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[This is where you can find my works. Bolded means there is smut involved of course. Please remember to remain patient regarding any and all masterlist updates. Last updated as of 4/17/2024 ]
(My old Masterlist with even more of my works can be found here. Some items may be found to overlap in the old and new list. This is normal to expect. Please refer to both lists for content. Thank you and please alert me of any errors!)
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-Character Letters-
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echantedtoon · 2 months
Can we see more of your dad Skeptic Bnha au?!
SURE! I love drawing him as a father honestly. Some of it's inspired by @thotsforvillainrights's dad Tomo stuff.
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Here's what I got of creature man so far.
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glassartpeasants · 2 years
Fallen Out Of Love
Tomura Shigaraki x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, name-calling, toxic relationship stuff
A/N: This is what you bitches deserve @thotsforvillainrights @wholesomey-artist @zuffer-weird-girl
How could he treat you like you were always the bad guy? You haven’t even spoken a word to him all day, yet here he is calling you all sorts of names and spewing hatred from his mouth. Even if he was wearing father, you could know the look in his eyes. The look he only gives to his enemies. 
It kills you to know that it’s being sent at you. Such demeaning words slice your skin like knives every time they leave his mouth. You didn’t want to stoop to his level and shout words back, but someone can only take so much.
“What is your fucking issue, Tomura? And how dare you talk to me like that?” You crossed your arms as you looked at him. He was sitting playing some stupid shooting game on his monitor while you sat on the bed facing him.
“I can say whatever I want to cunt. I don’t know who you think you are telling me what to do.”
“Respect works both ways, Tomura. Why do you think it’s okay to say such things to me when I’ve treated you with nothing but respect and kindness?” His chair swivled around quickly before he threw his computer mouse at you.
Thankfully you ducted just in time but when you looked back at the mouse, you saw that it left a little dent in the wall from how hard he threw it. Sure, the place was shitty and cheap but looking at that small dent instilled a newfound fear inside you. 
What is that hit you? What would the damage be? Would you be bleeding? Would he say he was sorry?
You looked at him in shock and you saw that he had the same look of shock in his eyes when starign back at you. Why does he think he can look at you like that?! He’s the one who threw a computer mouse at you!
“I need to go. I have something I need to do.” Standing up from the floor you sat on you just walked out of the room with tears threatening to spill from your eyes. You clenched your fists tightly as you walked towards the front door.
“Everything okay (Y/N)?” The sound of a familiar voice rang through your ears. You turned your head to see Spinner sitting on the couch playing some game on his phone. 
“I’m…I’m fine. Trust me, im nothing to worry about okay?” You send him a warm smile before continuing to walk out the front door. 
When the door closed behind you, the tears finally slid down your face. The way he responded to just you asking for some respect made your stomach churn. Who was this Tomura you were seeing now? Where is the Tomura who’s beg for you to cuddle him when you got home from work? Where was the Tomura who always told you nothing but praises? Cause this wasn’t him.
All you could do was hug yourself as you continued walking down the streets before settling down on an empty bench. The silence of the night felt suffocating as the only sign of life around was you. Despite how uneasy your felt, it was nice to not hear a single word of anger being told in your direction.
You use to love this night. Every Friday you and Tomura would watch some random knockoff movie and make fun of it and compare it to the real thing. Your favorite part was when he would go on a rant about how each characters personalities where bland and everythign in between. But now you both just sat their in silence watching it.
To be honest, it felt boring being next to him. He never said a word. Never made any sort of comment. Just sat there in silence watching the shitty movie. Even looking at his face it was obvious that he wasn’t enjoying himself. 
You tried to start conversation but he just looked at you then back on screen. All without saying a word. You were annoyed. You didn’t want to spend Friday nights hanging out with a miserable man who looked to be in despair for being in even 3 feet of you. 
You decided to get up from the movie and took all your stuff with. When Tomura turned to see why you had gotten up, he saw you holding everything you brought with you to the movie.
“What are you doing?”
“Going to bed.”
“The movie isn’t over yet. And we haven’t seen the real movie.”
“I’m not feeling good. I hope you like the rest of the movies.” With that you grabbed your stuff and walked to your room without saying another word.  
When you placed everything in it’s natural order and laid in your own bed once more, your mind wandered with thoughts. Maybe you were acting overdramatic when you left? Maybe this time he was just more focused on the movie? Not to mention how he sounded slightly sad when you told him your were going to bed. You hated feeling this way. You felt like you were going crazy.
Maybe you were overreacting. Maybe he was just tired today. Whatever it was, you’ll apologize tomorrow. 
The hideout was silent to the point you could hear a pin drop. No one dared to speak cause it was obvious that the slightest bit of noise would cause him to lose his mind. He was already annoyed at something unknown, so a new thing to be mad about was what had them concerned. But of course, no one told you what his attitude was like before you jumped through the hideout door and announced that you had bought pizza for all of them. 
