#threads; lucien
mortiiferas · 1 year
closed starter for @ghcstlyhearts ( lucien & weston ! ) location: masquerade
lucien had spent so long daydreaming about the wolf's eyes, that he was easily able to spot them in the sea of strangers. a sudden wave of anxiety eashes over him -- nervousness bubbling in the pit of his stomach. had the boy arrived with someone else? if he approached him, would he be made a fool? but he is beyond eager to speak with him and so he decides to take the risk. lucien clears his throat and with a few long strides, he finds himself standing beside weston. a gentle hand is placed on the other's shoulder as he leans forward to whisper in his ear.
"you look a bit lost, darling. anything or anyone i could help you find?"
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lucienarcheron · 5 months
That Single Thread of Gold [ Elucien ]
Prompt: Inspired by @eospaint lovely elucien piece here. I went a little nuts in the tags of it but then couldn't contain it and had to write this little fic! I love writing elucien being caught up in their awkward feelings stage. I hope you enjoy! | AO3
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He told himself it was for the best if he didn't see her this time. It was almost always awkward. Tense. Lucien could do without the stress of their uncomfortable interactions this visit; he was here to see Feyre, after all. He had given Feyre enough notice that she would inform Elain and there would be no need for them to cross paths. They had no need to see each other, especially when she had clearly never expressed the desire to see him anyway. 
So Lucien sat and waited in Feyre’s living room, let in by one of the twins. He sat and waited and tried not to let the crumpled pieces of his stupid heart hope. Tried not to set himself up for disappointment. His fingers drummed on his knees as he glanced towards the half open door, waiting for his friend to arrive. 
Instead, her scent flooded his senses. 
And then she appeared in the doorway. 
Lucien didn’t know what to do with himself as she blinked at him in surprise, almost as shocked as he was that she was standing there. 
Elain hadn’t even meant to stumble into the room. She knew he was coming today – Feyre had given her the heads up but – but something about her had been different today. Today felt different and she wasn’t sure why. Normally, Elain had no desire to meet him and allow herself to feel all the things she did whenever he was close. Normally, she was very good at being a coward and avoiding him. 
But today…that tug of the bond had pulled her into the room before she could stop it or realize what was happening.
She stood by the door and blinked, then blinked again. Elain hadn’t even realized he was already here.
Lucien stood immediately and as anticipated, the expected awkwardness unfurled between them, quickly followed by that strained tension.
Touch. Taste. Claim.
Lucien fisted his hands by his side and instead bowed graciously, murmuring, “My lady.” 
He said nothing more as his mate watched him, a muscle flexing in his jaw at her gaze, because here she was staring at him like she had no idea what to do with him and Lucien felt heat rise in his body. He swallowed, then cleared his throat and casually said, “I’m here to see Feyre. It seems she’s running a little late.”
“Oh.” is all Elain could think to reply and a flicker of emotion passed his expression quicker than she could read it. She licked her lips, her hands fisting in the folds of her dress and Elain couldn’t help but catalog every inch of him; she normally didn’t allow herself to look at him for too long and Elain wasn’t sure what it was this time around compelling her to take him in. 
Was it because it had been a while since she’d seen him? Was it the lack of sleep? Was it the thread of gold that chafed at her whenever he was in the general vicinity? He always seemed to handle himself so well around her despite what Elain had heard about the mating bond doing to males; he always handled himself so well.
She wished he’d yell at her, if only once. So she had a reason to actually avoid him. So she had a reason to resist him, to be justified in cowering. 
But no. He was always so polite.
Realizing a few moments had passed and she hadn’t said anything, Elain cleared her throat and said, “I’m not sure when Feyre will be back.”
Lucien tried not to fidget beneath her gaze despite the urge to shift on his feet. She’d never looked at him so directly before. It was unnerving him but Lucien didn’t let himself hope. He squashed down any possible emotions he could feel and instead nodded. “I understand. I’ll take my leave then.” he said and gave her a thin smile. “She knows where to find me.” 
