#three months later……
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COMFORT MY CHARACTER. (from this prompt list) + jestiny +☀️ - a nice day outside (requested by @simplegenius042) + 🧸 - a soft plushie (requested by @blissfulalchemist) + ✋ - a hand carding gently through their hair (requested by both!)
notes: hello hello, look who is coming in three months later to finally answer these. i am sorry for the delay and ofc no pressure to read, but i decided this would be good to pivot and post for valentine’s day. also, avoiding spoilers but if you want a visualization on 🧸 you can find it here. this is set in hook, line, and sinker verse, but the only context from it you really need is that john and jestiny are fake dating. wordcount: 2.3k warnings: animal death, fleeting detailed fantasies of violence against humans, and threats to do violence to humans. pretty tame all things considered.
A gentle breeze kicks up to ease the heat settling into Jestiny’s cheeks and tickle her jaw with the feathery ends of her hair, and as she draws in a deep inhale of the scent of pine carried on the air it dawns on her that this truly is her definition of a perfect day.
The sun beats down on the back of her neck to bake the skin and draw a pleasant coating of sweat that flushes cool with the wind. The glittering waters of Snowshoe Lake lap gently at the thick heels of her boots stuck into mud.
Three trout float defeated and bled dry in the cooler she pulls a fresh beer from, a fourth cutting ripples into the water as it moves to flirt with her hook. The glass on her bottle of Two Hearted Ale kisses her inner thigh with its crisp coating of frost as she props it against her leg.
Hank is tucked away in the bib pocket of her overalls and firmly in the grips of a food coma courtesy of the extra scoop of bait Adelaide threw in for him, pointy pink fingers still curled around the batch of crickets he grew too full to finish.
And any threat of tranquility stagnating to tedium is kept at bay by the sudden plop of her bobber to sink into the water, causing Jestiny to perk up and brace herself just in time for the satisfying tension of weight pulling against her rod.
Jestiny licks her lower lip as she begins to reel, muscles of her arms tensing and tugging on instinct with the perfect amount of pressure to meet the force of the fish in a smooth, elegant dance — a back and forth quickly rewarded as her catch leaps from the water. An opportunity she gladly seizes, reeling it to its doom.
She feels Hank begin to slowly stir against her chest as she pierces her knife through the fish’s brain, his head poking from her pocket for his whiskers to brush against her chin as she drops the trout into her cooler.
A somehow still surviving cricket leaps from Hank’s clutches as he unfurls his fist in a waking stretch, landing at the top of Jessie’s head as the rest of the insects fall lifelessly into the depths of her pocket.
“Hank,” she chides without malice, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth as she grins down at the opossum. “What did I tell you about goin’ and wastin’ bait?”
Hank claws his way up Jestiny’s chest as she rewards herself with a hearty gulp of beer, climbing over her shoulder to cling to the back of her head and reach to pluck the cricket from her hair and plop it into his mouth.
And to Jessie’s relief he doesn’t scramble back down to grab for the bait she slides onto her hook, instead remaining perched on her shoulder as she casts her line, his fingers tangled in her hair.
Hank combs the fingers through short locks as Jestiny leans back to settle in and watch the water, his snout nudging against her as he sniffs for more bugs, licking to groom out anything he finds.
His sharp little claws send a relaxing tingle along Jestiny’s scalp as they rake along the skin, gliding down her spine to ease the tension from her shoulders.
Yes, in Jestiny’s mind it is truly a perfect day. And with the bright blue of the sky stretching out without a cloud in sight, she felt certain that nothing could happen to ruin —
The low rumble of an engine tears Jestiny from her thoughts, followed by the thud of a car door slamming that tells her the driver is close.
“The fuck,” Jessie mutters under her breath as she glances to her phone. “Shouldn’t be a fuckin’ soul around here but —”
“Ah, there’s the fisherwoman I’ve been looking for!” a devastating familiar voice calls, the surface of the water suddenly busy with the ripples of fish swimming away.
“No,” Jestiny says before she’s even turned around. She jumps to her feet to face the man strolling towards her and shout louder, “No. Absolutely not!”
“You certainly know how to give a lover a warm welcome,” John replies as he plants himself in front of Jessie.
