#the third one is rebirth
wingedblooms · 3 months
Language of creation
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This post synthesizes the potential forms Elain’s magic might take in her story because of her connection to Wyrd’s original power, creation.
Farseeing and Benevolent Wyrd
Farseeing and benevolent Wyrd is the higher force in the Maasverse. She is described as a mother to all and a cauldron of life, brimming with the language of creation. Over time, she became known as a goddess but is actually a force that governs worlds. Very few depictions of her exist because she, like fate, often shifts form. The one consistent depiction we see of her is a bowl held by female hands. Sometimes the full female figure is shown. This depiction appears in the Spring Court (acotar), Night Court (acosf), and the Bone Quarter (hofas). She is referenced across worlds in different terms (Wyrd; Urd; Mother, Cauldron, Fate/Forces That Be; and I suspect we’ll discover Chaos is yet another one of her names. I use them interchangeably for this reason).
There is still debate in the fandom on whether Wyrd (the Cauldron) is separate from the Mother. The Cauldron (Wyrd) is described as a mother to all and a dark womb, and we know life blossoms from her in female hands, so I lean more toward these terms describing different parts of one consciousness. And the female form in her depictions represent female vessels, or bearers, of her creative powers (and I know others, including @offtorivendell, suspect the same) rather than a goddess.
In acowar, we learn that three stones represent the three faces of the Mother (Wyrd) in scrying. It would make sense for these three faces to describe the three parts of her identity: Cauldron and Mother and Fate/Forces. She is a literal Stone Mother (Cauldron) that breaks into three pieces like a blossom unfurling. Her power birthed the world (Mother), and she moves like a force through the universe to maintain order (Fate) in a grand tapestry.
Mountains, objects, and females can bear her power. There are three sacred sister peaks and the one in the heart of the Night Court (Ramiel) was depicted as bearing Wyrd. The priestesses’ invoking stones are said to bear her healing power. And the three Archeron sisters, two of which were reforged in her dark womb, represent her three faces in the flesh. Like the peaks and stones, the Archeron sisters function as vessels and can channel Wyrd’s power. Feyre puts her hands directly on the Cauldron and calls to mind the image of life flowing from Wyrd in Spring. Nesta calls upon the Mother, the Cauldron to help her master death and save her family. To follow the pattern, we’ll probably see Elain use Wyrd’s power for rebirth. Life and death and rebirth.
Among her sisters, Elain is especially connected to Wyrd. It gave her such powers and her Wyrdcrown (my word, not Sarah’s) reflects Wyrd’s blossoming imagery and power: sleeping buds among leaves and thorns. I’ve wondered before if she has direct access to Wyrd’s secret language (creation), which could manifest in different ways.
Elain senses the threads of creation around her
When she was first Made, it seemed as though Elain experienced sensory overload and didn’t know how to control it. She struggled to distinguish dream from reality and sensed life (earthworms, heartbeats, etc.) around her. Like @silverlinedeyes and @offtorivendell, it made me wonder if she could sense creation differently. Does creation sound like a song, every creature possessing their own unique melody that she can hear and respond to, as @silverlinedeyes and @offtorivendell suggested long ago? What might she see when her doe eyes land on them - vibrant threads of life that flow across time and space? Can she influence those threads and weave new possibilities in Wyrd’s grand tapestry? Is that why she needed to be present to learn about the living thread of Hope within the Void?
Elain as a weaver of the threads of creation
Blossoming with life—@willowmeres, @offtorivendell, and I have wondered if Elain has a deep connection to the land like those with earth magic, allowing her to sense channels of energy (threads of life) and feel discomfort when those channels are warped, like they might be in thin places (e.g., Hewn City). As a gardener, it would make sense for her to play a key role in freeing the magic of the land in those places and weaving new life—blossoms, vines, trees—into the earth’s tapestry.
Farseeing—We know that Elain is farseeing like Wyrd, but how far, exactly? If trained, can she pluck a thread and unravel a creature’s past, present, and future? Understand their secrets on sight like Baba Yellowlegs? Influence their fate, as she seems to do from the shadows? Feyre suggests Elain might hear the whisperings of Wyrd in her murky realm, which I’ve theorized is a direct pathway to Wyrd’s dark womb, the Cauldron. She seems to be able to use this connection to locate living creatures (like the Suriel) who travel as swiftly as the wind, without any formal training. As she wanders with Wyrd, will she need something, say a grounding ritual at dawn, to keep her tethered to the earth?
Traveling like a force—Elain repeatedly appears suddenly and surprises her family. Has she just learned how to use light and shadow to her advantage from her friends, or does she possess the power to winnow? Winnow derives from the Old English word for wind and can be used to describe the movement of the wind (or bird wings in flight 👀). It makes sense that the ability to winnow in acotar allows characters to travel like an unseen force, like the wind, like…Wyrd. It’s no coincidence Elain’s first question to Azriel yielded information on Illyrians hearing the song of the wind, and characters connected to Elain—Azriel, Nuala, Cerridwen, and Lucien—possess the ability to travel fluidly. Three of them also have fluid forms.
Shifting form—Wyrd is notoriously hard to depict because she continually shifts form. Even before we learn this in CC, it is demonstrated in the acotar series. Wyrd slithers like a snake when she steals Elain from camp and shifts into different creatures during the final battle when Feyre is connected to her through a direct, living bond. She soars through the battlefield like a bird, skims the ground like an insect above a pond, and creeps along like a hound at Nesta’s side. (As an aside, I think the bones in scrying might represent different animal forms of creation; another nod to Wyrd.) The most interesting part about this scene, though, is that when Feyre begs Wyrd for help, it is Elain—not Wyrd—who appears out of nowhere and answers her call, reinforcing the link between Wyrd and Elain. Elain is also associated with an animal form, one that is linked to rebirth: the lovely fawn. The Suriel saw her doe eyes peering at it from across the world. Like Wyrd, does she travel in animal form in her sight? Is it possible Elain can learn how to weave different forms in reality, like Dorian, with her powers? That might explain why she asked Amren so pointedly about changing forms over dinner in acofas.
Healing—Wyrd’s power is connected to healing (rebirth). In tod, we learned that raw healing magic is pure life and most associated with the dawn. The Dawn Court in acotar is also known for powerful healing. And while we witnessed a dusk service in Lady Death’s story, we have yet to see what the priestesses in the Night Court do at dawn (groundings 🤞). Elain is consistently compared to the loveliness of dawn and glows like it in the dead of night. Will this association remain figurative? Or will we see Elain, like her sisters, channel Wyrd’s healing magic? Perhaps we will see her use healing magic to unbind Wyrd and the land since those with raw healing magic can unbind the very fabric of life, of worlds.
Wyrd’s creative magic appears to be fluid and interconnected, so if our gardener is as connected to her mighty power as we’ve been led to believe, it would make sense for her to be able to use it fluidly in her story as well.
