#though tbh there have been multiple times throughout where i forgot that i was even brought on to make app icons in the first place
gingermaple · 16 days
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i had the opportunity to create a set of app icons for @hotguycomiczine! it was a fun chance to work on my graphic design skills and i hope everyone enjoys what i came up with!!!
this set includes two versions, one with and one without white borders for maximum readability on both simple and complex backgrounds!
[ MERCH ] [ MISC ] (version with borders can be found below the cut!)
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woah borders!!!
502 notes · View notes
mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐲, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐢 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰
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remus lupin x animagus!reader
𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚢, 𝚒 𝚏𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠
summary: remus is left alone as you and the marauders focus on the animagus potion. he begins to see through your excuses and realizes his friends have all been lying to him.
notes: stupid scenes between the marauders, angsty emo remus, a few swears, vague threats, not my greatest work tbh i'm distracted by the impending school year but this is a great escape
w/c: 5k
the more that you say, the less i know wherever you stray, i follow
for the umpteenth time this week, remus was asking where you were
“oh, she’s with sirius,” james replied nonchalantly, not bothering to look up from his transfiguration textbook.
remus frowned. “again? they’ve been spending a lot of time together lately.”
james shrugged. “well, they’re friends, aren’t they? friends spend time together.” james, being the token oblivious friend amongst the marauders, hadn’t realized that remus was probing out of jealousy concern for his friend’s wellbeing. james thought remus had begun to suspect their plan and was doing all he could to throw remus off their trail.
remus took a seat beside james, who still didn’t meet remus’ eye. james pushed his glasses up his nose awkwardly.
“friends spend time together… friends, right? or are they, y’know…”
“are they what? conspiring behind our backs? no, of course not!” james laughed shrilly, finally looking up at remus with a poorly concealed expression of distress plastered across his flushed face. “no, they’re just- uh, getting some alone time. you know how busy the common rooms can be nowadays,” james chuckled.
there was nobody else in the common room.
“right…” remus nodded, pursing his lips. his mind brought him back to the last time he’d seen you, curled up in sirius’s lap. “alone time is good, i suppose. have you- erm, have you all decided to get some alone time recently? i feel like i haven’t seen you all in ages.”
“yeah, m’sorry about that, mate. i’ve been real busy with… transfigurations,” james lied.
remus raised his eyebrows. “mcgonagall says you’re one of the best transfigurations students she’s ever had.”
“does she?” james squeaked. “i didn’t know that! well, peter and sirius and y/n have all been very busy, and- oh, i forgot! i’ve got to go… woo evans.” james peeked at the grandfather clock by the dormitory stairs. “would you look at that? i’m already a minute late! bye, moony! see you ‘round!”
james sprinted out of the common room, abandoning his textbook and satchel on the couch. remus knew it was invasive, but he flipped through james’ reading. it wasn’t the standard transfigurations textbook; he’d been lying about working on something for class. james had lied to remus’ face.
was he lying about everything else too? about you and sirius… being friends? friends? were you friends, or friends?
remus had never wanted to know something and not wanted to know something so badly before. but it wasn’t like he could ask you; it was as if you’d been avoiding him entirely. had he done something wrong?
besides, he thought, it’s none of my business what she does in her free time. even though she usually reserves that time for me. and she can hook up with whoever she wants, even if it’s my best friend. remus winced. and i can’t even be upset with sirius because he doesn’t know how i feel. fuck.
breaking multiple wizarding laws all at once should probably be considered a bad thing. emphasis on the ‘probably,’ because you were having the time of your life sneaking and stealing throughout the castle.
you and sirius were the designated researchers; james was busy with quidditch captain training and peter had been flooded with new tutoring requests. fortunately, you were proficient in the dewey decimal system while sirius was an experienced curfew-breaker. the two of you were quite the efficient duo when it came to stealing borrowing books from the restricted section.
“are you kidding me?” sirius hissed, rubbing his eyes to make sure he was reading the page correctly. “keep a mandrake leaf in your mouth for a month?”
“what did you think? this is why being an animagus is ministry regulated! it’s hard! and bloody dangerous, if you’ve forgotten!”
sirius looked at you quizzically. “what, you’re gonna back out now?”
you pulled you head back, incredulous. “are you kidding me? i’m the one who did all the research in the first place and talked to remus and am the potions prodigy here. watch it, black. you need me.”
sirius rolled his eyes. “whatever, princess.”
you whacked him. “keep it down, princess.”
it seemed you had spoken too late. pittering footsteps were fastly approaching, raising goosebumps on your arms. “shit shit shit fuck, it’s ms. norris!” you slammed the book shut and tucked it under your armpit.
sirius glared at you. “did you have to shut it so loudly?”
“oh my godric, can you just- run, idiot!”
sirius wrapped an arm around you, tucking the cloak securely to your bodies as you swiftly made your escape. sirius was about to push open the library doors when filch burst from the corridor outside. you slammed sirius back, pinning him to the wall with one arm propping yourself up and the other gripping the restricted book with such force that your hands were trembling.
sirius looked down at you bashfully. he was usually the one pinning girls against walls.
you didn’t bat an eyelash at him. your head was swiveled, your eyes wide and trained on filch’s receding figure. “students out of bed! students in the library!” he yelled, though there was nobody around to listen to him.
deciding it was safe to leave, you grabbed sirius’ hand and yanked him through the door. as you ran through the corridor, shoes echoing against the stone walls, the heavy wooden doors slammed shut behind you. you could hear filch on your tail, and the two of you sprinted desperately in the direction of the common room.
“wait! wait,” you panted. “should we go straight for the dungeons and grab the mandrake leaves tonight? we’re already out of bed, so we might as well, right?”
sirius paused. “nah, we’ve got potions tomorrow. i’ll hook up with someone in the ingredients cabinet and slip a couple. let’s just put the book away.”
you snorted. “you? hook up with someone in the cabinet? please, as if slughorn would trust you to step foot near it in the first place. i’ll snag the leaves.”
slughorn was in a particularly jovial mood today. “good morning, miss y/l/n!” he beamed as you stepped foot in the classroom. slightly caught off guard, you waved hesitantly.
“sit here!” james hissed, waving at you so aggressively that his curls were bouncing. you grinned, slipping in beside him. “did you guys do it last night?”
“yeah, but sirius was so loud and filch nearly caught us! how is it that you four go sneaking around when sirius is so damn noisy?”
from behind you, remus chewed on his bottom lip, staring furiously at a dried mystery substance on his desk. it looked like his suspicions were correct. james had lied to him twice. but he finally got his answer—you and sirius were hooking up. in the library, of all places! godric, he’d never be able to set foot in there without thinking about you the defiling acts committed against the bookshelves.
“hey, beautiful.” sirius purred as he claimed the seat beside remus. “g’morning james, moony.”
you laughed delicately, and remus’ heart pulled. he considered himself lucky enough to be able to hear your laughter; he wished he could be the cause. maybe that was selfish of him.
“how come moony gets a cool nickname and we don’t?” james whined, twisting to face the two boys behind him. he rested one hand on your desk to hold himself steady, and for the first time, remus found himself jealous of an appendage.
“it’s ‘cos you’re not cool, jamie.”
james pressed his hands to his cheeks like he was horrified. “you’re being mean, y/n!” he huffed and crossed his arms, mimicking toddler-like mannerisms. you and sirius laughed. even remus found himself chuckling—he could never not be entertained by james’ caricatures.
“jamie,” sirius mocked, holding james’ chin to turn his face up. “aw, jaime, you look so pretty today, jaime.”
james recoiled. “yeah, it’s not as cute when you’re the one saying it. i take it back; i don’t need a nickname.” 
sirius smiled smugly.
james swung an arm around your shoulders. “but you, however, can call me whatever you want.” he winked comically.
you groaned. “get your grimy hands off me!” you pushed him away, pretending to dust your shoulders. “absolutely disgusting, you are.”
remus clenched his jaw. why did he have to befriend two of the most charming, flirty bachelors in the entire school? 
“hey, where’s peter?” sirius whispered as slughorn cleared his throat, signaling the beginning of his lesson.
“he’s sick,” you blurted.
“yep! food poisoning. he thinks it was the raspberry jam,” sirius added.
james’s face dropped. “i ate the raspberry jam!”
you kicked james’s shin. you pulled him down to whisper in his ear. “he’s getting the crystal phials, jamie. c’mon, keep up.”
james blushed, pulling back. remus sighed. first sirius, and now james? to be fair, he should’ve known better. you were beautiful and witty and charismatic. he was hardly the first person to fall in love with be interested in you. it was naive to think that you’d just wait around for him to muster up the courage to confess his feelings, if he ever had the courage to.
that wasn’t very gryffindor of him.
slughorn clapped his hands excitedly. “now, page 482 will list the potion ingredients! for those with last year’s edition, make sure you switch out the bay leaves for mandrake leaves; the ingredients list is a little outdated…”
you looked over at james; his wide eyes mirrored yours. “i’ve got it,” you mouthed, knowing james wouldn’t have caught on otherwise. he nodded affirmatively.
lingering slightly longer than the other students, you cursed yourself for overlooking the most important part of this all: storage. you’d successfully obtained four extra mandrake leaves, but you had nowhere to store them. your skirt didn’t have pockets, and it’d be incredibly awkward to stuff them in your shirt.
“miss y/l/n, is everything alright back there?” slughorn called. his heavy footsteps sounded closer and closer to you.
“uh, yes! i had trouble finding the leaves, that’s all!”
when you turned your head around, you found slughorn in front of you with a suspicious expression. “the leaves were previously pulled out so that students wouldn’t have trouble finding them,” he said slowly.
you gulped.
“not to worry, m’dear!” slughorn chortled. “we all have our off days. now, you best get started on your potion.”
you shoved your hand up the sleeve of your robe to hide the large cluster of leaves in your fist, hoping nobody would ask why one of your arms had suddenly disappeared. 
when you returned, sirius quirked his head questioningly. you nodded once. pretending to dig through your satchel for a quill, you quietly slipped in the four mandrake leaves.
“james has been awfully quiet recently,” lily commented offhandedly, brushing her hair in the dormitory mirror. “i think it’s been—what, like three weeks?—since he’s last asked me out.”
mary picked her head up from her focused nail painting and smiled mischievously. “is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
“a- a good thing, of course! i don’t want anything to do with him. he’s such a cocky, arrogant, know-it-all,” lily huffed.
“and what about you?” dorcas watched as you began to fiddle with your fingers. “you haven’t been as chatty as usual. is there something going on between you two?”
lily stiffened.
“no, godric no! we’re not like that at all.”
lily visibly relaxed.
marlene gasped. “oh my merlin, is it sirius? he’s been so weird during quidditch practices lately, and i always see you two whispering and… y’know,” she waggled her eyebrows. “you’ve been very affectionate as of late.”
you groaned, covering your face and throwing yourself backward on your bed. “argh, why does everyone think i’m getting with james or sirius? there’s literally nothing that could-”
“don’t you start,” lily chided. “even remus noticed! it can’t be a coincidence that he got all grumpy at the same time you started getting closer to james and sirius. he’s obviously jealous!”
you giggled nervously. “jealous? w- why would he be jealous?”
dorcas moaned, dragging it on in frustration. “i swear, you’re so thick sometimes! remus likes you; he has for like, forever!”
you threw your hands in the air. “no, he hasn’t! he would’ve said something if he did. plus, he’s been ignoring me for weeks. if he liked me, why would he act like i’ve contracted the plague? every time i try talking to him, he has some flimsy excuse to avoid me and that’s no way to treat somebody you ‘like.’”
marlene slammed her hand on her knee. “i am this close,” she pinched her fingers together, “to slapping the stupid out of you! he’s jealous! do i have to spell it out for you? j-e-a-l-”
“i know how to spell jealous!” you snapped. “sorry, it’s just- i really miss him, y’know? i don’t know how to fix this when he won’t even let me explain.”
“bloody hell…” lily set her hairbrush down. “you like remus, don’t you!” she pointed to you excitedly.
“no, i don’t! what are y’talking about?” you screeched, jumping up and scrambling away from your gleeful friends. “nooo! leave me alone!” “aha! you so do! you like remus!” mary screamed, clapping her hands.
“you miss him, don’t you? you miss your loverboy?” marlene pressed her hands to her heart and pretended to swoon.
dorcas jumped up and down. “does this mean we get to play matchmaker?”
you shrieked, waving your hands in dissent. “no! you can’t tell him! please don’t tell him, it’ll ruin everything. and james, sirius, and peter will have to deal with it too—oh, just please keep it a secret.”
the girls looked disappointed but agreed. lily sighed understandingly. “we’ll let you handle it at your own speed. but that doesn’t mean we won’t bother you about it!”
you were in the middle of a complaint when you heard glass shattering. your head turned towards the sound immediately, eyebrows furrowing. when you opened the door, you saw shards of—what was that? crystal phial pieces were on the ground right outside your door.
it must’ve been peter. peter was a notorious gossip. if he’d heard anything…
“i heard something!” peter announced triumphantly to james and sirius. remus, as usual, had been left out of the equation.
“hey, where you all headed off to?” remus looked up from his book, already knowing the answer. his friends were going somewhere—anywhere, really—that was without him.
sirius cleared his throat. “erm, peter is having problems with his-”
“-menstruation!” james clarified, much to the horror of his three friends.
“excuse me?” remus and peter said in tandem.
james coughed. “what i mean is…”
“what our pal james here means is that… madam pomfrey gave us detention so now we’re, uh- cleaning the menstruation… products,” sirius lied poorly.
“right,” remus sighed. it was an terrible excuse, and all the marauders knew it, but remus had grown sick of probing his friends for real answers. they had made it clear they wanted nothing to do with him. even you, who had made the most effort to keep in touch with him recently, had clearly put a wall between the two of you. it was like you didn’t trust him anymore, or like you only stayed with him out of pity.
he didn’t have much going for him these days.
“what? what did you hear?” james gasped, jumping to his feet at peter’s entrance. “c’mon, out with it!” james was an infamous gossip.
peter lowered his voice conspiratorily. “i may or may not have heard y/n talk about her huge crush on moony!”
“what?” james shouted. sirius slapped a hand over james’ mouth as his shocked exclamation echoed around the potions dungeons.
“godric, shut up, would you?” sirius snipped.
“that’s rich, coming from you.” james mumbled the best he could from behind sirius’ hand. 
“and this just confirms my theory that remus is jealous! even lily thinks so,” peter said smugly. he set down three crystal phials (and pulled a fourth replacement from his pocket) before crossing his arms in satisfaction.
“what?” james whisper-shouted. “jealous? why would moony be jealous?”
“beacuse,” sirius drawled sarcastically, “he likes her. nah, that’s an understatement. are you bloody daft? he’s been in love with her since second year!”
james’ jaw dropped. “no way!”
peter rubbed his temple. he opened his mouth, probably to say something sarcastic, but was interrupted by a new presence.
“hello, folks!” you chirped, more bubbly than usual.
“what’s up with you?” sirius probed, taking note of the way your lips were forcibly pressed together as you tried to hide a sneaky smile.
“oh, nothing. i’m just… having a good day, ‘s all!
“hey, can i talk to you?” it was dinner, and after a good meal, remus finally decided to talk to you. he jogged after you as he saw you leaving the great hall, planning on confronting you. well, it wasn’t as much of a confrontation as it was a need for reassurance.
“oh, of course! is something wrong?” you asked innocently, looking up at him through pinched eyebrows. he loomed over you—as he did most people; remus was extremely tall—and you craned your neck to look him in the eyes, subconsciously stepping backward until you found your spine pressed against the cool stone brick.
remus’ heart twisted slightly. for some reason, he felt guilty for making you worry. “everything’s fine, love. i was just wondering- well, you and the boys have been busy lately. and last time we talked, the subject was-”
remus was cut off by the sound of a clique of giggling first years, presumably making their way back to their dorms. their footsteps slowed momentarily as one of them pointed towards you, eliciting another wave of giggles and whispers. you realized that to an outsider, it would seem as if you and remus were an impatient couple having their way with each other right outside the doorway of the great hall.
remus seemed to have come to the same realization because he pulled you a little closer and shielded you from the curious first years, ushering you into a quieter corridor. he breathed shakily, continuing where he’d left off. “the subject of our last conversation was… unusual and perhaps distressing, i know. and i just- the last thing i want to do is make you uncomfortable, and you’ve been avoiding me and i just have to know if i’ve done anything wrong? would you- of course, i don’t blame you if you want some space, or to not see me again; i don’t expect any kindness from you and you don’t owe me any-”
“remus fucking john bloody lupin, don’t you dare go there; to think so lowly of me,” you grinned, “is truly hurtful, it really is. you’ll never be rid of me, remus lupin. even if you were a dementor—actually, that’s not- ah, well you get my point.”
remus smiled softly. he raised an eyebrow. “i don’t think so; can you repeat that for me?”
you made a disappointed face at him, crossing your arms. “fine, be that way. y’know, i don’t get all mushy-gushy with just anyone, so don’t push it!”
remus snorted. “‘mushy-gushy…’ damn it, you’re so adorable,” he mumbled to himself.
“what was that? can you repeat that for me?” you repeated remus’ words in the same tone he’d used just before.
remus blushed. “alright, that’s enough now. just… i hope you know that you can talk to me about anything, okay?”
it was like you were melting in the richness of his sweet gaze. “okay,” you whispered.
that turned out to be entirely untrue. “i’ve got the dew, and remus is still none the wiser!” you bragged, holding out a pristine glass, which did in fact, contain dew untouched by sunlight nor human feet.
“in no way do i mean to doubt your excellence and incredible skill,” sirius marveled, “but how in godric’s great name did you manage to pull that one off?”
“i didn’t say you needed me for no reason, now did i?” you smirked, referring back to the night in the library where sirius had doubted your dedication to the animagus plan. “but, if you must know, being slughorn’s favorite does have its perks.”
james visibly recoiled. your eyes widened. “no, not like that, james! ugh, you’re disgusting! i asked for after-class dungeon access and apparently, there’s a good source of structured water in one of the office crevices.”
peter whooped. “you broke into an office too? sick!” he was busy celebrating your achievement before he sat up with a realization. “oh, and i’ve got the chrysalises as well!” he pulled out a slightly squished sachet. “sorry, i may have sat on it.”
sirius licked his lips, admiring peter’s treasure. “death’s-head dawk moths… i don’t understand how you two are getting these things!”
it was peter’s turn to gloat. “hagrid owed me a favor,” he said cryptically.
james flipped through a couple pages of the book you’d been following along with. “right, so we put the leaves in and one of our hairs… then a teaspoon of the dew… and then the chrysalis after seven days. after seven days? we’ve miscalculated!”
the room burst into panicked chaos. if only remus was here to sort out the problem, as he usually would.
“it’s fine, we can just do the first steps today and come back next week.”
“but where would we store the phials?”
“what if someone takes them?”
“what if they break?”
“if we misread this step, who’s to say we haven’t messed up the others?”
