#threat of invation
seldomscilence16 · 2 years
Whumptober day 14: Die a Hero or Live Long Enough to Become a Villian
Fandom: Encanto
Desperate measures
Failed escape
"I'll be right behind you"
Encanto, by a non spanish speaker, who wants some angst... we'll try it.
Mirabel watches her family celebrate, take a picture to commemorate the occasion, while she stands on the sides, forgotten and ignored. It doesnt matter, shes only in like one photo anyway, and Antonio looks happy. Thats all that matters, she doesnt m...
She leaves the room, finds herself on one of the balconies, with only Casita as company. She stares out into the mostly empty town, wishing on nothing to be special like her family, to be considered family at all even.
The railing beneath her arms cracks, the wood snapping into her arm and drawing a thin line there, she flinches backwards, staring with wide eyes before another noise catches her attention. The crack goes all through town, and the mountains guarding their villiage, are split.
Shes racing inside as fast as she can.
"Dolores, please if you can hear me you must have heard that! The mountains, they've cracked!"
She does not go in yelling, she knows she cant cause a panic yet, there are children here after all, and elderly. She needs to talk to her Abuela without scaring anyone. Dolores thankfully, has pulled her aside and they look up at her approach.
"I saw it," she whispers, as the three smile and make their way out of the room. "It goes through town, all the way to the mountains. Casitas railing too..."
Its all there when they arrive at the balcony, and Mirabel is thankful shes not going crazy yet. Abuela takes it in with horror filled eyes, Dolores looking almost numb behind her.
"We... must warn the people. Our Encanto has been broken... its only a matter of time."
"But why is this happening Abuela?" Dolores' voice is soft, her eyes drawn to the candle in the window.
"I do not know. But we will keep the miracle strong, we will protect our people. Get the others, I will address the town." Abuela hasnt looked at Mirabel once, but shes not surprised.
They watch her walk off, and Dolores finally shows fear in her eyes.
"The miracle is dying, if the Encanto is breaking." She says simply.
Mirabel is hesitant as she places a hand softly on her cousins arm,
"The miracle is in you all, have faith in the family Prima, and we'll make it through this."
The eye contact after is intense for someone who is used to being avoided. But Dolores puts a hand on Mirabels shoulder and squeezes,
"Help me get everyone?" She asks, and it has to be the first time someones asked for her help in... forever.
"Of course."
The town is on fire.
People are screaming and the town is on fire.
The candle flickers, a hand covers the flame- glowing and see through- Abuelo stands there, watching with worried eyes that jump to meet your own.
'Save them.' He mouths the words but they seem to echo around you.
Everything flickers, then burns, you burn-
Mirabel wakes with a gasp and coughs as smoke fills her lungs. Its a thin layer, coming in from the open window, she rushes over to find the forest near the cracked mountains burning.
"Casita! I know your hurting, but please wake everyone up! We have to get the town to safety, now!"
The windows shutters and tiles flap and Mirabel gets the basic message, the adults arent here.
"Miercoles..." she mutters, throwing on her closes and slinging the small pack shed done up after Antonios birthday a few days ago over her shoulder.
Shes banging on doors as she passes them, rushing into Antonios and slinging his pack over her other shoulder.
"Antonio, Parce! Its time to go!"
The jaguar leaps from somewhere in the trees, a groggy five year old on his back. The other animals had already left, Parce refusing, he would come in handy though, getting Antonio to safety quickly.
"Mira... rats say theres an Tio in the walls." The boy mumbles, "you'll save him too right?"
She doesnt quite know what that means, a rat Tio? Or... a random Tio? Is this Tio alive?
"I'm sure the other rats got him out already Tonito."
"Notta rat... Bruno." The boys a little more awake now, "Tio Bruno. You'll save him too right Mira?"
Tio Bruno... was in the walls...
"Alright Tonito, I'll get Tio Bruno."
"I'll come too." He rubs at his eyes, alert now it seems.
"No, you need to go with the others. I'll be right behind you." She places his bag in his arms and looks to Parce, "Get him to safety."
The leapord almost seems to nod, before taking off. Mira looks to Casita's cieling,
"Is there a man living in your walls?"
