve been a good girl, please ple-” You get cut off by a moan as he shuffles around to put his fingers back in you, three going in now, and circle around your clit at a much faster pace. You squeal as his fingers, in tandem with the speed of his tongue, find your g-spot. You’re not gonna last much longer at this rate.
CW: fingering, cunnilingus, breeding kink, daddy kink (older man + younger woman), slight somno, multiple rounds, getting caught, first time, uhhhh i think thats it. its just smut that i felt needed some plot and guilt from the older man.
Notes before we begin: hunk of a man but hes a softie - think battering ram König with the personality of Price
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It was always so innocent the way your relationship had gone. Your mom wasn't in the picture, so your dad's friend, Daniel, often stepped in when your dad had to work long hours. It was easy when you were a kid, he just made sure you were well fed and happy after school.
But your dad had started working the night shift on weekends, and with you getting older, he had told Daniel that he didn't need to watch you. He gave you Daniel's number, just in case of emergencies.
Dan started coming over on random occasions when your dad was out, saying he was just checking in. He lingered more, it was obvious that he had a thing for you.
Except to you. You were innocent, your dad had always been so protective of you. Dan was the only person he trusted to watch you, he was always scared when you went out with friends.
Your dad had made a habit of staying at work Sunday night through all Monday because Sunday was the longest shift he had. He usually came home late Monday night.
It had been raining horribly for days at this point. Power had been knocked out at least once every twelve or so hours only to flutter back on in a minute or two. You were scared. So you called Dan. No need to call your dad when he had no chance of making it home until Monday night.
You were quick to answer the knock on your door, praying it was Dan. It had to be Dan, it couldn't be anyone else.
He is quick to hold you, seeing how scared you looked. You needed him.
"Shh, shhh shh pretty girl, you're okay. I know it's been a scary few days. It'll be okay, I promise. It'll be over soon! Come on, let's get you in bed, it'll be okay once you're in bed" He coos out, shaking you softly in his arms.
He was so much bigger than you. At least a foot taller, pure muscle, but such a softie. He would never hurt you.
He rubs the small of your back as you two make your way up the stairs, the thunder shaking you and the house. Discontented noises barely make it out of your mouth, scared but embarrassed of being scared of thunder at this age.
The two of you make it to your room, you flustered as Dan sees your room for the first time in about a month. You had your schoolwork in a pile near your desk, today's clothes thrown near the dirty clothes hamper, papers thrown near your small trash bin. It had been worse, but also a lot better.
"Let's just get you to bed, deary. You're tired" He coos again. The rubbing on your back is softer, his hand feels warmer. You can't help but relax into his hand, moving your hands to start lifting your shirt and pants off, leaving you in only your light pink lingerie. He smiles, placing a hand on your hips and guiding you to the bed you forgot to make this morning.
You sigh as your head hits the pillow, him following in suit. He had always held you in his arms as a kid, so what was so different now? You were just as scared as you were then.
He's attracted to you now. Badly.
He had seen you grow from a little seedling to a beautiful flower, and he knew it was wrong to want you. It was wrong when he saw you on your sweet 16, that dress you were wearing drove him mad. It was wrong to want such a young woman, barely half his age.
But you were almost out of college now, living at home so you didn't have to pay room and board. You were free to do just about whatever you wanted with a dad that was working constantly and Dan not being strict when he was over.
So when you snuggle in a little closer, pulling the covers tighter when a crack of lightning sounds again, he can't help but notice the feeling of your soft lace panties on his crotch. And he groans, soft and low in the shell of your ear like the thunder outside. He holds you a little tighter.
He sits up, moving around to get you water from the kitchen downstairs, letting him think straight. You whimper as he leaves, you don't want to be alone.
"It's okay sweetheart, I'm just getting you some water, I'll be right back. Promise" he whispers as he gets close again, leaving with a small kiss to your forehead. You smile and jump a little when a loud crack of thunder sounds throughout the house just as he leaves your room.
A minute or two goes by before he's rushing up the stairs with two bottles of water - he tried to get them as fast as possible to not leave you alone for too long. He puts them on your bedside table and smiles, shrugging his shirt and jeans off to lay back in bed with you. The two of you snuggle back in together, you sighing at having your comfort again.
