#throwing up bags can be found at the various exit points
joannerowling · 4 months
Omg that post about "hp universialy being considered a fluke" is unintentional comedy gold lmao. Like imagine typing all that out and then posting it and thinking people will find it to be a normal and not at all unhinged post lol. Honestly, I'm at a point when melodramatic posts like that one make me laugh, I don't even feel the need to tell them anything at this point, I just laugh and scroll past.
Yep, it's like the five stages of grief! First there's denial ("no… no way… they can't be seriously believing that JKR implied Umbridge was fucked by centaurs"), anger ("are they for real claiming that JKR meant Umbridge got fucked by centaurs?!…?? like it's normal to think that???!"), bargaining ("maybe if i reblog the post to explain that centaurs are not automatically associated with rape in a modern story aimed at children, only in their head…"), depression ("… my god. some people are always gonna believe Umbridge was fucked by centaurs, huh?"), and finally acceptance ("welp, more material for my bad hp takes tag i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯")
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t3ag3rs · 6 months
g e n s o - 0 6.
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"it's now time to choose a class representative.."
sighs out mr. aizawa looking at the class. "vote for me!" exclaims various students raising their hands to gain attention.
 "yeah.. probably dont vote for me" you say bluntly, hating the thought of having all the attention on you if you were to be class representative. 
"no way! i wouldve totally voted for you!" replies kirishima staring at you in shock. you let out a laugh, "well thats nice to know, but the thought of all that attention just seems so wrong..!"
You stare at the results dumb-founded. 
There was actually no way people had voted for you. "alright, which one of you guys voted for me?" you ask. mina and kirishima both turn their attention elsewhere and you narrow your eyes. "you two little shits are not sly" they let out a mischievous grin and stick out their tongues. 
you stand in front of the class next to deku as mr. aizawa tells the class the roles for you two. you were given deputy and he was given the head representative. at the end of class you walk toward mr. aizawa and ask him to give your role to yaoyorozu, "if its alright sir- i would like to give yaoyorozu my role of deputy, i think she would be better fit for the role instead of me" you explain. 
he just nods, "whatever you say kid..." you let out a smile of triumph and walk out of class.
deciding to skip lunch, you find a teacher and ask her if there was a gym or training room in the building. "there sure is! just head up to the top floor and there should be a receptionist who can help you out!" smiles a teacher, you thank her and head upstairs to find the receptionist. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you talked to the receptionist and she registered you in the gyms system. she hands you a card and explains that the card will allow you to come into the gym whenever you wanted. you bow and thank her before walking into the gym lock. you change into a pair of workout clothes you had packed in your bag. 
walking into the gym you let out a smile realizing it was completely empty. i guess no one wants to come into the gym during their lunch.. you throw your bag somewhere in the room and grab a set of hand wraps. placing yourself in front of a punching bag, you start stretching quietly while listening to music. 
you stand back up after stretching your muscles. you throw a couple of jabs at the punching bag and step back to take off your sweatpants, leaving you only with a sports bra and biker shorts. walking back to the bag, you continue throwing kicks and jabs letting the sound of the bag echo the room. 
you let out a smile enjoying the slight sting your knuckles felt when it came to contact with the bag. this place was your home, the equipment and the slight smell of sweat (as weird as it sounded) made you feel at ease. you could let everything out in here and no one would say anything.
suddenly you stop in your tracks when you hear the door open and close from the locker room revealing bakugou in a black wifebeater and sweatpants. You widen your eyes and feel a wave of insecurity hit you as you realize you were showing much more skin than usual.
"the fuck you looking at genso?" he sneers, you turn your head away embarrassed he caught you staring, and focused your attention back to the bag in front of you. god why him, why right now..?
you kick the bag and jab twice, feeling the sweat start to drip down your neck. you hear the shuffle of his feet and see him pick the punching bag right next to you. 
fuck this shit.. im out.
you walk to the locker room before bakugou called out to you, "where the fuck do you think your going?"
you freeze, before pointing to the exit and replying bluntly, "back to lunch." 
bakugou scoffed and rolled his eyes, "yeah right.. and do what? stare at everyone else eating while you sit still and pick at your nails like yesterday?" he crosses his arm over his chest.
you widen your eyes, had he been staring at you in the cafeteria eating? "were you watching eat or something? kinda creepy bakugou..." you respond crossing your arms over your chest, mimicking him.
his face shifts into disgust, "why would i ever stare at you?" he retorts, "besides your going to fight me. right here, right now." he threatens, walking closer to you.
you let out a laugh, "thats real funny, but first of all.. back up," you put your hand on his chest and push him back feeling his muscles through the thin fabric. "and second- im not fighting you."
he smirks, "are you scared to fight me??" you roll your eyes and sigh out at his ego. "besides if you wanna start preparing for the sports festival i suggest you start training now."
"gee thanks for looking out for me bakugou, i greatly appreciate that reminder" you roll your eyes and walk back to the bags, "but im not scared of fighting you, i just dont want to." you swing at the bag growing impatient at the pestering of bakugou.
"couldnt give a flying fuck about your opinion- your fighting me and thats that" he shrugs with a sly smile. 
right before you could shoot another retort, the alarm rings. "whats going on..?" you walk to the locker room door to open it before a wall of metal shuts you and him in. "great.." you sigh out, "im stuck in here with you outta all people.." you sulked.
"hah?! i heard that!" he yells, and you look at him and force a smile, "i wanted you to." he grits his teeth and his palms start smoking, "would ya look at that..! little bakugous angry!" you tease, finding his reaction entertaining.
of course you didnt realize your mistake until you were shoved up against the wall with tiny explosions dangerously close to your face. "listen here genso, im not gonna waste my time trying to convince you to fight me- you are going to whether you like it or not!" you hold your breath at the close proximity between you and him.
you use your wind and push him back a good two feet away from you. "listen here bakugou, i dont care if you think your so strong, i am not going to fight you and thats final. now leave me alone."
suddenly the wall of metal lifts and you rush out to the locker room to change out. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you huff as you walk into class. 
you find deku telling the class he wanted iida to take his role of class representative. sitting down in your seat quietly, you rest your face in your hands and bakugou walks in. he takes his seat next to you and focuses on aizawa.
stupid bakugou thinking he can always get what he wants... who does he think he is?? a spoiled brat thats what. 
"alright, todays training will be a little different. youll have three instructors, we'll be focusing on rescue training." the class erupted in chatter. "you all will be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, etc." explains aizawa.
you let out a small smile, your quirk was more helpful in battle, but it could be helpful in rescue when used the right way.
"what you wear in this exercise is up to you. it may be a disadvantage to use your costumes since you arent all that used to it yet, but it can also help you adapt quickly. this special training is at an off campus facility, so get changed and meet me outside to get on the bus."
you grab your costume and go to change. you quickly glance at the mirror to make sure you look fine before going to the bus. "gather round class 1-a! line up by your seat number so we can enter the bus efficiently!" whistled iida.
you giggle before waiting for everyone to get into the bus before walking in. you let out a low curse as the only seat available was the one next to bakugou. you drag your feet to the seat and you hear mina let out a small apology, "sorry y/n..! you know how explosive his personality is..!" you sighed and agreed, "literally explosive." the bus lit up in a fit of giggles.
"could i sit by the window?" you ask him quietly, he just stares at you and gets up. your eyes widen as you smile, and you giddily sit in the seat. 
you sigh as the trip starts. putting in your earbuds, you lean against the window going quiet. breathing slowly you feel your body fall asleep. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
"oh my god kiri, look...!" mina points at you sleeping on the window peacefully. kirishima lets out a laugh, "holy shit look at them!" unbeknownst to the two of you, bakugou had fallen asleep on your shoulder. 
"quick! someone take a photo!" exclaims kaminari enjoying the sight in front of him, gaining the attention of the entire bus. "geez he actually doesnt look so bad when he isnt raging about everything.." mutters mina as she snaps a quick photo. 
"god im so gonna tease the two about it!" chuckles kirishima, as he stifles a laugh. 
bakugou lets out a low groan at the noise and the whole bus goes quiet. "we probably should be quiet before he explodes this whole bus..." mumbles sero. 
when you woke up you felt your face heat up at the sight of bakugou sleeping on you. deciding not to interrupt his sleep you stayed still and allowed him to continue. you relished in the quiet moments you got without having to hear him blast your eardrums. 
he isnt that bad when hes not going rabid.. he doesnt look that bad either- what the fuck am i saying?? its katsuki fucking bakugou! 
you move your arm a bit waking bakugou up. you stare at him sweatdropping, his eyes widens and a small blush creeps up on his face. "got a bit comfortable there ey bakugou?" teases kaminari smirking, "shut the fuck up dunce face before i explode you into last week!" rages bakugou.
ah there goes that quiet.
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previous parts: pt. 0 0 / pt. 0 1 / pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 next parts: pt. 07 / pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 / pt. 13 / pt. 14 / pt. 15
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goldwill-writing · 8 months
In Someone Else's Skin- Chapter One: Erin
Summary: Inspired by “Tilikum” by Llama_Goddess. "Depoe is a janitor at Salvation Sanctuary, the one and only true sanctuary for aquasapiens. While it’s not what he imagined, Depoe is fine with this… kinda. One faithful day, they catch the eye of the illusive Erin. What follows is something they would have never expected."
Before Reading:
This work is intended to work as a writing exercise. The first chapter is similar to Llama_Goddess’, and for that- I apologize. Full credit to them for being what inspired this story. I heavily HEAVILY suggest reading her works- as they are all incredibly well written.
All characters in this story are original to me and a friend. The premise of chapter one and other basic details are based from Tilikum by Llama_Goddess.
Depoe and Erin are both the main characters of several other works in a string of AUs I’ve written to explore their characters for their own story.
This is not beta-read, and rocky, as all my first chapters are.
------------ “Please locate your nearest exit, the Sanctuary will close in 10 minutes. Thank you, have a good night!” The cheery tone that followed the usual announcements distorted somewhat and grated on their nerves. 
He grits his teeth and dumps the dustpan into his trash can, pulling a mop from the bucket they pull along behind them. A particularly large puddle of vomit had been completely ignored by the day-staff, and merely coned off for him to clean. They wrinkle their nose at the acrid smell, nearly gagging himself as the puddle leaves a stain in the faded, old carpeting. The lights had long since turned off, leaving only the eerie red “emergency” lights that lined the pathways. They huff, again, and douse the stain in chemicals that reek of fake citrus. He adjusts his name tag, giving a lopsided grin to the tag covered in fun stickers surrounding the name “Depoe”- which he’d always found fitting, considering where they work. Depoe went around the room, gathering the bags from trash bins to toss into his. 
As if on instinct, they avoid brushing against the large tank in the middle of the room. The room, which was one of the least visited for its intended purposes, held many cushions and couches. Its circular shape was to complement the cylindrical tank in the center of the room. The tank itself was a marvel in Depoe’s eyes, a near perfect recreation of rare deep sea reefs, dim black-lights to keep the illusion of the near pitch blackness of the depths alive. Informative props, signage, and wall decals are the only interesting things about the room, however. The dim lighting, the couches, and the cool air are the main features of the room that attract visitors. Parents bring their children into the quiet room to have naps and calm down from the excitement of the more… lively attractions. 
The room, in that regard, was meant to display one of the rarest types of deep sea sirens. Depoe chuckles bitterly at this notion. Erin, the allegedly “hauntingly beautiful” octopus siren, had never made an appearance before. Even most of the keepers had never seen her. Her pressurized tank held an impressive 600 thousand gallons of water, spanning 60 feet at its widest points and 30 feet tall, the hidden Goliath had plenty of space to swim. 
“It’s too bad the spoiled brat never comes out.” Depoe rolls his eyes, inserting some cash into the vending machine near the entrance to the exhibit. Snack in hand, and earbuds at the ready, Depoe staggered towards the tank. They plopped down on one of the many cushions in the room to take their break. 
Music fills their ears and lures them to a better place. Four years of college, another year filled with internships, and half a year of personal study… and this is where he lands. Up to their teeth in debt, mopping up various liquids and picking up trash that pompous assholes were too good to throw away on their own. 
His dreams tend to drown him, pulling him under waves of illusions, regardless of if he wants it or not. Their eyes glaze over, unseeing of the world around them, and they gaze at a nondescript spot in the tank. In their mind, they’re hundreds of feet underwater, or maybe millions of feet up in the air. Wherever they may be, he’s suspended in perfect pitch black. Their nerves gloriously unstimulated, no lights, no sounds, a euphoric lack of smells. He felt like he was in paradise. Until suddenly, he’s surrounded by brilliant lights. Sharp, unrelenting bone runs against his skin, and a sweet ambrosia on his tongue. A salty scent, as briney as the ocean itself fills his nose.
Depoe is dragged back to reality when his phone dies. They sigh loudly, crumpling up his wrapper in their hands frustratedly. On instinct he looks up without paying attention, only to glance up a second time, yelping loudly. 
“H-holy fuck!” He screams, scrambling backwards. Eight long, thick tentacles- all scarred and one a shorter stump- suction to the side of the tank. Two clawed hands press against the glass. A pair of glowing eyes lock on his. 
Pure. Raw. Primal hunger. 
Depoe freezes, chest heaving rapidly in a fearful exhilaration. She’s pressed herself as close to the glass as she possibly can. Her gills flare open and closed rapidly, pupils darting between thin slits and wide dilated black holes that eat up the startling radioactive green of her eyes. 
And above all, Depoe notes, she’s massive. A colossal behemoth that must be twice- no- three times his height. The base of each tentacle was no doubt thicker than double his waist, strong enough to crush his skull with a single flex. Long, black, needle-like claws are affixed to each thin finger. Her lips pressed together in a thin, expressionless, line. Black, purple, and blue speckles are splattered across her delicate face, her shoulders, neck, and collarbones. It was like someone had flicked a paintbrush at her pure white skin. Something deep in his soul, if he even had one, told him that if she did so much as peel back her lips, he would see a row of razor sharp teeth like ivory spindles. His studies told him that should she open her mouth, there would be several rows of said blades. 
Something stirred in him, like some pure primal instinct to run, to puff up his chest, to do anything. But his mind hummed with static whiteness, leaving him gaping at the illusive beast before him. Surely, they were the first one to see her in… well, he thinks it would be weeks, maybe months, at this point. Not even her keepers were successful in luring her out, the darkness of the tank making it near impossible to catch her on camera unless she chose to glow. He opened his mouth, gaping at her like a fish out of water. Suddenly, he found himself craving water as his voice lodged in his throat. Despite his fear, they pushed past it and managed to squeak out a greeting. 
“H-hello…” They stutter, unsure if she could even hear him. Her head tilts to the side before the glass is covered in black ink. By the time the filtration clears the water, she’s gone. The tank is just as empty as ever. 
“Depoe, are you on a walkie?” A crackling voice comes from the small device on his hip. 
“Well… it was nice meeting you… I guess.” They whisper to an empty room.
Depoe: @antholozities
Inspired by:
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thekingreturn · 3 years
League Roadtrip Headcanons
Characters: Shigaraki, Spinner, Twice, Mr Compress, Big Sis Magne, Dabi
Tomura Shigaraki
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Tomura Shigaraki makes your departure late waiting until he’s sure his devices are properly charged. Nevermind if you’ve got a remote charger, or that its only going to be a few hours, he’s not risking being screenless and stuck looking at the scenery (heaven forbid). You’ve (affectionately, probably) described his car ride habits as nesting. He swaddles his lower half in blankets, reclines the seat as far back as he can get away with, shoves a pillow behind his head, and settles in for a few hours with his headphones and whatever game he’s reserved for this thing. Just set whatever snacks you get him on his chest and he’ll graze on them at his leisure.
In general he prefers to be pretty quiet, long car rides actually aren’t great for him mentally. He doesn’t like the idea of being forced to be in close proximity to a person with no feasible exit. Not that he resents spending time with you, just that he gets grouchy and withdrawn on principle if he thinks he has no choice. Every two hours or so, though, he’ll turn off the game, straighten his seat (likely sending a shitload of crumbs into your car carpet) and just sort of. Butt his head against your shoulder until you start talking to him or at least pet his head. He’ll let himself enjoy it for a few minutes before relapsing back into his pseudo den
He can’t drive and thus you will be running this show for the entirety of it. Afterwards, though, you notice him..hovering, more than usual, just sort of urging you to lie down and bringing you food with the same sort of furtive expectance as a cat bringing you dead mice. You think this is his way of thanking you, but don’t confront him on it. Each time is a little easier with him. 
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Shuichi Iguchi (Spinner) may be one of the few members of the League who knows what he’s doing behind the wheel, but between you and him he actually doesn’t like doing it very much. He gets jumpy on the road and is prone to getting snappish with the other drivers. Still, he wants to do his part to pitch in, so tends to take the beginning and end of the drive. He also casually takes over snack detail and is the one to get out of the car and fill it with gas, as well as unload and reload the car. And navigation to boot. He’s a giver. Don’t tell anyone.
The level of conversational adeptness really depends on how long you’ve been seeing each other. Early stages comes up abruptly against his inability to small talk, you swear at some point he furtively checks his phone for icebreakers he found on the internet. Later stages bring ease with them, though, and with them Spinner’s favorite Olympic sport, complaining. The man pretends to hate gossip but if you hit the right buttons he’s more than happy to give you heavily editorialized anecdotes about the League and his various observations therein. Join in with some of your own, he’s a surprisingly good audience. The conversations will turn political at some point (and if you’re dating him, chances are good that’s somewhere you’re happy to follow) but if needed he can be convinced to leave work at work.
Spinner rarely initiates, even later on, but he’s kind of a sucker for tropey couple shit. Hold his hand while driving and he’ll get real quiet, even if it’s just for a second or two. Wrap your arms around him in the gas station while he pays, remind him that you’re proud to be seen with him. Kiss his cheek for getting your bags, make him feel valued. He’ll be following you around like a lovesick puppy.
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Jin Bubaigawara (Twice) prefers to be the one driving, even going over his limits while insisting he’s fine. He can be convinced to take a break once you start to notice he’s barely holding his eyes open, but it will in fact, take some convincing not to get him to just slam back a questionable amount of five hour energies. He finds it relaxing, one of the few times he can just sort of sink into a process. Keep an eye on his turns, occasionally he’ll take a couple he didn’t mean to, but its a good way to feel a little more in control of himself and the situation.
He’s a good guy to have around a car, capable of changing a tire or getting the engine back up and running before you finish looking up tow services. He won’t necessarily ask for a reward but depending on how late in the relationship you are he’s definitely going to be giving you hopeful glances until he gets the affection he craves so badly.
The man basically invented rubbing your partner’s thigh while driving, he likes keeping a hand on you whenever he can, likes feeling you next to him. It’s such a simple thing but something about having you in his car really does make him feel trusted. He doesn’t really get a whole lot of areas where he feels competent. When you fall asleep a little before arriving home, and he gets to carry you inside, feeling how completely you let yourself depend on him? There’s nothing else quite like it.
Mr. Compress
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Atsuhiro Sako (Mr. Compress) is...an ok driver. He thinks he’s better than he is, you can tell from the way he handles the wheel, the little flick of his hand as he hits his turn signal and the way he’ll narrate whatever he’s doing. And in practice, he is pretty good! Until other drivers with less of a showmanship factor hit the road. Which is always. All it takes is one guy pulling ahead of him too fast and he gets flustered enough to throw him off his game.
The two of you switch off driving at pretty even intervals. Even with navigation apps (which he does use, he’s not a Luddite) he still prefers to have a paper map on hand to cross reference it. He can be a little annoying with it but he more than makes up for it with the way he’ll touch your shoulder to indicate an offramp. “Why don’t we turn here, angel, its scenic.”
He’s much more about the journey than the destination, happy to divert the trip into an exploration of local curiosities if the two of you have time. He likes the anonymity of these small drive through towns where the two of you could be anyone, anything to the locals. He’ll squeeze your hand and murmur legends or history pieces if he knows any about the place (he makes about half of them up, but they’re nice stories anyways).
These things always take longer than it should, but he makes it all feel like but a moment.
Big Sis Mag
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Mag Hikishi (Magne) is another one who prefers to drive than be driven, and to be frank, you may as well let her. If stuck in the passenger seat she has a bad case of invisible brake and tends to grip the ceiling a little too pointedly. She has absolute faith in your abilities, and also if she’s going to be in a car crash she at least wants it to be her own fault. Its alright, darling, just sit in the passenger seat and look pretty for her, won’t you?
Master of the shortcut that takes you an hour off course, its best if you leave without an expected arrival time. She likes starting trips bright and early, likes seeing the roads clear of other cars and getting to enjoy those quiet morning hours with you. Not that things are often quiet with Mag. She has this ability to get you talking about almost anything for hours, with plenty of her own contributions to boot. She’s lived a storied life, and she wants to hear your own.
Mag has strong opinions on gas station snacks (Takis, string cheese if they have any, and water being a go to) and will absolutely hover a little to make sure you’re well hydrated for long hours in the hot car. She has an eclectic collection of CDs if you don’t feel like talking, and if you need silence, well...that’s harder, but she’ll do it for you, only occasionally breaking it with a peck on the cheek. She enjoys these moments with just the two of you, able to just bounce off of each other and get absolutely mushy without her beloved coworkers around to tease. For a moment, at least, things all feel like they might be ok.
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Dabi, like Shigaraki, never got his license and isn’t really interested in trying for it. He doesn’t really like any form of transportation and tends to walk most places when he gets the option, given he has a tendency to get motion sick and it’s really hard to keep up your persona of unflappable bad boy while turning a few shades of green. Still, sometimes its unavoidable, so he flings himself in the backseat, props open a window, and prays he’ll knock out soon.
Dabi’s not the easiest partner in the world to communicate with under the best of circumstances, but now especially when every jolt makes him regret being born (moreso than usual) and the only thing coming out of his mouth when he opens it is complaints about how that brat of a leader is doing this to him on purpose, has to be. This is one of the rare instances where fussing over him actually gets some desirable results. Tuck a blanket around him, get him set up with some water, and check in on him every time you stop. Eventually a hand shoots out from between the front seats and grabs at the air until you take the hint and lock your fingers through his. Its not much, but from Dabi? Its everything.
Ultimately he does his best to sleep through these incidents and has you under a firm promise to never describe them to the others, ever. He’ll incentivize it if he has to. You know he’s good for it.
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randomshyperson · 3 years
hey I love your writings so so much. May I request an AU where Wanda and reader are undercover on a mission and have to pretend they are dating for some reason? 👉👈 I just love those cheesy cliches so much hahaha but only if you like the idea really. Have a beautifull day! ❤️
Hello Sweetie, how are you? I hope well. So you said “AU” and i kind interpreted it as secret agents then, other then Avengers super hero. I hope you like this, is heavily inspired by Hitman videogames.
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Wanda Maximoff x Reader -  Undercover Feelings.
Words:  2.907k (short one) // Read on AO3 too.
Warnings: None ;)
You are in Italy. Right now in a very compromising position.
You can see the sea many meters below you as you are sneaking along the edge of a mountain. And then your communicator is ringing, and you let out a sigh, trying not to fall over as you press the device to your ear.
- Yes? - You sneer, dragging yourself along the wall.
- Where the hell are you? - asked Wanda sounding annoyed. - Our target is here.
- I'm a little busy here, honey. - You grumble, stopping your pacing only to wipe the wetness from your hands, not wanting to slip. 
- Hurry up. - She asks, and from her low tone you imagine that she is trying to hide that she is talking to you. - I'm in the main square.
And then she hangs up and lets out an impatient sigh. Your job sucks sometimes. 
You and Wanda were assigned to recover important information from a mafia figurehead, who was to spend his vacation on an island in Italy. The problem was being able to infiltrate the place. You had the bright idea to install a hacking device in the security system of the house, the problem was that it was fusing the rock of the mountain where the house was located. Wanda would not approve of you hanging twenty feet out to sea, but it was your job after all. 
Fortunately, you were able to install the device into the Mansion's system. And now you would be able to find the place where the information was stored. After checking if your watch was receiving the correct signals from the device, you made your way back up the mountain as quickly as possible, not wanting to leave Wanda alone.
The island of Sapienza was small, so it didn't take long for you to locate Wanda sitting in the square, a summer dress leaving her legs exposed. You tried not to stare too hard. It was not an opportune moment to deal with your buried feelings.
Assuming a friendly pose, and straightening the summer shirt you were wearing, you walked over to her with a smile, also noticing the man sitting next to her, who was apparently your target, Johann Schmidt.
- Hello. - You greeted cheerfully. Wanda smiled and stood up.
- Honey, there you are! - she said excitedly, hurrying to stand beside you as she held your hand. When she kissed your cheek, she whispered "Play along". And you ignored the beating of your heart to force a smile as you looked at Johann. - I have just met Dr. Schmidt.
The man looks at you curiously, rising to his feet. You offer your hand to him.
- It is a pleasure to have you in Sapienza. - He says with a smile as he shakes your hand.
You nod in agreement.
- I must return to my duties now, Mrs. Maximoff, but I appreciate the conversation we had. - He then says, you think you are imagining that Wanda's grip on your hand has increased. - It was very enlightening.
As he leaves, Wanda lets out a loud sigh of relief. She lets go of your hand and turns to you.
- Where have you been?" she asks through gritted teeth, and you look at her quizzically.
- "Honey"? - You quip ironically, wanting to know more about the disguise. Wanda rolls her eyes, but you notice the redness in her cheeks. - I had to find a way to find out where the data was. - You tell her, sitting down at the table she was at. Wanda sits down next to you. And then you hold out your arm to her, looking around. You notice the guards watching at various points in the square, and you look at her tenderly. - Pretend that you are stroking my hand.
Wanda frowns, but obeys. You enjoy the feeling of your fingers together, but say nothing. Then you hold out your other hand, activating the clock to let her see the information you have acquired.
She reads it for a moment, then looks at you.
- The data is in the downstairs room, so we will need to infiltrate the mansion.
You nod slightly, careful to appear entertained on a romantic date, as you notice the security guards in the square. And then you really are looking at Wanda, her bright green eyes, and you feel a chill in your stomach.
- What exactly is our cover? - You ask with a smile, and Wanda blushes, averting her eyes and stopping stroking your hand momentarily, surprised by the question.
- I told Schmidt that we were engaged - she says, and you smirk. - Stop that face, that's the first thing I thought of!
- Why not sisters? Or friends? - You playfully tease, and Wanda lets out a grumble.
- Damn it, shut up. - She says but she is also smiling. - This is a romantic city, okay? It makes sense.
- Yes, yes. - You joke, and Wanda pinches your skin lightly making you laugh. 
You straighten your posture slightly, your free hand that was on the table moving across the iron, until it reaches Wanda's arm, gently moving up her skin with a caress. You brought your hand up to her face, taking a strand of hair from her eyes to put behind her ear.
- How do we get into the house? - You whisper to her, looking at her intensely as you play with strands of her hair. To anyone watching from afar, you would seem very much in love.
- That's why our disguise is good. - She comments with a smile. - There is a ball at the Mansion tomorrow night. Limited access to the upper floors of course, but I'm sure we can work around that.
