#those guys you all keep asking for life advice but all they have is 3 years of trauma a middle school diploma and a gatto nero coupon
tolbyccia · 2 years
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[id: drawing of shoka and neku. shoka holds the hem of her skirt up to neku’s jacket to compare the pattern, considering them with a serious expression while neku looks down to her, slightly confused. written small by her head, shoka thinks, “same line…?” end id]
like two cats with matching fur patterns
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rose-maidenn · 1 month
🔸️Pick a card 🔸️
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♧Let me describe the way you speak
♤What do people think of that
◇ A tip
Hi guys so nice to see you here I hope life's been extra sweet to the sweet angel that you are ❤️✨️ for this reading choose a picture from the above intuitively, take what resonates and leave the rest , enjoyyy ✨️
Images via Pinterest, dividers by @enchanthings
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Pile 1 :
♧Let me describe the way you speak
What I get is that your voice is kinda breathy and you speak like an ancient wanderer who has seen a lot of the world, I feel like you're someone to whom people come for advice , also one of your friends is forwarding your voice messages to a secret lover omg 😂 don't worry this isn't creepy because that can be someone from your friend group . Your prime aim of speech seems to be motivating people, though you don't claim to know a lot but whatever you know you know it by your heart and that's what makes you loved among your friends and feared among your enemies
♤What do people think of that
People think you're the light to their shadow no really you sound like an angel like a billie eilish , lana del vibe really 💌 it screams a bunny like maiden energy but also a very wise women by the way you speak , I feel like some people are naturally inclined to ask you for directions the visitors in your city , you might have a mole on your face that's so attractive . People might wanna set your voice as a lullaby .
◇ A tip
Okay so get that you might stutter at the pronunciation of a certain letter in the alphabet , I get that you should observe the mouth movement of the people who talk to you it will help you a lot , Avoid cold foods if you have migrane issues . Elevate your knowledge to about some recent social or celebrity news as well because soon you're gonna find a group that's gonna help you go far ahead so win the world my little angel 🎀
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Pile 2 :
♧Let me describe the way you speak
I think most people here are people who are contralto , alto or husky voiced , more men might be here as well , your voice seems like the one in those youtube audios all I can say is your voice is ultra s**y it's silky like butter on fresh bread or water , your voice is versatile you also might be into beat boxing or rapping . You have nice breath control . The prime aim of your speech is to keep your thoughts to the world , you're up to date in studies and social affairs .
♤What do people think of that
People down right want your voice ❤️‍🔥 you're like an husky Ariel .you have nice pronunciation, because of having a deep voice if you rap often people find it so attractive and want to learn they literally mimic how to speak like you but it's actually so natural to know you don't even try . You're someone who might be able to talk to a room full of people and make them listen to what you have to say because of how much emphasis you can put through your voice .
◇ A tip
Though you're good at sentence formation, you often mess up a little on how to say a certain word in a sentence like " I think a bird is meant to be free " here if the subject is the bird your voice might put more focus on the meant and it's very subconscious so try putting more emphasis on what you want to get through to the people. What a good life to be as amazing as you ❤️‍🔥
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Pile 3 :
♧Let me describe the way you speak
You have a very indigenous voice, a voice that reeks of mountains or ancient voice very beautiful sultry or gorgeous✨️ , a very country or folk song oriented voice , a voice that reaches the blood of the people your larynx seems to work like an instrument, some of you might have learned music as a child like doremifa or saregamapa you're a great singer . On the other hand some people in this pile might also have a very shrill feminine voice that's loud but commanding very unique voice like 2000s Paris Hilton vibe .
♤What do people think of that
You remind people of their roots I feel like your political stances are very appreciated they like the way you speak about your art and the instances of your life almost like poetry in motion. You might be good at selling things because of the way you passionately speak about the things you wanna Market . You will make a great youtuber because you know how to cater each audience you're very street smart . The prime aim of your speech is expression .
◇ A tip
One tip for you might be to focus on speaking up more you have so much art inside you but also you're an introvert but you know you'll do more good to the world by speaking more than keeping it to yourself , ofcourse take your time as to be comfortable around your setting to let your true thoughts flow from your heart to your throat , it's more like this because you're a little scared also a blockage in your heart chakra work on it I'm sure you're a rock star ✨️
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Thanks for being here ❤️ dm to book a personal reading ✨️
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bitchy-craft · 4 months
PICK A CARD: What you don’t see in yourself
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! In here I will give you a reading on what you don’t see in yourself yet you should see. I hope you guys enjoy and find this interesting.
Masterpost > Paid Readings
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art by: koily
~pick a card~
Pile 1:
You just don’t see how gorgeous you are; how beautiful you are and how to see that. You probably have a lot of self-image issues due to troubles that have happened in the past, maybe you just feel enormous pressure to be absolutely perfect.
Whatever the reason is, you just can’t see how you are perfectly you; that you are beautiful, stunning, that you deserve to be loved and deserve to be kind to yourself. So go to a mirror and tell yourself exactly that, see what others find beautiful about you, convince yourself that those compliments are true.
Pile 2:
You are the most intelligent person people around you know; you might not always show it, or keep it quiet for whatever reason. But you are so intelligent; you know so much about life, about people, about your hobbies. You can see a lot of things others don’t, and have a ton of insight. Some people might make you feel like you’re less intelligent than you are; but you don’t need to know everything to be considered intelligent.
You don’t need to learn things you find boring and uninteresting. Use your intelligence to your advantage, go learn and be curious about what interests you, not about what people expect from you, or what you feel like you need to learn to be considered a success. You are a success when you decide you are.
Pile 3:
Your emotions, your empathy. It is all beautiful and you shouldn’t change the way you are. You are kind to people, maybe naïve from time to time. But that is what makes you beautiful and unique; that is a trait you should appreciate. You are a human, you are an emotional being; and nothing is more beautiful than you showing that.
You care for people, you want to be helpful, want to make sure the people around you are happy. You listen when people want to rant, you give advice when people wish to give you advice. And you should keep all of that; for some of you, just make sure to keep your own needs in check, and don’t forget about them in the long run.
Remember; you are allowed to show your emotions, to tell people how you feel and ask for comfort if that is what you need. You are valid in your needs, and you will continue to be, always.
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mrsparrasblog · 5 months
You're losing me pt.2
pt. 1 pt.3
TW: mention of rape, unprotected sex, drinking, blood, violence, angst
The liquor on his tongue didn’t even burn anymore; too much was already in his system, trying to wash down the events of this day. You were the love of his life, the woman he wanted to marry, even though he didn’t know how it would be legal for you to marry all of them. And now, he lost you. The worst part? He can't even remember how it happened. He felt so disgusted in himself in so many ways—disgusted for breaking your heart. God, your look, how you tried to keep your tears in check, broke him. And then his whole body felt disgusted; it felt like a layer of dirt he couldn’t wash away. He scrubbed and scrubbed, but it didn’t go away; the shame still lingered. It felt like someone had taken something from him, but it was his own fault. He must have said yes and bought those drinks. It was his own fault, he told himself over and over again. Normally, he would talk about this kind of stuff with you; you always knew what to say. But you hated him.
"‚‘nother on’," he said to the barkeeper. This was probably his sixth. Johnny knew how he could handle alcohol; he was never that pissed before to not remember a thing. And there she was, the medic, sitting down next to him.
"Hey, Johnny," she smiled brightly, like she didn’t have any worry in her life.
"I ken a dinnae whit yesterday happened bit tis ne'er aff tae happen again."
"Come on, you enjoyed it yesterday."
"I dinnae remember yesterday."
"What a shame."
He stood up, throwing some pounds on the table, wanting to leave, but she stopped him. "Come on, Johnny. I'll help you forget, make you feel at peace again."
"Then please, let me invite you for a drink as an apology," she smiled sweetly, pushing the drink towards me. Wait, how had she a drink prepared if she sat only for a minute next to me?
"Please, a drink won't kill you."
"I said no."
"Just one sip, Johnny, and I'll make you feel good how she never could."
"How come ye're sae persistent fur me tae dram this drink?"
"You're silly, Johnny. I'm just being nice," she looked panicked - weird.
While many people thought of him as someone who is just a silly guy who isn’t able to think properly, you told him all over again that he was so smart, smarter than all of them, if someone would just give him the chance to show. And right now, his brain implanted a sick thought on him. "Dinnae tell me ye put something in mah drink."
Her eyes widened. "Of course not," she mumbled.
"Don't lie to me," his hand immediately went to her throat , choking the truth out of her.
"Knockout drugs," she whispered. She was fighting for air as I let her go; the men in the pub already stood up trying to save the poor woman from getting abused by a man.
"You raped me." His shock hit deep; he always thought something like that wouldn’t happen to him. He was strong and able to protect himself. He was the guy who killed people, the youngest man in the SAS, the guy who beat up an officer because he touched a civi. But now, he was the victim.
"Have fun proving it. No one will believe that a tiny girl like me raped the big bad soldier," she laughed, and screamed for help. "Help, this man doesn’t take no for an answer," He was kicked out of the pub; his face was bloody from all the beating.
All he wanted was to reach you, ask your advice, be in the comfort of your arms, telling him all over again how he is a good man, how he is worth everything and not a dirty soldier. But you didn’t pick up; he came to the realization quickly; that no one would believe him.
**Soap:** Please tell me we used a condom.
**Medic:** ;)
4 am and you still couldn’t sleep; your head was full of thoughts. Why were you not good enough? Why did he do it? So, you made a thing your friends would kill you for. Calling John, you weren’t sure if he would pick up, but he did.
"What's wrong, love?" Source of habit, he thought.
"Why did you do this, John?" you sobbed.
"I didn't mean for it to happen; it was an accident."
"Then why didn't you say sorry?"
"Don't fucking call me love. You cheated on me, and you didn't say sorry. You didn't run after me, you didn't apologize," your sobs broke his heart.
"I'm sorry; it was an accident."
"An accident is making a typo, not sticking your dick in a whore."
"I hate you, John. I hate you so much," and you hung up. This wasn’t what you expected. Why doesn’t he feel guilty? Why are you not good enough? Why didn’t Simon say something? Why didn’t Kyle come here? Of course, you broke up, but why don’t they care?
If you only knew how Kyle was, blood-covered in the hospital, too many rookies in his way. How Simon was trying desperately to find Soap to see he didn't drink himself to death, and then he would come to you, he told him self all over again. And how the captain didn't leave his office, not even for food.
And how Soap went into John's office, trying to explain to him the truth, only to see a disarranged office, hands covered in blood after he tried to pick up the liquor he smashed at his wall. He never saw his captain so vulnerable, and if Soap didn’t know better, he would have sworn he saw tears.
"Captain, I—"
"You did already enough, MacTavish. Let me have at least one day to mourn over the loss of the love of my fucking life."
"LEAVE," and he did, he crawled into his bed, knowing he lost everything in a day, the love of his life, his best friend Kyle, his captain, his pride, and safety, and not even Ghost was there.
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thedivinetarot · 1 month
A message from your spirit guide
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☆ How to chose the perfect pile for you?
1) Clear your mind.
2) Take a deep breathe.
3) Ask the question in your head.
4) Open your eyes.
And the pictures that your eyes capture is your pile.
This is a general reading and the energy can change. If you did not find any pile that you are drawn to then this reading is NOT for you. This reading can't substitute any professional or medical advice.
Stay safe.
Pile 1 - Candle
Where are you coming from?
I see some people from this pile are working in a group of people and everything is going well for them. If this is not the case this pile are working on a group project. For other people (since I am capturing three energies) have just finished an argument with a family member and the argument was pretty intense. It left you shaking or crying (You might get goosebumps too since I feel goosebumps all over my body). For others (the third energy) this is your pile if you have been wanting to travel somewhere and feeling content of how much you have worked on yourself. I see that you either want to travel or thinking about traveling with a woman could be a friend, mother, a female sibling that has (pisces, scorpio or cancer in her big three) or her energy in general. It could also be you who have those placements. The first and third energy are very content and happy it seems unreal I'm feeling so serene and content. The second energy is kind of nervous (I wish you all the best). I don't know if some of you are on their period? I'm feeling like I'm on my period lol ( I'm not even that close to having it).
The message:
Pile one your spirit guides are telling me that you saw alot of injustice in your life. What I mean is some of the people in this pile have been wronged and got treat like trash. So the message is the injustice that you faced throughout your life will finally appear and haunt all of the people that caused you sadness and anguish. The karma will get them in the most ruthless way they have ever seen in their life. Your spirit guides are telling me that you have been carrying a lot of trauma on your shoulders. A lot of injustice happened to this collective (I'm shivering and getting goosebumps all over). Your spirit guides are encouraging you to move on from whatever situation that is haunting you whatsoever. They are encouraging you to take the healing path so you can move on and become the best version of yourselves. I'm also hearing the phrase "Let them; karma will haunt them". So, your spirit guides want you to know that they are with you and you are protected and cherished by them.
Pile 2 - The moon
Where are you coming from?
I feel like I'm going to cry this piles energy is so sad and confused. This is your pile if you were visiting the court because of something regarding migration or travel, you perhaps got into the court because of a problem in the travel department. I see this piles energy is so heavy. This pile are my overthinkers pile and most people in this pile are devastated and defeated. This pile are for people who wanted to have equal give and take relationship but unfortunately all they got was bullying, abuse, and selfishness in return. This pile of people have been to a lot of trauma and mental anguish. I'm so sorry for what you have been through guys. I see that this pile is for people who have had a very possessive partner or their family is so strict. This pile for you if you are a Taurus, or air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). You might just ended a very dark chapter in your life and you are reminiscing over the past. You are in a place where you want to stay but there's something ain't right. I'm hearing the phrase "I want to go; probably I will stay another year". This pile wants to end things but they are stuck and confused with the past's memories and good time. Do not allow what happened (the past) to keep you stuck!. What in the past will remain in the past.
The message:
Your spirit guides are telling you that this chapter of your life is coming to an end so stop worrying about what will happen and what could've happened. I see that this pile are feeling trapped and helpless. Your spirit guides are encouraging you to be more gentle with yourself. You don't have to feel anxious all the time. And the indecision you are in will unfold on its own. Once this chapter is closed you'll be able to be more assertive and successful in your life. Believe me this pile (Not all of them) are going to meet a man who is going to be their rock in this life time; I'm not seeing marriage but this man is going to help you heal and be more successful and content with him. He might be your next partner. Your spirit guides are telling me that this man is very earthy, he might be a Taurus or have Taurus placements. He is so gentle, sweet and stubborn. He will help you with finances and elevate your self esteem. With this man you are going to build an empire. Just please don't give up yet. There's a lot to live for!.
Pile 3 - Crystal ball
Where are you coming from?
I see that this pile had a fallout friendship and you just finished talking to that person via text or call and it left you wandering if it was worth what you offered to this friendship or not. I see that this pile is surrendering to the fact that that friend caused you a lot of trouble and they were just causing further damage and you had to stop them. If this is not the case then this pile have just heard or finished texting a friend who had a very bad argument with someone. Other energies in this pile are my "It Girl" bad bitches who started to see the strength and resilient within themselves. I see that you are so focused on your stability and health. I see that you were planning to open or start a project after you got inspired by an old woman or a celebrity. Or this project is something you wanted to do since you were a child or this project has something to do with your inner child. I see that this project will go well and you will feel so happy and satisfied with the results. This piles energy is so sweet and determined unlike pile 2 I felt like I'm losing my mind lol. Good luck guys with whatever you are going to do. This is your pile if you are born under any fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) you don't have to be but if the description resonated then this is your pile.
The message:
Your spirit guides are telling you that there's a decision that you have to make regarding traveling or staying in your place. You might want to relocate or change your address. Your spirit guides are encouraging you to get out of your comfort zone and embrace the change. They are telling you to be more open to changes. They are telling you that after this change your life will not be the same. They are telling you that you will be more happy and successful. After facing this change. I'm seeing that the changes that will happen are because of an older man, perhaps your father, boss or someone who is older than you. This person wants the best for you. He want you to work hard and to be more responsible and dedicated to your project. I'm seeing that your project will be so creative and well liked by others and it will give you the satisfaction that you deserve. I'm hearing the phrase "you can live a life beyond your wildest dreams, all you have to do is change everything".