He didn’t allow himself another word and instead, took a step aiming to leave but – but then Elain took a step towards him and he froze. 
All her senses went on high alert as Elain realized that she too had paused in that half step. A half step she had taken towards him before – long ago. Her eyes widened slightly and she watched as Lucien’s brows furrowed, his body strained as her pulse quickened beneath her skin, her heart pounding.
Lucien tilted his head, straightening, her reaction confusing him. “Is there something else I can help you with?” he asked tightly. 
And it was Elain’s turn to swallow because she didn’t know. Was there something else he could help her with? She hadn’t been alone with him in – in a long while. She had made sure of it.
She went out of her way not to actively think about him, not to have him in her mind so he wouldn’t follow her in her dreams the way he did anyway on so many nights. But now he was here standing in front of her and she wasn't sure what to do with him.
Her pulse was fluttering and Elain wanted to be angry with him even though none of this was really his fault. She wanted to be mean to him even though he didn’t deserve it. She just wanted someone who sees how wretched she feels about it all. She wanted someone to see behind her stupid fake smiles and her distance from him. She wanted someone to understand why.
And the longer she stood staring at him, the more Lucien seemed to read her mind. That single thread of gold between them…he seemed to understand the whirlwind of feelings she was battling and his expression softened for a moment. Like he really did see.
Elain almost hated that even more but she wasn’t even sure why and the thought threatened to release tears she had no business showing in front of him. Her bottom lip trembled for a breath before she straightened and shook her head.
Lucien stood still for a moment then forced himself to take a step then another until he stood in front of her and slowly, held out his hand. Then waited.
Because he could feel her. He could hear her heart and Lucien couldn’t stop himself from trying to bring her comfort in some way. The instincts beneath his skin wouldn't let him walk away when he knew his mate was on the verge of tears, even when Lucien had no idea if he was the reason for them.
This fae life – this mating bond had been thrust on her and the way she had been pretending to adjust since then was one of the main reasons he never pushed. He felt her confusion, her inner turmoil. He knew what it was like to swallow it all and play pretend. The least he could do was allow himself to be the guiding light through the dark for her. Even if he wasn’t sure she’d want that from him. Lucien couldn’t help but offer. 
Elain glanced down at his hand and she felt her throat tighten. They didn’t touch. They rarely even stood so close. Did she want to touch him? She didn’t know what his skin felt like but in her dreams – in her sleep she wondered – she felt like she knew – 
Before she could let herself doubt any further and even as the battle of emotions threatened to swallow her whole, Elain couldn’t help but slowly, carefully slide her hand in his. 
And it felt – it felt –
Elain felt herself take a breath. She waited for the discomfort. For the prickling anxiety that usually haunted her. For the wretchedness to snap at her heels.  
But his hand was softer than she imagined. Strong, calloused – a warrior’s hand but – it didn’t feel bad at all. It felt…better than expected. It was gentle. Warm.
She glanced at him then away, suddenly embarrassed and truly not sure what to do with herself. He was so patient and it only made her feel so much worse about herself. She owed him nothing and he owed her nothing and yet…
Lucien only held out his other hand and Elain met his gaze as he gave her a small knowing smile.
Elain’s throat bobbed and even as she slid her other hand into his, she whispered, “Why?”
The simple question seemed to make Lucien’s shoulders sag because even to Elain, her one question asked about a hundred more. Why was he still here? Why did he still try with her? Why did she hesitate to even speak with him? Why did she hide? 
Why? Why? Why?
“Because you looked like you needed some comfort.” he said quietly and shrugged. “And I know what it’s like to need a steady hand.” 
And it was like he’d snatched the breath from her throat. 
Had her sisters been right about what a mating bond could do for those blessed with one? About what her mate could do for her? Was it indeed a blessing then? Had she really only been hurting herself with her distance? She had only slid her hand in his, touching him so very lightly and yet…with this simple touch, Elain had found herself willing to stand in this room with him a little longer.
