#though his hair is naturally blonde thankfully
ofglories · 7 months
I don't really draw it often because it's a pain but Bors and Gareth both have various braiding going on in their hairstyles. Bors has less complex ones, mainly because he'd rather just pull the majority of his hair into a ponytail so it's really just a few gathering the hair on the side of his head for that.
But Gareth?
She's got a full-blown intricate style of braids on top of the larger one she has as well. I might try drawing at least the rough shape of it all one of these days.
This is...heavily inspired by records of what Gaulish tribes (Bors) and the people of the Orkneys and Scotland overall (for Gareth) tended to style their hair.
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aemndx · 2 years
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© aemvnd 2022. do not plagiarize, translate, modify or post my content on any other platform.
synopsis: aemond targaryen wants to possess you, claim you as his -- and what the dragon wants, he shall get.
author’s note: heey! this is my first time posting my writing on here.. im a bit nervous, but very excited. i really hope u enjoy reading it. also, please reblog, comment + leave ur feedback! it’d mean the world to me if u did. thank u so much for taking the time to read & visiting my blog! lots of love. ♡
warnings: minors dni. slight smut. sexual tension. fingering. teasing. female pronouns. possessive behavior. dark themes. stalking--(kind of). aemond makes you have a panic attack over him -- intentionally. innocent!reader. pet names. romance. fluff. any grammatical errors are my own -- in advance, i sincerely apologize.
word count: 3,7k.
pairings: aemond targaryen x handmaiden!reader (f).
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♡࿐ the castle was lively with noble lords and ladies, most of them ignoring you, in favor of socializing with the higher ranks to make alliances between different royal houses. most didn’t even spare you a glance, which you were most thankful for.
the ones who did acknowledge your existence–there were very few–nodded their head in a polite greeting, which you had stopped and curtsied back in respect, muttering a small ‘my lord’ or a ‘my lady’.
which of course–as obviously predicted–filled their massive egos as they walked away with their noses up in the air. of course, no one ever actually bowed to you, you were nothing but a young servant girl, born from a low ranking family.
however, you always preferred to remain unseen – better to be unseen and avoid trouble, than to be seen and cause chaos.
you had just been dismissed, as you finished accompanying queen helaena on her daily walk through the gardens. the queen loved spending time outdoors, and it seemed only right, she was always at peace when she was in nature and the sunshine did her good.
the hallways of the red keep were long as you made your way to the massive library, your footsteps light as air as you walked. the closer you got, the less people there were and you were thankful, never having been too comfortable with tons of people around.
as you continued walking, swiftly turning a corner and heading towards the last flight of stairs that led to the library, you got the sudden feeling as if you were being followed.
naturally, you hurried your footsteps, sneaking a glance behind you and not seeing anyone. nonetheless, you quickly climbed up the stairs, swallowing the lump that had formed in your throat. you snapped your neck to the side as you started hearing light footsteps approaching, though you did not see anyone behind you once again, making you think you were crazy.
huffing in frustration, you had just stepped off the last stair, about to round the corner, looking down the hallway and seeing it completely empty. you turned your body slightly around to look back down the staircase, making sure there was nobody actually following you.
thankfully, you saw nobody. perhaps it had just been your mind playing tricks on you, though you couldn’t shake the feeling of a sharp gaze piercing your back. releasing a shaky breath, a bone numbing chill went down your spine, making you wrap your arms around yourself, before you turned back around to finally head towards your destination.
without warning, a pale hand snatched out towards you, wrapping around your waist and pushing you against the nearest secluded wall, causing you to let out a high pitched scream in fear. the hand that grabbed you quickly moved from your waist to cover your mouth, silencing your cries.
you saw a flash of platinum blonde hair from the corner of your eye, causing your wide eyes to look up, seeing none other than prince aemond targaryen, standing casually before you.
the prince stood tall, tilting his head down to look at you with a smirk across his lips. he pressed his body against yours, holding you between the hard stone wall and his lean but well muscled body.
“i’ll remove my hand only if you promise not to scream again,” the prince said, his tone soft but firm.
you nodded your head as best you could, not understanding what was happening.
the prince simply cocked his head sideways, his eye slightly narrowing as he looked over your current frightened state. only a moment passed, the prince letting out a pleased hum as if he saw what he was looking for, before removing his hand from your mouth.
“prince aemond,” you breathed, your body falling limp against the wall behind you.
“lady [name],” the prince purred, looking completely satisfied with himself, like the cat who got the cream.
you swallowed nervously, shifting your feet from side to side, but stopped shortly as you could barely move. “did you need something from me, my prince?”
the prince sighed, amusement slowly spreading across his handsome face. “yes, in fact.. i did. correct me if i’m wrong, but have you been avoiding me, my lady?”
you cursed yourself in your head, before immediately shaking your head no. “of course n-not, my prince. i was just going to visit the library–“
“oh, i am not talking about right this moment, my sweet. i am referring to the past few weeks. every single time i have sought you out, you had the brilliant idea to turn around rather abruptly and scurry away from me as if you were a scared little girl,” he scolded, making you feel incredibly small against him.
the prince paused, watching your face with a sharp eye, before continuing on his rant. “…and let us not forget yesterday,” he seethed, a flash of anger beginning to taint his words. “when you deliberately rushed out of my dear sister’s chambers, without even being dismissed,” he tsked, teasingly. you did not say anything in response, feeling as if you had lost all brain function with the close proximity of the prince.
his clean, but masculine scent surrounded you, causing your mouth to water as you could also smell honey and sweet lemon cakes. his scent completely overwhelmed your senses, making you feel almost dizzy, especially with his handsome face only mere inches away from yours.
when you couldn’t didn’t reply back, the prince raised an eyebrow as if taunting you to try and defend yourself and your most heinous–(according to him)–actions.
“nothing to say, hm?”
you gulped, your lips parting slightly as if to speak, before snapping shut when words did not come out.
what was wrong with you?
“it is highly offensive to not answer your prince when he is addressing you, my lady,” he chastised, as if you were a child misbehaving.
in his point of view, you probably were.
“what? do you not even want to try and defend your most ill-mannered actions? have you not come to the realization that your blatant lack of respect is incredibly unacceptable to me?” he growled, voice rising in anger.
you should’ve known better, waking up the dragon.
“do you not wish for my forgiveness?” he hissed, his words aimed to hurt you.
you flinched as he scolded you like a father would to their child who had done something naughty – unforgivable.
each word he said was direct and targeted towards you, making a small, tortuous whine escape your lips. your cheeks flushed in shame and your head started to spin, you were sure you would die from embarrassment.
“i’m so s-sorry, my prince. of course n-not.. i was just – i was not… no,” you panicked, feeling pathetic and most of all embarrassed from your constant stuttering and shaky voice.
you felt so stupid.
“i swear, i was not trying to be disrespectful towards you, i-i don’t… i did not mean to run away from you, i promise!“ you cried, feeling yourself practically choking on the saliva in your mouth, your fingertips tingling by your sides and your heart was pounding against your ribcage rapidly.
“please, prince aemond.. i never meant any disrespect. i was just.. i was o-only–“ you cut yourself off with a sharp gasp, feeling like your airway was closing. you tried explaining yourself, though everything you were saying sounded like it made little sense and your words were a garbled mess.
hot tears began to pool in your eyes as the prince just watched in shameless amusement as you choked and fumbled over your words, trying to the best of your ability to explain your poor, pathetic self.
graciously, the one-eyed prince showed you mercy.
“alright, alright… shh. you’re alright, little one. i believe you,” the prince cooed, bringing both of his large hands up to cup your flushed face.
the tears that had pooled in your eyes now falling freely, which he had generously brushed away gently with the soft but calloused pads of his thumbs.
“you do?” you cried weakly, feeling your tightened chest begin to relax at his reassuring words.
“mmm,” he hummed lazily, wiping the heated skin of your cheeks lovingly, like he was your lover comforting you after something tragic happened.
“of course, my love. i could never stay truly angry with you,” he confessed, a small smile tugging at his lips as his eye remained looking into your tearful ones.
you felt your wobbly lips turn up into a shy smile, relaxing in the arms of the prince.
you sighed, feeling your limbs relax, thankfully no longer feeling like you were about to pass out from the blood that had rushed to your head in your haste of trying to come up with something to appease him.
gods be good, the last thing you wanted was for him to be upset and angry at you.
“thank you, prince aemond… you have no idea how happy that makes me to hear you say that,” you confessed, locking your eyes with his, though you felt an uncomfortable shiver pass through you, seeing the twinkle of mischief in the prince’s eye.
“…of course, there is still the issue that you purposely avoided me,” he said, watching you with a narrowed eye, irritation bubbling underneath the surface of his heated skin, remembering the many times you had practically ran away from him.
it was almost adorable, thinking you could outrun a dragon.
the gods were surely mocking you now, as he had finally seized you in his fiery grasp, not intending on ever letting you go.
prince aemond watched you try and press your back further into the wall, wanting the castle wall to swallow you whole so that you could disappear from him.
it was like he could read your every thought, all you wanted to do was hide from him.
you did not answer him to confirm his accusation against you, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of being right – even though you both knew he was.
a brief pause, you felt yourself stop breathing completely, holding your breath and waiting for his next words. you were terrified, who wouldn’t be?
“although.. perhaps i shall be merciful towards you, my sweet,” he breathed, bringing his hands down to your waist and gripping your sides tightly to the point it almost hurt.
aemond carefully watched your face to see if you would be brave enough to push him away, before he shook his head and chuckled lightly to himself, watching you bite down on your bottom lip nervously.
suddenly, the prince spoke out loud to himself rather than to you. “mmm… i wonder,” he murmured, suddenly playful as he let one of his hands travel further down, grabbing the skirt of your dress in his hand, bunching it together and tugging it up until both of your bare legs were exposed to him.
letting go of your waist with his other hand, he reached a large hand underneath your dress, placing the warm palm of his hand directly over your clothed cunt.
you let out a surprised gasp, eyes big and innocent and looking up to see his face that looked rightfully pleased, feeling your cunt soaking through your undergarments.
the prince cupped your cunt fully, pressing his palm up against your clit to apply pressure. “mm, prince aemond…”you mewled, trailing off as you felt the most pleasurable sensation start to swarm in your lower belly.
“oh,” you gasped wantonly, looking up at the prince in desperation.
what was happening to you?!
“indeed,” the prince smirked, leaning his head down to nuzzle his nose into your hair, sighing in content at being so close to you.
finally, he thought.
he inhaled your sweet scent for a moment, pressing a kiss against the side of your head, before moving his head back when he felt an uncontrollable yearning sensation spread throughout his body.
with his eye trained back on you, the hand that was cupping your cunt did not move, simply holding you in his possession and making you feel as if you were slowly losing your mind at the pressure he held against your sensitive clit.
nobody had ever touched you there, you were a maiden – a virgin, pure of heart and of mind and body.
“m-my prince..” you stuttered, your voice coming out small and uncertain.
suddenly, you felt prince aemond’s fingers swiftly move your undergarments to the side, pressing two fingers against your clit, rubbing it softly as if you’d break.
you didn’t doubt it.
you immediately cried out, your legs shaking and head buzzing at the new sensation. you had never felt such pleasure, it was beyond your imagination. you didn’t know what to do, you didn’t even remember reaching up with both hands and grasping at the prince’s shoulders.
when exactly had you done that?
feeling embarrassed, you let your fluttering eyes fall down to prince aemond’s clothed chest, though you could still feel his piercing eye watching your flushed face.
you didn’t know of course, but the one-eyed prince loved to watch you in secret.
it was one of his favorite hobbies, filling him with mirth as he would watch you fret over his sister, following after her to keep her company. although, you did not just serve her, you were now also a close friend to queen helaena.
you were young and sweet as honey, acting just as curious as his sister was with insects, though he knew you found genuine interest in different flowers and plants, just as well as books. you’d only been working at the castle for a few months, helping out in the kitchens.
it was only a few weeks ago that you’d began serving as a handmaiden to his sister, that was when he had truly taken notice to you.
you were so beautiful.
there were also many times where he’d deliberately put himself in your eye line, watching you with an amused smirk curling across his lips as he watched you stumble a multitude of times, once you eventually noticed him.
the prince would watch you for an uncomfortable amount of time, before you’d quickly turn around and scurry away from him, flustered and your belly always swarming with butterflies and something else.
his eye would always flash with hunger every time he saw you walking the halls of the red keep, wanting to claim you as his.
there was one time just a few days ago, when he’d gone to visit his sister unexpectedly, making your eyes widen at the sight of him entering his sister’s chambers unannounced, instantly shrinking away from him.
you had not uttered a single word the entire time he was there, simply humming in acknowledgment as the queen would ask your opinion on something, trying to make you join in on the conversation she was having with her brother.
occasionally, you would mutter something underneath your breath, your eyebrows furrowing in concentration as you tried to keep your focus on doing his sister’s hair, though by his close proximity, he could see your shaking hands.
not once did aemond take his eye off of you the entire time he had been there, making your skin crawl with nervousness.
gods, you were so perfect. so, so perfect. you would be his, he would make sure of it. he would have you all to himself, he had to – lest he go insane.
suddenly, the prince had slipped a single long finger inside your dripping cunt, pumping his finger in and out a few times experimentally, before shoving it back inside and curling it inside of you, feeling the silky walls of your heat clamp down around his finger.
you tried your best to stay as quiet as possible, but you couldn’t help the whimpers that escaped you. you looked back up at the prince pleadingly, your eyebrows furrowed and sweat was beginning to form at the back of your neck from the constant pleasure he was giving you.
aemond let out a soft hum, his eye filled with lust and possessiveness, before he eventually leaned down and captured your lips with his in a earth shattering kiss.
you moaned helplessly into his mouth, kissing him back with a burning desire that began to consume you both, feeling his warm tongue snake out and brush over your lower lip, begging for entrance.
your lips parted on their own accord, feeling the prince’s tongue slip into your needy mouth, tasting you.
aemond let out a deep groan of satisfaction, tasting how sweet you tasted, like different kinds of berries. he ran his tongue over the roof of your mouth, feeling your tongue slowly brush up shyly against his, as if asking for his permission.
of course, the prince denied you and bit down on your lower lip in punishment, causing you to let out a pained wail in displeasure.
you whined with need, pressing your hips down against his hand, begging for more, more, more.
you’d take whatever the prince would give to you, everything and anything – it was all yours, all you need to do was ask him and aemond would burn cities to ground to see you happy.
aemond quickly slipped in a second deft finger, pumping them both with vigor. the wet sounds your cunt made were loud and lewd, though you paid it little mind.
instantaneously, the prince dragged his lips down to your jaw, leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses along the soft skin there.
you dropped your head down, pressing your face into the warmth of the prince’s chest as your body trembled against his. then, you felt his thumb brush over your sensitive clit once more, beginning to rub the little nub in tight circles, causing you to squeal in endless pleasure.
“oh, ohhh – please, don’t stop prince aemond…!” you sobbed, feeling yourself begin to hyperventilate and something inside your belly was starting to tighten almost uncomfortably, making you squirm wildly against him.
aemond chuckled, kissing the top of your head and bringing up the hand that was holding your dress up to your hair, burying his fingers into the soft locks, caressing the back of your head lovingly.
“let go for me, little one. go on, give it to me.”
your small hands that were grasping the prince’s shoulders squeezed rather harshly, and if you were in your right state of mind you would’ve apologized profusely, but right now… you could not even forge a coherent thought.
“please, please – i need.. i need to–“ you choked, suddenly feeling the band that was tightening in your belly snap, an overwhelming feeling of immense pleasure swarming over you, suffocating you.
your breathing was erratic, your head spinning and your eyes squeezed shut as you felt your body be consumed by euphoria.
it was maddening.
“that’s it, my love,” aemond purred from above you, gently stroking the back of your head tenderly, continuing the assault of his skilled fingers.
aemond pumped his fingers in and out of your cunt slowly now, while leisurely rubbing lazy circles into your clit as he felt you come in the palm of his hand, your pleasurable cries like music to his ears.
aemond hummed, “you’re mine now, do you understand? mine – you belong to me.”
you let out pathetic whines, leaning your full weight against the prince uncaringly.
you were too wrapped up in the pleasure he was giving you to really notice.
a few seconds later, you began feeling overstimulated, a displeased sound escaping you, before you pulled your head back and leaned it against the hard stone wall tiredly.
the prince’s fingers continuously fingered you through your high, and the way his thumb pressed into your pulsing clit sent electric shocks throughout your body, causing you to tense up once again.
looking up, you caught the eye of the devilishly handsome prince that towered over you, making you feel small compared to him.
charmingly, he smiled.
of course, the feeling of the stone wall made you frown in annoyance, feeling uncomfortable without the prince’s soft touch in your hair, caressing you. you dropped one of your hands from the prince’s shoulder, grabbing hold of his wrist that was buried under the layers of your maid’s dress.
aemond immediately paused the movements of his hand, though he kept his fingers buried deep inside of you, raising an eyebrow in question.
you sucked in a deep breath, trying to gather as much courage as you possibly could, but bracing yourself for the worse.
finally, you spoke. “…i will not be your whore, prince aemond,” you said, trying to make your voice as even and as firm as possible. however, you could hear your voice shake slightly at the end, cursing yourself for your bashfulness.
a minute of silence passed, the prince’s face completely blank of any emotion, giving you nothing as your eyes glanced over his face back and forth, silently begging to know what he was thinking.
then, out of nowhere, he laughed loudly. the sound almost pleasing to your ears as it echoed off the walls, just as your moans from earlier had.
your eyes went wide in disbelief, wondering if he was laughing at you. you surely hoped not, you’d be terribly disappointed.
as the prince’s laughter slowly died down, he observed you for a moment silently, before his lips curled up into a wicked smile, “no, you will not be my whore,” he hissed crudely, his eye narrowing at you and the blood in his veins bubbling with fire as he looked down at you intensely.
you tried swallowing, but your mouth appeared dry, waiting for his words. without warning, the prince leaned down once again and crashed his lips against yours, claiming you and causing you to release a pleased sound.
the prince wanted you to be his, truly his.
you couldn’t help the fluttering feeling in your chest, as well as the nervous butterflies swarming in your belly at the thought that maybe… just maybe, the prince would give you what you both desired more than anything – each other.
the prince’s lips met yours in a needy, frenzied kiss, wanting to possess all of you.
you were his, he had to make you see that now.
aemond pulled away from you abruptly, watching as you chased after his lips, causing him to smirk. he shook his head, “no,” he repeated, his voice deep and his eye dark as he looked down at your pretty, blissed out face.
mine, he thought.
“you will not be my whore, my sweet. you will be my wife.”
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setsugekka · 1 year
❥déjà vu (m)
↳ One year after the fulfillment of a particularly raunchy agreement with your best friends husband, the three of you once again find yourselves together over a bottle of pinot noir, an appetizer, and an unforeseen question laid out on the table:
If you could do it all again, would you?
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kim doyoung x fem!reader — friends with benefits, gratuitous sexual content, porn with plot [21k wc] cws: open relationship, alcohol consumption, bdsm-heavy!! dominant doyoung, submissive reader, restraints, impact play, slapping, dom-drop+aftercare, unprotected penetrative sex, oral sex (m+f), gratuitous dirty talk/degradation/humiliation, cum play/facials/wet&messy, deep throating, safe word usage, ravishment play, infidelity play, spit play, doyoung has a big dick and fucks like a pornstar.
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In the dimly lit ambiance of the swanky restaurant that you and your present company currently reside, and over the dull, pleasant hum of the chatter of the surround patrons, you suppose you can't help but reminisce, just a little bit.
One year.
Not on the dot, a few weeks give or take since the beginning of one such agreement, but nevertheless a time in your life that you've found yourself recalling perhaps a few more times than you'd care to admit. Admit to yourself, and especially to aforementioned present company.
You bring yourself back from the thought just in time to make eye contact with the man across the table from you — a knowing collection of features gracing his face, of course, he doesn't know the ins and outs of whatever it is that happens to take your attention in the moment, but rather, just that there had been something to stir you away from the present. The ringing laughter of your best friend just next to him finally coming into earshot to let you know that the two had been engaged in some other conversation that you must have tuned out slightly, you watch her snake an arm around his as his preoccupied one continues to top off your glass of red wine.
Thankfully, third-wheeling with the couple has become far more comfortable, though, you suppose you know what the reason for that may be.
Mina, with blonde hair tied back into a ponytail and a black sweater on — it must have been the evening for couple outfits, as Doyoung sports just about the same, minus the blonde hair, instead sporting his usual black with seemingly no interest in ever changing his look.
"I'm so annoyed I have to go on this business trip at all," Mina huffs, across the table and next to her husband. "But they did say that I would need to be gone like this occasionally when I took it, so hopefully it can be done and over with as quickly as possible, at least."
"How long was it, again?" You ask, fork gently pressed between your lips to clean it off.
She rolls her eyes as the response begins to leave her. "A month. I don't know what he's going to do without me."
Playful in nature, Mina cozies up with Doyoung next to her as she says it, to which he merely offers a roll of his own eyes before audibly inhaling to response. "Surely I can manage."
"He'll probably just work the whole time, anyways," You add. Your friend nods knowingly. "Aren't you writing a book?"
Lips to his glass, he begins speaking into at the tail end of his sip before placing it back onto the table to carry on with the thought. "It's finished. Loose ends here or there but mostly done. Back to the usual workload, now."
Humming, you carefully shovel another forkful of pasta into your mouth before your vision catches on Mina — a certain gleam in her eye that you know all too well by now to mean that the woman be up to no good, you slow in your motions as you maintain your eyes upon her in wait for what it is that she almost certainly be about to unload on either of you in the middle of this far-too-expensive restaurant.
"Actually," she starts with a jingle to her tone. Eyes now averted from either of you, she still maintains the wicked upturn of the corners of her lips as she hesitates only slightly before finishing the sentence with little more presented to either of you. "I kind of wanted to talk to you about something—"
The word drops from both you and Doyoung simultaneously, and as a result, pulls a resonating chuckle from the woman.
"Well, both of you."
Doyoung, once having had his head turned towards his wife, now slowly pulls his vision ahead again, but not without narrow, questioning eyes still remaining to his side as if suspecting her being up to no-good. For good reason, as well, because you maintain the same amount of surveillance on her in wait for what it is that she's about to bestow.
Like a villain sitting in her evil, hands twisting within themselves for all of the devilishness that be about to transpire as a result of her.
"I have an idea."
"Well, that much we can tell, you only get like this when you have one of your ideas," Doyoung can't help but quip back immediately. A man lovingly fed up with all of the nonsense that his wife bring to his life, while no doubt being a large part of the reason that he love her in the first place. "So, what is it, then?"
"No fun, as usual." She sighs before taking a hastened sip from her own glass of wine. Then, her attention turns almost exclusively towards you, as if equally fed up with the way that her husband be behaving in regards to her unknown genius. "Since I'm going to be gone so long, I was thinking — why don't you come stay at the house?"
A shocked, resounding ‘what!?’ coming from both you and the husband in question, once again.
Of course, Mina only laughs at the response from you two with a gentle shake of her head to top it off.
You don't entirely know what to make of the offer, and frankly, you're a little bit too afraid to ask. Instead, you're thankful for Doyoung's bluntness, and perhaps also his familiarity in navigating these particular waters with his wife — because you think you know what she's suggesting, but he most certainly will be the one to ask the question out loud.
"Are you suggesting another arrangement while you're gone?"
"Yeah, why not?" She chimes back as if it be the most normal thing in the world. That it be bizarre for anyone to so much as question it further. "It's a whole month, darling."
"Fairly certain I can keep myself busy enough to not die without having sex for a month."
In ways, this conversation not really involve you currently. Should it play out a specific way, suppose then your input be necessary, but for now: this is between the betrothed.
Mina finally turns in the booth to face him better, but Doyoung insists on maintaining his calculated stature in facing forward and staring out towards the nothingness of the restaurant. He's difficult to read in moments like this; unable to discern if he's upset by the proposition, the potential implications of it, or if he's interested and just unwilling to come of all too eager, and especially in front of you.
After all, the last time sure did end off with a bang, of sorts.
"Are you mad at me?" She asks cutely, as if knowing the answer already. A woman who knows her husbands buttons well, as he turns to give her his full, undivided attention almost the moment that the last syllable drops from her mouth.
"No! I'm not mad, it's just," he pauses, thinking through his word choice carefully as a result of present company, you're sure. "I thought we all agreed that it was a one time thing."
"Then say you're not interested and I'll drop it."
For a split second, Doyoung's eyes catch your own, but he pulls them back and away from you nearly just as swiftly.
You don't think you've ever seen him like this. So...flustered?
Swallowing so hard you watch the lump in his throat bob, Doyoung cocks his head to the side once as if stretching for the marathon of a conversation that his acquiescence to this may just result in. A marathon, indeed, because there would certainly be a whole load more negotiations to take place for a month of who-knows-what-really.
Hesitancy to admit that he's interested in the arrangement. Reluctance to admit it outright without seeming all too eager to re-engage. Tricky waters for the husband in question to navigate, certainly.
Eyes fluttering shut, he sighs. "I'm not against it, just...surprised."
And unfortunately, that means it's your turn now.
Both of their attention now turning to you just as the waiter comes and brings the bill to your table, you feel the heat of embarrassment rush to your face — as if this stranger be privy to the topics ongoing currently — you chuckle nervously as you take the paper in hand, only for Doyoung to just as swiftly tear it away from you before you have so much as a second to consider paying it yourself.
"Well?" Mina questions, chin resting inside of her palm as an elbow settles against the waxed wood of the table top.
For whatever reason, you choose not to acknowledge the man any further as you think through your answer. Assuming him far too busy calculating incredibly simple math especially for someone with a career in finance, all you are capable of is simply thinking him all too enamored in that to be paying any interest or mind to what your response to this question could be. So, with eyes glued to the table in front of you, you muster up all of the courage that you can, while simultaneously biting back the bubbling excitement that you're not too proud of having, before finally giving your best friend your full attention and giving the answer that you think be the one that everyone at the table be looking forward to hearing from you.
"Yeah. I'm down."
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Three weeks later, you bring your belongings for your extended stay over to the house that you find already to be comfortable.
There's a certain air about it: a place that you've already spent countless days and nights at, but knowing the circumstances under which you're back inside of their humble abode offering a new set of eyes that you have long since abandoned since a year or so back. Kitchen countertops and upstairs walls that serve as reminders of all sorts of goings on between you and the man of the house — perhaps things you may find yourself revisiting as well as new, unexplored areas with him — there's an excitement within you that now takes the place of any uncertainty or reluctance the first time around.
Because you know Doyoung, and you trust him completely.
Dragging a large suitcase inside, as well as an over-the-shoulder bag and a laptop bag for work, you carefully set your belongings down on the white, marble flooring of the home as you listen for the nearing sounds of footsteps hurrying down the upstairs hallway and towards you. Mina tips over the railing with a bright, cheerful smile — somehow the happiest of the three of you about the way that things are going to carry out for the next thirty days.
"You're here! Doie! She's here!"
Of course, you don't hear from the man, and instead your friend rushes herself down the stairs and into your arms with a wide, tight hug.
"I'm also hungry, I hope there's food in this house," You playfully respond, but before Mina has the chance, Doyoung retorts plainly from the same railing that Mina had been lovingly doting on you only minutes before.
"Suppose I'm expected to keep you fed then, as well."
"Yes, dear," Mina dryly answers with a huff over her shoulder. "Feed and fuck her, that's the agreement."
It being so simply discussed out in the open perhaps something you may never grow completely comfortable with, and with eyes glancing upwards to gauge the mans response as a result of his wife’s words, Doyoung's eyes only roll before sauntering down the stairway just the same as the woman had.
"Are you going to make dinner tonight?" Mina questions as he arrives just behind her. Hands in pockets, he shrugs rather nonchalantly, as if it make no difference to him either way. "I could."
He meets eyes with you, a single eyebrow raising. "Should I?"
"Uh, yeah," you hesitate in response, arms still wrapped around his wife as the conversation carries on. "That'd be really nice."
"I'll go prep then while the two of you say your goodbyes."
And before exiting the scene, Doyoung leans forward and around to kiss Mina — her still very much attached from you, it results in a very full, somewhat-intimate moment that you're all too included in. Unsure if they simply not be aware of your proximity or just as much not care, you swallow and glance away until they're finished — Doyoung's eyes once again catching onto your own before he pulls away from the blonde woman and disappears inside of the kitchen just down the hall.
Shortly there after, Mina separates herself from you, as well. Bags already packed and set aside by the door, you ask her if she need any help in bringing her things out to while she protests, and simply tells you to go and enjoy your stay...
...as well as 'all of the things that the stay has to offer.'
You're not sure if you should feel guilty for the amount of anticipation you've been holding back ever since the initial conversation, but you can't help but wishing for the woman to hurry herself out of the residence, even just a little bit.
You love her, of course, and if her being there instead were an option you would happily choose that ahead of your own interests.
But it's not an option, and frankly, you want to fuck her husband again. No real need to beat around the bush about it, this time.
Two hours after the wife’s departure, the scent of dinner brewing emanates throughout the lower level of the residency that you're now expected to call 'home' for the next month. Surrounded by familiar, white walls and granite countertops, the tall man within be laid with the multitasking of dinner-making while you carry out the finishing touches of table setting. One hand carefully cupped around the tip of the last candle, you hold the lighter against the wick for the fire to catch, and pulling away, you glance over the handy work that you've done in the meantime as you wait for the food to finish cooking. With a heavy sigh coming from Doyoung, you glance over only to find him missing momentarily — popping up from his presumed kneeling position in front of the small, compact wine cooler with a bottle of white in hand.
"Are you going to get changed?"
His expression is somewhat deadpan, which you suppose is to be a bit expected of him, but the question definitely coming from out of left field given your lack of knowledge of even being expected to wear something other than what it is that you had arrived in.
Was this...a date?
Stammering slightly, you do some quick, on your feet thinking about anything that you may have easily accessible in one of your bags that not require a whole lot of putting together in the last minute. "Yeah, give me a second."
Nearly jogging out of the dining room, you hear the man loudly and in your direction. "Make it quick, dinner's in ten."
Pulling a loose, casual dress from your bag and quickly bringing yourself upstairs and into the guest bedroom that you're now to call your own, you can't help but divert your attention down the hall to the shared bedroom of the wedded couple, with one, main rule bestowed upon you by Mina days before your arrival. Her only request of the two of you and your adventures together while she be gone:
Never in their shared room.
No interest in breaking such a rule, instead, you think it charming as you disrobe quickly to change into something more fitting for the evening together. That even in all of the things the couple be willing to share in their marriage, some things still remain off limits, and only for them.
As you re-enter the kitchen area, you catch Doyoung as he pull his apron off from around his neck. Long, thin finger deftly working at the tie around his small waist in a way that reminds you of precisely the way that the mans body look: broad shoulders cinching so snugly at the middle — accentuated by the way fitted trousers and belt hug him and pull at the loose fabric of his button down shirt — he catches you looking well before you find enough awareness to bring your eyes away, and a flush of heat settles at just the tips of your ears as a result of being found out in such a way.
He says nothing, however, instead carrying on with the task of setting the discarded item onto the back of a chair and nodding towards the glass dinner table. "It's ready."
Walking steadily behind him, you realize that the close proximity of the both of you in such a way having long since reignited a sort of burning passion within you for the man — with eyes cascading over his shoulders and back as he bring himself forward, you feel the first, all too evident throb of arousal between your legs that you know, for a fact, you can't possibly place blame on anything else.
When the original agreement had come to a close, you accepted as much happily. A good, positive, growing experience for you in so many ways, but more than that, you were satisfied. Not just sexually, but with your relationships, your life, and your choices. Within the closure came a certain kind of acceptance of yourself in ways that you had never had the opportunity to find before, and now with the re-opening of it, what you really hope to find is more of that.
More acceptance, more trust.
In ways the nature of such agreement never truly able to be just about sex. You can't speak for him, but for you, so much more to be learned and experienced.
Reaching the clear end of the table, majority of the things residing atop it placed further down to accommodate the fact that only two people be sitting there this evening, Doyoung stops so abruptly in his tracks that you nearly collide straight into him — hands coming up to steady yourself and set space between the two of your bodies, it turns into a bit of a whirlwind, however, when you feel the familiar grip of fingers coming around one of your wrists and pulling you forward and in front of the man.
You don't get much more time between then and the few seconds following: expertly placed up and on top of the glass with your legs pried apart to make room for the man between them.
The first kiss comes equally hard and fast, as well.
Nipping into your bottom lip, you don't need much help navigating these particular waters as your hands already make quick work of his belt, followed shortly thereafter by the button and zipper of his black trousers — with such little time passed and a palm pressed against the front of his pants, you find only the beginnings of an erection forming, enough to have you groaning into his mouth with promise of what's to come all of the same, however.
A master of his craft, Doyoung having already pressed the majority of the length of your dress up your hips upon hoisting you onto the table, he dips a single finger down the front of your panties and between your folds, as if to test the waters already. From your position, it's easy to feel the ease in which he glides against you due to the slickness already presented to him — your reward thus far? An absolutely wicked groan of his own through teeth that bite down just a little bit harder into your lip.
"God, how long have you wanted this?" He says with a low tone, words delivered directly into your open mouth as you gasp for air at the feeling of him rubbing gentle circles into your clit just the way he knows you like it. "You're so wet already. You still think about it, huh?"
Less interested in playing games and more willing to be a far more active participant this time around — leaving behind the shyness and apprehension that came along with the completely uncharted waters of the first time — you tilt your head back just slightly and grin, taking in the feeling of him all over again.
"Yeah, I do," you answer with airy confidence. "Don't you?"
"Fuck yes I do."
Words coming through in nearly a growl, Doyoung drags his mouth down along your jaw to suck into the skin all of the way down your neck before settling into the juncture of your shoulder. Pointed sucks and nips into the skin there as if a man truly starved for your touch, you feel him pull you forward and tilt you back just slightly — adjusting the angle of your body so that the fingers teasing you can slip down further — middle finger gliding so easily inside of you, he gives you three pumps of it before adding a second to see how much you need to be prepped for him.