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Post date: 24th/ Aug/2024 - Sat
*Feedback is more than appreciate
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hoseoksluna · 5 months
VAPOR, pt II. | jjk ft. myg
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pairing: boyfriend!jungkook x steam!oc 
genre: smut, a great dose of angst
word count: 11.9k
summary: hard times ask for extra care and like the healer he is, jungkook doesn't fail to give you his absolute best.
pinterest board: vapor | playlist: vapor
warnings: heartbreak, lots of tears, oral sex (f. and m. receiving), praise kink, sucking fingers, female masturbation, fingering, oc is extremely wet and jk is rly rly hard for her <3, squirting, multiple orgasms, jk tells her off kinda and it's hot, pet names, raw and rough sex, the abandonment issues are heavy in one part, mention of a sex toy
note: hi, my loves. this was absolutely painful to write, but i know i made a good decision. unfortunately for those who are waiting for the next series—i'm sorry, but this will have another part. it's already so long and if i kept going, it'd have probably like 20k plus words and i don't want to take up your time. i think i can manage to post the last part THIS week, so look forward to this. one part of the happy ending done. <3 i love you, guys, i hope you like this. don't hesitate to let me know; i worked hard and i want validation skfjslkfjsklfs. enjoy, my loves. <3
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A dead man for the fifth time, Jungkook finds the unfolding of the events quite ridiculous now. And he’s not surprised, how could he really be at this point, that there’s radio silence within the chambers of his heart. 
The food court is muted, the lights are ever still bright, but the corners of his eyes gain peculiar shadows that cling to the side of your face as you swirl your spoon in your hot soup. His phone is ringing and its obnoxious sound is but a vibration in his hand and the only thing that’s delaying him from sliding his thumb across his device is some sort of consent in your solemn, yet saddened features. He can see translucent threads lining your rounded lips that have sown your mouth shut, preventing you from speaking out your tender heart and it’s predominantly this thing, among the obvious other ones, that drives him to make a scene in front of all of these people crowded around him. 
If he has to, he will rip those wisps. Make it as painless as possible because whether he likes it or not, he needs you right now. Needs your word of advice, needs your consent in order to do what the entirety of his organs yearns to do. And if you say no, he’ll willingly turn his phone off and refuse to speak to his once-closest friend. 
Just for the sake of your mental health. Just to outrun fate and grasp her wrist to stop her from furthermore scarring your heart. 
You have enough of them and he has only one pair of lips to heal them. 
Lifting the spoon to your mouth, you keep your gaze on its silver coat and it unnerves him—the fact you won’t look at him, the fact that you so evidently don’t want to be in this situation. Your own boyfriend is chasing you around town, even though he transmitted waves of nothingness your way when he had you under his roof. He doesn’t fucking understand it. Doesn’t understand how he’s capable of doing such a thing and fury rises in his gut, soars high to his throat, which constricts around it so tightly that it forbids him from inhaling any oxygen into his lungs. And he fears that if he speaks, it’ll soak you. Make you even smaller than you are and he’ll hate himself for the rest of his life for it. 
He needs to talk to you. Time is pressing down on his shoulders once again and here and now, he’s too burdened, too fragile to bear it. His stoicism has long been fractured, its shards cracking cacophonously under the soles of his sneakers and… the singular tear rooting on his pale cheek hasn’t even dried up. 
“Tell me what to do, sweetheart,” Jungkook says, his voice a soft, deep murmur; a plea. His surroundings gain volume, little by little, the lack of air in his lungs causing his mind to spin. His body grows cold and, unwittingly, he bounces his leg underneath the table. “If you don’t want me to pick up this call, I won’t. It’s your decision.” 
He knows that whatever it is that will come out of your mouth and change the trajectory of his fury, he’ll protect you nonetheless. No matter what, no matter what it takes. He’ll unleash what’s been swarming in him for a long time in private sometime later if you ask for it—he’ll gladly tell his organs no and they’ll have to listen. That’s certainly not an issue. 
What will be an issue is if you remain quiet. He doesn’t know what will happen to him under that circumstance. He has very little trust in something that’s out of his grasp and he has  strong disliking for the looseness of it all. Doesn’t feel right. 
A quick, soft slurp of your soup. A lift of your weary eyes. A kick in his heart. “I don’t want to make any decision. If you want to pick up the call, you should. I don’t mind. If you don’t, that’s fine, too.” 
He must be dead because he’s staring at his own reincarnation. 
You’ve walked so far on your pathway of suffering that you reached the point that you don’t care anymore. Don’t care that there’s a risk Yoongi will see you or hear you. Don’t care about what’s going to happen when he does and about the events after. It’s as admirable as it is disturbing and a faint pulse begins to sound in his chest. Thrill nips at his skin; a sense of responsibility uncoiling within, linking to the surety of his instinct to protect you. To stand up for you. To make things right in a way, way different manner than he’s ever tried before and it’s those inclinations that drive his thumb to swipe across the screen. 
Though he doesn’t look at Yoongi. No, he looks at you, studying your features. It’s not that he doesn’t trust your words, he does and vehemently so, but this is a difficult situation that you’re both in and it would be only understandable if the gravity of it washed over you all of a sudden and you weren’t comfortable with this anymore. He wouldn’t hesitate to end the call right away. Fuck what Yoongi thinks. 
But nothing changes about your weariness. It’s a still pool of water, unmoving and utterly impenetrable, like the pond behind his cabin during cold, winter times. When this is over, he promises to get warm and dip his fingers in, permeate your skin with rosiness and coziness. Stall the change of seasons unfurling in you. 
And Jungkook pleats that promise into the palm of your hand as he takes it, his thumb against your head line. Watches you stuff your mouth full with noodles. His own stomach churns, the fury half parting, making a way for his hunger to suffuse his senses. He’s so happy you’re eating that all he can think about is how he’s going to make your life better with this one singular video call. 
He leaves you to it and focuses his gaze down on Yoongi. His once-close friend is driving in his car and despite the shit view he has of him, due to his service and the way Yoongi’s phone is angled, he can still see the way he’s swathed by murkiness. The purple marks under his eyes are a stark contrast to the pallidness of his skin and his hair is a mess, tufts of black strands sticking in different directions as if he had been on the verge of ripping his hair out. He has one hand on the steering wheel, while the other runs over his upper lip. Over and over, back and forth, waiting, patiently, for Jungkook’s attention. 
He starts speaking once he knows he has it. 
“Sorry to bother you, I didn’t know who else to call.” He sighs and explains that he’s calling because of you, the mention of your name causing his voice to crack. “I drove up to her apartment, but she’s not there. She told me she was going to her place when she… when she… left.” 
So he heard you loud and clear, and yet he didn’t have the decency to respond to you, make you know that you were heard. Jungkook looks at you and this time you look back at him, too. A tight, painful exchange of glances. He squeezes your hand, even as Yoongi continues. 
“She’s not picking up the phone. I’m worried about her—”
Jungkook is swift with his words. “You should’ve thought of that before you let her leave,” he snaps, his whole body tense, hanging yet again by the thread. He keeps his hold over your hand gentle, despite it all—despite the fact that his form yearns to explode. “You’re too reckless. Leave her alone.” 
Your eyes widen while Yoongi’s narrow, but he doesn’t regret what he said. He knows there’s utmost truth in them, something that should scramble his brain until he comprehends it. Yoongi’s mouth purses in a tight line and his fist clenches before he places it on the steering wheel with a thud. 
“Don’t talk to me like this. I don’t need this,” Yoongi mutters, pulling out his hyung card and while it angers Jungkook even more, he also thinks that’s the biggest load of bullshit that has ever come out of his mouth. “I need to know where she is.” 
He gazes intently at you as he says, “It’s none of your business.” 
And those big eyes of yours round in a good emotion that he can’t really recognize and slowly, you swallow down your noodles. Speechless, he deduces. A tendril of adrenaline courses in him, strengthening his responsibility and protectiveness over you, kissing it ever so sweetly when you squeeze his hand. 
A validation. 
Jungkook could stay like this. He wouldn’t mind at all—it feels too nice. Feels like you’re his. And perhaps at this very moment you are. 
The feeling is so overwhelming that he doesn’t give two shits about the fact Yoongi is detonating on the other side of the screen. He keeps his eyes on you. 
“What the fuck do you mean it’s none of my business? Is she with you?” 
It’s at this moment that a proud smile curls Jungkook’s lips. And it’s joy that absorbs his organs, his heart beating loudly and clearly. Even the people around him seem happier in his peripheral vision. He thinks this night tops in the best days he’s ever had. 
Tension has grabbed a hold of you, too. But he will make it better. He’s got you. 
He continues with the truth and he’s not afraid of it. Not at all. 
“Yes, she’s safe with me.” 
Those words, most peculiarly, soothe Yoongi’s rage. Silence fills his car, one that forces Jungkook to flick his eyes to his phone because he truly can’t believe what’s happening. Yoongi runs his hand down his face and nods once, the murkiness loosening a fair bit before it pulps him. It’s now that he becomes small. A tiny boy, at the hands of his own repercussions. Displeased, but relieved. A strange, strange sight.
“Good,” Yoongi says and Jungkook’s stomach drops. “She should be with you. You’re better than me in ways I could never be. She doesn’t need me anymore.” 
Your mouth parts and a vexation of your own clutches you. Enough for you to drop your spoon and lift your hand, palm up. The adrenaline in Jungkook’s system thickens. “Give me the phone.” 
Yoongi's head turns to the screen at the sound of your irritated voice and Jungkook’s smile widens, handing you the device. He knows what you’re about to say will put an end to this difficult situation and he’s eager to hear it, eager for it to happen. 
“Careful, don’t make him crash his car,” Jungkook whispers, ever so smug, just for your ears, but on the other hand, he doesn’t care if it finds a way to your boyfriend’s as well. You gaze at him most solemnly, fleetingly, and he can’t read shit in your expression. He’s not troubled by it, however; he wants you to let loose in whatever form of your choosing, of your liking. You deserve it, to be boundless like that. It’s been a long time coming.
His phone in your hand is too large and he finds it so cute that it helps him relax. Without withdrawing his hand, he hunches over his soup, getting his utensils ready. 
And his first taste of his meal is as good as the first words you hurl at Yoongi. 
“Are you joking right now? Is that all you have to say after everything? You’re actually unbelievable,” you spit, shooting daggers at the screen, your brows furrowed, a lethal glare directed at him. Yoongi doesn’t say anything, but he hears him sigh. “I’d like you to know that it’s my decision that I’m with him. Not yours. You’re not in control of it and you never will be again. I’m with him because I want to be with him, not because you let me be with him or because you think it’s good.” 
Your voice rises in volume ever so slightly, respectful of your surroundings, but untethering your heart free nonetheless. A tortured pain coats it, despite the fact you’re holding yourself strong and it drives Jungkook to let go of his spoon, unable to eat when he feels your agony in all its raw immensity. You struck his awe and all he can do is watch you make order of your life. For your sake and also, most remarkably, for his. A beautiful, beautiful sight.
Love unable to be real turning away, slowly, from the dead end. 
“So, we’re over?” Yoongi asks, small—small voice. Jungkook has never heard it before and butterflies zap his stomach with the strongest electricity they could come across. 
Your face doesn’t change and you don’t hesitate to unleash your next words. “I think you should go see other people and heal from this mess. You’ve grown too attached to your own fucked up impressions and you need a reality check.” 
Such coldness, such brutality. Jungkook can’t breathe—finds it hard to believe this is happening right now, that angels are by his side, keeping his bloodstream flowing. He feels as though he’s dreaming again due to the speck of vagueness in your answer. Yes, you’ve told him to go see other people, but he’s also aware that Yoongi needs the raw truth on a silver platter. If there’s anything he hates with all his being, it’s the abyss of obscurities. It’s the space in his brain for him to make up for the emptiness of your words. 
Jungkook intertwines his fingers with yours, his thumb fondling the crook between your thumb and your forefinger, giving you the little strength he possesses in him—the last of it, all he has. 
Are you breaking up with him or are you taking a break? 
Jungkook longs to know, perhaps he needs it, too, even though both options are more than merciful for such a wretched dreamer like him. A dreamer that has stumbled upon gold in a poor, poor world. 
“Honey, please.” Yoongi breaks into sobs and it’s now, now as Jungkook hears the sound of a raw emotion from such a detached person that he softens, his fury snuffed out in a blink of an eye, and he can’t feel his arms, nor his legs. He realizes, most strangely, that it’s his friend, one he spent the last ten years of his life with. The aftertaste of copper pools in his mouth again and his own eyes wet. Yours, too, your chin quivering the more you take in his devastated state. “I can’t do this without you. I–I don’t know how to.” 
Despite your tenderness, your words remain firm. “I think you’ve managed quite well these past few days. You’ve pushed me away, needed space. So go have it. I won’t suffer through it, though. I’ll do what I want, you should, too. You need to heal in the only way you know how. Alone.” 
Yoongi sniffles, taking long breaths to seemingly calm his shuddering lungs. And pity enfolds his heart, pity for his friend that he’s become such a wreck and that he’s a witness to it, more than the cause behind it. He puts the latter to the side, now is not the right time for it. 
He knows what will happen to him once he breaks the dam of self-blame. It’s not what you need right now and he will make sure to keep that dam of your own safe and stable. It’s his duty. 
“Will you wait for me?” Yoongi asks and Jungkook feels that question curl around his gut. With a light layer of sadness, he returns to his food, his stomach grumbling. 
You sigh, swiping your fingers under the skin beneath your lower lashes, perhaps so Yoongi doesn’t see your weakness. Jungkook watches you as he slurps on his noodles, nervous—terribly, terribly nervous. 
“I don’t know if I’m able to trust you like that again,” you conclude, taking a big breath and Jungkook chokes on his food, coughing so hard that you untangle your hand from his and slap his back. “Gotta go. I’ll call you later.” You end the phone call and gently lay down his phone, rubbing his back soothingly as Jungkook splutters. “Are you okay? What happened?”
What happened? You gave him life. Made a pathway for his dreams to come true. Gave him a leeway to walk upon this earth with no weight on his shoulders. Turned something inaccessible accessible. 
Love unreal becomes real, running headlong in the opposite direction of the dead end. 
The last of his aching coughs emit out of his throat and he swallows, lungs heaving with freedom and easy, easy breaths. The air is different, the oxygen much sweeter. You put his tall glass of water into his hand, encouraging him to drink, never letting go of him as Jungkook takes a big sip, the cold liquid washing away all of those dark ashes left from the fire of his fury. His vision blurs once he looks at you in this new, shifted reality and there’s a smile to his face, calmness surging through his body, exhilaration most needed twining around it. 
“You tell me,” Jungkook says, almost out of breath—out of his mind. “What just happened?” 
You go back to your soup, squeeze your fried egg open with your chopsticks. “I’m not letting him hurt me again. I don’t have to be strong and take it, do I?” With the yolk spilling in, you push the entirety of the egg white into your mouth, huffing in delight, rolling your eyes back and chewing, cheeks puffed up like a little squirrel. His own utensils go slack in his hand, watching you enjoy your food, his heart enlarging. But then you furrow your brows and stop chewing. “Fuck, it’s cold, but it’s so good.” You sigh and resume chewing, your eyes flicking across the table, your body bouncing excitedly in your seat. You act as though you didn’t just break your own boyfriend’s heart—as if you led a normal conversation with him, in which he was just checking up with you. Jungkook’s awe is so struck that he can’t speak. Can’t eat. Can’t do anything but watch you with all that love abounding in his being for you. And then you flick your eyes to his and the wrinkle between your brows deepens. “Why aren’t you eating? Is it too cold?” 
He calls your name, firmly. Leans back in his seat with a big sigh. Rubs his eyes with his fingers. “What just happened?” 
There’s simply no way this is real. 
You devour your noodles, swallowing spoonfuls of soup. “I ended things with him, Jungkook, and I’m not coming back to him.” 
His mouth dries, heart picks up speed. How are you saying this with such ease? Isn’t your heart split in two? Your devotion clung to his guy with every breath you took and back at his cabin, you wouldn’t let him play with you unless Yoongi was present. How come it seems like you’re anything but heartbroken right now? 
“Are you okay?” Jungkook asks in all honesty, confounded by your behavior. 
You push away your bowl, cradling your full belly. “Yes, I’m okay.” 
He doesn’t really believe you. Losing your appetite was proof enough. “Positive?” 
You look over to the side and your chin begins to quiver. There it is. Your hand flies to your face and you hide the rupture of your pretense behind it. The corners of your face, the only parts he gets to see, flush in red and Jungkook grabs your things with a heavy, sinking heart. Walks over to you and gives you his hand. 
