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Bookland - UTOPIA di Tommaso Moro (Thomas More) - edizioni Universale economica Feltrinelli classici -
pagine 79 / facciate 158 – Traduttore: Ugo Dotti – wikipedia ” (Cremona, 1933 – Roma, 27 settembre 2017) è stato un critico letterario italiano. Studioso di letteratura italiana, è stato professore di tale materia all’Università degli Studi di Perugia e successivamente, all’Università di Salerno. Si è occupato vastamente delle opere di Francesco Petrarca, curandone alcune edizioni e scrivendovi…
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E, por favor, continue a gostar de mim tanto como sempre — porque gosto de você ainda mais que nunca.
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Thomas More was born in London and was the son of a lawyer. More was educated at one of London’s best schools.
More got married to Jane Colt in 1505 and had four children, she died in 1511. A month later he married Alice Middleton to care for his small children. More believed daughters should have the same education as sons and had his daughters educated.
More was an English statesman and humanist and was a scholar of Greek and theology before he studied law. He wrote the history of Richard III (1512-1519), including a description of Richard’s hunchback which influenced William Shakespeare. Many of Richard III’s modern supporters believed More and Shakespeare fabricated this description (until his remains were found). More’s best known literary work was Utopia (1516), which he wrote about his belief that there should be a universal education and religious toleration. He believed all couples should see each other naked before they get married and even revealed his naked daughter to one prospect son-in-law.
More was appointed Lord Chancellor of England by King Henry VIII in 1529 and resigned in 1532. More was against Protestantism and remained loyal to the Catholic Church.
On the 6 July 1535, More was executed for treason after refusing to deny the authority of the Pope as head of the English Church. He was taken to Tower Hill and was led up the stairs onto a poorly made scaffold which looked like it was ready to collapse. Before he was to die he told onlookers, ‘I died the King’s good servant, and God’s first’. He recited the Miserere whilst kneeling; he rose up, kissed the executioner and forgave him. His beheading was witnessed by his daughter Margaret. His body was buried and his head was stuck on a pole on the London Bridge. Using bribery Margaret smuggled his head home and preserved it with spices. She died in 1544 his head was buried with her, in 1824 her vault was opened and put on public view in Canterbury, where it was last seen in 1978.

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Today, June 22, our #Catholic & #Christian Friends are celebrating the Feasts Day of:
● Saint #Alban, (patron #converts, #refugees, #torturevictims) ( www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=329 )
● Saint #ThomasMore (patron of #civilservants, #lawyers) ( www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=324 )
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took a nice little hannukkah adventure to nourish my mental health by enjoying some hyperfixations of mine! i went to the met to see the tudors exhibit which is awesome by the way they had portraits of thomas more and catherine of aragon who are my two favs from the period! then caught an afternoon matinee for moulin rouge to see @derek_klena before he went on hiatus till april. it was a sweet little hannukah gift to myself! #metropolitanmuseumofart #themet #sirthomasmore #thomasmore #katherineofaragon #catherineofaragon #thetudors #tudors #moulinrouge #moulinrougebroadway #ashleyloren #derekklena #tasiajungbauer https://www.instagram.com/p/CmhxKjuOIWQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Today is 1st December, the birthday of Jeremy Northam. I hope he has a great day with joy, family and friends. And for once I ask a present from him. A new project would be wonderful.
I chose to make a Thomas More montage as this role in The Tudors had and still has the biggest effect on my life, and this was the role which made me a fan.
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Utopia has Marriage figured Out!
the ways that people get married in Utopia are some of the best that I’ve ever heard of. @remarkable-hythloday was telling @peter-giles and I about how their institution of marriage is structured over there, and I was blown away. Women do not marry until they are 18, and men until they are 22, and if they are ever caught having relations before then, they are barred from marriage forever (unless the ruler lets them, anyways)! This is done, apparently, so that they appreciate being with one spouse for their whole lives more than they would if they were allowed to have sex whenever they wanted. And the way that they date? Well the bride is taken to the groom’s room *naked* by a responsible woman, and the man does the same! This is done so that neither can hide something from the other, that could ruin the wedding night. Quite the custom if you ask me!
It may seem odd, but when you consider that their marriages can’t be dissolved? it makes a lot more sense. They only way that a Utopian marriage is dissolved is by death or adultery, or some other horrible act. And, in that case, the offender is never allowed to remarry! But, you can’t divorce a woman simply because her body becomes disfigured, which seems like a good idea to me. Why should men be allowed to leave woman when she needs his support the most? And, adultery is the only crime that has prescribed punishments. On the first offence, they are forced to hard labour, and the victims can remarry (unless they choose to pity the undeserving party), and on the second offence, they are killed. All other laws, though, are punished on a case by case basis.
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"Gerçek mutluluk, beyin ve sanatla zenginleşen insan düşüncesinin özgürce gelişmesinden başka bir şey değildir..." Utopia, Thomas More
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I have moved, and I am catching up with outstanding commissions. This is everyone's favorite Catholic saint and star of A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS, Thomas More, done for @ulitki. This is painted in acrylic. For his robes, I used very little black; mostly glazes of Old Holland's neutral tint, along with mixes of permanent rose and phthalo green, with additional layers of anthraquinone blue ink mixed with raw umber.
