#threads. a new adventure to find where we belong .
warcalling · 1 year
tag dump.
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spaceorphan18 · 3 months
The Rogue and Gambit Project : The Muir Island Saga
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The first time we see Rogue and Gambit on the same page together is the cover of Uncanny X-Men #275 - which was one of those VERY SPECIAL ISSUES that put everyone on the cover. No, this is not a part of the Muir Island Saga -- but belongs to the previous arcs (Savage Land and Space Shenanigans). Still, it's pretty cool to see them on the cover together.
So, here's the thing about the Muir Island Saga - the next arc of the comics - despite dealing with the same adversary, and spending time with the same group of people, we never see Rogue and Gambit mix. In fact - (something I'll point out in detail in a minute) - it's almost comical how much they seem to be ships passing in the night. It's almost as if it's done purposely.
I know that years (and years and years and years) later - we'll get a retcon of their first meeting. And I really thought a lot about whether or not I should talk about that here... and, not to disappoint some of you, but I'm not going to (for now). Because I kind of want to tackle this project from a chronological point of view. To experience things as they were happening without the added layers of what we'll get next. And the retcon kind of, gets into a whole lot of issues I don't want to dig into yet. So, I promise, I'll talk about Kelly Thompson's Mini when we get there, we're just... a very long way off from that.
In the meantime, the thing about this arc that's so fascinating is trying to pinpoint how they could meet. And when. And why. And thing I keep coming back to is... comics don't make a whole lot of sense, y'all.
Let's dive in...
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Uncanny X-Men #278
The whole premise of The Muir Island Saga is that the Shadow King wants to get out of the Astral Plane and kind of brainwashes the residents of Muir Island (including the X-Men) in order to do it. Don't ask me to make sense of it, I'm just the recapper!
The real purpose of the whole thing is to reshuffle the line, which had been in such flux up until this point. The X-Office was getting ready to launch the new Adjectiveless X-Men book, and Chris Claremont was getting ready to depart after 17 years of being the sole author of X-Men. Things were definitely changing and this saga finally gets all the pieces to where they need to be.
As an aside, I do find it fascinating that the beginning of Rogue and Gambit's relationship coincides with all of these changes. Not only is the decade changing, but X-Men's status quo is about to be really shaken up after being a relatively steady book for a very, very long time. It's just kind of neat that the endings and beginnings happening on an external level are also happening with our characters as well.
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Uncanny X-Men #278
For some context, after the destruction of the mansion after the Inferno crossover, and after remaining X-Men all ended up going through the Siege Perilous after the Australian era, Muir Island, home of (brilliant scientist and ex-Xavier lover) Moira MacTaggart became the home of a new (and short lived) group of X-Men. I can only assume that's why Rogue returned here after her little side adventure in the Savage Land.
Though I should point out that Rogue has ZERO idea who is alive and who is dead other than the people who are already on the island. I kind of wonder what her future plans would have been if the other X-Men never showed up. Anyway... though, there really isn't any full explanation as to why Rogue went back to Muir Island other than they had no intention of writing her out of the book, and they needed all the X-Men to be in one place.
How does she feel about the events of the Savage Land? What really happened with her and Magneto? The answer is -- who cares, we're done with that plot now and moving on until another comic book writer decides to tug on that loose plot thread. :P
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Uncanny X-Men #278
What is important to know that the Shadow King is mind controlling everyone. And... he does so with Rogue by making out with her after she's been in the shower? What??
Look, I'm not going to claim this stuff makes a whole lot of sense. But I can fanwank it a little...
The Shadow King's whole deal is that he's trying to corrupt everyone and bring them to their most evil (because, you know, that's what evil villains do). And with Rogue - he plays on her sense of touch. Back in the old days, Rogue used kissing as her primary way of stealing people's powers. And on top of that, one of her deepest rooted struggles (as of obvious statement isn't obvious) is the fact that she isn't able to have physical contact. So the Shadow King is tapping into both of those things, and, as the whole 'temptation' quote insinuates - him letting her give into her desires allows him to brainwash her.
Now, do I really believe she'd be enticed this easily? Can the Shadow King have that deep a hold on anyone? That is for you to decide, fair reader.
It's at least my interpretation. Honestly, I think there's a bigger part of me that wonders if they really just wanted to see Rogue making out with someone because because they can.
Meanwhile, on the opposite page, guess who is landing with the rest of the X-Men who just returning from space? That's right, everyone can relax. Gambit has arrived. ;) They're now in the same place... so if we can only get them to the same panel...
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Uncanny X-Men #278
Alright guys, time to play the logistics game... these two panels are on opposite pages. Gambit, fresh off his plane, ends up running into Multiple Man - and they have a little fight. Meanwhile, Rogue runs into Wolverine and Jubilee - and they have a little fight. Are you following me? Good! Cause it's going to get crazier from here.
Also, let's keep track of Rogue's clothes because... ooff, yeah, the continuity is worse than the story line.
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Uncanny X-Men #279
Before I get into it - I need to state that Uncanny X-Men 279 is the issue where Chris Claremont just up and quit during the middle. He'll be back to wrap up his run in the new X-Men book (that we'll get to after this) but I'm sure the nonsense going on in the X-Office didn't help the clarity of this story...
Anyway, the next time we see either Gambit or Rogue is here... in the next issue. What happened between Rogue and Wolverine/Jubilee? How did Gambit handle Multiple Man? Who knows! But now Gambit is with Wolverine and Jubilee and Rogue is nowhere to be seen.
Also - that's the third 'bang, you dead joke' in, like, five issues. Good lord, Claremont, if this wasn't your final Uncanny issue (for now) I'd say give it a rest. I will say, though, I almost included the entire three pages of Wolverine/Jubilee/Gambit because they are that delicious, and easily the best thing about this entire arc.
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Uncanny X-Men #279
On the next page, we see Rogue again - where she is taking on Forge. Note the wardrobe change? Did she have time to add more clothes after her 'fight' with Wolverine? Is any of this making sense yet? No? Okay... onto the X-Factor issue...
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X-Factor #69
This is literally the next time we see Rogue - after Forge shoots her with a ray gun that stops the mind control. Did the ray gun just change her outfit as well? Was the previous outfit too evil?? Or was it just that artists Andy Kubert and Whilce Portacio just have zero communication when getting these issues out? (Honestly, I do not blame the artists - I do blame editorial though.)
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X-Factor #69
Meanwhile, where is Gambit you ask??
Alright, guys, this is where we're at -- Forge has un-mind controlled Rogue, Wolverine, and Banshee. Meanwhile, Gambit, Psylocke, Jubilee and the Muir Island peeps are still under the Shadow King. And now X-Factor (the original five X-Men - Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Angel, and Beast) are now involved. All of them are running around the island. Only, it's X-Factor who finds the rest of the mind controlled - not Forge and crew...
Also, in case you'd like me to make it more confusing, Mystique has arrived in disguise (with Nick Fury), while all this mind control is doing wonders for Charles Xavier's son, Legion, who is about to go a little crazy.
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Uncanny X-Men #280
Classic cover is classic. Also, Rogue still has more of her clothes! Don't grow too attached to them.
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Uncanny X-Men #280
See, I told you not to get too attached to Rogue's clothes. Apparently, when Legion went crazy and caused an explosion, it blew off all her clothes. Miraculously, no one else had this issue. I guess Jean just used her telekinetic powers to keep hers on.
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Uncanny X-Men #280
And on the other side of this really not very big island is the B-team. B for brainwashed. Yes - the two teams are going to meet! Yes, a big, huge battle is about to ensue!
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Uncanny X-Men #280
Gambit is going to take on Wolverine (for the 100th time it seems) while Rogue will take on Strong Guy. Every non-brainwashed X-Man is going to take on every other brainwashed X-Man. Except for Rogue v Gambit. We don't get to see that. They do not share any panels together. Not even in the big group scenes. None. Nothing. Absolutely zero.
They just knew it'd be too much...
(Honestly, I am a little curious as to why this was. It almost does feel intentional at this point.)
Anyway, the battle ends. The Shadow King is vanquished (for now) -- and has the hilariously villain closing line of "No!!! I WAS SO CLOSE!!" And all that's left is to wrap up this little ditty...
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Uncanny X-Men #280
I just need to talk about Rogue's clothes again. Her panties are barely hanging on by a thread, but her gloves are perfectly intact. How convenient.
Anyway, the last line of this comic reads: The End, and The Beginning. How appropriate...
Here we are, guys. The first issue where Rogue and Gambit end up on panel together. Are you ready for this??
Let's talk about X-Factor #70
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X-Factor #70
Most of the issue revolves around Xavier trying to get into Legion's head while the rest of the group is either waiting around in the hospital room or tying up loose plot threads around the island.
So... how much time has passed? It's unclear - but enough that Rogue's had enough time to find some clothes that have not been ripped to shreds.
Anyway - one of the loose plot threads is dealing with Mystique's "death" that happened ages ago. Turns out she faked it and had been pretending to be Val Cooper for a while now. Rogue had seen news of the "death" and this is their reunion.
Great, now that that's squared away, we get one of my favorite sequences in comics... the chain letting everyone know that Xavier is okay ;)
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X-Factor #70
Idk why, but I love this little sequence. I love the random 'no smoking' sign. I love Gambit freaking Polaris out. I love that Jubilee just does not give a shit. And I love that Rogue doesn't seem to either.
Anyway... now to the moment y'all have been patiently waiting for...
I present to you -- Rogue and Gambit's first on panel moment!
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X-Factor #70
It's sort of anticlimactic, isn't it?
While Xavier's - what do we do with fourteen X-Men - is rather iconic, the art here is... meh. I'm so glad Jim Lee is going to redesign a lot of the characters. Gambit just does not look good in the yellow costume (also, he does not have his headsock on here for some reason). Meanwhile, even Rogue looks a little off here (though this is the X-Factor book and not Uncanny).
And... we're left with a bunch of open questions. Just how did Rogue and Gambit meet? What was their first interaction like? What is their dynamic at the very beginning? As I said before -- Kelly Thompson will one day answer these questions -- both brilliantly and unbelievably.
If you were looking for any kind of set up going into the relaunch, I'm sorry to say that what I've laid out for you is what we've got. So, introductions are open to interpretation...
My own version...?
Gambit: *speaking flirtations French to Rogue* Rogue: Wolverine - who is this? Wolverine: Storm brought back some Cajun leftovers from her time as a de-aged thief. Gambit: How about a kiss, chere? Rogue: How about I punch you?
And thus a dynamic was born. ;)
Next up: We're finally going to really get into it with X-Men #1-3!
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Oh hey I started re-listening to Balance and I had forgotten that when they find the red robe in Wave Echo Cave that Justin asks about the robe's stats and whether he could take it and god can you just imagine if Taako had shown up at the Bureau wearing Lup's robe??
And then I wrote a thing about it.
Lucretia thought she was prepared for seeing her brothers again.
She's had time to build up her walls, to steel herself for what she knows will be a painful encounter. She's had a decade now of secrets and privately held regrets and memories, and she's become adept at hiding her emotions, learned how to school all the dismay and sorrow from her expression.
Even so, it takes everything in her to keep her expression neutral when the three of them walk into the room.
Magnus and Merle look in many ways like she expected--though older, ten years older; and she realizes she's never seen them age before. They've been in stasis for a hundred years, always come back each cycle looking exactly the same; but now Merle's wrinkles have deepened, and Magnus has new lines at the corners of his eyes and grey threaded through his hair, even though his body is barely thirty.
The joy and and intense sorrow she feels at the sight of them, with all the changes the past ten years have wrought, is so strong she doesn't think she can hold it inside her.