“A steady hand?” she repeated softly and the brush of his thumb against the back of her hand seemed involuntary.
“A steady hand and a good friend make all the difference.” he said and hoped his yearning wasn’t too obvious as she met his gaze again. 
“A good friend?” she repeated once more and the corner of his mouth lifted, the movement highlighting his scar as he nodded.
A friend. 
The thought seemed to hit Elain so suddenly and the sheer longing of it almost overwhelmed her. 
A friend. 
She needed one more than she could put into words and Elain could only stare at her mate. The rapid beating of her heart seemed so loud in the silence between them but for once, it was a comfortable silence. 
Comfortable enough that Elain found herself asking so very quietly as roses bloomed on her cheeks, “Do you happen to know any good friends available?”
His lips twitched and Lucien was sure the rapid beating of his own heart now matched hers as he answered in that same quiet tone, “I daresay, I have the perfect person in mind.” 
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olenvasynyt · 3 months
"I miss book 1 Lucien, he was so funny and rakish. Now he's just depressed and boring--"
I must be the only one who believes that male was crying his eyes out over Andras every night during the first book. Who still thinks of Jesminda even with all of his lovers he's been with. He's always been a depressed character, he's just experienced more trauma that makes it harder to be the funny, rakish guy we fell in love with. Lucien is the type of character who hides his feelings of guilt and sadness with jokes but he is just losing that sort of energy and will with every fucking chapter. He still mourns Jesminda; he probably hasnt' seen his mother in ages; he recently lost Andras; he went through a bunch of shit UTM; he has been kicked out of a Court he used to call home not once, but twice and technically three times because the Night Court treats him like shit despite everything he's done; he lost his best friend; he is struggling with his mate, etc etc etc.
He is going through some shit but that doesn't make him boring for fucks sakeeeeee!
Also, there are people acknowledge he's been through a rough time (or even worse; they don't acknowledge it) but in the same sentence will say he will stay irrelevant despite all the future plots surrounding him and the fact that his mate in the future FMC.
We will get the funny, rakish Lucien in the future books. And hat's because we will see him heal from his traumas.
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wingedblooms · 3 months
Language of creation
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This post synthesizes the potential forms Elain’s magic might take in her story because of her connection to Wyrd’s original power, creation.
Farseeing and Benevolent Wyrd
Farseeing and benevolent Wyrd is the higher force in the Maasverse. She is described as a mother to all and a cauldron of life, brimming with the language of creation. Over time, she became known as a goddess but is actually a force that governs worlds. Very few depictions of her exist because she, like fate, often shifts form. The one consistent depiction we see of her is a bowl held by female hands. Sometimes the full female figure is shown. This depiction appears in the Spring Court (acotar), Night Court (acosf), and the Bone Quarter (hofas). She is referenced across worlds in different terms (Wyrd; Urd; Mother, Cauldron, Fate/Forces That Be; and I suspect we’ll discover Chaos is yet another one of her names. I use them interchangeably for this reason).
There is still debate in the fandom on whether Wyrd (the Cauldron) is separate from the Mother. The Cauldron (Wyrd) is described as a mother to all and a dark womb, and we know life blossoms from her in female hands, so I lean more toward these terms describing different parts of one consciousness. And the female form in her depictions represent female vessels, or bearers, of her creative powers (and I know others, including @offtorivendell, suspect the same) rather than a goddess.
In acowar, we learn that three stones represent the three faces of the Mother (Wyrd) in scrying. It would make sense for these three faces to describe the three parts of her identity: Cauldron and Mother and Fate/Forces. She is a literal Stone Mother (Cauldron) that breaks into three pieces like a blossom unfurling. Her power birthed the world (Mother), and she moves like a force through the universe to maintain order (Fate) in a grand tapestry.