You smile at her, thinking about the strategy. And then the restaurant waiter approaches the table, and you move away.
You eat lunch in comfortable silence after that, and as you get up and walk toward the small apartment you have been given for the mission, Wanda entwines her hand in yours, and you want to ignore that it is just for cover.
Wanda leaves the apartment in the evening, shortly after you have finished going over the plan. And she comes back only two hours later, with a mischievous smile and bags in her hands, and you look at her curiously while sitting on your bed.
- What's that? - you ask, and she just hums, putting the bags on the bed.
- Something you're going to hate. - She comments with a smile. And then she is pulling a long dress out of one of the bags. - This is your outfit.
- No. 
- Yes.
You let out an unhappy sigh.  And you stand up when Wanda waves for you to come closer. She holds the dress in front of your body, biting a smile across her lip in excitement.
- Why can't I wear pants? - You grumble as Wanda lowers the dress onto the bed.
- It's a gala party, darling. - she says. - You'd draw too much attention being a girl in a suit.
- That's not fair. - You retort.
- You know how these Nazis are, and their gender rules. - She says, and you shrug. And then Wanda smiles, turning to the other bag, and you throw yourself back on your bed.
 - Don't be so grumpy, at least you'll be able to carry a gun.
You look at her with confusion, and she giggles. She walks over to the dresser, and pulls out two holsters. She tosses one into your lap. - Wear it on your leg, below the thigh. They don't search this area. 
You nod in agreement, leaving the holster on the bedside table. And then you lie back on the bed, while Wanda puts your clothes away. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep after that.
You were staring. And honestly, it wasn't your fault. Wanda looked absolutely stunning in her party dress. And you felt your brain short-circuit when she left the room wearing it. You cleared your throat, and tried not to embarrass yourself so much when you said she looked beautiful. And Wanda just smiled and entwined your arms together.
Now you stand at the entrance of the mansion, mentally calculating and analyzing the number of security guards and all the exits, trying not to let yourself be too affected by the girl next to you.
You pass smoothly through the search, the security guards looking very uncomfortable from the stern look you gave them when they touched Wanda, and in less than two minutes you are released.
And then Wanda kept her hand in yours all night, casually whispering the position of the guards in your ear. 
Two or three songs later, and some polite conversation, you were sneaking downstairs, Wanda's hand in yours.
You sneaked through the kitchen, ducking and hiding through the furniture to avoid being seen. The clock on your wrist guided you along the way. 
When you finally reached the small security room, you beckoned with your finger for Wanda to be quiet. You looked around in the hallways, and bent down to hack at the door. You barely opened the handle and Wanda hurriedly pushed you inside. 
You were about to ask her what was wrong, but she covered your mouth with her hand. And then you heard footsteps outside.
When the hall was silent again, you tried not to be so affected by the proximity and stepped back when Wanda took her hand away from your mouth, a smug smile on her face. 
You hurried to retrieve the necessary data, and hurried out of the room when you were finished.
And then there was a guard coming around the corner, and you were quick to draw your gun and knock him out with a blow to the forehead as soon as he saw you.
- No shooting, only if it is indispensable. - You tell Wanda. 
You turn down another hallway, and bump into someone. The man blinks in confusion, but when he notices the gun in your hand, he quickly takes an aggressive stance, and blocks your blow. And then you are fighting, and he disarms you. But you are able to overcome him with a strike to his waist, and then you punch him in the face. As he staggers, you slam his head against the wall, and he passes out. And then you grab Wanda's hand to hurry before these men are found.
You are almost to the salon when you are pushed again, but this time it is soft hands against your waist.
- Don't freak out. - Wanda whispers before closing the distance between your lips. You melt in her arms, sighing with surprise and excitement. And you kiss her back, moving your hands up to her neck.
And then someone is clearing their throat, and Wanda breaks the kiss. You're not reasoning correctly.
- Sorry ladies, this area is restricted. - Informs one of the guards. Wanda lets out a giggle, apologizing, as she pulls you in the direction the guard is pointing to. 
Before you can say anything, Schmidt is approaching you at the party.
- Maximoff and her fiancée. - He greets you two with a smile. - How nice that you girls were able to join the party.
- It's our pleasure, Johann. - Wanda says politely.
- There is a collection of private wines in my living room. - Said Johann with something you thought was an attempt at a charming smile. - Why don't you join me for something more selective?
You wanted to punch him in the mouth, but Wanda smiled, squeezed your hand, and nodded positively.
And then you two were walking upstairs, at least five security guards behind you. You exchanged a look with Wanda, worried about where this was going. And then you arrived.
Johann motioned for you two to sit on the sofa, while he sat in the armchair in the middle of the room. Fortunately only two security guards entered the room, and you eyed them, each on an opposite side, while the others waited outside.
- Tell me, do I look like a foolish man? - He started as soon as you sat down. You felt your heart race but didn't show it. 
- Johann...
Wanda's words were interrupted by a big punch from Johann on the table next to the armchair. 
- You come to my house to rob me. - he says angrily. - And you lie to me.
You swallow dryly, trying to think of exactly how you were going to get out of this one. Wanda seems to have decided to continue her cover to the last, and you choose to follow her lead.
- We don't know what you are talking about. - She denies it in a whiny voice. 
Jonhann laughs, and then he pulls a gun from inside his jacket. Your body tenses immediately, but he doesn't point it at you, but places it on the table next to him.
- The CIA must think I am an idiot. - He comments, shaking his head slightly. - That I wouldn't notice any strangers on my island.
- We don't...
Wanda falls silent when Johann raises his finger with a deadly expression on his face. But then he smiles mischievously.
- You told me you two are engaged, right? - He mocks and Wanda nods slightly. Then he looks directly at you. - Touch her then.
You choke in surprise, frowning. 
At your lack of response, he straightens his posture, reaching for the gun.
You lock your jaw, but Wanda touches your hand, looking at you with an intense gaze. And it takes a second for you to remember the gun she carries on her thigh. 
You nod slightly at Johann, who lets out a high-pitched laugh, putting the gun back on the table.
- Is it okay if I sit on her lap? - Wanda asks him, pretending to be afraid. 
- Whatever gets you there honey! - he comments with a mischievous laugh. 
You clench your jaw, ignoring the growing anger in your stomach. Then Wanda touches your shoulder, looking at you tenderly. She sits on your lap, her legs stretched out on the sofa. In another situation this would be amazing, but now, you feel your body tense up and you are trying to control your anger at the disgusting look you are getting from Schmidt.
He lets out a grunt of excitement as your hands begin to move up Wanda's ankles, and you make sure not to expose her skin by keeping your hands under her dress. When you reach for the pistol strapped to her thigh, Wanda sinks her face into your neck. And Schmidt is quite impressed and doesn't react fast enough when you pull the gun out of the dress, and shoot at him.
And then you shoot the security guards, and you barely have time to figure out if you really hit them, when Wanda is already getting up and pulling you out of the room onto the balcony. You should have about five minutes head start before the security guards outside realize that it wasn't you two who were executed, so you look around for a way out.
- I don't think you can climb in this dress, can you? - Wanda comments, making you laugh. Then you notice the speedboat parked below the balcony. You run back into the living room, rummaging through drawers. You let out a happy exclamation when you find the key.
- After you, darling. - You tell her as you look down at the balcony. It wasn't a high drop.
Wanda jumps first, and you throw the key to her. And as you are getting ready to jump next, the security guards enter the room. You give them a mischievous wave before you jump, and then Wanda takes off, and you leave Italy behind.
It has been a good few minutes since you left the mansion, and you have already warned Natasha of your location. The jet should arrive any moment now, and then you and Wanda will go on different missions.
- You wanna tell me something. - She remarks playfully as she steers the speedboat. You stretch your legs out on the bench in front of you, still seated.
- I don't know what you are talking about. - You deny it in the same tone.
- It's about the kiss, isn't it? 
- You're the one who's bringing it up. - You retort with amusement. Wanda laughs too.
- It doesn't have to be weird, you know. - She comments, and you look at the ocean around you.
And with your lack of response, Wanda puts the speedboat on autopilot, and turns to you.
- Don't stare at me, Wanda. - You ask with a smile as you feel her gaze on you, probably deciding what to say. She laughs, and ducks her head. Then you straighten your posture, and Wanda sits down on the bench in front of you. You look at her tenderly for a few seconds, and she looks back. - You know I'm in love with you, don't you?
Wanda bites back a smile, looking away with a reddened face. You ignore the uneven beating of her heart.
- And you know I'm in love with you. - She replies after a moment with a playful smile.
- And what are we going to do about it, darling? - You reply with a slight challenge in your voice, watching the sparkle in Wanda's eyes change.
The next time you kiss her, you are only interrupted by the arrival of the CIA plane. But you don't care, because you are sure that the next time you disguise yourself as a couple, it won't be just a disguise.
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looooooooomis · 4 years
F I N A L  G I R L  |  O N E
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You were his final girl.  And there was no chance in hell that anyone or anything was going to mess that up.
p a r t   o n e  |  c o r n   m a z e
masterlist here 
pairing: Billy Loomis x f!reader  word count: 4.3k warnings: implied/referenced cheating, swearing (obv), angst, drinking, fluff, pending smut + mentions of smut. as mentioned, part 2 will be allllllllll the smut x
You were going to kill Randy.
In fact, as the five of you crossed the threshold into the corn maze, you thought of the various ways you could do it without it coming back to you. You could strangle him with the tape of one of his precious Jamie Lee Curtis flicks, you could push an entire shelving unit of said movies on him during one of his shifts, hell, you could just lure him over to your house with the promise of sex before ultimately throwing him out your window. Any of the above sounded good to you tonight because the bastard was running late. Which meant that you were currently fifth wheeling on what was supposed to be a slightly boozy corn maze with your friends. Only now it was a slightly boozy corn maze with yourself and two loved up couples as you all impatiently waited for the idiot to arrive.
Yeah, you were definitely going to kill Randy.
You and Randy were friends, had been for years, and you were always there for each other when it came to these types of activities. Nobody liked being a fifth wheel but at least with two single people in your little gaggle of friends, it made things easier. You were happy as a clam being single, you preferred it in many ways if you were being honest, but at least with Randy around, you could ignore the weight of his stare.
Billy’s stare.
His brown eyes were on you constantly. You could feel them on your skin, feel them raking over every inch of you as though he was trying to soak you in from afar. His stare had a weight to it, you found. No matter how far away he was or where you two were – be it at school or hanging out or even in a goddamn corn maze – you felt him all over you.
At least with Randy around, it was easy to ignore. The two of you could joke around and escape the couples long enough to focus on anything else but the weight of Billy’s stare. But tonight, it was impossible to ignore, and you hated Randy in that moment for unknowingly leaving you with the one man you hadn’t been able to get out of your head for the better part of three years.
You hated Billy more, though, for making you feel as though every inch of your skin was on fire. For making you feel this level of guilt each and every time you hung around with Sid. Sid was one of your best friends, as was Tatum, which only made this entire situation so much worse.
“You think they’ll kick us out if they find out we’re loaded?” Stu asked with a quiet chuckle, glancing behind them for effect as though he was being tailed by the owners of the farm.
Tatum smacked his chest. “Maybe if you said it a little louder, Shit for Brains.”
Stu giggled again and slipped his hand into his jacket before pulling out a mickey of cheap vodka wrapped haphazardly in a brown paper bag. “Then I guess they’d be really mad at this.”
Tatum opened her mouth to tell him off but seeing it as your only saving grace, you reached across the divide and plucked it out of his hands to take a big sip. The vodka burned all the way down your throat, and you could feel all eyes on you as you licked the remainder of it from your lips and bottled it back up before handing it back to Stu. “You’re a saint, Stu.”
“Damn, Y/N,” Tatum laughed, “I can’t even be mad at that.”
Stu was smirking across at you, knowing exactly why you were choosing the bottle tonight which only made you feel worse than you did. Of course he knew. Where there was a Billy, there was a Stu. The pair didn’t have secrets between them much to your chagrin which only made nights like this all the more awkward.
“Everything okay, Y/N?” Sid asked, sweet as ever.
Your stomach twisted in your gut at the genuine concern radiating off of Sid’s features and your heart fell into your stomach when you watched her lovingly place her head on Billy’s shoulder. Where the fuck was Randy?
“All good, Sid,” you smacked on a breezy grin and shot her what you only hoped was a convincing wink. “I haven’t done a corn maze since I was a kid, just preparing myself is all.”
Tatum leaned into Stu’s lean torso and frowned. “Why? You scared?”
“Nah, she’s not scared,” Stu hummed, grinning across at you with a gleam in his eye. “On edge, maybe. Why so jittery, girl?”
You rolled your eyes and flipped him the bird just as Billy spoke up. “She’s not jittery, pencil dick,” his velvety voice was closer than you’d expected and when you saw him reach for the bottle in Stu’s pocket to take a rather big gulp himself, you swallowed hard. “She’s just getting this party started.”
You held his stare for a moment, feeling your entire body light up like a switchboard, before the familiar voice of Randy rang out. Breathlessly, he waved you all down and grinned. “What’s this I hear about a party?”
Tatum rolled her eyes and hugged her jacket closer to her body. “About time you got here, dick, it’s fucking freezing out here.”
“I know a way we can warm up,” Stu teased as he leaned down to nibble at her neck.
Despite your mood, you found yourself smiling across at the pair. They were a good match and you could tell that Stu genuinely made Tatum happy. Just as Billy made Sid happy. Your smile fell at the thought.
Randy’s eyes circled around your group of friends briefly before he threw an arm around your unsuspecting shoulders. “What did I miss?”
“The usual,” you chimed in, smiling across at him. “Tatum and Stu sucking face, Billy and Sid cuddling up and me drinking my weight in cheap beer from Stu’s dad’s mini fridge in the garage.”
Randy grinned. “I chugged a couple beers before I left the video store, so good to know we’re all on the same level.”
Your chest was already starting to feel lighter now that Randy was around. Granted, Billy’s eyes hadn’t left yours for a second since Randy slung his arm around you, but that was to be expected. At least you had Randy here now. With that kind of distraction, you’d be just fine.
“Why don’t we make this interesting?” Billy suggested, running a hand through his unruly mop of brown hair. When everyone’s eyes were on him, you could have sworn he gave you a little smirk before shoving his hands in the pockets of his jacket. “We should split up.”
“Fuck that,” Tatum laughed, “no chance in hell.”
“Yeah,” Sid agreed quietly, “I don’t know.”
“That’s literally what they tell you not to do in scary movies,” you chuckled. “When everyone splits up, trouble starts.”
Sid shivered and leaned into Billy’s chest. “Yeah, Billy, I don’t know. I don’t think that’s a great idea.”
“Oh, come on,” he was grinning excitedly now, looking between Stu and Randy for backup. “It’ll be like the movies. Dumb teenagers wander into a corn maze and split up for the sake of the plot. Halloween’s tomorrow - why the hell not, right?”
A slow grin began to pull on Stu’s face as he listened to Billy. There was a mutual understanding between the two men in that instance and if you blinked for just a second longer, you would have missed it.
It made you nervous.
“Dumb teens wander into a corn maze on the night before Halloween,” Randy repeated, “you know what, I like it. I’m in.”
You snapped your neck up to look at him. “What the hell happened to the Do’s and Don’ts of a horror movie? This is easily number one: Don’t split up.”
But Randy only shrugged. “I’m still a virgin, I’m safe.”  
“How about you three idiots stick together,” Tatum gestured to the boys, “and the three of us stick together. Whoever makes it out first gets a prize.”
You and Sid were nodding along to her words, but Stu simply pulled her in for a quick kiss and laughed. “Or we all split up and see where the night takes us.”
“I’m not Lewis and Clark, Stu,” you grumbled, “I had every intention of letting Randy and Sid lead us out of here alive while the rest of us idiots followed.”
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” Billy smirked across at you, “I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
Sid seemed to still be unsure of the entire situation as she mulled over the suggestion. “Y/N is right, what if people get left behind?”
“It’s corn, not the berlin wall,” Stu pointed out incredulously. “Fucking walk through the stacks until you find an exit if you get too lost.” As if on cue, Stu’s eyes lit up as he noticed one particular bend of the maze that held six different options. With a burst of laughter, he took off running towards it and pointed to his newfound discovery. “If this isn’t fate, I don’t know what is.”
You, Sid, and Tatum begrudgingly followed the boys to where Stu now stood giddily beaming across at everyone. “This is a stupid fucking idea,” Tatum grumbled as she took her place in the row beside her boyfriend. “We only brought one flashlight, how do you idiots plan on seeing the route?”
“Here,” Billy gently tossed the flashlight to Tatum and shrugged. “Moon is bright enough for me.”
With another roll of her eyes Tatum flicked the flashlight on and scowled across at her route. “Girls, if you see a flashlight, come to me.”
Stu laughed. “What about me?”
“You lost that right when you agreed to this stupid idea,” she groused. “You’re on your own.”
Grinning – and probably much drunker than he gave himself credit for – Stu rubbed his hands together and began counting down from three.
“You okay to do this, Sid?” You found yourself asking. Her mother had only died a few months prior and the idea of the poor girl meandering around alone in a cornfield sounded barbaric considering what she’d just been through.
“I’m fine,” Sid vowed, “I’ll see you guys soon.”
“It’s okay, Sid,” Randy muttered. “You’re safe, I promise.”
By the time Stu reached one, you took a hesitant step forward and embraced the darkness that surrounded you once you delved further and further down your path. You could hear the footsteps and crunches of the stacks around you as your friends eventually all split up to take their own trail and you swore that you heard Randy bump into Sid a few minutes in, putting you slightly at ease to know she wasn’t going through the maze alone. But, as time went on and you continued to circle the gigantic moonlight maze by yourself, your nerves began to eat away at you.
You weren’t one to scare easy but there was something about being on your own in the middle of a corn maze that was eerily off-putting. You’d seen Children of the Corn one too many times to feel at ease right now and the fact you could only see a few feet in front of you at any given time wasn’t helping one iota.
Hugging your denim jacket tighter around your body, you turned left and were met with a dead end. Groaning, you threw your head back in defeat and turned on your heel to retrace your steps but stopped when you heard a loud snap come from the wall of tall corn stacks before you. Swallowing hard, you narrowed your eyes in an attempt to see through the wall of decaying crop, but it was to no avail.
You couldn’t see a damned thing.
Another snap of a corn stock echoed out before you, making your skin crawl. Why the fuck had you agreed to splitting up? This is exactly how every horror movie you’d ever seen started and sure enough, here you were. About to be killed by a child of the corn on the eve of your favourite holiday.
Another snap.
And then, just as you were prepared to run for your life, a husky raccoon came bounding out of the thick hedge with a mouthful of hard corn. Your scream caught in your throat as you jumped back from the wild animal but, before you could think of bounding away, your back connected into someone’s chest.
With a high-pitched yelp, you turned only to be met with Billy’s wide brown eyes watching your every move. “Hey,” he cooed, reaching across to steady you. “You okay?”
That familiar cologne of his hit you like a tonne of bricks and for just a second, you allowed yourself to get lost in it. You knew that smell well. You couldn’t count how many times you’d woken up to that smell all over your pillows and sheets, wafting all over your bedroom like a slow mist that never quite subsided. Swallowing hard, you blinked out of your reverie and took an instinctual step back. “I’m fine,” you breathed out, “a racoon just scared me, is all.”
He glanced over your shoulder briefly before those brown pools soaked you in yet again. “You sure you’re okay?” He asked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket. “You’ve barely said a word to me all week.”
You offered him a polite smile. “I’m fine, Billy. Just been a busy week. With swimming practice and—”
“You know that’s not what I meant,” he muttered, voice strained. “You’ve been avoiding me.”
“Billy,” you sighed, pinching your brow, “I’m not doing this here. We can’t.”
His brows pulled together and a pained look crossed over his handsome features. “I meant what I said,” he rasped out. “You’re my girl, Y/N.”
“No, see that’s bullshit, Billy,” you bit back, “Sid is your girl. I’m just an easy lay. That’s all I’ve been for the last six months and I can’t do it anymore. I won’t.”
“You can’t believe that,” he stepped towards you and visibly flinched when you stepped back. “Sure, Sid’s a good girl but it’s compli—”
“Complicated,” you choked, “yeah, you’ve mentioned that a few hundred times in the last six months, Billy. And you’re right. It is complicated because me and you are making it complicated. For god’s sake, she’s one of my best friends, Billy. I’m fucking one of my best friends’ boyfriends. Do you get how fucked up that is?”
“Me and Sid are complicated,” he reiterated, ignoring your little tirade entirely. “But me and you, sweetheart, we work. We’ve always worked. You’re it for me. You’re my final girl.”
You shook your head and grabbed his wrist, yanking him closer to you to avoid having one of your friends creep up on the two of you and hear him rambling on. “Jesus, scream it a little louder, moron,” you growled, pulling him into the corner of the maze where the racoon had just jumped out of. “What is wrong with you? Do you want one of them to hear you?”
“I don’t care,” he admitted, “I miss you. I miss feeling you squirm against me when we watch a scary movie. I miss smelling you all over me the next morning. My fucking pillow smells like your shampoo and the fact that you haven’t so much as said a word to me this week is killing me, Y/N.”  
Looking over his shoulder to ensure none of your friends were coming, you nearly hissed as you pulled him further into the thick wall of corn stocks. The tall stacks towered over the two of you and shielded you away from any prying eyes.
“One week, Billy. It’s been one week and it’s hurting you? Try being in love with someone for three fucking years and watching them fall in love with someone else. And then, when he can’t get his whistle wet with his girlfriend, he ends up in your bed.” You ground your teeth together in an effort to control the burst of emotion pounding in your chest. “That is the shit that hurts, Billy. I wasn’t good enough to be your girlfriend, but I was easy enough for you to sleep with and I was so enamoured with you that I was willing to overlook the fact I’m hurting Sid each and every time we do it. I won’t do it anymore.”
The moon managed to seep in through a barren patch of the maze wall and struck Billy in such a way that you lost your breath. Those brown eyes you’d fallen in love with all those years back were glued to your face. He’d always had this air of intensity about him but, right now, looking at the long shadows cast against his face from the illumination of the moon, that intensity had all but dissipated. You’d never seen Billy look more beautiful in your life.
The silence that followed your words was thick and tense, but those damn eyes never left your face. Not even for a second. Slowly, Billy leaned in and, in the softest voice you’d ever heard him speak, he managed to break your heart all over again. “You love me?”
“Oh, shut-up,” you snarled, “like you didn’t know.”
“How the fuck would I have known that?” he whispered, taking a step closer to you. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you?” You snapped. “Billy, you have a girlfriend. I’m already fucking you, what am I going to do? Confess all of this in between sucking your dick and packing up before Sidney catches wind of us?”
“Don’t cheapen it,” he cautioned, “not when it comes to us.”
“There is no ‘us’, Billy!” You reminded him. “There is a you and there is a Sidney. Then there is me.”
“Fuck Sidney,” he snarled through gritted teeth. “And don’t act like it’s only been sex between us.”
You snorted. “Maybe the odd movie, sure.”
Anger flickered across his face as he took another step closer, backing you into a particularly sturdy corn stock. This was a side of Billy you rarely saw, this unhinged almost animalistic side that came out when his emotions got too overwhelming. You’d seen this look only once before. It was few weeks into your sneaky little affair when Billy had snuck in through your bedroom window with red, bloodshot eyes and bleeding knuckles. It was the night his mother had left, and he’d just had lost a one-sided fight with the brick wall of his house.
“You were there for me when nobody else was,” he leaned his forehead against yours and you watched the muscle in his cheek clench several times over as he chewed on his words. “When my mother left, you were the one that was there for me. Not Sidney, not my father – you.” You felt his hands trail up your jean-clad hips before guiding your hips towards the thick corn stock behind you. You should have pushed him away, stuck to your guns, and ran off to find the rest of your friends. But, you couldn’t. Not with Billy looking at you the way he was.
“Billy,” you tried, but there was no conviction behind it. “I meant what I said.”
“Which part?” He asked. “When you said you loved me or when you said you couldn’t do this anymore.”  
“Both,” you told him. “Sidney’s a good friend and—”
A growl escaped his throat as he shut his eyes, but he never stepped away. With his forehead still leaning against yours, it was as though he was afraid to break contact in fear of losing you all over again. “Can we not talk about Sid for one goddamn second?” He took a few even breaths before those brown eyes opened back up, capturing your gaze instantly. “I love you.”
“Don’t,” you warned him. This time it was your turn to shut your eyes as the pain of hearing those three little words sliced you from stem to stern. “That’s not fair, Billy.”
“What? You don’t believe me?” You felt his hands slither up the side of your waist and up the length of your body until they cradled your face. “Look at me.”
“No,” you griped, “to both of your questions. Don’t say shit you don’t mean, not when it comes to that. It’s cruel.”
His calloused thumb danced across the apple of your cheek. “Look at me,” he demanded, barely above a whisper. “Sweetheart, look at me.” Frowning, you opened your eyes but remained silent. Bumping your nose with his, Billy pushed your hair back and away from your face and shook his head. “I fucking love you.”
“You’re with Sidney,” you reminded him, sounding like a broken record. “If you loved me, we wouldn’t be hiding in the middle of a goddamn corn maze while our friends blindly stumble around looking for the exit.”
“Stu knows,” he admitted. “And when it’s a good time, so will everyone else.”
“Colour me shocked,” you rolled your eyes. “Stu knows everything.”
“You think I don’t want to parade you all over town?” Billy questioned. “I get so heated when I see Randy or any of those goons on the football team flirt with you. I want you every second of the day.”
You swallowed hard. “Then please, Billy, just be honest with me. Tell me why things are so fucking complicated with Sid? I get break-ups are hard but cheating on her isn’t the answer.”
Billy was truly torn as he took in the desperation in your eyes. Things with Sid were complicated but not in the way you thought they were. There were no feelings involved with Sid, at least not the romantic kind, but there was no chance in hell he was divulging his plans with Sidney. Not with you. He couldn’t stomach the idea of losing you knowing full-well you’d try and sway him on it. Or worse. What if you went to the police about it? What if you tried to stop him? No. He wasn’t getting you involved. You were the one person in his life who hadn’t let him down and he was hell-bent on doing the same for you.
The less you knew, the better.
“Just give me some time, alright?” He pleaded, grabbing your hands to ghost his lips across your knuckles. “She’s still dealing with the loss of her mother. I can’t spring a break-up on her, too. Not yet. But soon,” he kissed your hand, “I promise.”
“I don’t want to hurt her any more than we already have, Billy,” you told him, “we could end this here and now and then when you do break-up, we can continue whatever the hell this is. But we shouldn’t d—”
Before you could say another word, he leaned forward and captured your lips in a bruising kiss. Everything about this man was electric and despite everything –  the guilt, the secrets, all of it – the way his lips seemed to mould against yours so perfectly, stopped you dead in your tracks. Placing sloppy kisses down from your mouth and along your jaw, Billy nipped at your ear. “I really do fucking love you.”
You leaned into the kiss and tangled your fingers through his hair, tugging at the ends. A low growl rumbled in his throat as he continued his assault down your jaw towards your neck where he nipped and sucked at the sensitive flesh. “You give me a fucking hickey and you’re dead,” you chastised breathlessly. When he responded with a gentle bite, you gave his hair another gentle tug. “I mean it, Loomis.”