The answer is very little.
Barely any resistance brought to him as he fucks you open with his fingers, you lean back with one palm against the glass behind you to remain stable as the other fishes out his length from behind the confines of the fabric holding it. Long and beautiful, just like you remembered, you run the palm of your hand up the underside of his shaft before delicately wrapping fingers around him and offering him a few lazy strokes; for no other reason than to hear the way his breath hitches just beneath your ear as his mouth carries on its journey back up that way.
As the man carefully creates enough space between your bodies to hook fingers into the sides of your undergarment and pull it down your legs, as he quickly presses his own pants down his thighs just enough to not be a deterrent, you can't help but notice the palpable urgency that this instance carries: a man known for his intensity and ability to maintain stoicism even in the face of erotic desire, this time you find him nearly unrecognizable from any of the times before. No roles between you, no power dynamics at play.
Just two people and raw, sexual desire.
Forearms hooked up and under your legs for leverage, you reach down to him to angle and ease him inside of you with one, smooth drive of his hips — sinking into you with heavy, contented sighs dropping from the both of your mouths at the feeling of each other. Rocking into you shallowly two, three times, it's only then that Doyoung reach his hand up to grasp the side of your neck as if to hold you there, in place, and with all eyes on him, as well.
Pulling the leg still in his grasp up and tightly against the side of his body, he offers you a quick, hard, snap of his hips that finally has you feeling exactly how it is that you want him to make you feel.
Crying out, he settles his forehead against your own, looking you dead in the eyes as he offers another hard drive of his cock into you. The angle is just right for him to graze your g-spot with intense pressure, and already, you feel your thighs quaking around him at the sudden onset of it.
He starts slow, but is quick to find his pace against you, all the while holding you firm in his gasp for just the right amount of leverage that every forceful thrust into you be received with the utmost impact.
You had forgotten how easily he's able to have to falling apart under, and around him.
Electric intensity coursing through every nerve ending, toes curling as your moans quickly dissolve into pathetic whimpers, you feel the prickling of wetness threatening your tear ducts as you bite hard into your bottom lip in an attempt to bring yourself back, even just a little bit.
It's the first time, and relatively vanilla, at that. This man can not have you withering like this already, it's humiliating.
With his jaw tight and teeth gritted as he stairs down towards you, you whine out as the hand around your neck snakes up just ever so slightly and into the hair at the back of your head — fist clenching tight within the strands, and it's only then that Doyoung break his gaze with you and trail hot, dry lips down to the shell of your ear.
"Thought I forgot what you like?" He asks with a drop of venom to his tone. "Don't want to ruin you just yet, we still have dinner to eat."
There's that nasty mouth you had grown to love a year ago.
With impending orgasm on the horizon that no doubt that man inside of you can feel, he trades in shorter, quicker drives into you for fuller, longer ones — offering you the feeling of the entirety of his cock with every snap of his hips, and it's really then that you realize that Doyoung have your likes a little bit too under his thumb for your liking.
But only as far as ego goes. Physically, you already find yourself lamenting the day in which this must once again come to an end.
Walls clenching down around him, Doyoung hisses into your ear as you bite back the full, long moan of an orgasm that's soon to shake you, and dipping down only long enough to nip and suck into the skin below your ear, he brings his mouth back up to it right as you're on the verge of your release.
"How about you make me come, so that I can lick it out of you for dessert."
And that will certainly do the trick.
Yelling out so loudly that you're happy to know that the two of you home alone and on a plot of land large enough that neighbors not be a concern, your orgasm rips through you, so desperate to grip onto something that one hand come up to curl fingers into Doyoung's forearm as he hold you by the hair in place for him to fuck into. Bringing his head up to look at you, as if the unsure about the motion and having to check in on the goings on visually — happy with the scene as your eyes roll back into harshly knitted eyebrows, you hear him groan from the chest — full-bodied and throaty as he comes as well with only a handful more drives into you before burying his cock entirely to empty his load inside of you.
The familiar twitch of him as he comes — mouth delicately hung ajar and looking down at the place where he disappears inside of you — a simple man who enjoy all of the carnal pleasures that sex offer him as much as any other. Prim, proper, put together on the outside but when given the chance, a man willing to say and do the the nastiest, filthiest things to and for a partner...for the both of your enjoyment.
The wetter, the messier — the better it is, for you and him, alike.
And as the two of you sit together for dinner only moments after, discussing the trials and tribulations of adult, workload life — with his cum dripping from your cunt and soaking into your panties, you know one thing is for sure, and that is that whatever is left of it inside of you by the time you two are finished here, he most certainly will be making good on his promise of dessert.
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Waking up in the morning feels strange, even under the circumstances of a fake-dating agreement.
On one hand, it makes sense: preferring to sleep in the comfort of ones own bed, but as you lie awake, staring at the while ceiling above and listening to the hum of the dehumidifier that stand tucked away in the furthest corner of the room, you can't help but feel something. Some way about it.
However, it is early into the scenario — only day two, so perhaps it best to allow these feelings of uncertainty lie dormant for just a little while longer — given time to manifest into something if they ever are to, before bringing it to the attention of the man of the house.
Would it be a strange request? All things considered and through all of the other goings on, could something as quaint as the request to be slept next to be one unspoken hard limit for the husband in question?
A single, hard blink has you putting the thought out of your mind in exchange for rolling over to face the window as the delicate blanketing of morning rays wash over your frame. Snagging your phone from off of the nightstand, you check the time only to be be shocked by how early it is — only a bit past six — you come to realize that it explain the sound of rustling from downstairs that you originally thought to be nothing but the typical sounds of a house in the night.
For a moment, you contemplate attempting to go back to sleep, rolling onto your back once again and sprawling across as much of the expanse of the much-too-large furniture as you can possibly manage. Instead, it's the sound of the espresso machine ringing loudly through the residence that has you reconsidering your options.
Footsteps climbing the stairs, you can't help but listen in on the way that the man moves about when not in the company of you or others. Sounding as if he is, however, you hear him on the phone to someone or another — displeased at best, as well, given the strength to his voice despite being unable to make out the words. Shuffling around his office briefly only to disappear back down to the lower level, you decide then that you much too curious about Doyoung in a way that you hadn't quite expected: him as a person, him as an employee, him detached from sexuality almost entirely.
Feet into slippers and a light robe over your shoulders, you quietly tip-toe your way down to the kitchen where it seem that the majority of the early morning happenings be taking place — as you make your way closer, the distinct scent of coffee brewing and and continued sounds of an irritated man, none too thrilled about the conversation taking place, but it's only when you reach the nearest entryway and your presence demands his attention, that you feel as though you may have been walking into more than you had thought to be signing up for.
Black hair styled and slicked back with a gray suit adorning him — it would appear normal, given his occupation, if not for one, glaring, difference to the typical business attire.
No shirt worn underneath the jacket, instead, you find yourself faced with the expanse of smooth skin that you're already well acquainted with, sure.
But not like this?
Your being there appears to fluster him slightly as he turns his back towards you quickly and cusses under his breath despite still being on the phone. Informing the person on the other line that he'll call them back, you watch with a sort of innocent enjoyment as Doyoung pulls the jacket closed before turning to face you again.
"What are you doing awake?" He all but stutters out, a good attempt at maintaining his vocal balance through his embarrassment, you have to give it to him.
With a single eyebrow perked upwards, you offer him nothing more than a gentle grin at first, slipping through the doorway finally and pulling a mug down from one of the higher cupboards to pour yourself a cup of coffee. "I don't sleep so well in new places, it'll take a couple of days to get used to a new bed."
You can't be sure if ignoring the elephant in the room be what he desire right then and there, or if instead it only lending to more awkwardness — so, you make a judgment call then and there as you turn to seat yourself at the kitchen island and hopping into one of the tall stools that reside there.
"Don't." He immediately interjects with screwed shut eyes and a palm up towards you.
A small giggle escapes your mouth at his insistence, but beyond that, you choose to let it lie as you quietly scroll through your phone. Doyoung, however, not as easily placated — shuffling around nervously in place, and if you didn't know any better, you might think him to be irritated at your lack of insistence further.
"It's not what it looks like."
Glancing up towards him, you blink once. "I assure you that I have no idea what it looks like."
It's the truth, because after all: what the fuck?
Rolling his eyes and accepting defeat, the man grabs his mug from behind him and seats himself across the way from you with phone in hand as if waiting for a call that he intend on answering the absolute second that it begins coming through.
"So, you know I wrote a book."
You nod.
"Publisher wants me to do some promotional photos for it, now I get word last minute that the photographer isn't coming and they're having a hard time finding someone who can make it all of the way out here in time."
"Is there a reason that they want you to be dressed like a Chippendales dancer for a book about business and finances?"
Groaning and tossing his head back so abruptly you think he might send the entirety of himself barreling backwards and out of his chair, when he comes back upwards, he looks approximately as pained about the whole ordeal as you might expect him to.
"Something about selling more books."
A questioning hum into the rim of your mug, you would be lying if you said that you didn't enjoy having a bit of the high ground over the man for once. Tables turned briefly as he sits across from you nearly nervously sweating the wax out of his perfectly styled hair — when the call begins to come through finally, Doyoung jumps up and out of his chair to answer it — hurried and excited at first, only to find himself sounding just as annoyed and despondent as you had heard him earlier on.
Guess it's not going well.
Turning to you once again as he ends the call and setting his phone onto the granite countertop with a heavy sigh, he tilts his head backwards with eyes closed as if in silent prayer for some sort of answer to this conundrum from some sort of higher power above.
Luckily for him, the answer only need fifteen more minutes to wake up and another cup of coffee, first.
"Did Mina ever tell you I got pretty into photography a few months back?"
"I'm sure she mentioned it."
Slow on the pick-up.
"I brought my stuff with me because you guys live in sort of a good area for landscape photography," you continue on, and thankfully by now the mans eyes start to pick up and raise towards you as you speak. "I don't really do people but it doesn't seem like you're in much of a position to be all that picky."
Quietly taking another sip from your cup, you sit by and wait for the reluctant acceptance: because he's a man out of other options, and you don't really have anything better to be doing this early in the morning, either.
"Fine." Doyoung sighs, tipping his own drink all of the way back to finish it off as if downing a shot of liquor to prepare him for the morning going forward. "Just make sure I look pretty, would you?"
"Of course, darling."
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Snapping a few test shots, you pull your camera down from your eye and take a look through the display to check the turn out — given, it's a bit of a rough shoot with no lighting equipment and not much else to help you along your way, but you figure with what you're getting here currently that someone far more talented than yourself be capable of fixing anything decent you get in post.
Looking upwards again and towards your subject: laid out on the white flooring of an otherwise unfurnished room that the happy couple haven't had the time to get around to just yet, Doyoung keeps his attention turned well away from you as you cycle through the photos to determine any better way that you can make this work.
You think, perhaps, that he's still a bit bashful of the circumstances.
Leaning back against his elbows and forearms, you watch him glance towards the ceiling just briefly before finally looking at you.
It's a little bit funny how little he wishes to be doing this right now. Karma, perhaps, for years of subtle torment.
"They look good enough," you admit with a slight nod, sounding almost surprised at the fact. "I think we can get a few good shots pretty quick and have you back in your office writing boring reports, or whatever it is that you do, in no time."
"I'd much rather be doing that." He huffs, turning his attention away again. The movement gives you an excellent shot of the angle of his jaw, however — thus, you bring your camera back up to take a few more pictures before gracing him with a reply.
"I've never met a man so dismayed by being attractive."
"You think I'm attractive?"
You bring the camera down again, a slightly annoyed but playful cock of your head to the side that silently says 'really?', because frankly, it's a stupid question. This is a fact that Doyoung knows, as evidenced by the smirk that takes his lips as a result of your reaction to it.
"It's not the 'being attractive' that's bothersome," he continues on with the thought, offering you an honest response now. "Just don't really need or particularly enjoy this kind of attention on myself. It feels bizarre, especially as someone in my line of work."
It makes sense, and snapping a few more shots, you opt out of a verbal reply and only hum of acknowledgement, instead.
"I'll be happy to have it over with, and now I know, no more books."
Without pulling up from the camera, you carry on with your direction. "Look towards me."
Head turning slowly and eyes settling deeply into your own even through the lens, Doyoung settles into his new pose — a smoldering look to him that really would have you thinking that something like this be his chosen line of profession after all, but shaking it off, you press a few more clicks of the button and check in the view finder once again for how the photos are turning out thus far.
Doyoung's gaze, however, remaining firm on you as you do.
Jacket open again and chest fully on display, you make a good effort of attempting to ignore the flesh before you. Of course, it's far from the first time that you've seen him — and really, you've seen him in far less clothing and far more intimate scenarios, but something about this, you find, doing a little bit extra for your visceral attraction to the man.
Even worse, it's about seven in the morning. Who tries to fuck their best friends husband at seven in the morning?
You do? Maybe?
Mind wandering to the thought of whether or not it's something that is also on his mind, you figure it not too far from the realm of possibility: after all, the relationship between the both of you be almost strictly a sexual one, what else is there for either of you to be fantasizing about whilst in each others company like this?
"Is it good?"
The wording is a little strange, and that's because you know it to be a question with a hidden agenda behind it. A question he often asks you while buried deep within your body, as your eyes fall to his and your camera falls away from your face just a bit, you can quite easily see the sinister curl of one corner of his lips. Knowing, playful, a man with an agenda, indeed.
"Yeah," you answer cooly, not willing to allow him the satisfaction of knowing about your growing arousal. "They look good."
It's then that one of Doyoung's hands slowly glides up and to the front of his trousers — watching on as he expertly unbuttons and unzips them all the while maintaining perfect eye contact with you — there's a part of you deep down that is pleased with the non-verbal communication between the two of you and how far that it has come, even with so much time between the last time and now.
There's also a part of you that's willing to beg to have him in your mouth right now, but you'd rather not make that one so obvious just yet.
"Why don't you come get your reward then?"
Well, so much for the 'not making it that obvious' plan.
Slowly and gently setting the camera down on the only, lone dresser in the entire room, you just as carefully shrug off the robe you had been wearing — long, loose sleeves tending to be a bit of a detriment for these sorts of activities, best to be nimble and able to do whatever it is that you need to do.
The fact that you don't know what that is yet quite possibly the most enticing part of it.
Spending more time with the man in casual settings, you find it charming as well as that much more sexy to see the way he so easily slips into that dominant role. Not that long ago flustered and shy about you catching him in the kitchen in the same open suit coat that he adorn now.
Closing the distance between you and carefully settling down onto your knees between his legs, you watch as his hand slip down and beneath the fabric that still offer coverage from your sights — palming his growing erection just under, and worse than that — still maintaining that devilish eye contact with you like nothing capable of pulling his vision from yours.
"What do you want?" He asks with a sultry groan to him.
And still maintaining that initial desire to not completely give in to his whims, you instead decide on a bit of turnaround. Biting your lip, you look him straight in the eye to deliver your reply. "What do you want?"
It does give him a bit of pause perhaps — a single eyebrow perking up at the slight bit of defiance you dangle before him, but rather than deter him, he leans into it in full.
And you had not calculated the risk of being told precisely what it is that he wants from you accurately, either.
"I want you to spit on my cock, and then I want to watch you gag on it until I come."
It's a total knockout of a response, just like that. Throat running dry and heart thumping hard in your chest at the promise of exactly that, Doyoung's eyes remain on you as he offers you nothing more than a small shrug at your inability to properly digest the information.
"You asked," He adds with a much too sly smirk.
Hand shifting to be removed from his pants, Doyoung runs his thumb over the tip of his length to gather the bit of precum that's since gathered there, and upon its exit, he whispers a simple "come here" as he extends it towards you and presses the digit between your all too accommodating lips to suck him clean. Wet and wrapping around it, you run your tongue around him and offer a gentle suction before the man hooks into the corner of your mouth with a deeply wanting groan.
"Get what you want, then."
Taking his hand back from your face, you waste little more time before hooking your own fingers into the sides of his trousers and giving them a tug — hips lifting off of the flooring for just a moment to allow for the shift — you bring the fabric down just enough to be out of the way, watching as his cock springs free and the tip of it lie against his exposed abdomen. Perching over Doyoung's hips, you take him into one hand, a few languid strokes to feel just how hard he already is before dipping your head down and taking him into your mouth with the swirl of your tongue.
Breath hitching in his throat at the feeling of you, it's one of your favorite things about sucking him off — always just a little bit on the verge of falling apart beneath you entirely as you do so.
Pulling off of him for a moment, you glance back up the length of his body to make eye contact with him once again before allowing the lewd display of saliva to fall from your puckered lips and messily onto his shaft in hand. Then, it's back to business, taking him deeper and fuller into your mouth with light suction and long, slow bobs of your head around him.
"Yeah, just like that, baby," Doyoung whispers out, head falling back to take in the feeling just briefly before bringing his gaze back up to watch the way you work him — not wanting to miss a moment of the show. "Love my cock, don't you? Can't get enough?"
Moaning around him in affirmation, the words cause you to stroke him just that much faster — enjoying the way he sounds when you have him like this.
"Think you can take it all this time?" He asks, voice slightly broken already. "Bet you practiced while we were apart, didn't you? Sucking other cock just in hopes that you can take mine that much better if you were to get the chance."
Throbbing between your legs far from dull at this point with a man never relenting in the dirty talk, you once again groan around him as you also feel yourself falling apart despite being wholly untouched thus far. You can't see him, but you feel the shift of his weight to free one of his arms for movement, followed by the familiar feeling of his fingers collecting loose strands of hair as he intertwine them into the collection of it at the back of your head.
There's truth to his words, though. Not so much about sucking off ever Tom, Dick and Harry in town just to practice for the inevitable resurrection of your sexual relationship with Doyoung specifically, but you had seen other men since then, and you had sucked some of their dicks.
You're a little proud of the progress made, sure.
Bringing yourself up enough that only the tip of him remain between your lips, you take a deep breath in preparation for what's to come — the gentle, careful press of his hand down against the back of your head to force more of his cock into your mouth...slowly, inch-by-inch and with no rush to have you take the entirety of him in one go, when he reaches the back of your throat you focus on steadying and relaxing yourself for him. Hissing through his teeth at the feeling of burying himself so deeply within your mouth and throat, as he ventures further, you feel the welling of tears in your eyes at the light discomfort of it.
It's not bad, and far from enough to not want to keep going — rather, the excitement of having so much of him far outweighing those things, anyway.
Slipping into your throat delicately, Doyoung instead opts for short, shallow thrusts into you for the rest of the way, and once he feels your nose against his pubic bone, he can't help the breathy moan that escapes from his lips.
It's heavenly, hearing him so desperate beneath you.
Pulling you back up and off of him slowly, the two of you look at one another — you with teary, wet eyes and swollen, red lips — you think that the darkness in his eyes deepens just that much more at the sight of you destroyed on his cock before him.
"Think you can take it again?"
"Such a good girl. Go ahead then, swallow me down."
Repeating the previous motions, before your nose settles against his skin, Doyoung instead opts for slow drives of himself into your mouth — gently throat fucking you with dizzying, incoherent sounds melting from his lips as you take just about all of him inside of you like this. It takes very little time before you hear and feel the familiar notions of him reaching his peak, a few harder, deeper drives of his cock up and into your mouth through his attempt to maintain his composure that have you gagging around him ever so slightly, and just as promised.
"Fuck, you take it so well now," he all but whines, eyes screwed shut and eyebrows knitted tightly together as he shallowly bucks his hips up into your mouth to chase his release. "Wanted to earn my cum, didn't you?"
You can't grace him with an answer, and he knows it well enough — the dirty talking is for you, really, knowing the way that every word pools between your legs — an unrelenting throb there now and unknowing if you'll be offered the same release that the man under you be about to experience.
In a way, you almost don't even care if you cum.
Suddenly, Doyoung pulls your head up and off of him completely to instead replace it with his hand — quickly stroking himself to completion only to empty his load on the expanse of exposed skin along his abs and sternum with a hot, heavy, whiny vocalization.
Catching your breath for only a second, in one, fluid motion you dip your head down to lick the white-translucent fluid off of his body as his chest heaves just above where you work.
Turning your head to grant you the ability to look up at him, the two of you make eye contact once again as your tongue dips out to collect his cum. Head falling back, he lets out an exasperated moan at the sheer sight of your desire for him.
"Ride my face," he suddenly demands, hands reaching down for your arms and already pulling you up and towards him. "Now. Come on my face."
A dizzying request from him and not one you had factored into the potential possibilities, you don't bother inquiring further as you struggle to your feet and discard your garments as quickly as possible before wobbling over to him and kneeling above his face with creeping uncertainty.
Doyoung wastes no time, however, digging fingers into the flesh of your behind and pulling your soaking cunt flush against his mouth — digging his tongue firmly into your clit and offering you the much needed relief you had been hoping for. Whimpering in his grasp, he goes at you hard and fast straight from the get go in a way that has you reeling with the threat of an orgasm that you knew wouldn't be all that far off from the horizon, anyway.
"Doyoung, fuck—"
Moaning against you, the vibration tickling your sensitive nub just that much more as he quickly circles over it with far more than just expertise, you find yourself thankful for the close proximity of the wall just behind him as you fall forward slightly and find leverage against it. "Fuck, fuck, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come—"
You sound somewhat surprised by the fact, large in part because you are. Not that you anywhere near able to follow the flow of time, rather, you know that it certainly hasn't been long since having made your way up here, and already Doyoung is having you tumbling over into orgasm.
In the last moments before you cum; grinding down hard against the mans mouth as he groan up into you and fingers digging into you flesh to hold you in place — you look down ever so briefly to find his eyes — narrow, lustful, and with a job to fulfill right before you come with an embarrassingly high pitched shriek, thighs quaking around his head as you bite the tail end of your yell back and indulge in the feeling of him sucking any coherent thought that you could ever possibly have in that moment straight out of you through your pussy.
And as you wind down from the exhaustion of your early morning escapades, you shakily crawl off of him, clumsily falling to the floor next to him and heaving in the afterglow of ecstasy. The two of you enjoy the silence for just a moment before Doyoung turns his head lazily to allow his eyes to fall upon your weary form.
Huffing out an exhausted laugh, you can't help but smile at the nonchalance of it all as you grant him a nod. "Yeah, that'd be great."
"Cool," he says, bringing himself up and to his feet to shrug off the suit jacket entirely and leaving it bunched up on the floor next to you. "You suck my dick like that again and I'll cook you a six course meal every day until Mina gets home."
"Good to know."
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With your nose buried in your laptop and comfortably sat in the lavish living room with no company other than yourself, you tab away at your keyboard to answer work emails and respond to other such employment related inquiries. Approximately a week into your stay at the current residence, you find yourself quite easily settled in by now: the two of you working on your own for the majority of the day, occasionally meeting in the kitchen or the hallway as either you or Doyoung come to and from your standard whereabouts, and, if given the free time at a whim — a quickie where ever either of you wish to have the other.
The entire circumstances fundamentally erotic — your entire being there at all deeply erotic in a sense — but with a week down and more rounds under your belt than days spent there already, you can't help but find that the simplicity of domesticity already setting in, in a way.
When Mina had suggested a sort of 'fake-dating' scenario, you hadn't anticipated it being so on the nose.
Because it truly does feel as though you and Doyoung are dating: engaged in a relationship beyond just the sexual, despite being intensely sexually charged and the entire surroundings of it being build off of that. You eat together, you chat together, you shower together occasionally — for all intents and purposes, you are, as Mina had suggested, dating; in some way, shape, or form.
It's not boring, but a sense of excitement and luster has already worn off in a way that you can't help but acknowledge. Of course, you still desire the man viscerally just as you always had the very moment you began your physical relationship with him...but the fact of the matter is just that: it's different now.
Upon sending out your last email at just before four in the afternoon, you shut your laptop in tune to the sound of Doyoung treading down the upstairs hallway and making his way down the stairs. Glancing up towards him, the two of you make eye contact, giving him pause for just a second before he continues his way down to the floor level of the home.
"What do you say about ordering in tonight, I don't feel like cooking again."
Dramatically throwing yourself back along the length of the couch, you swing your arm up and across your face like a damsel in distress at the mere thought of not being personally catered to. "What ever will I do? What's the point of even being here?"
He rolls his eyes at your overacting. "I'm going to order a pizza. I'll order two so that there are leftovers for tomorrow, then I can really punish you if I have to."
"Kinky," you quip back playfully as you bring yourself back up to a sitting position on the black leather. "Then what?"
Bringing his hands to settle on his hips, Doyoung simply stares at you with his head cocked to the side.
"If you think I'm going to be your tough, hard dominant boy-toy your whole stay then sorry to disappoint, but I'm only one man, I need some rest too, you know."
Of course, the banter is part of the fun of it. Something that the two of you have always engaged in, but as of late with the comfort of living together established, a new level of it unlocked. Easier and more fluid. Where once upon a time there be perhaps more truthful venom behind comments or words, instead now rest an adoring familiarity between the new faux-couple.
"Endlessly disappointing, aren't you?" You sigh in response, unable to fully hide your grin.
"So I've been told," he's quick to admit. "But if you're good tonight then there is something you might be pleased to discuss over dinner."
An intriguing promise of what's to come, and entirely unknowing of what it is that he be referring to, you find your curiosity to most definitely be piqued. Eyebrow quirking upward at the sly comment, you're mindful of the mischievous glimmer in his eye that you know to only present itself when the man have something very particular, and particularly raunchy, at that, in mind.
As the both of you settle into the smaller living room area just next to the dining room — fireplace lightly crackling in the not too far off distance and a cheap bottle of white wine opened and set on the tiny coffee table, as the television in front of you sounds off to fill the room with sitcom chatter and laughter, you glance over to the man just next to you: sitting with legs crossed in front of him and his plate balanced onto his lap as he bite into a slice of cheap, cheese pizza. It's a sight that you come to realize in the moment that you're unfamiliar with, all things considered: a particularly raw and true level of domesticity where Doyoung exist as just some guy, in the best way possible. You realize in this moment as well, that it's times like this that are likely cause for Mina's falling in love with him. A good man, after all — and more than that, seemingly perfectly well-rounded in all ways, as well.
Even so, as the flicker of illumination dances across sharp, pretty features — round, framed glasses perched upon his nose and rather unkempt hair in the front from a hand running through it numerous times that day — the conversation mentioned earlier weighs the heaviest on your mind with promise of, well, you don't quite know yet; but you sure would like to find out.
"So," you chime, semi-awkwardly on purpose and for effect. It's enough to garner his attention already, a man not all that wrapped up in the show carrying on before him to begin with. "About that talk."
"Right," he quickly responds with a single nod, setting the food down onto the plate in front of him and bending forward to set it onto the table between the both of you. "About that. I was curious how much of this...arrangement you were looking to explore in our time together."
The inquiry brings pause, finding the wording of it slightly difficult to navigate, because what does he mean by that?
You suppose your hesitancy is telling, however — Doyoung chuckling lightly under his breath before rephrasing the question more clearly.
"I mean...the first time we started sleeping together you were interested in exploring a rather dominant and submissive power play scenario. I'm wondering if you're wanting to explore that further."
'Further,' you think, being the operative word, and yes, yes you do.
Reaching forward for your glass of wine, you take a sip before answering him confidently. "Yeah, I've thought about it. I had done some exploring this past year but—"
Hesitating to think through your words carefully, Doyoung interjects with the thought you had been leaning towards anyway, and in a way, it proves your point just that much more.
"—Haven't established that level of trust with anyone?"
"Yeah, that."
He nods, finally spinning himself in place on the couch to fully face towards you. In a way he appears particularly earnest, as if even now still vying for that level of trust necessary to engage in the even harder, darker sides of BDSM as implied.
"Then," he says a bit more seriously than you would have ever really expected. "Tell me what you want."
You suppose that as far as situations that require a more serious touch, this be at the top of his list.
It's not something that you've spent all that much time thinking about, however. No list of 'things to try' on hand or a bullet pointed note on your laptop of all of the ways in which you wish for him to have you. Rather, they be fleeting, passing moments that you find yourself fantasizing about in private, discarded just as quickly as they find themselves making way into your mind.
But you do know that they still lie embedded in there somewhere, you just have to dig them back up.
As well as relay them to him in plain, simple words. It's not only an admittance of desire, but one of confession: 'this is all of the ways I've wanted you even since then.'
You swallow down the bubbling humiliation though, knowing that if not capable of bestowing upon him precisely what it is that you want of him that he be in no position to grant it to you.
He needs to know everything, because he has to have a plan.
"Restraints," you begin, inhaling deeply after the word leaves your mouth. "Orgasm control, impact play...basically all of the same but turned up a notch."
Doyoung nods, reaching towards his own glass of wine and sipping from the rim. Then, after thinking through your words, he offers another nod of understanding.
"Okay, then here are my rules: first, the same safe wording system will remain in place, we both know it and are familiar with using it so I think that's best. Second, no renegotiation mid-scene, it makes it difficult for me to be able to have an understanding of where you are and also gives me cause to have less trust in your word—"
Pausing again and with his head tilted down towards his lap, he glances up through his eyelashes at you for explicit eye contact in that moment.
"—And if I'm going to hit you, I need to be able to trust your word of when it's just enough, or too much."
"Yeah, of course."
"Cool," he finally sighs, dropping the tough and serious exterior to once again fall back into the Just A Guy role he had previously been enjoying. Doyoung slumps to the side and against the back of the couch with a contented grin as he finishes up his thought. "Tomorrow evening, then? Doesn't have to be then—"
"No!" You nearly shout, already thrilled with the thought of all that's soon to come to you. "No, tomorrow is good, perfect."
Standing to his feet, the man reaches down to take both of your plates into hand with intention of heading towards the kitchen. "I'm going to head to bed then. Long day, tomorrow will be longer now — try to get some good rest tonight."
Needing no verbal response, you sit back comfortably against the large cushions of the couch as he begin to head towards his exit — it's then, that a sudden thought comes to mind in an instant, and before your window for negotiation truly closes, you have to put it out there, now or never.
"Oh! Doie? One more thing about the scene tomorrow?"
He hums in acknowledgment of your words, merely glancing back and over his shoulder at you in wait for what it is that you wish to add.
"When you hit me...leave your wedding band on."
Snorting through his nose with a chuckle, the man playfully shakes his head at the thought and the implications behind it — just as quick on the uptake of one of the joys of kink exploration within the confines of this arrangement.
No one is cheating on anyone, doesn't mean we can't pretend, though.
"Kinky minx," He responds coyly, dumping the dishes into the sink and disappearing into the darkness of the otherwise unlit household.
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"Shall we?"
Doyoung's voice is calm and pleasant when he asks the question. There's a hint of knowing within it, a playful nuance in regards to what's to come from here on out that already has anticipation pooling between your legs in a relatively unexpected way. You were excited for tonight, of course, but a physical response as a result of him merely alluding to it not exactly something you had foreseen in your future.
You recall Mina telling you how good of a dom he is a year ago.
The evenings festivities call for a one drink maximum: a rule implemented by the man himself to ensure that the parties involved be well aware of themselves and within the grips of their own feelings and boundaries enough to ensure safe play. One drink offering plenty to take the buzz of nervousness edge off, after all.
Dinner is light. Enough to keep the both of you fed and fulfilled without weighing either of you down, especially when you can't be sure when or if you're to be gagged — and beyond that, on what, you'd rather not take the risk of throwing up all over him — at least, minimize it as much as possible.
None of this is all that new to you, though. You've played before, partaken in kink and gone to parties before. Engaged in such things with people who are not Doyoung in between then and now — but as you quietly follow him downstairs and into the basement below, you find yourself so much calmer with him that with any of your previous play partners before.
It's not a matter of poor vetting and even poorer partner choices: you've had fun, it's been safe, and everyone has left satisfied. However, there just be something special about your play partner now — a level of trust and understanding between the two of you that takes an edge of uncertainty from the back of your mind and discards it entirely.
You don't have to worry about him, not even a little bit. As a result, you don't have to worry about you, either.
"I can't believe you two have a dungeon, how cliche," You sarcastically quip as your foot lands onto the floor at the end of the stairs. 
Doyoung glances at you briefly from over his shoulder and shoots you a roll of his eyes. "It's not a dungeon, we just wanted to keep the upstairs bedrooms available for guests. We had no other plans for the basement, so—"
"—So, you turned it into a dungeon," You finish for him.
Walking over to a small, unceremonious table, Doyoung pulls out a tube of hand lotion from one of the old, brown drawers and squeezes a small dab of it into palm. "If calling it that gets you off, then by all means."
As the man settle in and begin preparing for the activities, you take it upon yourself to glance around and take in the sights. Truly, it's nothing like the fancy, mommy-porn movies: no huge rigs or handcuffs hanging from the ceiling. Rather, it's sort of just a regular room — obviously re-done since moving in to serve this purpose specifically, you take notice of the king sized bed off at the furthest end of the rather small underneath of the home — satin, royal blue sheets and a single pair of restraints hanging from one of the golden bedposts there.
"Have you ever played submissive?"
It's a question that's rattled around your brain for a while now, suppose now is as good a time as ever to sate the curiosity. Doyoung comes up from behind you so quietly that it nearly startles you with another pair of wrist binds in his grips, and as you glance back and the two of you make eye contact, he reaches out for your hand — slowly fastening one of them to your wrist before answering the question.
"If you must know, yes," He says, tightening the restraint against your skin just firm enough for a good hold, and without causing pain. "One of those...'you gotta try it once' sort of situations."
"How did that go?" You ask further as he spins you in place to face him, fastening the other half of the tan leather to you. Doyoung offers you a sly grin first, slowly stepping you backwards on your heels and towards the bed, before gently tipping you and causing you to fall flat on your back to the mattress below.
"Didn't take."
While restraints, you find, aren't typically your thing, it's a situation in which you feel comfortable with him. You question momentarily if there be any other person in the world that you would be willing to be in this current scenario with: bound and laid out against the sheets of someone's basement bed, and the answer is a quite easy and resounding 'no.'