“stop it!” you shouted. “just spit out the damn leaf. i’ll come back next week since i have dungeons access; in the meanwhile, we’ll store it in that crevice i found.”
the three marauders sighed in relief. as you began the potion process, you heard sirius whimper.
“my hair! i have to pull out my hair!”
“i thought we were going to the library today?” remus smiled nervously from the common room couch as he watched you scramble to pack up your belongings much more hastily than someone who should’ve been on their way to spend a relaxing afternoon with their best friend.
you winced. “oh merlin, i’m so sorry, rem. i totally forgot; i’m actually busy. like, right at this exact moment, unfortunately. so i won’t be able to make it.” you smiled thinly.
remus’ faint smile fell—no, collapsed—into an insecure frown. “b- but we talked about this just yesterday! i don’t understand… i thought everything was good between us? are you sure i haven’t- there’s really nothing going on?” unbeknownst to you, remus’ mind had been overanalyzing every interaction with you every night since you’d left his room in an unusually negative matter during your potions study session.
“no, you’ve been wonderful, rem. but, i really should get going! i have to tutor somebody. erm, it’s malfoy.”
remus narrowed his eyes. “you’re tutoring lucius? in what subject? are you sure that’s a good idea? you know he’s a-”
“i’ve got it, alright!” you snapped. you took a step back instantly, placing distance between you and remus. “i’m so sorry, i don’t know where that came from. i’ve been a little frazzled recently, i’m so sorry,” you mumbled, glancing behind your back at remus one final time before running out the portrait hole.
remus bit his lip. don’t cry, he chided, that’s stupid. there’s no reason to fucking cry. remus couldn’t help it, though. it was true that you’d been frazzled, but it seemed to only be around remus. you were perfectly content spending time with the other marauders; in fact, it seemed like you’d been spending more time with his friends than he had. you’d never been that close to them before! and lucius? lucius malfoy, the pureblood snob with perfect grades? you were clearly lying about something. that made two people—james and now, you.
as you descended the stairs to the dungeons, head whipping around cautiously as you slipped pass the slytherin common room entrance, you shook your head sadly. you were a horrible liar, and you knew you could only keep up the facade for so long before remus started to suspect something. it was by sheer luck that he hadn’t already found out you and the other marauders’ plan.
you tried to calm the feeling of your stomach dropping to the ground by calculating the steps you’d have to take in the next few days to brew the potions. you mumbled the instructions to yourself. “seven days with the chrysalis… we visit back on thursday… electrical storm… red… bloody hell!”
it was lucius—the real lucius—in front of you, protected by his slytherin gang. you nodding in greeting, hoping to simply turn away and go about your business, but of course, that was unrealistic.
“litle y/n…” lucius raised his eyebrows. “what are you doing down here, all alone, by the dungeons? waiting for someone, perhaps?”
you batted your eyelashes and plastered on a fake smile. “lucius. bellatrix. barty. fancy seeing the three of you here,” you deflected.
bellatrix sneered. “i didn’t realize we were on a first-name basis, itty gryffindor.”
barty nodded along, always ready to agree with bellatrix. “yeah, that’s pretty bold of you.”
“well, i’m a gryffindor, am i not? bold is implied with the house.”
“your house,” lucius mocked. “might i remind you, you’re on slytherin grounds. i’d watch your back, if i were you.”
“oh yeah? and what’s that supposed to mean, lucius?” you spat.
“nothing at all, darling,” bellatrix intervened smoothly, the corner of her mouth twitching upwards maliciously. “but surely, you know how things are these days… your type ought to be more cautious.”
you glared at her, eyes wandering her face as if to memorize it. you gave no time to barty or lucius. bellatrix had always been, and still was the one in charge.
clutching your wand a little tighter, you turned your back on the three and continued to the dungeons, feeling their stares linger on your back. against your will, you shivered.
you and peter were both sitting on the floor of the boy’s dorm, sketching and pointing excitedly to a piece of parchment containing weather diagrams that you’d begged professor sinstra for. james who had just taken a shower—evidenced by his fogged up glasses and unruly curls—was grumbling to sirius about how quidditch practice had been canceled due to the lightning storm predicted for tomorrow.
sirius was hardly listening, rubbing oils into the roots of his hair.
“hey, save some for me!” james scolded. sirius had recently gotten james hooked on haircare.
you and peter snickered at the petty argument, prompting sirius to turn around and stick his tongue out at you. that was the scene remus walked in on—his four friends laughing and lounging around his room, without him.
remus cleared his throat. all four sets of eyes shot over to him, who didn’t even bother to hide his hurt. it was bad enough that his three best friends had spent nearly an entire month excluding him, but to see you replacing the fourth spot meant for him? to see you become closer to his three friends than you’d ever been with him? remus thought it would be stupid to cry before this, but now, it seemed like a justified reaction.
“h- hey,” he rasped, swallowing thickly and clutching the strap of his satchel. his knuckles grew pale.
you froze, watching as remus took in what was before him. james, half-naked with a towel slung low around his waist, sirius, preening in front of a mirror, and peter, who was huddled closer to you than remus had been for a month. you were completely unfazed by it all.
remus could feel his heart crumble. how many times had you been with an undressed james for it to become a casual sight for you? how often had you been seeing sirius that watching him in all his handsomeness didn’t draw as much as a blush from you? how much had you and peter been touching this past month to make the sliver of space between you into a comfortable norm? and how come, in all the years remus had been your best friend, he’d never made it this far?
it was impossible not to see the tremble of remus’ bottom lip, which he bit harshly, before he turned on his heel and left the dorm with a slamming of the door. you scrambled to your feet immediately, chasing after him.
he said nothing.
“rem, where are you going? hey, come back!” you had begun running in order to keep up to remus’ long strides, catching him just before the portrait hole closed.
“sorry, i’ve… got homework,” he lied.
“no, you don’t. you did it all on monday, i watched you. don’t lie to me, rem-”
“lie to you?” remus hissed, turning around forcefully and grabbing your forearm. “lie? like you’ve been lying to me for over a month? like you and peter and sirius and james? it’s fine if you like my friends; you can like whoever you want. but you didn’t even have the decency to tell me. you’ve just ignored me—and now you’re lying to me!” remus watched as guilty tears formed on your waterline. “don’t fucking cry, damn it. y- you don’t get to pretend to be all innocent when you’re the one who did this. you did this to us. i don’t even- what even are we, y/n?”
he used your name.
as seemingly insignificant as it was, that was what pushed you over the edge. remus let go of you and continued to the library as if nothing had happened, but he was battling his own tears. his tipping point had been the sound of your sniffles.
@yourallihave @im-a-slut-for-fluff @emmaev @cowboibeepbeep @liszblog
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makoandharu · 3 years
Unpopular opinion: Makoto should've been angrier with Haru during that fireworks scene. Actually, I think Haru was a bad friend (throughout S2) tbh.
Here we have a friend who has been with Haru through thick and thin, even during the time Haru and Rin had that little beef when they were kids. In Makoto's POV Haru suddenly became upset to the point where he doesn't want to swim, suddenly quits the club and distanced himself from all his friends. All without any context. So what does Makoto do?
He simply quits the club too, wasn't able to keep as close contact to his friends like before, and stayed by Haru's side all till high school- that's three years. And btw, he STILL didn't pry or ask Haru about what exactly happened to get him in such a state, he silently respected Haru's boundaries and was there for him.
So to have all his kindness and generosity of basically tending to Haru's needs before his own, thrown back at his face when Haru accused him of "meddling" and telling him to "mind his business"- EXCUSE ME? Are you KIDDING ME? He's been there for you since DAY 1, HARU. All he wants you to do is think about your future! He never even told you to have a job, he literally said "if you're happy with it, then I won't force you" but he knew you were just SCARED!
And I'm sorry, I get that Haru was just overwhelmed in the situation and felt he had no other choice... BUT- the fact that Makoto, for once, put his own life before anyone else's and found a dream for himself; he wanted to tell Haru immediately but got shot down multiple times. Only during the scene did it come out because Haru, WITHOUT TALKING TO HIM, assumed Makoto didn't figure out a dream (then said "why aren't you speaking"- lmao okay Haru real classy) and the response he gets is his most precious friend RUNNING AWAY FROM HIM.
-Like I can't explain how nonsensical Haru's accusations were in that damn fight. "Meddling?", Haru he literally never knew what got you so down during middle school but never asked to respect your boundaries. But the one time he wants to help steer you in the right direction, he's "meddling"? Okay YAH SURE.
For me, that little moment they had after the airport scene, where Haru is like "I'm sowwy 🥺"- yeah no that doesn't cut it. Makoto shouldn't have even been there at the airport. Haru should've done a little more than just words, and actively made it up to him. Because I know for someone like Makoto, words like that cut deep. It's hard to get over knowing all the time you stuck by your friend, practically boyfriend, was thought of as "meddling".
TL;DR: There should've been at least half an episode where Haru did a little more to apologise for what he said to Makoto, and I mean literally ANYTHING more. I get Haru's not like that, but if he really was sorry I feel he would've gone out of his comfort zone to convey how much he means that. Makoto, though could've forgiven him already, shouldn't have just forgotten the fight immediately, I know he's perfect but he's also human. It's fine for him to hold a grudge once in a while, especially when it wasn't even fully resolved. Maybe then it wouldn't feel so... undeserved? Having that "Okaeri, Tadaima" scene.
Honestly I could talk about this scene for days but I've already written a whole essay I'm so sorry-
Hmm i understand your reasoning completely, the things Haru said were unacceptable and we definitely shouldn't have just had a brushed aside apology.
But isn't that the apeal of Makoto and by extention Makoharu? The selflessness, the silent understanding, the immediate forgiveness? I completely get wanting a conversation with Haru begging for forgiveness, especially for calling him meddlesome. @caffernnn and i have talked endlessly about a good apology scene for the fireworks scene, bc you're right Haru was bang out of order, he knew the impact of his words, and he chose them specifically to hurt Makoto as much as possible. That's a terrible thing to do especially when, as you also pointed out, Makoto was the only one who didn't actually push him to become a swimmer but just wanted Haru's happiness.
But, Haru is borderline depressed at this point, and the one person he thought wouldn't press the matter, the one person who's always been his safety away from the prying minds and overwhelming questions and pushing and the pressure seems to now also be the same as everyone else insisting that he find a dream and just be what everyone expects of him. That kind of, what must've seemed like to Haru, betrayal must've hurt something terrible. Not saying what Haru did was right but you have to understand the pain he must've been feeling. Haru's not just Makoto's most important person, Makoto is the same for Haru. So of course he's gonna be broken, and of course he lashed out.
As for the airport scene, i completely completely disagree. That scene is SO important to me. It's integral for the Makoharu, bc they are after all home for each other. They need to have the safety of messing up without the fear of losing each other. That's what sets them apart from every other dynamic I've ever seen. They're teenagers they’re gonna do things wrong (Makoto asking Haru to race him was also EXTREMELY fucked up, and we didn't even get an apology for that; the show literally just forgot it happened) but they need to be able to stumble and fall and make mistakes without the fear that the other will lash out like Rin or become withdrawn like Ikuya.
Haru has had such a bad experience racing a friend before, and he lost Rin bc of it, and Makoto is infinitely more important and losing him is Haru's biggest fear. Yet when Makoto asked, he put aside his own feelings and fears and pain, and put Makoto's feelings first. So why wouldn't Makoto, after the fight, put aside his own for Haru's sake? When he knows better than anyone how sorry Haru's gonna be bc he knows Haru better than himself?
Basically where i agree with needing more, a better apology where Haru apologises specifically for the words he chose and the hurt they intended to cause, i don't think Makoto shouldn't have gone to the airport or been angrier and not forgiven him until Haru apologised properly bc then how is he any different to anyone else is Haru's life? The whole apeal of makoharu is their unbreakable bond and selfless love, and if they don't have that, if they don't love each other unconditionally, if they don't understand why the other lashed out or did something awful (be it the fireworks scene or the race), if they're not there for each other through every bad thing in life then what's the point?
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raksh-writes · 3 years
What do you think about this? I’ve recently had a fight with a gang of nasty people on tumblr and my account is being reported so I’m posting this anonymously. I’ve got to share this with someone and you’re the biggest stiles fan I know.
So basically, there’s a blog on here (but I forgot the name and I had to block them) that literally HATES on stiles stilinksi and actually has it in their bio, and not even as a joke. Their whole account is based on hating him. And the fact that they have a whole BUNCH of followers and supporters is disgusting.
They say that he’s the WORST friend and character on the show and they choose to forget the fact that stiles was willing to step into that puddle of gasoline and die with scott, he helped save his life so many times, he’s been a brilliant friend throughout all their lives, and multiple times he willingly stepped in front of guns for him and tells him how much he loves him and how he’s like his brother.
They blame the nogitsune possession on him and VICTIM SHAME him for it, acting as if everything he did was his own doing, and that’s just a horrid thing to say to anyone. They say that stiles was being an abusive friend when he was hitting scott with the lacrosse balls in s1, even though he and scott came up with the plan together in order to trigger his anger and learn to control it and it WORKED! They say stiles belongs in prison and is dangerous because he’s always threatening to murder derek or peter etc (“can someone just kill him again please”) even though it’s CLEARLY A JOKE!!
But noooooo, they point out all of his sarcastic little jokes he makes (which are really funny because that’s just who he is as a person and we love him for it) but APPARENTLY he does it viscously and cruelly and he’s a horrible person for it and no true friend should talk the way he does. They make fun of his adhd, which is just ableism tbh. There’s a whole LIST of shit that I can’t remember and I wish I’d screenshotted it to expose them but sadly I lost their name. (If I remember I’ll send it to you)
But if you see a blog that says something along the lines of ‘certified stiles stilinski hater’ (if I’ve got that right) and the theme colours are pinkish (I think??) STAY AWAY FROM IT, because they’ll jump down your throat if you comment on their stuff and try to tell them they’re wrong and they’ll gang up on you and start threatening you 😣
Are they also a Scott McCall stan? Because if so, then I might have seen their account once or twice. But anyway - to be perfectly honest, I just avoid those types of people all together. I don't really go into Stiles' tag and generally don't interact or even read any type of hate posts, so you can be asured I won't ever interact with them, nonnie, I just stay away from it all to not ruin my mood ;p I apreciate the warning tho, and Im sorry you got into a nasty fight with those people 😔 I see you blocked them already, so there's not really much else I can say, besides maybe to follow people that like Stiles just as much as you do and fill your dash with positivity. I never understood or will understand the need to just pour out tons of hate on whatever - like, there's a ship I kinda came to dislike a lot (bcs hate is too big of a word, but it does irritate me a lot whenever I see it), so basically a Notp, but Im not going out of my way to shit on it. I stay in my little corner that I love to death and pour all my energy into it because that's what I enjoy ^^
I get where you're coming from, nonnie, seeing it all said about a character you love can be really infuriating and no wonder you felt the need to defend them, but I dont think those people would ever want to hear it, they're set on hating and that's honestly a bit sad - I, for one, prefer to focus on things I love and enjoy - like, how mentally unhealthy cultivating that venom must be 😔 But, anyway, I really dunno what more to say to you, nonnie. I'm glad you felt that you can share it with me, I'm very honored and hope it did help you feel at least a little bit better 💗 I think I'd just block all those people, cut myself off from those type of posts, and focus on those corners of fandom that enjoy similar things to you, and I hope the (much bigger in presence) love for Stiles will soon cover up the nasty aftertaste from this 💗
And for the end, have our lovely boy shaking his head at all this silly nonsense, he's got much better things to do, am I right? 💗🥰 (like Void ekhm-ekhm)
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shrinkthisviolet · 4 years
Author Interview Tag!
Tagged by @maipreciation, thanks for thinking of me! This looks really fun :D
(Note: I’m keeping this as a running list, so if you’re ever wondering what fics im working on/brainstorming, make sure to check here! Last update was on 12/12/2020)
Name: Lavi! As of 12/5, I’m no longer going by my real name (see this post)
Fandoms: so many 😂 check my bio, I think I have them all listed. I’ve posted fic for Hamilton and ATLA, and then there was a huge Inktober compilation I posted last year with a whole host of fandoms. Currently, my major fandom is ATLA, and probably Kipo as I’m starting to move through S1
Where you post: I have an AO3 (lavi0123)! I used to have an FFN and a Wattpad, but I don’t use either of those anymore :/ tbh, I’m embarrassed of anything I still have up there 😂
Most popular one-shot: Most definitely we’ll give the world to you (and you’ll blow us all away), one of my contributions to Maiko Week! I’m not surprised it’s an ATLA fic, but I find it interesting that a fic with Izumi in it blew up so quickly. But hey, if y’all want more Izumi content, you won’t be disappointed 😉
Most popular multi-chapter fic: ...I’m really embarrassed to say because I don’t think I’ll ever finish it...but En Hamilton Heights is the only multichap fic I’ve published so it’s gotta be that one 😂 hopefully soon I’ll have another fic to add to that, since I’m working on one (sorry EHH fans but it’s been too long and tbh I don’t remember where I was going with it :/ I’m thinking I might orphan it)
Favorite story you’ve written so far: you think this world is a dream come true (but you’re wrong) for sure! It’s super niche but it’s something I wrote out of love for a movie I discovered this Halloween and absolutely love. Though all you’ve got to do is want something (and then let yourself have it) is a close second. Basically, anything I write that sounds absolutely bonkers as a concept is one that I love 😂 (and it’s no coincidence that both fics are Mai-centric! I love all my Mai-centric fics nearly equally)
Fic you were nervous to post: Is there an “all of the above” option? 😂 I’m always nervous to post. But in particular, I was nervous for if you ran away (come back home), because it was Mai-centric and longer than any one-shot I’d written thus far, and also you think this world is a dream come true (but you’re wrong), because it’s Mai-centric and a Coraline AU, which makes it BONKERS as an idea
Why was I nervous to post Mai-centric fics, you ask? Two reasons: 1) Mai is very different from who I am as a person (I vibe a lot more with Aang and Ty Lee, sometimes Katara and Sokka), so I didn’t want to upset the Mai stans by writing her incorrectly. 2) Mai is generally not well-liked in the fandom at large, so I especially didn’t want to attract antis who would accuse me of writing Mai as too emotional and loving (which is why I tried to justify that in my tags). Luckily, my comments have all been lovely, and I’m far less afraid to post fics about her now that I’ve written three fics with her as the focus! And the shoutout from @nonbinary-crafter-aang praising my portrayal of her?? I was touched 🥺 still am
How you choose your titles: Song lyrics or movie/book lines that speak to me, occasionally a pun. Remember that post I rb’d about how authors title their works? My tags pretty much say it all 😂
Do you outline: Ehh...define outlining 😂 for my one-shots, nope. But for my upcoming multichap works (see below) and Nanowrimo work (original fiction, so I won’t talk about it on here, but send an ask if you’re curious), YES ABSOLUTELY!