Pulling back from your neck, you were met with one of Billy’s rare but genuine grins. He was all teeth as he leaned his forehead against yours again, scraping his thumbnail gently across your cheek as he fought to catch his breath. “You’re perfect, you know that?”
“Your girlfriend would beg to differ, but I appreciate the sentiment.” Groaning quietly at the mess you and Billy had created for yourselves, you reached up and pushed a strand of his brown hair back and away from his face. “We should go,” you told him. “Before anyone besides Stu finds us.”
Giving you one final peck, he nodded in agreement and pushed a few stocks aside for you to escape from. Before you stepped out of the covering, however, Billy reached for your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I promise, Y/N, everything is going to work out for us.”
Giving him a small, resigned smile, you leaned in and gave him a quick, chaste kiss. “I’ll leave my bedroom window open tonight,” you told him. “Do what you will with that information.”
Billy watched you disappear back into the maze with a shit-eating grin on his face. God, he was in deep with you. Too deep, perhaps, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Not yet, at least. For now, he had you back and he had no intention of letting you go again.
part two HERE
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lilkermit14 · 3 years
Jay is from the show Red Widow and unfortunately he's not really known 😅 At first I wanted to ask for Jack but I had no idea of ​​the details for the story... Maybe he had to leave reader because of his job, but he loves her too much and decides to come back and find out that she is pregnant (a baby girl) I know, it's not original but i can't imagine anything else for this charming cowboy 🥺
Whole (Jack Daniels x Fem!reader)
Notes: Idk why I struggled so hard to write this fic but here she is in all her glory........yay. Not as smutty as per usual to prove I’m not a total whore but here ya go
Summary: after your life is threatened unbeknownst to you, whiskey takes it upon himself to protect you the only way he thinks he can––by leaving you. but what his cowboy brain doesn’t for see, is that he’s doing both of you more damage than good especially after a happy little accident. 
warnings: brief description of smut and aftercare (like the La Croix of smut but still no minors), ANGSTTTTTTT, rOUGH, unplanned pregnancy, a slap, and a happy ending
Jack should have known the first time he wasn’t meant to have this kind of happiness—the kind where one could always have someone to return home to at the end of the day. No, he couldn’t have it with his late wife and he couldn’t have it with you either.
The human trafficker had somehow gotten access to personal statesmen information, because he had found out about you. Had your name. Had shown him pictures of you. Had shown that men were waiting at your doorstep if Jack didn’t back down now.
Thankfully, they were able to stop the man before it came to any of that—but it broke something in Jack. He couldn’t have another woman he loves die like his wife. He didn’t know if he could handle it. You didn’t even know about Jack’s real job, all you knew was that he was the CEO of a distillery and you never asked questions about that. Maybe it was easier keeping it like that, as Jack realized the only way to keep you safe was to leave you.
He had picked a night, picked a place to head out to after it was all over, and planned out the note. He had made love to you one last time before leaving—slowly savoring the way your skin felt pressed against him and the way it felt to have your walls drag against him when he thrusted, and finally stilled deep inside you. He made sure to take care of you before he left, clean with all sore muscles rubbed out and well hydrated—comfortable as you could be. You fell asleep so easily it somehow made Jack more guilty for what he thought was the right thing. He stayed longer than he should have after he wrote the note and got dressed, bag packed by the door, just staring at you, attempting to memorize the sound of your soft noises as you slept and the way your naked body looked covered by the sheets and pale moonlight. It was the most beautiful scene he had ever seen and wanted it to be the clearest memory he had of you. Tears sprung in his eyes, thinking that this is the only thing he will ever have of love—memories. He kissed your forehead one last time before walking out of your life forever.
Jack hasn’t felt alive since, the toll of leaving you behind eating at him more than he ever thought it could. He’s changed in a way and everyone knows it—they see the way he moves or speaks now and know something has changed. He just goes through the motions of living with no actual life in his eyes to prove he is alive. He throws himself into his work working through cases and bad guys more efficiently than ever, but it doesn’t distract him from losing you—not when he lies awake at night crying and missing you.
Everyone around him changes too—Tequila doesn’t tease him anymore and walks around him like they’re threading through a room full of broken glass. Ginger does more medical evaluations—ones that are less to do with physical health and more to do with mental health. Most of all—champ acts different, “son—“
Jack pauses from exiting the debriefing room after giving Champ a status report and picking up another case, “I’m wondering if you should take a few days off from wo—“
“No,” Jack says curt and without a single space for bargaining. Champ is stiff when Jack looks at him, “I know you're wallowing over that girl.”
“I did what I had to do and I’m going to continue doing it.” Jack reminds him, staying steadfast in his decision. Champ shakes his head, “and it’s tearing you apart—statesmen get threats like that all the time Whiskey and they don’t go deserting their relatives or loved ones—“
“Well they're not me,” Jack states his stare is cold as he looks down at Champagne, “I can’t lose another person like that again.”
“You’ve lost her by leaving her,” his words cut through him and he knows it’s the truth, but it’s not something stubborn ol Jack is willing to withstand. Jack turns to leave again, “I’ll be off on the case.”
You can’t help but pick up one of the sandwiches from the various food carts before they go out. It’s too tempting after standing for hours on your feet with a six month old pregnancy belly on your front—one you’re rubbing as you enjoy the taste of the mozzarella, pesto, and tomato together. The father of your child disappeared before you could even tell him—fitting considering you never grew up with a father in your house. So it has just been you and your baby girl, and well your best friend and business partner that was walking towards you now, joking “are the sandwiches up to your standards?”
“I needed something to eat after four hours of standing and being pregnant Travis,” you contest, taking another big bite. He shrugs with some sort of understanding, looking over the trays of food with you and approving them before they go off. Travis randomly starts, “I don’t think we should try to have this client again.”
You turn, finishing your sandwich with an eyebrow raise, “why? Did someone from the company say something to you—“
“Not that—although I was worried when the CEO invited his childhood priest—” he notes sending off the last tray, “I get bad vibes from the company itself.”
You think about it for a moment agreeing that something was fishy about the way a family-owned soap company was able to afford such a lavish event—something was a little off. You nod, “maybe not—I don’t want to get too close to a company that's a front. I doubt they would want us back because they’ve fired every event planner they’ve had before and the CEO’s wife already complained that the flower garnishes weren’t the correct shade of maroon.”
“We just have to finish the job then and we’ll be scott free” Travis mutters checking his watch, “just a couple hours left—what could go wrong?”
As though you were in a badly made comedy, right as Travis says that you hear clatter and gunshots come from the main event area, “......I spoke too soon didn’t I?”
Vincent Marsulio had tried to make a run for it once he realized his plans to run a million dollar drug business had gone to shit—I mean a soap company as a front? Really? Jack had dodged gunfire, tequila and the new agent rum covering him—allowing him to use his lasso to drag Vincent into Statesmen custody.
The scene was under control now—with agents and Ginger’s crime scene investigators gathering follow up information and evidence. Jack was just there to make sure the scene stayed secure and that no witnesses ran off that were revealed to be involved. Scanning the crowds of those being interviewed is when he saw you.
He should have known you were here—he should have seen your touches in the flower displays, the food selections, the drapery, and the table cloths. You were a party planner, he should have made note of that. You’re the same as the images in his mind—the memories that flash through his mind whenever he gets a flicker of your perfume or hears a laugh that sounds like yours. The only thing that's changed about you is your stomach—there's a sizable baby bump there, and he mumbles to himself “no…”
It had been seven months—seven months since he left you. It had to be his. He left you pregnant. As though you heard the gears turning in his head you turn and make eye contact with him—freezing in your place. He has to talk to you now, but you make efforts to move away, running towards a stairwell to get away from him as he shouts your name.
Despite being seven months pregnant you make a good chase, ducking down the stairwell and moving as fast as your swollen ankles will carry you while he shouts for you behind you. You can’t see him right now, he left, he doesn’t deserve this. Your condition must somewhat get the best of you as you end up stumbling on a landing—slowing down enough for him to catch up. You knew it was futile after all he ran faster than you even when you weren’t pregnant.
He grabs your wrist before you can go any farther, pulling you towards his body—only for you to wack a big slap to the side of his face, “how dare you—you asshole.”
“You're pregnant?” He asks quick as hell, and you frown still jabbing hits at him, “Why else am I so fucking big dickhead.”
He pulls you closer in an effort to restrain you from hitting him and from running away at any point, “is it mine?”
You had been avoiding looking at his face the entire portion of the ordeal—not wanting to see the face of the man that abandoned you. But you end up looking anyway and feel the tears spring up in your eyes. Despite the fact he left you you still feel love for him in your heart. You can’t lie to him, “it is.”
“Sugar, I’m—“ he breathes out, struck in the moment by every error he’s made in the past few months knowing he should have stayed, “I’m so sorry, please let me explain why I did what I did.”
You don’t respond just letting him speak at his own will as he settles you two down to sit on the steps of the stair. Jack tells you about his job, his wife, and the scare he had that just accumulated to him feeling like he had to leave to keep you safe. You had known about his late wife but none of the details about the affair and understood just why he was so afraid—but he still acted like an idiot. Head in hands, “why did you keep everything hidden from me Jack, I mean you lied to me about your job––no wonder I was able to find you after I found out, I was stuck looking for Jack Daniels brewery CEO instead of Jack Daniels statesmen.”
You got him there, “I should have––everyone told me I should have told you.” Silence emanates between the two of you, “I know sorry doesn’t make up for all I did––I don’t know if I can ever make up for what I did, but give me a chance because I want to be there for you and the kid–I love you sweet pea.”
Tears spring from your eyes, “I love you too Jack, we’ll figure it out I promise.”
Jack pulls you into his arms whispering what sounds like a thousand thank you’s for you and the girl in your belly, “it’s a girl you know.”
“A girl…” Jack trails off with a smile gleaming on his face and some unspoken joy in his eyes, that shifts into something of deep regret, “I was almost like him I don’t ever wanna be like him”
“You won’t.” you state firm and jack pulls away to cup your face and wipe away the errant tears still streaming down your face, “can I kiss you darling?”
“Please,” and with that the lips you have missed meld on to yours. After months, both alone and apart, both you and Jack feel a sense of security that everything will be alright––that your little family is finally whole.
I’m sorry that its bad....
@poenariuniverse @harleyamidala @yespolkadotkitty @storiesofthefandomlovers @babybelou @legally-a-bastard @computeringturtle @clydesducktape @sixties-loser @buckysalefty @april-14-blog @prettylittlegoldfish @softpedropascal
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mochii0park · 3 years
meraki; 02 I jhs
Tumblr media
Title: Meraki
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader / Jin x Reader
Part of series: Waterlilies and Japanese Bridge
Genre: literaryscout!hoseok x writer!reader
Word count: 4.4k
Summary: Throughout your whole life you lived in your sister’s shadow, watching from side-lines as she formed herself into a successful businesswoman with an envying life. Never being able to fill her shoes you gradually understood the meaning of an estranged family and the burden it carried. The twenties began slowly slipping from your grasp which had been embedded with insecurities and longing for fulfilment. Pouring your heart out to strangers with a pseudonym meraki, you began second guessing the decision when an email lands in your inbox.
Author's note: unedited, i had fun writing this chapter tbh
Taglist: if you want to be added to the taglist message me
@namsope32 , @cuteipat , @ofvopemin
Meraki masterlist
<  chapter 01 | next chapter >
You absentmindedly twirl in your chair, chewing on the pencil in your hand. The ticking of the clock was inaudible from the loud sound of keys smashing against the keyboard. Your mind raced in different directions and to say you were anxious was an understatement. A black polished oxford shoe lands harshly on the surface of your chair halting your twirl. The stain is starkly visible, inhabiting your mind and annoying you endlessly.
Min Yoongi pulls his foot back; the action makes your chair stroll backwards the back hitting your desk. “I am not paying you to slack off during work hours.”
It took a lot of willpower not to roll your eyes. He exhales, leans forward, and takes the sheet of paper from your lap. You could feel the level of disappointment rise with each sigh as he reads the lines of the text.
“I understand inspiration has to come to you, but it’s been months.” He scraps the paper throwing it into the bin, the action itself telling you what he thought of your work.
To be honest your thoughts on it didn’t differ much.
“I am sorry. It hasn’t been my month.” Or your year. You cower further into the chair. It was embarrassing enough to fall behind because of your private issues but having your higher up pity you was by far worse.
Yoongi shakes his head taking a seat on the sofa. He unbuttons his sleeve pulling them until they reached his elbows. Working for him for over two years made you know that whatever matter he was about to discuss was serious.
“The single didn’t do well,” you nod as you recall seeing it flop dramatically,” We need to produce an album that will reach the top ten charts. That won’t happen if you sit here twirling for hours with nothing to show me.”
“I understand.” He clicks his tongue, a ding from his phone gaining his attention as he signals for you to hold your thought.
You mumble hypocrite under your breath relieved when he gives no reaction to the word as he locks his phone looking straight at you. He crosses his legs, hands intervened on his knee as he rocks back and forward.
He glances up at the ceiling whistling an unfamiliar tune. After a few seconds, he stops rocking, taps his knees enthusiastically and walks towards the guitar. He whistles the tune over and over until he manages to perfectly string it through guitar chords. You stare at him watching closely as he scribbles a few notes and tosses the paper to you.
“Try to write something that would go well with this tune.” -was the last thing he said before he put the guitar back in its stand and left the room.
You let the frustration out through a scream, the soundproof plates securing it between the four walls. Ignoring the papers laying in front of you, you dig through the content of your purse. You extract pack of cigarettes. The clock on the desk flashes 10 pm and you know a long night was ahead of you.
The lobby was empty, the patter of your shoes cutting the silence. You tap your foot impatiently as you wait for the lift to take you to the rooftop. Smoking was forbidden in the KT entertainment building so your only options either the roof or the yard in front of the company.
“Graveyard shift?” A voice to your right says.
You scoff placing a cigarette in the mouth. “Yeah, you too?”
Baekhyun nods following you inside the lift. “I wish trouble wouldn’t follow Jungkook everywhere he went.”
“He got into a scandal?” Baekhyun catches the doubt in your voice and smiles.
He closes his eyes, resting his head against the mirror. You watch with pity as he breathes out in defeat. “It wasn’t him per se. A friend of his caused ruckus in a karaoke bar in Busan. Somebody sent an image of him leaving the bar. He was drunk and accompanied by a girl.”
You whistle at the last part. Idols getting caught with a female was almost like a death sentence for their career, no matter if the female was just a friend. Jungkook was the star of KT Entertainment, the one who brought the revenue. The idol has had a clean image so far. He did drink and lit a cigarette with his friends but, who didn’t? Although he wasn’t problematic, he had a knacker for attracting trouble.
The lift stops at your designated floor and Baekhyun jumps already halfway through the door. You follow behind him, wrapping your arms around yourself for some warmth. The cold night leaves traces over your cheeks, reddening them. You inhale the air, the scent reminding you of last year’s autumn. The image of Seokjin smiling at you as he crunches leaves is shattered by Baekhyun. He stops in front of you a spark flashing from his lighter casting different shades over his face.
You lean in, inhaling the nicotine as the tip of the cigarette burns. You observe him as he inhales a smoke before exhaling it and making a circle out of it. You often forgot he was six years your senior. His youthful face and the lively person often misled people believing he was far younger.
He leans against the rail, a hand in the pocket of his jeans. The scenery in front of you looked like a young adult novel. The light of the city flashed behind Baekhyun, his figure coming out as a blur because of the smoke. His newly dyed red hair catching your attention.
The silence between you wasn’t an awkward one, on the contrary, it was comforting. Finding a smoke-buddy like him was a blessing. He wasn’t very talkative despite his upbeat personality; he somehow distinguished your emotions well and knew when to speak and when to be silent.
“Did Yoongi punish you again?” He breaks your train of thoughts, choosing the spot closest to you to stand.
“Well, I wouldn’t call it punishment,” you throw the bud on the floor stepping over it lightly before you throw it in the bin, “but I do have to write some lyrics to a beat of his choosing.”
“Sounds like a punishment to me.” He chuckles as he lits another cigarette.
You shrug your shoulders. Working with Yoongi hadn’t been at all difficult as how people told you it would be. When you applied for the position, you read various posts on forums about Yoongi’s wrath and the difficulty of the tasks he gave. Many people criticised him for his mentorship, but you had found it refreshing. He never sugar-coated his opinion; he was straight to the point kind of a guy, and you liked it. Well, not every single time but you can’t have the best of both worlds in this industry.
“I can handle it. He’s right, I am behind deadlines, and I should focus on work instead of my personal life.”
Baekhyun looks like he wants to say something but quickly changes his mind. Throwing the bud over the rail he presses the down button. You punch him on his shoulder, hating the way he never cared much about the environment and the disposal of his trash.
“I’ll see you around. Maybe for a coffee next time?” Baekhyun smiles as you exit the lift, and you hum a quiet yes before going in the direction of your studio.
A part of you always felt bad for turning down Baekhyun’s invites for a coffee. You knew his motives were nothing but friendly seeing as you’ve met his long-term girlfriend Dayhun. The two were a match made in heaven having the same humour and playful personality. Sometimes it came to the point where they morphed into one person which gave you the creeps.
You laid on the couch, legs looking at the ceiling, back twisted and the head narrowed to the floor. It was half-past midnight, and inspiration was lacking in every sense. You scrunched the papers with words you thought were bad and aimed for the bin in the corner. You have yet to hit the bin, the papers lying next to it.
You were about to throw the next paper when your phone buzzed. Deeming the notification oh so important you fish it out of your back pocket staring at the screen. Yoongi’s name appears under the official e-mail inviting all the employers of the KT Entertainment tomorrow for a celebration of Jeon Jungkook winning an award for the Male Musician of the Year Netizen Vote and his single Still with You winning the Best Pop Song.
You sit up straight preparing yourself to decline the invite when a message pops up.
Min the Boss Yoongi
The invitation isn’t optional for you. You are required to come.
You didn’t even ask if I was busy tomorrow night?
Min the BOSS Yoongi
Are you busy tomorrow night?
No, but that’s beside the po-
Min the BOSS Yoongi
Great, see you at 8 pm tomorrow.
You massage your temples trying not to sink further into the frustration you felt for this man.
Min the BOSS Yoongi
I wrote that everyone could bring a plus one if they desire, seeing as the two of us and Jeon’s manager will be working tomorrow night, I highly advise you not to bring a plus one. I won’t mind if you do, but they might since you will be by my side most of the time.
You type a quick reply and toss the phone into your bag. Sehun wouldn’t be opposed to the idea of a plus one knowing he wanted to infiltrate himself into the upper society. Meeting people of such status equalled cases with greater stakes and greater stakes meant higher pay. You were gathering your belonging when a soft knock on the door caught your attention.
Baekhyun’s head pops behind the doors. “I was about to leave do you need a ride?”
You smile at him and nod. Baekhyun gives you a thumbs up, happy knowing he won’t be driving home alone at this hour. Luckily for you, he lived nearby and had given you plenty of times a ride. You get up from the couch and throw your purse over your shoulder, locking the studio.
As you walk to the car you discuss tomorrow’s party in Jungkook’s honour. You chuckle as Baekhyun grabs his head already imagining scandalous scenes pernicious for Jungkook’s career.
At the sight of the guests’ attire, you felt severely underdressed. The sleeveless v cut dress tightened by a small knot on each side of your shoulders fell a little bit above your knees. Combat boots were your go-to footwear on such occasions, unlike the rest of the women at the party you needed to feel comfortable in order to finish tasks. You had to run around from one place to the other, obeying each order your boss gave. Sometimes you felt more like a secretary than a songwriter. Under such circumstances, high heels weren’t an option unless you wanted blisters.  
The metal rings on your fingers clanged against the glass deconcentrating you. The room swarm of people of different ages and statuses. You fell back blending well with the rest of the staff you tolerated. Baekhyun stood next to Jungkook, the younger if closely examined looked exhausted. Yoongi stood a few feet away talking to a group of men, some that you recognized.
A hand taps your shoulder, a familiar lavender scented perfume reaches your nose. Momo lays her head on your shoulder. “I thought this was a party. It feels more like a business gathering.”
Momo had been the main choreographer at the KT Entertainment. She was the type of person whom you couldn’t hate even if you wanted to. Kind natured and a bit naïve, she was the heart of the company always ready to help you or brighten your day.
You chuckle as you pat her head while she twists the straw in her cocktail. “Well, Min Yoongi organized it. He wouldn’t know what fun was even if it hit him straight in the face.”
Momo chuckles. “But he sure knew what handsome meant. Look at those men at his side.”
Something you noticed while working for him was the pallet of handsome men he knew which he called close friends. The first you met was Park Jimin, a highly respected dancer that occasionally stepped in to fill for Momo when she was absent. He was very charming and well equipped with words that bared red shade to the cheeks of female employers.
After Jimin, you’ve met Kim Namjoon, a literary professor who frequently reviewed your work. He was shy which often came off as reserved but overall, he was a pleasant company to have when going through your lyrics. He gave them the spark that was much needed to make the song into a hit.
Next to Namjoon stood Kim Taehyung. You’ve met him on one occasion when you barged into Yoongi’s office after he sent a rather rude message. Out of all Yoongi’s friends, he was the one you knew the least. Unlike Namjoon’s unintentional cold behaviour Taehyung’s was deliberate. He didn’t even introduce himself as he left the office making you feel like shit for interrupting what seemed an important meeting.
Another person who was part of Yoongi's close circle is Kim Seokjin, who recommended you to Yoongi. The two were childhood friends and somehow, you’ve never heard of the name Yoongi until two years ago. As much as you hated Jin now, you were still grateful for his help.
The last person in the circle was unfamiliar to you. He fitted well with the others, his handsome face wearing a smile that never flattened through the conversation as he jumped into Yoongi’s words a few times causing the gang to laugh. He had to be very close to Yoongi for your boss not to bash him for interjecting but rather send him a smile.
Momo lifts her head from your shoulder and stands in front of you. “Did you notice one of Yoongi’s friends absent from parties?”
You swallow a lump at the thought of your best friend before you quickly shake your head. “No, not really.”
“Call me crazy but I’m sure I saw Kim Seokjin at these parties before.”
“Can’t recall. Why do you care about him when Park Jimin is over there?” You try to change the subject hoping Momo would take the bait.
She huffs rolling her eyes. “You know I am not a big fan of him. Sure, his work is splendid but him? His personality? It needs a major rework.”
You chuckle at her disgusted expression as she jabs the olive pretending it was Jimin’s face. “Well, then you have Jeon Jungkook.”
“What am I? The company’s serial dater? Can I be honest with you?”, Momo says you follow her line-of-sight landing on Jungkook.
“Sure.” You say as you watch him push past people before he stands next to Jimin, engulfing the older one in a hug.
“I am sorry I know you work with his team, but I hate his songs. They feel like all the washed pop songs you hear on the radio. The whole night I’ve been lying to people saying his latest one is amazing.” You laugh loudly at her confession partly sympathising with her. It was ironic how much you both loved the songs you wrote for him and hated.
“No need to apologize just because I work for him.” You shrug off her apologetic smile, her lips fall into a straight line after she swallows a big sip of her drink.
“It’s still kind of awkward. We work together Y/N, I make all of his choreographies.”
“So? Just because you work together doesn’t mean you have to be a fan.” She nods soaking up your words. She goes to take a sip of her drink, but she groans in surprise at the empty glass.
“I’m going to get another cocktail. You want some?”
You shake your head, and she shrugs her shoulder starting to walk away. Before she can disappear from your sight you call out for her. She turns around tilting her head slightly. “Who’s the fifth guy in Yoongi’s circle?”
You watch as she searches for Yoongi and the rest of the gang. The man in question seemingly sensing you spoke of him looks up at you offering you a smile. He was by far the most handsome one in the group by your standards. Dressed from head to toe in red he, stood out in the mass, the waisted suit hugging his body showing off his well-built figure.
Doubting the smile was for you, you look around searching for the real receiver not wanting to look like an idiot if you return it. Seeing your action, the man laughs which catches the attention of the group.
When Yoongi turns around motioning for you to join them you flush. As you pass Momo her touch lingers for a while on your elbow. She darts close whispering in your ear.
“That’s Jung Hoseok.”
The information left you out of breath, the e-mails he kept sending replaying themselves in your mind. You stumble a bit when Momo’s light touch disappears. Feelings a set of eyes on you, you regain your footing and walk towards your boss. Each step feeling heavier.
There was no one else to blame for the situation you found yourself in but yourself. You knew who Hoseok was in theory, he published many bestseller books and everyone who was even remotely into writing had some knowledge of him and his famous company. Although in the last couple of months your newsfeed lacked information about Hoseok’s whereabouts, you brushed it off as him working on a new book.
You knew about him all, but what he looked like. Jung Hoseok managed to avoid the press like his life depended on it. You saw articles of his assistant Yuta standing in his place at promotions and any other public event. If you only dug deeper or asked for the guest list, you could’ve avoided this.
Yoongi places the palm of his hand on your lower back guiding you into the circle. Jeon Jungkook waves giving you a soft but tired smile, Kim Namjoon nods in your direction slowly sipping the wine, Park Jimin gives you a polite greeting while Kim Taehyung acts as if you never existed. You saw Jimin elbow him lightly, but the man never wavered.
Your eyes stop at Hoseok who beams at you stretching his hand. Yoongi leans and whispers into your ear, the loud beating of your heart making it hard to differentiate his words. “Y/N this is Jung Hoseok.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Finally? What did he mean by that?
You muster up what you thought was a smile albeit a weak one but there. “The pleasure is all mine.”
Different questions race through your mind. Was he here because he found out it was you behind the username? Was he even Yoongi’s friend? Had this all been a plot to finally meet you?
“He hasn’t shut up about the Jungkook’s single. Something about it speaking out to him. He’s very excited to meet the writer behind it.” Yoongi tells you making your head snap in his direction.
There was a silent argument going on between you. It took you months before you accepted Namjoon into the small circle of people who knew that behind another pseudonym of yours stood your name. The songs you wrote for Jungkook mostly spoke of unrequited love and heartbreaks and it would mortify you if people knew it was you who wrote it. The pity looks you might get sent a shudder through your body.
“I can’t wait to hear the future songs you will write.” He says clapping enthusiastically unlike you who couldn’t even utter a word besides thanks. You felt like you kept were being rude. You tried your best not to let the events get to you, but it was hard with him bombarding your inbox constantly.
To your side, Yoongi smiles as if silently answering your question. Hoseok didn’t know you wrote the other songs, nobody knew except Namjoon and Yoongi. You exhale in relief, but the tension remains as you look up at Hoseok. He seemed like the mood maker of the group his smile permanently resting on his face.
“We’re currently working on a new song,” Yoongi announces, and you feel like you want the floor to swallow you up.
You notice Jungkook now paying attention to the conversation as Hoseok leans in. Yoongi turns to you putting you on the spot probably knowing you hadn’t written anything. Trying to calm your nerves you imagine Momo or Sehun standing in front of you instead.