“Never fuckin’ call yourself that,” she says with a grimace, taking suspicious note of the giant, glossy gift bag slung over his shoulder. “Never call anyone that,” she tacks on, a disgusted shudder texturing the words. “And never fuckin’ bother me when I’m fishing,” she snaps. “How did —” she runs a frustrated hand through her hair, pushing it back into the face of the opossum still clinging there. “How did you even find my spot?! You stalkin’ me now?”
A sharp grin carves itself into his face to push back the modest rounds of his cheeks and deepen the sag of his laugh lines, his eyes lighting up with an irritatingly proud twinkle.
He slides a hand beneath his vest, pulling out a sleek smartphone with a cross insignia on its case. “Scathing negative reviews of Snowshoe Lake suddenly popped up last night on Fishbrain, FishHub, ANGLR — even AllTrails and 27 Crags mentioned the nearby mountain pass being subpar.”
“You saw somewhere with shitty reviews and figured you belonged there?”
“I figured it was the work of my clever, reclusive little angler slyly marking her territory.” A slow, dramatic bat-batting of his eyelashes punctuates the statement. “And lo and behold, here you are.”
The hinge of her jaw; her nose twitches. “I like my privacy,” she drawls slowly, so that he may understand. “Now that we’ve gone over the how, maybe we can move on to why the fuck you’re here? And when you’ll be fucking leaving?”
If it’s within the next ninety seconds, perhaps she can still salvage her perfect day.
“Why, you haven’t been keeping track?” His tongue clicks against his teeth with a furrow of his brow in a contrived display of woundedness. “We’re celebrating our one month anniversary today!”
She snarls and bugs her eyes. “Great! Our fake relationship reached a fake milestone I wouldn’t even celebrate if it was real!”
“Do you think that attitude could have been a contributing factor to the death of your real relationship?”
She thinks how beautiful her fishing knife would look lovingly buried to the hilt in his jugular, the sweet glug glug glug he would make choking on his own blood. She thinks about how pretty he would look with that sharp grin sliced to gape and droop like a catfish’s mouth.
“I think interrupting my fishin’ time is about to be a contributing factor in your death,” she settles on. “The only way you’re gonna be any good to me around here is if I chop you up into little bits and use you as bait for my fucking hook.”
“Well, for all that empty posturing you’d think you would better understand the importance of keeping up appearances,” he muses as he rifles through the bag at his side. “We’re pretending to be a happy couple — the kind that would spend their anniversary together.”
“Well, nobody’s here! So how ’bout we don’t and say we —”
Jestiny is interrupted by a hand shoving a bundle of red roses against her chest, full enough to block her vision so that she must snatch them by the tissue paper and ribbon wrapped stems to lower enough for her to glare at the man stepping back to gaze at her with a self-assured smile.
“Aw, John,” she coos with a sweet flutter of her eyelashes and beaming smile. “You shouldn’t have,” she fusses as she leans in to stick her nose in the petals and inhale. “You really shouldn’t have. Because anyone who’d actually been dating me for a month would know —” she hurls the bouquet to the ground, stomping a foot down atop it. “That I! Fucking! Hate! Getting! Flowers!” she screams as she grinds the blossoms into the dirt beneath her boot.
“Ah, well,” his unaffected sigh draws her attention to the repetitive shuttering sound filling the background. “Luckily, I don’t think anyone would suspect as much from looking at you.”
She looks up from crushed petals to see John holding up his phone with screen pointed towards her, her own sarcastically smiling face as she clasps a bouquet greeting her.
“And image is what matters,” he purrs, stepping back and tucking his phone into his vest pocket just as she swings for it.
“Then how about you get the fuck out of here before I wreck that phone and that pretty face of yours?”
He positively glows at the threat. “Come now, you didn’t really think I’d call it quits at a puny dozen roses, do you?”
“I’ll shove the next bouquet so far up your ass your mouth is gonna win an award for best rose garden!”
“Not roses,” he replies, holding out a bright red heart-shaped box.
“Great,” she grumbles, snatching the box. “Another thing I don’t fucking wa —”
He catches her hand as it moves to throw the box to the ground. “Just open it.”
“I don’t fucking like chocolates,” she replies, holding no particular distaste for chocolates. “Especially this stupid fucking February 15th drugstore clearance aisle —”
He lifts the lid himself with a huff.
She sees there are in fact no chocolates in the container. Instead, its five sections are filled with a menagerie of bait — a tangled ball of earthworms in the left round at the top, a school of dried minnows in the right, one pile of crickets and one of grasshoppers in the center, and a cluster of doughballs at the pointed bottom.