But what nearly undoes her is when Taako walks in. He looks exactly the same; elves don't age the same way humans do, or even dwarves--but for a moment she thinks--
She knows it's impossible, but for a moment, every signal is telling her brain that the elf in front of her wearing a red robe and carrying a familiar umbrella isn't Taako--it's Lup.
Then she blinks, and her brain recalibrates, and she realizes her mistake.
It's not that she has trouble telling the two apart--after a century living together, the twins lost the ability to fool the others unless they were trying very hard.
But she thinks she could be forgiven for the lapse, because the robe Taako is wearing isn't just any red robe--not some ironic twist, the universe mocking her with echoes.
It's an IPRE robe. Lup's IPRE robe.
And he's holding Lup's umbrastaff, casually slung over his shoulder like it belongs there.
Lucretia has spent any moment she could spare from her search for the Relics trying to find any trace of where Lup might have gone, and has come up empty.
Taako doesn't know what he's lost, hasn't even known to look--but somehow he's succeeded where Lucretia has failed. Clearly, at some point in their recent adventure--
He found Lup.
Or at least, he found Lup's things. What does it mean, that the robe and staff were left somewhere Taako could just pick them up? If Lup left the staff behind, does that mean--
With effort, Lucretia stops her train of thought, forcing herself to take a deep, even breath and push the roil of emotions down deep inside her. Later, she'll be able to sit and think through what this could mean.
For now, she has a part to play.
She straightens her shoulders and smiles, only leaning a little bit extra on her staff as she stands to greet them.
"Welcome, you three. Magnus, Merle, Taako. Killian has told me a lot about you and your...exploits."
She glances over at Killian, who is watching her with a sharp expression. She can't have failed to notice Lucretia's reaction to the robe when Taako walked in. Lucretia wonders what she knows about how Taako got it.
"I wanted to personally thank you for your help in retrieving the Phoenix Fire Gauntlet," she continues. "Thanks to you, an enormous danger has been removed from the world."
Magnus coughs awkwardly. Lucretia knows he's thinking about Phandolin, all those people he failed to save. "Yeah, we uh. We were happy to help."
"Does this thanks come in the form of gold?" Taako asks. "I think retreiving a super magic weapon is worth a reward, right?"
"Or a job? We were told there might be job openings here," Merle adds.
Lucretia laughs a little.
"We'll get to that in a minute," she says. She glances at Killian. "First, I--Taako, I would like to know where you got that robe? It's very--"
"Red," Killian finishes.
Taako looks down at himself. "Oh this thing? Yeah, I picked it up off some skeleton in a cave."
A yawning, empty pit opens up inside Lucretia.
"I figured, he was super dead, so finders keepers." He swoops the ends of the robe a little. "Stylish, right?"
The pit inside Lucretia yawns a little wider.
It's not that she hasn't considered the possibility--probability even--that Lup is dead. And just because her body is dead doesn't mean that she is gone.
But it's the confirmation--and Taako's cavalier description of his sister's bones--that nearly undoes Lucretia for the second time that day.
She grips her staff tight, and forces herself to keep her breathing even. She places one hand behind her back, so that the others can't see the tight fist she's balled it into.
"This was the cave where you first found the gauntlet?"
"Yeah. What about it?"
Lucretia exchanges glances with Killian.
"You all have visited Johann, correct? You've taken the voidfish's ichor?"
"You mean the fish poop?" Taako asks. "Yeah, we drank it. Not my favorite thing ever, I've gotta say."
"Yeah, it was super gross," Magnus puts in.
"Salty," Merle adds. "But I dunno, it had a kinda--"
"Oh my gods, do not--" Taako says.
"I'm just saying, it wasn't the worst thing I've ever tasted."
"Please stop."
Taako pinches the bridge of his nose, and Magnus busts out laughing. Lucretia has to steel herself against another wave of emotion as she watches the three of them banter. The familiarity aches.
She raises her voice a little to be heard over Magnus's laughter. "In that case, you've remembered the Relic Wars."
Magnus sobers instantly.
"The wars were caused by the Grand Relics: a series of extraordinarily powerful magical objects created by a group of magicians that we...refer to...as the Red Robes."
All three of the boys look down at Taako's robe.
"Oh," Merle says.
"Shit," Magnus says.
"Well," Taako says.
"It is very probable that the...the remains you found belonged to a member of that group."
"But that's good though, right?" Magnus says after a moment. "If one of them is dead--that's a good thing? Isn't it? They can't cause any more harm if they're dead."
Lucretia digs a fingernail deep into the palm of the hand behind her back.
"I'm afraid the harm the Grand Relics are capable of will long outlive the Red Robes themselves," she says. "But that's why we're here. We are doing our best to right the wrongs the Red Robes did. To remove the dangers they put into the world with the Relics. And we'd like your help."
"Sounds like a good cause," Merle says. "Does it pay?"
"It does pay," Lucretia says. "Competitively, if I say so myself."
"I'm in," Magnus says.
"Can I ask a quick question?" Taako says.
"Of course," Lucretia says. "I understand if you want more information before--"
"No, no, I'm--as long as the pay is good, I'm all on board," Taako says. "But I wanted to ask--"
He gives the robe a dramatic swish.
"Would it be in bad taste for me to keep the robe? It's just so comfy, you know? Great armor stats."
Taako gives her a shit-eating grin, and Lucretia's head swims for a moment at the image, one part of her brain telling her Lup, it's Lup, while the rest replies no it's not, it's not, she's gone, maybe forever.
She forces a small, rueful smile.
"Well, I can't deny that seeing a red robe around the Bureau regularly might cause some talk, some... discomfort. But we're not in the business of dress codes here. I'll leave it up to you."
"Great!" Taako drawls. "Can't wait to be the fashion talk of the moon!"
And Lucretia can't help but smile genuinely at that--he's still Taako, even after everything.
"Very well." She sets her staff carefully against her chair, consciously relaxes her shoulders. In her imagination, Magnus's hand rests firmly on her shoulder, Merle's a reassuring presence at her hip. The memory of Lup's voice whispers in her mind. You got this, Luce.
"If that's decided, let's get you three up to speed."
She gestures widely to the reception room, putting a little bit of the theatrical flair she learned from Taako into the gesture.
"Welcome to the Bureau of Balance."
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bookgeekgrrl · 6 months
My media this week (24-30 Mar 2024)
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😊 Murder at the Island Hotel (Miss Underhay Mystery #15) (Helena Dixon, author; Karen Cass, narrator) - Kitty & Alice go to an island hotel to certify it for the local hotel owners assn & of course murder happens.
😍 Operation: Gros Michel (SquadOfCats) - 358K, stucky recovery fic - incredible, phenomenal fic - really digging in to trauma & recovery but in a way that doesn't feel too heavy/dark for very long - Steve's POV so we see his healing & recovery, and his finding purpose again. Amazing OCs. Plus a lot of really, really yummy sexy times. Reminds you that hope is an action, hope is hard, and hope has many manifestations of being. also makes you love Florida at least a little bit.
😊 Where The Inevitable Isn't (Survivah) - 41K, sterek, alternate dimension AU - enjoyable dimension hopping fic with Stiles Prime portaling to a more dystopic/gritty dimension where he & D are super together. I really liked the aspect that they could ping pong back & forth between dimensions, it wasn't just a one-time thing
💖💖 +121K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Deep Sea Diving (AidaRonan) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 5K - forever fave, comfort read
The Salt is All the Same (the_deep_magic) - The Eagle of the Ninth: Marcus/Esca, 23K - a really good omegaverse AU
D20: Adventuring Party - s2, e1-2 [Pirates of Leviathan]
Game Changer - s6, e4
Um, Actually - s9, e3
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Baron's Game" (s21, e12)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Big Clue Energy" (s16, e12)
D20: Mice & Murder - "It Was a Dark and Stormy Night" (s9, e1)
D20: Mice & Murder - "A Scandal in Britannia" (s9, e2)
D20: Mice & Murder - "A Time For Clues" (s9, e3)
D20: Adventuring Party - s4, e1-3 [Mice & Murder]
The Allusionist - 191. Hypochondria
Worlds Beyond Number - WWW #3: The Charter
Worlds Beyond Number - WWW #4: In the Drink
Worlds Beyond Number: Fireside - Fireside Chat for WWW ep3 "The Charter" and ep4 "In the Drink"
Imaginary Worlds - Doctor Who's Power of Regeneration
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Vent Haven Museum
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire
Short Wave - What's It Like To Live In Space? One Astronaut Says It Changes Her Dreams
WikiHole - Battle of the Bay (with Moshe Kasher, Guy Branum and Grace Kuhlenschmidt)
Worlds Beyond Number - WWW #5: Water, Water Everywhere
Worlds Beyond Number: Fireside - Fireside Chat for WWW ep5 "Water, Water Everywhere"
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Quiet On Set: The Dark Side Of Kids TV
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Ganvie Lake Village
⭐ Death, Sex & Money - The Very Hot Marriage of Niecy Nash and Jessica Betts
Vibe Check - Welcome to the Chaos
Ologies with Alie Ward - Disgustology (REPULSION TO GROSS STUFF) with Paul Rozin
Code Switch - Who does language belong to? A fight over the Lakota Language
99% Invisible #575 - Autism Pleasantville
Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus - Julia Gets Wise with Sally Field
Fansplaining - Episode 219: Tropefest Speedrun
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - A Journey Around the World with Sebastian Modak
Shedunnit - Bonus: Thoughts on Spoilers
I Said No Gifts! - Harvey Guillén Disobeys Bridger
Imaginary Worlds- Class of '84: Rise of The Villains
Worlds Beyond Number - WWW #6: Fresh Fish
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Godzilla x Kong, Godzilla Minus One And What's Making Us Happy
Dear Prudence - My Partner Sticks Her Finger in Food to Taste Test It. Help!
Endless Thread - Shaq Time: Is Shaq OK?
Smart Podcast, Trashy Books - 608. Women as Shields and Scapegoats: Talking Kate Middleton with Melissa Blue
Consider This from NPR - A new biopic on Shirley Chisolm fills in the picture on a woman who broke barriers
Worlds Beyond Number: Fireside - Fireside Chat for WWW ep6 "Fresh Fish"
You're Dead to Me - Mozart
I Said No Gifts! - "Weird Al" Yankovic Disobeys Bridger
Chappell Roan
Disco 2024
Presenting Rob Zombie
Metal Radio • Pump-up
COWBOY CARTER [Beyoncé] {2024}
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iamnmbr3 · 2 years
any spooky fic recs in honor of October?
sure! here's an assortment of fics from different fandoms. mind the tags on some of these.
We Go There by Donotquestionme (Words: 36,318 | symbrock | Venom)
So soft and fleshy and sweet these creatures were. So different from the hard, chitinous creatures of the last world. So much easier to break, infect, consume . How had something like them ever lasted this long to begin with?  Ah, but what a blessing that they had. And for them to have such a developed sense of taste, and of pleasure. Not in all his years had he come across creatures with such an exquisitely rich ability to experience and to enjoy. In them, he’d discovered the marvelous ability to relish and to savor. And he did so intend to relish and savor. 
Every last one of them. 
Eddie is part of a scientific expedition in Antarctica that discovers something deep under the ice. A John Carpenter's "The Thing" AU.
What You Are in the Dark by illwynd (words: 16,559 | thorki | MCU)
Thor brings his friends—and more or less drags his brother—on an adventure to a mysterious cave in Nidavellir, in hope of glory, for there are tales of strange monsters there. But the truth is stranger than they know, and when Thor and Loki are separated from the others, they find out for themselves what lurks there in the dark.
one exquisite kiss by MaryPSue (words: 2,124 | Crimson Peak)
There was nothing at all sweet or lovely or innocent in the stare Edith raised onto the transfixed Thomas. Only a dark, wicked intensity that called to mind their father in his blackest moods, when Lucille had had to step in to spare Thomas a beating. Or perhaps the way Lucille looked at Thomas, when she wished to remind him who he belonged to, and he was only too glad to let her.
