#thomas leventis
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my favorite twins!

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Fic: (Un)Rest Stop
Two fencing teams, both with bus trouble. One rest stop. And only one cafeteria.
This might just be the longest hour of Van's life.
A/N: Happy Fence Secret Santa, @nothingtoknow222! I'm your Secret Santa! I hope you enjoy this silly little piece with Halverton and Exton shenanigans. I had a lot of fun throwing the boys together in a space with no escape and making them awkwardly get along. Halverton and Exton are like two bitchy exes who are secretly desperate to impress each other.
There's a bit of implied shipping (Van/Marcel and Gian/Aster, plus mentions of Marcel/Harvard and Harvard/Aiden) but mostly it's just boys being idiots and some very competitive Tetris-playing XD (No-one @ me about how Tetris scores work, I used a Reddit thread to ballpark a "high-ish" score and then winged it from there)
Read this fic on AO3 or scroll on for the fic!
It was just a friendly, non-competitive local meet. But Exton would be taking part and this meant that to the Halverton team, the stakes were as high as any state final.
“I can’t wait for Marcel to behold the increased speed of my parry technique!” Van said, reclined in his favoured position across the three seats at the back of the bus.
“And Aster won’t know what’s hit him on the piste,” Gian declared.
Ever the team leader, Scott tried to keep the group focused on the big picture. “Because we don’t have a lot riding on the meet this weekend, I think we could use this as an opportunity to try out new strategy. Sungchul, remember the discussion you and I-”
He was cut off by a loud BANG sound and the bus jolting. Scott, Sungchul, and Gian’s eyes widened, and Van sat up straight. “What was that?”
“I think... we might have blown a tyre?” Sungchul said uncertaintly.
At the front of the bus, Coach was also looking concerned, going to quickly speak to the driver. When she came back, she looked stressed.
“One of our tyres has gone,” she confirmed to the team. “Unfortunately it’s too far for us to keep driving the rest of the way on a bad tyre, so, we’re going to pull in at a rest stop to get it serviced. Hopefully it shouldn’t add more than an hour or two to our travel time.”
The team nodded stoically, but inside, Van knew they were all groaning like he was. As much as two hours extra to get to the meet! Bouts didn’t start until tomorrow, but to Exton, it would look like they were bottling out. No doubt they’d gloat insufferably until the Halverton team arrived (and then make fun of them for the late arrival).
“Okay, Coach,” said Scott. “You heard her,” he said to the team. “Just a couple of hours, and we’ll be on our way to dominate the meet. We can use the time to discuss strategy.”
Van caught Gian’s eye and they both winced. Sure, they wanted to win, but Scott was so serious about it a lot of the time. A couple of hours in a rest stop discussing strategy sounded incredibly dull.
The driver signalled to turn off into the rest stop, and as they drove into the parking lot, Van noticed that there was another bus there - one that looked really familiar from numerous local meets and tournaments.
Scott blinked. “That can’t be,” he said.
“Wait,” Gian said, gleeful. “Could Exton be having bus trouble too?!”
“Maybe they needed a break?” Scott said, frowning, but he sounded uncertain. There was no real reason why Exton wouldn’t drive straight through to the meet, just like they would have done if not for the tyre issue.
They pulled into the parking space opposite the bus that looked extremely like Exton’s, and sure enough, when they got out, they saw Coach Alessandra Donati was standing next to the vehicle, smoking a cigarette.
“Goodness,” she said languidly. “Don’t tell me you’re having transport trouble, too.”
Coach Brooks gave her a tight smile. “Blew a tyre out about a mile back. You?”
Coach Donati exhaled a stream of smoke. “Engine problems. But I’m sure we’ll be on our way in no time.”
“I’m sure,” said Coach Brooks, and then turned to the team. “Okay, boys, there’s not much that we can do here except wait. With any luck, we can get the issue sorted quickly and get back on the road. Don’t go far; I want you back here in an hour, sharp, for a check-in.”
“Yes, coach,” they all chorused.
Before they went into the rest stop, Van saw Coach Brooks wordlessly accept a cigarette from Coach Donati and light it up.
“There’s probably a lot of space in here,” Van said hopefully as they went to enter the rest stop building. “Maybe we won’t even run into Exton.”
Sungchul gave a snort to express his doubt about that, and as they went inside, Van’s heart sank. The rest stop consisted only of a couple of shuttered shop fronts and a bare cafeteria with a few tables, a self-serve coffee machine, and a vending machine. Inside sat four familiar figures.