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some people in this fandom are going to be really disappointed when winds of winter comes out.
you guys. you cannot treat the POV characters as stepping stones for other characters/other POV characters.
the POV characters must have a fitting end according to their character arcs, themes, foreshadowing, etc.
to clarify, the POV characters chapters are about THEM. their storylines are about THEIR journey. you cannot use their hundreds of pages of character development as a brick to build the castle your fav will live in.
this is especially true for the key 5 and for the other younger POV characters. their endings have everything to do with them, they do not revolve around your fav.
us readers out-of-universe reasons for wanting x or y characters deaths does not matter. what actually matters is if you can support your theories with textual evidence from the chapters of the POV character that you want dead.
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disastersteps · 9 months
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pov: you are anita, watching the one person who you work with, turns out to be a good friend... and more.
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mysteriousmoss · 3 months
Working on ch4 and Grian’s last name comes up. Can’t decide between these. Next chapter is not almost don’t but close to finish
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lecliss · 6 months
Absolutely painful knowing Vincent had to sit there and listen to Scotch and Kotch's rap after thirty years of sleeping in a basement like "so this is what the youths are up to nowadays?"
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holfernes · 2 years
comic tiktok is the worst place to begin getting into comics bc the comments are a cesspool of either
a) wayne family adventures fanon truthers
b) “bruce wayne is the mask” ppl lmao 
c) john stewart haters 
d) wanda romani heritage erasure 
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just-another-wren · 5 months
me, thinking: I should be writing/thinking of Kadeen more realistically, she should be more affected by being trapped in what was literally her personal hell and DYING
me, the person she's based off of, who's been in two car accidents: do dodo dodooo... oh, car time? okay! I won't be able to talk but yay! :>
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aerithisms · 6 months
okay i just did the gongaga protorelic quest and i had assumed cissnei left the turks after what shinra did to zack and she was hiding out in gongaga to keep her promise to him but she's STILL a turk??? this creates so many questions
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renecdote · 6 months
Bi Buck cured my writers block, please have this short little episode coda for 7x04. [Read on AO3]
It’s after one a.m. when the light, bubbly excitement in his stomach sours, fear creeping in. Buck’s next breath sticks in his chest, his heart races, his fingers start tingling, and it’s so much like what kissing Tommy did to him, but for all the wrong reasons this time. His phone screen is suddenly too bright in the darkness, his search history a towering mess of questions, and Reddit threads, and quizzes he clicked into then out of before he could finish taking them.
The problem, he thinks, is that it felt so right. Tommy tilted his chin up and pressed their lips together and it felt like—himself, for the first time in… forever, maybe. Buck doesn’t know what he’s meant to do with that. Go out on Saturday night, maybe (hopefully) kiss Tommy again (and again and again and again), but then… But then?
He wants to call Eddie because he always wants to call Eddie. He wants to blurt out all the things he kept under his tongue when he apologised earlier. He wants to hear Eddie say his name, soft and warm and knowing, because if anyone can make him feel seen and heard and at home in his own skin, it’s Eddie. He wants so hard it’s almost painful.
But it’s the middle of the night, he can’t call Eddie.
He can’t call Maddie either. She would answer, he knows, and she’d have just the right words for the spiralling anxiety that’s sucking him in, but he’s not going to scare her with the phone ringing in the middle of the night. There have been too many calls like that that have only been bad news.
He won’t worry Hen or Bobby with a call like that either.
And as much as Buck wants to confide in them, wants to crack his chest open and show his family what has been inside the whole time, there’s another part of him that doesn’t want to share. Not yet. He feels like the newborn calves he saw at the ranch in Montana, young and fragile and unsteady as he tries to find his feet. The world suddenly feels bigger. Brighter. And it’s exciting, it’s freeing, but he can’t help feeling daunted, like he might get lost if he’s not careful.
“Bisexual,” he says aloud, just to hear himself say it, to taste the way it feels on his tongue not just as a word but as an identity. It feels like an exhalation, trembling at the edges but not just with fear, or excitement, but with relief. He thinks of that first breath of air when his head came above water in the tsunami, he thinks of being struck by lightning, he thinks of stepping into Station 118 for the first time, he thinks of catching the Jeep keys Maddie tossed him in the dark of a Hershey street all those years ago. Buck knows what it is like to be reborn, but he has never had a kiss make him feel like this before.
Did the first time you kissed a girl feel like this? he wants to ask Hen. Does it feel like this every time?
Is this the magic you were talking about when you first met Shannon? he wants to ask Eddie.
I figured it out, he wants to tell Bobby. I figured out what being at ease with myself feels like.
He has a shift in six and a half hours, but sleep feels as impossible as it did when he first climbed into bed. Buck lifts a hand to trace his lips in his dark, reliving the memory of Tommy there. He imagines Tommy everywhere else too, trailing his hand down his body, fitting Tommy into all the places a few dozen women have touched before. He feels like a teenager, giddy at just the thought of sex—of everything—and he exhales a laugh in the dark.
Buck opens his phone again and sends a text to the one person he knows is on shift and might already be awake: when you said you’d pick me up on Saturday, you meant in the chopper right?
Tommy replies instantly: those things are a bitch to park
And a second later: maybe on the third date
There it is again: breath stuttering, heart racing, fingers tingling. Buck wonders if this is what it feels like to get behind the controls and fly. He grins at his phone. He can’t wait to find out.
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lovifie · 6 months
Newdad!Ghost and Newmom! Reader having their child’s first fever…
I did ramble a bit about this before having the baby, I hope you don't mind ❤️ Also, I have no experience with babies so I hope I didn't write anything completely nonsense
Fluff | 1076 words | Back to Masterlist
Simon Riley thought that he was no longer a coward.
That the years spent in the military were enough to make him a brave man.
That there was nothing left to make him stutter on his words or feel his knees wobble.
That's what he thought though.
Because ever since the second you came out of the bathroom, positive pregnancy test on hand; he's been terrified, elated but terrified.
Terrified of something bad happening, to you, to the baby, to him... The thought of leaving you alone terrified him the worst.
But nothing happened.
You were already in the last trimester, almost past your due date and everything was perfect.
Whenever you saw the nerves getting the best of Simon you jumped to console him, reassuring him everything would be fine.
He felt horrible, he should be the one taking care of you, not the other way around. So plush and round with his offspring, the baby already sucking your energy.
"Big fucking bairn." As Soap once called it before getting smacked on the back of the head.
It was true, nonetheless, but still.
It was one day, when he saw you wobbling your way to the kitchen that it finally set on his mind.
He was about to be a father.
And fuck if he wasn't going to be the best one out there.
Now that it was the third trimester he could finally put in his parental leave, going home to you and helping with everything.
He finally got to building the crib, fixing the leaky faucet, changing the clothes in the closet for the winter one.
Everything was ready.
He wasn't, of course; when the contractions finally started. And he panicked when you said it was too early to go to the hospital.
