#though the other one will be much more... Explosive we'll say
altruistic-meme · 2 months
i am putting Kunikida in Situations <3
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thesilmarillionblog · 4 months
A Sweet Distraction
Summary: When you're in a club, you have to make sure Soldier Boy stays out of trouble and doesn't draw attention of other people while Butcher and the boys look for Payback members. Whatever it takes, you have to keep him busy and distracted.
Pairing: Soldier Boy / Reader
Warnings: Language, Soldier Boy being a dick, violence
Word Count: 1704
A/N: English is not my first language.
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You put on modest makeup, adjusted your outfit, and gave Butcher a brief glance in the mirror as you prepared to go out with the most dangerous and unpredictable supe alive to keep him distracted. Although he was aware of your fear of Soldier Boy and your lack of desire to spend as little time as possible with him, Butcher believed that you were the only person fit for this dreadful task. You already felt bad about accepting Butcher's suggestion after learning about Soldier Boy's outburst and everything.
“Hey, I know you're new here, but while we're away, it might be best if a lady kept him in check. Don't misunderstand me, lovely.” Butcher remarked, placing his hand on your shoulder to encourage confidence in you. You sighed with acceptance at that. 
You reluctantly said, “Fine,” as if you had the option to say ‘no.’
“Oi, I'm not making any sort of suggestion, you know. I just ask that you keep your eyes on him.” 
“I know, I know,” you quickly answered as your cheeks started to blush. 
You were assigned your first job, but it seemed like your last mission because Butcher, who called you "his boys" only a week prior, forced you to join his team. Being aware of Solider Boy's reputation for uncontrollable explosions, you made every effort to stay away from him during your first week. There didn't seem to be any way to get in touch with him, though. Either Soldier Boy himself would be the cause of your death, or Butcher.
“Don't misjudge him; as long as he drinks and fucking sniffs his cocaine, he won't cause a scene. You'll be alright, I promise. He's not all that miserable.”
Even if you had doubts about Butcher's belief in his own remarks, you nonetheless nodded to him.
“Alright. Yes, indeed, I understand.” You muttered to Butcher. “I can handle this,” but in reality, you were talking to yourself.
“Excellent!” he exclaimed while clapping his hands. He was glad you avoided arguing with him. “My car is yours, and we'll get the van. Let's not keep Soldier Boy waiting around much longer.”
As you looked at yourself in the mirror one more time, your heart raced, and you took a sip of whiskey from the closest table.
You entered Soldier Boy's room, where a massive amount of cocaine was on his table, and he was already getting high. You did your best to avoid staring at his massive, well-muscled chest while he was somewhat naked. You were afraid that weed use would increase his nervousness levels or something, or worse, cause him to become even more unstable. You were waiting quietly beside Butcher, wanting to say something about the current state of things, yet you uttered nothing. 
“Hey, are you prepared to enjoy yourself in the modern world?” Butcher inquired in a lighthearted manner.
You retreated a step as he approached you, asking, "With her?" with a grin on his face as he examined you from head to toe after standing up from his chair. 
“Buddy, don't be harsh on her; she's already scared of you.” Butcher spoke firmly, and he added, “Y/N will just be your company tonight while me and my boys look for your most devoted teammates. She is one of us.”
You turned your back as your cheeks became red while Soldier Boy raised his eyebrows and turned back to Butcher. He proceeded to smoke while pulling down his sweatpants suddenly and putting on a shirt over his bare chest. 
“I wouldn’t try,” Soldier Boy said as he changed his clothes. “She better take me to a good fucking place. I’m sick of staying in this fucking room.”
“That is not anything to worry about for you.” You all left the room as Butcher murmured.
You and Soldier Boy arrived at one of the most well-known and weird clubs, which was primarily packed with supes, after having nothing at all to talk about while driving. Soldier Boy's mouth curled into a satisfied smile as you became extremely nervous.
As soon as you two walked into the club, he said, “Not bad.”
If you were a supe, you would find it much easier to adjust to the environment and everything, but you weren't, and if you pissed someone off, they could kill you in a second. That's why you got a drink right away and followed Soldier Boy everywhere.
He removed the drug from one of his pockets and said, “I wonder if there is a fine chick to fuck,” before turning to face you. “All the sperm feels heavy in my balls though I jerked off at least five times, fuck.”
You said to yourself, "Oh, god," as he continued to spit filthy words.
He turned to face you, licked his lips, and gave you a smile that was so inviting that it stopped you in a moment.
He asked, “What happened now?” as if you were exaggerating. “I thought you all wanted to take away my attention.”
As you were going to say something unpleasant about his actions, you remembered what Butcher had said and changed your mind.
“It is not important.” You sipped your drink and kept an eye on the folks in the crowd who were getting wild, intoxicated, and dancing, and you added, “Everything's fine.”
Soldier Boy smirked as he saw your shy demeanor and chose to focus on you briefly before giving someone a hard and deep fuck. He may even attempt to get you to open you spread your legs for him so he can give you a satisfying fuck. Your bashful demeanor made him wonder if your pussy was as tight as he thought it was.
“You don’t need to be scared of me, you know,” Soldier Boy said and he gave you another inviting look.
You muttered, “How is that even possible? After all, you are a supe on cocaine with PTSD.”
Even though you felt bad right away for speaking out loud, he only laughed at your harsh remarks and replied, “Touche.”
You asked him with an uneasy smile, “Are you having fun?”
"Well, sweet thing, I'll start having fun as soon as my dick disappear into some really tight pussy.”
You muttered, “Okay, okay,” cutting him off from continuing. You took a deep breath, muttered, “You keep having fun, I will be around,” and hurriedly moved away from his side.
You just hoped that the night would end soon enough for you as you faded into the crowd. Should you get through this night without injury, you vowed to spit hate in Butcher's face. 
You chose to watch Soldier Boy from a distance, so you made some space between you and tried not to pay attention to the bizarre and frightening behaviors of the people around you. It appeared to be a massive freak show. You couldn't determine which club was worse, Herogasm or this one. 
As you locked eyes with Soldier Boy, you noticed that his lethal green eyes were already bound to you, as though you were some kind of prey to be pursued. He frowned as he moved to approach you through the chaotic crowd, and you gasped. Perhaps you were just making things up in your thoughts, and he was just staring at someone else. You tried pushing some people and finding a quieter place to avoid him.
But the person you might have shoved hard turned around and yelled, “Why the fuck are you pushing my fucking back?” to you. He became increasingly enraged after you muttered an apology, saying, “Why do they even let ordinary people get in here? You only bring difficulty upon yourselves, fuck.”
Once more, you pleaded, hoping to get out of there without stirring up any more tension. “I sincerely apologize.”
You moaned in agony as the supe's large hands gripped your arm tightly. It was not as if he would give up. You should never have accepted Butcher's suggestion in the first place.
But happily, Soldier Boy's stronger hands grabbed the strangers tightly, saving them from a terrifying situation in an instant and giving them a sense of happiness. If not, it appeared unlikely that you would survive to escape this strange club. As Soldier Boy turned to face the supe stranger and shot you a glare, you touched your arm with a painful moan.
“Is it that, you fuckface, your micropenis gets hard for the weak? You wanna play the big bad tough guy?” Soldier Boy asked angrily as his hands tightened a rough, quick grip around the other man's throat. He wasn't allowing the other supe to say anything. With feeble mutterings, he was urgently attempting to free himself from Soldier Boy's brutal hold.
“Please, don't cause any trouble,” you urged, touching Soldier Boy's big arm. Despite your attempts to calm him down, he continued to tighten his hold even after the supe kept apologizing. 
“No,” he angrily said. “I found a way to have fun. This fucking cocksucker is going to die.”
You tried to get him to move by saying, “Please, stop,” but it was obviously impossible. You panickedly muttered, “Oh, no,” as you noticed his chest suddenly glowing. 
He clinched his mouth, trying to control his chest and halt what was about to happen, but Soldier Boy threw him between the crowd and he growled, “Stay away.”
 You knew that you wouldn't make it to the exit between all the chaos and supes before Soldier Boy exploded, so you disregarded his warnings, softly cupped his neck, and placed your cold lips on his warm ones, hoping to surprise him with your unexpected move and calm him down a little.
Next Chapter
A/N: Comments and reblogs are very appreciated.
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carionto · 10 months
C'mon, Really? Look, Just, Let Me Help You!
Humans: We need to have a talk about your secret war plans against us.
Aliens: W-what? No, that's not it, how-
H: Our intelligence operative are very good. Don't pretend these [throws folder on the table that scatters hundreds of pages of classified documents all over] aren't yours.
A: F-Fine! Yes! We made plans about how we should fight you if we ever got into a war. We admit it! What do you want?
H: Huh? No, what I'm trying to say is, why do your plans suck?
A: Err... what?
H: Yeah, compared to our plans and war games, you don't seem to utilize all the advantages you have against us. There's not as much coordination and specialization of forces as we expect in our simulations. What gives?
A: You've lost me.
H: Look, every civilization should run military simulations against EVERY existing party, not just the ones you're natural competitors, or ones you see as antagonistic. Hell, while we were "vanished" our military literally had nothing else to do and spent a solid 200 years making up every kind of scenario against every single potential power we might end up encountering once we "reappeared".
Honestly, there are so many things we are shocked about once we got our hands on your plans, I legitimately don't know where is the best place to begin.
Okay, for starters, why don't any of your plans include making use of our superior technology? It would work, we tested it as well. We built a scale model of one of your capital ships, plopped one of our fusion reactors in and BAM, shields and weapons instantly became on par with our Destroyers, and could even do some serious damage to our Dreadnoughts (for a few seconds before our counterattack vaporizes it, but that's besides the point), so we know your technology is fully capable of handling us.
A: For the millionth time, we are not using unstable power sources that could totally blow us up at any point!
H: It is safe! Those things only have a 0.002 percent chance to fail, and a one in six hundred thousand chance of THAT resulting in an explosion. We've only had twelve incidents the entire time we've been using them.
A: No.
H: Well you ain't winning a war against us with that attitude.
But anyway, one other thing your plans never do is blow up Earth and irradiate the shipyard orbits, what gives?
A: That's an abominable crime against, well, EVERYTHING!
H: Weak. But okay. One other thing though, and this one is just baffling, your deployments and gathering locations are always in the most obvious and convenient places. Those are, no joke, where we would place recon units and prepare ambushes the moment we even got a hint of a whiff of hostility from you. How come you never seem to account for us expecting you to do the obvious and pre-emptively counter that. And inversely, you never expect us to not be in the logical places where we should be.
A: I think my head is spinning from that. What?
H: Reverse psychology? Predictive behavior, or whatever it's called, not a psychologist. If you want to win against your enemy, you have to think like your enemy first.
You look dizzy. I know it's a lot to take in, but we'll guide you through this. Think of it as homework. After we have a more thorough meeting on this subject, we'll wait and let you figure things out back in your secret HQ's. But, if the plans we acquire later still won't account for the things we discussed, we'll be very disappointed.
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seat-safety-switch · 27 days
I love my fireworks, say all my neighbours as they cram a flimsy plastic tube full of low-yield explosives. Surely everyone in my community will also appreciate them. If not, they are some kind of Grumpy Gus and are not invited to the block party cookout. Friends, I can tell you this right now: I am not going to that barbecue.
As you might have imagined, the residents of my area of the world like to shoot off a bunch of Roman candles when they feel like it. Sure, fireworks are fun and all, but I feel like if you're burning three or four hundred dollars worth of illegal noise-and-light generators every couple of weeks, you might as well just take up smoking again.
At first, it was a lot of fun. Very festive. It helped the community spirit, even if all the dogs were constantly terrified and kept trying to chew through a fence to escape. Ol' Ray down the block lost a finger trying to grab onto what he called a "Winky Sprinkler," though, and then everything changed.
Once there was a scent of blood in the air, it became a competition. Ray needed to "make it worth" his sacrifice, so he started amping up his production. Bigger shows. Coordinated by electronics. More frequently. This drew the ire of another rich asshole (Bob Winsome, who used to own the Ford dealership) with poor impulse disorder, and soon the two of them were getting up to a night-time artillery show that the police were not equipped to stop, mostly because they were at the doughnut store or trying to knock over a casino for some quick cash in the retirement fund at the time.
Nearly every night became a terror of pop-pop-pop. although I am very good at ignoring troublesome noises, those noises are usually generated by my own car while I'm driving them. Not constantly happening while I'm trying to focus on my usual problems: things like "why is this bolt stripped," and "where did this pile of wires I just cut through go to?"
As the Constitution says, though: "fuck 'em if they can't take a joke." After one particularly rough night of having exploding munitions going off directly over my head while I was trying to find the origin of some faint valve clatter, I decided to respond in kind. A friend of mine, who will be called Millie Teri for reasons that are about to become clear, loaned me a couple pieces from her private collection. I had myself a patriotic parade that night. Courtesy, of course, of some army bases didn't really pay too close attention to what they listed on eBay. That's what they call "taxpayer value," even if I did have to technically buy the low-shrapnel M107 flash shells twice.
I had expected to draw a truce after demonstrating my superior firepower, much like how French tourists can shut down any discussion of cheese. After bombarding both rich pricks' homes, however, it soon became apparent that the dickheads blamed each other for the massive destruction wrought on their properties, and refused to believe that a belligerent third party could have done such a thing to them just for "several months of sleepless nights courtesy of constant 120dB outside noise."
After the mutually-assured destruction finished, though, I never saw or heard another fireworks display from Ol' Ray or Bob Winsome. If they ever find an identifiable chunk of either of their bodies, we'll probably have a pretty cool tribute at the funeral using up whatever unexploded fireworks they have still left in the scorched remnants of their family homes.
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peaterookie · 8 months
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Lupin Week 2024 Day 4: AUs and Mythology
Goemon's face looks like he's seen a ghost.
ahhhh god ok my stupid stupid silly au i made a year ago.... this will be a bit long so get ready
tldr: lupin died, the gang is alive. goemon finds lupin but he's a shark merman!? and lupin remembers nothing!!!
long version:
so this AU follows upon the story of shin lupin, which basically, the gang gets killed off by zenigata because he rigged an island full of explosives.
instead of them all dying however, lupin decides to knock the gang unconscious and find a way for them to escape off the island safely, leaving only him in the island to die.
the rest of the gang had no idea how they escaped and assumed that lupin had sacrificed himself for them. they woke up adrifted on the ocean until they eventually got picked up by a ship where the invisible captain from new adventures returns. but ah ill spare the details for another day
2 years have passed and the gang just kinda separated to do their own thing. we'll only focus on goemon cuz he's the featured character of this comic.
goemon decided to escape the life of crime that has burdened him for years living as a part of the lupgang. he's mostly a wanderer now and tries to do good and help people along the way
funnily enough, goemon is not the first person to find lupin, but I'll talk about this later. but goemon is definitely very mixed about seeing his friend who he thought was dead for years. he doesn't know whether to be happy or worried.
lupin, at the brink of death after the explosion, plummets down the ocean and wakes up one day, feeling like he's been rebirthed!
essentially, lupin became a merman because right before he could die, his body (i mean what's left of it 💀) interacted with a magic crystal that has the ability to grant life to a living being.
It's really rare, but it exists in clusters deep in the ocean floor or- deep under the rocks of an island :) you can say im bullshitting, which i am but i dont think exploding an entire island down to every rock has happened before, so it can kinda make sense why something so coincidental about these crystals could happen. (I AM TOTALLY MAKING EXCUSES I JUST WANTED TO MAKE LUPIN A MERMAN.)
and so these crystals used whats left of lupins body and reassembled him back, and idk other essences of the ocean to make him a merman!
the memories of his past life have definitely been buried deep inside his brain to the point he can't remember any of it though, so he thinks that he was born under the ocean and has lived there for his entire life. other than that he retains almost everything about himself, down to stealing stupid shit and messing with humans just for the fucks of it. he's kinda seen as like a nessie.
anyways, y'know how i said goemon wasn't the first one to meet lupin? that's because lupin has met zenigata before!
living a life with only fishes around means lupin's kinda lonely and likes to stalk humans sometimes. the interaction with him and zenigata did not end well though, and lupin has no idea why zeni wants him dead so much.
after that he's way more cautious around people that look like zenigata- hatted big men with guns. its gonna be fun once he sees jigen.
ok what else... i think that's all i want to reveal now. will i do more of this? maybe. maybe not. kinda embarrassed of this because of how silly it is but i hope you people find this interesting! byebye
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eleni-cherie · 3 months
a thief's origin✨ || bts • kth - prologue
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"you're afraid I won't wait." "I'm afraid you will."
a criminal and a doctor should be as different as the sun and the moon - but unexpected things happened every day. like him finding his safe haven in her.
© 2024 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l
age 22 // medical intern
25th March
Munich, Germany
It was way past midnight when Cassandra finally managed catching a break. Her one obligatory night shift had only started a little over three hours ago, but attending physicians from the previous shifts had passed their patients to the night shift, half of the senior doctors were at a national conference and her supervisor was running around and taking care of everything - which meant Cassandra, as one of her interns, was also running around and taking care of everything she could.
After documenting and assisting at a catheterization and an intubation done by one of the attending seniors, she finally found her first free five minutes. 
Stepping out into the fresh night air, she leaned her arms on the railing of the ER entrance. Tying her coppery curls into a ponytail before fiddling out a protein bar from the pocket of her blue scrubs. Having to suppress a moan when taking a bite from it. Not even minding that she once again hit her elbow on the railing, nothing new for her anyway.
The night at the hospital was rather tranquil, at least compared to the workload during daytime, and she had time to go back to her paper work.
So much paper work..
It was her own fault, though, volunteering to assist her supervisor in a presentation about pulmonalis purpura but she needed these bonus points. Extra tasks like these always earned them bonus points, credits and also looked great on a CV after graduation.
With a sigh, she unwrapped the last piece of the protein bar when muffled voices disrupted the peaceful silence, coming from the direction of the parking lot.
Her eyes tried to find the source when spotting two young men with a third one between them, his arms draped around their shoulders as they carried him towards the entrance. And her eyes shot open when realising the one in the middle was beinf practically dragged, seemingly unconscious.