For my Nanowrimo work and one of my upcoming AUs (a Soulmate AU), the worldbuilding is so complex that it’s an absolute necessity. For the other upcoming AU (a time travel AU), there are just too many things that need to happen at certain times so as not to interfere with canon events, and things I want to change from canon and things I want to keep...I think you get the idea 😂
Complete: Basically my entire maiko halloweek series! Check it out if you want some fics about the most underrated canon ATLA couple :)
In-progress: ...En Hamilton Heights again...but not for long, sadly. Still trying to decide between a quick conclusion and just flat-out orphaning it. Still haven’t made up my mind, but either way, it won’t be what I originally planned, unfortunately.
I’m also counting my ATLA Soulmate AU on the basis of forever in my mind (only you), which has the worldbuilding and fits into the AU without much problem (the AU is going to be a series of one-shots, not a multichap fic, because there won’t be enough deviations from canon imo to justify multiple chapters. And one-shots are just less pressure for me 😂)
[EDIT 12/12/2020: added another fic because I’m an idiot and forgot about this too 🤦‍♀️😂 it’s a year-old idea that I started writing but I’m picking it back up thanks to the Heist banter in MatPat’s St Jude stream!]
-A fic series combining Escape the Night and Who Killed Markiplier (Heist and Date are part of it too, but only tangentially at the moment. Depends on how involved I want DA Y/N to be). Tentatively titled A Heavy Cost, and definitely won’t happen in any of Mark’s projects, but in a way that’s actually for the best 😂 the canonicity for me stops at ETN S3 (with some S4), then it’s canon divergence
Coming soon/not yet started: OOOH YESSS HERE WE GO
Okay okay sooo we’ve got two main things:
–An ATLA Soulmate AU, featuring platonic and romantic soulmates! I know I called it in-progress, and I stand by that even though I haven’t actually set up the series on AO3 yet, but this AU is about to be SO MUCH MORE than just a few Maiko moments. Because...drum roll...it’s gonna be entirely Aang-centric (with maybe one or two exceptions)! Like Mai, Aang is a character that doesn’t get as many -centric fics as he should (and being an Aang stan also isn’t unanimous for some reason??), so I’m gonna fix that. Plus I want to dive further into his mind, and I think I’m more equipped to do that than I was with Mai, since Aang and I are very similar in attitude.
–Bumizumi time travel AU, which can be read as platonic until the last couple chapters (it’ll be multichap) but definitely has a romantic agenda throughout. So just. Be warned if you don’t ship them. It’s gonna be chock full of comedy and antics! Also A LOT of platonic affection between Izumi and teen Zuko (and just between Izumi, Bumi, and the Gaang in general), because platonic affection is underrated and also I can :D I’m also probably gonna make fun of how some elements of affection have become solely romantic territory, because...um, no, hugging and holding hands and cuddling can be done between friends, thanks! (Maybe it’s the ace in me talking. But regardless)
There are also vague concepts I’m spitballing, like:
-Zukaang telepathy AU (Platonic Zukaang, the only romance I’ll ever write in ATLA is for the canon ships, prompted by a dream because apparently ATLA lives in my head rent-free forever now 😂)
-Evil Zuko AU (Azula doesn’t exist, mostly prompted after watching Aang make fun of Zhao and realizing that if Zuko had been in any position of power during the War...the Gaang would have stood no chance at all)
-Bumizumi Arranged Marriage AU (Bumi and Izumi both think the other is hotheaded/reckless (Izumi @ Bumi) or uptight (Bumi @ Izumi). So Kataang and Maiko (along with Sukka, Ty Lee, and Toph because...duh) set them up in an arranged marriage, with the presented reasoning being that they already know each other’s families, it’ll be a great symbol of unity, and this way Izumi doesn’t have to worry about suitors. They both agree to it (it’s arranged, not forced), and over time, they warm up to each other...and maybe even...fall in love?? Prompted because we need more arranged marriage fics! On that note, I’m gonna plug shadows and steel by @dearestpartnerofgreatness because arranged marriage needs more rep and this fic does it and with Maiko to boot!)
-Zukaang as Brothers AU (I saw a fic about this, but it wasn’t complete. If it’s not done by the time I get to this concept, I’m gonna write it, because just...imagine the possibilities! Zuko and Aang are already basically brothers in canon anyway, this is just making them brothers in blood as well as in their hearts. This is especially vague because I have no concept of how this is gonna work 🤷‍♀️ I’ll get to it eventually)
(Can you tell I’m obsessed with Zuko and Aang’s friendship? Because I am!)
[EDIT 11/25/2020: I’m adding two more because I forgot these have been swirling around in my head too 😂]
-A fix-it fic based on May You Always Be Satisfied, a backstory fic for Who Killed Markiplier by @blackaquokat! I recently reread it and remembered that I was gonna write a fix-it for that fic. Not because the fic sucks, it’s actually amazing! I’m just a sucker for the main (requited unrequited) pairing, and there’s at least five ways to make that pairing canon and avoid the mess of Who Killed Markiplier. And THEY ALL DESERVE TO BE HAPPY OKAY
-A Finnrey fix-it for the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy (this one is especially vague, and I probably won’t write it since a bunch of these already exist, but it’s fun to think about. Maybe if I ever run out of WIPs 🤷‍♀️)
Upcoming story that you’re most excited to write: I’m equally excited for the Soulmate AU and the Bumizumi Time Travel AU! I’m also excited for my Nanowrimo work to be finished, but that’s more so in-progress than upcoming
@nonbinary-crafter-aang @dearestpartnerofgreatness @ohsalamanders @blackaquokat (no pressure ofc, only if you want to! But please tag me if you do, I’d love to see it!)
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sarah-blue-eyes · 4 years
2020 In Review
Hoo boy, here we go.
[Ok just before I begin. I had this queued to post in the first month of January but it doesn’t seem like that ever happened haha. Better late than never I suppose!]
So I am a nostalgic bitch, and since 2011, have loved to make memory boxes for each year, where I put trinkets and memories into a shoebox. This year I have continued that tradition, but I have also kept track of my happy memories throughout 2020 in my planner. This was done with the intention for me to upload a year-in-review sort of thing in hopes that maybe like, 3 people max on this god-forsaken site will read it. This sort of reminiscence was inspired by my friend @a-lbeit​, who has done these for a few years now and me, as a slut for nostalgia, was encouraged to do the same back in January (I think? What even is my memory at this point?)
2020, as it has been for many, was a very shit year, and I am no different. I would safely say that this year has undeniably been the worst I have lived through. But I am here. I am present. And I have made it through some of the darkest times to face 2021 with a new sense of hopefulness. Keeping track of my happier memories has been something that has truly got me through this clusterfuck of a year, so I am glad that I can finally go through them all again and share them with you.
Read it, or don’t, I don’t give a shit what you do with your time, but if you do, I hope that you aren’t bored to tears. And I hope to keep myself accountable to continue to do this for years to come.
Buckle up, grab a hot drink and a snack and get comfy, because this is a JOURNEY.
· Kicked the new year off with hosting a 1920’s themed party with some of my closest friends at my family home at the beach. Had fun with drunk SingStar, playing What Do You Meme, creating a playlist with everyone’s top 3 songs of the decade (it was a bangin’ playlist I must say), and just overall drinking too much and having a riotous time
· I remember going to the beach New Year’s Day (as is tradition in Australia) and playing ultimate frisbee in the shallows and completing a crossword puzzle on the sand (I am a 75-year-old woman, it is just a fact of life)
· I also had my friend Kirsten from South Australia stay with me for the New Year’s period and it was lovely to have a guest over! I haven’t spoken to her much this year, she sort of fell off the face of the planet, but I hope she is doing ok.
· Went town to Torquay (a beach town in Victoria) for the 6th time for Beach Mission, which is essentially a holiday program for kids in preschool-year 9 where we run activities for them. It’s a Christian-based program but the aim isn’t to convert the kids or anything like that, it’s more to show God’s love to them through our actions and how we as Christians live our lives. It’s also a convenient way for parents to dish their kids off for a few hours too haha. This was my final year of being a part of this program, and I am so pleased to have made so many memories and (hopefully) impacted many children’s lives during my time there
· I remember going on a late-night beach walk with my boyfriend Josh, talking about what the year had in store for us. We were just sitting on the beach, as you do, and I saw a shooting star. I can’t remember what I wished for (if anything) but in that moment, life was a dream.
· The week after beach mission I started at my new internship! It was for a place called KidsCo, who run school holiday programs at workplaces, so parents don’t need to take time off work to look after them. I helped with client relations and a lot of behind-the scenes stuff. I really loved it there
· On the very first day of my internship I remember there was torrential rain, and the train home was delayed by like, an hour or so lol
· One of the best parts about interning at KidsCo was that they were the official child-minding service for the Australian Open. I make an effort to go each year, but I was lucky enough to get free ground-entry for me and a guest for the duration of the event. I went quite a few times and got to take my mum and Josh along as well.
· Saw my only concert of the year, The Veronicas, at the Australian Open. When I say the moment the violin riff at the start of Untouched absolutely went the fuck off is an understatement. Grade 5 me would have cried (and 23 year old me did a little bit too tbh.) Yet another of one of my “all-time-favourite-songs” that I’ve had the pleasure of hearing live. (I also went through the year feeling sad that this was the first time in 11 years I hadn’t gone to a concert, but this one certainly fell through the cracks)
· Started planning my trip to the UK to see my twin sister, and best friend, Jess
· Went away to Rye for the Australia Day weekend #changethedate. An excellent time with excellent mates, and went to the beach pretty much every day and got mindlessly sloshed every night
· Listened to the Triple J Hottest 100. I think 4 of my picks made it in, which was pretty good
· Continued my job as the office manager/events coordinator at my church
Basketball started back after the summer break for my two different teams, The Vikings and The Wildcats (honestly such a highlight of this year with how the rest of it ended up going)
As a team-bonding activity at KidsCo we hired a boat for a few hours and I got more drunk that I had been for a while. It was a very fun time jetting down the Yarra, waving drunkedly at the people jogging by
For Valentine’s day Josh and I had an indoor picnic with our favourite food! The weather was shit for Feb, hence the indoor nature of the picnic
Saw Shrek the Musical with two of my closest pals, Bec and Katie (I honestly forgot that this happened in 2020 hahaha) but it was ICONIC
Had a Jackbox night with The Boys
Had my cousin Amy from England over for dinner! I hadn’t seen her in 5 or 6 years, so it was so lovely to connect again like no time had passed at all
Went to Healesville Sanctuary, a lovely conservation park which focuses on preserving and educating its visitors about Australian animals, with Amy
 Went to mini-golf for a friend’s birthday on the leap day. He technically celebrated his 6th birthday which was excellent
Saw Cody Ko and Noel Miller live with Bec and Katie
Finished working at the church office to make room for the potential job opportunity at KidsCo
Ahhh March, you shitstorm of a month. This is where everything started going downhill.
The first thing of note that happened this month was me injuring my ankle at basketball, which had me out of action for a few weeks. It was especially bad because I was nearing the end of my internship and was hoping to do my best work so that I would be chosen to stay on as an employee, but had to take a week or so off to rest my ankle. My ankle would continue to be tender and sore for most of the rest of the year
Went away for the Labour Day long weekend with the family
Finished up my internship at KidsCo. Honestly was lead to believe that I would be staying on as an employee and felt sort of betrayed after all the work I did for them, but whatever
 Had a party at Bec’s house to listen to Triple J’s Hottest 100 of the Decade. One of my favourite songs was number 1 which was a pleasant surprise
Went down to the holiday house for a few days just to have so me time and sort myself out
Animal Crossing New Horizons came out haha. Honestly was one of the highlights of this year though. I stayed up until midnight so I could download it as soon as it was available because that’s the sort of person I am  
Mum’s birthday dinner with Dani, one of my best friends, and her girlfriend Amy
Went for a hike at Sugarloaf Reservoir with Josh and got spooked by a mob of kangaroos
My mental health started really taking a downward spiral this month for multiple reasons which I won’t get into here, but this is more a note to my past self to say that it will all be ok I guess? Idk I just felt like this needed to be here
Did my ankle badly again on Good Friday
Watched the Overwatch League live with my friends and just memed in the livechat lmao
WARNING - this is a bit TMI but I am going to share anyway since it was a big part of this year, and if you are reading this you are either a stranger or a good friend so I really don’t care lmao: This month I also started to get bad pains in my uterus, like, not period pains but deep, stabbing pains. This continued on for the next few weeks without me doing anything about it, except for increasingly getting stressed about it, although I will talk a bit more about this later.
Josh and I celebrated our 6th year together which was ~wholesome~
Called my friend Ashley from the US and just caught up. It was nice to see her face again. She is a good egg. I haven’t talked to her since but I really hope she’s ok.
Watched Star Wars with Josh and his family for “May the 4th”
Started a volunteer job at Kivuli, a non-for-prophet that is based in Kenya, and started helping out with their website and social media stuff
Zoom movie time with my friends, we watched How To Train Your Dragon I think? Athough everyone was talking over the movie so I didn’t really get anything out of it
Played Scattergories (one of my favourite games) with Bec and Jess on zoom and just wrote really stupid and funny answers and I remember this being just what I needed
Went for a long walk with mum and one of her friends and her daughter on a track we don’t usually go on, which was a nice change of scenery
Went down to the holiday house for the first time in forever since restrictions were eased, at least for a little while lol, with the fam
Went to Portsea for a walk along the beach with Bec and her husband Trevor
Did an online trivia night that night with a big bunch of friends
Had a doctor’s appointment to see what was goin’ on down there. Honestly freaked that it could be something REALLY bad. Got booked in to have an ultrasound the next week, so at least I’d be finding out what was wrong soon.
The day after I got my results was the 21st of May, the day my mum and I were meant to be flying out to the UK to see my sister and her boyfriend. It was already hard enough a month or so before when I had to cancel my flight, but this day was so SO difficult. I can’t remember the last time I cried so hard. I am so blessed to have a boyfriend like Josh though. He was by my side the whole day, and held me as I cried. Oh man I am crying as I write this now, it was such a hard time but I know I will see my sister again.
And then the day after THAT whole ordeal was my birthday, which was meant to be spent in London with Jess but it turned out to be the first birthday we’ve had apart. This day was also hard, but made better by being with loved ones and having dinner at my grandma and grandpa’s house. Grandma’s roast potatoes make everything better.
Went to Geelong to see the other side of my family, it was so good to see my nan again. I love her very much.
Went to the Briars with Bec and went on a lovely nature walk and saw a lot of little wallabies and even an emu
Had an ultrasound and my pain turned out to be a 10cm wide cyst!!! So fun!!!!! Thank the heavens it wasn’t a child. I was so relieved. It is still in my body so that’s cute tho.
Applied for a bunch of jobs, and even got a few interviews! Still no job.
The absolute highlight of this month, and maybe even the whole year, was going away to Lake’s Entrance and Yarram with mum, dad and Josh. It was so good to go to the country, I love country towns so much and the wildlife and nature is so beautiful in the eastern part of Victoria. If you ever get the opportunity I recommend going there!
We ate so much nice food and just relaxed. It wasn’t a perfect replacement for not going to Europe, but it was something at least.
Did more work for Kivuli which kept me busy
Went to Bec’s house to bake a cake. She came out to me as bi this day too, and the cake was coloured like the bisexual flag!
Started a short course through the university I went to in Facebook for Business. It was a great way to build up my skills.
Played Animal Crossing with Dani’s little sister, Tami, a very wholesome time
Looked after Josh’s dog Jed while his family went away for the weekend (also went into the start of July) and was honestly the greatest time
Halfway through the year. Thank fuck.
Had another job interview
Went on lots of walks
Was just generally cold
Did a lot of cleaning
Painted the downstairs rooms at church, which took a few days and a lot of back pain, but it’s cool to think that I was able to contribute my energy and time to something while I was not feeling good at all
The restrictions were tightened again, meaning that I couldn’t go further than 5kms away from my house, except to see Josh, so this was a really lonely time for me.
Really got into Masterchef with mum this season. They had all returning contestants from other seasons so that was really fun to watch.
Got and assembled a new couch upstairs that I can say I actually own myself. I absolutely love it.
More walks, despite the cold
This was a very uneventful month, but that’s ok!
Had a call with the hospital I’ll be having my cyst surgery with. It was good to know that things would be started. I had to have a blood test and a second ultrasound then put on the waiting list for surgery. Still no sign on when that will be happening though 6 months later. Just so lucky to live in Australia where all of these appointments are free.
Went for a really nice long walk with Josh. Got shat on by a bird.
Did lots of stuff around the house, just tidying and watering the plants and sorting through my wardrobe to purge all the clothes I grew out of
Had an online Switch games night with some friends which was fun. We played Smash Bros. and Mario Kart and just had a great time!
Ok this sounds super lame but my favourite podcast, The Jenna & Julien Podcast, finished forever which came as a surprise and was just really sad. I really hope it comes back one day.
Did my tax return lmao
Baked rice puff/marshmallow bar things
Made an ASOS order to fill my happiness with material things. Did get some cute clothes and lingerie tho 😉
More games with Bec and Jess, we played Golf With Your Friends this time
Had a cocktail night with Josh, where we just made a bunch of fun cocktails and got drunk. I can’t wait to live with him so we can do this all the time.
Lots of Kivuli work, as we are planning for our 10th anniversary fundraising event
Baked cookies, which was something I did a lot at the start of lockdown but sort of drifted away from. I absolutely love to bake.
Started working for Media-Wize, a small PR company that was started by someone I know at church.
Started playing Among Us at the start of the month
So many Among Us nights omg, just call me queen impostor please
Did my induction for Media-Wize
Got  n e r v o u s  because I kept getting things wrong in my new job. I always seem to fuck up the good things and opportunities that I get
Did a livestream reading of The Great Gatsby on my friend’s Twitch stream. It was really fun and something I had never done before. I voiced Tom Buchannan, which was interesting but cool to sort of get into the character. I hope to do something like this soon.
I burnt my hair while cooking dinner and had to give myself a haircut lmao. It was the first time since 2018 that I had cut it so it was a long time coming anyway.
So much Media-Wize work. It felt good to finally be getting paid to do a job
Got locked out of my bathroom so I had to climb up the laundry chute to unlock it from the inside, all because a fly outsmarted me (it’s a long story… and honestly best told by speaking it)
Had the Kivuli 10th anniversary livestream. Lots of work went into it and it was so much fun! It’s incredible that a non-for-profit that has benefitted so many children and families is still going strong. Such a blessing to see.
Dad’s birthday, and we had a picnic with grandma and grandpa and saw them for the first time since lockdown was somewhat lifted
Walked to Beasley’s nursery with Josh and got a coffee. This was the first proper, not McCafe coffee I had had in months and it was SO good
Played Animal Crossing with Dani
More Among Us, a theme for the last few months of 2020
Watched the AFL Grand Final. Wasn’t super exciting this year tbh, especially since we couldn’t have a BBQ or party or anything, but hopefully next year will be different
Nearly moved out of home with a friend of a friend, but since I didn’t have a job, didn’t think it would be a wise decision. Would’ve been nice though
Did some more Media-Wize work. I haven’t been given anything to do since this time though, so I don’t know what’s going on with that? They really be ghosting me tho.