5:40. That was the rule you keep repeating.
40 seconds contraction, every 5 minutes.
But he still struggled to stay strong whenever you would groan, holding onto the sink to steady yourself to breathe.
Once he finally managed to get you to the hospital, everything became a blur. He barely managed to send your family a message about the baby coming, and when he went to notify his family, he simply sent Price a message that said: "Baby now. Hospital."
Everything went smoothly, pride overflowing from his heart whenever he would look at you. He was hypnotized by the baby; looking so much like you but his features still looking back at him.
He kissed your forehead, thanking you for reviving Simon Riley. The man he buried so long ago, now rebirth as your daughter's dad.
He could feel people coming in and out of the room but completely ignored them, too busy staring at you and the baby.
Gaz even made you laugh, talking about how he thought pregnancy brain only happened to moms and that he thought Simon must have hit his head on the way in.
The look of unfiltered fear on the four men when the newborn started fussing around from the crib made you laugh. They quickly turned to see what the threat was, only for the baby to start crying at the top of her tiny lungs making the four men jump.
"She must be hungry." You say, leaning forward and looking at Simon. "Can you hand her to me, Si?"
He immediately did, holding the tiny baby with all the care the mountain of a man could muster. Passing her to you, and turning to the men talking about decency and giving you privacy.
They walked out, Price dropping a kiss on your head congratulating you once more on the job well done, leaving you, Simon and the baby.
The three of you.
His tiny family.
That he would kill and die in order to protect.
So he found himself useless, looking at you trying to calm the baby down when she wouldn't stop crying and her fever would keep rising.
He was at the door frame, seeing you pace the room, cleaning the baby's face with a damp cloth. He could see it on your face, the worry, the exhaustion, the fear... How have you hidden it so well? How has he not seen it before?
"She's over 39°, Si." You say, voice trembling with the knot in your throat.
"Let's go to the hospital." He said, grabbing the baby bag and your coat, and opening the door. He could see your doubt, the fear of what taking the baby back to the hospital meant for you. "C'mon, mama. The sooner we get there, the sooner we'll be back."
He needed to be strong right now, he has laid back for long enough. He saw the little cracks on you and he was going to fill them before you noticed them.
Simon Riley thought he was brave.
But he has never been as afraid as when he was driving, baby in the car seat and you sitting beside him in the back. Silent tears sliding down your face as you apologised to the crying baby.
It made him want to skip every red light, get there as soon as possible, so the doctors could tell you that you made the right choice, that you did a good job.
But he would rather relive his nightmare of a life a thousand times before doing such a stupid thing of putting you both at risk.
He sees the way you hug yourself when the nurse takes the baby away, and he quickly engulfs you in a hug. Protecting you from the cold of the night, protecting you from every danger outside and protecting you from every thought inside your brain.
"Everything is going to be alright, mama." He says, kissing your head. Heart sinking when he hears you sob and hug him back. "Everything will be alright, this happens, babies get sick sometimes. It doesn't mean you aren't doing a hell of a job, alright?"
You sob on his chest, tugging his shirt on your hands.
"You are an amazing mother, love. You are doing an amazing job. Our little tadpole has the best mom in the world." He says, swinging softly side to side, rocking you, petting your head. "She'll be fine. She's brave just like you, love. She'll be fine. We'll be fine."
Because Simon Riley always thought he was brave, but as long as you two were alive; he was a coward and losing you both was his biggest fear.
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marsprincess889 · 28 days
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Part 3
More random and messy but still true
DISCLAIMER: if you consider some of these positive and others negative, then I want you guys to know that they come from my personal observations of real life. None of the nakshatras are better or worse, or positive or negative, these are just aspects of them, but nevertheless, true.
Magha people can have such an ego omg like I've said that before with rat yonis but P.Phalguni I think is nowhere near Magha in that department. Ashwini can also come off as egotistical, but it's moreso that they're unintentionally(or sometimes, intentionally) ignorant. Mula can also have egotistical tendencies, esp cause the galactic center(the black hole) is in Mula nakshatra, so they can have this "I'm the center of the world" attitude, but in my experience it manifests as just them mainly trusting themselves. All Ketu nakshatras have this theme of going inwards and shutting the world out, but since Magha is in the Sun ruled Leo (sun=ourselves, confidence) it can come off as undeservedely egotistical, different from Ashwinis aggressively(Aries/Mars) ignorant and Mula's relentlessly preachy(Sagittarius/Jupiter).
The Ashlesha to Jyeshta pipeline is actually very obvious, they're more connected than people realize. Obviously they're both Mercury nakshatras, but Ashlesha is often seen in a very sensual, feminine light and Jyeshta in a no-nonsense, cut to the chase light. The difference is that all that bottled up energy of Ashlesha, that was either healing or poisoning the native is ready to fight and be more direct in Jyeshta. They're both laser focused on survival and protecting themselves, desperately trying to realize themselves in the proccess, so it's a struggle. Both are trying to preserve their energy, but Ashlesha was trapped in the confines of the 4th house(family, roots,mother) and the sign of Cancer/Moon(emotions, fliudity, sensitivity), either for its safety or to its detriment, and was trying to get their energy out in a correct way. Jyeshta is out in the open, thrown in the sign of Scorpio/the 8th house/ passive Mars (transformation, rebirth, purging, sex, death, warfare, survival, defence. You and the other are one and the same in the 8th house). For Jyeshta, the only way to survive, is to win over everyone else, and when they eventually win, they gain dominion over others. So Jyeshta is kind of about revisiting that Ashlesha state and having the revenge, so to speak, because after gaining strength on your own, you eventually have to face the ones who you were so desperately trying to get away from(ashlesha).
Mulas can be so gentle and honestly at first I did not know where that came from, but since the last third of nakshatras are about transcending and mastering their ruling planet in a sense(btw, that does not mean that they embody the energy of the planet more, or that they're better) and Ketu is about primal instincts, then Mula is the place where the individual centers themselves in their truth and is unmoved by others, thus, avoiding unnecessary energy drainage. Of course, they can also be the most untamed of all, but in our civilized(mostly🙁) society, their natural demeanor is extremely calm.
Chitra natives are soooooo chaotic like calm down jesus. It makes sense when your consider that its gunas are TTT(tamas, tamas, tamas). Among the planets, Ketu is the most tamasic one(Chitra's ruler_Mars is also tamasic), but each nakshatra has their own guna(Ashwini is Rajas x3, Bharani is Rajas-Rajas-Tamas, Revati is Sattva x3, you get it). So Chitra people are the most chaotic, if I may say so. (Gotta credit The Hidden Octave's Chitra video for the observation). There are a lot of indicators that explain this but I've already written a lot in the previous ones😭 if you know basic vedic, this observation is of no surprise to you. They can also be prone to anxiety, but often they're unaware of it, so that has a detrimental effect on people around them.
