#those 2 boys are batshit crazy about her
dcsertrose · 3 days
I used to like Eremin, but the way their shippers insist on pitting Armin and Mikasa against each other honestly turned me into an anti. Like, get my girl’s name out your fucking mouth!
this beef is stupid anyway EMA are literally in love. why are those shippers acting like those 3 wouldn't kill and die for each other????
Armin canonically punched Eren bc he was badmouthing Mikasa 😭 that boy doesn't play about her and let's not forget how protective Mika is towards him.
the real enemies are the ehscoughjkscough shippers
fujos suck ass in every fandom ugh.
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respectthepetty · 3 months
Pride Petty Watch (The Untamed) 2/?
The crowd picked two blacklisted shows for me to watch during Pride, so even though the first series took me only three days to get through, the second one is taking some time since I went out this past week and touched some grass for Pride. However, I did watch an episode a day AND spotted something on sale while out and about.
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Fun Fact: These are 200 pages EACH, and they only cover what has been shown up until episode five. I teach English, not math, but doing some simple addition, dividing over A, carrying the Y, and solving for X, I have guessed that this series is going to be 20 books long! TWENTY! AT LEAST! Basically, it's going to be as long as this long-ass series.
*presses play on episode six*
These idiots are drunk, loud, and fighting. They are breaking rule #36, #265, and #1. Even I know that!
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When you realize you're in love with a virgin who is a light-weight and can't even drive after talking about intimacy while touching his headband. I take back everything I said about this show. It's gay. Like real gay. Gay gay.
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Fuddy Duddy is better than me because I would not have taken that beating, but that's probably why he is an elite Cloud Cunt or whatever, and also why he has now been blessed with Wei Wuxian trying to cuddle in this freezing water while talking about his "extremities" shivering. Note: In the comics, we see that Fuddy Duddy is BRANDED (like as in marked by burning the flesh) and has A SHIT TON OF SLASHES ON HIS BACK (like as in whipped . . . BY A FUCKING WHIP). Basically, this Cloud Cult is batshit crazy.
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These two are fighting literal demons. But also the demons are homosexuality.
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THEY TIED THEMSELVES TOGETHER WITH THE INTIMACY BAND! If it was red, it'd be game over for China!
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Y'all cute but your kid is still an asshole, and there is a queer plot brewing. GET OUT OF MY FACE!
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They were lesbian lovers, and I will not be entertaining any other reason for all of this because only a lesbian would tie her soul for eternity to a musical instrument just so she doesn't have to admit she was wrong to her wife, while her wife goes on to train the most elite squad of wizards just to one day help her wife because she already predicated her wife would fuck up. This is love.
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Correction since my boy asked AGAIN if he could harness evil power for good - One of them is fighting demons, the literal and homosexual kind, and one is embracing them both, openly, with no fucks given.
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And she knows! Not about the homosexual part, but about the "finding the stone hidden in the rock" part (but probably the homo part too)
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Wei Wuxian lied for you when you got out of the rock. He touched your headband. And now he has touched your soul. Stop fighting it. Embrace this. It's Pride Month.
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Wei Wuxian drinks, parties, talks shits, and backs it up. I'm getting flashbacks to Spring Break in South Padre. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. But the hands were always ready to hit their mark.
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My boy is Catholic. Fuddy Duddy took 300 hits earlier to uphold the integrity of his Cloud Cult or whatever, but my boy was told his punishment and is merely going through the motions since he doesn't regret laying hands on his future in-law. He said "tell me how many Hail Marias I need to say, so I can go play with the ants and get a tan." Same.
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First, your best friend brought the bird into the class and now you took the bunnies to remind Fuddy Duddy of "those four amazing hours you spent in the hot tub together after Winter Formal." Y'all are schemers, and this will cause problems later. I've taught too many freshmen. Y'all need to be separated before you plot the end of the world and animals have to be sacrificed. I see the signs.
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Who is going to kill this man? WHO?! Let it be a woman because he needs to be reminded he is insignificant and useless.
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Oh my God, they found each other! I knew my boy would go after his boy, but for his Bird Bestie to spot them too?! These two idiots are going to cause havoc and hijinks.
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Y'all are so Romeo and Juliet coded, it hurts my feelings. Girl, you're going to die and he is going to be sad about it. But can you kill that red asshole first? Please.
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Sir, now you and I both know some shit is about to go down because that florist's house was crispy fried burnt, that woman outside was creepy as hell, and these two are over there chatting about soul snatchers. GET OUT OF THERE, FD, AND TAKE THE ANIMAL BROS WITH YOU!
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FD might have the brains and the silencing charm, but my boy got the moves. He has that Spider Man magic string thing, he has the Shrek gingerbread men, and he keeps making spells out of thin air. Maury, who is his daddy? God?! THE DEVIL?!
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SHE CAN PLAY A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT TOO! Hold up. HOLD UP! Fuddy Duddy's brother played it to calm everyone down. FD played his to subdue the zombies. And now she did too, but my boy's flute playing skills not only calmed the zombie, but controlled him. Did he learn it from her?!
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Girl, what are you doing at the devil's sacrament?
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Wen Qing has been holding off this fucking bird and these zombies all night, and these boys have been doing what at their slumber party? Braiding each other's hair? She better be the one to kill that red asshole. She deserves the body count. *wink, Jiang Cheng*
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The bird needed to go, but this is what I'm talking about with him and his bird bestie. Homie closed his eyes and felt his feelings because FD told him to, then pretended to be dead just so he could kill that bird. It's smart as well as scary because how much power does he really possess? A shit ton. That's how much. But also, why didn't they take the dead bird with them? Don't leave behind magical creatures to be brought back to life!
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Smart to have the others chase after a chicken, so the color-coded boys in love could get more details, but these two are a hetero version of the mains. She is not bad. She is trying to do good with what she has, which is a pile of shit, and he wants to do right by her but his principles are going to get in the way. I anticipate no happy endings for anyone. Not Romeo and Juliet or Romeo and Julio.
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Bird Bestie was smart to stay behind because it was obvious there would be dead bodies, but WHO THE FUCK ARE THESE TWO?! This show is color-coded within an inch of its life, and everyone is a pair because they both have the other's color in their robes, so the fact that the white one showed up first and claimed evil guy was his enemy makes me think they have history (exes), but the new black guy replaced him. Black dude, I'd watch my back because Evil Dude is coming for you.
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It also worries me that these two have a similar . . . something. Wei Wuxian, buddy, homie, ho-migo. You're getting darker. You were dark blue, but now, you're black. Why is no one else concerned that the call is about to come from within the house?
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So much shit is going down on this mountain! White No Name dude just said he knows and was trained by the OG lesbian, so we know she is still alive and well waiting for her wife, and my boy is sad since his mama was trained by her therefore he was trained by her, which makes her his grandma or something (I DON'T KNOW!). And now the illegitimate brother I want to be with FD's brother is in charge of watching the evil dude, but he is wearing white/blue and evil dude is wearing black/gold, and if they become an item, I'm gonna be pissed!
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Y'all, he is gonna fuck up. He is going to let the bad guy go isn't he? I don't understand why they couldn't kill the bad guy, but my illegitimate son has been disrespected in this house too many times in the past ten minutes to let this shit slide. He is going to make a deal with the devil. I feel it.
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"I'll sleep on your roof" - That was a declaration of love because y'all fought on a roof over liquor, and now he wants to just chill on your roof while drinking even though you are leaving. He is sprung and does not care who knows.
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WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?! THIS IS A FUCKING SHIT SHOW! The oldest kids are being called away which means Fuddy Duddy's cult is probably losing it and branding everyone. They are being attacked by the Evil Reds even though their evil dude admitted to killing that whole damn family! My illegitimate son DEFINITELY killed that guy and let the evil dude go. He did that. I know he did. And my boy's outfit looks so similar to that evil red swordsmen who is fighting on behalf of that weak ass red bitch because he can't fight himself, it's ridiculous (Someone needs to slash that evil red dude's face and his tires).
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Everyone is going to die, and there is no hope.
*eats some naan*
Okay, maybe there is some hope in the other FORTY EPISODES! FD's brother could take in the illegitimate son, and they could live happily ever after. Right? RIGHT?!
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jaeyongdx · 1 month
hello ❣️
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hiiiii everyone! so excited to be w everyone on this opening night/day/whatsever time it may be for u...i am actually prewriting this intro because i'm bored on a thursday night and too excited about opening 🫣 but anyway!! i'm carly (she/her, 25+) and this is jaeyong aka my worst boy and problematic fave. you may have seen him (and/or me) around before, and if so, hello again 🥳 otherwise it's great to meet u and i'm so excited to plot and write with everyone! i'll do the normal intro shindig and ramble about him and offer some plot ideas under the cut, so please like this if you'd like to plot! i think i'm going to try to reach out to everyone individually so this may be completely unnecessary but still adjlkfksldf here's jaeyong's about page, and here's his playlist just for fun! 💕 (as a sidenote, i also rp @dxmiyoung! she's a sideblog so i can't follow back from her but she will have her own intro shortly)
jaeyong is the older twin of @daeyongdx
he was born into a batshit crazy family (mutagen supremacists)
they were so desperate for their children to be powerful and wrestle power away from humans that they Trained Them from essentially birth
training methods were very abusive and also all consuming
they went to school and they trained and that was it
training did also involve classes for dancing and archery and gymnastics and fencing tho, which was about as fun as it got
any fun shit jaeyong did as a child he did by lying to his parents and/or sneaking out the latter of which rarely worked
manipulation and lying well and persuasion and making yourself look good in every situation was part of the training too btw. thanks mom
their mom has the ability to insert thoughts into people's minds and is very good at it, she can make them think they're their own
so she did it with her kids too to make sure they never Really questioned training
jaeyong was remarkably social and well-adjusted in school and public all things considered
class clown type that was good at everything when he actually tried aka the most infuriating person of all time no he never grew out of that part
he ended up getting into pinnacle at 18 and daeyong did not it was a bit of a mess
but daeyong was recruited for another program that was a great and important opportunity!
aka daeyong got sent to the labs to be part of a study on twins nepa was doing
once jaeyong gets into pinnacle his parents give him infinitely more freedom
jaeyong makes it through pinnacle thinking this whole time his brother is just busy with other training and that they'd see each other once they graduated
so once he becomes a d tier hero officially he's like hey when do i get to see my brother again
he asks the right people the right questions and gets some helpful nudges along the way for him to eventually find out The Truth
he utilizes those persuasion abilities to talk nepa into letting daeyong out and experimenting on him instead. thanks mom again
daeyong doesn't know why he was released
jaeyong goes to the lab three days a week after his normal d tier hero duties and he can't say a word about it to anyone or else nepa will lock them both in there for good
he's training to be an a tier hero and he hates it actually. he's like i went through the training i did for WHAT. to smile pretty at a press conference and maybe make a couple speeches. i want to change the world!!!