Mountains, objects, and females can bear her power. There are three sacred sister peaks and the one in the heart of the Night Court (Ramiel) was depicted as bearing Wyrd. The priestesses’ invoking stones are said to bear her healing power. And the three Archeron sisters, two of which were reforged in her dark womb, represent her three faces in the flesh. Like the peaks and stones, the Archeron sisters function as vessels and can channel Wyrd’s power. Feyre puts her hands directly on the Cauldron and calls to mind the image of life flowing from Wyrd in Spring. Nesta calls upon the Mother, the Cauldron to help her master death and save her family. To follow the pattern, we’ll probably see Elain use Wyrd’s power for rebirth. Life and death and rebirth.
Among her sisters, Elain is especially connected to Wyrd. It gave her such powers and her Wyrdcrown (my word, not Sarah’s) reflects Wyrd’s blossoming imagery and power: sleeping buds among leaves and thorns. I’ve wondered before if she has direct access to Wyrd’s secret language (creation), which could manifest in different ways.
Elain senses the threads of creation around her
When she was first Made, it seemed as though Elain experienced sensory overload and didn’t know how to control it. She struggled to distinguish dream from reality and sensed life (earthworms, heartbeats, etc.) around her. Like @silverlinedeyes and @offtorivendell, it made me wonder if she could sense creation differently. Does creation sound like a song, every creature possessing their own unique melody that she can hear and respond to, as @silverlinedeyes and @offtorivendell suggested long ago? What might she see when her doe eyes land on them - vibrant threads of life that flow across time and space? Can she influence those threads and weave new possibilities in Wyrd’s grand tapestry? Is that why she needed to be present to learn about the living thread of Hope within the Void?
Elain as a weaver of the threads of creation
Blossoming with life—@willowmeres, @offtorivendell, and I have wondered if Elain has a deep connection to the land like those with earth magic, allowing her to sense channels of energy (threads of life) and feel discomfort when those channels are warped, like they might be in thin places (e.g., Hewn City). As a gardener, it would make sense for her to play a key role in freeing the magic of the land in those places and weaving new life—blossoms, vines, trees—into the earth’s tapestry.
Farseeing—We know that Elain is farseeing like Wyrd, but how far, exactly? If trained, can she pluck a thread and unravel a creature’s past, present, and future? Understand their secrets on sight like Baba Yellowlegs? Influence their fate, as she seems to do from the shadows? Feyre suggests Elain might hear the whisperings of Wyrd in her murky realm, which I’ve theorized is a direct pathway to Wyrd’s dark womb, the Cauldron. She seems to be able to use this connection to locate living creatures (like the Suriel) who travel as swiftly as the wind, without any formal training. As she wanders with Wyrd, will she need something, say a grounding ritual at dawn, to keep her tethered to the earth?
Traveling like a force—Elain repeatedly appears suddenly and surprises her family. Has she just learned how to use light and shadow to her advantage from her friends, or does she possess the power to winnow? Winnow derives from the Old English word for wind and can be used to describe the movement of the wind (or bird wings in flight 👀). It makes sense that the ability to winnow in acotar allows characters to travel like an unseen force, like the wind, like…Wyrd. It’s no coincidence Elain’s first question to Azriel yielded information on Illyrians hearing the song of the wind, and characters connected to Elain—Azriel, Nuala, Cerridwen, and Lucien—possess the ability to travel fluidly. Three of them also have fluid forms.
Shifting form—Wyrd is notoriously hard to depict because she continually shifts form. Even before we learn this in CC, it is demonstrated in the acotar series. Wyrd slithers like a snake when she steals Elain from camp and shifts into different creatures during the final battle when Feyre is connected to her through a direct, living bond. She soars through the battlefield like a bird, skims the ground like an insect above a pond, and creeps along like a hound at Nesta’s side. (As an aside, I think the bones in scrying might represent different animal forms of creation; another nod to Wyrd.) The most interesting part about this scene, though, is that when Feyre begs Wyrd for help, it is Elain—not Wyrd—who appears out of nowhere and answers her call, reinforcing the link between Wyrd and Elain. Elain is also associated with an animal form, one that is linked to rebirth: the lovely fawn. The Suriel saw her doe eyes peering at it from across the world. Like Wyrd, does she travel in animal form in her sight? Is it possible Elain can learn how to weave different forms in reality, like Dorian, with her powers? That might explain why she asked Amren so pointedly about changing forms over dinner in acofas.
