#also i gave them pink hair as a nod to marmalade’s hair and cause i think the baron style with pink ends would be so cute
mama-lade · 7 months
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🎀babydoll bandit🎀
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insfiringyou · 4 years
BTS - Home Again (J-Hope x Nana)
Hoseok and Nana spend an evening together following his discharge from the military, reflecting on the events a week prior at a group dinner and on their love for one another.
This fic is set about a week later after ‘A Reunion’, where Jeong-Sun (Suga’s girlfriend) is introduced to the whole group for the first time. There are mentions of events relevant to the fic that may not make sense if you haven’t read it.  Mentions also of Young-Soon, Min-Seo and Jeong-Sun within.
Contains: Fluff and brief mentions of sex.
You can find out more about our headcanon universe and ongoing storyline here and more about our headcanon girlfriends here.
To read each member & their girlfriend’s headcanon universe fics in order, follow the links here: RM   /   Jin /   Suga /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook & our full masterlist can be found here
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Slipping his phone back into his pocket, Hoseok turned the key and silenced the engine. Despite her insistence that she would only be a few minutes, it had been several, and he wondered what kind of errand his girlfriend had suddenly had to do in this part of town. He had thought at first that she had mixed up her class’ assignments, before remembering that her bag was sat in the backseat and had been noticeably lighter than usual. She had asked him to come up to the third floor without explanation; his worry vanishing at once when Nana’s distinct, squeaky laugh echoed from down the hall along with one that was soft and familiar. 
“Hi, Hoseok.” Young-Soon regarded him warmly as he approached, her bare face glowing with amusement. Her dark hair was tied in a messy braid over one shoulder, and she clutched her loose cardigan to her waist. She had clearly been enjoying a day off, looking vastly more comfortable in her casual home attire than she had a week earlier at the restaurant. The chemical smell of lemon cleaning products drifted from the open door of her apartment. 
“Oh, I didn’t realise you lived here! Wow, there’s a lot of stairs.” 
“I’m sorry, the elevator is usually out of order…” She smiled, eyes flickering mischievously back to the taller woman.
“She was just telling me about how they caught some teenagers jamming the doors yesterday.” Nana grinned, squeezing her boyfriend’s fingers as they curled automatically around her own.
“Yeah. Apparently it’s a hot make-out spot.” She smirked. “I could hear the boy’s mother yelling at him from across the building when the engineer finally managed to open them. I don’t think she approves of his girlfriend very much.”
“Kids always find a way around their parent’s rules…” Nana sighed knowingly. “It’s usually better to just let them lose interest on their own.”
“Much less fun that way, though.” Young-soon grinned, and Nana giggled in response. Hoseok smiled, a little nonplussed, at the two. The conversation had clearly lost him, though it was apparent now why she had been taking so long. 
“Anyway, I have them here …are you sure you can manage?” 
She nodded in response, her auburn curls springing forward as she reached for the smaller of the two boxes, resting it against her hip. “Can you take the other one?”
“What is it?” Hoseok eyed it with suspicion, the weight surprising him as he picked it up. “Where’s JK?” He asked, with a raised eyebrow.
“He pulled a muscle. He’s sleeping it off.”
“How did he do that?”
She apparently didn’t hear, but met the other woman’s eyes with an impish look that said otherwise. A pink blush had crept up on her cheeks; Nana returned her shy smile, hoping that she hadn’t been a nuisance in dropping by unannounced. 
She pressed on. “Are you sure you don’t want anything for them? I feel kind of bad just taking them without paying you.”
“I’ve been trying to get rid of them for ages.” Young-soon answered dismissively, toying with the end of her braid. “There’s only so many times you can give your friends a candle for their birthday or Christmas before it becomes embarrassing.”
“Thanks, I really appreciate it. We’re going to head off now.”
“Bye Young-Soon! Take care of Jungkook.”
“Of course. See you later.”
“Please be careful,” Nana pleaded, shutting the front door awkwardly behind herself. There was a soft tinkle as she dropped her keys into the dish on the console table beside her.
“I’m trying.” He steadied himself, edging a little more cautiously through the narrow hall, having almost tripped over an umbrella. She nudged it aside with her foot, knowing he was likely to trip over it again later. He had to duck to avoid the overhanging leaves above his head. “Your tree got so big.” 