Applied for JobSeeker so I would at least be getting a little income
New Jackbox came out, and had a games night with The Boys playing all the new games
Voted in the local election
Went to Westerfold’s Park with Josh for a lovely long walk
Played lots of The Sims 4 (but tbh I have been doing this all year)
This month things sort of started to turn around, as Covid wasn’t hitting my state hardly at all, so I was actually able to see family and friends again!
Went to my old primary school with Dani and played basketball and just shot around and talked. She also came over for dinner. It was so nice, and she is a true friend.
Had a picnic at the park at the top of the street with my dad’s side of the family, all together at last
Melbourne Cup Day, not that I really care but it’s nice to get a day off. Went on a day trip to the Dandenong mountain range. It was so, so nice and bought some lovely little things from local shops, went for a bushwalk and had a bakery lunch
Went to the park to throw the frisbee and kick the footy around with Josh and his friends, although they are my friends too tbh
Had a picnic with a group of friends that I hadn’t seen since January, so it was so, so good to catch up with them and have a delicious BBQ dinner
My favourite online comedy group, Aunty Donna’s Netflix series came out! Had a virtual watch party with a few friends and binge watched it all in one go
Had lunch with grandma. This used to be a weekly occurrence but for obvious reasons was put off for this year. I absolutely adore her and every lunch we spend together is so precious to me
Went to Kyneton with some of the family as another day trip
Christmas shopping time again. So weird to be at the shops and feel sort of normal? I went 4 different times in the span of a week and a half haha
Josh’s birthday! We went to this maze place with has a bunch of big mazes and other fun activities. It was such a perfect day. Then we had dinner with his family.
Got a letter from the IRS saying that I needed to provide them with proof of identity, so that was fun trying to sort that out. We love the outdated US tax system <3
Went to a bridal shower for my friend Katie
Went for another hike with Josh to the mountains
Drove down to Geelong for a friend’s wedding and stayed at my nan’s house
Had a pub dinner and Jackbox night while down in Geelong with The Boys
A good friend of mine was leaving to live in Japan for two years, so I went to her house one last time to say goodbye and chill in her pool and just hang out
God why is it so hard to get a job?
Omg we have made it to December. It truly is a miracle with how this year went tbh. And if you have read this far, thank you but also, how little of a life do you have?
Went to my friend Katie’s wedding. Sort of surreal to go to a wedding during a pandemic but it was fun and I got to see a lot of friends I hadn’t seen in a while
Enjoyed the hot weather and went to the beach a number of times with a variety of friends
Went Christmas shopping, and just shopping in general since it was safe to and shops had finally opened again
Got a job at a talent agency where you get gigs as a paid extra in TV shows and movies, which was pretty cool! I even had a professional photoshoot to get headshots done, something that I had never done before. Glad that I could get some pictures to use on LinkedIn though haha. Still haven’t been cast in anything but here’s hoping.
Had dinner and drinks with Josh, Bec and Trev in the city for the first time since it reopened. God I love Melbourne so much. It is just so magical on balmy summer nights. This was such a special evening, and was so good just to be in the city again
Had a lovely day with Dani, starting with breakfast and then going on a hike before the weather got too hot. We went to Sherbrooke Forest, a place I hadn’t been before, and it was incredibly beautiful
Had a number of job interviews this month too, none of which got back to me which was annoying :/
Now it was heading into the time where every weekend is packed with Christmas do’s so I’ll just collate them in this point. Lots of drinks were consumed and many delicious roast dinners
Had our annual Christmas Carol’s service at church. It was a blessing to be back in the building for the first time since March, and to be able to do something I love (singing) with some of my best friends was the best
Christmas eve I went to my grandma and grandpa’s house (on dad’s side) to help them set up for Christmas lunch. Spending time together just the three of us is so special, and I am so glad I was able to come over and just chat and be in their loving presence. Then that night I went to our 11pm church service to bring in Christmas day. It was a great service and was great to see our kick-ass minister give a sermon face-to-face.
Ok here we go, Christmas was a doozy, let’s go. So Christmas lunch was, as I said, with my dad’s side of the family, which is always a great time. Cracking open crackers and fighting over who’ll get the bottle opener or nail clippers is always a highlight haha. But we had the fucking best roast potatoes I swear. I need to know what my grandma puts into them because I could genuinely eat 20 of them and still have space. Then the rest of the afternoon was spent in a food coma until I went to Josh’s house to spend dinner with his family. Another delicious meal and great banter was what I needed, although I can safely say that I put on at least 5 additional kilos after that day.
The next day the fam and I headed to Geelong to see my mum’s side of the family. Was a great drive down and I listened to all of The Avalanches new album which had just released. Easily the greatest album of the yeah hands-down. So we spent lunch there and absolutely stuffed ourselves with more food. Three Christmas meals really took a toll on me, but I am just blessed as it is to have a loving family and food on the table.
The next day dad, Josh and I headed to the beach to spend that weird time between Christmas and New Year’s. To get there we took the ferry that goes from Queenscliff to Portsea, which is always a fun time, since we don’t often go from one side of the bay to the other (if you don’t know the geography of Victoria I apologise lmao). Mum didn’t come with us as she had some symptoms of Covid, so went home to isolate and get tested. Thankfully she tested negative and she joined us the next day.
Once I got back home I had to prepare the house for my friend Jono who was visiting for new years from SA. Many last-minute chores and cleaning was done haha.
New Years Eve! Went to pick up Jono and my other friend Sarah from the airport and dropped Sarah off at her accommodation and ended up staying there with Jono for a while as this was where the New Year’s party was going to be. Although, in true Victorian fashion, our premier announced that there was going to be a limit of 15 visitors at any house from 5pm that night. Excellent. We love a last-minute change of plans. So we had lunch and spent the afternoon at my friend’s house before heading to a local park to chuck the frisbee and kick the footy around. We also had our second annual NYE trivia competition, which my team lost by 1 point!! Dang I get so competitive, but we will win next year, I can feel it. The new year came through uneventfully, we were in the middle of a game of Scattergories or something like that when someone changed the channel on the TV to see the Sydney fireworks across the screen and like, 4 second left of the countdown. I gave Josh a bog ol’ smooch and gave my friends a big hug. We had done it. 2020 was defeated.
Conclusion (damn this really be an essay tho)
This year was undeniably the hardest year I had ever been through. Going through unemployment for the majority of the year and having no sense of purpose hit me hard but I am entering 2021 with the hope and willingness to get on track with my career. And I think I will be successful. A lot of truly awful things happened around the world this year as well, with the devastating bushfires at the start of the year, the powerful BLM protests, Coronavirus absolutely destroying lives and many, many other global events but through it all, here we are. I hope you all keep well this year and that your 2021 is infinitely better than your 2020.
Song of the Year: Tangerine – Glass Animals
Album of the Year: We Will Always Love You – The Avalanches (I CANNOT stress this enough, but you absolutely must listen to this album!)
TV Show of the Year: The Mandalorian - Season 2
Movie of the Year: Bombshell (the only movie I saw at the cinemas so didn’t have much to go with)
Memory of the Year: Going away with my family and just enjoying time away with each other
Thank you for reading this, if you’ve made it this far, you’re a real one <3
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rawrroarart · 4 years
Diakko!Odyssey AU
Most recent update: 8/28/2020 I added the comic of them meeting and also wrote a little snippet under the Diakko section
Welcome all. This post will officially be my master post of the Odyssey AU which will be updated as time moves forward so that I can link all of my related art to it. Yes I will not be posting multiple separate Updates in text posts how it’s traditionally done, but instead there will be information with each art and then a link back to this post. This is to avoid clutter since I hardly post on this blog anyway so it wouldn’t be fun having to scroll through all of my “OH ALSO THIS HAPPENS!” to get to art. Also I keep changing my mind on a lot of things in the AU so disregard information under the arts anyway as I will be posting here what is actually relevant.
Another key thing: I will be avoiding spoilers as much as possible until they are either shown in art or stated explicitly like I do in posts because I am the absolute worst at surprises. But anyway fear not for spoilers. Things said here are things that should be hinted at/known already. (and also I hardly know anything but maybe I will in due time)
Without further ado..
What is the Odyssey AU?
The odyssey au is an alternative universe combining both Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey and Little Witch Academia into this (very random) adventuring story that takes place in ancient Greece. I guess I can’t say that it’s random since one of my favorite things about both ACO and LWA is the ties/references to mythology with the former obviously more rooted in the mythology and the latter just fun easter egg references. 
The general premise is that Diana is a misthios(mercenary) who travels with Akko, a shapeshifter, across Greece to find the answers pertaining to her origin.
The first art post: Diana and Akkoros
While living her life as a misthios, Diana searches for the answers pertaining to her origin and superhuman (described as “magical”) abilities along with Shapeshifter Atsuko, who commonly uses her powers for flight, but is not shy to switch to animals more suited for combat.
But I don’t know what Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey is?
That’s fair and understandable. Honestly my AU diverges a lot from the game so I don’t think knowledge of ACO is exactly necessary it’s just fun to understand the connections if you know them. Basically the key things you need to know from ACO as of now is: 
Kassandra (the protag) is known as the Eagle Bearer because she has an eagle that is known as the “eagle of Zeus” throughout the game. And they adventure together and Ikaros (the eagle) can hunt n kill things and See things and tbh he’s rly just a cool eagle but not a shapeshifter or anything lol
Kassandra is a Mercenary (misthios) which is basically a for Hire fighter/person who will p much do anything for money (if they want to do it) 
Kassandra is usually referred to a demi-god because of her powerful fighting abilities in which I mean yea she literally has powers and can blast people like a billion miles away (im jk but-)
Kassandra can tame animals (which ones depending on your skill level). You can tame uhh wolves, lynx, leopards, lions, bears. This is where my ‘shapeshifter’ idea began and it pretty much fit perfectly since Akko’s favorite spell is the shapeshifting one. 
Other than this, the most important things to know for this AU is just,, general mythology,, I guess? Or history? General history of mythology and how people worshipped/acted in accordance to the gods. And I’m not saying im going to be historically accurate obviously, nor even mythologically accurate (if that’s even a thing lol), I’m just here to have a good time and enjoy my gay mercenaries while talking about gods/goddesses as if I even know (thankfully I have my gf who is way more interested in mythology than me to help me)
I’ve only played like half of the Atlantis DLC after beating the game so whoopsie. I honestly really wanna replay everything now that I have this AU just so I can focus more on details and what I can yoink.
Diana’s sketch-dump though she really needs a new one.
Diana in wheat field
Diana is the main protagonist of the story, but they pretty much both share the spotlight anyway. Her goal is to find out why she has certain powers (which I have officially decided, finally...) that aren’t exactly human. Since being a misthios was an easy way for her to travel and make drachmae, she chooses to do it while on their journey. Dammit I came up with her lore but as per the rules of this masterpost I can’t write about it until it’s out smh.. Ah I forgot that I already spilled that she is a goddess/demi-goddess (haven’t decided which yet) so yea that’s the Tea.
Described as very beautiful, there are rumors of her that state she is a pathway to Elysium (despite many people not deserving to go to Elysium). She is also known for her stoic face and a red bird that follows her around.
Diana is only found smiling with Akko and keeps buying Akko clothes despite her outer grievances each time Akko destroys something.
Diana was there with her mother at Chariot’s speech/performance.
Diana is skilled with any weapon.
Akko sketch-dump
Akko is a shapeshifter who travels with Diana across Greece in search for her idolized Chariot. Trusting both Diana’s skills and powers, Akko decides that Diana is the best choice to help achieve her goal as they adventure together.
Orphaned at a young age, Akko is, at first, very unfamiliar with how exactly to use her powers because there was no one around to teach her. She uses a bird most often because it is her first and most skilled transformation, but eventually learns to use stronger animals over time. Also eagle-vision is much more useful to Diana when they’re scoping the grounds anyway.
Like all shapeshifters, Akko has a symbol on her neck that signifies what she is. Due to the high prejudice against shapeshifters, Akko stays an animal to avoid being known, and also does not transform in front of others unless to kill them. If she has to be a human, Akko commonly wears a hood to hide her neck. 
Akko is one of the last shapeshifters to exist, and, despite Chariot being rumored to have finally been murdered, she still believes Chariot is alive. 
Akko was with her parents when they all attended Chariot’s final speech/show and here began her dream.
Akko can use a dagger if she needs to.
Akko’s Parents: Shapeshifters who were murdered when Akko was a young age.
Chariot: A shapeshifter who somehow had a voice and power that even normal people listened to. Akko idolizes Chariot because, despite the hate against shapeshifters, Chariot was well known and was an activist for shapeshifters despite the danger upon her head. Chariot mysteriously disappears one day for reasons unknown, and everyone but Akko assumes she was finally murdered.
Shapeshifters are defined as humans who possess the ability to transform to any animal at will. Unfortunately, because animals were seen as less than human, shapeshifters were defined as “punished by the gods” and so many decided shapeshifters needed to be removed from the world for sin. This causes a massacre of shapeshifters to the point that they are instead a rarity.
Shapeshifters do not transform with their clothes, and so either destroy them or lose them depending on their transformation.
All shapeshifters have a symbol on their neck which is what is used to find them. They can also be found by their human personalities/characteristics when they are an animal. 
If weakened, shapeshifters return to their human form and cannot transform until they are stronger.
Meeting (Comes with a 500 word story!)
Misthios!Diana and Shapeshifter!Akko Sketch-dump
Diana and Bear!Akko
Fancy Diakko (the first continuity error lol)
Diana and Akko adventure together and do all of their quests together as a rag-tag chaotic duo. God I’m so excited for this section I wish I could make art FASTER but anyway:
They meet at about 17 years old but the main story takes place when they are 18+
The two get off to a wrong start when Diana saves Akko’s life. Because Akko is a shapeshifter, she’s high in value to kill probably by some cult idk but there is always a bounty on her head. When Diana saves her, Akko assumes Diana only did so to steal the drachmae from the original perpetrators, but Diana really just leaves her alone afterwards. Confused, Akko legit just starts tagging along LMAO she finds Diana interesting and so follows her and Diana’s just like what the fuck but eventually she gets over it. They become powerful assets to each other as Diana can now scope the skies with Akko and Akko is pretty much protected under Diana. Then when Akko gets much stronger Diana gets extra manpower and protection too. 
Akko enjoys staying in her human form to spend time with Diana.
Diana keeps buying Akko clothes just because it makes Akko happy (and also, despite Akko uncaring because her transformations are so frequent anyway, Diana doesn’t want her to be naked??)
Diana is easily persuaded by Akko and puts Akko’s interests first (feeds her first, considers what Akko would want, etc.)
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giovanniis · 5 years
what  is  UP  my  pals  ,  mis  amigos  .  my  name  is  dab  and  i’m  ur  new  bff  .  besides  that  ,  i’m  also  twenty  ,  use  she/they  pronouns  ,  and  am  kickin’  in  over  here  in  pst  !  under  the  cut  ,  i’m  gonna  ramble  probably  a  lot  about  my  son  ,  giovanni  .  (  spoiler  alert  :  he’s  a  dumbass  who  only  ever  wants  to  talk  about  hockey  .  )   DMISMDA  anyways  .  pls  give  this  a  LIKE  if  u’d  like  to  plot  and  i  will  come  RUNNING  !  my  d*scord  is  𝒅𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒊_420#1971  if  u  wanna  hmu  there  !  i’m  gonna  shut  up  here  now  so  i  can  start  babbling  more  below  hehe
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chicago’s very own GIOVANNI NARCISO has been spotted on madison avenue driving a range rover , welcome ! your resemblance to shawn mendes is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty-second birthday bash  . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re stubborn , but being ambitious might help you . i think being a leo explains that .  3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be the sharpened blades of a pair of ice skates, hockey memorabilia everywhere, and late night escapades . 
╰  *  MINI STATS  !
FULL NAME  :  giovanni  noel  narciso  
NICKNAME(S)  :  gio  ,  g
AGE  :  twenty - two
GENDER  +  PRONOUNS   :  cis  male  +  he  /  him
ORIENTATION  :  bisexual   /   biromantic
ZODIAC  :  leo  sun  ,  gemini  rising  ,  pisces  moon  
BIRTHDAY  :  july  26th  ,  1997
PLACE  OF  BIRTH  :  toronto  ,  ontario  ,  canada 
LOVE  LANGUAGE  :  physical  touch  
OCCUPATION(S)  :  professional  hockey  player  for  the  ny  rangers  ,  socialite  
DRINKING  /  DRUGS  /  SMOKING  :  hell  yes  /  no  /  only  weed
TRAITS  :  stubborn  ,  hotheaded  ,  dramatic  ,  standoffish  ,  brash  ,  overemotional  ,  facetious  ,  distant  ,  provocative  ,  inconsistent  ,  unpredictable  ,  gullible  ,  sympathetic  ,  charming  ,  loyal  ,  hypocritical  ,  protective  ,  talented  ,  ambitious  ,  passionate  ,  affectionate  
LIFE  GOAL  :  make  it  to  the  hockey  hall  of  fame  and  be  remembered  as  the  G  O  A  T  
giovanni narciso was born in toronto, canada on july 26th to a world-renowned hockey player and his socialite wife. needless to say, gio lived his life in the spotlight from the moment he was born, and he’s always had everything he’s ever wanted right at his fingertips.
from a young age, gio was encouraged to be active all the time. he started skating almost as soon as he learned how to stand up by himself. it’s no wonder that he had such a knack for it with his father being a hockey legend and the fact that he got so much practice. when his father realized that gio had a natural affinity, he put him onto a club hockey team as soon as he was old enough, and started making gio work with a private coach to give him a one-up on his teammates and everyone else on the ice ( despite the fact that he was only seven when he started ).
because of this, he always felt a lot of pressure to be the best he could possibly be… how could he not ? there were sports reporters showing up to his games to get the scoop on how he was doing, and how he compared to his father, and if he’d ever actually make it in professional hockey.
his parents divorced when he was eleven, and his mom moved to marry a much older, wealthy man in chicago, illinois. so, much to his despair, gio lived his life switching from toronto to chicago. the only constant in his life was hockey. so even though it stressed him the fuck out, it also made him feel at peace. he knew no matter where he was, he could get on the ice and kick everyone’s ass. he spent most of his time in chicago with his mom, and attended school there too, but during holidays or the summertime, he spent his time back up in toronto with his dad.
this really took a toll on his mental health because his mom ?? sorta just forgot about him :/ like … she fought for custody just to spite his dad ? she didn’t actually want gio. this sounds kinda dumb but like … sorta think about cinderella ( #gioella ) and how he suddenly got thrust into an entire new family that didn’t really like him or know how to connect with him. he felt really alone more often than not.
luckily, at sixteen, he was signed to a minor league hockey team in chicago. because of this development, he stopped going out to visit toronto as often ( especially when it was game season ). this caused a lot of buzz in the hockey community because oh my god giovanni narciso, son of a hockey legend, was breaking onto the scene
and it SHOULD’VE STAYED THAT WAY !!!! BUT NO ! gio’s dad had other things in mind. demon.
you see, pretty much all throughout high school, gio was dating kylie. she is the love of his life. there’s never been an ounce of doubt about that fact. the sky is blue and gio loves kylie. like ???
gio proposed to kylie when they were eighteen. fresh out of high school. this made gio’s dad LIVID. he didn’t like kylie or her family or anything about her. gio’s plan, of course, was to say a big fuck you ! and marry her anyways. but it didn’t end up working out like that.
sadly, giovanni’s father did not approve of her. was he a little salty that gio chose to stay in chicago and not visit anymore (even if it was because he was signed there) ? yes. was he incredibly greedy and wanted to cement the narciso name in history too ? aaaabsolutely.
as soon as he was eligible at eighteen, gio had multiple offers from nhl franchises to come play for their teams. he could pick and choose whoever he wanted, basically. he was a real hot commodity. but suddenly, the offers were being ripped right from his hands. and it was all because of his dad’s influence in the hockey world. he basically gave gio an ultimatum: marry kylie, and there was no more hockey. or do as he said, and he could have it all.
it was rushed, haphazardly chosen decision, but gio chose hockey. it had helped him through every rough patch in his life, and it was the one thing he knew he was good at. it’s not like he was exceptionally smart or good at anything else. if it wasn’t hockey, then he wasn’t worth anything. that’s something he honestly believes to this day.
so instead of TALKING THIS THROUGH WITH HER LIKE ANY RATIONAL PERSON WOULD ! he straight up left. packed his shit and left in the middle of the night when kylie was asleep. completely ghosted her. didn’t answer her texts, her calls, nothing. blocked her on everything.
he did as his father told him to, and started dating carolina graham, a nice girl that his father liked a lot better
their relationship was reminiscent of p*te dav*dson and ariana grande’s. they very quickly got engaged and they were the talk of all the tabloids. there wasn’t a moment where they could step out without cameras being shoved in their face. this sky-rocketed gio to socialite status. everyone that didn’t already know him from hockey wanted to know the handsome young man now engaged to carolina
ok now lightning round
when he was twenty-one , he secured the bag with the ny rangers DJSIOAJDOA and got a multi-year contract — one of the biggest contracts in the nhl history, and became one of the youngest captains ever .