Uttara Bhadrapadas are VERY hard to order around. Impossible even. Idk why someone would want to order someone else around but nevertheless, these natives can deal with any kind of unfairness with such grace, self-mastery and quiet strength that eventually nothing gets to them anymore. So if you see an U. Bhadra child disobey their superiors calmly and in a controlled but determined manner, you know why.
I really have a lot of respect for Uttara Ashadas(not all, lmao), because they just deal with stuff alone. And it's natural for them, and they don't do it for a goal(like in Jyeshta, which is not bad, it's just different) or for attention, it's just a way of life for them. Simplicity and stoicism 🤌
Okay, now a fun one: Moon girls (Rohini, Hasta and Shravana) are the blueprints of Y/N. If you guys don't know what Y/N please look it up. Not just Y/N, but characters like Bella Swan(hasta moon, rohini asc actress) and Elena Gilbert(shravana moon anctress) come to mind. Even popular instagram users who parody those movies/fanfics/characters have moon placements(@laframbuesaa_ rohini moon if i remember correctly and @yasmine_sahid_ shravana moon(?) on insta). Even Harry fcking styles, who is probably the most common love interest in those fanfics has hasta moon. If you know a little about nakshatras, this makes sooo much sense. Moon is something that masses can understand and digest easily, so it's not complicated and sometimes, it can verge on delusions(or an insane sensitivity and receptivity and the ability to read between the lines, but that's just for a number of their natives). Other nakshatras that can fall into the Y/N trope are venus and ketu nakshatras, but moon is the most classic example of it.
I want confirmation in the comments/reblogs for this one: Bharani natives love high fantasy, history(esp medieval), fantasy in general and/or just everything/anything with that vibe. Cause I'm bharani moon and I do, and I've seen some other examples. If not, then the Bharani natives themselves seem like they're out of those times/stories. I can't explain it in any other way. (This might be true for Bharani Ketu too.)
Alright, this is all. Reblog, comment, like. Interact please
Take care
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bnhaobservation · 1 month
Did Enji atone to Touya (and his family) and stepped up on his role as a father?
Boku no Hero Academia has a grave 'flaw'. The fact that's strongly tied to Japanese culture and Buddhism makes it a very interesting work but also makes it a hardly international work because way too many cultural things are left unexplained because they're assumed to be a given. Only they're not when the work is read by foreign readers. And this lead to confusion.
The Todoroki plotline is an example of this.
In the west many feel Enji did nothing for Touya or did too little because the little he did is a given in the west. The point is... it's not a given in Japan. In Japan is a BIG DEAL. So let's go though it.
First, the fact that he doesn't want to kill Touya even though he's a criminal
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Todoroki Enji ‘Ore wa ikinobite mo... ENDEAVOR wa shinda. Tairyō satsujinsha (read: musuko) to tatakaenai.’ 轟炎司「俺は生き延びても...エンデヴァーは死んだ。大量殺人者(むすこ)と戦えない。」 Todoroki Enji “Even if I survived... Endeavor is dead. I can't fight against a mass murderer (read: my son).”
Let's compare it to these two scenes of "Death Note" and see how Yagami Soichiro, a policeman, is taking the idea his son might be a killer and how, although Misa protests, the story doesn't present it as him being crazy but as it being his duty.
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That's why Hawks doesn't want to send Enji, who's on an atonement path, to face Dabi, because Enji might end up in a situation in which he would have to kill his son and he would refuse... which is more or less what happens.
Second, Enji acknowledges that what Touya said is true, Touya is his son and Enji did what he did. In such a situation many would lie. Dabi's video proves nothing. He is a Villain, they had a doctor in the team who could create Nomu, the paternity test could be fake, even if Dabi were to provide a sample of his blood or skin they could insist that's fake.
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Society didn't want the truth, they don't want Enji to confess, they wanted him to reassure them, they even commented he should have lied because yes, that's what's done often.
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Basically he put his honor on the chopping block. A public apology like this one is a BIG DEAL in Japan. It's much more serious than in western countries and he does it when he could have spared himself and say Dabi lied but that would have meant to deny his son.
Third, it connects to the first in a way. While Enji is unwilling to kill Touya, he's willing to die with him. It's ‘shinjū’ (心中 Lit. “Mind/heart center/inside” but more likely means “oneness of hearts”, probably reflecting a psychological link between the participants) and it’s a word used in common parlance to refer to any group suicide of two or more individuals bound by love, typically lovers, parents and children, and even whole families. People who commit shinjū believe that they would be united again in heaven, a view supported by feudal teaching in Edo period Japan, which taught that the bond between loved ones would continue into the next world, and by the teaching of Pure Land Buddhism wherein it is believed that through shinjū, one can approach rebirth in the Pure Land. By volunteering to die with him, Enji is basically agreeing to remain with him in their next reincarnation.
For us it's crazy, it's Enji giving up on saving him. In Japan it sounds like 'I love you and I want to be with you'.
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Forth, he'll apologize to Touya. As said before it's a BIG DEAL, especially since Enji is the family head and, although for us most of what he did is wrong, in Japan most of what he did is well within what he can do. Marrying a woman you don't love in a combined marriage to expect the child who'll be born from it will fulfill your ambitions and not really bothering to raise it because that's a mother job, well, things are changing in Japan but none of the above is a crime. In a not so distant past it was actually the norm. Yet Enji apologizes even though normally a family head wouldn't.
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Fifth it's a bit in the first point and in the second but it'll drag on through all the story, Enji won't reject Touya. He's the only one (except Fuyumi who however doesn't get to say much) who never calls him Dabi after the reveal, and he won't strike him out of the family register but will keep on considering him his son.
Look at the Tobitas instead and at how they kick their son out.
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Don't think Hawks is cutting strings with his parents solely because they were abusive, the Tobitas show us how you should just cut strings with a criminal. Same as the Togas.
Have "Theseus no fune" in which a man accused to be a murderer, send a birthday gift to his son and watch the reaction of his wife.
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They don't want to keep contact with a criminal. It's scary because they'll be mistreated if they are discovered to be related to him.
And, in this vein, the fact he wants to go see him, that he'll keep on seeing him till the end instead than turning his back on him, is seen as important. It's seen as him being his father.
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To many of us it seems as if he's forcing his presence upon Touya. Actually, from a Japanese perspective he's instead not abandoning him like many others would.
And since Touya is dying, very likely the talking will be the talking that's done in a Buddhist culture when someone is dying. Death should occur in a calm and peaceful environment, with close friends and family in attendance. Together they should reflect on the good deeds the dying person has done throughout their life, in the hopes it will help them in their next reincarnation. Additionally, family and friends can perform good deeds on behalf of them, which they believe will be of merit to the deceased.
So, since Touya is dying he won't get a scolding like Chisaki, they'll all only tell him nice and soothing things so he'll die peacefully.