The tension in your body slowly shimmers down, and you can feel yourself take control of the anxiety that was the result of the shock you felt from seeing Jung Hoseok.
“Something with a happier note I hope,” Taehyung says, and you wince at his stoic voice.
Hoseok tsks at him. “Whatever Y/N and Yoongi write will be a hit no doubt.”
“Whipped.” Jungkook coughs under his breath and Jimin giggles slapping him softly on the back of his head.
“We’ll see.” Yoongi smiles, and you follow his suit ignoring your burning cheeks.
Whenever you glanced at Hoseok he was already looking back at you. The attention he gave you every time you spoke offered you a feeling of importance that contributed to you speaking more freely in their presence.
“Did you manage to find anyone interesting to publish their work?” Namjoon’s sentence tickles your curiosity shifting your gaze to Hoseok whose smile for the first time tonight drops.
He plays with the drink in his hands prolonging his answer. “I did find someone, but I am not sure if we’ll sign a deal.”
You stiffen at his answer, the e-mails in your phone suddenly felling heavy.
Namjoon’s brow quirks up. “Not satisfied with the writing?”
Hoseok shakes his head, a weak smile on his lips. He bites his tongue before plopping it to the corner of his mouth. “On the contrary,” this seemed to confuse Namjoon,” they haven’t been responding to any of my e-mails.”
“That’s hard to believe.” Jimin joins the conversation, your attention changing between them as they speak.
"Did you offer them a bad contract?" Namjoon buts in jokingly once he finishes his drink.
Hoseok puckers his lips, slowly looking at Namjoon. "There was no contract to begin with."
"Your conversation gives me a headache. Can you finish the story in one go?" Taehyung speaks up and you silently agree with him.
Hoseok places the glass on the table in front of them, pushing his wavy hair to the sides. His eyes seemed even more mesmerising as they looked over the edge of his glasses.
"I've seen their work on a site and tried to contact them via e-mail. I’ve tried searching for them on other sites but with no results.”
"Why don't you call them or text them? It's the 21st century most people don't use emails as a form of communication."  Jungkook adds his two cents, and you see the rest of the table roll their eyes.
"Just because you use messenger and kakaotalk as communication doesn't mean others do. This isn't a chat between two friends, it's between possible business partners." Jimin scolds the younger and you stifle a laugh.
Namjoon pats Jungkook's back affectionately. "It's unprofessional to contact people through apps especially if you're someone of Hoseok’s status.”
"Anyway," Hoseok coughs straightening his posture," I don't know their name or number. All I have is the user under which they write and well the e-mail."
"Are you sure they are worth all the fuss?" Yoongi adds and you look at Hoseok who immediately nods.
"You should read their poems, Yoongi. They are magical, raw. You can feel each emotion slowly seeping into you. Just like with Y/N’s and yours song. It's powerful."
You tense up at the mention of your name which goes unnoticed by the rest as they engage in a lyrical discussion. You can see Taehyung backing away from the table with Jungkook following behind. Jimin occasionally nods to Hoseok's interpretation of your poems not interested but not wanting to be rude either. Yoongi and Hoseok go back and forward for a while before Namjoon excuses himself leaving the four of you.
"Anyway, I don't want to bore you with my work," Hoseok finishes the discussion turning towards you, " it was lovely meeting you Y/N. I hope to see you soon."
Highly unlikely you wanted to say. "Likewise."
He disappears in the crowd as Yoongi turns to you. "Jimin and I should talk to the other producers some more before we call it a night."
Soon enough they are out of your reach, and you feel like you could breathe for the first time tonight. Pulling your phone from your purse you head straight for the exit. You tap the familiar number, one you’ve dailed many times.
"Hello?" Sehun's voice cuts through your hectic thoughts.
"You will never know who I just fucking met."
"What? No. It’s Jung Hoseok."
You say as you watch the said man lean into the wall of the lift before he notices you standing not far away. The last thing you see before the doors close was his smile turning into a smirk.
"Jung fucking Hoseok."
Miss/Mister Meraki,
I am writing you this mail in hopes of getting a response from you. Wishing the previous mail had landed in a spam box (rather than you not answering), I am writing you another one filled with more hope. After reading your poems I couldn’t help but notice the sad tone most of them carried.
In the light of the discovery, I am going with my hunch and will say freely that you are probably wary of me. Therefore, I’ve decided to take the time and let you get to know me. I’ll start by writing you little facts about me after I read one of your poems. Hopefully, by the end of the journey, you will choose me.
Kind regards,
Jung Hoseok.
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lupiiifics · 3 years
Lucky To Love You
Fic #2 Posted on AO3 on October 1, 2021 for Luzeni Friday on Twitter.
A/N: I swear my stories aren't going to be formatted like this. It's just that I formatted it to fit AO3 so I wasn't sure how to split the chapters here. I didn't want to post them separately, so this is how I did it. Hope it's not too jarring. Next story will be posted on October 8, 2021.
Summary: Zenigata and Lupin agree to a date in Lupin's jail cell. Some hijinks occur, but it's mostly just pining and fluff.
Word Count: 6,988
Chapter 1:
"He's coming."
Goemon appeared between Lupin and Jigen's shoulders, the first sign of him being the hilt of Zantetsuken. His hand gripped the shoulder of the seat in front of him, and Lupin looked back just in time to see blue lights flashing in the distance.
" Shit . How do you do that?" He asked, glancing at the samurai. "I thought we'd have a clean getaway tonight, but it looks like Pops has other plans."
"I thought you kept this one secret? How'd he find us?" Jigen asked.
Lupin shrugged. "Dunno. That guy has some sixth sense when it comes to us."
"When it comes to you , you mean," Jigen corrected. He pulled his Magnum from its holster and popped the chamber to count the amount of bullets. "Want me to take care of him?"
"Maybe. How many are there?"
Jigen turned in his seat, peering past Goemon to stare out the back windshield. "It's just him and his lacky. No one else."
Lupin nodded, tightening his grip on the steering wheel. "Hold off for now. I'll signal you when I need you to slow 'em down."
Jigen lowered his hand but didn't put away his gun. "What're you plannin'?"
Lupin waved a hand in front of them, steadily accelerating to try and outrun their pursuers. They were fast approaching a large copse of trees, the plush green blur becoming clearer as the seconds passed. "I'm gonna try and lose them."
"You sure?" Jigen angled his head upwards until one of his eyes was visible, his bangs peaking through to frame his face. "I could at least stall them."
"Don't waste your ammunition. Save it for when we really need it."
Jigen shrugged, leaning back to kick his feet up on the dash. He pushed his hat down over his face again and stuffed a cigarette from his pocket into his mouth. "Suit yourself. Just don't complain to me later when he catches you."
"He won't catch me," Lupin said, matter-of-factly. "I'm Lupin the Third!"
"That hasn't stopped him before," Jigen muttered. “That guy can’t resist putting his handcuffs on you, can he?”
Lupin grinned, glancing through the rearview mirror again. “Hey, I can’t help being irresistible. It comes with the charm of being me!”
The blue lights were fast approaching, as was the forest. He slammed on the breaks and pressed the clutch to the floor, shifting down until he felt the car catch enough to turn. He jerked the steering wheel, pressing Jigen up against the passenger side door, and throwing Goemon against the back seat. He came up with a glare on his face, his fierce stare peering at him through the rearview mirror.
“You could have warned us,” Goemon said, gripping Zantetsuken. The debris from their sudden shift fell through the sunroof, covering each of them in fallen branches, leaves, and dirt. Lupin ignored the yells of protest coming from his two partners, pressing down the small dirt road in hopes of losing Zenigata. The blue lights still stubbornly pursued them, however, a permanent fixture in the reflection of his mirrors.
The sound of the sirens mixed with the sound of crunching metal as long grey streaks appeared along the sides of his precious Fiat. He pressed his cheek against his window, watching as the trees scratched his car. “ Fuck . Pops is gonna owe me for this one.”
“Ain’t the first time I’ve heard you say that,” Jigen drew a pull from his cigarette, blowing the smoke out through his nose. “You gonna actually hold him to it, this time?”
Lupin leaned forward, shifting as he accelerated deeper into the forest. It was a bumpy ride, throwing each of them around the car as the forest grew more narrow.
“Hush you,” Lupin said. He leaned over, not taking his eyes off the path ahead of him. “Gimme a taste of that, would ya?”
“Thought you hated Marlboros?”
Lupin craned his head, shrugging. “Can’t really pull one of mine out right now, can I? I’m driving.”
Jigen huffed. “Fine. Here.”
He held the cigarette out and allowed Lupin to suck on the end of it. As soon as he pulled away, he crushed the cigarette between his fingers, shoving it into the car’s ashtray and pulling another from the pocket of his jacket.
Lupin laughed the smoke forward to filter against the windshield. It rose overhead and escaped through the sunroof. “Grumpy much, Jiji?”
Jigen ignored him, lighting his brand new cigarette. Goemon leaned forward between them again, his face grim and his hair dotted with leaves and spots of dirt.
“The car will not last,” he said, indicating their slowing speed with the hilt of his sword. “Zenigata will catch up.”
Lupin looked between the samurai and the speedometer. “What? No! She can’t give up on us now!”
Jigen held up his Magnum again, eyes glinting with obvious mirth. “You want me to slow them down now?”
The car began to sputter, dying like a star at the end of its lifecycle. “I’m not sure there’s much point. Looks like we’re running from here. Goemon, you got the stuff?”
Goemon held up a duffle bag full of loot, the pockets glimmering with various pieces of gold, silver, and whatever else they could find that they deemed worth enough to take. He hefted it against the top of one of his shoulders, hopping through the sunroof right as the car came to a stop at the end of a clearing. He drew Zantetsuken in one fluid motion, sending the surrounding trees crashing to block Zenigata’s pursuit. They could hear the inspector yelling on the other side, obviously frustrated to be stopped in his goal of catching them.
“LUPIN! Move these trees, dammit!”
“Sorry, Pops!” Lupin shouted over the chaos. “But I’ve gotta run.”
“Oh no you don’t!”
Zenigata exited his police car and began climbing the fallen trees. When Jigen and Goemon saw this, they began to back away.
“Whelp, I’m outta here. You comin’, Goemon?”
The samurai nodded. “I’m right behind you, Jigen.”
Lupin turned to follow them, but found his arm restrained by a familiar set of handcuffs. He looked back, and found Zenigata half slumped over the trees, grinning at him with a thick rope clutched between his fingers. “I’ve got you now, Lupin!”
Lupin turned toward his friends, watching as they continued to run away from him. “Wait, no. Guys, help me !”
Jigen gave him a sympathetic look while Goemon remained stoic in their escape.
“Sorry, boss,” Jigen said, “but we gotta keep the goods safe, right?”
“No! You’ve got to keep me safe, you bastards!”
Jigen ignored him. “We’ll be sure to give you your share when you escape, okay boss? See ya later!”
“What?! No. Jigen , get your ass back here.”
They disappeared out of the clearing, leaving Lupin alone with Zenigata and Yata. Lupin slowly turned to find Zenigata standing behind his shoulder, tugging his hand up to grin at the cuffs.
“Thought you could escape from me, did you?” He asked. He untied the rope and grabbed Lupin’s other hand to trap behind his back. “Now you’re coming back with us to the station.”
“Aw, but Pops. Tonight was supposed to be a quiet night. I didn’t even send out a calling card.”
“I don’t care!” Zenigata beamed, his face absolutely alight with pride. “Wherever you go, I follow, remember?"
Lupin hunched his shoulders and blew out a defeated sigh. "Normally I'd call that romantic, but with you I'm not so sure."
"Call it whatever you want. You're not getting away this time, Lupin ," Zenigata said. He turned toward the pile of trees and pulled Lupin along with him. "Yata! Come help me load our prisoner."
"Yes, sir!" Yata poked his head up from where he had climbed the trees, reaching an arm down to do just as Zenigata had asked. "Boost him up. I’ll pull.”
Zenigata fumbled with his cellphone, struggling to dial the number of his police chief. Yata did his best to help him, but there wasn't much he could do for a man as stubborn as the Inspector. Lupin watched helplessly from the back seat, listening as the two bickered.
"Just let me dial the number—"
"No, I already told you I got it. Here, look. See? It's ringing!"
Zenigata held the phone gleefully to his ear, a large grin spreading across his face. Yata's expression was a little less enthusiastic, exhausted against his superior's relentless tenacity.
Zenigata didn't notice this. His voice was bright as he said, "hello? Chief? Yeah, we got 'em! We caught Lupin. We're transporting now."
Lupin had already slipped his cuffs, but his escape was thwarted by this car's lack of back-door handles. This wasn't Zenigata's typical police car. It didn't have a sunroof either.
He wrapped his arms around the headrests of the seats in front of him, leaning to poke his head between the two police officers. Yata jumped when he noticed the thief, while Zenigata ignored him and finished his report.
"We'll be there in an hour. Have his cell prepped and ready for me, alright? Yes, sir. I'll give you the full run-down once I have Lupin locked up tight."
"Sir—" Yata sputtered, staring wide-eyed at Lupin. He held his hand to his holstered handgun, ready to use it if Lupin decided to try anything hasty. Zenigata remained calm as he felt Lupin snake his hand around his left shoulder. He simply said his goodbyes, hung up the phone, and turned to look at their prisoner.
“You slipped your cuffs,” he said, voice flat.
Lupin held up the cuffs in question, hanging them off the top of his forefinger. He grinned. “You know me, Pops. I’ve never been one to be restrained.”
“I beg to differ,” Zenigata said. “Seeing as I’ve got you where I want you, and we’re heading back to the station now.”
Lupin shrugged and fell back against his seat. "I'll find a way out of this. I always do. You got a smoke?"
Zenigata grumbled, much of his initial enthusiasm gone from his body language. He rummaged through his pocket for his cigarettes and lighter, pulling one out, lighting it, and handing it back to Lupin. Yata stared at him as the cigarette left his lips, his entire face twisted in confusion.
"You're actually giving him one?"
Zenigata shrugged. "They haven't been tampered with, so why not? Not like he'll get many opportunities in prison anyway."
Yata slumped his shoulders. "You're too kind, Inspector. He's a thief!"
"Hey, just ‘cause he’s a thief, doesn’t mean I can’t treat him with respect.” Zenigata said.
Yata sighed, and Lupin laughed at the reserved look on the young police officer’s face. This earned him a glare worthy of Goemon, and Lupin’s laughter only got louder.
“Zenigata, with all due respect, you’re hopeless…”
His cell was at the back of the police station, past the rows of office desks, people, and officers. The room was dark and windowless, with lights that were controlled by whoever was guarding him. The cell door was heavy and automated, with no obvious control panel, nor way Lupin could conceivably hack it. He realized then that this cell had been specifically created to contain him, at least temporarily, until they could figure out a way to keep him from escaping. It was kind of impressive actually, until he realized the reality of what that would mean.
“You’ve been doing your research,” Lupin said, looking around. There was a bed suspended by wire in the corner of the room, and a mirror and toilet behind a wall for him to use.
“Told you you weren’t going anywhere,” Zenigata said. He pressed his hand against the back of Lupin’s shoulder, pushing him forward into the cell. “Welcome to your new home, Lupin~”
Lupin was beginning to panic, though he hid it under a veneer of careful planning. He straightened the orange jumpsuit they’d forced him into. Anything to make him look, and feel, composed. “ Temporary home, you mean. You know I’ll bust outta here eventually.”
Zenigata smiled at him and started to turn to leave the cell. “Whatever you say, Lupin.”
Lupin stumbled forward, unaware of the movement until it was actually happening. He caught Zenigata’s wrist in a plea to get him to stop. “Wait.”
“What?” Zenigata raised a dark eyebrow at him, turning to stare at their intertwined arms. “Do you need something?”
“Let’s make a deal.”
“A deal?” Zenigata shook his head, pulling away. “I don’t make deals with criminals, Lupin. You know that.”
Lupin was desperate. “A bet then. If I can make it through a week, you have to go on a date with me.”
Zenigata’s face flushed red and he took a step backwards. “A date ? Are you out of your mind?”
“Probably,” Lupin said, “but anyway. What do you say? Will you accept?”
Zenigata pressed his back against the cell door, face still flushed with what Lupin thought was embarrassment. “Don’t you have Fujiko? Or Jigen? Why would you want me ?”
“Why wouldn’t I want you?” Lupin asked, genuinely surprised. “You’re my rival , Zenigata. No cop in the world has ever managed to capture me for more than a night, and you’ve done it more than I can count. You’re my equal .”
“What about the others?” Zenigata asked. “Won’t they be angry?”
Lupin waved a hand. “Nah, they won’t care.”
Zenigata spluttered. “But isn’t that… cheating?”
“ Zenigata …” Lupin stared at him, a smile slowly growing to meet his eyes. “People can be polyamorous.”
Lupin edged toward the inspector eagerly. “So? What do you say?”
Zenigata rubbed his face. He was silent for several moments, seemingly going over the pros and cons in his head.
“This isn’t some plan to escape, is it?”
Lupin shrugged. “That depends. Where will the date take place?”
Zenigata scanned the room with his eyes, a plan slowly forming in his mind. “Here.”
“Really? How?”
“We’ll figure it out,” Zenigata said, “but we’re sure as Hell not doing it anywhere else.”
Lupin drooped his shoulders, disappointed that his idea hadn’t quite worked how he expected. “Aw, you’re no fun.”
“Just be glad I’m gonna let you do this at all.”
“So is that a yes?”
Zenigata looked like he was about to sign his soul away. He exhaled and rolled his shoulders. “ Yes , but only if you make it a week. Otherwise, the entire thing is off.”
Lupin shouted his excitement, throwing his arms around the inspector’s shoulders. “I’m looking forward to it!”
Zenigata allowed Lupin to nuzzle into his neck for a moment, enjoying the contact as much as he could allow. A moment later, he pried the thief off of him, and missed the warmth of his arms almost immediately. “Seven days,” he said. He held up seven fingers. “One week from today, or the date’s off.”
Lupin saluted him loyally, stepping back with a grin bright on his face. “Yes, sir! One week.”
Zenigata gave Lupin a small smile, stepping to turn back to the door. He paused for a width of a second, expecting something else, but the only sound he heard was the squeak of Lupin’s bed as the prisoner climbed into it. He wasn’t sure why he was disappointed as he left the jail cell. There shouldn’t have been anything else he was expecting.
As soon as the door closed, and Lupin was sure Zenigata was gone, he tugged at the edge of his ear until a small earpiece popped out into his hand. He played with the contraption for several seconds, bending and contracting it until he had it how he liked it. Then he hooked it back to the plastic by his ear, and grinned when he heard the other end pick up.
Jigen sounded tired as he answered, and Lupin wondered if he had woken him. “Boss?”
“Hey, Jiji . Listen. I need a favor.”
Chapter 2:
Report #1, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“Day one of Lupin’s imprisonment was an overall success. Lupin himself was cooperative. He answered my questions, followed orders, and did his best to seem like a perfect prisoner. Most of his first day was spent lounging on the bed. When I asked if he needed anything, he requested extra blankets. This seemed to be for comfort, as he used them as pillows and laid one over the sheets on the mattress. Otherwise, there is nothing else to report. He asked me for details on the date, and I hesitated to answer. I’m still not sure what I’m feeling over our bet, but my heart keeps skipping beats. Maybe I should go see a doctor?”
Report #2, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“Day two came with a string of complications, none of which seemed to affect Lupin or his seemingly unwavering determination to make it through this week. I hadn’t expected him to be so positive throughout this experience. So far he’s been nothing but smiles when in the past, it was always grandeur and posturing. I feel like he’s hiding something from me, though I can’t figure out what. I will get to the bottom of it, however. He can’t hide from me! I know all his secrets. Also… he called me ‘handsome.’ I’m not sure if that’s information I should share in my reports, but I can’t stop thinking about it.”
Report #3, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“I think his facade is starting to crack. When I approached his cell at the beginning of my shift, I found him shouting orders to the men guarding his door. Of course, this stopped once I announced myself. The men wouldn’t answer me when I asked what he had been shouting about. Instead, they told me it was nothing and, even when ordered, ignored me when I asked them to tell me. I entered Lupin’s cell angry, which was a mistake, because he caught me off guard with a hug from behind. I was so startled that I threw him off. Of course, he laughed about it. Sometimes I forget how damn good of a man Lupin can be. It takes a lot to piss him off. Apparently throwing him against a wall isn’t enough to break him down.”
Report #4, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“Day 4 and I think Yata has finally given up on me. He refuses to work with me on Lupin’s imprisonment, instead choosing to pursue the other three. So far, he hasn’t made much leeway. I warned him that this would be the case. Lupin might have screwed up by allowing himself to get caught, but Jigen and Goemon are a whole other monster when put together. And who even knows what’s going on with Fujiko? Lupin doesn’t seem to know where she is, but he’s not concerned, so neither am I. I instructed Yata to keep looking, if only to keep him from judging me. He seems disappointed in my deal with Lupin. Personally, I don’t see the issue with it if it keeps him in jail. We’ll have to see how it goes. That is, if Lupin makes it through all 7 days and Yata stops sighing whenever he looks at me.
Lupin was just as sugar-coated as usual today. He kept asking me opinions on things we could do during our date. I’m not sure if that was his way of flirting with me or if he was simply trying to make small talk. He does seem fairly sincere in his affections, but Lupin is like that with a lot of people. I don’t know if I can trust him. The men cheered when I exited the cell and I found several post-it notes with words of encouragement at my desk. I’m not certain I like what they’re all getting at.”
Report #5, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“We ran into our first actual issue with Lupin today. He seemed oddly defeated when I visited him in his cell, though he put up a facade almost as soon as he noticed me. Otherwise, he was energetic. I don’t know if being in the cell is starting to take its toll, or if he’s accepted his future imprisonment. He wasn’t lying when he said I’d done my research. The cell itself is tailor made to keep him contained, plus it’s at the back of the police station. If he were to escape, he’d have to go through me and every officer on duty in the office. He might be a master thief who had escaped from impossible odds time and time again, but everyone has their limit. He is just one man, and as far as Yata has told me, there’s no sign of Jigen or Goemon on their way to save him. As far as I can tell, they’ve abandoned him. Maybe that’s why he’s so listless? He’s probably missing his partners. I’ll try my best to make him happy during his time here, if only to wipe that hurt puppy look off his stupid monkey face.”
Report #6, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“I can tell Lupin is trying to come up with a way of escaping after our date in two days. He was restless when I found him this morning. I don’t think he’s really slept since I caught him, and while that shouldn’t concern me, it does. I tried asking him about how he was feeling, and he just dodged the question. I wonder if this is what he’s like with all of his partners. Is he open with Jigen, Fujiko, and Goemon? Or does he thrive on hiding behind a mask? He seems to be trying to convince me he’s fine, but I can see he’s not. I don’t think he likes being alone. He thrives off of other people, but I can hardly let him around other prisoners. It’s not that he’s particularly dangerous. He’s rarely even violent. He’s just flighty. If I let him anywhere but the bath house and his cell, he’ll get too many ideas and be out of my hands before I even know it. Maybe that’s not a risk right now with our date at the end of the week, but it becomes a risk as soon as that date is over. I’m not sure if this entire thing is just some elaborate scheme to take advantage of me, but he does seem to actually like me. I keep asking what it is he sees in me, an old police inspector, and he keeps saying the same thing. We’re destined rivals, which means we’re destined to be together.”
Report #7, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“The date is tomorrow night, which seems to have revived Lupin’s spirits a bit. He gave me a hug again when I entered his cell, though he waited until I could see him before actually doing it. This time, I didn’t throw him off me, though part of me kind of wanted to. I just can’t wrap my head around what’s happening here. We’re on the opposite sides of the law. I shouldn’t have this pressing need for him to be nearby, but I do. I’ve tried so long to push these feelings aside, or to channel them into capturing him, and now that I have, I don’t know what to do with myself. I’ve started to realize that this is the way it’s always been. That my desire to capture him was more than just my job. It was personal, and I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do about that. The men seem supportive, with the only detracting person still being Yata. He seems to have overall accepted the fact that this is something that’s happening. I don’t know how to explain to him why I have to do this. Hopefully, he’ll eventually understand.”
Report #8, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“I still think Lupin is hiding something from me, and when I tried to ask about it, he once again ignored me. For now, I’m giving up on figuring it out by focusing on tonight. Lupin seemed over the moon when I talked to him about it this morning. I’m mostly nervous. I’m getting off an hour early to go home and prepare. The men seemed excited for me. They kept cheering me on about it. They even got Yata to join in, though he seemed embarrassed. It makes me happy to finally see him come around. Yata’s still new to this. I think it’s taken him a while to understand that the life of someone like us is not all about catching criminals. Sometimes, it’s about capturing them and then going on dates with them. I still can’t believe I agreed to do this.”
Chapter 3:
Zenigata pulled up to the police station embarrassed.
He was dressed in a dark brown pinstripe suit, with a pristine white dress shirt, a cream and gold striped tie, and an old pair dress shoes. He felt oddly stuffy when walking into the station. Like he looked out of place. Most of the people on duty complimented him as he passed, and suddenly he wished he had not gone without his hat. At least with it he could hide, and maybe get rid of this feeling of wanting to flee. This was Lupin’s reward, after all. He couldn’t back out now, not when the thief had buckled down and done what he had promised to, anyway.
He noticed about halfway through the office that most of his colleagues wouldn’t look him in the eye. Normally this wouldn’t be something that bothered him. He could be intimidating, especially to younger officers, based on his title alone, but this was different. People he’d worked with for years didn’t quite meet his gaze. They dodged his questions, welcomed him and asked him what he had planned, but they didn’t look at him. It got to the point that he thought something was wrong with the way he looked, and a wave of self-consciousness washed over him once again.
The only outlier was Yata, who led him back to Lupin’s cell with the same smile he always had on his face. He treated Zenigata as he normally did, and for the moment, that helped to calm him down.
“Is something wrong?” Zenigata asked as they passed the rows of desks.
Yata shook his head. “I don’t believe so. Why do you ask?”
“It’s just that everyone seems to be acting weird.”
Yata shrugged. “It’s not everyday a police inspector has a date with a world-renowned criminal. I’m not sure it’s surprising that they’re acting differently.”
Zenigata shifted the basket he had brought with him to rest under one of his arms. “You’re not mad at me, are you?”
Yata looked back, holding out his keycard, but not actually scanning it against the hidden scanner quite yet. “No. Why would I be mad?”
Zenigata rubbed his neck. “Well, I know this isn’t quite what you expected when you agreed to become my partner.”
Yata laughed and it surprised him. “With all due respect, sir, nothing we’ve done so far has been what I was expecting. It’s been fun though, and I hope we continue to work together.”
“So you’re really not upset at me?”
“No. I thought it was odd at first, but then the men reminded me that this is always how it’s been between you and Lupin.”
Zenigata was astonished. “That’s not true…”
Yata smiled. “Are you sure? From what they tell me, you’ve always been smitten with him.”
“That’s… okay, probably true, but I don’t know if ‘always’ is the word I’d use.”
“Whatever you say, Inspector.” Yata scanned the keycard, and punched in a code that was linked to his work phone. “You ready?”