The house is almost bashful as the tiles seem to nod and point towards a painting. Of course, the only being that seemed to like her, and the Casita still hid something like this from her. She sighs before making her way over,
"Alright, help everyone else. I'll get the forbidden Tio."
They had told the town at the party. Everyone had gone home to pack their essentials and be prepared for a long hike over the opposite mountains. It was hard to convince everyone, so many that didnt want to run again, so many that felt they couldnt. But they had to try. They would not be slaughtered, not willingly.
Mirabel hadnt been part of the planning much, but then, none of the kids really had. Even Isabella and Luisa were mostly out of the loop, only Dolores able to give updates when they sat in Casita while the adults were in town. It was the most time she'd spent with her sisters and cousins in a very long time.
Mirabel may not feel like shes part of the family anymore, and that it took a disaster to bring them together- even just a little- but she wishes with all her heart, that they all make it out of this.
Even if she practically has to force her Tio into Dolores' waiting arms. The man had given a ramble of why he had to stay in the walls before he would listen to Mirabels explanation of "the town is on fire get out." She didnt know what prophecy he was talking about, or why he was sorry to her, but she could assume somehow, this had to be her fault. Because it always was right?
"Hurry after the others! I gotta get one more thing!" She tells her Prima, who gives a skeptical look, but at the cracking of the walls nods and hurries off.
It stings a little, how quickly she left her alone, but it didnt matter. She wanted them to be safe anyway. They were the miracle, with or without their gifts, and they needed to survive.
The house shakes again, cracking and breaking as fire dances outside the window.
"Casita, get me to the candle, please."
She hadnt really paid attention to it before, had kinda assumed it was her loneliness, but every piece that falls beneath her hands as she climbs her way to the window, almost feels like a hand. Her dream comes back to her and she glances at Abuelos picture, wonders if the dream was a warning from him, from... Casita.
She should have known really. A miracle born of the sacrifice Abuelo made, his love for his family... the Casita falls apart around her as it- no he- works to lift her to the candle. She doesnt know why the miracle is dying, if its her fault or the invaders or... she has the candle in her grasp, hears shouts from outside the house, Casita falls, and she with it, she shields the candle as her world comes crashing down.
Julieta is pulled away from the rubble, the invaders burning the town below as the people run. They dont have time to look for her daughter, her baby, the only one still inside according to Dolores, trying to save that damn candle. Because she was told it was important, apparently more important than her life. The Casita had pushed Dolores out when shed come back for Mirabel, had watched helplessly as the building crumbled on top of the 15 year old.
She pleads with Julieta, that she didnt know Mirabel was getting the candle. That she just wanted to get Tio Bruno out, then she was coming right back for Mirabel. And it was another relevation, that Mirabel had gotten everyone out, including the brother she thought long gone, and stayed for that damn candle. She holds her niece close as they make their way up the mountain.
Its dark, dusty.
She thinks there may be pain, but everything seems so far away.
A light, a hand brushing the hair from her face,
"Save them"
Warmth bursts within her, it does not bring joy, but a raging inferno as anger bursts inside of her, its all she can feel, all she cwn process. Anger at the rubble around her, anger at the ones who dared invade their encanto, anger and everything and nothing and suddenly words are too much and all she knows is the fire burning inside and out.
Their powers had flickered, too much and not enough and then seemed to vanish completely with the fall of the house. In the choas it didnt much matter- or rather they couldnt pause to think about it- but now surrounded and split off from the other villagers, with no powers to support them and the grief of loss deep seated, it hangs on their shoulders heavily.
Felix and Agustin shield the others as best they can, Bruno a barrier infront of the children as best he can be, Julieta and Pepa at either of his shoulders and Abuela trying to talk the invaders down. The hopelessness of the situation is palpable, the desperation in Abuelas voice as she begs for the children to be freed.
It seems to happen in slow motion, as flames burst higher, debri flying high into the early morning sky, as the ruins of their Casita explode in a fiery haze. The shade of these flames are lighter than those around it, at its center something moves that they cant quite see, but flames are quick to feed off the invaders still in the village. The men surrounding them shift uneasily, attention split between the Madrigals and the destruction below.