Now... in the west all this is absolutely way too little, and in some points even feels wrong. Dying together instead than insisting in trying to save him? Deciding unilaterally to show up every day? Not our thing...
We can totally say 'thanks, I hate it' because we grew up with Darth Vader who instead gave his life to SAVE his son. All this accepting that Touya instead is going to die so Enji can at best die with him or keep him company until he does... well, it's mostly not our cup of cultural tea.
In in Japan though, all Enji does is important. Enji is doing something for Touya as a father, something important many fathers wouln't do for their sons.
Does it would satisfy a Japanese audience? They'll get the message better than us... but things are changing and anyway it can still feel too little. "Death Note" is dated 2005/2006 and back in it Misa was already questioning the idea of a father killing his son and then killing himself. BNHA is more innovative as Enji doesn't think to kill Touya but he still goes for the 'let's die together' route... and Horikoshi subtly criticizes it by having the rest of the family decising they'll try to stop the fire before just giving up. They're willing to die, but not before trying.
Enji represents plenty of old theories after all, which Horikoshi acknowledges were moved out of wrong beliefs, not moved by mean intents... which, is possible, would still not be enough for Japanese readers either because among teenagers, the target audience, there's an increasing number of teen who, in Japan, are forced to leave home (the Toyoko Kids) and often ends up committing crimes to survive and the league seems to be based on all the kind of homeless people Japan has.
While for a kid at home with a loving family being told that your father will die with him if he messes up instead than just dumping him might be comforting... for a kid that was abused and forced to leave home this might feel not enough.
People want to be saved, being told it's too late to save them, might be a lesson for those who hadn't done anything wrong yet so that they won't do it, but it's surely not a hopeful message for who instead got himself into troubles.
But well, that's something for the Japanese audience to ponder.
There's also to point out that, even though the message is not hopeful, Horikoshi is seeing the homeless people and acknowledging they should be helped.
Japan in regard to the Toyoko kids is mostly like the old woman who pretended not to see Tenko but that, in the end, helps that new boy.
I think Horikoshi's message desperately wants to be hopeful even for them, that he wants BNHA be like Midoriya's final stand, something that will push people to acknowledge they exist and reach out to help them.
It just that... it gets lost in what I'll call the 'litteral translation'.
No one explains us how we should jusge the scenes and, since we lack the cultural background, to us they are perceived differently because to us things work differently.
And, personally, even when I think I figured out the author's intent and can see the positivity of it, the cultural filter is still too tick and the picture gets blurried.
It's like being beginner at speaking a foreign language and having to constantly translate it in your head. The message loses its natural beauty, get simplified and not fully grasped.
I think I understand how Enji's atonement work in regard to Touya... it still doesn't feel fulfilling to me. But enough about Touya.
'Now,' you might rightfully say, 'fine, I'll bite, let's assume what Enji has is an atonement arc for Touya. It doesn't work at all in the west but let's give it a pass. What about his other kids?'
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Natsuo and Fuyumi's wishes are in conflict.
Fuyumi wants the five of them to be a family (at the time she doesn't know Touya is alive), Natsuo doesn't want to be part of a family with Enji.
Enji's solution is giving Fuyumi a house in which she can welcome her mother and live with Natsuo (and Shouto when he comes home), while he removes himself from the equation. The solution fulfills Natsuo's wish of not seeing Enji because it makes him feel bad. It only partly fulfil Fuyumi's wish because it'll allow her to have her mother back (Rei couldn't bear meeting Enji either) and to stay with her siblings... but Enji takes responsibility for it, he doesn't tell her it's due to Natsuo that he can't live with them, so, in theory, it won't be Natsuo the one who's stressed to be at home when Enji is there and the one who has to leave home because he can't stand the sight of Enji.
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There are many things I can say on how this is not a good solution (it doesn't make Natsuo feel better, it just stops him from feeling worse), but there are two points to consider. The first is that Enji is getting old and it would be his children's duty, due to filial pity, to take care of him, instead he's basically giving them the means to leave and take his wife with them.
Actually, since Natsuo is now the oldest MALE, it should fall on him specifically. Yes, Enji always intended to have Shouto inherit his mantle but this doesn't free Natsuo from his duties. Instead Enji is letting all his children free.
Even with Shouto, he doesn't insist anymore for Shouto to learn Flashfire Fist as his heir but just as an intern.
I take this is big in Japan.
Here again, not so much, especially in the countries in the west that think kids should leave their parents' home as soon as possible and we don't think our children are obliged to inherit our mantles.
Note how the story implies that this was meant to be the end for the Natsuo/Enji arc.
Natsuo made clear he didn't want to meet Enji again, he does it solely because they've to stop Touya and, once they've stopped Touya, he makes clear he doesn't want to see him again.
If we want though, the fact he's leaving the family can be seen as a concession in a way.
Since apparently Rei wants to stay with Enji (and likely their old house was devasted because that's what happens to relative of criminals) Enji can now move with Fuyumi and Rei and Natsuo won't have to see him because he'll leave home... to make his own home.
As for Shouto... Horikoshi answered his request by basically showing him Enji being a father for Touya and then promising he would protect them from the fiery fallout, which Horikoshi doesn't show at all because it's another thing that's a given in Japanese culture, it'll be hell for Enji to protect them, but not for us.
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Just to get an idea of the fiery fallout here are some images from "Theseus no fune" again showing you how bad is this sort of thing.
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Back to Enji, Horikoshi gives us verbal confirmation that Enji is now being a father by being willing to do this, by having Natsuo, who never called him as such, calling him father for the first time.
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For Horikoshi that's Enji being a father.
Again, we've no idea of which hell Enji will suffer because that's not part of our culture. I've posted above screencaps of "Theseus no fune", that's how the fallout should be so not pretty at all.
So the fact that Enji will try to protect them from it is, again, BIG.
So yeah, Enji did do BIG things to atone and keeps on doing them and if he'll ultimately get forgiven by Natsuo (the rest of his family wanted to forgive him way before he were to do something), that's up to Natsuo... Horikoshi likely left this as open ending because he wanted to let it up to readers so as not to make them feel they were forced to forgive Enji.
In the general hopeful theme of the manga and with Natsuo acknowledging him as a cool father I guess his idea is that Natsuo too will eventually forgive him because he's kind.
I don't want to say that Natsuo forgiving Enji would be a culture clash because there's people even here that forgive their horrible parents and that's valid. Forgiving is a personal choice and one has the right to make it even if said horrible parent did nothing to deserve it.
It's up to you.
But sure is, if again we take the story at face value and not in its cultural contest, we can't see what Enji does to atone, because for us is nothing big.
It's even made worse by how Horikoshi doesn't show at all the hell Enji will go through (as for him is a given) so for us IT DOESN'T EXIST. We see Enji as having it easy, talking big but not having to face anything at all.
Honestly though... I think this is a bit of a flaw of the manga as a whole.
Way too often it prefers to focus on the good than on the bad so that the bad gets sidelined to much to the point people forget it.