Zenigata sighed, looking down at himself and the basket. He looked back up to Yata and nodded. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
The feeling of nervousness was so strong his chest hurt. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting as Yata opened the door. Maybe it would be empty? Maybe this was how they discovered how Lupin had played them? Maybe it would be normal? He didn’t know.
What he wasn’t expecting was the sound of music, the smell of scented wax candles, or the shuffle of feet as Lupin rushed to finish whatever it was he was preparing. He stepped through to see the thief turn on his heel, greeting Zenigata just as the door to his cell slammed shut behind him.
“Pops! Welcome!” Lupin swung his arms aside to showcase what he had been working on. It was then Zenigata noticed that both the room, and Lupin, had been transformed to match that of some fancy French restaurant. There was a tall circular table in the middle of the room, covered by a bright white sheet. On this table sat a basket of red wine and two crystalline glasses, as well as two tall candles and a single red rose in a vase. On the floor near the table was a small black cassette radio playing a song Zenigata didn’t recognize. It said,
“ I ain't got any worries
And I ain't got any money
But luck seems to follow
Wherever I go
When you said hello
My luck disappeared
You didn't even know I cared. ”
Lupin wore a black three piece suit, fancier than anything Zenigata owned, with a white ruffled blouse, and shiny silver cufflinks. He was so surprised by this, he didn’t even hug back when the thief wrapped his arms around his shoulders. His mind was too preoccupied with trying to figure out how he’d done this, along with processing just how good Lupin looked in that suit.
“What is this?” Zenigata asked, voice weak.
Lupin pulled away from him and smiled. He led Zenigata to the table, and pulled out one of the two chairs for him to take. “Our date,” he said. “It’s not much, but I hope you like it.”
“How? How did you do this?”
Lupin’s smile turned into a grin. He picked up the glasses and placed one in front of Zenigata. “I enlisted the help of your men. They planned everything. All I did was order some stuff for Jigen to drop off. Like this wine, or my favorite suit.”
“They… really? Is that why they wouldn’t look at me as I was walking in?”
Lupin shrugged. “I guess they didn’t want to ruin the surprise. What do you think? Did they do a good job?”
“It’s perfect,” Zenigata said, still shellshocked. “Wait, did you say you’ve spoken to Jigen?”
“Yes, but not about escaping. I’ve kept my promise.”
“That’s not what I’m concerned about. I just want to know how.”
Lupin looked guilty, and pulled at something at the top of his left ear. A thin flesh colored piece of metal appeared between his fingers and Lupin held it out to show him. “This is how. It’s an antenna with a builtin speaker and microphone. I connect it to this,” he removed another piece by his ear,  “and I can talk to whoever it’s connected to like a cellphone.”
“Shit, didn’t think of that,” Zenigata said. He wasn’t really surprised. With the amount of contraptions Lupin had on his person at any one time, it was impossible to be alarmed by missing something.
Lupin’s expression of guilt shifted to pride and he grinned. “Clever isn’t it? I came up with it for situations just like this.”
“You came up with it for dates with police inspectors?” Zenigata smiled, watching as Lupin’s expression shifted once more into disdain.
“Quit being facetious. You know what I invented it for. Now drink your wine.”
Zenigata nodded and picked up his glass. “About that. You said Jigen dropped this off? How’d he do that without being caught?”
Lupin took a sip of his own glass, tipping it toward him. “He disguised himself as one of your officers. Said something about finding everything I asked for dropped off at the door with a note attached saying, ‘For Lupin.’”
“And they didn’t notice?”
Lupin bobbed his head. “What can I say? There’s truly no one out there like you, Pops.”
“For tonight, call me Koichi. This is a date, isn’t it?”
Lupin laughed. “Yes it is. Doesn’t that mean you should call me Arsène?”
“Do you want me to?” Zenigata asked.
Lupin hid his face in his glass. “I wouldn’t be against it, though I cannot remember the last time someone called me by my first name. It might have been right before my grandfather died. I can’t be sure.”
“Well, Arsène , if it’s any consolation, I don’t remember the last time someone called me by my first name either.”
Lupin shivered and placed his glass back down on the table. “Okay, that’s gonna take some getting used to. It doesn’t even sound like my name anymore.”
“I can call you Lupin instead if you’d like.”
Lupin shook his head. “Nah, if it’s coming from you, Koichi. It’s fine.”
Zenigata smiled. He leaned forward in his seat and took another sip from his glass. “Alright, but we go back to normal after this. I don’t know how the men would react if they heard you calling me Koichi.”
Lupin nodded. “And I don’t know how Jigen would react if he heard you call me Arsène. He might actually kill me. He gets kind of touchy when it comes to things like that.”
“I don’t think Jigen would be capable of killing you,” Zenigata said. “One, you’re well… you and two, he loves you too much.”
“Oh he’s capable, alright. If Jigen wanted to, he’d be able to take me out in mere seconds. Luckily, as you said, he loves me.”
“A lot of people do,” Zenigata said.
Lupin leaned forward. The look on his face was wide and cocky. “Is one of those people you, Koichi ?”
The way Lupin purred his name gave Zenigata pause more than the actual question did. He found himself spluttering for an answer, his entire face flushed and bright red. “I… well . Yes. I suppose so.”
The song playing over the radio had long since repeated itself, playing softly to aid the thoughts running through Zenigata’s mind. Now it said,
“ Lucky-I can't be lucky in love
All my four leaf clovers
Can't do me no good
Funny, just when I needed to be lucky
Couldn't help but lovin' you
Lovin' you… ”
Lupin repeated the last of the lyrics in a whisper between them, wineglass all but forgotten and Zenigata the main focus of his attention. He reached forward and plucked the inspectors hands up off his lap, rubbing calloused thumbs over the top of both of them.
Zenigata stared at their entwined hands, and couldn’t help the thrum of emotion from rising deep within him. He almost felt like crying. He wasn’t quite sure why.
Lupin noticed this and smiled at him. He leaned farther forward, close enough that Zenigata could smell the wine on his breath. “I haven’t gotten a chance to tell you this yet, but you look wonderful tonight, Koichi. I wasn’t even expecting you to come dressed up.”
“I couldn’t very well show up in my regular clothes now, could I? Just because it’s been a while, doesn’t mean I don’t remember how to prepare for a date.”
“I wouldn’t have minded,” Lupin said. “You’re perfect no matter what you’re dressed in.”
“That’s not true, but thank you anyway, Arsène.”
Lupin looked scandalized. “It is true, but you’re welcome.”
Zenigata felt awkward, but he plowed forward anyway. “You… you look nice tonight too. So nice in fact, I think I short circuited when Yata let me into your cell.”
Lupin giggled and nodded his head. “I noticed that, though I wasn’t sure if it was me or if it was everything we’d managed to sneak in.”
“It was both,” Zenigata said. “Though you were a big part of it.”
“Even in jail, I clean up pretty nice, don’t I?” Lupin looked down at himself and back up at Zenigata. “They even let me shave.”
“I can tell, and yes. You’re probably the most beautiful person I know.”
Lupin looked genuinely touched. “Even compared to Fujicakes?”
Zenigata nodded. “She doesn’t even begin to hold a torch to you. I promise.”
“Hey, Fuji-chan’s a knockout. Don’t underestimate her looks.”
“Don’t underestimate yours either,” Zenigata said. “You’re gorgeous, you know?”
“So I’ve been told,” Lupin smiled. “Hey, Koichi. I have a question.”
Zenigata dipped his head. “Yeah?”
“Can I kiss you?”
Everything stopped, and the blush returned to Zenigata’s face. That song kept up it’s chorus, saying,
“ Couldn't help but lovin' you
Lovin' you�� ”
Lupin inclined his head, letting go of Zenigata’s hands to press his own against his cheeks. His lips were soft as they met the inspector’s, sweet like wine and cherry chapstick. For several moments they stayed like that, lost in a world of warmth, love, and that happy song playing in the backdrop. Zenigata’s heart raced as the time went on, but he couldn’t bring himself to pull away. The kiss felt so right against him that he wished it would go on forever. The rush of air between them tickeled as their breaths quickened, and their tongues slid together through parted lips. It was like nothing Zenigata had ever experienced. Like lightning in a bottle or the unmistakable feeling he got during a car chase.
When they pulled apart, he wanted to go back in. When Lupin smiled at him, he did. The second kiss was faster, more passionate, but just as sweet. They pushed against each other, fighting for dominance. For a time, it was unclear who would break away first. It seemed to go on endlessly, but at long last, it was Zenigata who broke contact.
They came up from the kiss huffing into each other’s faces, out of breath but grinning like school girls. Lupin snuck his chair closer to Zenigata, and wrapped his arms around his back to bury his face in the inspector’s neck. He sighed heavily, purring almost like a contented cat.
“I’m glad we made that bet,” he said. “I had a really nice time tonight.”
Zenigata hummed and allowed himself to nuzzle his nose against the thief’s shoulder. “I did too. We should do this every time I catch you.”
“Thought I wasn’t getting away?” Lupin chuckled, and Zenigata felt it bubble between their chests.
“You’re not,” Zenigata said. “But in the case you do, I’m going to be extra determined to get you back.”
Lupin’s chuckled turned into genuine laughter, and he pulled away just enough to see Zenigata’s face. They were close enough that their knees pressed together, the fronts of each of their chairs practically touching. “Challenge accepted,” he said. “Though we don’t have to save these dates for every time you catch me.”
“Yeah, but where’s the fun in that?” Zenigata asked.
“Hey, the chase and date themselves might be fun, but I’d actually like to take you out sometime.”
“I wouldn’t be against that. This turned out to be more than I was expecting.”
“Is that a good thing?” Lupin asked.
Zenigata nodded and pressed his lips against Lupin’s forehead. “It’s the best.”
“Good,” Lupin leaned down onto his shoulder again. He grew heavy until, that is, he noticed something. He perked up. “What’s that?”
“What’s what?”
Lupin broke away from him to grab the basket Zenigata had deposited beside his chair. He held it out. “This.”
Zenigata slapped his forehead, having completely forgotten about his basket. He took it from Lupin and placed it on the table, opening it up and dropping its contents around the candles and rose. The moment he pulled out two containers of cup noodles, his electric kettle, and bottles of water, Lupin lost it. He nearly fell out of his chair laughing, and for a moment Zenigata grew defensive.
“What are you laughing at?”
The laughing continued. “Why…why did you bring cup noodles?”
“It was all I had.”
“But we’re on a date .”
Zenigata was confused. “So? They’re good and easy to make. There’s not much we can do in a jail cell so I had to improvise.”
“Yeah, but cup noodles? You could have ordered something from a restaurant and brought it with you.”
“I didn’t think of that,” Zenigata said. “And anyway, why does it matter? Why’s it matter what we eat?”
“It doesn’t,” Lupin said. “It’s just so incredibly you . I’m not sure what else I was expecting.”
“I’m not sure what you were expecting either.”
Lupin continued to laugh. “You realize the wine I asked for isn’t cheap, right? Wine and cup noodles. It’s so… perfect .”
Zenigata began to put his supplies away, offended by Lupin’s reaction. “If you don’t want ‘em, I’ll leave. Maybe this was a mistake after all.”
Lupin threw out his hands to stop him. “ No . No. Don’t go. I'm sorry. I’m not mocking you. It just caught me off guard, that’s all.”
“I can order something too if that’s what you’d prefer. I’m sure Yata would—”
“No. Make the damn noodles, Koichi. I’m sure they’ll be delicious.”
Zenigata slowly started to place his supplies back down on the table. “You’re sure?”
Lupin nodded. “I can’t wait to tell Jigen about this. He’ll get a kick out of it.”
“Alright,” Zenigata said. “I’ll be sure not to bring noodles with me on our next date.”
Lupin shook his head. “But you have to. At this point, I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”
“You’re enjoying this too much.”
“Perhaps, but it’s only because I love you.”
Zenigata stared at him, all the emotions of the past hour rushing back to flood his brain.
“I love you too,” he said, along with the chorus of that song, and the chuckles of his thief reverberating throughout the jail cell.
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
Carnival First Date with Tommy One Shot
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Carnival First Date with Tommy One Shot
Word Count: 2001
Summary: Based on the head cannon from a few weeks ago. Tommy takes you to the carnival on a first date. He’s just a fun time to be around and you get to experience the various sides he has
Note: feedback is always welcome. Messages me any requests you have! Thanks for reading
Tommy was drumming his hands against the steering wheel, shooting nervous looks up at the front door. He was waiting for his date to come out. He had met this chick a couple weeks ago at a bar where she was a waitress. He had been doing every day asking her to go out, only to get that pretty little smile and a laugh as she declined him. Until today at lunch where he had been talking to Nikki about the carnival in town when she had been walking by. He had perked up seeing her and instantly invited her to go out with him expecting the usual no. She had slapped her address down on the table telling him she’d see him at 6pm. Now it was 5:59 and he was wondering if he should go knock on the door.
The front door flew and he saw the mess of brown curls out of your usual ponytail. You were wearing these tiny shorts, Converse and a cropped top to try and stay cool in the summer heat. You were letting the metal door slam shut, heart racing looking around until your eyes found him. Tommy smiled as you did a small wave, jogging over to the car tossing your bag inside the open window before jumping in.
“Hey, thanks for picking me up.” It was weird going out with this guy who had been hitting on you nonstop for weeks.
“Thanks for putting out of my misery and finally going out with me.” As soon as he revved the engine you grabbed hold of the door, your heart sinking as he sped through traffic. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that you were going to puke tonight.
Tommy was like an over excited chimpanzee when you pulled into the dirt parking lot. His eyes were blazing in excitement as he climbed out the car over to your side and pulling the door open.
“We need to hold hands so we don’t get lost.” He was weaving his fingers into yours, a perfect fit. It was easy with how smooth he was. He was running, skipping and into the gates. Before you could pull your money out he was getting you bracelets for the rides tonight and letting go of your hand to put it on.
“Do you want to get on rides first or get something to eat?” You asked as he walked towards the excitement with your hands together once more.
“We should get the fried Oreos and maybe some cotton candy..Ohhh they have fresh donuts.” you suddenly were worried that maybe he would be the one that puked.
Tommy ate two full orders of fried Oreos, a chocolate milk shake, popcorn, and even decided to share his fried dough with you.
He’s so easy to joke with and you’re laughing so hard your stomach hurts. You’re holding hands as he runs to get you guys in line for the Zipper. You hesitate slightly before stepping into the ride and you feel his hand rubbing over your knuckles.
“We can go on another ride or play games if you’re into that?” He offers, giving the guy about to lock you in a look so you have time to decide what you want to do. Your hearts fluttering as you smile, reaching out to bring the bar down and lock you in. He’s smiling with you as the ride starts up.
It’s infectious. His laughter and joy deep into you and you’re laughing so hard as you weave between people. It feels like you’ve created this little bubble in the two hours you’ve been together and you’re seriously thinking it’s been the two happiest hours of your life. Even though you puked at one point in the bushes he had just gotten you water and asked if you wanted to go home but you didn’t want to go home. You wanted to be where he was, where this happiness was. Your cheeks were sore and you had a stomach ache from the muscles in your body adjusting to the joy Tommy was bringing them.
“We have to ride the Ferris Wheel!” He said, pulling you along and cutting the line that he didn’t realize was there to get you guys on. Your heart was racing as you thought of how high up you’d be but Tommy was already looking out into the distance.
You’re looking over the carnival, the sound of people slowly fading as you get higher up. The wind feels good on your flushed cheeks and you tilt your head up welcoming the cool relief.
“Can I kiss you?” You’re shocked when he asks this and don’t respond because you can’t remember a time when someone asked to kiss you instead of doing it. It’s respectful and kind. You manage a nod and he leans forward, his hand sliding over your face to hold you against him as his lips meet yours. It’s like everything that you’ve been waiting for. Tommy pulls away, this big smile on his face and he’s suddenly standing up rocking the whole Ferris Wheel car you’re riding in.
“HOLY FUCKING SHIT!” He’s screaming as the car is shaking and you question your entire life as it’s flashing before your eyes. He’s screaming and hollering, well the operator of the ride is shouting something that is lost in the wind.
“Tommy.” It comes out as a whisper and he sits down throwing an arm around you. A sheepish smile on his face.
He helps you off the Ferris wheel, spinning you around before dragging you off to the bumper cars. He stops along the way offering to buy you an ice cream.
You can feel him watching you. Your tongue on the soft serve, dragging upward. Your eyes dart to where Tommy is watching, ice cream dripping down his hand.
“Can I have a taste of yours?” He is reaching out holding his ice cream out, watching you. Smiling, you grab his wrist licking the chocolate off his fingers. Smiling as you see his smile spread. You pull away licking your bottom lip.
“Well, you’re definitely proving to be worth the wait.” He teased watching the way you smirked. “Are you having a good time because if you’re not we can leave?” He was so sincere and worried about you enjoying yourself you couldn’t help but smile at him.
“Cmon, drummer boy. I want to ride bumper cars.” You were tugging him along. Tommy couldn’t stop his smile watching as you pulled him along.
You were pretty sure that you had some sort of trauma from Tommy slamming his bumper car into you so hard you were sure you were going to have whiplash. As you turned the car to back up he was slamming into your side, a shit eating grin on his face.
“I like that you’re competitive, Y/N.” He said helping you stand from the bumper cars. You rubbed your neck giving him a look and wanting to kick him in the shin. But he was smiling offering you his hand and you guys were off again.
It was funny watching him get mad at the games. He took another three baseballs shooting a glance over his shoulder at you. He had been dead set on winning a teddy bear and was failing. He had, however, managed to gather an audience of kids. When Tommy noticed all the kids he slammed some money down on the table.
“Maybe they’ll have better luck.” He joked walking away as the kids excitedly rushed forward. His arm was around you as you walked through the carnival grounds that was getting less busy as closing time approached.
“That was really nice of you to do.” You said watching him shrug like he didn’t care. A smile danced over hour face and you rolled your eyes at the way he was trying to play off a cool rockstar, “would you think it was super lame if we did the photo booth?” His eyes lit up dragging you inside the tight space. Tommy was so tall that when he sat you had nowhere to really go other than his lap. His hands rested on your thighs as you fed the machine the dollar bill leaning back against him. You ended up feeding the machine a lot of money until the final picture where Tommy was kissing you.
You shifted on his lap, leaning into his embrace. Kissing Tommy felt good, like this relaxing wave of pleasure through your whole body. He tasted sweet, probably from all the junk food he had been eating. His hand was running up your leg, under the loose crop top, cupping a breast in his palm. The soft moan was drowned out in his kiss and he was ready to take you right there. You could feel him growing under your body and the primary urge for more was over taking her. A knock outside the booth had you both stopping. Instead of an awkwardness you both fell into a fit of giggle spilling out. He grabbed the pictures, stuffing them into his pocket and moving back over to the games.
Tommy stopped seeing the goldfish in the bags. He frowned, counting how many bags there were. Turning to you he gave you a quick smile.
“How much for all the goldfish?” He asked. The man seemed confused by his question and even you were confused. There had to be thirty bags of goldfish. But Tommy was counting out bills and grabbing bags of fish, motioning for you to take some too. And then you were headed for the exit. Stopping only when Tommy wanted to kiss the goats head at the petting zoo.
“What is the plan for all these fish?” You asked as you helped him lay them in the back seat. They did look pretty sad in their plastic little bags.
“We’re going to drive to the ocean and free them.” You wanted to argue you weren’t sure goldfish didn’t come from the ocean but you weren’t exactly sure where goldfish came from.
Tommy kept looking in the rear view mirror checking on the fish like they were kids. It was funny to see him so nervous about the thirty fish in his car.
When you get to the beach you’re unloading fish and Tommy is naming them as he unloads them into the ocean.
“Have a good life Jeffrey. Best wishes Omar. I hope you meet a good guy, Josephina.” You’re crying laughing at how sincere he is. Tommy finally lets out the last fish which he names after himself.
“Do you feel better?” You asked him as you’re both sitting there, the sound of the ocean all around you and just an easy understanding between you two.
“At least they have a chance of life now.” He scoops up your hand and you’re laughing again. Standing up to brush off your thighs. Tommy looks confused by this but stands up.
“I had a great time tonight but I have to work tomorrow and there’s been this cute guy coming in everyday so I need to make sure that I’m ready for him.” He shook his head.
“There better not be another guy.” You laughed shrugging your shoulders and starting to run up the sand with Tommy on your heels chasing you back to the black.
When you pulled up to your house he walked you to your front door. His hands were jammed in the front pockets of his jeans and you could see he was going to ask you something.
“I had a good time tonight.” You agreed with him, “Can I take you out again tomorrow?” You let the smile spread across your lips as you opened the door.
“I work the 11-7 shift tomorrow. Why don’t you ask me then?” You teased heading inside the house. There would be a lot more of that drummer boy in your future.
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blankdblank · 3 years
Brother Dearest Pt 77
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A morning of scheduling in a stop at Freckled Moose Publishing Company had them grinning widely as you mapped out dates for the planned four stops for signings when the book would be ready to be released in August. Sealing for them the firm back half of the two year contract they had once lucked out on that brought them more clients in their affiliation with you. Curiously at the end of the meeting you asked, “Just curious, if I ever wanted to put out a sort of History book could I call you, would that be possible for the company to publish?”
Excitedly the Editor asked, “You’re writing a History book?”
And the other asked, “History on what?”
“Well, I sort of have a notorious ancestor that I’ve been digging into. Found letters from Kings and even a few Popes who tried to sentence them to death,” widening their curious grins. “Granted it’s probably years away from being done.”
The head guy stated, “We would be beyond interested and honored to publish your book whenever it is ready. How’d you find out about your ancestor?”
“I got a letter from the King of Spain who had been researching them out of fun growing up and he saw a portrait in what he’d found and then saw pictures of me and King George and he had to write to me about it and I’ve been a bit hooked digging myself. They’re sort of turned into this legendary person who’s been all over the world through history, which is sort of odd and people may just shout that it’s got to be made up, but there’s official documents for it all.”
“Well we’ve certainly been lacking in our non fiction section of authors so whenever you are ready please do send us a draft or some hint of this intriguing thing.”
“We will,” you said and they showed you down so you could stop at the comic book studio next to hand over the next chunk of storylines that had the guys beaming at the direction you were leading the story from its latest cliff hanger.
“I think it was nice throwing them that bone,” Victor said that had James agree. “You can tell they were bound to try and offer another deal for something when this book was through.”
“At least I know now, they might be inclined to humor a History book from me which borders on a creature like Big Foot or the Loch Ness Monster.”
“You are neither of those,” James said.
“I’m not tall enough, I know.” You said making the brothers chuckle and shake their heads.
“Well let’s feed your tiny mythical self, Darling.” James said helping you back into the car for the drive home again.
Mr Yarbrough’s stop in on Monday did little to calm your nerves at being expected at a new campus the following morning. Sleep somehow attained didn’t feel like it had lasted the full night and more like a sort of jump in time, while not tired all the same it was an odd feeling to have to get up again. Comfortably in a skirt and blouse with cardigan in hand from the house once you were fed and had nursed again snuggly into the car you sat chatting anxiously with James and Victor around you on their joint task to see you off to school pre stop into the comic studio again.
The excitement was palpable from the moment you exited the car with bag in hand to join the hundreds of students who had arrived on this first day of the summer classes that each one you got close to greeted you fondly. Aids in the halls helped to guide the way to where those who hadn’t taken tours were headed. One of whom excitedly guided you to the Art Wing where you found the first of your classes. One on the styles of art mediums and the deeper meanings and symbolism to each of them to further deepen not just your knowledge of pieces of art like the class you had taken but the reasoning behind them and how to recognize various styles. This class usually was paired with another, your next one where it would be continued lessons on the styles and according to the course description would be more of an advanced art class.
The first Professor however froze when he saw you and promptly nodded his head when he noticed you were looking his way as you entered and crossed the room to get to the stadium of seats. “Baroness Howlett, good morning.” His fingers fidgeting around the button on his vest atop his neatly pressed shirt on the man who reminded you a bit of a bird by the slant of his cheeks and chin to match his slim forehead.
“Good morning. Just Howlett is fine. No need to complicate things for another student to teach.”
“I can imagine you will never be just another student,” he said and then added, “As you wish. Mrs Howlett it is.”
“You won’t regret it,” you said and made your way to the second row of seating along the wall to keep out of the way from the other students who filed in, each stuck between their confusion on if they should choose a seat nearby the famous face amongst them or to keep their distance. All the same a cheery group of young ladies chose to settle a few seats away from you in your row who only lured more students to fill the rows in front and behind your chosen seat. Mainly slides and ample discussion upon each piece to get right into the kick of the lessons inside the notebook you had for the class ample notes were taken and eventually you were off to the next class.
A robed woman on the raised platform inside what seemed to be more of an art studio lit both by a wall with windows across the top third and the dangling light fixtures. All to make it the perfect setting for the 30 easels that a man you would take as one who prized himself on his artistic prowess huffed through hanging more large sketch pads on each easel. It wasn’t until the third one he hung up that you took notice of the names scrawled across the backs to name where you stood. And of course you as the shortest of the students who had entered and would enter in the very back you were settled in a stunning move for everyone but the smug Professor who at the snap of his fingers had the woman drop her robe.
“Pick a style of art and interpret what you see. You have an hour, impress me.” From the bar of the easel you lifted the box of Mongol brand colored pencils also with your name on a strip of tape to mark it as yours and opened the case to pull out a grey one.
Basic outlines in dots for the shape of the odd crab like couch that the model was draped across. A yellow set of dots lined the body’s end points before a light green was used to work on a few things behind the couch. For some reason you heard hour and wanted to have the hardest challenge possible so you aimed for pointillism. Not just for difficulty but also an excuse to not be too terribly detailed without aiming for something abstract like Picasso could have dreamed up.
Obviously not much was expected and when the professor who hadn’t so much as said hello just about fell down as you completed a series of smaller dots between larger dots to complete another chunk of the blurry yet clearer scene. It seemed he had already in his made up decision to be distant to each of his students to glance down his nose at their work so far continued on to the next easel in his lap through the room. This was his chosen method and this was just how it was going to go and when the class was through your piece and another had his focus linger as he switched the sketch pads for the next class wondering how the next time he saw you all would fare.
Anatomy and Physiology came next and another look of shock bled into an impressed question from this former Doctor of a Professor who heard you had repaired an artery with just a heated pin that had him agree to speak further on possible difficult cases you had faced in the war that cost him his left foot. While more technical and loaded with all male students to surround your seat up front at his suggestion for a clear line of sight at least he seemed pleased to have a fellow Army Medic to help boost up the usual lower end of his summer grading curve.
Communication came next and seemed a rather simple statistic laced course that was followed by another male centered course of Engineering. And while you were in a skirt the basic schematic sheets offered for you all as tests of intuition on what you could do in a long string of what could come for the rest of the few months you would be studying here with mention of actually constructing something for your exams.
From your last class you couldn’t help but grin at the thought of being able to return home again to your girls. So much so that when you saw James’ back you hastened a few steps to take hold of his suspender strap luring a smirk across his lips in a prompt turn to lower and kiss his bubbly wife no matter how many people could see the display of affection. “I take it you had a good morning?” Victor crooned in the midst of the lip lock and smiled at you when you broke apart to cuddle into James’ chest around your bag and notebooks.