“Jesus Christ! Why are you so loud!” You were taken aback by his outburst. You just wanted to do something nice for everyone, and he was yelling at you. Not to mention he was yelling at you in front of everyone. God, you felt so embarrassed. 
“Hey! I just wanted to announce that I brought us pizza! Not to mention I didn’t even yell or anything! So what’s your deal?” You give the pizza to Twice, who carried it to the kitchen before crossing your arms and staring at him.
“Whatever. It’s not like you listen anyways.”
“Now I know you didn’t try to play that card on me. Listen here, we can fight some other time cause right now, let's actually all eat. I’m sure no one wants this pizza to get cold.” You walked towards the kitchen, passing by Tomura as you went. You heard him say something under his breath as he passed, but you said nothing. Not wanting to continue fighting. 
Why did he feel the need to yell at you in front of everyone? Why couldn’t he have at least done it in private? Your heart felt like it was burning in your chest. The feeling of knowing that the man you once loved to the moon is treating you in such a way is a horrific feeling.
A feeling you wouldn’t wish on anyone else.
After the pizza incident, you’ve noticed that the little things he does have started to annoy you. How he never puts his dishes away. Leaving his glasses that smell like hard liquor everywhere along the bar top.
How come you’ve never noticed that before? Has he always done that? 
Not to mention how his room was always dirty. Always smelled disgusting. Was it always like this as well? You could have sworn it was a little bit cleaner in here and smelled way nicer.
Why couldn’t he at least try to clean up after himself? It was always you cleaning up after him. Why now did you notice? You’ve been with him for so long. 
You hated feeling like this. He was your lover. Not an annoying roommate. Even though that’s what he felt like now. Always leaving a mess everywhere. Never bothering to clean up anything. You were just getting sick of acting like a parental figure. Maybe if you stopped for awhile, he’ll actually get off his ass and do the dishes.
Your thoughts ate at your love for him as you stared at the ceiling. You just felt empty. Your heart no longer beat rapidly when he came into the room or when you heard his voice. All of it was just so null.
Now when he yelled at you, you could only roll your eyes before either walking away or staying back to argue as well. 
He always got super pissy when you'd argue. Over the stupidest things or one time Dabi said a joke and Tomura took it to heart. You tried to tell him that Dabi was just fucking with him but all he did was slap your hand back and send you a hateful glare.
You had to hold back your anger from saying something you might regret.
'Ugh why'd he text me? I was doing something.' You groan in annoyance before opening up to see what he said.
Shigaraki: What are you doing?
You: Stuff
Shigaraki: Do you want to go out to eat?
You: No sorry. I gtg see you
Shigaraki: …
So annoying. You didn't want to go out to eat when the probability of fighting with him was 9/10. You rather go hang out with Toga or something. At least then, you might be able to slip in a laugh.
You turn his notifications onto mute. You just wanted to have the day without seeing his texts. 
“Do you even know if they’re still together? They haven’t even looked in each other direction at all today.” The whispers about your relationship with the boss had taken root around the league. Some suspected that it was over between the two of you, but you didn’t want to say it publicly. Some thought it was just a couple giving each other space. But in reality…
Well, you didn’t know.
You had been putting a lot of thought into your relationship with Shigaraki. Neither of you was trying to talk about what was happening with you both. You knew it had to be done you just didn’t know how to do it. Not with everyone breathing down your neck, waiting for something to happen.
The looks caused you to think about what it’s like to live with him. If he tried to talk to you, would you still try to get therapy, or would you leave? Do you want to leave him? 
The thought of leaving him used to give you such a disgusting feeling, but now it felt nothing but a pinch. But what kind of person would you be if you weren’t willing to try out therapy? 
The kind of person to be dating a villain.
What were you expecting? Dating a villain, you couldn’t do things like that. You can’t go out in public and have dates. Even if you did, you hated the feeling of worry if you were to be noticed. You just didn’t know if you could handle it anymore.
Everyone heard a commotion going on last night, but no one said anything. It wasn’t the sounds of sex or talking but the sounds of tears. Hearing yourself ball your eyes out as you packed up your stuff carefully. 
You just couldn’t anymore. It seemed everywhere you looked, your heart burned with memories that were now shattered and tainted by memories of all the yelling. You couldn’t face him. You didn’t want to go back into the hell cycle that you were trapped in for so long.
You just hoped that the next one would be loved more than you were.
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villain-sympathizer · 7 months
In all honesty, how many of these villain supporter blogs are just whoring them out?
for a friend. Of course. Haha
i cant tell if this is meant in a good way or not LMAO but im going to assume it is and recommend my fave villain supporter blogs that whore them out 👀
@thotsforvillainrights writes AMAZING headcanons/scenarios/imagines and honestly inspired me to turn this blog into a writing blog as well 💕💕 theyre not as active at the moment on account of just having had a baby, but their masterlist is definitely worth a look through!!
and @villainsandvictimsalliance provides so many amazing meta analysis and headcanons on the league, its honestly INSANE i highly recommend checking them out 💕💕💕
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wholesomey-artist · 9 months
January 1st, 2024
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Sadly I couldn't get a drawing done before midnight. This is also a 4-inch drawing I made at work, but I made it :)
Many things happened this year, a lot of them I can't remember or actually happened in 2022, lol.