You shuffle around until you're facing his chest, chiseled, slightly hairy, and warm. Just where you want to be right now. A hand comes to rub your back, unclipping your bra and trying to slide one strap down. You smile with your eyes closed and move to let him take it off. He holds you a little closer after that.
His other hand goes to grab your thigh, pulling it over his legs to keep yours spread apart. He shifts a little until his crotch is right on yours, keeping you stuck to him. If you moved, you would grind against his tip, but if you didn't, and of course you didn't, he would start to move. His tip is just barely moving, grinding in small circles around your cunt. You gasp at his light ministrations, feeling yourself get wetter and wetter at the thought of him inside you.
Is that okay, though? Do you want your dad's best friend to fuck you? What if your dad found out? What would he do?
He slips two fingers into your panties, feeling your wetness. You feel his cock harden, shifting a little in his boxers. He wants this as bad as you do.
You whimper a little from his ministrations, but also the conflicting thoughts. He wants this too, so it's obviously okay, right?
His fingers start at your clit, circling once or twice, your breath hitching with each burst of electricity. He slowly moves down to your folds, splaying them apart with his fingers. He dives in, slowly, of course, and plays in circles right outside your hole. He smiles as your gasps get louder. As soon as you start bucking, he moves out and around until he's back up, circling his wet fingers at your clit.
You lose track of how many times he does this - how many times he pushes you near the edge but holds you so you don't fall over. Your gasps turn into small hums as he slows down, letting you fall into a rhythm with his fingers. His other hand rubs circles on your back, soft and slow, just like the one circling your cunt. A kiss is placed on the nape of your neck, soft, quiet.
Then he stops all together - pulls his hand from your panties and lets his other hand still on your back. You whine quietly at the loss of friction, wanting to rub your thighs together but unable to due to his thigh being in the way. You move around until you're grinding on his hard cock, desperate for something, anything from him. He can't just bait you like this!
Until he moves you to where both of you are sitting up, you on his lap, a tumbling wet mess for him to shush. He looks at you with his deep olive eyes and sighs. He has to stop. You never said yes. Beyond that, your dad would kill him if he found out. He can't do this.
"I can't do this, pumpkin. Your dad would kill me. I shouldn't've done this to you, deary."
"But, I mean, you want this - I want this! Please Dan, please. Just for tonight, and then you can leave. Please?" You plead with him. You're still sitting right on top of his hard cock, it pressing deliciously into your wet panties. You shift your hips, letting yourself fall into his chest, holding him tight. You shifting on his cock doesn't go unnoticed by the sound of that groan. He just holds you a little tighter.
"You really want this? Look at me and tell me you want this." He pushes you up and holds your shoulders so that you can look up at him. You whimper as you get dug into his cock a little more. Oh god do you want this.
"Please, Dan, I want this so bad. Pleaseeee! Please Dan, please give me your cock - this is all I want I swear!" You plead again. You grind yourself down on his clothed sex, wanting so much more than a few kitten touches from those big hands of his.
He smiles as a groan escapes. He moves and pushes you down on the bed, pushing your panties down somewhere in the process. His hands come up to your waist, sitting there as he looks in your eyes. You both want this, it'll be fine. One hand goes to cup your cheek, the other stays at your hip, making circles as he goes down to kiss you.
You sigh into the kiss, letting his hands roam your body. You feel his knees spreading your thighs apart, letting your glistening cunt front the cold air of the room. You whimper a little at the shock it brings you.
His mouth makes its way down to your neck, leaving multiple wet bruises there. You're his, your dad will surely know. You whimper for other reasons now.
One knee has come in and moved to your cunt, letting you lighty grind on it. Your wetness makes his knee an easier surface to hump as you add more force to it, just wanting to curb your need for him. He smiles at your huffs and whimpers, letting you work yourself up for him. 
He moves down to take one breast into his mouth, one hand coming up to tease the other. You moan a little louder than you should, arching your back into his grasp. You can feel his smile as he goes to nip at your breast. 