* more fun facts about gio n hockey : he plays first string center and is #2 !
since his career was actually stable, he decided to stop having to pretend to be in love with someone, and immediately just broke up with carolina. he said goodbye wifey JDSAODSA  aaaaand now , a year later , he’s livin it up !
also ? 1000% still in love with kylie but THAT is a completely different story he is a #simp
hockey is a rough-around-the-edges type of sport, and that’s reflected in gio’s personality. he’s very charming, and is typically a pretty nice person ? he doesn’t go out of his way to be kind or anything but he’s not gonna start a fight for no reason DSAIJDSADSjDI
he’s terribly stubborn, and once he’s set his mind on something, it will happen no matter what or who he has to do. this could be good because in a way, it just means he’s very ambitious, but it’s also bad because he will do and say things without a thought about how it makes someone feel
narciso is a fitting last name because he’s incredibly full of himself. how could he not be ? he’s the son of a hockey legend, and he’s made a great name for himself too. he’s an amazing athlete, and he knows he’s good looking too. it’s no secret that he’s a little big-headed sometimes.
he has a very short temper. he blows his lid very easily, and will say things he probably doesn’t mean just because he wants to hurt you.
he just??? doesn’t think. he doesn’t have a filter literally at all. will say the first thing that comes to mind always and it’s usually fucking stupid sdjdjas… he’s also a big jokester and very sarcastic 
also has a problem with being honest ? lies about everything? the type of person to smile in your face while he stabs you in the back? will lie when there’s no reason to? you could be like “gio did u eat breakfast” and he’ll be like “ya.” even if he didn’t like… dumb shit. don’t ever trust him about anything
ok so he comes off as cocky like… externally… but inside, he’s really insecure? like he believes that love exists because he’s felt it but he doesn’t…. think it was meant for him, if that makes sense. because every time he loves someone, he fucks it all up. because of this, he has a really poor vision of love n everything. uhhhh can u say trust issues?
he’s also a wh*re . i’m so sorry. lowkey craves affection and fills that void with meaningless hookups and one night stands 
most people think he lives up to the ‘dumb jock’ stereotype, which is something he’s also really insecure about. it’s not that he didn’t try in school. he did to a point, but then he just flat out stopped caring. school was always really difficult for him. he was diagnosed with dyslexia when he was 7, and it always made him feel really out of place in school… to the point where he just stopped caring because all it did was made him feel frustrated and dumb when all he needed was some extra help?
he’s misunderstood
and also just… a whole mess tbh djsaios….
u can find some wanted connections here 
22 notes · View notes
t0ngue-tech · 5 years
All Yours | Seven
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“’Was I not enough for you…?’
Seolhyun parted her lips but hesitated to say anything. She also dropped her head, possibly trying to get everything in her mind organized.
‘Yoongi, I’m so sorry.’ She said sadly.”
↠fluff, angst, universityAU↞
word count: 4.5k
↠series: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ↞
A/N: yall idk what’s gotten into me. i literally just uploaded a story and here i am with the update of all yours lmao. tbh ive also been working on this chapter for a while so tyj i finished it huhu. enjoy ^-^
“Come on, Yoongi. Just text her.” You stood in front of your mirror and adjusted your hoodie.
From the moment you woke up, had a cup of coffee, took a shower, and changed into an outfit, Yoongi spent the entire time debating if he really wanted to text Seolhyun. You agreed to go with him to see her because it was his stipulation, but he was the one hesitating.
“You know what, maybe I don’t need closure. It’s all good.” Yoongi placed his phone on your nightstand and laid back down.
“Ugh. Yoongs.” You grumbled and strode over to sit beside him. “Sure you may not need closure, but I know deep down you want to talk about your feelings. You don’t deserve to be cheated on—nobody does. Please text her.”
Yoongi glared at you for a few seconds before he softened his eyes. He mumbled something along the lines of I hate it when you’re right and reached for his phone but took a detour to grab your hand first.
“So, you promise you’re going to come with me? You’re not going to flake out?” He kept his eyes on your fingers as you lazily grazed the back of his hand.
Could he get any more adorable?
“I promise.” You replied earnestly. “But I start work at three today, so keep that in mind.”
Yoongi squeezed your hand and locked eyes with you. Never in your life did you ever picture yourself to be in this position. He held your hands before, mainly to guide you around places when you were extremely drunk but nothing like this. Yoongi had a sweet look in his eye with a smile to match and you were so sure you were dreaming. Yoongi was perfect. Why would Seolhyun want to cheat on him in the first place?
“Okay. Now, go to class.” Yoongi lifted your hand and kissed it. Your cheeks flared a bit and you probably failed to hide the disappointment in him not kissing you on your lips instead.
“Fine. But go outside and take a walk,” you gave him your dorm key. “You need some sunlight.”
After listening to Yoongi’s bullshit excuse about how sunlight was never necessary for him in the first place, you left his side to slip on your sneakers.
Why can’t time just fast forward to later? I just want Yoongi and Seolhyun to meet already so it can all be over with and done. How am I supposed to even focus in class?!
Yoongi’s voice broke your thoughts and you stood up from your floor. He scooped you by your waist to press your body against his before stealing a long kiss on your lips. You felt your entire body relax and you clutched onto his nape to support yourself.
“You may have more knowledge about people’s behaviors and shit, but I know you well enough that you were waiting for that, right?” Yoongi said with a smirk after breaking the kiss. Your face bloomed crimson and you playfully shoved him a few inches away from you.
“Bye, Yoongi.” You walked away from him with bliss coursing through you and just before you stepped out of your dorm, you caught the satisfied grin on Yoongi’s face.
I will die in this developmental psychology class, I swear.
Time in your psychology class always ticked on like you had nothing else planned for the day. You jotted down chicken scratch notes, promising yourself to fix them up when you had time later; thank goodness your professor put up the lecture slides at 7pm on the same day of class. You began to mindlessly doodle at the bottom of your paper.
So many things could go wrong later.
Three stick figures were drawn at the bottom; one with a crude drawing of a beanie, one with hair just below its “shoulders”, and one with long hair blacked out with your pen. You drew scribbles of symbols around the drawing of the figure with long hair indicating how pissed off Seolhyun would be if she saw you two together.
Ugh. I can hear her voice now.
“Why did you bring her?”
“Unless you were cheating on me first!”
You scribbled all over the drawing and turned over the page.
The same stick figures were drawn at the top this time and instead of symbols, you drew tears coming from the figure with long hair and hearts around the beanie figure; Seolhyun would be in tears, apologizing and begging Yoongi for forgiveness and he would play right into her and fall in love all over again.
This time, you fiercely scribbled over the drawing.
Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Like clockwork, you drew the stick figures. Hearts were drawn around the beanie and medium haired figures while the last one had a giant X covering its face; Seolhyun is completely cut out of the picture and forced to watch how lovey-dovey you and Yoongi were.
This drawing caused your face to heat up a little. There was no way Yoongi would show any affection towards you in front of her because he wasn’t the type to purposely make matters worse.
One last time the figures were drawn back onto your paper and this time, you drew speech bubbles with squiggly lines inside that ended with periods and a few exclamation points. The most likely scenario would be a calm conversation with a few outbursts between Yoongi and Seolhyun. The last thing anyone would want is making a huge scene in front of everyone—
Wait, I don’t even know where they’re meeting!
[10:32] You: hey, where are you two going to have this conversation anyway??????????
Yoongi’s reply came through like lightning.
[10:33] Yoongz: You know the benches outside of the library?
[10:33] Yoongz: There.
Great. We’re going to be in public…
His texts didn’t stop there.
[10:35] Yoongz: I told her to meet me at 11:15 so that you have time to be here before she comes.
[10:35] Yoongz: I’ll be wearing the light brown coat you gave me for my birthday and the blue beanie you hate so much
[10:36] Yoongz: You’ll be able to find me pretty easily.
That damn beanie.
The mental image of Yoongi in the blue beanie made you snicker, but you quickly cleared your throat realizing you were in class laughing to yourself like an idiot.
[10:40] You: okay. i’ll see you then
[10:40] You: fuk that beanie doe omfg.
“So you’re seriously going to be there? With Yoongi and Seolhyun? Possibly arguing in front of you? Right in front of your salad?!”
Walking to the library, you gave Hani a quick call to update her with everything that had happened since you told her about Seolhyun cheating on Yoongi.
“Yes, right in front of my salad.” You laughed. “To be honest, I’m kind of scared. Like why did Yoongi have to say he kissed me! Actually… I don’t know what would be worse, her knowing the truth or his lie.”
“Either way she’s going to raise hell, but if you need me, you call and I’ll come running!”
You smiled softly. Hani was serious in the most endearing way possible.
“I know—” Yoongi’s blue beanie stood out at a table underneath one of the large trees. “Yoongi’s there. I’ll call you later Hani or better yet, I work at three so you can come to the coffee shop anytime after that and I’ll update you on what happens.”
“Okay. Be safe. I love you!”
“I love you, too.”
You took a deep breath and approached Yoongi who had two cups of coffee and two sandwiches sitting in front of him. As much as you hated that damn beanie, he still looked as handsome as ever.
“Hi, Yoongs.” You smiled.
Yoongi instantly smiled at the sight of you. “Hey—no, sit by me.” He reached for your hand to stop you from sitting across from him and tugged you over to sit beside him instead.
The action startled you and almost made you lose your footing, but Yoongi supported you by the waist to let you sit down without injury.
“Th-Thanks.” You stuttered.
“Oh, here you go by the way.” He handed you a paper gift bag that he probably stole from your closet. “You left your work shirt and shoes. There’s also a water bottle in here because you need actual hydration and not just coffee swimming throughout your bloodstream.”
Everything he mentioned was sitting neatly inside the bag and your smile was impossible to hide. You’ve been nervous and jittery about meeting with Seolhyun that you completely forgot about your work clothes. Yoongi was a life saver.
“Thank you, Yoongi.” You breathed.
“Of course. Now eat, you didn’t even have breakfast this morning.”
As you had brunch, you spent the time complaining to Yoongi about how developmental psychology makes you want to jab multiple pens in your eyes. He argued that you say that about every class you have and even flicked your forehead.
“You’re doing great though, so keep on keepin’ on.” Yoongi rubbed the spot he flicked with the pad of his thumb.
You felt the weight of your school work elevate at the touch of his finger. Yoongi had the power to relieve any stress that you had in the palm of his hand and it amazed you. Maybe this was just the effect of you being whipped for him for almost a year. It sounded pathetic, but you enjoyed it nonetheless.
Both you and Yoongi tore your eyes away from each other to find Seolhyun standing at the opposite side of the table with her arms folded across her chest. Her eyebrows were furrowed and daggers shot from her eyes right into your own. The aura that came off of her was no less than intimidating and you felt as if your soul left your body.
“What is she doing here?!” Seolhyun barked as she took a seat.
“I asked her to come so just leave her be.” Yoongi spat.
You silently observed Seolhyun’s outfit; she wore a casual black dress that stopped above mid-thigh and had a deep v-neck line. A cream cardigan hugged her frame and she even made time to put on makeup and curl your hair. If your suspicions were correct, she dressed that way on purpose to use her looks to win back Yoongi somehow. Seolhyun was honestly gorgeous which made you nervous. What if it reeled him back in? 
She cleared her throat again and avoided eye contact with Yoongi. “Thank you for meeting with me.” Her voice grew softer and softer towards the end of her sentence and she fiddled with the ends of her hair. This gave off a vulnerable look, almost “cute”. 
“Okay.” Yoongi said sharply.
The tension in the air was suffocating and all you wanted to do was run away, but Yoongi kept his hand on your knee underneath the table to keep you at bay.
“So? Anything else you need to say?” Yoongi kept the same tone of voice, annoyed. He truly didn’t want to be here.
“Sigh. I’m sorry okay? God, can we just talk without you being mad at me?!” Seolhyun raised her voice a bit.
“Of course I’m mad! How the hell am I supposed to be feeling? You cheated on me!” Yoongi raised his voice as well and you were even more nervous. You three were sitting in public with students walking by and you were praying to God that everyone was just minding their own business.
“Y-You cheated on me too! You—!” She pointed at him. “—kissed her!” Her finger was now on you.
Yoongi furrowed his brows and squeezed your knee. “Alright, fine. I kissed her once and like I said, I knew I had to tell you because I was feeling so fucking guilty about what I did. You were my girlfriend, Seolhyun! I had to be honest with you.”
Seolhyun tightly pursed her lips together, probably stopping herself from saying anything else.
“How…” Yoongi breathed. “How long have you been…”
Your eyes softened at the sight of Yoongi faltering. He didn’t want to say it. You reached beneath the table to hold that had that was on top of your knee. Instantly, you watched his shoulders relax.
“Um…” Seolhyun chewed on her bottom lip and picked at the skin around her nails. “Just-Just once..”
“Don’t you think Yoongi deserves a lot more honesty that?” You boldly questioned. Talking was never part of your agenda, but it’s true, he deserved to know the truth after tearing himself apart from agonizing over his self-worth.
“Excuse me?” Seolhyun stared you down and you couldn’t back down no matter how much you wanted to.
“I–I don’t think you’re telling him the truth.” You tried to sound confident, but your stutter gave it away.
Seolhyun scoffed and crossed her arms. “Who do you think you—”
“She’s right. I don’t think you’re telling me the truth either.” Yoongi interjected. “For Seung Ho to talk to y/n about our situation kind of shows how close you two really are.”
“My thoughts exactly.” You said softly.
Seolhyun aggressively scratched the back of her head. “Ugh. Two months!” She blurted out. “Two-fucking-months! There’s the truth! Happy now?”
Your eyes widened then turned to Yoongi who was looking in Seolhyun’s direction with an empty expression. After remaining quiet for about a minute, a low chuckle pushed past his lips.
“Is that why we’ve been fighting so much lately?” There were hints of both sadness and anger in his tone. “This was why you’ve been so short with me? You would cut our dates short—it was because you would rendezvous with Seung Ho?”
“Y-Yoongi.” You whispered and gently rubbed the back of his hand, trying to calm him down.
“Do you know what the fuck I’ve been going through because of this?! I continuously questioned what I was doing wrong—was I not making you happy anymore? Did I do something to piss you off? Was I not buying you enough flowers on the weekends? Altering my class schedule to match yours wasn’t enough? Skipping class to spend time with you? I talked my friends’ ears off trying to figure out why I didn’t seem important in your eyes anymore…” Yoongi kept his head down and squeezed your hand to the point where his nails could draw blood from your skin. “Was I not enough for you…?”
Seolhyun parted her lips but hesitated to say anything. She also dropped her head, possibly trying to get everything in her mind organized.
“Yoongi, I’m so sorry.” She said sadly.
For the first time in a while, she sounded genuine.
“You were enough for me, but I—I guess… I guess I was being selfish and I wanted more.” Seolhyun lifted her eyes in search of Yoongi’s but he still kept his head down.
“You could’ve told me.” Yoongi choked out. “You could’ve talked to me about how you were feeling and maybe—maybe things could’ve worked out.”
It was your turn to lower your head. This was truly an issue between Yoongi and Seolhyun. There was no reason for you to inject yourself into the conversation anymore.
“Is there any way we could work past this?” Seolhyun asked.
Yoongi finally met her eyes. “No. No way in hell.”
He fumbled with your hand to let go and reached into his pocket to pull out his keyring and wallet. He detached Seolhyun’s dorm key and pulled out a polaroid photo of her from inside his wallet. “Here. I don’t need these anymore.”
Yoongi reached back underneath the table in search of your hand and you stealthy met him halfway.
“Please. Just go, Seolhyun. We’re done here.” Yoongi said firmly.
Seolhyun sat there for a couple seconds and then reached forward to retrieve her belongings. As she stood up from the table, she kept her eyes on Yoongi hoping he would say something else, but he remained silent. Shortly after, Seolhyun took her leave without Yoongi sparing her a single glance.
Even with the hustle and bustle of students walking all over campus, the world had never been so quiet. Yoongi had his head down, face buried in the crook of his elbow while still holding onto your hand. You weren’t sure when was the best time to speak, so you kept quiet waiting for him to break the silence first.
It almost physically hurt staring at Yoongi. He had been bottling up so many painful emotions to the point where it almost consumed him. He didn’t deserve to go through this.
“Y/n?” Yoongi finally spoke, but the rest of his sentence was muffled behind his coat sleeve.
“I-I’m sorry, Yoongi. I can’t really hear you.”
“Thank you for coming with me.” He turned his head and made heavy eye contact with you. “Saying all those things… I don’t think I would've been able to do it on my own, but you being here gave me strength to do so.”
His words caused a noticeable blush to form on your cheeks. He chuckled and sat up straight to tuck a few of your hairs behind your ears.
“I think you have enough time left to get to your next class from here. I’ll walk you.” Yoongi lifted you up by your arm and you almost didn’t want to go to class. All you wanted was to sit around and hold his hand all day. The thought of that made you blush even more and this made Yoongi laugh a little harder. “What’s the matter with you? Come on.”