"Recite back the safe word system," He demands, tone dropping in a way that you know this be the beginnings of the scene at hand. You watch him as he rolls up the sleeve of his white, button down shirt — more or less still dressed up from the work day just before — sort of the archetype of the CEO dominant man that while typically you don't find yourself creaming yourself for...this time, it's sort of working for you.
"Green is good to keep going, yellow to slow down and lighten up, red is full stop to the scene. If unable to speak: two taps to someone's body is effectively a yellow sign, and three is a red sign."
"Good girl," he chimes, squatting down to the edge of the bed between your legs and hooking fingers into the sweatpants you're wearing. "Scene renegotiation?"
"Only to lessen, never to strengthen."
Pulling the fabric down your legs, panties and all, you feel the rush of cool air against your flesh in a particularly stark way — your body temperature seemingly already flaring up at just the mere discussion of the rules from here on out, you find this to also be an unexpected turn out of tonight's engagements.
"Sit up," He then requests; a near impossible task for you alone given your bind. He knows this, naturally, and reaches for the center of your restraints to pull you upwards and seated just as he desires.
Cold fingers just grazing the flesh of your torso as he grabs at the hem of your shirt and brings it up over your head, it's electric — felt through what you think could be every nerve of your body with barely any physical touch at all.
A worrying trend for your resolve tonight.
With you fully disrobed, Doyoung pushes you to lie back again, dipping down into his previous position and hooking his arms under your legs to pull your bottom to the edge of the bed. It's exciting already: the anticipation of what's to come and what he will do with you — relinquishing all power and ability to be an engaging participant in your activities in a way not yet engaged in since your time arriving in the home.
It's then that he dips a single finger between your folds — the touch is delicate, barely offering you any sort of stimulation at all, and as a result, you're already keening and attempting to melt yourself into his touch. This, of course, gives him great pleasure at the sight of you already so needy and wanting for him — evidenced on his face as he looks up at you from between your legs and gives your clit the lightest feathering of a swirl with the tip of the digit present there.
"In a rush?" He asks teasingly, still circling the collection of nerves between your thighs.
A dizzying offering of almost nothing to your body despite knowing how you crave his touch.
"What do you want?" Doyoung questions as if speaking to no one in particular, finger dipping down towards your opening and shallowing pressing inward as if intending to penetrate you. "I take it you want me to fuck you open with my hand?"
With a small whimper dropping from your mouth, he hums inquisitively. "Feel my tongue on you? Taste you like you have the last cunt on earth?"
"Yes," You finally whine in reply, but the response from you garners nothing from the man in question.
Instead, and in a rather surprising turn of events, Doyoung gives you just that: carefully slipping a single finger into you, slowly fucking into you with ease as a result of the ample arousal already having pooled there. It's shallow, slow, and far from enough to get you anywhere you're wanting so desperately to go, but better than nothing — a moment later, you feel the heated waves of breath across your labia as he brings his mouth mere centimeters from your mound.
Nearly instinctually you attempt to grind yourself down and against his hand and face, but it results in little given your lack of mobility. A light chuckle offered from him as a result of your wanting, you feel him press his lips lightly against your lower ones, but only to speak.
"You think I'm going to let you come?" He questions, offering one, long, stripe of his tongue through your slit finally and giving you the warm, wet, contact that you've been silently begging for. "You still want it even though you know I won't, that's how desperate you are for me, isn't it?"
Whining out a breathy affirmation of the fact, he serves you another press of his tongue against you for what you can only figure is 'good behavior.'
"I can always make you come so quick like this, can't I? Like your pussy was made for me—" He carries on the thought, pausing long enough to drag his tongue over you languidly and pulling from you the most desperate whines each and every time. "Body made for me, isn't it? Your mouth, your throat, your cunt, your ass...all mine for the taking, aren't they?"
The moan that tears from your throat at the words is nothing sort of humiliating.
"Yes, they are," You force yourself to reply through a breathy, broken voice.
"I know, you're so good for me. What a perfect little toy for me to come inside and toss aside until next time, aren't you?"
You don't have a chance to respond before his mouth is attached to you, tongue digging firmly into your clit and the sound of him sucking into you resonating through the otherwise empty basement. Eyes screwing shut, you only have a second of self-awareness to realize that he really might be able to make you come in record time at this rate. Curling his fingers up into you and running his tongue across you in just the way that he knows gets you there, you whine out loudly — back coming up and off the bed as he seemingly tries to get you there already.
"Fuck, fuck—" you breathe out as your body finds itself on the precipice of orgasm, but as a man all too good at what he does; expert hands and mouth bringing you just to the brink before pulling back from you entirely and watching your body tremble at the feeling of the loss. "—Doyoung please, please please."
"And what have you done to earn it, hm?" He asks, leaning forward and over your body to take your bound hands into his grasp and sit you upright at the edge of the bed before him. Still shaking lightly from the feeling of a ruined orgasm, hair strewn about your face and eyes glazed over from the need — Doyoung looks down at you with a gentle cock of his head as if charmed by the sight of you already so fucked out with so little having taken place yet.
Hands reaching down for his belt and subsequently releasing his erection from the confines of his black trousers, you're forced to watch him lightly palm himself just in front of your face.
How familiar a sight it is.
"You know how to earn it, don't you baby?"
You nod, although it's not enough for the man before you. "Answer."
"Yes, I can earn it."
"Good girl," he says, angling the tip of his length down and to your lips, only lightly dragging across before gently tapping you with it as a signal to open your mouth for him. "Though, suppose this is a bit of a reward in and of itself, isn't it? You love my cock, isn't that right?"
With only the tip of him presented between your lips, you're able to still speak around him. A simple "I do, please let me earn it" falling from you before you're able to even register the words and the meaning behind them.
It never gets old the way this man can have you falling apart with ease.
Hand dipping to the back of your head, Doyoung pulls you forward and sheathes as much of himself inside of the warmth of your mouth as he comfortably can at first — just like the last time, there's no aim for discomfort or pushing any particular limits this time — rather, he understands yours and your abilities well enough by now to know precisely the best way to go about having you, and equally as much, allowing you to have him.
Lips firmly wrapped around him, with each pulling back of your head, you look up at him to meet eyes — narrow, dark ones staring down at you to watch the way his cock disappears inside of your body.
"Fuck, that's it baby," he whispers out as he begins to gently drive himself into your face. "Such a pretty face, just made for me to fuck."
But for as much as Doyoung knows you and your body, the same can be said for you and his — you know this sort of engagement to be his weakness, and for all of the chiding he does at your inability to hold out on him, the very same can be said for him in these situations.
Bringing his hand forward and from the back of your head, he instead grasps your jaw, prying it open forcefully so. "Open, swallow it down. Take it all."
Giving you little time to adjust, you feel him press his hips forward and as a result, begin the drive of his cock down into your throat. Gagging around him, he pulls off quickly. "Color?"
And with that, he serves you another, direct press of his length down into your throat. Easier this time, but the sound of your heaved breaths and gurgling around him as your nose meets his flesh going straight to that place deep within him that you can tell makes him want to come at a moments notice. As a result, he pulls back and from your mouth entirely — giving you a moment to catch your breath before grabbing at your chin once again and forcing your mouth open for him.
"My little cockslut has gotten so good at that. You sound so pretty when you're gagging around my dick."
Leaning forward, he allows a small dropping of saliva to fall from his mouth and into yours before once again pressing his length between your lips and shallowly fucking your mouth with a few, quick, thrusts.
"You want my come?" He asks firmly, stepping away only enough for the tip of him to rest against your mouth.
And then it comes: one light, open-palmed snap of his wrist against the side of your jaw.
"I don't believe you, make me believe it."
"Yes! Yes, please come in my mouth, please let me taste you, Doie."
Tightly gripping your jaw again, he holds you in place to rub the mess of saliva and precum thoroughly around your face — so wet that it's nearly dripping from you — Doyoung smiles down at you at the sound of the pet name leaving your mouth.
Because that's when he knows you're really fucked up for him.
Another, slightly harder tap of the inside of his fingers to your jaw — it doesn't hurt and it's far from jarring in any way, but the implications of it within the scene driving you absolutely wild in the moment, you're happy you asked for this in particular.
The glimmer of his wedding ring still present on his hand, all the while.
"So nice of my wife to offer me such a compliant play-thing to use as I wish while she's gone," he says, finally dropping his pants to the floor entirely and beginning the unbuttoning of his shirt as if to soon discard it entirely. "Suppose now I get to decide which hole I want to take, don't I?"
You nod, and as a result, Doyoung lands the hardest connection of his hand to your face that he's given you thus far. This time, enough to actually cause your head to move a bit, as well as the slightest sting to the skin.
"How many times do I have to instruct you to answer? Are you already so fuck-dumb that you can't remember one, single rule?"
"No! I know it, I'm sorry!" You quickly amend with a shake of your head. "You can have anything you want from me."
"I know," he plainly responds, as if already grown tired of the discussion at hand. Simultaneously, Doyoung pushes you to the side and back against the bed, only this time pulling you up by the hips and displaying you bent over and lewdly spread open for him at the edge of the bed. "I'll take what I want, that is your purpose here, after all, isn't it?"
"It is," You quickly answer this time as to avoid punishment.
Feeling the tip of his cock pressed against your opening, you hear the man chuckle from behind you at the sight before him. "Your messy little cunt is practically dripping. Begging to be filled with me. Pathetic."
The words garner a whimper, and pathetic is correct as you feel him drag the length of his cock up and down your folds in a simulation of fucking you. Slow, concentrated drives against you, but not into you, that have you keening and attempting to push back and onto him in a way that is far beyond humiliating — a new low for you, even given your previous encounters. You don't think you've ever needed to feel him this badly, and worse than that, you know that he knows it, too.
You're thankful when he readjusts his position, feeling the tip of him pressed at your opening again followed by the smooth, easy glide of his full length into you. A dizzying feeling of being so full of him after what feels like an eternity of being denied him in so many ways, Doyoung sinks into you from behind and sits flush against your ass for only a moment before leaning forward and harshly gripping his fingers into your hair.
Followed with a hard, rough, snaps of his hips into you that has you nearly toppling forward at the momentum of it.
"You thought I was going to fuck you for you?" He breaths out, venom lacing his tone as he delivers another, harsh, thrust into you. "You're nothing but a hole for me to fuck, and come in."
Pressing your face into the mattress, the man then focus entirely on his own pleasure: chasing his release as he fucks you hard, quick, and selfishly. No concern for the proximity of your orgasm as a result of him.
The irony being, of course, that after so much lead up to this moment, you're just about there, anyway.
Stopping briefly and much to your display, Doyoung comes around to the side of you to release you of your restraints, but as he settles in behind you and sinks into you all over again, you feel him lean forward to retrieve both of your wrists and twisting them behind you — new, better leverage for him to use your body with like this.
"God, your cunt feels fucking heavenly," he groans through rough drives into you and over the sound of your pathetic, fucked-out babbling just below. "Useless bitch not good for anything but taking my cock, guess you're good for something, after all."
"Fuck, Doie—" you whine out at the culmination of words and the feeling of him relentlessly pounding you.
"Yeah? Is the little whore gonna come anyway? Even when I just try to use your body to dump my load in, it still gets you off, that's how much you love it, huh?"
He's right. This one might keep you up at night in the future.
"Yes—" you whimper breathlessly, dangling on the edge of your now inevitable release. "Yes, yes, yes, please I'm gonna come—"
"Fine," he hums, similarly close to his own peak. "Come then, want to feel you milk me when I fuck my load into your messy little pussy."
And so you do. Your orgasm ripping through your body hard and quick — shrieking loudly against the mattress as Doyoung continues to pound you through it — shaking and clawing at nothing attainable as it tears through every inch of your body. You're barely aware enough to hear him groan out from behind you as his own takes him: cock deeply buried into your walls as he unloads inside of you — cock so hard and deep that you feel the pulse and twitch with every rope of cum that he delivers to your insides.
Slowly, carefully pulling from you, listening for the way his breaths are heavy and worn from the scene having just played out to perfection, as you fall to your side to lie flat against the bed to catch your own you feel the gentle, careful dip of the mattress from just beside you as he settles in just the same.
Silence blanketing between the two of you, you inhale to speak — only to be cut off by words of his own in an entirely unsurprising and frankly, shocking way.
"I'm sorry."
The snap question comes out before you have a second to even really mull over what it is that he could be apologizing for, because frankly, everything went on without a hitch. It was everything you had wanted and maybe even more, and now he's apologizing for it?
Arm slinging up and over his face as if to hide himself from you in a way, Doyoung sighs. "You know I don't mean that stuff right? About this being the only reason you're here? I feel kinda..."
"You're dropping right now," you interject suddenly, reaching over to take his hand into your to offer him some seemingly much needed soft, physical comfort. "What do you say we head up to that big tub you guys have in the upstairs bathroom and take a nice, cozy bath?"
With a delicate squeeze of your hand, you take it as an accepting of terms — not even bothering to dress before escaping the basement and wobbling yourselves up to the next scene on the agenda: aftercare.
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"When did you know you wanted to marry Mina?"
Sat up against one end of the tub with Doyoung's back to you, you run soapy fingers through messy, black strands — nails gently grazing the flesh beneath in such a soothing way that you all but feel the man melting into you presence, he hums at the question before sighing to answer it.
"Quite early in our dating, actually," The man replies confidently, head tilting back so that you can lather him up better. "Maybe three, four months in I felt like she was going to be the woman I spent the rest of my life with. Of course, we were kids so we dated for a long time before taking the step, but I knew."
A charming side of him that you typically find yourself unfamiliar with — listening to him muse about the love of his life, your best friend, and the ease in which he does so even in the most intimate company of yourself.
"Cute," you whisper from just behind him, wetting your hands again before setting them back within his tresses. "Who knew you were such a soft romantic?"
"Hey! I have many sides to myself!"
Happy with your cleansing, you take the shower nozzle into hand and instruct him to dip his head back towards you even more to gently rinse the suds from him, and once rid of them entirely, you delicately press his head back upwards to wrap your arms around his shoulders.
"How are you feeling?"
Planting a kiss to an exposed shoulder blade, your lips linger there as if to speak directly into his skin. "Have you ever dropped like that before?"
Doyoung chuckles at the question, as if slightly humiliated by the answer as he nods his head in affirmation of it. "Yeah, Mina could tell you plenty a story about coddling me after a particularly rough dom drop."
But rather than shameful, you find it adding a new level of humanity to the man that only allows for you to appreciate him and the role that he take on just that much more.
"You did well," you offer him in solace with a squeeze of your arms that encompass him. "It was amazing. I couldn't imagine playing like that with — well, anyone who isn't you, I suppose."
Reaching to find your hand, he takes it into his and presses the back of it to his lips for a small peck.
"Good, I'm glad. I had fun, too."
After drying off and heading back down to the kitchen for a late night, before bed snack, as the both of you head into your separate directions for sleep, it crosses your mind to ask him to spend it with you.
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You find in the next two weeks that the majority of the time is spent much like the first: working from the home and occasionally meeting with your live-in partner for silly activities when the time should meet and the interest strike: the occasional blowjob in the kitchen, or being eaten out against the upstairs railing of the hallway — and if time really permits, bent over the back of the couch where you typically work from. Suppose it can be chalked up to the excitement of a sort of honeymoon phase shared between the two of you, after all, this just be yet another arrangement with an end date, and if the effort is to show, then you both have every intention of getting your proverbial moneys worth.
In the midst of a particularly slow work week for you, and a much heftier one for Doyoung, you find him out and about much less — earlier so offering you the handling of his credit card to order food to the house as you see fit on account of him having little to no free time to do any of his usual cooking — you accept it with a bit of a dropped heart. Sure, there's joy in having free reign of a rather full bank account not belonging to yourself, but more than that; the enjoyment of spending time with him now cut incredibly short and on a whim.
Your relationship together has shifted. It's not necessarily just sex (although that still be a large portion of it), but rather, the two of you melding together in a way that you figure neither of you had really seen coming. Enjoying the company of each other in non-sexual settings — in fact, you come to realize that dinner be one of your favorite times of the day as you wind down from working hours and instead just chat about normal, everyday things. Goings on in the world, work, maybe even some gossip about friends — a bizarre realization, and so far into your time spent here now: you and Doyoung are friends.
Sure, friends that viscerally enjoy the body of the other, but still just friends aside from that.
Waking late one night on account of what in particular — you can't be so sure — you grab your phone from next to you to read the time: a quarter past three in the morning. Having grown accustomed to the bed in which you currently lie, you settle your head back into the pillow to once again meander off to dream land; that is, before you hear the familiar clattering of keyboard typing from down the hall.
It's not that you can't sleep through it, you most definitely can — the sound not carrying far or loud enough to disturb you all that much — rather, it's the thought that Doyoung be up still, this late at night, and to work, at that.
Kim Doyoung is many things. Workaholic high on the list, certainly.
Slipping your robe on over your shoulders like so many times before, you once again carry yourself down the hall quietly — as if meant not to awaken anyone despite being the only two people in the home — as you reach the doorway where his study reside, you listen in for the sound of the keyboard again before entering and disturbing him in full.
But instead, you're met with silence.
You know what you've heard, though, and turning into the door, you suppose you can't be all that surprised by the sight that greets you: a man slumped back in his chair, head tilted back and against the headrest, utterly unconscious as the bright, blue light of the monitor before him illuminates his handsome features.
At the very least you're happy to find him comfortably dressed for late night engagements like this — gray sweatpants and a matching gray pullover sweater with the name of the widely regarded college that he had attended years back — you take it upon yourself to step towards him and with a gentle hand pressed to his shoulder, you slowly shake him back to his senses.
"Doyoung," you whisper, an attempt to pull him back into a conscious state with as little startling as possible. "Doie, wake up."
Thankful for the ease in which he comes to, picking himself back up to sit straight and rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands, Doyoung blinks hard towards the screen before glancing up and towards you. "What are you doing up?"
"I could ask the same of you," You quip back, hands into your hips like a disappointed mother figure. "Let's get you to bed, Mister."
"Mom—" he drawls, playing along with the scene, but saving his work and shutting the machine down all of the same as he stands to his feet. "I don't wanna."
You sling an arm around his waist as his finds your shoulders — realistically the man have no problem walking, of course — but you find the scene charming all of the same. As you turn to your left in an attempt to take him to his bedroom, he fights the movement, instead pushing towards the right and down the hall towards your own bedroom.
"Lemmie put you back to bed, first," Doyoung insists, still motioning that way with his body weight against you. "It's the least I can do for you saving me from the grips of Excel spreadsheets."
A bit of a charmer.
Relenting, the two of you make your way down the darkened path and back into your bedroom. He lags behind you next to your bed, nimble fingers reaching into the neckline of your robe to help remove it from your body as you once again lie yourself in bed and cozy up within the sheets — still warm from your presence just earlier in the night.
Doyoung kneels down next to you, arms crossed against the edge and chin pressed into them as he gazes up at you.
"You're the most boring man I know," you start with a breathy chuckle. "Staying up late to do spreadsheets."
"Yes, I know," He willingly admits with a pleasant cock of his head. "Do you want me carnally?"
Reaching over your own body to playfully slap his arm, you opt out of answering the asinine question. Largely due to your awareness of it being rhetorical, but also in part to the both of you knowing that yeah, obviously you do. Embarrassing.
"Get some sleep." He finally says with finality to his tone, standing to his feet with intent to leave.
You figure, now is as good a time as any.
"Actually—" you start, the word coming out a bit more meekly than you had hoped when thinking it through in your head. You suppose it's the possibility of rejection that has to reeling with this sort of lack of confidence that is relatively unfamiliar to you. Still, you push forward with the inquiry; a disservice to yourself not to. "Would you sleep with me? Like, spend the night with me?"
The question gives him pause, and as a result, has you second guessing yourself, too.
"You don't have to, I mean, I don't know if you're not allowed or just don't want to, it's just—"
"—I'm allowed to sleep with you," he interjects suddenly to cut off your anxious word-vomiting, a small smile pulling at his lips as he continues the thought. "The only rule is we can't do anything in the shared bedroom, but yeah, I can spend the night with you."
"Oh," you whisper, perhaps the largest part of you not having anticipated this response after all. "Okay."
"Is that what you want?"
"Yeah, kind of." You answer with a tiny nod.
Instead of engaging in the conversation about it any further, Doyoung takes it as an opportunity to accept your terms and disrobe for the evening: you watch him intently, taking in all of the ways that his body move as he pull the shirt up and over his head to toss it aside — toned chest that you've seen so many times before now only visible through the slivers of illumination granted by the moon through your blinds — it feels intimate in a different way this time: like normal lovers. People not involved in an 'arrangement,' people who are simply dating and might even have sex with each other because often times, that's what people who are dating and attracted to each other do. Falling asleep in one another's arms in the afterglow of it, or maybe just falling asleep in one another's arms as the grand finale of the evening together.
His pants go next, and before you have much of a chance to think further on it, you feel the man slip into your bed and under your covers as you scoot across the mattress to the other side to accommodate for his figure.
"I picked out this mattress," he proudly chimes. "Good, right?"
"No wonder I sleep so well here, thing probably costs an arm and a leg."
"Yeah, it kind of did." Doyoung chuckles, turning to his side to face you.
Silence blanketing the room, with such little light shone in you find it difficult to keep track of where he is, or what he's doing whilst beneath the sheets with you. A gentle rustling of the fabric, you can't tell what he's doing until fingertips feather across the skin of your face to brush stray strands of hair from you.
He must have better night vision than you, and with even more of a shift of his body, you're met with the feeling of warm, minty breath on your face as he dips further into you for a kiss.
You meet him eagerly, maybe even too much so with teeth lightly sinking into his bottom lip and eliciting an ever so slight groan from him at the feeling. He's happy to meet your advances, however, mirroring the motion before parting lips and pressing his tongue into yours.
Barely creating space between you, he instead opts to speak directly into your waiting mouth. "This why you asked me here? Doesn't seem like you're trying to sleep."
You had been originally, but plans do change.
Rather than offering him a verbal reply, you slip a hand down and between your bodies to wrap fingers around his length — already attentive to the stimulation in part — and pumping him gently, you revel in the way his sighs into your mouth; choked and broken groans caught in a dry throat at the feeling of you palming him so deliciously like this.
You're thankful for your night vision finally coming to you, and allowing you to take in the sight of half-lidded, wanting eyes staring back at you.
"It's late," Doyoung whispers first, a lazy reasoning as to why you shouldn't be wanting to partake in such lewd activities currently. But rather than engaging in the banter with him, you bypass it entirely with the one thing that you know will make the man putty in your hands.
Firm, long strokes of his cock in your hand, you once again bite into his lip with a breathy moan against him. "Doie—" you all but whimper into his mouth. "—please."
You get little time between the moment the word drops from your lips and when you find yourself pressed back against the mattress with him hovering over you. A grin of victory splashing across your features as you feel him tug your panties down your legs and toss them aside without much of a care, just as quickly coming back up to bring his mouth to your own with a bit more hungry intent behind it than before.
Reaching down between both of your bodies to position himself to enter you, Doyoung drags fervent, hot kisses down your jaw and to your ear that bring the temperature of your body up just that much more. A once dull throb between your legs now impossible to ignore and full of want as he rub his cock up and down your slit to spread your wetness around before attempting to penetrate you.
"You drive me crazy."
As his hips press forward and his cock begin to sink into you — with a lack of foreplay you find a particularly pleasurable burn that come along with the resistance he's met with upon entering a body not quite made to be ready to take him. Jaw hung ajar at the feeling of him prying you open slowly with shallow, timely thrusts, you exhale heavily against his face as he once again meets you eye to eye.
Seated flush between your legs, he pauses for a moment to kiss you deeply — rocking into you with little withdrawal in a way that has his pubic bone continually bumping against your clit — you whine into his mouth as he drinks it down between dips of his tongue into you.
Cock nearly fully buried inside of you at all times like this, you feel impossibly full of him as he grinds against the apex of your thighs. One hand brought down and gripping firming into your waist as if to hold you perfectly in place to take him, he feels suffocating in a whole new way that you find you've never quite experienced before: in the absence of immense dirty talk and power play — sex with Doyoung be just as intense and enveloping, all the same. A man all too in tune to the needs of your body and mind.
"Feel good?" He finally whispers against your face. You think him to be well aware of the answer already, though.
"Feel so good, so good," you whimper in an airy, stifled tone. "You feel so big."
"And you take it all perfectly."
The words send your brain buzzing, the coiling of release beginning in your abdomen as a result of the relentless pace he has set against your clit — thinking of how far, how deep his cock is buried within you a dizzying thought as he continues to rock against you with just the right rhythm that can have you sent over the edge in no time.
"I want to feel you come around me, baby. Can you do that?" Doyoung asks in a whisper against your cheek as he trails pecks of his lips across your hot skin.
Teeth pulling at your bottom lip as you try to bite back the sounds that threaten to rip from your throat as your orgasm looms on the precipice.
Nails digging into the flesh of your waist as he attempts to drag you down harder against him for more friction, it's just enough while his lips and teeth simultaneously suck into the skin of your neck to decorate you with pretty marks to send you barreling over the edge. Doyoung feels it more than anything as a hedonistic groan drops unexpectedly from his mouth at the feeling of your walls gripping down on his cock still buried well within you as you come.
A chanting whisper against the heated skin of your neck, "Fuck, that's it, just like that."
Riding you out properly through your orgasm, it's only then that the man release his grip on you: opting now for long, fluid drives of his cock into you to bring him to his own end. It doesn't take long after the feeling of you all but milking him for everything that he's worth only moments before — once again burying deep inside of you with the twitch of his length to release warm, wet, ropes of cum deep inside of your now dripping heat.
Head coming back up from your neck to gaze into your fucked-out eyes, his vision dances over your features for just a moment — taking in the sight of you before once again greeting you with a deep, adoring kiss.
Wincing from the stimulation of having just come as he drags his softening cock from you, Doyoung flops to the side of you with a heavy exhale — a hand mischievously finding itself between your legs once again to play with the mixture of cum and other such wetness left behind in the aftermath of your unplanned rendezvous.
"So," he sighs out as the tip of his middle finger drags up and against your all too sensitive clit. "Those spreadsheets, huh?"
How cruel the world is — the most exquisite cock being attached to the most insufferable man you could ever know.
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As the last day at the residence finally comes around, you spend the days just prior expecting it to be bittersweet, in ways. Naturally, you're thankful for Mina's return as well as yourself reentering a life of normalcy compared to the rollercoaster of a getaway as you've spent the last few weeks — rather, you're none bitter and all sweet for all of those aforementioned reasons.
Of course, your relationship with Doyoung has reasonably shifted. A man that once only served as a mark of unappreciated and relatively unwelcomed contention, now having morphed into one of your most trusted and perhaps even in ways, adored, people in your life.
You contribute it mostly to the little things. The ins and outs of living an everyday life alongside the man — allowing to view him in a new way, and maybe even the way that Mina does — that casts him in a brand new light. Hardworking, thoughtful, and above all else: trustworthy.
Putting your care and well-being: emotionally, mentally, physically — in his hands, and not only coming out on the other end just as well as you had gone into it, but in ways, even better.
But don't tell him that, it'll go to his head.
On the last evening and after that aforementioned six course meal that you had never actually expected to come to fruition, as you find yourself comfortably seated on the loveseat in front of the television and just next to the warmth of a crackling fireplace, you gaze over the back of the cushioning: watching the man with rolled up long sleeves as he pop a last bottle of some expensive wine he got from who-knows-where as a sort of parting gift only shared between the two of you.
Two glasses in hand, Doyoung hands you one and you share a light tapping of rims before taking your first sips as he sits down next to you.
"Excited to get back home?"
Mulling over the question momentarily, you hum into the edge of the glass before taking another, small sip and setting it onto the table just in front of you.
"Yeah, I feel like I've been on vacation too long being here, it feels weird."
Chuckling, he matches your action before leaning his head against the couch to look at you. "You've been working this entire time, hardly a vacation."
"That's true."
"Imagine my surprise finding out that you do have a job that isn't simply being friends with my wife!"
Tossing your head back as if in utter disbelief that he really be bringing this joke back, you whine out your response to him. "Are you really going to do this again?"
"Have to keep things interesting still," he starts with a sly grin, reaching for your arm and lightly taking it into his hand by the wrist. "If I'm too nice to you, you won't want me viscerally anymore."
The physical touch serving as a motion to have to closer to him, you follow his lead — pushing yourself across the furniture and pressed up against him with your side. Playing mad, you choose to ignore the way his fingers feel against your skin, but harder than that: ignoring his breath against your ear as his face dips down and closer to yours.
More than aware of his ability to feel your skin raising beneath his touch, you instead make an attempt to bring attention away from it.
What's the harm in a little hard to get fun on the last night, anyway?
That is, if you can hold out long enough to make it such.
"Am I supposed to still want you after this is all over?" You ask firmly, as if none too affected by the proximity of his body to your own. "Like knowing that your wife’s best friend desires you sexually or something?"
"Sure," he admits without missing a beat. "Doesn't everyone like feeling desired?"
You opt out of responding, but your lack of one does not offer the reprieve you had hoped as he continue on with the thought.
"The taboo nature of the husband and the wife’s best friend—" he whispers into you, hand on your wrist now long since abandoning its position and moving across to your thigh.
Yes, you had worn a skirt on purpose knowing the plans for the evening. Plans to only play hard to get, after all. Not actually make it all that difficult to acquire.
"—Plus, you already admitted you still thought about it long after the first arrangement ended. Am I supposed to believe you just needed a month to get it out of your system and thus you've now grown tired of me?"
"I could go off it just fine," You continue the ruse, tone pointed and unaffected as his fingertips feather up and under the hem of the garment laid across your legs.
As the tip of his middle finger edges just up against the front of your panties, you delicately attempt to squeeze your thighs shut, only for the man to take notice and disallow it immediately.
"Spread your legs."
Of course, you do as you're told. Not yet relinquished from the grip that he has on you.
The problem lie in how electric his touch is — knowing just the right way of engaging with you physically, pressing all of the correct proverbial buttons that time and time again has to coming undone for him as quickly or as slowly as he would like, depending on the circumstances — with his hand curling into your underwear and a single digit pressing against your slit, you can just about feel the way his lips turn upward at your compliance for him even now. Until the very end.
"Is that so?" Doyoung finally says in acknowledgment of your obvious lie. Eyes thin and intent on you as you try your best to not make your want for him so damn obvious. "Well, you're going to have to, after all. I can't help but wonder, though—"
Pausing the thought as he gently penetrates you with a single finger and you subsequently melting in his grasp at the feeling of it — you know you've lost, but suppose even in that there is victory.
"—Who's going to make you come the way I do? Who's going to have you a whimpering, begging mess for them the way that I do? Who will you be able to relinquish all power and control to the way you do with me?"
You know that he's using it as dirty talk in the present moment, but you'd be lying if you said you hadn't been asking yourself the very same questions these last few evenings spent at the marital home.
Who is going to replace Doyoung in your life?
"We'll have to find you someone nice to play with," he begins again, pulling from inside of you and turning his attention to your clit with the very same finger, instead. "Well, not too nice."
The idea that Doyoung will be by your side, aiding you in finding and vetting any future play partners because not only is his safety important to him, but your enjoyment, as well. The idea that although it brings him great pleasure to be that sole person in your life capable of bringing you to that level of sexuality, that he knows your arrangement unsustainable long term, and him not wanting you to miss out on it just because of his unavailability.
Guess you really do have to hand it to your bestie, she really landed a keeper.
As the first, small, whimper drops from your lips, the familiar feeling of Doyoung smiling against you returns again as he meets it with praise, as always. "There she is," he says, as if having been working to summon the version of you that lie dormant and waiting to fall apart for him as he see fit.
"Come here," he whispers against your ear, low and up to no good, you're sure. "Why don't you come sit on it?"
So much for playing hard to get, the promise of being full to the brim with him one last time all too enticing to play games with, Doyoung pulls his hand away quickly to shove his pants down his legs and out of the way as you bring yourself to a knelt position atop the cushions. Turning to face him, it's a sight that you think may never get old, and that you'll likely have carried with you forever should you be able to maintain it: Doyoung's slanted lean against the back of the couch in wait for you to straddle him — long, beautiful cock in hand as he lazily strokes himself in preparation to penetrate you, and eyes gazing straight up and into your own — always granting you his full and undivided attention.
Wobbling slightly as you position yourself over his thighs and gently bear down against him, the man angling his length just right for you to impale yourself upon him, as you begin your descent and enjoy the barely-there string of his stretch, Doyoung brings his other hand up to your face to pull you down and close to his own — lips just lightly meeting — as he speaks in hushed, hidden, words.
"Sit on it before my wife gets home, yeah?"
It's something that the two of you had ballparked playing with the entire time: the infidelity that not be taking place, but rather, the illusion of it. Roleplaying.
Vaguely dabbled in at the end of your first arrangement, you suppose it only fitting to close off this one, as well.
Sinking down on him slowly, you whine into his mouth at the words. Kissing you delicately at first — more teeth and tongue added to the mix with every inch of him you bury inside of your heat — as you comfortably settle down and into his lap in full, the both of you let out an exhale that neither had been aware of your holding as your eyes meet once again before resuming any movement.
You nod.
Lips grazing down your chin and jaw as he sucks gently into the skin just below, Doyoung barely presses his hips upwards and against you, only enough to pull a threatened hiss from your mouth at the feeling of him almost too deep inside of you.
"Gonna have to be quiet," he whispers into your skin at the reaction of feeling him. "We don't want the missus to hear, now do we?"
"God, you feel so big right now," you say, unable to help breaking character in the moment at how impossibly full you feel. The commentary pulls a breathy laugh from the man beneath you and a small shake of his head in reaction.
"I'm trying to do something new and you just want to default back to that old shit, huh?" He jokingly chastises, hands snaking around to grasp onto your hips as a silent beckoning to begin moving. "Yeah, I get it, it's big, can we move on!"
