Warlock, 254 years old Incubus (Pride) Villager - Physician VersatileEnchantment (Expert)Evocation (Expert) Abjuration (Advanced) Divination (Advanced) Transmutation (Beginner) Conjuration (Beginner)
Last active 4 hours ago
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[continued from here and here]
"Oh, come on, sweetie, do not look at me like that!" He grinned, his own body itching with the tingling sensation of the spell that was cast on him. Usually, pride was the sin guiding his every choice: if he saw an opportunity to get ahead of anyone else and prove he was the best at whatever he put his mind into, he would definitely choose to screw his opponents over rather than just screw them. In that moment, however, his Incubus' senses were in overdrive, demanding to be fed by Kaden's muscular figure until the Kresnik had nothing more he could give him. Resisting the temptation to tear his clothes off and make the cop his in every way imaginable was torture; luckily, he was kind of into that. "I promise I'm going to make this really fun for the both of us. Just say yes, and I'll make sure to be the Gaudet of your dreams." He played with the sleek black remote in his hand, turning it around with precise movements of his long, elegant fingers. He took a few steps towards Kaden, resting his arms on his shoulders and pulling him into a delicate, lascivious hug. "I've been so rude to you at the ball; let me make it up to you." He purred with half a crooked smile as he bit his lower lip. Still grinning, he pressed one of the buttons on the remote, activating the vibrator inside Kaden to the maximum intensity at his disposal.
#spring mischief 2025#;flesh#did we talk about any anon in particular for this thread? I forgot so you get HornierThanUsusal!Gabe#He is going to be a better master than Lucien he promises#He has Raph's DNA after all
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When his uncle pronounced his name with a perfect French accent, Gabriel moaned and threw his head back against the backrest of the couch, every muscle of his body tensing up as an extraordinarily strong orgasm swept him away like a tidal wave. He was not expecting Noël to retaliate in that way against his silly little spell, but he could not say he was not a bit impressed. As soon as his body stopped spasming, he gave the reaper a devilish smile. "Such a chatty little bird you are, Sparky. I do have a small note, though. Gabriel is an exquisitely French name; the Italian version would be Gabriele. Can you hear the difference?" He panted slightly, losing his French intonation in favor of a more delicate, musical one when he corrected Noël. He was literally playing with death, but Lucien's genes must have been screaming with joy at the opportunity to correct the youngest Gaudet twin. His uncle didn't let him relish in his victory for long, though, before making him lose his train of thought with another wave of orgasmic pleasure. Gabriel licked his lips, his eyelids half-closed as he examined the small figure of his uncle towering over his still shivering body. "You know what, vieille bête, if you want to be one of those creepy uncles who molest their nephew, why don't you come here and do me the traditional way? You already have me coming in my pants like a twelve-year-old, after all."
Continued from here
"You do realize that my twin is the one who named you, meaning of all the people in all the world that will be able to pronounce your name in the exact way it was intended, it will be me. I've acted like my brother more times than you know, mon petit monstre. I would be careful who you try to intimidate. You aren't either of your father's, Gabriel." He purred that name with a delightfully villainous grin knowing exactly how he was named. Italian because it was the name Raphael picked, Lucien was that type, but Lucien picked the name so it was Italian with a French accent. It was a very complicated name to say right. Raph would say it differently than Lucien, but the way Lucien said it was going to be the way Gabriel wanted to hear it. "You know the way us traditionally French are, we can never fully rid ourselves of the accent, no matter how we try. We'll always say it the same way, won't we Gabriel." He said it a second time for good measure. Make him sparkle again you little monster.
#spring mischief 2025#noel2#;say my name#tw: assault#I mean not really but the final joke is kinda dark so I'm tagging it to be safe#vieille bete means old beast#Gabe really likes Noel istg
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"Oh, now I really see the family resemblance. Uncanny, really." He smirked, extending his neck to lean into Noël's cold touch. It wasn't really true, since every time his father had threatened him, his voice had been cold and sharp like a razor. His uncle seemed way more playful, although Gabriel knew really well that a reaper that ancient could have killed him just as easily as the councilman could. He couldn't help himself, though; he was so fascinated by that figure so similar to Lucien and yet so fundamentally different. The warlock knew that, in some ways, he was similar to his father: they had the same drive to succeed, the same cold and logical mind, the same resentful nature. He wondered if he had something in common with his uncle; they were both psychiatrists, after all, and Gabriel could not deny that he had read about Noël's work with great fascination. "Why don't you get comfortable and start telling me about how you're feeling about your upbringing? I can wait for a shrink to shrink session. I really think I can get your true self to shine through if you give me a chance, ma chère momie!"
continued from here
"Only once nephew and I might kill you twice." Noel purred drawing a cold finger across the young warlock's jaw. He'd give Lucien credit, he did well with his second. Not that he didn't appreciate Cairo, but Gabriel had followed in the family footsteps. Another Doctor Gaudet despite the taint of De Luca. It was his first time getting an up close and personal look of the young man and he took it studying him, much like his brother would, less like a person and more like an object. Seeing what was Gaudet and what was De Luca, but there was a warmth to Noel that was never there was Lucien, even if it was contrived, something the spell obviously showed.