Stuffing the rest of the bar into her mouth and shoving the wrapper into her pocket, her instinct kicked in, despite being still in training, and she rushed towards them. Immediatelly spotting the dark liquid on the side of the guy's face from up-close.
"What happened?" she asked after swallowing the rest of her midnight snack.
The other young men struggled to answer and she decided to press one more time.
"There was a.. minor explosion. Something hit his head," one of them finally answered and she nodded. A possible concussion, she concluded. "Ok, we'll take care. I'll call the attending phy-"
"No!" the other, rounder-faced guy exclaimed with evident panic in his voice, taking her aback. The second guy quickly taking over with an uneasy smile. 
"Look, Doc, we'd prefer if that stayed between us. You see.." He chuckled lightly, his lips curving into a smile that could convince anyone to anything. And Cassandra's guard went down for a second. "..people are looking for us. Not that nice people." His eyes giving her a look of appeal. "So we'd appreciate it if you took care of our friend in.. let's say, secret."
She folded her arms then in an attempt to look confident, when really all she felt was nervous. If she understood the signs correctly, these guys knew the hospital stuff had to inform police about a potential explosion-injury and they clearly didn't want that. Meaning something was off about them.
They might be looking quite young, around her age or a bit older with way too friendly looking faces to be mobsters, but you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
She was afraid of them trying to intimidate her in some way. The pure possibility making her heart anxiously beating faster.
Much to her surprise, however, their expressions softened instead and genuine concern was written all over their flustered faces.
"Please, don't inform the cops about our friend."
He wasn't demanding it, he was asking or rather pleading for it. And frankly, Cassandra hadn't expected that.
Clenching her jaw, she swallowed.
It wasn't a warning her gut sent her. No, it wasn't trying warning her of potential danger. And yet, she could tell they still were trouble. That she was sure of.
However, their request went beyond her responsibility. She was a mere intern. She knew she should persist onto calling one of the attending doctors. Or even an assistant one. Or at least a nurse. Literally anyone with an actual medical license. 
Her eyes fell onto the unconscious one of the three then. And the fresh blood gracing his temple and cheek under the fringe that was covering his closed eyes. He definitely couldn't wait any longer for medical attention. Who knew how long he d been unconscious. The longer they waited, the severer the potential damage.
"If I don't accept you'll try at another hospital, right?"
"Most likely," his friend replied with a bashful, almost apologetic smile.
Exhaling deeply, she released her arms and let them fall onto her sides. "Alright, but if it's something I can't handle you will let me call for additional medical stuff."
"That's non-negotiable. Otherwise good luck trying finding another idiot like me who's willing to help you. And while driving around town to look for one, your friend might bleed out or worse."
She was exaggarrating of course, even with no license yet, she could tell it was probably just a mere concussion and laceration with no actual threat of bleeding out. Although the unconsciousness was worrisome. So she bluffed in hopes they'd agree.
And seeing them exchanging an uncertain look, it looked like it worked.
The one with the charming smile glanced at their friend who they were propping up, feeling his weight growing heavier by the minute.
"Tough negotiation but okay."
Content and a little proud of herself, she nodded and started walking towards the emergency room entrance. Waving them over her shoulder. "Let me check if the coast's clear."
With an uneasy feeling, she went inside. Seeing no one but a man with an icepack on his shoulder in the waiting area. He was facing the wall, back turned towards the entrance. Meanwhile, the nurse on duty was currently nowhere in sight, missing from her position behind the glass of the counter. Having probably gone to the restroom or to get something.
Cassandra huffed internally. Not understanding why there weren't two people on duty in case someone with a serious emergency came in and wouldn't find anyone. But right now it was practical in her case, so she didn't complain about the buget cutbacks.
Giving the waiting guys a sign, they quickly followed her in. Passing by the man who didn't really pay attention anyway, preoccupied by his own injury, and hushed past the counter and through the double door. 
She led them to one of the currently empty exam rooms, watching them carrying the unconscious man to the examination table. And she pulled out her small flashlight, opening his eyelids to check the pupil's reaction. 
Normal, thankfully.
No indication for increased cranial pressure. So far medical stuff wasn't needed. Or well, they would be but not necessary yet, since these guys wanted to go undocumented.
She untangled her stethoscope then, making sure his cardiac cycle was normal as well. 
The patient was stable, but still unconscious. 
She couldn't, however, perform a CT scan, MRI or any other medical test - neither had she learned how nor was she qualified yet. So she decided to proceed with trying to make him gain consciousness. And if he didn't react, then she'd persist in calling an actual physician.
Remembering her training so far, next in line was inducing different stimuli like tactile. So she began applying light pressure to his face like the eyebrow bone or the jaw joint to cause adequate discomfort. Observing his features turning into a grimace of annoyance, indicating he felt the pressure. Good. She firmly pressed his knuckles up and down the sternum then, his fingers contracting.
"What's his name?" Her sudden question pulling the other two out of their absentmindness while watching her perform.
"His name. Start speaking to him for verbal stimulus to help him gain conscience."
Seemingly hesistant first, the silent one with the rounder face and smaller eyes spoke up then. "Taehyung. It's Taehyung."
"Taehyung," she repeated firmly, tapping Taehyung's cheek just the right amount of harsh to ensure he felt it for a noxious stimulus, "Can you hear me?"
His head moved away from her touch, the expression on his face shifting to a frown when a whine of pain left his lips. "Hey, come on, wake up. Your friends here are worried!" 
She was about to give his cheek another light slap, when she got stopped mid-air by his hand gripping her wrist firmly.
His eyes shot open then. And a pair of mesmerizing dark irises suddenly stared back at hers, causing Cassandra to freeze.
She knew it was medically impossible to knock someone's breath out of their lungs. And yet, in this moment she wondered if it was possible to develop at least a sudden dyspnea - a shortness of breath - without any prior cause or trauma at all, just by locking gazes with someone.
Their eyes were of similar colour, it was the first thing he noted. The very first thought that crossed his mind. The same deep brown shade as his own, and yet so very different. He didn't think ever seeing more beautiful warm brown eyes than hers before. As though he was looking at her through the sight of a sniper rifle, zoomed in all the way, the world pausing for that tiny span of time between the pressing and release of the trigger.
They held each other's gaze for a second longer, until the sense of his throbbing head caught him out and he had to screw his eyes back shut from the pain. Letting go of her wrist.
At this, Cassandra blinked and took a step back, her blank mind slowly getting flooded with thoughts again. 
His friend approached then, giving Taehyung a gentle squeeze on the shoulder. "Hey man, you hear us?"
With a scrunching face, a light groan escaped his lips. "Yoongi?"
"And Jimin!" the other one chirped in, shoving Yoongi away in excitement, "You're awake!"
Another groan followed.
The young men started talking energetically, relieved and happy seeing their friend having gained his consciousness again, not noticing Cassandra standing there. For some reason unable averting her eyes from Taehyung.
She had been so focused on making him gain consciousness again without screwing up, she hadn't paid attention to anything else. But ever since seeing his wide almond eyes, something had shifted. And she felt herself breathing irregularly.
Blinking her eyes repeatedly, she forced herself to eventually look away and re-focus on his treatment. 
Patient was conscious again, that was good. This meant she could pay attention to the source of the blood now. 
"Would you step back and let me check his wound?" she quietly asked then. Jimin and Yoongi immediately obeying and giving her space. Taehyung blinked an eye open through the throbbing when hearing her voice.
"How do you feel? Are you fully awake now?" she carefully asked him then, avoiding his eyes the best she could while inspecting the cut at his hairline.
"Yeah.. but I wished I wasn't. My head is.. aching pretty badly."
"That's normal." She couldn't legally give him anything but Ibuprofen 400, perhaps there was some in one of the cabinets. She'd check later. Right now some other things were more important. "Do you remember anything? I mean, do you know your name, age and what happened?"
"You're asking if I got amnesia? I don't," he said with a hollow laugh. Eyes closing shut again.
She hummed, grabbing a pair of disposible gloves from the counter. "Where am I though?"
"The hospital," Jimin explained with a sigh of disapproval. "You didn't leave us much of a choice, man. You were unconscious and had blood on your face. Like.. damn. For a second I was actually scared."
Taehyung snickered tiredly at his friend's whining, attempting to prop himself up when Yoongi pushed him back down. "Just lay down for a moment, you were out of it for quite some time."
Pushing his hand away when his face contorted due to another wave of pain. "I'm fine, don't worry."
"You don't look like that though."
"Listen to your friend." Cassandra's stern voice making him perk up. "And besides, you probably need some stitches first."
"And you are..?"
"Cassandra," she said unfazed while holding up a sterilized needle. Motioning to the other two who had huddled over him in the short moment she prepared her stitching utensils, "Now, if you could move, please."
"No offence but.. how old are you?" Yoongi asked then with sharp eyes narrowing at her. He had noticed her young-looking face before as well, but he hadn't cared much back then considering Taehyung's condition. Now, however, she was holding a needle in her hands, about to patch up his younger friend.
The crease between her brows deepened. "Turning twenty-three soon, why?"
"Are you even a doctor?"
She straightened herself as she took a few steps closer to the actual patient among the three, the one on the bed with the laceration.
"Oh, now you suddenly care?" Her lips tucked into a sarcastic smirk aimed at him, seeing him fold his lips. "I am an intern - if you must know."
"So technically n-"
"God, Yoongi, who cares?" the injured one scowled, followed by a groan, "I'm dying here! Just let her do her thing already!"
"Aw, don't be so dramatic, you won't die," Jimin rolled his eyes. Launching for a pat on the shoulder before remembering Taehyung was in pain. 
His attention turned to Cassandra then. It wasn't the first time she had to encounter overly noisy and worried relatives. With her signature smile that was more a habit of politeness, but which she genuinely felt like doing when seeing Jimin's friendly face, she nodded. Trying to reassure them that yes, he wouldn't die.
"I'll take care of it," she said then. The two standing guys exchanged a glance, looking down at their friend who was screwing shut his eyes.
"You sure you can handle that?" Yoongi asked, this time his voice holding genuine concern as he peeked down at Taehyung.
"Yeah, don't worry. My orange was the best stitched one, so I'm pretty confident," she waved them off.
Her proud announcement only earning her puzzled looks from them though. "Orange?"
She nodded with a wide grin. "Yeah, one of the senior surgeons showed us how to do stitches and we practiced on oranges. And mine was the best."
Yoongi couldn't help but look at her in disbelief. "Are you for rea-" 
Not letting him complete his sentence, Jimin began pushing him aside. "We're gonna let you do your job now, don't worry." Cassandra didn't miss Yoongi suppressing a wince on his face, but she brushed it off in that moment. Letting out a breath.
"Don't mind them, they're noisy but mean no harm."
She turned around, facing her actual patient who was flashing her a weak smile before his face turned into a grimace once again. And she gave him an apologetic smile.
"Grit your teeth, okay? It'll sting."
He only inhaled deeply and nodded. Allowing her to clean the wound and apply an antisepticum, making him flinch as expected, before she got to work on the actual stitches. As she had done the first one, she cleared her throat. Peeking at him nervously. After all, this was the closest she'd ever been to him. And she also pitied him. Doing this without a local anaestheticum was most likely very uncomfortable.
"So.." she began and felt his smile on her.
"It's Taehyung-" He paused, she assumed because of the wound. Not noticing him nervously folding his lips.
"Yeah, I know," she smiled absentmindedly, focusing on stitching which was a whole lot more nerve-wrecking when two other pair of eyes were staring at her from above. Definitely didn't have that issue when it was only an orange. She huffed a laugh then, peeking at the two who quickly retreated to the far back. "Shouldn't you guys actually use pseudonyms in front of a stranger like me?"
"Oh, should we?" Taehyung weakly grinned.
She shrugged with a shippish smirk. "You clearly are on the run, considering your friends wouldn't let me inform anyone about you. Who knows, I might still get the cops.."
"Nah. You won't." He said it so matter-of-factly that it astonished her quite a lot, the faith he had in a stranger like her.
"Why not?"
Jimin appeared next to her all of a sudden and stooped down to tilt his head at her with his award-winning smile. "'Cause we trust you, so you wouldn't do it. Right?"
"Trusting a stranger, huh," she giggled more to herself than anything, focusing back on the stitches. "Isn't that quite naive?"
Unexpectedly, he laughed out at this, bemused instead of feeling offended.
"You must know," Yoongi spoke up then with a crooked grin, motioning his chin to Jimin, "He's pretty good in analysing and looking through people. So if he deems you trustworthy, you most likely are."
"He's right," Taehyung mumbled. Unable to add much more due to the additional stinging he felt from the needle, as if his headache wasn't enough.
In all honesty, if he had it his way, he'd have preferred lying to her.
Not that he wouldn't feel bad. She seemed nice after all, but she had a point. It was risky revealing real names. Not only for them but also for her.
And it was already bad enough Jimin and Yoongi had to bring him to the ER because he'd got injured like an amateur. Risking them getting caught because of his own mistake.
And her, an innocent bystander, knowing would probably cause more trouble. However, he also understood why they had to let her in to some degree. Right now, they depended on her help after all.
Cassandra only gave him a brief glance and hummed before quietly continuing the stitches.
She tried being trustworthy, but did she also look so trustworthy for strangers to include her in their secrets? Did she perhaps seem too trustworthy?
"You're an intern. So.. a student, huh?" he began then in an attempt to distract her mind in case it was still lingering over the cause of his injury.
"Yup, doing one of my internships right now," she explained, not minding the little exchange.
Frankly, she hadn't chosen that path for the prestige or money. She was one of the few ones in her year who genuinely did it for helping people. And therefore, she didn't mind interacting and talking with patients. Especially not cute ones with big brown eyes and an endearing smile. Those were pretty rare, at least in her two months there. And someone with a potentially questionable lifestyle - considering he got involved in explosions and had 'not nice people' being after him on top of it? No, that definitely didn't happen every day.
The stitches were done and she cut the thread before applying an adhesive plaster on the wound. She got up then, about to remove the gloves when she caught a better view of the other two. Only now taking an actual closer look on them with her not being on alert anymore because of Taehyung. In the hospital lights and without any distractions, she saw they didn't look too good either. Clothes torn on the edges, abrasions and splashes of blood gracing their skin.
"Are you guys injured as well?"
They shook their heads.
"Nah, just some scratches," Jimin ensured her, while Yoongi remained quiet in his seat on the chair at the corner of the room. She eyed him suspiciously as she noticed he had been absentmindedly rubbing his right shoulder until he caught her narrowed eyes on him. Making him squint his eyes in irritation.
"Is something on my face?" he tried joking, his laugh quickly dropping when she stepped in front of him. Her face softened then and she shook her head.
"No, no.. just, would you be so nice and get me that box of gauze from the shelf up there? I'm too short to reach these shelves."
He followed the direction her finger pointed at and nodded, not questioning why she wouldn't ask Jimin who was already standing. Getting up instead to walk to said shelf. As his right arm stretched for the gauze, however, he abruptly stopped. Jaw clenching. He lowered the arm again slowly, only to face her with a forced smile.
"That one, yeah?"
She nodded. Her lips tucked into an innocent smile as she anticipated his next move. And he reached out again, but with his other arm this time instead.
Caught you.
"Here ya go- ouchh!" The box almost slipped from his grip as his muscles jerked away from her finger pressing onto his shoulder. Turning around, he came across her knowing look.
"You're also injured, aren't you?"
Taehyung and Jimin's eyes grew wide when observing the scene. Understanding now how her request was on purpose. And yet, they remained confused on how she had actually noticed in such a short time.
"What? You're also injured?" Jimin questioned then with worried eyes, "Why didn't you say anything?"
"Am no- Ouch! Can you stop doing that?" Yoongi whined and stared bewildered at Cassandra as she had pressed it again.
"Just let her take a look already."
He only let out a quiet grump at Taehyung's suggestion. A look of defeat crossing his features then as he saw Cassandra's victorious smile. "Fine."
Unbuttoning his shirt, he pushed off the fabric to reveal the shoulder. The shirt was black so no one had noticed the dried blood from the lengthy cut. 
"The fck."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
He gritted his teeth, looking away in shame. "It's nothing."
"That's not nothing," Cassandra huffed at his light description of an already inflamed puncture, shaking her head in disapproval as she prepared a new thread. Pushing him into taking a seat again. "I doubt that one was also caused by an explosion," she said as she began cleaning the wound and Yoongi avoided their concerned eyes.
"No, that one isn't from tonight. It's.. whatever. I was distracted for a second. That's all." 
Truth was he'd got distracted over a backfire two days ago. He hadn't fully paid attention to his surroundings, something that never happened, and one of those jerks from a local gang had taken advantage of it. Mainly Yoongi's ego and pride felt bruised, if anything.
Finishing those stitches up as well, she pressed a tube of antibiotic gel into his chest, which he hesitantly accepted with a raised brow. And she finally removed the gloves.
"Next time you get stabbed you'll get immediate treatment, got it?" Her tone was stern and lecturing, remininiscent of a mother's and Yoongi had to stifle a chuckle. Biting back any sarcasm threatening to leave his lips and smiled at the shorter woman. "Sure, 'Doc'."
She nodded contently. Whether he genuinely meant it or not, she didn't care. Facing the other two then who had watched in amusement as their older friend got scolded.
After rummaging through the drawers, she managed finding a pack of nonprescriptive painkillers, which she handed to Taehyung as well. Receiving a bashful 'thank you' from them all.
"And no more explosions, alright?" Her voice softer now as she smirked. "Heard they're dangerous."
The three men exchanged a look then. And they grinned. "Explosion? Did we say that?"
Cassandra frowned, irritated by their grins. "Uh, yeah, you.."
"Are you sure we did?"
A look of appeal in their eyes as they tried emphasising Taehyung's question.
And her brows rose, beginning to understand. She pursed her lips, huffing out a laugh eventually.
Her pager went off then, her supervisor probably wondering where she had wandered off. Sighing, she slipped it back in.
