#three new wips
gendervapor14 · 1 year
HELLO sorry i've been quiet i'll reply to comments and such soon! i finally found some time to write and i'm TAKING IT hehehe
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birdietrait · 3 months
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elfie and nell
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magulon · 30 days
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have a little WIP while i finish up on commissions!
Lately Ive been so unhappy with everything i draw, i think its art block..? Lmao. I have a ton of ideas for more elaborate splatoon things I wanna draw (perhaps even a comic!) but not the energyyy to do it. Gonna keep working through it though!
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mimicmockingbirds · 4 months
Yellowjackets - Werewolves HCs
I know absolutely no one asked for this, but I'm missing the Yellowjackets crew, and I've been binging a horror media all week, so here are my loose ideas for a werewolf AU as inspired by this post
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Van & Taissa:
Obviously Van is the first one to turn, having been attacked by a rival werewolf during her side-quest with Tai, Mari, Akilah, and Misty like in the show
Tai also gets bitten in the process of helping Van heal/deal with her first transformation
From there, they spread the curse to the rest of the group, making them the leading alpha pair by proxy of "creating" the rest of the pack like alpha-parent pairs in the wild
Van struggles with the leadership role, considering herself more of a follower than a leader when in human form
Tai leans into it, being a natural leader in human form; although, since it was her idea to go on the side-quest that got Van bitten to begin with, she is more cautious when it comes to making decisions
Tai also gets more protective of the group as a whole, often herding them or biting their scruffs to keep them in place (i.e. safe) from rival wolves
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Instantly embraces having a bigger, physically stronger body as a wolf
Uses it to unleash all of the compartmentalized anger and aggression she carries in human form, making her the most snappish of the group, bordering on feral
Consequently, she really struggles to submit to Tai and Van as the alpha pair, often testing their patience by trying to go off on her own or stealing scraps of their food
Has a lot of nicks on her body from Taissa constantly having to correct her behavior
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The complete opposite as Shauna; she absolutely hates having a second body and the strangeness of having to navigate it
Is the most resistant to change in general, so her transformation process is particularly difficult
Stays in her human form as much as possible; only really shifts when there's conflict among the other wolves and they need a mediator to calm things down (especially because it's usually started by Shauna)
Since she's in human form so often, her social standing in the team/pack starts to decline, making her more submissive and subdued
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Is resistant to the change at first, as she is resistant to the supernatural in general
Gradually starts to embrace having a wolf side when it proves useful in hunting/providing for the others
Starts to thrive because wolves naturally communicate via actions, which she prefers as someone who was raised on volatile emotions rather than rational words
Sometimes stays in wolf form just to vibe and show her affection for others, clambering on top of them or licking their muzzles when she's in a good mood
Mostly reverts to human form when she's upset, because it's easier to hide her emotions that way (although it quickly becomes a sign in and of itself that she's in a poor mood)
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Is absolutely enthralled with having a new, bigger body with better senses and strength
She is still the smallest of the group, so she compensates by being very vocal as a wolf, constantly yipping or howling
Shifts between human and wolf the most often, usually at random, because she does still value having human qualities when she needs to play group medic
As a human, she lacks a lot of social awareness for boundaries; as a wolf, that becomes even worse
Constantly inserts herself into others' personal space, butting her head or muzzle against theirs to see what they're doing or where they're going; consequently, she receives a lot of corrective behavior from the others, like nips to the ear or base of her tail
It works for about 5 seconds, then she's right back in their space
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Laura Lee:
Absolutely hates shifting
Still views the entire situation of being stranded, and now forced to deal with transformations into another body, as some form of divine punishment
Like Jackie, mostly keeps to her human form whenever possible, and shifts only to play mediator when the others need it
However, unlike Jackie, her social standing doesn't suffer, since she has status by proxy of being friends with the likes of Van and Lottie
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Is disorientated by the transformation process at first, wondering whether it's another symptom of her mental illness or withdrawal from her meds
Eventually accepts it, and is even comforted that she's not the only one suffering from strange phenomena for once
Due to her acceptance to change and the unknown, she is able to shift the most easily from one body to the other
She's the most attuned to the Wilderness as a human, so she has the best senses as a wolf; starts to accompany Natalie on hunts, wherein she tracks down the prey for Nat to kill
Is very anxious, so she is often scratching or grooming herself; her fur gets patchy around her paws from licking them so much
Builds a closer friendship with Natalie (from hunting together) and Van (for gifting her the bone-necklace), so they try to console her anxious habits, either by laying next to her or directly on top of her to keep her still
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Only embraces the change when Natalie does, especially since it proves so useful in hunting
Despite being a bigger size than the girls, he has the lowest social standing, since he was never officially on the team and thus, is considered an outsider to the instinctive pack dynamic
Mostly hovers at a distance from the girls during any gathering; however, he only exhibits outwardly submissive behavior like lowered ears and a tucked-in tail towards Van and Taissa, since they're the official alpha pair
Prefers to flee rather than fight during conflicts amongst the pack, only becoming aggressive when his hunting partners (Nat and Lottie) are involved
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tervaneula · 4 months
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Guess who has yet another new WIP!!!!!! Yes it me. Anyway. Communication my beloved<3
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willowbirds · 4 months
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WIP of Fearne's new outfit!
(I'm gonna make my way through the witches first and then we'll see what happens next)
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xenonsdoodles · 7 months
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again with this
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sourfwuitgummy · 5 months
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Can anyone guess what he’s thinking abt
(he’s my favorite blorbo!!!!!) (posting old art el oh el!!!!!!)
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lonicera-edulis · 2 years
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Old wips a little polished.
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dawnthefluffyduck · 5 months
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Request from @bleakoutlo to draw Ralsei weaving a scarf; I had to watch a few videos to understand how weaving worked in order to draw him doing this, which ended up being a really nice way to pass the time during the inclement weather today :D drawing the loom was a ton of fun too once I started to understand how it worked, so I really liked working on this one. Thank you for the request!
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Kharish and Urag, touching #6
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"...don't do that."
"Do what?"
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robotwrangler · 2 years
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Umm, I just think he’d like them <3
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aprilelaineart · 4 months
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lestat lestat lestat
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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ough brain is doing SO bad but sometimes. there are colors
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juliusschmidt · 6 months
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to-be-a-dreamer · 3 months
So when is someone gonna take one for the team and write the Newsies/Outsiders reincarnation au we all deserve?
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