His other hand is roaming a little further than just your hip, now moving up and down your sides, petting your thigh and then cupping the side of your breast and down again. He switches which breast he smothers, letting the other now get pinched. 
You feel the coil wind a little tighter. You feel your cunt getting wetter and wetter. You’re sliding on his knee so much that you lose your rhythm, having to find it again. 
He quits abusing your breasts and moves down to your abdomen, placing a trail of kisses down to your womb. He’ll be buried deep in there in no time. 
During this his knee has moved back to allow him to continue kissing you. You whimper as your one source of friction is taken away, the coil cooling down. 
“Shhhh, shhh baby girl, you’ll be fine” He grunts out. He moves to take his boxers off, letting you see the monster he’s been hiding. 
His cock springs to life out of his boxers, resting red and angry on his chiseled abdomen. His cock is weeping precum, begging to be pummeled into someone's little pussy. That someone is you. That someone has been you for years. He smiles down at you as he once again moves down to start stretching you open.
He moves down and latches on to suck on your clit, letting two fingers easily slip into your loose hole. You can’t help but moan at finally getting real attention to your cunt. You can feel him smile into your skin at the sounds you’re making. A third finger slowly makes its way in, stretching you a little more now. 
You can’t get enough of his large, callused hands. They just feel so good in your cunt, like your little pussy was made for his fingers! You can’t help yourself when he starts nipping lightly at your bud, you start trying to fuck yourself on his fingers. You whine and moan loudly as you start pushing down on his fingers, wanting something, anything more than what he’s already giving you. He pulls his fingers out and takes his mouth away.
“What? Dad-Dan, Dan why? I was so close!” You whine as he licks his fingers. He smiles at your taste. 
“Daddy, huh? You’re really digging the nail in the coffin if your dad finds out.” He smirks, slapping your puffy pussy a few times, drinking in your quiet gasps. He gives you no time to relax or come down before he’s back between your legs, but this time his fingers on your clit and his tongue in your hole. You shudder a little at the wetness and beg him to use his tongue more.
He drags his tongue from the bottom of your folds straight up to his fingertips, letting his tongue lightly part your folds. He sucks lightly on one fold before going to the other. He goes back down to start again, doing this two or three more times. 
You’re whining, so close to crying. He’s been teasing you for so long now, the coil in your stomach is so tight that when it unravels it’ll hurt someone. 
“Please, please daddy, please give me more! Please I’ve been a good girl, please ple-” You get cut off by a moan as he shuffles around to put his fingers back in you, three going in now, and circle around your clit at a much faster pace. You squeal as his fingers, in tandem with the speed of his tongue, find your g-spot. You’re not gonna last much longer at this rate.
“Oh, oh god daddy, don’t stop! Please don’t stop! I, I’m gonna cum!” You squeal as he lightly nips at your clit again. You feel his smile as his fingers repeatedly touch your g-spot. 
“You can cum baby girl, cum for daddy.” He groans out as your orgasm finally washes over you. You Moan a little as your thighs shake and you squirt over his fingers. Your clit convulses a little in his mouth. He sucks lightly as he continues to coax your orgasm from you. You sigh a little as his fingers and mouth slow down. He takes his fingers out and moves his mouth away again. 
“God you taste good, baby girl. So good for me, too.” He smears a bit of your juices on your clit and puffy folds, watching you shudder at the lightning that comes from his touch now. 
“Think you can do more, baby? Think you can take daddy’s cock?” He asks as he takes what’s left of the juices on your fingers and licks them clean. You spread your legs apart and let him look at your abused pussy.
“Please daddy, please fuck me!” His cock is leaking on his abdomen, still red and angry. You want it so bad.
“I don’t know baby, you don’t sound like you want it. What do you want? Tell daddy what you want from him.” He asks as he makes his way up to kiss you. He tastes like you. He smells like you. He’s yours.
“Daddy!” You whine, he knows what you want - you want him to fuck you, pound you silly, breed you full. Doesn’t he get that?
“Oh, nothing? I guess we stop here baby girl. It was fun.” He smirks as he makes his way down to your neck again. 