"Whatever. You can stay here for a couple of hours to ensure your friend is completely fine, if you want. But just so you know, if any stuff members catch you here, you don't know me. Alright?"
"Never seen your pretty face before, got it," Jimin winked and she felt her cheeks heating at his unexpected compliment. She coughed then, straightening herself. "G-good."
Taehyung only groaned annoyed, before chunking down two pills from the pack. "Stop flirting with every woman and let her go already."
"Alright, alright, releasing you from your duty now," he chuckled, flashing her a smile, "Thank you again."
She reciprocated Jimin's smile and with that, she left the room after ensuring the corridors were empty and no one saw her.
As she made her way to the ground floor, she already laid out a perfect explanation in case someone did catch these guys and found out she, an intern, helped them without notifying any medical stuff or official documentation.
She'd simply say they threatened her. Yes, the perfect explanation why she had done it. There wasn't any other option left for her after all without facing severe consequences for her studies and future.
It wasn't too far from reality anyway. Sure, they hadn't actually threatened her. But they could've, in case they were petty-criminals or worse.
Shaking her head, she laughed at her paranoid self. Realising it wasn't like she'd done something ethically or morally bad by treating them. Sure, she hadn't graduated yet but as an aspiring doctor she also honoured the principles of medical confidentiality and non-maleficence. 
With a deep breath, she calmed her rising anxiety before entering the staff room where her supervisor had called her to. Reminding herself that even if everything came crushing down, she was just an intern with no legal responsibilities.
Thankfully the reason her supervisor had called was to assign Cassandra to another task. To keep an eye on an operated patient who needed to be checked every few hours and notify her if needed.
So the young medical student made her way back to the elevator across the entrance area to head to the patient's floor, looking forward to the rest of her night being uneventful. Her eyes catching three men standing at the reception then.
Their attire sparkling her interest more than anything as it was the opposite of how the three lads downstairs at the ER looked like. Long coats over what seemed to be suits, neatly combed back hair and their tone serious as they spoke in a hushed voice to the receptionist.
Not paying any more attention, she headed to the vending machine, deciding to get a chocolate bar first for some extra energy when the men left through the double doors behind the reception. Her eyes narrowed while following their hasty steps. Perhaps she was just high off the adrenaline of doing something basically illigal, but without hesitation and a lot of curiosity she walked up to the receptionist.
"Who were they? They look important."
The receptionist, a woman in her early thirties, glanced around as if to make sure no one would eavesdrop before she bent over with a bored expression.
"Cops or something. I didn't quite understand, to be honest."
Cassandra's heartbeat dropped at this. "C-cops?"
"I don't know, yes and no? They said something about interpol."
Fck. She tried her best not to let the woman notice her panic. "What would they want here?"
The woman leaned back into her chair. "They're looking for some criminal, I guess. Were asking if any young korean men with brown hair and eyes got possibly committed here tonight."
"I see.. And what did you tell them?"
"There wasn't anyone in the system committed tonight who fits the age or description," she sheepishly laughed out. "And I didn't recognise the name or photo they showed me, either. So they said they'd check themselves."
Check themselves? Did they plan to go to every station and look into every room?
"That's.. interesting." Cassandra faked a laugh and then pretended going back to the vending machine only to hurriedly enter through the door beside it to the staircase.
That wasn't good, not good at all. Interpol? She thought some goons or maybe the cops would be after them tops. But interpol? That was international. That was way bigger than local police.
She sprinted down the stairs to the lower level where ER was located as fast as she'd ever sprinted in her life, reaching the bottom completely panting but still pushing through and making her way through the station. Tripping over her own fit and even bumping her shoulder at a corner out of hurry. She sneaked her way past the nurse station then, the nurse having returned by now but luckily preoccupied with organising some files.
So far no sight of the interpol agents. She genuinely hoped the guys had already left the room and were long gone. But when she opened the door was greeted by three familiar and startled pairs of eyes.
With a swift moved she shut the door behind her, pressing her body against it with heavy breaths.
"Some interpol agents were asking about recently hospitalised young korean men with brown hair and eyes. You don't think that sounds familiar, do you?"
Taehyung's thick brows rose and he swallowed hard. An apologetical grin playing on his lips then. "Well, you see.. funny story.." His hand went to scratch the back of his neck nervously. Unable to come up with a decent explanation to why an interpol agent was in search for someone looking like him. The only logical sounding thing his mind could come up with was that it was a simple coincidence, but something told him she was way too smart to fall for such an obvious lie.
Much to his relief Jimin took over instead. "Was one of them tall with broad shoulders and a trenchcoat?"
"Well, y-yeah. I guess? Don't they all look like this?"
"Hm, was he also handsome?"
She blinked, taken aback by their seemingly apathy of the situation. Shouldn't they be worried? Appalled even? "I don't know, I didn't see any faces. You know him?"
"Well," Jimin mused, "If he's tall, handsome with broad shoulder and a coat, it's pops."
"'Pops'?!" Confusion was quickly replaced with bewilderment on her face.
Taehyung rolled his eyes, sighing. "Agent Kim Seokjin, one of the interpol agents assigned to us. We.." His voice trailed off, as he was fidgeting around his words. "We.."
They all grew quiet, uncertain glances being exchanged between them and Cassandra slowly became fed up with their secrecy. Her head spinning by now.
With quick steps she stood in front of Taehyung who was avoiding her inquiring glare. She propped her hands on either side of him on the bed as she leaned in with a look so eery and penetrating that evoked a gulp from him.
"We're thieves," Yoongi deadpanned then from behind her, so casually as if he had just announced they were common vendors. "We work internationally, that's why interpol is after us."
Jimin only sighed in defeat and nodded, followed by a light chuckle. "Cat's out of the bag now I guess."
Her brows arched at this.
Thieves. Actual thieves?  
They didn't look like it. They might be lying, but then again, how would she know what thieves looked like. 
Without letting her guard down, she instead narrowed her eyes at Taehyung in front of her who was giving her an insecure grin.
"If you don't want me to go up there and tell the interpol guys about you, you better tell me the whole story."
Yoongi clicked his tongue. "Why does it matter?" he wondered out loud, folding his arms.
"So I can determine what kind of thieves you are."
They were stunned by her confident attitude and he eventually nodded with a sense of respect towards her. "Alright, just tell her then," he said, motioning to Taehyung who was still quite perplexed by her fierce eyes staring daggers at his. "She'll read it tomorrow in the papers anyway."
"And don't even think about lying," Cassandra whispered, her face mere centimetres away from Taehyung's. "I got a sixth sense for that."
She didn't and Taehyung could tell her bluff, but he still decided to be honest with her. He didn't know why, but when she glared at him with those big angry eyes, trying to look intimidating but failing miserably and instead looking adorable as hell, he melted just a little bit and wanted to tell her anything she wanted.
"Ok, fine," he groaned in pretend-annoyance, looking away, "We're thieves, you know this much. We broke into the archive of an auction house to get an illegally-obtained figurine. But a gang that was also after it, showed up and one of these idiots triggered the alarm system. We escaped, but - again, those guys were brainless - they shot at us, we shot back. And one of their bullets hit the building's gas line then."
She inhaled sharply. "That caused the explosion.."
He gave her a nod, sighing. "And something hit my head.. and that's how we ended up here. Satisfied?"
She ponded over his words. Glancing at him contemplating. "This figurine was.. illegally-obtained? By the auctioneers?"
"Yeah. They bought it off from someone who stole it from its actual owner. And we're helping her to get it back as it also has a high emotional value to her, besides the obvious monetary one."
She hummed. Again, this guy could be lying his head off for all she knew and yet, something inside her told her he was sincere by the way his eyes were looking straight at hers instead of avoiding them.
A figurine from an auction house. That.. wasn't too bad. Was it? It could be worse. They could've been stealing old people's money.
She was probably a naive idiot, but she believed him. At least she wanted to. And yet, she didn't want to get fooled that easily in case it was a lie after all, which most likely was the case.
"You might lie," she pressed as to ensure her gut feeling. But his expression remained persistent. Holding her glance with certainty. 
"I might. But I'm not."
"He told you the truth," Jimin smiled then, gently placing his hand on her shoulder and making her back away from his friend. "If you don't believe us, fair enough. Me and Yoongi can still escape with ease. But Taehyungie here wouldn't be able to due to his dizziness and headache. So I'll still beg you not to inform pops."
She was an idiot, most clearly because to her they sounded sincere and it even warmed her heart a little how much they cared for their friend. Indeed, they could easily escape. They didn't even have to bring Taehyung there in the first place, it was a potential risk and yet they'd done it.
That told her enough about them for now.
She might regret it later on. Maybe the next day. Maybe in a week. A year. Who knew what consequences her complicity tonight might have.
But then again.. she was just a medical student doing one of her many internships there. She didn't have any responsibilities.
Taking a deep breath, she pushed herself off the bed and looked at the anticipating guys.
"Alright, follow me," she plainly said then, observing their postures relaxing.
"You won't snitch on us?" Yoongi asked, brow arching in doubt. Caution evident in his voice.
She rolled her eyes with a little giggle. "I'll probably regret it, but no. I'll try my best to keep your little secret between us. But perhaps you wanna change these clothes.." She wagged her index finger at their partially torn, burnt and bloody attire. "If anyone else sees you, I can't promise they won't."
"And what would you suggest, Doc?" Taehyung asked then with a curious smirk, to which Cassandra could only shrug cheekily.
"I may have a plan."
next chapter: 0.1 here
Don't forget to like, reblog & leave feedback!♡ It motivates me to keep writing :)
taglist: @lilanyxta @memna234 @tetehion
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rxmqnova · 11 months
Could you write Wanda x Venom reader when Wanda doesn't like Venom and always made a comment about it and because of that Yn doesn't like Wanda but they were on a mission and Wanda was in danger so Yn convinced Venom to help her and then when they were at the compound Wanda apologized to Venom and they become friends, being caotic friends and after that Wanda wanted to know more about Yn and Venom.
Maybe the ending can be an open one if you want, like them knowing each other more
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Y/N: 25 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV "Alright, we have a location of another hydra base" Tony announces, starting the meeting he has just called.
"So we'll destroy it, what's the problem?" Sam asks confused by Tony's face impression.
"The problem is that this base is the biggest one we've ever found and we need to destroy it as soon as possible. Half of us is on different missions, so us, who are currently here, need to do it" Tony explains, looking at the 4 other Avengers.
"Well, I believe we're pretty capable and surely we'll manage" Y/N says, trying to encourage everyone.
"Says you who's hidden in some weird alien thing all the time" Wanda rolls her eyes.
Wanda and Y/N have never been friends. The Avengers have tried multiple times to make them friends but it never worked.
The thing is that Y/N has this 'alien thing' inside of her as Wanda said and the thing is called Venom. For some reason the witch just doesn't like Venom and for that Y/N doesn't like Wanda.
The two are always pretty mean to each other or arguing which is everyone on the team sick of already, but they can't do anything about it.
"Can we just eat her already?" Venom asks on which Y/N smirks at Wanda, ready to scare the witch a bit.
"Eat her? You have no idea how much I would love to do that right now" Y/N says on which Natasha rolls her eyes, knowing another argument is about to come.
"It did not just tell you it wants to eat me" Wanda says, giving Y/N a glare, trying to hide the fact that she's actually worried a bit. "How are we still keeping her here with this weird thing inside of her that wants to eat people?" The witch asks, looking at her teammates.
"Alright, you two just stop" Natasha sighs, having enough of this. "No one will be eating anyone, we need to focus on the mission"
"We still can eat her after" Venom says on which Y/N chuckles. She knows it'll make Wanda wonder what has Venom said.
The time has come, the 5 Avengers are fighting against the hydra agents that are currently in the hydra base.
"Guys, I need some help here" Wanda says through the ear piece.
"Y/N, you're the closest to her. Help Wanda" Tony orders, making Y/N sigh.
"Fine" Y/N answers a bit irritated and starts running to Wanda's direction, but Y/N's body suddenly stops, not being able to move. "Venom, what are you doing? She needs help" Y/N says, trying her best to move.
"Y/N, neither one of us likes her. We can just let them kill her and then eat her" Venom says.
"What?! Venom, we won't be eating her. She's a part of the team, we can't let her die" Y/N reasons, but that still doesn't convince Venom.
"Y/N, are you coming? I really need help" Wanda desperately asks, throwing the whole enemies thing behind.
"Venom, mask" Y/N orders.
"I said mask. You can eat some hydra agents later, just help Wanda" Y/N promises even though she absolutely hates when Venom bites people's heads off. "On my way, Wanda" Y/N answers through the ear piece, finally on her way to the witch.
When Y/N gets to Wanda, her eyes widen. The witch is surrounded by so many hydra agents that are shooting at her while the ceiling is about to fall down in any second and Wanda's shield isn't working anymore.
Venom jumps into the middle of the room, taking Wanda into her arms and jumping through the window, placing her on the ground gently. The two can only hear an explosion and the ceiling falling down.
"You okay?" Y/N asks, back in her normal self again.
"Yeah, thanks" Wanda says, trying to hide the pain she's in as one of the agents shot her into her arm.
"You're hurt" Y/N kneels to the witch, tearing off a piece of her suit to put it over Wanda's wound. "Guys, Wanda's been shot into her arm. We need to get her back. How's it looking with you?" Y/N asks through the ear piece.
"We're nearly done, take her to the jet" Tony answers.
"How's your arm?" Y/N asks as soon as Wanda sits next to her on the couch, the two being the only ones in the living room right now.
"It's okay… I. Hm… I want to thank you… for saving me" Wanda says, playing with the sleeves of her hoodie.
"I don't think you should be thanking me, it wasn't me who saved you" Y/N says.
"… Does it listen or how does it work?" Wanda asks.
"Venom can hear you" Y/N answers, looking at Wanda curiously.
"Okay… Thank you for saving me there, Venom. And… I'm sorry for all the comments I've made" Wanda apologises.
Venom stays quiet on which Y/N furrows her brows.
"Venom?" Y/N raises an eyebrow. "What did we say about being nice to other people?"
"… Fine, apology accepted"
"He said he accepts your apology" Y/N smiles. "… I'm also sorry for being mean to you. I know that having Venom inside of me can seem weird or scary to some people and I didn't have to be that rude to you"
"… That's okay. I get it now" Wanda smiles a little. "How did the Venom thing even happen? I've never heard that story before" Wanda asks, playing with her fingers now.
"Probably because I've told the story only to Tony and Natasha" Y/N explains, also playing with her fingers. "… I broke into a lab. They were experimenting on people, but none of them survived the interaction with Venom. But I did somehow" Y/N shrugs. "How did you get your powers?" Y/N asks. She joined the Avengers after Wanda, so she has no idea how Wanda got her powers.
"… My brother and I joined hydra. We thought that Tony is responsible for our parents' death, so we joined for experiments which were successful" Wanda answers and the room falls quiet for a while. "Would you maybe… want to watch a movie with me?" Wanda asks, breaking the silence finally.
Y/N smiles, happy that her and Wanda are finally becoming friends. "I would love to"
I had no idea how to write Venom reader as I've never done this before…
Hopefully it's not too bad😅
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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gotham-daydreams · 11 months
First, thank you for responding to my comment! Second, potential ‘consequences’….maybe upon finding out where reader lives (I’m really tired of the batfam just kidnapping people) it’s like an overwhelming group visit and apology, but reader calls them out and screams at them to leave.
For the next few weeks, they appear individually and mentions her interests and how talented she is and she throws out something like, “So, you guys do get my texts,” dripping with snark.
I think she would bring up how much of a real dad Alfred was, this it especially hurts Bruce because Alfred practically raised Bruce.
I think this leaks to the public because of one explosive encounter in a public area or at one of her performances theatre or concerts.
It's not a problem! And I definitely feel you on the whole kidnapping thing- I think a lot of yanderes just jump to it too fast to be honest, but that could just be me. Not that I don't enjoy a good kidnapping every once in a while from a yandere! I do! But I think it can also make people forget that there are other ways for a yandere to 'capture' someone.
One of the ways I like to mess with the most, is the kind of yandere that is so manipulative and sneaky with their stuff that they don't even have to kidnap their darling. Because they're not only that confident that their darling will never run away, but maybe because they know that they're darling outright can't. Which can be taken literally or figuratively, and maybe both but I don't think I can pull that off- though it is still a neat idea, in my opinion!
Anyways!!! I think those are all very good ideas!
I especially like it where the reader is basically spiting in the Batfam's face. Though I will say that some part of that "reader mentions how Alfred was basically their dad" bit does get a tiny mention in the official part (to which I do apologize that it's taking so long- but we're getting there I promise 😭🙏) along side a few other things that'll serve as a real wake up call for the Batfam. And while I still don't want to say much, as I do want to keep expectations at a certain level, some members do get the feeling that the Reader hates them, while a certain someone is convinced that it's more than that, and the thought terrifies him.
A moment in public where shit goes south would be very interesting to see play out, honestly!! Especially after Part 3- so we'll see! Though I do think it would be fun to see how that plays out! :]
Overall, I do like these ideas!! And they are a pretty good way of shoving the reality of what happened down the Batfam's throat, besides Alfred who is spared for now <33
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izzyhandswhore · 1 year
Would love to see your hcs of reader taking Izzy out on a date at the beach! :3
((What a cute idea!! Poor man needs to relax a bit. Also is anyone going absolutely FERAL at that new clip?? Because sdbaekfasjfd)) Taking Izzy for a date at the beach!
So after arguing with Stede that pirates don't actually take vacations and time spent docked at a beach is time wasted, Izzy turns to you for backup.. Only to find you've already swapped your weapons for one of Stede's lace parasols. With a heavy sigh, he's defeated.
You take him by the hand and happily drag him away from the rest of the crew to have a private beach day away from the explosives testing, quite public make out sessions and makeshift, boisterous games (not naming any names). You even bring along some sandwiches Roach made, a bottle of rum and some other beachy supplies all carried in a little bucket (that's a secret mousketool we'll use later).