Healing—Wyrd’s power is connected to healing (rebirth). In tod, we learned that raw healing magic is pure life and most associated with the dawn. The Dawn Court in acotar is also known for powerful healing. And while we witnessed a dusk service in Lady Death’s story, we have yet to see what the priestesses in the Night Court do at dawn (groundings 🤞). Elain is consistently compared to the loveliness of dawn and glows like it in the dead of night. Will this association remain figurative? Or will we see Elain, like her sisters, channel Wyrd’s healing magic? Perhaps we will see her use healing magic to unbind Wyrd and the land since those with raw healing magic can unbind the very fabric of life, of worlds.
Wyrd’s creative magic appears to be fluid and interconnected, so if our gardener is as connected to her mighty power as we’ve been led to believe, it would make sense for her to be able to use it fluidly in her story as well.
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I was just thinking about possible titles for an Elucien book and came up with "A Court of Golden Thread" because golden = sun and thread = mating bond. But it also made me think of the Greek myth, Theseus and the Minotaur, because of Ariadne's thread, and I thought of something.
Theseus = Greyson
Ariadne = Elain
Dionysus = Lucien
Ariadne is in love with Theseus, but he ends up leaving her stranded on a deserted island. Dionysus sees her crying and goes to comfort her. They fall in love, and she is either given ambrosia to make her immortal or Dionysus retrieves her soul from the Underworld after her death but either way, they end up married and she is made the Goddess of paths and labyrinths.
Consider this prompt up for grabs
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achaotichuman · 4 months
Me breaking into a sprint to go read my comfort fic after the slightest inconvenience
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A Court of Threads & Daises save me
Save me A Court of Threads & Daises
(Written by @shi-daisy go read it)
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enchantedelain · 5 months
Headcanon that Elucien's baby girl glows like a flashlight whenever she's upset inside of crying and Elain and Lucien are freaking out because why is the baby glowing? And Eris comes and helps them because spoiler Lucien used to glow as a baby too.
Elain was struggling to sleep these days. Of all the things that turning fae meant, did it really have to make her pregnancy longer? She was seven months into this and couldn’t wait for it to be over. Carrying twins — for an entire year — it was mind boggling.
The bedroom was dark, but the steady patter of rain pounded against the brick and she kicked the sheets off her legs. It was too hot. Granted, Lucien was a warm sleeper. He radiated heat and normally, Elain loved that; but not today. She sat up, leaning against the headboard with a tired pout on her face. She envied her husband. He was sleeping like an angel.
A loud clap of thunder resounded through the room, making her heart race. She hated storms. They were the worst. She didn’t need more of a headache tonight. Elain groaned and curled back up by Lucien’s side. The heat she could take. She needed his comfort. The pain across her body and the rush of her fear were too much to handle alone.
She struggled to find a comfortable place, but eventually settled on her side with four pillows and his hands gently caressing her belly. He even did that in his sleep. Her eyelids fluttered closed.
Another clap of thunder, right above their room.
She shrieked, clinging to his shoulders.
“Lu.” She nudged his ribs. “Wake…up.”
