#thorin oakenshield gifs
itsthemxze · 3 days
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My other half was you
Noah Kahan ~ Stick Season
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brainrotbabe24 · 2 days
Thorins company with a reader who constantly makes fun of their height? Lol cause I so would
Hi! So this was super fun! Thank you! The writing is kinda "short," but I got to find so many cute "little" gifs (hehe get it) 😉😉
Reader Makes Fun of the Company’s Height:
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Balin: Balin laughs at your joke and would "warn" against saying it to a few members. "I would watch it love a few of them have "short" fuses," he chuckles. 
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Dwalin: Dwalin is ready to fight you. "You calling me short, you fool," he says, cracking his knuckles. I feel like he hates the jokes but likes you too much to fight you....
Side note: I imagine this GIF is how it happens. He gets all grumpy and ready to fight, and you just stand up with a smirk.
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Óin: Would place things low so you would need to bend down. Such a petty bitch. I love it
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Glóin: Not having it! He would get so red and mad, having to step away before he said something stupid.  
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Bifur: Bifur would yell at you in khuzdul. I could see him kicking your shin as well.
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Bofur: "I'm your smol dwarf, though." he says with his hat in his hands! How cute 💖💖💖
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Bombur: He would give you smaller portions of dinner, stating, "When you are nice, you get more food." 
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Ori: He can't handle the jokes. He would stumble over his words, trying to find the right thing to say, but he would be a mess of emotions.
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Dori: He would be flustered and offended. "ME! Short! How dare you-"
Side note: I know another john mulaney gif lol ... but it worked so well hehe
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Nori: Nori is quick with his comebacks! "Oh, you think this is a joke, beanstalk? How about next time you look down at me, you do it while I've got you pinned against the wall?"
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Thorin: Thorin would give you the "don't fucking start" look lol
sidenote: I love this GIF, and it works perfectly because he looks up!!!!!!
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Fíli: He plays along, loving the jokes! "Short…. I'm a short king, darling." he would say with a cheesy smile
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Kíli: "I might be small in size, but I promise you...I have something much bigger you'll appreciate." what a smooth talker lol
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Bilbo: I had a whole other idea for him, but after looking at this GIF, I had to change it. idk what this GIF is from, but I love it! Like, could you imagine yourself being super tall compared to hobbits, and this is like something that could happen 😭😂😂 He would be terrified, and the jokes would only make it worse, lol
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galatariel · 3 months
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Nasty business; still, they're all in one piece. [No thanks to your burglar.] He had the nous to play for time. None of the rest of you thought of that.
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expectro-carmim · 4 months
The gay uncles:
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And the bi dads:
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That's it. That was all I had to say, thank you.
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fantasyinallforms · 6 months
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Bilbo making the king under the mountain act goofy as hell by just existing.
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autistook · 6 months
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thorinsghivashel · 1 year
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Deleted Barrel scenes...of Thorin so passionately trying to find his hobbit.
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bilbo baggins + text posts
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that last one was in reference to this btw:
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also here's an alt version of no 3 bc it works both ways (petty bastards I love them)
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nerdasaurus1200 · 8 months
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How is it that almost every time they stand together like this they look like a married couple?
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dailyflicks · 3 months
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Gandalf, I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way, twice. I wouldn't have found it at all had it not been for that mark on the door.
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gloomwitchwrites · 7 months
Missed Hints
King Thorin Oakenshield x Female Reader
Content & Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): fluff, light angst, humor, pregnancy, suggestive themes, fade to black, established relationship
Word Count: 1.8k
With the pregnancy confirmed, you decide to drop little hints until Thorin makes the connections.
A/N: for @protosslady
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist
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“You’re pregnant, your majesty.”
Those two little words are enough to make time freeze. You are cold, a bit hesitant, and completely unbelieving of what you’re hearing.
“Are you sure?” you ask slowly, needing to know if you’ve heard her correctly.
The midwife, Lena, smiles broadly. “As sure as the sun rises in the morning. I’ve been doing this for close to thirty summers now. Rarely am I ever wrong.”
Lena’s assistant, Petal, matches Lena’s smile with one of her own. It is radiant and sunny, a stark difference from your sudden anxiousness. “This is wonderful news,” she exclaims. “King Thorin will be so pleased.”
“Indeed,” agrees Lena. “And so will the people when it’s formally announced.”
Both women sigh at the same time, but you are not nearly as excited as they are.
You and Thorin did try for a child many times in the beginning of your marriage. It was enthusiastic—and constant—but nothing ever came of it. While it bothered you, Thorin never seemed to care. He told you that all he wanted was you and that anything else was a bonus.
That is still true. Thorin loves you.