“Let’s go home, sweetheart.” 
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The weeping clouds have migrated not just to your eyes but to his, too. The night is deep and Jungkook feels it, ardently, coming to rest beneath his skin, floating on its back upon the stream of his tears that he’s stifling. He’s holding your hand and your purse as he’s leading you to his place. You didn’t want to see the face of your apartment. As a matter of fact, you couldn’t stand anything that reminded you of Yoongi and you begged him to take you somewhere you’ve never been before. Jungkook only nodded, brushing away the tears that managed to escape. Thought he’d bring you to any place you’d ever ask, just as long as you stuck with him. 
He’s gained what he wanted for a long time, but at what cost? The two people he loves the most are broken. One, his dearest, he’s grasping tightly so she wouldn’t fly away. The other is becoming but a memory, ten years going down the drain—never to be seen again, never to be continued. 
He has you, but he lost Yoongi. And the realization hangs, heftily, over his clavicles, swinging back and forth, kicking into his chest. 
He can’t stand the sight of him either, however. How strange. 
Once inside the warmth of his apartment, he can’t help but rid you of the hideous flannel of his that you’re wearing, bunching it up in his fists and throwing it away to the corner of his bench on the side of his wall without you knowing. With his hand on the small of your back, he guides you to his living room and he lets you skim your sight all around it, slipping his fingers under the hem of your tiny top, just touching you there. White walls, brown leather couch, a TV that takes up the most of the space alongside the kitchen with a plain dining area consisting of an old wooden, rectangular table with four chairs. A huge singular space of nothingness that has never felt home-like, not until you’ve stepped inside. 
Now, all of a sudden, it has colors. Vibrant, yet soft-toned with each inhale of his breath. You bring your oxymorons everywhere you go and they stay where you reside, even if you move someplace else. The evidence of it is in his very body. While he feels at his most fragile, he also senses himself to be strong. Strong enough to take care of you right at this moment, be there for you and give you anything you’d ever want. And while his eyes are still wet, cheeks bedewed by his softness, he also wants to break this place—self-blame creeping in, threatening to emerge from the hidden spots somewhere within the battlefield of his chest. 
This is his fault. Had he never said yes, you wouldn’t be in pain and neither would his friend be. But in that scenario, he wouldn’t know you existed. Wouldn’t have you. Would lead a forlorn life, with his paints and his alcohol. 
You would be happy with Yoongi. Radiant, glowy. With your glitters, your little dresses. Your nighttime robes and your little lingerie. 
Would you? Has he ruined your happiness? Has he ruined you? 
Jungkook turns you around to him. He needs to ask you; he needs to have the certainty, otherwise he won’t sleep tonight. Won’t even close his eyes—the thoughts would eat away his drowsiness. Leave only wakefulness in their wake. Jungkook presses his lips against your forehead, lingering there, formulating his words, carefully. His hands clutch your shoulders. Your frail, slender shoulders. 
Yoongi devastated your appetite enough that you lost all your soft fleshiness. He took it away and he doesn’t even perceive it. It was clear to him by the way you pushed your plate away, when your emotions rushed through; you didn’t have to say a word. And although he grieves the personal loss, still this is something he’ll never forgive him for. 
“Would you have been happy if you never knew me?” he asks, subduedly, torment clawing at his vocal cords. “Would you have been happy with him?” 
A teardrop spills down your cheekbone, plopping onto the material of your top, soaking it. You furrow your brows, seem angry at his choice of words and he regrets them, enough that his mouth rounds in a tender emotion that he’s too weak to stifle back. And then you bunch up his T-shirt, just like you did earlier in the dressing room, and there’s a tendril of relief that maybe he didn’t fuck up so majestically. He wants to weep; holding them back pains him too much and that ease, that repose is all he wants. It’s not that he’s shy or unwilling to let out his feelings—it’s just that he’s putting yours above his, deeming them more important. He wants to be strong for you, someone you can lean on—and how can he do that for you when he’s crumbling on the inside? 
“How can you say that to me?” you ask in disbelief and Jungkook wants to rewind back the time. Wants to keep quiet and just hold you through this fateful night. He winces, looking away, his own chin quivering this time and he can’t—he can’t hold back. He possesses no strength. A tear trickles down his cheek, one full of agony, hot against his skin and he whimpers, he whimpers when you cradle his face in your hands, step on your tippy toes and press your lips against his. Your mouth is so warm and he’s shivering with cold; silky while his are ruined by the constant biting he did in the car. He is a ruination—how can you want him? He ruined your relationship. And now even his tears have stained your angelic, pure face. 
“I feel like I’ve ruined everything,” he admits and his chest hurts, lungs tight, body trembling in that persisting cold. “I’ve ruined your relationship. I’ve ruined your life. Yoongi’s. Caused so much pain, so much trauma. Only because I let my friends convince me into going out when I came back from the military.” 
The wrinkle between your brows smooths down and you pout, caressing his face. Jungkook can’t halt the rivulet of his liquid emotions. Not when he feels your love so awfully intensely, embracing him around and around, tightening, giving him a sense of safety. 
“Can I tell you something?” You take his hand in yours and Jungkook already misses your warm touch on his face. He nods. “Where’s your room?” 
He leads you there and you crawl onto his bed, patting the space beside you, curling on your side. He mirrors your position and you prop the side of your leg on his, intertwining your fingers with his on the bedding, moving his hand to your mouth. 
And your words seep into his fist. 
“We were together for five months and I never met his family. Never met his friends, except you. I never really thought about it in depth because he kept me busy, despite the fact all we did was fuck. It was enough for me, I guess, because I’d been alone for a long, long time before I met him. And I’m a bit of a loner myself so I didn’t mind that we spent all of our time in his apartment, fucking and watching movies. It wasn’t until I met you, Jungkook,” you pause, taking a big breath in, fondling his knuckles with your thumb, soothing him, soothing the drowsiness that is suddenly falling upon him like a blanket, waving off his tears, drying them. “That I realized it’s not really supposed to be like this in my life. I remember that night when he was out with you and I was in the bathroom. I thought about when was the last time he took me out and I shivered. I shivered, Jungkook. It was the first seed sown and I didn’t know. And when you came into my life, I spent my weekends out with you. You took me to your cabin, you took me out to dinner dates. Even today you took me to the mall. I realized it’s supposed to be like this. Yoongi never did that.” 
Your words tingle across his fist and he’s quick with his own. “But were you happy?” 
So are you. You don’t hesitate. “I thought I was, but the way I’m happy with you can’t compare to the way I thought I was happy with him.” 
The truth wafts in the air, sweetening it and another onrush of tears come out of his tear ducts. He leans in closer to you, nose to nose, sniffling, sobbing quietly and you kiss his hand. Over and over, breathing against his skin. Light opens in him as the truth unfolds—with the little time he had with you, he managed to make you happier. Not just happy, but happier.
“I had a lot of time to think about this. It wasn’t just today that he didn’t speak to me. He barely did throughout the week, but today was the worst of it all and I couldn’t take it anymore. It hurt, it hurt so much,” you continue and Jungkook knows how much it pains you, when Yoongi abandons you over and over, clawing his fingernails in your scars. He’s glad, brims completely with that gratefulness that it also rolls down his cheeks, mingling with his tears, that you were strong enough to put a stop to it—as hard as it was. “And you know what I think? Yoongi needs someone like that. Someone who’s a much bigger loner than I am. Someone who’s okay with staying home, with keeping things casual. He needs a friend and I’ll continue being that for him, but not in the way he wants. I’ll be there for him, but not as closely as he was used to, you know? It has to be a process. I can’t just disappear out of his life. I don’t have the heart to do that.” 
Extending his arm, Jungkook invites you to rest your head against his bicep—only because he yearns to touch you. Without untangling your intertwinement, you lay against him, breathing in his scent and Jungkook wraps the same arm around your shoulders, cocooning you in. Body to body, his lips against your forehead. You look up at him and he looks down at you, a profound exchange of glances. The reality shifts once more, the energy deepens, filling it with something beyond affection and love—fate thickening the air, intense, earnest and impassioned. And submitting to it, Jungkook raises your chin and kisses you, deeply, slipping his tongue inside just briefly. Kisses your cheek, your neck, your shoulder, hides himself in that crook, breathing with you and nothing else.
A brand new reality. 
He can’t help but think about how smart you are. How admirable, how good. How well you handled everything, how well you made an order out of your life and ultimately out of Yoongi’s, too. Like Jungkook will take care of you, you will take care of Yoongi—not leaving him on his own with his shattered heart and mental health. He just hopes that sometime soon, he will be able to have a part in it, too. It’s his utmost wish. No matter how upset he was with him, how strongly he disliked him in certain moments, it’s still a person he loves, a person he spent the last ten years of his life with. A family, almost. 
“Do you think he’ll ever forgive me?” Jungkook whispers, squeezing you against his body, drawing you closer until your lungs and his gain that singular synchronization. Your leg straddles his torso and he grows greedy, needing you even closer. Needing to get underneath your skin. 
“I’ll try my best to make it happen,” you whisper back, running your fingers through his hair. The light that shines in your eyes faintly illuminates his shadowy room and it’s precisely the one he longed to see. Something tells him it’s here to stay and it drives his thumb to caress your wet lashes, the skin beneath your eyes, your rose-kissed cheek. 
Jungkook trusts you. You’re such a badass that you will succeed in anything you set yourself out to do. And he tells you. Asks you if you want to take a bath. Thinks it will distract your heart from what it knows, from what it’s used to. Teach it something new—something you will connect only with him.
And your reaction enlarges his heart to the point that it breaks his ribcage. Your eyes widen, its light erupting, blinding him, and you gasp, lifting your whole body and grabbing his shirt in your fists. He chuckles in endearment. 
“You have a bathtub?” 
And your eyes almost fall out of their sockets at the sight of it once he carries you to his bathroom and sets you down. He kisses the back of your head, his hands on your hips, guiding you closer to the bathtub, reaching over to lift the tap and let hot water pour down. You both need it after such an emotionally-exhausting day and Jungkook is eager to get in with you. 
“Stay here. Don’t strip. I’ll get your candle,” Jungkook says, lowly, squeezing your hips once and caressing your bum as he turns around and heads to the kitchen. 
He wants to be the one who takes off your clothes. Plans to do something with you he hasn’t done in a long while, something he deems you deserve after everything you’ve been through. He grabs your mango-scented candle, your bag of cheese balls, a lighter and a chair and returns to you. 
You’re crouching by the bathtub, your hand flowing in the hot water, its steam curling, tenderly, your hair cascading down your back. Jungkook pats the back of your head to announce that he’s come back and you smile up at him, your eyes big and twinkling, so magnificent that he grows weak in the knees, butterflies fluttering their wings in his stomach. 
Lighting up your candle, you watch as he does it, each three knots flaring up to life and suffusing the air with a balmy, tropical scent. He sets it down on the chair and, helping you stand up to your feet, he doesn’t waste a second. His fingers hook under the hem of your top and fling it out. And because he knows you’ve never bared yourself like this before him, he hides your nakedness by pressing you against his chest, your soft breasts a pleasure, his digits sliding beneath your leggings and dragging them down your hips, looking over your shoulder. You shimmy out of them, moving your hips ever so delightfully and before he knows it, he’s on his knees—kissing the apex of your thighs as he takes your feet out of the pant legs. And he thinks he could stay here all his life. 
Jungkook looks up at you as he removes your socks, kissing your knee without breaking the gaze, and he hopes that you can sense his love for you in it, the unyielding stability that he will cling to you with his body and soul—simply, with his entire being. 
Rising slowly, he kisses his pathway up, leaving behind the translucent evidence of that love. Your mound, which makes you giggle, a celestial symphony to his ears, your full tummy where he hopes your invisible rose tattoos still are, both sides of your ribs, the middle of your breasts, your sternum, your collarbones, your throat, your chin—up and up until his lips find yours. And he devours them. With such vigor that you hum into his mouth, your hands reaching for his shirt again. 
Oh, you want him to get in as well. Very well. 
He wanted to be the witness to your relaxation, but if it’s your desire that he shares it with you—by all means. He lets you take off his shirt, lifting his arms for you, and you’re quick to allow your hands to discover the parts they don’t know. His mole beneath his left pec that he caught you staring at shortly after that turn of events at the cabin. You press your mouth against it, unravel your love for it there by grazing your teeth against it before you lick it over with your tongue, going as far as marking the spot right beside it. Jungkook sinks his fingers in your hair, reveling in it, tummy tingling, holding you like that as you do what you please. Your own digits descend to his pants, setting him free from them and when you get on your knees just like him, his cock tightens in your face. 
And he dies, angels know for how many times today, when you rub your face in this intimate part of him, his heart bursting.
Not now—he can’t let you do that now. He wants your muscles to relax first before he can strain them all over again, in a much different way. 
“My sweetie,” he starts, sighing, rubbing your scalp. He takes you by the back of your neck, sliding his hand underneath your armpit, and drags you up. A healthy, radiant flush adorns you and he’s glad for the paleness to be gone. Glad his body is the cause of it. It makes his heart happy. “Not now. Let’s get in the tub.” 
Your stiffened nipples brush against his bare chest and he almost doubles over, loving the feeling of it. The sigh that leaves your mouth, so akin to his, too. 
“But you’re hard,” you whisper, tugging down his boxers until his cock springs free and you immediately wrap your small hand around it, squeezing him lightly. 
He can’t help but to grunt, the faint pleasure dizzying. He missed your hand, missed your touch. Haven’t had it in so long. It fits so well in your fist and he believes, in all seriousness, that it belongs to you. It’s yours. 
He brushes his lips against yours, but he doesn’t kiss you. His brain malfunctions a little bit, the pleasure you’re giving him zapping his dominance. “You like holding me like this?” 
You fondle his tip with your thumb and he hisses, sparks of electricity coursing down his body and he hums at the aftershocks. So good. He feels his arousal drip for you; feels himself lengthening in your hand. You nod, watching it happen, and while it feels nice to be looked at like that, he wants your eyes on him. He cradles your face in one hand, making you look at him, and he pecks you. At the contact, you finally nod your head. Jungkook envelops his palm around your fist and guides you to squeeze him harder, groaning onto your mouth. 
“You’re such a good girl,” he praises and embraces you, hiding himself in the crook of your neck again, inhaling you. Petrichor, mango, your personal scent. It’s all he wants to breathe in for the rest of his life. It’s what heaven must smell like. Actually, heaven must be what he’s hugging. 
You whimper and for it Jungkook tightens his hold around you. Skin to skin. He’ll never get over it. “I love being good for you.” 
He hums his approval, following the cascade of your hair down your back with his palm, rooting at your bum, grasping the flesh. “You’re the best girl. Let’s get you clean.” 
The loss of contact aches and he can see it even on your face, an adorable pout forming on your mouth. Helping you get in the bathtub, you wait until he joins you and it’s only then that you sit down, unsure of how both of you are going to fit in such a small space like this. Knees in between his, you exchange a few giggles in the awkwardness of it all before Jungkook kisses them and leads you to lean back against him, your spine against his chest, your body getting lost in his. 
Turning off the tap, the water is scorching but pleasant, his muscles relaxing, the very little remnants of the fight of his self-blame tearing apart at last. It must be as enjoyable for you because once you settle in and you take in the heat, the effect of the candle, the dimmed light and the soft shower of rain pittering against the windows, you let loose completely, your head slack against his sternum, breathing steadily, eyes fluttering closed. Jungkook wraps his arms around you, your breasts pressed against them, and he loves the feeling of your raw femininity in his hands, in such a nonsexual context. His arousal might be alive and longing for you, but that feeling, somehow, overweighs it in a way he’s unable to understand. 
He doesn’t mind; he could stay like this. 
And both of you do for some time, feeling each other’s top halves of bodies, resting, thinking of nothing, until you tip your chin and, puckering your lips, you ask for a kiss. Arch your back until your breasts bounce free from his hold. His cock twitches against your back from the sight and you smirk. 
Sly little girl. He cages them once again, though this time quite differently. One hand grabs the flesh at the base, the other sneaks to your chin, your other breast nudged in the crook of his elbow. His finger traces the lines of your lips, flattened now, kissing it every once in a while. And as if it was a signal for you to open up when he stalls his movement in the middle, you open up for him. And the feeling of your tongue, the suction of your lips, the sound of it all—it drives him to head down the path of absolute madness. 
He might have just found his ultimate weakness. 
