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blindspct · 1 year ago
continued from here for @carlosreyeswrites
teddy was always thrilled to have alone time with his boyfriend, even if it were as simple as grabbing a quick snack. he leaned back against the man a little bit and he couldn't wait to be able to go home with him. of course, he knew it wouldn't be until later that evening, after the fight, but he was already looking forward to climbing into bed with the man. "is the sugar rush really going to help? i'm not going to question it. you know how you'll feel after you eat certain foods." he replied and tilted his head to lay a kiss against his jaw. he chuckled and shook his head, glancing over at the man. "you know i'd give it to you if it wouldn't wear you out before the match." he assured, a soft smile resting on his lips.
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lcvebirds · 3 years ago
teddy was watching oliver on his skateboard, obviously impressed that he could even ride the thing because he knew he couldn’t. he wasn’t coordinated enough. a smile rested on his face, his eyes following his movement until the other had tripped over his board and landed on the asphalt. he got up, moving toward him with a worried expression on his face, “are you alright?” he immediately asked.
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lcvebirds · 4 years ago
teddy was on duty for the day. it’d been relatively quiet until he received a call about some kind of bush fire. it didn’t take much to put it out and of course, he wanted to make sure the worker was some what calm after everything that had happened. “how’re you holding up?” he asked, offering the man a friendly smile. he thought the guy was cute but he wasn’t one to hit on guys when he was on duty. “i know that was probably overwhelming and all.”
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suttontwinsx · 5 months ago
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Teddy groaned constantly. She felt so perfect around him, felt like she was made for him. His hands continued to hold her hips, guiding her and moving her on his throbbing cock.
His teeth sunk into the flesh of her neck, before he sucked on the skin, then ran a flat tongue over the bite. He moved his lips up to her jaw, then to her lips as he moaned against her lips.
"Fuck Sage.... You are fucking perfect." He groaned.
soft huffs of air leave her lips. as she continues to move her hips, picking up speed as he starts to guide her. head tilted to the side as the man feasts at her skin. her hands map out over his shoulders, nails digging slightly into his backas she drags them back over. the feeling is incredible and the way they move in sync has her thinking they were made for each other.
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lcvebirds · 3 years ago
getting stuck on his way home for christmas wasn’t exactly the way that he’d been hoping to spend the holidays but he was sure the guy seated a couple of seats down from him in the airport, didn’t really expect it either. he pursed her lips, deciding to make conversation because it wasn’t like he had anything else to do. “you hungry?” he asked, his hands settling in his lap. “i figure since we’re both stuck in here together, we could at least find something to eat until they get this sorted.”
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suttontwinsx · 2 months ago
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He very gently cleaned her wounds, his eyes scanning over her to see what over scratches and scrapes she might have. He chuckled a little when she said she really did fall.
"You don't do things by halves, do you?" He teased.
But then he lift his eyes and rose a brow at her next words. "Something was chasing you? What was chasing you?" He asked concerned, looking around suddenly to see if there was anything watching them.
"Maybe we should get out of the area? Head back to my place, where it will be safer?" He asked her as he continued to tend to her scrapes, but keeping his focus also on their surroundings.
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His touch was so tender that green eyes could do nothing but blink for a few moments. "No one hurt me. Promise." she told him with a soft smile, it was sweet that he cared so much and it made her feel like a flush was creeping over her cheeks, unable to tear her eyes from his.
"Fine, fine, you win." She agreed, letting him leave her towards his truck. Nose scrunching at the sight of the first aid kit.
"I really did fall." She began to explain, "There was something chasing me though. Didn't see what it was. Wasn't human though." she tried to explain. If she were lucky he could just assume a coyote or a bear.
"Then clearly had a fight with broken branches."
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suttontwinsx · 5 months ago
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Teddy would do anything for her, anything for this beautiful, kind, caring Princess in front of him. He wanted to take her away from her troubles, whisk her away to freedom.
He looked in his eyes, seeing the peace that was in them in that moment. He smiled softly, wondering if he was the one that brought the peace to her. He hoped he was, he hope that for just a moment he could clear her troubled heart and mind.
As he lowered his hand, he took a breath, only to feel her hand reach for his. He looked down at their hands, then lift his head as he felt her hand on his cheek.
He lent a little into her touch, enjoying the warmth and softness of her palm against his skin.
He went to speak, to answer her, but instead, he felt her lips on his, and he practically melted into the kiss, however, he was in too much shock to actually do anything about it though.
But there were sparks, there was fire and heat and desire. He desired her more now. His love for her only grew in that moment.