But I'd like to highlight a few things anyways, in no particular order.
I discovered the SAGAU tag as I started to look upon Genshin Impact. I hope to see more of that. Even though I don't get into Tumblr as much, I'm happy to see @thatdeadaquarius's posts whenever I can.
@lxvebun still writes wonderful heartwarming stories. Even though I don't get into Tumblr as much, I still love their things.
Had the experience of working a formally-hired job. Although it was good finally having labor rights, the job itself was awful. Supermarkets are vile.
I bought myself a laptop with the money after they kicked me out. I still don't regret it.
I eventually got the gist of drawing mobian reptiles properly. It's not as cool of a news as the rest but I'm rather proud, lol.
Got into really funny chats with @zuffer-weird-girl, @only-my-unexistent-fiances, @thotsforvillainrights and @glassartpeasants (and others I don't know the URLs. RiddleTuna, I think you're great.) I feel like I got a lot closer this year to my favorite villain simps
I started healing my inner child by watching MLP: FiM. I'm on season 2 and it's so great I could cry. It's such a lovely cartoon, I wish I binge-watched it sooner.
I hope 2024 is full of more happy moments and even more art!
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hazbinextgeneration · 4 months
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Drew something after so long. Surprised they didn't come out worse. Anyways drew some au Skeptic when he's older and a father shared with @palettepainter following some headcannons of mine.
-Tomoyasu is not prepared for fatherhood. Like at all. It was absolutely never in his future plans. But that all changes once he finds out that he's about to be one.
-But despite the many, many, MANY freak outs, he tries his hardest to be a good parent. Just please don't call him a failure at it. He wants to be a good parent desperately. He's trying his best.
-strict dad but mellows out a lot by the time his second child is born.
-The scars across his hands/fingers is from his second child, Rida who has inherited a mixture of Chitose's bomb quirk and Trumpets voice acceleration quirk. During an argument his quirk suddenly went off causing Skeptics laptop to explode. Fortunately they're all alright in the end.
-During their baby and tiny toddler years Skeptic opted to just tie his long hair up or crop it short much to Trumpet's surprise because both his children had a habit of grabbing his long hair.
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I mean, the previous anon ain't wrong. Remember when they discovered thots and ray hated character? They never let it down, poor @thotsforvillainrights was literally just chilling with @wholesomey-artist until it happened
I think that despite writing the most gorgeous fluff thing enough to give myself Cavities, @zuffer-weird-girl is a second one that can be cruel in this
First one is @glassartpeasants, of course
(lol not the cavities)
They went all hard on Thots, I can remember that, I'm mostly afraid of Zuff and Glass bcs they both have something against me already 😭😭
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thotsforvillainrights · 10 months
🎄~Christmas Prompt List~🎄
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(While brainstorming what to do for Christmas here this year, I came up with wanting to try a prompt list. It's probably one of the things I haven't tried just yet so I hope it works out well enough for me to do again someday!)
*How it works: I suppose is just to send in the Character you want with the Prompt/phrase you want me to use for them. Hope for the best. SPECIFY if you want a little smut with it or not because otherwise I'm gonna go with whatever I feel like in the moment lol*
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#1: 🎁 "It's mistletoe. It's a tradition after all."
#2:🎁 "It's snowing outside, look!"
#3:🎁 "You're much warmer than I thought."
#4:🎁 "I told you I'd come back home in time."
#5:🎁 "Is it okay if I just stay for a bit like this?"
#6:🎄 "What did you get me?/"It's a surprise."
#7:🎄 "I don't feel much cheer right now."
#8:🎄 "Looks like we're snowed in."
#9:🎄 "Can we go Christmas shopping?"
#10:🎄 "You picked last time. This time I get to pick."
#11: ⛄ "This is the first time I've felt right at home."
#12:⛄ "Please just listen to me for a moment."
#13:⛄ "Will it be just us this time?"
#14:⛄ "I'm not wearing that."
#15:⛄ "What are you doing?"
#16:🎅 "Merry Christmas."
#17:🎅🏻 "Because I'm with you..."
#18:🎅🏽 "Everything is ruined."
#19:🎅🏾 "Oh is that so? Humor me."
#20:🎅🏼 "I'll show you what makes it so fun!"
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isabeauwolf · 2 days
Oooo 😍🥰❤️ personalized hanko with our fav MHA Characters?!
They literally got everyone, Heroes, Villains, Pros, Side characters!