Jungkook adds a second finger in, when you angle your body, so he can have a good view of it, your head propped against the bathtub wall, lidded eyes fixed on him. 
So much for relaxing. He pulls his fingers out of your mouth, swiftly, causing your brows to knit in confusion. It humors him, but you’re not getting your way that easily. 
“You should relax,” he scolds in a teasing manner, not meaning a word of it. “You’ve had a long day of shopping.” 
You laugh through your nose, a soft smile gracing your lips and for a split second, Jungkook wonders if he didn’t ruin the moment again by altering the reality again, bringing back the memory of what’s happened. If he didn’t invite in your guilt, perhaps. You’re here with him, about to be made love to, while the person you still love is dealing with brokenness on the other side of the city. 
And he tells you in the form of a kiss sunk into your cheek, drawing your body closer to him, cradling the back of your neck, squishing you against him. It causes you to turn your body to the side, slightly, and Jungkook hikes you higher, letting you lean your face against his cheek like that, pecking you over and over again. There isn’t enough body of water to overspill from the tub, but your shifting caused small waves to lap at your body and Jungkook finds himself transfixed by the sight of it. It seems as though the ripples are worshiping your body and an inkling to do the same, to do better, rises in him—as well as the impulse to tell you with words this time. 
He should verbally communicate with you. Just to be safe. 
“Did I remind you of it again?” 
Your fingertips follow the valleys of his abdomen, half dipped in the water. 
“Remind me of what?” you say and there’s a striking gentleness to your voice, some kind of blissfulness that feels terribly foreign to him. “Of my freedom?” 
A bearable tightness clutches his chest, interlaced, most heartily, with the simplicity of his shock. Freedom. With his directions, you set yourself free. It should be something to perhaps honor and rejoice over—so why is there still a morsel of pity swarming in him? He needs you to tell him. 
A streamlet of tears blurs his vision. Because his clinginess to you intensifies with each move forward, for the most part. Because he feels bad for his friend, for the lesser. 
“Why do I feel so bad for him?” Jungkook questions, pressing you harder against him until there isn’t any more space to push you into. 
You plop your body onto his. Chest to chest. Tummy to tummy. His cock, a bit soft now, against your femininity. Nonsexually, in all its beauty. You drag your thumbs under his waterline, collecting his essence of pain. His heart constricts. 
“My freedom is his,” you say, still holding him like that—both palms on his cheeks. “We’d be stuck in a circle like this. We’d go round and round until one of us would burst and end things eventually. He’d never fully heal in this environment. He’d never look past his own insecurities, not when I’d continue to enjoy myself with you the way I always did.” 
He thinks the merry go round had already begun the moment he and Yoongi made up and tried again. And considering the last thing he said to him on the phone today, there’s nothing left to do but to accept it. 
Your freedom is his. Those words ring in his headspace, settling there. By unbuckling yourself from the seat of that ride, you did the same for him. And while you got off, Yoongi still remains seated. 
For now. 
He’ll get out of there. Jungkook believes in him. 
“I’m meant to be with you,” you say and his heart goes wild, violently, under your forearm. For you. You’ve said it. You’ve made it official. Brought it into this new reality and Jungkook could weep again—and he does. Touched by his emotions, you kiss his tears, sighing against them. “I’m yours, Jungkook. Have been the moment I looked into your eyes the very first time.” 
Your bare, boundless truth drives him to reveal his, too. Such power you have, such strength. 
“You know I have feelings for you, right?” he murmurs, an allusion to the way you wept together in the dressing room, brushing your hair back, feeling his tenderness radiating off of his eyes, immensely. How easy it is, to tell you something groundbreaking like that, even as absurdly as he did. “Don’t let go of me. Don’t let go of those feelings. Keep them safe.” 
Your own tears pool in your waterline and you nod, a smile glinting upon your lips. So you knew, felt the love like he did, enkindled by your mutual release. He wasn’t wrong. His heart pounds and for the first time upon this trajectory, this doesn’t feel unreal. It feels real. Alive, possible, full of life. 
“I do, too. Held them in for so long. Never admitted it to myself for his sake. But that’s over now. I’ll keep it safe. All of you, Jungkook.” 
You love him. 
His sobs gather in his sternum, his lungs too small to capture them in place. 
You love him. And it’s real. 
Gripping your hair, he kisses you, deeply. And both streams of tears turn into one river—and both of you can’t halt the hunger creeping in. The hunger for more, for your love to burst at last and absorb your reality. Tongues mingling, tasting something new. Teeth clashing, lips tingling. Breaths hard and ragged. Jungkook can’t take it. Can’t hold back his body from lifting off of the rounded wall of the tub, the water sloshing and splashing all around. 
And then you say something that grazes his madness ever so unmercifully. 
“Put it in.” 
He groans, biting your bottom lip, fingertips making dents on your small waist. Horny girl, asking for something you can’t handle. He swears, his arousal awakening yet again in full speed, taking over him wholly. “I haven’t stretched you out yet.” 
You grind your femininity against his tightening cock and he’s done for, feeling your pulse. “Stretch me out like this.” 
He squeezes your ass hard, making you moan onto his mouth, in effort to make you listen to him and submit to his better knowing. “It’ll hurt, sweetheart.” 
Your breath wafts over him as you close your lips over his, sucking. “I can take it.” 
Such a stark contrast to the words you uttered in the dressing room. His madness heightens. So much that he moans into your lip lock, dipping you in the water to make you laugh, clutching onto him as you yelp, your adorable laughter vibrating through the bathroom, bouncing off of the walls and sneaking, in the long run, into the chambers of his heart, coming to live there.  
This is happiness. 
And the vibrations are too, too much for him to handle. So unusual, so beautiful. 
“Hold onto me,” Jungkook commands as he wraps your legs around his torso tighter and rises, stepping out of the bathtub and reaching for a towel in his cabinet while his other hand holds you steady by his forearm under your bum like a child. 
Leaving you to your own strength for a second, he wraps the large fabric around you both, bunching the ends in his fist on your back, exiting out of the bathroom and laying you down onto his bed. Your hair sprawls on his bedding and he thinks you look like an angel, maddened just the same by something beyond lust, by something way purer. He kisses your lips, fleetingly, and begins to focus on your neck, unfurling his love there. He sucks your wet skin, licking it all over, scattering his hard kisses there—the ones that drive you wild, moaning loudly and bravely, deservingly so. And he marks this victorious day there with pretty, pretty colors of red and purple. Doesn’t stop. Not until you beg him, writhing underneath him, excited and eager. 
“Please, Jungkook, take me.” 
Such sweet, innocent words. He listens, cooing, dragging you further up on the bed, so he can lie on top of you and take his hard kisses further down, marking all the places where your invisible tattoos are, bringing them to life all over again. Above both of your nipples, especially on the right one, where that frilly rose was, covering the peak. And he feels you melt, feels you soak his lower abdomen when he sucks on that nub, flicking his tongue, making you cry out so beautifully, so desperately that his arousal for you rigidifies. And when he looks at his artwork, fists propped on either side of you like his knees, it steals all of his breath. 
“You look so beautiful like this. All mine.” 
All his, wet with the last drops of water, with the pearls of his saliva, with your essence coating your folds. Adorned with red tattoos. He has his own on his arm and hand, except on his chest and he thinks the one he gave you make up for it. Thinks they’re his as much as they’re yours and it causes his length to twitch against his stomach, so terribly needy for you. 
“And you look beautiful like this. All hard for me,” you mimic his words and he grows feral, even more so when you continue. “It’s all mine, isn’t it?” You take him into your hand again, but he pins both of your wrists down, above your head. And the smile you grace him with—it makes him yearn to make love to you like this. Bound, while the rest of you would remain the quite opposite. 
He growls, kissing you. “All yours. All yours for you to take and come around. All yours, my sweetheart. Always has been.” He kisses you harder and you whimper. Pulls away just to swirl his tongue around yours, open mouth and all, before closing his lips down again in a profound, warm and homely lock. “Spread your legs for me. I’m gonna get you ready for it.” 
He does it himself, folding you in half, the glistening of your folds visible even in the slight lack of light in the room. Oh, he can’t have you like this. Reaching behind himself, he turns on his bedside lamp, bathing you in a soft, yellow light that suits you the most. You’re holding your legs apart for him and he places wet kisses on the back of your thigh, ravagedly, to reward you for it, trailing them down until he’s face to face with your drenched princess parts. And it’s a groan of relief that emits out of him when he’s this close to you, hands pushing your knees down, spreading you even more to gratify his hunger. 
He’s starving. Terribly starving. 
And he rolls his eyes back when he takes the entirety of you into his mouth, tongue dragging upon your slit, up and down, drinking your dew, penetrating only a little bit just to tease you, just to mess around with your madness. And when he flattens his tongue against your swollen clit, you cry out. Surprise him when you grip his hair, enough to cause him to flick his eyes to you. Your mouth is parted, but grinning nonetheless, your own eyes heavily lidded, emitting light and joy and Jungkook simply decides to make this experience better for you. 
He lifts your hips in the air and devours you, lapping at your clit over and over again, letting you see what he’s doing to you without taking his eyes off of you, nose pressed against your shiny mound. You whisper your vulgarities and he’d let it pass if he didn’t consider this a holy, spiritual occurrence. He withdraws and it doesn’t go unnoticed by him, the way your slick trickles down your clit and your mound, rooting in the squishy part of your lower tummy. He hums, delighting in the sight. 
“Be good,” he scolds, smiling down at you and your grin widens. You nod your head, your hands still crossed above you without his to hold them down. Scratch his words—you’re already the best girl. He licks up the trickle of your essence trailing down your clit, making you writhe again. “Feel how wet you are for me.” 
Carefully, you skim your palm down your soaked belly, gasping, until your fingers reach your nub, the concoction of his saliva and your arousal seeping into your skin. He encourages you with noises of approval to keep going, bending you even more in half, your back leaning against his thighs, the pads of your fingers circling your center, eyes wide at the discovery, able to see just how celestially aroused you are for him. So beautiful. He bites onto the flesh upon the side of your thigh, only because he can’t help it, soothing down the sting with his tongue. And he hums at the sound of your moans, at the sound of your slipperiness when you drag your fingers down to your clit and stop there. 
“Hm, yes, sweetheart, rub that pretty clit for me,” he murmurs and his chest explodes at the principle that he’s able to say that to you. That he doesn’t need anyone’s permission or approval. That he can do whatever he pleases with you without any consequences to reap. That he’s free. You must be thinking about this, too, but in a different way, because you hesitate. He’ll destroy that dubiety. It won’t show its face again—as long as he lives on this earth. “You can do it, my love. You’re free.” 
The reassurance washes over you and rids you of that fleeting negativity. He understands this is new for the both of you—there’s some still getting used to, so it’s completely normal. He’ll try his hardest to make this as much of an easy ride for you as he can. It’s his duty. 
“Don’t be afraid,” he continues, adding your name, softly. “You’re here with me and you’re safe.” 
Jungkook leans over and kisses you. You nod into the kiss and he returns to his position, catching you rubbing your clit, slowly, with two fingers, the other spread on your folds. And both of you moan simultaneously. 
“That’s it,” he whispers, enthralled, making way for the sound of your slick to overpower the atmosphere. “That’s my good girl. Make yourself feel good for me.” 
You whimper his name, buckling your hips in his hold, squeezing your eyes shut and Jungkook can see the waves of pressure charging your tender body. Now is the time for his participation. 
He sinks his middle finger inside, making your eyes pop open and stare him down, just for you to submerge yourself under the surface of that sea of lust and let your irises whisk back. Your walls clench around him and he waits until you speed up your circles to join his other finger, biting his lip to push back his desire to sink himself inside you. He tries to pay little attention to the way he drips for you. 
But then you use the rest of your fingers to bring yourself to your climax and Jungkook takes it as a sign. Another finger in, he curls them, fucking you the way you like. Fast, grazing your sweet little spot that beckons your sweat out of your pores and when your pussy drools even more for him, he adds another. You gasp and he knows exactly how you’re feeling, how good this is for you. 
“You feel so full, sweetheart, don’t you?” he coos, jackhammering his hand harder and you drench it, completely. He flattens his fingers, allowing you to see the thick sheen and you mewl, a litany of his name spilling along. “You’re so wet. So horny for me, aren’t you? You’re gonna come?” 
You scream your agreement, squirming, strumming your fingers harder and this is it for him. He changes direction. Fucks his fingers up and down and your toes curl, chest heaving heavily and you just keep on screaming. A delightful sound. 
“Come for me, then. Like the best girl you are.” 
You clench around him. So much that he can barely move his fingers, sunk in so deeply. He just flexes them, drawing out your orgasm and you give it to him. 
And you’re wet all over again. Sprinkled by pearls upon pearls of your pleasure. He is, too, and it worsens his desperation for you. 
You’re panting, but he’s not done with you. Setting you down, he laps up the violent evidence of your orgasm, making you twitch in overstimulation and he eases the pressure of his tongue for you. Sucking on your folds, he decides to mark you there. Just below your hip bone, too. Such intimate places. Perfect for a temporary keepsake like this. 
Hovering above you, he circles his tongue tinged with your taste around yours, forcing you to moan again. And he kisses you softly. “You deserved that orgasm.” 
You whine, red all over, and Jungkook understands you need more. He pulls away, clutches himself to line up at your entrance, but you stop him. 
“I want you.” 
He smirks, longs to hear you be more specific. “How?” 
You huff. So adorable. “In my mouth.” 
He chuckles. Should’ve asked where, but he’s at your service—he’s willing to give you anything you want. “All right, but just for a little bit, okay?” You nod, vehemently, and he pats your cheek. “On your knees.” 
Oh, he’ll never tire of the view of your submissiveness, of your hunger for such a private part of him. He makes a mess for you on the towel, dripping more than he ever has, and he holds himself at the base, grabbing your jaw in his hand. Brutality, the one he’s obsessed with, swims past your irises when you gaze up at him. A feral animal, an angel in hiding—he’d love to embellish you with the sticky traces of his fixation, but he shouldn’t, no matter how much he craves it. He can’t stain you, not today. Can’t ruin the holiness. He’ll let you play with him before he seals it for all eternity. 
Tomorrow he will. Smear you with it until it’s all your pores know. 
Jungkook traces the lines of your mouth with the tip of his length, just like he did with his finger in the bathtub, and you hum, liking it. He can vividly see your yearning to rub your face against him again and he lets you, encourages you in fact, pulling you closer until you nuzzle your nose against his girth, his skin caressing your cheek, and you kiss him all over. Place your hands over his and suck him inside your mouth, drinking his precum. Only to withdraw right away, sit back on your legs without lifting your hands, and look up at him with the vastness of your overbearing innocence and love. 
“You’re mine,” you purr, fucking him with your fist. 
Jungkook nods, just once. Doesn’t even feel his butterflies anymore, too numbed by you, by the pleasure you’re giving him. “That’s right, my love.” 
You suck in a breath, biting your lip hard as if it took all of your energy not to make him come at this very instant. And you lengthen your spine, asking for a kiss again, and he bends at the waist, kissing you nastily, pushing your head back to his cock, inciting you to do what you truly crave to. 
And you take him so well, your cheeks hollow, and he’s unabashed, free to let out his male noises, whimpering for you, panting heavily as you bob your head, slurping him, spitting on him. You toy with his tip, tugging at his length, colliding into his fist and it isn’t until you rub your face against his balls that it becomes his undoing. He stalls his orgasm, strains to do so, just to please you and he pries your hands away from his length, lets you focus on his sack. The least he could do to last. But then you grab it into your fist, sucking his balls, one by one, into your mouth, even try to take both of them at once and that’s it. He can’t breathe, his heart wringing painfully with all the love that brims in him for you. No one has ever done that to him. 
You flick your tongue against them, your other hand wrapping around his tip again, tugging and he nears dangerously close to the bursting of his orgasm. 
“That’s enough.” 
He draws you away from his cock, using all of his strength, and pins you down. A splutter of your giggles waft in the air, your chin wet with your spit and he moves his mouth so rapidly against yours that you struggle to kiss him back, growing calm all of a sudden, as if overcome with the gravity of it all. 
He looks at you for a long while. Puffy, red mouth, that he craves to bite onto—and he does. Darkened eyes, full of freedom and exhilaration. Neck, chest, tummy and the rest of the delicious parts of you scattered with hickeys, with his own personal keepsakes. He loves you so much that he becomes frustrated, needing to let it out somehow. All of his muscles tense and he clenches his grip on your wrists. 