He still tries to argue that this is pointless and the two of you have seen a million beaches over the years, but you still point out how nice the sunshine is, how beautiful the sea looks and generally how peaceful it all is. He'd usually find relentless optimism annoying, but it's different with you. Eventually you get him to admit that the quiet is nice at least.
The two of you sit on the sand and look out at the horizon, hand in hand, letting him have his peace and quiet for a while. You toe your boots off and dig your feet in the sand, just enjoying the feeling. Izzy argues that him taking his shoes off would give him a disadvantage if an ambush or something was to occur but of course he can never really say no to you. If you pay close attention you can see him visibly relax as his feet sink into the sand. He squeezes your hand just that little bit tighter.
After some rest, food/drink and light conversation it's like Izzy is a completely different person in the best way. You didn't realise how much you missed his laugh and smile until now... He laughs at you even more when you take the bucket and start teaching him how to make sandcastles.
Okay hear me out. At first Izzy is laughing at you and insisting that this is completely childish and affectionately calling you mad.. And then you lose him to the sandcastle. The man is running back and forth to the sea to get water for better structure. He's digging moats. You hunt down seashells and driftwood and he makes little windows and defenses from them. He has such an intense look of concentration on his face but you can tell that he's so happy.. This is probably the first time he's allowed himself to "play" since he was a child, though of course you don't point this out to him or he'd probably stop.
By the time you're done you've built an entire sand fortress which is pretty impressive considering your lack of tools. You've both also got yourselves hot and sweaty, especially Izzy with his leather. So next stop is a quick dip in the sea. He may also need a bit of coaxing for this one, but it's a lot easier than it was at the start of the day. You take him by the hand again and the two of you step into the cold water, taking the piss out of each other for any gasps or hesitations, daring each other to go further and further..
Once he's up to about his knees he insists he's not going any further until you go beyond his reach and "lose your footing". Immediately he's by your side and pulling you up, seriously worried until he sees that you're laughing. You think he's going to be angry with you but instead he initiates what becomes a full-blown water fight. You're both splashing each other and hurling stupid affectionate insults and eventually it devolves into just wrestling each other into the water. He wins every time of course, but he never actually hurts you. Eventually you call a breathless truce and are left just holding each other in the water as the sun starts to set.
Izzy looks at you like you're his whole world then. He touches your face so gently and thanks you for the day, telling you he knows what he's like and how it's been worse since joining the Revenge and everything. He tells you he's not ungrateful for you and everything you do for him. He knows. You just smile and shut him up with a kiss that tastes like salt and rum. He only pulls away when the sea breeze finally makes you shiver and he realises he should get you home.
The two of you leave your sandcastle standing and return to the crew. You notice him sneaking glances at you in your wet clothing and the way it clings to your skin.. He stammers and gets all flustered if you or the crew point it out though. He takes you back aboard the ship to change clothes and get you all warmed up.. How you guys go about that is up to you <3
The night ends with a big bonfire on the beach with the whole crew. Frenchie starts a sing-along, rum is shared around and all in all it's just good vibes.
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bibbykins · 2 years
Moonlight Reign Ch.1
A/N: Instead of forcing myself to focus on one series at a time, I'm planning to write what sparks joy to write in the moment and post it as I go! Hopefully this will clear some wips and help me feel less disorganized lmao! Not to say I'm not working on THB, I def am I just want to have something to post as I work on THB and the bigger projects like the LWAB fics among other things! So (hopefully) I'll keep these chapters limited to 5-7k, but we'll see lol pls enjoy and send me asks I thrive on them and so does my motivation!
And a huge thank you to my wonderful B @rapline-heaux for beta-reading ily!!
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Yandere! Mafia! BTS x Reader
Words: 5.7k
Warnings: crime, sensory flashbacks, trauma, unhealthy relationships, yandere behavior not rlly in this part but soon, pining, violence, past abuse, past neglect, academic neglect, stitches, drunk Jungkook, tackling, pinning someone down, mention of open relationship, poly is the norm is this au
“It’s time to go now.” 
1, 2, 3, 4
“Five years after the fall of the underground power family, Moon Corporation, people still suspect an even more powerful company has taken their place since…”
1, 2, 3, 4
“It’s… so red…”
1, 2, 3, 4
“The exposure beheld more answers than questions, but on the five-year anniversary of the suicidal explosion that killed the head, Moon Byungyeol and his daughter, the elusive green-haired girl who was 18 at the time, colleagues mourn in secret and establishments fear an anniversary heist or something worst than last year as the date rapidly approaches…”
1, 2, 3, 4
“Locals have several theories on the big conglomerate that now controls Seoul’s business, underground and above, with the mafia organizations and gangs running rampant, people fear the government is under their thumb as well…”
1, 2- SHUT UP
You inhaled deeply as if just surfacing from the drowning body of water residing in your brain. Your fingers stilled from the tapping, a  desperate attempt to make you surface, a sorry technique your brief stint in therapy drilled into you. Maybe having nothing led to illogical personal connections with a number. Of all your training as an heir, it was the mundane basic curriculum lessons that fascinated you the most. You were never good at math, but you loved to be perplexed by the numbers. It was a humbling experience, and in your fruitless calculations, four was always the easiest to wrap your head around. Of course, you didn’t know how humbled you’d be until you were a 20 year old trying to figure out how to do middle school math. Your education left much to be desired growing up, but you still enjoyed learning. 
You used to be convinced four was too perfect of a number for such an ugly world, and though you let go of the notion with your past life, it didn’t change that it was a world you had to feign blind to now. In your youth, four was a beautiful result of a simple equation, a funny origin to big numbers. It was a warm hug among the violent reactions when you’d get questions far below your intended grade level wrong. In a world where stuffed animals were banned from your childhood room, the number four was all you had. You didn’t particularly like how pathetic that made you feel, but it didn’t change how much it helped you on days like these.
Your palms retracted from their firm placement on the wall you leaned on, relaxing you. Releasing your slightly curled fingers, you stifled a bitter laugh at the desperate attempt to grasp onto something. It was always so degrading to scrub off the marks your acrylics made along the wall, but the stiletto nails made taps loud enough to bring you back. It was an absolute mystery how the school you worked at let you get away with these. 
Your little episode was finished as you settled your mind with the news continuing to drone on. You massaged your jaw, sore from the subconscious clench you were cursed with. You blew out a sigh as you felt your face and nodded when no tears were felt. Your phone buzzed, alerting you to the time and you groaned. Your damn neighbor would be here any minute now.
Jungkook wasn’t a mean guy by any means, quite the opposite. He was extremely insistent on your well-being, so much so it bordered on doting, and such behavior made you clam up. You didn’t know how to respond to his fussing over you. Hell, you didn’t know how to respond to most interactions outside of your old family business for a long while. That was just one of the many things he taught you, and he never once lost his cool doing so. He was patient with you, and you didn’t know how to thank him for it. 
You both had been in the same class when you attended university, and while you were fine with letting your temporary acquaintanceship go no further than asking for notes or the occasional study session, he was a force to be reckoned with. You just kept running into him and when you moved here and found he was your next-door neighbor, you knew there was no getting out of it. He was going to be your friend. Although, you never understood why he wanted to be so bad. 
Cut to a whole year after you both graduated, and it still didn’t make any sense. You both were polar opposites in a lot of ways. He was the regular party boy always at clubs and coming home at ungodly hours of the night. Meanwhile, you were usually in bed by 11:00 pm and only left your apartment for the job that barely covered your rent. Needless to say, you weren't exactly a social butterfly, so if you found one friend in Jungkook, you figured it wouldn't be such a crime.
However, having Jungkook as a friend meant having a weekly dinner with him as he mooched off of your TV and you mooched off of the food he paid for. It was an even enough exchange. Plus, it was nice to talk freely, or well, as free as you've ever been able to, even if just for a little bit.
You faced the mirror, patting down your hair, thankful for how much healthier it was without the cheap dye job you had done yourself when you were 14, “That green didn’t suit me at all,” You mused, fixing your hair, “Plus it nearly ruined my hair.” You murmured to no one in particular, keeping track of your speeding thoughts as you settled back into Earth. 
Jungkook knocked on the door and you nodded to yourself, “It’s open!” You called and sat down at the table as he walked in, take-away bags in his hands.
“You really shouldn’t leave your door open like that, you know.” He tsked like he always did. It just made sense to leave it unlocked when you knew he was coming, especially if you needed to run to the bathroom so you could finish crying before facing him. Of course, you haven't had to do that in a while, but better safe than sorry. Your issues, for lack of better term, were no secret to Jungkook, and you both knew it, but you liked to avoid having him see you at your most vulnerable when you could help it.
You simply shrugged as you helped him unpack the food, “We’re the only ones on the top floor.” You reminded him, “it would be quite silly of a criminal to come all the way up to the 20th floor.” You chided.
“Still.” He tried to argue but quickly gave up. Jungkook knew by now that you could take care of yourself, but sometimes you wished you’d let him do it for you more often. However, he let this potential argument go, this time. He looked around and narrowed his gaze at the TV, “Why do you still have the news on?” 
You paused and looked up from your food as it prattled on about your family, “I guess I forgot,” You forced your casual tone, “Did you get-”
“Syndicates, huh…?” He echoed the news reporter’s words, eyes fixated on the screen with a curious look, “The news is so weird with this stuff.”
The chopsticks in your hand stilled. You wanted to say that the syndicates were even weirder since they were the ones that probably signed off on the script. As a little girl, that was the first thing you had learned, how to play chess outside on a park bench, how to play chess crushing people in your hands as you moved them. It had all been the same to you for far too long. 
“Like I care, it’s just background noise.” A lie, you hated lying, but it was something you had to get used to doing for the sake of your safety.
“You aren't scared of these guys at all?” Jungkook looked at you like you were crazy, although his eyes didn't match the rest of his face's intensity.
Shaking off the weird notion, you rolled your eyes, “A world without you buying me dinner is pretty spooky but that,” You gestured to the TV, “Is a cheap haunted house in comparison to the hell of making dinner or worse, ordering it myself, on a Friday night.” You giggled.
Jungkook rolled his eyes with a scoff, “Is that all I am to you? A sugar daddy?” He asked in mock offense and you nearly spit out your drink.
You swallowed roughly before glaring at him as he laughed, “If you’re my sugar daddy, I need a new one.” You retorted and his laugh died while a childish pout settled on his face, “I mean, all I get is a measly dinner once a week and I still have to work and pay my bills?” 
“Well, what do I get, huh?” He crossed his arms, and it made you chuckle. Laughter had never come easy to you growing up, and it still had a hard time coming to you but after years by Jungkook’s side it was easier than ever to do, “Where’s my sugar?” He thrusted his cheek toward you, tapping on it with his index finger.
You rolled your eyes in spite of the flutter in the pit of your stomach and pushed his face away with your index finger, “My presence is your sugar, dummy.” You teased and how easy it was to be human around him made you smile wider, “Plus I let you watch your silly little shirtless men.” 
He clicked his tongue, “First of all, if you’re going to call them shirtless men, at least call them hot because look at him.” He pressed a button on your remote and his favorite fighter, Park Jimin filled the screen, “Second of all, it’s literally fewer syllables to just say MMA fights.”
You took a bite of your food and shrugged, “Don’t you have, like, a million boyfriends? Wouldn’t you make them jealous drooling all over Jimin?” You challenged, vaguely remembering Jungkook saying he had more than three boyfriends at some point. Not that it was surprising, most people had at least two significant others. Unless they were you, of course. You had no one to talk to but the man sitting in front of you, forget about a significant other. “He would make me pretty damn insecure.” You chuckled.
Jungkook scrunched his brows at you, “Six.” He corrected, mirth filling his eyes already.
You looked from the TV to him, “Hm?” You tilted your head to the side.
“I have six boyfriends, thank you very much.” He stated matter-of-factly, and you rolled your eyes at his tone, “Why? Are you trying to give me seven significant others?” He feigned a scandalous gasp, “Well, the relationship is open, you know, so I guess I could pencil you in–” You cut him off by shoving a piece of chicken in his mouth with a glare. The teasing made your chest seize for a split moment when faced with his teasing smirk, so this had been the best way to shut him up. 
Jungkook had always been a flirt, he often relished in teasing you to see how embarrassed you would get. Thankfully, over the years you had gotten used to it. You had already known his relationship was open since he mentioned how often they’re all apart, but you didn’t care to entertain that kind of intimacy with Jungkook even in your thoughts these days. It was just better that way.
“Ha, ha, we got a comedian.” You deadpanned and before you could say anything else, something on the screen caught your eyes, “What the fuck?” You mumbled.
“What?” Jungkook inquired as he looked at the TV, swallowing the food you fed him.
The camera had panned over the crowd and over an eerily familiar face poorly covered with sunglasses. The etching of a scar peeking out of the cheap frames told you all you needed, though. That was your uncle. 
What the hell was he doing showing his face? Let alone this close to the five-year anniversary of everything. The new syndicate in charge took great joy in celebrating the fall of your family, no doubt they’re itching for someone to make an example of someone. Worry tried to leak its way into your veins, but you fought it. Why should you care about him? If he wanted to sign his death certificate, that was on him.
Still, the sight of a man you were almost positive you’d never see again made you feel uneasy. You’d acclimated to regular life quite well, so one of the few remnants of your past life appearing like a ghost was ominous. In spite of your unease, you couldn’t look away. Almost as if you were waiting for him to poof away. You kinda wished he would. 
The camera changed and you finally blinked.
“N-Nothing.” You finally said, shaking your head, “I just thought I recognized someone, that’s all.” Your hands trembled for the briefest of moments as you lifted food to your mouth.
“Oh really, who?” Your only friend asked curiously and you shrugged as you chewed.
“Just some teacher that called in today.” You lied and it made your food taste sour for a moment. It was for the best you lied, you had to keep reminding yourself of that. 
“Hell, I’d call in too if it meant I could see the fight live.” You were thankful Jungkook dropped the topic and let your shoulders relax. You shouldn’t feel bad for lying, really. An unspoken rule between you both was that you never pried about private details. Jungkook led his life and you led yours. Hell, you don’t even know what he does for a living, but it wouldn’t surprise you if it was living off of his boyfriends’ income. Not to mention you didn’t even know if he lived with anyone else next door or if that was just a place of his own to use on occasions. Though, you couldn’t help being a little jealous at the idea of being so pampered. 
“Yeah, I could go for a silly little shirtless man fight on occasion.” You shrugged with a cheeky grin. 
“Silly?!” Jungkook guffawed, “I’ll have you know if he wins this fight, he’ll qualify for the championship, so this is pretty high stakes.” He toted his knowledge of the sport.
“Hasn’t he already been champion like a few times now?” You asked, barely following.
“Yeah, but, he’s been off his game this season for… personal reasons, so he’s never been this close to not qualifying.” He admitted, and your brows scrunched at the melancholy in his eyes. 
“Damn.” You mustered, “How do you know all this?” You asked, genuine curiosity lighting your eyes.
Suddenly, Jungkook’s cheeks reddened as he tore his eyes from you, “Interviews and stuff, you know.” He waved his hand dismissively and you rolled your eyes. 
“Nothing wrong with being a fanboy.” You chided, “I’m certainly in no place to judge.” You offered, reminding him of your fixation on TV dramas, making him snort before you both honed in on the TV.
These fights were quite fascinating and allowed you to at least tap into some of your training. It was how you knew that Jimin was going to win this fight from the first calculated punch, his form was immaculate and instead of going for the face, he drove his fist into his opponent’s ear. It was a dirty trick, but it was more than enough to give him an opening. 
“Holy shit, I think he might win this.” The fanboy across from you breathed. 
“No way he isn’t going to win.” You confirmed.
“Don’t get my hopes too far up.” He all but squeaked out, basically on the edge of his seat.
After a couple of rounds and idle chitchat, the fight ended with Jimin as the victor. You clapped lightly, but Jungkook was so elated he hugged you as he let out a celebratory roar. The first couple of times he did this shocked you so bad your hands almost went to snap his neck. Now that you were both years into the friendship though, the gesture just made you chuckle. Soon after, just like it did every match, Jungkook’s phone vibrated and he had to leave. He always left you with some kind of affection and this time it was a kiss on the cheek, a rare one, but not a huge step from the common forehead kisses he gave you.
“Don’t drink too much.” You warned and he flashed you a cheeky smile, “At least don’t get into trouble.”
“We’ll see.” He chuckled,  and you rolled your eyes.
“Well then don’t make it my problem!” You yelled and he waved a hand as he closed your door behind him. 
“Father?” You whimpered as a strong hand patted your head to calm you, or soften the blow of what was to come, you couldn’t quite tell, “Tell me you didn't.” Your voice was in shambles as you trembled beneath his palm.
The news mocked you as panic took a hold of your body, shaking it out of the shred of blissful ignorance you had clung onto. Ever since your father took you in, you had many responsibilities, but the comfort of not needing to keep up with the public facade kept you going. You hated the public, all the pleasantries, and honeyed words. None of it made sense, and now, now you felt foolish for not involving yourself more. For not ensuring that something like this could never happen and crumble the only world you’ve known. 
Still, even as despair monopolized your nerves, a tear wouldn’t fall. You weren’t sure if you knew how to shed them, but you knew it would only piss off your father. 
Moon Byungyeol was a rough man and calling him father teetered between feeling genuine and like a formality. He was a boss first, but sometimes he wore the mask of a dad. Sometimes, but it was enough times with enough gusto that you couldn’t tell which side of him best represented his true self– or if he even had a truthful bone within himself. 
He may have been rough, but he was all you had. He and the family he brought you into had been your first priority all your life, even when you had never really been his priority at all.
Not unless you could be used as currency. 
“Y/n, it's time for us to go,” His voice was somber, but even. You’d never seen him so outwardly upset, but even so, he didn’t so much as let his eyes water as his life’s work shattered before his eyes. He was left with a subdued longing as he looked at the TV, melancholic defeat infecting his usually strong posture, “I let this greed consume me, and I'm afraid it's begun eating not just me alive now.” He admitted and it made you feel ill. 