But Thorin is being pulled in a different direction. Erebor needs attention, and Thorin throws himself into service attempting to tackle every obstacle and difficulty on his own. Most nights, he comes to bed late—usually when you’re already asleep. When you wake, he is usually gone, off to take care of his abundant duties. They are piling up, becoming a burden. Thorin does too much, and while you admire him for his dedication, you miss him.
To know that you’re pregnant is a surprise. It’s not that you and Thorin haven’t been intimate, it’s just that it hasn’t been nearly as frequent as in the past. While Thorin is gone, you have your own duties and responsibilities. When the two of you do have quiet time together, intimacy is brief but passionate and almost always followed by the two of you falling asleep in each other’s arms.
“How far along?” you ask, trying to place exactly when it might have taken.
When your cycle never came, you didn’t think much of it. That happens sometimes. But then didn’t occur during the next expected timeframe. With its absence came irritability and random bouts of sudden crying you couldn’t explain. Certain foods smelt odd, and while you weren’t emptying the contents of your stomach, constant nausea made it difficult to complete daily tasks. You knew then that something was different. And now the midwife has confirmed it.
But even with an answer, you’re not sure how you feel.
“I’d place you at about ten weeks. Perhaps eleven,” answers Lena with a slight shrug of her shoulders.
“That far?” you squeak, wincing immediately with how upset you sound.
Lena and Petal’s smiles start to diminish. Their enthusiasm melts away, replaced with furrowed brows and soft lines of concern.
“Is everything all right? You look a bit faint?” Lena places her hand on your shoulder.
“Yes,” you reply, though it sounds like you’re gasping for air. “Surprised is all.”
Their smiles return but it’s subdued.
This is supposed to be a happy occasion. A child means an heir, and it also gives the people hope for the future. Much of Erebor is still in pieces from Smaug’s habitation. That doesn’t even begin to include all the damage and death from the battle. Dale, which was once abandoned and forgotten, is starting to see life again as well. The races of Men are returning to it, hoping to rekindle its long-extinguished flame.
A royal child is a symbol of hope. It’s a moment of celebration for everyone.
“I think a bit of rest for the remainder of the day will do you some good,” says Lena softly. “We will prepare some ointments that you can use to relieve any aches or pains. Bloating is likely, and as the body makes room for the little one, you’ll have some discomfort.” Lena taps her bottom lip and then turns to Petal. “We’ll need to prepare some liquid supplements to take with meals.”
“Of course,” nods Petal. She begins packing up their supplies.
Lena squeezes your shoulder before letting go. “I’ll come check on you in a few days. Bring a few things with me. We’ll talk more then, preferably with the father present.”
“Yes,” you reply, absently rubbing your belly. “That would be best.”
The two women bow and depart quickly, leaving you alone in the royal bedchambers. The room is quiet and your breathing sounds too loud in such a large space. With hands clasped, you twist them over and over again in agitation, needing to move but unsure of how to quell the anxiousness. It’s stubborn like the deep roots of a tree that refuse to give up the dirt.
How are you to tell Thorin? How do you approach this when you rarely see him. It’s just one more thing to burden him with. Perhaps, if you dropped a few hints? Covertly toss the pregnancy in his direction and see if he picks it up?
You know deep in your gut that you shouldn’t worry over this. Thorin will be happy. He will be.
You spend the rest of the day as Lena instructs. Reclining, resting, and reading. Thorin is supposed to return tonight for evening meal. Whenever he promises an early arrival, Thorin means it. Rarely does he make promises he cannot keep.
As dinner is brought in, and the table is set, Thorin walks through the door. There is a bit of soot on his cheek like he’s been in the mines, and his cheeks are slightly flushed. When he notices you, he beams, and there is so much love there that you simply want to melt into a puddle on the floor.
“My love,” he says, moving toward you swiftly. The embrace nearly sweeps you off your feet. He plants a kiss on your forehead and draws back.
“You’re filthy,” you laugh, looking him over. Thorin has been in the mines.
Thorin shrugs sheepishly. “I had to help dig. Structural issues.”
“Wash your hands at least,” you playfully tease.
“Not interested in eating a bit of dirt?” he asks with a laugh.
“Go,” you giggle, pushing away from him.
Thorin disappears and you take a seat at the table. He reappears a few minutes later, face and hands clean. The clothes he wore before are also gone, replaced with simple, fresh attire. He takes a seat next to you, gaze darting over the spread.
“I’m starving,” you begin because it’s true even though you’ve been consistently snacking all day. “It’s like I’m eating for two.”
First hint dropped.
Thorin laughs, and the sound is sweet like honey cake. “I promise, love. You couldn’t eat for me. My appetite is insatiable.” When Thorin says insatiable, he pointedly glances at you with a heated stare.
You perfectly understand his meaning.
You attempt a different angle. “I’ve also been having the oddest cravings,” you say, starting to load your plate.
“What do you mean?” asks Thorin before he pops a chunk of bread into his mouth.