“It’s a Yucca. I’ve been meaning to trim him down a little bit but it seems a shame. He’s got beautiful leaves.”
“It’s a he?” Hoseok asked with amusement as he edged into the kitchen and set the box with a relieved sigh on the nearest, slightly rickety chair.
“Don’t worry. You don’t need to be jealous.”
Nana set her own box down and opened it up, searching through the meticulously bubble wrapped contents, extricating a large glass jar filled with pink fragrant wax. She uncapped the lid with a satisfying pop, inhaling the sweet scent of peony. Hoseok frowned slightly in bemusement; he wondered whether the recent stormy weather had been causing power cuts in her neighbourhood too. “What are you going to do with these?”
“Plant them.” Nana replied dryly, capping it once again. “There should be some space under the sink.” 
“Are you sure? It seems full to me.” 
“I’ve been meaning to make some jam…” She muttered in weak explanation, eyeing the open cabinet.    
“There’s enough jars here for the entire of Seoul.” He teased, lips curling with incredulity.
“Don’t exaggerate Hobi, it’s not that many.” She said softly, getting to her knees as she started to rearrange the haphazardly stacked glass. Hoseok leant back against the table, equally impressed and surprised that she had somehow been able to fit the contents of the smaller box in the space. It seemed she had admitted defeat on the larger, pushing the chair more snugly against the table. 
“Maybe I should make some for Young-Soon, since she gave me all these.” Nana mused,tucking her hair back behind her ears. It’d been years since she’d made jam, but she thought she could remember how. Her father had a habit of buying too much fruit from the market back in Gwangju, which they’d have to find creative ways to use.  “And maybe Min-Seo might like some…she mentioned she’s been craving sweet things.”
“I think she’d like that. I just can’t believe they’re going to be parents.” 
“Me neither. I can tell they’ll be great though. ”The younger woman had looked both overjoyed and embarrassed following the announcement shortly after dessert. Her voice had wavered slightly as she looked to her husband, Jin’s own expression soft with pride as he finished the sentence she had been struggling to say. Nana had hugged them both as they left for their taxi, Min-Seo thanking her with a shy, but delighted smile as she drew away from the sharp edge of her collar bone. 
She flicked on the kettle, selecting a few empty marmalade jars as she began to stack them on the side. “I thought so ever since their wedding.” 
Hoseok’s eyes followed her lovingly as she moved about, searching for a clean tea towel. “Did you like Jeong-Sun?”
“She seems really nice. It’s good to see Yoongi with someone.” Nana smiled, pouring boiling water in each jar before drying them thoroughly and laying them upside down on the draining board. The couple had visited the older member’s apartment a few times together prior to his enlistment, and it had always struck her how eerily empty and un-lived in it had felt. Bachelor life hadn’t seemed to suit Yoongi, and she hoped sincerely that he was happier now. “Do you think I should make some for her too?”
 Hoseok cocked his head. “Will there be enough?”
“As long as it doesn’t burn.” She confirmed, eyeing up the various cartons of purple and scarlet berries in the fridge. “I only have enough fruit and sugar for four at most…”
“Can I help you make it?” Her boyfriend was already hovering closely behind her as she chopped up strawberries and plopped them into the pan. She twisted the hob to a low temperature, handing him a wooden spoon, caressing his hand deliberately as she did so.
“You can stir, if you like.” 
Hoseok was attentive as the concoction reduced slowly to a lumpy, burgundy pool, allowing Nana to edge around him to find ribbon and attach labels. Her heart swelled unexpectedly in the comfortable silence between them, wondering what kind of good deed she had committed in her past life to have found him. The past week since his discharge had been a blur of overslept alarms, tangled curls and forgotten suppers. It’d all passed in a frantic haze, and she couldn’t help but appreciate the simple happiness she felt now in just knowing he was close by. 
Tenderly, she snaked her arms around him, resting her cheek into the crook of his neck as he stirred. His cologne reminded her of lemongrass and potted herbs after the rain, his body slender and long to match her own. He shifted against her, his lips tugging into a smile as he reciprocated, pressing his cheek against hers. The absence of his hair tickling her skin still felt strange.
“I really missed having you around, Hoseok.” Nana whispered quietly, her voice tinged with emotion. He gently entwined his fingers around her own with his free hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. 
