#thought I’d give this style a shot for fun
grewsomeart · 1 year
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Laerryn Coramar-Seelie, Architect Arcane of Avalir
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mama-lade · 7 months
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🎀babydoll bandit🎀
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swiftiethatlovesf1 · 4 days
PR disaster p.2
Hey guyss, since you liked part 1 and I love Franco I decided to do part 2. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do and if you want to read more of my stories here's my masterlist :)
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Y/N stood in front of her bathroom mirror, staring at her reflection as she tugged nervously at the hem of her dress. Why on earth was she nervous? This was just a deal—a professional arrangement. She had agreed to go on this ridiculous date with Franco purely to keep him in check. There was no reason for her stomach to be doing flips or for her hands to be fidgeting like she was a teenager going on her first date.
“Get it together,” she muttered to herself, giving her reflection one last once-over.
Her dress was simple but elegant, a deep blue that she usually wore to events where she needed to look put together. Neutral. Not too flirty, not too casual. And yet, as she looked at herself, she couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe—just maybe—she had spent a little extra time getting ready.
She shook her head, rolling her eyes at her own ridiculousness. "It’s just Franco," she whispered, trying to remind herself who this date was with. That thought should’ve made her relax, but instead, it only made her heart race faster.
Just then, the sound of a knock at her door pulled her out of her thoughts. She took a deep breath, smoothing down her dress once more before heading to answer.
When she opened the door, there stood Franco, leaning casually against the frame with his signature grin firmly in place. His dark curls were styled perfectly, and his shirt—though slightly unbuttoned at the collar—looked annoyingly well put together. He always managed to toe the line between effortless and way too charming.
Franco’s eyes flicked over her outfit, and for a moment, something softer passed across his expression. "Wow," he murmured, his voice lower than usual. "Te ves… increíble, jefa." (You look … incredible, boss)
Y/N felt the warmth rush to her cheeks before she could stop it. “It’s just a dress,” she said, trying to keep her voice as neutral as possible. “And stop calling me ‘jefa.’ We’re off duty.”
Franco’s grin returned in full force, and he leaned in slightly. "Oh, perdón. ¿Debería llamarte hermosa entonces?" (Oh, sorry. ¿Should I call you beautiful instead?)
She blinked, trying to decipher what he had just said before waving a hand dismissively. “Let’s just get this over with.”
Franco chuckled softly, stepping aside and offering his arm with an exaggerated flourish. "As you wish, hermosa." (Beautiful)
She ignored the Spanish this time and brushed past him, pretending not to notice how nice his cologne smelled as they headed out.
The restaurant Franco had chosen was a small, cosy spot in the heart of the city. It was intimate without being too romantic—just a perfect balance. Y/N had to give him credit; she had expected something flashy or over-the-top, but this was… nice.
Throughout dinner, Franco was, unsurprisingly, his usual self. He flirted relentlessly, slipping in compliments in both English and Spanish, leaving Y/N constantly on edge trying to figure out what he was saying. But as much as she tried to keep her usual grumpy exterior, she found herself laughing more than she’d care to admit.
“So,” Franco said, leaning forward, a playful glint in his eyes. “Are you having fun yet, or are you still counting the minutes until this is over?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her wine to hide the smile she couldn’t quite suppress. “It’s… tolerable.”
“Tolerable?” he repeated, feigning offense. “Y/N, you wound me. I was hoping for at least ‘moderately enjoyable.’”
She let out a small laugh despite herself, shaking her head. “Fine. Maybe it’s a little fun.”
Franco grinned, leaning back in his chair with a satisfied look. “See? I told you I could be charming.”
“Charming isn’t the word I’d use,” she shot back, though there was no real bite behind her words.
They continued talking, their banter flowing effortlessly between them. Despite Y/N’s initial hesitation, she realized she was actually enjoying herself. Franco, as annoying as he could be, was surprisingly easy to talk to when he wasn’t causing PR disasters.
The evening went by faster than she expected, and by the time they left the restaurant, she couldn’t deny that Franco had managed to wear down her defenses. They walked side by side down the quiet street, the night air cool and refreshing after the warmth of the restaurant.
“You know,” Franco began, his tone a little softer now, “I didn’t just ask you out to make a deal.”
Y/N glanced up at him, brow furrowing. “What do you mean?”
He stopped walking, turning to face her fully. His usual playful grin was gone, replaced by a sincerity she hadn’t seen before. "I asked you out because… I like you, Y/N. Even when you’re all grumpy and serious, you’re…" He paused, searching for the right words. "Eres increíble. You’re smart, tough, and you don’t let me get away with anything. I like that." (You are incredible)
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat. She opened her mouth to respond, but no words came out.
Franco took a step closer, his eyes locked on hers. "No tienes idea de cuánto me gustas." (You have no idea how much I like you)
This time, Y/N didn’t need a translation. She understood perfectly, and for the first time, she didn’t push him away.
Franco’s hand reached up, gently brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, his touch soft and lingering. "Tell me to stop," he whispered, his voice barely audible.
But Y/N didn’t want him to stop. Instead, she found herself leaning in, her heart pounding in her chest as her eyes fluttered closed.
And then, Franco’s lips met hers.
The kiss was soft at first, hesitant, as if he was waiting to see if she’d pull away. But when she didn’t, Franco deepened it, his hand slipping to the small of her back, pulling her closer. Y/N’s arms wrapped around his neck, her earlier grumpiness melting away as she let herself get lost in the moment.
When they finally pulled apart, both of them were breathless. Franco smiled down at her, his forehead resting against hers.
"So," he murmured, still slightly out of breath, "I think this date went pretty well, ¿no?"
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh softly, shaking her head in disbelief. “You’re impossible.”
Franco grinned, pressing another quick kiss to her lips. "But you like me anyway."
And, much to her own surprise, Y/N realized he was right. She did.
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So I Spied Another Day...
You know it was a good show when you can’t decide whether your heart is so full from all the love and joy, or so empty because it's over.
Really do buckle up, because this is a long one.
So the show went a little like this. They played the Spies pro-shoot on a giant movie screen, but any time a song started, the audio changed to the instrumental track, the video typically faded to simple background graphics, and the cast came out to perform the number live in concert style. There were also a series of audience participation prompts up on the movie screen, such as standing to deliver a line in unison, giving Lauren a standing ovation for the Pay Attention! Reprise, enthusiastically booing Dr. Baron von Nazi and the still infuriatingly catchy Not So Bad (for anyone who’s curious, in addition to encouraging boos and yelled disagreements with von Nazi, they also cut the audience participation bit from the song).
The energy in the room was so electric and full of joy and warmth. People shouted out iconic lines, went wild for everyone’s entrances, and absolutely lost their damn minds over Curtwen at pretty much every opportunity. And the cast were clearly having just as much fun. Doing This has always been my favorite, and there was something so sweet about them singing it again all these years later. We finally got Joey performing Spies Are Forever (Evil Reprise) again and it was just as chilling and beautiful as you’d expect. And One Step Ahead was just on a whole new level. I don’t want to give anything away, but the details in that performance were INCREDIBLE.
It was simply so special seeing most of the original gang come back while also bringing some new friends along. Shout out to Mariah for coming out at the top of the show so ready to play, setting the tone for the whole evening. Shout out to James for putting his comedy chops on full display (LET JAMES BE FUNNY MORE) and dancing the hell out of One More Shot (another favorite number). And shoutout to Carlos Alazraqui (taking over the roles of Sergio and Vladimir Poopin) and Tommy Link for coming into this crazy part of our world with such enthusiasm and silliness. Brian deserves a medal for agreeing to once again play the most cringe-worthy character in all of Pulp-StarCanWrecked history, and for sounding so fucking good while doing it. Tessa was having a blast in full unhinged glory and I gladly worship at her altar. Lauren is maybe the funniest person alive and deserved her standing ovation, prompted or not. Seeing Joe Walker perform live has been Item Number One on my fandom bucket list since I moved to LA a couple of years ago, and I still can’t quite believe I managed it. I’d wondered if he’d be rusty, but honestly he sounded great; it was like no time had passed. Mary Kate still has one of my all-time favorite voices and her Tatiana remains forever engaging. Joey showed up dressed to slay as a gay evil genius Bond-movie supervillain and proceeded to thoroughly deliver on that promise. And Curt… every time I watch Spies I am increasingly blown away by what he does with this arrogant, broken mess of a character. He clearly loves Agent Mega as much as any of us, and to see a performance refined and powered by such clear and thoughtful passion is just a huge treat.
(And while he wasn’t in the cast, I can’t not mention Corey. Between his roles as director and co-writer, so much of what Spies is comes directly from him and we don’t appreciate that nearly enough. And shout out to Esther Fallick for her wonderful work as Susan and the Informant. She might not have been there in person, but her incredible performance was with us the whole time.)
I know this is preaching to the choir, but Spies Are Forever really is such a special show. It’s a story about recovery, and devastating as it can be, I think there’s also something deeply healing about it at its core. For one thing, I know it played a huge role in mending my relationship with my asexuality. I will forever be grateful to it for existing, to TCB, Talkfine, and the original cast for creating it, and to those same people for maintaining its legacy with the amount of love and care it deserves. It was a privilege to be in the room as so many people came to celebrate this miraculous little musical. There were a couple of minor tech glitches (I wonder if they’ll even include the “big one”—the projector jumping over most of the staircase scene before getting fixed—in the digital ticket version), but nothing that could even begin to damper the magic of the night.
We all know that spies never die (except for Owen and the Informant, oops). And at times like this concert, I think this special little show with its short run in 2016 will prove to be just as immortal.
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Coffees, Plural
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Colt Seavers (The Fall Guy 2024) x Reader
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters in this story except for Sheila and the reader insert!
Author’s Notes: Reader uses she/her pronouns and is AFAB; reader has an immigrant mother, however where her mother is from is unspecified. The plot of the movie hath been screwed with, basically just imagine the movie with no *SPOILERRR* murdering by our dear leading man, that Jody and Colt are just friends and Colt never had his accident. While I don’t like erasing big plots it was hard to work around it with the timeframe of both the movie and the fic, hopefully the writing makes up for it 🙃 Jody and reader are friends from college, Colt and reader meet on the set of Metalstorm. If you like the story, a comment would be super appreciated! Part two and three are out! Icons by @gosling-girlx !! She’s the best!
Content/Content Warning: Nothing crazy, this is just the meet cute!
If you had asked me what I thought I’d be doing with my life ten years ago, me-from-ten-years-ago would have told you something along the lines of “I don’t know,” “teacher,” or perhaps “nomad.”
That would’ve been her (me-from-ten-years-ago’s) third year of college, where she was newly 21, burnt out, sick of the education program, and just about ready to drop out.
Then she discovered makeup. Fun, out of the box makeup. Her immigrant mother, who really did mean well, had given her a graphic liner palette for Christmas- “Oh honey, I thought this was the makeup you wanted!” And sure, it wasn’t what she had wanted… at first… but then, the week before exams in a fit of stress, she tried it out. Five hours later she discovered a talent she never knew she had, and had created a look that had astounded both her and her roommate, Jody Moreno.
She’d always been good at the basics- rarely did a day pass without getting a compliment on her eyeliner wing or her ombré eyeshadow, but this graphic liner? This was where it was at. It challenged her and made her smile, and she finally found what she wanted to do in her life. Makeup-more specifically the out of the box makeup- had been what spoke to her after years of not knowing what it was that she truly loved.
She- I- dropped out the day before my exam. A couple years later, after some practice and online beauty school, I had a steady gig going with weddings, senior pictures and other fancy clientele. My mom wasn’t super hyped about the idea of a makeup artist daughter at first, but once she saw the bank I was making within half a year of working her mind was changed.
Now listen. I wasn’t actively looking to be this restless soul who wouldn’t stop until she found “the perfect gig.”
But quite frankly, the makeup that pays the best is usually the most boring in composition. I could do these plain, “natural” looks in my sleep. But the thing was, nothing was giving me the same rush as when I ventured out of “normalcy” with that graphic liner years ago. Sure, in my free time I’d practice the cool graphic stuff, even venturing into more VFX style stuff, like wicked scars and things, but my free time was few and far between.
About a year ago, that same Jody Moreno, my old roommate reached out. As far as careers go she definitely had a straighter path than me. For as long as she could remember she wanted to be a director, she’d tell me. We both went to community college, but for her it was for her undergraduate so she would have a fall back if her film degree didn’t end up taking her anywhere.
Film ended up working out for her, and though we lost touch after community college, from what I’d seen on her Instagram she was doing pretty freaking well for herself, and I was happy for her.
Her producer finally gave her a shot at directing her own film last year, a movie called “Metalstorm.” Some sort of space opera with a cowboy of all things, starring world-famous actor Tom Ryder.
Now, I’m not personally too big on Tom Ryder movies- he comes off as a douche and his acting is… a choice, to say the least.
However, when your old roommate reaches out with a job proposition to be a part of a Tom Ryder movie, you don’t say no.
I couldn’t have said yes faster to Jody’s offer. I remember gawking at the screen when I read her message-
“Hey, y/n!
I know it’s been a long while, and I’m sorry for that!
To make up for it, I was wondering if you’d like to work as makeup artist on this movie I’m directing? It’s sort of a space opera with a cowboy- I know, it sounds random- and the producer’s letting me do some of my own hires if I’d like.
Anyway, if you’re interested, I’ll provide you with more details. We’ll be shooting in Australia, and I’ll get you your own trailer on set. Just let me know!
X Jody Moreno”
I could barely register how adorable it was that she still signed off with an X after all these years because of how shocked I was.
First was the fact that she had gotten her own movie- it wasn’t so much shocking as incredible, and super exciting.
Second was the fact that she was offering me a job, and that she remembered me when she got big in the industry. I had told her before I dropped out to remember me when she was famous, as a joke, but I guess she took it seriously which was extremely endearing.
I replied with an enthusiastic “yes!” and the next thing I knew I was in Australia.
I’ve gotten to do all sorts of weird makeup things since I’ve been here, including funky scars and alien makeup. It’s the dream, and it’s a blast!
I have even been trusted to do Tom Ryder’s looks, which thankfully don’t take too much effort or time because as I suspected, he is in fact a massive douche with an ego the size of Mars. I was able to get him passed over to Sheila, our executive makeup artist who takes no nonsense, and who cuts him off by busting into song- usually an eighties hit- any time he tries to speak. She has a great voice, so both the lack of his asshole words and the presence of her beautiful voice are very much welcomed.
Sheila liked the work I was doing for the Space Cowboy scars though, so she gave me Douchebag’s main stuntman to work on.
Enter Colt Seavers. Six feet of pure muscle and a well filled out frame, blue eyes with an energy that can only be described as “puppy-like,” brown hair that’s dyed blonde on the tips to match Douchebag, and a rogue-ish beard. He’s undeniably attractive, and he’s got a sarcastic sense of humor to match.
Basically, he’s what Tom Ryder is played out to be, but better. 