“You want me to die? Is that what you want?” he hisses, speaking of the sloppy blowjob you gave him, gliding his wet cock across your seashell. You lose a breath, drowsy eyes fluttering, spreading your legs for him. No wonder you’re tired—you gave it your all. He sinks his teeth hard into his bottom lip, his frustration rising, brows knitted. “You can’t play with me like that. I was seconds away from coming all over your pretty face.” 
“I wanted you to,” you say, loud and clear, and Jungkook is hot all over. 
Turning you over to your side, he squeezes the flesh of your bum until it hurts as a punishment, knowing you’re not ready for the full thing. It’s too soon. Your wincing breaks into a low, alluring moan and it fills him with adrenaline. And then you smile at him, light flashing in your countenance. You’re anything but punished; you’re pleased. 
Looks like you need another form of punishment. 
Fuck it, fuck all spiritual aspects of this. The angels in heaven need to look away for now and cover their ears. He’s going to make love to you in a way they’ve never witnessed before and it’s good that they never will. 
“What did you say?” Jungkook feignedly questions, pinning you back down and burying himself in your heat. Having stretched you out well enough, he gives you his half right away, but he doesn’t stop there, not when you lift your chest off of the mattress, not when you lose yourself in the sudden fullness and the music of your mutual moans. You grip him so tight that he forgets, for a split moment, what he’s punishing you for. 
You stammer, seemingly forgetting, too. And when his mound kisses yours, your words falter altogether—a crescendo into silence. Eyes wide, unblinking, taking him most courageously. Jungkook hums, immensely proud of you, slowly pounding you into the mattress with hard strokes. 
And when he gives you a particularly unmerciful one, you scream, shaking all over in his hands. 
“Yes, sweetheart, that’s what you get,” he purrs, grinding his hips, loving the way he toys with your senses, your peaked nubs digging into his chest, and you can’t catch your breath, your whole body tense. “Too deep?” 
You nod. “Too deep, baby, I can’t take it, fuck. It’s too much.” 
Cooing, he kisses you. The pet name, your tightness—he’s losing his mind and it’s your fault. Your wonderful, wonderful fault. You don’t even let him pull out, you keep him caged in, your walls fluttering against him and he whimpers, shaking like you, unable to continue kissing you. 
“Relax, my love, or you’re really gonna kill me,” he croaks out, ascending to heavenly places where they don’t, in most certainty, don’t want to see him. Sitting back on his feet, he thumbs your clit, helping you calm down. “Good girl. Feels good, stuffed full like this? My thumb rubbing your sweet little clit, hm?” 
It is a miracle, the way he knows your body and knows what to do with it because your walls loosen, enabling him to fuck you, sloppily, your slick squeaking along with your quickening breaths. You scream out your yeses, driving him to give you his all. 
“Just like that,” he whispers, approving, his balls tightening already, the pressure in his lower tummy becoming bigger. 
You deserve the full thing, though. Jungkook places your knee on his shoulder. And with each stroke, his mound stimulates your clit, getting you nice and fast to his level. 
He cradles your blissed-out face, the heel of his palm putting pressure on your throat. And onto that expression of elation, he uncoils his love for you, brutally fucking you until your whole body ripples beneath him. 
“Whose are you, huh?” he moans, driving into you, rearranging your guts. Sweat drips off of his forehead. “Whose pretty girl are you?” 
Your own sounds of pleasure rise in pitch and volume and he senses, he knows you’re about to come for him. 
“Yours, Jungkook, yours,” you choke out and he’s so proud of you that he hums, his balls slapping against your bum, and he kisses you, giving you his tongue. You suck on it, getting him right there to the edge of his orgasm. 
“Fuck, such a good girl. All mine. You know that I love you, right?” 
And the once reappearing absurdity of his choice of words pushes over that edge and you squeeze him, squeeze him hard, milking his cum out of you and he growls into your mouth. You take over each and every one of his senses, making them yours, and he fucks his cum into you, his mouth smacking against yours, as you whisper your I love you’s and he swallows them down. 
Heaven or something beyond. You created it and he wants to spend the rest of his life there. 
Panting, he kisses your jaw, marking you there for the last time. Unbelief grasping him that he finds himself in such a place glazed with love. “You love me?” 
You whimper, shuddering all over, your orgasm still seizing you. “I love you so fucking much.” 
He licks into your mouth, ending your release. “My best girl. I’ll take care of you. I’ll never let you go. You’re never getting out of my sight again.” 
Jungkook lets go of your wrists. They must be cramping, tingling and he massages them in the air, sitting back, his length still inside your homely heat. Your eyes wet again, sobs break out of your mouth and he shushes you most affectionately, his heart twinging. He lifts you and sits you down on his lap, hugging you close to his chest. Skin to skin. You cling to him with everything in you and he holds you together, so you don’t fall apart. 
“You’re my savior. My healer,” you wail, gripping his hair. As if your breaking wasn’t enough, your words hit him hard and his vision soaks along with yours. You’ve never told him that before—never told him the roles he has in your life. He appreciates them so much, holds them dear to his heart. Never wants to forget them. “Don’t ever leave me, please. I beg you.” 
It’s him who now breaks. Right there on your shoulder, beneath the waterfall of your hair. 
“I could never. You’re my life. You’re my everything. How could I ever leave you?” 
You sob harder, lifting your head, and the sight of your rawness makes him fall even more in love with you. Jungkook smooths down your hair and wipes away your tears. Kisses you, deeply, and lingers there. And along with the kiss, you and him exchange your last I love you’s for the night. 
Tub drained, candle snuffed out, cheese balls devoured, the rain finishing like that chapter of your life—Jungkook feels himself entering a brand new one with you, one where Yoongi isn’t present, as he dresses you in his clothes. For panties, he slinks your legs into his boxers, keeping them warm with a pair of his own joggers. Then, he tugs his hoodie down your head, pushing your arms through the sleeves. Smirks at the way his clothes fit you well. As if they were your own. At the way he matches with you. 
He overflows with a thrumming life. 
A brand new chapter filled with myriads of different, ecstatic possibilities. And you seal them to completion, when tucked in bed, lying on his chest, you sleepily utter the first prospect that you want to bring to life.
“Will you take me to your cabin tomorrow?” 
His breath hitches in his throat. He never thought he’d be returning there so soon, especially not with you. His mouth quirks up, body suffused with a foreign excitement, and right away he deduces the reason why you want to go there. 
“You really want that dildo, don’t you?” 
You merely laugh through your nose. 
Oh, he’s calling in sick tomorrow. Will take you there first thing in the morning. Will do absolutely anything for you. 
“I’ll fuck you hard with it until you completely drench it, then. Sleep for now, so we can get to tomorrow.” 
You kiss his clothed chest. Nuzzle your face in it. Whisper your thank you. Jungkook pretends he didn’t just get hard all over again. 
“Good night,” you say. 
He pecks your hair. “Good night, sweetheart.” 
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© 2024 hoseoksluna, all rights reserved.
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heavenangelly · 3 months
(Some) Anons will be the downfall of this community. This is just a silly little community where we learn abt manifesting, shifting and the void. We all want to be happy and live life to its fullest. We share success stories, cute interactions, mutuals, helpful advice, etc. Yet it doesn’t matter bc there will always be an anon hating and telling bloggers shitty things.
Us bloggers just want a niche, helpful and kind community where we all vibe and have fun. But then we get asks like that and it just makes us so demotivated. What more do you want from us? We’re helping you get your dream life, giving you free information because we understand more than anything that people want to get out of shitty circumstances, and all we get is anons like that.
It’s honestly so disgusting. Why can’t we all just be happy and be motivated to manifest our desires together? Why can’t we just support each other?
This community could be so beautiful but some of you anons are fucking ruining it. Just bc you can’t apply doesn’t mean it’s anyone’s fault but your own. You need to want to change and stop being so goddamn desperate. Don’t take it out on our beautiful community.
And to the non believers that call us delusional; so what? Why do you care? Why must you push your beliefs onto us? We certainly don’t do it to you. Just block the account and move on if it bothers you so much about what OTHER people believe. Grow up.
There used to be so many good bloggers on this app. Anons could interact with bloggers and form connections with them. There was emoji anons and we’d all share success stories. People actually wanted to apply the law. And to be fair, this community always used to have haters and liars in it, but not like this.
Stop taking your anger out on others. It’s not our fault, it’s yours. Switch your phone off and go on a walk or something. But hating on bloggers is not the right way to get rid of your anger.
I’ve honestly thought about leaving a few times. And I know other bloggers have as well. There is so many little (active) bloggers compared to a few years ago and if we all leave, assuming that the anons that are dedicated to getting their dream life also leave because they’ve succeeded, this community would be left with angry, hurt anons. And it would die with us unless we went to YouTube or something bc there is no way those anons would actually apply.
I just want this community to be happy and have good vibes again. We’re all in this together, guys. We all want our desires, we all know the law, we all help each other. So why are you hating? Don’t let this community die because of your anger.
And to the anons and bloggers that are dedicated to getting their desired life no matter what: I’m proud of you. I just know you’re going to make it far. Don’t become demotivated, your desires are yours. Never give up and you’ll win. You’ll get your desires and your life will be beautiful. You’ll wake up everyday, happy you took that leap. Just keep going and prove to yourself over and over that you can do this and that you are powerful. Ily guys <3
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
may i request a yandere god/angel? The idea of something so pure..the one thing you have faith in is actually the thinkg keeping u trapped in their obsession bubble is so appealing to me. having no hope left anymore. just them <3
Yandere! God Hcs
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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🌟 Yandere! God embodies profound wisdom and possesses knowledge beyond mortal comprehension. They have a mysterious aura and speak in riddles, often challenging his followers to seek enlightenment and often confusing the hell out of them. He’s very unpredictable and playful. He finds joy in playful interactions and enjoys surprising their followers with unexpected twists while they worship him. He lives for drama and will one hundred percent mislead his followers.
🌟 Yandere! God is starstruck when he first sees you. He can’t believe that such a cutie is worshiping him and is such a devoted follower. Any prayer that you wish for, he immediately tries to make it become a reality. Since he’s an all powerful god, you can best believe that he will misuse his powers when it comes to you. What’s this? You met a cute guy at work and flirted with him? Well too bad he got struck by lightning five times and died on the spot. Truly unfortunately. He’ll do his best to isolate you from your friends and family. You’ll be so lost that the only thing you can do is just pray to him whenever you can. The thought of this has him kicking his feet up in the air and twirling his hair.
🌟 Yandere! God plans out exactly how and when you guys will finally meet in person. After watching you for many hours he wants this moment to be as perfect as possible. He makes sure to be as dramatic and extra as possible, revealing himself in a very flashy way. Some lightning here and there and some cool looking smoke for his entrance. One day your just praying to him and poof he’s out in front of you.
“Some people want to meet me, some people don’t believe me, and some people claim to be me. I am…?”
“Yes it is— WAIT NO!!!”
🌟 Yandere! God eventually stops speaking in riddles around you because of your inability to get the correct answer. It’s just the only way that he can communicate with you properly and have you understand what he’s saying. Don’t worry though he still loves you nonetheless even if you are a total airhead. He will, however, personally tutor you if it ever really comes down to it. He still speaks in riddles to everyone else but you.
🌟 Yandere! God enjoys watching you pray to him. You view him as someone to look up to and ask about life questions. He makes sure to manipulate you by giving you advice that causes you to become a social outcast to the rest of the world. Who needs friends or a lover when you have him? Whenever his servants hear him say these things to you they just side eye him. They don’t try to do anything about it though because there’s no stopping him when it comes to love.
🌟 Yandere! God uses his followers as entertainment. They’re like his own personal reality tv show that he can control whenever he wants. He loves dropping random things on them and watching them freak out about it. Do you remember the time when a bunch of archeologists dug up an ancient rock with diamonds around it? Yeah, that was his badly made art craft that he threw away years ago. Do you also remember that hurricane that nearly destroyed a country a few months ago? Yeah that was also him, he just accidentally sneezed in the wrong direction that day. His followers believe that anything he does has a meaning behind it. Those natural disasters that have been happening recently must be a test from him. When in reality it was just you messing around with the weather because you we bored.
🌟 Yandere! God would make a new flower and name it after you. His love for you is infinite and would like to spend all of eternity with you. When you first met him you thought that he was supposed to be a generous and pure being. It was because of this thought that you never really saw his advances towards you as romantic. You just brushed these thoughts off and thought you were crazy for even thinking this was. When he found out what you were thinking he nearly ripped his hair off.
🌟 Yandere! God uses the idea of enlightenment to forever trap you by his side. Ditch all the people that you once knew and live with him. This is the only way for you to reach your full potential. People are just vial and disgusting so just jump right into his arms. He’s honestly so good a gaslighting that you don’t even question him and just do exactly what he says. To him it’s almost comical but he couldn’t be prouder of you. If you ever tried to gaslight him it wouldn’t work. I mean you can’t out gaslight the original gaslighter. He was literally the blueprint.
🌟 Yandere! God is terrible at cooking. This is understandable because he is a god and doesn’t need to consume food in order to survive. You, however, do need it. He tries his best to cook food for you but whenever you eat his food you always get food poisoning and need to run to the toilet. He always looks so proud when handing you the dishes that he made that you don’t have the heart to tell him that you don’t want it. So you usually just suck it up and shove it right down your throat.
🌟 Yandere! God is aware that you are a mortal and will one day die. So he tries various ways to make you immortal whether you like it or not. The thought of you dying just pains him and he’d do anything to prevent it from happening. He would destroy and sacrifice the entire universe if it meant that you’d be safe with him. Being with him is so suffocating. He’s like a clingy dog that always bites for attention. There is honestly no quiet moment where you get to be alone in your own thoughts because he is always watching you.
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microcosmicheart · 7 months
A Message from Your Secret Admirer
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*rubs hands together evilly because I'm nosy*
1 2 3 4
Pile 1
- It’s taking Forever to get your cards! - This person could be methodical in their thought or way of speaking - They want this shit to stay a secret 😭 - I feel like once I get the message some of you may know exactly who it is.
Hey. I feel like some rest would do you good. Get enough and a lot of it. Need to see your pretty face again soon, happy and healthy. How’s that thing going? The one you didn't tell me about, but I heard second hand? I know you'll do great. Also, a bit of personal info: I’ve been a bit stunted when it comes to relationships, something I’m workin’ on. But I’m making a comeback, all thanks to you. I'll be asking you out sometime soon, I’ve just gotta talk to you first 😭. See ya later,
- This person thinks you are SO attractive literally all of you. The way you think, how you dress, your smile! They got it for you BAD
Pile 2
- Just turned on Candy Pop by TWICE 😭 Read the lyrics! - Keep hearing bubblegum? Like the word. Like they’re “gummy” or “chewy” - This is my LGBTQ+ pile - They are not shy at ALL
Hey! So you remember how you came to our group asking for advice on something? I say go against the grain! You’ve played it safe your whole life and quite frankly so have the people in our group. There’s nothing a little looking and leaping won't fix! I'm getting the sense that one of the things you admire about me is my courage to be me? Guess what, I see the same thing in you! I understand that this'll be a big step for you, and I’d like to tell you to take your sweet time! Also, if you ask me, I'll say yes ☺️. Love you,
- TWICE and ITZY (kpop groups) may be very important to this person  - They also may love bunnies/rabbits - You also could actually be interested in this person
Pile 3
- Lowkey by NIKI - This person drinks - This person WILL be asking you out soon 😭 - They aren’t even gonna ask for much but they’re willing to give you their all (be kind!)
You want it? I got it. You need me? I’m THERE. Honest to god I’m tryna love you the way you deserve. You know I can make it happen, whatever it is. I’m bein so forreal. You ma ONE. Like dis is it. I gotchu forreal just let me show you.
- They are ON IT. - Honestly I’m not even seeing this as a secret, but I don't think you're understanding the extent of this person's love, hence the message. - Y'all's cards are amazing 😭 Like they are real life in love with you I hear them going “I’m sayin corny shit like I feel COMPLETE 😭” - Your heart is safe with them fr, have fun 💕
Pile 4
Literally getting not a damn thing outta this person they probably don’t speak often let alone to you 😭
Hey Love. I see you're still doing your best recovering from that *curseword in another language*. I still find you quite beautiful. This isn't what I’ve come to say though. I ask simply that each day you grow more and more selfish. I’d love to see you obsessed with yourself. A compact in your hand and gloss on your lips, ignoring those you don't wish to speak to. I wish to see you shine authentically, should you choose to, of course. I know you’ve got it in you. Love,
- Awwww - Their energy is so gentle and calm  - You guys could work in healthcare - They’ve got a fatass crush on you and are 100% certain you aren't going to ever find out.