Unfortunately, Yoongi didn’t hold your hand when he walked you to class. This was probably because it felt too soon to do so in public. It’s not like he and Seolhyun were the campus couple, but people might get the wrong idea if they knew they were dating.
After the whole thing with Yoongi and Seolhyun, it made it even harder for you to concentrate. Now that they were broken up, who knows if Yoongi still had anymore underlying feelings for her. They were together for a year, so there had to be some leftover right? Plus, Yoongi made a comment the other night about how he thought about why you kissed him and that he “figured it out.” This meant a whole new conversation, a whole new reason to be nervous.
Fucking great.
This was a conversation you weren’t looking forward to. You needed to prepare yourself somehow, but it seemed like no matter how much you could mentally prepare yourself, you still wouldn’t be ready. After knowing Yoongi for roughly a little over two years and falling for him like an idiot, never in your life did you imagine him finding out about how you felt about him.
You would be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t even a little happy. You kissed Yoongi, held his hand, and even shared a bed with him with your feelings unknowingly exposed in the air. It made you giddy; butterflies roaming around in your stomach, fighting the urge to smile whenever you thought about him. If only the circumstances were different, life would’ve been near perfect for you.
Class dragged on, notes were written down, doodles were drawn, and next thing you knew, you were tying your work apron around your waist.
“Where’s Yoongi? He didn’t walk you here?” Seokjin asked.
“Nah. His energy gauge was pretty much empty by the time he was done talking with Seolhyun so he decided to just nap for a few hours.”
“Okay, so, what’s the tea?” Seokjin stood near you, eagerly waiting for you to tell him all the juicy details.
You playfully shoved him away and walked over to the espresso machine. “I’m not saying anything until Hani gets here.”
“Aw, come on, y/n. She won’t be here till like five or something!”
You chuckled to yourself and continued to ignore all of Seokjin’s pleads for information.
The moment Hani walked through the coffee shop doors, the first words she shouted was “okay bitch, bring forth the tea!”—this was said with a shop full of students. You were immediately put on the spot, but Hani’s intentions meant well.
You made sure to include all details of the confrontation when you told Seokjin and Hani about it. You also made sure to keep your voice low because you weren’t sure who knew Seolhyun, Yoongi, or even Seung Ho. This wasn’t your story to tell, but both Hani and Seokjin were there from the beginning so it seemed fitting for them to know it all too.
Evening came just as quickly as your shift started. Hani didn’t mean to stay so late, but she got pretty invested in the situation between Seolhyun and Yoongi. Both you and Seokjin did his best to keep all of Hani’s reactions at bay, but you had to admit, it was entertaining. At least she was nice enough to help the coffee shop employees close up.
“Wouldn’t your knight in shining armor show up by now?” Hani joked. 
“You need to relax—oh, bye!” You chuckled and threatened her with a broomstick and waved two of your co-workers who were heading out.
“It’s true, y/n. He’s supposed to waltz in here and be like ‘my lady, I have arrived. Your chariot awaits.’” Seokjin pranced around the room and even bowed and took your hand in his.
“And by ‘chariot’, you mean his legs right? Because the dorms are within walking distance?” You laughed.
“Well, yes, b-but anyways let me finish,” Seokjin cleared his throat. “So your knight in shining armor swoops in—” he went from holding your hand to picking you up bridal style. “—picks you up and saves you from the dungeon aka the coffee shop! And then Yoongi says—”
“Seokjin, what in zakum’s name are you doing?”
At the mention of his name coming from behind him, Seokjin froze in his tracks and turned around to find Yoongi staring at him with a questionable look.
“I—uh—” Seokjin panicked, almost dropping you on the floor but he still managed to place you back on your feet. “Alrighty-roo, well, Hani—babe, shall we take our leave?”
All Hani could do was laugh until her stomach hurt and Seokjin dragged her out of the coffee shop by her hand; she laughed so much that she could barely properly say bye to you and Yoongi.
“Do I even want to know?” Yoongi asked hesitantly.
“No, you really don’t.”
Yoongi helped you flip up the chairs onto the table while you continued to sweep the floor. As you two cleaned up, you proceeded to tell him about your day and apologized for telling Seokjin and Hani what happened in the afternoon. He brushed it off because he also trusted them.
Unlike your busy day, Yoongi spent his entire day eating, sleeping, and watching netflix; he exaggerated that it was a packed schedule. He even mentioned that Seolhyun still tried to call and text him, but he ignored every single attempt.
“You know, I think she dressed up that way today to lure you back to her with her looks.” You confessed.
“Huh. You think so?” Yoongi walked behind the counter where you were wiping around the sink.
You shrugged your shoulders. “Yeah, I mean, it’s been pretty cold lately and she shows up in an outfit that could barely keep her warm. She curled her hair, put on makeup, like why is doing all of that necessary to meet up with you? It seems so—what?”
Yoongi was just staring at you with a smirk plastered on his face. “Were you worried that it was going to work?”
A blush bloomed on your cheeks. “N-No. I just think it was ridiculous, that’s all.”
He stepped closer and stood behind you, placing his hands on the metal countertop to cage you in between his arms.
“You know, you observe others pretty well but from my observations from knowing you, you kind of suck at lying.” Yoongi laughed and you forced a chuckle out. You weren’t going to even deny it.
From the counter, Yoongi lifted his hands to secure them around your waist, hugging you from behind. You made a few attempts to move around to clean the counter properly, but he remained.
“Yoongi, I have to clean.” You chuckled.
“Just—” He briefly let you go to spin you around so he could hug you from the front. “Five minutes. Let’s stay like this for five minutes, please.”
It was such a genuine request, how could you say no?
Yoongi was leaning into you with his face buried in the crook of your neck. You had your arms lazily slung around his shoulders and just listened to his faint breathing. The blonde tips of his hair tickled your nose a bit, so you gently slide your hand across his nape to brush down his hair. He hugged you tighter at your sudden action and sighed.
“You’re really going to touch me like that, y/n?” The teasing tone in his voice was enough to raise your temperature and cause a blush to appear on your cheeks.
“Y-Yoongi!” You tried to push him away, already feeling embarrassed, but he just continued to hold you.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” Yoongi snickered. “It’s fine, keep touching my hair.”
You were still feeling embarrassed because that was the first time Yoongi used that tone of voice with you. Nonetheless, you listened and continued to stroke his hair. Thankfully he didn’t wear that awful beanie.
Yoongi didn’t say another word and every once in a while, he’d caress your back and readjust himself. Small sparks ignited at the simplest touch and for some reason you wanted to laugh. This was everything you wanted but it did confuse you as to how comfortable Yoongi was doing all of this to you. All you did was kiss him once and the next moment he’s acting as if you two were dating for years.
“Okay, I’m recharged. Continue your cleaning.” He emerged from your body and cupped your cheek. Even if you were the one embarrassed, Yoongi still had a hue of pink displayed at the tops of his cheeks.
For the next ten minutes, you swiftly cleaned up the stations and tossed out the garbage in the dumpster out back. Yoongi waited patiently and even gathered all of your things for you from the back room.
“So you’re opening tomorrow?” Yoongi asked whilst helping you adjust your hoodie.
“Sadly, yeah. So we can talk first then I’ll head straight to bed.”
“We can talk tomorrow, it’s fine. You need your rest.”
Yoongi stole another kiss from you, probably to shut you up and it worked; it left you utterly speechless. You had to get used to this somehow.
“Tomorrow.” Yoongi whispered. “For now, let’s go home.”
There was no doubt that Yoongi was referring to your dorm as home since he stayed there the entire day. The idea of him considering your place as “home” gave you butterflies.
Home was a safe sanctuary. Home was a place where someone can easily unravel themselves to be at peace. Home was where the heart was and Yoongi was there with you.
“Yeah.” You blushed. “Let’s go home.”
♡ rae jagi
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meltedhorror · 5 years
Midsommar; as reviewed by me, a Swede
Okay so! Finally got around to writing this. This might be a long post, but oh well. Obvious spoiler warning.
For those who don’t know, I’m a Swede, born and raised in Sweden, having celebrated Midsummer every year that I’ve been on this earth. So needless to say - I would dare to say I know a bit about Midsummer. BUT I will admit that I may not be the very most knowledgable about how it was celebrated in the past and the exact origins about it. But I’ll try my best.
Midsummer (in Swedish Midsommar) is the celebration of the fertilization of the earth, or the world being reborn anew. The celebration is to ask the gods/spirits to bless us with a good year of harvest and to keep our animals healthy. And thats the rough explanation of it.
So lets get into the movie stuff and see what they got accurate, no?
When our main cast arrive in Sweden and get to... I forgot the name of the place they went to-- I have relatives who come from there. Anyway, they are greeted with people doing drugs, drinking mushroom tea (also drugs) and being greeted by the multiple day celebration and preparation for Midsummer.
I don’t know how it is in other countries, but yes some people do make tea on special mushrooms here, and you do get high on it. You get these mushrooms from cow or horse shit, cause they grow in that, and then you make tea of it. It causes mostly hallucinations. I have friends who do it and I’ve been offered it a few times as well.
I don’t really know how every single person in this country spends their days before Midsummer, some may very well be hanging out doing drugs. But thats not really something majority of people do (surprise surprise).
When it comes to celebrating for a longer time.
It depends on where you are in the country. Some people make a huge thing out of it, celebrating sometimes the entire month, while others (like me) only spend like two days preparing and one day celebrating. It really depends on the people, how many are attending each separate celebration, and if its a local community centre (hembygdsgård in Swedish) thats holding the celebration.
What you do during this preparing time is things like building the majstång (dunno the translation tbh), make the food, depending on where you are make the special clothes for each participant, and a lot of girls pick flowers (we’ll get into that later).
So.. The clothes?
Yes! So we see people wearing these special clothes in the movie, and in this case they’re completely white and have runes on them. Again this depends on where you are and how you celebrate Midsummer if you actually wear these clothes.
Many hembygdsgårdar have them, and a lot of people do wear these clothes. But they come in many variants!
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As you can probably tell, we don’t wear just plain white, but dress pretty colourful for the occasion!
You’d also probably wear a flower crown if you celebrated. Me and my mom always used to make flowercrowns for Midsummer when I was a kid, although they always came out very bad lmfao
So the midsommarstång or majstång?
Ah yes, can’t forget the main piece of the event! And I’m so glad they got it accurate in the movie! Or... Accurate with minor changes lmfao
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(I couldn’t find a better picture I’m sorry)
So in the other two images that are not from the movie, we also have this centre piece I guess I could call it. This is the most important thing in our celebration, and it comes in two variant. The classic symbolism one (I will explain don’t worry) and one thats just a leafy pole with ribbons coming from the top.
The version we see in the movie however is the most common and has huge symbolism. What they did change about it though is that they put runes in the rings, which to my knowledge no one has ever done in this day and age, nor in the past.
Remember how I said Midsummer is the celebration of the rebirth of the earth? The majstång symbolises a penis and a vagina, going into the ground to fertilize the earth and give life anew. Yes. We dance around a massive dick and coochie, what do you do during your summer?
The majstång is made of wood and leafy branches and a lot of the time is held together with steel wire or other sticks that are more bendable. And in my opinion? They nailed it in the movie.
I mentioned the girls picking flowers.
Okay so the day before Midsummer (I’m pretty sure at least) the girls would go out to pick flowers. But you have to do it in a certain way (which I don’t remember honestly) and you have to pick seven types of flowers. You have to walk backwards, and climb and walk a roof, and jump a gärdsgård (type of fence), and... Thats about what I remember.
What you do with these flowers after that is you put them beneath your pillow, and go to sleep before midnight, and then you’ll dream of your future lover.
Did I do this even though I’m a guy? Yes. Did it ever work? Hm... Not sure.
So what do the guys do? I honestly don’t really remember. I’m pretty sure you just go about your day as normal and help with chores and stuff. I might be wrong though.
They do this weird thing with their hands...
So throughout the movie you see the Swedes doing jazz hands I guess you could describe it the best. I’ve given it some thought, and I’m pretty sure what they’re doing is doing a forest clap, or a silent clap. I don’t know how it is in other countries but-
So basically when you’re out in nature you don’t want to disturb it, or you just don’t want to make a lot of noise, you can clap your hands like that. It means the same thing.
How do I know? Cause we got to learn two types of forest claps in school when I was a kid when we were out looking at rocks that got fucked when the great ice moved across the land.
So it might look weird, and I do admit it IS weird, but they are essentially just clapping their hands at things.
Okay, so how about the runes and learning runes?
In the movie they talk about how all the kids learn runes and how they write in runes. This is not something we do, obviously. But we do learn runes in school! Believe it or not, there was a time when I could write fluent runes and translate Swedish into runes.
They also talk about the runes having a great power. And this is actually interesting!
Back in the days of the Vikings, when we wrote in runes for real, they believed that the runes had powers and that if you etched the runes in with a weapon, either the rune got power of the weapon did (don’t remember which one). Thats why the runes do not have curved lines, because it was both difficult to make curves with something you slash at a rock or piece of wood, and you wouldn’t get as much power out of the rune/weapon.
Some runes have specific meanings, but majority of runes you’ll learn or see are just plain out letter you use to create words.
Runes are not inherently connected with Midsummer in the sense they want it to in the movie.
They made two old people jump off a cliff and die.
Okay so me being ever so slightly uncultured didn’t really know what this was either until I watched the movie, however my mom did.
Ättestupa was a way of punishing people, more specifically criminals. Once sentenced to have committed a crime, you could be thrown off this cliff and people would gather around to watch this. Think beheading in France, but instead you throw someone off a cliff.
That’s what my mom knows about it, and we actually live pretty close to one of these spots. However I’m a bit unsure if that was the only thing, as Google wants to tell me otherwise. They may very well have made old people jump, or them deciding themselves to jump.
But I can guarantee this has absolutely nothing to do with Midsummer.
So... THAT scene...
You know what I’m talking about. That one scene that got the entire audience to laugh uncontrollably in my case.
First thing I have to mention about this is that they state she’s Byxmynding, which they did explain as of legal age to have sex in the movie. And thats exactly what it is. Its the age of consent, or rather when you turn the age of consent. You become Byxmynding.
This age is 15 here in Sweden, and it is not legal for someone above the age of 18 to have sex with someone who is 15.
I just wanted to throw that out there.
Now obviously here’s where we step away from what is true and what is fiction and just horror. But I will also say that I’m pretty sure somewhere I’ve read that in the past that during Midsummer there would be orgies to celebrate the rebirth of the earth.
Don’t take my word for it, I may be wrong. But I’m pretty sure that was a thing.
Nowadays a lot of new age people in this country do that however.
The dude hanging from the ceiling with his lungs out his back.
This was a way of torture during the Viking age. You could either do this from the chest or from the back, but the intention was to make it look like you had wings as you were slowly dying.
The dancing around the majstång and the food.
This is something we do, we do dance around the majstång to music. As for the whole dance until you can’t stand anymore because myth of girls dancing to their death thing, I can’t confirm it and I can’t deny it. Its probably something pretty accurate, and I want to remember actually hearing that as a kid when we celebrated in school.
When we dance, depending on where, the people, etc etc, you may have a live band playing things like the fiddle, accordion, guitar, flute, things like that. Or you may just put on a recording of Små Grodorna and jump around to that.
We dance around for a while to the music, maybe play games during it, and then we finish to go eat with our family/friends/other people (Depending how you celebrate)
What we eat is things like herring, surströmming, boiled potatoes, eggs, knäckebröd... Maybe other things too. Personally I’m no big fan of the fish thats served and I usually just eat smoked salmon that I brought myself so I won’t starve.
So... What are my final thoughts about this movie?
I actually really enjoyed it! I could tell they put in good amount of research to make this, and thats always appreciated. Of course Midsummer as a normal thing here is not scary or horrific like in the movie. What I would describe what we see in the movie is cultish, and almost mixed with new age in a way.
They did a great job of depicting it as something strange and twisted, even to an audience who has been raised with this celebration.
I also really appreciate that they hired Swedish actors and actually spoke real Swedish!! It did so much for the movie to me, unlike other films set in Sweden (cough cough The Ritual fuck you thats not Swedish). I don’t know if English speaking who don’t know Swedish get English subtitles on the parts they speak Swedish, but it still does so much. And the dialogue didn’t feel forced or strangely translated, it felt... Natural. Even in a creepy way. But I will admit that a lot of the line delivery was very stiff and robotic.
I enjoyed it. As strange as it is, I enjoyed it.
Oh also the singing you hear throughout I’m pretty sure is a weird mix of Joik, which isn’t inherently Swedish, but eh who cares at this point
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naireides · 5 years
Can you make like a time line of their relationship?
putting it under cut please don’t reblog
they met in an elevator when she was 16 and he was 21 back in australia because the aus film scene is pretty small (fun fact: they’re friends with chris hemsworth and i think ej said that she plays with his kids??)
then a couple years later they were cast on t100 in 2013 and they made a pact to always be close because they were the only 2 aussies there so they had to look out for each other
bob had a girlfriend back in aus while they were filming s1 (jane) but they broke up pretty amicably i think considering she was still friends with his fam afterwards. i know there’s rumours of cheating but at the very most it would have been emotional cheating (which, i doubt but yeah nothing physical)
then sometime in 2014 they started hooking/ became fwbs which lasted until 2015 where they then ended things after sdcc but before s3 started filming/ very very early on in the filming of s3 (this was confirmed by multiple people associated with the show back in 2016)
yes the cast knew about it (see devon circa 2014/2015)
things ended because as far as i know someone wanted more (to be in an actual relationship) and the other person didn’t. i really don’t know which one because for this i’ve heard conflicting things like oh bob wanted more and she didn’t that’s why he got into a serious relationship just a few months after or oh ej wanted more and bob didn’t but he got in a relationship after and she was pissed/ the woman scorned and that’s why they were like that late 2015 going into 2016, etc etc
yeah tons of drama
anyway this is why 2015-2016 was so anti blarke and why b and e were never seen at cons together like they’re the shows leads but they weren’t seen together for that entire period at all
dec 2015 bob did a con in australia (i believe it was december) and that’s where he met ar.ryn. ar.ryn cheated on her then bf with bob (this was confirmed by her ex and i wish i would find the link again) (she also stole his dog too lmao)
b and a started dating in 2016 and after the whole bellarke shit moment b and e started trying to be friends again (e posted a pic with her, bob, ellie and ar.ryn on ig)
pretty much quiet throughout 2017 and most of 2018. e had a couple flings but no one stuck. b and a were still dating even though she was always a bit insecure of b an e’s relationship
latter half of 2018 e started dating william which really honestly wasn’t as serious as some of y’all made it seem they dated for a few months, ej called the paps on them to take pics that one time, and then they broke up amicably in december
for ej’s birthday last year (late october) bob gave her a custom made letterman jacket that he had personalized for her and matched his one
this part is purely spec on my part but i think this is what finally caused b and a to break like i know they were having trouble since last november/ december but (again, just me speculating) i think that jacket sort of served as a catalyst for it because she’s always been insecure about b and ej’s relationship (which, i guess was for good reason lmao but at the same time if i was in her position i would have broken up long before?? i’m not gonna sit around for almost 4 years and be insecure over someone)
anyway bob and ar.ryn broke up in late jan/ early feb right after the t100 s6 wrap party.
this deserves it’s own point because some people are spreading nasty rumours but there was no physical cheating
ar.ryn posted a lot of stuff about being gaslighted and how she was betrayed etc but tbh that’s just her being dramatic and looking for trouble so just ignore her
after the break up b stayed with ej for a little bit before getting his house back. he and ej started their relationship soon after and they were together for conaggedon
i forgot to mention this but at the last con ej did someone saw the ring on her finger and she said that she was engaged
last month on may 6th (according to the ig page associated with their wedding venue) they eloped in hawaii and they both posted about it last night on june 7th
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dnawield--a · 4 years
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@builtperil​ asked: “ ;;  he he he he u make ben too STUPID. ( * is someone who never watched ben 10 * ) -- BUT since I'm here, please indulge for us why he's like that? :eyes: (( g-genuinely I promise, I'd love 2 hear your thoughts )) “
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Nah I’m kidding. Ben isn’t actually stupid despite how much I call him most variations of the word. Ben has shown time and time again throughout the series that he IS very clever, and to a certain extent, he IS good in school. His worst class is physics and he still manages a B in that class, which really does say a lot about when he CAN actually focus on studying (another reason why he adored Julie- she was super smart and helped him with studying and was sooooo patient with him).
