#thor reactions
girl4music · 2 years
Willow and Oz
I felt they were incompatible as a romantic/sexual couple. In several ways, actually. In the way where Willow is a witch and Oz is a werewolf and so could never understand each other with that and be able to support each other’s arcs. That's my take on it. Oz is a great guy. I just don't think he would have always been a great guy for Willow and I don't think Willow would have always been a great girl for Oz. They just wouldn't know what to do for each other when it came down to their respective arcs because they wouldn’t be able to relate to each other on it.
Another way is that they handle difficult situations and circumstances the same way. Oz handles difficult situations and conflict much in the same way Willow does as neither are very good at communicating the way they feel and keep their emotions bottled up and hide their issues to try to sort it out or fix it themselves. Never let anyone else know what’s going on with them. Not even each other. This is how they deal or rather avoid dealing. Oz runs away to relieve others of his condition. He doesn’t want to hurt or burden anyone with it. Willow uses magic or some other external power source to accumulate power so that she doesn’t feel worthless or useless when she’s faced with experiences or situations that she has no control over. Neither of them deal naturally or in a healthy way. Neither of them communicate. Both of them have this fundamental flaw of keeping the ticking time-bomb inside until it implodes from within.
And last but not least - Oz steers the ship. For me, the reason why this couple even seems like it’s moving or growing is because of Oz. Oz is the one that controls the wheel of the whole relationship because he is the only one who cares enough to. Willow doesn’t meet Oz where Oz meets her as far as relationship growth goes. It barely even seems like she loves him back half the time. He is clearly very much in love with her but she doesn’t seem serious at about him at all. I believe for Willow it’s very much a case of she loves being loved. Loves the attention and the validation that Oz gives her but she does not reciprocate the same level of love he has for her for him. And perhaps it’s just because it’s young love and she hasn’t grown out of the “high school” crush phase yet. But for me, it just doesn’t seem serious. Oz is the only one really taking it seriously. It looks like the ship is going somewhere but half of it never pulled out of the bay.
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beheworthy · 5 months
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#anger issues
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cantstoptheimagines · 6 months
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Their Reaction to You Losing an Eye
Summary — Preferences for Atreus, Kratos, and Thor from God of War!
Requested by @nickeverdeen — Hey there! Can I please ask for hcs with either God Of War or Horizon Zero Dawn characters with a reader who lost their eye and is insecure about it? If for God Of War then pls hcs with: Kratos, Atreus (older or young is up to you) If Horizon Zero Dawn then pls hcs with: Aloy, Talanah (you don’t have to do Talanah if you don’t wanna) Also pls let me know if you’re uncomfortable with the request Take time and care about yourself ❤️
Warnings & Other Tags ➳ Depictions, discussions, and mentions of severe injuries (losing an eye, fainting as a result of pain); canon-typical violence; envisioned Ragnarök!Atreus for this work; I tossed Thor into this request because he’s my husband.
Notes ➳ Word Count is 433. ➳ Reader is gender neutral (they/them). ➳ I recently met T.C. Carson, who was the original voice for Kratos in the God of War series, after which I ran to write this request (even though it’s intended for Christopher Judge’s version)!
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in all honesty, he wouldn’t quite know how to act. his emotions would be all over the place, tears streaming down his face as his father and freya tried to help you. the coverings on your face are soaked in your own blood. “don’t leave,” muttered atreus. he finds himself kneeling by your side as he pleads with you, one of your weak hands held tightly in both of his, “please don’t go.” but his newly discovered godly abilities are still out of sorts. his sadness quickly shifts to anger at those who caused you harm. his wrath is unlike anything the world has ever seen. he won’t stop until you, his dearest companion, is properly avenged, so don’t be surprised if he returns with your attacker’s head.
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this man does not hesitate. in mere seconds, kratos is lifting you into his arms and calling out for someone, anyone, who can help. he avoids looking at the blood that decorates the place where your eye should be. “i lost faye,” he mutters. “i won’t let you go as well. stay awake!” everything is a blur. whatever vision you have left is slowly turning to gray as a sudden wave of tiredness overtakes your body. the pain of it all is settling deep into your bones. as kratos’s muffled voice calls out for you in a panicked tone, you allow unconsciousness to take over, and the world finally fades into darkness.