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Examples, above 💞 plus personalize it how you want. Red, black or blue ink and a cute message 😉
Hehe, of course, I'm snagged Overhaul! 🐦‍⬛💜💚 My yakuza husband Kai is coming home! Maybe Dabi too 🫣🔥💙
Tag: @fanofflames @slayfics @ijichikiyotakaswife @all-chisaki-kai @staitc-rj @dabis-favorite-slut @dabislittlemouse @ghostreaderwazaa @chainslobber @heron0320 @lostiolite @thotsforvillainrights @inorganicone2230 @itsmattibad @overhaulisms @overhaulings @phantomhoeass @zuffer-weird-girl @xllizs @cyber-collector-coffee-blog @villainsandvictimsalliance @badcaninecemetery @banana-banshee @baby-tini @number1villainstan @myvillainacademiafan @metranart @mostlyheinous
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itshauntedtoon · 2 years
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Been having dad Skeptic brain rot lately so I took a shot at drawing him and his mini gremlin. You can thank @thotsforvillainrights​ for most of the brain rot. 
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echantedtoon · 11 months
Tomoyasu Chikazoku(Skeptic) x Reader P2
Skeptic x Reader electric boogaloo. Also inspired by @thotsforvillainrights own works. Give them a look.
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If someone had told him a couple months ago that he would fall in love with the MOST ditsy girl that had ever graced Deternat...He'd have told you to never speak such nonsense to him again, probably would have scoffed, told them they were insane, and dismissed it from memory bank forever. Him, a proud pillar of Feel Good Inc., with a girl as scatterbrained as her?? HA! What nonsense...
Or was it?
Not to him right now it wasn't as she kissed him and held his hands and he found himself not fighting against it. What was wrong with him!?
It felt like a two part problem in his mind. On one hand it was as if he was betraying his loyalty to his duties and everything that it stood for, for falling for a ditzy girl. While on the other hand it was a betrayal of his own emotions for denying his affection for her in the first place. He grew weaker by the day, losing sleep over his inner turmoil. It wasn't long before people started to notice, dark circles appearing under his eyes and his usual scowl deepening as his mood worsened. No one dared to actually ask him what was the matter, but he could feel their concerned stares and worried glances. Even so, he held out, pushing thoughts of her away as he tried to go on with his life. Just ignore her, he told himself. He would feel better once he forgot about her. But no matter what she wouldn't leave his mind or him alone. Oh WHY did he have to be plague his existence. He once tried yelling at her to just GO AWAY!! To leave him alone because she didn't need to be anywhere near him....It ended up with him breaking down in the middle of the hallway crying and all those sleepless nights catching up to him finally. His duties were slipping, he was acting like a baby, and it was ALL her fault. She wouldn't listen and go away like some stalker. After that he had passed out from his yelling fit and woken up in the office building's on sight nurses office due to exhaustion.....And to her crying and holding his hand. Ironic wasn't it.
And he made a noble effort to ever forget about that incident, but it was all for naught.
He reached his tipping point about a month into his rejection to the monster. He was exhausted, eyes sore and bloodshot, and his work still wavering concerning all their superiors. Lost in his thoughts on the way to lunch, he heard a single word. His name. That made him stop in his tracks. His head snapping up in recognition, eyes widening. No! Not her! Not now! The last thing he wanted was the taller she demon to back him against the wall and talk her pretty little head off. He felt like he was suffocating. He barely slept for days. He couldn't take it- The voices were becoming so much his head was going to explode-
"Skeptic? You don't look so good."
That was the last thing he heard before he passed out for a second time that month. She had carried him. CARRIED HIM!! HIM!! All the way back home filled with worry. Don't ask him why she didn't just take him to the nurse again or just leave him there. If the tech expert was just found passed out in the hall it would've been less humiliating than a girl to carry him all the way to his bed where he remained when he woke up and numbly laid there as she went off chattering again. He didn't know what he was thinking when he suddenly exploded at her letting everything out. Maybe it was his frustration? The stress and strain he was feeling from her relentless presence? Maybe the days of little to no sleep? His mind zoned out as he mindlessly yelled at her but he certainly wasn't expecting it to end up with her kissing him and him being compliant to her affections. Leaning into her warmth and all around easing the stress he was always. Good grief what did he say? At one point she pulled away and he attempted to kiss her again which ended embarrassingly thanks to his lesser height which ended up with himself missing her lips and pecking her jawline which sent her beautiful face into giggles and the soft hands cupping his already crying and red face rubbed away at the stressful tears.
"You shouldn't beat yourself over like a little crush. I would've been happy to know either way.Oh. Please don't cry."
He wasn't sure why he felt so assured or comforted right now, but for now he leaned into those soft hands holding him up with the pretty angelic face of his relief.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 2 years
Even @thotsforvillainrights said you weren't a villian
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palettepainter · 3 years
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So I know I said I won’t be posting, I probably won’t be uploading as often as I don’t want to rush right back into things and fall into burn out again. But I worked hard on this drawing and it came out much better then I imagined so I wanted to share
Another drawing inspired by the lovely headcannons done by @thotsforvillainrights (some 18+ stuff on their blog so heads up for that) with my favorite drunk man, Deidoro and my OC Yukubo
This was more just to play around with a more cartoony style since I often jump between something that’s more semi realistic then rubber hose inspired style, tried to do a combo of both. Deidoro was a lot of fun to draw!
