becktoriabeezy-blog · 7 years
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I just want to take the time to post some pictures of me making derp faces. I can not take normal pictures if my life depended on it. Life is too short to be serious all the time. Don’t be afraid to take silly pictures once in awhile. 
(FFA was my life back in high school) 
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becktoriabeezy-blog · 7 years
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I can’t believe i’m about to say this, but i’m missing Bakersfield. I can’t wait to visit my family during summer vacation. 
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becktoriabeezy-blog · 7 years
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Final Project Pictures Continued
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becktoriabeezy-blog · 7 years
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Final Project pictures Continued...
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becktoriabeezy-blog · 7 years
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Cindy Sherman Artist Report
Cindy Sherman is a well known photographer of the twentieth-century. Cindy is known to turn the camera towards herself to capture self portraits. She focuses on female misconception. She believes females take on a specific role that is merely untrue. In the photo above, Cindy captures a female accidentally dropping a bag of groceries with a look of worry upon her face. This raises the question to why the subject is in this state of worry. Is it because the husband is upset with her? 
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becktoriabeezy-blog · 7 years
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Hi my name is Becca Colburn and this is my weekend post! My boyfriend and I went to Lost Lake. We chased geese, threw water bottles in the air, and we saw a Blood and a Crip holding hands in harmony. Okay that last one was a lie, but you get the point. It was a fun atmosphere and we both had a great time. 
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becktoriabeezy-blog · 7 years
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First time at vintage days! 
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becktoriabeezy-blog · 7 years
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This girl right here is my best friend/twin. She is one of the reasons why I like photography and cameras in general. We have a YouTube channel and make embarrassing videos. I wouldn’t ask for another partner in crime. 
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becktoriabeezy-blog · 7 years
Marina Abramovic
Marina Abramovic is a live performance artist, that focuses on her audience. She wants to show the limits of the body through her art and of course during a live audience. One performance of hers that I admire is the performance she calls Rhythm 5. In this performance she sought to evoke the energy of extreme bodily harm. Marina cut her nails/toenails,  and also her hair. She attempted to re-create a star by making large flames. Then Marina leaped through the flames and because of lack of oxygen she fell to the floor and she was unconscious.
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becktoriabeezy-blog · 7 years
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These 4 images are Graffiti pieces created by artist Shepard Fairy. Shepard Fairy is a graffiti art artist and activist. Fairy is part of the street art movement which captures art outside of the traditional art venue by bringing the art onto city streets. Fairy’s famous “Hope” piece is recognized all through America and can be seen on shirts today. I admire his work and what it stands for. Even though Fairy gets arrested for allegedly vandalizing city property, he still continues to make incredible art for the public eye. 
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becktoriabeezy-blog · 7 years
Cannupa Hanska Luger
Cannupa Hanska Luger is a Native American contemporary sculpting artist. Luger’s uses his sculptures to capture his views on global issues, while staying within his native culture. Lugar also uses authentic Native American styles to bring his customs alive in his ceramics. He tries to tell stories with his art. Luger associates his artwork with cultured ideas of a Native American in the modern world. He wants to educate his audience about his background, but he wants to break the stereotype roles Natives obtain. Lugar often likes to challenge the public with his contemporary colonial social structures. Overall, Cannupa Hanska Luger’s art pieces speak for the modern native very well.
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becktoriabeezy-blog · 7 years
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For my second project I might do it on people and how they interact with their dogs. I know someone is already doing their project on animals, so this is only an idea. People act differently around their pets and I want to capture those moments in a series of photos. 
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becktoriabeezy-blog · 7 years
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I miss taking photos of skate boarders in San Francisco. They didn’t seem to care when I was pointing my camera at them. Skate boarding is something I’m interested in, so I always enjoy a good photo shoot of people on their boards. 
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becktoriabeezy-blog · 8 years
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Here is the positive photo I developed in Art 30. It took me multiple tries to get the contrast right. It still doesn’t look the way I would typically want it, but it’s the first negative I developed into a positive on my own. I hope there are many more opportunities like this one. Developing this photo was a great experience and I would like to continue doing them. 
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becktoriabeezy-blog · 8 years
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When you go to your friends house and she just so happens to live with her BF. 
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becktoriabeezy-blog · 8 years
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lovely lighting in this dark room I found
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becktoriabeezy-blog · 8 years
Project 2
For my project I will be going to my hometown, Bakersfield. I really want to do something that involves my hometown, because it is apart of me and it also gives me a good excuse to get out of Fresno. My project will be on famous musicians that have made it big in Bakersfield. Not many have emerged from Bakersfield, but I know a few musicians that have grown up in the place I used to call home. I think it would be pretty shocking to show pictures of where I came from without a negative connotation. I’m hoping these photos will make Bakersfield seem not too lifeless of a town. I want to focus on the group Korn and well known country artists Merle Haggard and Buck Owens. I have places in mind that I want to capture photos, including the Crystal Palace that is dedicated to Buck Owens. In Crystal palace, I want to capture the stage and the overall atmosphere it represents. The Crystal Palace is known for bringing country lovers together to appreciate country music while eating great food. The Palace also incorporates The Buck Owens Museum, which includes items related to his career. I have never been there so it will be a new experience for me. I would also like to visit Korn’s recording studio as well. I have a friend that has been in one of their music videos, so hopefully I can get access inside of their studio. I will be taking pictures of Merle Haggard’s old home, a boxcar that his father had purchased for $500 in 1935. Merle Haggard’s boxcar will represent what it’s like to come from rags to riches. Most of these famous artists come from the lower class, I want to include this in my project.
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