A hunger.
... or, the one where Edith Cushing was a vampire all along, and the Sharpes find that out slightly too late.
Dead wings carried like a paper kite by illwynd (words: 48,612 | thorki | MCU)
In the heat of battle, Loki kills his brother. As soon as Thor lies dead at his feet, though, he realizes this is not what he wanted. So he brings Thor back, and surely all is well again. Right?
Molt by Dribbledscribbles (words: 14,743 | jonmartin | the Magnus archives)
It had been baffling, really. Such loyalty to someone who’d treated him so badly. At the start, anyway. Time had passed. Events had transpired and threads of fate had drawn tighter. Heartstrings, strong as steel, fine as silk, weaving around the initial office crush until it became something new. 
Jonathan Sims loved Martin Blackwood. He was wound snug as a ring on his heavy little finger. Especially here, now, in the Changed world. The Archivist, bound to his hip. Never straying. Good and close and loyal.
Just as Mother wanted.
Be Careful What You Wish For by The_Necroposter (words: 225,838 | Twilight)
What if Breaking Dawn wasn't a Mary Sue fantasy, but a story with a plot, character development, and consequences? What if Bella's transformation actually was a sacrifice, and not only her getting used to an alien body was a challenge, but also staying alive in a world filled with enemies? Find out how a naive, selfish girl grows up and copes with the biggest mistake of her life.
Wasp Harvest by Overlithe (words: 92,528 | gen | MCU)
‘We are going to do great things together.’ 1947: Bucky Barnes wakes up to a metal arm and Arnim Zola’s voice. 1979: Alexander Pierce, newly-minted member of Hydra, takes over a now-useless asset tucked away in a vault. 2014: The master has a mission for the soldier. This is everything that happens in between.
Or: Bucky Barnes, disassembled. The Winter Soldier, assembled. Horror/thriller. MCU with a few shout-outs to the comics. Gen, but you can read some Bucky/Steve and a tiny little bit of Bucky/Nat into it if you’d like.
Written for Marvel Big Bang 2014. Awesome accompanying artwork by dark_roast: Artwork @ AO3
Detailed warnings inside.
Honey, It Will Come Back by Flyting (words: 4,296 | Kylux | Star Wars)
Something was wrong with the general. 
Ever since the Resistance attack on their Axaca base, he had been… different. Not himself. He is brighter and more vicious. There has always been an edge to him, a tension, but something has filed it sharp. He talks louder, smiles more, is full of an energy that borders on manic. At first, some of the command staff joke that he’s fallen in love.
Or, Hux Comes Back Wrong. For the Huxloween Prompt: Transformation
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k-she-rambles · 1 year
Okay but more Labyrinth/OTGW
--the emotional plot of the OTGW thread is kicked off by Wirt back from college, being an overprotective big brother, while Greg is now old enough to have lowkey my family is dumb and embarrassing sometimes, I want to do what I want feelings. They missed each other terribly. (This doesn't help)
--on the Labyrinth side, Sarah won certain responsibilities to add to her certain powers. She's now some kind of co-sovreign of the Underground, and Toby is heir to the whole kaboodle. (Sarah and Jareth have to work together, and it's the worst) She's also a college student, and the family moved in next door to Wirt and Greg while she was at school. She’s not even coming home to her house.
--emotional beats such as Greg continuing his habit of wanting to take more responsibility for Wirt than Wirt takes for Greg. But Wirt's gotten way better at that, for a very long time now, and it's no longer an act of love on Greg's part, but insecurity compounded by Wirt being away for so long. (And feeling embarrassed of Wirt in front of his school friends...) (...this hurts Wirt a lot)
--Wirt getting it through to Greg through the adventure that being the embarrassing big brother is his job, I'm always gonna be a dork to you, you dork, lemme take care of you.
--Wirt being more or less unfazed by the Castle beyond the Goblin City, the goblins themselves, and all the singing. Jareth finds this suspicious.
--other worlds can be delicate ecosystems. The denizens of the Underground know how to deal with fairies and Cleaners and the occasional encroachment of the Dwarf Kingdom. These black turtles are a new thing.
--Jareth whirled, his cloak flying out behind him briefly, and backed Wirt up against the nearest wall. "What have you done? Why didn't you tell me you belonged to the Unknown?"
"Jareth, what--" said Sarah.
"I-I don't, said Wirt, his voice rising. "Sure, I've been there, but we left. We defeated the Beast. We came home. It has no power over me.”He struggled against the Goblin King's grip, but only just. Somehow it didn't seem like a good idea to kick him.
"It touched you, nonetheless. Just because the Beast was defeated doesn't mean that there isn't a Beast," said Jareth. "Tell me, Worthy Wirt, what is the Beast?"
Wirt flushed red. "Uh. Darkness. Internal darkness. Um. The kind that feeds on despair. It lies. It gets you to agree to it with tricks. I..." his hands were shaking. "It wears you down physically first, if your heart is stronger."
"Tell me again," said Jareth softly, his mismatched eyes searching Wirt's face. "What is the Beast? What would the the Beast become in the Underground, a land more close to Immortality than the Unknown? I believe you know."
Wirt's heart thudded. "Oh, dog. Erlkonig."
Jareth released Wirt. "You have brought the Death of Children to the place where childhood never dies, and you're going to help me fix it."
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cogentranting · 2 years
the article screenshot you posted does say ‘prequel,’ not ‘first’. I don’t see what’s wrong with placing it at the forefront of the show if it’s chronologically first, though. they did the same with the witcher. the last wish was published second but chronologically its events were first, so they started the show with the events that took place in the last wish. unless the show could find some way to really make aslan and whatever came before the pevensies intriguing in like a, foreshadowing sense?? I don’t know why it’s necessary to start from LWW. but also I’m biased bc I really like the magician’s nephew. so I’d love to see that first.
It says "prequel novel" but then says the plan put it "at the forefront instead of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe".
I think that looking at the macro-structure of the series, LWW is the book that belongs first. There are a variety of reasons why this works better
LWW is built so that the audience has Lucy as a perspective character discovering Narnia. You stumble into this world in the middle of it and begin learning about it beside her. MN is structured differently because it's book 6. MN is much slower paced because it exists to give the story behind Narnia-- we know what's coming so Lewis can make us wait longer and a lot of the story tension comes from finding out how all the pieces fit together to get us to Narnia. But in LWW Lucy enters Narnia in the first chapter, on page EIGHT. in MN, Narnia is created in chapter nine, over a hundred pages in (of a book that's less than 200 pages). This works for MN because by that point you've already read five other adventures in Narnia-- you know what you're waiting for and so you're willing to wait for it. But if you're new to the series, then it might not be great to withhold Narnia for over half of the first installment. And when Narnia DOES show up, it's a very early form of Narnia--instead of seeing a thriving magical world, you see it's very beginnings. That's great but if you haven't first seen things like the Beaver's house, the white witch's castle, the thrones at Cair Paravel etc. I don't know that the limited view of Narnia that we get in MN is going to capture you in the same way. I think the lamppost is a good concrete example: LWW has the iconic magical enchanting moment of stumbling through the wardrobe to find this lamppost in the middle of a snowy wood. It's probably the most iconic image from the series. But part of that wonder comes from the mystery and oddity of it. If instead of that, you see first the London street lamp being broken off, carried to Narnia, growing up as it's created, and then return to the that same lamppost... it's not bad but it doesn't evoke the same wonder.
Secondly there's the framing of the Pevensies. The Pevensies are more important than the other Friends of Narnia, not just because they have more story time dedicated to them but because of their actual role in the narrative. They are the four most important kings and queens of Narnia, especially Peter as the High King, and they hold a privileged place in the narrative because of that. The only character more important than them is Aslan. In it's publication order, the series starts with them and ends with them (even though Narnia itself doesn't). The Last Battle parallels its ending to LWW, not MN, We end with the Pevensies talking to Tumnus. (We see Digory and Polly and some of their MN supporting characters, but the focus builds to and comes to rest on the LWW characters). And even the books that the Pevensies aren't in, their presence is felt because they're legendary figures in Narnia (unlike Digory) and because there's always a thread of connection maintained to them (Silver Chair has their cousin, they appear in both Last Battle and Horse and His Boy, and even in MN where the connection is most tenuous, there are narrative links back through the lamppost, Digory himself, Jadis, and the mention of the wardrobe at the end). MN doesn't have links through the others in that way. In fact MN is the most disconnected book (or arguably Horse and his Boy) but it roots itself in the Narnia canon by very firmly connecting itself to LWW (which is fitting in itself- if MN=Genesis and LWW= gospels, in the resurrection Christ is the new and better Adam, and the beginnings of a new creation are instituted, so the fact that these two books have mirrored narrative elements and plot points that tie tightly into each other works really well). All that to say, if you start with MN, you frame Digory as the main character of the series. And he's not. He's briefly in LWW and then you would have four solid movies/seasons before he shows up again, in once again a fairly small role in LB. This undercuts the narrative importance of the Pevensies on the one hand, and on the other hand sets the audience up for disappointment because if they are introduced through MN and bond with Digory as their main protagonist they're going to be let down (even more so for the Polly stans).
Third, I think it's very intentional that MN is placed right before the end. The beginning of Narnia and the end of Narnia are placed back to back in Lewis' order. It's preparing you for the end by revealing the beginning. There's also maybe something to be said about the tone of MN perhaps being a shade darker than the earlier books (thinking specifically of Charn, but also Uncle Andrew as a character, and the general idea that Digory is essentially responsible for letting evil into Narnia.). There's a lot of hope and light at the end, but I think it's a better precursor to LB than it is an introduction to the series (I mean, just think of the difference in perspective it would make if the first glimpse of another world you get in the series is not a faun with parcels under a lamppost in the woods, but instead the dying and desolated Charn).
Minor point, but in the same vein, I think it's more fitting to see Jadis first through Edmund's eyes and only later see her in the more brutal, less disguised form you get in MN.
And just in general, LWW is sort of The Chronicles of Narnia epitomized. That's why it stands on it's own most easily. It has pretty much all the elements that make Narnia what it is. It sets your understanding of Aslan and Narnia, and sets your expectations.
Ultimately I think if they're looking to appeal mainly to people who love the books (and the existing movies) then it wouldn't do any harm to start with The Magician's Nephew. But for those who will be NEW to Narnia (particularly children) I don't think MN is a good starting point. And I worry that if they do that, they'll shoot themselves in the foot.
BUT. For me personally... I think the Disney Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe movie is close to a perfect adaptation, and despite it's flaws and changes, I adore the Prince Caspian movie too. So I don't care nearly as much about getting a Netflix version of those two because I already have a much beloved live action adaptation. I'm much more excited by the prospect of Silver Chair, Horse and His Boy and Magician's Nephew (if we can get a good adaptation of the other two I would love that but any doubts I have about Netflix being able to produce good Narnia content are doubled for Dawn Treader and quintupled for Last Battle). I so badly want a good movie version of the later books. So if all they give me is one good Magician's Nephew movie, so be it.
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kitiphon · 6 months
Why We Chase Victories in the Online Gaming World
The world of online gaming has exploded in popularity, captivating millions worldwide. But what drives this fascination? Why do we spend countless hours battling opponents, conquering challenges, and chasing victories in virtual landscapes? The answer, like the games themselves, is multifaceted, weaving together the threads of human psychology, social interaction, and the pursuit of mastery.