Also him and Yukubo would make for a chaotic duo and I want them to be drinking friends
Yukubo - me
Deidoro - MHA
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glassartpeasants · 11 months
Happy late Halloween! I've got something to REALLY scare @thotsforvillainrights and @zuffer-weird-girl
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villain-sympathizer · 2 years
》》 – Breaking Point – 《《
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[Skeptic x GN!Reader] [NSFW]
[A gift for @thotsforvillainrights ! Sorry this took so damn long lmao]
────── ・ 。゚: *.☽ .* : 。゚・ ──────
[Summary: After an absolute hellish day juggling two corporate jobs and dealing with incompetent morons, Skeptic ends up snapping during a tiny spat with his partner. But he snaps in an unpredictable and rather… pleasant way, that turns out to be helpful for both parties.]
[Word Count: 3,673]
[AO3 Mirror]
────── ・ 。゚: *.☽ .* : 。゚・ ──────
[Notes: I write xReaders a bit differently, since I don’t like reading them with “me” in mind, but rather an OC, so I prefer to write in third person (or semi-third person? I’ve been told I flip flop a lot between third and second person) and FULLY gender neutral. Meaning I don’t use any feminine/masculine pronouns, descriptions, or genital terms if applicable. That way anyone can read it and feel included, especially if you’re like me and you feel weird inserting yourself into a characters life cause you know they just wouldn’t like you, but you have OCs who fit the bill.]
[Content warnings: Explicit NSFW content, like seriously Skeptic gets FERAL; gender neutral pronouns and genital terms, so sorry if they seem repetitive; dom reader; consensual sex; Skeptic’s so horny he becomes insanely submissive lmao; Skeptic’s incredibly stressed and pent up so he’ll be a lil mean and snippy in the beginning, but I promise he turns into a total simp who worships his partner.]
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Tack-a, tack-a, tack-a, tack-a.
Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
“Hanabata, your speech yesterday was amazing as always!”
“Thank you, sir!”
Tack-a, tack-a, tack-a, tack-a.
Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
The clicks of multiple keyboards. The clock’s incessant, never-ending ticking. His coworkers chatter shouted across the room as each of them cross his office’s path. All of it was typical of Tomoyasu’s work day, but after the horrendous morning he was subjected to hours earlier, it was becoming the final straw – threatening to break his metaphorical camel’s back. He loathed the few days every other month where he had to personally take time out of his busy, swamped schedule to make sure the new hires and trainees were doing things correctly and efficiently. Everyone was highly skilled and efficient in their work, Detnerat wouldn’t have it any other way, yet nothing was ever good enough for Tomoyasu. Re-Destro constantly rejected his pleas to just have him create puppets to work for the company, saying that it didn’t feel right, especially when they had so many talented citizens in Deika willing to work with them.
“Puppets don’t need payroll,” Tomoyasu mumbled bitterly to himself, hunched over his desk, typing quickly on his laptop, code that has since become mere muscle memory to him. “Puppets don’t need breaks. They don’t need socialization. They don’t need constant instruction. They don’t need vacations, unions, training, paid time off, medical leave, nothing!” He hisses, another vein growing on his forehead as his typing speeds up. Blinded by his sheer anger, Tomoyasu felt his ring finger slip against one of his keys, accidentally pressing the ‘3’ key when he meant to press the ‘E’ key.
That was his last straw, his metaphorical camel’s back was nothing but dust in that instant. He slams his laptop closed, a disgruntled shout leaving him as he does so, and proceeds to shove the device and other files he was looking over earlier under his arm. With frantic movements, desperate to get the hell out of this building, Tomoyasu shoves his chair back and marches out of his plainly-decorated office. Other workers in their cubicles glanced up at him, as well as the occasional MLA members who happened to be walking by, their eyes trained on him as he storms off to the double glass doors at the front of the room.
“Oh, uh… have a good day, then, Skeptic,” Re-Destro says to him as the other passes by his spot next to Hanabata, the two of them chatting next to a coffee machine. “Shut up,” Tomoyasu responded sharply, his irritation obvious with the way he acted so bluntly to his Grand Commander. Luckily, Re-Destro simply chuckled, letting the taller man continue to the doors. For the first time that day, a hush falls over the office space, yet it only served to piss him off more. With one arm pushing one of the glass doors to the hallway open, Tomoyasu turns his upper body back towards the cubicles.
The train ride home was almost equally as agonizing, despite not actually having to talk to anyone. It was packed, noisy, and in his already hypersensitive state, he swore he could still hear the shrill screech of the trains bearings in his ears as he enters the apartment he shared with his partner. It was moderately sized, and originally decorated in minimalist, luxury furniture – and it still is, but the space had collected more ‘homey’ items and such ever since his partner moved in. Tomoyasu didn’t mind, as he spent most of his time in the home office anyway, so his partner was free to decorate the apartment as they see fit. Besides, he loved them, and thus trusted their interior design choices.