“Different foods. Things I’d never eat together otherwise.” It is common knowledge that pregnant women will often crave highly specific foods and food combinations.
But Thorin doesn’t appear to pick up on the hint. He frowns, then shrugs, continuing to eat without making a comment.
Sighing, you pick up one the freshly made rolls. “I think these buns need a bit more time in the oven.” You stare hard at Thorin, mentally sending message after message. “What do you think?”
Thorin glances up at you then down at his own plate that has five of them. “I think they’re perfect but if you’d like them more done, I’ll let the kitchen know in the morning.”
“Thorin,” you say flatly.
“Yes, my love?” His head slightly tilts, and his gaze becomes pointed. He’s starting to pick up on your agitation. You don’t mean to be cross, but you were hoping that he’d figure it out so you wouldn’t have to tell him outright.
Setting the roll down on your plate, you promptly divert the conversation to a different hint. “We’ve never talked about where we’d put the nursery.”
Thorin’s brow rises toward his hairline. “I didn’t think you wanted to discuss that until we crossed that hurdle?”
Does he hear himself? Does he understand the context of what’s coming out of his mouth?
“You’re right, Thorin. I didn’t want to discuss it until we needed to.” You repeat his words back to him, slightly leaning toward him as you speak to emphasize the point.
Still, it brushes right over his head.
“Some of the advisory council members have brought up financial concerns. Rebuilding Erebor is important but the needs of the people are pressing. Food. Proper housing.” Thorin begins slicing into the chunk of roast on his plate.
Maybe you are going to have to say it outright.
Licking your lips, you ignore Thorin’s change in conversation. “I did receive a few inquiries about baby clothes. Offers to knit a few items,” you shrug.
“That’s kind of them,” says Thorin slowly. “But why—” he pauses, “you’re not—"
Thorin’s features suddenly shift, becoming almost unreadable. His jovial expression is gone, replaced with a stern consideration.
Are you going to have to shout it at the top of your lungs?
Thorin’s lips part. Promptly shuts. Opens again. “Are you…” he begins but does not finish.
You start to nod, urging him on.
Finally, like light igniting in the dark, Thorin’s face transforms into one of shock, then pure joy.
“Found out just this morning.”
Thorin abruptly stands, pushing himself and his chair away from the table. He is moving toward you, grasping your hands, bringing them to his mouth to kiss your fingers.
“Why not say anything?” he asks.
“I did,” you laugh. “Many times.”
Thorin momentarily frowns before his mouth turns up into a soft smile. “Clever.”
“You’ve been busy and I was unsure of how to tell you.”
Thorin’s thumbs rub little circles over your knuckles. “You can always tell me anything. Whatever is happening. Whatever is on your mind. I wish to hear it.” He kisses the tops of your hands. “Especially something like this.”
“Are you happy?” you ask, voice cracking at the end.
“Happiest I’ve ever been.”
Thorin pulls you up from your chair, his large, muscled arm sliding behind your waist. He drags you to him, his eyelids lowering seductively, all gentleness leaving him to be replaced with desire.
“Are you up for a bit of celebrating?” he asks.
“What kind of celebrating?”
“The kind that landed us here.”
“Thorin,” you gasp, lightly slapping his chest. He snatches your wrist, kisses the pulse point there.
“The food can wait,” and his voice ends on a soft growl.
“Thorin,” you repeat, this time with a rasp to your tone.
He seizes it, draws you even closer. “The food can wait?”
You nod. “It can wait.”
@foxxy-126 @glassgulls @km-ffluv @sweetbutpsychobutsweet @singleteapot @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @protosslady @childofyuggoth @coffeecaketornado @cherryofdeath @mrsdurin @therealbloom @ninman82 @thewulf @ferns-fics @beebeechaos
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vanyamire · 1 year
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galatariel · 9 days
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@lotrweek 2024 — Day IV: Gifts, Burdens and Choices ↳ ARAGORN II & THORIN II OAKENSHIELD + Prophecy
01. All that is gold does not glitter. Not all those who wander are lost. The old that is strong does not wither. Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken. A light from the shadows shall spring. Renewed shall be blade that was broken. The crownless again shall be king.
02. The Lord of Silver Fountains, the King of Carven Stone. The King beneath the Mountain shall come into his own. And the bells shall ring in gladness at the Mountain King's return. But all shall fail in sadness, and the lake will shine and burn.
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msbilberry · 9 months
The night before the battle.
Dwarves in the Lonely Mountain: build fortifications, put on armor, choose weapons.
Meanwhile, Bilbo and co. in Thranduil's camp tent:
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fantasyinallforms · 9 months
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Two times, Thorin couldn't pass Bilbo a piece of paper without making it a whole gay-ass thing.
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autistook · 8 months
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Richard Armitage & Martin Freeman in
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Amount of Gay Shit
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