“Mm,” she grunts in begrudging appreciation. She pinches the leg of a grasshopper between her fingers, lifting it above her head to offer up to Hank before she grabs the lid from John to place back atop the box.
“Doesn’t make no goddamn sense to have doughballs and insects in the same damn container — where am I finding catfish and trout together outside of a stocked pond?” She snorts with laughter at the ridiculous thought of fishing at a stocked pond before clearing her throat and setting the heart-shaped box down by her cooler. “Still, I guess it keeps me from using you to bait my hook.”
That proud glow of his brightens until he’s absolutely luminous at her walking back of the death threat.
“Don’t oversell the proclamations of love, Jessie dearest — it has only been a month,” he says with a dreamy sigh, leaning into her as if blooming towards the sun itself.
“You wanna quit while you’re ahead?” she offers with a tilt of her head towards his car.
“Rule of threes, my love,” John answers breathily. “What would flowers and chocolates be without a cute stuffed animal?”
Her eyebrow twitches. “Should have quit while you’re ahead,” she snaps. “I am a twenty-eight year old woman, not a schoolgirl looking for a teddy bear to hug at —”
Another flourish of his hand cuts her off, palm outstretched to display a soft plush of pink and gray.
“Not a teddy bear,” he purrs.
It’s not a teddy bear. Its round little ears are bare felt and marbled pink and black, the beads of its eyes pinpoint tiny beads, bubblegum pink tail curling around its body. It’s —
“An opossum,” she mutters to herself, a small, giddy huff of a laugh passing through her lips against her will. She brushes her fingers against its soft faux fur before she can stop herself, and John’s free hand reaches out to cover hers and wrap it around the plush to hold it on her own before retracting his.
She coughs and shoots him an obligatory glare before looking back to the opossum plush, eyes drawn to take notice of the opening in its middle — finding a second tiny opossum head peeking out.
Her eyes widen, and in spite of herself she laughs out under her breath, “It’s got a baby in its little pouch…”
She pulls the smaller stuffed opossum from its place nestled inside the larger plush, holding both up in proud display to no one in particular.
She feels the scraping of claws and a the tickle of tiny, sniffing exhales against her cheek as Hank climbs down to perch atop her shoulder and inspect.
His clawed little hand reaches out to grasp the smaller opossum, holding it to himself in ownership, then tucking it into the pocket of Jestiny’s overalls before climbing down her chest to curl up beside it.
“Ha!” Another laugh bursts out before she can stop it, looking up with a delighted grin on damnable reflex to check that her company saw the precious sight she did.
Blue eyes sparkling bright with pride meet her. Jessie’s cheeks sear under their unbearable heat.
She clears her throat.
“Well, Hank likes it,” she mumbles, spinning on her heels to turn her back to him as she tucks the larger plush into her overalls. “Gotta keep it, I guess.”
“Is that all it takes?” John asks, his breath falling hot along the back of her neck as he crowds behind her with every step she takes back towards the shore, like a trout chasing a lure. “Perhaps Hank can put in a good word for me, then?”
“Opossums can’t talk, dumbass,” she scoffs in reply as she reaches into the heart-shaped box to pull out an earthworm to slip onto her hook. “And people who expect to be allowed to hang around while I fish shouldn’t either.”
Another dreamy sigh and a rustle of clothing against grass as weight sinks beside her in the mud.
She focuses herself on the pleasant plop of her bobber landing in water, breathing in the crisp mountain air and ignoring the encroaching warmth of a knee casually pressing against her own as she spreads her legs to shore up her fishing stance.
Perhaps her perfect day would have to be chalked up as another one that got away.
An arm stretches out behind her to press its palm onto the ground on the opposite side, its owner’s head indiscreetly turned to the side to stare at her rather than the water, and this time she chooses to blame the heat crawling along her cheeks on the afternoon sun rather than the scrutiny of his adoring gaze.
But a bad day of fishing beats a perfect day of anything else, after all.
#also was my excuse to force myself into playing around in present tense more thinking ‘‘oh this will be quick and easy so’’#three months later……#oc: hank the opossum#oc: deputy jestiny ellen#otp: stop bothering these nice folks#praying to the valentine’s gods this queues correctly
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At long last: either an alternate explanation for or continuation of my prior comic regarding how Bill was ABSOLUTELY naked in Ford's karaoke night drawing. (Because errors in art do not exist. Artists do not make mistakes. So if you see any in this comic, No You Do Not.)