Speaking of his partner, the dark-haired man found [Name] waiting in the living room, typing away at something on their laptop, the news playing quietly on the T.V for background noise. On any normal day Tomoyasu would have joined them and begun work on his own device, but today all he wanted was for everything to just stop. His partner doesn’t know that, he knows they don’t know that, but he still can’t stop himself from snapping at them. Not even their warm, welcoming smile stopped him from making the first mistake of the night.
“Oh, Tomo, you’re home early! How was-“ They began, before other cut them off.
“Will you cease that racket?” Tomoyasu used what little self-restraint he had left in him to keep his voice from raising like it had back at the offices, instead it came out in a restrained snarl.
Immediately, [Name]’s composure changed from that of excited to something like apprehension, the look on their face something Tomoyasu knew well – they we’re assessing him, taking in his posture and tone to determine the correct way of responding to him to avoid conflict as much as they could. In the workspace, Tomoyasu would have been proud to have conditioned that into his subordinates, but in this case… it only made him realize how much he really did need anger management. He didn’t want his significant other to walk on eggshells with him constantly, and he’s been getting better at controlling his temper at home, saving his frustrations for when he can yell and berate employees at work instead. But not at home. Not with [Name]. Unfortunately, today seemed to be one of the bad days.
“Tough day?” They offer after a moment of thought, a sympathetic look crossing their face as they turn the T.V off and save the work on their laptop before closing it. “Do you wanna talk about it? Rant a bit?”
Teeth grinding and veins popping against his forehead, Tomoyasu tosses his messenger bag to the side and slams his laptop on a nearby table. “No,” he snaps. “What I want is a hot shower, dinner, and to go to bed for once. I just want peace and quiet.” It wasn’t a lie, but it also wasn’t the full truth. He omitted the parts that included ‘with you’ at the end of each item on that list, too caught up in his focus to not completely blow up at them to voice his true wants.
[Name]’s brows furrow in concern for a moment, but a teasing smile creeps up on their face. ‘Don’t say anything, don’t do it,’ Tomoyasu thinks to himself, already knowing he won’t be able to stop himself from barking insults at them if the other chooses to taunt him. ‘Just leave it at that, please, dear.’ But of course, the universe wasn’t on his side. It never was.
“What? Tomoyasu Chikazoku, willingly going to bed? Early no less?” They teasingly grin at him, hoping their attempt to humor him would help the taller man feel at least a little better. And on any other day, it just might have. But not today.
Tomoyasu was screaming at himself in his head not to respond, not to make it worse, not to hurt their feelings. [Name] didn’t deserve it, they never deserved his wrath, not after everything they’ve done for him. Yet, no matter how hard he clenched his fists and bit his tongue, nothing was able to stop the next few words that would seal both their fates that night:
“That goes for you, too, brat.”
Their reaction was immediate, and just at painful to watch as Tomoyasu knew it would be. The look of shock, followed quickly buy hurt and dejection made his stomach twist with regret. Now he had another thing to add to the list of shit that was feeding into his bad day. He didn’t need to add on the insult, didn’t need to drag them into this, didn’t even need to speak at that point. He could have just stormed off to take his shower and likely would have emerged feeling far less stressed, less irritable, and more likely to actually confine in his partner about his day. He’s so used to having to fix everything, that for once, he never knew he could mess something up so badly – and so quickly, too.
“Okay, that tone is definitely not needed, and neither was the name calling,” [Name] responds as they stand up, voice having lost its warm, teasing tone, now replaced with something more firm. More offended. They made their way over to him, effectively blocking his path toward the bedroom that he was making as he snapped at them. Tomoyasu apparently loved digging his own grave, because in an act of petty defiance, he shoved his shoulder against them so he could push past.
He ate the poison, so he might as well lick the plate.
[Name] let out a grunt, both from surprise and the impact of his shoulder against them as he made his way past. This wasn’t the playful nudge to the shoulder that the two would usually give each other when they felt like pushing the others buttons a bit; little acts of flirting that would typically end with a few kisses to the forehead or cheek as they continued on with their task at hand. This was antagonizing, the kind of shove a bully would give someone when they wanted to start a fight. In this situation, it seemed like the taller man wanted just that.
“Tomo, what the hell is your problem today?” They called out, hurrying past the man to once again block his path to the bedroom. “I understand you get irritated at work often, but that’s no reason to take your aggression out on me when I’m just trying to help, asshole.”
Tomoyasu’s mind was surely screaming at him to just swallow his pride and apologize, that they’ll both work this out after he’s showered and eaten – but the ringing in his ears was drowning that voice out, which is probably why he decided to continue this unnecessary argument. “Maybe, I didn’t need your fucking help,” he bites back with, glaring down at them through his long bangs. “Maybe, I just needed some god damned peace and quiet like I fucking asked. Because maybe, you shutting the hell up was all the help I needed!” His voice was raising in volume, but he couldn’t stop himself, no matter how much he tried to halt the stream of insults pouring from his big mouth. The anger he stored away all day was finally bubbling back up at the worst time, making his skin flushed from the blood pumping to his head, and he hurriedly yanked off his jacket to try and cool himself down.