There were horrible Heroes who committed crimes and had no intention to repent or stop... and we never met them. Nagant killed them off but we never met them.
Mountain Lady, who became a Hero for money and fame, then sticks to the job even when it's bad. Desugoro, who left the job when it turned bad, then came back to help. Enji is on an atonement path and, anyway, on work he was always a good Hero.
In the same way Horikoshi prefers not to show Enji's hardship but focus on how he'll have the support of his sidekicks, driver and Hawks... partly also because it ties in so well with the general message of everyone reaching out.
The result is that the Midoriya plotline of everyone reaching out becomes more important of the Enji atonement arc and overshadows it.
Enji's atonement arc ends in 426, chap 430 doesn't feel the need to tell us if Enji is keeping up with it despite the hardship, nor how his family is doing. It feels the need to reassure us that people will reach out for him even if he's in hell, that even if he had to give up on his family, he now as a new found family.
It's thematically consistent with the theme of reaching out but... the fact it overwrites the atonement arc honestly FOR ME doesn't work so great.
I think it's an overall problem of the 'reaching out message'.
While in itself is beautiful... it saves nothing I was lead to care about.
In Enji's case I was interested in his atonement arc, in how he could help his kids. I wanted more of that, partly because his atonement arc is so far from my culture, partly because it touched characters I cared about, I wanted to be reassured he would keep on working on it and that his family would be well.
Yes, he should be in hell, but the story didn't really work hard on trying to make me worry for him as it established already a support network for him. The story made me worry for the kids, for Touya, who was dying, for Fuyumi, who wanted back her family and won't have it, for Natsuo, who's marrying an unknown character so young, for Shouto, who has to cope with the loss of the brother with whom he wanted to connect.
I don't really care Burnin, Onima, Kido and Hawks are willing to continue to protect Enji, to reach out to help him, I knew they would, I wanted to be reassured Enji's kids are safe, well and protected. I wanted to see ENJI reach out and help them.
In this vein I don't really care the old grandmother saved a nameless abused kid, or, at least, not as much as I cared for Tomura to be saved. It's nice she saved him, it's nice he gets to live the life Tomura was denied but honestly, he's a mob character with a super tragic backstory created deliberately to force us to emotionally connect to him.
The message he now will be saved is good, but my emotional investment to him is too little.
The same applies to Uraraka's Quirk counsueling program, we knew next to nothing about the Quirk consueling previous program beyond that it didn't work (a real problem in Japan as they have a school consueling program that didn't work... and changes are in progress) and that now it supposedly does.
To how Shouji now solves peacefully plenty of conflicts caused by Heteromorph discrimination, which Horikoshi tossed in later and never really showed how to solve (and, don't take me wrong, it's not solved even by Shouji, he just solves peacefully the conflicts, how is up to everyone's speculation).
Long story short, I think Horikoshi worked really hard for BNHA to have an optimist, hopeful message... but part of it goes lost in cultural differences and part of it goes lost in how the story didn't try to get me invested in the things it's now saving.
So yeah, I'm still sad for this little panel in chap 430
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I guess I'll eventually get over it. Today though, it's not that day.
On a positive note... if we count the pages of all the chapters that should go in vol 42 they're only 132. The chapters that were meant to go into Vol 39 had 165 (which yes, Horikoshi further expanded once the volume was released).
So yeah, unless Vol 42 will be slimmer than usual or that he'll add to it some sidestory or extra story, it's possible we'll get more plot in terms of epilogue. We'll see.
(also yes, I'm not touching Rei in this post. Rei is another can of worm entirely and one, I fear, Horikoshi doesn't care about. The poor woman doesn't even get a profile while Ikoma Komari does. And really, I do think Rei is much more important than Ikoma Komari)
Last, but not least, since someone seems to get the wrong idea, in case it wasn't clear enough, I'm not Japanese. I research on this. Through books, through the net and yeah, since I like to read manga and anime also through them which I often use as a source of comparison because they're easy, accessible to many and represent the same kind of media BNHA is so they more or less move according to the same or similar rules. I might have messed up somewhere. I encourage you to also research on the topic and take everything with a grain or two of salt.
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obsidian-pages777 · 4 months
Pick a Card: Message from Goddess Circe for Confidence and Shadow Work
Left top [Pile 1] Right top [Pile 2], Left Bottom [Pile 3], Right Bottom [Pile 4 ]
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Goddess Circe, a mesmerizing figure from Greek mythology, captivates with her enchanting sorcery and transformative powers. Known for her mastery of potions and spells, Circe is a symbol of feminine mystique and empowerment. Often depicted as a sorceress living on the mystical island of Aeaea, she weaves magic to shape destinies and challenge the perceptions of mortals and gods alike. Her story embodies the complexities of power, desire, and the journey of self-discovery.
Pile 1:
The Magician (I):
Circe's message is embodied in The Magician card. Like the Magician, she encourages you to harness your personal power and embrace your innate abilities for transformation. You have the tools at your disposal to manifest your desires and shape your reality. Trust in your intuition and tap into your inner wisdom to wield your magic wisely.
Special Message: Area [Friendships]: As you journey into the future, cherish the friendships that uplift and support you. Surround yourself with people who inspire you to be your best self and who celebrate your successes and stand by you during challenges. Cultivate meaningful connections based on shared values, interests, and mutual respect. Remember that friendships are a two-way street, so invest time and effort into nurturing these valuable relationships and be there for your friends as they are for you.
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Pile 2:
The High Priestess (II):
Circe's second message comes through The High Priestess card. She reminds you to listen to the whispers of your subconscious mind and honor your intuition. There are hidden depths within you waiting to be explored, and the High Priestess invites you to trust in the mysteries of the unseen realms. Embrace the unknown and allow your intuition to guide you on your journey of self-discovery.
Special Message: Area [Love]: As you navigate the path of love in the future, remember that authenticity is key. Embrace your true self and seek connections that honor and celebrate who you are. Be open to new experiences and allow yourself to be vulnerable, knowing that genuine connections are built on trust and mutual respect. Trust in the timing of the universe and have faith that love will find its way to you when the time is right.
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Pile 3:
Death (XIII):
Circe's third pile message is reflected in the Death card. While the image of Death may seem ominous, it symbolizes the inevitability of transformation and rebirth. Circe teaches that change is a natural part of life, and sometimes, old structures must fall away to make room for new growth. Embrace the process of shedding the old and embrace the opportunities for renewal and transformation that lie ahead.
Special Message: Area [Family]: Your family dynamics may undergo changes in the future, but remember that love and communication are the pillars that hold relationships together. Cultivate open and honest communication with your family members, even during challenging times. Embrace forgiveness and understanding, knowing that every family has its unique journey filled with ups and downs. Focus on nurturing the bonds that matter most and cherish the moments you share with your loved ones.
