#though he'll never admit it
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just-null · 3 months ago
i am literally on my KNEEEEEESSSSS. please please make more yandere hantengu clone art.. i don’t care if you don’t color it in or if it’s just a simple sketch PLEASE 😞
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is the threat directed at you??? at others??? at something else??? do you even want to find out??? You'll probably be okay if you get back home before dark and make it up to him.
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radpool · 2 days ago
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I can't remember all the times I tried to tell myself
to hold on to these moments as they pass
- counting crows, a long december
detail below the cut (and wolverine angsty musings in the tags lol)
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horsechestnut · 6 months ago
Anyway, if you're a fan of Bruce and Steph having a father/daughter relationship you should probably go read about Oliver and Mia.
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synonymroll648 · 2 years ago
after fitz cools off a little bit about sophie and keefe being a thing, he should drop tidbits about keefe (mostly during trust exercises) that he thinks she might find helpful since they're dating.
the thing is, instead of just stuff like, 'keefe loves frogs, so he might appreciate a gift or trip related to them, idk' he also drops things like 'btw if you just hold his hand in your hands - specifically towards the back of his head, just behind his ears - while you're talking to him, he'll probably melt haha. also his scalp is sensitive, do with that what you will, but make sure you're gentle'.
bonus points if sophie asks keefe about why every single tidbit fitz gives is correct and he goes tomato red for the first time ever and sputters out something like 'i gave fitz the lord of the snuggles title based on personal experience - he's clingy when he's tired, ok?'
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astral-aromance · 3 months ago
Controversial Silmpost time
I don't blame Elwing for not returning the Silmaril. She was really nothing more than a child. I also can't really blame Dior for the same reason (though he is more complicated, because if he was a mannish child and not half-elven because of Luthien's Choice, he was fully grown at 34). But Thingol and Luthien? Oh yes. Yes, I blame them.
They knew damn well what would happen eventually, Luthien even experienced the Fëanorians at their worst 1st hand, almost getting forced into a marriage all for the sake of the Silmarils. She knew that they'd do ANYTHING, even to their own friend and cousin, because she saw it. They even tried to kill her and Beren. They knew the story of Alqualondë. They knew. But they willingly kept that thing around their family, their *children* even knowing full well that it would likely be the death of them. Heck, Luthien, and Beren aged and died prematurely because of the presence of that thing, and she yet still gave it to her young son with small children while knowing that the Girdle was gone.
Of course, the Fëanorians had no right to do what they did, that goes without saying. But Thingol, Luthien, and Beren really should have known better. Anti-Fëanorian or Anti-Sindar, there is simply no denying that the Elders of the royal line of Doriath played a huge role in the decimation of the kingdom and Sirion later.
They are certainly not blameless in the whole thing. It's more like a 75% vs 25% thing rather than 50/50, but certainly not negligible enough to be glossed over or ignored.
In the end, my question is just... If you know that a fire will eventually kill you if you don't turn off the stove, despite it having been very difficult to light it, why would you deliberately leave it on, even if the fire warned you multiple times that you should turn it off?
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vamps-hmu · 2 years ago
Can I give Springtrap a hug? He looks amazing and I love his fangs :)))
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he's just not used to it, don't worry
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that-foul-legacy-lover · 2 years ago
Being childhood friends with Ajax after he gains the ability to change into Foul Legacy and he doesn’t have complete control over it yet.
Numerous times did you find yourself sitting in Ajax’s bed room, a much smaller, more scraggly looking Foul Legacy curled in your arms, chirping and trying to speak to you in Abyssal language. You can’t understand him and Foul Legacy doesn’t quite know why he’s so attached to you, his hazy memories still forming, but he does know he enjoys your company!
Foul Legacy being a bit smaller when Ajax was a child, probably around the size of the average adult, being a lot more lanky and fluffier, like a deer 🙁 My wet cat.
The amount of times you’d have to drag Ajax away from a conversation or potential fight (that he was about to initiate) because you noticed the clear signs of Foul Legacy coming out. Dragging him to his home or favorite fishing spot and just, being stuck with Foul Legacy for the next few hours. Not that you mind! He’s so curious about everything around him, and so curious about you! Will try to curl up in your lap as you comb his fur, happily telling you a story in Abyss, you simply nod and pretend you understand.