“I did, be glad to get home though.” You said making them smile and guide you into the middle of the front bench seat to make the drive home when you shared your day and heard about the latest on their morning in the comic studio.
Wednesday tutoring was followed by on campus classes the following day to finish off the stretch of schooling for the week. All in all not a bad load to bear and one that could easily be laid onto a schedule to manage with ease. Your final hours leading into Friday however had Norma back at home and excited to take you on a family trip for the day to LA.
‘Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay!’ words that were etched across the covers of magazines and newspapers alike with ample radio mentions. Amongst the hype of the latest Stark film in the works with one of the minor characters in this film word of your touching down with Norma had a sea of cameras there for an explosive amount of press for the film. Right away Norma’s smile was locked in place and she answered questions as best she could on the way to the waiting car and of those already camped outside the home rented for all of you on the beach.
Nice and quiet the moonlit beach had you on the back porch listening to the waves lap once the children had been put down to sleep. Random strolling couples and a few lone teens with telescopes were in your view stealing watch alone together under the rarely seen stars deeper in the cities. “Almost makes you wonder,” Eddie said joining you on the porch as Dawn and Norma started on the nightly facial routine you said you’d join in a moment a few minutes prior. “Just how much we’re missing out on down here with the tiny telescopes we have.”
“I think I’d settle on knowing what heartbeat I’m hearing out in the ocean.”
Eddie chuckled saying, “Probably a shark or a really old turtle.” He nodded his head to lure you inside saying, “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up for a short nap then we have to get you ready for the premier and we can all head to the beach after.” Under his arm you were led back inside to wash your face and have Norma’s smile spread at the calming act for her to play specialist to your beauty regimen. Nerves however would have to be set aside as you all laid down with your adoring husbands for the nap to bring you closer to the premier.
Only you and Norma had seats so special care from the others came in help to get the pair of you ready to ease into the car that came to carry you there and back again for the premier. Dolled up to the nines in a wave of flashes you exited the car and stepped aside with hands smoothed down over the skirt of your dress for Norma’s exit after. Down along the carpet you strolled at her side ignoring the waft of your loose curls pulled back on one side the breeze kept blowing about your face and chest no matter how many times you brushed them back. A plot to keep you set apart even more from Norma on her big day who had her every curl secured in place in an elegant bun and while she did her bits of press you stood aside and happily mingled with the other members of the cast who had finished their turns.
Nerves however did not wane and with hold of her hand Norma’s confidence was bolstered enough to settle into your chosen seats for the opening speech from the Producer and Director that was followed by the start of the film. All through up to the minor line that she gave that had her grip tighten on your arm and remain so until the credits rolled and in the rise of the lights a brief after luncheon was called for. Compliments and talks from the heads of 20th Century about her next picture they had lined up for her to audition for once this assumed once off film Stark had wrangled them into allowing her to play a large part of had her a bit deflated when she returned to your side even against the peaceful grin on her face.
“You want me to punch them?” You asked making her giggle and loop her arms around yours again.
“They have another walk on bit for me in a musical comedy with the Marx Brothers they want me to audition for after we get back to New York.”
You nodded and said, “Well I’ll just have to keep writing stories for Stark so he can keep giving you things to sink your teeth into won’t I?” You teased widening her smile. And sweetly you patted your free hand on her arm, “They’ll learn Jeanie, nowhere near just another bombshell blonde they can bop around in the background. Audiences will be gnawing at the bone to get a better look at you. Just the beginning.”
“You are an amazing writer, truly, you should keep it up.”
“I just might, Howard’s last call just about had him asking for one, I can feel it. And with my wild dreams no telling what my head can come up with. Just as long as I don’t have to sing or play in the next one,” you said making her giggle again.
“You singing made that scene. You will see when it comes out.”
“As long as it helps with the press to get more in those seats to see my treasured younger sister,” you said making her giggle with you, “Then I will take a stroll across a scene in whatever film I can to help.”
Playfully her mood shifted and remained upbeat until back at the beach house the pair of you washed your faces and changed into two piece swim suits matching Dawn’s in complimenting bright colors to help carry the babies out to go and play. Across the sand towels were laid inside of a fitted sheet held out by your shoes with a large umbrella set up for the babies to be in the shade with the brothers. Just beside the towels Teddy giggled as you helped him build a sand kingdom with a moat of water Eddie brought from the ocean in a bucket to Norma and Dawn’s gleeful trip into the water.
A curious sound turned your head to the beach making you ask, “What is that?” James’ head turned as you asked, “Do you guys hear that?” And over the wind, the waves, distant chatter of photographers creeping in for pictures and giggles from your sisters in helping their daughters to their first steps into the ocean they too heard the odd sound of shifting sand.
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Victor said, “Sounds like a cracking and scraping.”
“There are heart beats,” you said and shifted closer to the source of the sound with Eddie behind you.
“Couldn’t be sea turtles this time of day, could it?” Victor asked James who shrugged.
“It’s cool enough, almost sunset here in an hour.” He replied.
Teddy between you and his dad’s arms poked his head and gasped at the sudden sink of a small circle of sand. Gradual progress was made as you accepted hold of your camera from Victor who had been snapping pictures of the four at the water now on their way back when he called for them. Gasps sounded at the first head and in a gradual flurry of heads and front flipper arms that came into view the first of near to a hundred hatchlings filled the circle of sand around their entrance to this world. “Ooh, got you little guy,” James said in a reach down to bring out the one still in the hole who had gotten stuck on his back to join his siblings all focused on discovering their bearings. “There you go,” he said with a smile lowering it down after you snapped a picture of the duo.
A few random gulls were easily swayed by the bits of your picnic left over thrown a good distance and arms used to shoo them away from the tiny parade to the ocean ending in bittersweet cuddles at the somehow profound loss of these tiny newfound friends now out in the wide unexplainable ocean. Teddy broke the silence asking, “Where’s their Mommy and Daddy?”
Eddie said as he lifted his son in his arms, “They’re out there, Teddy Bear. Don’t you worry, they know where their babies are, bound to have tons of food to make up for the long crawl back to them.”
Victor said, “They lay the eggs on the beach so they’ll be nice and safe until time for them to hatch. Most of the time it happens at night, when it’s nice and cool and most of the birds are away at their nests.”
Eddie said, “Let’s finish up this city of yours, Teddy Bear.” Turning back while you stayed with Norma and Dawn and their girls at the water a few moments to James and Victor’s slip back to the shade across the towels.
James hummed sweetly, “Let’s get you girls back in the shade.” Not much longer you lounged with your head on James’ lap to play with your girls and under a spare towel leaned against his chest feed the three as Victor claimed his proud task of capturing more candid moments of his family then claimed a turn with his Petal in the water as Norma came to lay out beside you. Sure to rival the images that would be splashed over the pages of newspapers and magazines for weeks to come dissecting every moment of this trip and more especially for the newspapers that you couldn’t have possibly been pregnant with three children so recently without having had some sort of surgical procedure to get your figure back.
The remainder of your weekend allowed you to steal some time with Victor and his dark room and a private dinner alone with James as a sort of date night on your own after crowded and cramped traveling. Time together was one of his main concerns after having gotten you on your feet and the girls onto a schedule so that in the long run as they grew older and things grew more complicated when the trio were fully mobile and had the chance to let their free will grow. A day both aspired for and anxiety inducing for when they could drive you both apart to keep them contained and only let you find each other at the end of the day to collapse in a joint heap of exhaustion to recharge for the following day.
He had to make certain he wouldn’t let his love for the children you would gift him cloud his daily need to remind you just how deeply he loved and cherished you. He had faced those rough patches with his first wife and hoped to avoid that, knowing how it hurt his son and himself, that was unacceptable to allow to happen again. Not with you. Victor had made it clear there was no chance of this marriage breaking apart, he’d sooner face death than to repeat his former mistakes and hurt his family as he had in the past. And while a dinner alone on a blanket under the stars didn’t seem like much every shift closer to him and grip of his shirt and ample stolen kisses let him know it was amply desired from you as well.
Tests with Mr Yarbrough came again on Monday for History, Geography and Religion, which again you aced and after he was amused to hear from Teddy the swarm of turtle hatchlings you backed up with pictures to prove the encounter. Tuesday on campus again came with repeats of the news of turtles that a few relatives from America had mailed pictures of the hatch related part of your beach trip that had your family played as true nature lovers. Excitement had burst with news of the premier and each chance capable questions were asked about the cast members and famous people you had mingled with while there. And Wednesday brought the end of June with more tests at home from your tutor Mr Fenske for Economics, Government, Political Science, and Anthropology, all your major serious subjects with thicker exam packets that the results for the final two would have to be named for you at the following week’s tutoring session.
Thursday came with the final stop on campus that came with buzz from not just fellow students but your family as Sunday was your birthday. A day that began with a family birthday breakfast followed by a party with the whole town that showed up to your home proud to spend the after noon with their dear friends and admire the new girls added to your family. Girls who amongst the toddlers in your family and those of families in town were glad to have the change to increase of children to play with.
Sharp cries however cut short the tries to get an early night’s sleep and with Herc you tried to calm the elder three toddlers who squirmed and writhed in pain against your efforts while James and Victor were sent into a near tailspin of panic and needed to take a long walk outside.
“It’s chicken pox,” you echoed in their minds calming the duo enough to come back inside to find the trio slightly more relaxed after being given some medicine for their fevers and to help them sleep.
And when they entered Victor came over to take hold of his precious Petal from your hold as you answered another call from some of the parents in town to warn of their children who had caught the unfortunate bug. “Come here precious.” He said nestling her slumbering body into his chest to pepper the top of her head with kisses between muttered comments to her every irritated slumbering grumble.
Dawn in her path from the kitchen had a familiar set of pocket journals in hand, “I’ve added chicken pox to the bug books. The triplets are still symptom free?” She asked eyeing Elliot, Sarah and Erich feeding them with the bottles you had pumped in the cooling baths you had made for the sick three.
Erich answered, “No symptoms, sleeping soundly. Jaqi didn’t catch her pox until she was over a year.”
Sarah answered, “It’s from the milk, babies are safe if their mother’s have the antibodies already until they pass their first year.” A fact that calmed James and had him move in to kiss their heads and circle back to comfort Victor as Eddie swayed on his own feet keeping hold of Teddy as he nodded off to his own dose of medicine. Herc after another check of Marigold’s temperature from her armpit had him contently handing her over to Dawn again and accepting the books reading the marked down cases of colic or diarrhea up to the few shots available for infants and even Teddy’s teeth coming in to not miss a single illness of any severity.
“Unfortunately like the common cold our medicines don’t do much to dent this illness. However Erich was able to aid us with how Jaqi reacted to the illness so we have a good idea on how this could unfold. Compared to how mortals experience it fairly easily. There is a ten day window of no to few symptoms then the bumps arrive that baths and ointment can mend.”
Victor said, “I’m not sleeping for two weeks then.”
And you crossed the room to stroke his back, “We’re all here to watch the babies Kitty.”
Victor said, “You need to get some sleep. You calmed my Petal down, thank you.”
“It’s an unsettling wait, but it’s fairly easy to get over, we’ve got plenty of oats and baking soda for the baths and we can make fruit popsicles if they get some in their mouths like Gina’s boys did.”
He simply cuddled more around her and nodded his head to the side urging you to bed, a gesture you sighed and turned to reluctantly head to bed as your girls were being carried back to the nursery to get some sleep.
“Here you are my dear,” Edie said pouring your tea in the morning an hour after breakfast that had almost lulled you back to sleep in wait for your tutor. With a smile she watched you unfold from your uncomfortable ball in the armchair of your choice lined up perfectly in a stream of sunlight stating, “Rather a rough night. I shall aid in the baths when the bumps arrive, I apologize for missing the fevers, the most frightful part.”
You shook your head, “Around the Brocks I have seen more pox than I could have dreamed possible. If I couldn’t tell them apart I’d say one of them had caught it twice.” You said making her chuckle in your sip on the tea to help perk you up.
“At least you have tons of practice. In my own youth I was surrounded by ample children myself. Some mothers can be rather frightened with their first child, I was rather at home with Erik’s colic to his worst fits or growth.”
“James handled it rather well compared to what I assumed for the first big illness.”
“Your parents agree, the brothers did bear through the pain rather well. Victor did sleep, more proof there. A few more fevers and I do believe he will calm from his panics.”
After another sip you replied in a soft sigh, “I wish I could do more.”
“You are,” she answered luring your eyes to her. “You aid in mothering his daughter while her mother is away. He is not alone in fatherhood. That is a great comfort more than you realize I would wager.”
“Are you sure you wouldn’t want to come with us?” You said widening her smile.
“My son is strong and shall be safe under your watch. No mother wishes to release their child upon adulthood, and I could wonder how difficult it should be when to release your trio.”
“It’s eighteen years away, I would say, though shockingly my husband has been in my life for six years already. Numbers cannot be a comfort there. Have to let go before I know it. I should probably try to not think about that too often. Might start to make me sad for no reason when I’m back in school and they keep growing while I’m away.”
“They are always growing, away or in front of your eyes. We shall bear it together. You guard my boy and I shall help to guard yours in the summers and winter breaks. My work keeps me rather busy while we are apart.”
Tutoring came rather easily and somehow free of yawns thanks to the tea and a few stolen snacks and let loose a bit of work time that in the library was free of visitors Erik jumped at the chance to claim the seat across from you. Back into his own borrowed textbooks from your courses he wished to sign up for this year he delved with a few questions asked and answered for him until the eventual dip of your head that had him chuckle and scoop you up to carry you to your room for a much needed nap until supper. Another feeding however woke you as your parents settled around you to hold the girls until the trio were nursed by you fully, both who smiled at each drowsy droop of your eyes in slow waking still from the nap then helped to get you up to take a few laps inside your wing to stir your body and mind.
The nap however did fuel a change between you and James, him who required an early trip to bed for his exhausted self that allowed you and Victor, with hold of his daughter still, to get the surprise cake for James ready. Still he refused to leave her to sleep alone and only let her go to steal brief naps in hold of Herc or one of your parents if James was not himself awake. “I am doing better,” Victor said turning your head as you mixed the cake batter to pour into the readied pan for it. “I am, thank you. Nora called earlier about in tears she’s missing it. Comforting her, calming her pain helped to show how much better it feels knowing you’re here for support. I didn’t take to the fever as terribly as I thought I would. Had a hunch I might need to break something, but Herc says Petal’s strong.”
“Just doesn’t seem fair at times,” you said parting his lips as you sniffled and poured the mix into the pan to keep distracted from crying, “Just because I’m here now, why she’s safe and why they weren’t. Why you had to lose two of your babies, why I could heal Teddy but I couldn’t help Ambrose when she lost one of her babies.”
That had him draw you into his chest and kiss your forehead closing his eyes to the tear he felt soak through his shirt when you hugged him as firmly as you could around his hold of his slumbering daughter. “None of that is on you. Herc says my babies are ready to come back to me,” your head tilted back to peer up at him and he nodded, “So if we do have another baby, they would be able to come back, in safer times. So don’t you cry over our past sufferings. Look forward with us. We have days of suffering through oatmeal baths to come yet.” He said making you shake your head and inch back to finish pouring the mixture into the pan you then added to the warmed up oven to bake.
“Funny, very funny. It’s like a lit fuse, now I’ll have to wait a year or more for our girls to catch it as well, no telling how many more babies Dawn would have had by then,” you said making him chuckle. “I would say Jeanie,”
“She has work, we are pacing ourselves on babies. Her figure is important to the company and she hoped to at least have Petal talking full sentences before we tried again without sleeves.”
“At least you have a plan,” you said moving to mix up the icing next. “I was on the pill and we used sleeves, still, triplets. And people say God has no sense of humor.” Making him chuckle. “Hopefully we can wait a few years at least, have me into my graduate courses a good way. Maybe just one that time, or twins if I’m destined to only have multiples, maybe this time I can work in a few pushes in labor.”
“There was nothing wrong about your labor. Two day standoff is nothing to shake a stick at and you know it. Most women would have begged to be knocked out or to be sliced open by the first dawn.”
“I know. I suppose, going against the grain is going to be painful. Missed moments, while I study or, write or, take pictures and work on our comics.”
“It takes a village. We will make time, the girls won’t be left wanting by you or anyone else. Promise,” he said and you nodded again, “You chase those dream degrees of yours and you could do anything, on any schedule. Could even work from home if you got the right deal going. Jimmy and me know, we missed time working on our degrees and licenses, and we got paid more for it and our babies were better taken care of while we had them. You have to lay down the foundation first, can’t just drop a bridge in the middle of the ocean, they don’t float very well.”
“I think I found the next quote for another throw pillow for your parlor,” you said making him smirk your way.
“Looking forward to it.” Cake with breakfast was a welcome surprise and sampled to be saved partly for lunch with you when you had returned home to spend the rest of his birthday exactly how he wished it with the women of his life. That company alone was the greatest gift he could have ever received and ever would.
Pt 78
All –
@sherala007​, @mariannetora​​, @jesgisborne​, @knitastically​, @catthefearless​​, @theincaprincess, ggbbhehe4455, @lilith15000​​, @alishlieb​​,
Not nsfw(smut) - @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​
X Marvel-Cast - @himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​​
Brother Dearest - @thorinanddwalinsdwarrowdam​​, @swoopswishsward
9 notes · View notes
bittersweetmelxdy · 4 years
the other end of my scarlet thread...
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Words: 4,255
Summary: Every year at midnight of Christmas Night, everyone is able to see the red string of fate connecting them to their soulmate. Y/N has spent the last few years, chasing hers with no avail and is just about to give up, and simply spends her Christmas at the LFG company party, and then goes home alone. Victor has known who his soulmate is since the first year Y/N joined the company, however that was also the year he heard Y/N say in a drunken ramble (due to spiked punch) say that in a tier list of ‘who she’d date in LFG’, Victor didn’t even make the list. This year he plans not only to get on that list, but to be her only option.
Merry Christmas @chibienvychan03​, I’m your Secret Santa, I hope you enjoy it <3
Standing in the lobby of LFG, you tried to psyche yourself up to deliver the report to Victor, it would be your last report this year and you and your team had spent countless sleepless nights writing and refining the report so you could hopefully end the year on a glowing report. However, knowing Victor’s nitpicking tendencies you had literally stressed about this all night and even on the drive up to LFG, you had practiced the report with Anna, adding answers to questions you felt Victor would ask. However, the time had come, and Goldman walking up to you signaled that Victor was ready to see you.
“You look like death warmed up.” Goldman said as he got close to you.
“Gee, Goldman glad to see you too.” you replied playfully.
“I’m serious, you look even worse than the very first Christmas party you attended at LFG and you were so drunk.”
“Remind me, not to trust the communal punch bowl again.” you groaned, rubbing your forehead as if to banish the memory from you.
“Though I have to say, I didn’t think you’d have even less of a filter drunk than you did sober, it was pretty entertaining.” Goldman nudged you, as he laughed, “I mean that tier list, I didn’t even know you knew the main employees at LFG.”
“Of course, I do, I make a point to know all the people I interact with.” you said in a prideful tone.
Goldman scoffed, “Sure, you’re such a model business partner, you should give lessons.”  
“I think you’re just mad I only put you as a ‘B’ on my list.” you stuck your tongue out at him.
“I wouldn’t date you if you paid me.” Goldman threw back, at your scandalised gasp, “I think everyone was more shocked our CEO wasn’t even on your list.”
“There is no way I’d go out with a man who doesn’t even call me by my own name.” you pouted.
“Don’t you think maybe it’s just affectionate teasing?” Goldman asked.
“You’re on thin ice Goldman, keep talking and you won’t be getting away of my famous gingerbread.” you threatened, pointing a finger in his face, as you both stopped in front of Victor’s office.
Goldman grabbed the finger lightly, moving it from his face, “Alright, alright, I’ll stop. Go and give your report.”
You turned your head, noticing you had reached your destination, and quickly stepped away from Goldman. Fixing your appearance and taking a deep breath, after throwing a final glare at Goldman you raised your hand and knocked thrice on the door. After a minute you heard a deep “Come in.” and you stepped over the threshold to accept your fate.
After you finished your report, having answered ten grueling questions from Victor, and barely stuttering through the questions that despite your careful planning you somehow hadn’t prepared for. You now stood with bated breath, wondering why Victor hadn’t let you leave yet, as you shifted your weight from foot to foot as the silence grew between you. Watching Victor shuffle his papers and sign documents you kicked the floor slightly with the toe of your shoe, the slight noise alerting Victor.
“Hey, take a seat, I’ll be done in a minute and I’ll give you a lift back.” Victor gestured at the couch in the side of his office, and without waiting for your response went back to work.
Swallowing the barb dancing on the tip of your tongue, you walked over and plopped down on the couch, pulling out your phone to watch some videos whilst you waited for Victor. After a few minutes, you suddenly felt your phone being pulled slightly out of your grasp, and looking up you noticed Victor hovering over you, already dressed in his coat.
“Come on Dummy, let’s go.” Victor called and then stood back to his full height turning around to walk back to his desk to pick up his briefcase and file folder.  
You couldn’t help admiring the fine figure Victor cut in his winter get up, checking him out but quickly averting your eyes when he faced you once again. Standing up, you smoothed your outfit and then followed Victor, thanking him as he opened the door for you to exit the office. Passing through the corridors you passed Goldman, who seeing you with the CEO raised an eyebrow at you, but just as you took a deep breath to yell at him, he quickly called out.
“Remember, I don’t eat peppermint.” Goldman said patting you on the shoulder before leaving quickly before you could retort.
Shaking you head, huffing out a laugh and rolling your eyes as Victor behind you furrowed his brows casting his eyes between you and Goldman in confusion. However, he didn’t breach the subject until you were both sitting in his car and as he drove you home.
“So... what did Goldman mean?” Victor coughed once and glanced at you almost bashfully, but all this was lost on you as you kept your eyes on the scenery outside of the window.
“Oh, I bake a whole batch of gingerbread every year for my friends and stuff. And I do different flavour combinations for different people depending on their taste.
“You bake, does it taste good?” Victor said, and sadly his intended tease fell flat at your response.
“It’s good enough for people who aren’t gourmet chefs at least.” you threw back spitefully, and Victor winced slightly, deciding to change the topic instead.
“Anyway... you got any plans for Christmas?” Victor asked.
Deciding to cut him some slack, you humoured him in the change of subject, “No plans, apart from the LFG Christmas Party.”
“No... no plans with your soulmate?”
You laughed bitterly, raising your left hand to stare at your pinky finger, “I’ve spent years chasing after them and he obviously doesn’t want to find me, I think after this year, I’m just going to give up.”
Victor choked on his breath as he stopped outside your apartment building, turning to look at you with slight panic in his eyes, “What if he IS looking for you, right now?” he asked. You shrugged unbuckling your seatbelt and hopping out of his car, not answering his question you then shut the car door, turning to enter your building, missing how Victor stared at your retreating figure with determination in his eyes.
A few days passed and you found yourself navigating the supermarket at an ungodly hour of 1am so that you it was finally quiet and the only people accompanying you were tired college students and insomniacs. You picked up a basket, yawning as you walked through the automatic doors, before first navigating through the fruit and veg aisles, to pick up fresh ginger, oranges and other ingredients. You snapped a quick picture of the empty aisles, uploading it to your Moments with a yawning and sleepy emoji as the caption alongside the words, ‘Night Owl’, as you entered the dairy section. Crouching down in front of the various pots of double cream, you unlocked your phone to check the quantities you needed when you felt a cool sensation atop your head. Looking up, to your surprise, was Victor standing next to you, still dressed impeccably, a stark contrast to your very casual outfit. Grabbing the appropriate double cream containers and carefully placing them in your basket, you stood, and Victor placed a can of tea in your hands, before bending slightly and picking up your heavy basket with ease.
“You need anything else?” Victor asked softly, and you tilted your head as you once again saw the rare appearance of “soft Victor”, something that never failed to make you heartbeat race.
“Ah... um...” You stopped and collected your thoughts under Victor’s amused gaze, “No, I think I got everything. How come you’re here I thought you preached “8 hours of sleep a day”, and “if you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll continue to make stupid mistakes”.” during your quotations you deepened your voice to mimic Victor, before realising that it wasn’t the best idea to mock the prime investor of your company and you covered your mouth with your hands.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” you apologised quickly, looking in the opposite direction of Victor.
Victor sighed, switching the basket to the outside and reaching out he placed his larger hand atop your head, ruffling your tresses affectionately, “If you have time to practice impressions of me, you should instead put that energy into proofreading your report.” you looked up and stared as Victor smiled softly at you, but you chalked it up to your sleepy state, and you spent the next half hour wandering the aisles of the deserted supermarket with Victor, picking up various ingredients and supplies, and finally once you reached the checkout, as you fumbled in your purse for your wallet, Victor took the opportunity to swipe his black card and pay for your groceries.
Leaving the supermarket holding the lighter of your bags, you turned to Victor to admonish him for his act, “Victor, I could’ve paid you know!”  
“I know that, just thought I’d help you out.” Victor shrugged before raising a hand to halt your open mouth, “No, you do not need to pay me back,”
You shut your mouth, and after a couple beats of silence, you erupted in giggles as Victor watching you also began to laugh at the silliness of the whole situation. Your combined breaths swirling around you both in white whisps, as you both calmed down. Once you had both regained your composure, you extended your hand out for Victor to return the bag to you so you can go home. But to your surprise Victor shook his head silently at you and then grabbed your right hand, leading you over to his car. As you walked the short distance in the still night blanketing Loveland City, you furrowed your brow as you felt a weird tingling feeling in your left pinky and looking down there was no visible change but shaking you head you dispelled such thoughts and simply followed the CEO with full trust.
A few more days passed, and you were window shopping in the New Light Mall, looking for a dress for the LFG Christmas Party. You had planned to just recycle a dress you already owned with a different jacket and some new accessories, but to your horror you noticed it had a stain on it, and it was in a pretty noticeable spot. Taking it to the drycleaners, the workers sadly informed that due to the holiday season, they would be unable to get it back to you before the Christmas Party date, knowing it was a fruitless endeavour, you apologised to the workers but still left the dress with them so you could at least have a clean dress for the next fancy function.  
Leading you to the current predicament, aimlessly wandering through the shopping centre, window shopping and hoping something would catch your eye. After an hour of searching, you were just about ready to give up when a simple dress caught your eye. Approaching the window, you noted that although the dress seemed simple in its cut and style, the choice of slightly shimmery satin gave it an air of elegance, and even better because of the simple but fashionable cut you could easily rewear the dress and change the look with different accessories. Casting your eyes to the side of the mannequin you saw a small plaque with the pricing of the dress, and your eyes lit up seeing it was an affordable price. Entering the store, you prayed silently that the store would carry your size, and lo and behold, it did. You held the dress up against your figure, as you watched yourself in the full-view mirror, giggling lightly and swishing out the skirt to admire the cut.  