When I had first met him, it took me a hot minute to pick my jaw up off the floor. It was a Monday morning, three months into my time on the filming site. I’d over slept that morning, and made it to the makeup trailer ten minutes late, worried that my new client would be wondering where I was. In my defense, 6 in the morning is too early to be doing anything.
I had breathed out a huge sigh of relief when I found out that he was apparently also running late, and grabbed a grape soda from the mini fridge in the trailer. We had every flavor- from cherry to pickle- but I was most fond of grape.
Sheila, who was my main friend in the makeup crew as well as being my most direct boss, didn’t have to come in for another hour because Tom Ryder was always (at least!!) an hour and a half late to every appointment. I didn’t really know the other artists at the time, so I just sat in my chair waiting for my client as the others worked on the early clients. They were working on the extras who played humans in the upcoming scene, making sure everyone had a unique futuristic look.
Ten minutes later I decided I was sick of waiting and pulled out my graphic liner, the same pallet from ten years ago. It was a little worse for wear, about half the colors missing and the others not far off. But it reminded me of my roots and why I was where I was, and I couldn’t bear to part with it- even if I was in dire need of pink. Kidding. I love the thing, so, so much.
I ended up doing something elaborate with purple, green and blue arches. It sort of looked like the northern lights, if the northern lights were a dramatic eyeliner wing.
I was nearly done with the touch ups, too locked in on the look to notice on the figure that appeared behind me somewhere between the second swipe of purple and the subtle yellow accent.
“Hi! You must be y/n, sorry I’m late-” came a soft, low voice that had a slight gravel to it. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t exactly focusing on the exact tone of his voice when I jumped with a slight squeak and dragged yellow down the side of my face. Real nice.
“Oof, sorry!” he said. He was holding two cups of coffee, and he looked very unsure of what to do.
If wiping yellow eyeliner down the side of my face hadn’t been embarrassing enough, I just had to look up. I caught his blue-eyed gaze in the mirror, took in all six feet of him and was basically, to put it as elegantly as possible, completely taken aback by his hotness.
I promise I’m not a superficial person, by the way. Colt Seavers is just really this pretty. I’ve never been one to notice the “intensity of the blue hue of [one’s] eyes,” or any romance novel cliche like that, but Colt Seavers was a very different story.
Remember how I mentioned that my jaw had been on the floor when I met him? When I stopped mentally drooling over him in his dirty white Space Cowboy costume with all its latches and gold accents I realized that my mouth was actually open. Oops. Really great first impression.
“I’m so sorry. Let’s try this again. I’m y/n, and you’re-“
“Colt Seavers- stuntman, and guy who scares makeup artists when he’s a half hour late. Sorry I startled you,” he apologized genuinely.
“It’s all good,” I said, standing up. His chest is eye level, and I don’t really know how to feel about that. “I’ll tell you what- how about you take a seat and just give me a minute to wash this off,” I suggest.
“Yeah of course, please, take your time!”
“No worries, it’ll be just a minute. You can set your coffees, plural, on the counter in front of the chair,” I told him.
“My coffees, plural, and I are grateful for your kindness,” he teased. I shook my head and smiled, and then walked into the bathroom of the trailer to fix my face. About a minute it was off- thankfully my old pallet wasn’t the most top notch makeup. I returned back to my little booth of sorts, where Colt sat comfortably, his leg bouncing up and down.
“Are your coffees, plural, comfortable?” I asked by way of greeting.
“Why yes they are, thank you,” he chuckled.
“I’m going to get started on the scarring in your face, if that’s alright?”
“Of course.”
“So… the coffees?” I tried to make conversation as I pulled a couple of pallets out from the drawer in the booth.
“They’re my life force,” he says dramatically.
“Oh yeah?” I first grab an alcohol wipe, and gently wipe his face.
“Yep- and also the reason I was late. Sorry again, by the way.”
“No worries- I was late too. Only ten minutes though,” I start applying primer with a fluffy brush.
“We can’t all be a half hour late,” he conceded as if it were an accomplishment. I liked his humor right off the bat.
“That is true…” I agree as I finish applying the powder. “Alright, we’re going to let that sit a minute. Care to tell me how your coffees- plural- made you late?”
His ears turn red. Man, he’s cute.
“Er- I have an affinity- not an addiction!- for coffee, if you couldn’t already tell.”
“An affinity?” I raised an eyebrow, trying to emulate The Rock in my stare.
“Yes, an affinity,” there was that little laugh again. It’s sort of a giggle, and definitely unexpected from this guy who looks like a walking action hero. I liked it. “Anyway, I drank a cup-or two-before getting into this costume, thinking that if I had to, er, piss, I could get out of it easily. It took a half hour to get into all of these damn buckles, and by the end of that half hour, guess who had to piss?”
“The costume designer?” I joked. That got a laugh out of him, again.
“Yes, the costume designer, obviously. But yeah, apparently a side effect of my coffee addic-affinity is perpetual lateness.”
“Huh, I’ll have to keep that in mind,” I noted as I reached for one of my pallets. “I’m going to start on the scarring on your face, there’s one that goes on your left cheek and another where your hair’s parted.”
“Okay, sounds good.” It’s quiet for a little bit, but not necessarily in an awkward way. I’m about halfway done with the scarring on his cheek, the one that’s supposed to look like a fresh wound.
“So, how’d you get into makeup?” Colt asked, careful not to move his mouth too much.
“Oh, that’s a bit of a long story,” I told him, adding highlights to the scar.
“I’ve got time,” he said, the corner of his mouth quirked up.
“If you say so…” I mumbled, before telling him the abridged version of how I got into makeup.
“I have to say, I’m really glad your mom bought you the wrong pallet,” he commented at the end of my story.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, you’re really good at what you do,” he complimented, sincerity in his voice as he checked himself out in mirror. By that point I had finished his face, and stepped behind him so he could see himself. We both smiled, eyes meeting in the glass.
“Thanks,” I said, trying not to cringe at the light blush that had appeared on my face.
Looking back on it, I think my crush on Colt Seavers really did develop on day one. But little did I know, it’d only get stronger.
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harryspurpleloofah · 5 days
Dadrry one shot
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TW: absolute fluff, most of it is with his daughter anyway. Few mentions of childbirth and blood transfusion
Harry had always known y/n was special. He had loved and lost before but nobody compared to her. By the time the happy couple had been married for four years and moved into a luxury mansion in north London with a puppy, he thought he’d wrung out all the love he could ever give to her. But it was as if his system refreshed when he heard the cries of their newborn baby girl fill the room on that beautiful day.
They were on their way to his mum, Anne’s house for Christmas Eve when y/n complained about some stomach pain. But she was carrying a nine month baby, pain was a given. Obviously, Harry worried. He asked her multiple times if she wanted him to turn the car around and go to the hospital but she kept brushing him off and saying she was okay. However, the scene at Anne’s house became quite embarrassing when she called for him from the bathroom and he walked into her standing there looking down in shock as she saw her water had broken. He then had to hold her hand and lead her through the small cluster of people invited to this gathering and go to the hospital.
But now she was here. Little tiny baby Noelle. Harry saw himself in the tiny thing. She had his same brown hair though it was only at the roots because she was so small, y/n’s doe eye shape and button nose, but the colour of her eyes was bright green. Just like her daddy’s. He immediately fell in love with the little thing. Y/n was just as excited as him, it was her baby too. But childbirth wasn’t easy. And she’d lost a bit of blood. A bit more than the usual amount, so the doctors requested a blood transfusion and that’s what she was having now. She respectfully had asked Harry to leave the room with the baby because she wanted to get in some sleep as well. So now Harry was standing in the hallway gently cradling the swaddle of joy in his arms. She was a fairly calm baby. Hadn’t cried that much at all, in fact even now she wasn’t sleeping or fussing which are the two most common things a newborn does. Noelle was just taking in her surroundings with her huge green eyes. They darted to Harry, then the nurse, then the ceiling, and all she let out were little coos and occasional squeals. Harry chuckled as he adjusted the baby in his arms.
Now Noelle was two years old and y/n was two month pregnant with their second baby and they were going to tell Noey she’d be a big sister. Noelle had developed pretty fast comparatively to kids her age, she picked up some motor skills quite early on because her parents and grandparents and uncles and aunties were always gushing over her. She was the absolute baby of the family. Harry’s sister Gemma had one daughter who was around nine years old now so the Styles family hadn’t seen a proper baby or toddler in a while but they all found that sweetness in Noelle. They constantly talked to her, resulting in her picking up words really early and now at two and a half, aside from a few pronunciation errors here and there, their toddler had a rich vocabulary already. She sat on their sofa, kicking her small legs that barely reached the floor and adjusted the hairband y/n had placed in her brown curls that morning.
Harry and y/n looked at each other. None of them knew what to say. Y/n cleared her throat.
“Hey Noey?” She started.
Noelle looked up, intrigued. “Yes mumma?”
“Right so…sweetheart you know how some people have brothers and sisters right?”
“What if we told you that you would have a sibling soon too?”
“Would it be a brother or sister?”
Harry chuckled, joining in the conversation. “We don’t know yet honey. But either way. Wouldn’t you like it?” He asked.
“Maybe?” Harry grinned, “why just maybe hmm? You have lots of fun playing with your cousins and friends. So why is a sibling different?”
The small child thought for a second before looking up at her father, “I’d have to share everything.”
Both Harry and y/n chuckled softly. Harry continued, “what would you have to share?”
“My house!”
Harry laughed. “Sweetheart don’t you already share your house with mummy and daddy? We used to have the house all to ourselves before you were born yknow?”
“Really sweet pea.”
“So why did you bring me here?” She asks, genuinely confused.
Y/n smiles, “because your daddy and I wanted to have a baby honey. And we got you, look how happy we are now.”
“How did you get me?”
Both Harry and y/n stuttered a bit. Harry cleared his throat “that’s not important Noey. What we’re trying to say is you’re gonna have a little baby to play with. Isn’t that great?”
“I guess..”
“Oh honey come on.. it’ll be amazing.”
“Fine..but..you guys have to let me name him.”
Harry smiled. “Him? How do you know?”
“Because you guys already have me so we need to have something different now. Anyway I’ve never seen a baby boy before so I wanna know. Please?”
“We’ll see honey. If you have some really good names you can start thinking ok?”
“Ok deal. And the baby can play all the time?”
“Maybe not when it’s very little. But you can spend time with your baby sibling whenever you want.”
“I’ll read them stories!”
“Sure honey, whatever you want.”
“I’m so excited! When is my baby sibling coming?”
“A few more months honey.”
That night, Harry helped Noelle make a little calendar she decorated with stars and planets (she was in love with space and galaxies right now). It lasted nine months, everyday she would put a little cross. One day she came up to him with the calendar, her pigtails bouncing along.
“Daddy! Daddy! I need your help please!” She said. Harry smiled as he saw her and put down the plate he was washing.
“Hey sweetheart. What’s up?” He asked.
She held up her little spacey calendar. “How many days has it been since we started it? Is the baby almost here”
Harry chuckled. He kissed her cheek and placed her on the counter delicately as he took the calendar from her tiny hands. “Let’s check shall we? Alright let’s see here…honey it’s been a week.”
“Wow! Is he nearly here?”
“Baby..no. There’s at least six more months left darling,”
“What? But it’s been ages daddy!”
“Imagine now me and mummy felt when we were counting down days for you to arrive.”
“I bet I didn’t take as long as this baby.”
“No honey you took longer” he smiled.
“What?! Even longer?”
“Mm. You were bordering almost ten months by the time you decided to come along,”
“Woah..so you and mummy waited all that time just for me?”
“Oh yes sweetheart. Just for you.”
“Why couldn’t you have gotten a baby who wasn’t taking long?”
“Why would we want anyone else who’s not you lovie? Besides it all worked out because now your mummy and I have this rent free little munchkin living with us.” He tickled her side, she giggled heartily. He smiled.
After setting her down for bed that night he went to find y/n downstairs. She was crouched down looking through a drawer. He sighed, “baby honey?”
“What are you up to?”
“I’m looking for something.”
“For what lovie?”
“For those little printed pictures we had of baby Noelle. Remember? That cute stars photoshoot?”
“Ohhh…yeah those were in our room weren’t they?”
“Were they?”
“Last I checked.” He heaved her up. “Baby the doctor said you need to lay down for at least a few hours a day. How many hours have you laid down today mm?”
“A few..”
“Few hm?”
“I was doing stuff ok? I will lay down when I go to sleep.”
Harry chuckled “that’s not what the doctor meant baby”
“She should be clearer then.”
“Right. I’ll have that formally sent to her.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome Mrs styles.”
She smiled. He knew she loved it when he poked in subtle reminders of their lifetime bond. She took his hand “come on. Let’s go up to bed.”. He smiled and followed her. God he was so so blessed with this woman.
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yanderes-for-everyone · 3 months
Hi! I love GL and I LOVE yanderes! I’ve read happy sugar life and I love Amy, are there any more recs that you would give for yandere yuri?
Hello! That’s a great question. Unfortunately, yandere’s are much harder to find in yuri than in hetero works or BL. Because yandere yuri is (comparatively) rare, it might be hard for me to give you recs that fit your exact taste, but here I go…
Games: (All of these are free on Ichio)
It Gets So Lonely Here by Ebi-hime
This game does such a good job of creating an atmosphere. The characters and background have such an old fairytale/folklore vibe. I love it.
Model Employee by nth circle
I LOVE THIS GAME. The yandere is so hot; she’s like a spider weaving her web around the MC. I will say that this game isn't explicitly a Yuri game (but you can choose a feminine or masculine appearance for the mc). If that doesn’t bother you, HIGHLY recommend it.
Crimson Devotion by Ghost Leif
This game has a similar concept to Pocket Lover if you’ve played that, EXCEPT the virtual yandere is a vampire. Adds an extra level of hotness if you ask me. It’s pretty short though (only 4k words) because it was made for a game jam
To My Darling by ixkyu
I had a lot of fun playing this. In this game, we play as the main yandere. 
Heartburn by Kathinka
You're on a date with your favorite streamer…what could possibly go wrong? Art style is adorable + both characters are hot.
Comics: Light Spoilers
I’ve found that most Yuri Yandere characters are similar to female Yanderes in hetero comics; They’re all super intense and aren’t really romanticized. 
Barefoot Nina:
I liked it. The main yandere wants to be with the mc all the time. She at one point wants the mc to drop out of school so that they can be together 24-7.
I’m More Dangerous Than You:
Whooo…this one’s pretty crazy. The Yandere is pretty much willing to do anything to be with the MC…including kidnapping her.
This is the gay version of Stalker X Stalker if you’ve read that. Both characters are Yanderes. If you wanted something more lighthearted/comedic, I’d go with this one. Though, it only has 7 chapters ( it’s completed.) 
White Angel has no Wings:
TW: Sexual assault and Incest. The Yandere is a really horrible person. However, the mc and her have an interesting dynamic. I have a hate-love relationship with this one.
Your Fretters:
I’ve heard people compare it to White Angel Has No Wings. It’s shorter (with 24 episodes) and in my opinion, is less disturbing. Yandere is super obsessive and isolating.
Getting to Know Grace:
Has a maid/mistress dynamic. We gotta love historical Yuri!