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dent-de-leon · 10 months
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Oh…the raven perching on Molly’s grave and then flying away—it just feels different, knowing now that Lucien was fate touched—
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stargirlie25 · 9 months
straight from SJM's mate dictionary
“And then it was dark. A different sort of dark than this place. But there was a ... thread,” I said. “A tether. And I yanked on it-ACOMAF page 179 (feysand)
But there was a thread between us, and I followed it—to where I knew his room was. I fumbled for the handle, then— More night and stars and wind poured out, my hair whipping around me, and I lifted an arm to shield my face as I edged into the room. “Rhysand.” ACOMAF page 333 (feysand)
Thread after thread of pure golden light flowed into him, and he met it with his own. Where those threads wove together, life glowed like starfire, and she had never seen anything more beautiful, felt anything more beautiful.-ACOSF page 503 (nessian)
Like you pulled on a thread tied to a rib-(elucien) ACOWAR page idk.
''Theres a bond-its a real thread''-(elucien)
If you dont wanna ship elucien go ahead i really dont care. Although there bond is not fake! Elriels answered the question show me your stupid without telling me your stupid and i didnt even ask! Anyways if elucien were not real mates its takes away your spechel ashpect for ewriel.
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Sjm: Nesta and Lucien were originally paired together.
Girlies hanging on to this series only because of Nesta and Lucien:
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mortiiferas · 1 year
closed starter for @ghcstlyhearts ( luc & onyx )
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“coming home to me after a night out?” lucien asks, seemingly unimpressed by the other’s late-night visit. he doesn’t need to look up to know it’s his best friend but as the footsteps come closer, he lifts his head up and gives the other a quick once over. “and your clothes are still intact! i’m impressed, nyx.” before untangling himself from the sheets, he sets something down on the nightstand with a quiet clink. meeting onyx halfway, lucien immediately pulls him closer, strong hands on the other’s waist. “though, i’d prefer if the next time you make your way into my bedroom in the middle of the night, you’re wearing... less. i almost feel underdressed.”
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lucienarcheron · 5 months
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That Single Thread of Gold - Inspired by @eospaint lovely elucien piece here, Elain finds herself drawn to her mate before she can stop herself. | Masterlist |
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flowerflamestars · 11 months
Effloresce snippet
“How did you,” Nesta had managed to surprise her, “How did you come to meet this woman?” Nesta let out a ragged, half-mad laugh. “I tried to hire her to smuggle me into the Spring Court to save my sister.” She twisted, looking straight at Kali. “Why do they call Rhysand a pretender?” Warmth, whatever warmth Nesta had garnered, evaporated. “The heir died,” Kali pronounced. “The current High Lord prevented us from vengeance. We could not- the Lady Shahar did not return to the sky. You cannot lead the clans without honor.” Nesta’s honor was tarnished in every direction. Her father, her sister, her dead uncounted. “Who is the next heir?” Kali sucked in an audible breath and then, just as careful, off as the way Koram had touched her, clapped the back of Nesta’s shoulder where bone and muscle would meet in wings were she something else. “That pale bitch who’s been dragging Cassian around by his throat for centuries, my lady.” Morrigan. Of course, it was Morrigan. Nesta wiped her face. “Will it cause problems?” “Your friend, the mercenary? The mortal child of an Illyrian?” Kali shrugged, motion half wings, “It will be strange. Not violent.” “And probably good for them to see.” “Them,” Kali echoed. Nesta pressed hard against her wet eyes, once, the pressure twinned with pain in her face. “I’m not going to tell anyone who they can or cannot consort with,” Nesta nearly hissed, before she reeled herself back in. “I am not a High Lord. These things happen, and there is nothing wrong with them.” Kali, quite obviously cautious, squeezed Nesta’s shoulder like it was made of bone fine porcelain. “Lady Nesta.” It was kind, and utterly unbearable. “Why do you need her?” Kali asked, after a long moment. “The mercenary?” Nesta, feeling like the expression cracked her, bleeding open, smiled. “She travels in the company of Jurian,” Nesta told her, one more Archeron secret laid bare, “Breaker of chains and kings. I have need of him.”
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nellasbookplanet · 2 years
Actually loving how the different critical role campaigns exist in relation to themselves, each other, and the world at large, and how their different narrative structures ripple outward.