“It was really hard…” he admitted, and she knew that he too was thinking about how much he had missed her. Their moments of bliss when he was able to visit had always seemed far too brief. Already short, they had been cut even shorter by her commitments at work, leaving a sunken, aching feeling in her chest whenever he had to leave.
 “I realised how much I love you. “ She continued. “And that I want to be with you for as long as I can.”
 His eyes found hers, and she wasn’t surprised to see them wet at the corners. “Me too, Nana.”
They both turned into each other, their lips coming together. He sank into her touch as she ran a hand to his shoulder and lovingly brushed the prickly patch of hair behind his ear. His breath was warm and inviting, their kiss unbroken as both hands grasped desperately at her waist. The forgotten jam bubbled slowly, and Nana felt for the knob on the stove, awkwardly twisting it as the sickly sweet smell of it boiled up.
“Oh, shit..” Hoseok whispered, remembering the saucepan as he pulled back slightly, giving it a token stir once more.
She grinned, her face hot as she moved it to the back burner. “I think it’s done, anyway.”
“Phew.” He exhaled in obvious relief. He pulled her close once again, their hips pressed together, and she could feel that he was already hard beneath his sweatpants.
“Hoseok...” Nana breathed. “Take me to bed.”
Thank you for reading. To read each member & their girlfriend’s headcanon universe fics in order, follow the links here: RM   /   Jin /   Suga  /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook
& Our full masterlist can be found here
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tacosandtomcos · 6 years
The Book Of Spells, Spoiler Review, part 4
and here we are at the homestretch.
last three queens
at the end will be bonus things i noticed and thoughts, as well as a sum of the whole book and my opinion on the whole thing-
Apparently Toffee was a prince? Also when do queens get their poems? cause if it’s after death that honestly sucks that comet is especially remembered for being murdered.
Wand crystal was a baker’s quartz, it’s impervious to high temperature. The handle is a rolling dowel from special oak and her want is charged with pantry crystals, pink or lavender ones.
she was gloss’s favorite.
The last millhorse retired, so now we have one called pumpkin.
Nod to star believing in the grandma farm.
Continuity error : Estrella gave comet brown eyes like her husband, but she’s shown here with purple eyes.
Comet put off getting this book and her wand for a long time, she clearly wasn’t eager on being queen. Also mewni raised their eyebrows a lot at her and mom, not to mention her choices.
she just wanted this chapter to be helpful for future queens, didn’t want this to be some diary or historical record. Hoped moon would find comfort in her experiences.
she’s the first princess ever to have been married and had a daughter before her coronation.
To sum her life up in her words, her mom’s an artist, she chased food and love through the dimensions, and loved it. Got overfed for a bit, got married, and got pregnant, and then ended up divorced.
she refers to her daughter as her sweet baby princess.
moon’s “let you go” saying is said here.
But now she’s back to accept her fate once her mom decides she’s ready. Though she’s gonna do it her way, from the kitchen.
doesn’t want to be burdened with the monster conflict, she sees the only real difference between them is how they savor food. If you’re critical of the monsters but don’t sit down to enjoy a meal, how are you different then them?
She and her mom feel asleep numerous times when the mhc sent them in to talk battle strategy about the monsters and the losses and decide what to do. She found herself slouched like a rag doll one time because of her hoop skirt. The mhc were still arguing when she woke though. She left to go make pies for the generals and mhc and that solved that as they feel asleep and slept for four days after a lot of eating. They didn’t show up for the battle in the end. The monsters were left hanging for a day and a half.
her mom pretended to be disappointed with her, but she honestly thought it was artful thinking and from now on decided to give them food every time they had meetings like this.
Then comet starts with recipes, first pie. Pir is first because though skywynne’s food raining was good, it wasn’t a satisfying meal shared with others. Comet has a gift for pies, starting with the red solanaceae pie (Her grandma’s favorite fruit).
  What follows is her recipe, with some notes from star. (She also raosts her bad marriage a bit). Mewmans have their own words for sugar, salt, butter, ect. 
Apparently one time after the monsters ate all their food, their pies were filled with sawdust and sandal straps.
She decorates her pies by making shapes with bits of dough, which also helped star tie her shoes.
She left crust scraps for gloss to eat.