The Dopamine Rush: A Reward System Built for Success
At the core of our drive to win lies the powerful neurotransmitter, dopamine. This chemical plays a crucial role in the brain's reward system, flooding us with feelings of pleasure and satisfaction when we achieve a goal or overcome a challenge. Online games are expertly crafted to tap into this system, offering a steady stream of dopamine hits with each victory, point earned, or level unlocked. Whether it's dominating the leaderboard or completing a particularly difficult quest, these successes trigger a positive reinforcement loop, motivating us to keep playing and striving for the next win.
Beyond the Win: Building Social Connection and Camaraderie
Gaming isn't just about individual triumphs; it's often a deeply social experience. Online games foster communities where players can connect, collaborate, and forge friendships with like-minded individuals. Guilds, teams, and chat rooms provide a platform for players to share strategies, celebrate victories, and commiserate over losses. This sense of belonging and camaraderie adds another layer of enjoyment to the experience, making victories even sweeter when shared with a supportive group.
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The Pursuit of Mastery: Honing Skills and Pushing Limits
For many players, the allure of online gaming lies in the constant opportunity to learn and improve. Games provide a safe and engaging environment to develop strategic thinking, problem-solving skills, and hand-eye coordination. Each match presents a new challenge, pushing players to adapt their tactics, refine their skills, and strive for mastery. Overcoming increasingly difficult obstacles and mastering complex mechanics offers a deep sense of accomplishment and a testament to one's dedication and growth.
The Escapism Factor: Immersing in a World of Fantasy
Online games offer a unique form of escape from the everyday. They transport us to fantastical worlds, allowing us to step into the shoes of powerful characters and embark on thrilling adventures. Whether it's exploring vast open worlds, engaging in epic battles, or building intricate creations, online games provide a much-needed respite from the mundane and allow us to explore different identities and experiences within a safe and controlled environment.
Beyond Victories: Finding the Right Balance
While the pursuit of victory can be a powerful motivator, it's important to remember that it's just one facet of the online gaming experience. It's crucial to cultivate a healthy relationship with gaming, prioritizing well-being and maintaining a balance with other aspects of life. Taking breaks, setting time limits, and focusing on the enjoyment of the experience, rather than solely on winning, can help prevent negative consequences and ensure gaming remains a fun and enriching activity.
Ready to Explore the World of Online Gaming?
If you're curious about the thrill of online gaming and the reasons behind its immense popularity, why not create a ทางเข้า w88 ใหม่ (new w88 entrance) and dive in? Explore different genres, experiment with various playstyles, and discover the unique communities and experiences that await. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination, so relax, have fun, and let the joy of the game take hold.
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finishinglinepress · 8 months
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NEW FROM FINISHING LINE PRESS: Safety Trip by Anna Papadopoulos
On SALE now! Pre-order Price Guarantee: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/safety-trip-by-anna-papadopoulos/
Anna Papadopoulos’ #poetry has been published in several notable literary journals including Newtown Library, Poetica Review, Dillydoun Reviewand The Monterey Poetry Review. Her formal poetry education has spanned decades studying with the leading poets of our time at the Unterberg Poetry Center, Gotham Writer’s Workshop, Blue Light Press, Center for Creative Writing and The Writers Studio of New York. She currently lives in New York City with her family.
PRAISE FOR Safety Trip by Anna Papadopoulos
Anna Papadopoulos speaks in the voice of the poet as the conscience of the society. She speaks for the children of the Robb Elementary School tragedy – “Dark-soled shoe stains in the center / where we’ve left our marks.” She grieves a child falling from an airplane leaving Afghanistan – “A firefly flashes in the sky, will freeze / time like those stars that we can’t see.” She also explores her own immigrant experience: “And we don’t think about our old neighbors, who warned their kids about us: Don’t they know – they’re in America now.” This is a poet who puts on the page what others are afraid to admit they are thinking, bearing witness in “A Twenty-Three-Year-Old Dies Opening the Door.” We live in unusual times – “how easy it is to disappear / to lose focus like this pixelated face…” Even so, she chooses to find beauty in the world. In “A Warm February Day in New York,” she continues to let the world speak to her and weave its magic: “the sunset drops its pink hue like a crocheted baby’s blanket. / The Verrazano Bridge’s arches are sculpted in the shape of a woman’s breasts.” Anna Papadopoulos thinks deeply about everything and writes with power, depth and beauty.
–Diane Frank, Author of While Listening to the Enigma Variations: New and Selected Poems
Anna Papadopoulos’s marvelous first chapbook, Safety Trip, embarks on a family’s immigration “adventure” between the redefined worlds of exile and belonging. Traveling through generations, from World War II and the Greek Civil War to contemporary New York’s lily blooming “alongside a ditch,” the poet understands how to recover ordinary beauty against the odds “until you’ve worn / loss like your Sunday best.” These personal stories reflect survival’s human “thread bearing the weight / between us” in times of crisis and joy. Employing the acquisitive eye of a novelist with the lyrical inventions of a poet, Papadopoulos visually maps out an emotional space one can enter in any language and still call home.
–Elena Karina Byrne is the author of five poetry collections and programming consultant The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books.
Please share/repost #flpauthor #preorder #AwesomeCoverArt #read #poems #literature #poetry
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gal4thea · 10 months
Coffee Chronicle.
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𝐼n the symphony of silent whispers, my pen orchestrated tales amidst the fragrance of brewed dreams, an alchemy of ink and parchment within the sanctuary of a coffee-scented haven. With each sip, the essence of coffee blended seamlessly with contemplation, my musings adorning the pages like ethereal brushstrokes.
As a heralded wordsmith in the alleys of San Francisco, my ink-stained quill bore witness to the unveiling of stories that echoed through the city's hills.
Yet, in the midst of this aromatic symphony, a presence, graceful and enigmatic, graced the solitude of my creative cocoon.
"May I join you?" she whispered, a breeze of curiosity softly caressing my senses.
I nodded, graciously welcoming her to the vacant tableau across mine. Her eyes, like lanterns, traced the contours of my narratives scattered like constellations on the parchment. "Your prose, it enchants," she murmured, delicately pointing to a particularly cherished piece.
"Marylen Betty is my name, and within the labyrinthine corridors of PopTeenagers Magazine, we seek souls to weave into our tales."
As she handed me a card adorned with her name, 'Marylen Betty, Editing Division SPV, PopTeenagers Magazine,' the weight of her title carried an air of mystery and revelation.
"Have you ever contemplated joining our sacred fellowship?" Betty inquired, her enthusiasm akin to a whispered secret.
My heart, aflutter with recognition, witnessed the unfolding of an unforeseen portal. "I am enticed. How might I traverse this ethereal realm?" I queried, surrendering to the allure of destiny.
Betty unraveled the process, inviting the submission of my whispered chronicles on parchment. Together, we embarked on a journey into the dreamscape of PopTeenagers Magazine, where vision and passion converged like celestial bodies aligning.
As the interlude waned, I found myself in silent contemplation, immersed in the quietude of the cafe. From this tranquil corner, a poetic pilgrimage unfolded — a business card clasped in hand, not merely a token but a key to the clandestine realms of PopTeenagers Magazine. The allure of Manhattan Project, a beacon in the creative cosmos, became the celestial tapestry that beckoned my quill to dance upon the pages of a new chapter.
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And now, in this realm where ink dances upon pages and dreams take flight, I find myself surrounded by the illustrious souls of PopTeenagers Magazine. A collective of exceptional individuals, each possessing an enchanting charisma that breathes life into the tales we weave. Allow me to unveil this tapestry of brilliance, where every thread contributes to the vibrant mosaic of our shared creativity!
At first, there was Kala, my first friend. When we signed up for PopTeenagers, Kala picked editing, and he got into the team. But guess what? I'm in the writing team! Kala really likes fixing things in editing. Fun fact: he has two younger siblings, and I have two older sisters. Even though we're in different groups, we're both having a blast at PopTeenagers!
Next in our constellation is Praditya. Fresh from a performance in Japan, he graces our publishing division. A snippet about him – he found solace in PopTeenagers after feeling a bit uneasy in his previous workplace. Since joining us, Praditya has found a true sense of belonging and comfort in our creative haven.
Now, let me introduce Denallie, our editing maestro. Nestled in the editing division, she has an insatiable appetite for learning more about the craft! She even invited me to edit together – can't wait to dive into the editing adventure with her!
And then, there's Coraline from the publishing division. She's the epitome of cool, always diligent and quick! Coraline has this incredible knack for inspiring me through everything she does.
Next up, we have Shane from the publishing team. Shane is just adorable! A true embodiment of a cute little sister – funny, shy, super supportive, and just incredibly sweet!
Also, there's Shavawn, the most adorable soul in the same division as mine, the writing team! Shavawn is a hard worker, friendly, irresistibly cute, and a bit mischievous. I absolutely love chatting with her, especially considering we're from the same division!
Moving on, there's Cath from the editing division! Initially eyeing the publishing team, she got noticed by the supervisor for her amazing editing skills, so she landed in editing. I must say, her edits are truly impressive, and I'm not the only one who thinks so!
Next in line, we have Marion from the editing team. Describing him as hardworking is an understatement – he tackles everything with unwavering dedication! Even when unwell, Marion doesn't hold back and continues to work tirelessly.
Continuing our lineup is Nadelline, the adorable kiddo from the publishing division who loves going out and treating herself! Just the other day, she offered me some takoyaki and jokingly said she'd send it to my house by plane – such a delightful character!
Continuing the introductions, there's Shea from the editing team. She's the epitome of a caring elder sister – warm, skilled in her field, and always ready with a joke! Talking with her feels like a cozy embrace, where comfort and laughter intertwine.
Now, let's meet Faiz from the same division as mine. Faiz is incredibly friendly and one of those super active individuals, always participating in various activities. His energy seems limitless, like a battery that never runs out!
Still in the writing division, we have Altares, the playful mischief-maker! He's a bundle of joy, fun, and pranks, but don't let that fool you – Altares is also a hard worker. Spending a day with him guarantees endless excitement and laughter!
Now, let's shine the spotlight on Haresa, the editing maestro with a 'work, work, work!' battle cry. A cool older brother, he's the dynamo that keeps the editing division buzzing. If productivity were an art form, Haresa would be the maestro, orchestrating the hustle at PopTeen with a touch of flair!
And last but certainly not least on our list is Amoura, also from the same division as me. She's the epitome of elegance, a true beauty who creates work as stunning as her appearance. Amoura brings a touch of royal grace to our team, turning every project into a visual masterpiece!
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As the chapters of our PopTeenagers saga unfold, each member becomes a vibrant stroke in the canvas of creativity. With diverse personalities, talents, and shared passions, our collective journey transcends mere work; it's a symphony of friendship, laughter, and the pursuit of artistic excellence. United in our love for storytelling, we eagerly await the unwritten tales that will emerge from the collaboration of this eclectic and spirited team at PopTeenagers Magazine.
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fuji2005 · 10 months
Title: "Fostering a Spirited School Community: Induction, Socialization, and Halloween Festivities"
In every school, the journey begins with induction, a process that sets the stage for students' academic adventures. However, education goes beyond textbooks, and socialization plays a crucial role in shaping a vibrant school community. In this blog, we delve into the significance of induction, the power of socialization, and the spooktacular celebration of Halloween in a school setting.
The Foundation of Academic Exploration
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• Induction marks the initiation of students into the school environment. From orientation sessions to campus tours, it lays the groundwork for a successful academic journey. Through engaging activities and informative sessions, students are introduced to the school's culture, values, and resources. Induction helps newcomers adapt seamlessly to their new academic home. It fosters a sense of belonging by connecting students with their peers, teachers, and the broader school community. Induction sets clear expectations, reducing uncertainty and anxiety among students.