but he also realizes being an a tier hero will put him in the best position to accomplish his/his parents' goals so he's like ok Fine.
he has scary powers (unhealing, blood manipulation, power detection, twin telepathy) but he's hot and it would be good optics for someone "dangerous" to be A Hero to the public so that's why nepa did it
he doesn't have much free time but he's great at time management so u will still see him out doing stuff. he plays guitar in a band. still goes to dance lessons. loves 2 party. annoying. etc
jaeyong is a bit of a slut so! do with that as u will.
classmates, in regular school when they were younger or pinnacle
his dad is a taekwondo instructor and his mom is a teacher at the cram school so. former students of theirs could be interesting
jaeyong's grandparents are also NOT insane and do like. private lessons to help people learn to control their abilities (they ran a school for mutagens pre-district x) so students of theirs is also an option
Rivals/Enemies. this is not that hard. just be better than jaeyong at something he's supposed to be good at and it's over LMAO
people that think he's so annoying (correct) that he continues to pester anyway for some reason or another
someone that has a crush on him because he IS unfortunately charming. to some people. bitch doesn't really know how to care about anyone other than himself and daeyong so it'll probably be one-sided though
fans of his band? he loves that band tbh. he thinks in another life he was a rockstar
his unhealing ability works on scars and bones and illnesses, including mental illnesses - but those are complicated. i'd love to do something w this but i don't know what yet lajsdjlfksjdl
people with connections to the labs! jaeyong knows the truth of what happened to you and it takes everything in him to not tell you but his and his brothers' lives depend on it
people he is using for Something. he thinks pretending to be friends with you will benefit him in some way. almost definitely related to power and influence of some sort
his power detection ability is very fun to work with. if u have any powers that might distort reality and/or trick people, he'll know they're a mutagen ability, so i'd love to do stuff w that too!
fans of "gawi," his superhero identity. he's obviously not a celebrity yet bc he's just d tier but he is sometimes in the background of a-tier business because of his training and he would love to feel famous. lmfao. but he is very friendly and all over the place so it's possible for people to find him really cool
OK I THINK THIS IS ENOUGH i actually like brainstorming way more so 🫶 LET'S GO!!!!!
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So since I predicted that Sloane and Luther would get together from the day she was announced as well as a couple of scenes- I feel obligated to share w y'all my batshit crazy idea of what I thought might happen in season 4 and like now that we have TWO trailers why I think it might happen. In other words-
Me being delulu about tua s4 and y'all gotta deal w it
So my initial thought was that in this new timeline they are themselves slotted into lives they don't initially remember, that the longer they dwell in the timeline the more they remember and some come to accept. Up until the inevitable happens and the world is at risk again for whatever reason. However, saving the world means giving up these perfect lives for accepting their shitty dysfunctional reality to save each other. Because the more they stay and accept the more they lose of previous timelines.
I was gonna write a fanfic but then my resident evil obsession started and if y'all have read any of my fanfic y'all know my history with long-fics.
Why do I now think this could actually be the case you ask?
At the end of season 3 Luther takes off after our girl Sloane with Klaus following but everyone else is just so calm. Soooo which leads us to
Trailer 1
Viktor might own or work in a bar. Which the fact that he seems to be somewhat settled for sure tells us that some time has possibly passed between season 3 and 4
The sign says "home for wayward boys" implying that Allison may not have been in the group and maybe neither Viktor before the transition. I'm also wondering if now that his wife is back maybe in this new timeline they both fostered/adopted our main characters.
Oh yeah did I mention Reginald's moon wife is alive? His whole thing with the children was his alien (literally) way to save her. Now she's alive.
Allison is with claire so she also possibly has her life back.
Ben is getting out of jail and like it could be a "time has passed between seasons" thing or something happens in one of the episodes where he winds up locked up.
Diego is at a kid's party and either has his own kid or a niece or something. it's not claire and the family behind him is not his umbrella fam.
MY BOY IS SO SMALL ITS GONNA BE SO WEIRD SEEING HIM "NORMAL" THIS SEASON also he looks kinda sad. trailer two debunks what I initially thought of his reveal in this trailer because I thought oh haha what if it's a Halloween costume but like we'll get to my season 2 crazies hang in there.
Klaus is upside down in an interior (proven by the radiator) so he is either stuck, meditating, in a trance, or it's Sloane holding him there. I also kinda wonder if he's going through a clean streak or something OCD like with his addictions from the whole blue gloves thing. tbh i saw those in the promo and thought it was blue screen and his hands were gonna be effed up lol.
ben shouts "lets go kill this bitch" and allison corrects "this is a rescue mission" sooooooo is reginal and or his wife the bitch in question? and like sloane is the only one missing from our group so maybe she's the one being rescued? or maybe one of the new characters (like gene and jean).
which brings me to a theory I'll get to after my trailer break down and before the second breakdown.
side bar but the xmen stile jet is great lol
the subway is 100% a metaphor for the timelines AND that house diego and luther are at is the one from season two where they see reggie and grace at that party
the mind thingies in the blue room are so fucked up and i cant tell if thats sloane or wife hargreeves or a grace return in the bg but im wondering if it connects them to other timelines? Im wondering if the woman is sloane bc abigail has such curly hair but it does remind me of grace so idk.
upside down umbrella is insane okay
starting to think the jet might be flashbacks
fuck organization if you have read this far welcome to my brain- anyway- theory is that her place got swapped for abigail hargreeves' on the moon and now our beloved moon boy has to save her from that place. so symbolic.
now i was half put down a few shots later when we see victor emit a similar color power later but trailer 2 kinda backs some stuff up.
so trailer 2
opens with ben alone and confused and vicktor calls ben at the phone booth leading me to 100% believe they have split up again and have to find each other. very nostalgic of season 1 and 2
"there's something happening to you and it's only gonna get worse" so this is either about just ben OR its about all of them. either way ben did look confused so his eldritch horrors are either hulking out or he's losing memory chunks like my theory suggests. but it might revolve around ben bc vicktor specifically says "you" in the next time about the world ending.
(wondering if luther nervous farted in the car lmao)
Gene and Jean are possibly conspiracy theorists or agents posing as them but its interesting they are bringing attention to the altered timelines.
okay yeah world ending revolves around ben im tired okay and not proofing this you're stuck with my ramblings
the white violin is for sure abi hargreeves no doubt it doesn't look like sloane and plus the violin viktor got was bc reggie gave it to him that he got from his wife before she died okay. fanfic rn where viktor is the chosen child fanfic rn where abi loves all the kids fanfic rn where shes alive but shes just as much of a dick and we could have an epic trans story for viktor and expectations and yeah anyway-
whoever said it was jenny in trailer two i wanna kiss u on the lips ur prolly right and i love you for it
"ben died because we failed as a team" "and-" "and what" FOLLOWED BY LUTHERS CONFUSED FACE LEADS ME TO ONE OF TWO THINGS AND YOU ALREADY KNOW ONE OF THEM memory loss my beloved or something shocking occurs to him or like he seems something idk
more blue room stuff and uh maybe its not mind stuff maybe its power stimulation like what if they dont have their powers but ben does idk.
who TF is klaus digging up
anyway they keep showing that one scene and like idk im delulu about sloane im so tired and i am not ready for this show to end in 8 days im sobbing y'all
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m00nj3w3l · 1 year
Well here I am (ONS chapter 128)
Ok I'm finally writing out my thoughts about ONS' 128. Idk how long it'll come out (extremely long as I'm writing it it seems...) and also as always I want to hear others' opinions on this, but as a warning it will be mostly negative. I actually did a similar post back at the start of the year with BSD, but BSD at least managed to bounce back full force and do what it needed to do while ONS shows no signs of that.
I'll break it down into the following points:
>I'm also getting tired of the flashbacks (as many already did)
>I miss the Shinoa squad (will touch upon Mitsuba specifically and y'all probably know why)
>The belief that MikaYuu fans are getting much better content and why I think that's bs (will probably mention my theorem of "Mika, along with literally all the women of the franchise, got hit with the mysoginy stick")
So let's go I guess, under the cut so I don't clutter my non-ONS followers' dash.
>The flashbacks: I... Did not mind them up unti now, if I've got to be honest. Let's be serious here everyone probably expected a batshit crazy backstory for the characters, ESPECIALLY Yuu and Mika, and that's what made me not really complain. Now it has been like? 8 chapters of ONLY flashbacks??? Only things of the past with NO break and NO POV switches to at least let us know wtf is going on in the outside world. Christ. The fact that irritates me the most is that all of this adds nothing to the plot either!!! What are the MCs supposed to do now that they've seen one of them (WHO HAS BEEN 4 DIFFERENT SPECIES TOO SINCE THE START OF THE SERIES???) sacrifice for the 3rd time!!!! AND IN THE PAST AT THAT!!!! HOW IS THIS USEFUL FOR THEM OR ANY OF US AGHHFHGHHG. We got other gays going at it tho and that's just funny to me. This is just a BL masked as a battle shonen lmaoooo.
>The Shinoa squad: I feel like this is obvious. Where tf are they? They obviously are looking out for where Mika and Yuu are, how did we not see them again yet??? Some progress in their hunt (let's call it that) for those two??? Shinoa literally threatened to kill Mika (and, for a number of reasons, let me say this: ew.) I'd at least like to see her and how she's doing. And didn't Kagami promise us Mitsuba would get more screentime soon? THIS IS LITERALLY A PERFECT SETTING. SHOW ME HER AND SHINOA BEING IN CONFLICT CUS SHE WORRIES ABOUT HER FRIEND AND WANTS HER TO COME TO HER SENSES!!! SHOW ME HOW THEE LITERAL KIDS ARE DOING AFTER BEING ASKED BY A FULL ON 24 Y.O TO CHOOSE THEIR FAMILIES OR THE WORLD LIKE BE SO SERIOUS THE SETTING WAS *DECENT* (wouldn't say perfect cus I'm not the biggest fan of the "bring everyone back" plot but ok) FOR IT ALL I'M *explodes*
>MikaYuu: Oh boy ok here we go. So since I came back after my rewatch and catch up to this manga which resulted in hyperfixation again I noticed that the narrative of MikaYuu shippers getting better content cus a lot of the chapters now focus on them is... common. And for a while I just thought "ok" and moved on but now I'm fully on convinced it's just. Not true. Not because the content isn't there, I would be lying if I said that, but because it's... Not good. Good content, for me (as someone who clearly loves these two if you scroll for even 2 minutes down my fucking tag), would be seeing actual growth between them, some actual substance in what they are doing as of rn, and we are not getting any of that. Since when did we see them actually DO something? Last time we saw Yuu in his actual body and actually saying something was last chapter and he was EATING. Then we went back to them just passively staring at everything that went on. And to add onto this, I dislike demon Mika as a plot IN GENERAL because it recessed any development both for HIM and for Yuu himself. Yuu acts stupid (wtf happened to him after Nagoya I'm being so serious Nagoya Yuu I miss you so much) as shit cus anyway Mika IS strong enough to let him get away with it but not enough to oppose Yuu at some point and this was addressed as a problem for like 2 seconds and then nothing. Oh my God. And not only that but this fucking thing also shows that Mika did, indeed, also get hit with a mysoginy beam, but that's another topic I want to talk about in another post if anyone even really cares about it.