At the end of the day, there’s a list of reasons why Ben does some of the things he does. The shit posty stuff isn’t actually shit post- he’s got Pica. Ben eats weird things, but they are weird things that don’t bother his sensitivity to taste and texture. The things he eats that stem from him having Pica are dirt and paper. I think there was a third thing, but I don’t remember TBH! Dirt and paper aren’t textures that make him go, “bad! bad!!! bad bad bad!!!” which is why he also enjoys eating it. Not really for the taste- sometimes he just. Had to eat dirt. It’s an overwhelming need, and he’s aware of how weird it looks, but he’s just,”I do Not care. I NEED to eat this dirt right now or I will die.”
This also devolves into him and his smoothy tastes. I forgot where I read it or remembered it from, but he doesn’t drink the same smoothy twice. At least, not in the same day. It has to be a different flavor if he’s having his second or eleventh. There’s no reason for this that’s stated as far as I know, but since I headcanon as ADHD (and since I am also ADHD and have this obnoxious trait), he purposely does this ‘cause of some dumb shit he’s done in the past with foods that he liked. Pretty much, if he REALLY wants to eat one thing, he will eat the same thing with nothing else until he just is on the verge of puking if he has to be near it. This only pertains to certain flavors rather than food though. There’s certain smoothy flavors he can’t go near anymore ‘cause he drank so many for an extended period of time that the very SMELL of them make him nauseous. Gwen and Kevin hate his weird smoothy flavor options, but he doesn’t feel like explaining that the mango smoothies they wanted make him want to vomit the second the small gets to his nose, so if they wanted normal smoothies, they should’ve bought it.
Then there’s just his. Chaotic nature. I’ll be real, his chaotic tendency didn’t stem too much into left field until Omnive/rse. Could be due to character regression ‘cause the writing with him was a lil all over the place (though also I got my own beef with UA Ben but that’s another field I won’t go into until my rewatch of UA which I am absolutely putting off for MANY reasons aside from the three episodes i went back to watch SOLELY cause I remember them being good and not making me outright visceral and angry), but honestly, he’s just. Tired. All of AF he was fighting aliens and having to be quiet about the matter. Then some tween blew his secret and now the entire cosmos just STARES at him and critiques everything he does. When he’s trying to be a good hero, he’s criticized. When he’s show boating, he’s criticized (which is fine but like it’s just another moment on the list). When he’s trying to help multiple people at once and they are handled a teeny bit rough ‘cause he’s literally trying to get several people out of a burning building that the fire department is DESPERATELY trying to put out faster, he’s criticized. When he’s just being a normal teenager,  he’s criticized. When he dares to be a teenager that has a powerful device attached to his wrist, he’s blasted on a major broadcasting channel and screamed about how he can’t be trusted and how he’s a true menace and will betray everyone.
He doesn’t let it show, but after a while, some people DO just go too far and he’s just. Unable to care anymore. Fine. Which is why he’s all over the place with how he reacts to things. Sometimes he takes a very serious approach to it because at the moment, he doesn’t feel like it’s appropriate to be snarky. Other times, his own coping mechanism kicks in and he HAS to make extremely inappropriate quips, jokes, or banter. And then other times, he goes only on instinct and makes very dangerous decisions that FEEL right (and in the long run, do end well, but usually at the cost of whatever sense of self preservation).
There’s also the nagging sensation of, y’know, the entire Universe he is in being a copy he had to make because he was too late to save his original Universe. There’s the constant feeling that it literally doesn’t matter what he does because he ALREADY failed the first time. He’s wondering, “Wait did I die twice or did I forget to remake that part of the Universe?” because the change of the smoothies seem different to him (which in fact they ARE the same, but his brain refuses to accept he, a human by default, managed to recreate an entire fucking Universe), he can’t just...forget this isn’t his original Universe, and he genuinely hopes one day it WILL taste the same. Though he’s also scared of that ‘cause then he’s going to be like, “wait no I can’t forget the old Universe. Those were my original friends. These guys are all copies. What if I changed something that’s gonna change their whole future? what if-” and he’s just. Constantly racing with a lot of ‘what if’ questions, and it does actually stress him out to the max. However, since the last thing he wants is for the media to know he does, in fact, feel anxiety ‘cause then his critics are gonna use that against him, and while he fucks around with Harangue, it has taken a toll.
So, his logic behind behind so feral and chaotic is literally: “Okay, but like, I WILL be chaotic all the time so you become SO USED to me being chaotic that you will get tired of it and just accept it as the norm! Which works for me ‘cause I do Not know how to cope with my trauma in a less destructive way, so therefore, I am forever the helpful menace to society because I am stressed 25/7 but since I have no more privacy unless I actively FIGHT for it, I literally don’t get to cope and I don’t even know how to because I have not yet accepted my entire summer when I was ten has left me very messed up in the head and I genuinely think what happened that summer was the best thing to have happened to me. Also I haven’t slept i 12 days and I’ve been able to hear time and it’s very stressful.”
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fma-facts · 7 years
FMA Live Action Movie: Full Summary/Review
Alright, now that I’m home, I’ll try to give a detailed report on the FMA live action movie. All of this information comes from the premiere screening at Anime NYC. The movie has not been released in Japan yet, and there is no information about a publicly available U.S. release yet either. Also keep in mind that I have a bad memory and also wasn’t able to pay 100% attention during the movie because I was extremely uncomfortable the whole time due to the positions I had to sit on in order to see the screen as someone who’s Ed’s height, so there might be things I missed or remembered wrong, and a lot of this is fairly subjective. Anyone else who saw the movie is welcome to share additional comments!
First of all, it’s important to note that the plot is very different from the manga, and even from both anime. I know a lot of you will immediately start whining and condemning the movie over this, but I don’t think it’s in any way bad, just different. If you go into it thinking of it as an AU (like Crimson Elixir, etc.), rather than judging it on how well it adapts the manga plot, I think you’ll find it very enjoyable. The characters and overall feel of it felt true to FMA, and although the visuals didn’t look exactly like the anime, I think they had a wonderful charm of their own and a fantastic look that I really loved.
With that said, here's a basic plot summary/list of plot differences, as far as I can remember:
Ed and Cornello fought actually like, in the middle of Reole instead of in the church, and it was a lot more of a spectacle with a lot more destruction than in the manga/anime. Roy and co. also showed up towards the end, with Roy being the one to demonstrate that the Stone was a fake.
Winry showed up very early on, and stayed throughout the rest of the movie.
Elicia wasn’t in the movie; Gracia was pregnant at the time. Maes was assigned to some sort of internal surveillance mission at East HQ, so he and Gracia were given a house to stay in in East City for the duration of his investigation. The Elrics and Winry stayed with them for at least one night, I’m not sure how long exactly.
Roy wasn’t the one to introduce the Elrics to Tucker, but rather General Hakuro. I’m... still not exactly sure why..? I’m unclear on how much Hakuro knew and what his motives were at the beginning.
Additionally, Tucker was the one who told the Elrics about Marcoh. Ed and Winry went to find Marcoh, while Al stayed behind so Tucker could experiment on him. No, really! Ed and Winry knew about it, too. ???? And then Marcoh, uh, kinda got murdered by Lust while Ed and Winry were there.
While they were off doing that, Tucker did some sort of uh, mysterious coma-inducing alchemy that I’m still not entirely clear on on Al. He also was the one to prompt Al’s existential crisis, talking about alchemists planting false memories in humans; There was a moment where Al said Tucker’s alchemy was making him feel weird (his exact words were “hot all over” and later “dizzy”), and Tucker said, “Maybe it’s your soul rejoining your body... Or maybe it’s your fake memories being erased.” Because every good alchemist has no clue what their transmutations are actually doing, right? Thanks, Mr. Tucker! 👍
Hughes and Ross both helped Ed with his attempts to decipher Marcoh’s notes, but Al didn’t. Ed forbade Al from helping him because it was “dangerous”, and neither he nor Winry explained to Al exactly what Marcoh told them or what happened. ??????????????????????
After they shot Hughes, Envy transformed into Roy in order to frame him for the murder. Which was a pretty bad move on Envy’s part, since a. Roy, obviously, would know he did not murder Hughes, and b., Roy was the one Hughes had been calling in the first place, so he had a solid alibi. They also didn’t transform into Ross at any point during the murder; Roy was the one to say the iconic “Lieutenant Ross has a mole under her left eye” line during a later fight, which also seems to be pretty much the only reason she was in the movie at all. 
Lab 5 wasn’t just abandoned, it wasn’t even listed as ever having existed. Eventually they managed to figure out that it did exist, under the guise of a POW camp, which was also how they’d been getting the sacrifices for the Stone. 
Towards the end Tucker kidnapped Al and Winry and brought them to lab 5 and... I’m not entirely sure why..? Like, he was being all ~villainous~ and all that, but I don’t remember him actually having any purpose to any of that or doing anything other than being like “Look Ed! The government is doing human sacrifice stuff! Crazy, am I right?” And then I think he died or something, idk. I forgot.
Shortly after, General Hakuro showed up, and activated the mannequin soldiers (which were creepy as hell, by the way, definitely one of the most disturbing things I’ve seen in a movie in a long time). I guess he wanted to take over the military or something, I dunno, but unsurprisingly he got eaten. He basically played the role of both General Gardner and that one other general whose name I forgot who activated the mannequin soldiers, right down to the “Do you know why human transmutation is illegal?” speech (with Olivier in this case being replaced by Ed).
I honestly don’t remember what happened after that entirely, because by that point my legs were going numb and my ankles hurt and I had to just give up on reading the subtitles, but in any case Roy fought Envy and Lust. Also, remember when everyone was losing their minds over the scene where Al protects Riza from the flames like in the original Lust fight? Yeah, as I suspected that wasn’t Riza, it was Winry.
Roy actually pulled out Lust’s Stone and gave it to Ed. Then Ed did some weird thing where it seemed like he was going to use it to get Al’s body back, and he did go to the Gate, but instead of actually using it he just had the “Alphonse! I’ll come back for you! Wait for me!” scene, only Al’s body didn’t say anything and mostly just sat there with his hair covering his face. Then Ed came back, apparently having not done anything, and told Al and Winry what he saw. (This was immediately met with, “Really? You saw my body? Do I look good? Am I taller than you?” god bless Al and his ridiculous ego omg)
Some things I liked about the movie:
A lot of the dialogue was almost word for word straight from the original series, albeit sometimes in different contexts.
Far from being dry and humorless, it actually had some fantastic comedic moments that were very true to the manga. Some old running gags (Ed’s height, people mistaking Al for the Fullmetal Alchemist) were included, but never overdone, with less jokes repeated in the entire two hours or so of the movie than there were in the 30 minutes of the first episode of Brotherhood. The jokes felt very well integrated with the rest of the movie, too, although most of them were at the beginning with few jokes towards the middle and climax of the movie. My favorite joke was probably when Ed transmuted something ridiculous and ugly, as usual, and Al actually put his hands on his head in dismay at Ed’s aesthetic taste. Everyone in the room laughed at that.
The acting was fantastic! Everyone was great, honestly, I was going to give my favorite but that would just be all the major characters. That being said, it’s definitely clear how much effort Yamada put into trying to make his Ed true to the manga. 
Al’s armor looked just like the original, and even though he was entirely CGI without so much as an on-set stand-in, he felt seamlessly integrated with the rest of the acting. There’s even an entire fight scene between him and Ed that seemed totally flawless. I’m really in awe of how well they did Al.
The overall aesthetic was really nice, imo.
The movie was very character-driven, with a lot of focus on Ed and Al’s relationship.
There was a fantastic moment shortly after Roy was framed where Ed and Hawkeye were being held in a room, awaiting questioning, with armed guards posted outside. During an outside-the-room shot, Riza yelled “No, don’t! You can’t escape!”, and the guards rushed in to find the window open, but when they looked outside, nobody was there... and when they turned around, Ed and Riza were both standing behind them. The two of them immediately knocked the guards unconscious and made their escape.
Things I disliked:
The CGI wasn’t terrible (and like I said, Al was fantastic), but the realism wasn’t all that. It couldn’t hold a candle to most Hollywood films, tbh, which is sad. I wish they had better tech.
In some cases the plot felt kind of rushed and non-sequitur.
Rose didn’t appear, nor did any named soldiers other than Mustang, Hawkeye, Hughes, Hakuro, and Ross (who as I mentioned only seemed to be there for the line about her mole)... Yet for some reason the snack bar guy from Reole was there? Like, right down to the hat and moustache. I’m not complaining, I like him, but like... why did they include him but no other minor characters? Weird.
Although most of the characters were good, Roy felt very flat to me. It felt like he was weirdly serious and didn’t have a lot of character other than being The Military Guy, and there wasn’t really any discussion of his hidden depths, or his plan to become Fuhrer. His only funny moment was in Reole, when he looked at the ugly thing Ed transmuted and went, “What the hell did you create..?”
There were a lot of parts of the plot where Ed and Al were separated (or more accurately, Al was left out of what Ed and Winry were doing) for seemingly kind of half-assed excuses. :/
This is really nitpicky, but even though everything about Al looked perfect, his eyes were way closer to yellow-orange than red/pink like they’re supposed to be. It’s such a minor thing, but it wound up really bothering me and frustrating me a lot...
There were multiple scenes of Ed sleeping, yet none of them had him with his shirt pulled up and his hand on his belly. WHY, YAMADA, WHY. I THOUGHT YOU DID YOUR RESEARCH. SMH
Misc. things:
Ed had so much angst about Al it was almost laughable, tbh. 
Before the movie started, there was a pre-filmed message from Ryosuke Yamada and Hiromu Arakawa (with her face censored, of course) in which they discussed the movie. (From what I’ve heard I think it might be the same as the one that was shown at Anime Expo in LA.) Yamada talked about how hard it was filming with Al without having anything to actually look at, and Arakawa said it was so good she actually thought there had been a stand-in Al when there in fact wasn’t. She also said that her favorite scenes were, iirc, the fight between Roy and Lust and the fight between Ed and Al. She also said that the movie took events from early in the manga and expanded on them considerably, such as Tucker and Nina.
Also before the movie started, Fumihiko Sori spent a long time like... basically trying to placate the “Waaaah, but FMA is white people!” type of people. :/ 
During his Q&A, Sori said that he’d been a fan of FMA pretty much since it started being serialized, and that he always wanted to do a movie, but figured Hollywood would get to it first with their superior tech. It wasn’t until about 5 years ago that he thought that maybe Japan could really pull it off. He said that Arakawa gave him a ton of freedom with the script, and that she might actually be the person who most desperately wants a sequel, lol. When asked if there were other anime/manga he’d like to adapt into movies, he replied that there were, but he couldn’t say which ones.
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kettlewrites · 7 years
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he looks so hot in that gif i cry plus this is the first time i’ve ever done something like this please don’t hate me i can’t write fduvobfiu pls
okay let’s begin
so Jihoon is the talk of the town- well school- as everyone is getting into the new school year
“did u hear about the new choir teacher ???? i heard that his old students called him the spawn of satan”
“spawn of satan??? i think that’s a bit much.”
oM G it’ S hI m R u N
okay okay i’ll stop
he’s the new choir, music theory and piano teacher. the dudeo is a little music prodigy.
he transferred from a school across town bc he was tired of being in the same place for so long, plus his friends worked here too!!
literature teacher wonu, orchestra teacher joshua, and intro to dance teacher soonyoung recommended Jihoon to the principal and with his track record he was s E T
so, first day of school when the students piled into his, not decorated at all, choir room they were sh 0o k.
“is he the TA?” “why he is so smol???” “are you sure that’s a teacher??” “jENNI F E R shU T uP thAT i S toTal LY a StudEn T” “we’re in women’s choir right now kim.”
he greets the class, somewhat coldly “i’m your new teacher. okay let’s get started with warm ups”
everyone does not take him seriously, bc literally it’s a bunch of immature high schoolers who would take someone so smol and adorable very seriously then one day------ mr. lee (jihoon) had eNOU GH
“Mr. Lee where are our chairs?” “ *smiles* until you guys give me the respect, i have taken your chairs away. now warms up-” yes. he does this to every class, even his piano students and they are c r y i n g
after a good week, they respect him. they fear him, he made a student cry (accidentally) by making the entire choir stop singing to talk about how being off tune will bring down the entire score at competition (he wasn’t even singling the person out)
“okay, competition is in 3 weeks today guys. i know it’s difficult but we’ve gone over this part so many times now, so whoever is off tune please realize your mistakes and fix that so we don’t get points taken off for something so simple fixed.” *kim runs out of the room crying* “jennifer please go take care of that”
somehow from then to the end of the school year no one ever sings a cent off tune ever again
so! how do you get into this mess ? M U S IC AL SE A SON B E GINS
you, the also new and surprisingly loved advanced acting teacher, is casting the school year’s musical alongside V E RY loved dance teacher mr. kwon
auditions didn’t go as well as you were planning, the acting was amazing as you expected from your students so was the dancing... but the vocal talent was l a ck ing. so who do you go to ? obviously!! you don’t go anywhere because you were terrified of going to talk to jihoon who you had a crush on since the first day of teacher camp over the summer wait what hu H
soonyoung was like “we need to do something about this y/n, why don’t we ask jihoon? we could talk to him, i’ve been friends since high school”
your heart does a leap in your chest, we talk? ! ? but you wanted to win the high school musical competition (you’ve done it multiple years in a row at your old school, you were determined to do it here as well)
so push comes to shove, you were in the bare choir room that was empty aside from the classical music playing through a speaker somewhere in the room
you took a deep breath in and knocked on the door frame, since the door was open but he had his back turned towards you. once he heard your knock the (tenth) third time, he spun around in his spinny chair and almost fell out bc did an angel just walk into the room omg
“you’re jihoon right? uh soonyoung sent me bc we need help with the musical”
“tell soonyoung to go fu- you said we?”