“...such evidence is linking the Moon Corporation to heinous organized crime activities painting them as a possible syndicate, but no arrests have been made nor has a formal criminal investigation on Moon Byungyeol himself been launched, but many workers under the company are being investigated due to possible involvement…”
Everything was dying. The realization that everything you did, all the lives you took, all the training you had suffered through, had never been for some prosperous empire you were promised. All of it had been to supply the lining of your father’s and uncle’s pockets. You should’ve been angry, shocked, or even appalled, but you weren't. You were numb to the fact that you were raised on lies. Fear resided in your veins about what that meant for you. 
“If I just cash out and retire, we could never live in peace,” He shook his head as he switched off the TV before he placed his hands on your shoulder, catching your attention, “But Uncle Byungjoo has a plan that I think might just work.” You swallowed hard at this. Anything Byungjoo could think seldom meant good things for you. On your best days with him, you were a mere afterthought, but on the worst days– most days– you were–”The only thing is that you and I will have to… separate…”
He was going to abandon it. No, he was going to abandon you. The only thing more pitiful than your fear had to be your shock. What reason did you truly have to be surprised that he was throwing you away just as easily as he picked you? He was going to cash out one last time, and leave like this whole operation meant nothing to him. All the while you had put an inkling of faith in his heart to love this empire, like a fool. At the very least, it was the closest thing to love that you knew. This entire place was all you knew. When was the last time you had gone out on your own as anything but his daughter?
“But…” Your mouth was woefully dry, “The empire, just like you said, it’s-”
“We were never an empire,” His self-loathing clung to each word and disgust curled in your stomach as you looked at his solemn face, “I treated this organization as a bank, a money maker, it was inevitable that the paper I cradled would catch fire.” The roundabout way he was speaking began to grate at your nerve. The pseudo-poeticism of his words did nothing to save his dignity, but you didn’t tell him that. 
You didn't scream, yell, or cry. 
At least you hadn't, yet.
“Then who will rule Seoul?” You wondered aloud.
“That’s not my problem anymore.” He said as if it were the easiest thing to come to terms with.
“Who will stay with me?” You asked meekly, immediately regretting it as you watched his previous words dance on his lips before he decided against it.
He smiled warmly at you and it brought a chill down your spine, “Some of us are meant to be alone.” He patted your shoulder and you wanted so badly to break into pieces from the impact. 
No one would stay with you. Not him, not anyone, and he didn't care.
That wasn't the answer you had hoped for. You hung your head in shame, shame that you expected anything other than a cold answer from a man on fire. The request for him to just kill you was on the time of your tongue before he turned around, ready to attend his last hurrah.
You woke up with a start from a bang outside, but considering the fact that it was 4 am, you chalked it up to city noise. Now awake, you stared at the ceiling and blew out an annoyed sigh. You were constantly plagued with flashbacks both in and out of your dreams, and you wished the rancid memories would choose one state of consciousness to haunt you in. Your therapist a couple of years back told you it's normal for people who have gone through what you have to constantly see what you were then in trying to dissect where you are now. Essentially, it was a constant cloud that hung over your head, and no matter how far you removed yourself from that life, its consequences would stay etched into your skin.
Another bang sounded outside your window and you grimaced. Anniversary week was beginning, and you felt more on edge than usual.
Five years ago exactly, you saw the match light. In four days, it will have officially been five years since you saw the flames engulf your home, your family, and everything you were. Each year, this week was chaos for the city of Seoul. Each day was accompanied by an event that slowly grew more and more above ground. It was almost mocking the past, the surfacing of dirty secrets. Secrets the world knew, but never wanted to see, cowards.
The new syndicate at the top of the kingdom was known as Bangtan to the underground scene, but with a “Group” tacked on after the ominous name, they were also the kings of the business world. They were much better at actually hiding their identities, hence why most average people assumed there was no such syndicate anymore or that the “law” took care of it. As if the “law” wasn’t under the thumb of the kings. 
Even so, your information could very well be outdated. The whispers from the underground, also known as the Underworld or even more to the point, Hell, reached your ears less and less as you removed yourself from the lives of anyone who knew who you were. No longer working at the diner your previous nanny ran shut you off from the underground so much so you seldom became aware of Anniversary Week’s events until two days before the main event. 
Another bang, but this time on your door, startled you out of your thoughts, “I can’t believe you went to the bar on a day like today- where are your keys?!” An unfamiliar voice spoke through your door.
“Ask, y/n,” Jungkook’s slurred voice rang out in a yell as you flinched at the volume, “Y/n! I need stitches!” 
This wasn't the first time Jungkook was yelling outside your door, demanding your assistance. This was just another facet of your friendship that you both silently agreed was fine. You never really asked questions, you just patched him up and left him on your couch. It really wasn't any of your business, nor did you have any desire for it to be. Jungkook was an MMA fan, and you knew he was big on that scene and the fitness scene, so it just made sense he would get into fights. You could only hope these fights were agreed upon prior to alcohol, but you weren't naive enough to actually assume that was the case.
“This isn’t even your door, baby, come on.” The voice grunted and your attention peaked. You had encountered a few men trying to help Jungkook home, but you seldom got such an obvious confirmation of their relationship with him, “What? Are you trying to booty call your neighbor?” The unknown man teased and you rolled your eyes. Were they all like this?
“I wish!” Jungkook shouted in response and you were fine with leaving your door closed this time until he spoke, “Ew, I’m dripping on the doormat.”
This made you huff as you hopped out of bed in your large t-shirt and shorts and ripped the door open. You were faced with a man with perfectly styled black hair in a three-piece suit accompanied by a trashed Jungkook with a short, but deep, cut on the corner of his forehead. The man that looked a few years older than you and Jungkook stopped struggling with your neighbor as he looked at you with the most pristine and exasperated face.Everything about this man was polished. Even as your neighbor lazily draped around the man, his suit had barely begun to wrinkle. 
Meanwhile, he looked you up and down with contempt before sighing, “Look, just forget we were-”
“Y/n!” Jungkook cheered before he passed out.
“No booty calls here, sorry.” You remarked flatly, “He usually keeps his keys in his wallet for some reason.” You nodded to his pocket before you looked at his forehead again, “But he does need stitches.” You opened your door a little more, gesturing for them to come in.
The man narrowed his eyes at you, “Do you usually play nurse for him?” You bit your tongue and swallowed his condescending tone with a sigh. You couldn’t tell if he was jealous at the thought of his boyfriend having some neighbor who treats his wounds in the dead of night or if he simply didn’t like you. Although looking at his face, there was no way this man was jealous of you. His gaze was sharp nonetheless, sharp and vaguely familiar, but his eyes held no recognition for you, so you let it go.
“Only when his blood is dripping on my doormat, for the third time this month,” You pointed to the sullied mat that you had just cleaned fully this week, “Bring him in, this isn’t that uncommon-” 
“But-” He tried to object, noticeably a little clammy at the unspoken knowledge of their relationship. 
“Any more blood on that mat and I'm making you pay for it, now come on,” You snapped as he walked in and sat Jungkook in a chair around your table. You shut the door as you pulled your first aid kit out, “You have to sit him on the floor or the couch.”
He complied to the couch, and though he didn’t say anything, you could see the question floating around his mind.
“When he wakes up, he attacks whoever is in front of him,” You spoke, preparing the needle and thread, and you had to ignore the curiosity peaking within you when you saw the other man shift uncomfortably at your comment,  “And I can't stitch and hold him down at the table,” You explained, settling your knees to lock on both sides of Jungkook’s legs and your elbows pressing on his shoulders.
“Aren't you scared he'll hurt you?” The man asked as you began stitching.
You scoffed, “I can play scared if that's what you want, but certainly not for free.” You chuckled, but he remained straight-faced. Tough crowd. You worked very hard to develop your banter skills these past five years, but he paid them no mind making your smile drop. 
Eventually, you just went on stitching in silence until the man broke the silence, “Who are you?” The man spoke mid-way through your stitching.
You paused for a moment, “Didn't you hear Jungkook? I’m y/n, and who are you?”
“None of your concern,” He clipped.
You snorted a chuckle, “You're bleeding on my hardwood floor, that has me pretty concerned.” You gestured to your hand to show him the small cut on his and he slowly grabbed a napkin to press against his hand with his mouth in a thin line, “Concerned for my floor I mean.” You clarified, “But a word of advice? If you don’t want to be suspicious of you, don’t act suspicious.” 
He sighed, “My name is Namjoon-”
You were tying the final knot when Jungkook snapped his eyes open, “Shit.” Was all you were able to get out. He immediately dove at you, pushing you to the floor, making the needle in your hand scratch your forearm before you threw it across the room to avoid the tempting notion of stabbing him with it. You sucked in a breath through your teeth at the burning sensation while you struggled to shake him out of it. 
It didn’t take a genius to deduce why Jungkook’s fight or flight was so concentrated, he’d obviously grown up with a reason to be. Nevertheless, it has never been your place to pry or judge, if anything, it’d be quite hypocritical. He'd seen you in a less-than-ideal mental state plenty of times, to put it lightly. Plus, you knew he didn’t mean any harm, and he was always pretty apologetic after the fact. Although, you were sure the struggle looked pretty concerning as you saw Namjoon scramble to his feet. 
Namjoon was trying to find an opening to cut in between the battle as Jungkook was sloppily throwing his fist down and you were moving your head to dodge each blow. Though his moves were sloppy, they were still fast and you could only dodge for so long. With no other option left, you sighed before slamming your forehead on his fresh stitches to make him stop to register the pain. You took advantage of the opening as you effortlessly pinned his arms down with your knees planted on his upper arms, “Jungkook!” You snapped as Namjoon watched his younger friend finally recognize you in his drunken haze.
“Y-Y/n?” He questioned, his tongue thick in his mouth, “You hurt my head- hey, you’re bleeding on my shirt!”
Your arm had a scratch about half the length of your forearm, it was shallow and oozing blood, but you didn’t flinch, “Wonder who made me hurt both my arm and their head, dumbass,” You muttered, examining his stitches to make sure the impact didn’t affect the new suture, “And you got your blood on my doormat and my forehead, so let’s call it a draw.” You grunted as you fixed the suture.
The sight of someone towering over his boyfriend after headbutting them made Namjoon on edge. Jungkook talked for days and days about how much he loved spending time with his neighbor, but something was… off about you. Why would a school nurse be that skilled in combat? Jungkook was a ruthless fighter and you hardly flinched. 
This string of thoughts prompted his mistake of grasping your wounded forearm to make you stand so he could properly question you. What he didn’t calculate in that movement was the fact that he grasped your fresh cut, which hurt like a bitch. This pain made you bring your other forearm to his neck, pressing firmly into his trachea as his back hit the wall with a bang. You both looked at each other in surprise at your reflex. You gasped softly before releasing him, “Don’t ever manhandle a lady, Namjoon,” You mumbled as you brought distance between the two of you, “I don’t do well being frightened.”
Namjoon regained his composure, impressed by your reaction time and ability to weaken his pride in such a short matter of seconds, “Who are you?” His tone was rougher in comparison to when he first asked the question.
“None of your concern,” You mocked his voice cartoonishly, becoming more and more irritated with his line of questioning, “Now take him, an alcohol pad, and go.” You hissed, unceremoniously tossing the package at him.
He gave you a sharp glare but complied, hauling Jungkook over his shoulder and leaving.  The door shut and you let a relieved sigh escape you. You shut your eyes tightly, frustrated that you let your instincts take over like that. Namjoon was undoubtedly suspicious and that’s the last thing you needed. You opened your eyes and caught sight of the clock nearing 5 am, and it was a Saturday now, so you were going to sleep in as much as you could.
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moodyseal · 11 months
i hear you are 🤡clowning🤡 over Commodus coming to his senses so I have slid into your inbox to 🤡clown🤡 with you about it
What 🤡clown🤡 thoughts have you been harboring about this👀
for science.
🤡<-me and you
SOMEONE WILLING TO CLOWN WITH ME A BIT okay uhm. I was mostly having thoughts about the reasons for his behaviour, actually, and in the end I came to the conclusion that he's not entirely unredeemable, or at least he wasn't up until the fight at the Waystation in TDP, where he became a serious threat to the lives of the people who lived there (and actually got Heloise killed)
Like, if you ignore for a moment his past deeds and historical background (because if we accepted the atrocities as quirky parts of Apollo's personality we can do the same for him /j) and look at what he actually did for the first two thirds of the book, you'll notice that he wasn't as cruel as, say, Caligula or Nero. For example, he didn't kill all the prisoners he was holding captive, like Caligula would've done, even if Georgina (and maybe Hunter, since she's one of Artemis' hunters) was the only one that was actually useful in luring Apollo in, and at the end of the book he was still agreeing to let everyone go as long as Apollo and Meg went with him.
This shows that he is capable of some kind of restraint and not totally incapable to be reasoned with, which makes for some solid villain redemption arc material; the only problems, other than his small bloodlust problem that, again, we'll skip over for now and deal with some other day, are
a) the behavioural issues his relationship with his father led to (that could've been actually dealt with if only someone told him that therapists are an option today),
b) his ugly, horrid desire of revenge against Apollo,
and c) his narcissistic tendencies, which resulted in him not acknowledging the whole concept of. You know. Other people's feelings and how his actions might affect them.
They're all intrinsically tied together, and as a whole they're the main reason why, in the past as well as after his death and deification, Commodus was unwilling to accept any sort of help or suggestion coming from the people around him, and Apollo specifically. Before his death, he didn't acknowledge that there was a problem with his behaviour at all; to him, his actions were always right, and the people around him were vilifying him when he didn't deserve it, all while trying to suffocate his desires and needs. The lack of his father's support throughout his adolescence only intensified those feelings, and at the same time rendered him all the more vulnerable, making him latch strongly onto anyone he felt like would always support him—Apollo, in this case. Inevitably, the betrayal of the only person he trusted unconditionally (which was done for Rome and its citizens' own good, but was still a betrayal) had an explosive result, leading to Commodus' attitude worsening, him becoming effectively deaf to the guidance of anyone who didn't agree with him (when in the past there was a chance that maybe he would have listened to Apollo, at least, had he intervened sooner) and, finally, him making his life's goal destroying Apollo's life.
Despite the fact that any last bit of love Commodus had for him turned into blinding hatred, though, there were still some feelings in his heart that weren't rage. He didn't show them; on the contrary, he tried to hide them, and that's because they were a sign that there was still some vulnerability left in him—that he cared, to a degree. Had Commodus' revenge been the two dimensional kind, where he didn't give any sign of care about what happened two thousand years before and operated solely on the train of thought of "kill, maim, destroy" even when he barely thought about Apollo being the reason he died, I wouldn't have thought of there being a chance of him coming to his senses. But instead, with these feelings, Commodus demonstrated that he didn't forget, and that as much as he hid himself behind his glitter and his spectacles and his luxurious palaces, what Apollo did ultimately affected him. He still cared about what Apollo did in the past, and about what he was doing in the present too. In a way (and this is purely my personal perception, as everything I've written above is) it seemed that, consciously or subconsciously, he was even waiting for some sort of feedback, for a response that Apollo didn't give.
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Why else would he insist so much? For what other purpose would he throw back his death in Apollo's face again and again, if not to get a reaction out of him?
I don't actually know how, exactly, it would be possible to fix all these issues, as well as their relationship. I have thought a lot about a scenario where Commodus realizes he's in the wrong, where Apollo manages to bring him to the good side just like he did with Lityerses, and this behaviour of his is exactly the reason why I never figured out how it would happen. How do you help someone who doesn't want to be helped? Apollo tried and failed, didn't he?
Maybe not enough.
It's true that Commodus was a selfish, arrogant man, as it is true that Apollo tried to help him, only giving up on his insistence when the man he loved went down a path of no return. It's also true that he didn't reprimand him for what he did once, trying to get to him through good humour and support, being too permissive when Commodus didn't need permissiveness, but some strength of character from someone he trusted. It's also true that Apollo never apologized.
I don't remember much about TDP and TTT, but didn't Apollo never mention once to Commodus the reasons for what he did? He cried about that day on his own, never with him, never showing Commodus that he has suffered for that murder just as much as he did.
Maybe the apology wouldn't have changed anything, maybe Commodus would've stayed the same ruthless man he's been for the whole series. But I like to think that it could've potentially stirred something inside him anyway.
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actually i'm. more gonna b thinkign abt like canon wiwi in worm terms bc i hav.e. fucking. NO clue how grayscale arc will translate and i'm genuinely thinking i gotta revamp his entire powerset maybe but we'll see!! i'm SO so so so excited to get ur essay on it………
anyway. new haven wards at least a 7 or so!!!!!!!!! they could fucking kill people very very very easily!!!!! they are genuinely terrifying & they r teenagers!!! clingy sad teenagers who it would take several other capes and a ton of armed soldiers and maybe like a tank to bring down!!!! a big part of my reasoning for this & them being insanely fucking op is like… they're the heirs to the triumvirate-equivalent!!! they're out here being hand picked & groomed for the roles of shit like "level cities" and "throw yourself into leviathan" and "fight the slaughterhouse 9"-- they have to be. so scary and have so much on their shoulders & also be fucked up teenagers. to me. i feel incredibly normal about this btw. also i'm sure they all feel so normal about this i'm sure grayscale wiwi sees so much protocol being enacted because of him & feels normal about it!!! im sure people love having his powers used on him and think he's cool and great and not a sick twisted fuck!!! im sure everyone's reactions to him r awesome and have a good effect on his psyche!!!! (also i have. thoughts. on like. vigilante or rogue nhw. head in hands.)
anyway anyway anyway. BACK TO WIWI. I AM PUTTING HIM AT A 9 OR 10. THIS IS. MMM. DEFINITELY WEIGHTED WITH A CONSIDERATION TO THE PANIC AND COLLATERAL DAMAGE VARIABLE. it is genuinely fucking insane to me that william wisp can create perfect simulacra of people that are such close and perfect imitations people Can Not Tell Them Apart. and also that he can create and control MANY SIMULTANEOUSLY. WHILE BEING A DISTANCE AWAY FROM THEM. and they can ATTACK YOU. even more fucking insane is that he can do it with the environment too & can create illusions that massive without anyone even noticing??………. like. just. think about it for a second. grayscale arc is literally already worm world but think about the fucking shit someone could do when they could create such visually perfect copies that no one can tell unless they touch them or he fucks up somehow. think about the shit he could do by faking an entire environment or explosions or anything else perfectly. literally going insane thinking about this & how well it's used in grayscale arc & fucking imagine if that's just. what he did every day!!! god. anyway everything u say about wibby causes me such immense pain i cannot stop fucking thinking about "what do u think he'd do if he saw civilians being evacuated because of him". head in hands. this is literally so incoherent btw sorry but like. wiwi................