So... Yeah. I'm not tired (I only started catching up in March after my rewatch, so I'm still curios about how this will go), but I AM sad. I really miss the earlier arcs and the potential they all had that now seems like a long lost memory. Can we all collectevely just go back to the Nagoya one like if the series stuck to that path I would be able to excuse its flaws up until a point because GOD. The eyeball with its Seraph shit or whatever the hell it was doing was cool tho.
As always y'all can tell me what y'all think, but I'm mostly expecting this to get lost in the void given how dead the fandom is. So yeah, see ya.
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lol-jackles · 10 months
I would just like to add that I was in post today, working on a Season 4 scene that miiiiiiight be the batshit craziest thing we've ever done? Like I truly can't believe we got away with it. #TheBoys #TheBoysTV
At this point I am begging them to use literally anything besides "you're not ready" or "craziest scene/episode/season EvA!!" for their promo. Like, is there NOTHING about the actual show to talk about? This happened with the promo last season too - it was all about how this was the cRaZiEsT season yet, herogasm was going to be the CrAzIeSt episode yet, the whole season was going to be the cRaZiEsT one ever, SB was going to be the WORST big bad ever!! They told us nothing about the content of the show other than how crazy it was going to be. Then it never lived up to the hype.
There was also this:
Now that the S4 teaser is out, let's recap what we know, shall we? -- Homelander is standing trial and taking a splatter paint class. One of those statements is true. -- Butcher has six months to live, and still knows about that virus being cooked at Godolkin. -- Neuman is closer than ever to changing her title from "Congresswoman" to "VP." -- Sage and Firecracker are two of the most dangerous supes you'll ever meet, and let's just leave it at that for now. -- Deep hasn't changed one fuckin bit. -- MM is still the team's rock, just with less beard. Somehow, Noir has returned.
Is this Sage and Firecracker situation going to be another SB situation? We were told how SB was the worst supe basically... ever, then he was easily distracted by drugs and grannies - not exactly the worst villain to exist even in that universe.
Link and Link.
Kripke: You're not ready!!
Fans: Bro you've been saying this every year.
Kripke: It's so crazy I can't believe I'm getting away with it!!
Amazon: We cut the scene of Homelander aggressively pleasuring himself and the super prostitutes from Herogasm. You're not getting away with squat.
Kripke: You're REALY not ready!
The Boys PR: Jeezbus Kripke get a thesaurus. Okay fans, here's the bullet list refresher for season 3 and two more Solider Boy-lite supes!
Fans: Firecracker hooks up with Homelander, right?
The Boys PR: What? No that's not.....
Fans: We meet Homelander's son in season 1, then Homelander's love interest in season 2, then Homelander's father in season 3. So unless Firecracker took the same anti-aging V as Solider Boy did and she's actually his mum, she's his next love interest.
The Boys PR: Why does Kripke think you all are dumb noobs?
Kripke: SEriousLY it's gonna be batshit crazy!
Fans: Bro who know that's not code for Batman, quit it.
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findafight · 2 years
Any thoughts about Stobin's reaction to the 80s masterpiece that was the musical Chess? I have a feeling "Pity the child" would do a number on Stevie boy... "Pity the child who knew his parents; Saw their faults; Saw their love die before his eyes; Pity the child that wise; He never asked "Did I cause your distress?"; Just in case they said yes"
Prefacing this with: You literally asked for this
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Listen. Listen. LISTEN. I have been holding back on projecting too much on Steve, specifically with him being a lifeguard with an outdoor pool but also must admit that I have had to hold back on making a poto reference in RASEPSM because it hadn't come out yet. Physical pain from that.
But you came to me, on this blog with my headcanons, with the musical that I have such a clear memory of listening to for the first time in the most Steve Way (cleaning an outdoor pool in the rain with nothing but a bra and short shorts on, no clue what the hell I was getting into with this musical)
Chess is one of those batshit musicals that has a bunch of different versions and reorderings. (More drastic than just moving I Dreamed A Dreamed to after Lovely Ladies in Les mis 2012) so, unlike my OBC (i think? it may have been the west end version. it's been years) first time listening, we are saying Steve got the original concept album in fall of 1984. Not because he'd heard anything about it, but because he's spent two weeks listening to the Voulez-vous album after Nancy and he broke up and the music of Chess is written by the two B's of ABBA. It's a natural transition for a man who has a secret musical theatre stash.
(he doesn't really need to SEE them, he just likes listening to them. figuring out the plots by the songs. Also he's in love with Julie Andrews this is fact [aren't we all, though?])
He likes to listen to musicals while doing water tests and vacuuming the pool, but it's November so he doesn't do that, just. Lies on the floor of the livingroom trying to figure out what the fuck is happening in the musical. It is difficult. (He thinks there's a love triangle between the American grandmaster man, the Soviet grandmaster lady, and her loyalty to her country. Takes YEARS for him to figure out he's wrong. Just like meeee)
He likes the motifs, (Budapest is rising my beloved...) and how dramatic everyone is about this tournament. One Night in Bangkok is a fucking bop and a half. (I love how there's some interpretation of Freddie being ace because of the line "I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine"[objectively iconic ace line in a pretty queer song], versus whatever the fuck Raúl Esparza had going on in 2018 that was. Uh. Not what I'd call an asexual interpretation of the character in that song but my god i doubt anyone was complaining.)
But. Pity The Child hits a bit close to home as he lies on his back on an immaculate carpet in a hollow house. Especially if you consider his mother may have used him to fill the emotional void where his father was supposed to be and put her emotional baggage on him with his father away on business and being unfaithful. (and also if you headcanon Steve as bi because that song is queer. I'm just saying. it is. even without the line "I was a fool and probably queer" but that line is there so. make of that what you will) And the line "I wouldn't call: a crazy thing to do/Just in case she said who?" STEVE LINE STEVE LINE
But also. That entire musical is chock full of people belting their hearts out about struggling to choose what they want. How they're supposed to go, what they're supposed to do. It's not about chess, or the cold war (well. It IS but...) It's also a lot about people wanting to be someone they aren't, and concerned about how they are perceived. Hmmm. HMMM. INTERESTING.
Like. Heaven help my heart?? I know him so well?? post s2 broken hearted Steve is called tf out. Basically the entirety of tape 2 of the concept album knocks Steve on his ass. Mentally, he is here:
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And ofc Robin finds his little mixtape of sad musical songs is like "steve. why are you obsessed with this musical. I am IN drama and I haven't heard of it. what the fuck. there's russians. we aren't fond of those guys." and steve has to go
"Robin listen. The guys from ABBA wrote the music and it's KINDA queer, and also please listen to this song. you can't even tell who's russian it doesn't matter"
and robin listens which finally makes her realize
"wait. why did you get this to begin with? Just because of the ABBA guys?"
"Robin. I have a collection of possibly every officially released musical from the past twenty years. I just like 'em. Have you heard Colm Wilkinson's voice? Julie Andrews? ABBA guys were a bonus."
and now I'm thinking of Musical Theatre actor Steve but let's not get a head of ourselves but also imagine... steve on broadway and robin in the pit as trumpet... being besties
anyways yeah I think they'd like the musical Chess.
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fruity-phrog · 1 year
Have any Episode 5 predictions?
Oh...just a few...
Zava and Shandy out Colin. As in, Zava posts an image of Colin and Michael from the end of ep3/sends it to the press, but Shandy encouraged him to. We know Shandy wants a big "scandal" to blow Twitter up and we know Zava left the restaurant a few moments after Colin and Michael. Zava will claim he posted the image because Shandy said he should "show some love on his socials" but it would definitely be at least partially due to his anger surrounding the West Ham match. This allows a segway into two issues being resolved - Keeley will get to tell Shandy off for basically jepordizing her company and her job, and Zava will get to be put in his place. Maybe he'll leave. Can you leave halfway through a season? Apparently it's to do with your contract, so since Zava signed with "You're welcome" he could probably leave. So yeah. We'll get Zava and Shandy problems because. I want that.
On the subject of gay, Trent and Keeley will be gay. I'm not saying "canonized" because, as you can probably tell, it fuckin pisses me off when people say that bisexual Keeley is a headcanon. It's not. It's canon. Anyway, Trent will be canonized as queer and Keeley will revisit her bisexuality. Obviously it will be mainly Trent but I think Keeley deserves to get fuckin pissed off at Shandy for outing someone.
Okay enough self-indulgence. Aside from the episode dealing with three issues - Colin, Shandy and Zava - I think it will also deal with Rebecca in one of two ways. Firstly, it could deal with her whole green-matchbox-prophecy thing which I am now going to explain my theory of because it's my blog and I can.
-What if it wasn't a green matchbox. What if it was a green matchbox soldier. Something Ted is well-known for having and giving out. I'm not even a Tedbecca shipper but I can see when I'm wrong (ignore my huntlow denial). Rebecca's not going to get back with Sam, just like Keeley's not going to get back with Jamie. She's going to get together with Ted. Okay theory within theory is over-
Okay now that I've explained that, that's option one. Option two is that she deals with her issue with Rupert. In that way, I mean her bestie arc with Bex begins in full swing. Perhaps they bump into each other in the shops, perhaps at a game, but the point is they bump into each other. I think Bex is genuinely a nice woman who respects and likes Rebecca. Anyway, maybe Rebecca mentions the assistant idk. But those are the options.
BUT I think my first option is correct because the episode is literally called "Signs". Which brings me to my fourth point-
4. The match against West Ham will be addressed. I mean, come on, three red cards? It's got to be addressed. Again, the episode is literally called "Signs", so the Believe sign is coming back. The team are obviously going to be very ashamed of themselves (Dani is going to need more therapy lmao) and I think they'll opt not to disclose the information of why they went batshit crazy.