When he pulled away, he looked at her for a moment and shook his head. "Nope. Not long enough." He mumbled, his hand wrapping around her waist and pulling her in again, crushing his lips to hers and kissing her back with a heat that he had never felt. His other hand moving to cup the back of her neck, tangling a little in her hair.
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In moments like these, the princess wished she could escape all of it. Her duties, her title, her whole life just to be with him. Run away with him. She had never admitted nor told anyone about the feelings she carried for the man in front of her. Never had she spoken about the way he lifted her mood whenever it was down. How he managed to make her smile whenever he came around.
And in moments like these, when she was gazing into his eyes and he into hers, she felt like he could feel the same. That he loved her as dearly and strong as she did love him. And if she was a little braver, she may would've leaned in and placed a kiss to his lips. But she wasn't. Instead, she held her breath when she softly took her hand, placing his lips to her knuckles in the softest way she could ever imagine. Chills went down her spine, butterflies inside her stomach went crazy.
She had changed her mind.
As soon as her hand was lowered, she made sure to grab his to symbolize him he should stay in place. Her other hand, it moved back up, softly caressing his cheek again, her eyes locked with his. "I may be completely mistaken by this situation but..." she stopped speaking. Instead, her hand pulled his face softly down before placing a kiss to his lips.
She couldn't help it. Sparks seemed to fly the moment her lips touched his and everything else around them, every of her worries seemed to disappear. And she wondered, did he feel the same? Or was he maybe just staying in place because she was the princess. That thought quickly snapped her out of her dream, pulling away and looking at him.
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blindspct · 5 months ago
teddy always looked forward to being with his boyfriend in any and every way but if he were being honest, he was really looking forward to feeling wanted against. he felt like it'd been forever since the last thing the two of them had been like this, rushing home so that they could give each other the love and attention they need. "is that so?" he grinned, his bottom lip coming between his teeth. he could feel the excitement building in his stomach. he wanted nothing more than to get home so that he could spend the night with nikolai. he parked outside of his place and grinned over at the other, "prove it." he cooed and climbed out of the car before heading toward the door, peering over at his boyfriend over his shoulder.
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nikolai knew he needed to prioritise his fight to come out victorious. losing would have devastated him. he wouldn't have been able to live with himself if he the other won the fight. it was more than a fight to him. nikolai had his own points to prove and tonight secured that. not only did nikolai win the fight but he also got to boast about being with teddy right afterwards too. he was being a little petty tonight , but hey, tonight was a competition and he'd won on both things. "nope. besides, i always get some sort of adrenaline rush when i'm around you anyways. i don't know what it is but you drive me crazy with desire." the last couple of weeks had been so hard on him. the waiting it out almost killed him. teddy deserved his attention again. he welly and truly needed to be loved upon at the earliest convenience. "mm, yeah. i don't think we'll make it upstairs just yet." nikolai squeezed teddy's thigh with a playful grip as the two of them started to park outside his place. he couldn't wait to get inside. "once we step inside of that house and shut the door, i'm gonna go feral, just saying."
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blindspct · 6 months ago
a smile played on his lips as his boyfriend spoke. he didn't hold it against the other while he were training for this fight but if he were being honest, he did feel a little ignored. he needed some sort of attention, even if it just ended up with the two of them cuddling in bed. he wasn't going to put any pressure on nikolai to do anything after he'd just been in the ring, even if it was what he wanted. he could wait though, if he had to. "no?" he asked, glancing over at him and chuckling softly. "doesn't sound like we're going to. at least, not at first. seeing you kick his ass kind of made me want to get you naked as soon as possible."
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nikolai knew that he needed to focus for his fight and not get distracted from the objective of winning. teddy's ex boyfriend deserved to be shown up in front of other people. it was karma. nikolai wanted to not only prove himself, but to prove he was a worthy opponent and that he could kick teddy's exes ass if needed. teddy's ex would know not to cross him or his boyfriend again after tonight which seemed like a win in his eyes. "i guess that i'm going to find out just how much attention you need when we get back tonight then, huh?" he couldn't wait to give all of his attention to teddy. the thoughts almost excited him. it'd been too long since he gave him all of him. nikolai grinned feeling the others fingers intertwining with his own. "i'm never too tired to have you love on me." teddy was amazing. nikolai was usually left breathless once they were both finished with each other and he had no doubts that tonight would by any different. "are we even going to make it upstairs at this rate? i'm already feeling some sort of way since you started playing nurse to me."