Manipulate My heart
This is similar to I'm More Dangerous Than You. In fact, I think that it's by the same creator.
Toxic Yuri:
Here are some comics where I wouldn’t label the love interest as a “yandere”, but are super toxic/clingy and still might satisfy your yandere cravings:
Maho Ineko to Ibarahime
This one is just a one-shot. Has a love interest who is obsessed with the mc, but there’s no real isolation or killing.
Let’s Kill Your Husband:
This one’s really good. The mc, as the title suggests, helps kill the love interest's husband (who’s abusing her.)
Talk Dirty to Me:
The mc is a dom and the possessive character is the submissive. There are some pretty good smutty scenes, in my opinion. The only thing is that the art style is…mehhh. The two mc’s have Dorito chins. It doesn’t really bother me, but I thought I should let you know.
Living Will:
The mc kills people for a living. Then she meets the love interest.
The Yandere Sister Just Wants me to Bully Her:
I had really high hopes for this one. There are just not enough isekai yuri in the world. Unfortunately, the plot is kinda all over the place. But the art is so pretty and both characters are so hot. As of right now, the love interest has acted somewhat possessive, but nothing I would label as “yandere behavior.” However, that might change considering the title.
That’s all I have for right now. I’ll continue to update this blog with other Yuri comics/games/fan-fics/novels that have a Yandere love interest. Hope this helped.
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*Alrighty, here’s the first post! Feel free ta send in asks, y’all!
Mod here! My @ is @drdontron1 ! I’ve seen a bunch of ask blogs for undertale yellow and I thought it would be fun to give making my own a shot!
Important stuff:
-North Star is the main guy on this blog as you can tell, but you may be able to ask other characters things if conditions are right! I’ll be making a list at the bottom of this post.
-This takes place after the true pacifist route. About 3 months, to be more specific. At least- this specific post does.
-I will be using the underblog💛 tag. I have no idea if there’s a certain community for it or what, all I really know is that undertale yellow ask blogs use it. So, I’m using it. If anybody has any more info on it, I’ll gladly take it lol
-The characters may be kind of ooc, and there are ships here. Mostly one big one, but it’ll be slow burn. So yeah, keep in mind that this isn’t fully canon-compliant
-There’s a lot of missing info about things in the game, (things like how the wild east was officially formed or character’s full backstories) and due to that, I will be making up stuff info to make up for it. So, basically, don’t take everything here as fact lol
-don’t send anything suggestive/inappropriate. The mod is a minor and I’d really not like to have to deal with that stuff.
-I’ll try to answer every ask with art, but know the art style may be off at times. That’s on my art being kind of inconsistent lol
Aaaaannndd that’s about it! Have fun!
The characters you can currently ask are:
-North Star
Oh! And Also! I'm giving credit to Solar Streams on YouTube for making the music used in the background. It's a lofi remix of "The Wild East" and it's a banger.
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harryleatherfit · 1 year
Poker Face🃏|| 7.5k
Joel Miller (no breakout! au) x F! Genius Reader
1980’s Vegas Strip, late night in the Bellagio Hotel, smoking and waiting on some poker with your friend Margaret, infamous Corporate Litigators walk in for a game to play, sitting at your table comes Joel Miller, little do any of them know that you have a photographic memory.
warnings: gambling, mentions of bullying, women’s life in the 80’s, asshole men, p in v sex (wrapped!), clit stimulation, doggy style, squirting (but she doesn’t know), f oral receiving, fingering v, alcohol consumption, smoking, RICH JOEL, etc etc
word count: 7.5K
One Shot Playlist
Rush- Troye Sivan
Million Dollar Man- Lana Del Ray
In My Feelings- Lana Del Ray
Family Tree- Ethel Cain
Tumblr media
Vegas strip, Bellagio. 1982.
Late at night, the bottom floor of the bellagio hotel was usually filled to the brim. The massive room is predominantly packed with businessmen , hookers, CEOS, average folk and tourists. You weren’t any of the above but you were special. Nobody knew your secret, nobody knew that the girl at the corner of the Poker table would always win, and this made you a gem. Not a tourist. Not an old rich white man. Not a hooker. Out of all the possibilities from the Vegas stript you were a fucking winner.
On multiple occasions, men from every block of the room would try to buy you a drink, lure you to the top floors of the hotel, bring you into private rooms, intrigue you with money and sex parties. But they always failed, mens tactics could never work on you.
You had to take it, accept that this was how you would always be viewed, not a woman but a body. After this, nothing felt better than taking their fucking money on the casino floor untouched.
Starting from this, Every weekend you would follow your friend Margaret to her job at the Bellagio, she was a dealer for poker, and got called in on very busy weekends. You didn’t mind tagging along all these years, she knew you would have fun too.
Margaret always wanted more for you, she would show you guys that she thought would be good for you. Slightly talking to them to make her happy. But never being satisfied with their answers.
Single and rich in vegas? Shit.
Were you average? Not particularly.
You were sitting back at the corner of the table on a hot summer night, studying the cards. It was earlyish in the evening, a live jazz band playing in the corner of the room. Welcoming people to stay in their hotel and stay a while for a game. Maragaret was setting up her table and drinking wine.
You understood the game of poker, it intrigued you, cards considering your future fortune. Poker was the game all the men wanted to play. Night after night of studying the game and the cards, you would eventually study the men, profile them and figure all the money they had to give from their pockets.
“What’s your plan tonight, you smart bitch?” She asks, moving around her chips and taking a sip from her glass. She opened her cigarette container, handing you one and giving you a light. She would always buy a carton for the both of you to smoke through.
She was dressed in a tight long black skirt with a backless wine red top. She was limitlessly beautiful and you couldn’t understand why she wasn’t taken, but then again you were best friends for a reason. You were wearing a black slip on silk dress, in the 80’s on the vegas trip, nobody would have cared how much clothes you wore.
“Hmmm, I’m thinking of making enough money for the both of us to go away for a while… I was thinking about New York.” You wink, “I hear it’s an up and coming city, c’mon we stay for a while and see what happens.”
“Maybe, depending on how much you make.” She laughs.
“1,000? 2? Maybe 3?”
“Don’t test your luck hot shot, you don’t even have a thousand to give, and then the moment you lose how would you pay them?”
“I’d find a way.” You grin, you point at your head.
“Mhm photographic memory will always beat the penis owners in here.” She giggles.
“I’ll drink to that Marg.”
Your ‘gift’ was the reason why you would win, after visiting Marg at her job and participating in some games, luck wasn’t your factor in winning every game. It was your memory.
You could see the cards the way Margaret would shuffle them, you would remember where they were placed in the deck, slightly peeking at the cards from your opponents.
When you would leave the strip with cash spilling out of your purse, it was a rush you couldn’t describe, a euphoria you never wanted to share with any other man. It was all for you, you did this all on your own, you were your own person and you never had to make a man happy.
You tried to act dumb, you tried to shade it off everytime you won, everytime you knew what cards the men around you had you had to play it off with a nice smile.
Growing up, you used this to your advantage, you flew through school and college. Growing up in the 60s-70s and being smarter than all the boys in your class was practically unheard of. But this, this was a challenge for you. Practically gambling your life away, just on your memory was a thrill you thought you would never experience. Using your looks and your brain to use men made you feel powerful.
You thought of this as your night job, but you worked for a place that invented math. It was quiet and secluded, but in the 80s, something was always being invented. Margaret always asked you questions, always wondered how you had the storage for this in your brain. You couldn’t believe it yourself, but you studied the philosophical part of math, why more things needed to be invented. This was never important to you, but it did pay well.
“There’s supposed to be a group of men from a bigger company coming in tonight.” She nudges at you.
“And…” You drag.
“Who knows…they come over here, play a game with you. You find a man that will sweep you off your feet and marry you!”
“Hell nooo, no marrying.” You shriek, “No long term commitments please, I owe myself at least that. But if they’re rich then maybe some rounds.” You smile.
New York was smelling real rich right now.
“Of fuck… look they’re coming in now, look, look!”
You flip your body around the chair, looking down the pathway from where the concierge meets the casino, a group of men cascading down the carpet.
It was a group of 5 men, all dressed in suits, hair tassel elegantly, black dress shoes shined with not one smear. You could practically smell them from a mile away. You could tell they were talking under their breath, laughing.
You and Margaret practically ogle them, you haven’t seen men like this before.
They had a style of fashion, you could tell they had money, and you could tell they weren’t from here.
You whisper, “Do you have any idea of what company?”
“No, I was just told there were important men coming in tonight and be prepared to see lots of cash tonight.”
Fucking hell.
They come closer to your side of the room, they pass the jazz band, pass all the food and side sushi restaurants, they weave through all the smaller gambling games coming over to the poker and black jack side.
You knew it.
“Look away, look away, if you look at them they’ll wanna come sit here.” You blow smoke out.
“That's the point!.” Marg whispers under her breath.
Not many tables were full, but there wasn’t an almost completely empty table for all of the men to fill. You knew they would sit with you, it was as if this night was planned.
They walk closer to you, feeling the breeze of all of them brush past you, standing at the game, observing the two girls in front of them.
“Is this table taken?”
You turn around again, drawing in your breath as you do so. The men standing in front of you were beautiful, but one in particular, you had to double take to make sure he wasn’t Burt Renolds. The man you suppose that asked, was the most godly creature you’ve seen.
“Not as long as you all would like to play some rounds with me.” You smirk.
They chuckle and eye you, taking a draw out of your cigarette. You move your jacket and purse from the table beside you, Marg moves her things from the table and reap through the cards.
“Mind if I sit next to you?” The man asks.
“No, please. I’m delighted.” You don’t miss your opportunity to realize how tall he is.
“Ready for some Texas Hold’em?” Marg asks.
“Giddy up horsey!” One of the men opposite from you chuckle, they all seem keen with each other, delighted that they could play together. He waivers down a server for alcohol, getting a bottle and glasses for the group.
“Darlin, would you like some?”
“If you wouldn’t mind,” You mumble. Prim and proper was all you had to be. At this very minute you were mindlessly going through the combinations of cards when Margaret was shuffling the cards. You could hear the stifling of the suits falling in place within her hands.
The man next to you hands over a glass, “What’s your name sugar?”
“So we’re on a first name basis now?” You tease, “What’s yours handsome?”
“Mhm I’m handsome now?” He shakes your hand, “ I’m Joel.” You see his skin, you scan his hand. His fingers are really fucking big. He had massive rings on a couple of his fingers, but noy any on his ring fingers. Your hand slips through his, not going unnoticed, the veins starting at his palm, his finger nails trimmed, cuticles cut perfectly.
You give him your name, looking the other way to get the last drag out of your cigarette.
He whispers your name to himself, like a soft prayer.
“Next to me is my brother Tommy, that's James, Tyler, and William.”
“Nice to meet you all.” You say, grabbing another cigarette out of Margs carton, cupping the light with your hands.
“Where you from?” He asks in a southern drawl. You can tell he’s not from here.
“I’m from Reno, grew up in Nevada my whole life. What about you Joel?”
“My brother and I are from Texas, I don’t ‘bout those yayhoos but we just recently moved to New York a couple years ago for our jobs. We’re all corporate litigators.”
“Corporate Litigators, impressive.” You chuckle.
He pauses, “ What do you do for a livin?”
What did you do for a living? You couldn't tell him.
“Well Margret and here, we're best friends, we work for each other.”
“You work for each other, in what way?” Tommy asks, Joel studies you.
“This one here can get you in trouble, watch out guys.” Margaret fills in, you roll your eyes laughing, you have to be careful how you start the night off with them, you can’t immediately believe you’ll win.
“Who wants the small blind and big blind?” Marg asks.
“No worries Joel and I will take it, wouldn’t want the lady and you hooligans having to pay immediately.” Tommy bellows.
You smirk, how kind of you.
“I’ll bet 20, what about you Joel?”
“100.” He blurts.
“Slow down, cowboy, don’t wanna scare off beautiful over there.”
“You’re not scaring me off, the night just started Tommy.”
Joel gets a wad of cash out, handing Marg a 100$ bill and her eyes avert to his cash, looking at you and winking. She passes out your 2 cards for the preflop round.
“What are you boys doing here in Vegas?” You ask.
“We’re just in town on a court case, profiling who we’ll be dealing with next week.” William replies.
“And to get some nice nights out.” James adds, his pupils were blown practically blown looking at you but there was no interest. He looked greasy and grimy. He looked like he was your age but he looked small and puny, begging for pussy without doing anything to earn it. Pathetic.
“Sugar, mind passing me a cigarette?” Joel asks.
You don’t falter giving him one, obediently doing as you're told. Fuck, this is not how you wanted this to go, but this was so much fun you couldn’t help it.
Your hand skids his again, begging for more. You give him a light and his Disneyland eyes thank yours.
Checking your cards, Queen of Diamonds, 10 of Diamonds you’re lucky you got the same suit. Not too bad, that means there’s a ⅖ probability someone would fold, would it be Joel?
“K sweets, you’re next to the big blind, what do you pick?”
You ponder, “I’ll call.” You shove in 100$ worth of chips, this is a test to see if anyone will twitch. If someone did you’d know they’d fold.
“I like that pretty girl.” Joel rasps.
Fucking hell.
William immediately folded, he looked embarrassed with the cards he got. Tyler calls with another 100$, James puts in 100$, and Tommy puts in 80$ to make it even.
600$ dollars itching to be touched.
“When you’d learn how to play poker darlin '?” Joel sits up.
“Well this until 3 years ago but I loved playing card games in college, an easy way of entertainment.”
“Entertainment huh? What’s entertainin’ to you?”
“Lots of things Joel. People, money, men, dreams, Vegas.” You trail off.
Marg giggles, “She’s a gem if you didn’t know.”
You smirk.
“That’s okay, gems make it big in this world, I’m here to experience one.” He shifts his hands to slightly touch yours.
You studied his face, his scruff looked enticing, his mustache making your mouth water. You haven’t felt anything this pungent for a man in years. You couldn’t control yourself. He looked years older than you, he wouldn’t want a girl your age? He could have anyone in this room, Margaret for fucks sake, not you.
But his hands, his arms bulged in his suit, his thighs expanding on the seat below him, his black shoes against the red of the carpet, the glow of the dark room coinciding with his skin, you needed to drink him.
“Princess we’ve been wavin to you, it’s your turn.”
Marg put down the 3 community cards.
King of Diamonds, Jack of Diamonds, Ace of Diamonds.
What were the fucking odds.
Tommy bet 100, Joel bet 100, not it was your turn to match or fold.
“100 in.” You murmur. Tyler folds.
“I’ll put in 150$.” James swindled more chips. You, Joel and Tommy did the same. Fucking arrogant asshole.
With Tyler and William out, 4 cards discarded that must have been bad, you, Joel and Tommy must have somewhat reasonable hands, you’d put that they’d both have some royalty after seeing the community being shown. James probably thinks he has the best hand. You wouldn’t walk away without a fight tonight.
“What’s it like in New York City, I’ve never been.” You slip on your drink, letting the warmth of the alcohol spread across your body. You could practically feel the heat radiating off of Joel's body, you would do anything to be alone with him.