5. HOWEVER, I think Nate will begin to wake up, maybe even apologize to Ted. Ted will explain what Nate already knows and they might even part on good terms. I want this for two reasons. Number one, Nate was my BOY for season 1 and part of season 2 and I miss that teeny lad. Secondly, I think putting a good word in with Nate s what Ted needs. He needs to be reminded that his way of life does work. So far, he's got yelled at by Rebecca, had his request gone against by Beard and Roy, been embarrassed by the team and found out about Michelle and J*cob (fuck him) (and her actually). He needs to be reminded that he actually does so much good. He changed Nate's life. He gave him to opportunity to coach, something I don't think Beard would do and something the old coach definitely wouldn't have done. This is something he needs to remember.
Anyway. I know not all of this can happen, but the synopsis is "With their season in a tailspin, Richmond try to right the ship against the mighty Manchester City. Off the pitch, everyone faces their own setbacks." These setbacks 100% could be Keeley's issue with Shandy, Zava's anger at the match, Rebecca's increasing concern over the matchbox or Bex, Colin's problems with coming out. Of course, my thing with Nate and Ted isn't exactly a setback for Richmond, but it definitely is for West Ham. So there are my options. I hope you enjoyed them.
Also, where are these asks coming from istg-
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clatoera · 1 year
cato is a lana girly. IDCCC if he's the most vicious victor in recent years, if not the whole history of the games, when million dollar man comes on he IS a lana girliee.
clove on the other hand seems like she only listens to classical music to get a clean flow with her training fights, knife throwing etc. sometimes she indulges in phonk to get her blood pumping. no lyrics, lyrics are a waste of time to learn and only a distraction.
glim glam bestie is the dancing queen. abba only. she has killed a man while listening to angeleyes and i would too tf have you heard the lyrics to that song. during her bloodbath she had gimmie gimmie gimmie stuck in her mind she told me this herself
marvel is mr worldwide. during his interview he only did a singalong to timber with caesar as ke$ha. no other information given to the crowd. he had the most sponsors that year its true.
OKAY so this is PART 2
And when I say. I read this message and OPENLY laughed out loud in my bed this morning i'm not joking. The Marvel bit had me in TEARS. I don't know who you are but I love you and I just know in my heart we would bond over the batshit crazy shit I have on my notes app list for the sequel with these 4 fr.
I also have to give @ms1818 so so much credit for what i'm about to say because one day like 2 months ago we discussed this.
Cato. No notes. This is correct. I'll give you this. He'd also listen to white boy workout music I can't explain it further but think like..eminem and old kanye not the new one the old one like think what happens when you walk past a herd of roided up white boys at a gym.
Clove, I see your vision, but I want to raise you a Nicki Fan (Am I a nicki fan? pull up in the sri lanka) . Nicki and Cardi and Megan. Not openly but like... it fits I can't elaborate ANY further but let her have her private bad bitch moments in her head.
Glimmer? I would love clarification no if she's listening to ABBA or the mamma mia meryl streep versions. Both are great. Both are glim glam. Winner takes it ALL. However I ALSO want to raise you the OBVIOUS which is Glimmer is a Taylor Swift Girlie. She is a swiftie. Glim Glam will refer to it as her Rep Era she has no chill. On that same note SO is Cashmere. ANd maybe Even Gloss (gloss is a madonna stan tho first and foremost and maybe lady gaga). Glimmer and Cashmere are in the TRENCHES of ticketmaster trying to get those Eras tour tickets. They are on multiple devices. But you know who would pull it off? Marvel. Marvel would be the one who secured the floor seats.
Which brings us to mr worldwide. When I say this is the part that had me CACKLING like a witch in my bed. Caesar Marvel Karaoke night should be my next karaoke night theme im not even joking this is great. Mr Worldwide himself. The sponsors said NO NOTES he's FLAWLESS we know who WE want. But may I offer a note. Harry Styles stan. Watermelon Sugar. Wearing sequin open vests and matching pants. Thats all. Thank you.
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tarnishedxknight · 6 months
Since Gylfie wouldn't fight Gabranth at the Pharos would he try to fight her? Would he be willing to listen to her?
{out of dalmasca} Oh gosh, this is such a good question, thanks for asking! And this touches upon some headcanons I have for Gabranth that I've mentioned in messages to some of my writing partners, but I'm not sure how much I've openly mentioned it on the blog in general. And I actually did read Gylfie's mun's response over on @disillusionedjudge, so I have that perspective as well. More below the cut!
So... this is a very tricky question because the answer would have been a lot different earlier in the game. Gabranth has been poisoned by nethicite, from way back when he was a teen in Landis and was exposed to the dense Mist cloud that resulted from nethicite being tested as a weapon there. Two of the symptoms of nethicite poisoning are increased aggression and mental instability. In short, it makes you serious impulsive and pissed off, and it can drive you insane. Keep this in mind as I detour a bit to how Gabranth behaved at the Pharos.
When he confronted Basch, Ashe, & Co. at the Pharos, Gabranth was notably... erratic. Unhinged. Yelling, ranting, emotional, aggressive. Maybe he had a point confronting his brother and all, given what Basch did to him all those years ago, and Gabranth clearly holds a grudge for decades. But... was he that way when Basch was imprisoned for two years in Nalbina? He had two years to rage against him, yell, scream, violently murder him if he wished... and he didn't do it. So why now? What has changes? Two things: 1) Gabranth is under a lot more stress, and 2) he feels like a failure.
Gabranth... has recently had to kill his best and closest ally, Drace, at this point in the game. If you think that didn't contribute to his mental instability at this point, you'd be wrong. The way nethicite poisoning works and the volatility of the Mist that has accumulated in Gabranth's body is such that it responds to volatile emotion. It stirs up the magic, makes it active, makes it... destructive. Gabranth's stress at having to execute Drace, his greiving her loss, grieving for Gramis and feeling like he failed him too with a lack of preventative intelligence, and then combined with a feeling of failure with Larsa... because at this point he has lost track of and control over the threats to Larsa... Whether or not you subscribe to my headcanon that Larsa is Gabranth's biological son or not, he still cared about the boy and recognized him as the future of the Archadian Empire. Yet he's lost control of the situation with Larsa, he's alone and without allies (Gramis and Drace were his biggest ones, and they're both dead).. and frankly... he's losing his shit. His declining mental health is feeding off the Mist and vice versa, and the mental deterioration phase of his nethicite poisoning has finally begun.
What this means is... he's going to be more emotionally volatile, he's gonna be more irrational, make a lot less sense, be more impulsive, and sometimes just seem batshit crazy. The Mist is literally addling his mind at his point. Think of... a rabid animal. Left alone and unprovoked, they're dazed, slow, sleepy, confused, and sluggish. But as soon as they see someone or something near them, they get irritated. They lash out, perceive it as an automatic and immediate threat, and irrationally attack past the point of self-preservation. That's... unfortunately and very sadly... where Gabranth is at this point. I'm not by any means like... being a Gabranth apologist here, haha, and saying oh it's not his fault he's just crazy, but I am trying to stress that mental illness due to nethicite poisoning does play a factor in his lack of rational thought at this time.
SO........ with all of that established.... back to the original question. Earlier in the game, before stress, grief, fear, and other emotions took root and exacerbated his nethicite poisoning, and before that exacerbation led to mental degradation and almost the beginnings of dementia in him, Gabranth absolutely would have been halted by Gylfie if she'd said as much. Like if she'd come out with, "Hey, hey, please, let's just... take a moment and think about this," he would have. He loves her and respects her both as family and someone he's come to think of as a daughter figure and someone he wants to mentor in life, as well as respecting her as a capable soldier in her own right. So yes, her words would carry a lot of weight with him and they would have given him pause.... before. Now? *sigh*
At the point of the confrontation at the Pharos, when he's giving Basch this impassioned speech of, "You confound me, brother! You failed Landis, you failed Dalmasca, all you were to protect. Yet you still hold onto your honor! How?!" Gabranth is... breaking down. He's losing his shit, as I said before. He's conflating things and catastrophizing them in his mind. He's angry, jealous, and confused as to how Basch keeps fucking up yet everyone still loves him, he's still this honorable figure, yet Gabranth has tried.... so freaking hard... to pull himself up, lift up out of the muck, out of the shadow of poverty, being less than Basch, being unwanted by his father... to become Larsa's protector which he is failing at in his opinion... and so... Why... is Basch so hailed while Gabranth is still "the villain"? It's the trifecta of things coming to a head in his mind with Basch, his mental health tanking, and certain stressors like worrying about Larsa and grieving Drace/Gramis... that are causing him to fly out of control.
If Gylfie... at that point... had stepped in to tell Gabranth to stop. Or asked him to wait. Listen. Hold off. That would've angered him further. Because he's like that rabid animal, where he has this irrational perception that the whole world is out to get him. Really, by this point, he is legit having a breakdown. So he's not thinking clearly at all. His usual reservation, tact, calculating cleverness, and intelligent restraint has been replaced with an antsy and aggressive feeling of the world crashing down around him. He doesn't realize at all what's happening to him, all he knows is that he's enraged beyond the point of being able to control himself, and people like Drace and Larsa who usually are the voices of reason for him are not there to help.
So would he be willing to listen to her? He can't. He doesn't have the ability to stop, calm down, and listen right now. He needs to be diffused, brought down, doused, lol, before he would be able to listen. Like I said, if she tried to reason with him at this point it would just enrage him further, and he might accuse her of taking Basch's side because when Gabranth is stripped down to his most emotional aspects, everything leads back to Basch, heh.
BUT... HOWEVER... Would he try to fight her? That's... a different question. He might lash out, yes. That is a definite possibility. A charge that doesn't quite reach her or fully connect. A swing of one of his swords that misses her by two feet. A warning. He'd absolutely do that, yes. As if to say, Back off, this does not concern you. But would he attack her in earnest with true intent to harm? No. Not at this point. He's not fully insane. He's losing it, to be sure, but he still recognizes her as family, as someone he loves, so he's not going to really try to hurt her. But he would bluff, push her away, and otherwise try to get her to stay out of things.
Sorry for the psychological detour in the middle of all of that, heh, but I needed to set everything up as far as headcanons and cirumstance first, but... yeah, that's where I view Gabranth's head being at during that scene and how he would have reacted to someone like Gylfie asking him to ramp it down.
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buggyzwrld · 2 years
method of modern love (highschool AU! henry creel/gn! reader) - chap 1
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chapter 1 - cloudbusting.