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nattysstargirl · 1 year
The Beast of my Dreams
Chapter 3.
Word count: 3250
TW 18+: dry humping, dirty talk, fingering, cursing, praise, brief anal play(over clothing)
A/N: enjoy
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Natasha walks her back to the dorm building. She stays close but keeps her hands in her jacket pocket. Y/N steals looks at her. Clothes cover most of her skin, but a strip of skin on her neck is visible beneath her undercut. Dark red ink swirls from the collar of her shirt and licks toward her hairline. Y/N tries to imagine the rest of the tattoo, and she decides it covers Natasha's whole back. She can't guess at the design from the few strands she can see, but she knows she'll wonder about it later. 
"Do you live on campus?" Y/N asks after a few minutes of silence. 
"Slightly off," Natasha says. "Walking distance though. I live with my family." 
"Oh, that's nice." Y/N always tries to keep the sadness out of her voice when she talks about family, but apparently she doesn't succeed this time. 
"Are you not close with yours?" 
"Not really. No siblings, Dad bounced a while ago, and Mom... You know how moms are." 
Natasha smiles sympathetically, but Y/N can tell she doesn't empathize personally. They arrive at the front door of Y/N's building. She turns to Natasha. "Well, thanks for the rescue. I really appreciate it."
"Anytime at all," Natasha says quietly. 
The security light sparks gold to life in her green eyes. They're pretty. 
"Do you want to come up?" Y/N asks suddenly. "My roommate might be home, but we could...watch a show or something. I've got ice cream." 
Natasha smiles. "I'm lactose intolerant." 
"Ah." Y/N's heart sinks a little. 
"But I've got nothing going on tonight." 
Y/N smiles. "Really? Awesome." 
The elevator ride to the sixth floor is quiet. Y/N's mind is solidly on MJ's advice and wondering what Natasha's hands look like. She wishes she'd take them out of her pockets. And the tattoo on her back... Excitement curls through Y/N's belly.
Natasha's definitely into girls. The way she dresses and walks and how she put those guys in their place like they were nothing. There's no way she's straight. Y/N peeks at her without turning her head. Natasha watches the numbers climb on the little LED screen. 
She doesn't fidget or rock on her feet. Just standing stock still with her hands in her jacket and her jaw set. The elevator dings, and Natasha waits for Y/N to leave first. 
"Thanks," Y/N says, feeling stupid for it right after. It's not like she pulled her chair out for her. She just doesn't know where Y/N's dorm is and couldn't reasonably take the lead. Y/N hurries to her room and unlocks it, peeking in and smiling when she sees Peggy isn't home. She must be out with her boyfriend, and it's early, so they probably have a few hours. 
"Come on in," she says. She closes and locks the door after Natasha is inside. Natasha evaluates the dorm silently. 
"It's not much," Y/N offers. "But here..." She pulls the extra pillows she keeps stored under her bed and props them in the corner of her wall, making a cozy little couch situation. "You can leave your shoes and jacket there, if you'd like. I need to pee, but make yourself comfortable! Snacks in the fridge." Y/N hurries into the bathroom. She pulls her hoodie off. Her outfit is limited to what she has on her, since Peggy has a strict rule about no clothes in the bathroom. She has a toilet and mirror to work with. She leaves the hoodie on the back of the toilet and evaluates her outfit. 
Jeans, red long-sleeved flannel, and a ponytail. She yanks the ponytail holder and fluffs her hair. She washed it last night, so it looks...fine. She rolls the sleeves of her flannel to her elbows, undoes the top two buttons, then undoes the bottom few to tie it in a knot above her navel. It looks a little try-hard, but for all Natasha knows, she was wearing it like this under her hoodie the whole time. She looks cute. She uses the toilet while she's in there, then heads out and hurriedly washes her hands in the kitchen sink. She dries them thoroughly then turns to find Natasha relaxed on her bed. 
She took off her boots and jacket, leaving her in a skintight black t-shirt with sleeves curling on the edges because her biceps are so thick. Y/N gulps. Natasha is wearing gray joggers, and they're set low on her hips, exposing a strip of toned abs and the band of gray Calvin Klein underwear. 
"Oh, hey!" Y/N says. She unbuttons her flannel two more down to expose her sports bra. "We match." 
Natasha's eyes track slowly down from Y/N's eyes to her chest. "Look at that." Y/N smiles and leaves her shirt unbuttoned. She bends to pull her laptop from under the bed, where she keeps everything, and climbs in next to Natasha. 
"You wearing jeans in bed?" Natasha asks. "I can barely wear them walking around." 
"You're so right. Do you mind if I...?" Y/N drops one hand to her jeans hem. 
"Your house, babe," Natasha says. 
Y/N turns her head to hide the blush at being called "babe" by a hot dyke. She tugs off her jeans like it's a totally casual thing she does with near-strangers all the time. "Whew," she says, "that's better." 
Natasha scoots a few inches over to allow Y/N room to stretch out beside her. They rest their backs against her pillow corner, and Y/N plops the never-used ironing board attached to her wall down to hold the laptop. It was already installed when she moved in, and it makes a great Netflix desk. It hovers a foot above their laps, trapping them in together like babies in a double highchair. 
"What kinda stuff are you into?" Y/N asks. She glances at Natasha. Natasha's face is only a few inches from hers, and her eyes are moving around Y/N's torso and neck before locking with her gaze.
"Whatever you're into," Natasha says. 
Y/N's stomach flips. "Okay..." She clears her throat and hits "shuffle" on her Netflix profile. 
A quiet period drama she's never seen starts playing. It seems pretty benign and not particularly interesting, which is exactly what she was hoping for. Y/N tries to look casual, but every inch of her body is on fire and acutely aware of every small move Natasha makes beside her. Natasha shifts her hips and chuckles. 
"You okay?" Y/N asks quickly. 
"Small bed," Natasha offers. She bops her head gently against the wall as an example of the close quarters and smiles. 
"Oh, I'm sorry," Y/N says, immediately insecure that she's being pushy and weird. "I can um, I can move to my roommate's bed, or—" Natasha moves one arm behind Y/N's back and one under her knees. She pulls her into her lap. It's not as obscene as it could have been, because Natasha has a pillow over her thighs, so there's a buffer between her crotch and Y/N's ass. Tragically. 
"Oh," Y/N breathes. 
"Yeah, this works." Natasha watches her face carefully as she pulls the blanket from her knees and up around Y/N's shoulders. 
"Are you still cold?" she whispers. 
Y/N's entire body is flush as she turns her head back to the laptop. "No, ma'am." Natasha's arms tuck Y/N close to her chest, and she rests her chin on her shoulder near her neck. Y/N can feel her exhale, and her skin prickles everywhere it touches.
They pretend to watch the show, but every ounce of Y/N's attention is on Natasha's right hand tracing slow circles on her hipbone. It seems like an innocent caress at first, but the longer it goes on, the more Y/N's mind transforms it into something incredibly suggestive. 
Natasha's finger catches the band of her underwear and Y/N inhales sharply. Natasha's hand immediately retreats. 
"I'm sorry," she says. "I just... Sorry if I misread something." 
Y/N twists to catch Natasha's mouth in a kiss. Her landing was abrupt, but she softens and slows to give Natasha time to adjust. Am I really doing this? Y/N's not sure how seriously she's taking the alleged curse, but she's always wished she was more daring with women.
Men are so easy, but Y/N can count the number of women she's initiated a kiss with on one hand. Natasha exhales and relaxes back into the pillow, gathering Y/N into both arms. It starts tame, polite and close-mouthed. Then Natasha's lips part to lick along Y/N's. 
Y/N opens her mouth to give Natasha access. She feels her smile. Natasha's tongue gently slips inside until it touches Y/N's. Y/N loses track of lips and tongues and forgets where she is until Natasha's teeth trap her bottom lip. Y/N moans. 
"That okay?" Natasha whispers. 
"That's so okay," Y/N says. 
She flips around to face Natasha with her legs around her hips. She wraps a hand around Natasha's neck and jaw to pull her face toward her. Natasha's pupils go dark, and she kisses Y/N. Hard. Y/N whimpers and quietly rocks her hips, trying to find some friction against the pillow to satiate the burning need that's been growing between her legs since they got back to the dorm. She's never been so attracted to anyone this quickly.
Natasha has something that's driving her insane, and she needs more, now. The pillow is soft, giving her nearly no satisfaction. She reaches behind her to pull it away, but Natasha's quicker. She slides down a little further so she can pull Y/N against the trunk of her midsection. Her abs feel even harder than they look. With just her underwear separating them, Y/N purrs at the sensation of warmth from Natasha's body against her clit. 
She grinds unabashedly. Natasha's fingers curl roughly into her hips, dragging her harder. She bucks her body in time with Y/N's movement. "Oh, shit..." Y/N's thoughts go hazy. She has a death grip on Natasha's shoulders, and she's sliding as hard as she can up and down her flexed belly. It feels better than any sex she can remember having. Natasha makes her head swim. One of Natasha's hands stays firmly on Y/N's hip, but the other moves to grip an ass cheek. 
"Yeah, baby," Y/N whispers. "That feels so good." 
Natasha seems to take that as an invitation and moves her hand down Y/N's crack to press her fingers against her asshole. She doesn't push inside, she just applies a delicious pressure outside of her panties that makes Y/N buck even wilder. 
"Are you going to cum on me like that, Y/N?" Natasha asks. 
"Do you want me to?" Y/N pants. 
"Tell me. Tell me to do it." 
"Mmm." Natasha tightens her grip on her hip and increases the pressure she's putting on Y/N's ass. 
"Harder." Y/N doesn't need to be told twice. She grinds harder and whimpers. 
"Good girl," Natasha mutters in her ear. "That's a good girl." 
Y/N bites her lip. She's panting fast from the exertion and excitement, and her legs shake. 
"Cum for me," Natasha whispers. "I want to feel it."  
Y/N gasps and orgasms immediately. It rips through her whole body, from her scalp to her spasming pussy. Natasha must be able to feel it, because she groans and presses her hand against everything she can reach without moving Y/N's underwear. She keeps her grip hard there until Y/N calms down and rests against Natasha. Natasha releases Y/N's hip and brushes her hair behind her ear. 
"Very, very good girl," she whispers. 
Y/N shudders with pleasure and kisses Natasha's shoulder. With her demanding need met, an awkwardness creeps into her consciousness. She just humped a stranger's abs and came on her. She notices how wet she is now, and Natasha is definitely slick with her. That's an embarrassing thing to do, right? Natasha doesn't seem to think so. She's nuzzling her face from Y/N's shoulder into her hair and back. 
"Can I touch you?" Natasha asks. 
"You can do literally anything you want to me," Y/N says, out of breath. 
"Turn over." Natasha's voice is firm, but not rough. 
Y/N doesn't mind obeying. In fact, she's happy to. She didn't realize how much she enjoys being told what to do. This is kind of new. She turns over again, struggling on shaking legs, settling onto the pillow in Natasha's lap. She thinks about pulling it out again, but Natasha's already pinned her down with a hard arm across her hips. Y/N leans back against her chest contentedly, dropping her head to rest against Natasha's shoulder. 
"Do your worst," she says, completely comfortable and trusting with this stranger. 
Natasha keeps an arm around her hips, leaving her other hand free to rub across Y/N's thighs. She makes gentle routes up the outside of her thigh, down the inside, crushingly skipping her pussy, slipping around to squeeze her ass. Y/N hums contentedly, loving the feeling of surrendering control to this incredibly attractive woman.
This feels like a scenario she would dream up. Natasha pulls the blanket over Y/N, then tugs the buttons of her flannel until it's fully opened. She runs her hands over Y/N's midsection, up to her bra. She doesn't move it or take it off, opting to grab her gently over the thin material. 
Y/N's nipples are hard as soon as she touches them. When Natasha feels how quickly they respond to her, she growls. Y/N giggles. "Was that a growl?" Natasha bites gently at her earlobe and Y/N's eyes flutter closed. She presses her back harder into Natasha's chest. Natasha's hand grabs her whole pussy over her underwear and Y/N gasps, then moans so Natasha knows it's a good gasp.
She pushes her hips up to get more friction against her palm. Natasha's hand slips under the band, and her fingers are gentle in their exploration. She pets Y/N's soft curls, which are sopping wet, alternating between gentle tickles with her fingertips and rough grabs of the whole situation. 
Y/N rocks her hips again, silently begging to be fucked, but she's enjoying Natasha following her whims too much to request anything different. She doesn't have to wait long, though. Natash parts her pussy lips with her middle finger and runs along the length of it, dipping inside once to wet her finger and back out to rub circles on her clit. 
"Ohh," Y/N breathes. "Oh, you're good at that." Natasha releases Y/N's hip, dragging that hand up her middle, between her breasts, to wrap her throat. Her right hand moves from Y/N's clit to push three fingers inside her. She gasps. 
"You like that?" Natasha asks. Y/N nods hard. "Fuck my hand," she commands. 
Y/N braces her palms on Y/N's hips and pushes her hips up obediently. She finds a rhythm and winds her hips in circles as she slams into Natasha's fingers. 
"Fuck," Y/N whispers. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, that's so good." 
Natasha pulls her closer, biting her shoulder and keeping her free hand wrapped around Y/N's throat. Y/N is thrilled to realize that Natasha's legs have spread further, and she's fucking the pillow. Y/N wishes the pillow wasn't there so she could feel Natasha against her ass and inside of her at the same time.
That thought makes her groan loudly, and she bounces against Natasha's fingers harder. They're so thick, and she can feel her orgasm already growing again. She grabs Natasha's wrist with one hand to push her in as far as she'll go, her eyes rolling back in her head at how long they are. She's fucked men with shorter penises. God, this feels amazing. 
Natasha's panting just as loudly. "Good girl," she moans. "Good girl. Come on now." 
Y/N knows what Natasha wants, so she slams her hips harder, pulling Natasha's fingers all the way inside with each thrust so she can rub her clit against the heel of Natasha's hand. Natasha jerks her hips harder too, then finally releases her grip on Y/N's throat to tap her middle and ring fingers against her mouth. Y/N opens her lips and sucks the fingers in. Natasha pushes them to the back of her tongue, and Y/N eagerly opens her throat. When Natasha growls and grinds harder at the first choking noise, Y/N takes the fingers deeper and gags again. Natasha fucks her with both hands, and Y/N gets closer with every choke. 
"That's my good girl," Natasha whispers so quietly it's almost imperceptible over Y/N's moans. 
Her pussy clenches on Natasha's fingers, and Natasha pushes all the way inside, gripping onto her with her other fingers, like she needs to hold herself inside or she'll die. Y/N's back arches, and Natasha slides her fingers from her mouth so Y/N can moan. 
"Oh, my God! FUCK!" She arches harder as her orgasm rattles her body. 
Natasha grunts and shudders, gripping Y/N's hips with both arms and thrusting against her, hard, three more times before she relaxes. "Did you just—" Y/N starts, then stops. Natasha clearly came. Y/N smiles and flips over to straddle Natasha's hips. The stupid pillow is still in the way, so she reaches down to pull it out, but Natasha grabs her chin and pulls her into a long, gentle kiss. Y/N forgets where she is again. Natasha shudders a long inhale. 
"Mmm." She pulls from the kiss and looks at Y/N. "You're fun." 
"You're fun, what the fuck." Y/N chuckles. "I thought you were weird and creepy when I saw you in class. I mean—" Natasha narrows her eyes, then grips Y/N's chin and pushes three fingers into her mouth. The three that were just inside of Y/N's cunt. Y/N's heart thrums with excitement. She keeps eye contact with Natasha as she runs her tongue thoroughly over and between each digit, sucking contentedly as she cleans up her own mess. Then she pushes Natasha's hand in further, opening her throat to take the fingers as far down as they can go. Her throat constricts, and she gags until her eyes water. Natasha watches her with a slight smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. Y/N sucks hard as she pulls Natasha's hand back out. Natasha's pupils are dilated again, and she swallows. 
"Anything else you'd like from me?" Y/N whispers. 
