#thread: a broken hallelujah
thehighlordofspring · 2 months
a broken hallelujah
Tamlin was coping — or, that was what he told himself. He was making an effort. He woke up in the morning and dressed, fed, and cared for himself as he should. Magic helped on the days that was too overwhelming.
It isn’t a crutch. He swore. I don’t need crutches.
If no one could see his brokenness, didn’t that mean he wasn’t?
That was what he wished, despite that deep down Tamlin knew that one had to allow themselves to break before they could heal.
Broken bones always hurt when they weren’t set properly and he was tired of setting his bones back into place. He was weary, not just tired. His soul dragged along the edge of the ground underneath every smile that he conjured for his people.
They are happy.
That is all that matters.
He was simply a vessel. It was his job to keep Spring just as alive, as much as he was dead.
The darkness and destruction which both Hybern and the Night Court had wrought on his home was immeasurable. He couldn’t begin to process the damage, let alone repair it alone.
Yet, it didn’t stop him from trying. When he looked around the ruins, he didn’t feel angry; he felt empty. He still did not have it in his heart to blame Feyre Archeron for her misdeeds, despite that they were many. He loved her and always would. Love was to blame.
With the manor under repair, he chose a small house in the village and lived among his people. Calanmai was approaching and his dread ached in his chest.
What if I can’t do this? What if I fail?
Tamlin did not know how much longer his body would tolerate the magic before it gave up completely. He needed an heir.
If he did not have one when that happened, things would fall into a much deeper disarray than they already were. He couldn’t bear the blame for that.
Only a week ago, he had sent notice across his lands that a fertility potion would be available for the young lady chosen by Spring on the upcoming festive night. It explained how bearing him a child would bring great honor to their family and exemption from the Tithe.
He made sure to acknowledge that it was a choice. He’s rewritten his words until his fingers bled. Any girl who did not wish to conceive would be provided her own contraception and those who were against it completely were advised to stay far from the festival that night.
Tamlin groaned, pulling at his hair, as he suffered through another migraine. It was only dawn and the magic was already surging through his system like a cold and deadly drug. He was unsure why the idea of siring an heir with a random woman seemed so trite. Every High Lord had a drive for building their own family…but, the only woman whom he wanted in his arms was the very same one who had destroyed them. Feyre.
His eyes clouded with frustrated tears — red, hot. Tamlin crumbled into his sheets and his from the dawn. Whether he liked it or not, tonight was Calanmai. Life continued to move on, although he had not. Why? All I ever did was love you.
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Ten hours later, the High Lord straightened his back in the mirror and dipped his fingers into the blue paint which had been left outside his door, as requested. In the old days, Lucien had always been the one to paint his body with the ancient whorls which helped transfer the magic from his mind to his body. Instead of those comforting and caring hands, his own fingers traced his bare skin and left behind coded blue circles.
He stared blankly at himself as the drums began to rise. Ordinarily, he’d have been with the rest of the fae, playing his instruments and enjoying the free flowing wine; but he was in no mood to celebrate. His mood dipped further downwards as the magic swirled around his brain, thick and murky, like tainted liquor.
He finished the painting and did not bother to wash his hands, smearing the left overs on his black trousers.
It is useless to resist. Tamlin ground his teeth, forcing himself to breathe. What Spring wants, Spring takes.
Spring wanted an heir.
He growled. The pain in his head continued to build.
No…no. I…didn’t want this — I wanted no one else. No one but her.
He bent down on his knees in front of the fireplace, covering his mouth to bury his scream. The magic continued to compel him towards the door. He shuddered, breathing heavily, as he ventured forwards. He felt like he might throw up.
He had completed the ritual for the past two years and the pull out into the darkness had never been this strong before. It had never been this painful.
Tamlin buried his heart in the sodden ground and accepted his fate stalking out the front door and slamming it on its hinges. The music and dancing came to a slow halt as he approached the circle of faeries who’d come to celebrate, prove their worth, or watch him fail. His green eyes glowed in the dark and he scanned the crowd, meeting the yearning eyes of many young fae females in their glittering gowns. He yawned and stalked past them, but stilled as he saw movement on the edge of the trees. Someone was watching.
He tilted his head — almost beastly in the way he hunted the horizon. The movement stopped, but it did not take him long to find the young female fae hiding in the dark shadows, dressed in starlight, and shaking in her slippers. Need hit him in pulses of warmth. He stumbled backwards, shocked by the strength of the desire for a stranger. The magic rarely made it past the boundaries around his heart. What was happening to him?
All Tamlin knew was that this was the girl. This girl was like no other. She turned to leave, but he caught her by the arm and swept her up against his bare chest. His heart thrummed in his chest as they connected. Without a single look at her face, Tamlin winnowed to the cave. They landed on the hard ground and he was left spinning. She stood before him and her hood dropped from her shoulders, illuminating her face in the moonlight.
“You.” He whispered. “Anyone but you.”
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wordsandmorewords · 7 months
Two-Footed Scarecrows
Swearing to myself, at myself, for there were no birds on my walk. Cussing, with my teeth gnashing on the polyester collar of a coil-knit sweater that I've grabbed to above my chin with my teeth. A full two miles. Not even a pathetic, lonesome song through the branches of bare, deciduous trees. No cowboy lament. No broken-hearted diva. Not a goddamned song. I listened with intent. No birds. Plenty of two-footed scarecrows, plenty of flat-faced curs; all howling our hollows raspy no matter the volume.
Border walls built of yellow paint threaded down a black asphalt needle eye; checkpoints red-yellow-green. Fractured angles of light reflecting from windows acting as suppressive fire. Army tanks rolling at the speed of F-16s. If they'd known an isolated forest, this was a cursed bombardment; and if not, just another Wednesday hidden with the high-school-sweetheart husband drunk off his ass and left holding broken-bottle shards, cardinal blood seeping from his palms, smudges of bright red staining down the legs of his jeans.
The elder owls were surely looking down, incomprehensible disdain, furrowed brows cemented in place; evolutionary traits. Frustratedly patient, waiting for curfew to take effect and for us to return to our boxy wooden nests. "Hallelujah," they would echo. "Hallelooooojah." But all through the day, the sparrows were quiet. The hawks did not cry. For once, the jays withheld their complaints. What to make of the quiet from those whose homes we've invaded, drowned out by arrogant, ignorant, oblivious noise?
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madeyed-andmoody · 2 years
a cold and broken hallelujah
WHERE. diagon alley
WHEN. february 28, 1984
WHO. @perniciouspotter
Their missing four were home. They were home, and they were safe, but it still didn't bring Alastor any comfort, for they should have never been taken in the first place. It shouldn't have taken them that long to be found, either.
Two weeks ago, once they were in St. Mungo's and their injuries checked, rest and food received, Alastor Moody had visited each of the four. James had been, not predictably, his last. He spent the rest of the night in those rooms, between his and Gideon, the girls just the next over, a silent vigil. He'd missed the commotion, but not the fallout, but there had been nothing for it but to not acknowledge it.