“No, daddy, I, I want you to fuck me silly! I want your cock, I need your cock, please daddy! Daddy please breed me! Please make me yours!” You whine, his smile evident on your skin. He pulls up and away, moving himself into position to fuck you.
“There, was that so hard? All you had to do was tell daddy what you wanted from him!” He coos as he guides his tip to your clit. He uses his precum and your juices to slick himself up. All you feel is pleasure and pain, all you want is more. 
His tip parts your folds, slowly going up and down your cunt. You shiver as he makes it up to your clit and sigh as he circles your hole. 
“Uhm, daddy?” You begin to ask. You look nervous again.
“Yes baby girl? What’s wrong? Do you not want this?” He looks almost as nervous now. 
“No, I do, I do want this. I don't want this to stop! It’s just, that, uhm, you know, it’s like, my first time?” You sound scared. Is he going to stop now?
“Oh, baby girl. It’s okay dear. I’ll go soft. Tap my chest three times if you want me to stop, okay?” You agree to his suggestion, tapping three times to demo for him. He smiles at you. 
He slowly brings himself to your entrance again, lightly pushing against it. His fingers made you loose, so he watches as you suck him in, groaning at the sight. You moan loudly at the feeling. 
“Daddy’s making you feel good, yeah? Just wait baby girl, daddy’ll make you feel so good.” He whispers against the shell of your ear. You whimper at the feeling of getting fuller and fuller. It’s so good, so warm, so full of pleasure there’s almost no pain. 
He finally bottoms out, with a small groan leaving his lips as he feels his groin connect at your cunt. He feels your walls squeezing around him deliciously, making it hard to concentrate. You two sit there for a second, letting you acclimate before he starts again.
“You’re such a good girl, baby, so good for me. So warm, so wet. Making daddy feel so good, y’know that right?” He groans out. He leans down to nip at your neck again, looking at the bruises he’s already left. You hum at his comment. You can’t do much else, he has you so dumbed down for him already. He just does that to you.
After a few more seconds, you find yourself grinding down on his cock, wanting more friction. You whimper at the loss of it, wanting more now. You feel him start to slowly pull out, almost all the way, before sliding back in. His rhythm is slow but strong, you feel him hitting your sweet spot almost immediately. You moan every time he hits it.
“Daddy, daddy, please go faster! Please!” You cry out, wanting more from him. You feel him start to pick up in speed, his light touch to your sweet spot becoming an insistent prodding. You lurch forward and latch onto his back, digging your nails into the muscle. Your legs wrap around his hips as he drills into you harder, shaking the bed. The tighter position adds a new pressure to you, making you cry out louder. 
His pace is brutal, you can’t catch your breath, your stomach is coiling up again. You start crying tears of pleasure, you’re so close to cumming again. You just need his fingers, just need something on your clit, just need your daddy’s big fingers.
“Daddy, please, I’m gonna cum!” You squeal out. He slides a hand down in between the two of you to rest his thumb on your clit. You gasp as he starts making rough, fast circles around it, your wetness making it easy for his thumb to move. 
“Oh, god, Dan! Fuck!” You cry as you cum a second time. You feel the coil snap and your walls tighten. You feel yourself squirting around his cock, lubing him up more to continue. His balls slapping against your skin sound even more lewd now with the wetness. You cling to him tighter as he doesn’t slow, only pound in harder. You whimper as you feel the coil winding up again.
He groans louder as your orgasm washes over you, feeling your walls tighten around him only makes him drill into you harder. He moves to leave more marks on the crook of your neck, Biting roughly and leaving a trail of saliva between each one. 
As you feel the third orgasm begin to build, you feel his hips stutter, his rhythm break. He’s getting close, too. You dig your nails in deeper, leaving claw marks down his back. 
“Fuck baby girl, making daddy feel so good. Gonna stuff you full pumpkin, make you mine.” He grunts as his thrusts lose more rhythm, becoming more like wild thrusts. His finger on your cunt starts up again, making you whine loudly. 
His hips snap once, twice, three more times before you feel his seed painting your walls white. You moan loudly as you spurt whatever you have left in you on his cock, whimpering at being full. You feel warm. 