(chap namesake: cloudbusting by kate bush. i love her.)
fic summary: you have it all, popularity, good grades, and at the top of the social hierarchy of hawkins high. never once have you ever needed help, you got it all on your own, and you certainly never messed with those considered beneath you.
however, that all changes when one night, your mom suddenly never comes back home from work, and her disappearance flips your life as you know it, upside down. you reluctantly seek the help of the weird girl, jane hopper, her d&d playing friends, and the supposed wizard boy with powers, henry.
angst, fluff, enemies to lovers, reader is an ass, gud stuff.
a/n: hey guys! my name is bug and I’m not very new to tumblr, however, I’ve lurked so much and I wanted to write my own story! So this is one of my first ever st fanfictions, constructive criticism is welcomed, i have two chapters so far of this fic! I’ve had this AU in my head for awhile! :)
Some notes about this au for less confusing purposes:
Takes place in Season 4 time frame, 1986, in Hawkins.
Some canonical events, such as Hopper’s “death,” Will & El moving to California, Henry’s age, Vecna, Chrissy’s death, etc. did not happen for the sake of this universe.
The lab massacre happened, and this is how Henry & El escape blah blah, he struggles with this, blah, blah lol. 
Season 3’s finale did happen (minus Hopper death), and El lost her powers. Billy's death happened also. 
Henry is 18 for the sake of a highschool AU, and a senior, he & El live with Hopper, and assume the names Jane Hopper & Henry Hopper, taking on a big brother/little sister relationship.
This is basically what I imagined would happen if Henry wasn’t batshit crazy (well, actually he still kind of is but... lawful evil maybe??) , and assumed a normal life. I’m explaining too much lol, but I hope y'all enjoy! :)
Reader is gender neutral, assumes "they" pronouns so the story is accessible to everyone to read! You can replace the pronouns with whatever you like, and reader can be as fem, masc, or in between as you like.) 
this was written before vol. 2! so, if there are reveals that aren't stated here, remember this is just an au. thank you so much for reading :) !
The warm, humid spring air shrouded itself through the open windows, as the curtains danced lightly with the calm breeze in a tango. You stuck your head out the window, and took a big, heavy inhale of the air, and you could feel it. 
 This was your year.
        You’d been saying it since January 1st, 1986, as soon as the clock struck midnight, this was your year. Looking over in your bedroom vanity, you smiled confidently, feeling content with what you saw staring back. Yes, you had good grades, you were considered popular, attractive, you quite honestly had all a teenager could want in their high school life, right? However, these things didn’t come easily to you, you worked hard for them, you fought tooth, nail, and sacrificed much of yourself for your position you acquired right now. You were finally considered one of “them,” enough to be of their social caliber, enough of their stature, and you knew now you never had to worry again about reckless teasing. 
        You had it all, and you looked with slight remorse upon the ones who were once in your place. Sure, you could feel a small empathy for them, you were no stranger to the way they were treated, but you kept it to yourself. 
        Shaking your thoughts, you finished the rest of your morning routine, brushing your teeth, fixing your hair the way you liked, putting in as much hair spray to maintain the style. Yes, to assume the popularity role, you had to conform just a bit, as much as you hated to admit, but anything to keep up appearances and not fall back in the deep end of being at the bottom of the social totem pole. 
        Walking into the kitchen, you saw your sweet, tired mother looking over the bills of the house, she smiled small at you, her lips pursed, and you could see the eyebags forming under her eyes, from closing up the shop late last night. 
“Good morning, love,” She greeted, “you look awfully cute this morning.” 
        You looked your outfit up and down, blue jean shorts, with a brown button up shirt that had a funky pattern on it, tucked into the waistline, “I always look cute mom, what’s new?
        She chuckled, “Well, that’s certainly not a lie.” She went back to sorting through the bills, organizing, writing things down in her tiny green notebook she kept for important matters. You popped two pieces of bread in the toaster, and dug around in the refrigerator for some strawberry jelly, when you heard her emit a deep sigh. 
“What’s the bills looking like this month?” You turned around, face concerned, and eyebrows furrowing, as you knew the stress was formed on her face.
        “Not good, pumpkin, you might have to help me out more in the parlor this month, and maybe,” She looked off to the side, “get a part time job elsewhere, too.” 
        You stared deeply at her, and gulped, you didn’t mind helping in the pizza parlor, after all it was a family business, and every one of your friends thought it was cool that your mom owned the hottest pizza joint in Hawkins. To keep them happy, you even cooked and offered them free food, at your mom’s expense. But the feeling was different, you had it all right? That's what you always told yourself. Your friends, who had two parents with nice jobs, a nice house, a nice neighborhood… you contemplated your thoughts, but pushed them out of your head. You were as good as anyone else, whether or not you had to put on a façade, you did it just as well. 
        “Okay, but my ACT tests are coming up soon,” You played with the beltline of your shorts as you spoke, “and you know this is important for my future in college..” 
        “Yes, honey, I understand of course.” She smiled weakly, and you couldn’t help but feel a feeling of guilt form in your heart, your toast popping out of the oven. You didn’t even want it anymore, but you smothered it with jelly and grabbed your keys, and bid your mom goodbye as you left for school. 
        Starting up your fairly modest car, which was fancy by no means, you drove to school, popping in a “Tears for Fears” tape, “Head Over Heels,” to play first. You bopped your head slightly to the beat, shoving the first piece of toast in your mouth, quickly eating it, tapping your finger to the beat against the steering wheel as you maintained a steady pace on the road. 
        Finally, you reached the Hawkins High parking lot, the brown school now in view, with students walking in to begin classes. However, as you were only paying attention to the students walking in, with the music blaring, you failed to notice almost hitting a girl, and a few other kids with your car. 
        “Hey!” You heard a loud yell, and you braced for the inevitable, as you knew it was possibly too late to put on the brake without some type of collision. However, your car abruptly stopped without you hitting the brake, and you looked over to see that weird girl Angela always bullied, Jane, and her ragtag group of weird friend boys. She stared you down intently, however behind her you noticed another figure you had only seen around slightly, Henry. He pierced you with a look of resentment you’d never seen before, and you could’ve sworn you saw some blood dribble from his nose, however he quickly took his sleeve across his face. 
        “Hey! You could’ve killed her!” You heard one of the boys yell, Dustin Henderson, you just rolled your eyes, not interested in offering an apology or arguing with a freshman. 
“What an ass…” The other boy, Mike Wheeler, muttered as he watched you drive off, the others agreeing, making sure Jane was okay, and continued their walk on into the school building. 
        You pulled into a parking space, pulled your keys out, leaned back into the seat and emitted a deep, heavy sigh. You already had a run in with those weirdos, now what was next? Hopefully, nothing else surprising that you couldn’t act out your rehearsed emotions. 
        You heard a knock on your passenger side door, and you looked over to see none other than Chrissy Cunningham. She smiled brightly at you as she opened your passenger door and sat in the seat. “Ready for another day, (___)?” Her cheeks brightened as she smiled, eyes twinkling. 
“If you say so,” you retorted sarcastically, smirking slightly, “I just had a sticky run in with the Hellfire weirdos and their supposed wizard, but to be fair, I almost hit her with my car.” 
        “(___!)” She exclaimed suddenly, “you’ve got to pay more attention than that when driving..” She stated the obvious, but I just gave her an “I know, I know” look, and she giggled a little. Chrissy was extremely sweet, one of the only few of the popular group that you truly felt was genuine, and that you felt had actual emotions. You weren’t sure how she fell in with such the likes as Angela, and her crowd; cold, ruthless, mean, and calculating, sometimes it made you shudder with the type of antics they would pull. 
        “Well, let’s get going,” You huffed, “we don’t want to miss the wonderful Mr. Brown’s Biology II class!” She shot you a “really?” look, as you knew it was her least favorite class. Although you were the age of a junior, you were graduating early this year due to how fast you excelled in your studies in your previous years, taking all senior classes. You were the salutatorian of the class as you knew so far, and this frustrated you. You had no idea who was valedictorian, but you knew you wanted to surpass them, it was only fair.  
        As you walked into class, you scanned the area. The regular people here of course, Bobbie, Ariel, Jamie… you made it to your seat, the middle of the classroom, second seat from the window, third row, you remembered. However, as you sat down, you took notice of the blonde locks, slightly lean figure, and blue eyes that sat in the seat directly next to you. 
Henry Hopper to be exact.
        He made eye contact with you, as he must’ve felt you staring, shooting an uninteresting look as if you were a mere fly on the wall, and you sneered at him back. 
        How did you not notice? You’ve been in this class since January, it was now March, and you never noticed Henry sitting beside you? The incident this morning must’ve made you take notice, Henry was extremely quiet and never spoke a peep to anyone, besides his sister, and that whole crew. You still stared at the side of his profile in disgusting curiosity as he was now doodling something in his notebook, you taking note, peered over, it looked to be a spider. You shuddered. You hated those ugly creatures. He glared at you again. You glared back.
        Freak, you thought, turning your attention elsewhere.
        “Alright! Alright! Everyone!” Mr. Brown loudly exclaimed as he walked in the classroom, slamming the door shut, “today I’ve got something interesting for you all!”
        You noticed Henry quickly flipping his page to a clean sheet, dammit, why were you noticing everything he was doing today? It pissed you off. 
        Everyone sat up begrudgingly at this news, whatever Mr. Brown, who gave 60-questioned tests, deemed “exciting,” couldn’t have been an amusement park field trip. 
        “Don't look so miserable!” He smiled, pushing his big brown glasses on his face as he whirled around, and wrote on the chalkboard, “Science PROJECT!”
        He whirled back around and continued, “Today I decided, instead of another BORING lecture, to go ahead and begin our frog dissections!” Everyone looked at each other excitedly, hoping he would let them choose their partners. Chrissy and I made eye contact and she smiled, while I mouthed, “Pick me,” with a little wink. 
        “However, most unfortunate for you all,” He smirked devilishly, “I will pick your partners, wouldn’t be high school without the uncomfortable social aspects, now would it?”  
Loud groans emitted from the class, specifically from the back, from Eddie Munson, the 2 year super senior. 
        “So! I put all your name on these little popsicle sticks, and arranged to pull two out from this hat!” He chortled a laugh, “Now, let’s see who’s our first two victims on the list!”
He shook the black top hat, everyone antsy in anticipation, hoping, praying they would be with a friend, or their hot crush, or a decent partner at least. “First,” he pulled out two sticks, “Christina and Laurie!” A small “yes!” could be heard from the girls. 
“Second..” He pulled out two more, “Chrissy and. . .”
Your throat tightened with anticipation, hoping it would be you. 