Its a surprise to everyone when the strange fire seems to jump, making its way quickly towards their position, and leaving only the faintest scorches behind. Burning nothing but invaders.
As it draws closer they see a glowing figure within the flame, golden and with intricate- familiar- designs swirling across their body. Familair curls seem to float with the flickering fire, and light shines off emerald frames.
Mirabel is within the fire once isolated on a wick, surrounded by the silhouette of a man long dead but honored.
Stood in shock perhaps, the men are quickly burnt to dust, though not a lick of the flame touches the Madrigals. Bruno is gaping at his niece, a vision long kept silent at the forefront of his mind, one that now made sense. Just as she could save them, they would need to save her before they all lost.
The invaders are smoking piles of ash, the people of the Encanto hidden as far as they could get. The fire around Mirabel does not go out, but it does shrink, the fires in the town already dwindling out. She stands amongst unbothered trees, a few feet from the gathered Madrigals, unmoving. They can barely tell if she even breaths, but they can now see numerous injuries littering her dusty body.
Julieta has tears streaming down her face, and Bruno hesitantly touches her shoulder,
"Shes alive Jules, she saved us, now we have to save her." Maybe the family will finally realize, the real gift isnt power, its eachother.
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amozon28 · 1 year
Ok but General Lane genuinky being taken aback at this almighty threat hes captured breaking down in tears. And him actually pausing to think rationally and thinking over what superman said, that he grew up on this planet, which means if he ages the same or similar to humans hes too young to have been involved with the invation.
Ultimately while currently General Lane is still an antogonist, hes shown us that hes a character that is willinh to reflect on his actions and change his opinions with new information. Which is a stark contrast of Amanda Waller, who doubles down when faced with the possibility of being wrong.
Im very interested to see Lanes arc in this story
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visionthefox · 5 months
Oh boy did today's episode make anybody nervous? Moon's still emotionally drained from his breakdown and we're immediately met with Molten, who has completed his mission and now has nothing to do, we don't know were Ruin is or who Molten's creator is, and that just further adds to the tension But what took the cake was Moon, he immediately became angry, demanding answers of Molten who, if we were to believe what they said, physically isn't allowed to say because of a program their creator installed in them, and Moon's response was to start going off about being judge-jury-executioner and threatening to scrub Molten's code(which sounds less like extracting data like what Moon was doing with Ruin and more like ripping out the information, which could go very wrong for Molten, and Sun points that out) Then when Sun(who had immediately gone quiet and scared from the yelling again) tried to stop Moon, Moon started going off about the whole "we're robots" thing, and what was that? Like yes he and Sun and the others are robots, artificial beings who would technically be locked down and have information extracted at the whim of their makers at any time, but that doesn't make it right, even if Molten isn't fully sapient at least they seem to be able to feel complex existential emotions, so what was his point in trying to justify a code scrub like that? Thankfully he listened to Sun's words to hold off and interrogate Molten instead(who also didn't fight and shut themselves down, making themselves vulnerable), but it makes me wonder if this is a result of his talk with Old Moon, specifically what Old Moon said about "you're holding yourself back", and with how desperate New Moon is for a way to bring back Solar maybe he internalized that, hence jumping to a vicious solution like a data scrub on somebody who so far hasn't done as much as some of their villains have, New Moon is smart, he doesn't think he is but he is, he just arguably has less experience than Old Moon if we were to consider how long each was around, and New Moon is dealing with even more threats than Old Moon had, so of course it would feel like he's failing, but that conversation...He listened to Sun at the very least, and didn't do anything like threaten Sun like Old Moon might've whenever Sun would try to stop him from doing something cruel or rash, but it is worrying that it seems like New Moon might backslide when under this much pressure Who knows maybe that's just the paranoia talking, what does everyone think?