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On This Day In History . 6 July 1535 . Sir Thomas More was executed for treason against King Henry VIII of England. . Sir Thomas More (born.7 February 1478), venerated in the Catholic Church as Saint Thomas More, was an English lawyer, social philosopher, author, statesman, & noted Renaissance humanist. . He also served Henry VIII as Lord High Chancellor of England from October 1529 to May 1532. . More opposed the Protestant Reformation, directing polemics against the theology of Martin Luther, Huldrych Zwingli, John Calvin & William Tyndale. . More also opposed Henry VIII’s separation from the Catholic Church, refusing to acknowledge Henry as supreme head of the Church of England and the annulment of his marriage to Katharine of Aragon. . After refusing to take the Oath of Supremacy, he was convicted of treason & executed. On his execution, he was reported to have said: “I die the King’s good servant, & God’s first”. . . . #ThomasMore #SirThomasmore #Saint #reformation #Tudor #TudorHistory #History #historyfact #HistoryFacts #facts #english #Lawyer #Philosopher #statesman #Renaissance #Humanist #chancellor #HenryVIII #portraitpainting #artwork #HansHolbein #KingHenryVIII #Englishhistory #BritishMonarchy (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCT2Qjujeg3/?igshid=1ssq6sdzbalep
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1972 SC Utopia Thomas More Penguin Classics edition. Translated by Paul Turner. Heavy creasing to spine the number "35" inscribed to endpaper. 📦$5 shipped in the US. Link in bio, claim in comments or DM to purchase. 📚📜🔖 #thomasmore #utopia #penguinbooks #penguinclassics #fantasy #travelogue #vintagebooks #booksbooksbooks #bookseller #vintage #utopian #newworld #bookworm #bookwormlife #bookish #bibliophile #booksofinstagram #booklovers #bookstagram #bookaneer #bookaneer4sale (at Dodge Center, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_aMgrRgoEZ/?igshid=1wfuotisihqkh
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“Platon der ki: günün birinde filozoflar kral ya da krallar filozof olursa, insanlık o zaman mutluluğa kavuşur.” Ütopya / Thomas More Thomas More’un “Ütopya”sı, Güney yarım küresinde bir adadır. Hikâye, bu adada yaşamış, Amerigo Vespucci ile kader birliği yapmış, Portekiz’li bir gemici olan Raphael’in, ada halkının kurduğu düzenin mükemmelliğini Avrupa’ya tanıtması biçiminde sürer. Ütopya, idealize edilmiş kurgusal bir tasarımdır aslında ve Platon’un “Devlet” fikrine dayanır. Az sayıda ama etkili yasalarla eşitliği sağlar, sefaleti ve sefahati dengeler, tüm sınıfları eşit seviyeye getirir. Toplumda topyekûn bir hoşgörü ve ortak çalışma vardır. Herkes her şeye sahiptir. Sadece düzenli ve disiplinli bir çalışmayla bütün ihtiyaçlar karşılanır....📖 Yazımızın konusu Thomas More ve onun en ünlü hayali olan ”Utopia”sı… Ek olarak gençler dikkat; birbirleriyle ne alakası var diye sorma ihtimaliniz olan Erasmus, Tudor Hanedanı, Boleyn kızlarına da değineceğiz.📚 DEVAMI İÇİN PROFILDEKI LINKE TIKLAYIN👆 #utopia #ütopya #thomasmore #tudor #anneboleyn #erasmus #booksiay #dündenyarına #100kitap100yazi #kitap #100kitap #100yazi #edebiyat #okuyorum #izliyorum #yaziyorum #ilknurakpinaryucadag @ilknurakpinaryucedag (Planet Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-b4QdGls0U/?igshid=q0yg6c3sptq6
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ACT 1. Scene 1. Richard Rich and Sir Thomas More from ‘A man for all seasons’ with @the_basin_theatre Are you coming tonight? Will I chat with you in the foyer afterward? An amazing show with positive responses already 😁 #actorslife #actor #theatre #thespian #basintheatre #amanforallseasons #communitytheatre #historicaldrama #richardrich #thomasmore #actorswork #character #characterwork #stagelife https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxy9RO6nBzB/?igshid=erldx05xon75
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Watch it free on YouTube
This is a remake of the original film.
When the power-hungry Henry VIII (Martin Chamberlain) seeks to annul his marriage and take a new bride, principled Sir Thomas More (Charlton Heston), the Lord Chancellor of England, will not support the king on the matter. Though More's wife, Lady Alice (Vanessa Redgrave), understands his rift with Henry, his associate, Cardinal Wolsey (John Gielgud), is willing to go along with the king's wishes, creating a conflict between More and the two powerful leaders.
#a man for all seasons#amanforallseasons#a man for all seasons 1988#martin chamberlain#Henry VIII#thomas more#charlton heston
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Today, June 22, our #Catholic & #Christian Friends are celebrating the Feasts Day of:
● Saint #Alban, (patron #converts, #refugees, #torturevictims) (www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=329)
● Saint #ThomasMore (patron of #civilservants, #lawyers) (www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=324)
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Dalam bukunya yang paling terkenal dan kontroversial, Utopia, Thomas More membayangkan sebuah negara kepulauan yang sempurna tempat ribuan orang hidup dalam damai dan harmoni, pria dan wanita sama-sama berpendidikan, dan semua harta benda dimiliki secara bersama. Melalui dialog dan korespondensi antara tokoh-tokohnya, More mengeksplorasi teori di balik terjadinya perang, perselisihan politik, konflik sosial, ketimpangan kekayaan, dan membayangkan kehidupan masyarakat yang menikmati kebebasan dari ketakutan, penindasan, kekerasan, dan penderitaan. Thomas More, Utopia, Yogyakarta, Kakatua, Jan 2023, 163 hlm, 60.000 #ThomasMore #Utopia #PenerbitKakatua (di Jual Buku Sastra-JBS) https://www.instagram.com/p/Conroy6B2Kk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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