He sighs and breathes in your smell, your strawberry scented lotion and that tea tree shampoo and conditioner set you use. He rolls onto his back with you still on him, your arms moving to wrap around him and your legs near his. He pets your hair as the two of you come down.
“How long have you wanted to call me daddy?” He whispers as he kisses the crown of your head. 
“Probably since I was 15, I don’t know, whenever I started masturbating.” You mumble against his skin. You smile as you feel his cock twitch inside you, feeling him rut up once or twice to keep his cum inside you. 
The two of you fall asleep, him still buried deep inside your cunt, you still held on his chest. You sigh as you fall asleep to the smell of his cologne.
The first words you hear when you wake up are “Fuck” and some other mumbled obscenities. You don’t stir or open your eyes, hoping to hear what’s going on. 
That is until you feel him slowly rutting into your used pussy. 
“Fuck yeah, baby girl, fuck, so good for me” You hear him mumble. You can’t hold in the whimper as you cling to his chest. He stills.
“You up, pumpkin?” He whispers into your hair. You whimper again, the soreness setting in. Fuck that, you want daddy’s cock again. You grind against his hard cock still inside you, letting his precum be lube for the moment as you get wet.
“Morning, baby.” He kisses your forehead as you lift your head up to look at him. You see the light filtering in, the storm must’ve passed. He slides his thighs up and props your back against them, getting a look at your soft body. This position is strange feeling - so deep, but so much more open. You can't curl up into his body and scratch up his back, can’t wrap your legs around his hips and let him take control. Sure, you could fall back into his grasp and let him use you like a fleshlight, but he would just prop you back up - he wants to look at you.
His hands roam up and down your sides, slowly moving inward. One moves up to cup your breasts, playing with one then the other. The other goes down to your womb, where he can just see the outline of his cock in you. He pushes down, eliciting a moan from the both of you. 
You start to slowly grind your pussy down on his lap, letting your wetness make itself known with the soft squelches that it makes as you move forward and backward. You whimper at being full, at being on top. He slides his hands down to sit firmly on your waist, grabbing you. He wants to guide you. 
As he pulls up, he wants you to go up on his cock. Then he lets you sink back down. He helps you up and then lets you push yourself back down. You moan as you start to slide up and down faster, letting his hands just rest on your waist. The squelches from your pussy get louder as you get more force behind your sliding. He groans and sits back, watching your breasts lightly bounce with you, your mouth make a small ‘O’ as you rock down hard enough to hit your sweet spot, and your hands come up, one to your mouth to bite your nails, and the other to play with a nipple. 
He grunts as he grabs your hips again, slamming you down as you start to slow down. You whimper at being full, at being so small compared to him that he can treat you like a fleshlight. As he sets you back on to the rough pace he wants, he shuffles back up so one hand is on the breast you have yet to tease, and the other down to play with your puffy clit. He gathers your slick and uses it to lightly circle your nub, applying the pressure you’ve been wanting. 
You shake a little on his cock, squirting softly as your orgasm hits you like a truck. You feel him start to rut into you, pulling you back down onto his chest so he can hold you through it. You whimper as his pace picks up from a fast pace to a brutal, non-rhythmic pounding. He’s getting close, too.
“Fuck, doll, you’re too good to me. Letting me use you no matter what. Love you pumpkin.” He growls lowly. You whimper as his hips start stuttering.
“Love y’too, daddy. S’much.” Your words still slurred from waking up. He grunts and holds you tight as he empties his balls into you again, warming your insides. You sigh and hold onto his chest tighter, letting both your orgasms wash over you. He starts to play with your hair, planting kisses every now and then. You plant a small kiss or two to his chest. 
The light filtering in is warming you two up on the outside, but both of you are sweating heavily. Your pussy still warm and wet, his cock slowly softening, him still rutting into you every few seconds to drive his seed in deeper.
“What the fuck, Dan!?”
Fuck. Dad came home early.
Guess you don’t have to worry about dad finding out later.
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Sorry for like a four month break in writing. Kinda got writers block, but I mean classes also kinda got in the way. Anyway. So grateful for thanksgiving break rn. Omg I’ve been getting so many mw2 edits on TikTok please don’t be mad I love my hunks of men I call bbgs (maybe that's why I havent written since like July lolz)
Idk why but FASHION has been stuck on repeat for at least two days now, i love the beat. Also the first time i listened to it I was high, soooooooo I thought of this idea when I was high btw so you can thank my cherry flavored edibles for this idea.