The turnover to make comet queen was quiet and unremarkable, just how estrella wanted it, as she hated attention and she had more time to draw now. She probably wasn’t coming back.
Her first act as queen, was arranging a banquet hosting the monster king, archduke batwin (Someone we see in moon’s flashback). It would grand as though it were the spiderbites or lucitors.
she also asked to be painted with him and have those portraits send everywhere. she even had a songstrel competition to make a song for the peaceful union, winner has his song performed by moon for the feast.
She knew it was uncalled for, no queen has done something like this before. But she still wanted to do it and even served a special pie she only made once a year for this occasion. The pie was originally named after mewnipendence day, but comet changed it to be “peace day pie”, it’s new name for as long as they were allies with the monsters.
The mhc were still worried about seth and his septarian rebellion. But she saw her way as the true path to the future and she’d even consider inviting him to eat pie with them.
The red solanceae are tomatoes basically. it’s pie is basically vegetable pie.
As far as spells go she has a super disarming spell, and can summon a bunch of cranes to literally just take enemies away. These are her only two spells too, she basically just wanted you to disarm them, remove them, then go eat.
Seth’s invitation went unanswered.
Batwin is so much more gentle then the avariuses were, she kinda worried he may be too soft for his role. For him to stand up to seth he was going to need more grit. 
Seth, despite his age, and old ways, inspires alot of younger septarians (Rasticore and Toffee being two of them), this was concerning for her.
that was her final entry, she never even got to write gloss’s favorite pie, her pudding pie.
So that’s comet, and i think she’s nice for what she is. She was one of the more understanding and kinder queens that got to rule and actually did want to make peace with the monsters despite her ancestors.
her pies also look great.
her attempts to work things out peacefully is a nice change, you can’t say much bad about her and she loved moon alot. they clearly were very close.
Shame we won’t get to meet her in the show itself.
her wand’s crystal is from the crystal dimension and it’s almost indestructible.
River got her a columbrian crystal collection as an engagement present. Something to match her wand.
apparently some creepy hermit carved her spoon of the wand, and he lived in a crystal dimension cave for most of his life. He only made three of those spoons in his life. Because it takes a quarter of his life to make one, which is based on the person’s actual life span. Also the crystal can tell you when you will dies from your sweat. The wand is also great for grapefruit sectioning.
millhorse pumpkin returns, apparently festivia’s horse sired him. Also he likes lil chauncey. Without millhorses, the queens would be at a disadvantage.
The snakewood handle is not found in mewni, only other time it’s been found was in pixeltopia when two pixes found it and eventually gave to hekapoo as a gift.
Moon marked her pages so there was clear establishment which ones were before comet died, and after. Tells river not to blame her, she wasn’t ready to be queen when this happened after all.
River’s optimism and cheer made her being queen easier for her.
Moon was a little worried when her mom handed her this book, saying she was ready, but her mom reassured her she was just taking the steps needed to be queen.
Her mom took her on a tour of their military, and though moon was nervous her mom reassured her this was all to show their might. The johansens were here to be reinforcements.
River’s dad is named Bloxq (?????)
Moon thinks river is very sweet by this point but lacking in the gruffness of his family.
Moon actually read ALL the other chapters of the other queens. She really enjoyed skywynne’s.
All her entries are in a letter format to whoever may be reading this.
she just got little chaucy, her new pet, and her mom promised to make pies in celebration. Moon loves that about her, how selfless she is.
chauney is smart, well mannered , loyal, and he eats everything. He’s also sweet and likes cuddling.
She picked him out of the batch because he walked over and nuzzled her hand, then she looked into his eyes and just knew.
Chauncey was a birthday gift, moon’s seventeenth birthday.
Her relationship with Chauncey is really cute, the photos are precious.
moon sometimes calls her mom, “Mummy”.
moon basically thought chauncey has brain-powers. but was surprised when he could speak with her millhorse telepathically. They became best friends.
Moon eventually got too busy helping run the kingdom to spend a ton of time with her pet, but was supportive of him finding a friend. She trusts them with her life.
Now we get to the after death section, moon says not to judge her for her hard choices during these times.
She has a poem with a mourning wreath made from her mom’s hair.
Moon spends the next few pages with angst and sadness about being queen. The mhc wanted war but moon didn’t know what she wanted.