Hiii!~ so I just saw the ep today- cuz honestly? I want to see what Eclipse pla in is at the moment- and see if i care to stay haha but alas! im with you- the hell was that "we are robots!" talk to justify him being as low as humans- if we are mean to belive in this universe- robots have to right- mean to obey- and serve- yet few robot have been LUCKY to be sentient and more LUCKY to have magic to get out of trouble.. why is Moon acting like can just be this cruel? that felt too weird- what- because he is emotionally tired and depresso he gets to literally manhandle and invate a poor's robots mind and body? oh but then "Ruin doesnt deserve to sit all alone while slowly dying!" um sorry-- what?? I feel that talk with his old self made him try to BE like him- but " better too" yet right now? he's being an asshole- in my view because what right does HE have to not only Keep the crimal- but also choose how and when he dies! why does he think only HE has the bigger lost and only HE will be the savior- we know he knows other Universes with other Moon's (since he had stated to have travel in the past) hell Reverse Eclipse may be still alive if that universe is anything close to their Universe (if I remember- Ruin said their creator was an odd one- but never said unique!) overall! dont like that Moon wants to justify not lettings others- with better judgement and no emotional attachment to Ruin- handle his fate,the Justice that all of those dimentions deserve because yes- even IF he gets to save those tho died- still HE has No Right to play Judge- thats not his place- others affected whould also be able to have a say.. also I hated that the fist thing he does is - harm- yell- demand- thats so Old Moon of him.. and is sad -because he was showing to be so different- when he Meet Reversed Eclipse? he was polite- sure he wasnt as bias as he was before re-meeting Eclipse- yet still I loved he was polite and I do understand he is working his ass out- but still - he cant be this cruel to someone CLEARLY not well- im all on Sun side- dont fall low- be better than that- Sun can see this robot is only a servant to someone else who is no longer there to guide em- Im so glad Sun was there- he is the most emotinally smart one of the two.. but yes! what do you guys think? Im with anon here- I mostly rushed my view on it- since again- I care more of Eclipse plan- but- what did you guys felt?
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defensive-tactics · 2 years
Predators are dressing up as utility workers, delivery people, police, or whatever, and trying to gain access to your home.
[This post was originally written several years ago. It has been updated with more current stories.]
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adhd-sakura · 5 years
Kakashi with autism and a savant syndrome sort of deal is a fav headcannon of mine. He wears a mask because he has innapropriate facial expressions (ie, smiling or frowning st the wrong times) and he knew from a young age that he was “”different”” and had a rlly hard time with making friends and stuff caus ehe seemed disinterested. Gai was always really good at realizing that kakashi just communicated differently. Hhhh I just,,, love ND naruto
oh my god 100%. Kakashi didn’t even realize he could use the Sharringan for like a solid 3 months because he already had an abnormally good memory and eye for detail. 
Kakashi never really got the complicated social intricicies of “”Friendship””” and “””Manners”””, so he just spirels further and further into his hyperfixation on Rules, because at least he can read and comprehend those. They don’t really change. It’s why Obito’s words stick with him so firmly; it’s a new rule!! And the first time he ever realized that he can make rules, which was like. Absolutely mind blowing.
Gai is just so good because he’s autistic but in like. the opposite direction. Like they both stock up on samefoods and keep rigidly to their schedules (kakashi has a very percise schedule it’s just like. on his own time) and have NO IDEA how to have friends because they’re both the ‘weird’ kid so instead they’re ‘rivals’ because they grew up in a millitaristic-hellscape where rivalry is easier to foster/comprehend then friendship. So they!! Both communicate different and for literal decades could only trust each other to understand them!! Like! 
Gai can use flowery language that he likes and do somersaults around Kakashi to stimulate himself while Kakashi has a perfectly blank-bland-”bored” face while he infodumps about dogs and Gai is nodding and I love them. And they love each other. 
Listen. Listen. I can talk ND naruto for literal eons. Try me. 