        “Eddie!” Your heart sunk, you looked up at her, and she looked like a doe in headlights, looking to the back of the class, seeing Eddie roll his eyes a bit, mutter something, but nothing too judgmental, surprisingly. She then gave you a small smile, to which you could not return. 
        This went on for a few more names, your name not being called, and suddenly your stomach dropped with anticipation, why was it taking so long? Dammit, just call my name already, you thought. 
        Maybe, you begin to think, I’ll work on this solo, I wouldn’t mind that. You smiled at the thought, but the small hope came crashing down at Mr. Brown’s next names uttered. 
“(Name) and….” He flipped the popsicle around as if he couldn’t read his own handwriting, squinting as he slowly spoke, “...Henry.”  
        Your eyes shot up from their daze of being out of space, and you looked over to the boy sitting beside you in utter disgust, he looked at you indifferently first, but after seeing your expression, he returned the look back. 
        How lovely.
(edit: chapter 2 here)
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
Hey, I’m having a kinda shit day and my social anxiety and depression are acting up, I love your writing, I was wondering if you might write something sweet or fluffy and funny with the Bau? I dunno how to do requests but I thought it couldn’t hurt to ask.
i absolutely can! 💗 so sorry you’re having a shit day (or were, since i’m definitely a few days late)
i think the bau members would all take care of you in their own special way when your social anxiety or depression acts up
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spencer, for example, would totally ask you if you want to get away from the crowds of people and go for a walk and find a bookstore or antique shop or small café for some coffee or tea and snacks
he would for sure order a tea or hot chocolate for you though because those help anxiety (coffee can make it worse, and he would absolutely know this and would tell you all the stats about it)
he would also ramble on and on as much as he can just to distract you from your anxiety
i know for a fact this boy would do it too if your depression is acting up
because you wouldn’t feel like talking or doing much of anything besides being alone, but he knows that being alone can make it worse
so he’d sit with you and either read aloud to you or start rambling about something he knows you enjoy hearing about
just to keep you company and try to scare the bad thoughts away with all his rambling
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morgan isn’t much different, i think, but he’s better at getting you out of your head with his pep talks when your social anxiety gets in the way
he would definitely pull you aside and say his famous, “talk to me, what’s going on?” line
he’d hold you if you need to cry, and he’d probably encourage it
but he’d still remind you of how strong you are, even as you’re crying
if your depression is acting up, he would definitely crack as many jokes as he can, and then some more
he’d probably also try to flirt with you more (if you’re okay with it) because something about derek morgan complimenting you will boost your mood on any given day
if you try hiding it, though, i just know he’d pull a “enough is enough” moment on you like he does to garcia in season 7
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garcia is special because there’s no way you can ever frown around her, so when she does see you frowning, it takes no time at all for her to remedy the situation
anything from a movie night to running new pet names for morgan by you (sometimes completely batshit insane ones just to make you smile) to letting you hold or play with any of the fun things she has sitting around
retail therapy with garcia!!!!!!!
i just KNOW she would take you on a shopping trip
and even if you don’t particularly enjoy shopping, you’d love spending that time with her and all her craziness
she would hold up the craziest pieces of clothing and ask you if you’d wear it, just to get your reaction
but if your social anxiety is too high for that, i also know she’d be up for a quiet night in with sappy rom coms and junk food
i hope this helps!! sorry i didn’t do the rest of the BAU, but i couldn’t think of anything for them and i didn’t want it to seem half-assed (but maybe when i do, i’ll do a part 2!)
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heybeybey · 3 years
Ready, Set, Don't Go
Words: 1,833
Genre: Angst/Family
Rating: G Summary: Levi may have resigned from the military, but he'd underestimated how much his daughter is as much of a fighter as him and Petra. (Set almost 2 decades after canon events)
Happy Father's Day, folks!
I'm sorry for contributing slight angst today but don't worry, nobody dies. 👍 Also here, have some wheelchair Levi and a teenage Ackerbaby.
And thank you to @levis-petras for being my beta for this fic 💖
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Levi wasn't much for celebrations ever since he was young. In fact, he only recognizes five dates that are worth commemorating:
His wife's birthday.
His daughter's birthday.
His twins' birthday.
His and Petra's wedding anniversary.
And Mother's Day, but that one wasn't just for Petra. Truthfully, it was also the only way he gets to celebrate his late mother. He barely remembers her birthday, and he wasn't even sure he knew in the first place.
So, you see, he only celebrates when it's all about the people he holds dear. He doesn't really see the point in All Hearts Day or even his birthday. A more cost-efficient option too.
However, it still hurts that he's spending Father's Day this way.
The day started off normally. He woke up to Petra peppering kisses down his neck, greeting him a Happy Father's Day. The twins—Luke and Philip—then came bouncing in, both boys eager to show him the cards they drew for him.
He came down to Izzy brewing tea—a blend his daughter bought for him as a gift—and greeting him with a hug. He'd have to admit that it's been nice to be coddled by his family.
Then came dinner time.
He noticed that Izzy had been uneasy the past few days, and all those nerves seemed to have culminated during dinner. The brat had been on edge the whole day that he had to snap at her to just spill it.
It first started with an off-hand comment about how there will be a ceremony the next day for new military recruits. He sees his wife give Izzy an encouraging look from the corner of his eyes as she stumbles through her words.
Izzy, who's not much of a great liar to begin with, quickly muttered 'I signed up for the military.' and refused to meet his eyes.
"I know that you might not agree now and that you and mom had been through a lot," Izzy starts to explain in a rush. "But I know this is what I'm meant for dad! I think there's not going to be a lot of battles to fight and it's more just—"
"No," he cuts off.
Her squeaking words quickly turned into a hiss, and it only got worse when he demanded that he drop her spot.
Soon, Petra was ushering their twins up to the second floor, knowing how arguments between father and daughter can get nasty.
"This is not fair!"
"The answer is no, Izzy," he said, matching his teenage daughter's tone. He rolls his wheelchair to follow her all the way to their house's front door, hearing her rage around the house. "Oi brat, what did I say about banging on the fucking furniture?"
He distinctly hears Petra scold, "Language, Levi!" from upstairs, but both father and daughter ignores her.
"I'm 16 now, dad," she snaps back, ignoring his last comment. "You can't tell me what to do."
Izzy finally turns around to face him, never one to back down. She's looking at him now with fury in her eyes and a retort ready on her lips.
Definitely her father's daughter.
"Do you even know what you're doing, Izzy?" He said, voice finally softening as he takes in the loaded backpack on her back. He feels the weight of her decision then.
"I wouldn't have signed if I didn't."
He'd always had a hunch that Izzy was fond of the military. Too fond for his taste, if he's going to be honest about it.
Guilt pinches him a bit whenever he thinks back to his promise that he would stand by his children no matter the choices they make. Even at the age of 56, he remains steadfast to his belief to live a life with no regrets.
But he'd be damned before he even allows any of his children to enlist.
So the first time she daydreamed of becoming a soldier at the tender age of eight, he had quickly shut down the idea.
"Here, girls like dolls right?" he had said as he pushed the plushie to her arms. He doesn't really give a damn whether she likes toys that are meant more for girls or boys. He'd buy her anything she asks for, budget permitting. But for some reason, that moment had settled uneasily in his gut. "I bought this for you today."
"But I want that one!" she'd screech, pointing at the display of two toy dual broadswords.
Petra had reprimanded him, telling him that he shouldn't discourage their child just because of their experiences. He could only give his wife a worried look in return.
Izzy was 11 the next time she approached the topic, asking him about his time as Captain Levi Ackerman. While he and Petra had moved out of Paradis since the Battle of Heaven and Earth, never even thinking of looking back, Petra was able to keep a few portraits of their team and the other Scout veterans.
Izzy, the curious young teen that she was, found them.
"See, it says here that you were a captain!" Izzy exclaims, eyes sparkling with excitement and reverence. She'd been bouncing to and from the box with the portraits and other memorabilia during his and Petra's time in the Scouts. She then settled down, looking from the portrait of a younger version of Levi with Erwin to her father's scarred face now. Levi feels his hands clenching on the armrests of his wheelchair, his vision starting to blur the more he looks at his former commander's face.
"It's so cool that you were in the military. And that you even had a high position! Do you think I'll also become a captain in the future? Maybe you can train me so I can reach that level! Please dad, can you tell me more? Is that why you have that badass scar? Mom won't tell me anything—"
Brat didn't know that he was there until the end. He doesn't know what they teach in history classes to children nowadays, but he and Petra had agreed that there's no sense in mentioning their time as soldiers and the literal hell they've been through to any of their children.
Not really a good bedtime story for kids.
The thought of his own child witnessing the same shit he and Petra went through was enough to give him a new set of nightmares every night.
"She's young, Levi," Petra consoles him after he sat up sweating from a nightmare. Tears were also streaming down her cheeks as she clings on to his bare shoulder. "She might still change her mind."
The last time Izzy mentioned it, she was 14. Everything was starting to pick up again during that time. Paradis' military, unsurprisingly, was the strongest.
Armin came over to tell them that a new order will be established—a neutral party from different nations that they all hope would promote and retain the fragile facade of peace they all had before one side goes batshit crazy. Arlert had been the same level-headed young man that he was since Levi had to revive his charred ass back in Shiganshina as he explained everything to the former captain.
With this change came a new branch of military for implementation.
Izzy had been starry eyed since then.
"This might be the world's chance to truly fix things," she babbled on that whole day—a mixture of rants about the current state and how everything is being handled, and reverence at the possible future this change might bring.
"Imagine... Imagine being a part of that..." Izzy had trailed off then, eyes faraway but lit up with optimism.
All Levi can hear and see is another Isabel from years past.
Back then, he'd chalked it all up to the fanciful thinking of a child who doesn't know any better. Now, Levi desperately wants to believe that maybe this is just a rebellious teenage phase. He'd been around a lot of teenagers during his time and he'd witnessed how crazy they can get.
Like Eren and—
He tears himself away from the memory before his mind fucks him up further. He and Petra already deals with it on an almost nightly basis, and it's a thought he'd rather not dwell on during his waking hours.
The living room was quiet for a moment as both father and daughter stare each other down. Levi looks at his first-born now—committed and kind like Petra, blunt and fearless like him. The best of his and his wife's qualities mixed together.
But who knows when shit will go down again? Things were shaky enough in this damned world as it is. While he and Petra were able to find their own safe spot to raise their children in, one can never be too complacent.
He'd already lost too much, and most days he wakes up thinking that even his family is temporary. There one day, gone the next.