“It’s fun, it's a big city, so much to do, so many different cultures, definitely better than farm field Texas.” He replies. “The night life there is a whole different world.”
“Better than here?”
“Darlin, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” He says.
You shuddered in your seat, rearranging your legs to burn the heat in your lower abdomen.
“We got some strippers last night, best night of my life.” James stammers.
Of course you did.
“You did dipshit, not us you fuckin pig.” Tommy reprimands.
It’s the turn round, Marg flips the fourth community card, 7 of Clubs.
Half the deck is still left, 4 on the table, 4 discarded with William and Tyler, 8 between the rest of you 4. All the 2’s must have been in the deck, a chance of Tommy having a 7, Tyler or William could’ve had 8s, leaving James and Joel with Kings.
Tommy keeps James busy, as Tyler and William are talking to Marg.
“How old are you honey?” Joel pips up, letting the smoke fog away from his mouth.
“I’m 24.”
He hums, “Just turned 40 this past month, feels weird but I guess it’s the prime age.”
“40’s perfect for a man, emotionally mature, physically at his best, life already put together. Don’t you agree?” You stare.
He ticks his jaw, peering into your soul, “I agree with you sugar, you can already read me like an open book.”
“Married?” Please say no.
He gets closer to you, “Divorced, but don’t tell the town I’m a divorced old fox.” He smiles.
“We both weren’t happy, it was a mistake to start with, our parents liked us for each other but our first night after being married we both knew it wasn’t going to work. After a year we separated and secretly got divorced. Parents freaked out but they’re dead now.” He shrugged.
You move sideways in your chair, moving your head to the side to study him, “I’m sorry, that must’ve been hard. Love is hard, finding people is hard. But I’m glad you’re out of it.”
“Ah darlin, long time ago but thank you.” He shucks a smile and his teeth were pearly white, he was perfect. No fault about him yet, and you hoped you wouldn’t find one. “Are you busy after this?” His eyes glare at you.
You glare at him, “No…I can be.”
“Good.” He hums.
“Ok 150$” James puts in his chips.
“I gotta fold man, can’t risk this.” Tommy holds up his wallet.
“150$.” Joel shoves in his chips.
Your turn.
“150$.” You follow.
“River round everyone.” Marg cheers. She eyes you, can you do this?
Yes. You blink.
She flips the last community card, 8 of Clubs.
“What about you? Married? Relationships?” Joel shifts.
“Single, I’m not the dating type. Never have been. She is though.” You point at Margret.
She puts her hands up in shock, playing along with you. “In High School I wasn't really the boys type. I wouldn’t do anything for them if you catch my drift.”
“Well sugar those are high school boys, boys then are always mean. Some still are now.” He hums looking toward James. “They’re cruel, and demeaning, fathers never teachin them right.” With his free hand he dances it around yours, delicately touching your fingers.
“Were you taught right?”
“I don’t think so, but I learned.” He clears his throat.
“Our dad was in the war when we were growin up, so we had our Ma and each other.” Tommy informs.
Now it makes sense.
“I’m gonna raise it to 200$.” James riggles his eyebrows, staring at you.
“I’ll fold, it’s been a good game.” Joel slumps back into his chair.
Just you and James now.
“200$, all in.” You grin, your breath slows.
All you can think about is Joel, he’s in your peripheral vision. All you can think about is how he looked walking down the hallway. How meticulous he’s been with his questions and answers. What his life has been like. His hands. His hair, his umber hair. You race your mind trying to think if you’ve ever seen him before, where has this man come from?
You swore off men from the hotel, only money. But he must be an exception, you have to let yourself have him. Your brain could turn off for one night.
“You think you can do this pretty girl?” Joel whispers, pretty girl.
You nod your head, putting out your cigarette and leaning closer to the table.
Joel places his hand on your thigh, giving you a squeeze of reassurance.
Fuck, if you stood up you could see a ring of wetness with your black dress, you knew it.
“Ok flip your cards.”
James goes first, he has 10 Hearts and 9 Spades.
“7 club, 8 club, 9 spades, 10 hearts and Jack hearts… there's a straight honey.”
You chuckle, you couldn’t believe he thought that was good enough. You thought he had cards like you but…
“10 of Diamonds, Jack of Diamonds, Queen of Diamonds, King of Diamonds, and Ace of Diamonds,” You pause, “Royal flush.” You pop.
His face loses all color, and Joel gets out of his seat cheering for you. Marg starts yelling and Joel picks you up, not believing what his eyes had seen. His hands lay above your ass, holding your waist in the most comfortable position.
“That’s my girl, “Joel whispers in your ear.
“A girl beat you James, what are you gonna do about it? Whimper you little cry baby.” Tommy teases.
Joel sets you down and you take a snapshot with your head, how tall he really is against you, you beating this whole group of men, Margaret screaming of joy for you. She pushes all the chips towards you, way over 1000$.
“Well boys, that was a good game,” You seductively smile, “How ‘bout another?”
They groan, sitting there in defeat.
“I’m gonna go to the club, if you boys wanna join. Don’t bring the bitch with you.” James huffs.
You look at him with disgust and Joel grabs his suit jacket, pulling him back.
“What’d you call her?”
“A fuckin bit-.”
“Okay guys break it up, James fuckin leave man. You’re too drunk for a club.” Tommy gets up with William and Tyler, hauling James with them. Joel stays back looking at the table with you and Marg.
“I’ll go uh cash this in for you, call me later?” Marg asks.
You nod your head, mentally thanking her that she’s leaving you with him, you have the feeling he couldn’t be much worse than James, but much better.
“I’m sorry Darlin for him, he’s always been a pain in the ass. M’boss thinks he’s a great addition to the team but he’s gonna get locked up one day.” He growls.
You grab your things, “It’s okay Joel, I’m used to it. Happens a lot around here, told you I was trouble.” You smile.
“You’re gorgeous, but you could never be in trouble.” He holds his breath, not knowing how to continue with you, but you for sure would be busy with him all night.
“Walk with me?” You give him your hand. He follows you like a lost puppy.
“I barely know you Joel but I trust you, what do you do with a woman's trust?”
He laughs, “You harbor it, caress it. Take care of her trust. You listen to her, do as you're told.”
“Hm, good.” You walk ahead of him, hand in hand, praying he’s looking at your ass. Swaying your hips in your dress. A male's gaze never feeling this good before. You’re in a quieter area of the Casino, jazz band farther away, out of the poker room near the concierge.
“What does Joel do in his free time?”
“Well, study on cases, he works out, he eats well, travels.”
“Typical.” You giggle,
“What do you do in your free time?” He asks.
“You won't laugh?”
“I invent math.”
“Well earlier I was playing with you with my friend, we do kinda work for each other, but I invent theoretical math.” You confirm. “I guess in my free time.”
He stops in his tracks, holding onto you, staring.
“I don’t know, I didn’t know that was a thing.” He huffs.
“Who do you work for? Mr Corporate Litigator?”
“Miller law firm.”
You stop in your tracks, “That’s right,” You tut, “I knew it, you’re Joel Miller. I’ve seen you in a newspaper before.”
“You have?”
“I have, I recall you win a lot.” You play with him.
“I do, I win everything darlin.” He hums.
You’re near the elevators of the hotel, practically begging him to bring you up, risking every moral you have in your bones.
“How long are you in town, Joel Miller?” You groan into his chest, your boobs press up against him, his hand slips over your ass.
“Only for tonight, I leave late afternoon tomorrow.”
The elevator dings, he walks in leaving you there, his eyes are dark. He looks helpless and his hair is distressed, every instinct in your body pushes you forward into the car. The door closes, and you practically hear colors.
He turns you around smashing his lips on yours.
You can’t breathe, he's moving so fast, his mouth is intoxicating, your mind is not able to comprehend that his hands are wrapping around your face, pulling for more. The cold of his rings cause goosebumps to crinkle on your back.
“Fuck, floor 36.” He pushes it and resumes, your lipstick is all over his face, but he doesn’t care. His tongue dances with yours, he’s spilling into you.
You break from him, “You’re not scared that I’m younger?” He holds you.
“No, you’re not scared that I’m ancient?”
“You’re not ancient, you’re fucking hot.” You moan into him, kissing his face, moving to his neck. His breathing changes, you have him backed against the elevator, he’s holding onto the railing for support.
You pray no one has to walk in, you only want this moment with him. The elevator dings and needs a card activation before opening, he slips it out of his wallet, and the doors open to a whole suite.
You continue to kiss, he pulls you into the room, illuminating every part of the room. You drop your coat and purse, he chucks his suit jacket on the floor. You stumble to the couch, you both sit, eating eachother alive. His hands lay atop your hips and the weight of his rings are making you shiver.
He drops to your neck and collar bone, exploring your chest. Your dress was cut low enough that he could kiss and suck every part that he wanted.
You weave your hands through his hair, lowering yourself on the fabric.
“Wait, wait. Pretty girl, I wanna go slow. I don’t want this to be a sleazy one night stand.” He pulls back.
“I mean it technically is,” You groan.
“It doesn’t have to be,“ He leans on his couch, shifting to kiss you, “I don’t want this to be my first and only time with you.”
Your heart palpitates, you’ve never had anyone truly want to be with you. He was lustful right now, but you could tell he meant it.
“If you don’t want that then I respect that but I just met you and I-”
You shut him up by kissing him, shifting your tongue to fill every crevice of his face. You pull him on top of you, squeezing him to your body so he can squish you. You want his weight on you, you want his body to be warm and free.
“If you fuck me tonight Joel… I may just have to follow you to New York tomorrow.” You moan.
“First class tickets bought immediately in the morning then.” He rasps.
You flip and immediately switch him to go under you so you’re free straddling his lap. He laughs, holding on to your hips and your dress folds up to your stomach, showing your red underwear.
You grab his hand, slipping his fingers into your mouth, he watches darkly.You moan around his hand, feeling the weight of it all in you, praising his body.
You soak his rings, saliva coating them and you slip them off with your teeth, letting them drop on his chest. His eyes switch everytime you move. You manage to keep eye contact with him until you start grinding on him. The moment you lose all sense of self-control and let spit fall out of the sides of your mouth, not caring if it slides down your face.
You can feel him growing against you, his dress pants becoming tighter as you move your hips. The last ring comes off and his fingers are bare, you wipe your mouth and move your dress higher so his hands can go under the fabric.
He breathes, “You’re beautiful, most beautiful human I’ve seen. Most beautiful woman I’ve met.”
Your heart swells, tears almost at hand. But it’s the first night, he can’t really mean it.
Sex haze fills your brain and you grab the bottom of your dress to pull it off of you, leaving you only in your underwear. You didn’t wear a bra due to the low back, and you couldn’t have cared less.
His jaw drops, and the cold air of his breath hits your nipples, willowing them into peaks. He brushes his fingers past them, gently grabbing them. He almost tickles them, but his touch. Only his touch has made you this hard, this warm.
“Joel, feels so good… so soft.”
“Melt with me baby, so soft and beautiful. I could have you for years.”
The more he talked, the more heaven made sense to you. Strings of music played in your head welcoming you to the land of being complete.
“Fuck me Joel, fuck me like we’ve known eachother for years, don’t hold back. Please.” You stammer.
“Are you sure?” He pushes your hair behind your ear, “We go on your terms, baby.”
“I’m sure.” You confirm, “I want nothing more than this Joel, I want you. I want more in life. You.”
You softly unbutton his shirt, revealing his body, revealing every scar, every hair, every stretch mark. You were going to cherish him like you’ve known him you’re entire life. You shove his shirt down his arms, he admires you with no words, only hums. He sits up.
“Here? Or bed? Or anywhere?”
“Take me to bed.” You plead.
He picks you up, hoisting you to his chest, grabbing your ass to keep you next to him. You get to capture the whole room with your head, and it's the most expensive and nice place you’ve been. He opens the door to the bedroom, the drapes open, the bed frame designed as with wispy pillars. Decor reminding your of Italia Bohemia, he’s really fucking rich. He goes to close the curtains.
“Don’t.” You whisper. “Fuck me here for the world to watch.”
He sets you down, continuously making eye contact with you. He drops to his knees letting you lean against the glass of the window, the stars behind you and the lights of Vegas getting the best view of your ass.
“First,” He kisses your leg, “I want to do something.”
You were scared, usually when you had sex you’d go straight into fucking, and you had enjoyed it. But this, this was different.
He parts your legs, using the backs of his hands to part your legs, you know the ring of your juices have soaked the fabric covering you. He brushes his fingers over your covered entrance, over your throbbing clit. You shudder at his boldness, at his bravery for touching you before you touched him.
“Feel’s good?”
You nod your head, at a loss for words.
“Can I take these off?”
You nod, his fingers pull at the sides of your underwear leaving you bare in front of him, your heart rate pounding, scared he won’t like what he has in front of him. This was always the scariest part. You hold your breath, if he left right now you wouldn’t even cry, it felt too good to be real. You had hair, it was a thing to shave but you decided to keep what you were given. You didn’t care about being bald since you never were fucked anyways. Who cared, because you didn’t? Men were never the object to attract, if they didn’t like what you had, then they don’t deserve what you can offer.
He drops your underwear, helping you step out of them and you can only see his eyes as he stares at your pussy, eyeline with your bottom half. He observes you, refreshens you.
“A real true, beautiful fuckin woman baby.” He slurs, “This fucking pussy is perfect… look at ya.” His hands wander your lower abdomen, following up to your boobs again. You picture his hair, the exact shade of brown to remember. Your favorite color, the ruffles on his scalp. He could’ve never guessed about your memory, but this would be with you forever.
“Can I taste?” He asks.
You nod again, he shoves his tongue into you, licking a long wide stripe on your pussy lips, lingering to gather your slick. He takes a second to soak it in.
“And that was all for me darlin? I’m a fucking lucky man.” He growls.
He shoves his tongue back inside you, moaning at the sensation of this. He’s eating you out and he’s okay with it? It feels so good you can’t control your arms, you grab onto his head, relishing in the newness of it all.
“Joel…what is this… why does it feel.. So… so fucking good?”
“Good.” He pops off from your cunt, “When it feels too good pull harder.”
He instantly shoves his face again in your cunt, lapping at your pussy. The more he sucks on you, inside and out, the more liquid keeps oozing outside of you. Your stomach almost giving out from the heat your body is radiating.
“So fucking wet, so sweet, sweetest thing alive. Crafted just f’me.” He mutters into you. “You’re just human to me, the most perfect one alive.”
You’re practically moaning uncontrollably, his words mixed with his devil tongue has the world crashing down on you, the world from below able to slightly see him tongue fucking you into oblivion.
“Can I touch you..” He pulls his hand to your nub, exactly where you would rub. Another place you’ve had to show a man, never knowing the exact pressure point that would make you scream. “Here?”
“God… how did you… already feels…feels like… fire.”
He kisses your mound, moving slightly above your stomach, “Because… I’m quite older than you…” He kisses, “And I’ve learned….” His index finger lays on your clit, then fastens his pace drawing circles.