Two weeks later, he waited for James in Diagon Alley, a space chosen for an outing that was both as familiar as it was populated. Not overly so, but enough that they wouldn't be alone. Alastor didn't know how James would do with alone, these days, certainly not after all he had experienced. He already knew Gideon was not handling it well. It was only a guess that the girls had done the same.
"Where to," he asked, when James joined him, a small, easy grin on Moody's face. "Figured a walk about might be nice." He needed to talk to him, check in with him, but he just wanted to let him exist for a little while, too.
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eddisgon-blog · 5 years
tags drop!!
❛   i   .   |   how  long  ago  did  i  die ?   where  was  i  buried ?   ;   threads .
❛   ii   .   |   cause  i  carried  on  like  the  wayward  son  and  now  through  and  through  i’ve  come  undone  ;   musings .
❛   iii   .   |   you  are  a  church  of  broken  glass  and  hallelujahs  ;   mirror .
❛   iv   .   |   and  the  leaves  fall  one  by  one  by  one  by one   ;   the bones .
❛   v   .   |  prophets  are  awfully  quiet  -  it’s  as  if  they  know  only  of  answers   ;   headcanons .
❛   vi   .   |  i  am  being  perfectly  fucking  civil   ;   ask memes .
❛   vii   .   |   a  character  study  ;   tasks .
❛   viii   .   |   tomorrow  there’ll  be  more  of  us   ;   main verse .
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vuulpecula · 6 years
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SHERLOCK ✖ FOX. 1/5. ( @intransigentholmes ) 
What if everything’s just the way that it will be. Could it be that I am meant to cause you all this grief? My warships are lying off the coast of your delicate heart and my aim is steady and true as it’s been right from the start. - City and Colour, Little Hell
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xfrozendreams · 4 years
tag dump v2
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xwinterblossom · 4 years
tag dump #1 all quotes are from leonard cohen songs
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prismaticpichu · 2 years
Second prompt on the bullet list was “laundry”. Hallelujah!!
(Y’all are prolly very used to my 1st grade sense of humor by now. I’m sorry I never mentally matured past 7yos!)
Sephiroth went stone-stiff upon seeing the yellow streaks rivering down his coat, at least a dozen or more stringy ribbons forming viscous globules that dribbled rather rhythmically at the man's feet.
And Zack just stood across from him, clutching a broken can of spray cheese with the same expression as one may bear when having shattered their mother's most expensive vase—something he's also done. Twice.
"Oh man! Oh man! Oh man! I'm sorry, Seph!" Zack set down the squirtable dairy-turned bomb, rushing to his friend with a paper towel in hand and desperately trying to wipe the cheese off.
Sephiroth closed his eyes, sighing deeply. He wasn't even trying to suppress his anger; he was simply too tired to muster the energy for any other reaction. "It's... fine," he said feebly, then lifted his sleeve to see tendrils of buttery gold stretch with the motion, inadvertently creating the illusion that his limbs were strung together like a harp—or some kind of broken puppet.
Zack pulled away, having successfully dabbed off at least one thread of cheese. His sheepishness grew tenfold. "Aw man—y'know what? Let's just get this thing off ya. I'll go down and wash it myself!"
However, as he reached for his friend's coat, Sephiroth jerked away.
"I have nothing else to wear," he pointed out, and although his body didn't regulate temperature like the average person, it was still the heart of winter.
"I'll give you something to wear!"
The look of horror that crawled onto Sephiroth's face was priceless, at least to the boy whose expression suddenly blossomed with amusement—and inspiration. Evil, evil inspiration.
"C'mon, it won't take long!" Zack wheedled. Granted, he didn't necessarily want to go down to the beehive of swarming cadets and staff breaking into wrestling matches over the fastest machines, but Seph's coat had posed as a Kindergartener's splatter art project and it was kind of all his fault.
Sephiroth still looked hesitant. "Mmm..." His gaze traveled to his sleeve, then to Zack, then to his collar, then to Zack, and then to the spray can. He knew his best friend: Zack would need to find a way to assuage his guilt somehow. It would eat him alive until he did.
Besides... he was just too tired to protest.
And that’s how Sephiroth found himself curled up on Zack's sofa, his eyes shut as to try and neglect the fact that fluffy, turquoise, Moogle-emblazoned pajamas were grassing his entire body.
Though he had to admit, they certainly felt lighter than the demanding, almost gluey weight of his coat... They were warm, cocooning him head to toe, simply existing for the sake of his safety and comfort...
"Alright, I'll be back in a bit!" Zack announced through the doorway, an iconic puddle of tar draped over his shoulder. Sephiroth hardly registered when he was gone.
Zack returned an hour later with a clean, cheeseless, coconut-smelling trench coat... and almost immediately melted at the sight that awaited him.
Seph was sound asleep on the couch, hugging a pillow close, his mercury tresses spilling off the edge while the shorter bangs splayed carelessly over his eyes and nose, quivering with his tranquil breaths. He was snug as a pug in a mug.
Zack deposited his coat on the counter where he knew Seph would see it, tip-toeing past his friend and heading off to bed himself.
But not before stopping at the arm of the couch, leaning down, and bringing his arms around Seph in a delicate hug.
"Good night, bud."
I oughta take a break from Zack & Seph for a couple hours before I blow out like a laptop with soda spilled all over it
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ivoryribcage · 7 years
Five Threads for a Kingdom
@anarchywithin | Continued from ✘
Dear. She repeated the gentle term of affection to herself. Before she’d parted for Westeros from the lush, tropical mountains of her birth she’d devoted months of studies to its cultures and tongues. It wouldn’t have done for her to be presented to her intended betrothed ignorant to the customs of his people. Despite his death a scant month prior to the date of her arrival her efforts hadn’t been for naught either. She’d been married to his kin instead: an arrangement that promised the same beneficial gains to their families. Veata touched her hand to her husband’s shoulder. “The trick isn’t in finding the useful lies,” she murmured as her mouth lowered to press a gentle kiss into his shoulder though her eyes remained fixated on the written parchment laid out in front of them.
It’d surprised her: his quiet yearnings for her affection. In at least the southern regions of Westeros the reputation of northerners depicted a boorish, hardened people as untamed as the winters that descended onto their lands. She had thought her husband would not lack for affection yet as she’d learned of him Veata found he’d begun to develop an unspoken taste for her touch. It’d been a pleasant development, but not one she thought of at that particular moment as she considered her husband’s recent correspondence. “The trick is in deciding on their use. It is a subtle difference, but an important one. I've yet to happen upon a single falsehood that a purpose couldn’t be found for.” She plucked the nearest corresponde from the table. 
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“It is a game of timing. Some pieces are better used in the short-term. Others ought to be withheld for the long-term. Here.” Veata offered the written correspondence to her husband. “House Stark is in shambles yet there are those that are steadfast in their loyalties to them, and there are those that have begun to waver in their absence. Of the latter a handful is more open in expressing their doubts. In total three factions, three decisions: strengthen established allegiances with those that stand with House Stark, reaffirm wavering loyalties, or prevent those that have been lost from being cause for trouble in the future. No one decision is the correct decision, but these letters at least offer some insight in distinguishing friend from foe.”