"I can do my part this way, dad," Izzy finally replies, drawing her father back to the present. She sighs, dropping down her bag and kneels on one side of his wheelchair so they'd be at the same level. "Like what you did. Like what you and mom did."
He remains quiet as he takes in the determination in her eyes. It's the same look Petra would have more than two decades ago when she saves another soldier from being titan shit. The same look his daughter would have whenever she refuses to let go of a toy before bath time back when she was a toddler.
He knows then that there's no swaying her from her decision.
"You're too much like your mother," Levi says, resigned. They even have the same strawberry-blonde bob, he notes. Izzy gives him a sad smile then.
"You're just too old to 'deal with my teenage bullshit', dad," Izzy retorts to lighten the mood, doing her best to imitate her father's previous rants.
He doesn't tell her that maybe what he's too old for is the possibility of losing another person he holds dear.
- - - -
When he sees her off the next morning, already in the uniform issued by the military, he decides that he'd rest easier at night knowing that Izzy believes he's there to support her. He fought for Paradis' freedom for half his life. Why would he rob his daughter from her freedom to choose the path she wants?
"I'm proud of you, Izzy," Levi whispers against her ear as she hugs him tightly, fighting against his desire to beg her to not to go. It may be uncharacteristic of him to want to sob out and cling further to her but damn it, this is his daughter.
But Izzy's breath hitches at his words, and tears soon started to fall. His own arm encircles tightly around her while he supports himself with a crutch. She looks at him gratefully, true joy in her eyes, and that was enough to stop him from forbidding her further.
"You're not allowed to die," he mutters instead—so similar to the 'encouraging words' he gave the young recruits he guided before.
Izzy laughs through her sobs and teases him, "Is that an order, 'captain'?"
"Damn right it is, brat," he replies, fondly ruffling her hair.
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species-id · 3 years
To Alterbeings is wildin about the Wolf movie:
If you havent heard, WOLF is a new film about a main character with species dysphoria, and goes to a clinic to attempt to cure himself.
Whaaaaoo whaooo wooo you say. they are framing species dysphoria to be a disorder that needs a cure. Blasphemy.
But hold on.
heres why i think this plotline , albeit seemingly shitty may hold potential for any outsider that could ever dip their toes into nonhuman identity. Please. bear with me and give this rollercoaster of a post a chance.
1. Normies already think were batshit crazy.
If you havent heard, normies for lack of a better word, those who are human identifying without having nonhuman identities, think the idea of being transspecies or any spectrum of nonhumanity is stange and crazy already. This movie meets them where they are at (AT THE PREMISE. Well get to that later)
2. Individualized storytelling (or potential of)
According to the director, she formed this story around the individual story of jacob, and finding likeminded individuals that feel what you feel. The secondary character, wildcat, has been , at least to me be a multidemensional strongwilled character, that refuses to stop being herself despite others thinking it means shes not well, but the trailer still shows her complex (or potentially complex) relationship with the fear of going against authority to a ceartain extent ( s seen in the scene she advises jacob not to breakout) theres also the scene where wildcat is worried about their survival. jacob says, "i want to survive, but survive as me." This has a lot of potential for depth, specificity, and conclusion that an identity isnt an illness. if there is enough diversity in the species identity portrayal and how its So individual, and fundamental to who they are, then this can be what saves the film, as well as one final point.
3. Conversion is WRONG.
Ah yes the thing i said we will get to later.
in my opinion, this film has very similar vibes to the film Boy Erased, (which is also made with the same production company Focus Features) a film that tells a boys story in gay conversion therapy. The films trailer reads similarly, in the sense that in this premise gayness is introduced in a negative light, and obviously the story progresses from there.
If this message is emphasized at the end of the film clearly, without some shitty backstory of having to be ALSO human or STILL human to be valid, then to me, the movie is redeemed at least a bit, no matter how "cringy" it went, if the message is HEY, THIS CONVERSION SHIT IS WRONG, THIS IS AN IDENTITY, THEY SHOULD BE ACCEPTED, NO MATTER WHAT....
then what do we have to lose?
I say this, with consideration that, hey, remember, hollywood exaggerates EVERYTHING. I would be dumb not to expect this to be exaggerated. It is a Hypothetical world where species dysphoria is wildly studied and talked about, and until that actually happens, we cant know how it would actually be. Theres room for exaggeration, even if there was a transspecies being/individual, or Alterbeing, draconic or other individual overseeing this project.
I remember Claire Wineland, the creator of The Clarity Project talking about being a consultant in 5 Feet Apart , a film about two teens falling in love but also dealing with Cystic fibrosis. Even with her say in the film, she had admitted that exaggeration is just what movies do, and the whole base of 5 feet apart was rather dramatic in her opinion, but she still felt it would resonate with CF patients to see someone like them even slightly on screen and to know she was trying her best to get it the most accurate a hollywood film about CF can be. Unfortunately, im looking everywhere to find where i read her quote. It had an impact on me which is why i remember her own words, but i would love the exact quote. If someone knows pls dm me.
hollywood has sensationalized the wolf, but, despite it, it seemed the actor studied actual wolves "til the end of the world." (and not werewolf movies) for this role. I dont like how the director words things in interviews, using the term syndrome (rather than say, phenomenon at least) while also knowing species dysphoria is understudied at the same time:
“Initially I’d read an article and then seen some follow-up news pieces about a woman who thought that she was a cat,” Biancheri told IndieWire. “She was going around on all fours and meowing. There was obviously a natural comical side to it, but I started reading up on it and I realized, this is a syndrome and it’s growing."
- Nathalie Biacheri, Director
Just say the girl (or boy or individual/being, depending on how you identify) is a cat yall.
but at the same time, the actor gives out statements like:
“I don’t think even Jacob as a character identifies as someone with species dysphoria, I think he identifies as a wolf,” MacKay told IndieWire. “A big part of it hinges on its commitment to the idea, and that’s integral to what the characters are going through. If suddenly you feel like, Well, actually this guy is a bit impartial about being a wolf, it dilutes the whole thing. You either believe what he feels or are trying to understand what he feels, or you make your own conclusions. For me, it was important that I felt like, without sort of spoiling anything, I rooted myself in the wolf.”
He then goes on saying:
From there, however, only more questions followed. “Once [you answer] that question, it then kind of breaks up into all these really nuanced, complex questions,” he said. “Like, if that’s the case, how does he sound? How does he move? When is he a wolf? When is he a man? If you thought you were a wolf, would you feel like you move like a wolf but you don’t have the body that you need? When did he find out? It just is so rich.”
- George McKay, Actor (Jacob)
Here are some more interviews pre-release, where i make remarks about passages.
‘WOLF’ Trailer: George MacKay and Lily-Rose Depp Transform in Species Dysphoria Drama
‘Wolf’: How George MacKay Totally Transformed Himself for a ‘Universal’ Exploration of Personal Identity
Here there are tidbits that give me a bit of hope, the actor seems to speak like he was pretty dedicated to trying the best he could to endure complexity rather than cariacture, while im still cautious, heres some bits:
"During lockdown, MacKay chronicled his physical transformation and its emotional implications by writing a diary about the experience. Many of the words that MacKay wrote ended up in the final film, presented as part of Jacob’s own journal, which he shares during a group therapy session. “At some point, even before the shoot, I was like, “‘Yeah, the time has come that he knows the character better than I do,'” Biancheri said."
I seem to have more qualms with the directors wording than the actors, and heres where i think it may be a test where if anything, he can have an impact in this not being that bad lol.
Though Mckay also says,
“I think if we’re trying to make something consciously for the masses via a very individual experience, it would sort of get diluted or become vague, or even slightly patronizing, because you’re trying to encapsulate many, many individual experiences by making a broad strokes version of that circumstance,” he said. “It feels like such a fundamental question, when I think I’m something or I value something that you don’t or that you’re trying to change. I think that has much bigger reverberations, even though our version of it is such a specific question.”
Another quote that spirals me into a mix of 'yikes' and but 'well, i mean that is a point '*shrug* is this one:
"while still rooted in a known disorder [do they mean gender dysphoria?], [it] blows out its ideas in such fantastical fashion that it can’t help but inspire empathy. Why does it matter that Jacob thinks he’s a wolf? What impact does that really have on anyone else?
As the pain Jacob and his fellow patients feel grows, as their journey becomes more poignant and painful, such questions can only lead to greater understanding. If movies are, as Roger Ebert once famously said, machines meant to generate empathy, “Wolf” is precisely that."
Hm. This is the part where i think, holy shit, what if its so exaggerated it *works*? There are depictions of scenes here too reminiscent of any conversion therapy that just may be shattering. Who cares whether u think its theyre cringey when when ur literally fucking makeing someone suffer. Have some Fucking empathy.
I dont know.
we have to remember that this is the FIRST significant time species identity has ever been represented in hollywood like this, not with magic, spells, or full moons. Despite this, the nonhuman and Alterbeing communities took shape online finding solace along the most sensationalized media around wolves, elves and the like. Believe me, im not trying to excuse any negative impact this film may have. Im just saying, Despite any negative impact, species indentity is still here, still a thing. Sure, theres so much chaos but, hey, theres always silver lining. some found solace and felt seen even if it was just a bit by this trailer (including me.) We should never settle, but , even if this sensationalizes species identity, i can see hundreds of transspecies and alterbeing egglings googling "do i have species dysphoria" because of this movie. To me, despite how unceartain the general audience impact of this it is, there can still be hope for a positive one, even if its just a niche few that will find this movie to spark something positive.
With all that being said, i want to feel unashamed that im optimistic, however cautiously.
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verymuchimmortalcat · 3 years
Maribat March Day 1: Found Family
Yes, I'm aware it's not March. It's already up on ao3 but I wanted to cross post it onto this.
Hawkmoth was gone. There wasn’t even a battle, Adrien had come to her as soon as he found out about his father. Having the element of surprise and Chloe as Queen Bee, they managed to get the miraculi with minimum damage. Everything afterwards was a blur. Hawkmoth was gone. She thought for the hundredth time emptily.
She’d been staying with Chloe when Adrien had come to her, they’d known their identities for the past three years after Hawkmoth’s threat became worse. Adrien and Chloe had been the only two people she had spoken to in the last month after a horrible argument with her parents about her continuous disappearances. And the Bats, but they didn’t know she was no longer staying with her parents. All her conversations with them were mostly check-ins over text. She hadn’t visited or called, they would have known something was up so she texted Tim that she’d be busy for the next few months with commissions and Ladybug and that she wouldn’t be able to talk or visit as often. She had convinced Tikki that using the Horse miraculous to go to Gotham wasn’t using the Miraculous for personal uses, she trained when she was there and it was a good break from the tension in Paris and it reduced her chance of akumatisation. Tikki had agreed to those points but had only caved when Marinette started trying to bribe her with extra cookies.