With the both of you laughing now, the mood feels a tad bit lost — perhaps the initial one, but not the whole mood entirely. Instead, it feels perfect an ending for such a long, sexually-charged, exploratory month — full of growth and understanding and...maybe even some love there, yeah.
Maybe it's not impossible that there be space in your heart for love for him, given everything. Not romantic, or platonic, or familial — but somewhere in between. All of them and none of them simultaneously.
"Fine, geez, never met a man so upset about hearing how big his dick is," You respond with playful annoyance, finally grinding your hips down and against him to garner just that right amount of friction from inside of you that has you both groaning out in tandem at the feeling.
Bringing one hand up from your lower body and making quick work of your blouse, Doyoung palming the mound of flesh that sit eye level with him as you ride him steadily — leaning forward, he wastes no time circling one of the sensitive buds with his warm, wet tongue before fully clasping around it with his mouth and continuing the motion as you fuck him from what might typically be considered for the majority of your engagements: switched positions.
Groaning into your flesh as you find the perfect rhythm for yourself — fingertips digging into the flesh of your hip as he desperately attempts to fuck up into you and match your movements, as he pulls his mouth away from you and you both make eye contact, you realize that perhaps for once you're not the one at the mercy of the other this time, and rather, it's him.
Whining out with eyes clenched shut and dropping his back down against the sofa again, it's a simple "fuck" that escapes him, and nothing else.
But you're pretty sure you know what that means, and for once, you're not even close.
"Already?" You ask, somewhat curious, but somewhat with intent to be a little bit annoying, as well. It works just as expected, eyes flashing open and at you with the most despondent expression you could have imagined.
"Don't be like that, God."
With his jaw clenched so tight you can nearly hear the sound of his teeth gritting, you bear your weight down onto him harder — taking his cock as deeply as you can before switching to full, lengthy, bounces of your hips atop him. The switch immediately has the man beneath you moaning, and with a little bit too much proverbial pep to your step, you lean down to close to distance between your mouth and his ear just as quickly as the thought comes to you.
It's not a whisper, you don't bother making it such: really, who is going to hear?
"Gonna have to be quiet, don't want the missus to hear, do we?"
"Hear what?"
The sound of a third voice feeling a bit like how time feels the seconds before a car crash happens — the sounds of tires screeching before the crunching and clanging of mangled metal — you can't even help the shriek that resounds from you as your eyes immediately pull up at glance over at the entrance to the kitchen from the doorway hall.
Throwing yourself off of Doyoung in a fit of humiliation of also due in part to feeling as though you've been caught fucking your best friends husband (for good reason, you suppose), the man only flings his arm up and over the back end to grant himself enough leverage to turn himself to look at the sight you've only just laid eyes on.
"Saved by the bell, welcome home, honey."
"You guys are so fucking weird!"
The screech coming from you, obviously. Pulling your clothing back into place hurriedly as Doyoung does the same in a much more lackadaisical fashion, you hiss towards him as if still trying to avoid allowing the missus to hear the both of your goings on. "Did you know she was coming home tonight!?"
"No," he chuckles. "But thank God she did, huh? Things were getting a little out of hand!"
With a light tap of your ass, Doyoung stands to his feet to go greet Mina — bags still in hand as she stand with a wide, adoring grin splashed across her face.
"Have fun while I was away, darling?" She asks knowing all too well the answer. Of course, Doyoung happy to play along. "She's incorrigible, my love. Not a moment spent free from her evil clutches."
"I'm sure," Mina replies, kissing him lovingly as he walks past her and into the kitchen, all the while feigning his dismay.
"Are you going to come say 'hi'?"
"Ideally if I wait here long enough I will simply melt into the couch cushion and cease to exist."
Mina rolls her eyes at the dramatics displayed by you. "You do know I already knew you were here fucking my husband all month, right? Like, it was my idea and everything?"
Sighing, you flop around on the sofa like a child throwing an uncontrollable fit. "I know! But it still feels so weird that you...saw it! Why do I feel weird and you don't?"
"Because standardized monogamy and societal assumptions and traditional versus non-traditional relationship models; I don't think you actually want me to explain to you why but — it's fine. I caught an earlier flight in, I kinda knew there was a chance I might catch you guys. I had texted him but you know how he is with his phone."
Silence. Mina sighs.
"Can you say something? Please don't melt into that loveseat it was almost ten thousand dollars."
That being the thing that has you jumping up and off of the furniture in shock and horror, you finally look up at your best friend from across the room — taking in the sight of her gentle and loving smile and in that moment, you accept this snapshot in time for everything that it is, just the same as all of the previous ones this month.
A reminder to take people at their word. To believe what they tell you if there is love between you. To have the bravery and respect to trust someone when even in the shroud of doubt — they tell you that it's okay.
And so, you run your palms over your blouse and skirt in a rushed attempt to clean yourself up ever so slightly, and with one footstep towards the woman that you've held dearest to you for so many years, you swallow down all of the nasty feelings that no one but you and the heavy weight of unrelated parties expectations cast upon you: because after all — that has nothing to do with the three of you, right here, and right now.
"Welcome home, Mina."
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♡ send me your thoughts and feelings in my ask.
—this is part 2. part one [here].
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doumadono · 1 year
Sinful Sunday: the thought of Bakugo just fingering you whilst you're on a loong journey somewhere is forever making itself prominent in my mind 🤤 he’s just rubbing at your clit and not letting you cum until he gives permission 😭
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Oh my, darling! 😳 Thank you for your wonderfully sinful idea! I couldn't resist the urge to write a short fic about our explosive boy. I firmly believe he's an embodient of promiscuity 😏
The air inside the bus is unbearably hot and stale, and you rest your arm against the window, thankful for having a seat while others struggle to find standing room. As you make a stop, an elderly lady vacates the seat next to you, and in the blink of an eye, someone else takes her place. You don't pay much heed to my fellow passenger; instead, you gaze out the window, daydreaming about the refreshing coolness of tap water waiting for you at home, just another fifty minutes away.
The heat is becoming a bit too much for you, and you're keen to avoid breaking a sweat. Thankfully, you just now notice that the upper part of the bus window is adjustable. As soon as this realization dawns on you, you extend your hand to grasp the handle.
Suddenly, an arm shoots up from the seat beside you. "Here, let me help with that," the man sitting next to you offers, and with a single, determined pull, he manages to open the stubborn window, allowing the refreshing breeze to caress your face.
"Thank you," you gratefully respond.
You stare at him, finally registering his features. His intense, crimson-red eyes are piercing and reflect his determination and strong-willed nature. He boasts a well-defined, muscular physique. His ash blond hair, spiky and untamed, adds to his demeanor.
Your eyes widen as he begins to lazily and casually stroke your thigh, his fingers coaxing the fabric of your summer dress upward beneath his touch. Swiftly, you reach down, attempting to push his hand away or, at the very least, halt its progress. However, he persists, increasing the pressure when you make an effort to remove his hand. "Could you please stop that?" You whisper, frustration evident in your tone, but his smile remains unyielding.
Finally, his hand comes to rest on the bare skin of your thigh. "Don't make a scene over nothing, dear," he retorts, a light chuckle escaping his lips. The unsettling innocence in his tone causes you to recoil at the endearment. "My only intention is to bring us both comfort. Isn't this heat insufferable? Allow me to help ya, dumbass."
His words come deliberately, almost tauntingly, and you surprise yourself by listening intently, though your trust in him remains guarded. As he speaks, his damned hand inches up your thigh, his fingertips lightly grazing the edge of your lacy panties. On pure instinct, you squeeze your legs together, determined to thwart his advances. The realization suddenly strikes you that you're in a public place, and the thought of anyone witnessing his inappropriate touch sends a surge of panic mingled with a glimmer of hope coursing through me. You dart your gaze around, scanning the surroundings, only to be met with a sea of oblivious backs.
"Don't fret, dumbass," the man seated beside you soothes, his touch persisting against your panties. "No one will take notice. We're way at the back of the bus, and I'm a pro hero, so you're safe."
You can't help but scoff at his claim of being a pro hero, considering the situation. "You're a pro hero, huh?" You retort with a skeptical edge in your voice, your resistance to his advances growing stronger. "Some hero you are, causing trouble like this in public."
He chuckles lowly, a condescending smile playing on his lips as he leaned in closer. "You must be quite the idiot or completely out of touch with media if you don't recognize Bakugo Katsuki himself," he quips, his tone dripping with smugness as he stretches his back a little.
Only then you realize who he truly is, and blush creeps on your cheeks. "Shit."
You catch your breath, a hushed gasp escaping you as you feel his calloused hand slip beneath your panties, his middle finger immediately finding its way to your clit. Your fingers clasp around his arm, trembling as you vigorously shake your head.
He winks and continues to explore between your legs, his fingers insistent as they glide along your already slick folds.
His caresses gradually transform into determined rubbing, and your stomach churns with embarrassment as you become acutely aware of your body's response. You're growing increasingly aroused, a fact that only heightens your internal turmoil.
"You look quite cute when you blush," he murmurs. His middle finger presses against your entrance, and all you can do is gasp.
With slow determination, Bakugo pushes his finger into you, whispering warmly, "Enjoy it, little girl. Let me make you feel good."
A violent shiver of pleasure runs through your body when he reaches inside you, struggling against your tight, resisting pussy and building his strokes into a tauntingly slow pace.
His finger moves with attentiveness that is almost kind, with each stroke pressing a little deeper, exploring his prize. You focus on the waves of warm, pure ecstasy that travel through your unwilling body, and you feel ashamed and weak. A second finger joins the first, and without delay, a third finger follows suit, causing his thrusts to become painful. You let out an uncomfortable whimper, trying to wiggle away from his touch.
"That's right," Katsuki says hungrily, his breathing heavier than before. He slides closer to you, his body presses against yours, trapping you between the window and him. His hand is picking up pace, rocking your lower body, stretching your little pussy painfully as he thrusts his thick fingers into your cunny.
You whimper weakly and his breath brushes against your face when he says, "Look at me, doll. I want you to look at me."
You open your eyes. Bakugo's face is awfully close to yours now, and you feel frightened of the greedy lustful glint in his eyes as he licks his lips. The awful reality of the scandalous scene hits you again as you stare at his handsome face while his hand pounds into your dripping pussy. You become aware of the quiet wet sounds coming from down there, and you steal a glance down at your pussy and almost cry out as at the same time he presses his thumb masterfully on your swollen clit.
Your body starts to shiver with new unfamiliar but amazing waves of pleasure, and you feel something quickly building up inside you, waiting to be released with unbearable urgency. What would have been a moan is muffled by pro hero's lips when you're nearing your orgasm.
His skillful tongue is exploring your mouth as he retreats his hand befre you can reach your climax.
You gaps loudly as he breaks the kiss. "W-What… Why did you…"
"Stop?" He grinns at you, bringing his digits to his lips to lick them clean. "I thought you weren't thrilled with my little stunt? And let me tell ya, dumbass, you're fucking delicious," Bakugo quipped, rising from his seat. "Anyhow, this is my stop. Until tomorrow, doll."
As the bus came to a halt, he departed without a single backward glance in your direction.
You're acutely aware that you board this bus nearly every day to commute back home from work.
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umbran6 · 15 days
Mutuals, followers, fan artists, fellow fans of Leo Valdez, random strangers of the internet, (Romans, countrymen, etc) lend me your ears for I have one question that resonates within my heart of hearts whenever I see more recent art of our dear boy in the interwebs of Tumblr:
Why do you make his hair brown?
Legit question. Because Leo's hair is often described as black - it's even listed under the wiki (though then again, it thinks Leonidas is Leo's actual legit first name, so there may be inaccuracies there). But still, it's described as such in the books. A lot of older fan art depicts Leo with his black hair.
Is it creative liberty? Is it to distinguish him from Percy? Did one of you just wake up and think, 'Oh, I'll make art of Leo with brown hair today,' and it suddenly became a trend that I was oblivious to? Was there a massive brainwipe of Leo's hair color, and did everyone decide that brown seemed natural for him? Did I somehow travel to a parallel universe where his hair color is brown?
There is nothing wrong with fanart getting creative. I've seen my fair share of fan art depicting both Leah Sava Jeffries's Annabeth and the blonde white girl of the OG series. Though thankfully, never the one from the live-action movie (there is no movie in Ba Sing Se). Then there are those depicting Walker Scobell's Percy, the OG design of Percy, and those offshoots that decided to give Percy a darker skin color. All fair.
I just want to know... why?
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diazsdimples · 21 days
James' Fic Masterlist!
It was time for an update
A Snapshot In Time (General, 2.2k | Bucktommy)
When Buck and Tommy adopted their children, they didn’t exactly think about the logistics of taking a family photo. But now that their family is complete, Buck had decided that it was time to update the family photo from 3 years ago. And now, his child-wrangling skills are being put to the test. Naturally, the day that they have the photoshoot booked is a bit of a nightmare.
The heat of the moment (Explicit, 9.9k | Buddie)
Tired and frustrated after a long shift, Buck and Eddie take an impromptu trip to the sauna. Only problem is, it's a nude sauna, which Buck didn't notice when he booked them in. Thankfully the boys handle the slip up gracefully, and possibly break a few public sex laws in the process.
We built this family together (General, 6.9k | Buddietommy)
Evan Buckley knows he is one of the luckiest men alive. It’s taken him a long time to get to this point. After years of feeling as though he was stumbling through life, just barely managing to keep up with any blows the universe aimed at him, he finally feels confident about knowing exactly what his place in the world is. He is a firefighter. He is a partner. He is a father. And today, a mild day in the middle of June, he gets to celebrate being the latter. OR Buck, Eddie, and Tommy celebrate their first Father's Day with their babies.
How can this be wrong? (Explicit, 3.8k | Bucktommy)
A 7x09 coda where Tommy feels insecure about his place in Buck's life after the run in with Gerrard, and Buck fucks him in a supply closet to remind him about it.
Sweet child of mine (General, 3.4k | Bucktommy)
Buck and Tommy bring their daughter home from the hospital and enjoy their first few hours alone with a newborn baby. That's it. That's the fic.
For the rest of my life (for the rest of yours) (General, 10.6k | Buddie)
“Hey Buck! Are you doing anything today?” Christopher’s voice is a little tinny through his phone’s speaker, cracking a little. Buck hums, pretending to think. “Hmmmm, my diary looks pretty booked. Says right here that I’ve got to watch three episodes of crappy reality tv and then eat loads of fried chicken. I’m swamped.” “Buck,” Christopher says flatly and Buck laughs, loud and ringing through the loft. “I’m only kidding. What’s up, kid?” “The baby hippo has finally born at the zoo and we have to go see her! Can you come over today, please?” OR Buck, Eddie and Christopher go to the zoo to see the baby hippo and Eddie gets all up in his feels about it.
You've got me whipped (Explicit, 10.8k | Buddie)
“Make me,” Buck whispers, and although the words might sound like a challenge, Eddie can so clearly hear what Buck isn’t saying. The implicit make me, because I can’t make myself, and then, Eddie gets it. Buck needs him to be in control right now, to make Buck surrender himself to Eddie’s mercy so Buck doesn’t have to do anything, to feel anything more than he already is. Eddie reaches out a hand and runs it up Buck’s jaw, noting with satisfaction the way Buck shudders and leans into his touch. He traces his fingertips over Buck’s cheekbones, runs the pad of his thumb over Buck’s birthmark, before bringing his hand to rest in Buck’s blond curls. He curls his fist, pulling lightly on the strands of hair that slip between his fingers, then leans forward so his lips are brushing Buck’s ear as he exerts a minute amount of pressure to the top of Buck’s head. “I said,” he whispers into Buck’s ear, “on your knees.” OR Buck has a bad call and acts out afterwards in front of their colleagues, and Eddie punishes him when they get home.
In a drought I'll give you water (Explicit, 8.2k | Buddie)
Eddie’s hanging out the washing when he notices it. Just for the record, it’s not like he regularly inspects Buck’s underwear, thank you very much, but he’d felt something tacky on the inside of the flimsy fabric when he’d been about to peg it up, and had investigated like any sane person would do. Eddie’s initial thought is “fucking washing machine, can’t even wash out the laundry powder”, mostly because there’s a white residue under where his thumb was placed moments earlier and there’s been occasions when their black shirts have had clumps of laundry powder still on them despite the tossing about they’ve received in the washer. Or Eddie finds come on Buck's underwear and panics
Kilty Pleasures (Explicit, 8k | Buddie)
“What the hell are these?” Eddie asks with a quirked eyebrow, poking suspiciously at the tartan with his forefinger. Buck flops himself into the chair beside Eddie and steals a sip from his coffee cup. “Kilts!” he says with a grin and he drags one off the table and holds it up to show Eddie. It’s long, and dark, and made out of what looks suspiciously like faux leather, and almost certainly purchased from a sex shop. “I thought we could wear them to the festival tomorrow!” If Buck had a tail, it would be wagging so hard right now. Or Buck and Eddie discover they have kilt kinks.
Play me like a fiddle (Explicit, 34.3k | Buddie)
Eddie plays the French Horn for the Los Angeles Philharmonic and is told about the wonderful new cello soloist playing with them for this concert. He sounds like a pretentious asshole and Eddie vows not to like him. In walks Evan Buckley, cellist from New York and soloist for this concert. Eddie quickly realises he's in trouble as the man immediately casts a spell on him, turning Eddie into a blushing mess. Can he put aside his feelings for Buck long enough to remain a professional and get through this week without making any poor decisions? (Spoiler Alert: he cannot)
Buck's Baby (By Accident) (General, 119k | Buddie)
Buck's life is turned upside down when a newborn baby is placed on his doorstep, with allegations that it is his child. Buck quickly steps into his new role of "dad", with the help from his family and friends. Follow Buck, Aidan, Eddie and Christopher as they navigate new babies, blossoming relationships, illnesses, injuries and making their own little family.
Fucking Finally (Finally Fucking) (Explicit, 3.9k | Buddie)
“God you look so hot” Eddie growled as he took in Buck’s appearance, his hair messy from Eddie’s hands, his hips swollen from the force of their kiss and the bulge in his pants as plain as day as his erection strained against the fabric. Buck’s eyes raked up and down Eddie, finding his boyfriend in a similar state of arousal. “Not too bad yourself, Mr. Diaz” he smirked, wrapping a hand around Eddie’s waist and pulling them together once again, capturing him in another brain-melting kiss. They were interrupted by the comical “ding” of the elevator as it reached their floor and Eddie wasted no time pulling Buck out, dragging him down the hallway to their room. OR Buck and Eddie stay at a hotel after their first date and finally get some time to themselves without crying kids
Burning With Need (Explicit, 3.8k | Buddie)
“Buck, what is going on?” he asked, sitting upright. “You’re fidgeting so much”. Buck looked up quickly, peering at Eddie through one open eye. “Nothing, nothing I’m fine” he replied, his cheeks flushing slightly. “That’s a lie and we both know it” Eddie rolled his eyes and reached over to prod the skin where Buck’s hand had been resting, eliciting a hiss from the younger man. “Okay, fine, I’m busting. I gotta pee so bad”. Buck’s words ignited a fire inside Eddie that he’d almost forgotten about. Or Eddie remembers he has a piss kink and Buck's desperation on a hike is a test of his control
In sickness and in health (but mostly in sickness) (General, 3.7k | Buddie)
Eddie wakes up with a bad case of the flu and Buck is there to nurse him back to health. Buck realises he might be falling for Eddie.
First Words (General, 2k | Buddie)
Buck and Eddie's 10 month old daughter says her first words. Her dads are over the moon. Cue domestic fluff
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charliemwrites · 7 months
Character File
Name: Rook “Duke” Alistair Aliases: Daisy Dukes, Daisy, Sunshine, Blondie
Age: 26 Gender and pronouns: AFAB using she/they Marital Status: Single Surviving family: biological father (estranged), adoptive mother, adoptive father, brother
Physical description: Standing at 5’9” (175cm) and 135lbs. (61 kilos) Rook stands tall and wiry. Though slighter than her brother, Castle Alistair, she’s still packed with muscle that is carried primarily in her thighs and abdomen. Her hair is strawberry blond, cut into a medium length bob – though it curls quite a bit. She is often seen with several pins and clips in her hair trying to keep it back from her face. Her eyes are green and large, set in a round face that makes her look young for her age. She had braces in her early teens to straighten her teeth.
Identifying/Unusual features:
Light freckles across her nose and forehead
No facial scarring
Tattoos: A daisy behind her right ear A simplified castle outline on her bicep (for her brother) A stylized sun on her left shoulder, crawling across one side of her chest and up her neck Binary for “service” on her forearm
Several burn scars on her hands, wrists, and arms
A birthmark on the bottom of her right foot that few people have ever seen
Special file note: Rook holds the records for most and dumbest injuries on base. Often the smallest and most unexpected incidents have led to a medbay visit. She is often seen with bandages, bruises, scrapes, and scratches. Thankfully, she is a good patient and most of the medical staff enjoy her cheerful demeanor.
Early Childhood:
Rook’s earliest memory is her older brother walking her to preschool. He was sharing an orange with her, carefully peeling off bits of pith for her to munch on.
While he, Helena, and Clancy are technically her cousin, aunt, and uncle respectively, she has always considered them her immediate family. She only met her biological father once when she was twelve and was not impressed.
Her childhood was filled with laughter and love, though she often felt oddly displaced. Helena and Clancy were much older and had never planned on a second child – never mind a girl. And her brother ended up shipping off to college when she was only five. He visited when he could, but she spent a lot of time on her own or unsupervised when she hit eight years old.
She was very close with Helena, the two of them playing the radio loud to sing along while they did chores around the farm. Rook absolutely adored her mother, and to this day dreams of her peach cobbler when she’s away from home. As a result, Rook picked up her love of clothes with interesting prints and bright colors.
Her relationship with Clancy was not strained, but not as easy as with Helena. Of course, he loved his adopted daughter, he just wasn’t sure what to do with her beyond that. Oftentimes, it led to him treating her like Castle, though her flightier and more energetic nature made some of those lessons take differently.
Rook was often praised for being an inquisitive and intelligent child – though some of her teachers found the constant barrage of questions to be disruptive. Somewhat unexpectedly, she excelled in math from an early age, followed quickly by the sciences.
In middle school, the blond farmgirl jokes began. Unlike her brother’s quick temper to defend himself and his family, Rook usually took the route of laughing along with them. (That said, nothing stopped her from pushing a girl down for trying to step on a frog one rainy April day.) This developed into a tendency to hide behind a ditzy persona, which felt safe and easy.
In high school, she took a special liking to physics and engineering. Focused more on schoolwork and helping around the farm, she didn’t date much. (That said, anyone with an interest in her had to debate the merits of her marine brother coming home to meet them.) She much preferred learning to code online and rescuing strays that happened across the farm – much to her parents’ chagrin.
Throughout her life, Castle was her role model. In her childhood, he seemed like a third parent, but as she got older, their relationship developed into a more typical brother-sister bond. Even so, she needed no proud rambles from her parents to look up to him.
So, as her future began to loom, and decisions became necessary, she followed a similar path to him. Rook enrolled in the ROTC program at the same college he attended – though she chose a double major in engineering and computer science that set her down a different road.
Military Career:
Alistair’s early military years in the Air Force are riddled with ups and downs. Intelligent, positive, and respectful, she was well-liked by both superiors and comrades. Quick to finish tasks, solve problems, and aid others. That said, she had something of a disciplinary record for small but repetitive issues. Uniform violations, minor misconduct (forgetting to salute officers or speaking out of turn), and general… regulatory issues.
While not headed for dishonorable discharge, she was dodging demerits and often faced disciplinary action. However, upon finding a major leak in one of their information networks, she came to the attention of one Kate Laswell.
Laswell, impressed with her intelligence and work ethic, found that her military-defying eccentricities were easy to overlook considering her benefit to the military. Alistair was soon transferred under Laswell’s direct purview to aid different missions and teams as a “hacker” and engineer. While Alistair remains something of an oddball, she and Laswell have built a solid working relationship.
(During her employ with a certain Shadow Company during her Air Force days, Alistair earned the callsign “Duke” – a derivation of Daisy Dukes due to Alistair’s appearance and farming background.)
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
The Lake Between Us - Part One
The Nurse who's frayed at the seams
Ezra AU x plus size OFC (Nickname Moonbeam - has a name in later parts)
This fic is for readers 18+ MDNI
Word Count: 868
Warnings: insomnia, alcohol use, anxiety, mutual voyeurism, brief mentions of death, cancer and post-mortem care
Notes: My first series with Ezra! It's been fun writing this and therapeutic for me. I envision the setting to be on a bayou in Louisiana with the weeping willows and slow waters. Plus I wanted Ezra to have an air boat. ☺️ I'm not sorry for anything.
Main Masterlist / Ezra Masterlist / The Lake Between Us Series
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It’s fine during the day, the rapid fire and thinking quickly on your feet. It’s what makes you good at what you do. Able to keep so many details straight while answering questions about six patients and more if you’re keeping an eye out on another nurse’s assignment while they’re at lunch.
It’s why it bothers you so much. You’ve taken your medications. Stopped looking at your phone an hour before bed. The room was pitch black before bed and the white noise machine was going. You even took your shower earlier than normal because apparently a nice warm shower doesn’t promote sleep according to the experts. You personally found warm water relaxing, isn’t that why tea is good before bed?
One of them needs to come to your house and see why you’re not sleeping.
It’s three a.m. You’ve at least gotten five hours of sleep. Enough to function. You’re awake in this darkness though and you’re well acquainted with it. There’s one thing you can do that will at least relax you now. You’ve done it the last few weeks despite all these changes to your sleep hygiene and routine. 
Your legs are over the side of the bed and carry you to your back door where your yellow crocs are. It’s off the back of the kitchen so you grab some rum and mango juice. A chair you bought when you went to an antiques show with some friends sits on your back porch and you plop down. It rocks and that helps your nerves slightly. Your large thighs press into the sides of the rocking chair but not painfully. The periwinkle sleep shorts you have are matched by the camisole that has bunched up at the bottom exposing the pooch of your stomach.
The crickets are loud and there are even some lightning bugs about dotting around the tall grass that surrounds the lake in the middle of your backyard. The lake is connected to an estuary that your neighbor across the way often drives his airboat off in. Thankfully the water is at least slow moving to it only attracts but so many bugs, but that’s also why you’ve taken to lighting a lavender eucalyptus candle when you come outside on the porch. Ironic considering the very same scent that keeps various insects away is supposed to lull you to sleep and it does not. You’ve never met the man. Only seen him on his back porch.
You know very little about him, not even his name. He’s at least your age, if not older. Tall and broad with sun-kissed skin from working during the daylight hours you assume or it could be his natural skin tone. His hair is brown except for a gray or blonde patch in the front. From what you’ve seen, he has a patchy beard that could have gray or more blonde and a wicked smile. It’s then that he emerges from his abode the same as you. He has something to drink as well. Usually he’s wearing a t-shirt or tank top but it’s balmy this morning so he’s shirtless in some loose shorts. You’re not sure if they’re for sleep or lounging. There looks to be some definition to his chest as he takes in the night air. He looks up after pouring himself a glass of something that might be brown, it’s hard to see from here and it’s dark. The man’s limbs are weighted down like yours are. Could his thoughts be running a mile a minute as well? What would lead him to be on his porch too? Is he alone like you? Shouldn’t he have someone warming his bed? Given how he looks from here, he shouldn’t have any issue in that department. Maybe it’s by choice, but why would he choose to? Divorced? Separated? Recent break-up? Maybe a fight with someone and they’re letting each other stew…
Planning different scenarios for the day, reviewing what you’ve seen, the care you’ve provided the people you encountered. Today you discharged a patient home, consulted one where the doctor sort of explained that they have cancer but it didn’t really sink in and assisted with post-mortem care because you were the nurse with the most experience on the unit. The rest were new grads, bless them but they really needed to remove teaching care plans and expand on communication, psych and discussions with biases surrounding death. Maybe you should email the state board, do they even check their email? They had to, right? They’re a government body, but are they gonna do anything with it? Your mind has spun again in that short time. 
The lack of restful sleep is having the same encumbering effect on the pair of you. Fatigued bodies to match your brains. 
His glass raises and he nods in your direction. You do the same. Then you both drain your glasses and refill them. No words are exchanged. The sounds of water, insects, and a light breeze fill the void where speech would be. Normally these sounds are what lull most people to sleep in Louisiana, but not you nor him.
A toast to another night of sleep lost.
Part Two
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hiskillingjar · 21 days
helloo <33 i loooved your work with ren w a little secret perv and was wondering if you'd write any more of that sorta stuff?? thaaank youu
charli xcx - guess featuring billie eilish (official video)
600+ words, short and sweet, mc from this fic
"Okay, I want everyone to split off into groups to discuss the assignment...and please, try to work with someone you don't usually work with. It's called COMMUNITY COLLEGE, people!"
Ren knawed on his thumbnail as Kevin and Hassan from coding class talked through the upcoming project; a collaborative website build on a topic of your group's choosing. 
Their eyes would occasionally go up while they were talking, to see if he would comment on their discussion or get involved with the conversation, but they would quickly go down again when they saw him looking off, pretending he was somewhere else altogether.
Though, he wasn't somewhere else entirely. 
Just on the other side of the room.
She was looking right back at him, idly twirling a strand of her light blonde hair (her pink streaks were fading and were now a pretty cotton candy hue that he liked more than the bright pink but wouldn’t tell her) around her finger, a slight smile on her lacquered lips. 
She was dressed in pink and white, as usual, accessorising with a black waistcoat and black legwarmers. Her nails were stiletto sharp and Kuromi-themed this week, and it made his mouth water.
Even if they’d been forced to split for this class, they'd already agreed to work together on the project, building a website for her eventual cat cafe game (that still didn’t have a name, but that was okay, he said, they’d come up with one together). 
He didn’t have an eye for web design, so she was taking the lead on it. She was a much better coder than he was, in almost all respects, but she never made him feel bad about it. If anything, she liked any opportunity to help him, to speak on both their behalf, to take the lead where she needed to.
He might have been in love, but he wouldn’t tell her that either.
She raised her brow when he lowered his eyes to the desk, looking at the time on his phone; are you okay, the little gesture asked.
He smiled and shrugged, before putting his hands together and pressing them to his ‘ear’, miming a pillow; tired, he told her, adding a mimed snore with it.
She giggled (covering her mouth with her fingers like a girl in an anime) and shook her head, looking towards her group mates for a moment (who all looked about as disengaged as she was).
She then smiled a little wider (a cattish smile, he might have associated it with someone at some point) and motioned downwards. 
When he looked down, seeing her normal skirts and stockings, he watched as she parted her knees, showing off just how high her stockings climbed up and a peek of skimpy black panty amidst all the pink and white ruffles.
Ren's jaw instantly clenched and his eyes widened, just enough for her to notice and her cattish smile to grow even bigger.
They were the pair he'd bought for her when she'd asked to be included in his last bulk order from Japan. 
Naturally (despite wanting to do better than he had before), he'd indulgently included a few cosplay outfits and plenty of fetish pieces with the clothes she’d asked for (and paid for, which he’d sent right back to her), hoping to encourage her to take some risks when they were in class together, which, clearly, she'd done happily.
Because she was such a good girl.
He felt a pulse of heat rush right down to his cock, and he had to cover his mouth to hold back a groan.
She giggled again, always playing innocent as she looked towards her other group members who were huddling around a laptop, and spread her legs a little wider, making the lacy, black fabric dig into her a little more, riding up and exposing bare skin and the first sliver of her pink folds.
He reached down and pressed his free hand against the front of his jeans, shifting his hips forward and touching himself as subtly as he could.
She was really going to get it for riling him up after this.
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emininjago · 2 months
Sugary love ———— Lloyd x reader
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𝖲𝗈𝗇𝗀- 𝖮𝗇𝗅𝗒 𝖻𝗒 𝖫𝖾𝖾𝗁𝗂 
Originally this was posted on my Wattpad (Kaiya_ninjago) as an au one-shot for my Ninjago oc Kaiya Yoshida, however I’ve decided that I’ll upload it to tumblr but turn it into a Lloyd x reader fic, enjoy <3
Key: reader is gender-natural
e/c- eye colour
h/c- hair colour
Y/n- your name
l/n- your last name
The eyes the same hue as e/c captivated him. 
They drew him in commanding him to admire every aspect of them, of the way her h/c haired bounced as she walked through the café trays filled with drinks and sweet treats in hand, how they continually had a smile that felt like the sun was rising whilst they greeted the varying customers, or how he could hear the soles of their converse connecting to the ground as they weaved her way through the café like it was second nature to them. 
Everything y/n did had Lloyd falling more and more in love with the them.
The movement of a hand quickly moving in-front his face brought his attention back to the real world, he had forgotten he wasn’t alone, he forgot he was meant to be hanging out with his friends, and they certainly noticed his day dreaming. He already had a suspicion that they knew what or who was on his mind, and that was something he didn’t want to admit them again so publicly especially not when the person who occupied his thoughts was near.
“Hellooooo earth to hopeless romantic” Kai, the one who had moved his hand infront of Lloyds face spoke up, a sneaky grin on his face as he watched the blond snap himself back to reality. His other friends snickered at Kai’s choice of words, and Lloyd was quick to correct his posture and stare eyes wide at the brunet friend. 
“I am not!” He loudly whispered, his eyes glanced behind him to make sure y/n wasn’t within hearing distance, his cheeks were a faint pink at his friend exclamation of him being a hopeless romantic. Thankfully the person constantly on his mind was preoccupied talking to a customer, dimples on show, laughing at something they had said, he wondered what they had said, wondered when he could hear the sweet symphony of their laugher embracing his ears, wondered when the moment would come for him to be the reason for that symphony.
“Oh so, your mind wasn’t focused on little mr/miss/mx waiter/waitress over there” Jay teased, a sickeningly sweet grin on his face and his eyebrows wiggled mockingly. Lloyd nearly leapt across the table to cover the lightning ninjas mouth, his cheeks darkened at his words and at being bluntly called out by his friends for him daydream. 