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he breathes heavily, staring down at heimdall with such rage that the golden-eyed god realized he was experiencing fear for possibly the first time in his life. a gentle touch on his arm, however, tears thor’s focus away from his father’s devotee. his eyes drop to the deep scar on your face — a new habit he’d developed recently — before they drifted to meet your lone eye. heimdall scurries away at the same time thor’s fingertips graze your cheek.  “why do you keep me from tearing him apart?” whispered thor. “he needs to be punished for what he’s done to you.” a sharp inhale came from him when your touch caressed his strong chest, exactly where his heart lay beneath his skin. he was quick to let his rough palm overlap your gentle hand. “heimdall is a fool,” you replied in the same quiet tone he had been using. “why waste your days threatening him when you could be with me instead? his punishment will come when the time is right.” he was only convinced when you pressed a kiss to the back of his hand. perhaps, for now, he could set revenge aside.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 1 year
Anyone from the HoM crew ever been ‘shloomped’ into the Nomicon? Whether on accident or them purposely opening the book out of curiosity?
(aaaaaaaa ive been agonizing about this ask because) sadly due to Plot Reasons for this au no one had/will have a chance to (so far)! but its such a good idea goddarn (getting schloomped into nomicon is up there with all of them visiting ghost zone!) i might just try to somehow fit that in the main plot xD
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you are so freaking big-brained its an amazing idea so i had to sorta doodle it???
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faerieriddle · 3 months
Thor: *declares war on an entire planet and race without any authorisation leading to many dead or injured*
Odin: *slaps him on the wrist and gives him the adult equivalent of time out*
Loki: *does the same exact thing after being held hostage for a year*
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
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Taika + making me take Critical Damage
for @viagc
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monstermoviedean · 11 days
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aflawedfashion · 5 months
Probably an unpopular opinion but I really strongly dislike Thor/Flower because I love Flower and I feel like the show is wasting her potential by making conforming to a traditional monogamous heterosexual relationship her primary form of character development
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abby118 · 2 months
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peace--n--love · 11 months
~Let time pass~
Let time pass~
time pass~
time pass~
time pass~
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worstloki · 2 years
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Idowu Koyenikan // Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability
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hyperbali · 29 days
getting that note out reminded me of yet another reason our last roommates were, just... the worst
their ornery and constantly-in-pain senior cat pissed on the bag that had that note in it
and all they had to say for it was 'well, we told you she was territorial 🤷'
thankfully the note itself survived, but i had to nearly shred the envelope it was in just to get it out, which of course has my name written on it
and then kept it in a baggie with baking soda, then cat litter, for what has now been two and a half years and ONLY NOW is the smell finally gone
thanks for that guys!!
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unityrain24 · 4 months
just saw some video clip on pinterest that was from some show with kat dennings in it and the First Comment was "is that darcy from wandavision?" darcy from wandavision?! Darcy from WANDAVISION?!?!? DARCY LEWIS DID NOT BE HER MOST AMAZING SELF IN THOR 2011 AND THOR THE DARK WORLD TO BE "FROM WANDAVISION"!!!
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thortwenty151 · 11 months
Me, coming to tumblr.com for my morning dopamine and seeing the absolute shit show going on in the Loki fandom:
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pia-writes-things · 10 months
I'm rewatching the Husbands of River Song and I'd never noticed how the first scene is actually paralleling The Wedding of River Song scene ?
You have River, who is married to someone who is dying, and she refuses to let them die. So she disobeys their direct orders in front of billions of people - if not all the universe, and tries to save them.
Except in one case, it was genuine, and in the other case, it was to steal a freaking diamond ! I love her so much ajdhskdb
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farsight-the-char · 5 months
Comic reactions:
The Whisper Queen: Zdarsky your Batman related crimes are forgiven (or at least, overlooked). You gave me Large Bisexual Oni Lady, who FUCKS. There are other good characters, but introducing your (of-age, of course) bi characters at orgies should be a new trend. Good art, writing, and Fucking. (pick of week).
The Immortal Thor: Thor went to having his narrative controlled through magic (his cosmic narrative being altered through meme sorcerery), to having his narrative controlled through conventional means (framed for murder). Ewing you madman, I approve. (Pick of Week).
DC's Spring Breakout!: The Lex Luthor story is one of the best Luthor stories in years. Others are good too (Titans and Katana), but Lex is a standout.
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