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radiant-reid · 2 years
headcannon of spencer dating a famous fem! pop star
I have this series with famous!reader
clueless about who you are
like he has absolutely no idea
so for a while, you don't tell him because it's nice being treated, like a normal person, so he has no idea for a solid few months
but the longer your relationship goes on, the harder you find it to tell him
then some pap photos with of the two of you come out
and penelope is so shocked and yells at him for not telling her because he didn't tell anyone he was dating someone which, ironically, was because he wanted to keep you a secret
so not only do the team find out he's dating someone, they find out it's someone very famous
penelope tells him like a million facts about you from interviews and she plays your songs and spencer is just like 'yeah, that's y/n.'
so he calls, and you just know he's going to be asking about who you are
but he's calm about it even if he's worried about what it means for the two of you
the team, penelope especially, adore you and can see how humble you are
he never really gets used to the paparazzi part of your life, but he's inovative with ways to have privacy in your life
and if there's any invation of privacy, stalking, death threats, ect, he has the personal number of the local police
so smug when you release songs that are obviously about him, especially if they're sexual
but he's so supportive of your career
and he makes you sing him to sleep whenever he can't sleep
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relax-and-read-on · 2 years
here's a fresh one for you: which primarchs use 😂 and which ones use xD ?
Besty I got an even better one for u
How would the primarch text
Alpharius Omegon: Meme. Cryptic af gifs and memes.
Roboute: "Hello. I hope this Message find you well. Concerning last week report-" [1/12]
Rogal: "yes" with no caps 3 days after you texted him if he needed milk
Vulkan: "HELLO HOW R UUUU ITS BEEN SO LOOOOOONG" and god damn does he text fast
Mortarion: he actually send random ass pictures. Mostly of dead things that he find around. Will sometime send a "🙂" or "made me think of you" with it. It's no a threat, he's just bad at making friend.
Angron: "fhdjdnehsisnebdb GUCKYOU" with blurry pictures. This is a threat.
Leman: "Bro" "Bro u haven't answer me." "Broooo". Will send 10 message in a minute and wait less than 4 for an answer.
Lion: Has lost his phone and is too prideful to admit it. Will pretend that he's ignoring everyone.
Magnus: " check what THIS BITCH been saying!!!" And then send a link to someone who may have been vague posting about him on twitter.
Jaghatai: "👍" send a thumbs up to everything. Including funeral invation.
Ferrus: "Babe can u pick up the milk? Love u <3" will LITERALLY always say love you at the end of every text to Fulgrim. He's also the only one he text.
Fulgrim: "omg besty he did W H A T. Spill the TEA 👀👀👀" can chat to 6 peps at the same time seamlessly
Horus: "hey u free 2night" followed by a fucking unsolicited dick pic
Sanguinius: " hi yes no im sorry please ignore my last text imma go hide in a ditch :)))))" a panic texter.
Corvus: " (҂ `з´ ) and then i said NO PICKLES (╯°Д°)╯ ┻━┻" think kaomoji were peak human culture.
Konrad: Does not know how to text. Barely know how to write. Send vocal message. Most are treat or involve him chewing noisily.
Perturabo: "bitch 🖕" at 99% of the message he gets, or variation.
Lorgar: " Such a Blessed 🙏 Day ☀️Today ✨ Hope you Get 👏 Good Vibes 💯 Only!!!"
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beameized · 4 years
#JunkTerrorBill: On a Bill that impedes the right of the Filipino People
On May 29, the Philippine Congress approved the senate version of the the Terror Bill which posses as a major threat to freedom of speech, especially during this times when dissent in media platforms is becoming a trend for the modern-day Filipino.
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(Credits to College Editors Guild of the Philippines, CEGP)
Now, you might think that this bill just happened to come around but the timing is all too convinient. The reason why dissent is rising among the masses is because the executive branch of the government has frankly done a piss poor job at handling the Pandemic. They have continued to keep us quarantined, with only those considered essential businesses allowed to remain for months. It is only now in June that they have allowed people to work as long as they keep at a skeletal system. The main problem comes down to the fact that the government has yet to implement mass testing and even contract tracing for the matter, making the quanratine lose all meaning in the first place. To add up to all this, the administration continues to accumulate debt to “fight the pandemic” but claim they do not have the budget for mass testing. 