“Shush! Shut it, not another word” Lloyd mumbled once again glancing behind him to check that the h/c person hadn’t snuck up behind him and had overheard Jay’s tease. They were still on the opposite side of the room blissfully unaware of the conversation taking place at his table, he wanted it to stay that way. 
The clothed navy blue and white stripped elbow of Nya nudged Jay, a somewhat serious expression explored her features though Lloyd couldn’t help but see the small smirk growing, her cupids bow making itself more apparent “Why don’t you just tell them how you feel dude” 
Colour had never rushed to Lloyds cheeks that quickly before, and it took everything in him not to slam his head onto the table and complain at Nya’s words, that would’ve caused quite a scene and alert y/n to his distress. He’d prefer to deal with his friends teasing than for his crush to see him like this. 
“Yeah sure and while I’m at it, I’ll make a new realm” Lloyd chided, his eyebrows raised mockingly at them whilst his hand lifted his cup of hot chocolate towards his lips. The beverage itself had an outline of a funky looking frog sketched into the chocolate, the sketch wasn’t by choice. All of his friends glanced at each other at his words, only one of them decided to speak up. 
“Technically it isn’t impossible for you to create a new realm, you’re the grandson of the First Spinjitsu Master and are the closest elemental wise in becoming the succeeding…” Zane explained, his tone remained monotone whilst he spoke, his tinted aquamarine Nindroid eyes stared at Lloyd. The rest exchanged a bewildered expression with one another, Nya silently reminded herself that she really needed to upgrade his sarcasm levels cause this was getting embarrassing. 
The grandson in question was quick to intervene his eyes narrowing at the titanium friend, he slowly shaked his head, the hot chocolate carefully placed back onto the table “I was being sarcastic Zane” Lloyd leaned slightly onto the table resting his elbows onto the wooden furniture, he didn’t miss the way the Nindroid silently told him to move his elbows of the table, mother hen. 
“It’d be good to get it off your chest, just gotta rip it of like an old bandaid” Cole encouraged a warm smile explored the earth ninjas face, as well as crumbs from the Black Forest gateau he had been devouring simply moments ago. Lloyd titled his head at Cole’s words, did he compare y/n to a band aid? And an old one at that. 
A loud groan left Kai’s and Jay’s lips both of them squinting their eyes at the ninja with frosting around his lips, Lloyd saw how a few customers in the café slightly turned to look at the infamous ninjas when the noise escaped the fire and lightning ninja.
“Can you stop comparing relationships to an old bandaid!” Jay exclaimed, his face slightly distorted due to the annoyed expression that crossed it. If Lloyd wasn’t exasperated with the ninjas he would’ve taken a photo of Jays to remember the hilarious face he had pulled. Kai leaned over towards Cole and shaked his shoulders slightly quietly mumbling about how that is a horrible expression to use when describing feelings and that he should’ve learnt the first time not to use it. All Lloyd could do was slowly blink at his friends. 
“Not my fault I can’t think of any other sayings!” Cole whisper yelled still being slightly shaken by Kai, Lloyd wanted to curl up into a little tiny ball and disappear under the table never to be seen again. He glanced behind to see that y/n had since moved away from the customer they were talking to and was now out of his line of sight, he could only assume they were now in the kitchen preparing a substance for a customer. The blond released a sigh of relief at the lack of y/n. 
“Boys, back on topic” Nya sternly whispered to them circling them back to the conversation at hand, he would've preferred if the three musketeers had continued their bicker at one another which would’ve dismayed the many customers in the cafe greatly. He wished the conversation didn’t have to turn back to him, not about this topic, he laid his head onto the table his arms being used as a cushion “Lloyd” 
He rapidly shakes his head not wanting to be addressed, especially not when Nya had used such a firm tone at his, as if he was once again a child and she was scolding him for a prank he had pulled or for sneaking out for a mission. Instead she was scolding him for not talking about his romantic feelings for a certain brunette, how times have turned.
“You’re gonna have to confront these feelings sooner or later” The elemental master added when she saw the swift movement of his head, unbeknownst to Lloyd all of them had a growing smirk on their faces. He regretted ever telling them about his crush on y/n, though truth be told they knew before he even told them anything, they had caught him on many occasions being trapped in a daydream admiring the h/c waitress/waiter a lovesick smile on his face. They were all none the wiser how y/n themselves hadn’t picked up on his crush yet. He was that obvious, or were they both that oblivious.
“Not when they’re literally a few feet away” was Lloyds mumbled response, it took two attempts of them all repeating the words in their heads and having a silent conversation with only their eyes to understand what he’d said. Too bad they didn’t have incredible hearing, only Lloyd got blessed with that. He could hear the distant movement of y/n in the kitchen preparing an order and the delicious smell of pastries floated through the air. 
Jay glanced up to stare into the little window that showed the kitchen, he could only see the h/c of y/n’s hair, they were far enough away there’s not a chance they could hear them. The cooper curled ninja leaned closer to Lloyd the sneaky grin still on his face. 
“All the more reasons to talk about them” he quietened his voice into a whisper, the teasing tone of his words flowing easily of his tongue. Lloyd lightly lifted his head up from the table resting it against his crossed elbows, his crimson coloured eyes the same shade as blood narrowed at the lightening ninja. The blond blindly aimed his foot to kick Jay, a pout formed onto the coopers face and he glanced down to the foot that had collided with his under the table “did you seriously just…”
Jay stared at Lloyd with a look of disbelief at the fact that one of his adopted brothers had kicked him, then his disbelief turned into humour. Pulling his head away from Lloyd a snicker escaped his lips and in seconds it turned into laughter tears pricked his eyes as he continued to laugh, Lloyd rested his head back onto the table with a groan. Nya quickly shot Jay a glare that instantly told him to shut up, he did as was instructed however faint snickers found their way to echo across the room he had to cover his mouth with his hand to muffle them. 
“You know Lloyd, Valentine’s Day is coming up” Kai chimed brushing the out of place strand of brunet hair that threatened to ruin his entire hairstyle. A smirk grew on Kai’s face, he stood up from the table and walked over to where Lloyd was sat, shaking his shoulder the same way brothers would. Lloyd weakly pushed Kai away and back into his seat, he wasn’t in the mood for his brotherly actions, nor for trying to understand what he was implying with his sentence. 
Zane who has only then finished his cup of tea, glanced down at Lloyd before speaking a smile much like the teasing expression on the others faces blessed his metallic one “Valentines day; the one day celebration of love, adoration and affection, it is common for individuals whether that be romantic or platonic to ask each-other to be their valentines. However this day is also celebrated to honour the death of Saint Valentine, a martyr who defied Emperor Claudius ban on marriage.” The Nindroid explained his eyes lifting from Lloyd up to the silhouette of y/n who was still in the kitchen, the teasing smile on his face grew “I believe Kai is telling you to ask them to be your valentines” 
That made Lloyd harshly left his head up from the table, his cheeks a dark shade of pink as he returned to his original position, his eyes had also widened at the advice. 
“I beg your…what!” Lloyd exclaimed his voice slightly shaky in shock and embarrassment at what had just been spoken, he could barely comprehend what had been asked of him. He glanced around the room hoping his exclamation and the words of his friends hadn’t been too loud, he didn’t wish for a specific h/c to hear this conversation. 
“Yeah, and if they don’t reciprocate your feelings then you can say you meant it platonically” Cole smiled, hoping this would be seen as encouragement for Lloyd to confess his feelings to the person. It had the opposite effect, Lloyd slowly sank further into his seat a sound closing resembling a whine, that just made him not want to tell them even more. 
The harsh sound of a slap on Cole’s shoulder returned Lloyds attention to his friends, Kai had taken the liberty to smack the earth elemental shoulder an amused expression of disbelief on his face. 
“Dude, you’re not helping!” Kai snippily said shaking his head disappointedly at Cole, what even went through his mind to say that? Kai knew Cole had meant it from the goodness of his heart, but that was not what was needed “that probably made Lloyd not want to confess even more” Cole mumbled a quick apology at Lloyd, mentally face palming himself for even saying those words. 
“I think what Cole is trying to say, is that it’s better for you to try rather than suffer in silence with your feelings. Take a leap of faith” Nya softly spoke her smile aimed at only Lloyd to see, this was an actual smile of encouragement, there was no mocking tone or anything of the sorts and it seemed that the others agreed with her words. Lloyd sighed and adjusted his posture straightening back into his original spot. 
Was he really going to confess his feelings to y/n? And on Valentine’s Day of all days, a day that was merely three days away. The possibility of getting rejected was high and so was the feeling of possibly feeling embarrassed about it, but Nya was right, he had to take a leap of faith.
“Okay…okay I’ll try” Lloyd mumbled, a small smile forming on his face as his cheeks flushed a pinkish colour, he couldn’t believe he was admitting out-loud to them that he’ll try and confess to them on valentines. He couldn’t believe he was even thinking about verbalising his feelings of infatuation to the brunette that was constantly on his mind. 
Jay leaned over towards him, his eyes held a teasing gleam to them as he leaned close to Lloyd and smirked. His expression made Lloyd incredibly uncomfortable “and you know, it’ll be a cute story to tell your kids that you got with them on valentines day” 
Lloyd shot up from the chair in record speed, his eyes widening at the statement and his cheeks became so much more darker. He glanced behind him watching as y/n walked out of the kitchen tray in hand with sweet treats on and walked towards a table, this time when he glanced y/n looked back at him smiling warmly at him before continuing their walk to the table. Lloyd cheeks were burning at that. 
“I’m waiting… outside” Lloyd quickly spoke shuffling out from his chair, tucking the chair back into the table and slowly walked away towards the exit of the café. His cup of hot chocolate remained half empty and the ninjas exploded into silent laughter. 
Y/n could only spare Lloyd a single glance of confusion wondering what had made him look so on edge when they stared at him. The blond never wanted them to know about the conversation he and his friends just had, though it did achieve one thing. 
He was going to ask y/n l/n to be his valentines, to confess his feelings of unbridled love to them, and that scared him to pieces. 
Lloyd stared down at the sketchbook on his desk, the book with the engraved leather binding of his name making it look ancient and lost in time seemed to merely reflect his own stressed expression. This book held all of his most recent sketches the faint lines of where his pencil had touched the paper hidden within, in a way this sketchbook held all of his secrets, his passions, his beliefs, how he views the world. There were various sketches dotted in the books paper of his surroundings, of the people around him, of the pets that have graced the monastery over the years, only one of these sketches had blush decorating his cheek. 
He flipped open the book instantly finding the page he desired, he remembers the day he drew that page as if it had happened yesterday. It was a rainy afternoon, water droplets cascading down the cafés window in groups, the café itself was relatively quiet most of the customers were inside to hide away from the rain. Y/n waltz around the room drinks and food in hand warmly welcoming people onto the quaint building to conceal themselves from the increasing storm. It had been by chance that Lloyd had ended up in the café, the dim lights softening the atmosphere around him, it was the type of atmosphere that if you weren’t careful you’d fall asleep in an instant.
His eyes fluttered across the room taking in his surroundings, though his gaze always returned to a certain brunette, his pencil brushed along the paper trying to capture the way in which the light of the candles decorated Y/n’s face, how their hair was a bit out of place, how their eyes held a softness to them whilst they talked to their customers, he tried to capture all of these little details onto the paper. 
The page he was staring at was a portrait of y/n, their contagious smile frozen in time and their eyes squinted slightly in laughter all captured onto the page forever inscribed onto it. His smile, a Duchenne smile decorated his lips his finger lowering to the paper and stroking the cheek of the drawn y/n. 
“What are you looking at Lloyd?” A voice from behind him brought him away from his thoughts, quickly he turned around to come face to face with purple eyes staring at him, her head titled in question, though a somewhat teasing smile was on her metallic face. Pixel was in the doorway of his room, he didn’t even realise nor hear anyone approaching, was he that stuck in his daydream. 
A sheepish expression dawned his face, his cheeks decorated in a blush pink colour, Lloyd quickly cleared his throat his eyes glimpsing behind him he instantly saw the page of y/n’s portrait on full display, if Pixel even steps slightly around him she would come face to face with the portrait. 
He quickly rushed to shut the book slamming it shut while Pixel’s confused expression seemed to spread. Lloyds cheeks continued to glow in its pink delight “Pix, hey!” his hand laid against the book while he turned around again to face her, he attempted to muster up the most convincing smile she would ever see. 
“Why did you slam the book?” Pixel took a step further into the room keeping the shoji door slightly ajar, one of her silver eyebrows raised as she look from Lloyd to where his hand disappeared behind him. The grip of Lloyds hand tightened around the leather bound object. 
“no reason, so uh need anything” Lloyd quickly replied his cheeks continued to be painted in blush, all he wanted to do was answer Pixels inquiry if she had one and then she’ll leave, he could only handle being embarrassed once today, he didn’t need it twice.
The samurai warrior stepped beside Lloyd her eyes glancing down at the book that his hand was covering, anyone could tell it was his sketchbook the leather bound around it and the fact that he was being quite protective of it gave all the clarification needed. Lloyd sighed at that, his fingers tapping against the material surrounding the sketch book, it had quite the harsh touch to it but was soothing nevertheless. 
“Zane informed me of the conversation had at the café” Pixel explained, smile on her face, her eyes never left where the sketchbook was embracing the outside of it. She always found Lloyds book to be special, always found it showed her glimpses into how he sees the world and others, on the rare occasions she’s been able to get a peak at the sketches within it always amazed her just how detailed they were. How the hands of a fighter could create something so beautiful, though that might’ve been the First Spinjitsu masters family genes shining through “are you really going to ask y/n to be your valentines?”
Of course Zane had already ratted him out to the nindroids significant other, that shouldn’t have surprise him, that in a way didn’t surprise him, he was expecting Pixel to mention something about the café. 
“Maybe, I don’t…I don’t know” Lloyd’s gaze diverted to the ground not wanting Pixel to see any more of the blush coating his cheeks. Slowly he lifted the sketch book up from the table and rested it against his chest, his arms crossing over it to create a protective shield around it, shielding it away from the prying eyes. 
“That sketchbook of yours has always intrigued me” Pixel pointed to the book in his grasp, a smile on her face while doing so, she could only guess that there was a sketch of a one y/n l/n engraved into the page “I believe they would enjoy it” 
Those were the last words Pixel spoke to the blond sending him a quick smile her lips curving upwards, she swiftly left the room after her smile as if she hadn’t just left Lloyd speechless with her words or that she hadn’t just given Lloyd an idea on how to ask y/n to be his valentines. Slowly he settled his sketchbook back onto the desk and once again found his desired page, he quickly grabbed a pencil from his desk draw which sat on the desk and began to scribble down onto the page a quick sentence. 
‘‘Y/n, will you be my valentines?’ 
He stared hard at the page, debating whether or not to gently tear the beautiful/handsome sketch of y/n out of his sketchbook, the decision weighed heavily on him disagreeing whether or not he should take a chance or remain a coward and leave it in the book. Lloyd didn’t realise that through his debate in his mind he had already teared the page out of his sketchbook, the decision had been made.
Slowly he folded the page, the pencil stained paper getting smaller after every fold, Lloyd fiddled with the sketch his mind still racing on why did he allow the ninjas to coheres him to ask y/n out so easily, he’d never asked anyone out before, never had to bare his romantic feelings out to someone, Cole was right though even if his confession to y/n went poorly he could easily say it was meant platonically. 
He placed the paper onto his desk, the folded paper standing out like a sore thumb compared to everything else, tomorrow he’d give y/n the note, tomorrow the question on the paper would be answered. That knowledge frightened him. 
“Lloyd mission time!” Cole called out to Lloyd as he passed by the now open shoji doors that connected his bedroom to the Monastery corridor. The blond was already a-dawning his signature Green GI, where one of the sleeves were brown whilst the rest was a dark green. Lloyd sighed and glanced one more time at the folded paper. 
He rushed out the room, his mind already fixating on the upcoming mission, though the paper and y/n remained in the back of his mind. 
They always found a way back into the four front of his mind throughout the mission. 
The café had never felt so silent before, even with Lloyds incredible hearing there was not a sound of customers chatting to be heard, the distant sound of a radio playing faint jazz music echoed across the room. It was just after the lunch rush and only a few patrons were in the café most of them being elderly citizens enjoying their own company, Lloyd must’ve been the youngest person in that café as he admired the decor that surrounded the walls and how the faint pinks and yellows mixed perfectly to make such a calming atmosphere. 
He stood beside the door, the slightly broken bell singing on his arrival, Lloyd wasn’t going to be here for long, all he needed to do was hand y/n the note wait for their response and then leave. His hand fidgeted with the folded note that was concealed in his Green hoodie, rocking on his heel as he heard the faint laughter of y/n from the kitchen.
Soon they walked out of the kitchen and to the counter, a wide smile on their face. Lloyd took that moment to admire he features, to admire her h/c hair which had been tossed into a high ponytail/or however your hair normally looks to avoid it from ruining the batter, their front hair hiding parts of their alluring e/c eyes that they had to sweep away to put her eyes on full display once again, a cream coloured apron tightened around their waist and the faint smell of pastries drifted into his direction. In his eyes y/n was the definition of perfect, and if he could he’d admire them the entire day, for the rest of his life if he could. 
Y/n turned their head when they felt eyes staring at them and they flinched slightly at seeing Lloyd standing silently beside the door, he sheepishly smiled at them causing a chuckle to smoothly leave their lips “you really do live up to your profession, don’t you?” They jokingly shakes their head and a smile once again graced their lips, Lloyd wished he could ingrain that smile into his brain. 
“What can I say, it’s part of the job description” The blond took that as his cue to walk up to the counter, the awkward smile still remaining on his lips while the paper continued to be fidgeted with in his hand. This was going surprisingly better than he had thought, though he didn’t plan on accidentally frightening them, he forgot just how quiet he could be. 
“Mhm, nearly gave me a heart attack” y/n grabbed a rag from the side and began wiping down the counter, a half smile still on their lips even when doing this mundane job, they glanced up to their blond haired friend who still looked slightly on edge, they decided to ask about his uneasiness in a bit “on pick up duty again? Well sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you have to order your stuff first before coming in to grab it, my boss almost threw a fit the last time you came without ordering first and I just gave you the food.” A smirked grew on y/n’s lips before they lowered her voice into a whisper and added “though I can always sneak you a little something from behind the counter” 
Lloyd shakes his head at y/n’s word, the nervousness leaving his body for a brief moment he chucked at their words, the h/c raised an eyebrow at Lloyd not fully believing his head shake. 
“Really, well that surprises me” y/n mumbled, finishing with the rag and placing it back onto the side of the counter, they rested her body weight onto the black serving counter. He fidgeted with the paper once again before quickly signing, a confused expression found its way ontop y/n’s face tilting their head slightly at his tense stance. 
“Are you…busy?” He quietly asked his question sounding more like a mumble than actual words, the fidgeting of the paper in his pocket increased and y/n placed a hand onto his clothed shoulder to calm him. It didn’t calm him, not in the slightest, the action made him think that his heart had skipped a beat and pink coated his cheeks. 
“No I’m not busy, is everything okay Lloyd?” Y/n softly responds with a question of their own, keeping their hand firmly on his shoulder and rubbing her thumb gently across it, they were no doubt going to be the death on him, if was so then he didn’t mind going to an early grave. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m okay just wanted to…” Slowly he began to pull out the folded paper his palms sweating while doing so he hid the paper away from their eye-line, there was no doubt that the paper was getting slightly wet from his palm. He cut himself off halfway, swallowing loudly and running over the words in his head one last time. Y/n patiently waited for him to continue. 
Steadily he opened his mouth preparing himself to pass y/n the folded paper and final have his question answered, that didn’t happen, one of the customers decided at that moment to come up to the counter “excuse me, are you busy?” The h/c glanced at Lloyd quickly an apologetic look in their eyes before mouthing the word sorry and removing their hand from his shoulder focusing their attention onto the customer.
Lloyd stood there crestfallen, was that a sign from the First Spinjitsu Master that it wasn’t worth asking them, that it wasn’t meant to be. He stared harshly at the ground slowly shaking his head at himself, at his stupidity, why did he even think to trust his friends, why didn’t he decline their idea immediately and never even think about asking y/n to be his valentines, it was a stupid thought really that he’d even have the courage to ask them. Lloyd shoved the paper back into his hoodie pocket his arms hanging limply at his side. 
A few minutes later and the customer retreated back to their table, a few minutes too late for Lloyd he’d already scrapped the idea of asking y/n to be his, scrapped the idea of giving them the folded paper. Quickly y/n returned their attention back onto their crimson eyed friend an apologetic smile on their face. 
“Sorry about that, what did you want to say Loy?” Y/n rubbed the back of their neck in sympathy and properly stared at Lloyd, only then did they notice the annoyed expression on his face and the slight scowl that made its way onto his lips, what had happened in those minutes that had made him look so upset.
“Nothing important” Lloyd monotonously responded, his voice quiet and his eyes refused to meet her staring anywhere but at her. Quickly he turned away from them and walked towards the door “better let you get back to work” 
Y/n opened their mouth to speak, to try and stop him from leaving and for them to understand what had happened, however he was already out of the café door it swinging harshly open and walking out of the café swiftly away from her, the bell nearly broke of from its stand as he exited. The few customers stared at his loud exit in confusion, the most confused of them all was Y/n themself, quietly blinked at the door before opening the flat of the counter to go and adjust the bell back to its normal place. 
Once they had walked out from behind the counter did their eyes catch the sight of a folded and slight crumpled paper on the floor, in curiosity y/n crouched onto the ground and picked up the paper walking with it in hand as they made their way to the bell. They didn’t know where it had come from and it felt wrong them for to go snooping at other peoples belongings, but they really wanted to know what was on it. 
Slowly they opened the folded paper and they were instantly meet with themselves, or at least a sketched version of themselves. Y/n marvelled at the drawing, they weren’t a massive art fan but everything about this sketch drew them in, the way whoever drew them captured them blew their breath away, it was mesmerising. Their eyes scanned the sketch searching for some type of initial that would reveal of the mystery of who’d drew this for them, the art style seemed recognisable to them for some reason but she couldn’t understand why, only when their eyes caught sight of the scribbled writing did they know who it was. 
Their breath hitched as they caught sight of Lloyds name at the end of the six letter question, their cheeks becoming a rosy pink hue that there was no doubt that if any of the customers even glanced over at them then they’d be confused by their expression. That was what he had wanted to ask, that was why he was so quick to leave, that was why he looked so nervous, their entire interaction with Lloyd made so much more sense. They softly smiled at the sketch and refolded it placing it into their apron pocket, they had some planning to do, and they couldn’t wait for Lloyds next visit to the café, they only hoped it would be before Valentine’s Day. 
Lloyd didn’t notice that the sketch was no longer in his hoodie pocket until the very next day. 
Lloyd was practically dragged once again to the café, this time however it was by his mother insisting that this was what he needed to get him out of his funk. He blankly stared at his mother in annoyance, he didn’t tell her that the reason he was in his funk was because he was going to ask y/n to be his valentines in that very café but the universe clearly didn’t give him any signs that he should, he didn’t dare tell his mother that reason, that would’ve only given her more reason to bring him here. 
“I’m not in a funk mum” Lloyd harshly whispered to his mother the moment she opened the café door, the bell announcing his arrival, his eyes glancing to the floor the moment he saw y/n h/c hair. Mistako guided the two of them to an empty table, a warm smile on her face while she adjusted her glasses. 
“Nonsense, you normally love going to this café. Gets you right out of your sour moods” His mother beamed picking up a menu from the table to scan over the items on offer. Yeah, normally it would help his sour moods but not when the person he wanted to ask to be his valentines is in his vicinity, it was the day before Valentine’s Day and he had lost his sketch, those three factors did not equal a perfect place to help him “what do you want son? I’ll be paying” 
“Debating whether or not to pick the most expensive item for revenge on you dragging me here” Lloyd chided in a mumble, his eyes narrowing when his mother passed him a menu, she lightly smacked him on the back of the head and huff leaving her lips, the café certainly hadn’t fixed his mood, she didn’t even know what had made him so prickly. 
“Behave you” Mistako strictly whispered with a raise of her eyebrow, from the corner of her eye she could see y/n making their way to the table notepad in hand. Maybe they’ll be able to right her son’s sour mood, Mistako didn’t notice how Lloyd swiftly turned his attention away from the approaching y/n nor the pink that dusted his cheeks. 
“Long time no see, what’ll it be?” Y/n smiled at the two of them, their smile lingering longer at Lloyd than at his grey haired mother, their eyes closing slightly in delight. Mistako was quick to say her order and was about to poke her son to tell him to say his own order, however y/n had already spoken again “your usual Lloyd?” 
The way their question seemed to easily leave their lips left his cheeks rising in blush more, his eyes turning to glance at them slowly he began nodding his head “uh…yeah…yeah I’ll have that” he kept it brief and quickly turned his gaze back to the closed door, it was difficult trying to ignore the person you’re hopelessly crushing on, his mother once again lifted an eyebrow at his nervous and swift tone but she never commented on it. 
Y/n smiled and walked away claiming the orders will be out shortly, it was once again only Lloyd and Mistako at the table. 
“What was that about?” She humorously asked the moment y/n had disappeared into the kitchen, the older women moved the menu out of Lloyds hand and to the side of the table, a quiet laugh leaving her lips at his pink cheeks, she never realised Lloyd had a crush on y/n, now she was more glad that she had brought Lloyd here. 
“Not important mum” Lloyd quickly whispered, his eyes wide as the words flowed from his mouth and he rested his head onto his elbow, his eyes glued to the door once again avoiding any eye-contact from his mother or from y/n. Mistako opened her mouth once again wanting to add onto her previous statement, though the quick glare her son gave her quickly prompted her not to and to instead sit there quietly and wait for their beverages 
Ten minutes later and y/n returned two drinks in hand for the two Garmadon family members, the warm smile persisted on their lips even when they placed the drinks down for the respective person. Lloyd glanced down at his hot chocolate expecting some sort of disfigured drawing of a type of animal, only this time it was none of the sorts, instead on the top of his cup sketched into it via cream was a heart, must’ve been a valentine special for the day before and on Valentine’s Day. 
“Oh Lloyd” y/n spoke reaching into the packet of their apron and grabbing out a familiar piece of folded paper, Lloyd froze the moment he saw that paper, of course he’d left it here, of course they’d seen it, he didn’t want them to see it anymore, he didn’t want to feel the taste of embarrassment, of humiliation. The h/c placed it beside Lloyds hot chocolate “You left this here a few days ago” 
Lloyd wanted to bang his head onto that very table, he wanted to run out of that café with what little dignity he had left, he wanted to rip that paper into a million tiny pieces. Y/n didn’t stay for long after they gave Lloyd his folded paper back smiling warmly at him before going back to the counter, he could still feel her gaze even when she was no longer beside him. 
The blond let out a slight groan at the folded paper picking it up from the table and holding it in his hand, he narrowed his eyes at it as if scolding the paper for falling onto the floor and ending up in y/n’s hand. Mistako glanced down at the paper to her son silently telling asking him what on earth was that paper for, he never responded. 
With a quick movement of his fingers he unfolded the paper, he might as well see if the sketch was still intact even if the small question that laid unanswered on it would haunt him. Slowly but cautiously he unfolded the paper, the sketched eyes of y/n staring at him, he unknowingly smiled at being reunited with the sketch though as his eyes surveyed the page he noticed that something had been added, his eyes widened when he realised what it was. 
‘Yes, I’d love to ♡︎’ 
In seconds he was quickly placing the paper back onto the table, his mother raising an eyebrow at him at his fast reaction unaware of what was on the paper. 
“They said yes” Lloyd whispered in disbelief, pink slowly becoming more evident on his cheeks and the tip of his ears, once again he grabbed ahold of the pencil stained paper and looked over her written reply, he saw that underneath their name y/n had written down a number, their number, he had y/n number “oh my wojira” Lloyd sank into his seat, a dreamy smile on his face while his hot chocolate became forgotten, he couldn’t believe he had a valentines, that Y/n L/N was his valentines.
Lloyd glanced behind him and there they were smiling at his reaction, their own blush decorating their face, they lifted their hand up to her ear and did the call me sign. He sheepishly smiled at her rubbing the back of his neck, guess he was no longer free tomorrow, tomorrow he was with y/n, on a date. 
He was going to cherish that sketch forever 
Green machine: 
Guess who’s got a valentine!
sent 11:30am
You all owe me £10 
sent 11:31
32 notes · View notes
cryoculus · 2 years
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— guard dog 02 ⟢
pairing: thoma x assassin!reader
summary: in which thoma proves to be one of the most insufferable captors in teyvat. how someone like him sees himself in someone like you is a complete mystery.
word count: 3.5k words
notable characters: thoma, kamisato ayaka, kamisato ayato
tags: found family, enemies to lovers, slow burn, angst, eventual smut
warnings: nightmares
notes: so, i've decided to cross-post these two per day instead of one per day :')
header art cr: pncgnsn on twt
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You didn’t miss the uncharacteristic stutter of Ayaka’s voice when she’d said the word. You couldn’t blame her. 
To your side, Thoma nodded too enthusiastically to be genuine. “You heard right, milady. I discussed it with her earlier this morning, and Miss Kira has agreed to be your temporary retainer. Only until the Kujou clan is out of her hair, of course.”
“It would be an honor to serve you, Lady Kamisato,” you managed through gritted teeth that could somehow pass for a smile. Thoma still nudged you with his elbow as a warning, though. “Even if it’s only for the meantime, I owe it to your family for nursing my injuries. I’d like to repay your kindness however I can.”
Ayaka seemed at a loss for words, blinking at you with those silver-blue eyes of hers like it was the first time someone showed her a hint of gratitude. You almost felt bad for being a fraud. Almost.
“I… I don’t know what to say,” she sighed, staring at the cup of tea in her hands before meeting your gaze again. “Your duty lies with the war between the Sangonomiya resistance and the shogunate. You mustn’t waste your time tending to the whims of someone like me.”
“Oh, but I will,” you insisted, just as the bastard chief retainer instructed you to do. “Besides, with how my, ah, infiltration turned out, the resistance might’ve listed me off as M.I.A. No one’s going to be searching for me for a good while, milady.” 
After that little…conversation you had with Thoma, you reverted back to your false persona as Kira of the resistance come morning. Though you had absolutely no moral obligation to stand by the terms of your agreement, you decided to play along for now. 
Naturally, your voice of reason rebelled against the notion. Letting yourself be manipulated into the situation you’re in without a fight? As if.
But…you weren’t about to call for back-up like you should, either.
Kujou Sara’s feather never left your person. Once Thoma had gotten you a fresh change of clothes, you made sure to slip it inside the intricate folds of your garbs—never to be seen by anyone else.
When the chief retainer confiscated your powdered crystal marrow, you didn’t resist. Surrendering your murder weapon would take off the suspicion that you were carrying something else, and Thoma even met your cooperation with a promise of ‘a lighter sentence’. Whatever that meant. 
Not that it mattered, though. Because even if you kept Masahito’s contingency plan around, your pride as a mercenary prevented you from using it. 
You were beyond repulsed as you recalled how quickly you bit the bullet the night Thoma had cornered you in the kitchen. Years of relying on no one but yourself, flushed down the drain—all because of some crafty blond foreigner! You rated the humbling experience a 0 out of 10. 
And then there was his master plan to turn you into Kamisato Ayaka’s friend.
That part was the most confusing. Was Ayaka so sheltered that Thoma had to wrangle in a fugitive like you just so you could be friends with her? 
“I suppose there’s no harm in accepting,” Ayaka murmured, cheeks red with embarrassment. “D-Do tell me if there’s anything I can do to assist. I can even have someone contact the resistance for you—”
“There’s no need for that.” Thankfully, Thoma had the foresight to beat you to it. “Communicating with Sangonomiya might endanger the clan’s relationship with the shogunate. We can shelter Miss Kira for the meantime, but we mustn’t act publicly, milady. Else, it will implicate the entirety of the Yashiro Commission.”
You hated to be in agreement with the man who strung you around like a puppet, but… “He’s right. You’ve done way more than I can ever hope to repay, Lady Kamisato. The last thing I want is for you to be under open fire.”
The princess nodded glumly, and her expression tied your stomach into knots.
Lying through your teeth used to be something you did without a morsel of shame. But having to feed Ayaka all this blatant dishonesty on a silver platter… 
You didn’t want to dwell on it.
Once your quick audience in the pavilion had been adjourned, you pulled Thoma to the side.
“This isn’t permanent, right?” you hissed quietly. “I’m not going to be stuck here forever, right?” 
A smirk curled on his face. “Hey, the Kamisato Estate would make a better prison than the police station in Inazuma City. I have all the evidence needed to hand you over to the authorities, but thankfully, I’m kind enough to give you another chance.”
You almost slipped up when he mentioned the police station. Right. You never told Thoma who hired you to kill Ayaka in the first place, nor did he press on the matter. It would do you no favors if you told him that no, the police won’t arrest me since I’m actually in cahoots with the Tenryou Commission!
So, with bitter resentment coiling in your gut, you let him go. You’ll figure something out and bust out of here in one week, tops. Maybe.
“Oh, by the way.”
You turned around with a disgruntled look. “What?”
Thoma had that no-good smile plastered on his face when you met his gaze again. “Now that you’re officially a Kamisato retainer, do you have an idea about what responsibilities come with that title?”
Oh, no. You were not liking the sound of that.
Swallowing thickly, you replied, “No. Why?” 
The horns on his headband might as well have grown in size because this man was an absolute devil. Thoma’s mischievous grin scaled tenfold and you prayed to the Electro Archon herself to just strike you down with lightning from where you stood. 
This was going to be a long week. 
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“Have you ever been inside the palace on Watatsumi Island?”
Ayaka posed the question on your third day as her temporary retainer. You looked at her with a hint of curiosity and barely concealed exhaustion once she’d uttered the words. Though you’re willing to play along with this charade for as long as you had to, your escapades from the last few days practically drained the life out of you. 