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doubleattitude · 4 years
NUVO Dance Convention, Dallas, TX: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
NUbie Solo
1st: Ariella Scott-’My Boyfriend’s Back’
1st: Sylvie Win Szyndlar-’Rainbow Connection’
2nd: Sebastian Mancini-’Guerriero
3rd: Avery Olson-’Monster’
4th: Reis Terhune-’Saxx’
5th: Arianna Claxton-’Ride’
6th: Mackenzie Glover-’Suddenly’
7th: Avery Redus-’Lost Boy’
8th: Ella Benjamin-’In Love With A Monster’
Mini Solo
1st: Ellary Day Szyndlar-’Snow’
2nd: Naiya Abalos-’Forces’
2nd: Tiara Sherman-’The Things That Remain’
3rd: Roxie Onellion-’Mellow Yellow’
3rd: Alexis Alvarez-’Wide Eyes’
4th: Camilla Sonnier-’Ave Maria’
4th: Ainsley Epton-’Dangerous’
5th: Anna Holley-’Reminisce’
5th: Addison Price-’We Will Not Give In’
6th: Braylynn Grizzaffi-’Path5′
6th: Kazuma Brailsford-’Mugen’
7th: Esprit Frank-’Grains’
8th: Winter Eberts-’Dreamlike’
8th: Karyna Majeroni-’Pistolette’
9th: Maddie Pedder-’Vibrations’
10th: Delila Hewitt-’Shop Around’
Junior Solo
1st: Kennedy Kahler-’Inanna’
1st: Laci Stoico-’Mibiso’
2nd: Kayla Jinks-’First Ember’
2nd: Lucy Cavender-’Formed From Static’
2nd: Graham Johnson-’New Shoes’
3rd: Lilly Allen-’Femme Fatale’
3rd: Campbell Castner-’Hallelujah’
3rd: Jade Bontron-’Harlequinade’
3rd: Amaya Llewellyn-’Must’
4th: Kylie Kaminsky-’Beneath the Surface’
4th: Ava Mogote-’Somewhere Over the Rainbow’
4th: Sydney Kelly-’You Are the Reason’
5th: Julia Chavez-’Going Under’
5th: Ryleigh Jane Touchstone-’This Is Real’
6th: Anya Inger-’Quiet Thoughts’
7th: Adelyn Kolanz-’Transform’
7th: Alita Kneeland-’Transparent’
8th: Anabel Alexander-’It’s Okay ‘Till It’s Not’
8th: Colby Rich-’The Letting Go’
8th: Campbell Clark-’The Scarlett Effect’
9th: Nily Samara-’Dot 2 Dot’
9th: Brielle Ring-’I Remember Her’
9th: Finley Aldridge-’Jealous’
9th: Nyah Jackson-’Slow Meadows’
10th: Kylenn Pallohusky-’Get There’
10th: Kenlie Winsett-’Patterns of the Tides’
10th: Clare Loftus-’Restless Night’
10th: Makaia Roux-’Runaway’
Teen Solo
1st: Isabella Jarvis-’Allow The Light’
1st: Sarah Kate Kurzius-’Charmed’
1st: Avery Hall-’Lie To My Heart’
2nd: Hudson Pletcher-’Ascension’
2nd: Addison Middleton-’Dark Dissonance’
2nd: Savanna Kristich-’I Copy’
2nd: Avery Watson-’Locked’
3rd: Gianna Mojonnier-’One Note Samba’
3rd: Sabine Nehls-’Shout’
4th: Mini Preston-’Granular Breath’
4th: Macy Orvis-’Look At Me’
4th: Trinity Kelly-’Sorrow’
5th: Sydney Orr-’So Far’
5th: Ella Williams-’The Garden’
5th: Sydney Ishaug-’Unseen’
6th: Lydia Werschay-’A Deal With Chaos’
6th: Dru Neal-’Bring Back The Path’
6th: Drew Rosen-’Deconstruct Composition’
6th: Isabel Reese-’Inside’
6th: Kali Knewitz-’My Accomplice’
6th: Dasha Vishnyakova-’Partita’
6th: Lauren Rahimizadeh-’Settle For More’
7th: Ava Lynn-’Catch 22′
7th: Ava Miller-’Tarnished’
7th: Cambry Bethke-’Winging It’
8th: Kathryn Martinez-’Another Brick In The Wall’
8th: Natalie Bowen-’Distance Between’
8th: Beth Anne McGowans-’The Water Rises’
8th: Sophia Bishop-’Unravelings’
8th: Isaiah Bowens-’You Know What’
9th: Mikaella Lopez-’Mind In Flight’
9th: Brielle McCoy-’My Brightest Diamond’
9th: Gianna Garwacki-’Penance’
9th: Braylon Browner-’Run From Me’
10th: Aiden Skelte-’Baiao Destemperado’
10th: Katelyn Neasham-’How They Run’
10th: Kalen Latin-’Made of Silk’
Senior Solo
1st: Christian Burse-’Atlas’
2nd: Kamryn Funk-’5,6,7,8′
2nd: Charlotte Foldes-’Shock To Us All’
3rd: Raegan Davidson-’After That’
3rd: Peyton Winsett-’Distortion’
3rd: Lainey Myers-’You Are the Reason’
4th: Sophia Seymour-’Broken’
4th: Makenna Wallace-’Hope Is A Dangerous Thing’
4th: Taelynn Ritchie-’If You Could Do It Again’
5th: Raegan Stafford-’Beneath the Light’
5th: Gracie Lee-’Love of My Life’
5th: Emma Sucato-’Memories’
6th: Kylie Sicillan-’Time & I’
6th: Haley Beck-’Upside’
7th: Chloe Lopina-’In Love In Vain’
7th: Kennedy Barry-’The Distance Between’
8th: Makaila Teagle-’He Needs Me’
8th: Brooke Jensen-’Sunder’
9th: Riley Canterbury-’Figures’
9th: Haley Bogdon-’Giuseppe’
10th: Emmalynn Mackaron-’Georgia On My Mind’
10th: Gracie Zytysnki-’Letters of a Traveler’
10th: Emma Johnson-’To Be’
10th: Caroline Pierce-’What Remains’
Open Solo
1st: Summer Martin-’Insomnia’
NUbie Duo/Trio
1st: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’Tomorrow’
2nd: Beyond Belief Dance Company-’Insomnia’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: The Pointe Performing Arts Center-’Angel by the Wings’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Stronger’
3rd: The Dance Movement-’Pour the Milk’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Beyond Belief Dance Company-’Painted Black’
2nd: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’Inception’
3rd: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’This Is Me, Sincerely’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: Next Step Dance-’Georgia’
2nd: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’After The Fall’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’Kitri’s Friends’
2nd: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’What Goes Around’
3rd: Next Step Dance-’Daina & Acteon’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Tea for Two’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’As The Petals Fell’
NUbie Group
1st: Next Step Dance-’Milly Rock’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy’
3rd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Gypsy’
Mini Group
1st: Next Step Dance-’Knock On Wood’
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Strings’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Ain’t Your Mama’
3rd: Next Step Dance-’Charlie’s Angels’
Junior Group
1st: Kim Massay Dance Productions-’Dance With You’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Threads That Blind’
3rd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Marquises’
Teen Group
1st: Next Step Dance-’A Women Left Lonely’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Hey!’