Moon wasn’t allowed to wear anything that didn’t show her grief, had to throw a lot of clothes away.
She mentions she met eclipsa, kept her anonymous though.
Her choice to just remove the finger was on purpose, just to keep eclipsa imprisoned and still drive off the monsters.
She started learning to dip down so she didn’t face the same fate as her mom, she needed her magic to be stronger.
She has an entry about boys, but doesn’t want to worry about dating till the grief is over, which apparently is two years later. She doesn't think river is really perfect as a queen’s companion, but that he does make her laugh, which she needed. She thinks his family can be painful though.
count mildew makes her stress out way more just by being next to him.
glossy is still crying and hasn’t eaten anything with corn in it for three weeks. he’s also not being helpful with her studies at all. Though her grief is also not helping her magic.
There’s a cut out of her marriage with river from a mewni paper. All the prominent royal families attended. Mina gave her away and lekmet. Moon wore a family heirloom dress and river ate so much he passed out before the reception ended.
Her dad was an estranged chef called lazlo marmalade, he didn’t attend the wedding.
Moon found it important to maintain propriety, and loves her fancy blue wings. Apparently she can taste things with her additional hands, which is why she wears gloves. 
Her battle tiara has healing properties.
Her armor is from the crystal dimension, also almost indestructible.
she has a spell on turning your wand into a neon whip, her spells are more complicated then other queen’s for simple acts.
has a spell for her wand becoming a light sword.
Advices you to remember a counter spell for these and every spell you use.
she has a spell to make the royal bed. To encourage river to do more chores. Though it kinda seems more like a trick and she never needs a spell to reverse it.
River made the bed on rare occasion, last time he did so was when star was born, and that was only because she and star cried because the bottle he gave her was too hot.
Moon gave star a message telling her to enjoy the book, respect gloss, and don’t read eclipsa’s chapter.
So that’s what we got on moon
Her chapter wasn’t hugely informative, more....cute. It was less about lore and a little more about her as a character and her relationships with other characters more then anything.
Which is fine by me, i was satisfied with that and i find alot of this rather sweet. How she speaks of everyone drips of cuteness.
star has almost nothing to say on her first wand other then it’s purple, gloss tells us it’s amberized starglass.
Star got pumpkin (Welp, he’s gonna die)
So the way they made up for star’s birthday in the first episode is because that is legitimately not her real birthday, they just celebrate it on a different day. (Wow, the tom and marco fight in Stump Day just got MORE pointless).
Star skimmed all the chapters that weren’t skywynne’s.
Star rambles on for a bit about writing in the book. And she started somewhere based on a story where she complained to gloss what she should write.
The pigeon kingdom just became a kingdom and this silver ball was about welcoming them. Ponyhead didn’t come cause she was on a trip. Her parents have been vague about the situation. but it seems the pigeons took over mukwald manor...while the muwalds were still living there. You can guess what happened.
Star was happy to go cause she got to meet tom! Whose name she spelt wrong (tomas). I mean unless his parents really did spell it that way.
He’s a “Hot demon with a swimmer’s body”. but they honestly had alot to talk about, she knows there’s something kinda there between them even if she’s not sure what exactly. Tom asked her to lava lake beach’s boardwalk for cornshakes.  (So despite the fact they met years ago at this ball, the book makes it sound like it was recent? Which is another continuity issue? Star does phrase this like she had been to other silver bell balls before but somehow didn’t meet tom before this? What?).
She had a great time on her date with tom despite the melted shakes, and she got her horned headbands on the boardwalk. So her horns are a token of their first date. Star didn’t want to wear them so much cause she didn’t want people thinking she now wanted to be a demon....but..we know she wears them all the time. She and tom promised to hang out again soon.
Tobitt is some cyclops who goes through their cornbins, getting through all their defenses. He’s also now a swear word because they hate him so much. Also river made a sport out of battling him and sending him off, which moon kinda hates. But star carried on that tradition, saying it’s good to inherit your folk’s hatred.
a few photos of her and tom are in here, they’re cute. I guess tom hasn’t really done a ton in photo booths before cause star seems to show him how to do it.
she and tom hung out for weeks before they dated, they went to climb trees to look into nests and pick tree slime from their hair. Apparently they have fun kinda doing anything together. 