Keys rattle outside the door, and it's opening before they can react. Y/N slides between Natasha and the wall, tugging the blanket up around her shoulders. Peggy walks in and rolls her eyes as soon as she sees them. 
"Y/N. Communal space." 
"I was just leaving," Natasha says. She slips from the blanket without uncovering Y/N. She grabs her jacket and wraps it around her waist before tugging on her boots. She leaves without tying them, and without a goodbye. 
Y/N watches the closed door. Fuck.
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priestessofuniverse · 7 months
What's the advice from the mother of the universe for your current situation ? ✨️
So for this reading, I'm using the Kali oracle deck to look for guidance regarding whatver situation the 3 piles are facing .
Select an image from below and go to the pile number for that image .
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Pile 1
Everyone who chose pile 1 . You've got Vishwamata card .
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She says , you are far stronger than you realise . The universe recognizes your inner potential and is simply waiting for you to acknowledge it. Do not despair over your situation because everything here is temporary . It will soon be solved . Be strong and move forward knowing that you're guided and protected by the universe . You are being encouraged to develop more self confidence and being asked to be more committed towards your desires or dreams . Do not give in to fear or failure. Proceed step by step . Even though your current situations aren't to your liking , this is only a phase that will benefit you to transform and grow stronger spiritually. 💪 The universe wants you to stop victimizing yourself and focus on healing your traumas instead . You can do it . Don't worry . The universe is cheering for you ✨️ 💛 💖
Pile 2
Everyone who chose pile 2 , you've got Maa Shodashi .
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She's here to let you know , the universe is urging to cleanse yourself . A deep cleanse from all past traumas , hurt and pain is required. After experiences of being judged , betrayed or hurt , now you're being supported by the divine to heal and grow and flourish. Now is your time to shine. You are capable to attracting all your desires . You are capable of manifesting your wildest dreams. Honor your heart and it shall lead you to enlightenment. Both materially and spiritually . Your heart understands the inner working of the divine more than your mind does , so even if the mind recoils yet the heart wants ? GO FOR IT . Even in challenges and difficulties , don't lose hope and do NOT lose your faith . Keep a firm belief that the universe has its blessings on you . You're worthy of it all . (I just saw 12.12 - The 12:12 angel number is an indication that you are at a point in your life where you are ready to step out of your comfort zone and enter into those goals you've been putting off. If you've been contemplating trying something new, this is your sign to move forward!) GO BESTIE . YOU CAN DO IT. universe is cheering for you . ✨️ 💛 💖
Pile 3
You guys have got the Dharma of Kali .
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Maa is here to say , Every challenge and every opportunity in your life is designed by the divine for optimal growth . The intelligence of the divine is within your heart . So when you trust in the divine and walk in alignment to your souls integrity , everything else naturally will fall into place . The journey might be tough but the outcome is going to be worth it. So keep your head high and walk with the divine . Call your power back from useless sources and push forward with your heart . Go and conquer the battlefield . Do not fret if you are forced to break a few societal rules in the process. Conventional was never meant to be your cup of tea anyway. This fight is yours to win. The divine is with you ✨️ 💛 ❤️
I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THE READING. Lemme know in the reply section of how it resonated .
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mrslelouch · 4 months
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This is my guess what the 3 new Villains are based on. I know they're more tales with Vogel in it but to me Der goldene Vogel by The Brothers Grimm fits so perfectly! (I really hope I am right!) This fairy tale is about the pursuit of a golden bird by a gardener's three sons. Which fairy tale do you guys think fits the new Villains? (Please kindly share 😊💕)
Here's the synopsis for the story for those who are curious:
Every year, a king's apple tree is robbed of one golden apple during the night. He sets his gardener's sons to watch, and though the first two fall asleep, the youngest stays awake and sees that the thief is a golden bird. He tries to shoot it, but only knocks a feather off.
The feather is so valuable that the king decides he must have the bird. He sends his gardener's three sons, one after another, to capture the priceless golden bird. The sons each meet a talking fox, who gives them advice for their quest: to choose an old and shabby inn over a rich and pleasant one. The first two sons ignore the advice and, in the pleasant inn, abandon their quest. The third son obeys the fox, so the fox advises him to take the bird in its wooden cage from the castle in which it lives, instead of putting it into the golden cage next to it, because this is a signal. But he disobeys, and the golden bird rouses the castle, resulting in his capture.
The king of the castle agrees to spare him and give him the golden bird only if he can retrieve the golden horse. The fox advises him to use a dark gray leather saddle rather than a golden one which is a signal again, but he fails again by putting a golden saddle on a horse, resulting in his capture by a different castle. This castle's king sent him after the princess from the golden castle. The fox advises him not to let her say farewell to her parents, but he disobeys, and the princess's father orders him to remove a hill in eight days as the price of his life. The fox removes it for him, and then, as they set out, he advises the son how to keep all the things he has won since then. It then asks the son to shoot it and cut off its head. When the son refuses, it warns him against buying gallows' flesh and sitting on the edge of rivers.
He finds that his older brothers, who have been carousing and living sinfully in the meantime, are to be hanged (on the gallows) and buys their liberty. They find out what he has done. When he sits on a river's edge, they push him in, take the bird, horse and princess and bring them to their father. However, all three grieve for the youngest son. The fox rescues the prince, and when he returns to his father's castle dressed in a beggar's cloak, the bird, the horse, and the princess all recognize him as the man who won them, and become cheerful again. His older brothers get punished for their bad deeds, and he marries the princess.
Finally, the third son cuts off the fox's head and feet at the creature's request. The fox is revealed to be a man, the brother of the princess who had been enchanted by a witch after being lost for great many years.
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veenus777 · 1 year
◜Willbur x Pregnant! reader Headcanons◞
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┊ ᝰ﹕Fluff, SFW, feminine pronouns
┊ ᝰ﹕Do you guys want a part two with Dadbur headcanons? comment here please <3
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♤ As soon as he found out about the pregnancy he would be overjoyed, and also very anxious and nervous.
♧ He wouldn't read books but he would definitely watch YouTube videos about fatherhood
♤ He would seek a lot of advice from his mother and especially from Phil who, even though he is not a father, is definitely the view of a responsible adult
♧ He wouldn't tell his audience for at least five months because he didn't want the stress and hate it would bring.
♤ After that time he would definitely post some photos of himself with his belly showing in his feed, but all of them with comments disabled
♧ The baby shower would be set to a musical theme (like Kourtney and Trevis), and he would take the opportunity to play a song written about his future child.
♤ He would be happy regardless of the child's gender, but I feel like he would have a preference for girls
♧ If it's a girl, the name would 100% be talulah
♤ This baby would be extremely spoiled before it was even born, not only by Will but also by the Sorry Boys and the boys in the band, we're talking about small animal outfits and little band t-shirts with the lovejoy logo
♧ Small musical instruments 🤏🤏🤏
♤ He would write many songs for the baby even before he was born
♧ Before the birth he would work a lot to make sure the child would have a stable monetary life, I feel like he would work a lot at home to be able to keep an eye on you
♤ He would be very careful with you, he was before but during the pregnancy he became 200x more
♧ He would sing and play songs to the baby, he would also read to him while he was in his tummy and use those stupid voices to interpret
♤ He and Tommy are very good friends but I can't think of anyone else Wilbur would trust with his son more than Phil and Krist, they would be the godparents and they would be very touched by it.
♧ He wouldn't let you if you want to get up to get a glass of water
♤ Breakfast in bed every day, he would learn to cook just for that
♧ Will, Charlie, Tommy and Phil They would make a video setting up the baby's room, which would be complete chaos, with paint everywhere, screaming, Charlie pretending to be a baby and getting into the crib and lots of screaming and laughing.
♤ During the last months of pregnancy he would be a thousand and one percent more attentive, with any sneeze from you he would already be running and asking if you need to go to the hospital
♧ I don't think he would be the type of father who faints during childbirth, but he would definitely have a huge panic attack that would probably be controlled by Philza
♤ As soon as he saw the baby he would immediately start crying
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.˚。  💋 .˚。 💌
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pjo-tvs-version · 2 months
In honor of Annabeth Chase's birthday, I have written another fanfic. This one is based on @helpallthenamesaretakensblog 's post. It's another Annabeth POV because I just liked writing those. The title is from Taylor's Out of the Woods. Happy Reading!! :)
Your necklace hanging from my neck, the night we couldn’t quite forget
“Plans?” Hazel asked. “Nico has until sunset—at best. And this entire city is supposedly getting destroyed today.” I know that as a daughter of Athena I couldn't give in to the pleasure of ignorance. To escape from the harsh reality we were in. But Hazel saying the obvious out loud was definitely not helping my nerves.
Percy shook himself out of his daze. “You’re right. Annabeth…did you zero in on that spot from your bronze map?” Panic rose in me. I willed my eyes to convey this one message in bold: Remember what I said, buddy. Keep that dream to yourself. I have to answer the question nonetheless so I try to give as little information as possible. “Yes,” I say carefully. “It’s on the Tiber River. I think I can find it, but I should—” 
“Take me along,” Percy finished. What was seriously wrong with him today? I had tried to cajole him by giving so many logical reasons about why exactly he shouldn't be there. But knowing his irritating, endearing and loyal nature, he wasn't going to learn to accept this point easily. As bothersome it was, a small part of my heart was fluttering with happiness at his immense concern for me. Even though the odds of me surviving were… No Annabeth I chide myself, you will not think about this. So I decide to of course use the classic stare that overcomes any problem.
 “Yeah, you’re right.” I replied sprinkled with a deathly glare. “That’s not—” “Safe,” he supplied. “One demigod walking through Rome alone. I’ll go with you as far as the Tiber. We can use that letter of introduction, hopefully meet the river god Tiberinus. Maybe he can give you some help or advice. Then you can go on alone from there.”  Percy was making this impossible. I was finding it inevitable to leave everyone on Argo II as I went on to my death solo quest, but parting from Percy was going to be the hardest.
We had a silent staring contest, but Percy didn’t back down. Staring contests were better ways of dealing with a disagreement then words. It was far more expressive and impactful. But Percy didn't back down. As sweet as he was, his stubborn nature wasn't all that pleasing at times. He was making it hard to say goodbye. He was endangering his life once again for me when it wasn't required because the odds of me surviving were in negative. But as I stared into his eyes, there was determination. The same one I saw 3 years ago in Mt. Saint Helens. The same look on his face before I kissed him. I felt my gaze flicker.
“Fine,” I muttered, accepting defeat. “Hazel, now that we’re in Rome, do you think you can pinpoint Nico’s location?” Hazel blinked, as if coming out of a trance from watching our glare competition. “Um…hopefully, if I get close enough. I’ll have to walk around the city. Frank, would you come with me?” I could practically see Frank beaming. “Absolutely.” “And, uh…Leo,” Hazel added. “It might be a good idea if you came along too. The fish-centaurs said we’d need your help with something mechanical.” “Yeah,” Leo said, “no problem.” Frank’s smile turned into something more like Chrysaor’s mask. I was pretty good at reading people’s emotions so I could always feel the tension among those three. Ever since they’d gotten knocked into the Atlantic, they hadn’t acted quite the same. It wasn’t just the two guys competing for Hazel. It was like the three of them were locked together, acting out some kind of murder mystery, but they hadn’t yet discovered which of them was the victim. 
Piper drew her knife and set it on the rail. “Jason and I can watch the ship for now. I’ll see what Katoptris can show me. But, Hazel, if you guys get a fix on Nico’s location, don’t go in there by yourselves. Come back and get us. It’ll take all of us to fight the giants.” I knew she wasn't stating the most obvious fact that we had no god on our side so this was kind of a one sided battle. As much I craved for victory, I couldn’t help but go through the never ending list of reasons why we were never winning this battle. Think positive Annabeth, a little optimism couldn’t hurt right?
“Good idea,” Percy said. “How about we plan to meet back here at…what?” “Three this afternoon?” Jason suggested. “That’s probably the latest we could rendezvous and still hope to fight the giants and save Nico. If something happens to change the plan, try to send an Iris message.” The others nodded in agreement, but I could feel their gaze fall on me. At once I felt guilty of not telling them the whole creepy truth. That I would die most probably from facing the ultimate fear of every Athena child. I would have to face Ar-. Let’s not think about it.
I would be on a different schedule. I might be back at three, or much later, or never. But I would do whatever I can to find the Athena Parthenos. Coach Hedge grunted. “That’ll give me time to eat the coconuts—I mean dig the coconuts out of our hull. Percy, Annabeth…I don’t like you two going off on your own. Just remember: behave. If I hear about any funny business, I will ground you until the Styx freezes over.” Unwillingly, I felt myself flush. It was just one night of privacy in which we unfortunately just slept ( and had a few good kisses). However, the idea of getting grounded when we were about to risk their lives was so ridiculous, that I couldn’t help smiling. “We’ll be back soon,” Percy promised. I try to look at each of them and shake the dreadful feeling that this will be the last time I would see them together.
I headed down to my cabin to check and recheck my shoulder bag. Ambrosia, nectar, flashlight, matchboxes (it was something my father suggested), 2 bottles of water, a sandwich, drachmas and then came across a picture of me and Percy. It was a photo of us after we had started dating, one which Sally clicked. 
As if on cue, there was a knock on the door. From the rhythm, I knew who the intruder/visitor was. “May I come in Wise Girl?” “ No you can’t” I reply, laced with sarcasm. The handle clicks open and I see Percy fidget more than usual with his hands. “I wanted to check on you” there was a pause and then, “wanted to make sure you were alright and ready for…” He didn’t complete his sentence. 
“Yeah, yeah I'm ready. I have checked, rechecked and checked again.” I replied. “You do remember to keep Ambrosia and Nectar right? And drachmas and first aid and-” “Yeah Seaweed Brain! Chill.” He was so concerned and anxious that I felt bad for him. But he needed to understand that he had to let go as there was no option B. If he went then Arch- no I would call her a Web-Weaving Wannabe. So if he went with me, she would most probably use him as bait and make my emotions go haywire and then I would make mistakes, fail to save Greece, fail to save the world-“Okay cool. So are you ready to go? The others are about to leave.” Percy says, interrupting my thoughts. “Yeah, let's go” I replied. 
“Before that I wanted to give you something.” Percy adds with a note of jitteriness. His fidgeting had increased. So of course my anxiety being directly proportional started going overboard too. He reached behind his neck, for his camp necklace. It puzzled me. Why is he taking off his camp necklace? And then it came crashing on me. 5 years ago, the duel on the beach with Ares, the good old days where their chances of dying were lesser. Percy was giving his necklace to me? As I was going to my death battle the same way Percy did 5 years ago? He was doing the same thing I did. 
A wave of euphoria washed over me. My heart felt like it could burst with happiness. He really was such a Seaweed Brain.  My cute Seaweed Brain who couldn't stand seeing anyone in trouble. He took a few steps forward and I could see the matching blush on his cheeks. He tied it around my neck and I couldn’t help but beam. “Wear this, for good luck. It saved my life when I dueled with Ares and everything after that too. I know it’ll help you too. "he said as he finished the knot. He then held my hand a little tighter than usual. I couldn't help but hug him fiercely. 
I took in his inky mess of hair, the sadness in his sea green eyes which mirrored the stormy sea, the smile that played on his lips for a moment and  then dissolved like a wave on the shore. I couldn’t help but lean for a kiss. A kiss that lingered, a desperate attempt to hold onto what was slipping away. A goodbye kiss, laced with unspoken tears. A heartbreaking kiss, a silent plea for a different ending. “I’ll make it out. You’ll be alright.” I try to reassure him. He doesn't reply but everything he wanted to say was there in his eyes.
As, me and Percy climbed down the cliff, I concentrated on the challenges at hand: keeping my footing, avoiding rockslides that would alert the Empousai to their presence and of course making sure we didn’t plummet to our deaths. About halfway down the precipice, I got breathless. My legs were wobbling badly,  my ankle screaming in protest with each step.
Tartarus was sapping my non-existent strength left. ‘Stop, okay? Just a quick break.’ Percy looked beyond worried. I felt so guilty about burdening him even more. We sat together on a ledge next to a roaring fiery waterfall. The splinters were shooting, threatening to burn us, the sulphurous was becoming suffocating with each breath. My ankle was beyond pain. A wave of nausea washed over me as the cramping pain intensified.
Percy put his arm around me, and I couldn’t help but lean against him, shaking from exhaustion. A hug like a warm blanket, safe and secure. It was a comforting embrace that melted all my worries even if it was for a few seconds. I pulled away from the momentary solace to get a look at him.