3rd: Kim Massay Dance Productions-’Put A Spell On You’
Senior Group
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’A Human, A Light’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Manic’
3rd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Completely Gone’
NUbie Line
1st: Next Step Dance-’Boy From New York City’
Mini Line
1st: Next Step Dance-’Sweet Dreams’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’Spring’
3rd: Next Step Dance-’The Chain’
Junior Line
1st: Next Step Dance-’Vogue’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’On Your Radio’
2nd:Next Step Dance-’Opening’
3rd: Next Step Dance-’I’ll Be There’
3rd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Salute’
Teen Line
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Where Is My Body’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’Tarentella’
3rd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Invocation of Lust’
Senior Line
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Devour’
Mini Extended Line
1st: Next Step Dance-’Runaway Baby’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Footloose’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Don’t Stop Me’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’Respect’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’American Pie’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Distortion’
3rd: Next Step Dance-’#FreeBritney’
3rd: Next Step Dance-’It’s All So Incredibly Loud’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Hotel California’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Sexy Crazy’
Mini Production
1st: Dance Industry Performing Arts Center-’Cool Rider’
Junior Production
1st: Next Step Dance-’Let It Cook’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Flatline’
3rd: Next Step Dance-’Everlasting Love’
Teen Production
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Goodnight’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Overture in A’
Senior Production
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Crunk’
High Score by Performance Division:
NUbie Tap
Next Step Dance-’Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy’
NUbie Hip-Hop
Next Step Dance-’Milly Rock’
NUbie Jazz
Next Step Dance-’Boy From New York City’
NUbie Lyrical
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Gypsy’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Next Step Dance-’Sweet Dreams’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’We’ve Got Aways To Go’
3rd: The Dance Movement-’Wings’
Mini Ballroom
1st: Next Step Dance-’Runaway Baby’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Ain’t Your Mama’
Mini Tap
1st: Next Step Dance-’Charlie’s Angels’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Weird Science’
Mini Jazz
1st: Next Step Dance-’Knock On Wood’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’Boy Meets Girl’
3rd: The Dance Movement-’#Hashtag’
Mini Contemporary
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Strings’
1st: Next Step Dance-’The Chain’
Mini Ballet
1st: Next Step Dance-’Spring’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’The Ladies of the Wild West’
Mini Specialty
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’The Stepford Wives’
Mini Musical Theatre
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Footloose’
Junior Musical Theatre
Paragon Dance-’The Internet Is Down, A Musical’
Junior Jazz
1st: Next Step Dance-’Vogue’
2nd: Kim Massay Dance Productions-’Dance With You’
3rd:  Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’On Your Radio’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Threads That Blind’
2nd: Paragon Dance-’My Life Is A Song’
3rd: The Dance Movement-’Don’t Give Up On Me’
Junior Tap
1st: Next Step Dance-’I’ll Be There’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’Sunny Side of the Street’
3rd: The Dance Movement-’Shine’
Junior Ballet
1st: Next Step Dance-’Opening’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Salute’
3rd: The Dance Movement-’In Time’
Junior Specialty
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Marquises’
Junior Lyrical
Next Step Dance-’Free As A Bird’
Junior Ballroom
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Don’t Stop Me’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’Respect’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Next Step Dance-’Let It Cook’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Flatline’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Goodnight’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’A Women Left Lonely’
3rd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Hey!’
Teen Jazz
1st: Kim Massay Dance Productions-’Put A Spell On You’
1st: Next Step Dance-’Technologic’
2nd: The Dance Movement-’Cola’
3rd: The Dance Movement-’Thule’
Teen Ballet
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Overture in A’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’Tarentella’
3rd: Downtown Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’An American In Paris’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: Next Step Dance-’#FreeBritney’
2nd: The Dance Movement-’Wow’
3rd: Contemporary Ballet Dallas-’Speed It Up: The Beginning’
Teen Tap
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’American Pie’
2nd: The Dance Movement-’I Feel Good’
Teen Ballroom
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Distortion’
Teen Musical Theatre
Next Step Dance-’All That Jazz’
Senior Ballet
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Completely Gone’
2nd: Next Step Dances-’Fratres’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’A Human, A Light’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Hotel California’
3rd:  Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Devour’
Senior Tap
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Manic’
Senior Lyrical
Dance Industry Performing Arts Center-’Yesterday’
Senior Ballroom
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Sexy Crazy’
Senior Jazz
Dance Industry Performing Arts Center-’Like A Boy’
Senior Hip-Hop
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Crunk’
Best NU Groups:
Next Step Dance-’Milly Rock’
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Strings’
Next Step Dance-’Sweet Dreams’
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Flatline’
Kim Massay Dance Productions-’Dance With You’
Next Step Dance-’Vogue’
The Rock Center for Dance-’Hey!’
Kim Massay Dance Productions-’Put A Spell On You’
Next Step Dance-’A Women Left Lonely’
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’American Pie’
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’A Human, A Light’
Next Step Dances-’Fratres’
Studio Pick:
The Dance Movement-’Gemini’
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’A Human, A Light’
Next Step Dance-’A Women Left Lonely’
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vostara · 4 years
you’re the hallelujah on my throne
Tumblr media
pairing: ares x original female character
blurb: “He can wait.”
word count: 1.5k+
title inspiration: in my blood - the veronicas
one-shot ficlet taking place after hypnophobia. this work was written before i finished writing the series, so i omitted any details that would reveal what exactly is happening (outside of the relationship between ares and beatrix).
this work is cross-posted on AO3.
series masterlist
She awakens with the sensation of fingertips gliding along the bare skin of pale arms. And she smiles, embracing the comfort, etching the touch into her memory. Clinging to the last threads of unconscious dozing, she barely emits a longing whine when the the contact of flesh is broken. Beatrix buries her face into the ruby satin of the pillowcase. When she inhales, she breathes in the faint scent of leather, the lingering traces of her lover’s cologne.
A body inches closer, to press their chest against her naked back. They wrap an arm around her waist and nuzzle their nose against the back of her neck.
Further removing herself from the state of slumber, her brain turns on the gears, starts the process of comprehending her surroundings. She begins to register the sound of raindrops, splattering against the glass of their secluded bedroom. Exposed skin is chilled from a breeze that slips between the space provided by windows left slightly ajar. And the body behind her, the woman behind her, is stained with the scent of the jasmine perfume that Beatrix had worn the night before.
Full lips are pressed against her skin. They brush along her neck, before migrating down to her shoulder blade. Beatrix moans when she feels teeth sink into her, scratching playful markings on top of her lotus tattoo.
“Ares,” she whispers, a pleading noise escaping her lips.
The woman smiles into her skin. And then she pulls her lips away, pulls her body away.
And Beatrix panics.
She turns her body on the bed and latches onto Ares, pulling her flush against her body. She needs to feel her, to know that she’s there, that Ares is real, and that the heartbeat that she feels isn’t a fantasy that bleed from her slumber and into her reality.
Ares places a comforting hand against the woman’s back, rubbing a thumb against her. With her free hand, she brushes strands of long hair away from Beatrix’s face. She raises her head to press a gentle kiss on the woman’s forehead.