You never really knew what a retainer’s purpose was. You’d always just assumed they were scoundrels who rode on the coattails of their charge—basking in their status just to flaunt the privilege to others. Perhaps you were right about that when it came to the other noble houses in Inazuma. In the Yashiro Commission, however…
“Hey,” the princess called out with concern, as she made poured you a cup of tea. “Thoma has been overexerting you, hasn’t he? I know these chores are part of a retainer’s work, but he can be a bit…mean sometimes.” 
You blinked at Ayaka slowly, gaze drifting from the princess and onto the teacup she’d offered. While the amber surface glimmered softly in the lantern lights, the mere mention of Thoma’s name was enough to snap you back into your senses.
That scheming little…! 
He’d subjected you into countless hours of manual labor, despite the fact that you were someone who’s supposed to be recovering. That seemed to go over Thoma’s pretty blond head and, by extension, your own because the man has a knack for driving you up a wall. 
“Miss Kira~ Ayame needs some help airing out the futons and doing the laundry. The other attendants are running errands, so you’re the only one who can do this.”
“The grass around the estate seems like it needs some leveling. You’re up for the job, aren’t you?” 
“Ah, Miss Kira. Just in time! Lord Ayato is very particular about sorting his book collection. We have boxes of new arrivals at the entrance. Can you help take them up to the second floor?”
“Do you happen to know your way around the kitchen, Miss Kira?” 
Not only were you swamped with your newfound responsibilities as a maid retainer, but you’re also expected to carry out your agreement with Thoma, still. In the daytime, you were but a humble refugee paying back the Kamisato clan’s kindness, and by twilight you were Ayaka’s so-called friend. 
If you hadn’t known any better, you might’ve assumed that she was behind your captivity in the first place. That Ayaka had been the one to order Thoma to blackmail you into becoming a servant of the house.
But horrible people like that were easy to pick out. Takes one to know one, they said. And now, with Ayaka staring at you like a mother hen, you knew that she didn’t have a single scheming bone in her body. 
Kujou Sara’s feather felt heavier in the folds of your yukata. Suddenly, you weren’t so sure if it’ll take you just a week to do your job and break out of this place.
“This is nothing,” you insisted, seating yourself by the pavilion steps to appease the princess. “You were asking about Her Excellency’s palace, right?”
Once Ayaka had gone to bed, and you’re left to tidy up the tea set you’d used with her, Thoma swooped in like a lone wolf in the night.
“You’re a pretty good liar, you know,” he commented, pouring himself a glass of water. “If I wasn’t as perceptive as I am, you would’ve had me completely fooled.”
You glared at him. “Don’t use my talents to stroke your own ego, asshole.”
“Hey, not everyone can fabricate a tale about Sangonomiya Palace. Looks like someone’s been reading up on their childhood storybooks,” he complimented with a smile that made you roll your eyes. 
“That reminds me,” Thoma mused as he completely ignored your prior aggression. “Where are you from, exactly? I’ve heard of the wandering mercenary who always manages to stay out of the shogunate’s radar. I honestly thought you were an urban myth until you decided to personally grace me with your presence.”
You scoffed. “You’re not the one I’m after.”
“Hmm… That may be true, but I’m the one who’s keeping you in check right now, aren’t I?” 
There was that look again—the one that made your blood pressure rise to unimaginable heights. Thoma wasn’t exactly someone you’d describe as sleazy.
As cunning as he was, the blond still had an air of maturity to him that you normally wouldn’t associate with crafty fixers. Maybe all that noble honor bullshit from the Kamisatos gradually rubbed off on him. 
That didn’t mean he was above being a conniving bastard, though.
“So, will you humor me with a quick background check or no?”
“I’m not an idiot,” you hissed. “If you want to get dirt on me, you’re going to have to try somewhere else, pretty boy.”
The words slipped before you could even think about them, and the effect was almost immediate. A sordid smirk replaced his typically carefree smile, and you’ve never wanted to get swallowed up by the ground more than you did now.
“Oh? First it was ‘guard dog’, and now ‘pretty boy’? I certainly don’t mind the development, though,” Thoma simpered, tipping his head back while he drank his water.
You hated how it took you a moment to peel your gaze away from the way his throat bobbed as he swallowed. 
Once you managed to put away the ceramic tea set, Thoma was still hovering around the kitchen. Like a ghost that just wouldn’t leave you alone. 
Neither of you said anything. You merely held his stoic, emerald gaze in the silence. Now that you thought about it, you’d never really taken a good look at the guy. He pissed you off beyond belief. Why should you take the time to stare at him? 
But here, in the muted light of the kitchen lanterns, you’re granted a glimpse of how Thoma’s hair was still so vibrant in the near-darkness. How his eyes looked like they belonged to someone born miles away from the shores of Inazuma. But when your gaze slowly drifted to the pendant sitting beneath the jut of his collarbones—
“Ah, I best be off,” Thoma spoke up—making that blip of curiosity fade back into nothingness. “See you in the morning, Miss Kira.” 
Before you could wrench out a response, the chief retainer had already left.
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“You want me to spar with you?” Your tone was laced with disbelief, and Ayaka hid her face behind her fan as she laughed. 
“Why, yes,” she admitted, legs swinging ever-so slightly by the elevated platform. “It would be an honor to spar with someone as learned with the sword as you.”
You frowned. “I’m a nobody in the ranks of the resistance. I don’t even have a Vision. Sparring with me doesn’t exactly warrant much honor, milady.” 
“Your stories don’t seem to convey the same thing, Miss Kira,” Ayaka interjected. “And if you’re the nobody you claim to be, why would Lady Sangonomiya entrust you with such an important espionage mission?” 
Because I lied to your face. Have been for days now, you wanted to tell her but didn’t, for obvious reasons. “If I was as important as you assumed, then they would have already rescued me without a fuss,” you sighed—diligently trimming the shrubs in the garden the way old lady Furuta taught you the other day.
“Now, now. You’re milady’s friend, aren’t you? Humor her a little.”
You shot Thoma an irritated look, which you quickly masked with a smile. This guy just had such impeccable timing as always, huh?
“Master Thoma,” you addressed him nasally. “Forgive my insolence but I just don’t think I’m fit to be Kamisato Ayaka’s—”
He effectively shut you up by plucking the shears in your grasp, exchanging it for a very real and very sharp Kageuchi sword. You gaped at him like a koi out of the fish pond.
“Well?” he probed. “You’re not about to keep milady waiting, I suppose?”
You weren’t sure if you’d just gotten rusty after days without practice or if Ayaka was just that good. It’s been a while since you’d held a sword, and you knew perfectly well how your technique could dwindle if you didn’t constantly hone it into habit.
But you had the inkling that, even if you’d been in tip top shape, the princess would have no trouble making you yield, still. 
The pebbles on your backside dug into the fabric of your yukata as Ayaka pointed the edge of her blade against your chest. Heart pounding loudly in your ears, you sighed—letting your head fall back into the sand as you let the borrowed sword clatter from your grip.
“You’re mean,” you told her as she helped you back up. “You knew I was a walk in the park, didn’t you?” 
Ayaka blushed. “Ah, I apologize if it seemed that way. It’s not everyday that someone agrees to spar with me…” 
“Ehh?” You purposely drawled your tone as you gave her chief retainer—who was watching you get your ass beat on the sidelines—the stink eye. “Master Thoma doesn’t even indulge you? How cruel of him.”
“It’s quite the opposite, actually,” Thoma replied. “We’ve exchanged blows so much that she’s already grown bored of our sparring sessions.”
“Don’t say it’s not true, milady. Hm… What’s that?” 
Turning your gaze to where Thoma pointed his gloved hand, you practically felt the blood in your veins run cold. You darted back to the sand garden you’d ruined with your fall—plucking a lone black feather off the ground before Ayaka or Thoma could get a closer look. 
“Ah, it’s a feather I found while sweeping the entrance the other day,” you explained hastily as you slipped it back inside your clothes. “Where I’m from, feathers are said to bring good luck is all…”
Ayaka seemed quite interested. “You mean, Watatsumi Island?”
“No, I’m actually from Yashiori.”
Thoma arched an eyebrow at your admission, and you had to conceal how mortified you were at your own slip-up. The part about feathers bringing good luck was already a senseless bluff on its own. Why didn’t your brain just continue the string of lies?
Relax, relax, you thought to yourself. Thoma couldn’t possibly know that what you said was actually true, right?
By now, you should have known better.
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It’s always raining on Yashiori Island. 
The never-ending storm has been there for as long as you could remember. You didn’t even know what the sun looked like anymore. 
It was for that reason that people from the neighboring islands rarely set foot in this place. After all, what person in their right mind would go out of their way to visit the Orobashi’s graveyard? But as young as you were, you didn’t believe in all the tall tales. 
It wasn’t the rain that kept people from visiting Yashiori. It was something else. Evil and intangible—a curse that turned your blood into ichor and ground your mind to dust. 
One by one, the people from Higi Village succumbed to the malignant illness. When the village chief buried your father’s corpse, you’d asked Mother if there was any hope left, but she only shook her head in resignation. 
The traveling doctors had played an important part in keeping the villagers alive, though. They said that lavender melon soup should be able to cure the Tatarigami’s corruption, and you believed them. Because the people around you started believing that this wasn’t the end of the line. There was still hope.
But one night, blood dribbled from Mother’s nose as she tucked you into bed, and the next thing you knew, she’d hemorrhaged all over the sheets. 
Doctor Naoko, one of the traveling doctors, took you in after that—telling you that you should live on for your parents’ sake. It’s not as if you had much of a choice in the matter, though. 
He lived in a house that was too close to the Great Serpent’s skeleton for comfort. But you knew orphans didn’t have the right to complain. Instead, you helped them treat the villagers with their miracle soup—brewing lavender melons all day to serve to everyone that needed it.
Your solace, however, lasted for no longer than two months. 
“Care is also a form of remedy,” Doctor Naoko told you—blood leaking from his eyes as he handed you a blade with trembling hands. The metal felt unforgivingly cold on your fingertips, and your limbs shook from where you stood.
You had your suspicions that he’d been corrupted by the curse, but to go as far as asking you to end his life…? 
“You care, don’t you, little one?”
But Doctor Naoko never died at your hand. Never had to feel a blade pierce through his flesh. No, he ended up dying of blood loss and organ failure before you could even move an inch.
You’ve never even held a sword even once before the entire ordeal. 
But shortly after…it became your lifeline. 
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The mansion was deathly quiet. 
You made sure to silence your footsteps as you emerged from the kitchen with a glass of water, not wanting to rouse any of the other retainers in the first floor.
It’s funny how you suddenly started caring about the well-being of these people, but after that little nightmare, you actually wanted to focus on everything else but yourself. 
“I don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish with this, but you best tread carefully, Thoma. She’s still a ruthless killer no matter how much you try to tame her.”
Upon hearing the tones of conversation at the end of the hall, you paused. It’s been about two weeks since your (temporary) inauguration into the Yashiro Commission, and you’ve never once seen Kamisato Ayato’s face in person.
He’s been quite the elusive one—always preferring to eat his meals alone as he locked himself in his study. And if Ayato wasn’t wasting away in his lonesome, he spent his time outside the mansion. But as absent as he often was, you did, however, know what the Commissioner’s voice sounded like.
“So were the rest of our retainers,” you heard Thoma sigh. “Isn’t it the Kamisato clan’s personal preference to hire both ex-convicts and people with criminal records alike? What’s with the sudden change of heart, milord?”
…Ex-convicts? People with criminal records?
Suddenly, the sound of rustling fabric. You could almost picture Ayato holding Thoma by the collar. 
“Our real retainers have long been cleared of their charges, and have expressed a genuine development in character,” he spoke slowly. “That woman, however… She’s the first assassin that got past the gates, and the first one you’ve willingly let get so close to my sister.”
“Aha, I take it you’re worried, then?” Thoma bantered as if he wasn’t talking to his boss. “I’m a good judge of character. If I believe that someone was truly capable of killing your sister, I never would have let them live at all.”
Somehow, hearing that made your skin prickle with goosebumps. There’s something about the contrast between his playful tone and the gravity of his words that made you realize he was dead serious. 
“And what makes you think she won’t try to finish the job?”
Thick silence permeated the air for so long, you wondered if they quietly left and adjourned the conversation somewhere else.
But just before you could poke your head outside the hall, you heard Thoma speak once more—so softly, you barely caught the words.
“Well…” He cleared his throat, as if…he’s flustered. But how could someone brimming with confidence like Thoma be—
“She reminds me a little bit of…myself.” 
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© cryoculus | kaientai ✧ all rights reserved. do not repost or translate my work on other platforms.
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wreckingtickles · 7 months
How the Time Tables
Edward Elric meets a fan.
Words: 3,617
I dropped the ball at the end, I am so sorry.
"What the hell is going on?!"
Edward had been shouting his head off since the moment he'd opened his eyes, finding himself surrounded by an endless, featureless white expanse. More concerning was the fact that even if there had been a reason to turn around, he couldn't: he was kneeling on some kind of surface padded with purple cushions, his arms raised over his head, dangling from chains secured to nothing, and he could feel padded stocks around his ankles, his feet dangling under his ass. He couldn't even scrunch them - elastic chords pulled his big toes back.
He was startled when he felt a saccharine voice behind him.
"Dear Tama, The Auction would like to thank you for your continued support. Please, accept the enclosed as a token of our appreciation for your patronage as well as expertise. We hope it is to your liking."
The voice chuckled gleefully. "They're so sweet! Aren't they sweet?"
"Who the hell are you?! What did you do to me?!" he snapped, struggling to break free.
Tama was beyond delighted. The pipsqueak was adorable with his long blond hair whipping from side to side, but his well-defined musculature made him more than just cute. And he was perfectly vulnerable, bare-chested and barefoot, at her mercy, or lack thereof.
"Don't worry honey, you'll be back in your own canon in no time. I'm just going to have a little bit of fun first."
"What kind of f-fuHUCK!" burst out of him when he felt a pair of long, manicured nails prod at his left flank. He hadn't heard the woman approach, but thankfully the assault lasted less than a second.
"Stop that, I'll punch you into next Thursday, you hag!" he yelled, twisting to try to turn around, and failing to capture more than just a vague outline of the tall, yellow-garbed woman towering behind him.
A moment passed. Then, "Hehehhehehy I shahahaid stohhohop you crahahahazy wihihihitcch!!!"
Uncontrollable titters spilled out of Ed as two sets of fingernails were now skittering up and down his sides, gliding kiss-light along the sensitive skin, and eliciting peal after peal of indignant cackles. "Hahahahahaha!!! Cuhuhuhut ihihihit ohohohout Ill behehheat youohoho uhuhahahahahhahaahahahah!!!"
A few moments later than she'd intended - his reactions were too adorable - Tama switched to squeezing his sides and hipbone, and though that did elicit plenty of high-pitched squeaks that Ed despised with all of himself, it was clear that it wasn't as bad as her nails, so, naturally, she switched back to her previous method, interspersing the occasional squeeze to keep him on his toes. The result was Ed's laughter rising by an octave not even a minute after she'd started.
"Hahahahahahah youohohoh bihahahahahahaaha NO NOHOT THahAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!! HAHAHAH hahahaahahah!!"
Tama chuckled. It was cute that he was still trying to speak, but even cuter to see him go from insults to protests. It was also interesting that sloooowly dragging her nails proved more effective than administering quick scritches, as confirmed by his frantic thrashing and incoherent objections.
After a couple of minutes, her nails migrated up, towards his ribs. From the way the pitch of his laughter lowered angrily, she could quickly tell were not as sensitive, but there was something infinitely gratifying about seeing him try to reflexively jump up when her fingernails lingered on his bottom ribs a moment too long.
"Leheheheht meheheh goho youho frehEHEK!!! Noho dohohont do thHAHAAH!! Hahahahaahahah!!"
Next she tested his toned abs, starting with the same method she'd used on his sides, but she quickly realized that applying slightly more pressure rewarded her with the most satisfying squeaking cackles.
"Now, where should I try next?" she whispered in his ear, addressing him for the first time since she'd started. "Pits or feet?"
"Hahahaha haheheeheheheh neheheheehehithehahahahaha IHIHAHaah'll kiihihiihihhiihl y-"
"Feet it is."
And just like that, her nails ravaged his downturned soles. She gave them the royal treatment: she tested his heels, arches, the balls of his feet, his toes - the stems, pads, right under, in-between - and even his instep and the sides, which proved more sensitive than either of them imagined. In particular, going light on his toes had him let out these adorable tiny "eeps!", while pressing her thumbs into the very center of his arches resulted in deep belly laughter; but Tama found gently tickling the sides of his feet to be even more entertaining, because while they weren't as sensitive, they seemed to piss Ed off even more, like he resented a "minor" spot like that could feel so ticklish.
By the time she was done, his face was beet-red and a layer of perspiration had coated his skin, but still she did not relent, and when he felt her nails in his underarms he realized that it could in fact, get worse.
"Just a minute, dear."
Her gentle raking at his hollows had him trying to burst out of his own chest Alien-style, or so Tama surmised from the desperate arc of his back, but that only spurred her on.
A few minutes or so after tears filled his eyes and his hair began to stick to his forehead, he felt the torturous nails finally leave his trapped form. He slumped in his bonds, taking deep breaths.
"Congrats sweetie, you've made it through the test round! I'm so proud of you!" tittered Tama, clapping her hands. "Wow, these charts are really accurate! And what're these for? Oh, that's interesting, I thought it would be for your tummy or your feet, but... do you want to guess?"
Edward had been focusing on recovering his breath, but mostly making a show of it as he tried to figure out a way out of his exceedingly weird predicament. Hoping it would buy him a few more seconds, he answered, "No. But I'm sure you can't wait to tell me."
And that was when the legions of hell struck, feeling like a myriad feathers swiping back and forth on his sides.
Edward had never felt anything like that. It was just a pair of feather dusters, but he thought he could feel every single plume bend against and crawl on his skin, lighting his nerves on fire.
"Ow, it sounds like it tickles a lot! Does it... tickle more than your feet?"
"But I really gotta know, I can't stop until you tell me!"
Tama was no stranger to teasing. She knew full well that a headstrong lee would be dead set on not telling her if her stopping meant that he'd conceded something. And she was counting on it.
"Mh, guess I have no choice but to continue!" she mock-sighed as she doubled her efforts to make Ed cry.
But she may have underestimated either how flustered he was or how much it tickled, because only a few moments after a wheezing fit he yelled "YYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHEHEEHSSSS!!! WOOOHOHORSSSE!!! IHIHIT'S WOHOHOHOHORSSEEEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!! STOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHPPP!!!"
"But of course! Silly me, your sides were already more sensitive than your feet, it was a no-brainer!" she mused out loud without letting up her strokes one bit. "Next question! Does it... tickle more than your armpits?"
"So would you rather I go back to tickling your pits?"
"You aren't giving me much of a choice, are you?"
After a few more passes of the dusters for good luck, Tama did give the poor shrimp a breather as she began to pore over the rest of her kit.
"Fucking... piehece ohof..." Ed trailed off as he tried to quench the burning in his lungs, blinking away the moisture in his eyes.
Tama ignored him, giving him a few more moments to recover as she finished up her reading.
Then, she put down the instruction manual and asked, "Now, where should I go next? Tummy or pits?"
"Tummy!" exclaimed Ed before he could stop himself, the childish word leaving a sour taste in his mouth.
"Tummy it is! Good pick, cutiepie! But when should I tickle your tummy?" she asked pensively.
"Never," he grunted, earning a chuckle.
"Oh no no, my nails are about to play with your tum-tum real soon, but your tum-tum when?"
"What the hell are you talking about?!"
His anger drowned out the sound of rustling paper.
"It says here your tummy was the most sensitive when you were six. So that's when!" she trilled, and Ed heard the faint clicking sound of a dial being rotated three times.
"These charts go waaaay back! Before your brush with human alchemy, your worst spots were your tummy and your feet. But that changed as you grew up, when you got your automails, and also when and after you got your arm and leg back!" exposited Tama as she inched closer to Edward, the sound of her encroaching voice reminding him that he should break out of his bonds asap. Too bad the plot won't allow it.
"Ready or not, here I come!" she hummed, allowing him to see her hands close in on him from either side before her long, painted nails became acquainted with his abs again; but despite her technique, pressure, movements being the same, it somehow felt worse than before.
"Oooh, is it bad? How bad is it?"
Tama's cheerful curiosity was doing a number on Edward's self-control. Yes, it was bad, and it was taking him every ounce of his focus not to burst there and then. Just what the hell was going on?
"Is that a smile I seeee? I think soooo!"
"Ssh-Suhut y-your f-!"
He was about to burst, it would have been so easy to push him over the edge by switching spots, or picking up the pace... but Tama had seen FMA: Brotherhood.
"What's wrong? Is the widdle guy too ticklish for Tama?"
"I'm! Nohot! LihihihihiHIHIHTTLEEHEHEHEHEE!!! AAAAHAHHA Ahahahah hahaha ahahahaha hahahahah AHAHAHAAHHAAHAHHAHA!!"
Too easy.
"But you are! You're my fun-sized lovely tiggle toy! Tiggle tiggle tiggle!"
"NNNNAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!! Dohohon't tehehehase mehehehHEHEHEHEHEHEH!!!" he protested, trying to sound intimidating, but only succeeded in being far too cute for Tama to cut him any slack.
"Eheheheheheh!!! SHIHIHIHIHTT!!! HahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA hahahahahahahaha!!!"
It wasn't as unbearable as when Tama was going after his sides or even his pits, but it was... befuddling. He hadn't been that ticklish there before. Was there a grain of truth to her lunatic ramblings? If so, what else could she do?
As he gleefully cackled his head off, unwanted memories of tickle fights with his brother came flooding in. They wouldn't be too long-lived, however, because Tama did stop shortly after. Not out of mercy, no: there was so much more, and so much worse in store, she couldn't have him deplete his energy yet.
As he got his breath, muttering a few curses under it, Tama happily studied his charts.
There were a couple of twin peaks, he second highest, which started growing all the way back since his first attempt at human alchemy. When he lost his limbs, the remaining ones had gotten more sensitive. So Tama had set her eyes on the moment his right foot and left underarm were at their most ticklish, more than they had any right to be.
She turned the dial.
"Wh-what was that? What did you do?!" asked Ed, suddenly shooting up to attention as he heard the sound that preceded disaster again.
He didn't hear her come up behind him, but he heard her voice next to his ear as she stooped down to say, "Now I'm going to be mean for a little while."
Then her nails struck, and Edward couldn’t understand anything anymore.
First, Tama decided to explore, starting from his left pit. Her nails covered the whole surface at first, just to have him in hysterics from the get-go, then she began to look for the perfect storm. She tried quick scratches, she tried dragging her nail lightly, she even tried using her knuckles in the middle of his hollows.
Ed’s hysteria was constant, but it was easy to tell what worked best. Pressing hard with her knuckles worked best right under his pits, while dragging her nails around the outer ridges had him expel that furious laughter that Tama found so endearing – the last gasps of an ego she’d soon break. But it was no mystery that the absolute worst for poor Edward came when the sharp nails unleashed a dance of quick scribbles on the top part of his armpit, and then in the very center. That caused Edward to start wheezing before the sensation became too overwhelming for anything less than screaming laughter.
Satisfied with the level of hysteria she’d extracted from his upperbody, Tama shifted her attention to his right foot, which she’d been blindly scratching at until that moment, curling her fingers upward as the downturned sole tried and failed to escape her touches, the toe restraints keeping it perfectly smooth and vulnerable for her.
Unfortunately for Ed, she’s already been using one of the most effective methods without realizing: dragging her nails up and down his arch. But that did not dissuade her from painstakingly exploring every other part of his foot, from the heel, to the instep, to the ball, to the side, to the toes.
She found that only the base of his toes garnered a reaction as strong as his arch, so she targeted both to keep him from getting too accustomed to the sensation.
Too bad his pleas were so precious, Tama wanted to hear a lot more. So, she kept tickling him, targeting his most sensitive spots with the worst possible method for as long as she could before suddenly moving to a different spot, never letting Ed get used to the tickling. She drank in his laughter as it rose in pitch and grew more wheezing, she watched the desperate intensity of his fight diminish at every unceasing touch, his face and chest turning deep red and his hair becoming ever more disheveled. He gradually stopped protesting and pleading, first to save energy, then because he had none left to do anything other than laugh.
Tama considered playing games with him, asking him questions he would struggle to answer in the off-chance it’d get her to leave his pit or foot alone, but he was in no condition to understand her, and she also found that she wanted to keep devoting all her attention to making every single touch of hers the most excruciating it could be.
Edward was rather resilient, which allowed Tama to get her fill before his vision began to fill with red spots; at that point, she could tell that she had to stop. She stepped away from him, and he slumped in his bonds, eyes closed as he pumped air in and out of his lungs.
“Poor dearie, I’ve really worn you out, haven’t I?” cooed Tama, knowing he wasn’t going to reply. The poor guy had no idea he hadn’t seen the worst of it yet.
She made her way back to the charts and turned the dial.
“N-No! Noho more!” pleaded Edward.
“Oh sweetie, don’t worry, you can rest a bit! We got time,” she reassured as if she wasn’t the one tormenting him. If he’d been able to see the baby oil and detailing brush on the table, would he have understood what they were for?
“Do you know at what point in your life you were at your most ticklish?” she asked. Then, to sweeten the deal, “I might be nicer if you guess right!”
Ed took his time answering, as they both knew he was stalling to regain his breath. “When… whan I was a child… before the automail. At… 6 years old?”
Tama tutted. “No no no! All in all, you’re more ticklish now than when you were a child. No, it was right after you regained your limbs. Which means…”
She pressed her fingertip – just one, lightly – into the center of his right underarm.
Tama had seen it on the chart, but seeing it in practice was a whole another matter, her eyes filling with glee; conversely, Edward was left in a state of utter denial at what had just left his mouth, at the utterly searing sensation that burst its way into his brain from that single touch. It was as if those nerves were brand new, and having never felt anything before, they didn’t know how to dial down their feedback one bit.
“That doesn’t bode well for you,” she chuckled. “Tell you want. Since you’re so adorable, I’ll play a game with you. If you win, I’ll let you go right away.”
“And if I lose?”
“I tickle you until you pass out. Which I was going to do anyway.”
“…What’s the game?”
Tama beamed. “I’m going to write something on your foot with this marker. Winde it’s just one word, you get one guess! Now, pay attention.”
She uncapped the red marker. As soon as the thin tip touched down on the heel of his left foot, Edward’s whole body spasmed as if he was being electrocuted. “FUUUUUUUHUCK!”
Tama giggled. “Ok, brace yourself. First letter…”
A scream accompanied the first line she drew. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!”
Ed thrashed, bucked, convulsed, but there was nothing he could do to get his foot away from the lines the marker drew next, or from making the sensation manageable in any way. “AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! NAAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAH!!!”
He’d actually felt somewhat confident about this game – if he was that sensitive, there was no way he wouldn’t feel what she was writing, right? Unfortunately, the sensation was so intense that it completely overloaded his thinking, making him unable to focus on what exactly was being written. Tama had also been sneaky about it, because most of the word she’d written on his arch after starting on a slightly less sensitive spot.
“Almost done!” sang Tama as she finished the last letter. “So?”
Ed had no idea. No, he couldn’t withstand any more tickling, he had to get it right. She had started with, with a series of straight lines, yes, and then some curvier ones? And he was almost positive they repeated themselves…
“Five seconds,” she trilled.
“Moon!” he yelled. Tama said nothing. “Is, is that right?”
He heard her walk away, his heartbeat thundering in his ears. He heard the sound of a bottle opening, then its contents being squirted out. A wet rubbing of hands, and Tama’s steps came up behind him again.
“I’m sorry, the correct answer was ‘EGG’” she answered as she pressed her palms into his right pit and against the graffiti’d surface of his left foot.
Pure madness, his begging obliterated in no time just by four fingernails lightly scratching at the outer ridge of his hollow. Just to let it sink in how screwed he was. Then, her digits moved towards the center of his underarm.
“Oh, you laugh so good!! It must tickle you sooooo much, how can you take it?”
When the detailing brush doubled the tickling that had turned Ed’s nervous system into a hysterical supernova, his eyes bugged out and his jaw slacked, but no sound came out. The detailing brush scrubbed at his sole with a passion, as if to erase the word he’d gotten wrong, while further up, her nails doled out an equal share of lunacy. Not even banging the back of his head against his (padded) restraints provided any sort of distraction.
If there was something he could have said to make it end, he would have – anything, he would have even confessed that he’d had to buy children’s clothes not three years prior. He would have led this crazed tickler to his brother and let her have him if it meant that she’d never touch him in those spots, at that precise point in time, ever again. He would have begged her to target anywhere else, for however long she liked, if he’d been able to speak.
But there was nothing else that Tama would rather be doing, so she gave him no reprieve, forcing him into the most exhausting workout of his life. Each pass of the brush, each curl of her fingers pushed him a little father from the edge of the brink, deeper into a maddening abyss.
When she saw that he had no energy left to try to make sense of what he was suffering or escape it, she kept going for a little while longer, until he could no longer keep his head up.
That was when Tama finally let up, leaving him to take deep, broken breaths. She actually crossed in front of him, but he lacked the strength to raise his eyes, so she simply planted a kiss on his very damp blond head. “I’ve had a blast. Let’s do this again sometime,” she chirped as she committed every inch of her little bundle of agonizing joy to memory before pressing the ejection button, sending him back to his canon.
She hadn’t had it in her to make him pass out, but she would have loved to give him some proper aftercare. The guys at the Auction knew what she liked, but they could neglect these more humane bits.
As the tickling space began to fold in on itself, Tama wondered if she should send Ed a nice fruit basket.
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firefly--bright · 1 year
Hi there! Saw your drabble prompts, and if I may, could I request one for Jean Kirstein using the prompts 2 and 5?
like the movies.
jean kirstein x gender neutral! reader (modern au)
summary : Jean's niece is a sweet handful. thankfully, jean has an extra pair of arms to help him.
prompts : (2) "you do have a stupid face" & (5) "i really do love you"
a/n : hi! again, so sorry for replying so late :/ i didn't know what genre you wanted this to go to, so i decided for fluff :D hope you like it anon! thank you for requesting <3
tagging : @mrsnobodynobody @holding-ishu-and-a-book
masterlist is linked in pinned post! ✿ requests are open! ✿ enter my taglist ✿
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! i dont know the credits to the art in the middle so please lmk if you do so i can credit them!! i found it on Pinterest. !
the weekend couldve gone way better than it was going right now - Armin had invited you and jean to the beach as a double date with him and Annie - but no, instead you and jean decided to take on babysitting duties for jean's niece. it was a nice offer from Armin, one that you were currently mourning, but you were also looking forward to babysitting Sophia.
jean wasn't. he whined and begged for you to reconsider, saying that even if he loved Sophia with all his heart, he'd much rather relax and take a swim in the ocean than clean up after a toddler's mess.
but, here he was, cleaning up after a toddler's mess, as the said toddler clung onto his calf, rendering jean's leg useless.
jean sighed, "can you please not treat me like a tree?" he asked, trying to pry Sophia's hands from their death grip on his leg.
she giggled and shook her head, like she knew what she was doing to her uncle.
you tried not to smile at his state, biting back a laugh that would match that of Sophia. jean noticed, because of course he did, and let out an exasperated sigh, rolling his head back. you were sure he said "not you too," but you ignored it, letting a laugh escape from your lips.
taking pity on him, you clapped your hands together, rubbing them as you spoke, "who wants to build a blanket fort?"
the question seemed to get a reaction from Sophia, as she immediately seperated herself from jean and made her way towards you, opting to stick to your legs instead.
you smiled as she chanted "me!" over and over again, scooping her up in your arms. she fit right in your embrace. you straddled her on your hips, and she made herself comfortable against you, resting her head on your shoulder. Julie had warned you as such, that her daughter was affectionate by nature, and seeing as though she somehow immediately took a liking to you, you were no exception to her personality.
you combed your hand through the top of her head, smoothing out her blonde hair; something she took after her father. jean walked towards you with her favourite stuffed toy in hand - a red and white stripped sock bunny that jeans mother had made for her, adorned with a pink scarf and a cute buttoned nose.
"how is it that you like them more than me?" jean asks, but he has a small smile playing at his lips. it's a teasing question, one that Sophia knows too well. she smiles sweetly, lifting her head up to look at him.
"they have a nice face," she says, and while her tone and smile are innocent, her body posseses the type of pride that only the Kirstein siblings have. you guess its genetic as you adjust her on your hip so she sits more comfortably, smiling. you look at jean too, brows raised in a challenge as well, showing him the satisfying win of having his neice on your side.
jean gasps in faux offense, placing a hand on his chest and scrucnhing his face up, "and I don't?"
Sophia laughs and shakes her head, laying her head on your shoulder again. "you have a stupid face." she says, laughing.
you try not to laugh, you really do. Evey nerve in your body is telling you to laugh, but you don't, and your brows raise so high that you're surprised that they hadn't merged into your scalp. your lips are pursed in an attempt to silence your laughter.
jean sports a similar expression, but his lips aren't pressed together. quiet the opposite, his mouth gapes at Sophia, blinking slowly.
all that can be heard are Sophia's laughs, her little body shaking on your shoulder as she does.
"who taught you that?" jean asks, but he's not angry. you don't think he'd ever be angry at her. Sophia had a soft spot in jeans heart, and he fit his role of being a doting uncle perfectly.
"uncle Connie did!" she exclaims from your shoulder, and you can't take it anymore as you, too, burst out laughing. your shoulders shake with Sophia's and jean has to bite back a smile himself, rolling his eyes in annoyance.
"of course he did," you say in between giggles of your own.
jean makes up his mind to never let Connie near sophia ever again. having Connie as a childhood friend meant that for the longest time, jean thought that babies were born from eggs because Connie spewed his nonesense about it. and here he was again, spewing nonesense to his neice, who was now making her demands about how exactly she wanted her blanket fort. you nodded to her plans with the most serious face Jean had ever seen on you.
jean exhaled an affectionate smile.