[Name]’s face scrunched up in distain, clearly used to the foul attitude of their lover, yet still hurt by the words thrown at them. “Why are you so scared of just talking things out? Why does it always have to be a fight with you?”
“Just let me take my damn shower already,” Tomoyasu grumbled, once again shoving past them to finally enter their shared bedroom. Discarding the jacket on the bed, he reaches down to remove his well-known turtleneck, strands of long hair falling around his shoulders before settling against his back again. If he had to argue with them while he showered, then so be it.
“Don’t avoid the question, Chikazoku,” [Name] spat out toward him, and Tomoyasu knew they meant business when they not only skipped past his nickname and his first name, and simply called him by his surname.
While aggressively searching for a towel within their dresser drawers, Tomoyasu finally spins around to face the other, towel clutched in a white-knuckle grip. “Oh, so we’re on formal terms now? Fine, two can play that game, [Last name]. Now get out of my way,” he snarls, marching past his partner towards the adjacent bathroom. But before he could reach it, they once again slipped past him, slamming the door shut before standing in front it, arms crossed.
“No, nuh-uh, you don’t get to just walk out of this, you dick,” they counter, glaring up at the taller man. “Just talk to me, will you? Tell me what’s got your panties wedged up your ass, then I’ll leave you alone. Deal?” [Name] offers, their voice noticeably softening toward the end of their sentence, obviously unwilling to keep up the fury of their spat.
A long, drawn-out growl is released from Tomoyasu’s chest, quickly growing in volume till it became a frustrated shout. “Okay! Fine, you wanna know why I’m so pissed?” He barks back at them, slamming the towel he was holding down on the ground. “Maybe it’s because I have to deal with idiots all damn day! Maybe it’s because I’m the only one in both Detnerat and Feel Good that actually knows how to run things! Maybe it’s because of those reasons that I’ve been strung so high that I can still hear their damn typing in my ears!” His tone would grow louder and quieter depending on the emphasis on the words, all the while his presence grew closer until [Name] found their back pressed against the bathroom door.
“And maybe…” Two hands slam against the door on either side of [Name]’s head, Tomoyasu’s face dipping down till it was right against his partner’s ear, voice now low and hushed. “Just maybe… I need some stress relief with my lover,” His breath was tickling the shell of their ear, making his partner shiver. “Whom I haven’t seen much at all these past few weeks.”
[Name] lets out a small, nearly inaudible breath, their hand reaching up to gently caress Tomoyasu’s bare side, invoking what sounded like a purr from the taller man. “I’ve missed you,” he continues, leaning down further to trail his lips across their neck, body moving forward to press against the others. “Missed all of you. Your voice, your touch, your mouth… your wet, tight heat…” Tomoyasu lets out a vague moan at his own words, getting lost in his thoughts. “Fuck, I need you so badly.”
A hand snakes around Tomoyasu’s back, grabbing a fistful of black hair and tugging his head up to face [Name]’s own. The action was received with a choked sound of pleasure from Tomoyasu, his hips bucking forward from the simple action. “Then you can have me, baby,” They mumble against his lips, before they were engulfed by a much larger pair. The kiss was sloppy, feverish, and incredibly needy. Tomoyasu had never been one for foreplay, given his impatient nature, and because of that it was always to tease him and see how far [Name] could push the man before he went absolutely mad with want – and today, it seemed like they could drive him totally delirious.
With the hand that was still buried in Tomoyasu’s hair, [Name] forced the other’s head to jerk backward with a swift tug, grinning at the vague whimper the man responded with. “Down, boy,” they chuckle lowly, the hand that was once tangled in his hair now returning to brush the cover of his bangs away, revealing dark circles beneath near blood-shot eyes. “Why don’t we move this to the bed first, hm?” Without waiting for a response, [Name]’s hand trails down his face gently, reaching his clavicle before lightly pushing him backward toward the bed. Tomoyasu easily folded to their touch, walking backward on wobbly legs, never taking his eyes off of them even as he tumbles backward onto the bed.
[Name] took a moment to admire their boyfriend: Deep, black hair fanned outward on each side of him; a blush spread across his neck and upper chest, growing deeper by the minute; his already labored breathing, a futile method of trying to cool himself down; and of course, the prominent tent in his pants. It was rare they ever got to see Tomoyasu so disheveled, and this may be the first they’ve ever seen him desperate. “Look at you…” [Name] coos, running their hands town the others chest as they seat themselves on his thighs, just millimeters away from coming in contact with his erection. As their fingers trail down his stomach, his breath hitches and the muscles flutter beneath their touch. The best part, though, was how the taller man’s cock throbbed hard enough for [Name] to feel the fabric around it shift. “I’ve barely touched you,” they snickered, their fingers trailing back upward to his neck, hands cupping his jaw as they lean down to his lips. “And yet you feel like you’re already about to cum in your pants. Maybe if I play my cards right,” they plant a sweet kiss to his lips. “You just might.” The words sent a shiver down Tomoyasu’s spine, his hips shifting upward in an attempt to gain friction against his partner.