I am so normal about these old dorks.
I'm not really clear on exactly when Bill started throwing his desperation book at Ford just like a needy ex do, but I find it extremely funny to imagine it happening literally the day of or after the makeshift funeral. Bill just gets this weird sense of 'Ford is taking steps to move on' and CANNOT FUCKING ABIDE.
I hope you enjoy all the goofy things I added to each page of Bill's sad spieling. (Everything SHOULD be readable so long as you view the full size, but I have added basically this whole little fanfic in the image descriptions, LMAO, which lays out all the little written notes and such.) Also don't ask how Bill managed to sneak that vampire pen in there. I have no idea, and honestly? I don't wanna know.
Oh, and a little bonus comic:
Of course Bill would take it as flirting. Because between the two of them, Bill is the bigger masochist By Far. :)
Also I have continued applying The Good Place logic to any of Bill's attempts to swear. Case in point, one last bonus image, this time with a motivational line from my slapdash Theraprism OC, EV-01:
Yes, its name is just 'love' backwards. No, I will not be taking any feedback on this. Yes, EV-01 was only ever assigned to Bill's case due to the Theraprism being desperate to make some progress in rehabilitating him. No, it did not work anywhere close to staff's expectations - Bill didn't even appreciate EV-01's matching fondness for bowties! (He claimed the fondness to be "cultural appropriation" and insisted he'd been traumatized by it.)
Anyway, if you like my stuff, reblogs are very much appreciated, and if you really really like it, perhaps consider my commissions or yeeting a teeny tiny tip my way? I am trying to recoup over 500 dollars in vet bills, ahaha... 🙃
In other news, I loved all the fun tags people added to the prior naked-karaoke comic (such as 'the hat and bow-tie stay ON during sex' and the classic '[insert keysmash here]', as well as the many amused/bewildered remarks about how I either made the bricks a piece of clothing or just straight up peeled Bill's skin off). However, I think my favorite thing by far was the several people losing their shit over the fact that I gave Bill toes. Like, excuse me? The magical talking triangle can have fingers but not toes??? Since when was that a rule????? 🤣 (Also the one person who reblogged with the cropped panel where Bill's fishnets pants are falling off to ask why Bill peed himself. Dude, I want to examine your brain...?)
Okie-dokie, I'm sick of looking at all of this stuff now and I'm off to go to work, after which I will either scribble some more goofy "Billford" comics or perhaps draw my lame human!Bill in Situations, idk yet. Maybe I'll even finally draw more than just a single other person's human!Bill...? Who knows, but I sure hope I can mix it up a little and not turn whatever I draw into a month-long fukken project. >:\
#fanart#gravity falls#billford#bill cipher#stanford pines#the book of bill#comics#i can't believe gravity falls and billford keep on trending almost three full months after the book of bill's release#this is incredible#maybe i will add more tags later idk#i have to go to WORK now blehhhhhh#oh right: Do Not Repost (good luck anyway lol. this is So Many images and all of them are Big XD)
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AU where Jango time travels, saves Jaster, and accidentally becomes Dooku’s controversially young boytoy and accidentally convinces him to become Obi-Wan’s master when he meets the 10 year old in the temple while avoiding Jaster in the archives and gets attached to Smolbi-Wan. He is now a stepdad. Fuck. Jaster keeps stealing the kiddo while Jango is getting his back blown out by a sorta former Sith.
#star wars#jango fett#master dooku#yan dooku#janooku#time travel#padawan obi wan#young obi wan#obi wan kenobi#jaster mereel#Jango getting into arguments with a handsome older man about issues with the republic#when suddenly he’s pressed against the bulkhead with a tongue in his mouth and wondering how that happened#three months later and Jango is wandering around the temple looking for a fruit garden#when he’s suddenly protecting a tiny redhead from being bullied by other kids and now he’s a dad again#Obi is nearly as feral as Boba it would give Jango the WORST baby fever
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I just wanna keep calling your name until you come back home
#hi this is me three months later#i really want to redo this but with a better coloring lmao#911#911 abc#buddie#buddieedit#evan buckley#evanbuckleyedit#eddie diaz#eddiediazedit#edit#911 season 4#4x13#my gifsets#114#no.25#9118#nessa.edit#the shooting
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Thinking about Robin Cross' mom cause like. Your little birdie goes missing and she comes back and it's a miracle but...that's not your little girl anymore. Your Robin was never this afraid of the world outside her bedroom door. Wasn't this suspicious of everyone outside her window. Didn't cry herself to sleep from guilt you couldn't (didn't even want to) imagine. Didn't shrink away from every pitying stare, didn't believe the whispers that called her a broken, guilty thing.