My baby 🙁🙁 i miss him
ue ue ueeee (sound of me crying over this /lh)
being a kid from Snezhnaya, you're not really scared when you first meet Foul Legacy- honestly, you're mostly confused and worried about where Ajax was, thinking that this scruffy Abyss monster ate him. but Foul Legacy quickly trills, an odd, disjointed sound, and snuggles up to you, curiously poking you and tugging at your sleeve. Ajax feels safe around you, so Legacy does too- you're a bright light shining in the cold darkness of Snezhnaya, of the Abyss, and he much prefers the warmth of your embrace to the frigid winds outside. you can't understand his chitters and chirps, but the fluffy creature is just as talkative as Ajax, with his same bright ginger hair...
oh. your eyes widen with realization, and Foul Legacy lets out a happy peep and curls closer to you
the most telltale sign of Ajax transforming into Legacy is his eye color- what's normally a vivid, lightless blue deepens to a twilight purple- and you know to grab his hand and drag him somewhere quiet, for in your presence and your presence alone, the Abyssal hunger for blood falls away, leaving a sweet and affectionate Foul Legacy. he likes your hands and face most of all, gently squishing your cheeks and nibbling your fingers, giving your forehead adoring licks. for now he's still small enough to snuggle in your lap as you sit on Ajax's bed, although you know he'll grow, so you spend entire afternoons by his side, listening to him sing in some strange language that you can't quite grasp or reading one of your books together, watching the snow fall silently through the window
and he was your special secret- just you, Ajax, and his monstrous, adorable other half
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fleetsonourgecentral · 3 months ago
so could I get the Christmas special? XD
For christmas Scourge receives: confusion. Christmas wasn't really a big thing on Moebius, not because it didn't exist, but because all the stuff it's about doesn't really gel well with the worldview over there; what's there to be happy about? Generosity and love? In Moebius? Your christmas present is not getting a knife in the back, how about that
So as a result Scourge isn't entirely sure which christmas traditions are normal and which ones are this new dimension being weird, but even with his lack of experience, there's still plenty of stuff he's pretty sure he's never seen at christmas before. Why are we pulling these small decorations until they crack and break open. Why do they have stupid little gifts and shitty jokes inside. What do you mean the day after christmas is also a holiday, what the fuck is boxing day? Does it mean he has official permission to beat the shit out of people? What do you mean boxing day has nothing to do with boxing? Why the fuck are you setting food on fire-
He is however delighted that he receives presents. At the same time as Sonic, too! And he's absolutely forcing Sonic to wear the silly little paper crowns from the christmas cracker the second he realises Sonic hates wearing them. It takes a lot of struggling, and maybe he has to resort to impaling the back of it on Sonic's quills, but hey, a victory is a victory no matter how long it takes. Even better, now Amy insists on taking a group photo as "a memory of their first christmas together" aka "proof that Sonic failed to avoid wearing the paper crown at least once". Doing mushy friend stuff may make his skin crawl sometimes, but he can tolerate it better when it's for the purpose of irritating Sonic, and thankfully, Amy loves doing "nice" things to irritate Sonic. He's also very interested in hearing the story of the time Sonic insulted Father Christmas to his face then swung him around by his beard
That being said, every single year he says if he has to hear one more carol singer, he just might lose it, and it's down to Sonic to distract him with insults and kisses when more inevitably turn up. Christmas is far from his favourite holiday, bit too jolly and full of yucky goodwill for him, but the freedom fighters and Sonic especially have made him learn to tolerate it
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queer-obsession · 9 months ago
I have something I need to say!!! I keep hearing unholy rn and Kim Petra's verse is just 😙👌 but i've gone down the rabbit hole and now i'm thinkin abt characters that would be the type of guy she's singing abt and timeskip!kenma, pro hero!todoroki, and pro hero!bakugou just keep invading my brain when I hear it 😫 listen to that verse and tell me you don't think of them...oh right you can't! if y'all know any other characters that would fit tell me cause this shit is so interesting to me 😭 i have no life
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sgcairo · 2 years ago
Out of the Second and Ninth, Dottore tends to be the most expressive with his face. So whenever he's visibly grimacing or making a slightly disturbing (read: horrifying) expression Pantalone gently reminds him to fix his face, often reaching up to squish his cheeks. Dottore has mixed feelings about this.
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rosesinbloom7love · 1 year ago
Young King L'arc sneaks out of the palace to attend a festival, dragging along his very reluctant guard.