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• Beyond academic excellence, schools are hubs for social interaction. Socialization is the process through which students develop interpersonal skills, form friendships, and cultivate a sense of community. Socialization enables students to form friendships, providing a support system throughout their educational journey.
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• Amidst the academic rigors, schools find joy in celebrating festive occasions, and Halloween is a perfect example. A Halloween party in a school setting adds an extra layer of excitement and unity.  Halloween provides an opportunity for students to learn about and embrace different cultural traditions. Costume contests, spooky decorations, and themed activities allow students to express their creativity. Halloween parties bring students, teachers, and staff together, fostering a sense of community spirit.
In the intricate tapestry of a school community, induction, socialization, and festive celebrations like Halloween contribute unique threads. Together, they create an environment where academic growth is complemented by strong interpersonal connections and shared moments of joy. As schools continue to prioritize holistic development, these elements remain integral in shaping well-rounded individuals ready to face the world beyond the classroom.
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satyamrestaurant · 1 year
Elevating Dining Experiences: Exploring Restaurants in Vizag with Good Ambience
In the vibrant city of Vizag, the culinary scene is a harmonious blend of flavors, cultures, and experiences. Amidst this gastronomic tapestry, a crucial element that often distinguishes an ordinary dining outing from an extraordinary one is the ambiance that a restaurant offers. At Satyam Restaurant, we take immense pride in unraveling the enchanting world of restaurants in Vizag with good ambiance that boast not just exceptional cuisine, but also an ambiance that elevates your dining experience to new heights.
Setting the Stage for Memorable Culinary Journeys
Ambience is more than just the décor – it's a symphony of elements that come together to create a captivating atmosphere. The warm glow of well-placed lighting, the subtle aroma that fills the air, the seamless integration of aesthetics with comfort – these are the threads that weave the fabric of a memorable dining experience. Satyam Restaurant understands the art of crafting these elements into a harmonious whole.
Unveiling Vizag's Ambience Gems
Oceanfront Serenity: A Coastal Culinary Affair
Indulge in the soothing embrace of the ocean breeze as you dine at Satyam Restaurant's premier oceanfront dining. Our curated list includes establishments that not only serve delectable dishes but also offer panoramic views of the sea. Whether it's a romantic dinner for two or a gathering of friends, these restaurants provide an ambience that is both invigorating and tranquil. Experience the best of restaurants in Vizag with good ambience, where culinary excellence meets captivating surroundings.
Cultural Fusion: Where Tradition Meets Modernity
Satyam Restaurant's cultural diversity finds expression in its culinary offerings. Our discerning list includes restaurants that infuse traditional artistry into their ambience. From intricate décor inspired by local heritage to contemporary design elements that pay homage to the city's evolution, these dining spaces are a testament to Vizag's rich history and promising future.
Intimate Retreats: Dining in Cozy Elegance
For those seeking intimate dining experiences, our recommendations from Satyam Restaurant include charming establishments that exude an air of exclusivity. Soft lighting, cozy corners, and an attention to detail that ensures your privacy – these restaurants are perfect for cherished moments, be it a romantic date or a quiet celebration.
A Feast for All Senses
Experience a symphony of flavors and elegance at Satyam Restaurant in Vizag. Indulge in a culinary journey where taste, touch, sound, and scent merge to create an immersive ambience. From oceanfront dining to intimate gatherings, our curated list of restaurants offers invigorating and tranquil settings. Elevate your dining experience with exceptional cuisine and captivating surroundings, making each meal an unforgettable journey. Discover the art of gastronomy as you savor dishes amidst an ambiance that transcends the visual, offering a sensory delight. Satyam Restaurant invites you to explore Vizag's finest dining spots, where good ambience enriches every moment. Embrace a sensory dining adventure at restaurants in Vizag with good ambience, where every bite resonates with exquisite surroundings.
Crafting Memories Beyond the Plate
The power of ambience lies in its ability to transform a meal into a memory. It's the quiet laughter shared, the soft music playing in the background, and the sense of belonging that lingers long after the last bite. At Satyam Restaurant, we believe in the magic that happens when every detail is orchestrated to perfection.
Elevate Your Dining Experience Today
Embark on a remarkable culinary journey through Vizag with Satyam Restaurant as your guiding light to the most exquisite dining establishments. Immerse yourself in the rich ambience these restaurants in Vizag with good ambience offer, allowing each meal to transcend mere taste and become a celebration of culinary artistry. Satyam Restaurant to customize your dining experiences, where each dish is steeped with love and each setting serves as a canvas for memorable moments. Discover a world where good ambiance enriches each mouthful, turning dining into a sensory experience. From beachside elegance to intimate sophistication, our offerings appeal to various preferences, ensuring each visit is a unique experience. Let Satyam Restaurant change your dining expectations as you explore Vizag's vibrant culinary landscape, where every meal is a masterpiece and every ambiance is a symphony of ecstasy.
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mysticmusingg · 1 year
Journey of Friendship and Farewells: Cherishing Memories and Embracing Change
Life has a way of presenting us with unexpected twists and turns, and sometimes those changes bring bittersweet farewells.
Recently, I found myself in a situation where one of my closest friends, who also happened to be my boyfriend, informed me that he would be leaving the city in just two days. As I grapple with a wave of emotions, I couldn't help but reflect on the profound impact he has had on my life and the beautiful memories we shared together. In this blog post, I want to take a moment to express my feelings and delve into the significance of our friendship, while acknowledging the importance of embracing change.
Throughout our time together he became my rock, someone with whom I could share my deepest thoughts and be completely myself. Our friendship went beyond the romantic aspect, as we forged a bond built on trust, understanding, and unwavering support. It's the friendship aspect that I hold dear and want to celebrate. I will always treasure the moments we spent together, whether it was our laid-back smoking sessions, our intimate and enjoyable dinner dates, or our long, heartfelt conversations that flowed effortlessly. The laughter, the inside jokes, and the shared adventures created a tapestry of beautiful memories that will forever hold a special place in my heart.
Finding someone with whom we can be unapologetically ourselves is a rarity.  It had been a long time since I felt that level of comfort and acceptance, and having him in my life brought immense joy. Our friendship became a Safe Haven, a sanctuary where I could confide in him and find solace. The depth of our connection made every day brighter and more meaningful. As the days draw closer to his departure, I can't help but feel a sense of uncertainty about what lies ahead. The future suddenly seems hazy, and thoughts of how my life will unfold after two days fill me with a mixture of anxiety and curiosity. But in the midst of this uncertainty, I recognize the importance of embracing change and trusting that it will lead us to where we are meant to be. Although physical distance will soon separate us, I believe that true friendships transcend boundaries. While it won't be easy, I am determined to maintain and nurture our friendship, no matter the miles that separate us. Our connection is too valuable to let go, and I am grateful for the technology that allows us to stay connected despite the physical distance.
Change can be challenging, and farewells are never easy. However, it is through change that we grow, evolve, and discover new opportunities. As I bid farewell to my closest friend, I am filled with gratitude for the memories we created and the friendship we shared. Our bond will forever be cherished, and I eagerly anticipate the day our paths may cross again. In this journey of life, friendships serve as anchors that ground us and provide us with love, support, and a sense of belonging. No matter where we are, these cherished connections hold immense value. So, as I navigate this new chapter,I choose to embrace change with an open heart, trusting that the paths we walk will lead us to new adventures and experiences. Remember, change is not an end, but rather a new beginning. It is in embracing change that we discover the beauty of life's unfolding chapters, and the friendships we build along the way become the threads that weave a tapestry of beautiful memories.
May we all embrace change, cherish the memories, and continue to foster meaningful friendships that transcend time and distance. 
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||Her healing heart||
Hi everyone, it’s time for a drabble or a idea. This just came to me after re looking at a old thread. This is for my friend that really is a sweetheart to me.
~~Drabble Summary~~
After the events from what happened, Yuuka has been distance from others and even the DBT. Her team was worried about her, wondering what they could do to help her but she didn’t want to talk to anyone. So, the leaders found out about this wanting to try to talk to her and have Oblivion join to help talk to her. If you wanna know how this went? Read to find out.
~Anguish drabble warning
~Depressed thoughts
~Arguing is possible
~triggering events (Very strong topics will be mentioned here including physical abuse along with her being possessed, it hit her pretty hard.)
~Comfort another
~~Guests in the drabble~
Demon mun’s babies   @demon-blood-youths
~The leaders Ink and Kali belong to her, a few of the fractions also belong to her.
~My babies~
~Yuuka, Jinx, Ashley, a few of the fraction members belong to me
((Grammar is still terrible and bad but this is just for fun. I Hope you understand and lets get to it.))
Ever since that day, the fractions have been told of the many adventures from the land of Japan. Hearing what the DBT learned and new people that would visit for vacations. It was said three new people have come back to live new lives but they were already set in a new team.
The DBT was happy to be back home after that but Oblivion was silent, seeing Yuuka’s team welcoming her back. Even if she was telling them she was fine. But she knew she was still recovering. Oblivion knew she was upset.
So everyone figures everything was fine but...that was only for a month.
After a bit, Yuu has been distant from the others where she didn’t want to visit anyone. She didn’t bother her teammates even if they did do some missions. Her team noticed her behavior has changed and even her emotions have gotten.....depressed. When Swan tried to ask if she was alright, she only snapped at her saying she was fine. Swan knew she didn’t mean it but she didn’t bother her from that.
Her team even noticed her different behaviors that she isn’t eating near them but she does eat. She’s been becoming depressed to the point she isn’t visiting the leaders for their girls night out. This worried Ink, Kali, Ashley, and Jinx to the other three asking what happened. Yuu didn’t answer her text message this time nor Kali and she always speaks to her due to them being close. Right now, the leaders with their teams were visiting the DBT’s place and talking.
“Really? She’s not responding to your text messages either?” Jinx asked drinking some soda but Ink sighed to nod.
“Yeah, ever since we came back. She was fine after everything but..something is wrong. She didn’t want to hang out as we agreed for us hanging out and she’s been ignoring the messages even so.” Ink explains this but she was silent wondering about this.
“I..I don’t know....she’s never b..been like this b...before. I heard f..from swan she’s been snapping at people by mistake. I know she wouldn’t d..do that but.....she....I don’t know..” Ashley was worried too.
“Their has to be something wrong if Yuuka is behaving like this. I know something is wrong but..you said it was a disturbing moment you didn’t want to tell us Ink. Did something really happen to her back at Japan?” Kali asked lowering the soda too that the girls were silent but looks to her. Ink said nothing but she closed her grey eyes to sigh.
“Well...........” She then begins explaining what happened to Yuu when they were back in Japan, Tokyo. From telling them what happened to her when she was almost frozen to death, to being infected by the black parasite. Ink told them how she was abused and worse in that room. Even with her being possessed twice. She was close to being killed and her even attacking others and biting Oblivion when being possessed, due to that but Ink stops explaining to open her eyes and look at the others.
Ashley’s eyes were widen in horror.
Jinx was shocked but said nothing, gripping her soda can.
Kali was pissed off hearing this but looks down.
“...And yeah, ever since we came back, Yuu has been healing but she’s-”
“No, No no no. She can’t be Ink.” Ink looks to hear Kali say this. “IF she went through shit like that...she’s got to be fucked up right now. I can’t imagine going through something that sick but...” Kali said nothing but she was quiet. The other three was silent but Ink grips her soda can.
“She’s been through all that....but....I know she’s hurting right now thanks to it. From feeling that pain to her just behaving like this. She was scared to even be around us. We told her it wasn’t her fault but....” Ink looks to the others but she looks to Oblivion that was looking silent worried about Yuuka.
“..T..then s..shouldn’t we..g...go and check on her?” Ashley asked worried.