It takes years for a therapist to convince your Robin that she can fly again. It takes just as long for you to accept that the miracle you wanted is not the miracle you wanted.
It takes years of trying until another miracle happens, and you notice the way your daughter's eyes track the ball on the tv in the lounge when she's still in the kitchen and you go, Hey, worth a shot, right? so you ask her if she wants to play exy.
And the weirdest goddamn thing happens. Which is to say, Robin flies out of her seat, back hitting the wall like its trying to marry the plaster, like it always does when she's scared, the way her therapist says is her trying to assert to herself that from at least one angle, danger cannot come for her.
But then your husband and brother in law scream from the lounge as a goal is scored, and it's such a surprise that you don't turn to them fast enough to miss the way Robin's eyes do the same, and suddenly that wall slam doesn't actually seem like a no.
Six months later, you watch your daughter on her first game in a real field. She's absolutely terrible, far too shy to be proactive in her role, and you are so close to strangling the dad two rows over who says that aloud because you lost your daughter six years ago, and today you just got her back. (Also, god knows the rest of her team isn't much better, so maybe judge your own son first, jackass.)
Robin grows up and it's not perfect, its not the miracle you wanted, but damn if it ain't a good miracle anyway. She says she's happy and you choose to believe her. The therapist says if you give it time it'll all work out and you choose to believe that too. You just hope time means before graduation because, as it stands, you're not sure what'll happen when high school ends.
And then a stranger stranger to you walks into your home, and Robin invites him in, and he says I will give you as much time as you dare ask me for. And you ask, why. Why would you do this for her. And the man smiles, in a way that seems to surprise him as much as it does you, and he explains that actually, for once, it's not him. It's another kid everyone else declared broken who decided she's worth the effort.
This is when you realize miracles are bullshit. It's just people putting in the work. And if there is some unblemished, untraumatized Robin Cross out there soaring like she'd always imagined, well, happy travels. But tomorrow, she and her little birdie are getting in the car and driving seven hours down to Palmetto.
#aftg#robin cross#three months later: WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOURE SHARING A DORM WITH THREE BOYS#if anything i wrote contradicts the ec. no it doesnt
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whatta man am i right
#trolls#john dory#my art#three months later and i still cant figure out how to draw his hair >_>#imagine the hell i'll be in if i ever decide to draw viva or clay
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RAFAEL SILVA appreciation series: ↳ working out pt. 2 (for @nelsonnicholas @pragmatic-optimist @sunshinestrand)
#rafael silva#rafaelsilvaedit#911 lone star cast#911 ls cast#userkimmy#tusersonia#tuserpaige#useraninha#userpickles#tusersilence#usertriz#usersteen#rmdtracks#rafaseries#mine#*11 months later*......#been dying to make a part two for this since last year#so here it is#and i'm dedicating it to three of my favorite people in the world#i adore losing my mind over any Rafa content with you guys#love you and I hope you do appreciate this 😌
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Marble hornets x Slendermansion AU but instead of Hoodie and Masky being proxies they also live in a small cabin in the same woods and are constantly trying to sabotage the creeps plans. Hoodie learns Jeff is supposed to kill some random family and follows him there to purposely set the home security system off and Masky jumps out of the closet and tackles Jeff. They all run away to their own homes afterwards when the cops are called. The Operator/Slenderman could put a stop to it if he so pleased, but finds the shenanigans amusing.