Guard!Naofumi: Your majesty, I don't think this is a good idea. King!L'arc: Oh, loosen up, Naofumi! It's a festival! Let's have fun! Guard!Naofumi: I'd rather we'd have fun back at the palace where I don't have to worry about you getting attacked... King!L'arc: You worry too much! Look, there's a vendor selling chicken skewers! (L'arc proceeds to drag Naofumi all over the festival, until late into the evening.) Guard!Naofumi: It's getting late, Your majesty. We should head back now. King!L'arc: What? But then we'll miss out on the festival dance! Guard!Naofumi: If it's a simple dance you want, then just host a ball or something in the royal palace. Where it's safe for you. King!L'arc: Ugh, would it kill you to relax? Guard!Naofumi: Probably. Likely it would kill you as well. That's rather the point. King!L'arc: *Flashing Naofumi a charming smile* I'll risk it. *Steps closer holding out his hand* Dance with me. Guard!Naofumi: *Taken aback* W-What? King!L'arc: *Still wearing a smile* Dance with me. Guard!Naofumi: *Stammering* Y-Your Majesty, this is highly inappropriate- King!L'arc: Naofumi. Guard!Naofumi: *Freezes immediately* King!L'arc: You may be my personal guard, but you're still my subject and I am your king. And as your king...I order you do dance with me~ Guard!Naofumi: *Speechless* D-Did You just pull a- King!L'arc: Well~? I'm waiting, Naofumi~ Guard!Naofumi: *Blushing*...I suppose, one dance couldn't hurt... *L'arc smirks at his lover, before gently grabbing his hand and leading him to the crowd of dancing villages* *Despite, Naofumi's initial reluctance, he genuinely enjoyed the festival. And though he'll likely never say this out loud, he's glad to get to spend some time with L'arc*
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stars-n-spice · 6 months ago
No no no you don't understand-
lowkey wish that Bad Batch came out like,, several years ago maybe around like 2012 or something idk when I was just a wee little freak obsessing over fandoms and consuming fanfic on wattpad on the daily and watching silly little nightcore music videos because I would've fucking devoured Crosshair and also because I need an edit or something to "Bad Boy" and "Angel of Darkness" (nightcore versions obviously) of him ASAP.
i'm fucking dying over here jesus fuck.
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thesilliestspy · 8 months ago
So you don’t know about the whole Engie and Solly drama? Oh you silly goose. Lemme tell you.
So basically, Engineer and Soldier are gay and in love, and very much obviously dating, but Soldier keeps denying it, despite there being clear as day evidence that they’re dating. And Engie doesn’t like that.
So yea.
Hm interesting.
As much as I dislike ze laborer, I suppose I do feel a bit of pity for his situation. Soldat is... hard to interact with, in a sense, so I must imagine his struggle to hold a relationship with ze man.
Do not tell either of zem I said zis, but I do hope zey and sort zat out soon... because im sick of ze arguing and issues on ze base of course! (he cares about his team, he just doesnt like to admit it)
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vergina-spva · 2 months ago
CLTCL Drake and Penguin are both subs, but in very different ways. Peng is a sub that likes to be/feel used in order to feel desired. Drake just wants to be a good boy in order to feel loved.
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forcedhesitation · 1 year ago
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stop fucking flirting with me, you rancid little man
#bg3#thoughts about media#never had this dialogue before. durge exclusive or...??#either way- I'm lying astarion. please keep talking about murder. it does something for me personally.#also LMAO at him “hiding” his vampirism. baby I can SEE your fangs and bite mark. you aren't hiding shit.#imagining him asking corydalis this and corydalis having to explain that decapitating him would be difficult due to his scaly skin.#with the parasite- his abilities are weakened and thus he can actually be poisoned whereas normally he is immune.#he'd admit he's always been curious what it's like to be poisoned lol.#you know. despite only having fully beat the game once- I have nearly 500 hrs in bg3.#I've half finished many campaigns. and now. when I must begin an adventure with no corydalis to return to...#...well it hurts. it is not the same without him...I will forever treasure him and experiencing the story alongside him.#this new character is a durge. aaaanother tiefling because I enjoy them. he isn't Actually the durge lorewise though.#I had my own story already formulated for him. even before I made him in game. I think I still want to keep him a bhaalspawn though.#if not bhaal- he'll be tied to myrkul. since corydalis has existing beef with myrkul.#he's got body type 1 instead of 2 and goodness it is SO strange to Look Up To the gents. like what do you MEAN they are TALL?!#astarion is like a little mouse. he is not supposed to be tall! wyll has transmasculine short king allure. he is not supposed to be tall!#gale can be a LITTLE tall. I guess. but he's such a sopping wet cat of a man. I can hardly imagine him being THAT tall.#none of them are taller than corydalis! bar halsin and karlach of course.
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saturdays--sun · 2 months ago
noah's favorite band is neck deep, not because he grew up listening to them (my fault), but because i've told him how so many of their songs make me think of his dad. and i think that's why all distortions are intentional would be his favorite album. listens to it the first time and pieces together things i've told him; things he's overheard saturday tell alina about us; things he's seen and noticed his whole life — and suddenly the album is less about two made up characters finding solace in each other and more about his parents finding solace in each other.
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