“..We can but she might not wanna speak to us.....what will make her wanna speak to us?” Jinx said worried but the girls didn’t know what to say to think about it. However, Oblivion was feeling her hands shaking since she didn’t even speak to her for a while. She really got worried.
“Well, we can go and visit her and check on her. IF she’s like this....we don’t know how bad she is right now. We have to check on her.” Oblivion said this but looks to Ink who was looking at her.
“Ink please. I know Yuu’s been avoiding everyone after what happened but we have to tell her this isn’t her fault. It wasn’t her fault she attacked us..” she reaches to grip her shoulder where Yuu bit her. “For hurting me. It wasn’t her fault.” she sees the other girl leaders quiet but Ink sighed to stand up.
“....Alright, we can go and check on her. You girls coming?” Ink asked to see Jinx, Ashley, and Kali nod. They had to check on her and hopes she’s alright. So, the girls along with Oblivion goes to check up on Yuuka.
~~Later that afternoon: At Roosevelt Island in Brooklyn~~
Thanks to a little help with Vivi, she opens a portal to let them go to The Dark Eclipse nightshades place. Ink with the other girls saw the area they were staying in but goes to knock on the door hoping for an answer. It took a bit but the door opens showing Ming who was there.
“Hmm? Ink? Girls? How-”
“We got some help from Vivi to get here. Ummmmm, is Yuuka here?” Ink asked but Ming sighed to look at them.
“She’s here....in her room. She’s been in there for a while after coming home. We were trying to talk to her and find out what is wrong but she won’t even open the door for us. Saying something like she was a danger or something. The others have tried to get through to her but she won’t even respond to us now.” this worried the leaders and Oblivion that widen her eyes but closed her hands into fists.
“.....W..would it be okay to come in and s...speak to her? Maybe we can talk to her?” Ashley suggested but Ming sighed to look at them.
“You can try...please come in.” she moves to let them come in while seeing the leaders head inside seeing the others doing some things but they saw Ming leading them inside before turning. “If you wish to speak to her, she’s upstairs in her room. Her door has the nightshade hanging picture with her name.” Ming said.
“Got it. Thanks Ming.” Ink said.
“Of course..maybe she will listen to you instead of us...” she mutters but saw Ink heading up with the other girls. Within a moment, they got to the other floor but saw the room that belongs to Yuuka. It seems it was shut but Ink and the others looked quiet to see Ink knock gently.
“Yuu? Are you in there?”
Their was no answer but the other girls were quiet. “Yuu.....please, if your in there say something. It’s me: Ink and the other girls and Oblivion. We haven’t heard from you in a while and we wanted to be sure your alright.” Ink said this but waited to hear nothing from her.
Ink, Jinx, Ashley, Kali, and Oblivion got worried but as Ink tries to knock again, they hear a click to see the door open. They look to see Luna in the room but she opens the door to look at them. “Hey., your here to see her...right?” she asked seeing them nod. Luna sighed to move and shows them the inside of Yuu’s room.
Sitting on the bed looking out the window as Yuu but  she looked a mess. She seems to have not slept in days due to the black circles under her eyes. Their was a plate of food there so Luna must have been feeding her. The girls looked worried but Ink sighed.
She tenses up to look seeing the girls but she then looks away not wanting to see them. Luna lets them in but closes the door but looks to Yuuka. “Yuuka..”
“...What are you girls doing here?” she said this in a tired tone but the others looked at her more worried.
“What are we doing here? To see you. We haven’t been getting any calls back from you or texts. We were just checking on you to be sure your alright. But..you don’t seem alright.” Jinx said.
“.....I’m fine......You don’t need to worry. So please just go...” she looks down at the bed but the girls didn’t say anything.
“Y..Yuu please...we are just worried a...about you. Ink told u..us what hap..happened to you an..and..we are just concerned. We are your friends and w..want to help you.” Ashley asked but Yuuka didn’t respond to her.
“.........I can tell but I don’t want you guys near me. Not right now...so please leave.....” she said again.
“Were not leaving till we know your alright. Please, were your friends Yuu. We just want to be sure your okay-”
“I SAID I’M FINE!” the girls wince from her raised voice but Yuu looks away from them but Luna sighed.
“.....Yuuka..Is this because of what happened back at Tokyo? Are you still blaming yourself for everything that happened?” Oblivion steps forward to speak to her but Yuu didn’t say a thing to her. Not to her.
“...I know you can hear me Yuuka. Is this all because of what happened? Because if it is, I told you before, this wasn’t your fault-”
“I feel like it was, Oblivion. I don’t...I don’t know...I don’t...” she started to say but Yuu stops talking to close her eyes.
“...Yuuka, like we have told you it’s not your fault. I even told you this. Your our friend and we just wanna be sure your okay. You can talk to us. You can talk to me. You know that.” Oblivion said but she saw Yuuka looking away.
“Yuu, please...I know you can hear me! Don’t blame yourself for what happened!” Oblivion said about to touch her shoulder.
“But I do blame myself!” she said suddenly to make Oblivion stop talking. “I...I’ve been through sick things back h..home. Horrible sick sick things Oblivion an..and..I just....I can’t stop thinking about it. I know that you say it’s not my fault but I..It still scared me.” she started to say gripping the blanket.
“Yuu that-” Jinx tries to talk but felt Ink stop her. She looks to her but saw Ink shaking her head slowly. She had to hear this. After lowering her arm the other girls listen to see Yuu speaking.
“I been stalked by a sick freak ex-hero, brought back home to get arrested and put to sleep. They....They did a lot of shit to me...they kept trying to infect me with that damn bug over and over again till they got it in..that sick black bug that was inside of me. I felt sick..abused..I...I felt it moving like it was already making me sick. I was already had frostbite before having that bug pulled out of me. And now to add to this, i was possessed and attacked my friends...and hurt you...” she mutters but Ink, Kali, Ashley, and Jinx got worried.
Luna didn’t know that but Oblivion said nothing.
“I felt so horrible when I was told what I’ve done....even hurting you. I never meant to hurt you Oblivion..” she said.
“.......I know that. But as we been telling you, it wasn’t your fault. You were possessed. You had no idea this would happen and you got horribly sick thanks to that...” she reaches to grip her own shoulder over where Yuu bit her.
“I don’t blame you. I never did. I was more more worried about you than getting hurt!” she said. “Besides, it was my fault. I should have brought you with us that day so we can be sure you were safe but..we didn’t. You ended up even more hurt....” Oblivion said looking at her.
“...Then why didn’t you stop me?”
“Why didn’t you guys just stop me? I know you held me down and all..but you should have...d.done something. What if this happens again? What if I get possessed again!?” she said holding her head.
“Yuu, we won’t let that that happen.” Ink said.
“HOW ARE YOU SURE!? It might happen again! I could do something even worse and even be dangerous to harm you all! My team!” she shouted to grip her hair but her upper face was darkened. “...I never want to hurt anyone..I never wanted to hurt someone! I hurt Yuji. I almost hurt Taz! I....I hurt Oblivion!...”
“........” The girls said nothing with Ashley covering her mouth worried but Kali said nothing.
“.......But we stopped it before it got Worse Yuu, remember? I told you it’s not your fault!” Oblivion said again.
“BUT IT WAS!! IT WAS MY FAULT! I SERIOUSLY COULD HAVE KILLED SOMEONE!!” She shouted now crying that Oblivion goes to grip her shoulder but Yuu was now crying.
“I almost did something horrible...I did something....I could have done something horrible!” she shouted.
“But you didn’t-”
“I COULDN’T DO THAT! I WOULD NEVER DO SOMETHING! DON’T YOU KNOW HOW BADLY IT WOULD HURT US, YOUR TEAM, AND ME!?” she grips her shoulders to look at her. “I wouldn’t forgive myself that something happened to anyone I care for! that includes you!” she shouted but Yuu was silent that her eyes were wide feeling tears running down her cheeks. 
“I....but I-”
“BUT YOU DIDN’T! WE ALL FORGIVE YOU YUUKA! I FORGIVE YOU!” she shouted now gripping her shoulders.
“I DON’T CARE!” Oblivion shouted out tightening her hold on Yuu’s shoulders. “I been worried ever since that day and evening when we got that damn thing out of you! Don’t you think this hurts me too!?! I never wanted you to get hurt! I already blamed myself that you went through that! I don’t blame you for biting me!” she said glaring but Yuu winces but she saw her silent.
“...I know you bit me..I know you were hurt......I...It still stings I know that...but..I never blame you for that. I still bare it.....but it tells me that I could do better to keep my friends safe including you.”
“........But..” she looks down now crying but Oblivion calms down to sigh but sits down to look at her.
 “I don’t care. If i had to find a way to bring you back, I would have. Even if it means getting hurt damn it! We all were scared yes, but we were more scared that you would have died that night. I know it was painful and scary...but understand we, nor I are angry with you.” she said but Yuu looks away still crying but Oblivion just looks quiet to pull Yuu in a hug worried.
“...I don’t blame you. I never did...I should be saying sorry because I didn’t know. None of us did...” she said this but hid her face that the other leaders were worried. “So please..don’t blame yourself for this.....I’m....I’ve been worried...really worried.” she said but Yuu only looks down before she closed her eyes crying to sobbing.
“Oblivion..I.....I’m sorry...I’m so so sorry I....” she started to say but Oblivion just hugs and rubs her back.
“I know...I know, I’m sorry too.....I’m sorry you went through all that..I’m sorry you got scarred after being possessed....I’m so sorry Yuu.” she whispered but that’s when Ink, Jinx, Ashley, and Kali goes over but gently hugs Yuuka too.
“*Quietly sobbing*” Yuu just did this for a bit, feeling the tears running down her cheeks to hit Oblivion’s shirt but she didn’t let her go. All she did was remain quiet but without showing it, Oblivion felt tears running down her own cheeks too. Even from all that Yuu went through so much but maybe now she can finally heal. The leaders didn’t have to say a thing but knew Yuu was hurting inside. And that pain will disappear within a few days. Or longer.
After a while, Yuu was sleeping but her head was resting on Oblivion’s lap while she was looking silent. She saw the other leaders still there but Luna told the team that Yuu finally went to sleep. Oblivion already knew this was going to take time for her to fully heal but the girls decided to leave so she can rest up. But, they did leave text messages to say if she wanted to talk or just vent, they were there. For now, they left to let her rest up. They were always there for their friends. No matter what.
I mean after all, friends look after one another as allies but closer.