Beatrix relaxes.
She opens her eyes, blinking away the blurriness that lingers after a deep slumber. Through the window, she sees a single ray of sunlight, breaking through the expanse of gray clouds. The light illuminates the lavender flowers planted outside, on the windowsill. Then she shifts her eyes to where the warmth radiates. And she focuses on the familiar tattoos inked onto a thin arm and the heartbeat embedded into the side of a neck.
Beatrix lays the side of her face against the flat space of her lover’s shoulder. “You’re here,” she mumbles.
Ares trails her fingers against the woman’s back, tracing the outlines of a freshly healed tattoo. Though her lips are graced with a soft smile, her eyes are tinged with concern.
The couple lay together, for awhile longer, their limbs intertwined. Ares runs her fingers through the woman’s hair, untangling knots that had formed in the midst of passion exchanged. Beatrix breathes in the scent of her lover’s skin, further grounding herself into this reality.
When Ares is certain that Beatrix has calmed down, she pulls her arms away. She moves them to grip the woman’s hips, urging Beatrix to move her body.
Without hesitation, Beatrix obliges. She climbs on top of Ares and straddles her hips between her legs. Eager, she presses herself against the woman beneath her and leans down to kiss her.
But Ares stops her.
Planting a hand firmly against her chest, she pushes Beatrix to sit upright. She takes a moment to examine the woman, observing her barely open eyes, her swollen lips, and the fading lipstick smeared against her skin.
She lifts her hands, bringing them to the space between the women. Are you okay? She signs.
Beatrix blinks and then shifts her gaze to look away from Ares. She opens her mouth to speak, but pauses. “For a moment,” she finally says, “I thought you were going to disappear.”
Ares presses a hand against her cheek, turning her head back towards her.
I’m right here, she says. I’m not leaving you.
Beatrix smiles. She leans down and meets Ares in series of sweet, gentle kisses.
The buzz of a phone interrupts them.
Beatrix pulls away, sighing. She reaches for the black cellphone resting on the bedside table and frowns. A notification flashes across the screen, a message from Santino D’Antonio.
Ares slips the phone out of the woman’s fingers, turning it so she can see the screen.
“Ignore him,” Beatrix says.
Ares smiles, but unlocks the phone. She reads the message, before dropping the phone onto the bed.
He needs to see you.
“He can wait,” Beatrix responds.
Ares lifts an eyebrow. He says that it is important.
Beatrix rolls her. “He’s a big boy,” she rests her chest against Ares, “he should learn some patience.”
Ares quirks her mouth in amusement, before pulling Beatrix into another kiss. She flips them over, trapping the woman between her and the mattress.
Beatrix presses her thighs against her hips, wanting to feel all of her lover.
Ares nibbles against the bottom of Beatrix’s lips, urging her to whisper a soft moan in response. Seizing the opportunity, Ares slips her tongue between the parted lips, deepening the lust blooming between the women.
Beatrix digs her nails into the woman’s back, marking the skin with fresh scratches.
Ares pulls her lips away from Beatrix, choosing to pepper kisses along the woman’s jawline. She then presses her lip onto the woman’s neck, sinking her teeth into the delicate skin. A few moments later, she continues to trail her lips down the woman’s body. She travels across her collarbones, the space between her breasts, and along the scars etched onto her stomach.
Beatrix tangles her fingers into the woman’s short hair, impatient and desperate for Ares. Unintelligible pleas escaping from her lips.
Ares dips her head between the spread legs and—
The phone rings, screaming its godawful noise into the room.
Ares freezes, before pulling her face away from Beatrix. She reaches for the cellphone and accepts the call. The woman holds the phone up to her ear for a moment, and then passes it to the other woman.
“What do you want?” Beatrix hisses.
“Ahh,” the man responds, “a good morning to you, too.”
“Santino, get on with it.” A warning.
“The Germans have a proposal.” The man sighs. “I need you to show up for a meeting.”
Movement from the corner of her eye draws her attention. She watches as Ares untangles her limbs from the bedsheets and leaves the comfort of the fabric. She picks up a burgundy shirt from the floor, the same one Beatrix had torn off of her last night, and slips her arms inside of the sleeves. A moment later, she exits the bedroom.
“Answer me,” Santino’s voice pulls her attention back to the call.
“Which Germans are you talking about?” She questions. “Did they mention anything about what they wanted?”
“Matthias,” the Camorra man pauses, “is requesting your presence.”
“Tell him to fuck off.”
Santino chuckles. “That might break his heart. He seems to be quite enchanted by you.”
The woman rolls her eyes. “Did he mention anything else?”
Beatrix frowns. “But Lilith is—”
The man interrupts her, “Actions can lead to unexpected conflicts.” A pause. “He says that he can make it, ‘go away.’”
Silence follows, as she processes the information.
“When does he want to meet?”
“This evening, for a late dinner.”
“I will be there,” the woman responds. She ends the call and tosses the phone back onto the bedside table.
Ares walks back into the bedroom, dressed in a clean black buttoned shirt and a pair of navy blue tapered slacks. She pauses in her steps, her eyes focused on Beatrix.
You’re upset.
Beatrix nods her head in response.
What did he say?
“That Matthias has a proposal for me.” Wrapping herself in the bedsheet, Beatrix stands up from the bed and approaches Ares. “It has something to do with Lilith.”
Ares furrows her brows. She is gone.
“It would appear that my actions resulted in,” Beatrix takes a moment to consider her words, “a rippling effect of consequences.”
Ares frowns and her eyes drift down to stare at the dark wooden floors.
“I should have known better,” Beatrix says. “Lilith’s poison contaminates all of Germany. There is no freedom from my people.”
Ares takes a step towards her, determination painted in her features. She reaches for Beatrix’s hand and pulls it towards her, placing it on her chest. Her thumb traces against the edges of an emerald, cut in a pear shape and attached to a simple gold band.
Ares removes her hold on the hand, allowing her to shape her next words. I vowed to protect you. And I intend to keep that promise.
Beatrix blinks, surprised, but comforted. “Ares—”
I will not allow harm to befall you. You do not need to ask me to fight with you, to fight for you. I will do so willingly, for as long as you wish that of me.
Beatrix lifts her hand, placing it against the side of Ares’ neck. “Thank you,” she whispers.
Ares smiles. I love you.
The woman steps closer to her lover, pulling her into her arms. I love you, too,” she says.
a/n: thank you for reading! if you enjoyed this piece, please considering reblogging it! i’m a small author, so any reblog really does help me out.
chapter four of the main series is scheduled to be released next weekend, hopefully it doesn’t get delayed any further! i wanted to release something to tie you over while you continue to wait.
follow my twitter! @ VostaraFics
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Pairing: Archie Hopper x Nicole Hopper
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: Soft cuddles between Nic and Archie
A/N: I was crying over this for a while and I hade to write it. Also it’s much better if you read it listening to this
Well I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
Well it goes like this:
The fourth, the fifth, the minor fall and the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah
The music softly played over the phone speaker, drowning out any sounds of the night. The only light was the gentle glow of the moonlight through the window, just enough light to illuminate their faces.