And to make matters worse, the head of the administration decides to fight a virus the only way he’s been fighting things, with machismo and guns. There have been cases where the police overstepped their bounds under the banner of ‘keeping the quarantine safe’ wherein they broke into a private residential building and also a homeless shelter because these places allegedly did not follow quarantine protocols. There was also a case of a soldier killing a veteran having an episode despite the residents of the area shouting he had PTSD and to leave him be. We cannot also discount the rapid increase of the Extrajudicial Killings fueled by the executive’s drug war that pretty much ramped  up police brutality in the Philippines by quite a lot.
Now, this bill is giving them more power to by-pass the Judiciary which is the only thing keeping them in check. As per Rappler: “ the bill would allow the Anti-Terror Council (ATC), made up of top cabinet officials, to do functions otherwise reserved for courts, like ordering the arrests of people it has designated to be terrorists.” 
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Here are some as cited by CEGP. Below are some of the sections of Bill 1083, aka Terror Bill, although it feels rather more approriate to be called Martial Law 2.0. Below are some of the questionable provisions in the bill.
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These two provisions are quite questionable as their vagueness could allow tagging of dissenters as terrorists. The head of the executive branch is actually quite fond of using mixed words and blurring the lines between dissenters who only criticize in hopes of improvement of the system as opposed to terrorists who seek to destroy it. This only adds oil to the fire, really.
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Here we see that included in the wiring tapping are those individuals accused solely upon mere suspicion that would allow the police to invade our privacy just because we criticized the government a little too much more than they like. Now, there have been restrictions here either like between lawyers and clients or doctors and patients but this still stands that this is an invation of privacy,
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Now Sec. 29. Detention Without Judicial Warrant of Arrest that takes the cake out of them all. Persons again tagged as terrorists by the ATC under mere suspicion can be detained for up to 24 days without a warrant, which is the first line of defense you have against a police violating your human rights. Although, if you do look up the entire provision, included is a follow up action of reporting to a court Judge “immediately”, there lacks a specific timeframe around the word “immediately” that again could allow the police advantage via vaugeness of this bill in their favor. 
The purpose of this bill is so obvious that National Union of Peoples’ Lawyers chair Neri Colmenares even spoke up, stating that “ This isn't really to go after the Abu Sayyaf or terrorists, or whoever they call as terrorists... I think the reason they actually need this bill is for the dissenters, the opposition.” (translated from Tagalog).
Save the voice of the Filipinos. Do not let them change the narrative. Hold the government accountable for their lapses. Dissent is not terrorism. Dissent is duty. #JunkTerrorBill
(Since tumblr eats up links, links will be provided with with a reblog. Included there is a petition to junk this bill. Please sign!)
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PK in the 2017 series
Still Bitter and disapointed that Donald fought literal aliens, had a stong and righteous alien buddy whom he had a common enemy with, and the POTENTIAL for a Met Gala-like Badass golden suit, time shenanigance, ARTIFICIAL INTELIGENCE IS COMMON PLACE.
And still, not a single nod to PK...
Well not anymore!
Donald has been Paperinik the entire time! That’s right! He’s just good at avoiding atenttion, if Donald’s anger turns into protective incstincts then we have a lot to work with here!
Timeline of events
Donald won’t touch St.Cannard with a 10 foot pole, but duckburg isn’t exactly safe either (even setting Scrooge’s adventures to the side). So he takes the eggs, trying to focus on what he has instead of what he lost.
The school district of the Marina is underfunded?, the neighborhood around Funzos is dangerous?, the babysitter dissapeared on the way to the boathouse?. Donald sees no other solution, he dawns the persona he made up at 17 to piss off scrooge and starts cleaning the city up.
Gyro is allways up for free test subjects so he gives him his gadgets, the cops don’t want to accept 1 masked weirdo, does more for the people than the entire force so they cover for him, eventually the crime goes down and so do Paperinik’s sightings as the kids grew into toodlers and the avenger’s attention is needed somewhere else.
He limits his vigilante activity to when it’s absolutely necessary for his boys’ safety. As the kids get older and the town gets safer he focuses on keeping jobs, (maybe even one as caretaker of Ducklair tower temporarily).
Then he takes them to scrooge, they start adventuring again, they start bringing all kinds of threats back to duckburg, they are blissfuly unaware, Donald is not. Nothing has gone out of control, yet, but he takes out the suit and shield, adjustes them, just in case, if the situation arises , and it does, just not in earth.