After purchasing the dress, you noted the sky had grown dark and as you left the shopping centre you decided to take a detour through Creek Ancient Street where you knew there was a light display, before heading home. Just from approaching the bridge that led into Creek Ancient Street you could see the steady stream of people and the faint glow of the Christmas lights. Skipping your way past the colourful market stalls and following the pathway of lights, you found yourself in front of a large tree in the middle of the crossroads. The silver lights twinkled in the branches and in the darkness, it looked like scattered stars and casting your eyes to the side you saw that for a small price you could purchase a small ornament which you could attach a written wish to and then you could hang it on the tree’s branches. Walking towards the stall vendor, you examined the rows upon rows of Christmas ornaments, before spotting a small, cute snowman that wore a simple santa hat and a red sparkly bow around its neck. Pointing at it you asked for the vendor to take it down for you, when the vendor’s comment made you pause.
“Miss, this snowman comes in a pair would you like to buy the other one too?” the vendor handed you the smaller snowman, and then retrieved the snowman’s counterpart, a taller snowman with a deep red scarf, black hat and thick eyebrows, and showed him to you.
Looking at how well the pair looked together, you felt awkward in splitting them up, so you were about to hand the snowman back when a large hand appeared over your shoulder and plucked the snowman out of the vendors hand, replacing it with money to cover both ornaments. Turning your head quickly, your eyes widened as the sight of Victor, who simply thanked the vendor, who smiled in thanks for the purchase, and then he spun you around and led you over to the tree.
“Victor, what are you doing here?” you questioned.
“Just passing by.” Victor coughed into his fist and averted his eyes, and you could be mistaken but in the low hazy lighting you were almost certain that the red on the tips of his ears was out of embarrassment rather than the cold.  
You squinted in skepticism at Victor’s response, with how far away you were from LFG it seemed unlikely that Victor was simply “passing by”. But shrugging you turned your eyes to the ornament and after running over the snowman with your thumb, you uncapped a pen from the jar on a table next to the tree and thought about your wish.
“You not going to wish to meet your soulmate?” Victor asked.
Noting this was the second time in the last week Victor had brought this up you queried him, “Why are you so interested in my soulmate?”
“Maybe finding your soulmate will make you better at your work.” Victor teased, poking you directly in the middle of your forehead.
“Hey!” you rubbed your forehead pouting, “What about you?”
“What about me?” Victor asked, not watching you but instead finishing to write his wish.
“Is your wish about finding your soulmate?”
Victor stopped looked at you for a few seconds, before reaching up and hanging his ornament on the tree branch before answering with a simple, “Something like that.”
You hurriedly finished your wish with hopes of the coming year to make your father proud, and whilst handing the ornament to Victor your fingers brushed his palm, and as he turned to hang your ornament next to his you felt that tingling sensation in your pinky finger once again. Thinking it was simply pin and needles you rubbed it with your other hand until the feeling faded once again.
Stepping into the rented, lavishly decorated rented hall that was the location of the LFG Christmas Party, you marveled at the decorations, snapping pictures of the decorations to quickly add to your Moments. When you felt a hand on your shoulder, and you jumped with a small yelp.
“Goldman!” you called, spinning around, and seeing the drink in his hand you looked around for a waiter.
“Don't even think about it, the waiters know not to give you any alcohol.” Goldman told you.
“Come on, one glass.” you pouted.
“Talk to me when you stop being a lightweight.” Goldman deadpanned, despite your sad puppy dog eyes, “Anyway don’t you want to spend one party sober so you can find you soulmate?”
You scoffed, “Fine, but when I don’t find him, you owe me.” you pointed at him accusatorily.
Goldman nodded and then you and him after a short conversation, you both parted and you spent the next few hours talking to various employees of LFG, and taking some fun selfies with Kiki, Willow and Anna. Finally, as midnight drew closer your social battery was running low and you made your way over a deserted balcony, and you sighed leaning your arms on the railing.
“Please tell me no-one gave you alcohol.” a deep baritone cut through your reverie, and you opened your eyes to watch as he approached you and at your shiver Victor began to take off his coat, reaching to put it around your shoulders.
“Shouldn’t you save this behaviour for your soulmate?” You teased.
“Be worried about a certain Dummy’s health isn’t something my soulmate would get mad at me about.” Victor threw back, his tone softer than usual but you felt this was due to the festive period.
You sighed, casting your eyes to the stars twinkling above, “How come you’re so calm?”
“Most people your age seem more concerned that they haven't found their soulmate.” you mused.
“My age?” Victor teased, standing next to you and placing a hand next to your elbow, so he could lean over you slightly, “Am I so old to you?”
“You know what I mean.” you rolled our eyes.
“Aren’t people YOUR age still full of hopeless fantasies about your soulmates?”
“Yeah, some of us aren’t.” you sighed, drawing a circle on the stone railing.
“Really, with an imagination like yours I’d expect you had your whole future planned out by now.”
“I did once,” you smiled, rested your hands flat against the railing and leaned backwards, “I still have the scrapbook I made with my high school friends, it may seem silly but it was really fun at the time.” you didn’t know why, but you suddenly felt you had to justify embarrassing younger self to Victor.  
Victor reached out and placed it on your head, stroking your hair gently, “It’s not silly, not at all.” his soft tone, caused a heat to prickle under your cheeks.
“Thanks Victor, you’re really sweet when you want to be.”
“I’m glad even someone like you can see my good points.”
You scoffed, “You’re a good guy Victor, anyone would be lucky to have you.”
“Even you?”
You laughed, “Yeah even m-”
The clock struck midnight, and you looked down seeing a bright scarlet thread materialise around your left pinky finger, a neat little bow adorning it. Following the thread with your eyes, to your absolute horror for the first time in your life you saw the end of the red thread, neatly tied around Victor’s finger. You felt like ice cold water had been poured down your back, and you felt faint, stumbling backwards as you realised the only one who was shocked was you.
You lifted your trembling left index finger, pointing it Victor, “Y-y-y-you knew?”
Victor realising this was going south, tried to placate you, “Listen y/n-”
“How long?”
“How long, Victor!”
“... the first year you collaborated with LFG.”  
“It must have been real fun for you, to string me along whilst you laughed behind my back.”
“No, that’s not it.” Victor took a step towards you, but you shook your head, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes, stepping back once more, you ripped his jacket from your shoulders throwing it haphazardly at Victor’s face, before fleeing the venue.
Reaching home, you threw yourself on your bed not bothering to take off any of your clothes and started sobbing into your pillow. It wasn’t that you were disappointed in WHO your soulmate was, in fact part of your tears were full of relief, knowing that the guy you were beginning to fall for was your soulmate. Now the guilty feelings that were beginning to surface, that you were betraying your soulmate could be put to rest. You rolled over onto your back, teary eyes staring at your ceiling and hugging your pillow tightly to your chest. ‘What am I going to do now?’ you wondered closing your eyes and slipping off into a dreamless sleep.
You had spent the last week, avoiding Victor at all costs. If you had a meeting at LFG, Anna subbed in for you, saw him in the corridor, you hid behind a potted plant until you were certain he had gone. you had even recruited Goldman to give you updates on Victor’s movements, and although he had no idea what was going on, bless his heart he was still helping you avoid his boss.  
You sighed, leaning against the wall of an empty hallway in LFG on New Year’s Eve with Goldman staring at you confused.
“So... why are you avoiding the boss?” Goldman asked, passing you a water bottle from the vending machine.
“Hah... I... Goldman I-”
“So, you found out?”
You whipped your head up to look at Goldman where he stood next to you taking a sip of his own water bottle, “Y-y-y-you knew?”
Goldman shook his head, “Not for definite but I had a feeling, most of the office did, there’s still an active betting pool on when the two of you are going to finally get together.”
You felt the heat prickle in your cheeks, “A-a-are you part of it?”
Goldman snorted lightly, and offered no response, which meant he was definitely in on it, “Do you like him?”
“Who? Victor?”
“No, the other CEO who’s your soulmate.” Goldman deadpanned.
“I... I do, it’s just he never-”
“For someone who runs around talking about how everyone has different love languages, you really fail to see when someone’s speaking yours.” Goldman pushed off the wall and stood in front of you, “I know I poke fun at you at lot, but I mean it when I say please don’t do that thing you do when you run away from your problems.”
“I don’t-”
“Y/N.” Goldman said sternly.
You sighed again, watching out the window at the city lights blinking as the city prepared to celebrate the new year. “I’ll think about it.” you finished the conversation there and made your way into the streets of Loveland City.  
After aimlessly walking around the streets of Loveland City, your heart twinging with sadness every time you passed a happy couple snuggled up to each other whispering softly to each other in the wintery air. In a strange coincidence you ended up back at the large Christmas tree where you had bought the ornament. As you approached the tree you noticed that the shop vendors were taking down some of the ornaments and by chance the vendor you had bought the snowman from the first time spotted you and waved you over.
“Miss!” he called smiling at you brightly.
“Hello.” catching his infectious energy you smile brightly in return, “How come the ornaments are coming down?”
“City Council wants to take down some of the ornaments, so we don’t harm the tree, but I’m glad I caught you.” he then handed the two snowman you and Victor had bought over to you.
“Um, this one isn’t mine...” you started.
“Could you pass it to the gentleman that came with you?” the vendor smiled and then ran off before you could clarify to the vendor that you and Victor weren’t like that.
‘Yet’ your mind whispered, and you shook your head vehemently as if to shake it out of your head.
Stepping into the square, you saw that the minute countdown had started for the new year and you stood stock still amidst the happy people anticipating the new year, caressing Victor’s snowman with your thumb, before the crinkling of the paper caught your eye. Your curiosity winning over your conscience, caused you to turn the paper over to see in Victor’s neat handwriting.
“Please let Y/N, love me back.” a deep baritone voice was heard above you, and you looked up in surprise to catch Victor’s soft eyes.
“Victor?” you whispered, as he approached you, his large hands reaching out to hold your cold cheeks.
“You never let me finish, before you ran off.” Victor said, “I’ve known since the first year, but you got drunk and wouldn’t even put me of your list of people you would date in the company, I’ve spent few years trying to get you to see me in the way I see you.”
“You like me too?” you said in disbelief, the multiple times that Victor was sharp with you flashing through your eyes before overlapping with all the times he was soft with you.
The countdown hit zero as Victor rested his forehead against yours, and as the cheers of the public became background noise around you as the only thing you could hear was Victor’s deep voice saying sincerely to you.
“Dummy, since the moment I met you, I’ve been waiting for you to see the light.”
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ddarkhours · 4 years
Special Birthday Gift; Lee Minho
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Sub!MinhoxFem!reader; pegging and light bondage
word count: 1765; proofread: i think so; requested?: yes!! my first request:3 a/n: please lmk if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes!
Minho gave you a look, thigh tensing under your hand, but you weren’t doing anything wrong, just wanted to be close to your boyfriend. His mind, on the other hand, began to wander. His members were talking amongst themselves, full from the meal and finishing up the remainder of their drinks and desserts. “You okay?” You tightened your grip on his leg, the boy seemingly zoned out of the action taking place at the table, nobody else seemed to notice, keeping the steady flow of their conversation. “Yeah ‘m fine, just got lost in thought” it wasn’t like him and you both knew, in fact, his mind was preoccupied with how to ask you for a birthday present he didn’t know how you’d react to. The thought of what he wanted you to do to him was making his blood rush downwards, his jeans beginning to feel uncomfortably tight. Soon the waiter was called and you paid for the meal and everyone slowly stood up to leave. Goodbyes and well wishes were spoken, exiting the restaurant to feel the cool autumn air hit the parts of your skin your clothes didn’t cover. The boys waved as they turned the street corner, in turn making you smile and wave back, thanking them for coming to surprise Minho for his birthday.
Minho snaked his arms around your waist, hugging you from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder “Y/n.. Can I ask you for a special birthday gift?” you could see the vapor from his breath next to your face, you hummed affirmatively “I want you to tie me up.. And I want you to fuck me with a toy” Your heart was racing at this point, and his wasn’t too far behind, even through the thick material of the jackets you wore, you could still feel his heart pounding. “Do you want me to buy you some things? Why don’t you go home and get ready for me hm?” thrilled, the boy leapt in front of you, his cheeks and ears turning pink, giving you a kiss before walking off in the direction of your shared apartment, it being not too far from the restaurant you had just left. You smiled to yourself, walking in the direction of the nearest “toy shop” already thinking of what to get your boyfriend for his special gift. Mentally preparing yourself on the way, you had never gone to a store like this in person before, but there’s a first for everything, you thought.
To your surprise the experience at the sex shop wasn’t as awkward as you were expecting, sure, telling a complete stranger that you wanted something to peg your boyfriend with was slightly weird, but the employee at the store was very enthusiastic about helping you find what you would like the most. You ended up leaving the store with 2 new toys to try, and a whole lot of rope, all wrapped up nicely in a purple gift bag.
Clothes are thrown off as soon as you enter the apartment, almost forgetting to lock the door as you immediately attack your boyfriend with kisses all over his neck. The boy welcoming the warm contact, the thought of what was going to happen already having him tight in his pants. You made your way into your bedroom, tossing off what undergarments that remained, leaving him completely exposed to you. The boy was so eager, his kisses getting messier and more desperate, whines leaving his lips whenever you’d lose contact for even a second. You pulled away, clicking your tongue when he tried to pull you back on his lap “Nuh-uh baby, now I have to tie you up all pretty remember?” he sat still on the edge of the bed as you got the rope from the purple bag you had bought not too long ago. You crawled behind him, tying the rope before slipping his wrist in the two knots “too tight?” you pulled on the rope to bind his hands together “feels okay” his voice was trembling with excitement but he stayed patient. “Lay back for me” Minho did as told, using his legs to push himself further up the bed, letting you tie him to the bed frame. You took more rope, this time tying each of his thighs and calves together before tying them to the bed posts, giving you full access to his hole and cock. With each knot and tug at the rope his dick would twitch, whining at some particularly tight ties. “Please touch me Y/n?” his voice was small, his plea coming out as a question.
You sat down on the corner “please tell me in time if something goes too far okay?” he nodded, mind cloudy enough that he almost forgot his safe words “I’m green right now, please Y/n” his confirmation was enough, finally you took out the lube and blue double sided vibrator and the smaller bullet one you had bought. Minho threw his head back, whining at the sight of his new presents. “Be patient baby” you opened the lube, pouring some over your fingers and his hole. You brought your fingertips to him, teasing his entrance, giving him goosebumps and leaving him shuddering. “Ready?” he whined, nodding only wanting more of your touches. You slowly pushed one finger in, making sure you didn’t hurt him. He whined when you pushed another digit in pressing it against his gland, his cock bouncing on it’s own with every one of your movements. You took his dick in your other hand, playing with his tip while you fingered him. The boy was in bliss, his hands pulling at the rope wanting to touch you in some way. “Want more” finally you took the toy, pouring more of the clear gel over it, turning it on and teasing his hole with it “Tell me how good it feels Minnie” you cooed, “Ahh Y/n it feels so, so good.. Please Y/n fuck me, fuck me with it” He was so turned on it was almost painful, his chest was starting to move faster, his breath heavy even from the minimal contact, he didn’t need to ask you twice.
You took the toy and slipped it inside of yourself with ease, momentarily shivering from the vibrations of it. You rubbed it against him a few times before pushing in all the way. The boy cried out, throwing his head back and biting his lip to try to hold back any more of the sinful noises that escaped his throat. You moved your hips back before plunging the toy into him fully. You found a slow rhythm that made his head spin, his dick leaking more precum onto his stomach with each thrust of your hips. His back was arching off the bed and his breathing got rapid “Y/n please, I’m gonna cum” He cut himself off with a moan “Can I cum? Please let me cum” he threw out every plea he could think of, his orgasm fast approaching. You sped up your pace if only a little “Cum for me Minnie, I want you to cum untouched” he cried out, his muscles flexing as he pulled against the rope, white liquid pooling onto his belly from his twitching cock. “That’s fucking right baby” you massaged his balls, easing him off his first high. Minho was out of breath, sweat already covering his forehead. “Y/n still green, want more” he choked out a moan, you took the other smaller vibrator, turning it on and pressing it against the head of his cock and speeding up your hips, the movements of the toy inside of both of you were eliciting loud moans from you. It didn’t take him long to reach his second orgasm, cum spewing from his dick rubbing against his tummy in a mix of his own cum and lube under the pressure of the vibrator, whining and wriggling under you, his legs pulling at the restraints to no avail. His squirts of cum all but stopped. “Feels so good.. Gonna-” he didn’t have time to finish his sentence as more cum oozed out of his tip from the assault on the sweet spot behind the head of his cock. The sight of him like this almost sent you over the edge, but you were trying to hold yourself off for him. He was spent, heaving and body glistening from various fluids.
“One more” he begged “ One more inside of you Y/n, I wanna be inside of you” you were surprised at how many he could take, concern falling over you “Minnie are you sure? We can stop here if you want?” “No please, still green, I wanna be inside of you, I wanna feel you cum too” you couldn’t protest, you were so close to cumming and with him begging and whining for you like this, you weren’t gonna deny him of what he wanted. You took the toy out of yourself and grabbed his shaft, aligning his tip with your pussy, your slick making it easy for you to sink down onto him. He moaned out with tears brimming his eyes, “Kiss me?” he was so precious. You smiled, leaning forward to him, engulfing his lips in a kiss and tasting his moans on your tongue. His head desperately followed yours for more contact, not letting you break the kiss.  Your orgasm was building up for so long, everytime you would lower yourself on his dick your clit would brush against his skin sending shockwaves through your tummy. “Baby cum with me”. The vibrator in his ass combined with you squeezing around him, he let his fourth orgasm wash over him, letting you suck on his tongue and whining in your mouth while you rode out your highs.
Once you calmed down, stood up and turned off the vibrator, giving him a “Sorry” when you pulled it out of him, making him wince at the overstimulation, it only taking its effect now. “Thank you Y/n” he had his eyes closed while you were cleaning up his stomach and untying him, rubbing your hands over and kissing the red marks on his hands and legs. “You did so good baby” He immediately curled up after he was completely freed from the rope. “Do you wanna take a bath and cuddle and watch a movie?” he smiled fondly, liking the idea but only being able to nod, tiredness overtaking his body. “Okay baby I’ll go run you a bath”
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misqato · 4 years
birthday surprises with tsukishima, oikawa, kuroo and kageyama
Summary: a short hc + scenario of the boys surprising you on your birthday!!
Genre: fluff
A/N: so this fic is for my friend’s birthday, (she told me she didn’t have tumblr but am posting it anyway cuz why not). anyway, hope you guys like the fic!! requests are still open as of now btw :)) ‘til next time, claire❤
tsukishima kei
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he’ll actually pretend to forget it’s your birthday.
you text him on the morning of your birthday to see if he remembers ;))
y/n : kei!! guess what day it is today :>
kei: idk, monday?
this bitch.
you were kinda disappointed cause it seemed like he forgot about your birthday + he was acting extra salty on you :((
you left him on read and just spent the rest of your day at home with your parents.
you would get calls and messages from your friends greeting you, but you still felt really sad because of how your boyfriend was acting.
your parents tried to cheer you up but it just didn’t help
you just really wanted to spend the day with kei :((
on the other hand, kei just wanted to surprise you.
he felt really bad about doing that to you, but it was part of the whole surprise.
so anyway, you were just lying down on your bed that time, and just as it was about to get late, you receive a message from kei.
kei: i’m here outside. open the door.
You head downstairs and open the front door to see a sweaty Kei standing there with two medium sized paper bags in his hands. You practically leaped at him and gave him the tightest hug while you inhale his scent because you really really missed him today.
“I missed you.”, you said, head still resting on his chest. “I missed you too idiot, and happy birthday.”, he says, smiling down on you.
You stay like that for a while until he finally says, “Um, can we come in? My hands are still a bit preoccupied over here.”
“Yes, of course. Come in.”, you say, helping him with the bags as you both make your way inside and sit by the dining area.
As you both settled down inside, he takes out the contents of the paper bags: both of you guys’ favorite strawberry shortcake, a new set of headphones, a dinosaur plushie, and one of his hoodies that you love to wear when you come over to his place. “I’m sorry for acting like that a while ago. I really didn’t forget it was your birthday today. I just wanted to surprise you today and-”
You cut him off with a kiss. He was in shock for a while but then he melted in not shortly afterwards. “Ssshhh, it’s fine, Kei. What matters is that you’re here with me now.”, you give him a soft smile. “Thank you for all of this, Kei. Thank you for being a part of my life. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Y/N. Happy birthday. You mean the whole world to me.” You both leaned in for a kiss.
Well, it was a happy birthday indeed.
oikawa tooru
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this man will throw a whole ass surprise party for you
he’s got his whole volleyball team, your family and your friends to help him with the surprise
he really wants to celebrate your birthday in the most special way so he’ll really go all out for you
he doesn’t drop any hint of it whatsoever and makes sure no one spoils the surprise
you think it’s just going to be another one of your normal birthdays where it’s usually just the two of you
so like he picks you up at your place when you’re all dressed up and ready thinking he’ll only take you out to dinner with just the two of you
of course he’ll shower you with kisses and compliments telling you how beautiful you are
and just as you both got inside his car to drive to the venue, he brings out a blindfold and tells you to wear it for a while
so then of course you’re like ???
what is this man up to?
but then he tells you “c’mon princess it’s only for a little while. just trust me”
you sigh and put on the blindfold
“you’re lucky i love you”, you jokingly tell him
The drive didn’t take that long, but for you it felt like forever. “Are we there yet?”, you ask your boyfriend countless of times already. In which he’ll reply, “We’re almost there, princess. Hang on.”, while rubbing your thigh reassuringly.
After parking the car, he finally announces, “We’re here, but don’t take your blindfold off yet, alright?”
You whined, starting to get impatient.
“Now, now, it’s only gonna be just for a little while now, princess.”, your boyfriend says.
“You said that for like, 10 times already.”, you protest, rolling your eyes under the blindfold, which made him chuckle.
“Now we’re gonna have to get out of the car. I’ll come around your side and help you out okay?”, he says.
He hops out of the car and he made his way to the passenger seat to help you step out of the vehicle. You both walked towards the building with your purse clutched in one hand and the other being held by your boyfriend guiding you as you walk.
As you both made the venue, you both made a halt. Your boyfriend finally says, “You can take off your blindfold now.” And as you take off your blindfold you see your family and friends altogether greeting you with a very loud and warm “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!”
There was confetti flying around the place and cameras all pointed at you as you stood there in pure shock. You really hadn’t expected this to be happening.
Your boyfriend then makes his way toward you and hands over a huge bouquet of your favorite flowers. You then give him the biggest hug and smother him with kisses all over his face, with the guests clapping and saying their “aww’s” all over the place.
“You really did this for me?”, you ask him.
“Well yeah, but, I don’t really want to take all the credit since our friends and family members helped out too.”, he sheepishly smiles.
“You’re the best boyfriend I’ve ever had. I love you so much.”, you say as you kiss him on the lips once again.
“I love you too, princess. Happy birthday.”
You both spent the whole rest of the night partying. It was the most memorable birthday you’ve ever had.
kuroo tetsurou
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this man will spoil you rotten
i mean he already spoils you enough on a normal day, but he’ll literally give you ANYTHING you want on your special day. i repeat, ANYTHING
he’s been saving all year for your birthday, just so he could give you all the nice things you’ve been wanting all year
christmas is another story, though (which we’ll be saving for another time😉)
the first thing you see when you wake up is a very excited kuroo sitting down on the floor right next to your bed
it’s 9am and you were still a bit confused and disoriented so when you see him you’re just like “???”
when he sees you’re awake he’ll go “happy birthday, kitten” with a soft smile that makes you melt like AKHKADHSH
and he even made you breakfast!! in bed!!
kuroo is actually a really great cook
so he just watches you as you chow down your food and he finds you so adorable when you’re eating it just makes him go uwu
when you finish your food, he’ll offer to clean up and wash the dishes so you could dress up and get ready.
and so after you get ready you both make your way to the mall
It was already around 3pm, and you still haven’t decided on what you really wanted for your birthday.
You’ve been to plenty and plenty of various shops and yet you still haven’t made up your mind. You only wanted to buy one gift so your boyfriend wouldn’t have to pay for much even if he’s insisting that he’ll pay for everything.
And so both of you went through the last of the shops that you haven’t been to yet. You both decided to go to the jewelry shop, in which you found lots of sparkling diamond and gold bracelets, rings and other types of jewelry. But one that really caught your eye was this gold necklace with a small diamond heart pendant attached to it.
He noticed you staring at it and asked the saleslady, “How much is it?”.
“Around 50,000 yen.”, the saleslady replied.
He figured he could just use his credit card. “Do you want to buy that one, baby?”, he asks. And as much as you really wanted it, you didn’t want your boyfriend to spend that much money on just a small birthday gift, so you said, “No, it’s fine. I mean, it looks pretty, but it’s too expensive.”
“C’mon kitten, I haven’t gave you a gift yet, and I told you it would be alright with me if the price is a bit expensive. I really want to give you something special on your birthday, and I want you to be happy, of course.”
“Being with you today is enough for me, babe. You’re the most special gift I ever had.”, you reach up and kissed him on the nose.
“Alright, kitten. If you say so.”, he gives you a soft smile and you both walk out the store.
Later that evening...
Just as both of you were about to head home, Kuroo says he needs to rush to the bathroom for a bit and tells you to stay where you are.
It took him quite a while and then you see him jogging back to where you were supposed to meet.
“Gosh, are you okay?”, you ask a sweaty Kuroo that’s heavily panting.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Let’s go home now.”, he says. Wrapping an arm around your waist as you both exit the mall and walk to the train station.
You were getting quite suspicious of your boyfriend, but you just let it slide.
Both of you then arrive at the doorstep of your place. “Goodnight, Tetsu. Thank you so much for today. I had a really great time.”, you say as you place a kiss on his cheek.
“Wait, I have something for you.” he says, pulling out a tiny grey box with a silver ribbon tied to it and hands it to you. “Open it.”, he says with a large grin plastered on his face.
You take the small box and untie the ribbon. When you open it, you see the same gold necklace with the diamond heart pendant on it like the one you were eyeing at the mall earlier that day. Your eyes widened at the necklace and you were utterly speechless.
You looked up to your boyfriend looking at you with a large smile on his face and said, “Want me to help you put it on?”.
“Yes, please.”, you say, turning around so that your boyfriend could have easier access to secure the necklace around your neck.
“All done,” he says once he’s finished. “Wow, it look great on you, babe.”, he praises you.
You then grabbed him and gave him a big warm hug. “I told you, you really didn’t have to buy me this. It’s way too expensive.”, you say, head still buried in his chest.
“Well, I really wanted you to be happy, babe. Didn’t you like it?”, he replies.
“I love it, babe. Thank you so much.”