Apparently anger issues are now a universal problem for all demons instead of being something tom just has. They even have a center in the underworld for life coaching on this.
Pony dated a demon before, warned star, and gave her this cheesy pamphlet on dating them, tom thought it was hilarious. 
Wow demons get the shaft in here, the guide acts like no one with any sense would date one.
Apparently demons are always angry because they live in a state of constant burning. Tom’s marks are probably mascara because demons put a LOT of time into face make-up and the book tells you should compliment the time he spent into his makeup because demons like to “beautify” themselves. Also demon boys are close with their mamas and tell them everything, so respect that relationship. Also demon moms are protective and have a ton of sway in what their son’s do.
The book does tell you to remind yourself his anger isn’t your problem, and when he’s upset, let him know he’s being a jerk, but he supportive too. Don’t be accusatory, ask about his needs too.
Tom and her broke up now, the details aren’t made apparent though except they had a fight. Star fought tobitt to cool down and burned a village down.
star is now gonna get sent to earth, a place with no distractions to train. Moon thought star might end up like soupina.
There’s some stuff on earth that if you’ve seen the show you should kinda already know, she goes to school, lives with marco, yep. She thought it was nice to take some time from tom and cool off. Tom did come to her going away party though.
Star has a few pages on earth things that excite her and what she thinks they are.
her chapter on marco is in here, but i’m sure everyone already was aware of that. Star pretended she didn’t get earth for marco’s sake She thinks they connect in a cool way since marco kinda embraces how everything sucks bascially. Blabs on about how she can have a friend that’s not a boyfriend. (They kinda seem to imply she had a crush REALLY early in season 1 because of this, i’ll get back to that.)
mentions events of early season 1 episodes, apparently tom had the “Perfect failure of a date” in bmb.
has a page on her second wand. Cleaved amberised starglass. Not too much to note here.
her last entry was on bon bon before she lost the book and that’s it.
And that’s star for ya. It’s kinda hard to go into much considering she’s the main character and this chapter is mostly stuff we knew, the exciting parts are mostly the pre-earth stuff since it gives us more details on things we didn’t get before.
Her stuff with tom is cute, but i can’t say too much else. I’m more distracted by some continuity errors in this one specifically.
Also i hate stump day for a few reasons, but now marco just kinda seems more like a jerk for attacking tom since we’ve now established this wasn’t the day star celebrated her birthday anyway.
Based on the placement of where she talks about liking marco, she liked him before the SECOND EPISODE of the show. And since they hung out for like...very little by that point, i can’t help but feel that takes a little away from their friendship? It kinda makes it seem less like they connected as friends, and more like another crush star just started hanging out with who became another friend.
and even if it weren’t before the second ep if you assumed the photos from it were pasted in later, it’s an entry that’s STILL before the the events of mewberty, which was episode number eleven. So it’s still oddly early to have star gain feelings for her friend, as marco and her hadn’t gotten super close yet.
not my fav chapter, though i did think the demon dating pamphlet was actually really funny.
After this is where ludo tried to write spells, badly and where gloss wants you to write your own chapter, and that’s the rest of the book.
Overview and thoughts:
The kings are sure given the shaft in this book,  half the time they feel like walking baby makers. Having a king is apparently not a requirement, as long as you have a baby to carry out the line. XD 
I’m kinda sad there wasn’t a ton of spells for some of these queens, or even really any look into some of the stuff going on outside of the kingdom
Some chapters were great and fun to learn, other’s were kinda lacking and left me more questions then answers. There were some really funny visuals though.
What happened to mina’s mind? Seth? Will we get more on these in the show? I hope so, because some of these things should be explained in the show for other things to make sense.
SO many continuity errors, SO many.
In the end, i still think it’s a fun read if you REALLY like the show and it’s world, it has a bunch of backstory in places where it was needed and allows you to have a fuller view mewni REALLY needed.
I think it depends on you if you’ll like it or not, if you were expecting a diary on the queens personas and lore, this is more for you, if you wanted spells or insight on the other kingdoms......maybe not so much.
I still had a good time despite everything, though it is not a perfect book and i think it might have been pushed back for some rewrites. The cards in the book had some slight changes that make me think so.
Not a bad book, but it has kinks to work out and could’ve used more then it was giving.
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