She missed those visits. She was with Adrien when she voiced that thought. They were at the Eiffel tower, sitting in complete silence as the two of them stared out at the city. The news of Hawkmoth’s defeat would spread throughout the city in the next hour or so and it was sure to erupt into celebration. Adrien’s aunt had already been told and she was coming the next day to take him to London.
He had smiled sadly at her and said, “Go to Gotham, Bug. Go to your Family.”
When she started to speak, he cut her off, “You and me both know they’re exactly that. They’re more your Family than Tom and Sabine will ever be.”
“And you? I don’t want to leave you alone, especially after everything.”
“I’ll be fine. I have Chloé, and Aunt Amelie will be here tomorrow. I want you to go. You deserve someone to be there for you too, and they’ll be there. Even though the whole lot of you have issues with processing emotions and talking things out.”
She laughed at that, a sad sounding crying laugh, but a laugh all the same
“Talk to you later?”
“Talk to you later. Come visit, we can explore London together once things calm down. Feel free to drag the others along.”
“You’re begging for chaos.”
“And you’re stalling. Go or I’ll call them myself.”
“Ok, ok, I’m going. See you soon.”
She swung off leaving Adrien on the tower still staring out at the city the two of them had protected since they were thirteen. She headed to the hotel first to tell Chloé. Chloé was in her room, talking to Pollen as if it was the last time she would see her. “Here to take the miraculous?”
“Actually no.”
“Great. You’re finally going to talk to the Bats then.”
“It hasn’t been that long, and anyways Adrien’s on the tower. Bring him back and spoil him for me, will you?”
“Of course, now shoo. The news was just released, they’re probably already waiting for you,” and then Chloe transformed and jumped out of her Balcony.
Chloé had been right. The news had already spread throughout the world and the second Marinette detransformed her phone started going crazy. There were messages and missed calls from all of the Waynes, official and unofficial. Ignoring most of them. She opened her messaging history with Tim and sent him a message.
Batcave. I’ll be there in 2 minutes.
She didn’t need to bring anything with her, she visited them often enough to have her own room filled with her things and everything. Transforming with Kaalki she created a portal and stepped into the Batcave. Tim was already there. Knowing him he’d probably been there for the past few hours regardless of how early it was. She fell into his arms as soon as she got there. Crying, with relief, happiness and so many other emotions. And he just hugged her back and stroked her hair. “Let’s go up, Dick wants to have a movie night. Cass and Steph will be back from Hong Kong tomorrow morning and Babs already went home.”
“Tim, it’s past 4 in the morning. And I’m going to assume you mean today morning”
“well, technically, yes. Today morning and it’s not like we were asleep anyways. The news came just after we had finished with Patrol,” he said defensively.
She sighed, “you Bats and your sleeping habits.”
“Hey, yours isn’t much better.”
“Guess that makes me one of you, then”
He scoffed, “please, Damian thinks you’re skilled and that’s more than what he thinks of the rest of us. You’ve been one of us for ages now. All that’s left are official documents.”
“Please don’t fake those.”
“Do you seriously think I would do that?” He said mock offended.
“Obviously,” she deadpanned.
They continued making their way through the rest of the Manor in comfortable silence. Leaving Marinette with her thoughts for the first time since she had entered the Manor. She remembered, when she had first met Tim when he had come to Paris to train with Master Fu’s friend who had at the time been teaching her too. When they weren’t practicing, Marinette took him around the city. He had become like a brother to her. An annoying one, but she’d been continuously reassured that all siblings were just like that. And then she met the rest of the Bats and she found the way they behaved around each other fascinating. Teasing and rude until someone outside their family did the same then they were nothing but defensive and dangerous. And somehow Marinette had seamlessly joined their chaotic Family some point in the five years it had been since she had first met Tim. They had become family even before they trusted the other with their Identities which was as weird as it sounds. With Marinette dropping by Gotham to help with Patrol and the Bats occasionally coming to Paris to help her and Adrien train.
They had reached the media room and she entered the room only to be swept into a hug by Dick. Damian was sitting on one of the blankets surrounded by his pets. Jason was sitting on the couch with a book, he reaches out and ruffles her hair when she’s near him and quietly says, “you did good.” She whispers back a thank you. Duke waves to her from his spot on of the bean bags. Bruce was Bruce. So, Marinette as soon as she was free from Dick’s hug, hugged him and said, “Good to see you too B.” And then Bruce smiles and Marinette takes that as an opening and cuddles into his side. Tim sits on her other side and Marinette leans onto him too.
Jason leaves his book and joins Damian and Dick on the blanket pile on the floor, despite the large amount of space left on the sofa. Duke stretches out in the now empty space. They finally settle on watching the Avengers movies.
Damian falls asleep halfway through the first movie and Dick brings Damian closer to him. Marinette feels Tim’s breathing slowly even out towards the start of the second movie and she smiles softly, Tim needs more sleep. She falls asleep around the time the Avengers start trying to pick up Thor’s hammer.
She wakes up the next morning to Stephanie jumping on her and hugging her and as soon as she’s calmed down from the instant panic any hero gets when they think they’re getting attacked in their sleep, she hugs Steph back and laughs. Cass is standing behind Steph and engulfs her in a hug the second Steph lets go, and Marinette is filled with a sense of safety in her sisters’ arms. Steph starts talking excitedly, shooting rapid fire questions, before Cass gets her to stop by bringing her attention to Marinette’s expression. The rest of the boys start to wake. And Steph and Cass go around with the round of hugs and greetings after being gone for a while. Steph’s phone chimes with a notification. Checking her phone, Steph grins. “Babs said she’s coming by for breakfast. Oh, and Alfred said he’s making crepes and we should probably go before they cool down.”
Jason groans, “Couldn’t you have started with that.”
Stephanie crosses her arms, “Of course not. What do you take me for?”
Jason just grumbles and walks out of the room, probably to get ready before breakfast. Marinette, giggling, follows the rest of them as they all rush to get ready so they don’t miss Alfred’s crepes.
Five minutes later, the whole Wayne Family and their friends are there at the table eating breakfast. And it’s a beautiful chaos that Marinette thrives in. Babs and Dick are talking. Steph and Damian arguing spectacularly loudly about something or the other. Jason and Duke are fighting about books again. Next to her, Cass tries to make sure Tim doesn’t fall asleep on his food. And throughout the chaos Bruce just has an exasperated and tired but somehow fond look on his face. While Alfred comes and goes, offering sarcastic remarks occasionally.
Marinette knows they’ll have to talk later about Hawkmoth and Tom and Sabine. But right now, she’s eating breakfast with her family and having fun and all the worries can be for future Marinette. Present Marinette is going to wreak chaos with her batshit crazy family. The one that she chose.
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chaneilkular · 3 years
ok the gay stuff...... why is literally EVERYONE in this show gay hello????? fucking obsessed. i get the feeling u prefer cartero to bobby & cj which so valid. first of all cj hello cyrus & tj combined like 🥴 no but i love him he seems super sweet and like makes bobby more bold i think??? BUT ALSO why is this kid a junior 😕 the entire time i was like oh he’s a sophomore so only one grade above but then someone said junior at the end and i...... like what was the reason</3 considering that i feel like they won’t be endgame but honestly s2 did not go as i expected so i’m not gna even try and predict what will happen. either way i’m happy bobby has new friends and a bf i feel like he needed those to help him branch out!!! the whole are you jealous what if i am HELLO batshit crazy again bobby being pushed to be open ab his feelings ‼️‼️ but ok cartero like...... liam straight up looked like he’d been the told the worst news of his life at the end HELLO the dude has 2 be bi and like him back why else would he be that devastated ???? i appreciate that they teased a love triangle but it didn’t come until the end rly threw me for a spin ! jada breaking up w him hoooo boi last thing i expected it was so random but hs is like that but still i just didn’t think the writers would do that 😳 ALSO bobby on his own the most important ofc i’m not super attached to either couple tbh like i will say i see more chemistry w cj only bc we got more focus on them but he’d be happy w both and as long as bobby’s happy i’m fine ! so so proud of him for coming out obviously that isn’t necessary at all but for him it meant expressing himself and opening up which he never does so :’) and telling elena AH she was the best and the whole i’d rather take a guy that was incredible..... and then his mom naur don’t get me started the dude rly went his name is cj ah 😭 i was straight up doing a jig in my room last night at all his scenes i love him sm. ALSO ok wish we had more of danielle and cami together but her proposing :’) oh the gays are winning here anyway that is it for now PLEASE lmk ur thoughts on literally anything 💖
let's get into thisss... honestly, this is how a good show should be structured. everyone gay, the token straights on their best behavior and actually setting an example on how to be good allies. we love to see it. yeah, I'm not going to lie. when I've sunken my teeth into something fruity, you better believe I'm going to keep chewing until I've extracted all the flavor. honestly, I just don't have an opinion on cj yet. like, I think liking them as a couple is fine and to say he didn't help bobby grow is just plain wrong. there's just not much else to him for me, personally. they could've named him anything but cj, though. like, this is not a coincidence, I refuse to believe that. so, if we're going to see a lot more of him next season (let's hope, we're going to get one... I've not forgotten how long it took d*sney to renew this show), he needs to presented a little bit more complex, in detail of sorts. we need to get to know him better. when it comes to love triangles though, I'm always all in for just one guy and you know who that is here 🙊 honestly don't know why they went with the 'cooler older guy' trope. I feel like there's a lot of vicious spins to this and I just hope we don't get to see any of them. I'm just tired of certain narratives when it comes to gay relationships in media. going to admit they had a lot more chemistry but this was mainly because bobby and liam had basically nothing going on this season except bobby's initial jealousy... only for them to crank that shit up to 100% real quick with that scene™. if this is not what heartbreak looks like, I don't know what does. for the record: that boy is not straight. I've never been a big fan of coming out narratives. maybe that's just my personal view on things or whatever. but they did it so well? I can't even express how I'm feeling about it. streets are saying I might have been crying a little. will not go into detail. really the most beautiful and best reactions you could get and I love that so much for bobby. really beautifully done, really hopeful. they didn't undermine the importance of it either but also didn't make it weird... you know? maybe the best moments this season by far. cami is literally my favorite side character. I just love how unapologetically lesbian she is with everything she does and says. it's so refreshing to have an character who is allowed to view things from a gay perspective and say things from a gay perspective. completely unredacted. I just love her so much. the show just wouldn't be the same without her 💕
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