"I'm going to get a start on lunch," he said, escaping from the scene before his heart would squeeze itself to his death. sure, he'd been in love with you for close to three years now, give or take, but it didn't stop his heart from fluttering like it did from the little things you'd unknowingly do.
and to think he was ever worried about you not loving him. he was so stupid, he thought, as he pulled out a package of pasta from the pantry, setting the water to boil and getting started on the sauce prep, just like his mother taught him before he left for college. it seemed so long ago now, jean as a seventeen year old fumbling over the stove, struggling to make the perfect omlete for his mother. how he grew to make those omletes so perfectly that he could probably do it in his sleep. how he grew to feed it to you that one night you fell sick, how he grew to eat it with you in your shared kitchen as the first meal you'd have in that home.
and how the both of your grew to make the apartment just that - your home. you decorated and personalised the walls and surfaces until you couldn't anymore, all of the unprofessional wall painting mishaps being covered up by some photo frame or landscape painting. he was sure your handprint graced the wall of the master bedroom in the wrong colour, which jean had found and laughed at for hours because how could you make such a noticable mistake in the boldest green paint he'd ever seen?
you ended up covering the mark up with a dresser, but not before jean painted his own hand with a brighter, almost neon, green that jean bought just for this, and printed his neon green hand right next to yours.
you arranged the coffee table and barstool chairs in the most optimal way for a blanket to be draped over top of it, as Sophia skipped to your room and grabbed the fluffiest pillows she could find. after the space had been sufficiently fortified with a layer of blankets, you pulled out the electric fan that was burried deep in your cleaning closet.
"told you I'd find a use for the fan," you said, and jean smiled even though his back was turned to you as he chopped some veggies. you both knew you didn't think you'd find a use for that shitty fan, and you only packed it with you because it had been with you through everything - your childhood room's desk, then your first dorm room's desk, and then on your second dorm room's bedside table.
you dusted your hands off, making an exaggerated action to wipe the sweat off your forehead. Sophia copied your action, mumbling a "whew!" and placing a hand on her hip, and action that you were sure she got from her mother. you smiled at her, "why don't you go check up on if jean needs your help? I'll decorate your castle till then, princess." you say, bowing your head to her as she nodded and skipped off to the kitchen.
you somehow fished out the fairy lights you had stuffed in the depths of your closet, one that you only used for special occasions. snapping the batteries into place, you turned it on to make sure they still worked, which, to your relief, they did. they were a bit old, and the wire that connected the tiny bulbs was thin enough to make you worried that it would break easily.
setting up the fairy lights inside the blanket fort, you fluffed the pillows that were placed on the floor, slipping into the kitchen after placing everything up.
if you weren't smiling before, you were definitely smiling now, seeing the warm scene play out infront of you.
jean was straddling Sophia on his hip like you were doing earlier, one of his arms supporting her weight. the other arm was creating a pretentious artwork in the name of "presentation" with the food. he explained every step he was doing to make the dish look perfect, placing a spoonful of excess sauce, dragging it to create a tail, gloating with a "ta-daa!" after he was done. Sophie clapped at that, making grabby hands for the spoon. jean handed it to her with a smile, using his large hands to guide her much smaller ones to create the perfect swoop for each of the two remaining plates. he then showed her how to sprinkle pre-shred parmesean on the plate in a way that it gracefully fell on the heap of pasta. Sophia did the exact opposite, piling the parmesean instead of sprinkling it, but jean laughed and offered her a celebratory high-five nonetheless.
your heart skipped a beat as you leaned against the kitchen's door frame, smiling softly.
jean most definitely had a soft spot for his niece. his smile was wider, warmer, softer. his eyes shone with pride as he pressed a small, gentle kiss to Sophia's forehead. it made your heart squeeze in your chest affectionately.
jean turned around, finally noticing your presence at the kitchen door. he smirked, "look who's stalking us, soph." he said, nodding at you. you held your hands up in mock surrender, entering the threshold of the kitchen.
"guilty as charged." you said, glancing down at the plates as if your didn't see them being prepared.
"who made our plates look this beautiful?" you asked, looking at Sophia, who raised her hand, "me! i did!"
"they're perfect, Sophie, almost too pretty to eat." you say, booping her nose. she laughed, "but you have to eat it!"
"well if you insist," you say, grabbing the plates and placing them on a tray. "come on, the fort's ready for your highness," you say, and jean let's her down to wander into the living room exitedly.
he pressed a kiss to your temple, and you smile at him as you exit the kitchen, jean following behind with a couple glasses balanced in his hands.
the three of your made yourselves comfortable on the now cushioned ground, and soon enough the food completely disappeared from the plates. Sophia thoroughly enjoyed her food, proven by her now sleeping body that leaned on jean's side. tangled was still playing on the tv, Rapunzel looking at the lake, Eugene looking at her, a scene you recreated in your own way as you looked at jean, his eyes still locked on the tv. tangled was, ironically, his favourite movie, and even if he claimed it was because he looked similar to Eugene, you knew it was because he was a hopeless romantic at heart. he probably had the entire script of the movie memorized by now, considering how many times he had seen it since it got released.
"i can feel you staring," he says in a hushed tone so as to not wake Sophia up.
you hum. "you do have a stupid face." you whisper out.
he looks at you now, abandoning his favourite scene in favour of your face. he scoffs, but smiles right after. "would it kill for you to compliment me?" he asks, a question he already knows the answer to.
you smile back, rolling your eyes. "you didn't let me finish the sentence."
he breathes out a gentle laugh, "there was more to that?"
"yes, you idiot." you say, turning your head to the screen of the tv again, and Rapunzel is pushing the floating lantern towards the sky now. you lean into jean's arm, your head sitting perfectly on his bicep. "i was gonna say you have a stupidly pretty face, but okay, you just hate me." you claim dramatically, shrugging with a smirk.
jean laughs again, "you-" but before he can say anything, Sophia stirs from his side. he gently lays her head on his lap, where she gets comfrtable almost immediately. the song swells, and Rapunzel and Eugene are looking into eachother's eyes, and you understand why Sophia is currently knocked out on jeans lap, snoring cutely. the pasta combined with the movie was making you close your own eyes.
you give into your temptations. the floor is comfortable, and jean's warmth is enough to relax you completely. your head rests on his arm and jean smiles down at you, taking in your closed eyes.
you always fell asleep after the song ended, even though that was when the real suspense started. he smiled gently, placing a kiss at the top of your head.
"i really do love you," he whispers, even though he knows you aren't awake to hear him or coherent enough to reply. "more than you'd ever know."
Julie unlocked the apartment later that night, using the spare key you had given her, and before she could call out to her daughter and cousin brother, she was stopped in her tracks, seeing the three of you sleeping peacefully.,jean's head rested on yours, Sophia cuddled up on her uncle's lap with her sock bunny.
Julie decided she'd tease the hell out of her brother later.
she'd take a picture of this first, she thinks.
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God you're annoying - Frank Iero x Fem!Reader
Summary: On tour, tensions rise when Frank offers alcohol to Gerard. You confront Frank, leading to an argument between you, revealing the true nature of your friendship.
Writing prompts: “god you’re annoying” and “don’t ever say I never do anything for you” 
Character: Revenge Frank
Warnings: Alcoholism and alcohol use, smoking, swearing, reference to potential suicidal thoughts, angst, sexual references
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“That was probably one of the most tiring shows I’ve played in ages,” Frank walks into the green room. It’s about 11pm and we’re nearly done with tour. This specific tour has basically lasted the last two years, trying to get the band seen and gather a fan base. Thankfully, that’s exactly what Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge has done. It’s been about six months since they properly blew up and it’s been exhausting for the boys. Frank was the one that invited me to tour with My Chem. We met back in high school when he asked me for a pencil and then if he could cheat off of my paper. Of course I said no. We instantly became best friends. No idea why though given that my mother constantly would call him ‘a bad influence’. Anyway, my main job on tour is to keep the guys in check, making sure they get where they need to be, when they need to be there. 
“Two more shows and we’re done!” Frank shouts jumping on the couch. 
“Relax Frank, we’ve got to get on the van in an hour,” I laugh. 
Gerard tumbles into the room, exhausted from the show. I don’t blame him with the amount of jumping he does. He pulls off his bullet-proof vest and runs a hand through his sweaty black and blonde hair, yawning. 
“I am the most tired that I have ever been in my entire life. And I’m not joking,” he sighs, sitting on the floor. 
“Me too,” Ray mumbles.  
Normally the guys end up in a slump post show, all the adrenaline losing purpose and ending up in a negative space - especially with Gerard. That’s why I try to engage with them until we get back in the van. 
“Okay guys, we need to re-centre. Frank, can you go put some music on?” I ask and he runs off to grab a speaker and his phone. Gerard moves over to me, pulling on the leg of my pants so I end up on the floor next to him. 
“I’m tired too Gee,” I mutter rubbing my eyes. “We need to get back to Jersey once we’re done and get rest. Recover from tour and work on the new album.”
Gerard reaches over me, grabbing the blanket he brought into the venue. 
“No new album, we’re gonna stay on warped forever,” he laughs maniacally. 
“I found the alcohol!” Frank runs in, a speaker in one hand and six bottles of beer in the other. Great. He knows that Gerard can’t drink. He knows that I can’t drink. Gee reaches over me to grab a beer which I immediately grab out of his hand, throwing it across the room. 
“Hey!” he shouts. 
“You know that neither of us can drink that Gee,” I say.
“God, you're so annoying Y/N. He’s fine to drink,” Frank snaps. 
Tell that to the alcoholics. He’s wrong. Neither of us are fine to drink. Gerard and I have spent so long trying to get over alcohol and Frank knows it. 
“You’re right Y/N, we’re just gonna stick with diet coke,” Gerard reaches over to grab us two glass bottles. Frank just huffs and grabs out a cigarette, drinking his beer and passing the rest around to the crew.
“What’s your problem?” I shout the quietest I possibly can. 
“I’m trying to have fun. Can’t you see that?” Frank is ignoring what I’m saying. Of course he is. 
“Frank. Gerard is an alcoholic and you’re supposed to be his friend. You can’t just offer him beer,” I sigh. Beer is not what Gerard needs and clearly not what Frank needs. “I need you to listen to me on this.”
Frank’s cigarette sits between his lips, right next to the silver lip ring shining on the right side of his mouth. It’s hot and he knows it. 
“Yeah whatever.”
“No Frank, it’s not whatever! Unless you actually fucking want Gerard to kill himself this time, I suggest you stop fucking drinking around him so much,” I shout out loud this time. “You never fucking do anything for me anymore, I swear if I told you I was going to kill myself you wouldn’t fucking care.”
He takes a step back in shock. I did not just say that to him. No way I said that. “I didn’t mean that.”
“Don’t ever say I never do anything for you and sure as hell don’t say you’re going to kill yourself. You are the most important person in my fucking life and you act like I don’t like you,” he turns away looking anywhere but at me. 
I hate it when we argue. We never used to argue. “I actually fucking love you Y/N and I honestly don’t care if you don’t feel the same way but you always act like I’m the worst person alive when you know I’m not.”
“You love me?” He’s pulling a card, surely.
“Of course I fucking do. I wouldn’t have asked you to spend two years touring with my band if I didn’t love you. I just hoped you would fucking realise it before I had to tell you myself.”
I take a step forward and Frank wraps his arms around me in a hug. Somehow the shortest member of My Chem is still taller than me. I stand there in his arms as he squeezes me tight. Looking up at him he smiles gently, calmer than I’ve ever seen him. 
“We’re here for each other right?” I ask. 
“Always.” he looks down at me.
“Well then I love you too Frankie.” I force myself deeper into his chest, resting my head on him, hearing the thumping of his heartbeat. 
“I hate it when we argue.”
“Me too.”
Gerard comes out from behind the curtain, stumbling over his own feet. 
“Finally. My god, I was getting sick of Frank going on and on about you. Y/N's eyes this, Y/N's boobs that.”
“Frank!” I shout.
“Gerard!” Frank shouts back.
“What? What did I say?”
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she's my collar
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summary : you and your aunt moved in to Hawkins, Indiana, you got your last year of senior high and got a job at Family Video, you finally made friends and this place feels like home until you met Eddie, you never know what love feels like unbeknownst to you he is not truly human what you thought he is
word count : the is the most longest one part fic that I ever written I'm sorry 😭
warnings : (18+) Vampire!Eddie Munson x FEM! reader, Eddie & reader are virgins, language, use of (y/n) losing a loved one, Eddie is (19), reader is (18), protected sex, Eddie being the most adorable and caring vampire ever, natural disaster (earthquake), reader is oblivious to Eddie's true nature, I added the KAS THEORY a little bit in this, idk if this is considered a spoiler but reader will sacrifice her mortality 👀
what to expect : angst, fluff, eventual smut, but I promise this has a good ending
note to reader : I've been wanting to write a fic about Eddie being a vampire and I hope you'll enjoy this! 🫶🏻
author note : I love Gorillaz so much, they're like my favorite band ever, if you haven't listen to this song yet and yes this is where I got the idea hahaha you should listen to it first! 👇🏻
It's April 16 1988
You and your Aunt Katherine moved to another town again called Hawkins, Indiana
Ever since in your early teens, you got used to it, moved here and there
Your aunt took care for you, when your parents both passed at a very young age of 7
She's the only one you've ever had in your life and you couldn't be more grateful
She did the best that she can to give you what you needed, she treated you well, she thought you the how to deal things with life
You loved her very dearly, it just saddens you to move on again to another town- she wants to have a partner again in her life, on every slight inconveniences the next thing you know is packing up all of your stuff and leave immediately
All the memory of Uncle Charlie is a bit hazy and you couldn't quite remember everything of it but you know, he is an amazing husband whenever your Aunt talks about him, you can see the way her eyes glow
You struggle to adjust into the new environment and make new friends, Perhaps?.... as if you ever made one
But this time, you wanted to stay for real this time, you wanna settle down and have a real life
Thankfully, is the last year of your senior high school and you're just going to need a job after you graduated
Even though your aunt insist not to take any jobs she wants you to go in college as soon after you graduated
But you really wanted to have a job not because of your own needs but you also wanted to help out your aunt
She sadly smiles at you and she sighs in defeat and she saids "Alright, we will look for a perfect job for you"
While your aunt is asking for inquires at a local diner in front of the Family Video
You eye out the store and you don't understand why the sudden pulling inside of you telling you that's the place that you want to work
You cleared your throat "Can I check that out, if you don't mind?"
Your aunt looked around "Yeah, sure, my dear but be back here? alright?"
"Okay" You nod
You crossed down the road and your eyes roam around the small building
You loved movies, you always loved watching movies
You opened the door and the bell chimes, a signal, that a customer enter the premises
"Hi! Welcome to Family Video!" A short dusty blonde hair girl- greeted you with a smile on her face
You like the enthusiastic tone coming out of her voice "uh- thank you" you shrug shyly
You didn't noticed the man coming in a load of big boxes on the side and you bumped to each other and the box fall back down on the ground scattering all of the VHS tapes on the floor
He grunts and sighs warily not until he looked up at you "Oh- I'm sorry I didn't see you there"
"It's my fault, let me help you pick up those"
Before he can protest, he already saw you piling all of the VHS all at once
"My guess this is for the horror section, right?" You held up one "Rosemary's Baby" VHS
"Yes" he responds feeling bad while he watches you picking all of the tapes and placing all of them one by one on the shelf
"Look, you don't have to do this" he says while grabbing all of the VHS at once putting them on the front desk he even doesn't bother to organized them all he just goes straight back to you
"Hey, it's okay, don't sweat it" You say before you crouch down to put the last horror VHS in place
"Actually, I think I might get a job around here" you stand up straight and look at him
He's very attractive, his hazel eyes are pretty and the hair is perfectly styled
He must've been very popular at his school where he studied
"Oh, you are?"
"I think we have one more available slot for you- he pauses "Shoot- I'm sorry, My name is Steve, Steve Harrington"
He hold out his hand for you and you shake them "it's Y/N"
"Steve, have you-"
You looked around and it's the girl who greeted you earlier
She smirked and you looked back at Steve in confusion
He shakes his head at her "Before you go think of something else, I'm almost finished to organize everything that is delivered right now"
"Ooh, really?" She answers sarcastically
"It's because we have a new assistant now!"
"Wait-woah- Does that mean I'm hired?"
"Yes!" Steve replies fast and you can hear the excitement in his tone
She rolled her eyes at him "Anyways, I'm Robin, Robin Buckley" she reached out for hand and she shakes it aggressively
"You better get used to her over the top energy" Steve chuckles
You giggled "Okay, it's nice to meet you, Robin, I'm Y/N"
"Hey, Robin could you get the papers to sign her up?"
She annoyingly smiles at Steve and goes back to the office
"That was fast?" You furrow your brows in confusion
"What do you mean?"
"That I got the job?" You raise your eyebrow at him
He goes back to the desk organizing every VHS tape in order on the shelf
Not looking at you he replies "It's because you knew the film that you're holding earlier"
"Huh? Is that it?"
"Uh yeah- that's what we needed in here, top 1 most important thing is that you must know or like familiar with films and everything" he says while opening a second box putting out the other new delivered VHS
"and you even place them not just in the horror section" he gestures the last phrase with quotation marks "you also placed them by year!" he breathlessly laughs
He motions you to look back at the horror section
"Oh, yeah right" you chuckled
He crouch down to look at it and shaking his head "I can't believe that you know all about this stuff!" he exclaims
"What stuff" Robin says without looking at you both while she's double checking the paper before she gives it to you
"This girl right here" he points to you "is very cultured"
"Say what now?" Robin grins at you as she crouch down next to Steve
She gasps and looks right back at you "You literally organized all of these by year?"
You nod at her and smile
"Dracula (1931), Frankenstein (1931)-" Robin cups her face in awe as she reads all the labels again
"Psycho (1960) to Rosemary's Baby (1968)"
"I just place them on the shelf but not like this" Steve is still unbelievable of what you just did
"She freaking place them not just by year but also by decade!"
You watch them as they lose their minds and you can't supress the smile growing widely because you've never had like this before
Maybe.... You finally made friends
Robin stands up straight she walks towards to you "Like how could you know all about this?"
You shrugged "I just love movies that's all"
Steve straighten up as well "Did you go to film class or something?"
"I guess you could say that" you snorted while you put your hands on your pocket
"Wait? Are you in college?" Robin says
"Not yet, I'm going to finish my last year of senior first but yeah Steve's right that's what I want to pursue someday"
Robin nods while Steve listens continuing to put all of the VHS at place
"I-I was supposed to go to college after I graduated that's what my aunt really wanted but I just- you paused
"I want to have a job and uh- I wanna experience it while saving up some money for college" you added
"Well, you found the perfect place" Steve smiles
"Yeah, it's gonna be fun!" Robin agrees
You look in their eyes and you can tell they're very genuine and you smile at them
You heard the car from outside beeping and it's your aunt calling out from you
"Oh, that's my aunt, I- uh I'm gonna go" you say while you're rushing out towards the exit
Steve follows you while your hand rest on the door handle "Before you go, can you start tomorrow? We open at 9am?"
"Yes, I can"
"What am I going to wear by the way?"
"You can wear anything you want- we don't have spare uniform around here yet" Robin says while she carries the 2 boxes bringing it outside
"Oh okay, I'll see you guys tomorrow then!"
"Sure thing!" Robin smiles at you
"Bye, Take care" Steve says while waving to you
You look at them for the last time and you push the door forward
"She's really cute and pretty!" Robin says with a eat shiting-grin on her face
Robin feels Steve's eyes rolling "I like her but, very funny, Robs" as he glares at her
She laughs "ooh I wonder what else she likes, maybe she loves rock music" she says as she taps her finger at her chin while thinking deeply
"What makes you say that?"
"I saw her leather bracelet and she wears like black & white colored outfits"
"Just because someone is wearing one doesn't mean they listen to rock music, Robin"
"But what if, she is!"
Steve chuckles "Only way to found out tomorrow"
6:30am in the morning, you woke up
You stretch out your body before getting out of the bed and move the curtains on the side of the window
You're never a morning person as a kid but now you're growing more to like it
You still haven't done unpacking everything yet since you're exhausted yesterday just recently moving in the tow
You sigh as you looked over the baggages in your room instead you showered to freshen up and start rummaging through your luggage
you grab the black bra top, black cardigan and khaki pants
Your aunt made your favorite chicken noodle soup and you smile to yourself as you walk across the kitchen, smelling the aroma more
"Goodmorning, pumpkin" she greets
"Morning!" you smile
Your aunt caught your keen voice as she squints her eyes at you but a smile grows on her lips before she continues to what she was doing
You want to help out your aunt for cooking but she always insists that you sat down on the table
she places the bowl in front of you "What's with you so smiley today?"
"I'm just looking forward for the job that I got yesterday"
"Wait, what- really?" she stopped while holding the serving spoon
"At the Family Video?"
"And you're excited about that?"
You smile even wider you can't help but wonder why "Yes I do! I think I made friends as well!"
"You did?"
"What are their names?"
"Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley"
Your aunt can see the lively vibe into your eyes and she hopes that you will never lose it
She smiles down at you as she fills up your bowl with chicken noodle soup
You sigh at the comfortness around the area and you've never felt this before ever since.... well.... you moved in a lot
You felt happy at those times before but not like this, this is different
Maybe, just maybe..... This is the place that you want to stay
"I'm happy for you, love, but if things go wrong-
"I will always be here whenever you need me" you cut her off by finishing her sentence that she always reminds you
She chuckles as she places a glass of red iced tea
"Eat up, we got a big day ahead of us"
Your aunt drop you off at the Family Video, she decides to take the diner instead, she works as a waitress in there
Steve & Robin are already inside opening all of the windows inside
They seem to focus on what they're doing that they didn't even noticed that you arrived on time
You cleared your throat and they raise their heads in unison
You shyly wave at them
Robin smiles "Perfect timing!"
"Hey there!" Steve greets you
You sheepishly nod at him
Robin walks towards to you and grab your hand as she pull over the desk and she reveals your uniform and your name tag
You gasped as you look over to your uniform
Other people might found this funny because of your reaction looked like you just won the lottery
But this is very new to you and it's a great experience to let yourself feel it, enjoy it and embrace it
"W-Wow, I'm official now?"
"You sure are!" Robin says as she watches you unfold your uniform and couldn't help but smile even more
"You can wear it now, if you want to" Steve says
"Are you kidding? I've been dying to have one of these!"
Steve chuckles and shakes his head at you
"You can go ahead and change in the restroom is just around the corner" Robin says as she directs you to where the bathroom is
"Okay, be right back!" You say as you pick up your stuff and headed towards the restroom
"Isn't she the most lovely human being ever!" Robin admires your kind personality
"I gotta admit, I do" Steve shrugs as he flips the sign on the glass door that says "OPEN"
"We had a bet right?"
"A bet that we did, last night"
"Oh- that"
"And I just have the perfect person to talk about it" Robin looks over to Steve shoulder and she grins
Someone enters the store with heavy boots on
Steve already knows who is the person behind him and he sighs in exhaustion
He turns around and he says "Dude, what the hell are you doing in here?"
He's wearing Ray-Bans black sunglasses
"I'll be quick, man, don't worry"
"I'll be quick" Steve mocks him making the man rolls his eyes even though his wearing sunglasses, Steve can see it
"You know it's dangerous for you to go outside, in broad daylight!" Steve exclaims
He sighs "yeah, man, I know, goddamn it just be chill, Harrington" he walked over the Mystery/Thriller section as he halts his tracks
His sensing something..... else
"Don't tell me you're going outside like this often" Steve says sternly
Robin ignoring Steve "Uh- I'm going to say something about-"
The man just hushes them both
They both went silent and Steve looked over to Robin and she just shrugs
He can smell you, he can even hear the beat of your heart
He takes a deep breath and he narrows his piercing red glowing eyes to his friends
But before they can say anything, he heard the restroom door open as he swiftly snaps his head looking at you
you unbeknownst to what's going around at the store and the strange man that came in
You're wearing a walkman and you're listening to "Deep Purple - Child In Time" with your head down and you swing your bag over your shoulder fixing your uniform more properly
He removed his sunglasses with his lips apart
The man could've sworn to himself that he is dead, he felt alive again just seeing your presence, even though his heart isn't the same anymore since.... the disaster happened
It's been 2 years and yet here you are, he thought he would've never feel anything that is human but now.... he is feeling something again and that intrigues him
You feel eyes on you
Your raise your head and you have locked eyes at the peculiar man standing not too far from you
He can feel and read your mind, emotions towards him, you're curious and somehow.... intimidated?
That's what he is afraid of.... but that changes when you started walking towards him with a smile on your face
You remove your walkman headset and pause the cassette
Steve and Robin shared a knowing look with each other as they smirk behind the man
"Oh, hello, I'm Y/N" you offer your hand to shake hands with him
You asking him? to shake hands with you?
He blinked and swallowed he becomes nervous as he couldn't said a word
You furrow your brows while you reach out for his hand and he shakes it "and you are?"
"I-I'm Edward Munson- b-but you can call me, Eddie" he stutters and he winces at the awkward answer but you find it cute
The one thing that you noticed, it's not even winter yet but his hand feels.... cold... not that it's weird is just it's summer but you don't pay attention to it...maybe....it's because he's nervous
"Hi, Eddie is a pleasure to meet you, I just recently moved here."
"You do?"
"Yeah, just yesterday"
He looked back at his friends raising his eyebrows
"And that what I've been meaning to tell you" Robin sighs
"She's on her first day of the job!" Steve says while putting his hands over his waist
"Are you picking up a movie?" You asked
"Uh- yeah- I was"
You nod "What kind?"
He got confused by your question and you chuckled "What I mean what kind of movie genre"
"Oh, I get it" he admires your features carefully your eyes, lips, smile, nose, even your voice.... is making him melt
You move yourself beside him and that shocks him, he's never been close to a human girl in his life.... except for his friends though
"You're looking for a Mystery/Thriller film?"
"Yeah, I am"
You look over the VHS section, you found that catches your eye but before you put it out from the shelf, you ask him first
"Are you looking for something that is uh- spooky?"
He tears his eyes away from you while you lean down bending beside him
You didn't even noticed that he is watching you, my god- you're so beautiful- it hurts
He clears his throat "I-I'm kinda into some kind of action"
Steve scrunches up his brows "Since when?"
Robin elbows him with Steve saying "OW!"
"Don't mess up with the moment" she whispers
You picked it up and give it to him
He take it out your grasps and he reads the title "Die Hard"
"You gotta love it" you told him
He smiles to you "Okay"
Robin presses her lips together as she can't control her excitement
"Say- uh- Eddie- I think Y/N is also into rock music" Robin says as she throw her arm around your shoulder with a grin
"How- did you?-" you say as you turn your head on Robin
"You are?"
"Oh- yeah I am"
"What kind?" he echoes the question that you asked him earlier
"Heavy metal, speed metal, glam rock, hard rock, blues, psychedelic rock and so much more" you say as you motion your hands for far more wide
Eddie's eyes almost bulge out of his head "Really? No way!" he jumps out of exhilaration
"Yes, I do!"
You mirrored his enthusiasm as you jump at the same time- you didn't even realized you both holding each other's hands
Robin face turn into such a satisfaction as she turn into Steve mouthing to him "Pay me"
Steve rolls his eyes at her with a smile as he digs out of his pocket a dollar and gives it to Robin
You share each other's interests as you both looked down
you rip your hands from him immediately while smiling sheepishly at him
Eddie scratches the back of his neck
"Are you going to pay for that, Munson?" Steve asks
"Right" he responds as he holds up the VHS you gave to him
Before he can leave the store he turn around and say "Can we hang out sometime?" he shyly asks
"Sure, Eddie, I would love to"
"Oh, okay good, what day are you available?"
"I could hang out with you tomorrow if you want"
"T-That's perfect!" his voice raises a bit much that gives two of his friends shared giggles and he shakes his head at the sight of them
You laugh "See ya, tomorrow, Eddie"
"You too, sweet thing" he gives you a smile before he exits
and that's where all it began....
Everytime you bond with each other, you two became close, literally inseparable
You even met his amazing friends that you very liked in the first place that you met them
Dustin, Max, Lucas, El, Mike, Nancy, Will, Jonathan, Chief Hopper (but he prefers to be called Jim) Joyce, Murray, Karen, Ted, Enzo
You notice something again in their eyes, you can't even read it what it means but you never really mind it about anyways
The first thought comes to your mind, maybe.... they're observing you- they feel like they should get to know you first before trusting you
Are they hiding something from you? or maybe they're just being careful or it's just their instinct
But at the same time it doesn't add up, if they won't trust you they shouldn't be inviting you to hang out during weekends or inviting you and your aunt on dinner
You have done it, countless amount of times already.... and it's overwhelming to you because.... this never happen to you before
One time though, you made garlic buttered shrimp that Eddie almost runaway at the smell of it, you thought he didn't like the food and you can see he is scared.... like you can't even explain it- it looks like you're going to hate him?
Eddie on the other hand can read your mind and he wishes if anything happens, if ever you found out about him, he hopes that you will never change towards him
"Oh, are you allergic to seafood?"
"U-uh- yeah I am" he quietly sighs of relief
You gasped "My deepest apologies, I am so sorry I didn't mean any harm" you say as you moved away the food from him
You met Eddie's uncle, Wayne, that's your first impression again
You got intimidated, but that got off as well as soon as he acts so friendly to you
He has the exact same qualities with his nephew
He is so sweet and kind like Eddie
Sometimes you caught them looking at each other with a look that again.... you couldn't understand
There's also no mirrors in their trailer
There's mirrors in some of his friend's house but all of them are covered with a fabric
You find it odd but you can't stop yourself from being curious though
One night, you came home late from work since you insist to take the night shift from Robin- you couldn't quite understand the reason why the sudden she has to leave
It's about a "Code Red?"
Steve didn't want to leave you behind but you heard Dustin's voice coming out from the walkie-talkie shouting
"Bring Steve with you, y-you guys better come in here right now! It's urgent!"
Judging by the tone of his voice, it is very serious and you hate yourself for thinking this is kind of a sick joke but it really is not
You drag your brows together but you don't wanna pry and it's really none of your business but you wanted to know what's going on though
Robin almost dragging Steve out of the store
He really didn't wanna go and you can't understand why, the more you try to convince Steve that you'll be okay and you can see in his eyes that it's highly unlikely that you'll be fine,
It's closer to 12:00am, you packed up your stuff and you make sure all of doors from the back door and the office are locked and you switch off the lights and close the store
The cold wind made you shudder a little
Your aunt take the bus ride home she leaves you with the car, while on your way to it- you didn't know that there's a man holding out a knife to harm you
Before he can attack you, there's a wind swoosh behind your back, you turn around and you notice there's nothing in there- you roam your eyes everywhere
There's no one
You felt nervous and you grip on your car keys as you quickly unlock the door
There's 'clang' of a trashcan that flew into the air and that made you shrieked and you drop your keys on the ground
You take a deep breath and you shout
"Whoever you are! Show yourself!"
Eddie can feel your fear and he feels bad he's the one that caused it but he doesn't want anyone to hurt you, he won't let anyone to do that to you
His eyes are red, his hands are bloody, and his fangs were out.... good thing that he can go back to normal after a while to calm down
When no one respond, you huffed and shake your head, you pick up the keys on the ground
The moment you look back again, you screamed "AHH" you put your hand over your chest and you're heavily breathing
It's Eddie fucking appeared out of nowhere in front of you and you didn't even heard him coming
"You fucking scared me half to life! Eddie! What the hell?!?"
You clasps his hands together saying "I'm sorry" repeatedly
You wave dismissively at him and he says "A-are you good?"
You laugh in disbelief- you scratch your forehead "What are you doing in here anyways?"
Oh shit
He needs a valid reason
"Uh- Steve asked me to guard on you"
"Guard on me?" You raise your eyebrows while you squint your eyes on him
"Y-yeah since, it's late"
before you can reply, Dustin runs around you and he put his hands over his knees as he tries to catch up his breath
Steve leans over to your car with a ragged breathing
Robin puts her hand over her chest as she gives a small wave
"Oh- good, you're okay" Dustin hugs you and you hugged back looking at Eddie in confusion
He pulled out a forced smile as he doesn't know what to say
Hopper's car arrived and he came out of the vehicle and he gives a glare to Eddie
Eddie gulped and put his head down
"There's a suspect that runs into this area that's why we came as fast as we could" Hopper explained
You nod and that lessens your suspicions but- you want answers
You're still confused by the whole situation going on but they watched you as they saw you're inside of the car and drove away
Eddie watches you closely as he can read your thoughts and he feels so guilty for not telling you the truth about....
"What have we told you?" Hopper says sternly
"I know-"
"Listen, kid, you know I like you alright?" Hopper says
He just nods
"I can't help but feel infuriated by your stubbornness"
"Look- I just- wanna help! I caught the bad guy! didn't I?!?" He looks over to Dustin, Steve and Robin
The three of them give unsure looks
"Oh, come on, you guys"
"Yeah, you caught the bad guy but what about you?" Steve says
"I agree with Steve" Dustin can't even look at Eddie in the eyes as he can remembers how he almost lost him before
"What if, someone saw you? Do you think they won't think twice of killing you instantly?" Robin added
"We know that you wanted to help but we can't risk anyone by finding out that you're- Eddie cuts Hopper off before finishing his sentence
"A what?!? A fucking vampire?!?" Eddie exclaims
He lets out a exasperated sigh "I know guys are concerned about me and I promise this is the last time that I will violated what we talked about" he starts
"If there's a bad situation, I will never do anything without your permission"
Hopper, Steve, Dustin, Robin glance at each other as they all know no matter what they do- Eddie will always be there to save someone from harm
"He-" his angry tears welled up behind his eyes
Hopper blinks at his vulnerability, He knows that he is strong but he truly does care for his loved ones
But this is the first time that they saw him like this..... again.... after the incident....