"What do you want to know or do you think you do and will regret asking me, mon petit monstre?"
#spring mischief 2025#noel1#ma chere momie means my dear mummy#mummy in the sense of an old corpse wrapped in bandages#he really wants to die
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[continued from here]
Gabriel laughed in a coquettish way, tucking a loose strand of wavy dark hair behind his ears and taking a few steps closer to the handsome stranger. “What can I say? I’m just that good at reading people!” He exclaimed with a little bow, his black eyes with shiny blue irises lingering over the imposing figure of his new acquaintance. Even wearing heels, that new body was so much smaller than what he was used to. At least he still had his long horns to make him feel taller. He laid his hands on the man’s chest, caressing his strapped pecs and making his way towards his shoulder. “I’m impressed. You look even more feminine than I do. I have to love the confidence.” He teased in a low purr, tipping his head to the side. Not exactly true, since Gabriel was wearing a short, sequin, red cocktail dress and thigh-high black boots, but what could he say? He was the son of Lucien Gaudet, the mighty high drag bitch herself. He was never going to admit it, but he was having quite a bit of fun experimenting with that weird spell.
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[continued from here]
“Oh, do not be coy with me, Doctor Surendra, we’ve got much to discuss.” Gabriel stated in what would have come out as a cheerful yet slightly menacing tone, if he weren’t sniffling repeatedly through his words. His usually tanned complexion was slightly pale, his eyes were bloodshot, and his voice was hoarse and tired. He had meant to ask his colleague about his mysterious research project since that animal of Dmitri had blabbered out about it a few weeks earlier, but he never found the right chance to do it. The thought of spiking Ravi’s drink with a truth potion had crossed his mind, but he could not risk receiving a formal complaint from a colleague while his father was watching and assessing his every move. That stupid celebration would have been the perfect occasion to get the other doctor to spill all of his secrets if he weren’t turned into a human that was probably about to die. But Gabriel was nothing if not persistent, so he had decided to corner Ravi in his lab while there was no one there. “A little birdie told me you’ve been a busy bee. Since when do we do research about heart diseases here?” He asked, crossing his arms over his white coat to keep his shivering body a bit warmer. “And what’s with the twinkish look? He looks pretty.” He smiled, giving Ravi a puckish once-over, before being hit by a coughing fit that shook his whole body. Jesus Christ, how did humans do it?
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"Well, you could hardly blame me, Al...fred," he grinned, looking Alasdair's figure up and down with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You have such a pretty O-face; I could not resist the temptation of looking at it again and again. Do you mind, Ala...stor?"
Dair looked honestly adorable, with that little pout on his face. Gabriel should have been intimidated maybe, but all he could think of was the possibility of making Dair once more. "Or would you like me to bring you there the old-fashioned way, Da...mien?"
Say My Name
".. Gabriel, why."
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Gabriel strolled inside the Undercroft in a frilly pink dress with his horns, tail, claws, and demonic eyes in full display, ready to have a little fun with that silly little gender-bending spell that was cast on him. As a doctor, he knew how different the physiology of the female body was from what he was used to, and as an Incubus—or maybe a Succubus, considering his current circumstances—he was actually curious to discover how it felt to feed as a woman. Always striving for perfection, the youngest spawn of the Gaudet-De Luca family had decided he had to look the part: he still remained firm on the idea that feminization of the male body was not his cup of tea, but being actually turned into a woman—and what a woman, might he add—actually changed things.
For a change, he was thankful for Lucien's fixation on forcing him to perfect his posture by balancing books on his head while he walked when he was a child: it made prancing around in his shining silver stilettos a little easier. His walk wasn't the perfect carbon copy of the stereotypical femme fatale stroll he was going for: his legs were a little too spread apart, his knees a little too wobbly and his shoulders a little too tense, but considering that he had never worn heels one hour before that moment and that he was rocking six-inch stilettos—he never bothered with anything under six inches, not even as a man—he would say he was doing a pretty amazing job. He had telekinesis to help himself not to fall, at least.