Campaign 1 was story driven. Not to say the characters weren’t deeply important and dynamic, but their growths were largely driven through and by the plot. They were on a mission and grew along with that mission, and as a mission driven archetypically heroic party they also left very few loose threads by the end.
Campaign 2, meanwhile, was more insular and character driven. Where Vox Machina traveled all over the world and planes outside the main setting of Tal'Dorei, the Mighty Nein largely stayed in Wildemount, allowing for a more intimate and political look at it’s cultures. Instead of story and characters revolving around plot, plot revolves around character. We only got to see Yasha’s tribe in the epilogue, because her growth didn’t require facing them. We didn’t face Uk’otoa, because Fjord’s arc culminated in embracing the Wildmother, not in facing his former patron. Similarly, while the entire Assembly was an antagonistic force, only Trent was dealt with directly, because he was the only one directly tied into one of the pc's arcs.
The larger world building let us know about Molaesmyr and Ludinus, about the Luxon, even about Ruidus to some extent, but the Mighty Nein weren’t a typically heroic party here to save the world and solve every mystery, but a group of broken people finding it in themselves to heal, and to end their journey ready to face greater threats in the future. They were still getting the Assembly and Uk'toa, they just weren’t doing it in the main narrative, because they were irrelevant to the growth of the characters. Of course, that also left a lot of threads hanging, which brings us to campaign 3.
By now, it seems pretty clear that campaign 3 is another plot driven story rather than the more meandering, character driven narrative of c2. That leaves the cast free to pick up on the many larger mysteries in world building left in the wake of the last campaign. What is the nature of the Luxon? Of Ruidus? Of Aeor and the aeormatons? Half the party was just plopped down not far from the ruins of Molaesmyr, Ludinus' former home - will they go there? One of them is tied to the Luxon and dunamancy, another to Ruidus and Predathos - will we get to know the true nature of these entities?
Much like c1, the characters of this campaign are driven and shaped by events rather than shaping their own events. The difference is, c1 began as a blank slate, whereas c3 has history. Powerful allies and enemies alike are tied to former campaigns because such is the nature of the world. Mysteries left to solve were introduced earlier but approached only now because this is a campaign whose narrative and characters are served by approaching them. The world is dynamic. Alive. One story merges into the next, and new heroes are born on the shoulders of the last, ready to be shaped by their own narrative.
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lucienaskblog · 3 months
Kaveh just handed me a bowl of cheese and meat. How the hell did he know I wanted cheese?
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preciiousmetals · 4 months
closed starter for @elysianbeloved // lucien & victor
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it was a somewhat jarring sensation when lucien felt himself power on again, something he hadn't expected to happen. the last thing he remember was panic, anger and fear. there was yelling, something about a malfunction or a mistake? an accident? his leg...hurt. not that androids felt pain in the traditional sense, but his circuits and wires did a decent job of playing the part. he gave a few small blinks before glancing down towards the source of the feeling. his leg was twisted and damaged, false skin peeled back to reveal the mechanics inside. he reached out to touch it and further assess the damage, only to find two the last two digits on his right hand missing.
the shock pulls him further from the fog of reactivation, gaze finally moving up to take in his surroundings. he recognized nothing - this wasn't the club, wasn't what he was used to. should be louder, brighter, pounding music and the scent of sex. this was different.
that was when he realized he wasn't alone, eyes widening slightly at the sight of a stranger. he wondered perhaps the man wanted him at home, not the club. not an impossibility, of course, but that didn't explain the injuries. confusion was written all over his features as he searched the man's face for an answer and finally he opened his mouth to speak...but nothing came out.
confusion fell further into panic at the realization, damaged hand smearing blue 'blood' across his throat as he reached to feel for more damage. nothing that he could feel, no split skin or sparking wires. internal? his focus snapped back to the stranger, expression begging for something. any kind of answer for any of it.
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