Never in your life has a man done this to you, never have you had this light of intimacy. As he circles your clit, he places his tongue back at your entrance. Your pussy is practically coaxing his tongue to breach you.
“Fuck!” You scream, tightening your hold on his hair, you can feel sweat accumulating between your back and the window.
“Louder, be fucking lounder.” He gasps for air.
“Joel… keep going please…. Pleaspleaspleas…” You mewl. And he switches to sucking your clit and shoving his fingers inside you. It was a new sensation, your gasps sound animalistic, begging for air to relieve your lungs. His fingers are reaching depths you haven’t felt in years. Being stimulated in two areas made your stomach fluctuate.
“You like that pretty girl, soaking my fingers, dripping all down my arm… look at you.” He mutters.
You look down, and see him. The glow of the moonlight reflecting on his sweaty hairline, the smile spread across Joel's face, the slightest of dimples. He’s bent on the floor to make sure you cum first, your back arched.
You could feel yourself leaking out on him and it made you give out, not able to stand anymore but his weight keeps you up.
Your atomic brain couldn’t keep up, couldn’t take enough mental shots, but you knew this would be with your forever. He kept going faster, and finally a peak was hit, eventually getting higher and higher until the mountain itself avalanches into beautiful boulders.
“I’m fucking cumming… fuck. Joel your fucking fingers!” You scream.
“See those eyes, pretty girl, cummin all over me like such a good girl, keep going.”
Eventually you had to slide down the window, Joel not able to keep up your dead weight. No atom in your body is able to process what happened.
“Joel…” You huff, “If that was… fuck… then how will I handle your-”
“We go slow, and build up to the pace of your liking.” He answers.
“I told you,” You breathe against his chest, “I don’t want slow. I want to be fucked.”
He looks into your eyes, he cups your pussy. Rubbing off the remnants of your orgasm. Extremely fresh.
“Then get on the fucking bed. Go.” He growls.
You do as you’re told. Excited with his change of tone. You lay back on the fresh bed, the sheets made and you spread your legs for him. You can hear your leaking pussy make a sound and he smirks.
He unties his dress shoes, throwing them into an abyss, unbuttons his dress pants. Leaving him in his boxers. This was the moment.
He pulls his hands at the hem, and you choke on your breath.
He drops them, and fuck. At least 7 inches drops in weight. You could feel him the entire time, but fuck he was wide. He was hairy too. His whole body made you feel comfortable. His veins. His beading tip with pre-cum. His cock was your most prized possession at this moment. Your eyes already felt heavy, you knew his cock would reach a world inside you, that no one could explain.
“Like what you see, smart girl?”
“Do I like what I see?” You repeat.
“Yeah, I see those eyes. Remembering everything. Analyzing. Very, very smart girl. You don’t have to tell me now, but you’re something.”
“So you know?” You whisper. He comes closer to you, fitting himself between your legs.
“Knew once you won the game, I watched your eyes. Invents math. Too smart for your own good. That head of yours is gonna kill me darlin.” He grabs his dick, tapping it on your clit. You seethe through your teeth, then he slides his cock down to your lips. Teasing you, but not giving in just yet.
“You don't know anything about me Joel.” You tease.
“I know enough, pretty girl.” He grunts. He leaves you, a cold draft hitting your lips. He rumages for a condom in his wallet.
“Always this prepared?” You nod your head.
“Wouldn’t be smart to cum in this sweet pussy the first night now would it?”
“Maybe… maybe not.” You drag.
He chuckles, slipping the condom onto himself. He’s purely oozing pre-cum. You wish you could lick it all up, drink every last drop of him. Watching every move, he comes closer to you rubbing his ick at your entrance again and slipping himself inside you, hefting his big thumb to your clit, rubbing your nub into insanity.
“Gonna cum on my cock baby? Gonna get cock crazy? Get obsessed with my fillin you up? Fuckin tell me how it feels.”
He reaches the end of you and pulls out, stretching to the brink of space in your cunt. He was so big you thought he wouldn’t fit. Then he goes over and over again, hitting you at a different angle every time.
“Joel, you’re… so fuckin…. Feels so good.” You squeal. “Biggest cock I’ve ever felt.”
“Fuckkk baby girl, pussy so warm. Gonna kill me.” He groans. His weight on top of you felt heart shattering, he leaned down to kiss you, his mustache still wet from eating you out alive.
You cry, the pressure of his dick so new, your stomach completely full. “It’s fuckin your cock now.”
You mewl, your cock. Yours. “Faster Joel… fuck my pussy, ruin me.” You plead. The faster he goes, the better your pussy will bottom out. He rubs your clit faster, his hand feeling like the sentence of god.
“I saw you across the casino, and instantly knew.” He thrusts, placing his hands on your nipples. Pinching them harder, “Magnetized to you. Such a fuckin pretty girl, knowin how to win poker.”
“And when I won?” You groan, peering into his hooded eyes. You place your hands on top of his knuckles. “Did that turn you on?”
“When you won,” He slows, “I fell in love sweetheart.” He cusps your dropped jaw with a deep kiss and he quickens. Your legs wrap around his back and he fucks into again, and again.
You scream at his pace, unable to reprimand his cock dividing you into two. He hits a spot, a spongy spot inside you.
“Joel… fuckfucfuck I’m gonna cum Joel… it’s too much!” You scream.
Immediately he pulls out and unwraps your legs, flipping you over on all fours and pussy sprayed out for him clear as day. He fucks into you again, doggy style. He pushes his hand down on your back to make your stomach flat with the bed.
“Your pussy’s so pretty and open for me. My perfect girl. Whole life I’ve needed you.” He whimpers. You could feel his growing harder and harder inside of you, draining the life out of him.
You grab a hold of the sheets, your brain plummeting, “Just a Vegas pussy, just a… fuck.. A whore… for you Joel.” You cry.
“Not a Vegas whore y’hear?” He growls, “Could never be a fuckin whore… but this pussy will always be fuckin mine. Are we clear?”
You nod your head for him to know you understand, he grabs whatever his hands could hold, ass bouncing on his dick. His fingers slipped to your love handles, feeling your pussy lips sliding on and off him like a glove. His cock was fucking into you for an ecstasy you couldn’t fathom.
You never thought sex could feel this good with a man, but here you are… about to explode from Joel’s dick. You don’t care if he didn’t see you as a whore. You were beyond greatfil he saw you beyond that, but you would be his fucking Vegas whore a million times over.
“Gonna cum baby? Gonna cum if I play with your fuckin clit and fuck you?” He mewls.
He slithers his hand under you both, rubbing your clit, and that’s when it hits you. Not only the double stimulation, but being full and being played with killed your insides, you were tightening up and you couldn't tell how much longer you could last, for real this time. You were always oozing, and globs of liquid were flowing out of you.
“Joel… my stomach…I’m gonna pee.” You wail, but he doesn’t stop, he’s not scared to see what comes outside of you.
“C’mon pretty girl give it to me… show me how good I make you feel. Make it fuckin rain.” He slams harder.
“Mmhm Joel… I can’t… fuck..”
In almost a miracle you had time to pull off of him and let a stream fall from your cunt, exploding of water onto the bed and all over his stomach, he bent down to drink it. He collected it in his mouth, then spit it back at your pussy, continuing to lick you off. You were so tired, moaning like a tired athlete, screaming to get your breath back.
“If you do that again… you’ll kill me Joel.” You crouch on the bed like a cockroach. He moans in confirmation to your pussy, squirming from the aftershocks and his soft tongue… licking you to normalcy. Cleaning what’s his. He peers up your back to kiss you, laying on top, finding his way to your lips.
“Have you ever done that before?” He asks.
“No, I can’t describe it but it felt like I couldn’t control it. My stomach was imploding on itself. I’m sorry I got you wet” You whisper.
He kisses your neck, “That was the most beautiful thing I’ve seen, and I did that to you? I would watch you soak my cock over and over again if I could… takes a lot of power from what I can tell.” He says.
“I know,” You wriggle your ass, “I told you… I like it fuckin rough and fast, and here you are. Giving me exactly what I want.” You could feel his covered cock laying on your back, still hard.
“What about you, we didn’t-”
“Shhh baby girl.. Tonight wasn’t about me… this was your prize for winning.” He chuckles. “For that brain of your’s for being so smart.”
“Fuck Joel.” You shiver, “Don’t let it end.”
You wake up, looking at the slide cock, you were still in his bed, he was getting dressed again. When he sees you’re awake he rushes to you, giving a kiss.
“When you fell asleep, I booked your ticket. Hope you’re still okay with that.”
Now you’re fully awake, reliving the whole night and realizing what you’ve committed to. Not only a commitment but something you’ve been searching for your entire life, a man that has made you feel more than what it’s like to be a woman in the 80’s. Last night, you were his equal. He cared after you, cared more about you feeling the interlinked connection of your orgasm than his. His words coaxing your orgasm first. He was the only man you needed.
“Do you have any clothes I could possibly wear for the flight?” You smile, looking into his honey abyss.
“I’ll call my assistant and have a closet ready for you when we get there.” He replies.
You scurry from the bedsheets, letting the duvet fall from your tits.
“Well Joel… then New York, here we come.” And he captured your lips, not only that but your heart and life in a sum of 12 hours.
so i don’t know how to play poker, tried my best to watch video and figure out basic logistics of a game but like this royal flush would probably be one a mil to get, but it’s a one shot so like…… this is the longest thing i’ve written and i’m pretty fuckin proud of it. BE LOUD TELL ALL THOUGHTS!! love you all🎀🎀
barbenheimer weekend was amazing. i’ve seen them both 3 times in theatres. worth every damn penny.
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acotrash · 2 years
Temporary tattoos - Cassian
Feyre and Rhys had Nyx young- like really young. You had only been with Cassian for a few months but had grown close to Feyre and you and Cassian and Azriel and Rhys were there to support her through it all. That was 5 years ago.
All of you had grown to be a little family of sorts, figuring everything out day by day. 
You and Cassian were known as the fun aunt and uncle to Nyx as he loved it when you and Cassian got to babysit him
Azriel was the only level headed one most days, calming down both Rhys and Feyre, that “yes that is normal, no you shouldn’t worry”, or the occasional “okay...that that is not normal I’d take him to the doctors” but luckily that only has happened twice. 
 Rhys and Feyre spoil Nyx to no end, as you constantly trip over new toys whenever you visit their townhouse 
You were always thinking of fun new things to do with Nyx, mainly to see Rhys’s reaction. That was the fun part of it all 
Like last time, when Rhys had planned some overnight trip with Feyre and Azriel was on a work trip and you and Cassian had to watch Nyx overnight. You stood there, listening to Rhys lecture about Nyx’s routine, Feyre had stood next to him, rolling her eyes and shaking her head at some of them, practically giving you the okay to break them You had broke every single rule the second Rhys’s car pulled out of the driveway
You had found some old hair chalk when cleaning your bathroom the day before, streaking Nyx’s hair with blue and green, before Rhys came to pick him up. Nyx absolutely loved his new hair style. Rhys not so much
So this time, when Rhys had asked you and Cassian to watch his son, he added a new rule “No hair chalk” since apparently it was a pain to get out, and got in his eyes when Feyre was washing his hair. You felt bad, and did agree to no hair chalk
You still allowed him to have a single piece of candy though. You had to stay the favorite aunt somehow, till he realizes how cool Nesta or Mor is
This time, you and Cassian took Nyx while you had to run some errands, the first stop being a store 
You were about to text Feyre to ask her if Nyx was allowed to have whatever sugary juice he currently had in his hand when he saw a package containing temporary tattoos, he picked up a package to ask Cassian if he could look like Cassian, his dad and Uncle Azzy 
Cassian immediately said yes when Nyx held the package out to him, already making plans to have matching ones with his nephew. You bought two packs because you didn’t want to be left out 
Cassian used the entire two packs on Nyx, putting them all over his arms
You, Cassian and Nyx had a spiderweb on the back of your hand to all match 
There was even a little heart with ‘Mom’ written in it that Cassian placed on Nyx’s bicep 
Nyx could not wait to show his mom and dad in a few hours when they picked him up 
You couldn’t wait to see Rhys’s reaction, having taken some pictures of all three of you with tattoos, Nyx sat between you and Cassian proudly holding up his hand to show off the matching tattoo 
Rhys’s eyes nearly popped out of his head at seeing his son, you and Cassian just smiled innocently at him, but Feyre thought it was hysterical 
Her favorite one was the heart with ‘Mom’ in it 
Eventually Rhys did calm down, his heart melted a bit when Nyx proudly said he looked like his dad and two uncles now 
The three of them left a little while later with Nyx proudly telling his parents he was never taking a bath again so his temporary tattoos could stay on forever. Rhys shot you and Cassian another look. Cassian and Feyre were trying to not laugh 
You turned to Cassian once they left “How much do you wanna bet next time Rhys drops Nyx off he adds ‘no temporary tattoos’ to the list?” “Oh 100%” 
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t0mcruize123 · 3 months
The Alpha is spawned
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This is a John Taylor Alpha smut with themes some people may find triggering (it’s sigma aura is lethal) so if ur mildly scared or worried about reading I suggest u don’t to preserve ur own safety👩🏿‍🦲🫶 this is written for my freakmate @mqverick and others may find it confusing and disgusting so tread lightly guys!!!……Xx
“Jawnnnny boy” I looked at John with a smirk, “I made a new Christmas song.”
"Ok what is it?" Said John, trying to chew on his meat he was eating
(that won't be the only meat ;))
"Okay here it goes,” I breathed in deeply, readying myself to sing the song I’d worked so hard on…,
"Wow Jerome that was... Something" said John, looking disturbed.
"Well you clearly enjoyed it, look at that boner" I said pointing to the shaft in his pants.
"Well.. I.. Uh." John said panicking, blushing in the process. I got up and put my finger on his lips
"SHSHSHSHS CHILD, Im a magician, and I can make that boner disappear" I said seductively.
John jizzed in response.
"Jerome.. Just fuck me..." Said John, with lust filling his eyes
I laughed, and I stepped away him.
"John, you're my Christmas present and I can't open (dat ass ) until it's 12th because that's how Christmas works!" I said with a smug smile
He sighed, and got up from the chair and walked towards me, his clothed erection touching my thigh
"Ok fine, but just so you know.. you'll regret making me wait" said john with a grin as he slapped my ass and walked away into his room
I gave it no thought and just shrugged it off
Oh but I was wrong
So very wrong.
On the 12th of December there was a blue Smurf moon and I could hear John howling with the rest of his pack. He was taking a fat shit and I walked in “on accident” to smell that wonderful dung.
"JEROME GET OUT" I ran like a flash not wanting john to throw the dung at me even tho it smelt delicious.
“Did u walk in on the alpha shitting?” Nick asked, “was it as glorious as I imagined?”
“Even more so,” I hummed and sat down on the bed. John came out of the bathroom with a brown booty hole and satisfied smile, “I just shat and cummed at the same time, you were right Jerome it’s the way of the future.”
“Nicholas could you give me and jawnny some privacy please?” I giggled y/n style.