"He almost killed her, Hopper"
"If- if I wasn't there on time, he would've killed her"
"I would've have lost her" he sniffled
Steve gives Eddie a sympathetic smile, Robin softly gasps at his subtle confession about his true feelings to you and Dustin widen his eyes
"I'm sorry, if I was on a rush for making risky decisions again" he says plainly as he flew off
All of them watch him as he flies away
Dustin smiles sadly "What happens if she finds out?" He says as he still looking up in the sky
"What?" Steve asked
"What if she finds out the truth about him?"
"Oh" Steve can't help but feel so sorry for Eddie, he knows that he never loved someone in his life ever since, he never knew this could happen
"What should we do if ever that might happen?" Robin says as she presses her lips together
"She won't" Hopper says while he's walking towards to this car
"She won't" what? Dustin raises his eyebrows as he waits for Hopper to continue
"She won't be scared of him"
"What makes you say that?" Steve added
"Because they've been together a lot, it's over a year since they moved here and Y/N told us that they frequently leave even though she doesn't tell it to me, I feel like she wants to stay here because of him.... and that says a lot." Hopper says as he goes inside of his car and turns on the engine
"You know what, he's right" Robin says
Steve and Dustin looked at her
"She wouldn't be with us, if she doesn't trust us."
"Well, I just hope she won't change after anything if she finds out" Steve sighs
"I believe in Y/N too" Dustin while he crosses his arms
"Remember the time when Y/N defended Eddie from those douchebags at The Hideout?"
Steve chuckles and Robin "Oh yeah, she got heated when they're calling him "monster" and a "freak"- she literally splashes him with a beer and my god she punches the guy after he tries to hurt her"
Eddie rambles the whole situation over and over to Dustin, from what his dear old friend doesn't know even he is just a kid, he can see his eyes shine whenever he talks about you
Dustin is very happy for him, he hasn't seen his friend this joyful ever since
"Just be there for her, if ever, okay?" Hopper says
All of them nod at him, they watch as he droves away
Eddie on the other hand
Thoughts going wildly on his mind while he's flying around the town
He doesn't know what to do, is it a right decision to tell you or to keep it a secret?
but he knows deep down, if he still keeps this as a secret, you would be furious that it makes him look like he doesn't trust you
He angrily shouts as he lands on a forest
He screams "Why?!"
"I know this would've happen, but I never thought it will really happen" he's heavily breathing as he continues to shout
"Why do I have to suffer like this?!" He says as he owns tears getting choked up in his throat
"I really wanted to stay with my friends but right now?!?" He laughs incredulously "I would rather die than seeing my love getting afraid because of me!"
Memories flashes before his eyes as he remembers the one who gave this to him
"You'll live"
Eddie is gasping for air but he feels different
He woken up he is still laying in the upside down
He sits up, the demobats that tear off half of his skin and limbs are all healed
"W-What have you done to me?" He says as he backs away from him
"Shh" he shushes "Don't be frightened"
"I need you to work for me"
"I gave you life and powers"
Eddie runs his tongue over his teeth and he shouts "No" his fuelling anger is becoming tears in his eyes
"You can't do this to me!"
"You're my slave, I need you to do something for me"
"I won't work for you!"
He slams him behind the trailer as he threatens him and choking him in the process
"You wanted to graduate is that it?"
"Y-yes, I do"
"Then follow me what I need you to do"
In fact he did follow him, but he had other plans
Everyone was shocked that he is still alive, he showed up first to Dustin, he thought he saw a ghost the first time he saw him again
"I knew it! You're alive!" He hugs Eddie with happy tears
"It's really good to see you, bud" he says as he rubs his back
"But- how did you manage to-" Dustin pulls away but he got cut off by Eddie saying
"I will explain to you everything, we have a problem"
"Copy that" Dustin says as he walks over to grab his walkie-talkie saying "Code Red"
To be completely honest everyone felt weird when they saw Eddie alive and well as if he wasn't got eaten off by demobats
Eddie can understand why and that he is truly himself, just undead that's all
"Steve, Robin, Jonathan and I, will take cover for you" Nancy says
"El and Eddie will corner Vecna to finish this once for all" Mike tightens the grip on El's hand as she flashes out a small smile
"We will be at the gates and guard on it if ever nasty monsters will get out" Erica says as she nods over to Lucas and Max
"Me and Argyle will warn Hopper and Enzo to the townspeople to stay alert and be ready" Will added
Eddie sighs "Do you think this could work?"
"It has to- and I believe you can beat his ass off" Dustin reassures Eddie
The plan is going on so nicely, everything is coming to an order
El uses her telekinetic powers to hold off Vecna and while Eddie pins him down on the ground
"Your time is running out" Eddie grunts
"You're making a big mistake"
"Am I?"
Vecna tries to fight back but El groans and screams harder as she pushes him back down and Eddie stabs him with a sword and punches him
That caused a lot pain to him "Traitor" he says while wincing at the wound
"If you kill me, you won't be able to go back to normal"
El glances over to Eddie and he looks back at her
He gave her a small nod and mouthing to her "it's okay"
"Someday, you'll see, if someone tries to love you, they won't love you back because you're a monster"
Eddie clenches his jaw as he deepens the wound
"They won't accept you, everywhere you go- they'll hate you"
"A freak but also a monster?" He laughs darkly
"Don't listen to him, Eddie!" El yells as she uses both of her hands to hold him back down
"Now, don't you worry, supergirl, I am not" he says sternly to Vecna
His eyes widen as he watches him raises the sword to chop his head off
"I would rather live like this than to knowing that you're still alive killing innocent people" he says in his last blow of his sword
Both of them shout in anger and exhaustion
They both fell back down and the upside down is now crumbling
Eddie, El, Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Jonathan running for their lives as they try to leave the upside down
Erica, Lucas and Max watches the gates closed on its own and it faded like it wasn't ever existed
The cracks are all gone and the wind and the red glow in the area is nowhere to be seen
"He made it" Enzo chuckled
"The kid got guts" Hopper smiled as he closes his eyes finally at peace for this town
Mike speaks over the walkie-talkie asking "Hey, guys? I see the town is going back to normal is everything alright?" Dustin can't reply as he's watching the last gate where Eddie is
He kept saying "Come on guys, Eddie, come on, man"
The 6 of them jump on the ground back into the real world as the watch the last gate finally closed and goes back to where it was before
Dustin sighs of relief "Is everyone okay?"
"Yeah, we're okay" Steve says as he looks over to his friends
Eddie is the only one who is silent as everyone is catching up their breath
He is disappointed of what he has become for all eternity but also the same time, he is glad, that the war is finally over
"Are you good?" Jonathan asks Nancy as she gives him a nod
"Eddie?" Robin asks
El glances over to Eddie and he looks at her giving him a hopeful smile
He finally turns around "I am stuck like this, you guys, forever" he scoffed while shaking his head
Everyone gave him a sympathetic smile
"You're a hero, Eddie and nothing ever changes that" El says as she puts over her hand in his shoulder
"Thank you" he says softly
"You'll be okay and we will always here for you, Eddie" Dustin says
"Yeah, man" Steve agrees
"It never felt any different ever since you came back, Eddie, it's still going to be the same" Jonathan says with a small smile
"We should celebrate, you know" Nancy shrugs
"Oh, I hear you, Wheeler" Eddie chuckles and all of them laughed
"We should cover up those wounds first, Munson" Robin says
His eyes became misty as he is so grateful to have friends like them
Eddie proved Vecna wrong about people not accepting for who he really was....
but... what about you?
Joyce, Murray, Karen all of them decided to keep Eddie's true nature a secret and kept it quiet
Hopper and Enzo agreed with this
So the townspeople won't snoop their noses around him, they'll still believe he's the one that caused it
Fucking close-minded people
"She's deserves to know" he says as he calms down a little bit
"She has to know" he says it himself
No more lies, no more secrets, he doesn't like to see you get betrayed and hurt
But he hopes that you'll won't be disappointed
He's going to admit it all at your first date together
You showed up in Family Video, you went to do all of the tasks as if nothing ever happened last night
Steve and Robin give looks at each other and then back to you
"You know that I can feel your eyes on me, right?" You say while opening the window blinds
"Sorry" Steve says softly
"Y/N, we just wanna know, if you're okay?" Robin says
You bring yourself around to face them "I am totally fine, guys"
You both gave them a reassuring smile
There's still a piece inside of you wanted answers to your questions but you don't want to make things worse, so you kept it to yourself
While you're bringing the storage boxes outside, Eddie approached you while clearing his throat
"Hey, Y/N" he says softly
"Hi" you say sheepishly
"I know what happened last night was so weird, please, forgive me" Eddie says with his doe eyes
His eyes are making you say "aww" on how adorable they are
Wait- you found my eyes appealing? He thinks to himself while he reads your mind
But he stops doing it right away as he feels like he's invading your own thoughts
"You don't have to explain and you don't have to apologize to it anymore, Eddie" you sigh
"Look, just hear me out" he says as he looks deeply into your eyes
You swallowed nervously and you blinked rapidly
Woah- why is your heart beating so fast? Do- do you like me?
He can feel emotions rushing and the energy of it.....is growing wild
You nod for him to continue
"I know this is like way too early but I'm asking you out for a dat-"
"Yes" you cut him off
"I'm not even finished yet" he throws his hand up
"Yes, I would like to go out with you"
"Yeah" you smile at him
He looks straight into your eyes and he might felt come alive again as he doesn't see anything else that is untrue
You're his dream come true
"Are you serious?" He says as he can't believe that you're willing to go with him
You roll your eyes playfully and giggled
Your smile and laughter brings soothing to his heart, even it's not the same anymore
He felt like a normal human being again
You step closer to him and he's taken a back
"You're amazing gentleman, Ed's, that's why I wanted to go out with you, I hope you know that." You say as you place your hand over his cheek and caresses it
He melts into your touch and closes his eyes for a moment and he smile down at you
"Is 7pm alright?" He whispered
"Yes" you replied while you pat his cheek
You walked away leaving a breathless Eddie behind
"Goddamn" he smiles to himself, his smile though slowly fades a little as he remembers what he's going to do tomorrow
You wore a black corset and black ripped jeans
You checked your outfit while looking at yourself in the mirror
"Hmm, it might be too cold outside" so you picked out your sheer white jacket
"You look absolutely divine, honey" your aunt says while she leans over to your doorframe
"Oh, hi, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I have a date"
"Is it Eddie?"
You gasped and you take a double look at your aunt "How could you know?"
She chortled as she sits down on your bed motioning for you to come sit beside her
You smiled at her and she starts "I see the way you looked at him and the way he looked at you"
"Auntie-" you groaned but she laughs "Just listen to me for a moment"
"Never be afraid just to get out there and explore and have a new adventure at your life"
"When I was your age, me and your uncle just go literally everywhere, and it was the surreal experience of my life" she paused as she snifffles a little
You rub her back and she holds your hand "this thing you have with Eddie? Is very special, I see myself through the both of you"
"You both have the same interest and filled with just pure happiness and imaginary at the things you loved the most"
"Never lose yourself and I love that you kept being yourself, honey"
Your tears are threatening to spill "of course, that's what you always told me when I was a kid"
"Hush now" she presses a kiss to your forehead "don't ruin your makeup and I might be the caused of that" she snickers and you laughed
"See you later, auntie!"
"I love you"
"I love you forever, auntie"
You came in the diner that Eddie asked you to come and for moment there you thought you got stand up but you saw him and sigh of relief
"For a minute, I thought you're not going to show up" you say
"I-I'm sorry, I got nervous"
"You're nervous?" You watch him as he sits down across from you
Eddie has always been so handsome to you but you've never seen this close and you're used to see him wearing bandshirts, denims, leather jackets
He is now wearing a decent attire, a little bit formal but still has the touch of his own style
He's wearing a white polo, black pants with his Reebok
His chains and his rings making you feel hot sensation all over your body
"Am I late? Do I look okay?"
"No- you're not I just arrived 2 minutes early and you look exquisite"
"Exquisite?" He smirks
"Fine" you huffed "you look extremely so handsome tonight, Eddie" you bat your eyes at him
Eddie laughs as he admires your pretty face as he looks at you
You corset goes so finely with you, it hugs your breasts so tightly and he grunts softly at the sight of it, every hairstyle is perfect on you but he loves to see you wearing it down
He loves everything about you
The date is going on smoothly, you both shared laughs and funny stories about each other
Like come on, it's like you're fooling both of yourselves, you've been friends for like over a year now, so this feels so natural for you and so does he
Eddie droves you to over his trailer for a movie date
He put VHS Beetlejuice (1988) as he settles down with a popcorn bowl on his hand and places 2 canned sodas on the table
He froze when you remove your white sheer jacket off and you remove your high-heeled shoes
Good thing, he knows how to control his powers, he can't stand not to see your pulsing veins on your neck as he tries not to take a bite of it
You caught him watching you and he shyly ducks his head down and he moves sideward to give you open space to sit down on the couch
You smirk and sat down beside him
You grab a pillow and you put it in front of you to hug it while you're eating popcorn
He can smell your sweet scent as he exhales slowly, he feels so comfortable whenever you're around
You're paying attention in the movie while he doesn't- he watches you
Your eyelashes are so pretty, he just wants to smushes his own face on you and showers you a lot of kisses
But he doesn't want to do anything rash right now, you're being nice ever since you met him and he hates it he's getting thoughts like this
You looked over to him while chewing on the popcorn on your mouth and you chuckled a little when he looked back at the television screen and he grabs his soda immediately and takes a sip of it
"Whatchu, lookin' at- Ed's?"
"I'm not blind, Eddie, I saw you looking at me!"
Oh- his cheeks is on fire
He steals the popcorn bowl from your hands and you gasped "You're making it all up" he says as he throws a popcorn onto his mouth
"Sure, whatever you say, handsome" you roll your eyes as you looked back at the TV
"Handsome? that's the twice she said that to me?!" He thinks to himself
He watches you again
You feel his eyes on you as you quickly turn yourself on him
Once again, you caught him
"Aha!" You point at him "I caught you red-handed!"
You throw popcorn at him and he laughs "Okay, fine!"
"Aww, you feel defeated, Ed's?" You pout at him
God, how can you be so cute and hot at the same time? He thinks to himself
"I am guilty, sweetheart" he says as he smiles down at you
You giggled at him and while you reaching out the pillow that fell down from your lap
"You're beautiful"
"I said, you're beautiful" he repeated with a grin on his face
Now, it's your turn to be flustered and you smile at him sheepishly
At this point, you don't even care if you got rejected, you have this crush for him carrying it for a over year now
You gotta take the risk or live with regret
So, fuck it
He loves to see you getting blushed because of him as he takes another sip from his soda while he places it from the table
"Eddie?" You called out for him
You and him both stare at each other and he gulped of what you're about to do
You cupped his cheeks and presses your lips into his
You kissed him and his eyes were wide as hell
You pulled back and you furrow your brows at his expression, you can't even read it
You chuckled nervously "oh wow- okay, that was stupid, you know what I'm gonna go-" you get up but he grab your hand
His eyes softens and you look back at him and you slowly sat down again beside him
He tucked your hair behind your ear and he slams his lips onto yours
The kiss was so passionate and it was steaming hot, he tilted his head as he deepens the kiss even more, you moaned
You runs your hands over his chest as you throw your arms around him and one hand over the back of his head as you hold him and pulled him even closer
You both flushed at each other's bodies automatically
His cold hands run over your shoulders and to your thighs
You're both making it out like it was for centuries and he doesn't mind it all
He loves to kiss you forever
You don't even noticed that you both floating up in the air
You pulled away and gasped as you put your hand to cover your mouth
And you look back at Eddie and his eyes are red and you look down at his mouth, you saw his fangs
You're in a state of shock as you felt coming back down on the couch
You breathe heavily of what you just witnessed but you quickly collected yourself
All of the missing pieces are coming together
Now, you understand everything
Eddie is a vampire and you're completely clueless about it
You stare at him and he looks away from you ashamedly but you stopped him from doing it while you place your hand on his cheek to make him face you again
He knits his brows together at your action
You peck a kiss onto his lips and he kisses back "Talk to me"
"I wanna know everything, Eddie" you say to him as you flash a sweet smile
He searches uncertainty on your eyes but he doesn't find anything, he saw compassion and love?
You love him?
He just burst into tears as he goes back to normal again
"Oh, Eddie" you hug him while you rest your head over his chest
He hugs you even tighter and you embrace him even more
You both stayed like this in comfortable silence
Locked into each other's arms
He runs his fingers through your hair and you sigh in comfort
You broke the silence first "Before you can think of anything that I don't want you anymore after this, I won't do it, Eddie, I really mean it"
His eyes are still blurry from the tears as he looks down on you and kisses the top of your head
You hum in agreement with a smile on your face
"I- I adored you ever since, Eddie, I love you" you confessed
You felt him get tensed up and he looks at you in shock
You pulled away from him and you cup his cheeks
"I am willingly to spend my whole life with you, Eddie"
He never felt this much happiness in his life but he smiles sadly at the thought-
He's immortal and you're not, his lifetime will be different in the world and yours will be end up fast unfortunately
At least he got the taste of true love but he really wants to make that happen
Loving each other endearingly
But he also doesn't want to cross over the line, you might want to live your life normally
"Oh, sweetheart" his eyes are brimmed with tears and yours too
He got confused "What is it, darling?"
"I- I thought I will be rejected" you laugh "but I see nothing but the truth in your eyes, Ed's" you say
"Even you don't say it-" he cuts you off by saying
"I love you too, Y/N" he kisses your cheek
"Ever since the first time we met" he added
Your lips clashes onto each other as you make out again
Eddie carried you into his room not wanting to break the kiss
He closes the door and locks it and he places you slowly on his bed
You helped him unbotton his polo and you quickly rushed to unclasp your corset
"No, let me" he stopped you and you nod at him
"Are you sure about this?" He asks before he continues to undresses you
You just nod at him and he sighs as he doesn't want to make this go any further if you're aren't up to this truly
He does not want to make you regret it, it's fine for him, if you're not ready
"Hey" he lifts your chin up to make you look at him in the eyes
"I need verbal answers, sweets" he says as he narrows his eyes on you
"I-I've longed for this, Eddie and I only want you"
"Okay" he says softly as he kisses on your knuckles
You make love for the first time and you're so sure of yourself that he is your person
You're going to settle the life that you want with Eddie
You're naked, laying on his bed, your hair is a beautiful mess
You blushed when you noticed his eyes are roaming around your body from top to bottom
You got shy, you tried to cover yourself by wrapping your arms around you
He licks his lips and his eyes filled with hunger, he chuckles darkly
"Damn- that's so hot, why does he have to do that" you think to yourself
"My love, I was just admiring you" he says as he places both of his hands on your hips
"My love?" your knees are now wobbling at his words
"I can't take my eyes off you, you're a goddess!"
"Oh- stop it! Eddie, I-" he cuts you off with a fervid kiss
You squealed and you can feel his smirk while kissing you
You grab a fistful of his hair and he groaned on top of you and as his hands roam over around your body earning a whimper from you
He deepens the kiss even more as he unbuckled his belt
You're already got so worked up by the simplest touches that he did
The effect he has on you, is freaking unreal
He breaks the kiss and you frown, he laughed while he grabs something on the drawer
"I want to be safe"
Your heart melts as he cares about your pleasure first
He pulled his boxers all the way down and you squirmed
Oh, he is huge, you don't even know if you can take it
"You can take it, don't worry, hunny" he winks at you as if he can read your mind (you didn't know that he can truly do that)
He places himself back on top of you and grab his dick directing to your hole
"You ready?"
"Yes, I am, Eddie"
"I applaud your attentiveness, sweetheart"
He takes himself in slowly and you scrunched up in pain
"Just tell me to stop and I will stop" eying you in concern
"No- no, I'm adjusting, keep going"
The moment his all the way in, you look down and you saw that he filled you up real good
"Oh" you breathe heavily
"Told you can take it"
"E-Eddie- you can move now"
He thrust and he grunts as at your pussy already clenching
"Wow, my darling- you impressed me"
You want to keep your eyes open but can't help by the overwhelming sensation burns through your system
"It feels so good, go harder, please" you beg and he doesn't want to keep you begging for more as his thrusts grows harder and harder
You kept your lustful eyes on him
"Don't you dare look at me like that or I will tore you apart" he thinks to himself
"Ah- Eddie! Oh my fucking god!" You moaned
He grabs your legs and places it over his shoulders
He watches as your chest rises up and down
You got confused ignoring the enrapture that you're feeling at the moment
"Eddie- what are you-" you got cut off as he deepens himself down onto you
You can't suppress your moans any longer as you moaned louder
You grip on the sheets as he fucks you roughly
He even watches your boobs bounce up and down, he smirks at the sight of it, he is enjoying himself
"Holy- shit- oh!" You exclaimed
"Baby, I'm coming, I can't take it anymore"
You arched your back in pleasure as he came undone
He falls down on you even though you felt weak, you still manage to hug him
You can feel him smiling at your action and you run your fingers through his hair
He carefully puts down your shaking legs
Your eyes are heavy lidded, your cheeks are flushed, Eddie slowly pull himself out of you
He wiped you, cleaned you, he pulled a clean bandshirt on you and he chuckles softly on how big it is to you as he dresses you up with his clean boxers
He wore his pajama pants as he cuddles next to you
"How's that?" He asks
"It's astounding" you say while your eyes are closed
He bursted out laughing and you furrow you brows as you slap his arm playfully
"I-I am sorry" he is tearing up from laughter "your choice of words are remarkable" he says with a British accent
You laughed at him "Well, you're not the only one" you snorted
"Oh- how dare you" he says dramatically
You rolled your eyes as you push him back laying down on the bed
You caught him by surprise
You remove his boxers that belonged to him and his
You sat down at him without any warnings and you bite your bottom and you moaned
With his lips apart while looking at you
You place your hands over his shoulders as you begin to ride him, your eyes rolling back as you can feel yourself getting wet because of him
He squeezes his eyes shut on the sweet sensation as you say
"Round 2?" You say menacingly as you smirk down on him
He moans while laughing in the process "where have you been all my life?"
He takes care of you after you both make love again
As soon as he goes back beside you, he's picking up the clothes that he wants to put on you, you're ready to snuggle up with him and yes he will cuddle up with you as soon as he dresses at you up he insists to do that one first but you give him a scowling face
He chortled at how clingy you are
He pulled up the blankets as he lays down and he open his arms out for you
You smiled as you lay your head over his shoulders and hug him and he kisses your forehead
Now at this time, he told you everything about him, about what happened 2 years ago
"I wish I was there for you" you start "they didn't even look hard enough, you're innocent"
"I appreciate that, Y/N, Thank you"
"And I also appreciate your honesty" you pulled back to look down at him and you smile
Your prop your arm up and you say "So there's this other world that you guys called the upside down and this asshole named Vecna did this to you?"
"Yeah, that's sums it all up"
His story sounds like the sci-fic, adventure and action films that you watched before and now knowing that this really happened sends goosebumps into your skin
"Where's Jason now? I would like to punch him in the face"
"Easy there, tiger" he chuckled
"You didn't deserve that! Eddie!" Your eyes are forming with tears
Eddie pulled you into a hug as he rubs your back
He is now sobbing softly with happy tears
You're not afraid, you trust him, you accept him, and you even love him
His eyes flashes with so much gratitude
You suddenly became concerned as you heard him crying
Both of your eyes are stained with tears
"What's wrong, Ed's?"
"Nothing, I just" he sniffles "I didn't know that I got to have you and called you mine"
You smile widely "I'm yours forever"
"I'm yours forever" he keeps replaying it in his head
"I'm so lucky that you exist and you're here with me"
"Because I thought I would never have-
"You're my first" you admit
"I don't wanna give myself to someone who wasn't true to himself" you paused
"I was never in love with anyone until you, Eddie"
His eyes glint with teary eyes with overjoyed coming into his face
"Me too" he says while you into his eyes and look for dishonest on them but nothing
You fall for him even harder
"I love you, Eddie"
"I love you forever and ever"
You snuggled up together as you slowly close your eyes as you drift away to sleep
Eddie is wide awake somehow gobsmacked at his life right now
He embraces you even tighter as if you might disappeared from him
You hold onto him close as you bury yourself on his chest
His sheets are now covered with your scent and he just loves it, mixed with vanilla and lavender from your shampoo
He can also smell the lotion from your soft skin, flowery and fresh scent
He smiles in content as he fell asleep....
Everything is going so well, why does it have to be like this?
An intense magnitude Earthquake happened all over across the town of Hawkins, Indiana
You and your auntie hold on to each other inside the diner
You both tried to stay calm as you both headed towards the exit
A big rumble on the ground made you both ripped at each others hands
Your eyes widen in fear and you screamed "No! Auntie!"
A big pole that fell back down on her crushes her entirely
The earthquake is becoming more and more stronger as you ran towards her
"Y/N! Stop! Save yourself!" She chokes on her own blood
"No- I won't leave you!" A small wall but heavy enough slams down on the half of your body made you screech in pain
"R-remember what I told you, sunshine"
"I-I love you" she blinks slowly and she dies
"Auntie" you cried out "N-No"
You felt dizzy and you look down wincing in pain, your head bleeds as before you got unconscious the last words you said
"I need to find Y/N before it's too late" Eddie says
"Be careful, kid" Enzo says while he and Hopper protect everyone in the open ground area
Eddie gasps as he saw you laying in your own blood, your heart is slowly beating
You're still alive, but losing a lot of blood
"Don't you die on me!" He shouts as he raises the wall that almost crushed you
Eddie saw your lifeless, Aunt, "oh- I am so sorry, sweetheart"
Your mind is hazy but you knew the person who is carrying you
"You came"
"Of course, sweetheart, I'm taking you to the hospital"
"I-I tried to save her" you say weakly your nose starts to bleed
Eddie cries in anger as he quickly finds a hospital
The earthquake is finally over, everyone was wounded, lost a loved a one, lost a home
Emergency vans, were everywhere
The hospital is crowded, every nurse and doctor are running all over the hallways
Eddie's knee kept bopping up and down as he couldn't stay calm at what you're state your in
The doctor finally talked to him and said it's bad news
"She might not make it, I'm sorry"
He cries in agony and this is his greatest fear, losing you.....unless....
There is only one solution to save you
He comes inside your room and he weep even harder as he saw you slowly breathing
It's not your time yet, this isn't fair
"I want to save you, but I don't know if it's also that you want" he says as he holds your hand
You heard him and you slowly opened your eyes and he saw it, his eyes are bloodshot from crying, his clothes are covered with your blood
"Do it, Eddie" you say
"But I don't wanna-"
"Please, Eddie, I don't want you to be alone and I don't wanna leave you behind, I really want this"
"If I do this, you might not be able to do the normal things anymore"
"Let me into your world, Eddie"
"I've got nothing to lose, I only have you" you sob
He can feel you're very certain, he warns this might hurt a little and you'll die for a second
He bites your neck and he cut his wrist to make you drink his blood
You drank a lot and you can feel your heartbeat finally comes to an end
Your eyes, your complexion is now similar to Eddie's, your hair became more wavy, your whole appearance changed
You gasped for air and you didn't feel any pain on you anymore
You looked over to Eddie and you laughed slightly and he hugs you tightly
3 months after the earthquake
Hopper grabs the walkie-talkie and he calls Eddie to come over
When he arrived Dustin and Steve and everyone is in there
He showed him the "WANTED" picture as Hopper explains the criminal that you and Eddie need to capture
Before he continues he exclaims "Where the hell is Y/N?!"
"I'm here, Jim" you say as you entered the room with Eddie's black leather jacket draped over your shoulders
Eddie smirks at your entrance
You take a quick sip of your flask with blood droplet on your chin and you wipe it off using your finger
"So, where to- Chief?" You smile with subtle red glow on your eyes
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william-solace-aaaaa · 7 months
@superherokisser sorry if it's not good, it's in it's early stages😅 I haven't even properly re-read it yet to make sure it makes sense bc I'm tired and it's pretty much 12am rn, the chapter is called "cursed birthdays" but I also might change that:) also srry if it's too short I'm just rlly sleep deprived and I'm abt to pass out🥲❤️ gotta copy n paste it into tumblr now. It's 1396 words.
A Cursed Birthday
I woke up this morning thinking all was well, and it was just another ordinary day, for me, anyway. But no. I don't even get one birthday of peace. It's always something every year. I mean, last year,  a bunch of rats ate the cake. The year before that, my hamster, Charles,  the magnificent, committed suicide.  And this year, I get sucked into a magical portal. Yay.
It was normal. Nothing happened the entire day, and I was sceptic, to be honest. But no. The one thing that couldn't have happened (due to its... well. Impossibleness) just had to happen. Thanks a lot, God. I swear I'm cursed or something.
It was around 8 pm by the time I finally let my guard down about my evil-birthday curse. I was walking my amazing dog, Ruby. She is this adorable black and white pitbull that puts any and all other dogs to shame. So naturally, I was showing her off... at 8pm, in winter. In my defence, I'm definitely not the smartest person I know. I mean, what lunatic would be out at 8 pm in winter, in the UK? Besides me, of course.
I was walking through the nearby park, like I usually do. But this time, something had caught my eye. The park was empty except for me and Ruby, but there was an object emitting some sort of blinding light. The kind that if you were to look at it for more than a few seconds, then when you would finally look away, you would have little dots dancing around your vision. When I picked it up, which I kind of see was a bad idea, it was like holding fire. I dropped the glowing thing, and Ruby started to bark at it, the burning feeling still prickling my hand. Then, right where the object had dropped, some sort of vortex had started to open, sucking me in. The last thing I remembered after that was falling.
Thankfully, the forest that I fell into had some pretty tall trees that cushioned my fall (not really). I angelicaly landed (crashed) onto the ground.'Ow! Damn it, who put trees here?' I yelled because it really really hurt. My body made this cracking sound, and my leg had bent in a super unnatural way. There was bone and a lot of blood. A lot. I blacked out (I don't know why, though)
When I woke up, I was on a bed in a sort of cabin-like room. There were 2 green sofas against the walls facing each other, with a little coffee table in the middle and a kitchen, in which I was in the middle of on a table, not a bed, which was probably why my back hurt like hell. There were two people in the kitchen, one baking some sort of bread and the other washing some dishes.
'Ow.' I winced as I tried sitting up. Pain shooted to my leg. 'Oh! You're awake.' Both people had turned around and were now looking at me. 'Your leg was pretty badly hurt. How did you manage to do that?' The girl said, looking at me with disapproval. She had long, blonde hair that looked so straight she wouldn't have to brush it for days, and it would still have zero knots in. Her green eyes seemed to dance like a flame. She wore a lovely white dress dotted with purple flowers and all sorts of jewellery. 'What?' I questioned, still not entirely sure of what was happening.
'I found you out in the forest. You were unconscious and badly hurt, so I took you and brought you here. We had to do something about your leg, though. Sorry.' She said, which confused me until I looked down.
'AHH!' I screamed. 'Calm down, it's not that big of a deal.' The man, a strong, muscular dude with dark skin adorned with freckles that looked to be in about his forties. 'Not that big of a deal!? My leg is gone!' I yelled. 'Where did it go? I had my leg this morning.' 'Now you dont.' He replied with a proud looking smile.
'Now I- where is my leg!' I demanded. I mean, who just takes people's legs off without asking? 'I told you we should have asked, dad.' The girl said to the man. 'Exactly! Thank you!' I said. 'You guys can't just take my leg!' I yelled, directing the words at the man. 'I'm Jericho, I prefer Eric though, since you didn't even ask before you chopped my leg off!' I said (cool name, I know). 'I'm Ariel, this is my dad, Sebastian.' She said. 'Well, Ariel, lovely to meet you.' I said, shaking her hand.
'I can make you a new leg, Jericho. No need to be a baby, now, is there?' He said with a grin on his face. Rude. Before I could say an awesome comeback, he started measuring my right leg (which was still there). After a while, he walked away to go make my new leg, letting me talk with Ariel. You could tell she was one of those really pretty girls who didn't try to be pretty.
'Soo... where is this because the last thing I remember is falling out of the sky.' I said, looking at her expectingly. 'This is Emaia. Also, what did you mean "falling out of the sky?"' She questioned, looking confused and tilting her head to the side. 'Well, I was just walking my dog, Ruby, and I kinda just fell, and there was this glow-y thing and- My dog! Ruby!' I yelled, standing up from my position on the sofa, forgetting about my leg and immediately falling to the floor. 'Ow.'
I'd forgotten all about Ruby! Did she fall through with me? Is she safe? A million things were going through my head, and I didn't even notice I was hyperventilating until Ariel's dad, Sebastian, had started to shake me lightly. I had managed to tuck myself into a weird looking ball against the couch because my left leg was, well, not there. After a long, long time of uneven breathing and being told everything would be okay, I finally was able to slow my breathing. 'Sorry.' I said. I mean, I just wasted these nice (ish) people's time. 'It's alright, love,' He said in the same soothing voice he had been using for the past 10ish minutes.'Ariel had been trying to calm you down for a while by the time I came back in here because I found you a leg that would match.
He went and got me the leg, and after him showing me take it on and off, he let me look in a mirror. Well... I looked like I had just fallen out of the sky. My dark hair was more matted than usual with a few leaves sticking out, a few cuts that would easily heal on my head from falling through branches, my new leg which was made out of a amazing-looking black metal and my clothes were covered in blood. While I was checking myself out, Ariel had explained what had happened before Seb had gotten there.
'Yeah, we are probably gonna have to find you some new clothes.' He said, patting me on the shoulder. "For now, you'll just have to borrow some of mine.' He said, Ariel going upstairs and grabbing me a pair of clothes that were 1000% too big. Man, he is bulky. The outfit looked like it came directly out of the 1900s, but still, I looked at amazing as always.
The prosthetic was really weird getting used to, but after three days, I was good enough not to trip every five seconds. I didn't want to wait any longer because I didn't want Ruby to be out there any longer. In my time staying, it wasn't that hard to figure out that I was nowhere near home. These guys didn't even know what Sonic the Hedgehog was!
Me and Ariel left to go look in the forest around where she found me, and Seb had to stay because he runs a bakery! (Who would've thought.) We left at 7, after having the best food I have ever eaten, except for the cake at my aunt Jessie's funeral. That was some good cake.
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