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blindspct · 6 months ago
teddy let out a laugh at his boyfriend's words and shook his head, "i seriously doubt that. i think you underestimate how much of your attention i need." after all, he'd missed him and he was hoping the two could make up for a decent amount of lost time. after climbing into the driver's seat, he peered over at his boyfriend. "guess that depends on what you want next. i have a couple of things i could offer," he teased, his fingers intertwining with his as he pulled out of the parking spot and toward their place. "i could be your person chef or if you're not too tired, then i could love on you before we head to bed."
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nikolai knew that he'd kind of left his boyfriend in the background for the last couple of weeks on the run up to his fight but he was more than willing to make up for that lost time with him as soon as possible and make any amendments he needed too. "oh, don't you worry, i won't be going anywhere. i'm gonna give you so much attention that you'll be begging me to go back to practice again soon." teddy was his priority now that his fight was over and done with. nothing or no one else was as important. nikolai settled into the passenger's seat and smiled at teddy as he teased him a little. "you've already been my nurse tonight and now my personal chauffeur. what's next?" nikolai's hand squeezed teddy's - loving that the other wanted to take care of him. how'd he get so lucky to have the worlds cutest boyfriend?
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blindspct · 7 months ago
teddy was more than looking forward to the attention that his boyfriend was due to give him now that the fight was over. it's not like that's all he needed but it was nice when nikolai focused on him for a little while. "at least, for now. i want your attention all on me, baby." he spoke as he led him to the car. chuckling at what he said next, he nodded his head. "you get to be the passenger princess tonight. you just got done with a fight. did you really think i was going to make you drive? what kind of boyfriend would i be if i did?" he climbed into the driver's seat and headed toward their place, his hand holding onto his. "you deserve it. you had a long night. i want to take care of you."
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nikolai knew that now this fight was out the way that he could focus on teddy again and give him more of his time and attention. it's the least that the other deserved. "alright, teds, enough about him. i can forget that he exists if that's what you want." nikolai wouldn't talk about teddy's ex boyfriend again if teddy asked him too. teddy's hand in nikolai's felt warm and comforting. he felt like the real winner tonight getting to take teddy home with him. a smug expression crossed his face as he swung both of their hands in between them on the walk towards the car they would be driving home in. "i'm being the passenger princess tonight? cool. i can sit back and relax." nikolai opened the passenger door and ducked into the space - pressing down the lever on the seat to push the chair back a little bit so that his legs could stretch out. "nursing me back to health and driving me back home? i feel utterly spoiled tonight."
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blindspct · 8 months ago
the thing about teddy was that he wasn't the kind of guy to hold something like that against him. after all, why would he? he was working on something that he deemed important to him and so he found that it was just as important, if he were being honest. "i'll always love you, baby. no matter what. it's me and you." he genuinely believed that the other in front of him was who he was meant to be with and he was excited to continue on with their future. "there's always next time. now, enough about him. i want your attention for the rest of the night." she announced and leaned forward to steal another kiss. as he walked toward the car with his boyfriend, he held onto his hand. "i'll drive. you've had a big night. let me take care of you."
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nikolai knew he'd spent a lot of time over the last couple of months being selfish. practicing was important for him getting into the right form and shape to fight. kicking teddy's ex boyfriends ass was a bonus to his job. "i know you wouldn't hold it against me. you are too generous and kindhearted too. i'm lucky to have someone that loves me like you do." nikolai knew his schedule was busy and he was thankful the other understood his schedule enough to love him continuously through it. "knocking out your ex boyfriend would be a dream. i want to knock him out and remind him never to mess with either you or i again." nikolai smirked as he listened to his boyfriend telling him that did he get all hot and bothered watching him. "you've waited this long, pretty boy. what's the drive home gonna do?" still, nikolai started walking them towards the vehicle parked outside. it was time to head back home. "do you want drive back or do you want me to get behind the wheel?"
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blindspct · 9 months ago
despite his boyfriend being right when it came to what he'd missed out on, he still found it flattering that the other would do what it took to be on the same level as he was. a smile rested on his face, "yeah but you were working toward something that meant a lot to you, baby. i wouldn't hold that against you." he reassured, his hand squeezing the other's in return. "i hope so. that would be a hell of a title and one i know you'd wear proudly." and one teddy would be sure to brag about, that's for sure. "mm, maybe. i'm going to have to try pretty hard to keep my hands to myself on the way home."