“yeah, i’m directing and he’s choreographing and w e need help with the vocals, our actors aren’t up to par of where we need them.”
usually jihoon would tell the person to go away, bc he isn’t some charity to give help to whoever asks, but for some reason he !! just !! couldn’t !! say !! no !! to !! you !! (curse you soonyoung for sending a literal angel his way) so as he was trying to say he had no time to- somehow a yeah sure when do you want me to train them came out of his mouth.
and that’s how a friendship between you two blossomed ( even tho you two strictly told your friends and students who were super nosy that it was just a friendship everyone is like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) “sure miss. y/l/n. sure it is”
and it was !!! for the most part bc you two could not come to terms with each of your own feelings
then when tech week came you were S T R E S S E D bc
 1. 3/4 of your techies were very very very new to all of this and currently is being taught by one of the old techies who considered quitting during this week 
2. one of your leads has the flu and spread it to his co-actress (so it’s flu central)
so you cancel rehearsal on your end (soonyoung actually asks for everyone to stay to have a chat with them) and run to jihoon’s office with tears running down your face
he sadly was out of the room to make some copies of the music, but when he returned he was !!!!!!!!!
“y/n omg what happened? are you okay???”
“i want to quit my job.” you cried due to stress. you loved your job, you didnt want to quit it was just so many things were happening at once and you wanted to crawl into a hole and cry
“n O !” “i mean.. you shouldn’t, i know this week is the hardest week for directors. mingyu tells me about it all the time with his kids over at *insert another high school* you’re strong y/n!!! you can do this!!!” he even did aegyo for you and it did help cheer you up
and you did get through this with multiple hugs from jihoon and soonyoung talking to the kids and telling them to have fun, bc they obviously were just doing this at this point as a routine
and it worked. it totally worked and the show was a H I T. it was such a hit the show had a nomination in every category from best overall to best ensemble to best small prop in the corner during act 2 scene 5.
and when you saw the nomination list, you ran down the hall from the auditorium to jihoon’s classroom (who he was currently scolding women’s choir for being distracted) (they were totally talkign about how he looks at you while you two were speaking in the hallway)
*BOOM* you slam the door open and he instantly lightens up and smiles (spawn of satan jihoon exits the room) !!!
“did miss. y/l/n call mr. lee ‘jihoonie’ ?”
he’s ecstatic to see you so happy which causes very ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) faces throughout the choir
the night of the award ceremony comes, there are over 500 people in that orpheum theatre all hoping that they win some award of some sort.
you were just sitting with jihoon and soonyoung trying to stay calm, you even already pick your representatives within the cast to go get the awards to save looking like a fool trying to find a rep last minute.
then it came to the moment everyone was waiting for, your show had won most of the awards of the night already but there was one category you wanted the most to set the night, best small prop in the corner during act 2 scene 5 overall musical.
you were so nervous, but soonyoung gave you that look that L O O K that you both knew what it meant (we won)
and the look was right, you did. “from Serenity Rose High School, *insert a good musical bc im too tired to name one* wins best overall for this years High School Musical Awards!”
you were jumping, you were screaming and crying and suddenly your lips were connected with jihoon’s
it was such a good kiss, it probably could’ve won best kiss tbh
jihoon is in shock, soonyoung was in shock, your entire cast was in shock they almost forgot to send little jenny to go get the award, and then after a minute you were in s h o c k.
you were kissing jihoon, you were kissing jihoon Y O U w E R e Ki S i N G Ji hOo N. you pull away so quickly, but your hands were still cupping his face.
“i.. uh.” you were beet red, your cheeks were getting hot and you couldn’t remove your hands from his face they were like stuck.
he was also blushing, and trying his best not to smile super widely.
“jihoon, you adorable spawn of satan, i have liked you since the beginning of the school year like a little school girl and i just kissed you because yes, i like you. god im such a hIg H scHOo L ER!”
“y/n y/n y/n, i very much like you too”
“t h a n k g O D”
dating jihoon would be sweet and cute and adored by the entire fine arts department (teachers and students included)
you would always be in his classroom during your off periods, just chilling while you watch him teach his class. everyone would be screaming o TP in their heads whenever a subtle cute interaction between you two would happen
“y/n we shouldn’t do this in front of the students.”
“they’re at lunch what could possibly happen if you kicked all of them out, just kiss me already!!!”
right when you two were just centimeters apart, “mr. lee i needed to ask you if- ..oh.. o  H” “KIM SERIOUSLY I TOLD ALL OF YOU TO GO TO LUNCH”
dates would include late night adventures to downtown or somewhere far, far away from the school. you would even go to see a show at the theatre bc after dating you, he got very interested into the performing arts. 
even though jihoon wouldn’t be very into pda, he’d do it when it was only you two alone (very alone no students, no teachers, no one just you and him)
he’d always be there when you are stressed and he’d provide hugs and soft singing to calm you down, and you would always be there for him bc he sometimes needs to be reminded of the time so he can leave the school at a reasonable time like JIHOON OMG IT’S 9PM WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!!?
“i just wanted to pick out new music for next semester”
“J i HOo N!” 
but yes, that is teacher!woozi / teacher!jihoon 
i’m terrible at this omg this was so long why is it so long thx for reading all of this if you did. i wrote this at like 2am don’t hate me if this was badly spelt or grammar is terrible too. i hope u liked it, this is what i believe teacher jihoon would be (somewhat inspired by my satan-like choir teacher) but yes, i might do more of these aus someday, if you have any ideas pls hit me up in my inbox! :D
oki bye
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thetaekswoon · 7 years
DAY6 Jae| Camp Counselor AU
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This isn’t a part 2, but I kind of want to make these camp counselor aus into a series or something I do for a lot of groups because it’s just so much fun to write, and I also have such strong roots back to my sleepaway camp from back in the day.  Shoutout to any ASITs if they’re reading this lol!
I hope this was what you wanted!
CIT (Counselor in Training) Boys Cabin Leader
Jae prefers to spend more time with the older campers than the young ones, he likes that he can feel and act more like himself around them and joke around more freely, he doesn’t feel trapped acting only as their babysitter.
Not only that but Jae is definitely a camp favorite among all of the older campers because he is just so cool and funny and chill, unlike many of the other counselors who prefer to keep their relationship with the campers primarily professional, Jae makes friends with every camper he sees.
 and it’s not just him being friendly or anything, Jae honestly tries to become best friends with every camper.
, but it’s still something about the older campers that draws him to hang out with them the most.
Like during meals Jae always sits at the CIT’s table and eats with all of his CITs, joking around while almost all of the other counselors are sitting with each other on the other side of the dining hall, away from the campers while they can,
, and hanging out with the kids never seemed like a chore or a job to Jae because, well.... they’re people???  And if you actually take the time to listen and interact with them they’re actually really funny, like seriously some of these kids in the CIT program are only a year or two younger than some of the counselors, so treating them any differently than you would your counselor friends is just stupid to Jae.
  Like have you ever heard CITs Chenle and Renjun make fun of first year counselor Mark of the Red Fox cabin?  It’s freaking hilarious and gets Jae rolling on the ground practically sobbing every time.
Speaking of the CITs, Jae prefers being a CIT Leader over a normal counselor any day, and is so glad that he got the job because working with the CITs is so much cooler than working with the small campers because they’re cooler they already have been attending the camp for several years (it’s a requirement to be in the CIT program that you have been at camp for at least 3 years), so they know everything about the place through and through, even more so than some of the counselors,
, there is a working xbox in the CIT Lounge while the one in the staff lounge broke months ago and no one wants to go pay for a new one,
, the CITs get to participate in exciting and different events that the other campers aren’t allowed to.
For example, the CITs don’t really have a set schedule for the day like all the campers do, so what Jae and his CITs do changes everyday, and one day he’ll take them fishing in the lake, but the next they’ll be baking small blueberry tarts for the girl CITs,
 and finally the CITs are granted permission to leave camp grounds once a week for a day out,
, and the day outs are always so much fun because they travel to fun places like the zoo, amusement and water parks, and go out for dinner before heading back to camp.
Jae is ALWAYS playing his guitar.
In between courses Jae will be chilling with his guitar under the sun in the center of the camp’s big grass field, and campers will just start surrounding him and one thing leads to another and they’re all singing Wonderwall and it sounds awful because everyone is making a joke out of it, but still ahhh (such a head canon of mine tbh messing around and singing wonderwall with jae)
around the campfire during the evening activity,
and other times he’ll just sing his CIT boys a lullaby to help them fall asleep after a long day of cleaning out storage shed out by the lakefront.
Though Jae is basically always with his CITs, he also manages to teach one class a day for all of the campers....
Can you guess what it is?....
Every day at around 11 am, Jae greets his guitar class in the theater building (it has the best acoustics) and has everyone sit in a circle and play what they had been practicing for the last few days.
 tbh Jae’s guitar class was such a popular class for the campers to take because he was such a good teacher that the class became overcrowded and it became evident that he couldn’t have just one guitar class anymore
, so counselor Sanha stepped in and helps Jae teach, and runs his own guitar classes during time slots that Jae is busy with his CITs.
Jae’s counselor is very summer, very much dealing with the heat.
He is almost always wearing a tie-dyed shirt and beige shorts.  A rope necklace and these shorts are his iconic look.
sometimes he wears a bucket hat because the forecast suggested that the sun is going to be stronger than usual, and CIT Kyla laughs endlessly at his ears sticking out from the sides when he does this.
Big glasses accidentally reflect the sun into people’s eyes while he talks to them outside... whoops.
Overall, Jae is the sleepaway camp’s lovable dork counselor who plays the guitar and eats too much pizza.
, and you’re one of the CIT Leaders for the girls, and have known Jae ever since you both started to come to the camp when you were 5 and 6, and were in the Coyote and Hare cabins.
Way back then Leeteuk was still a counselor for the Coyote Cabin, but know he has made his way up the ranks to be one of the camp directors, and is your BOSS!
Anyway, you’ve known Jae and have been friends literally since before you learned your multiplications tables, and now here you are serving your favorite place on earth as CIT Leaders.
  You and Jae are both a little over the top when it comes to camp cheers and the such because well, you’ve both been there for so long, this place is like your home, if you guys wanna shout the words to BLACK SOCKS you will.
(repeat several more times each getting louder and faster and more aggressive until you literally can’t keep up anymore)
Sometimes in the middle of the night when everyone is supposed to be sleeping you’ll gather all of the CITs and tell ghost stories to them, that may actually leave poor little Jeno weeping and begging Chenle not to do that dolphin laugh because he keeps getting scared.
, anyway you and Jae are basically as close as friends can be to each other and sometimes campers joke around that you two are like a married couple because of it, but every time they something like that you two can’t help, but laugh because it just all sounds so ridiculous...
.... doesn’t it?
that is until the CIT day out comes around, and this week you are all going to the waterpark and then a fireworks show because the Fourth of July is right around the corner, and how fun would it be to go out and run around with sparklers and actually see some good fireworks for a change?  Instead of the short and cheap fireworks show that the camp prepares for all the kids during this time of the summer.
So, you guys load all of the CITs into the camp vans and drive off to the waterpark which is two hours away.
 arriving at the waterpark is a bunch of madness because you, Jae and the other CIT Leaders need to organize all of the tickets for everyone, and then it becomes a matter of checking everybody in, and finally you can all relax.
It wasn’t seeing Jae shirtless that finally did it for you, you had seen him shirtless hundreds of times before, after all you two do both work at a summer camp.
For whatever stupid reason, it was seeing him walk out of the boys changing room wearing his bright violet swimming shorts, a bucket hat, floaties on both arms, and crocs.
like what kind of person? you thought, only Jae, your cute best friend, and then suddenly you realized you just called your best friend cute in your head, but you didn’t mean like cute cute like puppy-dog or stupid cute, you meant cute in a like-like kind of way and you slap yourself on your head.
“Y/N have you gone mad hitting yourself again?” Jae asks, pretending to be concerned and act like a doctor, looking into your eyes and asking for you to stick out you tongue and say ahhh, “I’d say it might be mad cow disease, but we can’t be sure until the test results co-”
“Quit it dumbass, I just realized I forgot something back in the van.” you say, pretending to look through your bag for something.
“It wasn’t sunscreen was it?  I can already feel the sun pelting down onto me.”
you were lying when you said you forgot something in the van, but then you realize that you really did forget your sunscreen, that or it must have fallen out of your bag because it wasn’t there anymore.
You nod,
“Dammit Y/N, the park people won’t let you back in if you leave, don’t worry, I won’t let you burn.” Jae says, “I still got some left.”
turns out Jae’s sunscreen wasn’t a strong enough spf for you, so by the time you and the CITs leave the waterpark and arrive at the place where the fireworks show is happening your shoulders are burnt bright red.
Jae keeps apologizing to you all throughout the fireworks show, but you keep telling him that it wasn’t his fault, that you probably should have reapplied the lotion when your shoulders started to feel hot.
, and somehow, by the time that you get back to camp, Jae somehow convinces you to let him lend you some of the aloe that he has in his cabin.
And then he... puts it on your himself?
tbh it was cold and awkward and giggly, and felt kind of strangely intimate,
and Jae is blushing all over, 
because he has always seen you as his gorgeous best friend in the whole wide world, but he’s been wanting to see you as more than just that recently and now you’re letting him put his hands on you kinda and you’re so close that he can smell your hair which still smells of chlorine from the waterpark 
,,, and it a moment of boldness Jae announces that he is going to kiss you.
And you let him.
Dating Jae is almost exactly the same as before, except now theres a lot more cuddling, and skinship in general.
Jae always greets you in the mornings with a quick peck on the cheek (staff aren’t allowed to show any form of pda around the campers) and a surprisingly sweaty hug, like come on the heat hasn’t even kicked up yet Jae.
Whenever you two go out on solo dates into town on your day off, which is almost never on the same day because you are both working with the CITs and there are a very limited number of CIT staff, but when you do you always make the most out of it.
, going to restaurants downtown and being able to hold your hands in public
The teasing never seems to stop coming from CITs Guanlin and Somi, who figured out that you two were dating in a matter of minutes, and constantly need to exert the small amount of power that they have over you.
“Hey Y/N is that a MOSQUITO BITE on your NECK *gasp* ???!!?!”  They’ll shout at you when you walk into the lounge after your breaks,
“Or maybe it was a vampire considering how obvious it is by the mark that they were out for blood.  What do you think Jae?  Doesn’t Y/N look like they were just attacked by a vampire teehee?”
<><> do not edit/remove anything from the original post <><> this AU belongs to me <><>
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tysonrunningfox · 7 years
aaaand actually here's some more: 17, 22, 33, 29 for fuse, 42 and 33 for smitelout (i'm curious because i remember at the start of the fic eret mentioned something about her parents hating each other and like... idk i just wonder what her family life is like??? i'm kind of curious about all the characters tbh when it comes to question 33)
Yessss, thank you 
This got super long again and also, I”m super willing to answer more excessively detailed headcanon asks because these are FUN 
17. Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress? 
Fuse is surprisingly particular about her clothes.  Number one consideration?  Flammability.  Strings hanging down?  No.  Generally close fitting but not flashy, she tends towards the viking equivalent of like, skinny jeans and a long sleeved shirt.  But then comes the next level of functionality which is the vest.  She needs her pockets, she needs multiple things throughout a day of demolition and she has two hands.  The vest is huge and ridiculous and probably a tenth birthday present that she loved above all else and her mom added pockets whenever she grew enough to support them.  The vest is a staple until she gets a strong opinion about being touched without literally sparking and smoking and when she doesn’t have it it’s one of those things where she feels like she forgot something pretty reliably.  
Also, she does her hair like...as frequently as it falls out.  Basically she gets it out of her way, likes that, waits until it doesn’t serve that cause anymore, ties it up again.  It drives her female cousins crazy.  She can’t go to a Thorston-Ingerman gathering without cousins combing out all that strawberry blonde and fixing it.  
22. Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
Something would blow up.  In theory.  If left alone with the paper for too long, the paper would be torn up and folded into something and then eventually caught on fire.  Fuse isn’t really one for idle hands and she doesn’t really see ideas as precious, even if she has a good one now, she’ll have another good one later.  That’s a lot of the reason that her drawings are crumpled up, there’s no reason to believe that they’re a lightning strike occurrence.  
33. Concept of home and family?
Fuse’s concept of home and family is shockingly simple and warm for this au.  She has a family who loves her and has always supported her weirdness, if not worried about her distance from other people her age.  She’s pretty much the youngest of the Thorston-Ingerman brood of cousins and siblings and is very protected and loved as a result.  What started as liking the cool colors of the youngest’s fire ended in a really whole hearted support of their family member’s pretty significant talent.  
She’s a teenager, her older siblings are irritating, her parents embarrass her, her cousins are nice but overwhelming.  Mostly she feels inundated with far too many opinions, most of which she ignores, but they’re filled with love and a fair scoop of insanity.  She fundamentally wants to make her family proud though, and she respects what’s expected of her, because all of it is reasonable, like she should make her own decisions and try to be happy and yeah, her dad is embarrassing but also, he reinforced the front door so she could explode shit in the front yard.  
29. Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
Fuse has a lot of empathy for people she loves but not much attachment to stuff.  So she’d kind of take the position of stability and support.  She wouldn’t hurt herself for objects but if it’s something she believes in, she’s pretty fearless.  If she lost everything, she’d figure it out, that’s not something she’d cave for.  Probably a lot of that comes from the fact that she started making her own money/way very young when her skills were in demand, but she’s very practical in losses that don’t involve life or irreplaceable things.  
42. Hobbies?
It was forging for a long time.  When Eret turned 8 and burned down the forge and started presenting alarmingly Hiccup-like behavior, Smitelout got ousted from her apprenticeship at the forge and missed it dearly until she got it back.  So she invented and worked on stuff in her spare time.  Maybe invented is the wrong word, because she’s far more about the craft than the creativity, but she practiced whenever she had the chance.  Quality products have always been a point of pride for her, which she never fails to announce.  
33. Concept of home and family?  
This makes me so sad.  Basically, Snotlout tries to be a great dad. But he psyches himself out and it doesn’t go well for him.  Instead of pressuring his daughter to win thawfest, he says things like “it’s ok if you don’t win” and Smitelout hears “I don’t think you can win” because she’s so much like her dad.  His efforts to be supportive are almost always construed as deep doubt in her abilities and it hurts me, as an author.  
As for her parents, Snotlout basically got harangued into a political marriage that Hiccup wasn’t there to negotiate because he was off island coping with Astrid’s decisions.  I wouldn’t say that he and his wife hate each other, but it’s political.  They produced a child to join two tribes.  They cohabit.  They get along in the context of not yelling at each other all the time but it’s not a love match in any way.  They’re roommates and Smitelout grew up with the tension that comes with that, she’s an only child because she was the bare minimum necessary.  She knows that at some level.  She doesn��t want what her parents have and she has trust issues due to being around it.  
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