Nic laid on the bed, staring at her husband as she gently stroked his cheek with her thumb. He smiled at her softly before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to her lips. She pressed into him further, her hand trailing up his bare chest until she cupped his neck. She pulled away for a moment, tilting her head to the side a little more before capturing Archie’s lips once more. She shivered slightly as his hands rested on her bare back, pulling her flush against him.
Their legs were tangled together, and Nic brought her hand up, threading it through his hair. They pulled away for air, and she buried her face in his neck, taking in his scent. Archie pressed a kiss to her shoulder, his fingers slowly trailing up and down her back. She inhaled sharply at the action, then kissed his neck softly. She trailed them up his neck until her lips once again met his, this time in a more passionate and desperate kiss.
She kissed him hard, attempting to experience every part of his mouth at once. He couldn’t help but smile into the kiss, bringing a hand up to her wrist. He brushed his thumb against the back of her hand, and for a second she paused against his lips. Nic then placed softer kisses on his lips, cupping his face in both of her hands. She slowly started to pull away, but Archie followed. Once Nic’s back hit the soft mattress underneath them, she recaptured his lips with her own.
Well your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya
She tied you to her kitchen chair
And she broke your throne and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah
Archie laid on top of her, and his wife was quick to pull him from his spot hovering over her until he was pressed against her. He could feel her smiling into the kiss, and he was quick to bury his hands in her hair, tangling his fingers with the curly brown locks. His fingers massaged the base of her skull gently, and she let out a soft moan into the kiss. Her hands found their way to his waist, and she lightly dug her nails into his skin, pulling him closer to her. When they pulled away for air once more, this time Archie hid his face in her neck. He pressed a soft kiss against the space between her neck and shoulder.
Soft kisses trailed down her shoulder then back up before he pressed a few deliberate kisses on the spot of her chest where her heart was. When he lifted his head to look at her face, he noticed the tears in the corners of her eyes, as well as the tender smile on her lips. She lifted a hand to cup his cheek, running her thumb across his bottom lip softly. No words needed to be exchanged, he’s seen that look a million times, and he’d see it a million more. He knew what it meant, and he gently pressed his forehead against hers. She kissed him again passionately, attempting to convey one message to him: ‘I love you.’
But baby I've been here before
I've seen this room and I've walked this floor
You know, I used to live alone before I knew ya
And I've seen your flag on the marble arch
And love is not a victory march
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
Fingers trailed up and down her sides, softly mesmerizing every inch of her without the need for sight. He wouldn’t dare pull away in a moment like this. Archie kissed her as desperately as she had moments ago, pulling away only to catch his breath, before kissing her again. Nic let out a small whine when he trailed kisses away from her lips and pressed them against her jaw. He smiled, trailing them back until he was pressing soft ones on her lips. With one of her hands in his hair, she took the other one and traced lines on his waist. Archie hummed at her touch, and reached down, taking her hand in his. He guided her hand until it rested beside them on the bed, his thumb brushing her palm. Nic smiled.
He rolled them back onto their side, and he tangled his legs with hers once more. Archie rested his hand on her waist, rubbing small circles with his thumb. She pressed her face against his chest, closing her eyes and taking in his presence. He tangled his hand from hers and ran his fingers through her hair, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. In response, she pressed a gentle kiss against the center of his chest. They laid in each other’s embrace for a long moment, both too content to move or break away.
Well there was a time when you let me know
What's really going on below
But now you never show that to me do ya
But remember when I moved in you
And the holy dove was moving too
And every breath we drew was Hallelujah
It was Nic who broke away first, pressing her husband against the bed and crawling on top of him. She straddled his waist and rested her hands on either side of his head. Archie’s hands settled onto her hips, and he stared at her in awe. He was getting to see her so naturally, and it was only in the most intimate moments. He was able to look up at her and see the face of the woman he married; embrace her in every sense of the word.
Nic leaned down and kissed him, her back arching as she did. His hands trailed and rested on her thighs, tightening his hold as he kissed back deeper. He pressed himself against her, sitting up slowly. One of his hands found its way to the small of her back, and it stayed there as she now straddled him where he sat on their bed. Her hands had once again found themselves buried in his hair.
They pulled away just barely, lips brushed against each other as they shared the same breath. While her remained closed, Archie gazed at her, taking her in as close as she was. Seeing her like this would never tire for him, and he smiled softly before pressing a tender kiss to her mouth. She lazily kissed back, still attempting to catch her breath from the many kisses they had shared in such a small amount of time. Her fingers slowly stroked his hair, a light rhythm that he found himself lost in. After a few moments, he laid back down, and Nic followed slowly, nestling into his side.
Maybe there's a God above
But all I've ever learned from love
Was how to shoot somebody who outdrew ya
And it's not a cry that you hear at night
It's not somebody who's seen the light
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
His hand rested on her shoulder and she snuggled close, resting her head on his chest. She could hear his heart beating, and it was a lulling rhythm that soothed her. She closed her eyes, sighing contently and lifting her hand up to rest it on his chest beside her head. Archie smiled, taking his other hand to intertwine his fingers with the hand that lay on his chest. The ran his thumb over her wedding ring, and his smile widened. He closed his eyes, gently playing with the ring on her finger. They were both content in each other’s arms.
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nickelkeep · 5 years
Written for @katehuntington‘s 300 Followers Challenge
Song: Hallelujah Pairing: Destiel Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: Canon Typical Gore, Language Word Count: 1051 On Ao3
Dean stumbled into his hotel room, bruised, bloodied, and almost broken. The case looked like a simple salt and burn and was only a few towns over, and he swore to Sam that he didn’t need assistance. He didn’t want to take anyone with him. No, not even Cas. He had grabbed his duffle, thrown it in the passenger seat of Baby to emphasize that he was going solo, and sped off in the night.
Truth be told, Dean had run from the bunker.
Dean limped over to the bed and rummaged through his duffle. He pulled out a sewing kit, dental floss, and a fifth of Jack he had bought before stopping at the motel the night before. He cracked the bottle open and took a swig before attempting to slip out of his flannel shirt. “Sonofabitch.” Dean grimaced and dropped the flannel unceremoniously on the floor.
The black teeshirt that Dean wore underneath came off next. Dean cursed as he peeled it away from the wound on his side, the damage that was hidden now exposed in the sickly yellow lighting. He took another swig of Jack before pulling the shirt off the rest of the way. The rip in his side was huge, and Dean figured the only reason he was still moving was the teeshirt he just took off and pure adrenaline.
Unwilling to move more, Dean poured some of the whiskey onto the wound, hissing at the sting. This was the karma coming back to bite him in the ass, he knew it. He pulled out a needle and threaded it up with some of the dental floss. Dean took another swig of Jack before jabbing the needle into his skin. He cursed, his pain sensitivity at a low due to the amount of blood he’d lost.
Simple salt and burn, right. Dean drank some more Jack as he started the next stitch. Tell that to the poltergeist that flung the knives at him. He got the job done, but this might be the job that did him in. All because he couldn’t be near Cas and Sam. It wasn’t their fault that Dean was childish. It was, however, their fault that he overheard their conversation in which Cas confessed that he had fallen in love with someone.