He wasn’t much better. He buried his face in my chest, his dark curls cascading down his arms in a curtain of pain. He fell into this dreadful place because of me. To save me, to not leave me alone. We would find a way out of Tartarus. We had to. 
Subconsciously my fingers traced a red coral necklace, the one Percy gave me. At once I felt Percy’s camp necklace. I removed my other hand with which I was holding Percy close. As I undid the knot, Percy looked at my slightly puzzled and there pain etched on his pain even as he tried to hide it. As I started to try my necklace around his neck, he stopped me. “Keep it, you need to make it out of here.” 
“WE need to make it out of here, especially you! So let’s do one thing since we both need good luck, let me give you mine.”  I looped the necklace over his head and let it rest against his skin. 
His lips were parched and his skin felt warm against mine. The firewater was churning in my stomach. “Promise that we’ll have each other's backs. We’ll make it out.” Percy declared with determination. I couldn’t help a melancholic smile. “I pinky promise. That’s the more solemn vow there is.” I add. A short, bitter laugh escapes his lips before our lips meet. My hands were in his jet black hair and our eyelids shut tight to shield us from the awful surroundings. We will make it out of here, I try to tell myself. Even if I don’t Percy will and there is no option B.
Also on AO3 here
So that's it! Hope you all liked it. As always, positive criticism is highly appreciated. Thank you Help for the lovely head cannon. Also there is this one line in the from the movie Wonka which Willy tells Noodle. Let's see if you can find it 👀
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elulsdr · 1 year
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hey guys, it's my first pac ever so i would love to have your feedback. this pac also has random messages too rather than what do people think about you.
it's mainly about the messages i got. i hope it resonates⭐️ (i swear i'm better at personal readings LMAO)
people think you're very self oriented and love to have the power over them. maybe you have leader qualities and they can see that. i'd say they think you're more likely to choose logic over emotions. they think you're def the overthinker one. they know you know you're worth and know when and what to say something. they can feel that you like to be seen as cold hearted and powerful. in your head being numb equals having power. people think you're very materalistic as in, whatever you wear you make it seem expensive. people think you're very soft inside but don't let a lot people in. sometimes they can sense that deep down you're really insecure and they can see the other side of you. where you're not sure of anything you do, you don't trust yourself enough. sometimes you come off as really complex and a lot. you seem to be stuck on something. you want to let it go but can't really do it cause you get used to it. so that's why people can sense your imbalance energy. you could be indecisive or air headed these days. still, people know you have the strength to get over it. you could intimidate people at first but when they see the real you -which you dont show it to many they love it. maybe you got hurt on the past, that's why you put a mask like that. you could be very obsessive, and passionate about the things you love. you come off as competitive too.
oooh my broken heart pile.. if you recently gone through a breakup, doesnt matter if it's romantic or friends. people see youve been thru ALOT. you show it to everyone whether youre aware of it or not. people can sense the broken energy. you keep trying to explain your feelings? or what happened between you and the other person and they're like, can she move on already?? but it's cruel to think like that. cause i feel like this relationship somehow connected to your inner child. maybe the relationship helped you with healing your inner child that's why you felt those emotions that hard. people think you're sensitive and a romantic. everything i said was in the past, your energy now seems very refreshing and stepping ahead. also i have a really bad headache rn, are u ok? take care of your health and make sure you sleep enough. you have many sleepless nights. anyways, people see your steps to a better life. although you might got addicted to the new me concept and ignore everyone who tries to help you or tries to talk to you. you're like, i don't want your help i've been by myself all this long i can take care of myself from now on. they are a bit annoyed by this. they think you're a bit stubborn. DEF a hopeless romantic. don't try to burden everything and try to move on with your life asap. take your time to heal. and take people's help -only the ones who really care tho. aww i just got the 3 of swords. pls keep your precious heart safe bby. your love is enough and you will find someone that loves you as much as you love them. (wow pile 2's photo says the exact same thing, i didnt mean to do that lol)
hey pile 3, why do you feel so alone even if you're out with your friends? you like to ask people for advice but somehow you don't trust them as much as you trust yourself. i mean good for you but people -maybe your friends can tell that you're faking your feelings sometimes? maybe you feel the need to be happy around everyone even if you feel like shit. they can tell that. there's this person you are stuck on. it seems like you arent able to let them go. people really wonder about you guys. you could be a heartbreaker too. you and your friends are sarcastic people. people could get annoyed by the fact that you guys have fun lol. people think you have it all and you will have it all. they dont like the fact that they cant get a piece of you, your space, your time. it's like, there are people who want you but you got someone else on your mind who you seem to cant have. you like to learn more and more. you're very smart and people like that. but there's just this unknown people love about you. you have the friends, you have the grades, you have the face but what is it that makes you sad(?) and broken? people wonder the shit out of this lmao and you don't give them a chance to understand it. you tend to zone out a lot during the day and your thoughts makes you go nuts. people just seem to curious about you. they don't know enough. the more you don't give them the chance the more they wonder. people feel that you have tons of other shit to do than answer their questions. they know they don't deserve to steal your time like that.
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bbanghiitomi · 1 year
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| little miss tragic girl
synopsis: hanni consults an open forum to ask for help in dealing with anxiety and meets the love of her life.
— nonidol!phanni × nonidol!fem!reader
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open forum.com: panic attacks/anxiety
spam_honeybunch04 • 2hrs ago
hi guys, i've been dealing with panic attacks and anxiety for quite a long time and it's getting worse recently. i haven't been able to tell anybody about it, i'm scared they won't believe me. is there any tips you guys can suggest for when i have anxiety and panic attacks?
thegreateinstein • 1hr ago
hey miss, if ur seeing this, i suggest you don't keep those all to yourself. bottling up those problems and refusing to reach out is not good. i'm worried. but i have a suggestion that works always for my nephew. you can do the 3 3 3 rule + breathing.
try to focus on breathing first, then count if you can. look around you then identify 3 objects, 3 sounds that you can hear and then move 3 body parts. i can guarantee it works, i always use that when my 10 yrs old nephew gets panic attacks.
spam_honeybunch04 replied.
thanks for the advice, and i understand it's bad if i keep it to myself but i am still trying to find the right moment to reach out.
thegreateinstein replied.
don't worry, everything's gonna be alright. i promise, if you need help you can always reach out to me. hugs! (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
spam_honeybunch04 replied.
thank you so much (⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ!!
hanni walks inside their classroom, with her bag on her shoulder. hanni's feet felt lightweight, she calculates every step she takes in order to calm herself. today is another one of those days. classes are extreme, from 2pm to 8pm with two hours vacant. hanni needed to take deep breaths while walking to her seat, she tried to brush all of it away but just taking deep breaths isn't enough.
hanni's shoulder felt heavy, it's like she's carrying the burden of the world on her shoulders — too much for her small figure to manage. when she took a seat, hanni tried her best not to slump her shoulders and let out a deep sigh.
she haven't been able to get enough sleep, with college beating her down and then her panic attacks inside her dorm. it's so hard, but lately — after her inquiry on the open forum website, she's been able to manage her panic attacks better than before.
all thanks to user thegreateinstein.
hanni felt relieved she had met someone like them in a forum full of assholes. honestly, she didn't think she'd get a decent answer but luckily someone smart was able to give her a good response. hanni kept thinking about thegreateinstein, their sheer intelligence, proven by their witty and helpful answers on the site.
hanni had been lucky to encounter such a human.
"hey, y/n! let's visit the internet cafe later, i'm gonna show you the new legendary skin i got." hanni heard a voice from somewhere, the call of your name and the familiar topic of video games — she's gotten used to your conversations with your friend about the rpg game that's currently the most popular thing in today's generation. as her seatmate, hanni had taught herself not to mind you and your friend's business.
you walked past hanni, then sat next to her, your eyes fixed on the person across the long table.
"already? wasn't the skin released like a few days ago?" you asked, pushing your specs up your nose bridge. hanni looks at you, then to your friend — then back to her laptop she placed on the shared table.
"i know! i checked the stats and it's o-p!" jayoon, your friend enthusiastically claimed. you laughed. hanni liked that, fighting the urge to smile. "oh really? you know it's gonna get nerfed right? that's what they always do, release o-p skins then nerf them on the next update."
hanni has not had much of a recollection of when she started liking you, she doesn't remember much but one day, you looked at her and smiled, then her world started revolving around you.
jayoon grimaced and pushed your shoulder as she propped her upper body on the wooden surface. "dude, just check it out! maybe help me build my main later, i'll send you coins."
after classes, you sat next to jayoon inside the internet cafe, your eyes reading the line of sentences on the screen. jayoon is busy playing on her pc. opening the game once again, you clicked your character icon and took a screenshot of it — exited the game to the open forum site and started typing away.
open forum.com: video game (rpg)
thegreateinstein • 30mins ago
does anyone here play RAN online?
[insert picture]
i have 1,000 worth of gemstones here. i play f2p on this account and was wondering if i could put these gems to good use.
kimmingki_04 • 3mins ago
broooo that's some good stuff there, you can use those gems to purchase level ups for your character! u sure you're f2p?
thegreateinstein replied.
yeah dude, i am. i got two accounts, one f2p and one for whaling. btw thanks, i'll use these to purchase level ups.
kittykangfroggy • 10mins ago
that's insane for f2p, you only have few skins too and your build is insane Ó⁠╭⁠╮⁠Ò
thegreateinstein replied.
yah, i barely touched my coins there and i got more free coins from friends.
you pulled your glasses away and rubbed your eyes. "hey, look y/n! this artifact i got is crazy." jayoon tapped your back. pushing the swivel gaming chair, you scoot closer to jayoon. you wore your glasses back and looked at her screen. "keep that, that's for crit rate." you pointed at the screen as you spoke, jayoon gave you a thumbs up and rolled back to your pc.
you got an email on your account and opened it to a message from spam_honeybunch04.
hey, thanks for your advice.
it helped me.
you smiled, feeling the red painting your cheeks.
that's great, glad it helped you.
you can always ask if you need help, some people will surely reach out to you.
(⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ
i wish i can help you with your questions too
ey, it's fine.
it's just about a nerdy game.
you want to ask more questions?
go on.
what do you do when you're sad?
you paused, darting your eyes everywhere, tapping your fingers on the surface below the keyboard.
what do i do when i'm sad?
i don't really know.
i have no specific answers really
but i play guitar, listen to music and read books
are you sad?
yes, most of the time.
i'm lonely here in my dorm,
and i get stressed about college
that's valid,
i think we all get stressed in college
pressure and stuff
i get lonely too sometimes
do you like someone?
you do like someone.
yeah, i do
i like this girl in my block
she's cute and nice
but she's quiet most of the time
i do too,
same block too.
she's smart and funny.
i get nervous around her and stuff
i don't think she knows
i can't find the courage to ask her out
don't worry, i feel the same
i don't think she likes me
you know?
she's so pretty, lots of boys like her too
but i want to ask her out
spam _honeybunch04:
you won't lose anything if you try.
you watched as hanni entered inside the room, she's dressed so nice today, everyday. you like her black, long, and silky hair, this time it's tied into two pigtails, decorated with butterfly clips of different colors.
you looked down to the table, eyes darting at the scattered notes on your desk.
hanni sits beside you, placing her bag on the table. her attention immediately diverted to a guy standing by the door of the classroom. "hey hanni, i think that guy wants to ask you out." a blockmate pointed out, hanni smiled at them and stood up to approach the guy.
you watched as they converse, smiles plastered on their faces.
open forum.com: dating/relationships
thegreateinstein • 3hrs ago
how should i ask a girl out? simply telling them sounds lame, i want it to be more sincere. any ideas?
morethanmodani • 2hrs ago
oh naurrr! there's nothing wrong about just asking them out, face to face is the best way. as long as you're sincere with your feelings and you really want that girl then go for it!
thegreateinstein replied.
a lot of guys are asking her out too, how do i stand out from them?
morethanmodani repied.
do the things they don't do! check the patterns of those boys and do better! see more…
kimmingki_04 • 56mins ago
use sweet words bro, ask her out in an intimate place where it's only the two of you!
you received a message from spam_honeybunch04.
i saw your post.
you're asking her out now?
yeah, idk how.
there's an upcoming party for the year end. i want to ask her out that same night.
oh right,
it's the year end season,
we also have a party.
why not by the end of the party?
i thought of that too.
how about you?
still not ready, lol.
that's alright, hope you find the courage.
what should i tell her?
idk, your feelings i guess.
how much you like her,
what she means to you.
then ask if her heart's available for love.
you stood in the middle of a crowd, there were a lot of students surrounding you inside the gymnasium court of your school, the stench of alcohol, body odor, and cologne wafted around you.
it made you sick, but your eyes are set on the shorter girl walking amongst the crowd. hanni wore a hoodie, zipped open but not wide, she wore a tank top inside, shorts, below the knees socks and nike dunk low. her hair is styled, flowing gently on her shoulders.
you followed her as she made her way inside the restroom, pushing through unfamiliar faces of students you don't care about. your head hangs low, your specs are tainted, moist by the sweat from the heat.
you needed air, and so did hanni.
when you got inside, all the stalls were open except for one, you can hear sobs and sniffles echoing. hanni's crying and carefully made your way to her stall.
open forum.com: panic attacks/anxiety
thegreateinstein • 20mins ago
hey guys, how do i comfort a girl crying inside a restroom stall in the middle of a party? i think she's having a hard time.
open forum.com: panic attacks/anxiety
spam_honeybunch04 • 25mins ago
i'm currently in the middle of a party, can't go home yet… having a panic attack. how do i deal with this?
sadly, you weren't able to see her post, neither did she with yours.
you approached the door and knocked. "miss? hanni? are you there?" you hear her sniffles, you can feel her breathing being unsteady, the way she sobbed hard. "hey, hanni. please answer." you leaned on the door. hanni had her hand clutching her chest, nails digging the cloth under her palm.
"y-yeah…" she answered. you pushed yourself off of the door, and looked up. "do you mind if you open the door? do you need help? i'm here." you told her, the music outside is muffled by the tiled walls, yet it rang inside hanni's head.
you can tell she's hesitant.
"i'm the only one here." you assured her. hanni felt her heart tightened, she couldn't breathe. reaching for the lock with her shaking hands, she pushed the door open and her eyes met yours, you can see the tear stains on her face. you frowned and let the girl reach for your frame, arms wrapping themselves to your torso.
you placed your hands on the top of her head and her back, gently rubbing her back as you rocked her — the same method you do to your nephew. "shh…" you whispered, pulling her close. you feel her bury her head on your shoulders, sobbing. "hey, what happened?" you asked.
"i — don't know, i just don't want to be here anymore."
you nodded. "hey, hey, hey hanni… breathe through your nose, gently, as slow as possible. deep. breaths." you whispered, as close as you can to her ears. you can feel her breathing, after a few minutes it becomes steady. "count to 10 okay?"
hanni nodded.
"3… 4…"
you started counting with her.
"5…" a gentle pat on her back.
"6… 7…"
hanni sobs.
"8… 9…"
"it's okay." you whispered.
you wait for a minute before you continue.
"can you look around, give me 3 objects you can see."
hanni blinks. "a tissue holder."
"faucet… and your watch."
you smiled at her.
"3 things you can hear, hanni."
hanni nodded. "alright, the music outside. then, your voice…"
hanni looked up at you. "your heartbeat."
you meet her gaze.
"does that count?" you chuckled, hanni laughed. "i don't know, but it's loud enough for me to hear." she replied.
"last, move 3 body parts of yours." hanni nodded, her feet stepping forward, her fingers trailed over your arms and hanni leaned her head on your chest.
you looked up and sighed. "you're so strong hanni." you told her, hanni smiled when her eyes saw your smile.
"you are stronger than me."
you shook your head and looked at her. "nah, it's you who faced everything. it's your battle and you fought very well. i'm here to help you, always. if you want i'll take you back to your place."
hanni looked down and chuckled. "it's too far from here—"
"it's alright, car. i have a car, you'll be safe inside your place."
hanni will forever be thankful for your existence, your smile when you dropped her off her dorm, your eyes when you looked at her.
she liked you before but now —
she's fallen in love, but this time she will never forget how.
thank you
i love you.
open forum.com: dating/relationships
thegreateinstein • 2hrs ago
what is the best idea for a first date?
gracelee.008 • 23mins ago
weren't you just about to ask a girl out? lol you're so fast!!!!
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