He scanned the area with his inquisitive hazel eyes until he noticed a familiar little blond standing on his own on the edge of the room. His stare was lost into the void while he was deeply intent on tormenting his pretty, shining wings. That was an image so different from the poised, modest one Escander had showed himself as when they first met. With a hungry smile, he made his way towards the little, innocent angel, his heels loudly clacking on the pavement.
"Hey Escander, buddy, Are you doing alright?" He asked, with an amused yet seductive voice, as he delicately caressed the area between his shoulder blades.
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Spring Fever
[continued from here]
As soon as his new fragile human heart was starting to slow down from the surge of panic he had felt losing his magic, Gabriel started to feel dizzy and cold. An unfamiliar shiver ran through his spine as a heavy headache started setting in. He could barely stand; he felt like his aching joints were about to give out. As a medical doctor, he should have been able to recognize the symptoms right away, but his mind was so dull he actually thought he was going to die, for a second. And then it happened: for the first time since he was created, he sneezed. It was so fast and so unexpected that he barely had time to cover his nose and mouth with his hand before his upper respiratory tract had the nerve to forcefully expel mucus and saliva. It was so gross. "Winchester, I regret to inform you that I've officially had it. I will find a way to make you pay for this." But maybe, just maybe, he was going to take a 30-hour-long nap before. He was not going to get any work done until this shit was over, was he?
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Species Change: human
He could feel it, the way his connection to magic quickly vanished. He tried to hold on to it with everything he had—that power was the only thing he had ever trusted; he needed it—but it was like catching a speckle of dust flying through the wind. He felt vulnerable, naked in a way so different from the one he enjoyed. "Okay, okay, everything's okay. It's only temporary, right?" He said, a little too fast and a little too cheerful to actually sound sincere. It was hard to contain the panic setting in. "I'm going to be fine."
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Say My Name
"Because I can't tell you how much I absolutely hate sparkling you awful little gremlin."
"So let me get this straight." He exclaimed gleefully while he raised an eyebrow, looking down on the reaper. "Your idea of getting revenge for an innocent prank is molesting your nephew? You really need therapy, Uncle Noël. Do you want to come to my office to talk about it?" He chuckled.
"And the joke's on you. Nobody here knows how to pronounce my name correctly anyway."
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"Oh, please do. You know Gaudets have a habit of coming back from the dead even stronger." He grinned, looking at the shiny petite figure of the other Doctor Gaudet. Or the other other Doctor Gaudet, if he counted himself on that list. "And c'mon, mon cher oncle, can you really blame me for wanting to get to know you better?"
"I'll kill you for this."
#spring mischief 2025#please I bet he will love him in 5 seconds max#they even have the same mannerisms look at the gif
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Freaky Friday: Cairo
Gabriel looked at his reflection, gazing at the familiar chiseled jaw, the high cheekbones and the baby blue eyes of his brother. A wide grin spread across his face. "Oh, you thought you were being clever, weren't you? I should really thank you; I'm going to have so much fun with this."
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Role Reversal
"Funny." He said, trying to break his wrists free from the handcuffs that tied his arms behind his back. The damned things didn't even budge. "Okay, mister kidnapper, what do you want from me?" He said, in an annoyed, sarcastic tone. "Please set me free, I'll do anything if you promise not to harm me."
#spring mischief 2025#I'm assuming it's the roleplay spell because I can't fine the role reversal but maybe I'm stupid sorry
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"Oh, did I cast some sort of evil spell on you? How clumsy of me!" He purred softly, grinning widely. As the man drew closer to him, Gabriel couldn't help but delicately caress his cheek, eager to see the magic working. "You can't blame me for wanting to get your attention, handsome. I'm Gabriel, and I would say that it's a pleasure to meet you, but we all know that the pleasure will be all yours. If you'll let me give it to you, of course."
"What is it with everyone wanting me to suffer? This is the spell that is going to end up killing me." Unless the stranger in front of him was kind enough to not draw things out too much. "And hello." Merek purred, sliding right into the other man's space. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting before this."
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Mask Off
"Does anyone has a fetish for claws, horns and tails? Come take a look closer, baby, 'cause I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it. You know how the rest of the song goes, right?"
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"Oh god, this is hard. Why don't you come out and help me fix this mess you've made?"
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Bound I told you you needed to be chained to my bed. Next best thing is chained to me.
"What are going to do next, Mister Prowlx? Turn me into your little Princess Peach?"
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