Dean attempted to take a pull from the bottle of Jack, but it slipped from his hands. He knew that there was no God above to pray to for help. Chuck had left the building a long time ago. His eyes grew heavier as he slouched back on the bed. He didn’t get the bleeding to stop. This wasn’t how this was supposed to end, feeling cold and broken. As his eyes closed, a single word escaped his lips.
Dean woke up, his eyelashes fluttering, as the sun spilled in between the mostly closed curtains. He tried to move, but his body was too sore. He did notice, however, that the rest of his clothes (except his boxers) had been removed and he was laying under the blankets. Dean turned his head and noticed someone sitting at the foot of the bed.
“Cas?” Dean inquired weakly, hating how pathetic it made him sound. “Shit, how are you here?”
The angel turned and looked over his shoulder. Once he realized that Dean was actually awake, he stood and walked up next to him squatting at the side of the bed. “You called for me, remember?” Cas gently ran his fingers through Dean’s hair. “What happened, Dean? You ran off, no word other than you were going on a hunt, and then I come to find you almost dead.”
“It all went wrong.” Dean closed his eyes and tried to disappear into the bed he was laying on.
“Is that all you’re going to tell me?” Cas waited, but continued when Dean didn’t answer. “You know, you used to let me know what was going on, but now you never tell me anything.”
Dean opened his eyes and looked at his angel. “I couldn’t stay in the bunker any longer. I needed to get out. I saw the case, figured it would be quick and easy. Could get me out of there for a few days to clear my mind.
I ran in head first, thinking it was just a salt and burn, clear out a malevolent spirit. Turns out it wasn’t a spirit. Fuckin’ poltergeist man.” Dean covered his face with his hand. “I did my best, but it wasn’t much. I wasn’t prepared for that kinda fight. So yeah, it all went wrong.”
Cas laughed, a cold and broken sound that hurt Dean more than the wound on his side. “I know why you’re injured, Dean. I don’t understand why you were so hurt that you thought you had to leave.”
“I can’t, Cas.”
“You can’t, or you won’t?” Cas stood up quickly and walked away from the bed. “This is the same song, over and over again. We end up here every time. I know this room, I’ve walked this floor. I can’t keep doing this.”
“Cas,” Dean had pushed himself up into a sitting position, “I know, and I know I’ve lost you.”
“You what?”
“I left because I heard you and Sam talking.” Dean hung his head, ashamed to face the angel in front of him. “I know you’re in love with someone.”
Cas froze and the sudden lack of movement caused Dean to look up. Cas’ blue eyes were locked on him, wide with surprise. “How much did you hear?”
“It doesn’t matter what I heard. But I suddenly couldn’t feel, I couldn’t breathe.” Dean tried to smile. “I thought I would find the courage to tell you how I felt, and I’m only doing it now because I’ve seen the light. I was a coward, and I don’t get the guy.”
“You didn’t hear who I said I fell in love with, did you?”
“I don’t even know the name, but if I did, what does it matter?”
Cas closed the distance he had created between them, sitting on the edge of the bed next to Dean before pressing their lips together. There was a blaze of light in every word that Cas said next.
“I fell in love with you.”
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Hello, I have not posted anything in ages but here is a thing I made in February 2019 and am now sharing in February 2020 (Lmao). 
Good thing I made this on youtube because I lost my 8tracks password and also 8tracks is dead.
There’s forty songs so I am too lazy to pull out some lyrics from each one, but just read the titles, recognize some songs...
A good chunk of them are memes and also my music taste is stuck in 2013. 
Numb - Linkin Park
Losing My Religion - R.E.M.
Honest - The Neighbourhood
Exit Wounds - The Script
Tainted Love - Soft Cell
For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic - Paramore
The Enemy - Andrew Belle
By the Throat - CHVRCHES
To Love and Loathe - Yellow Red Sparks
Battlefield - Jordan Sparks
On/Off - Snow Patrol
Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus
Hurricane - 30 Seconds to Mars
I Gave You All - Mumford & Sons
Rolling in the Deep - Adele
Missile - IMAX
Miss Missing You - Fall Out Boy
Missing Persons 1 & 2 - OneRepublic
How to Save a Life - The Fray
Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler
Best Laid Plans - James Blunt
Battle for the Sun - Placebo
Antebellum - Vienna Teng
Selfish Son - Bloc Party
Poison & Wine - The Civil Wars
Day Old Hate - City & Colour
Bad Blood - Bastille
Thread - Now, Now
Don’t Lie - Vampire Weekend
Reflections - MisterWives
Brothers on a Hotel Bed - Death Cab For Cutie
Fourth of July - Fall Out Boy
Hallelujah - Rufus Wainwright
Broken Strings - James Morrison & Nelly Furtado
Kill - Sufjan Stevens
Roman Candle - Elliot Smith
Pieces - Andrew Belle
No One's Here To Sleep -  Naughty Boy ft. Bastille
Smile - Mikky Ekko
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roseyboy · 5 years
no one asked for this, but if anyone wants my playlist I made on Spotify for songs that remind me of Arya and Sandor - have at it 
and if anyone wants a full list with the lyrics of each song that really speak to me, keep reading 
*** I will also note I’m only into s.8 Arya and Sandor being romantically involved w each other. Only an 18+ yr old Arya here folks. 
Also a couple of these are just stupidly cheesy and for my own dang fantasies. 
Oh Comely - Neutral Milk Hotel:  Oh comely // I will be with you when you lose your breath // Chasing the only // Meaningful memory you thought you had left
I Hope That I Don’t Fall in Love with You - Tom Waits:  I can see that you are lonesome just like me // And it being late, you'd like some some company // And I hope that you don't fall in love with me
bury a friend - Billie Eilish:  Your talk'll be somethin' that shouldn't be said out loud // Honestly, I thought that I would be dead by now  // Calling security, keepin' my head held down // Bury the hatchet or bury your friend right now
It Will Come Back - Hozier:  Don't let it in with with no intention to keep it // Jesus Christ, don't be kind to it // Honey don't feed it, it will come back
Can’t Help Falling in Love(cover) - MountainCity:  Would it be a sin // If I can't help falling in love with you?
Song for a Guilty Sadist - Crywank:  How rude of me to bring my thoughts into your bedroom. // Is it condescending to be so scared I might hurt you?
Creep - Scott Bradlee(cover):  Whatever makes you happy // Whatever you want // You're so fuckin' special // I wish I was special // But I’m a creep
Cherry Wine - Overcoats(cover):  Calls of guilty thrown at me // All while she stains // The sheets of some other // Thrown at me so powerfully // Just like she throws with the arm of her brother.
In the  Woods Somewhere - Hozier:  I clutched my life // And wished it kept. // My dearest love I'm not done yet // How many years // I know I'll bear // I found something in the woods somewhere.