GOD. DUDE. I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY IN REGARDS TO WIBBY BUT I CANT TELL YOU YET. GOD. i feel really normal about wibby and david. they have a normal and healthy sibling relationship (<< me when i lie)
i would suggest . not . totally overhauling your ideas for wibbys powers yet. maybe altering them a little but . keep them as is for now. smile. i have some ideas. im like. on the CUSP of learning more about cauldron and the artificial powers i think though so on the basis that i dont want to sound silly about my mutuals favorite piece of media i think i will hold off on that for juuuust a little longer. side note unrelated question. i know hatchet face's power was. like. cancelling out other capes powers. is there something in worm that like. temporarily or permanently removes someones powers. that would be so fucked up! but i am Thinking. how would we go about wibby power loss arc. WOULD we even need to do this. many thoughts head full.
um . hi. roswell my beautiful friend and mutual. "groomed for roles such as 'level cities' and 'throw yourself at leviathan' or 'fight the slaughterhouse 9'" do you want me to die? do you want me to die. also thats got me thinking- do you think part of the reason they chose dakota was his anger for the s9 and what they did to his parents. actually on that note would that be his trigger event???????? i dont remember if we've talked about trigger events for nhw yet. speaking of which i think wibby getting the smoke powers should be a secondary trigger event for him. i still think about that moment a lot and it hurts me so bad. mallard conway im going to kick your ass. would the smoke powers be classified as Master since theyre like... controlling minions or whatever?????? you are the worm master (<< awesome title i just came up with) id love ur thoughts on power mechanics.
im so fucking tempted to give u a little bit of the wibby david essay here but theres a specific scene in grey i need you to hear before i go full tilt into that. for now i will just say. remember the "i thought you were the first good thing to come out of deadwood. the first thing that wasnt sick and twisted" line? yeah. god. uhhhhh finding out the older sibling youve looked up to for basically your whole life is actually a horrible piece of shit person and would throw you to the wolves if it benefited him in some way. but instead he turns you into the wolf and sets you loose on people who you used to think were your friends and you dont even realize it until its too late (yes i used the wolf metaphor on purpose be so proud of me)
ANYWAY. UM. YEAH. greyscale wibby fucking. stalking through a building and all of davids hired guards see the shit hes doing and decide its better to abandon their orders and face davids wrath later than to stick around for this horrifying cape shit theyre not equipped to deal with in the slightest. wibby starts hearing radio calls of hired hands telling each other to get the fuck out of there and he realizes the reason they sound so scared is because of him. and yet. he has to keep going he HAS TO or else this will all be for nothing and hes already done so much damage he CANT let it be for nothing. but all these people are afraid of him now
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myg-butterfly · 1 year
Goodnight (Love)
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Jimin x Reader – Spy!Au
Hurt/Comfort, Angst/Fluff, Enemies(?)/Lovers(?), Non-Idol Au, One-Shot
Part 2
Summary: You and Jimin hold an unwavering grudge against each other, but for what reason? Or, when you and Jimin get partnered for a case together, emotions arise, and so do the stakes. Pride and vulnerability are an explosive pair; will you both set each other off into flames?
Warnings (Buckle up folks because there's a lot): THIS STORY CONTAINS THEMES OF HARASSMENT AND IMPLICATIONS OF S/A!!! DO NOT READ IF THOSE TOPICS ARE TOO HARSH FOR YOU!!! Angst, panic attacks, anxiety, descriptions of violence (like a single fight), sexual assault (no non-con sex happens i swear), misogyny if you squint, Jimin is an asshole at times, trauma, trauma flashbacks, horrible communication tbh, implied abuse, implied s/a
Disclaimers: I am in no way, shape, or form trying to romanticize these sensitive topics, I simply want to show that comfort can be found after said situations. Please do not leave any comments about glamorizing any of the topic.
A/N: Hello hi author here! I haven't thoroughly proof read this oopsies but we'll get there when we get there. There's a lot of time-skips in this btw, and I also just made shit up because I don't really have any clue as to what spies or agents do or whatever (lol)
Taglist: @screamertannie
main masterlist
"This mission is risky, as it's heavily reliant on precision and strategy, so we'll have to be very careful with who we send."
"I have the perfect pair in mind."
"You're fucking kidding me."
Jimin stares in disbelief at his bosses, Seokjin and Namjoon, not knowing why they thought it would be a good idea to partner you together.
"I don't care whatever personal vendetta y'all have against each other, you both are the most reliable option we have. So put your willy-nillies aside and get your head in the game."
Namjoon shoots Jin a disapproving glare at his choice of words.
"Please never say willy-nilly again."
You never thought it was possible for so much tension to fit inside a singular car, yet you and Jimin seemed to be breaking that record currently:
"Listen, I want to get this done as soon as possible, so please just listen to me and do what I tell you and I can finally stay away from your annoying ass."
"As long as you listen to me as well, it'll be a smooth sail."
"And why do I have to listen to you?"
"We listen to each other, it's called teamwork; hence the fact that we're a team, and we work tog-"
"I know what teamwork is – I'm not stupid. But I specialize in retrieving information, so I think we both know who has sufficient knowledge to lead this case."
"One of the requirements to be recruited is being able to safely retrieve information, so technically even though I'm not centered in the encryption department, we still have the same level of expertise in the field of-"
"Do you ever shut the fuck up?"
"I do."
"Great well do that now."
"If it means you stop running your mouth as well then I will."
It isn't that Jimin hates you specifically, he just hates how stoic you are all of the time. No matter what case you had to take on, what was going on around you, your cold demeanor never faltered — and that pissed Jimin off.
I mean, who were you to be so stand-offish to all of your colleagues? Did you think you were better than everyone else? Is that why you never spoke up unless you were giving your 2 cents on the approach the organization should take on the case given. And it pissed him off even more how you were always right, how Namjoon and Jin always agreed with whatever you had to say.
Jimin didn't hate you specifically, but he hated your face and how nice it was to look at and your annoyingly smart brain and your voice that was so soothing to listen to.
"Jimin, I'm telling you, having me go undercover isn't safe or efficient. The man who has the information we need is kno-"
"Are you admitting that you don't have the guts to complete this mission? What happened to commitment?"
Strategizing with Jimin felt like being a court trial where anything and everything you said would be used against you.
"I am committed. That's why I'm telling you that this isn't a good strategy."
"And why not? We've used it countless times before and it's worked, what's different now? All those men are the same, just play them to your will. Is that really so hard for you to do?"
"It's not good because it's not safe. Chances are that not only will I walk out of there severely injured, but you will too. And what happens then?"
"All I'm hearing is that you're too scared to do it. If that's the case, then why don't you just go home? I can even go ahead and call Jin hyung and tell him that you chickened out-"
"I am not chickening out."
"Then just trust my plan, princess. It's never failed me, and it's not going to start now."
"....... Fine. But don't call me that."
"No can do, princess."
As you walk into the large fancy venue where the event was being held, the urge to run and hide became much more prominent.
You doubt that he remembers you, you were small when it happened, and now you'd grown.
That should bring some form of comfort, but it doesn't.
Because even if he doesn't recognize you, you would never be able to forget those months.
What he did changed you as a person forever, and for the worse as well.
You walk tentatively, saying hello to people you come across, until you find who you're looking for.
Upon seeing his face, it felt like a kick had just impacted your gut, like if you were dumped into a freezing lake with nothing on. Your mouth dried and the room began to spin, and you almost ran away, almost cowered back to safety, but you were stopped by-
"Dumbass, he's right there all by himself. Approach him, quick."
Hesitantly you started your way towards him.
"Jimin, turn my earpiece's mic sensitivity up."
"Please, I need you to be able to catch anything."
Seeing he was grabbing a glass of wine by himself, you took the opportunity to slide in next to him.
"Excuse me, sir? Do you happen to know what kind of wine this might be?"
"Cherry wine, madam. Would you like to try one?"
"Yes, please. Thank you."
"It's no problem. If you don't mind me asking, is someone accompanying you tonight?"
"Oh, no. I'm here by myself. I got invited by mutual friends."
"Ah, I see. So then, you wouldn't mind joining me tonight? I have a table right over there if you'd like to sit."
"I'd love to join you. Please, lead the way."
After some brief moments of small talk, Jimin gives you the okay to start trying to pull information out of him.
"This venue is so lovely, I wish I could see all of it in full." You started prying. "Well, actually, one of my closest partners runs the venue, if you'd like I could ask him if it's okay for me to give you a tour?"
"Would you really?"
"Of course, anything for such a delightful woman as yourself."
"Oh, you're too kind."
The tour was going well as good as your given position allowed. You managed to ask about almost each room, giving Jimin any helpful information through your earpiece.
That was until you got to the third floor.
You were trying as hard as you could to push through being in his presence, when you'd been going up the stairs you stumbled for a second, and his hand reached out to "stabilize" you. You managed to regain your balance, still his wrinkled hand remained on the small of your back, a little lower than appropriate, and that was all it took to push you to the edge.
"Um, excuse me, do you mind if we pause for a short while so I can use the restroom?"
"That's totally okay. Do you want me to lead you to the one on this floor?"
"Oh, no. Thank you, I'll use the one from the previous floor. You can wait for me here. I won't be long."
Running down the stairs quickly, your head began to spin with fear.
All of the haunting memories you'd managed to drown out in the deepest parts of your brain resurfaced within a flash, and suddenly its like if you were back where you were less than two years ago.
Rough hands around your waist, liquor scented breath hitting your face, the cold air biting your exposed skin – you remembered it so vividly that you could almost feel it happening to you.
You could feel the harsh tone of voice, taunting you, painting you with shame.
'You should be thankful for all that I do for you. I'm the only person that can stand you after all.'
"Why the hell are you going to the bathroom? Don't stall, you idiot. We need to get this done."
"Right. Yeah. Right."
You stood up and walked towards the door, but you couldn't bring yourself to twist the doorknob. The thought of having to continue with him had your breathing quickening, and your vision shaking, it was all too much at once.
All Jimin could hear was your shallow breathing, and strangely, he found himself growing worried.
"Y/N? What's going on?"
"I can't- I can't do it-"
"What do you mean?"
"I- I need to get out of here."
"Y/N, what's wrong?"
"I can't be here, please Jimin."
Jimin burrowed his eyebrows in confusion, not understanding what caused you to get so worked up. He was even more confused when he felt himself progressively getting more concerned for your well-being.
"Where are you right now?"
“Um, a bathroom in floor 2."
"And you told the guy to stay in the third floor, right?"
"Yeah." You hear Jimin sigh, and you know he's upset with you, but your brain can't fully process that right now.
"I can't believe you're actually pussying out of this right now."
"Jimin, please."
The crack in your voice left an uncomfortable buzz in his chest, and Jimin found himself caving in.
"Okay, fine. I'll find a distraction for him so you can leave while he's busy. Only because we stil have tomorrow to do this and we've made progress."
"Thank you-"
"Don't, we still have to get this shit done tomorrow."
You thought you'd be relieved as you finally got the chance to run out of the building, but guilt was heavy on your chest. The sound of Jimin's frustrated voice made you uneasy; you've never really been on his good side, but hearing him sound so disappointed in you drilled a hole into your pride.
He watches you as you open the car door and clumsily jump in, and Jimin can't stop his frown from deepening further when he sees your usually sparkly eyes tainted a light color of red, one that matches your nose and cheeks. You take his expression as one of disapproval, and you shrink in your seat, hoping that it'll swallow you whole. You were triggered as it is, an angry Jimin would not help you whatsoever.
Obviously, the only thing he could come up with was to scold you, because what else was he supposed to do? Wipe away your tears gently and destroy anything that would cause those tears to resurface? Yeah, of course not. Not that he wouldn't be willing to if you asked him, but he'll try to convince himself it's only because he's a good person. No ulterior motive.
"This better be a one time thing, eh? No one wants to work with someone unreliable, and leaving was one hell of a liability."
"I know."
"Then why did you do it?"
The words got stuck in your throat; you couldn't tell him that this guy had abused you for years on end of your adolesence. You refused to let anyone see that side of you.
"It wasn't safe, and it wasn't worth risking it."
"I didn't see any threats in the security cameras, and everything in your earpiece sounded fine. What was unsafe?"A tentative moment of silence passes before:
You spoke so softly that you thought Jimin hadn't heard you, until you heard a sigh from him.
"We work with dangerous people all the time, there's no difference here, princess."
The name had clear condecendicy laced within it, and it made the sting in your eyes return quickly; it reminded you of him, and now the memories were fresh. You turned your face out the window, hoping that Jimin didn't catch sight of them.
But he did, and great. What else is he supposed do? to destroy himself then? Being harsh is supposed to be what keeps you from getting hurt by him, so why is that no matter what he does, the outcome is always rough?
The rest of the car ride was silent, the emptyness of nightfall very clear amongst the dark.
"Will you stop moving so goddamn much? Some of us are trying to sleep here."
"Why are you referring to yourself with plurality? The only ones here are you and I, and your comment is directed at me so-"
"It's too late for your smartass."
"Well, it's currently 1 in the morning, so technically-"
"Less talking more sleeping."
You'd stopped moving, and Jimin was about to completely pass out, when the shuffling started again.
"Y/N I swear to god-" he groaned, annoyed that you interrupted his sleep again.
But when he looked over, you were sitting up on your bed, a pained expression covering your face.
Jimin sighed and sat up as well, mumbling under his breath about how 'it's always something with you'. Still he asked:
"What happened now?"
You hesitated to answer before responding.
"Did you do it on purpose?"
"Do what?"
"Send me in there, knowing who he is?”
"I genuinely don't have a clue of what you're talking about."
"I knew you hated me but I really didn't think you would go to such lengths."
"Stop speaking in riddles and just say whatever it is you want to say."
"Do you really not know about him?"
"Stop acting like you know better than I do just because you know about some rando that I've never heard of."
"I'm not trying to act like I know better, because I do know better. I know who we're up against, and I know that Seokjin and Namjoon would agree that sending me in there by myself is a shit decision."
"Why would they give us the case then if it's so dangerous, huh? Maybe you're just too much of a scaredy-cat to handle this case. Why don't you go and whine to our bosses that the task is 'too hard' if you're so set on them agreeing with you?"
Jimin's words felt like a stab straight through your heart, and all you could do was bleed out in silence.
"If I were them, I'd be real disappointed if someone I handpicked for a job as prestigious as this one called me and told me they didn't wanna do it because it's too hard."
The mention of disappointing your bosses made your stomach twist with anxiety. Just when you'd begun to learn to protect yourself, you're suddenly getting berated for it?
"Do you want me to complete this task or not?"
"Of course I fucking do. That's why I'm telling you that you need to suck it up."
"Degradation isn't going to motivate me, so you can stop trying to make me feel like shit. Are you happy? Because it sure is working."
"See? This is what I mean. For someone who acts so stoic all the time you sure are goddamn sensitive."
"Jimin, please. Drop it. I get it. You win."
"Stop whin- wait, what?"
You blinked at Jimin, before sighing and laying back down, shuffling around and throwing a blanket over your head.
For some reason, this made his heart twist in an uncomfortable way.
Jimin took a deep breath and told himself that it definitely wasn't because he felt like crying at seeing your defeated expression, he was just shocked that you didn't continue arguing with him.
Yeah. That's what it is. Totally what it is.
Day 2 of the event begins, and your fear is drowned out enough to tolerate it by your desperation to get this over with.
"Okay, he's in there. Go. No chickening out this time, okay?"
"Yes. Whatever."
You find him standing by the small bar they have across the venue, and you muster up any remaining strength inside yourself as you begin to approach the man who haunts your every move.
"What kind of wine are you honoring tonight?" You use the same conversation starter as last time, and the guy jumps; you caught him off-guard.
"Oh, my dear, it's you. I am so glad we meet again." His smirk grew, and if you didn't know any better, you would think that it's one of excitement rather than perversion.
"So am I."
"I was afraid you'd pulled a classic Cinderella on me after that first night, I thought I wouldn't see you again."
"Oh, I apologize for leaving so abruptly. Something I ate gave me a stomach bug, and I decided it'd be best to go rest before it could get worse. I'm just thankful it cleared up before the event ended."
"I am deeply grateful as well, I don't think I could've bared to not see you again. Say, why don't we actually complete our tour around the venue tonight."
"That would be lovely."
You had always hated how snobby rich people spoke, as if everything was fancy and business. The formalities and outdated vocabulary made you irrationally angry, and you weren't sure how much longer you were going to withstand this entire thing.
Thankfully, you lasted a pretty good while. Everything seemed to be going as planned; you asked questions, he blabbered on and on about whatever you asked, he got more comfortable and started spilling more and more, and Jimin got more information.
“This floor is my favorite.” He says once you finish taking the flight of stairs you were just on.
“Oh, really? May I ask why?”
“My personal room is up here, it's supposed to be a guest room but since I spend my days here frequently, it's practically become my bedroom.”
“That sounds very comfortable. The people who own this place seem to show genuine hospitality.”
“They indeed do. And I was thinking, maybe I could follow in their steps, and extend that hospitality to you?”
“What does this said hospitality consist of?” You were skeptical, the glint in his eyes was evidently one that was ready to strike knives into your chest.
“Reconnection. Mending broken bonds. Making up for all our time lost.”
Your heart began beating rapid and panicked, afraid of what implications come with his statement. He seems to notice your expression fall, as he starts to laugh and even doubles over. Once he composes himself, he immediately makes his way towards you, the change in demeanor too quick to even respond.
