r-lestrcnge · 4 months
Starter for: Narcissa Black @nvrcissasm Where: Black Manor
Having owled ahead to arrange a short visit, Rabastan arrived promptly and waited in the entrance hall while an elf fetched Narcissa. He was fond of the youngest Black daughter. It was an esteem that went beyond respectful acquaintance, not merely through the familial connection to Rodolphus, but also through her nature and her interests. Despite her charitable activities and her pristine conduct, there was a slice of darkness within the pale-haired witch. Rabastan enjoyed feeding the flame.
On hearing her familiar gait, light footsteps purposefully pacing, he turned and greeted her with a smile. "Hello, Cissa. I have a gift for you. I found this one in Prague." His tone was warm, his ordinarily cool eyes resting on hers without intrusive intent. Excitement stirred in their depths. He knew she would appreciate the item as much as he did. He hadn't bothered to show it to the Gringotts' goblins; this item would be his, alone. Or hers, as the case may be. "Come, let me show you."
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xantoninxdolohovx · 2 months
Who: @fcrox Clara Ivanova Where: Malfoy x Black Wedding Reception
Antonin was heading back to his table when he saw a woman who seemed somewhat familiar, it took him a second but he realized where he had seen her. "Clara Ivanova? Your team cost me quite a few galleons. A pity that I couldn't see your last match play out, maybe they'll reschedule. It's invigorating to see athletes at the top of their field squaring off, any tips for how I should bet on your next match?"
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curreres · 2 months
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who: aiko and narcissa / @backmaskcd
where: aiko's apartment
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nothing serious is exactly what aiko needs -- and she'd been so relieved when she found someone with a similar mindset to her. they had a good thing going, a great thing, actually, and aiko knew she didn't want to do anything to risk that. she'd just finished sitting up and tugging a shirt over her head when she throws a glance behind her at narcissa. "i'm starving. are you hungry?"
this was uncharted territory, but she reasoned it really wasn't a big deal. just two people sharing a meal.
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backmaskcd · 10 months
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closed starter for @travelingreportersam location: the sasquatch
"I wish I could repel in," Narcissa sighed, leaning on her palm. "I mean, someone has to find out what's at the bottom, right? If only I'd thought to travel with my rock climbing gear - thought I guess that's what hindsight does, huh?" Her attention swiveled over to Sam. "What kind of theories have you gathered?"
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exmcrtis · 5 months
location: the art festival, where they'll cause a stir i'm sure
closed starter for: @backmaskcd (narcissa)
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these days, pru found the most safety in her best friend. it wasn't that she didn't seek out the comfort of conrad or her other friends, but narc had an air about her that just made pru feel at ease. it probably helped that she was the only one that she'd told about reagan. either way, she still looped her arm through narcissa's as they walked through the festival, eyes looking around at every little thing they could to see if anything caught her attention. mostly, she was keeping her eyes peeled for any nefarious activities, though she hopes there wouldn't be any this time around.
"see anything you like yet?" she muttered, head lolling to look at her best friend. "follow-up question: is there supposed to be food at this thing?"
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oflowtides · 1 year
open starter for @nottinghillstarters location: hammond's pub
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"I've heard pretty good things about this upcoming band," Narcissa glanced over at the stage as the group was setting up. "I guess they perform a lot around here - have you ever seen them play?"
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lemonadecabaret · 9 months
OPEN TO : m / nb PROMPT : based on THIS. maybe your muse and narcissa have been messing around in secret for a while but never really crossed that physical boundary yet. can be set in her actual hp verse or just modern normal. CONNECTION : tab*o, stepc*st, fiance's family member, fiance's best friend, someone she hates but the chemistry always has them like this, family member's significant other / friend, etc.
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"No." The blonde's breaths are stuttered - trembling - as she straddles their lap, porcelain thighs split apart with the hem of her expensive dress bunched hopelessly around her waist. Each slice of their length through her plush, dripping folds is both torture and bliss — each synapse in her body tightly wound and begging for release, begging to finally just give in. "We - we can't," she whimpers and whines at the way their tip catches against her. Her pert nose and chiseled cheeks are flush with uncharacteristic color, glacial eyes darkened with desire. Normally she was a better thinker than this; her survival instincts were stronger.
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likesunsh1ne · 9 months
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               '      i   wonder   if   that   fae   is   okay      .      '      narcissa   is   wondering   out   loud      ,      not   really   concerned   but   instead   amused   at   her   own   actions   towards   a   fae   that   had   put   their   hands   on   Cardan   with   the   intent   of      flirting      .      '      it's   quite   peculiar   how   that   happened      ,      it's   like   her   hand   caught   on   fire   with   no   warning      .      '      she's   looking   at   her   own   hand   as   she   is   lounging   on   his   bed      ,      humming   before   rolling   to   her   back      &      stretching      .