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nwdsc · 2 years
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(You Belong | Turn On The Sunlightから)
You Belong by Turn On The Sunlight
Multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer Jesse Peterson is the heart and constant thread of the musical project Turn On The Sunlight. 'You Belong' is the fifth in an ongoing series of records that Peterson has made with a community of his close friends and collaborators, including his beloved wife, Mia Doi Todd, bright Orange laughter luminary Laraaji, experimental and folkloric visionary Luis Pérez Ixoneztli, and his frequent partner in rhyme, percussionist and producer Carlos Niño. The sound here is a perfect mixture of folk, ambient, spiritual jazz and peaceful open space improvisational flow. 'You Belong' was made in the Glendale, California, Home Studio of Peterson and Todd during 2021 and 2022. "The sudden shift in expectations and trajectory that I and many people have experienced in the past couple of years allowed me to access certain feelings and memories from the more distant past that might have been less accessible before, which probably accounts for my sudden urge to reach out to Cavana," recounts Peterson of the album's main featured collaborator Cavana Lee. "Making the album was a helpful way of working through these thoughts and feelings because of the high level of expression that the participating musicians brought to it, like I was being led by their example. ‘You Belong’ is the most collaborative of all the Turn On The Sunlight records," Peterson continues, "in that almost every song features different musicians. It grew out of a variety of collaborations in our home studio and incorporates friends recording themselves in other locations throughout the world, so it felt like the circle was growing as the album grew, which was a nice feeling. Cavana's singing is a new element and it was exciting to hear how her voice brought out the heart of the music." At the center of the 4 key pieces that weave this album together is a truly unique symbiosis between Peterson and Cavana Lee (who met in boarding school in 1992). Lee (the daughter of magical jazz, avant-garde singer Jeanne Lee and multi-instrumentalist, composer, band leader, independent record label pioneer Gunter Hampel) remembers what it was like when she heard from Peterson out of the blue about whether she was open to writing and recording to several of his new pieces. "We were in the middle of the pandemic," recalls Lee, who lives in Berlin, "and the music industry had stopped where it was. As a singer, I suddenly had no access to public venues… I had just given up my singing space because that was forbidden in Germany at that time. Just then Jesse reached out and asked if I was interested… I was very slow in recording because I had very low digital skills at the time… I am quite an analog person. I remember the reaction I had when I heard the piece we now call “You Belong", with Laraaji. It was so full of life’s facets and in touch with Nature, I felt inspired to dedicate my voice in this song to the natural spirit of the Universe (at least how I perceive it). Also inspired by the space journeys of Sun Ra and my own father's improvised compositions, I imagine that this is what the wind, the sun, any of the elements that travel through space and the ethers would say to human beings right now. A message full of Love and Connection at a time where things felt really disconnected and disjointed. I needed this message for myself, I suppose. That’s how that track developed," Lee reflects, "it brought me there." 'You Belong' finds Peterson as the catalyst for and caretaker of advanced togetherness where an array of adventurous musicians and creative artists are featured atop and intertwined with his swirling foundations and welcoming arrangements. In addition to everyone mentioned above, “You Belong” has contributions from gyil master SK Kakraba, saxophonist Randal Fisher, trumpeter Sean Okaguchi, guitarist Fabiano Do Nascimento, keyboardist Surya Botofasina, experimentalist Sam Gendel, bassist Ricardo Dias Gomes, bass clarinetist Pablo Calogero, flautist Aisha Mars, pianist Jamael Dean, drummers Andres Renteria and Efa Etoroma Jr., and his close friends from New York, Mike Wexler and Koen Holtkamp. Produced and mixed by Jesse Peterson,'You Belong' is remarkable and diverse, a cohesive album that sings of Universal Family, Caring, Being, and openness. Lee reveals, “‘You Belong’ is a Love declaration from Nature to us. It is a salve. It is a reminder of what we have forgotten. That forgetfulness is causing collective pain. ‘You Belong’ is an invitation to remember." Peterson concurs, “‘You Belong’ affirms that we can all be our whole beings and are all part of the whole of being. Music is a force that moves through us all, and that feeling can be transmitted through our expression, whether we're consciously aware of it or not, we all belong… we are all involved…” クレジット2022年10月14日リリース Music by Jesse Peterson & Friends featuring Cavana Lee Produced and Mixed by Jesse Peterson Recorded by Jesse Peterson throughout 2021 and 2022 in Glendale, CA, with additional recording by Byron Westbrook, Cavana Lee, Belail Lee-Hampel, Ricardo Dias Gomes, Luis Pérez Ixoneztli, Sam Gendel, Mike Wexler, Koen Holtkamp, and Carlos Niño. Mastering by Collin Gorman Weiland Art & Design by Steve Rosborough 01. Father and Child (featuring SK Kakraba) SK Kakraba – gyil Randal Fisher – saxophone Sean Okaguchi – trumpet Fabiano do Nascimento – caixixi & guitar Carlos Niño – percussion Jesse Peterson – flute, violin, synthesizer, drum programming & goat bells 02. You Belong (featuring Cavana Lee) Cavana Lee – voice Laraaji – zither Efa Etoroma Jr. – cymbals Carlos Niño – percussion Jesse Peterson – violin 03. Open Air (featuring SK Kakraba) SK Kakraba – gyil Carlos Niño – percussion Jesse Peterson – synthesizer 04. Back To The Sea (featuring Laraaji) Laraaji – voice & kalimba Surya Botofasina – synthesizers Luis Pérez Ixoneztli – aerophones & percussion Sam Gendel – analog wind synthesizer Jesse Peterson – marimba 05. Naturally (featuring Cavana Lee) Cavana Lee – voice Ricardo Dias Gomes – bass & drum programming Mike Wexler & Koen Holtkamp – synthesizer Pablo Calogero – bass clarinet Carlos Niño – percussion Jesse Peterson – marimba 06. Earthwaves (featuring Cavana Lee) Cavana Lee – voice Pablo Calogero – bass clarinet Carlos Niño – percussion Jesse Peterson – marimba, synthesizer & flute 07. Our Growing Family (featuring Joao) Pablo Calogero – bass clarinet Aisha Mars – flute Joao – voice Carlos Niño – percussion Jesse Peterson – synthesizer 08. Ulumalu Moonbow (featuring Mia Doi Todd & Ricardo Dias Gomes) Mia Doi Todd – voice Ricardo Dias Gomes – bass & synthesizer Randal Fisher – saxophone Carlos Niño – percussion Jesse Peterson – electric piano & synthesizer 09. Rain Song (featuring Pablo Calogero & Jamael Dean) Jamael Dean – piano Pablo Calogero – bass clarinet Andres Renteria – congas Carlos Niño – percussion Jesse Peterson – organ 10. Coquí (Vinyl Exclusive) (featuring Cavana Lee) Cavana Lee – voice Pablo Calogero – bass clarinet Efa Etoroma Jr. – drums Jesse Peterson – synthesizer Special thanks to my dear friend Carlos Niño for being here on this ride… Love to my beautiful family and all families, human and beyond!ライセンスAll rights reserved
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Would Anyone Care by  Citizen Solider
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The Adventure of Y/n Barton and Yelena Belova Masterlist
Summary: Set in The Adventure of Y/n Barton and Yelena Belova AU
After the events of Lagos, you try to cheer Wanda up but she won't listen to you as she believes everything the media is calling her. You come up with the idea to have Natasha talk to her and play a little match maker while trying to help a friend. OR How Natasha and Wanda started dating in this AU.
Warnings: depression, guilt, suicide attempt, self-hatred 
Word Count: 3.3k
‘Come on,’ You said, jumping onto Wanda’s bed. The force almost sent you and the Sokovian off the bed. ‘We could watch one of your sitcoms or we could go for a walk in the woods. Hey, I could turn into an elephant and let you ride on my back and you know how I feel about elephant rides.’ The usual joke didn’t pull a smile or laugh out of her. After the fight in Sokovia and their battle against Ultron, Natasha called you to see if you could spend some time at the compound. A quick visit back home to welcome the newest addition to the Barton Family and you were headed to Upstate New York. Your father officially retired from the Avengers but they were still your family. Natasha asked you to befriend the newest member of the team, who lost her brother and home country in one day. Befriending the brunette was easy, both having a deep understanding of being different. Although you were born with these gifts and she was given them. You spent your time together watching sitcoms, reading, and cooking. Wanda was a great cook while you fumbled your way around the kitchen. With the new found friendship, Wanda came out of her grief and shell. Then Lagos happened and it was back to square one, the media was not helping. 
‘I really don’t want to do anything.’ Wanda said she was playing with the loose threads of the sweater she was wearing. The sweater belonged to Natasha. You smiled at the crush Wanda had on the Black Widow. 
‘It wasn’t your fault.’ You found yourself saying. Wanda’s head snapped around to face you. ‘You tried to save those people.’
‘That’s not what the news is saying about me.’ She grabbed the TV remote and unmuted the news that was replaying the event that took place. You didn’t turn to watch it but kept your eyes on your friend. You listened as the newscaster called your family, villains, monsters, treating them as if they were the bad guys. You reached for the remote and turned it off.  
‘You can’t let them change how you see yourself.’ You went to grab her hand but she pulled it away from you. You frowned. 
‘I think they are right. I’m not a hero. I’ve just been fooling myself.’ 
‘I want to be alone.’ She said, looking at you. ‘Please.’ You nodded and stood up. 
‘You know where to find me if you need me.’ She nodded, laying back down and pulled a blanket over her shoulders. She stared out the window that overlooked the woods that surrounded the compound. You sighed and walked out of her room, closing the door behind you. You rested your head on the door. 
‘How is she?’ You turned your head towards the voice. Natasha was standing there, her hair wet from a shower. 
‘She’s,’ You struggled to come up with a word. ‘She has a lot of guilt. Nothing I said got through to her.’ Natasha nodded and waved you over to the kitchen. You followed the Black Widow and sat in an empty bar stool. Natasha went through the pantry and grabbed peanut butter, jelly, and bread. ‘Are you making me one?’ Natasha nodded, rolling her eyes. You smiled as Natasha placed a paper plate with a sandwich in front of you. 
‘It wasn’t her fault.’ Natasha said, cutting her sandwich in half then making herself another one. You nodded, licking the peanut butter off your fingers. 
‘I told her that.’ Your mouth was full of peanut butter so it wasn’t the easiest to understand. Natasha glared at you and poured you a glass of milk from the fridge. 
‘Nathaniel has better table manners than you.’ You rolled your eyes, washing the peanut butter down with milk. 
‘You are biased because my parents for some reason named him after you.’
‘Am I or am I not the one that saved you from being kidnapped?’ You huffed, leaning back in your chair. 
‘You are never going to let me live that down.’ Natasha shook her head. ‘I was a child! That seems unfair.’ She smirked, laughter bubbling in her eyes. You laughed, shaking your head. ‘I will repay you one day, all mighty Black Widow.’ She flipped you off as she began to eat her sandwich. You both sat in silence as you were in deep thought about Wanda. Then a light bulb went off in your head. ‘I think you should talk to Wanda.’
‘Me?’ She questioned. You nodded. ‘You know hero speeches are more Steve’s thing.’ 
‘She doesn’t need a hero speech. What she needs is more people in her corner to make her believe she is not a monster. One voice, my voice,’ You pointed to yourself. ‘Isn’t loud enough to drown out all the noise.’ 
‘Why me?’ Natasha asked. You leaned forward. 
‘You are the best person to do it because I know you have a crush on her.’ Natasha’s eyes went wide. 
‘I do not.’ Natasha defended. 
‘Do to.’ 
‘Do not.’
‘Do to!’ You said. ‘Come on Natasha I see the way you look at her and you don’t let anyone borrow your clothes, not even Lila and I.’ Natasha crossed her arms. You knew she was putting her walls up. 
‘That’s because you and Lila wanted to play dress up and I didn’t want smelly children wearing my clothes.’ Your jaw dropped. 
‘First, rude.’ Natasha rolled her eyes. ‘Second, I know it’s true and this could be your perfect opportunity. She is being all sad and depressed and wearing your sweater might I add. You could go in and make her smile and tell her how you see her. I mean don’t take advantage of her vulnerability.’ You gasped, slamming your hand down. ‘I could have another cool aunt who was my best friend first. It will be so cool. I’ll tell the story at your wedding. I-’
‘Y/n,’ Natasha cut you off. ‘I don’t see her like that. Love is for children.’
‘That is bullshit.’
‘Language.’ She gasped. You rolled your eyes, smiling. 
‘That concept was taught to you by an organization that tried to control you. But they are gone and free to love openly and beautifully.’ 
‘Miss. Barton,’ Friday said. ‘This is your 5 minute reminder about your class.’ You groaned. 
‘Thank you, Friday.’ You said to the AI. ‘I mean it Nat. They don’t control your life anymore.’ You stood up, threw away your plate and placed the glass cup in the dishwasher. ‘You control it.’ 
