#throwinf up
celluzu · 11 months
Pac wanted to die with Richas and Fit holding his hands...
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cheruib · 1 year
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apyrrambles · 10 months
everytime I think about Judas and Al i take +10 psychic damage
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girlstressed · 9 months
guys the idea of marriage doesn’t even scare me for the normal reasons what if i have to show them my tumblr
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emiko-matsui · 9 months
Emily said she wanted to retire Fig from Fantasy High and play another character for Junior Year I'm actually throwing up in the street right now
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wyvernne · 1 year
i feel sick i saw someone headcanon that kaeya would keep diluc’s vision with him when diluc was on his rampage so he could make sure he was still alive WHAT’S WRONG W Y’ALL
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nartothelar · 11 months
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study setup
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un-lawliet · 4 months
“what sukana saw was the strongest ghost with which he buried with his own hands”
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rueclfer · 27 days
imagine my hero if the todorokis just got family therapy b4 touya went to sokoto peak 💀 CUZ THEY CAN AFFORD IT.
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THIS IS WHAT WE COULDVE HAAADDDD (but notice how theres no shouto :-(((( if touya hadn't "died" shouto wouldn't have been born UGHH)
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xxwillowpotatox · 1 year
I’m too tired to clip it right now but:
3:08:37 episode 47
Laudna - Imogen
L: “are you alright?”
I: *nods* “you?”
L *nods, softly* “I’m good”
I: “ah”
L: *touches forehead* “as long as I keep you..in the forefront of my brain, i think we’ll be alright*
I: *smiles and touches forehead* “promise?”
L: *softly* “promise”
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shakingparadigm · 7 months
friendly reminder that the round 6 song has already been recorded and both Ivan and Till are singing. friendly reminder that Ivan will be revealing his full unbridled emotions in this performance.
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biblicalhrt · 1 year
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wtf. this is so sick and twisted!!!!!!
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apopcornkernel · 7 months
batman: track and field au
author's note: i just miss track and field varsity even though i wasnt even that good... and ive been thinking about batman track and field au for FOREVER. so today i wrote a bit 📝
things u need to know: bruce is not batman. he's a coach at a school where the rest of the justice league teaches. yes, they're still the justice league. and yes, his robins still end up as vigilantes. jason is 15 in this; the joker hasn't gotten to him yet. also i added some characters ahead of the timeline bc i love them :/
Jason stumbles over from the finish line, grinning and sweat-drenched. And then his face screws up in sudden distress, and he promptly wobbles and collapses onto the hot stadium mat.
A half-formed sound of alarm—
Bruce leaps over the bleacher railing and sprints.
A poor, well-meaning race official gets there first, but Bruce shoulders him roughly aside and crouches by Jason. Jason has turned on his side, holding his right knee tight to his chest and making little pained gasps.
It tears at his heart. “Jason,” Bruce says.
Jason’s eyes are screwed shut, and he says nothing, but one of his hands reach blindly in Bruce’s direction and Bruce grasps it tightly.
“You were terrific, chum.” He squeezes, and feels the tremor that goes through his son. “Stretch your leg out for me.”
Jason shakes his head. “Hurts—”
“I know. I know. Please, Jay.”
It’s slow, and excruciating, but between the two of them they manage to get Jason sitting up, his leg extended straight against the ground. One hand of Bruce’s presses down firmly on the knee, and the other pushes his foot to flex, the metal spikes of Jason’s shoes digging hard into the callused flesh of Bruce’s palm. Jason leans back on his hands, spread flat against the ground, head tilted up to open, cloudless sky, exhaling drawn-out, shaky breaths.
The speakers blare out the next events—second call for Male C’s 400-meter hurdles, and third call for Female B’s high jump. The left side of the crowd begins clapping on beat for their star javelin thrower as she rocks back on her feet, once, twice, and begins bounding forward. Bruce makes a displeased noise. He hopes his throwers remember to pay attention.
A mosquito buzzes by Bruce’s ear and he shakes his head sharply to drive it away. The sweat has been beading at his hairline all throughout, and now it rolls torturously slow down his face. As his hands are otherwise occupied, he makes no move to wipe it, and does his best to ignore the unpleasant sensation.
At last, Jason’s breathing evens out. He tugs his leg gingerly away from Bruce’s hold, cheeks flushed with exertion and, doubtless, embarrassment. “Thanks.”
Bruce sits back on his haunches and wipes the sweat off his face. “Ready to stand?”
Jason raises a hand, wincing as he tests the muscles of his leg. “One sec.”
Bruce nods shortly. Jason safe, his attention wanders over to the bleachers. Tim, thank God, is dragging Damian away from the high railing. Dick and Cass are eating lunch with much avidity—Dick’s best event, high jump, had just ended before Jason’s, and Cass seems to have just returned from shot put. Duke and Stephanie are nowhere in sight, and for a moment Bruce is alarmed, but then he spots them at the stage and relaxes. Duke must have won his high jump—he stands on the highest podium, and even from here Bruce can tell he’s grinning—and Stephanie is clicking away on the school camera next to the official photographer.
As he watches Stephanie turn the camera backward and attempt to take a selfie with Duke, there’s a tap on his thigh. Bruce extends his hand without looking and grasps the hand that interlocks with his, pulling Jason up with ease.
Bruce glances at Jason, and notes how he squints against the glaring afternoon. “Remember to reapply your sunscreen when you get back.”
Jason rolls his eyes. “Not everyone is ghost-white like you.”
“You do not have to be ghost-white to get skin cancer.”
Jason grumbles, but when Bruce raises an imperious eyebrow at him, he raises his hands in surrender. “Fine. Whatever you say, boss.”
“Good. And, Jay...” Bruce reaches out, tentative, and puts a hand on his shoulder. “I meant it. You did terrific.”
Jason beams, bright enough to outshine the day, and something in Bruce’s chest uncurls into warmth.
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automatonknight · 2 years
started thinking about living inside like. a station that's also a supercomputer/AI thing/whatever a little too hard and i think i'm going to pass out
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doodlintv · 1 year
I rewatched the rottmnt movie for the fiftieth time and I thought the beginning was gonna hurt so much worse after reading Cass’s comic (and it did) but what I didn’t expect was in the scene where Casey is telling Mikey and Donnie about their futures to hurt 10 million times more. Like the way Casey’s face goes all soft when he tells Donnie he was the most brilliant mind in the future like FUCK that’s his uncle tello :-( that hurt.
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clownery-and-fuckery · 11 months
i hate it here
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