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Pile 4:
The Star (XVII):
Circe's fourth pile message is embodied in The Star card. Like the Star, she offers hope, healing, and guidance in times of darkness. No matter how challenging your journey may seem, there is always a guiding light to lead you forward. Trust in the universe's benevolent wisdom and have faith that brighter days are on the horizon. Allow Circe's magic to illuminate your path and inspire you to dream big.
Special Message: Area [Health]: Your health is your greatest asset, and investing in self-care and well-being will pay dividends in the future. Prioritize habits that nourish your body, mind, and spirit, such as regular exercise, nutritious eating, adequate rest, and stress management. Listen to your body's signals and seek professional guidance when needed. Remember that small, consistent steps toward wellness can lead to significant improvements in your overall health and vitality.
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sugar-grigri · 2 months
CSM 172 : Do you hear Chainsaw Man? Because I do !
The more 'silent' a chapter is in terms of dialogue, the more it speaks to you. Especially when the chapter itself talks about sound. And that's the first thing Pochita will tell you: "pay more attention to the noise I make than to my words". Don't worry, everything will become crystal clear, but you have to take it one step at a time. The theme of this chapter is repeated three times. And this theme is not about the ears themselves. It's louder, it's more important, and it's about the power of CSM itself. To understand it, you take it one step at a time, savour every page and look at the beginning of this chapter.
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Only the possessed woman with half a canine head manages to avoid Chainsaw Man's attack (OK, she ends up decapitated, but she managed to avoid it). It's not at all insignificant that it's a canine that manages to avoid Chainsaw Man. Knowing how to avoid when the rest of the elite don't even bat an eyelid when CSM comes at them shows you more than you think.
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For a start, the animal aspect is reminiscent of several senses: smell, obviously, and the sixth sense, and these two senses should be placed on the same level of importance. The sixth sense is brought to mind by the number 6, which is present several times, just as the sense of smell is used to point out the demons who don't recognise faces but only smells: the knights of the apocalypse.
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But let's not go too far, if we want to remain general, what this first part of the chapter evokes are the senses. If we try to divide the chapter into three parts, we end up with a dog that manages to avoid ; the explosion and disappearance of the ears.
Which gives us :
First part = senses
Second part = conflict
Third part = disappearance.
These different elements obviously need to be interpreted. We did it for the first part, let's do it for the other 2.
2. I mentioned smell, Fujimoto represents a spiral, and Yoru appears at the end ready to fight. So we need to associate the notion of conflict with the Knights of the Apocalypse who fought against CSM.
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3. Disappearance, the ears disappear. Why do they disappear? Obviously because of Chainsaw Man's power.
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So we end up with these three intrinsically linked sub-themes:
Knights of the apocalypse
Power of Chainsaw Man.
So we continue to unravel the threads. If the number 6 is mentioned, it's to encourage you to reread two chapters, chapter 6 and chapter 84, in which Makima talks about the sixth sense.
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What do these two chapters have in common? They both deal with Chainsaw Man's power, one talking about the system of fears and the names of demons, the other about Chainsaw Man's power, what disappears and the conflict with the Knights of the Apocalypse.
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All our themes are there. But I explained to you that it was recalled three times. It's mentioned a second time in the title (BZZZZ = sound of chainsaws, therefore evokes CSM, Boom evokes conflict, Chomp, something cut off). But that doesn't mean that the title simply recalls the themes, it does so through noise. Logically, we're talking about hearing in this chapter! But then again, it's also fundamental, we'll move on.
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The three themes are recalled a third time in this page: the ears recall the senses, the cross with the arms of CSM the disappearance, the supression or its power and the spiral, the knights of the apocalypse. If all this is recalled in a single page, it's inevitably to link them.
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So what is Pochita saying?
The knights of the apocalypse don't hear me.
Now that sounds obscure. But CSM is rich enough to help you understand the implications of such a statement. So why don't we reopen our tomes and look for chapter 53.
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Angel explains that all the demons heard the sound of a chainsaw at the moment of their death in the underworld. As the life cycle of demons is infinite, this implies that they hear this sound at the moment of their death in the underworld as well as their rebirth on earth.
Keep this in mind. To give you a better understanding, I'm going to go back to chapter 104. In this chapter, Yoru explains that despite all the times she killed CSM, he came back. Haven't you ever wondered how Pochita could get up so many times and still be so powerful?
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What's the secret behind his power, one of the conditions of which is that he is the most feared? How did he achieve this power?
You've heard this secret from the start:
I think some of you will have rediscovered some of the links, while others may have lost their way. But let's imagine you're dying (poor soul) and I say to you as you take your last breath: AHAH WELL DONE!
And imagine that you are reborn. You're going to want to take revenge for what you've heard, aren't you?
Hell is by definition, not heaven............ It's not necessarily a place where people live together in peace............ So imagine a demon killed by another demon, but the devil who died hears chainsaws. They won't necessarily remember who killed them, but at least they'll remember the last noise he heard. Why? Because hearing is the last sense to diminish when you die.
So Pochita's secret is to make his chainsaws roar to regain his power. Because when a half-dead demon hears it, it frightens him. Logically associating it with death.
So what is the secret of the Knights of the Apocalypse? To rely on their sense of smell. Or to be more precise, to concentrate on another sense other than hearing. Just as the dog was able to do, since he neither looks at CSM nor hears him because he has no ears either. It's the key !
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The Knights of the Apocalypse were able to fight CSM because they weren't afraid of him, concentrating not on the noise but on what was disappearing.
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The more you concentrate on Chainsaw Man, the more you forget. So the clearer Makima saw her confrontation with Pochita, the more concepts escaped her.
So neither Makima nor Yoru, who focus a little too much on CSM, are the ones who remember the most. The one who remembers the most forgotten concepts but the least about her confrontation with CSM and the one who doesn't give a damn about anything.
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At the same time as this chapter reveals a secret about Chainsaw Man's power, it also highlights a weakness: the devil eaten is not immediately forgotten, there is a time lag between the demon's disappearance and the forgetting of the name it represents. Once again, Yoru's reflex is to focus on what is disappearing, rather than, like Katana, on the lure of the chainsaws. How long does this time last? Once again, it's explained in this chapter.
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I don't think the chainsaws were given much prominence in this chapter...? I mean, yes, they're there, but the way Pochita goes about it is more like using the eviscerated guts of his enemies. The intestines.
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So digestion.
The disappearance of a concept is not instantaneous, it lasts as long as the concept is digested. So if Pochita spits it out..... or vomit.... before digesting…. the concept exists again!!!!!
Of course he's going to spit out the ears, I just pray that katana doesn't stay like that until the end…
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But then if hearing is the sense that allows Pochita to be reborn very powerful. It doesn't do him any good to suppress that sense.
Precisely. If CSM dies, he won't be able to regain that power.
To remove his sense of hearing is to ensure that his power dies with him. And no one else benefits.
Above all, it's a sign to his opponents.