“Ah, ah, ah,” [Name] chastises him, lifting their hips away from his to keep the other from grinding against them, earning an irritated groan from the man beneath them. “Use your words, Tomo. What is it that you want, baby?”
“You,” Tomoyasu croaked out, his voice strained with how much effort it was taking him to speak a fluent sentence. “I want you. N-Need you…” He’s able to push the words out, turning his head so he could nuzzle against one of the palms that was holding his jaw.
[Name] raises an eyebrow, their thumb gently running along his lips. “Need me for what?”
An embarrassed whine escapes Tomoyasu, teeth clenched as his mouth tries to form the words his brain had been screaming since he trapped them against the bathroom door: ‘Make me cum, make me cum, make me cum-‘
“Pl-please, just- make me cum, fuck, please-!” He pleads, hips rutting upward against nothing, trying desperately to feel his lover’s touch against him.
Hearing Tomoyasu, the elusive, strong-willed, and callous Skeptic of the Paranormal Liberation Front, whine and beg? Completely unprompted? Well, of course [Name] had to treasure this moment for as long as possible, because there’s no telling if he’d ever do this again, judging by the intense blush covering his face and ears from his embarrassment. Deeming that as enough torture for their ailing boyfriend, [Name] lowers their hips again, taking a seat directly on top of Tomoyasu’s straining erection. His response was immediate, hips rocking upward to grind against [Name] in quick, stuttered thrusts that held no pattern. Clearly desperate for release, Tomoyasu wasted no time in grabbing at his partner’s waist, holding them down as his cock throbbed against their core with each frantic rut.
[Name] lets out a surprised inhale, the sound quickly dissolving into one of pleasure, an amused chuckle layered in with it. “Look at you, so desperate and horny,” they coo teasingly, leaning down to press a sloppy kiss to their lover’s lips, the other immediately accepting their tongue down his throat. When [Name] pulled back after a few moments, they wasted no time in moving their spit-coated lips to Tomyasu’s jaw, hastily peppering open-mouthed kisses downward until they were near the base of his throat. “I can feel your cock throbbing, even through your clothes. If I knew you’d be this pent up, I’d have you strap a bullet vibe to your dick to wear all day,” they mumble against his skin, giving small bites and nips to his reddened skin. “Forced to cum again, and again, and again. Maybe then you’ll think twice before snapping at me,” their words are enforced with a harsh bite to his neck, causing Tomoyasu to lurch his hips harder, a choked gasp leaving him. His grip on his partners waist loosened as his arms reached upward, one wrapping around to grip onto their back, while the other tangled itself in their hair, keeping their head firmly in place as he released stuttered moans and keens.
“’M close, ‘m…close…!” Tomoyasu breathes out with a struggle, already feeling the immense amount of precum leaking from his cock soaking through the fabric of his pants. [Name] grins, placing a soothing kiss to his bite mark.
“Then cum, baby,” they muttered in a low, coo-like tone, their lips latching onto another part of his neck to suck a dark hickey onto the skin there.
In an instant, Tomoyasu threw his head back with a guttural cry, hips stilling from their frantic motions as he finally cums for the first time in seemingly weeks. [Name] could already feel the thick liquid seep through to their own clothes, making them shiver and moan from the sheer amount of it. Once the peak of his climax subsided, Tomoyasu curled back inward against his partner as he rode out the aftershocks of such an intense orgasm, face tucked securely in the crook of their shoulder and neck as his body trembles every now and then.
[Name] peppers sweet kisses against Tomoyasu’s temple as their partner comes down from his high, soothing his hair while he calms his breathing. Once he finally got a hold of his nerves again, his body relaxes backward as his frame falls against the bed, bangs sticking to his sweaty forehead and hiding the dazed look in his eyes.
“That…that was… I- fuck…” Tomoyasu attempts to form some kind of sentence, but ultimately gave up when [Name] began snickering at his struggle with vocabulary, earning them a poor attempt at a menacing glare that seemed more like a pout instead. “Not a word of this to anyone, understand?”
[Name] gives him a teasing grin, moving off of his legs to flop next to him on the bed. “You’re typically the one to boast about getting laid, not me,” they counter, brushing his damp bangs away from his still flushed face so they could kiss his forehead and nose. “But don’t worry, I tooootally won’t tell anyone you jizzed in your pants just from grinding against me,” a sarcastic tone overlayed their response, leading Tomoyasu to become skeptical.
“I’m warning you, [Name]. Keep your mouth shut.”
His lover’s grin turns almost sinister, their form looming over him as their lidded eyes gazed down at him in challenge.
“Make me.”
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wholesomey-artist · 2 years
I swear it's just a thought and I probably will not draw it
The Shie Hassaikai but they're idols
What kind of idols you say? idk, let your mind wander
@only-my-unexistent-fiances @thotsforvillainrights @zuffer-weird-girl @glassartpeasants
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