“Sure thing, have fun you two gay bastards,” he smirked and trotted away.
When the door finally closed, I grinned at bbg John and slowly lifted up his shirt to reveal rock hard abs, WRONG! There was nothing but smooth skin and my inner organs salvated at the sight. I ran my fingers thru his luscious wavy locks and he tipped his head back in sigma style.
“Jerome uwu,” he whimpered, “Give it to me mommy.”
I grabbed hus thong string and pulled it as far as it’d stretch before letting go. The thong slapped against his tight little bum hole and he almost released at the sensation.
I bent low and slowly pulled down his thong to reveal his throbbing member. It twitched like an Alpha ready to hunt and the idea of his piss claiming me made me tremble. My sensitive bud of nerves was desperate for his long bony fingers but I halted.
I slowly rubbed my hand down his shaft and he giggled and whimpered uwu style, hopping and jumping into my touch like a wild boy gone mad.
His eyes darkened as the waves of ecstasy approached and a muscle in his jaw tightened. The moonlight highlighted the sharp planes of his face, all due to the mewing, and I felt a secret formula coat my thighs.
“You’re mine,” he howled as I edged him harder, “I own you.”
“Just because he’s black-“
I jumped as a strong black man came into view, dressed in tropical shorts with his hair swinging in brilliant braids.
“I’m Jamal, Jerome’s hotter sexier drippier wetter sloppier brother” jamal shook johns hand, “wanna see a real cock?”
John roared as his cum spurred out like a fountain, sending me flying into the far window and covered in his sloppy juices.
“I’m ur guilty pleasure,” John grinned, “crawl to me Jerome.”
Did he think I was a spider?
He pulled my hair roughly and I felt my wig rip a lil. I cringed and John looked down at me.
“Call me master.”
I stared at his thick meaty sausage..was he going to teach me kung fu? I looked back at the moon and released he was alphalating at that time on month. He needed to be locked up before he became to powerful.
He snarled in anger and jamal grabbed his cock, spinning it like a helicopter and John felt himself arriving, lifting up into the heavens.
“Jamal what are you doing?” I pulled John back down to planet earth, “we need to lock him up-“
“Tell Simon I say hi” Jamal grinned as he rubbed him faster, his cock flying at Mega speed as he lifted up.
“I’ll never forget you Jerome,” John confessed as he flew, “I own you forever and ever,”
“Tell a trusted adult,” jamal told me and I rushed to find Nick for help. I came back to see jamal had transformed into dobby and was frantically throwing all his socks at John.
“What are you doing?!” I exclaimed.
“Dobby won’t be owned, dobby will be freeee!!”
Eddie weddie walked into the room, his pale arse as bright as the moon and his fat, long, fiddle as brilliant as a thousand orange stars.
“What’s the ud?” He asked.
“John turned alpha during sex and jamal helicoptered his cock so he’s flying into space,” I explained, “we need help.”
“I’ve got this.”
Ed walked up to John, kissed his neck, took his hand, and gave him the sloppiest, wettest, most jaw breaking, world ending, dick shrivelling, head of his life and John blasted into outer space, little kid sperm shooting out like a rocket.
He flew away and I watched the loml disappear to his true home with the rest of the three long legged people. I smiled and blew a kiss..
And then shat so drastically my panties disintegrated and I had to use dobby as a butt plug. Nick and Ed bent low and emitted the most gas chamber farts they’d been brewing the whole night, showing their respect to Alpha John,
As the gas became too much to handle and the shit trickled down my knee, my arse beginning to sneeze, I inhaled deeply and died a happy shitty death.
Thanks for reading guys UWU :(
#ur mental health matters
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liyawritesss · 2 years
If it's not too much to ask sthandwa, do you think you could write a one shot with Nakia or Shuriri x reader of them going ice skating? I just thought it would be fitting since Christmas is almost here and I’d love to see how you would write that story ❤️.
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Characters: MCU!Shuri Udaku, Riri Williams, Nakia, Okoye
Type: Headcanons
Synopsis: In which you go on an iceskating adventure with your favorite BP2 girl!
Warnings: some cursing but overall nothin but fluff!!
A/N: now I normally don't do polyships and things of that nature because I myself don't have the experience of being in a poly relationship, and so to prevent from offending or causing unintentional harm I stray away from writing as such. So I hope that writing them as individual scenarios is alright.
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Shuri Udaku
Shuri can’t skate to save her life, so this is an interesting experience for the both of you. Sure, Shuri is good at everything, and if its something she’s never encountered before, best believe she can be the best at it within the next hour. But ice skating was a challenge she never thought she’d have to come in contact with.
The moment she steps onto the ice in her skates shes already flailing like a startled bird. She’s desperately holding on to you, muttering how she’d much rather be at her lab right now, or how she could definitely redesign the skates to be much more efficient and stable. It’s miraculous how she was so panicked earlier, but now being able to hold onto you, she gradually grows calmer
Now if both of you don’t know how to skate….good luck with that one. Cuz all I can tell you is wear extra padding cuz there’s gonna be a lot of falling on your asses. But at least it’ll be fun for the both of you. And afterwards, Shuri will get you both hot chocolate, and you can just watch everyone else skate while you share a blanket under the falling snow.
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Riri Williams
I’m not even about to lie to yall, if you don’t know how to skate, Riri is taking advantage of this heavily. She’ll disguise it as a simple cute date but one its revealed that it’s to the skating rink, you can’t help but notice the mischievous look in her eyes.
She gets you on the ice and all you can do is hold on to her and she relishes in that feeling. Riri is still gonna try to teach you the basics, but you're too caught up in the possibility of falling that all you can do is hold on to her. And maybe that was the grand scheme all along. The world may never know.
But if you do know how to skate, this is just a big ass game of tag around the skating rink. No matter how many times the supervisors tell you to watch your speed and be more aware of the other people around you, you two big ass children keep chasing each other around the rink. Its when you accidentally collide and knock a child onto the ground that yall are put out of the rink for the day. But hey, at least it was fun!
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Okoye is a pro at this. You would think that she’d dread the idea of going to the skating rink. She’s not exactly a people person, and with her mindset almost always on Dora Milaje mode, its already hard enough to get her outside for fun in general. But she surprises you with just how easily she slips onto the skating rink.
Of course, she compares it to the fighting style of the Dora, how its a matter of being graceful and going with the flow. You lowkey envy her seamless transition, but you can’t stay mad at her for long when she offers you a hand.
Okoye guides you through the skating rink while you hold on to her, and actually gives you tips on how to not be afraid of the ice. Ironically, watching you struggle so cutely and the pout your lips wear makes her smile. Perhaps you'd learn better in a more private setting, she thinks, as she starts to conjure up an idea on how to conjure up a private ice skating area on palace grounds. She’s sure she can convince Shuri to do it, and make the princess think it was her idea to do it as well.
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Nakia poses the idea to you while you’re walking in the marketplace. She sees a flyer for the skating rink and practically starts begging you to go, and how could you say no to her? Especially with her puppy dog eyes and her very persuasive words.
Both of you get onto the ice, and you’re immediately holding onto each other as if neither of you know how to skate. Nakia knows, for sure, but just wants to hold onto you because…why not? She also is the most encouraging, telling you that you’re doing amazing for your first time on the ice and also places kisses on your cheek for a job well done.
There’s nothing but shrieks of laughter and jokes spilling from Nakia’s lips as she tries her best to focus on staying steady on the ice with you. Yall are probably just gliding around the rink in your own little world, people staring at you and questioning why you’re on the ice if you’re not skating for real, but you two are too focused on each other to care.
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ghostoffuturespast · 1 year
Glitching The Matrix: Portrait Photos and Getting Up-close And Personal With NPCs In Cyberpunk 2077 Vanilla Photomode
Howdy, folks! Ghost here, back with some more tips and tricks for vanilla photomode. Some of you may have read my previous tips and tricks guide (laundry list?) a few months back, but I’ve learned some more fun things since then that I thought I’d share with you all. Specifically, in terms of taking portrait style photos and getting intimate with your favorite NPCs. (Well, as intimate as vanilla will allow.)
With the 2.0 update and the release of the PL expansion, I imagine a lot of people might be going minimal with the mods until they get up to speed, or maybe you just want to take some bomb photos if you’re running on a console, or you don’t have access to mods. Whatever the case, just know that with the right application of cheese whiz, you too can get dope photos.
I don’t claim to be the world’s best anything, but I’m always happy to share what I know and what I've learned.
I have yet to actually play any of the expansion, but I’ve seen that there are some sweet new outfits and some hella cool new backdrops, and who doesn’t want to show off their Vs & OCs?
Now, there is nothing wrong with pulling out photomode and snapping a photo with the standard settings and not touching any of the sliders. I'm not here to ruin anyone's good time or dictate style. However, if you're looking for techniques to add a bit more panache to your photos, I’m going to do a quick rundown of some key things that I keep in mind when I'm taking portrait-style photos.
If you've been taking VP for a while, you may already know these things. But, hey, never hurts to review the basics.
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Field Of View
The Field of View (FOV) slider is one of the most important tools in your toolbox and is basically the zoom on your camera. (Okay, it's a bit more complicated than that but I'm not that technical) It’s located on the far left tab. I utilize the shit out of it, and, if you aren't already acquainted, I’d recommend you become friends with it.
Rather than simply moving the camera closer to your subject, which, if you leave it at the standard 60 setting produces a lot of distortion and doesn’t give you much detail of your subject, slide that setting all the way to 15 to zoom in and then adjust the position of the camera to frame your shot how you want. At this point if you want to you can pull the Field Of View out to a higher setting or play around with where exactly you want the camera, for instance if you want to include more of the background or if there’s additional characters. 
By using FOV in conjunction with the camera position, it’s possible to get crisper detailed shots of your subject with less visual distortion. And if you have decent lighting and play around with some of the other settings (exposure, contrast, highlights) you can get some stellar shots with minimal editing. 
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Just for reference, I usually don’t do any post-production on my photos. They’re all straight off my PS5. Photo editing is a bit of a time sink so it's personal preference that I don't do it. I barely have enough time for most of my other hobbies, so it's one less thing for me to do. If you want to do photo editing after the fact, more power to you.
Play with poses, look at camera, rotate poses, and camera location
I know that heading is a long list, but seriously, play with the angles! Since we’re working in vanilla photomode, all the poses are canned, everyone’s got the same stock poses and unfortunately some of them are just downright goofy. Which is fun on occasion, but maybe you're looking for something a bit more natural. So, in order to jazz things up and give yourself as much variety as possible, you’re going to want to keep angles in mind.
A lot of times I’ll cycle through all of the poses to find one that gels with the photo I’m trying to take, and at times I’m surprised at which ones those end up being. You zoom in close enough, you can barely tell you're using the JoJo poses. And rotating your character, rather than having them face straight on, can also help spice up the stock poses.
Swinging the camera around wildly in a circle also helps me scout out interesting compositions and backgrounds. I'll pan the camera around 360 so I can find the spots with the most visual interest. And I typically will make attempts to jam the camera in the weirdest places possible. (Through door ways, behind furniture, along walls, in between people and other objects etc.) I often think I know what I want when I go into grab photos, but often times a change of perspective helps me find something even cooler.
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Not every pose has a look at camera option, but some of them do. Rotating your V/OC or changing camera position while using this feature will allow you to add some extra variety to your poses and expressions. You can get your character to look straight at the camera (which can be very striking), get some side-eye action, gaze off into the distance, and my personal fave, over the shoulder shots.
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You can also add some additional flair by doing low-angle or high-angle shots too. And if you want a portrait orientation instead of landscape? Rotate the camera 180 degrees. It’s a bit disorienting at first, and try not to crik your neck, but now you can get full body shots. The only editing you'll have to do after exporting is rotating the photo to the intended viewing orientation, which you should be able to do in most photo viewers. No editing software required.
If you’re taking photos of an NPC, you don’t have the option of posing these characters in vanilla, but if you time it right you can grab some awesome shots! The easiest time to snag photos of NPCs is usually right before you select dialogue options. They’re static, will cycle through a handful of actions, and main NPCs also eye-track V, so you can use this to your advantage if you need them to turn or want them to look in a specific direction.
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It’s possible to grab action shots as well! They’re a bit trickier as it requires a lot of timing and you may need to hop in and out of photomode or even reload a previous save if you miss the monent, but totally doable. It also helps to be familiar with the flow of action for the quest by having done it at least once, that way you know when to bust out the camera. (I've lost count how many times I've played this game... Too many.)
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Unfortunately, lighting is going to be very hit or miss during missions. If you keep your eyes peeled for good lighting opportunities it's possible to find them, and sometimes you can even kite NPCs over to it if they're following you. (Turning the muzzle flash on when your character is in a gun pose also works in a pinch, but might look a little silly depending on the context and if you're also trying to get your character in the frame.) When you're out and about free roaming though, it's much easier to come across good lighting sources as you can adjust the time of day or utilize the lighting you do come across.
But remember field of view, camera angles, playing with the poses, and adjusting the effects sliders can all help enhance a portrait shot.
Glitching The Matrix
Sooooo, I may have mentioned previously that I couldn’t do anything to help you all take shippy/otp pics… I’m more than happy to have proven myself wrong. Obviously, there are limits to this (you're not going to be able to get anywhere close to posed pics like you can with mods), but it’s a hell of a lot more feasible than I thought it was.
With help from this post (Thanks again, Heather!) and applications of sheer stubbornness on my part, I did in fact manage to glitch the matrix. It is entirely possible to bypass the collision physics around characters and certain objects with a little ingenuity.
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Grandpa V & Old Man River are my otp, but I went ahead and took some additional photos for the sake of science. They aren’t cannon to my V’s timeline, but I just wanted to show you all the realms of possibility. And for all you SilverV shippers out there running vanilla, yeah, you can finally kiss your own brain worm.
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This is as close as I'm gonna get to kissing Keanu Reeves lol.
(SilverDyne shippers… I’m sorry, I have no control of either rockerboy. It’s out of my hands, they’re just too spicy for vanilla. Or if you got a multi-ship or rare pair outside of the player character, can't help you there. Ask your local modder for assistance.)
Be advised, in order to take these kinds of photos, there are specific environmental parameters that need to be met and getting your V/OC posed correctly is going to test your patience the first couple tries. It's a finicky technique but once you get a feel for how to do it, it gets much easier and you'll know what to look for in order to setup this kind of photo.
Find a time when your NPC is static (i.e. not moving from a particular spot. Doesn’t matter if they’re standing or seated. I don't want to say it's impossible to attempt from moving, but getting everything timed right is mega tricky and I haven't had much luck with the times I've tried so far.)
Make sure you have plenty of overhead clearance and that you have some room to pan the camera around. (If there’s an overhead barrier like a ceiling, cabinets, umbrellas, awning etc. it’ll impede your ability to move your character into position. For those of you that know me, I tried on the water tower and in the kitchen with River. I really did, but no dice. Dumb cabinets, and there weren't any objects at the right height that were close enough to use on the actual water tower.)