Closer - Nine Inch Nails:  My whole existence is flawed // You get me closer to god // You can have my isolation // You can have the hate that it brings // You can have my absence of faith // You can have my everything
Desire - Meg Myers:  Honey, I wanna break you // I wanna throw you to the hounds, // I gotta hurt you, I gotta hear from your mouth
My Blood - Twenty One Pilots:  If you find yourself in a lion's den // I'll jump right in and pull my pin // And go with you
As it Was - Hozier:  And the sights were as stark as my baby // And the cold was as sharp as my baby // And the nights were as dark as my baby // Half as beautiful too
Before I ever Met You - BANKS:  Before I ever met you // I never knew that my heart could love so hard // Before I ever met you // I never knew I would be enemies with disregard // Before I ever met you // I never knew that I liked to be kissed for days // Before I ever met you // I never knew I could be broken in so many ways
Here You Come Again - Dolly Parton:  Here you come again // Just when I'm about to make it work without you // You look into my eyes and lie those pretty lies // And pretty soon I'm wond'rin how I came to doubt you.
Dire Wolf - Grateful Dead:  When I awoke, the Dire Wolf, six hundred pounds of sin, // Was grinning at my window, all I said was "Come on in". // Don't murder me, I beg of you, don't murder me. Please, don't murder me.
To Be Alone - Hozier:  It feels good, girl, it feels good // Oh, to be alone with you
Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley:  And I've seen your flag on the marble arch // And love is not a victory march // It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
Can’t Nobody Love You- The Zombies:  'Cause they don't know how to love you // Like I do
Love is Blindness - Jack White:  Love is clockworks // And cold steel // Fingers too numb to feel // Squeeze the handle // Blow out the candle // Love is blindness
NFWMB - Hozier:  If I was born as a black thorn tree // I'd wanna be felt by you, held by you // Feel the power of your hand on me
Go Your Own Way - Fleetwood Mac:  Loving you // Isn't the right thing to do // How can I ever change things // That I feel
I’m on Fire - The Staves:  At night I wake up with the sheets soaking wet // And a freight train running through the middle of my head // Only you can cool my desire
Woke Up New - The Mountain Goats:  On the morning when I woke up without you for the first time // I felt free and I felt lonely and I felt scared
Young Blood - Noah Kahan:  And if you want, I can tell the truth // That this life takes a toll on you // I spend nights stitching up the loose threads of my soul //  In the morning I'm bulletproof
Hold On - Tom Waits:  She closed her eyes and started swaying // But it's so hard to dance that way // When it's cold and there's no music // Oh, your old hometown's so far away
If I Loved You - Delta Rae:  If I loved you, life would be easy // There'd be no truth that I'd be scared of // I could walk through every valley // And you'd light me with all of your love 
when the party’s over - Billie Eilish:  But nothing is better sometimes // Once we've both said our goodbyes // Let's just let it go // Let me let you go
The Night We Met - Lord Huron:  I had all and then most of you // Some and now none of you // Take me back to the night we met // I don't know what I'm supposed to do // Haunted by the ghost of you
Moment’s Silence - Hozier:  What yields the need for those who lead us oh so morally // Those that would view the sin we do through their deformity // Who view the deed as power's creed is pure authority // This moment's silence when my baby // Puts her mouth on me
bad guy - Billie Eilish:  So you're a tough guy // Like it really rough guy // Just can't get enough guy // Chest always so puffed guy // I'm that bad type // Make your mama sad type // Make your girlfriend mad type // Might seduce your dad type // I'm the bad guy, duh
I Love You Like an Alcoholic - The Taxpayers:  One last kiss, I love you like an alcoholic. // One last kiss, I love you like a statuette. // One last kiss, I need you like I need a broken leg.
Fell in Love with a Girl - The White Stripes:  but sometimes these feelings can be so misleading // she turns and says are you alright? // I said I must be fine cause my heart's still beating
Whore - In This Moment:  But let me tell you something baby // You love me for everything you hate me for // I’m the one that you need and fear // Now that you’re hooked, it’s all becoming clear // That all your judgments that you placed on me // Was a reflection of discovery
Closer - Kings of Leon:  She took my heart, I think she took my soul // With the moon I run // Far from the carnage of the fiery sun
Love Song for a Vampire - Annie Lennox:  Oh loneliness, oh hopelessness // To search the ends of time // For there is in all the world // No greater love than mine
Big God - Florence + the Machine:  You keep me up at night // To my messages, you do not reply // You know I still like you the most // The best of the best and the worst of the worst
Ouija - Beacon for Ghosts: I should have known I’d be misunderstood //  in every story you heard I was the antagonist // But I can’t hurt you, and even if I could // I’ve forgotten what it was that I even wanted vengeance for  
Last Night on Earth - Green Day:  I'm here to honor you // If I lose everything in the fire // I'm sending all my love to you
Started - Iggy Azalea:  I started to say sorry, but fuck that shit // You started out hatin', now you love my drip // Ayy, bitch, they lookin' at me, they not lookin' at you // I don't mean to be rude, I'm a ten, you a two  
Otherside - Avi Kaplan:  wrapped around my skin // pulls me deeper // drags me back again
I Can’t Go On Without You - KALEO:  Oh so what is left but a broken man? // 'Cause nothing hurts like a woman can
Happier - Marshmello, Bastille:  When the evening falls // And I'm left there with my thoughts // And the image of you being with someone else // Well, that's eating me up inside
Graceless - The National:  All of my thoughts of you // Bullets through rotten fruit // Come apart at the seams // Now I know what dying means
Furr - Blitzen Trapper:  Yeah, we would gladly get our fill // Howling endlessly and shrilly at the dawn // And I lost the taste for judging right from wrong
Beggin for Thread - BANKS:  So I got edges that scratch // And sometimes I don't got a filter // But I'm so tired of eating // All of my misspoken words // I know my disposition gets confusing // My disproportionate reactions fuse with my eager state // That's why you wanna come out and play with me, yeah // Why?
Take Me To Church - Hozier:  I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies // I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife // Offer me that deathless death // Good God, let me give you my life
Go to War - Nothing More:  Every feeling in my bones tells me to lash out // And tell you, "fuck off" // You've got my heart and I've got your soul // But are we better off alone? // With every battle, we lose a little more // Remember everything that we died for // You are everything that I die for
Kissing You Goodbye - The Used:  On my own, I'm nothing, just bleeding // I'm not kissing you goodbye
Follow You - Bring Me The Horizon:  So you can drag me through hell // If it meant I could hold your hand // I will follow you 'cause I'm under your spell // And you can throw me to the flames // I will follow you, I will follow you
Smother Me - The Used:  Now I can breathe, turn my insides out // And smother me // Warm and alive I'm all over you // Would you smother me? Smother me, smother me
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frailock-a · 5 years
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*    01.    OF BROKEN GLASS    &    HALLELUJAHS.
sakura’s     timidity     is a huge part of her character     ————     but this    irrational    fear was born of events    centuries    prior.    in her past life,    she was a soldier fighting in place of her ill brother.    the war dragged out for many years,    but she ends up dying by her commander’s hand.      &      she was   reborn    without these memories,     but it’s embedded within her subconscious.
it’s not a concrete thought,    nor an apparent emotion.    instead it lingers within her as withering threads      (     remnants of what was     ).     what do people hide behind their facades    ?     are they friend or foe    ?     being betrayed by someone she trusted left marks   ...     &     for sakura,    it manifests as this fear of everything,   of people,    of situations.
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