       '      poor   thing      .      '
@forwardlion / cardan greenbriar xx
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wnterreign · 2 years
with  narcissa  redsmith     /     @fallencrxwns​
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        the  lady  arryn  had  felt  her  composure slipping along with her patience decreasing the longer she sat in the arryn apartments with nothing to do but think about how they were once more trapped under an unfamilar roof. first king’s landing and now sunspear. at least winterfell had been familiar. she’d hoped that a walk with cissa would let her feel like she could breathe a little easier, but so far her mood remained irritated.        ❝  i’ve grown tired of dorne,  ❞        she said, speaking softly so they wouldn’t be overheard.        ❝  i pray to all the gods that we can return home soon.  ❞
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luciusgilberte · 2 years
Lucius & @beautyispoison​ - Date Night Late evening, Three Broomsticks // Harvest Festival
Lucius’ parents had been all too happy to take Draco for the night. That was something Lucius wouldn’t have counted as unusual if it weren’t for the fact that Abraxas had given a suggestive look that would have had some uncouth comment attached to it if he hadn’t spoken first when it came to saying goodbye. The process of changing out of the clothes he wore out that day to put something a little less stifling on and return to the festivities had taken more convincing than he could appreciate. While Cissa had offered to simply stay home or find somewhere a little more intimate, he had given a firm head shake and mumbled about sticking to the original plan of getting a few dances in before properly retiring for the night.
His focus was on Narcissa, one hand resting against her lower back while the other lightly grasped her hand, swaying in time to the music. He had been overly quiet for the first few songs, quite content to bask in being with Narcissa. Lucius gave a low chuckle when they went to turn, eyebrows furrowing together before he spoke. “I would not have put it past my father to make some sort of remark about expecting an announcement that we are expecting within a month’s time after tonight.” He spoke just above a whisper, treading carefully since it wasn’t the best place for bringing it up. Not the best place but not something he could easily get off his mind. It was too much to think about and there would be no holding his tongue if they did go to pick up Draco and Abraxas had the audacity to properly say the comment he tried to avoid when leaving.
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lovergurrl411 · 2 years
He knew that he'd used her more than he ever elevated her, yet in his worst moments of cruelty to her, she'd never loved him more.
"I do not understand love," Voldemort admitted quietly as he slipped out of her mind.
"Gods do not need to understand love," Bellatrix whispered as she kissed his hands reverently, body shaking from his mental abuse. "They only need to accept the love freely given."
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xantoninxdolohovx · 1 month
Who: @fcrox (Emmeline) Where: Malfoy x Black Wedding Reception Antonin came up beside the woman a few drinks floating behind him. "Miss Vance I presume? May I offer you a drink, feel free to take several, I know I have." He smiled, something less off putting than the smirking grin he usually wore. "I've heard good things between what makes its way around the ministry and the recommendation of Rabastan Lestrange. I trust no other were his direct words. Do you have any experience with direct curses I wonder or only breaking them on objects or others, such a difference, though old spells can grow powerful over they years, I'm sure you have some interesting tales."
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ofmcthman · 2 years
location: somewhere in philadelphia
closed starter for: @oflowtide​ (narcissa)
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salem feels as though the wall she’s leaning against is the only thing keeping her steady. somewhere in the city is her sister, the love of her life surely not far behind her. but salem needed a little tie alone, time where she can silently freak out over every little detail while she tries to wrap her head around everything that’s happened in the last few weeks, though she’d be lying if she said she could make any sense of it whatsoever. salem is lost in these thoughts and feelings when she hears footsteps approaching, brown eyes rolling until she’s face-to-face with someone she recognizes, though she can’t remember her name. she blames her clouded brain. “am i in your way?” the question is small and nearly silent, almost pathetic coming from her lips. “because i can move if i am. i have this nasty habit of taking up too much space.”
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backmaskcd · 4 months
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closed starter for @exmcrtis (yale) location: the gym
"Are you sure you weren't a personal trainer before you came here?" Narc hadn't been working with Yale, but she was often there when Yale was. "I'm not trying to be weird your body is just insane."
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exmcrtis · 10 months
closed starter for: @backmaskcd (narcissa)
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there was a pang of guilt in pru's chest as she tuned back into the conversation. she had no clue how long narcissa had been talking, nor did she know what she'd been talking about, and suddenly her cheeks were bright red. normally she was better about being present when it came to her friends, but pru constantly had a million thoughts running through her mind these days, and focusing felt impossible. that didn't mean she wasn't about to try, though.
"i'm so sorry," pru breathed, her shoulders falling into a slouch as she focused on narcissa. "do you mind backtracking for me? the little voice in my head is so loud today, i don't know how to quell it."
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wildhecrt · 5 months
@dmned liked for a lil thing
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Well-manicured nails loosen the grip she held on the emerald green clutch as she walked down the dark, damp corridor of Azkaban, her head held high, white-blonde hair cascading down her back. It had been something her own husband was unaware of where she was going, who she was seeing, but at the end of it all, Narcissa always would value her family. Especially her own sister.
"Bella?..." Narcissa's voice cracked through the eerie silence, stepping closer, her fingers circling around the bars. They felt cold, damp, and she didn't even begin to entertain what could be harboring there, icy blue eyes instead looking in the shadows for that familiar head of dark hair. She recalled the girls' parents referring to them each as the sun and moon; opposites of one another completely, yet always near one another. "Bellatrix," she tried again, her tone softening, feeling like she was a mere child again, "It's Cissy."
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