Get some height in proximity to your destination. You want something relatively close and around shoulder/head height of the NPC. (Can be anything really so long as it's the right height and close enough. If it's too high up, or too far away, you won’t be able to get your character in range. Too low, you won’t be able to circumvent the collision physics.)
Open photomode and hope you have access to all the action poses.
Find an action pose that has the up/down slider (Off to the Races is a good one to start with) and move your character all the way up. Then position character above NPC, lower them down into the NPC, and pray they clip through.
Mess with all the poses and pose sliders until desired results are achieved.
*If you cannot complete 4 or 5, exit out of photomode, adjust position, and repeat until you can clip through the NPC. If you can't get any kind of clipping to occur or you keep sliding around the NPC when you're positioning, you may not have the right environmental settings and may need to try in a different spot. It happens.
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(Trust me, the horror face sucking is a good sign.)
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Panning around so it looks less awkward, make some camera adjustments, and voila! (Good thing Judy's rocking that asymmetrical haircut.)
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Your object also does not have to be right next to the NPC, like with Judy and the van. I used the white box thingy that Grandpa's hovering over in the photo above. The roof did get in my way on a couple of my attempts, but I did get it to work.
If you can get the full catalog of action poses to populate and you can get your V/OC to fully clip through your desired character/object without suddenly rubberbanding or deflecting when you move them around, know that you made it. 
Getting to this point though, may take several attempts. It’s also important that you use the action poses to move your character around as most of those have the up/down slider positioning, which is not available on the idle poses with a few exceptions. I’ve had the best luck with Roundhouse Shot to the Face, Just a Peek, Take Cover (left or right), Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, and Off to the Races.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any solid advice on best practice for getting them into position however. You’re just gonna have to feel it out as the position sliders have a tendency to behave very erratically since you’re doing shit you’re not supposed to.
Do your best to not accidentally exit out of photo mode, be patient, and if you get a half-way decent shot or even kinda close, snap pictures for posterity in case something goes awry and you have to start over. If nothing else, you can have a good laugh about it later.
Utilize the tips from the portrait section above as well. You can’t change the NPCs expression or make your characters close their eyes (unless you get really lucky with your timing), so you’ll have to pull out all the camera tricks in your arsenal to make the setup look sort of natural.
Behind the scenes is pretty hilarious though.
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And you can use this technique for objects and certainly for non-ship pics too. I demoed kissy pics because those are the hardest to set up. Maybe you just wanna hang with the chooms instead, y’know? S'all cool.
Grandpa gets tired and sometimes she needs to sit down. There's no pose to get your character to sit, but with some creative camera angles and poses, it sure does look like she's sitting.
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Or you can finally just annoy the crap out of Johnny.
Anyway, hope this was helpful, and feel free to hit up my inbox if you’ve got questions!
May all your cheese be fine and remember the most important thing:
Have fun!
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Grandpa's got the best seat in the house as far as I'm concerned.
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stilespeters · 2 years
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SALVATION (series)
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6)
pairing: colin zabel x reader
a/n: this chapter is longer, idk if people still read it but imma put it out here
summary: you and colin go undercover to gather information about the hotel cortez, crucial information is revealed, and you two are only steps away from figuring out who the killer is
words: 3484
warnings: swearing?
part 5: Mr and Mrs Zabel
The grand door opened as the two of you walked in. There was a line of people who were dressed fancy just like you and Colin, and Colin had his arm out for you to grab. You were close to his side as you watched everything around you, and you felt like you were in a building that was built in the 20’s as you stood in the lobby. The whole theme of the building was red, gold and brown. It looked nothing like the Hotel Nixon you used to know. It looked refreshing. “This is beautiful,” you mused and Colin nodded in agreement. “Beautiful indeed.”
He was looking at you as he said that but you didn’t notice.
After a few minutes, you had reached the end of the line and a man in a suit greeted the two of you “Name please,” He held a list in his hands and you and Colin eyed each other. It must be the guestlist with all the people who were invited. You needed to get that guestlist. The man raised his eyebrows and you cleared your throat.
“Y/n Goode, this is…” you started and Colin smiled. “This is my plus one.”
Colin’s smile dropped. You regretted saying that he was your plus one instead of your date. Your hold on his arm tightened and the man scanned the names till he reached the G. “You may continue, have a lovely evening.”
You nodded a thank you to the man and you and Colin walked further. Although Colin was kind of disappointed you didn’t mention him as date, he put it aside. There was probably a reason for it. Maybe it was his brain convincing him that he wasn’t the reason you called him a plus one. But he genuinely believed that if he played it cool with you, he might have a shot. He couldn’t be the only one to feel the attraction between you and him? Right?
When you entered the next room it looked like you were in heaven. Again, it had the same theme and style of the entrance, and you and Colin looked around in awe. “Can’t believe they renovated everything.”
“Didn’t it always look like this before?”
“It most surely did not. Hotel Nixon looked more of our time, Cortez looks like it’s pulled out of a 20’s film. It’s giving me Rudolph Valentino vibes.” You looked at the men in suits and women in fancy dresses. The jazz music filled your ears and even though the whole scenery was quite foreign to you, you were intrigued. James March certainly had good taste. “Here used to be the check-in.” you motioned at the right side where now a couch stood.
“I was kinda scared that I’d get a weird feeling being here again, but now that I am, it feels exhilarating.”
A man with champagne glasses walked around and you and Colin both grabbed a glass. You saw a lot of older people around 40-50 and there were a lot of younger women who accompanied older men. You and Colin really stood out. Not only because of your wine red dress, but also because of your and his age.
You and Colin stood somewhere in the center of the room and you thought back to the scene where Colin looked kinda scared while talking to Violet.
“What did she say? Violet? She didn't scare you, did she?”
Colin looked down at you and cleared his throat. “Nothing, really. Just… she said to have fun tonight.”
“Hmm.” you mused and you narrowed your eyes. You weren't dumb, you knew Violet had said something different to him.
Before you could question further, someone clinked on a glass. As the sound echoed throughout the room, everyone who was talking went quiet as they looked at the person who made the noise.
It was James Patrick March himself.
“I’d like to welcome you all to the opening week of the Hotel Cortez!” Lots of applause came from the crowd that had gathered around, and you watched in intrigue as he continued talking. “It took a while but I can say with delight that everything went according to plan. I have great faith in the future of the Hotel Cortez, and to that I say toast!” He cheered and he grabbed a champagne bottle. As he opened the cork, foam spilled from the bottle like a fountain and he opened his mouth as the white foamy liquid hit his throat. “Ah!” he mused and everyone else clinked their glasses of champagne and cheered him on.
You noticed that he was looking around till his eyes landed on you. He gave you a smile and Colin next to you eyed him suspiciously. He pulled you a little closer to him just the slightest and you both drank the champagne. When you scanned the whole room, you felt like another set of eyes were looking at you. It wasn’t only James and Colin. As your eyes wandered around you settled on a man who was eyeing you from across the room.
You recognized him as the man who greeted you at the lobby with the guest list, and as he saw you looking back at him, he quickly looked away.
Colin saw your attention was elsewhere and he leaned down to whisper in your ear. “You okay?” His breath fanned over your earshell and you got shivers down your spine.
“Yeah I’m fine,” you looked back at Colin and took another sip of your champagne.
“So, how are we getting the list?” You went straight to the subject as the two of you were sitting at the bar. After James’ announcement, everyone went back to talking to each other and showing off how rich they were. Another reason why you initially didn't want to go. You were simply not like them. Yes, you had money but these were businessmen and businesswomen who owned companies with great value.
You felt more eyes on you as you sipped your champagne. You felt a bit uncomfortable at that, and so did Colin. He saw the way the men were eyeing you, and he couldn’t help but feel a pinch of jealousy.
He felt like it wasn’t right that he felt like that. You two haven’t even known each other for that long. But you were with him. Not anyone else.
“We can try and steal it when they’re not watching,” he began. He didn’t think of how to get that invitation, all he knew was that he was gonna get it somehow. He knew that if he would say that he was a detective and needed to see that list, that the employees of the hotel would know he’s onto them. Colin believed that the Hotel Cortez played a bigger role than just sending invitations to people who were gonna be victims. If they knew that he was here for the case, they could wipe away evidence.
It was too risky to just ask for it. It was better to go undercover. Now, they didn't suspect anything. Colin inteded to keep it that way.
“I have an idea,” you suddenly spoke up and Colin looked intrigued. “The man who let us in and greeted us at the beginning keeps staring at me. He was the one who had the guestlist. Maybe if I flirt with him, he might be distracted so I can take the list.”
“Colin, it could actually work. I mean, I’m awkward around guys but I do know how to flirt,” Colin didn't look happy at that but he tried to conceal it with a pokerface. “It doesn't mean anything, besides how else should we get the list? We can't just sneak up on him. This is our chance.”
“I don't like that idea, he’s like 30 years older than you.” His voice was more laced with worry than jealousy. He genuinely cared about you and he knew what kind of people were on this earth, he had seen enough to know how cruel some people are. It was his job. He knew that you were your own person and made your own decisions, but he wanted you to be safe. This all is worth nothing if you were at risk of getting hurt.
However, he trusted you, and he wasn't dumb. He knew that there was no way to get that list without either asking for it as a detective -which blows his cover, or you flirting with the man to get it. He turned to look at the man who was now staring at the wall, and Colin clenched his jaw. “How do you plan on getting the list by flirting with him?”
“I’ll find a way, trust me.” You said and Colin pressed his lips into a thin line. “I trust you, it’s just… Be safe, okay? I don’t know you that long but I do know that I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
“Right back at you, detective Zabel. And don’t worry, I’m always careful.”
You smiled at him one more time before turning around to face the man, but you were met with a vacant spot. The man had walked away. Your eyes darted around the room and you could see him walk around the corner.
As you walked after him you only managed to make it to the other side of the room. A figure suddenly stood in front of you and you stared up at him. It was James Patrick March. He thought you looked absolutely gorgeous.
“Good evening,” he started “Enjoy the party so far?”
You looked at him and nodded. “Yeah, I uh I love what you did to the hotel. The whole style is so unique, it’s like entering a time machine.”
“Thank you, I myself am a fan of the 20’s style. The structure of the Nixon Hotel was the perfect vision of the Hotel Cortez. As for the style, my father hated the 20’s style. It’s one of the main reasons why I began to love it so much. I renovated every nook and cranny of the hotel, except for the upstairs suite.”
“Really?” You smiled. When you were little and your parents were at the hotel, you were almost always in the suite. You were pretending to be a princess locked up in a tower and you remembered trying on your mom’s dresses and her heels and make up. You were dancing around the so called tower and you were pretending that a handsome prince was gonna save you. However, eventually you changed that story in your head once you realized you never wanted to leave that tower. It was your safe place. While you were there you wanted time to stop, you wanted to feel joyful like that forever. You wanted to live the fantasy forever, instead of getting dragged into reality. You had fond memories of the place, and when James mentioned it was still the exact same, you had a short trip down memory lane. “I used to go there all the time, you haven’t changed it?”
“Other than the curtains, it’s still the same,” James smiled widely. “You can visit as much as you’d like.”
The corners of your lips curled up, and your eyes lit up. “Thank you, that’s really sweet of you. I might in the future.”
You could see an undertone of flirting, although it could also be his charisma. He was a neat man, very posh. You hadn't spoken to him in a long while. It was probably just his character to flirt with everyone. You didn’t know that Colin was still in your previous spot, and when he saw that James had approached you, he walked to you.
“Hello honey,” Colin was at your side and eyed the man in front of you. He placed an arm around you waist. “Mr March.” He gave James a nod. You couldn’t help but notice the corner of James’ lips twitch just the slightest.
“Ah,” James slurred out the words. “You must be the detective I presume.”
“Yes indeed.” Colin had a smile on his face. “I like the theme of the party, and I like that you stay in character, I like the voice,” Colin patted James’ back. “Are you supposed to be Clark Gable?”
“No.” James said dead serious. After a silence that was a bit too long to ignore, Colin scraped his throat and decided to change the subject. “So, what compelled you to buy the Hotel Nixon?”
“I’ve had it all once. Fortune, fame, but nothing satisfied.” He pressed his lips in a thin line “That’s when I saw the Hotel Nixon, and I knew that this was destiny. I knew that this was what I was supposed to do”
“You’re a believer?” You questioned.
“I’m an atheist dear, not stupid. However I do believe in fate. When I signed the papers, I knew that this was where I’m supposed to be.” He continued. “My father, however, was a true believer. Ate a little cracker, drank the wine every sunday. And he was the meanest son of a bitch you’d ever seen.” James let out a sigh and gritted his teeth. “Killed a cat for purring too loud.” He cleared his throat “Anyway, I don’t mean to drag you along a trip down memory lane.”
James turned to look at Colin. “May I ask if you are any closer to solving the recent murders? It’s such a shame that this beautiful town is the target of a deranged killer. Those poor people who got stabbed surely deserved better.”
“I can’t tell you that, sorry. We’re doing everything we can in our power to catch the killer.”
“Good.” It was obvious that Colin didn't want to give more information. You could feel him tense and his grip on your waist tightened the slightest bit. Colin may not show it, but he didn't like James at all.
“James,” a voice spoke up from behind him. “Can you come here for a second?”
“I’m coming, Iris.” James diverted his attention back to you and Colin.
“Very well then,” he held out his hand for Colin to shake. He then grabbed your hand delicately and leaned in to give the back of your hand a kiss. “I’m most delighted that you showed up. It was nice to see you again in better circumstances this time, Miss Goode. You’re always welcome here. Stay forever if you’d like.”
“I shall visit sometime,” you smiled through gritted teeth. Something was off about him. You couldn’t place your finger on it, but the man gave you weird vibes. Sure, he looked decent. His perfectly styled slicked back hair and groomed mustache made him look decent. And he was definitely the epitome of charming. But you knew that looks were easy to deceive, you had learned that with Kai.
Before he walked away, you spoke up. You still had a job to do, that’s the whole reason why you and Colin were here. “Mr March?”
He turned around. “The man, the one who welcomed everyone. Do you know where he stays?” You asked him and James looked up for a few seconds. “Ah, Nick Pryor. Good fella, May I ask why you want to know that?’
“I just uhh… need to return something quick.” You plastered a smile on your face. “He stays in room 53.”
“Thank you, Mr March.”
“Please call me James, dearest.”
“Thank you, James.”
James nodded once before turning around to walk away, and once his body disappeared behind the wall, your smile dropped. You turned to look at Colin.
“So we’re both thinking the same thing?”
“Yeah,” Colin muttered. “I don’t like him.”
“Me neither. There is something off about him.”
“How did he know the recent couple was stabbed?” He questioned aloud. “That was information we didn’t tell the public yet.” You got chills along your spine when he mentioned that, and you scooted a little closer to Colin.
“So we definitely know that James is involved in this somehow. It doesn’t mean that he is the killer, but it does mean that he knows more than he lets on.”
“You’re right.” Colin said and you rubbed your temples. “This got me fucked up, it feels like I’m in a movie or something. How are you able to do this on a daily basis?”
“If I can help give families closure then all of this is worth it,” he started “If there is a chance I can help in any way possible, I will try and help. I don't do it to feel better about myself, I just want justice for those poor souls.”