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"even if i were too tired i would've had an energy drink or something to make sure i was on the same level that you're at - at the minute. i've missed out on too much these last couple of weeks. i wouldn't miss out on this opportunity with you - my adrenaline's rushing thinking about it." nikolai smiled feeling his boyfriend's hand squeezing his own again. teddy was cute. he was falling more and more in love with him. "not yet, i don't deserve that title unless i actually knocked him out. maybe, hopefully, one day soon i'll kick his ass enough to claim that title." nikolai smile turned more into a smirk as teddy's lips pressed over his jaw for a moment. "oh yeah? did you get all hot and bothered tonight watching me?"
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blindspct · 10 months ago
teddy let out a soft chuckle at his boyfriend's words, "mm, i just didn't know if you were too tired after all of that." he teased and moved an arm around the other to kiss him back, humming against his lips as he did so. he always felt so good in his boyfriend's presence and he was excited that nikolai seemed to be up for celebrating with him, especially since he wanted to show the man just how proud he was of him. he shifted and squeezed his boyfriend's hand, "knockout, huh? i thought that was you." he cooed and kissed over his jaw for a moment, "can i just say how much i loved seeing you kick his ass?"
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nikolai looked at his boyfriend with a smirk on his face as the other's hands dropped to his shoulders and told him that he didn't want to wear him out too much more. "you think i wouldn't be able to handle you back at home? i've got some pent up frustration, baby. i gotta get it out somewhere." nikolai's hands pressed against the other's waist as he tugged him forwards and pressed another kiss against his lips before pulling back with a content look on his face. "i don't think i'll be able to last until tomorrow morning when you look as good as you do playing nurse to me." nikolai loved the caring side to teddy and how he looked after him. it was sweet. nikolai's last boyfriend wouldn't have done the same. teddy was his one in a million. with that, he stood and reached down to clasp the other's smaller hand into his. "come on, knockout. let's get out of here and celebrate."
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blindspct · 11 months ago
teddy couldn't help but be proud of everything that his boyfriend had accomplished. after all, this wasn't just about his getting revenge on his ex boyfriend but continuing to make a name for himself. he was good at what he did and he had no problem telling him that. "that's a good question," he paused for a moment and cupped his jaw, his thumbs smoothing over his skin. his hands dropped down to his boyfriend's shoulders and took in a deep breath, "yeah, the moment we get home. i just want to make sure you're up for it after the fight. i don't want to wear you out too much." he teased. though, he was being serious. he didn't want to push nikolai too much after the fight and would rather wait until the morning if that's what the other needed to do, even if he was looking forward to celebrating with him.
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nikolai knew that he couldn't always win every fight but this one was different to him. teddy's ex boyfriend deserved to be hit around until he realised nikolai wasn't playing around with him anymore. nikolai didn't get the knockout that he wanted but he was proud of his accomplishment nevertheless and achieving the win tonight. all three judges scored him higher out of the the two boxers which meant he got tonight's boxing belt which his team would receive in the post once his name had been engraved into the metal on there. teddy's ex boyfriend would get absolutely nothing. nikolai looked into his boyfriends eyes as the other started chuckling at his words. "obviously, teds. why wouldn't i be thriving of the attention that you're giving me?" teddy's sweet kiss against his bruised cheek was welcomed. his hands reached out and pressed against the other's waist as he pulled him even closer to his chest again. "yeah? i can't wait. the moment we get home too? exciting. take me home already."
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blindspct · 11 months ago
teddy was always proud of the fight his boyfriend put up in each one of his matches and tonight had been different. regardless of the outcome and his win, it just felt good to watch the other knock the hell out of his ex boyfriend after everything he'd put him through. he swore to himself that he would never date another fighter but...nikolai was different and he'd never loved any man the way he loved him. he couldn't help but chuckle at his words, "oh, yeah? does someone like the attention?" he teased and leaned down to press a soft kiss against his bruised cheek. "you'll get even more the moment we get home."
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nikolai would step in the ring again at some point with countless other opponents because he'd clearly won tonight's match. securing a win was his main goal tonight. that and also giving teddy's ex boyfriend a couple of hard punches for good measure. the ex bastard deserved to eat shit following how he'd treated teddy in the past. nikolai hoped the revenge tasted sweet and that the other was still tasting blood. he winced as the wipe cleaned over his cut feeling the slightest bit of pain from it. nikolai couldn't help but to laugh at the thought. he could take hits and punches time and time again, however, a little wipe could have him wincing and whining about it stinging. nikolai smiled as teddy's lips pressed to his forehead. he was so damn cute. "oh no, by all means, keep doing what you're doing. i'm loving the attention i'm getting from you right now."
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