#creepypasta#marble hornets#mh#masky#masky marble hornets#Tim Wright#hoodie#hoodie marble hornets#Brian Thomas#Jeff the killer#Do you think Alex is a proxie in denial who keeps having to get dragged back to the mansion#Since Brian's alive so we might as well resurrect the rest of the cast#Is Jay in this small cabin or is he just desperately wandering around Rosswood with his camera trying to find these two homes#Since Totheark has started posting vlogs about how he beat up random local serial killers that have been evading the police#For months. Years. Decades perhaps#The video starts off a peaceful nature documentary#It starts off peaceful nature documentary#then three seconds later the blaring distorted sound of the alarm is is in your ears#And Masky is on the ground beating up Jeff#And ofc there's ominous codes and messages implying that there is a mansion they live in in Rosswood#And what about what happens to Tim after he finally returns to his normal state#Does he still stay in the cabin? Does Hoodie bring him to wherever Jay is staying for the night?#Cause clearly leaving him unconscious in the woods with a bunch of serial killers is a bad idea especially with their history in this au#Who knows really#I'm stuck on the imagery of a very tired EJ having to handle dragging Alex back to the mansion#Cause he keeps trying to kill Proxies “in training” (aka the ones infected with Slender Sickness)#And yes I copy pasted these tags from a reblog I made for another reblog on this post#I felt they belonged here too
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All green bedight that knight, and green his garments fair 🌿
prints of this piece are available here!
this illustration is a result of all the love the Arthuriana tumblrinas left on my other Sir Gawain illustration as well as my Bisclavret illustration! thanks for all the lovely tags everyone 💚
edit: the book cover version of this illustration
#six months later. I proudly present: sir Gawain’s bisexual awakening dot jpg#(he’s the figure in the right corner)#sir gawain and the green knight#arthuriana#illustration#artists on tumblr#art#the green knight#arthurian legend#arthurian literature#arthurian mythology#medieval#sir gawain#knight#digital illustration#medieval literature#medieval poetry#knightcore#medievalcore#handlettering#fantasy#digital art#inprnt#sgatgk#thefourofdiamondsart#caption text from the Jessie L Weston translation from the original Middle English (which is handlettered in the frame btw)#extra easter egg for those that read the tags: the doors have three crowns from one version of King Arthur’s crest plus the holy grail
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future!timkon idea where the two of them have been together for a while and one day Kon brings up that he wishes they could have had a kid together. But unfortunately they are both cis guys so that isn't possible, very sad. To which Tim just responds "😬", to which Kon gets extremely suspicious, and that's the reason Tim finally has to come out with his whole Manic Cloning Spiral Thing
#mads posts#timkon#dc#tim drake#conner kent#kon-el#batman#batfam#dc comics#honestly this isnt even in character#how it would actually go is kon would offhandedly mention maybe wanting to have a kid one day#and tim kinda nods and 'mhm's at it and doesn't look like he's fully paying attention#and then a month later tim shows up at Kon's apt like 'hey i cloned you a baby. why are are you freaking out? you mentioned wanting a baby'#and kon is like. youre such a freak. smash#and THEN and ONLY THEN would tim realize they've been in a relationship for three years#and that the baby is also his responsibility#because he is its dad#THATS how the situation would actually go. but thats not as snappy of a tumblr post
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happy birthday to the game ever <333

og image teehee
#ive only known ffxv for what. three months. im so attached to the bros they r my lifeline#✨scratchpad#ffxv#ff15#noctis lucis caelum#ff15 noctis#prompto argentum#ff15 prompto#quick doodle. may draw something more superficial later idk. its very hot today and i feel sick :/#final fantasy 15#final fantasy xv
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My first Secret Santa on tumblr! One of @sinnabar wishes was Octobill. I actually have a really bad fear of tentacles, so this was a good excuse to face my fears!