"You really thought I wouldn't recognize you doll? Hmm?" He circles around you slowly.
It feels like you've fallen through a sink hole into the midst of hell hearing his words, it's suffocating, so much so that you're sure you won't make it out in one piece this time around.
"To be fair, you have changed a lot. You look much more mature, womanhood has treated you well." It takes everything in you to not break as he grabs your chin between his fingers, Jimin's voice playing on repeat in your head - 'no chickening out this time'.
You swallow and take a second to compose yourself, before speaking again.
"May we please continue our tour?"
"No need to hide from me, little one. I'd always told you, you'd come running back to me one day; and here you are. No need to be embarrassed about it, I'm more than happy to have you again."
Jimin's blood runs cold when he hears what the man is saying; did you know him before? What history could you possibly have with this man?
"I'm n- not hiding. I just simply wish to continue looking around."
"Oh, trust me, dear. We'll have plenty of time to look around. But first, don't you wanna go somewhere private? So we can, reconnect?"
A shiver runs down your spine out of pure fear, and you're not sure if you can back down this time.
"Um, I don't know. I don't want to be gone for too long."
"No one will notice dear." He leans in closer to your face. "I know you want this just as much as I do."
His suggestive tone has you feeling sick to your stomach, and you pray to whoever sits above that Jimin realizes what's happening and comes to help you. You aren't sure what you had ever done to turn the universe against you, but you knew your prayers weren't heard when Jimin responds through your earpiece.
"Go. If you're worried about anything getting out of hand, I have this planned out. Just go."
You didn't know what plan Jimin had up his sleeve, but his annoyed expression on your face were imprinted in your mind, his words from the previous night still heavy: ‘If I were them, I'd be real disappointed if someone I handpicked for a job as prestigious as this one called me and told me they didn't wanna do it because it's too hard.’
"Okay, take me with you."
He leads you to up another set of stairs, and into different hallways, before stopping in front of two big doors. You watch as he takes a key out of the inside pocket in his coat, and he opens the door, letting you step inside first and following after you. The room was spacious and slightly dark, the only light entering through the window from the lights outside.
"Ask him what part of the building you guys are in."
"This room is beautiful, what part of the building are we in?"
“It is quite luxurious, huh? This is the fifth floor. Main hallway, 3rd door. If you ever want to pay a visit, you're more than welcome to stop by.”
Jimin quickly jots down the room, and you hope he's satisfied, because you're shaken with fear at this man’s words. He locks the door from the inside, and proceeds to move toward you.
"He has a key, right?"
"Ah, yes." Pause. "I'll keep that in mind."
He smiles at you and grabs your wrist, walking towards the large bed in the middle of the room.
"Okay, get his key. Do whatever it takes, just get your hands on it."
He sits on the bed and grabs you by the hips, pulling you down with him.
"I can't believe I have you all for myself again. Even if its just tonight." You feel his fingers in your hair; the thought of shaving your head crosses your mind. If it means getting rid of any trace of him, you'd do it.
"Your features may be a little more grown, but you're still that innocent little sweetheart that I've always known."
His face seems so close; your body falls cold with fear.
"Tell me, how much have you missed me, sweetheart?"
He gets scoots even closer and cups your cheeks, running a thumb over your lips. He gets even closer, and all you can do is swallow and curse Jimin, because why isn't he doing anything to help you?
"I thought you would've learned to use your words by now." He chuckles, you wait for a hand across your cheek.
"Stupid little girl. Aren't you glad I'm so forgiving?"
He leans closer again, your foreheads touching at this point.
"I'll let you show me with your actions. Come on, show me."
Your breath hitches in dread, but he takes this a good sign. He kisses you and you do your best to "kiss" him back without actually doing any kissing. You tug on his coat, hoping he gets the message to take it off, and thankfully – you're not sure this is the right word – he does. As he shrugs it off, he keeps kissing you, and you take the chance to grab it from the inside, and flip it around so the key falls into your lap. You quickly put the key in your dress pockets and you toss the coat across the room in attempt to mask it as a move of interest.
He notices that his coat is gone, and it prompts him to begin trying to remove your corset. You realize that this is your chance to communicate with Jimin, though you're not sure if he can hear you if the silence from his side is anything to go by, while also prompting the man to get off of you.
"I've got it."
"You got the key?" So Jimin can hear you. You don't know if what fills your gut is relief or anger.
"Let me do it." He grips your hands and puts them aside, continuing to undo it himself.
"Yeah." You respond to Jimin. Pause. "I've got it, its fine. It'll be faster this way."
"Okay, we'll get him distracted now." Once again, you're torn between relief and anger.
"Don't you wanna take it slow? Enjoy our sweet time together?" His lips on your neck, and his hands getting lower and lower. You start to cry. Thankfully, he doesn't notice, because the intercom system im the building blares: "The auction is about to begin, 5 to auction." Hearing this, you take your chance to push him away, trying to get yourself back together.
"We should go, we wouldn't want to miss this." You move to get up, but he locks you within his arms.
"It's okay, you're the one thing I want."
"People will notice that we're missing."
"They won't. And if they do, let them. I'm more than glad to show you off."
He keeps on untying your corset, and panic starts to flow more prominently through your body as you realize that he isn't going to let this go easily.
"I really think we should go back. What if we miss something important?"
"Shhhh. Let this happen."
Another announcement blares through the intercom, but he doesn't even flinch this time.
"Auction is now beginning."
"Let's stop. I don't want to miss it."
He doesn't stop.
Doesn't even do a double take.
"If you want something from the auction, I'll get it for you. I'll even pay double the price. But I'm not letting anything take this away from me. I've been waiting to feel you for years. I'm not letting you go now."
You're on the border of cracking as he gets lower on the strings of your corset, not sure if you're gonna be able to get out of this unharmed. He moves to suck on your neck, and that's when you break.
"I don't, I don't want to."
"You're just nervous. I know you want this."
You shake your head, your whole body is visibly trembling now.
"I don't want to."
"Be good and stop talking."
He finally gets to the last string when his phone rings behind him.
He ignores it.
You pry him on.
"Are you not gonna take that?"
"Nothing is going to interrupt this."
"What if it's important?"
"What did I say? Be quiet. Why is it that now you're all chatter, but when I asked you earlier, not even a peep? It's like you want me to punish you."
A sob escapes you; where the fuck is Jimin?
He takes your corset off, leaving you almost bare.
"Such a pretty little thing."
All you can think is that 'This is it. This is it. What did I do to have to go through this again? Why is it tha-"
"I'm on my way up. I'll be there in a moment. I'm sorry I didn't come earlier. I'm coming."
You let out another sob at this.
Jimin feels like his heart flew out from his chest because of how hard it was pounding.
He's desperate to get you out of there, and Jimin didn't know what to do.
His original plan to get the man distracted by random interruptions wasn't working, and he knew going up there on his own was risky, but listening to your situation made him sick.
He knew one of the guys on his usual team, Yeonjun, was monitoring the assignment, as they always have someone on standby in chances of emergency.
With his mind made up, he lets him know that he's gonna go in, but he isn't too fond of the idea.
"No, Yeonjun. You don't get it. I have to go up. He's- he's hurting her."
"You'll get caught. Especially if you and Y/N leave together."
"I have to go."
"Sorry, I have to get to her."
The line disconnects.
He was coming now.
Getting to you was the only thing that mattered in that moment.
You can't bare to watch as the man takes his own shirt off, and you feel like you could throw up at any moment.
"I'm on the fifth floor. Toss the key under the door if you can."
At this, your only string of thought consisted of 'Jimin's here' 'Toss the key' 'Jimin's here' 'Toss the key'
You quickly reach into your pockets and let the key drop by your feet, and you kick it so it's by the door. An eternity of seconds pass by, your brain simply chanting 'Jimin, Jimin, Jimin'
Everything happens so quickly that you don't even have time to process what's happening before Jimin tackles the old man. He punches and pounds, and all you can do is watch in horror as both men begin to swing at each other. You have no clue what to do, but thankfully, Jimin manages to catch him off-guard and injects him with a tranquilizer.
It's strong enough to paralyze him on the ground, but simultaneously doesn't knock him unconscious.
You run to put your shirt on and rush to look for the flash drive that's meant to have all the information you're looking for. Despite your frantic state, you miraculously find it in a drawer, relieved and ready to show Jimin.
But when you turn around, he's still on top of the man, beating him like a crazed man.
"You. Fucking. Bastard. How. Dare. You. Touch. Her. I will fucking kill you." He says in between punches.
He kicks, stomps, punches, even pulls out his blade, and he doesn't stop until he feels you tug from behind him, hearing your attempts to hold back sobs from escaping you.
Even as you're trembling, you hold up the small flash drive in your hand.
Jimin stares in shock for a few seconds, confused as to how you still went to look for the files even with the state you're in.
He looks back at the man on the floor, bloodied and now unconscious.
You wouldn't be surprised if Jimin beat him to death.
A pause of silence engulfs both of you, before he interrupts it.
"Let's go. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Let's go. We'll talk later. Come on."
You moved to step towards the door, but you were filled with such panic that your legs were giving out on you.
He stepped towards you, but you recoiled.
He knew that this reaction was to be expected, but it still felt like a flame was burning his chest seeing you jump away from him, looking absolutely terrified.
You stumbled and wobbled, but you were insistent on walking on your own.
Jimin respected your boundaries, but when you almost tumbled down the stairs, he couldn't take it anymore.
“Do you want me to carry you back to the car? It'll get us out of here quicker, you're gonna hurt yourself .”
He saw your facial expressions change multiple times in that short moment before you stepped toward him and let him lift you off the ground. You were tense, any touch making your head spin but feeling how securely Jimin is holding you, you can't help but loosen up a tiny bit.
Feeling you shake in his grasp, it hit Jimin like a bag of bricks; you had been one of his victims. That's why you told him that it wasn't safe for you.
How could he have missed this?
You'd been brought back to hell after finally escaping it, and it was Jimin himself that dropped you right back into the gates of it. Maybe if he had listened to you when you said it wasn't a good idea, maybe you wouldn't be shutting down right in front of his own eyes, wouldn't be shaking uncontrollably, wouldn't be face to face with a monster you were to never see again.
In the car, you can't stop clawing at yourself in the passenger seat, unsure of how to get rid of all the anger and anxiety in you.
Jimin kept peeking from your eyes and back to the road, and for some reason, this made you angry; not in a scream and throw things way, but in a sob angry tears with harsh breaths until you pass out way.
“What did it cost you to listen to me? Your pride? Is your pride worth the touch of that monstrosity?"
"I'm sorry."
You get to the hotel and rip the dress off of you, wiping your lips and scrubbing your hands furiously, you pull your hair in desperation.
Everything feels so wrong and overbearing, it feels like its the end of the world.
Jimin feels like his world is crumbling at the same time that you are.
He goes to make you some tea, anything that will make you feel even the tiniest bit better. Seeing you in so much distress left only 2 things swirling around his head.
The first one being: He would, in fact, do anything to take back everything he's said, and to protect you from any harm that may come your way.
The second: He is so emotionally constipated.
Instead of letting himself understand and acknowledge what he feels for you, he put up a big fucking barrier, and now he’s responsible for your breaking point. Maybe if he could've been honest with himself, maybe if he had been gentler with you–
Well, there's no point in dwelling over it now, so instead he approaches you and removes your hands from your head to stop you from pulling your hair.
"Y/N? You're gonna hurt yourself."
"I don't care." You try to pull your hands away, but Jimin clasps them against his own.
"I made you some tea, it's in the nightstand by your bed. Go drink it while I put on a bath for you. And grab clothes once you're done."
You weren't sure what it was, anger? Gratefulness? Appreciation? Resentment? But something was coursing through your veins, and it all was clearly directed at Jimin. Feeling frustrated and confused, you broke down into sobs once more.
"We don't have to do anything, but I think getting washed up will help you feel better. Whatever you wanna do. Just, please don't cry, I don't like it when you cry.”
You look up and find Jimin crouching in front of you; his stare so soft that you think he might actually care. You can't help it – you launch yourself towards Jimin, neither of you are sure if it's an attempt at a hug or at knocking him down.
He wraps his arms around you and you begin to hit at his chest, your frustration and hurt showing themselves.
"Why didn't you listen to me?! I didn't want to tell you! You should've just listened to me! Then I wouldn't be hurt! It hurts, Jimin. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts."
You repeat that phrase over and over again until your breakdown begins to falter into hiccups, energy gone, and you melt into Jimin's embrace. The room is suddenly still, the only existing thing being you and Jimin on the floor, crying out hurt and apologies.
When he clutches so hard onto your shirt that his knuckles turn white, you know that he didn't mean to do it on purpose, that he's genuinely sorry for how things went down. And when you hug him back and shuffle closer to him, he knows you're willing to forgive him, you don't blame him for the decisions he made.
Things feel fuzzy after that. Not necessarily in a bad way, there's just too much delicacy in the air for you to process things properly.
The cup of tea is warm in your hands as you wait for Jimin to finish filling up the bathtub.
After some quiet moments, he walks out of the bathroom and throws an apologetic smile your way.
"You're all set. I'll be out here, shout if you need anything."
You do think initially that a bath will help you relax, maybe get rid of some of the squeezing tension in your muscles, but it becomes clear that your mind won't be able to handle something as simple as undressing and getting into the tub.
Marks brokenly painted across your skin catching your stare, you needed to be forced out of it.
Even as you slowly climbed into the tub and sat down, the only thing running through your head was the image of your scarred form.
You cry out Jimin's name.
"Is everything okay?"
You beg the words to leave your tongue.
"Stay. Please."
Your voice is small and tired, and his heart jumps in a mix of adoration and pain, because you are ever so lovely, but you're hurt, and you're hurt because of him and his pride.
"Okay. I'll stay."
He takes a seat on the closed toilet, and you stare at him for a few seconds, trying to figure out how to ask for the support you need.
"I- can y- my hair."
Finally, it comes out strangled, but it comes.
"What about your hair?"
Jimin moves closer when you fuss a little at his question, splashing the water while doing so.
You rake your hands through your hair aggressively, and he thinks he understands what you're trying to say.
"Do you want me to help you wash it?"
Your face visibly softens – similarly to Jimin's heart – and you let out a little sound of confirmation.
"Okay, are you sure you're comfortable with that?"
"Okay, pass me the bottle."
The warm water is soothing on your scalp and you feel yourself relaxing as soon as the shampoo touches your head.
“Sorry if I pull your hair.”
When you feel Jimin’s fingers raking across your hair, you start to cry again.
The way he gently rubs your hair makes you overwhelmed with a warm feeling that fills your chest at being handled so tenderly for the first time in so long.
"Love, why are you crying?"
If Jimin was already panicked at your tears, he’s utterly mortified now that the term of affection slipped out accidentally.
Thankfully, it seems like you're too caught up in enjoying the feeling to notice what he just called you.
“Thank you.”
His hand movements stopped for a second to think about his next words before resuming with a sigh.
"Don't thank me. I fucked up so bad. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I should've just listened to you. I'm so sorry."
Jimin's voice cracked, and it looked like he was going to start crying too.
Once he was done, he went to grab a towel, and you stopped him by putting a hand on top of his.
"It's okay. I know you didn't mean it."
"I'm still really sorry. You shouldn't have gone through any of that."
You simply hummed as a response, and you both knew that it meant forgiveness.
The moment felt so soft, soft in the way you were looking at each other, soft like the butterflies in your stomach, it was all just really, really soft.
That didn't last too long though, because sleep has never come easy to you, and the events of this day only worsened it.
Every time you closed your eyes, his sickening face would appear in front of you. You could almost feel the way he gripped onto your skin, bruising it.
You could feel yourself falling into a panic spiral again, and your brain's first instinct for whatever reason was 'where's Jimin?’
You sat up and saw him fast asleep on his bed, and you grew hesitant.
What if he gets mad that you woke him up? What if he laughs at you? He's gonna tell you to toughen up.
But then you think back to how he's acted ever since he went to get you.
That wasn't just temporary, right? Was it just pity? Was he only nice to relieve himself of any guilt?
Your overthinking mixed with your already panicked state, and you once again felt like things were crumbling all around you.
You showed Jimin your weakest parts, he can surely use that against you. He probably thinks you're even more pathetic now. He's gonna tell everyon-
"Y/N? What's going on?"
You were so deep in your thoughts that you didn't realize how loud your sobs had gotten, nor that they'd woken Jimin up.
You looked up in horror as you realized that he was sitting on your bed, watching you cry.
The concerned look in his eyes only made you cry harder. You wanted to fall into his comfort, wanted to believe that he genuinely cared about you, but at the same time you were convinced that he was just pretending.
"Don't act like you care."
"I know you're only being nice to me out of pity, you can drop the act now."
Your words came out broken and between sobs. After you finished your sentence your breathing quickened again.
Jimin felt his heart being shredded into pieces as he saw your state. Did you really think that he hated you?
He could deal with that later, right now his main priority was getting your breathing regulated.
"Come here, we're gonna breathe together, okay? Can you do that for me?"
You were hesitant to approach him, but the offer of closeness was too inviting for you to turn down.
Jimin waited until you were seated directly in front of him before continuing.
"Hands on your belly. Now breathe in, and out."
It took a while before you were breathing again, but now Jimin could tackle the second issue at hand.
“What can I do to help you?”
Jimin sees the distrust on your face at his words and his chest squeezes sadly.
"I'm not doing this to get rid of guilt or anything like that, if that's what's running through your head."
“How do I- know that you're not just saying that to say it?"
Oh what Jimin wouldn't do to hand you the world.
"If I genuinely didn't care I wouldn't be here right now. You'd know if I was lying."
You think to yourself before giving into his offer with a small nod. Jimin smiles at your response.
“Do you need a distraction? Comfort? Water?”
“I think– I think comfort.”
"Okay. Do you want cuddles?"
Your brain short circuited, and Jimin took your silence as discomfort, so he rambled on.
"When I was younger, if I was ever scared of something, my mom would cuddle me and it always made me feel better. If you're not comfortable that's fine, I just think it would help."