Leave a comment or DM me/leave an ask if you have any ideas you want me to write, im open to anything <3
Ty @/magicalboything for the dividers 🤍
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sanguineterrain · 2 years
hello! can i request from the prompt list #9 for steve please?? tyyy ❤️
9. Wiping away someone's tears. this one is kinda heavy, but fluffy-ish ending!
tw: nightmares. steve harrington x gn!reader
It's dark here. No, more than that. It's empty.
You can't see anything but dead trees and fog for miles. You can't remember why you're walking but you know it's important. You know you have to carry on because... you're searching for something. Or someone.
Every inhale hurts. This air burns your throat, like you're swallowing ash.
He is not here.
The voice. You stop and reach for a weapon that isn't there. A bat. Why do you expect a bat?
I took him, the voice says, as if speaking of the weather.
The words sink into your bones. The cracked mud chips below your feet. Who are you looking for?
I am not so cruel to give you hope, either.
Your knees hit the earth. It's cold. The air singes holes in your lungs.
So I will tell you now, says the voice. He is dead.
And now, you can't breathe. Steve. You're looking for Steve. Steve who's dead.
"No," you choke, but it's like shouting into space. You have no voice left to grieve him.
There is no space for your tears. The voice does not speak again but you know you are stuck you'll be kept alive in death Steve is gone, Steve is dead, Steve--
You wake up tangled in the sheets. Your heart races and blindly, you feel the space next to you. It's empty.
"Steve!" you wail, exhaustion dragging your tone. "Steve Steve Steve St--"
"Hey, hey, hey. Hey, baby, I'm here, hang on."
Something clatters against the nightstand. You fight the blanket, trying to hold the voice. Hands hold your face and you cry harder, pulse thundering in your ears.
"Baby, honey, Y/N. It's okay, it's okay. Let me turn on the light, just---"
Orange light fills the room. Steve is in front of you, hair mussed from sleep and he's warm and alive. He deftly unravels the sheets you're twisted in. As soon as you're free, you cling to him.
"Hey, 's okay," he whispers into your neck. "It's okay, it's okay. Just a dream."
"It felt so real," you sob, fingers digging into the back of his t-shirt. "He took you, you--you were--"
"I'm not." Steve cups the back of your head. "Hey, hey, baby. I'm here. You feel me, right?"
You clutch him tighter. If you don't, you'll wake back up in the Empty.
"Don't let him get me," you beg, throwing a leg over Steve's hip. "I won't go, I won't leave you, don't--don't---"
"I got you, I got you. Oh, baby." Steve's voice cracks. "Baby, please. It's okay, we're here. Nobody's getting you."
You feel him lean back. The panic returns.
"No, no, n-no---"
"I'm not going anywhere."
Steve coaxes your face out from his neck. His own eyes are watery. He sniffs, quickly wiping his nose. Your lip wobbles more. He shakes his head.
"No, please, please don't cry. I'm here, I'm here with you. We're not back there. He can't hurt us."
Steve brushes a thumb under your eye, catching the spilled tears. He picks up the edge of his shirt and dabs at your cheeks, kissing the spot after each wipe. You still have his shirt in your own hands, knuckles aching from how long you've been holding on.
"I can't lose you," you gasp, more hot tears flowing.
Steve keeps drying them. His eyes are slightly red. You let go of his shirt and collide with his chest. You need to feel him breathe, feel his heat.
"You won't lose me," he says, wrapping his arms around you. "I'm here. I promise. This is not a dream, not an illusion. I'm here."
Steve slowly shifts both of you back to the head of the bed. Without letting go, he eases you onto your side. You make a soft noise, the tears subsiding. Steve puts both of his legs around yours, fully cocooning you in his embrace.
Your heartbeat sinks back down. Steve rubs circles into the base of your shoulder blades.
"I got you," Steve whispers into your bones.
"I won't let anybody take you from me. Never."
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