Trapped on the moon, it’s dictator just threatened his kids. He grabs the now “traitor” Penumbra and books it.
While they are on the run they hatch a plan to sabotage the invation, however they need paperinik for that, luckily Penumbra knows all about weapons and armour, donald gets a golden make over, they bond, become buddies, defeat lunaris, etc, etc.
Donald manages to keep his identity secret while keeping duckburg on check, until he accidentaly enters Ducklair tower 151st floor.
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tonycordingley · 5 years
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#greenpiece #terrorist #terrorism #threat #threats #fear #action #climatechange #climate #government #minister #mp #suspect #crowd #trespass #tresspass #invader #invade #invation #dinner #dinnerdate #dinnerparty #bomb #acid #milkshake #guns #weapons #handbags #woman #women #female #knife #knives #stab #stabbing https://www.instagram.com/p/By-FzxOJqbh/?igshid=1555o69rct4eh
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sunshine-girl013 · 3 years
Imagine bending down to give Lucifer a kiss on his lips thinking he's fast asleep, but then he grabs your jaw with an amused grin and stares right into your eyes
"You're pretty bold, human."
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I am not sure if that is a threat or an invatation
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You know what's really f@ked up? The fact that I am not even 17 yet and I am debating whether or not it's safe for me to go to college.... Because I know that the moment I am going to turn 18 I am going to run away from my home in order to start H.R.T. Knowing that if I publicly transition I am going to get harrased and bullied and that I will put my mental and physical health in danger . I don't have any alternatives this is the only reason I keep fighting, if I can't medical transition then there is no reason for me to fight...
And the most f@ked up thing is that homosexuality has been ligal in Greece since 1951. It's been 69 years and gey people still don't have basic human rights like being able to get married or adopt children. It's been almost 70 years and we are still getting death threats, being killed, harrased, every dey, we are still considered second class citizens . It's been 70 years and the world gey is used as an insult and homosexual/lesbian as a slure. It's been that long and we are a taboo topic that people avoid talking about. It's been 70 years and the church can still openly discriminate against us and without consequences. It does not matter what the law seys, if the church seys that its fine then it is.
I am a f@king child I should be exayted to start the new school year, not worry about making it to an adult, as an trans and pansexual kid I should not be afraid for my life,because I am
Idk what you think Greece is. But it is not that LGBTQIA+ friendly destination you see in magazines, it is not that welcoming place where people are going to welcome you with open arms. The church controls everything, politicians are invating neo-n@zi parties in pride, they don't want to give us marriage equality because "then we are going to asks about adoption wrights", until 2016 I should be sterilized in order to transition.... And there's more...
What's sad is that Greece is not even on the top 10 most homofobic countries in Europe we are number 14 many people have it whey worse than me..... And people have still the nerve to say to me that homofobia doesn't exist or that they are ok with gey people but don't support lgbt education in schools (which we were supposed to be tought since 2017) or that they don't like pride......
I am tierd I don't know if I can do this anymore I literally have almost 0 support from my friends and family......
Don't worry I am not going to do anything stupid but I am tierd and scared
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replied to your post
“stop your passive / aggressive TAG INVATION... because if you speak...”
Karamel stans compiled a hit list targeting young teens, who all received homophobic garbage and rape threats. Clean your house first.
I sincerely apologize if anyone was hurt by the actions of people in this fandom. That is not what we are about, and if people are using a list, that I know for a fact was not complied for hate, to target and make people feel unsafe then they should be held accountable for their actions.
But I also know for a fact. That certain people who hate Karamel have been making multiple sideblogs and flooding the tag and people’s inboxes with hate and negative crap.
You want me to admit that portions of both sides of this fandom have been acting like immature shitheads? You’re right they have. At this point it doesn’t matter who threw the first stone, it doesn’t matter why this crap has been happening.
What matters is EVERYONE needs to STOP. It’s not healthy and it really can’t be making anyone happy? 
In 20 years is any of this garbage really going to matter to any of us?
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