You took a second to digest what Jimin had just asked you, never in a million years imagining you'd hear him asking you that, before nodding your head.
"Okay then, come here." Jimin laid down facing you and opened his arms expectantly, so you scooted closer to him and let him embrace you.
There's an inexplicable safety you felt surrounding him that had you melting into his hold. For the second time that day, his fingers gently played with your hair and you felt your walls come down a little further, warmth encasing both of you.
"You're so warm."
"Fuck do you think I am, a reptile? Of course l'm warm."
You scoffed at Jimin’s words, but stayed snuggled into him nonetheless.
"Are you uncomfortable?" You asked him.
"No. I'll let you in on a little secret of mine. I love cuddles. But only from specific people. But don't tell anyone.”
A soft giggle leaves your lips at his words, and Jimin decides that it's now his new favorite sound.
You pull back so you and Jimin are eye to eye; you want to speak but words are hard to convey.
“What's on your mind?” He's attentive, eyes searching yours for any hurt or worry.
“Do you cuddle with all your mission partners?” You try to lighten the mood and he laughs, so you assume it worked.
“No, only with the ones I like.”
His voice is soft when he says this, and it makes you melt a bit more.
“I really did think you hated me at one point.”
“I never did, I'm just very emotionally constipated. In all honesty I really do admire you, but I forced myself to see you as competition to avoid any of the weird emotional shit. Looks like it didn't work.” He finishes his sentence with a bitter chuckle; shame evident in his voice.
“I mean, I wasn't really all that nice to you either.” You try to easy his guilt.
“I wish we would've gotten off on the right foot.”
“Me too. But what's done is done.”
“I'm really sorry for not listening to you. I thought you were saying all of those things just to mess with me, but now I realize how stupid my logic sounds. Hearing what was happening over your microphone had me sick to my stomach. I can't even imagine how it must've felt for you.”
“It felt like my world was ending, honestly.” Your voice is quiet, but not enough to conceal how it cracks while tears pool in your eyes again.
“I never thought I would see him again. I'm still so scared, Jimin.” You begin to hiccup sobs, and he wastes no time in pulling you closer.
“It's okay. He's never coming near you again. I promise. You're safe, okay?” Jimin's voice was soft, feeling the way his chest vibrates against your head that's now tucked under it only helped calm you further.
You both remain like this until you've completely stopped crying and relaxed in his arms. Everything around you felt warm and tender, lulling you into deep sleep.
The last thing your brain manages to process is a soft kiss on your forehead, and words that sound a lot like:
“Goodnight, love.”
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not-5-rats · 3 months
*Massive Explosion* It's question time mfs!!!
1) How bad do things have to get before your Bug asks for help?
2) If the group was trapped right before escaping the arena and Bug was told they had to pick one of the gator boys to die, which boy would they sacrifice?
(They have to pick otherwise they will all die, no avoiding it)
3) Does your Bug often find themself feeling guilty for something they've done? Either in the past or recently?
4) Is your Bug ok with crying around others?
If no, why not? Is there a way to change that?
If yes, how easy is it to make your Bug cry? Are they very emotional?
5) Scenario time #1!!! (cw: poor mental health)
(Yes this is long, I'm sorry, I promise you can talk at some point)
Life is hard, it always has been. Bug knew that, Bug knew life wasn't going to get easier and that's how they found themselves lost out here.
They had been struggling recently, like really struggling, so one day they decided they would walk out into the swamps and whatever happened...happened. They didn't know where they were going, they didn't know how far from home they were, they simply knew that they were alone.
It had been days since they left the others, days since they decided to run away and hopefully never be seen again. But it wasn't until this exact moment that they realised something...they didn't want to never see them again. The Bugs, the boys, they wanted to see them again. They also realised, at this moment, that they were so lost they'd probably never be able to make it home again
This caused them to break down, they cried as they crouched on the floor, already regretting their choices from days prior. They didn't know what to do, it was all too much and that's when they felt it...a cold hand gently resting on their shoulder as a voice spoke from beside them
"*Bug*? Oh *Bug* we've been looking for you for days! What are you doing all the way...out...here, oh"
Chester knelt beside them, his hand still on their shoulder as he realised what was going on. He wiped some of Bugs tears away as he tried to comfort them
"*Bug*, it's okay, things will be okay. Even if that doesn't look possible right now. They will be, we'll make sure of it..."
Okay generic comfort wasn't helping, he sighed, thought of what he could say that may help in some way then stood up and began to speak once more
"Look I want to help but I think in order to help I need to know what's going on, so why not we make our way home and if you want you can talk about what's up on the way there, ok? No pressure if you don't want to but it's an option"
He paused, considering his words carefully before continuing
"You mean alot to me, you all do, and I wanna help in any way I can. So tell me what's wrong... once again only if you want to...either way though we need to get you home, its cold out here and getting sick won't help anybody!"
He offered them a small smile before reaching out a hand to help them up, their choice
Do they wanna talk abt it?
6) Scenario time #2!! (Inspired by @idontevenknow7878 ghost stuff!!!)
It was a rainy day, really quite heavy rain and against all of the other bugs warnings (and Chez's concerned nagging about the dangers of going out in the swamps when it rains) your Bug decided to head outside. They walked around the swamps in the pouring rain, no sounds other than the wind and the rain hitting the ground...well and that occasional giggle coming from nowhere yet also everywhere.. but they chose to ignore that
Till they couldn't ignore it anymore as the source of the noise was stood...not stood...was hovering right infront of them.
The figure they saw looked sort of like Chez, but different. This boy was noticeably younger, perhaps around 17? 19 at a push. His hair was much shorter though the same blond tone, his eye colour however did not match Chez, they were blue unlike Chez's purple eyes. The final, and most noticeable, differenc though was the smile plastered over the boys face, a smile you would never catch Chez with. The boy laughed as he danced in the air, he spotted Bug and seemed shocked when he realised Bug could see him too!
"*gasp* you can see me! Oh my divines that's the best news I've heard in like forever!"
He sold over to beside Bug and hovered Iver their shoulder as he introduced himself
"The names Milo! Milo Markins! Sorry if I seem excited its just I've been able to see you guys for so long but nobodies ever been able to see me before!!!"
He spin around Bug, still grining like an idiot
"I just can't believe somebody can finally see me! And one of my brothers friends no less, tell me has he let up since I died? Or did he nag you about the 'dangers of going outside when it rains' as well?"
Does your Bug talk to ghosts?
7) Silly scenario so that we can leave on a slightly cheerful note! (Based on smth I do lol)
Modern! AU
Chez had been in his room for a while so Bug decided to go check up on him, from outside the room they could hear loud music playing...well if you could call that music. It was really just a load of shouting with some instruments-
Anyways, they knocked on the door and upon getting no response they sighed and let themself in only to find Chez lying on the floor just staring at the ceiling
"Chez? Wtf are you doing?"
He glanced over at them
"Floor time, you wanna join?"
That's it you lay on the floor, listen to metal music and stare at the ceiling. My fav activity
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binarystargames · 11 months
Celestial Bodies Mechanics Talk: The Grid™️
So I've been working on a mecha game, Celestial Bodies the past few weeks along with a collaborator (@basilisika) and up to now we've mostly just put out her (extremely good) pictures and grid layouts, and a little setting details. Let's talk shop about The Grid™️.
Loadout and Construction
Every mech in this game is defined by a grid like this:
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When I say defined, I mean fully defined. First, the basics:
Every frame (basically a chassis for a kind of mech) has HP (Hull Points!) equal to its grid size. So the one you see above has 12HP.
Every frame has a unique trait based on its grid's size and shape. (This one gets more movement for having oversized thrusters, for instance.)
Each component you see listed there has a specific designation as to what it does (some of them relative to the mech's size) as well as a shape and size. Weapons can't be rotated but can be flipped.
And then the advanced stuff.
Every mech is built around a reactor. That needs to power (read: be placed adjacent to) the thrusters, any shields (not present here), any processors, and electronic weaponry.
Processors need to be be adjacent to anything they benefit. (In this case, the processor benefits the blade and shotgun.) They can also extend reactor power and the effects of any other linked Processors.
So that grid you see there really does define what it'll do! There are a few other things, though, which we'll get into when we get into...
So not only is this grid a matter of construction, it's extremely relevant to combat.
During combat, when someone rolls to attack, they roll d66 (if unfamiliar, two d6's with one of them acting as "tens"). One becomes "tens", and one becomes "ones". Then they compare it to their target's grid, laid on a 6x6 grid like so:
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If it lands outside the mech's grid, it misses.
If it hits your mech in their grid, that part gets damaged (takes a penalty). If every square in a part is damaged, it's destroyed (including parts with one square, which are uniquely vulnerable). Reactor squares that get damaged don't power anything attached to them, and if your reactor is destroyed, you're history.
If a shot hits a square that was already damaged, it crits.
Complicating things is Accuracy, which is reduced by the target's Evasion (which is based on how much they've moved on their last turn).
Positive accuracy means the attacker may move the result 1 square up, down, left, or right on that 6x6 grid.
Negative accuracy means the defender may move the result in the same way. (They can't move it off the 6x6 grid, but they can make an attack miss.)
A few different permutations of weapons complicate this:
Single-shot and strong melee weapons tend to have higher accuracy and do more damage on crits, making them better at targeting specific parts.
Full auto, fast melee weapons, and multiple missiles hitting a target at once make multiple hit rolls for less damage and less crit, but Accuracy is spread out evenly among all attacks (for better or worse): for instance, -5 Accuracy spread out over 5 attacks becomes -1 Accuracy to all of those 5 attacks, meaning even very fast light mechs can't fully outpace a huge volume of fire.
Explosive weapons have low accuracy, but if they hit, they damage both the target square and everything adjacent (and some deal a bit of damage everything in the area even on a miss).
Electronic weapons don't do almost any damage but disable parts temporarily even when damaging them and ignore armor and shields.
And this ties into construction:
Shield generators provide an HP buffer to anything adjacent to them that gets hit...but if they get hit directly that buffer drains faster. Bigger generators cover more squares and provide a bigger buffer.
You'll have to be careful about chains of power from processors! They can extend power but they're extremely fragile, and if they're hit they're not coming back. (There is an emergency Repair option but it takes 2/3 of the actions on your turn and doesn't work on destroyed parts.) They do chain effects, though, so high risk, high reward.
Heavy/Ultra mechs have armor, which reduces damage: any square that takes 0 damage does not affect the protected part.
So there you go. Celestial Bodies. Coming Soon™️.
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eilwen · 1 year
Visiting the Dragon's Nest District
Most cities and towns in No Man's Land have been similar in appearance, with a ship or a portion of a ship watching over its people. However, in Ryutsu, where many things happen, the ship is not the only structure that dominates the landscape.
I wanted to do a dive into the city, what inspired it (and speculate on some of the visuals) and what we can potentially understand about No Man's Land.
Some spoilers for Vol. 4 and 5. Also, this is long.
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Even without the baos and wonton-fonts on signage, Ryutsu visually does not match with other cities in No Man's Land. It’s not just the citadel which can be seen from afar, but it’s also the crammed housing and confusing architecture. The tone of Vol. 4 shifts and leans towards neo-noir. As this arc's villains move into the city, Hoppered says: "This place is truly the bottom of the dark. [...] We'll walk into a place where the light does not enter." These lines may not be literal but it certainly brings ideas of seedy places. They move through pitch black and eventually…
The big showdown happens at the city's main feature: the Dragon’s Nest District - an area that brings up memories of the old Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong. No Man's Land is a sparsely populated planet, yet for whatever reason, people have sardined themselves into this city and into this district.
Kowloon Walled City had been called ‘City of Darkness’ and it was possible to move through the city without ever seeing daylight. It carries a bit of romantised nostalgia because of its weird part in Hong Kong colonial history, its uncontrolled and chaotic construction, and its lawlessness (though apparently the ungoverned city was tight-knit and communal). The city became a source of inspiration for a lot of media, but not many films were shot in the city itself. Those that I had seen tended to use the city as a 'cool film location' so apart from the examples below, there aren't many I know to recommend (happy to take suggestions for films I may have missed).
Clip from Bloodsport (Arnold, 1988)
"No joke, man. It's a random piece of No Man's Land in the middle of a tourist paradise. It goes way back to the old lease agreement between Great Britain and China. Once you step out of the sunlight into the narrow corridors, it's time to protect your nuts, guys."
Clip from Crime Story (Wong, 1993). This is the climax of the film, which featured actual explosions from Kowloon's demolition, according to its wiki page.
Off the top of my head, good fiction film substitutes (unrelated and unlike Trigun/Trimax) which more illustrate what life might have been like in these places, may be films like Wong Kar Wai's Fallen Angels (1995) and Chungking Express (1994) - though these films take place at the Chungking Mansions, Kowloon Walled City's more modern cousin. I thought of Wong's films because he treated the mansions as a character more than as a location. His films showed examples of immense density, globalisation, and a bit of that noir crime stuff within small and unusually intimate spaces. They also reflected Hong Kong's complicated anxiety as the city was approaching its handover from British to Chinese rule.
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Panel from Vol. 4 Ch. 7; Screencap from Chungking Express (Wong, 1994).
To talk more about Hong Kong cinema itself would be much longer than a tumblr post but if Nightow is connected with Rodriguez's films via Desperado (1995), Rodriguez and his collaborative friend Tarantino are connected with Hong Kong films from those like John Woo and Ringo Lam. One example: Mexican standoffs are tropes used in various films, but we see them frequently enough in Tarantino's films and in Hong Kong action cinema that it becomes noteworthy.
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Panel from Vol. 5 Ch. 3
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Panel from Vol. 5 Ch. 5
Kowloon Walled City which was demolished in 1993, was visually ‘resurrected’ as Ryutsu's Dragon's Nest. Kowloon Walled City was not a city that just looked interesting. It was an agreement between China and Great Britain that was then kind of weirdly botched, thus leaving it pretty much ungoverned. Trimax Vol. 4 was released in 2000, three years after Hong Kong's handover from Britain to China. We don’t get Ryutsu’s history and with the multiple panels of silhouetted buildings against the night sky and hanging laundry in balconies, Ryutsu’s citadel falls into the 'cool manga location' category. Also, I should be clear: these chapters in Trimax are not an analysis or an allegory of Hong Kong's colonial history.
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Panel from Vol. 4 Ch. 4; Photo of Kowloon Walled City's alleyway from wiki article.
At the same time, many eyes, including those outside of Great Britain and China, were on the news when the handover occurred. The point is not if Nightow was considering that historic moment or if he happened to be watching Hong Kong films when he was working on these chapters. Instead, I wonder if readers, when they picked up these volumes from the bookshelves, had thought about Hong Kong, Hong Kong’s movies, and Hong Kong’s past and uncertain future, as they were skimming through the pages. But you know… this is 2023 me thinking about 23 years ago. All of this is daydreaming.
I bring up Hong Kong's history and cinema because I wanted to see what I can envision and interpret about Ryutsu and thus about No Man's Land. If Hong Kong via cinema brings imaginations of transnationalism then Ryutsu via Vol. 4 and 5 could do the same for No Man's Land.
There is no literal ocean to divide cities and there are no named countries. There is a broad ‘Federal Government’, so I assume that means the government concerns itself with all settlements in the entire planet. If Ryutsu itself is No Man’s Land’s ‘Hong Kong’ (which opens another discussion of the use and/or misuse of Hong Kong in media - some other time), then despite No Man’s Land being an incredible dystopia, the elimination of borders is, very plainly, very interesting. I am leaning to this being a good thing, considering that one major problem in No Man’s Land tends to be ‘Humans vs. X’ (plants, worms, the planet’s environment etc.). Also, No Man’s Land is already very sparse. No spoilers for later volumes but I am curious about the planet’s future if the population demographic changes.
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Panel from Vol. 4 Ch. 4. Western and Eastern hats in the same panel.
There are also thoughts about its class struggles. Vash says in Vol. 4 Ch. 4: "There are too many people here. I don't like it. The lower and upper class all cramped together." ... which really made me think about the conditions the upper class were living in. Kowloon Walled City was known to be unhygienic, dark and cramped and the wealthy did not live there, so how rough was it to live in Ryutsu when a rich person might still need to live in the citadel? I didn't interpret Vash's statement to mean 'citadel plus those outside of it' when the high stakes in these volumes were because of the high density and maze-like streets.
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Panels from Vol. 4 Ch. 6; Ch. 7; Ch. 7.
The above panels remind me of establishing shots in gritty crime thrillers than the sci-fi western I had been reading up to this point.
Featured is the Juukei Building - a building that looks pulled from the 20th century. It is tall, drawn sometimes in narrow panels to emphasize its height and to show how small the characters are in the claustrophobic space as they navigate towards it. As characters move through the structure once inside, it becomes more difficult to tell where in the building they are or if they are somewhere adjacent. Combining historical and futuristic designs in Trigun/Trimax isn't new, but it's not often you see 20th century structures. Maybe wealthier residents lived in buildings like this, though the interiors of Juukei look like abandoned offices.
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Panel from Vol. 5 Ch. 3.
Or maybe this was meant to be a mixed-use building? But it seems the entire building is abandoned anyway.... So I'm not sure where the upper class is supposed to live or how I should imagine the upper class to be.
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Panel from Vol 5. Ch 6.
... After the end of the battle, once morning comes, we no longer see the citadel. The landscapes return to those reminiscent of American Southwestern deserts. Like we dipped into darkness then we returned to the light.
Anyone who knows about Kowloon Walled City would instantly recognise it in Trimax. The imitative Ryutsu Citadel could be read as a cool manga location where a massive shootout plus some serious revelations occur, but I personally am always interested in what else a location can do. It matters if you set a film in New York City versus a nameless location and how you visually convey that city because it can tell us about its people and helps us understand its characters. So to me, I thought it would be fun to look at certain locations in Trimax (with all of Nightow's free-form inconsistencies and confusions) and imagine or interpret what they can tell us about No Man's Land and by extension, the people in No Man's Land.
Other fun facts include: "[...] Japan, in particular, developed a keen interest towards Kowloon. Its demolition in 1993 was broadcast on national television."
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