Last round.
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kalki-tarot · 3 months
Deities in Hinduism 🛕
Hinduism is the largest religion in the Indian subcontinent, and the third largest religion in the world. Hinduism has been called the "oldest religion" in the world, and many practitioners refer to Hinduism as "the eternal law" (Sanātana Dharma). The faith is described by some to be monotheistic, where all deities are believed to be forms of Brahman, the Ultimate Reality, as popularised by the Advaita philosophy.
"A Hindu can choose to be polytheistic, pantheistic, monotheistic, monistic, even agnostic, atheistic, or humanist."
1. Lord Vishnu
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Vishnu is the god of Preservation, the great maintainer who often appears in various incarnations (avatara) to provide salvation for humanity. Some of his best-known avatars, who are tremendously popular and beloved throughout Hindu India, are the gods Krishna and Rama.
2. Lord Shiva
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Shiva holds one of the most prominent roles in Hinduism as the god of destruction. He is one of the three most important gods, alongside Brahma (the creator) and Vishnu (the preserver). The sect of Shaivism holds that Shiva is the Supreme Being which all other gods are aspects of.
3. Maa Kali
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Kali is the Hindu goddess of death and rebirth, she expresses the dual nature of the destruction that must come before new beginnings, and of the strength of the female power which can sometimes do what the man cannot. She is also the goddess of time.
4. Maa Durga
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Durga, goddess of Shakti - the divine positive feminine energy and focus of festival celebrations. This very elegant bronze figure of Devi (goddess) Durga - is an attractive and prominent figure and a principal deity in Hinduism.
5. Lord Ganesha
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He is widely revered, more specifically, as the remover of obstacles and bringer of good luck; the patron of arts and sciences; and the deva of intellect and wisdom. As the god of beginnings, he is honoured at the start of rites and ceremonies
6. Maa Saraswati
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Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of knowledge. She is associated with wisdom, music, art, and learning. She is one of the three main goddesses of Hinduism, along with Lakshmi and Parvati. Together the three goddesses are called the Tridevi.
7. Maa Lakshmi
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Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, good fortune, happiness, youth, and beauty. She is the wife of Vishnu, the god that sustains the universe; he makes sure the universe stays together while Shiva, the destroyer, rips it apart.
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nayatarot777 · 3 months
What Should You Focus On About Your Internal Self?
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• Pile One •
Hi, Pile One! Welcome to your reading!
You’re being called to focus on your lack of productivity. It’s keeping you stagnant when you could be creating and manifesting great things for yourself. There needs to be a death to a part of you that’s stuck around for longer than necessary. You may be satisfied with less. Or seemingly satisfied with going without what you know that you could have. It’s time to change that. And it won’t be easy (a part of you will feel like it’s dying - because it is. Your ego will resist and try to drag you back from fully laying this procrastinator within you to rest) but it’ll catapult you out of this energy of being stuck in the same place. Your ego only resists death because it’s afraid of the unknown. Thats when you have to come in and soothe yourself by providing understanding to your ego about how the unknown is new, but positive. After death comes rebirth, right? There’ll be a brand new journey for you to embark on and learn about. You’ll be able to learn about your capabilities, your creative efforts and how far they can go, etc. This procrastination is a method of self-protection that your ego has utilised for a very long time, meaning that it’s afraid of experiencing failure which would ultimately lead to shame, disappointment, etc. However, it’s already experiencing these things because you’re allowing it to prevent you from doing anything anyway. There’s a reason why your ego is so closely linked to your inner-child. What do you do when a child doesn’t want to do something that you know would be good for them, due to their own fear? You calm them and slowly introduce them into the unknown that they’re afraid of, while reassuring them and praising them for ever step forward that they take. You don’t let them allow their fear to control them. You subdue their fear with comfort and assurance. This is what you need to do for yourself.
• Pile Two •
Hi, Pile Two! Welcome to your reading!
You are being called to focus on finding peace and contentment. Focus on finding satisfaction within yourself as well as a feeling of safety. There’s an internal transformation happening for you, and it does lead to this feeling of safety that we’re speaking of. You may have a history of not having the tools of self-protection, leaving you vulnerable to those who wanted to use you or take advantage of you. There’s a part of you opening up that is some type of warrior on behalf of yourself. A part of you that’s able to protect yourself from anyone who gets too close to you too soon. This protector is your intuition. Your crown chakra that’s the medium between your higher self and your human self. This is what’s opening and transforming within you. You may be experiencing ascension symptoms (specifically your third-eye opening a lot more, enabling you to read between the lines of what people say and the situations that you find yourself in). Trust that you don’t have to be in defence-mode anymore, because you’re capable of protecting yourself. Don’t be discouraged if you feel like your consciousness is slow to catch onto certain things either. Tapping into uncharted territory such as your intuition or your 3rd eye takes time. Let it develop naturally. The people who don’t usually end up going a bit crazy and unhinged because they’ve opened their third eye (their pineal gland) forcefully and too quickly. You don’t want to be one of them 🙃. You also need to ensure that you’re breathing life into your intuition. What do I mean by this? You need to validate that your intuition exists. Don’t suppress it - because that’s the opposite of giving life to something. That’s how you squash it, eventually killing it. Validate its existence and its being. Again, your intuition is the direct connection to your higher self. Your higher self is on a higher dimension compared to you, meaning that they see things that you can’t see with your physical eye - hence why you see symbolisms and messages in your metaphysical (non-physical eye - your third eye. Your mind’s eye). Try to bring to an end your habit of disregarding what you see spiritually.
• Pile Three •
Hi, Pile Three! Welcome to your reading!
There needs to be a lot of acknowledgement from you towards yourself in regard to how much work you’ve put into creating safety and peace within yourself. You’ve completed the journey that Pile Two is currently on. You’ve been busy putting yourself together internally, which your physical reality is probably reflecting in some way - as within, so without. I’m hearing “you can rest”. You’ve found a lot of the safety and peace that you were looking for, thanks to your own efforts. You can take some weight off of your shoulders and just relax. Get playful and treat yourself in some way. The reason why you’ve found this sense of safety is because you’ve protected your mind, in-turn protecting your peace. “The ALL is mind; the universe is mental” - for those of you who are avid readers, I suggest that you read The Kybalion if you haven’t already. It seems like you’ve already taught yourself one of the principles of mental alchemy, which probably means that you’ll be able to grasp the other principles relatively easily too. You’ve found peace because you’ve found trust in yourself and your inner-knowing. Your intuition has been working overtime 😂. Your intuition is why you can keep yourself in your serenity. I’m hearing clapping from your higher self. They’re proud of you. You’ve reached a stage that many of us are still working on completing. Now that this ability to connect and to have faith in your intuition comes so naturally to you, you can rest. You don’t have to be vigilant all of the time. If your intuition needs to tell you something, then it will. You don’t need to constantly stay alert to it because you’ve built a great connection to it now.
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