“You’re a good person, Detective.” you gave him a smile. “Now let’s get this list and figure out who the next target is, before we’re too late. I’ll go to room 53 and try to distract him.”
“Alright, in the meantime I’ll look around to see if there is anything suspicious in the hotel. There has to be some sort of physical evidence.”
“Okay, I’ll call you when I get the list.”
Before you could walk away, he grabbed your hand and pulled you back. His touch was like velvet silk and you looked at your intertwined hands.
Even though he only knew you for a few days. He felt drawn to you, you had this aura that attracted him. He was intoxicated by your presence and he somehow felt like he knew you for years.
That's the reason why he wanted you to be safe. He trusted you, yes. It were others that he didn't trust.
“Please, Y/n. I know you can handle yourself but I… I…” he didn't finish his sentence. “Just be careful, not everyone is as nice as they seem."
“I know, I’ll be careful.” you gave him a smile, a smile he adores. “You too, stay safe.”
Colin nodded “I will. See you soon.”
As you entered the elevator to the fifth floor, you couldn't help but feel nervous. You were about to get the list, but your mind couldn't stop thinking about the things that could go wrong. What if he was indeed a creep? What if he knows why you're here and alerts James? What if you can't get the list? Was everything for nothing if that happened?
When you wanted to overthink more, a beep was heard which indicated that you reached the fifth floor. You inhaled deeply and told yourself it was going to be okay. Snap out of it.
Everything was still styled the same way as in the lobby, and everything smelled fresh. It smelled new, like leather.
You walked down the hall, counting all the numbers and it felt like you were in a maze. Everything looked the same, and the only thing that indicated that you weren't walking around in circles, were the numbers of the rooms. After minutes of searching, you came to the right rooms.
50, 51, 52, 53
You saw that the door was ajar, and as you walked as quiet as possible, you pushed it open slightly. You didn't want to barge in, you were just gonna make a conversation with the man, and so you were careful to not raise any alarms.
As the whole room was in your view, you saw clothing on the bed, and someone was standing in the middle of the room with their back turned against you. The person was dancing, swaying their hips and when the door inevitably creaked from you pushing it open, the person in the room turned around and your eyes widened. It was the man with the guestlist, however he didn't wear the suit he wore before. He was now dressed in a fur jacket and white silk.
“What are you doing here?” He said nervously. “Get out. Get out of my room. This isn’t what it look like!”
You puzzled two and two together, and now you finally understood why he kept looking at you. It wasn't because he was ogling you like the other men in the lobby, but because he was admiring you.
“Ever since I walked into the lobby, you couldn't keep your eyes off of me,” you walked closer to him and he froze in his spot. "I wondered why, but I think I know now." you sat on his bed and he looked at you wide eyed.
“You dress like a man, walk like a man, but you smell like a woman.”
“It’s Paco Robanne.” he had teary eyes and his voice was dry.
"I know, love. You're a woman with taste." he let out a breath he’d held in for so many years. The weight that laid on his shoulders was heavy, and he felt like it was unbearable. But as you placed a hand on his chest and gave him a smile, he let it all out. All these years he had belittled himself and he felt like he was worthless. He felt like he was trapped in a cage while he wanted to be free. You could never understand what he’s been going through exactly, but you did recognize the struggles.
“Oh my god.” His shoulders lumped and he took a hold of your arm. He fell to his knees, holding your arm and you watched him as he did so.
“You’re so, you’re so beautiful.”
“Why do you cry, love.”
He looked down while tears streamed down his face “I’m so ugly.”
“No, you don't lack beauty. You lack commitment.”
“Let me help you.” He shook his head. To that, you rested your palm on his jaw. You were initially here for the list, but you wanted to help truly. It looked like times were rough for him.
“Become who you were born to be, a goddess.” You reached your fingers to the underside of his chin and lifted him up. At first he seemed hesitant, but after a while, he nodded and you gave him a hug. A hug that she needed, and had been needing for a long time.
You placed her in a chair and you did her make up. You wanted her to know how beautiful she was.
“What’s your name.”
“Well… Nick Pryor.”
“No, with that white slip and shame-wrapping fur, I christen you Liz Taylor.” Liz smiled and gasped in awe as you spun the chair for her. You had always liked to do make up, and so, after only 15 minutes you were done. When she saw the make up on her face, she grabbed your hand and squeezed it. As fast as it came, it disappeared however and her eyes went wide.
“I can’t go out like this.”
You rubbed the back of her hand and smiled “Oh honey, goddesses don't speak in whispers, they scream.”
“No, no, I'm sorry.” She stammered and you sighed. “okay, so were not ready to scream, how about a little something to warm up the pipes?" She looked at you with fear in her eyes but you could see that she had a glint of hope. She wasn't ready to fully open herself to the world, but that was okay. Baby steps.
"How about you go fetch us some ice?"
"I can't, maybe there are people in the halls-"
"-They are like 60, they can't talk. And if they do, I'll kick their ass, honestly. You are gorgeous, let them talk. In the end of the day, they're the ones hiding behind a mask, not you." Liz chuckled and you rubbed her shoulders comfortingly. She hesitated before speaking. "Okay, I'll do it. I'm gonna do it."
She stood up, and she grabbed your hands and squeezed them. "Thank you so much, I feel so... so free."
You had tears in your eyes when you saw how happy she was, and you smiled. Even though you hadn't known her at all, you felt a connection. She had a pure heart, and the world was just too cruel to her. So cruel, that she had to hide in her shell, while she's a beautiful butterfly. Now was her time to shine and open her wings. "You got this, Liz."
She gave you one last hug before grabbing the bucket and walking to the door. She exhaled and inhaled a few times before opening the door and sticking her head out. She then walked into the hall.
You sighed and you say back on her bed. Your social battery was runnig low, and you felt like curling up in a warm bed. As your eyes closed, you fantasized about sleeping, getting swept away to dreamland, only this time you were hugging something else than a pillow.
This time in your fantasy, you were hugging a detective. Detective Zabel. The moment you saw him you thought he was attractive, but the random talks you had yesterday after discussing the Cortez ordeal, made you like him even more. Just the small mannerisms and the way he talked about zucchini made you laugh harder than you ever had in a long time. The way he cared about you even though you knew him for a few days. The way he truly listened to you in the bar. He just hsd this aura that attracted you to him. You didn't know why you said he was your plus one instead of your date. You were just kind of... scared. It all moves a bit too fast, you liked Colin too much to screw it up.
Speaking of, you should probably look for the guest list and call Colin.
You got up, walked to the one cabinet that stood against the wall and searched in the drawers. It was wrong to snoop in Liz's room, but this actually depended on life or death. People's lives were at stake. You saw her leave with it in her hands, so it couldn't be far.
Luckily it didn't take long for you to find the list, and when you saw it, you smiled widely. It felt great to get closer and closer to solving the case. You searched for the "I" and you saw loads of crosses next to people's name. However, when you finger lowered and lowered, it stopped at one name. Someone who didn't have a cross next to their name. Which meant that they didn't show up. Every other person with an I as last name hsd a cross next to their name, except 1.
“Colin!” You screamed and Colin immediately stopped in his tracks. You had your phone against your ear as you rushed through the halls of the Cortez. Your dress and heels were bothering you when you ran, but it was the least of your worries at the moment. “Y/n? What’s wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“No, everything is fine, I just- I know who the next target is.”
“You saw the list?”
“Yeah, I’m on the second floor,”
“So am I.” Just as he said that, his figure appeared from behind the bordeaux walls, and you both stood in front of each other, about 5 meters away as you both lowered your phones.
You had the list in your hands and you then both ran towards each other to meet each other in the middle. You stopped in front of him and you were catching your breath. Your hands were placed on your knees and you breathed heavily “I know who the next victim will be.”
“Alma,” you said “Alma Irwin.”
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archerygun · 5 months
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Guys I’m sorry. A single person asked me to elaborate. I’ve gotta elaborate now. I have permission from an internet stranger. Also, yes, I think I should be locked up and studied for science but exposing my insanity on the internet is the next best thing. @dye-it-rouge-et-noir this one is for you buddy.
This is a follow-up/part 2 post. If you’re seeing this post before part 1, part 1/the context is here = https://www.tumblr.com/archerygun/749484004313579520/alright-i-was-chatting-to-a-friend-about-james?source=share
(Splitting it up into sections because I want to try and contain myself from rambling nonstop for five straight minutes)
Sean Connery - A friend of mine did most of the design, I added the bottom half, the gun, the colours and a couple of motifs. I chose Thunderball as the film of focus because my friend mentioned his swimsuit was traumatising, and also because it’s the film with the jetpack in it. Generally focused on circular shapes and tear shapes because y’know… water. He’s orange because of the orange swimsuit that my friend called out lmao. And the flower on the neck bow is supposed to look like the one from the iconic white dinner suit that I tend to default to drawing Sean Connery Bond in because when he isn’t in dinner suits his dress sense is generally not as fun as I would like. The gun is based on the one from the James Bond image. You know the one.
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I put simultaneously not enough thought and too much thought into this Jesus Christ. I think he’d have some sort of jetpack power-up or something. George Lazenby - He only did one film, so that did limit sources of inspiration. Fortunately, OHMSS is my favourite Bond film because everything about it is earnest and completely insane. I had to include his bowler hat from the intro because it was amazing and not enough Bonds wear hats, so he’d at least look distinctive. It’s set in an icy location for most of it, so that’s where most of the theming came from, the colour, etc; the diamond motif might have suited Sean Connery better all things considered but too late now. I took some costuming inspiration from his kilt outfit because it was strange and iconic and I think all Bonds should be made to wear it. He only really has one promo shot with a gun so I had to give the position of tiny gun guy to George Lazenby. He wields it well.
Roger Moore - I kinda just took the fact that he was the first Bond in space and ran with it. Used stars as a motif, etc. Particular inspiration was taken from this outfit:
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And partial inspiration from his weird marine navy commander-style getup (for the shawl thing). It was legitimately way too hard to find a gun that wouldn’t accidentally cross over with a gun from another Bond so I picked the most Seventies gun I could possibly find for inspiration assuming that no other Bonds would ever use something similar. The upper body pose as usual is directly from the reference image. I felt like if I put all the Bonds in skirts, it’d get a bit repetitive and start looking bad, so I figured if any Bond was going to get trousers it would have to be the one that actually wore flares.
Basically just how I’d pitch the three Bonds I’ve done so far if they were a group dynamic instead of solo iterations. Gonna do it in bullet points so it’s more comprehensible. (I don’t have any rhyme, reason or lore for this. It’s literally just me assigning three Bonds distinct personalities).
Sean Connery:
The group leader/group elder/tired old man
He can still be a slut if that’s what you want but minus the creepiness. Mutual engagement in passive flings? No problems with that.
Seen so much shit that he’s sorta nonchalant about everything and believes he’s overqualified for just about anything he’s asked to do.
✨War trauma✨
Suaveness and charm level 100. He’s a crabby old man most of the time but he’s so charming that the group let him get away with it.
He’s desensitised to like, literally everything. He will not hesitate to kill a man in cold blood if the situation demands it.
Pretty much believes that human beings are fundamentally bad, himself included.
Ultimately the one that’s willing to make the hard calls.
George Lazenby:
Like his actor before him he is the least qualified and probably lied to get into the secret service.
Optimistic, perceived as naive, ready to try and fight the narrative to change his fate.
The group child (and the youngest).
Quit the secret service after his new wife was assassinated on their wedding day and only comes back because shit has hit the fan (plot reasons. I don’t have a plot, I’m just speaking as if I’m pitching a TV show).
Doomed By The Narrative™️
Ridiculed or forgotten by everyone except the other Bonds
Sean Connery’s Bond respects him a great deal and secretly envies his more idealistic worldview, but won’t let him make the tough calls because he sees him as too naive and too unstable (willing to risk everything)
Roger Moore’s Bond HAS adopted him.
Roger Moore:
Literally feral
Master of British understatement (“Oh. That’s a bit of a shame.” as the world is literally ending around him)
He’s besties with Sean Connery’s Bond as the other sort of group elder
Despite how manic and wired he appears, he is terrifyingly competent and capable of being very serious
Team leader when Connery’s Bond is out of action
Dad figure. Not just to the other Bonds, but as a default personality. He will go parent mode on anyone he thinks he’s capable of saving.
Although if he doesn’t think you’re saveable he will not hesitate to shoot on sight if he runs out of options.
As far as ideas for the other three, Timothy Dalton is going to look evil and edgy but he’s just an enthusiastic dork and Daniel Craig is a stone cold killer with trust issues draped in bright pink bows. I haven’t seen any Pierce Brosnan movies so far so I might just have to vibe check him based on plot synopsis.
Closing thoughts? I want my brain removed and replaced with a better one. I’m sorry for everything you have witnessed today.
Also, these are based exclusively on the movies and not the books. I’m more digging into what makes each actor and era special and distinct.
If you sat through all that, well done, thank you, please don’t report me to the asylum and enjoy this image of Sean Connery.
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michaelsfavgirl · 5 months
boo, you’ve inspired me a lot and I fr want to start writing Michael imagines but I’m scared that I’m not gonna have motivation, no one’s gonna read them, and that I’m just gonna flop completely 😭😭
can you pretty please give me some advice if you can bc babes idk 😭🙏
Omg that’s wonderful!! Don’t be scared, the mj fanfic side of the fandom was literally non existent on here when I first posted my fics and now look there’s more of us <3 We need more mj writers!!
Listen you really have to get the thoughts of “no one’s gonna read them, they’re gonna flop blah blah” out your head, and I know it’s hard but trust me the best way to KILL your motivation is by relying on external validation. Of course I’m not gonna sit here and say that people reblogging and commenting on fics won’t give you more motivation to write but that can’t be the only reason/source. So try to remind yourself that you’re doing this for yourself, for fun, as a hobby etc.
Now when it comes to writing advice, first find out what style of writings you’re most comfortable with and length. Do you think you’ll prefer to write a few thousand words or shorter fanfictions? Do you want to write one-shots, headcanons or drabbles? Try to experiment more or less with all to see what you’re best at.
Then, if a blank page intimidates you (I relate) try to just word vomit all your ideas/things you want to mention in your fic, like a little summary. To make this even less intimidating use the text to speech button and just start yapping. Then you’ll be able to use that as some sort of guideline.
While writing try to include both mikes and readers/ocs perspective, even if you’re writing from the first point of view. (Btw I’d recommend using the second or third pov, but you can do whatever feels more natural) this will make the readers feel more connected to the story and want to continue reading. Also don’t waste time by being too descriptive about things that don’t add much to the story, there’s no need to describe the outfits, or morning routines before your characters meet up yk, unless it’s necessary/integral to the plot.
When it comes to writing dialogue (if you’re gonna go for Mike) try to recall his interviews and the way he speaks, use similar language and even phrases/words to make the conversation feel more natural. Trust me most people hate when the dialogues seem unrealistic and fake, it shouldn’t feel like reading about your own oc who just has mikes appearance and name, if that makes sense.
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