#tentacles#ugh still don’t like tentacles#I did dipper first but then you can’t tell who the other party was so I did Bill three months later oops#Octobill#billdip#bill cipher#dipper pines#billdipSS24
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i just want to remind everyone that, since the grishaverse is kinda sorta based on the victorian era, and since wealthy victorian families dressed their toddlers (girls or boys) in dresses, and wylan was very wealthy growing up, there are definitely family portraits in existence of baby wylan wearing one of those goofy ass victorian baby dresses
#i could yap about victorian era fashion for DAYS#i did an entire three month school project on it and i still feel like i don't know enough#god it's just so cool#there were so many intricacies#hair lockets ?????#mourning clothes ????#the absolute ridiculousness of mourning wear for women ?????#the slow integration of color the later the mourning period#it's just so cool to me#anyway soc fandom are we seeing the comedic potential for baby wylan in one of those stupid ass baby dresses#cause i sure am#six of crows#six of crows fandom#soc#wylan van eck#soc fandom
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mentally i am still here
shuake week day 7: feathermen / goro or joker palace / free day
#funfact i think i got into p5 on the day stage 4 dropped so i saw this hug and didnt get it until three months later#LOL#p5r#my art#doodle#doodles#for context rhe video is after stageplay 4#which is only in japan#and akcs actor thanks everybody and says that because its a vanilla stageplay he never gave joker the glove#which is why that happens#shoutout to the dancer at the back whose jaw DROPPED#persona 5#akechi goro#persona 5 protagonist#shuakeweek2024#anyway this is ur sign WATCH P5 STAGE 1 & 2!!!#its on youtube GO GO GO GO#shuake
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everlasting trio redesign
check out my commissions
#danny phantom#everlasting trio#danny fenton#sam manson#tucker foley#hi im tired af but i made myself draw SOMETHING#particularly bc i've been wanting to draw this for about a month???#i had a much easier time doing this with the three of them at the same time than doing it one by one#might do more later but dont hold me up to that im busy af lmao#anyway im proud of these#sam with her space buns and rose design on the shirt#danny with the space themed embroidery done by sam on his dysphoria hoodie#and i had to do research on how to do tucker's hair but i like what's supposed to be under the beanie but also the ankh necklace#also i decided the only reason tucker's beanie is red is as a reference to danny#so are sam's space buns#and the colors on danny's embroidery are references to sam (purple moon) and tucker (stars) and phantom (planet)#i was also thinking the guys are also wearing piercings by sam's influence#and i was originally going to give sam a different more distressed skirt but i also wanted her and tucker to have matching patterns
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Dani x Jason Prompt
(Because i dont see enough of these two together. Also, this is another prompt i found in my fic files that i never did anything with.)
While Danny is in Amity Park protecting the ghost portal, Dani explores the world. Danny might be powerful enough to put down any threat, even Ancients, but she isn't as lucky. Her best defense against Vlad or the GIW is to never be in the same place two days in a row. Not to say she isn't powerful in her own right - she's yet to meet a ghost in her travels that she couldn't utterly crush, and even if she had, she's got the most loyal dog in both this world and the next to have her six.
Dani has discovered a great deal of beauty throughout the world in her few short years of life, but also unfathomable evil and undescribable corruption. She does what she can in every place she passes through, her ghost powers the ultimate cheat code for investigation and subterfuge, bringing to light the things that once hid in the dark.
But while scoping out yet another child trafficking ring, she crosses paths with a spirit of vengeance. At least, that's the only explanation she can come up with for how he's able to turn his shock and horror into pure rage at the flip of a dime.
Until she realizes that he's a baby halfa. If he doesn't learn how to mediate his emotions, he's going to burn out one of his halves.
Maybe she can help him stabilize into a proper spirit of justice and keep him from following the path that Vlad went down - oh shit, he doesn't even know that he's undead. Well, this is going to be a project and a half. But Dani is nothing if not resourceful - she's more than willing to put in the work if it means making an ally of the fourth known halfa.
Dani and jason are about the same age (16-17ish)
They run into each other during jason's LoA-sponsored world tour, investigating the same trafficking ring
Cujo is there too
Dani totally helps with the crime lord grand plan, but also wrestles jason down from the more messed up family drama stuff he did, like attacking tim, and knocks some sense into him and finds a better solution for dealing with the joker
#dpxdc#dp x dc#jason x dani#can be romantic or platonic as long as its ride or die#if good fenton parents then dani AND jason are treated like bonus children#but this can be pre reveal or bad reveal too#but danny (and potentially his parents) are background characters that only exist to provide support when needed#also some time after meeting the two drop off the face of the earth so effectively that not even talia can find them#they show back up like a month later and jason is now a fully trained amazon warrior#because he and dani spent a month training in the realms under pandora while also healing jason's core#in this au team phantom and dani are very nearly robin-level vigilantes because they have an army of mentors in the realms#and if dani is 16-17 that means danny is 18-19#lol maybe hes already in gotham for college when dani and jason start up jason's master plan#what if damian gets sent to bruce a few years early because danny dealt with the LoA after meeting jason and learning about the pits?#or both dannies teamed up with jason once hes settled into his powers and all work together to destroy the lazerous pits#and the three of them somehow end up with an assassin child to coparent#idk im going off on tangents now so i gotta stop with the tags
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