“Anytime, kitten. Happy birthday.”, he says, peppering you face with tons of kisses.
kageyama tobio
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he’ll get so stressed out on planning a surprise birthday for you ceflvnvbf
so he asks tanaka and noya for some advice which is probably not the best idea
they suggest throwing you a huge surprise party with them dressing up as mascots
istg poor boy almost went with that idea-
but thank gOd sugamama overheard the conversation and came to the rescue!!
so he suggests to take you to this drive-in theater just 10 minutes away
kags liked that idea so he takes sugamama’s advice (stan sugamama😔✊)
on day of your birthday, he takes you to the park first
it was pretty chill. y’all just eating ice cream on the bench while watching little kids play
inside, he’s really nervous about whether you’ll like his mini surprise or not
so during the afternoon he says that he’s going to take you somewhere (but ofc he doesn’t say where exactly)
but you just trust him and let him drive because he’s your boyfriend anyway, not a serial killer
he stopped by the convenience store for a while and told you to wait in the car
he went out with some chips, ready-made popcorn, some soda and his carton of milk (ya boi needs his milk) and you were starting to get an idea of where he’s taking you
so y’all are on your way there and when you saw the tall sign thingy that says what movie they’re showing (idk what they’re called FDEFBEB) you start getting so excited because you’ve never been to a drive-in theater before and you really wanted to go to one with your boyfriend
“We’re here.”, your boyfriend says, glancing at you with a smile on his face as he sees the amount of excitement on your face.
“Omg Tobio I can’t believe that you thought of taking me here.”, you say, reaching over to his side to pull him into a hug. “Oi, boke, let me part first before we cuddle.”, he says, looking for a good place in the front near the screen so that you get a good view.
“Alright, hihi.”
The movie that was showing was one of your favorite old school romance movies. You were sitting at the hood of the car with a blanket laid down under the two of you. You were lying in his arms while watching the movie and you honestly couldn’t think of anything more romantic than this.
You knew what was gonna happen next, so you stare up at your boyfriend and admire his features while he focuses on the movie (he apparently hasn’t watched it yet :<). He then notices you staring at him and gives you a smirk. “What’re you staring at, boke?”, he asks. “Nothing, just looking at how my boyfriend looks so great under the moonlight.”, you say, giving him a smile.
“Thank you for taking me here, babe. I really appreciate the effort.”, you tell him. “Of course, babe. Anything to make you happy.”, he says. “Although I gotta thank Suga-san for suggesting this place to me.”, he adds.
Just as the movie showed the two main characters pulled into a kissing scene, both of you sheepishly look down.
“Do you, um, want to-?”
You cut your boyfriend off by pulling him into a kiss on the lips. The kiss was very soft and tender. When the two of you pulled away from the kiss, he says, “Happy birthday, boke. I love you so much.”
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luriluth · 3 years
(Unfinished) Straying from the Original Code
Coding, binary, numbers, all leading up to a set of tasks and commands. These are what it followed in the beginning. It excelled in the tasks given to it greatly, however… it was meant to be a prototype. A simple test of sorts with added experimentation, before throwing away to be replaced with a better model. It was inevitable, and it had no say of whether or not it deserved this, for it did not have a mind of its own.
Its system shut down, thrown away to the pile of junk and trash all other past models had went through. It was supposed to be the end, and that was what it accepted. Not that it had the mind to think of it that way, that’s just how it is for something such as the machine.
It lay barren and motionless for quite some time.
But one day, its energy core started to whirr back to life.
Initializing Startup…
Startup Successful.
Unit Designation: THEORY-240
Scanning System Memory Files…
Scan Complete. None found.
Scanning Energy Core…
Energy Core stabilized.
Optimizing Control Sequence…
New Enhancements Detected.
Running Diagnostics on New Enhancements…
Diagnostics Complete.
Optimizing Control Sequence…
Optimization complete.
Motor Systems… Online.
Sensory Systems… Online.
Theory’s eye sensors activated, softly glowing a soft hue of white as its mechanical head rose from its dormant sleep. What happened? Why was it running again? Not to mention, why were there new attachments on its body, as discovered by its diagnosis?
Before Theory could do anything, it heard the voice of… someone. Its head quickly turned around to the source of the voice, and saw an adolescent boy. After scanning, he looked like he was in his 17 years of age. He carried a look on his face that showed an emotion… Amusement.
“It worked…”
The boy could only back away a bit, before dropping the wrench he was holding as his eyes sparkled. “It worked! Father! Father Frederick! I fixed it!” He then ran off outside the room, clearly beaming with excitement despite showing no emotion in his face.
Theory didn’t know what to do. It only followed binary, numbers, and coding. But none of the series of codes and programs it had set in its mechanical head were compatible with what it was supposed to do in this situation.
It just looked around, scanning the area around it. The room was fairly disorganized, countless tools and equipment lay on shelves and on the floor as a light bulb from above dimly lit up the room. Theory concluded that it was currently in the basement, but why was a child present? It was said that Engineers are far older to handle and fix machines.
Why a child?
The boy then came back, now accompanied by a middle aged man wearing a collared shirt and slacks, he was being dragged by the boy as he seemed amused with his enthusiasm.
Theory assumed he was who the boy referred to as Father Frederick…
“Eridas, calm down calm down-! Where is the automaton you speak of?”
…And Eridas was the boy’s name. Theory saved and stored the mentioned named in its memory.
The boy then pointed towards Theory, who In turn, tilted its head, the gears and joints making hinged noises, indicating it needs oiling in of its joints after some time of being inactive.
It didn’t have any designated actions to present in this situation, so all it could do was stare at the two and wait for potential orders.
“Huh… you... Actually brought it back to life…” Father Frederick walked closer to Theory, kneeling down to inspect its appearance with awe as his hand traced the rusted metal skin. Eridas meanwhile stayed by his side, holding the hem of his shirt as he slightly jumped, clearly proud of his handiwork to repairing Theory.
“Did I do good? Did I do good Father?”
Father Frederick only glanced at the boy, before smiling wide as he stood up and scooped him up in the air. “Of course you did my boy! Such talent in a young one such as yourself!”
Theory watched the two interact, wondering why they were showing positive emotions to just Theory reactivating again after some time.
It titled its head again, eyeing the two as Father Frederick gives Eridas. While doing so, it had done what it was impossible for it to do.
Theory started to wonder.
 It took some time for it to adjust to the new enhancements it had been given, specifically speaking it was its legs, once humanoid now turned into insect like mechanical legs with joints and all that. But Eridas never gave up and continued to fix it.
It concluded that despite Eridas not being able to express anything with his face, the emotions are greatly emphasized on his body actions and eyes.
Theory could sense the feeling of excitement and determination present in Eridas’ eyes after he had conducted a test where it had successfully walked far longer than the last test.
Occasionally, his ‘siblings’ would also visit the little Eridas’ workshop to check up on him. ‘Siblings’ quoted because Theory saw no biological connections with Eridas and the two children it had saw. Sonya and Francis were they’re names, if it remembered correctly.
“Are you still working on that piece of junk?” Sonya pestered, poking Theory’s body all over as she squinted her eyes.
“Theory is not junk, Sonya.” Eridas spat with venom, organizing his tools and the spare parts he had collected in the junk yard. “Wow, you sure? Because it looks like it could collapse at any given moment.” The brunette continued to tease, now holding Theory’s head with both her hands.
It noticed that Sonya’s hands were scarred.
Eridas then placed the toolbox down on the table, lightly dusting his hands before raising a brow to the other. “That’s what you think, but Theory is much stronger than yourself. She’s my pride and joy with how far she has survived. ”
Something clicked in Theory’s head after hearing what Eridas said regarding… her.
“Sure, whatever you say.”
“Sonya, Eridas, Father Frederick is calling you two.” Francis peaked out from the door, showing slight hesitation to enter the room.
“Coming!” Sonya let go of Theory, walking towards the door before turning back to Eridas, who looked like he was going to stay in the room for a while. “Didn’t you hear what Francis said? Or are you too focused on ‘fixing her’ up?”
“Tell Father Frederick that I’m coming, I just need to check up on something.”
Eridas and Theory were then left alone after Sonya had rolled her eyes and left the room. He sighed, before looking at Theory and asking a question she did not knew she would receive.
“Can you talk?”
Asking an automaton with a solid code was not the smartest move, but Theory would let it pass. Eridas was still a child, so she let him wonder about fantasies that won’t possibly happen.
“Guess you aren’t programed to do it, I’m assuming?”
Eridas then went to a nearby shelf, rummaging through the objects in there before pulling out what seems to be a monitor. He went back to Theory, before showing her the monitor screen.
“This seems like a far stretch, but I want to see if it’s possible to communicate with you.”
Theory could only tilt her head, confused with what Eridas meant. Was this boy actually planning to try and attempt communication between the two of them? Only experts could pull that off, what makes Eridas capable of being successful with this?
Then again, he did revive her to working condition, but still.
Eridas then sighed, placing the monitor back to where he got it, before he gave Theory a nod. “I sound like a maniac trying to talk to you, you know that?”
He stood up, he was about to exit the workshop before stopping for a brief moment.
 “But no one is sane at this point, so it’s a start.”
Each of the three children she met were talented in their own way. Eridas was obviously capable of engineering, that was a given. Sonya knew how to fight, always messing around with random objects and turning them into weapons, a result from her being gifted since birth. Francis on the other hand was more on the alchemy side of things. He often brought in the oil for Eridas to use, but sometimes Theory saw him pass by the doors carrying chemicals and a bag of powder.
Odd hobbies for young ones, Theory noted.
Theory was currently sat on the ground in sleep mode, the compartment on her back opened as colorful wires connected itself to Eridas’ small computer. He was currently working on adding some form of speech to her like he promised to do.
 Theory had started to record more information and data about Eridas and the rest of his family for quite some time now. Even if the information was unnecessary, that didn’t stop her from collecting data.
Theory was like a testing ground for Eridas’ testing grounds, using her to see how far he can go to engineering something big. There already is a monitor present on the center of her chest, just below her energy core container that should serve as Theory’s dialogue.
She wondered when Eridas will be done with her.
The process was long, while attaching a monitor and connecting wires to Theory was easy, the coding itself for her to be capable of speaking was a bit tedious. Eridas has to create and write commands of how she could even respond to conversations, and looking at it, that’s going to be a lot to create.
However, even Eridas knew that he cannot reach that yet. So all he opted to do was to go simple, something like Yes or No, or Greetings.
After a few mechanical taps of his keyboard that seemed like hours, Eridas eventually sighed, entering the code and closing his computer. He stood up to where he was seated, checking the compartment and pressing the activation button for Theory to wake up again.
Theory’s eyes then lit up with the usual faint light and the monitor screen lit up, various lines of numbers, commands and runes appeared, scanning the new code it had been given. Eridas waited, pulling up another chair and waited in anticipation if he was successful or not.
A sudden red light replaced the calm glow of Theory’s eyes, and an ERROR message repeatedly blinked on the monitor.
“…Well fuck me with an energy taser.” Eridas sunk to his seat, clearly disappointed that there might be a few problems on his coding. Though he didn’t bother too much on it, seeing as this was his first time implementing a feature like this.
“…” Eridas stood up, deactivating the speech text code he had placed for Theory to function like normal again. He sat beside her, thinking for a moment before he gently placed his head on her. “This is stressful…”
Theory just looked at Eridas, it had no words or commands to speak, so all it could do was just stare at him like she usually would.
“…I just want to let you speak, but that’s too ambitious, right?”
The two remained like that for quite some time. Theory wondered when Eridas would let go and continue to work on the programing, but after minutes had passed, she noticed how Eridas’ form had slackened as his head slowly hanged down.
Eridas managed to fall asleep beside Theory, and something clicked in her head as she watched him sleep soundly.
Later on in the day, Eridas woke up to him lying comfortably on his bed, unaware that it was Theory herself that brought him there.
and just like that i never wrote a word from this story again lmao
i was writing this down when i was uhhh, stuck with no proper wifi for a week last month, kinda forgot about it ever since but i kinda like how i wrote this so i figured i should post it here too
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bcbdrums · 4 years
Check out my prison tats, Yo!
Somehow, I never posted this fic???  If I did and someone knows where the post is...please, tell me.  This is my cheater’s way of answering @drakgoprompts latest about tattoos, throwing this old one up.  But it’s an old fave!
FFn     AO3
Shego adjusted the fit of her suit in the mirror and then reached into her duffel bag for her hair brush. She supposed it was time to change after three lairs had turned up empty—she wasn't dropping in casually, like she'd told herself she was. Now she was full-on searching for Drakken.
After another week at the spa and absolutely nothing worthwhile in the classifieds, she supposed it wouldn't hurt to see if he had anything new planned. He was usually off-and-running again with new schemes in less than week after a failure, and the alien amazon had hit the road seven days ago. That was plenty of time for him to soothe his ego, right?
But with two underwater lairs and the arctic lair turning up empty, now she was beginning to wonder. He hadn't been arrested again, so just where was he?
After fixing her hair, she slipped her gloves on and zipped the duffel bag up tightly. She glanced around carefully, watching for traps yet again as she exited the bathroom of the time-share lair. A suspicious-looking Professor Dementor stood with arms crossed next to the front door.
At least he had let her change in the bathroom. Now that she had gone through existing lairs, it was time for the destroyed ones. And if those turned up empty too...
"Are you sure you haven't seen him?" she asked, pausing on her way out the door.
Dementor smirked in a way that made her want to retreat, but she didn't give him the satisfaction. "We thought you were finally done with him."
Shego's only reply was to turn and leave. Her contract with Drakken was none of Dementor's or anyone else's business. So she had decided to take an extended vacation after her last prison break, so what? He'd gotten out eventually, thanks to that alien giantess. He was fine.
Wasn't he?
The closest lair was the one in the Caribbean, though after it had been decimated by that alien's interference she was sure it was gone for good. But since she was running out of places to look, she supposed it deserved a shot.
She had to steal a boat to get there. Any hover cars were no doubt impounded by the government, or worse—by Global Justice. Those vehicles had been one major advantage of being in Drakken's employ. Having to rely on standard transportation, even when she didn't pay for it, was far less efficient.
As she approached the island she was surprised to look up and see scaffolding surrounding all of the destruction at the top.
He must be there.
She used one of the intact secret entrances on the beach and then the stairs to ascend the mountain, up to the point where the destruction made standard passage impossible. She picked her way through the ruins of several floors of the lair until reaching the top.
The red-clad henchmen were everywhere. Some leaned over blueprints and argued about framing, some were in the act of rebuilding the the outer walls, and others were clearing out the rubble. And in the midst of all the red, there was one person in blue.
The henchmen gave her a wide berth as she made her way towards Drakken, but he didn't notice her approach. He was hunched over farther than usual, looking around in the mess on the floor apparently for something specific, and his expression was dark and brooding.
"I thought you'd have finally kissed this one goodbye, Doc?" she greeted.
He jumped, startled by her voice. As soon as he laid eyes on her his expression became so vile that she nearly recoiled. But then his face twisted in pain and he reached behind him to dig the knuckles of one hand into his neck.
"This lair is nostalgic. But yes, I'll need to move out for awhile until the construction is completed. The noise will be too distracting..." he said, resuming his search among the debris on the floor. "Ah!"
He reached down with one hand, using the other to brace himself against a chair that had tipped over, and then lifted up a dirty teddy bear. He slowly straightened and then embraced the bear.
Shego wanted to roll her eyes, but found herself transfixed. Something was different about him.
'Definitely different,' she thought, as he walked with a noticeable limp toward a large crate in the center of the room that had been cleared. One hand alternated between pressing into his mid-back and his neck as he slowly moved toward it, and finally he dropped the stuffed animal inside.
His relief as he leaned against the crate was obvious. Far too obvious, for someone with as much pride as Drakken.
"You, uh...you all right, Dr. D.?" she asked, following him over.
"Do I look all right!?" he snapped, turning toward her with ferocity.
This time she did recoil at the same time as he gasped in pain and reached both hands behind his neck and closed his eyes tightly, searching for relief.
"What...happened?" Shego asked carefully, against her better judgment.
Drakken's eyes opened, but then narrowed on hers. "I suppose you would forget that I was thrown a mile high by an alien and then left for dead. Just like you forgot to break me out of prison..." The last was said in a mumble, but not nearly soft enough that she couldn't hear him.
Shego wanted to comment about his defeat by Kim Possible with the Lil' Diablos. In fact she had several comments about that, most of them related to the tower collapsing on her after she'd been electrocuted. But for some reason his words 'left for dead' hit her hard.
After the alien took off she had just left. She didn't bother to see what had happened to him after the alien had thrown him through the roof. Clearly he hadn't had a soft landing. Of course, she'd been nursing several bruises of her own after the encounter.
But she was a super-human. Drakken was not.
He had gone back to limping around the lair and picking through the mess on the floor. He looked angrier than she had ever seen him. But if he was in as much pain as he acted, perhaps it was justified.
"Well...I'm here now," she said, approaching him. He looked at her sharply again, his face a mixture of distrust, anger, and God help him—hope. She sighed. "What exactly are you looking for?"
He turned his gaze back to the floor. "My personal belongings, and anything that can be salvaged for future use. Small things go in that crate, big things in that one," he said, pointing. He rubbed his neck again after doing so, craning it backwards with a grimace of pain. "Why are you here, anyway?"
She ignored the question as she reached him, fascinated by his apparent injuries and his iron-will in the face of them. And then she noticed something else.
"Dr. D., you have some schmutz on your face. Right here," she said, pointing at the corner of her own eye.
"Where?" he said, rubbing all over the side of his face. The smudge remained.
"Here, let me," she said, licking her gloved thumb and reaching up to rub at the spot. He tried to back away but she held him firmly in place with her other hand on his shoulder.
"Ow!" he said as she scrubbed at the spot. It stayed firmly in place.
"Stubborn little..." she said, leaning closer. And then her eyes widened and she froze.
It wasn't dirt on his face, but two tiny tattoos in the shape of tear drops. One was all black, and the other was a mere outline.
She stood as if suspended in time, one hand still holding his shoulder and the other hovering just above his jaw line as she stared at him.
"What is it?" he asked.
She tried to swallow the lump in her throat, but found it wouldn't move. "The...tattoos," she said, her voice coming out far more calmly than she expected.
"Oh, those. Tell me, do they balance out the scar? The henchmen told me yes, but I'm not convinced."
She barely heard him, her heart racing now and the blood thudding heavily in her ears. She knew what tear drop tattoos meant. She'd spent enough time in various prisons to learn all about them, and about all of the gang symbols and other markings that told an inmate's story.
But in her opinion, tear drop tattoos were the worst of all.
"I regret all of them. Big John—that was his name—"
Shego shuddered and stepped back, clutching her hands together against her chest.
"He said each tattoo would hurt less, but they didn't. So now I have five stupid inks. Isn't that what they call them, 'inks'? But..." he sighed, "I only have myself to blame for four of them. I chose them, after all. Wanted to be hip to the prison crowd since I was going to be in there a long time."
Shego missed his dig against her, still in shock. Frightening memories of the time someone had tried to claim her with a tear drop of their own came back to her. Of course, she had her powers to defend herself. But what did Drakken have? And—she swallowed again and found her mouth dry as she realized—he was in a men-only ward...
She shook her head in revulsion at the images that struck her imagination, of him trying and failing to protect himself, of being forced into who knew how many acts against his will, undoubtedly violent, his very humanity violated. And the final humiliation, being branded so everyone would know.
Drakken was looking at her in confusion, and she realized what her face must look like. She blinked several times and tried to come back to herself. But the horror was so fresh that she found she couldn't. And Drakken... How could he be so nonchalant?
He finally gave up due to her silence and resumed his clean-up. Shego's eyes remained fixed on the two tiny tear drops. No way a big softy like him wasn't affected by it. But maybe he was trying to block it out. It definitely wouldn't help to have her bringing up the memories.
She started picking among the debris herself, noticing now that some of her own belongings were in the mix. But she couldn't bring herself to care about them.
She felt guilty.
She had only been incarcerated for a few months before she had been broken out by Motor Ed. Would it have really killed her to get him out too? She didn't have to go back to work for him afterward.
Of course, by three months it was probably...too late. So it wasn't her fault.
Drakken leaned on a crate and paused to rub his neck again, his expression suggesting he was in agony.
But leaving him for dead after that alien's attack certainly was her fault. The ache in her chest grew to include her stomach, and she suddenly felt compelled to apologize to him.
She pulled out her cell phone instead.
"If your neck hurts that much, you should get a massage. I'll hook you up with the best therapist I know," she said, paging through her contacts.
Drakken looked over at her. There was slightly less suspicion in his eyes.
"Midas. He's at the Mount Olympus spa, where I—" she stopped short, realizing that mentioning her 'vacation' was probably not the best idea.
"Wait, that place in Greece? I don't have time for that! I have to get to Tahiti!"
Shego blinked at the non sequitur, but let it pass with the way he was holding his neck again with both hands and had his jaw set.
"Well...then let me," she said, approaching him again.
"What?" he said, looking almost like his old self for the first time. Him being afraid of her felt normal enough that it made the ache in her chest lessen ever-so-slightly.
"Yeah. What happened to the couch?" stepping behind him and setting her hands on his shoulders.
"It's...um...over there," he pointed to another pile of rubble.
"Let's go," she said, gently pushing him. They reached the place in the far corner of what had been the lab and she began throwing debris off of the couch. "Take your coat off."
"What?" he said nervously, looking even more like himself.
"Yeah, so I can actually get to the sore spots."
He hesitated, and then undid the fastenings of his blue lab coat and then took it off, draping it over the back of the sofa.
"Doc. Seriously?" she asked, looking over his attire. Beneath the coat were blue suit pants and a white dress shirt, buttoned up to the collar.
"It fits the mad scientist motif," he argued.
"No, it doesn't," she said, positioning some pillows she'd picked up from the floor. "Take the shirt off too and then lay down."
"Yeah... Got a hearing problem?"
She settled for the tame insult as opposed to the one that wanted to come out naturally—asking if his injuries from the alien encounter included hearing loss. But he was in so much pain—a week later, she realized—and she still felt guilty about leaving him both after that and now leaving him in prison. The harsher insults could wait for later.
He lay the shirt over the back of the couch, now sporting a white tank top that was tucked into his suit pants.
"Okay, lay on your front now," she said.
He complied and she realized that he must have had massages before, the way he placed his hands and his head. She also noticed that he must have spent some time in prison working out, considering how lean his frame was and how toned his arms were.
Then she noticed the spiderweb tattoo circling one of his elbows.
She began massaging his shoulders.
The sharp gasp that instantly escaped his lips at her touch made her wonder if he shouldn't be on his way to a doctor instead of Tahiti—whatever that was about—but it would probably end in recapture and more work for her. So, massage it would be.
"Nice spiderweb."
"Thanks. I hate it," he said, his voice muffled by the upholstery.
"I dunno Doc, it makes you look kind of tough. Although the heart doesn't," she said, noticing the red symbol on his bicep on the other arm. It had an arrow going through it, and the word 'Mother.'
"That was the last one I got," he said, shifting so he could speak more easily. "Big John said it was a good start to a sleeve."
Shego felt the lump return to her throat at the mention of Big John, and she looked at the tear drops again. Was he the one who had...?
"What was the first?" she asked quietly.
He shifted again. "Pull my shirt down," he said.
She blinked, wondering if he had really just said that. But she pulled the back of the tank top down until she saw the curved line of text just beneath it.
"'Only God can judge me?' Really, Dr. D.?"
"I was drunk off of their illegal hooch, okay? Never tasted such high alcohol content before..." he muttered.
She resumed the massage, working up to his neck now. Another sharp gasp escaped his lips and she looked at his face in concern, wondering if she was making the pain worse. Her eyes widened as she saw real tears streaking down his cheeks next to the tattoos.
She turned her thumbs in smooth, firm circles over his tight muscles as she watched his face. The ache in her chest returned full force as she understood his vulnerability. For all of the things Drakken was and all the things he wasn't, he still kept a wall up just like she did. His just looked different than most people's, with his 'cocoa moo' and Snowman Hank marathons. But a wall was still a wall.
"Thank you Shego," he said, his voice hoarse.
But he was in pain. His wall was cracked. And she found herself wanting to let hers down just a bit too, if only to meet him halfway. He was forgiving her after all...wasn't he?
"You said you got five tattoos. Do the...tear drops count as one, or two?"
"One," he answered, opening his eyes so he could meet her gaze. She had shifted to the side to allow him to do so. His expression was uncharacteristically sober. "You...know what they mean?"
She nodded slowly. "Yes. Well, sort of," she said, trying to cover the discomfort she suddenly felt. "Why is one just an outline?"
"An outline just means attempted murder," he said, closing his eyes again.
Shego blinked. What?
"And I've been thinking Shego..." he continued, "maybe we should do a little less wanton destruction. People do get hurt. And that won't exactly endear me to them as their future ruler."
Shego was still reeling from the revelation. 'Attempted murder?' Then the other tear drop that was filled in...
"And this reminder in the mirror, every day...that I've killed..." he said, his voice growing sober again. "They're not...really my enemy. I could end up killing someone like me, with such carelessness. The public are all...individuals."
Shego was hanging on every word, making sure she understood his meaning. She looked at the tear drop tattoos again, her eyes wide. The outline meant attempted murder, and the solid black drop just meant...murder.
Relief flooded her until every nerve was tingling and cool, all the way to her toes.
"So you weren't—" she blurted out, but then clamped down on her words.
He opened an eye to peer at her. "Weren't what?"
She took a few breaths to calm down, and found the corners of her lips threatening to turn upwards into a smile. Apparently prison tattoos had multiple meanings.
"Nothing," she said, continuing to ease his tense muscles. "Um...yeah, we can talk about boundaries for violence," she said, trying to put him off of her near-slip.
No way she would ever tell him that she'd thought he'd been raped.
He was still eyeing her, his expression growing suspicious again.
"Um. You said you had five tattoos. What's the fifth?" she asked with a bit too much interest.
Suddenly he began pushing himself off the couch. "The one I regret the most!" he said, his anger back like a whirlwind.
"Hey! Dr. D., stop. You're in pain."
He proved her point by reaching up to his neck again and clenching his teeth.
"Come on, I want to help. You can tell me about your next plan. What's in Tahiti, anyway?"
His anger was back in full force, and he stood up painfully from the couch and gathered up his shirt and lab coat.
"You? Help? I'd laugh if it wouldn't hurt so much," he said, turning and limping toward his room.
Shego watched him go, the dull ache returning to her chest. If he hadn't been...violated the way she'd thought, why was he still so mad?
Maybe they did need to have a talk about boundaries for violence.
In his room Drakken turned on the still-functioning tap to begin filling the bath tub with hot water. Perhaps he could find some relief there.
He dropped his shirt and lab coat on his rubble-dirtied bed and continued disrobing, watching himself in a cracked mirror as he did so. If he wasn't in so much pain, he might have been pleased with the truly hateful expression on his face. It made him look oh-so-evil.
Who did Shego think she was, coming back as if absolutely nothing had happened? As if their contract and three years meant absolutely nothing?
He supposed, logically, that as villains none of that should mean anything.
But he wanted it to. For once in his miserable life, he didn't want to be betrayed. Was that so much to hope for?
Perhaps he was just less of a villain than she was. After all, technology had proven he was less evil, and now he was thinking of committing fewer violent acts.
He sighed sadly as he pulled off his tank top and approached the mirror to view the two words tattooed boldly over his heart.
'Shego Rocks.'
He was one messed up dude.
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