The compound was quiet as everyone turned in for the night. After your little talk, Natasha got pulled into meetings. The events at Lagos created a lot of fires that needed to be put out. So while everyone slept, Natasha roamed the halls with a take out container filled with mac and cheese. Wanda didn’t show for dinner and your words were playing on repeat in the Black Widow’s head. ‘You are free to love openly and beautifully.’ Natasha rolled her eyes. Yeah because giving her heart to someone worked so well last time. She had no idea if Bruce was even alive. Natasha sighed as she stood in front of Wanda’s door. Her heart started to beat rapidly, she felt it pound against her rib cage. She huffed. She was the Black Widow, she did not get nervous and she did not have a crush. She was being a good teammate and checking in one a team member after a hard mission. Natasha knocked on the door.
‘Wanda, you weren’t at dinner,’ Natasha winced how pathetic that sounded. ‘I have food and maybe we can watch a movie.’ No response. ‘Look what happened wasn’t your fault, okay?’ Natasha jiggled the handle and it was locked. ‘FRIDAY, where is Wanda?’
‘Miss. Maximoff is on the roof of the compound. She appears to be upset.’ Natasha’s stomach dropped. She ran to the elevator, placing the container on the counter. The elevator door opened and Natasha stepped in, pushed the button to the roof. 
‘FRIDAY, hurry up.’ The elevator increased in speed and Natasha grabbed onto the railing to keep her balance. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. Natasha stopped onto the roof looking up at the sky. On any other night, Natasha would marvel at the night stars but the stars would have to wait. She scanned the roof and saw the silhouette of Wanda standing on the ledge. Natasha carefully walked over to her. ‘Wanda.’ The Sokovian spun around, her eyes wide. 
Wanda has known pain. She lived in a war torn country her whole childhood, falling asleep to the sound of gun fire and bombs exploding. She had gone nights without dinner because her parents couldn’t afford food. She survived a bomb that hit her house and killed her parents. She endured HYDRA’S experiments. She grieved for her brother, her country, and her mistakes. Wanda has known pain and overcame it. But this pain was different as she watched the news call her a killer. It was all consuming. It was suffocating. It was too much. So as the compound got quiet and the lights turned off, she locked her door and made her way to the roof. 
As the elevator doors opened and the crisp New York air filled her lungs, she stared up at the stars. She never realized how many stars there were in the night sky. The smog of Sokovia covered the stars. She walked over to the ledge and jumped onto it. She wondered if anyone would notice if she disappeared tonight as she put her arms out and began to walk. Probably Y/n, she thought. Sweet and caring. Y/n’s heart was made of gold. Tears began to form and blur Wanda’s vision, it was becoming hard to see.  
She wondered if anyone would chase her and say the words she needed to hear. That she wasn’t a burden. She stopped walking and stared at the woods. That she wasn’t worthless, or a monster, or a killer. Gods, she missed her brother. 
Would anyone care, would anyone cry if she stepped off this ledge tonight? ‘Wanda.’ The sound of her name caused her to turn around. Through her tears she saw someone she didn’t expect. 
Natasha’s heart tripled in speed. She could hear it in her ears. She took a tentative step forward. ‘What are you doing?’ Wanda asked. 
‘I was looking for you,’ Natasha said. ‘You weren’t at dinner so I went to your room and FRIDAY told me where you were.’ Wanda nodded. She took another step forward, the last thing the Black Widow wanted was to startle her. Her stomach was in knots. She could tell Wanda had been crying. ‘Why don’t you come down and we can get some food?’ Wanda looked at Natasha and down to the ground. ‘Please come down.’ She pleaded. 
‘It hurts so much.’ Natasha nodded. 
‘I know it does well, I know to some degree.’ Natasha raised her hand and offered it to Wanda. ‘If you come down we can talk. Just please. I am here for you. I am here.’ Wanda stared at Natasha’s outstretched hand. After a tense moment, Wanda grabbed onto it. Natasha pulled Wanda down from the ledge into her arms. The younger woman began to shake as sobs rocked through her body. Natasha gently brought them to the ground as she cried against her chest. ‘It’s okay, dorogoy. Let it all out.’ Natasha knew Wanda needed to let herself cry and feel. The onslaught of emotions didn’t startle Natasha instead she held onto Wanda tighter. Okay maybe she had a small crush on her. 
Her sobs turned into small hiccups and soon the only sound was the wind moving through the trees but Natasha didn’t pull away. She enjoyed the feeling of Wanda being close to her. Fuck, she thought, she was going to kick your ass. Natasha looked down and chuckled. Wanda’s eyes were closed, her breathing was steady, and she was fast asleep. Natasha carefully stood up, keeping Wanda in her arms and made her way back to her room. 
With FRIDAY unlocking the door, she entered Wanda’s room and gently placed her under the covers. Natasha turned to leave but Wanda grabbed onto her arm. ‘Stay.’ She said, her voice heavy with sleep. 
‘Okay.’ Natasha climbed into the bed and Wanda cuddled onto her chest. Natasha let out a shaky breath, trying to calm down her racing heart. 
‘I’m sorry.’ She heard Wanda mumble. Natasha hushed her. 
‘Sleep, we’ll talk in the morning.’
Natasha woke up to the sun shining on her face. She groaned, blinking her eyes a few times. They shifted positions sometime in the night. Wanda was facing the window and Natasha’s arm wrapped tightly around her waist. She could smell the faint strawberry of Wanda’s perfume. She moved to lay on her back, staring at the ceiling which earned a groan from the younger woman. ‘I knew you would be an early riser.’ Wanda mumbled, turning onto her stomach. 
‘Well if someone closed the blinds the sun wouldn’t have woken me up.’ Natasha said with a smirk. 
‘Natural light is good for you, Tash.’ Her stomach flipped at the nickname.
‘Not this early.’ Wanda giggled, finally looking up at the Black Widow. Her eyes were puffy from crying. Her cheeks were blotchy. But Natasha thought she looked beautiful. She placed her hand on Wanda’s cheek, drawing small circles with her thumb. Wanda leaned into her touch. ‘We have to talk about last night.’ She whispered. Wanda sighed, sat up, and crossed her legs. Natasha mirrored her movement. She watched as Wanda moved to grab her hands, she looked at Natasha for permission. She gave it with a nod of her head and enjoyed the feeling of Wanda’s hands in hers. ‘Would you have jumped if I didn’t stop you?’ She asked. Wanda was staring at their connected hands. 
‘Yeah,’ She whispered. Natasha’s throat became very dry. ‘I didn’t think anything would change with me gone. You all would be just fine.’ Wanda let out a shaky breath. ‘The pain got too much. I felt like I was drowning.’ Natasha understood. The media was taking her one mistake and labeled her a monster. It was similar to when people found out what the Red Room taught her and hundreds of little girls. ‘If you only knew what was going on in my head, you wouldn’t want me either.’ 
‘Well, you’ve seen in my mind and you are okay with it.’ Wanda glared at her. ‘Sorry, it was a poor attempt at a joke.’ Wanda began to smile which Natasha counted as a win. But her smile soon faded.
‘They don’t see the person that I am.’ Natasha knew she was referring to the media. ‘And their view of who I am is clouding who I think I am.’ Natasha watched tears fall down her cheeks. ‘I would give up everything I have just to be good.’ Natasha let Wanda’s confession sit between them. 
‘You are good, Wanda, and I know it’s hard to see when so many people are telling you the opposite.’ 
‘How can you say that after what I did to you and the team?’ She asked. Natasha knew she had a point and at the time Natasha was scared of the woman sitting in front of her. She was angry. But the more she thought about it, the more she realized they weren’t that different.
‘Because at the time you thought you were doing the right thing. But when you were given the chance to do good you took it.’ Natasha sighed. ‘It was the same thing for you, you say it. The Red Room conditioned us to believe we were doing the right thing while doing horrible acts.’ 
‘Does the guilt ever go away?’ It was a question Natasha found herself asking every day. When was the blood from her ledger going to be cleared? 
‘No,’ She answered honestly. ‘But it’s different. You learn to cope with it.’ She dropped one of Wanda’s hands and grabbed it by her wrist. She moved the younger woman’s hand to the side of her head. ‘I’m not afraid of you, Wanda.’ Natasha whispered. ‘So don’t be afraid of yourself.’ Natasha let go of Wanda’s hand and allowed her fingers to dance around her temples. ‘You aren’t alone. Just let me in and let me share your pain.’ Wanda’s chin started to tremble. ‘The world would be changed if you left it behind. You can’t be replaced. So today is the day you take back your life.’ Wanda moved both of her hands to the side of Natasha’s face. She moved to her knees and closer to Natasha, her hands found place on Wanda’s waist. The younger woman was staring down at the Black Widow. 
‘I needed a reason to not throw in the fight.’ Wanda whispered. ‘You just saved my life.’ 
‘My life wouldn’t be the same without you, Wanda Maximoff.’ Wanda smiled, leaning down. Natasha stayed still letting Wanda set the pace. She could feel her breath on her lips. 
‘Is this okay?’ Wanda asked. Natasha nodded. 
‘Yes.’ It came out a lot breathier than Natasha intended. Wanda nodded. This kiss was soft, brief as they tested the waters. Wanda pulled away, checking in with her but Natasha was missing the feeling of her lips and she chased after them. The second kiss was more passionate. Natasha pulled Wanda closer to her so her front was flushed with hers. She flicked her tongue across Wanda’s lips, asking permission which Wanda granted. She felt Wanda’s hands move through her hair and her moans were being swallowed by Natasha’s lips. 
A knock to the door pulled them apart. They stared at each other, chests rising and falling, and eyes blown out wide. Wanda’s lips were red from the kiss and Natasha had half the mind to reconnect their lips when another knock echoed in the quiet room. ‘Wands, you in there.’ You said. ‘You missed dinner so I was wondering if you wanted to get breakfast together.’ Natasha groaned. The brunette giggled at the Black Widow’s annoyance. Natasha gave her a quick kiss and flipped Wanda on her back. She gasped at the sudden movement. Natasha smiled, got off the bed, and walked to the door. She opened it and saw your hand in a fist about to knock again. Your jaw dropped. 
‘What’s wrong, malen’kiy yastreb (little Hawk)?’ 
‘What are-? Where is-?’ Your face morphed into a grin. ‘Holy shit. Yes! Yes!’ You spun around in a circle pumping your fist in the air. ‘If I’m not the maid of honor for one of you I’m gonna be pissed.’ Natasha heard Wanda laugh. ‘I am so proud of you.’ 
‘Are we done?’ 
‘Yes, yes, god yes. We’ll hang out later,’ You said over Natasha’s shoulder. You grabbed onto Natasha’s arms. ‘Amazing job. Use protection. I love you both.’ You spun Natasha around, pushed her back into the room, and slammed the door closed. Natasha leaned against the door, blinking. Wanda burst into laughter, her hand trying to cover her mouth. 
‘I’m going to kill her.’ Natasha grumbled. 
‘No you aren’t.’ Wanda said as her laughter died down to giggles. It was a sound Natasha never wanted to stop hearing. She walked back to the bed and held out her hand. Wanda took it and allowed the red head to pull her to her feet. 
‘As much as I’d love to stay in bed, you need to eat.’ Wanda pouted. ‘I’ll make it up to you later.’ 
‘Oh.’ Wanda whispered, taking a step forward. ‘How are you going to do that?’ Natasha smirked, biting her lip.
‘You’ll just have to be a good girl and find out.’ Wanda let out a soft whimper as Natasha gave her a quick kiss. ‘Come on let’s go eat.’ She heard Wanda let out a shaky breath but followed close behind. Maybe you were right - she was free to love and be loved.
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