“Oh, no,” Gian muttered, stopping short and causing Van to bump into him. “There’s only...”
“...one cafeteria,” Van finished hollowly.
The Exton team were slumped or hunched over in various positions of resignation and boredom when the Halverton team entered. Aster Leventis (or was it Thomas?) was the first to notice their arrival, and he straightened up, nudging Marcel. Jesse Coste’s head whipped around and a gleam entered his eyes.
“Oh,” he said. “What have we here?”
“Jesse,” said Scott, nodding formally. “It seems like we’ve both been having some transport difficulties.”
“What are the odds?” said Marcel, looking delighted. “Van.” He gave a grin that looked more predatory than friendly. Van tossed his hair over his shoulder.
“Aster,” said Gian, nodding to one of the Leventis twins. Aster - or Thomas - didn’t correct him, only smiled.
“Hello, Gian.”
They all looked at Sungchul, who simply raised an eyebrow and went to sit at a table a little way away from the Exton team.
Van, Gian and Scott followed suit, stiffly folding themselves into various uncomfortable chairs. A clock ticked loudly on the wall. Gian drummed his fingers.
It was going to be a long hour.
Outside in the parking lot, Coach Brooks accepted another light from Coach Donati and said conversationally,
“How long do you think it’ll be before we have a bloodbath on our hands?”
Alessandra blew out a stream of smoke and considered. “I give it twenty minutes.”
Five minutes dragged by agonisingly slowly. Van felt like every tick from that godforsaken clock reverberated in his soul.
It wasn’t as though he didn’t have ways to pass the time - normally on long bus rides to meets, he and Gian would be gossiping and speculating about the other fencers, recalling infamous events, and passing fencing videos to each other, Scott and Sungchul. One bus ride Sungchul had managed to get him to try an audio drama that he liked, although unfortunately it had lulled Van to sleep before the second episode.
But there was too much tension in the air for Van to act like they were just passing the time before a meet. After five more torturous minutes, however, he was ready to contemplate anything. Even a strategy discussion. That, though, was completely off the table with Exton within earshot.
Finally, the stalemate was broken by a rustling sound as Marcel reached into his bag and brought out... some knitting. Van blinked in surprise as Marcel arranged a ball of wool on the table next to him, unwound it a little, and then started adding rows, needles clicking in counterpoint to the ticking of the clock. Huh.
This seemed to signal a kind of collective release of tension as Sungchul sighed and sat back, and Thomas – or Aster – rummaged around in a pocket to bring out a bag of mixed nuts, which he placed on the table between himself and his twin.
Oh right, food. On cue, Van’s stomach growled. He’d forgotten to bring the protein bar that he normally carried with him on the way to fencing meets.
He poked Gian in the shoulder. “Do you have any snacks?”
“You watched me finish mine on the bus,” Gian pointed out.
Van turned pleading eyes on Sungchul, who already had a pair of earphones in, and Scott, whose brow crinkled.
“There’s a vending machine,” he said, jerking his thumb at it. “Just get something from there.”
The contents of the vending machine were definitely not in Coach Brooks’ diet plan, but this was an emergency. Van wandered over, chose a chocolate bar, and managed to scrounge up enough coins to pay for it.
The vending machine dispenser whirred promisingly, but then gave a horrible grinding noise. The chocolate bar sagged halfway out of its slot and didn’t fall.
“No!” Van gave the obstinate machine a thump on its side, which had no effect. “Cazzo di macchinetta di merda eddai!” The machine was impervious to threats, and also to Van’s increasingly forceful rattling. “Mapporc-” He gave it a shove. “Puttana maledetta-”
Someone gave a cough behind him, and Van turned to see Jesse Coste standing there.
“Ah – it’s stuck,” he said, unnecessarily.
“Can I try?” Jesse asked, and so Van stood back to let him access the machine. Jesse calmly appraised the vending machine and gave an almighty slam on one side with his fist. The chocolate bar meekly dropped to the bottom, letting Jesse pick it up and hand it to Van.
“There you go.”
Van took the chocolate bar and stared at Exton’s captain. Watching Jesse Coste annihilate an opponent on the fencing strip was one thing; watching him annihilate a vending machine was another.
“How did you...”
“Hotel vending machines are all the same make and design.” Jesse shrugged. He inserted some coins into the slot, and a bottle of water dropped out of the machine, like the machine didn’t dare push its luck twice.
Van went back to join his teammates. Scott was chuckling, while Gian raised his eyebrows.
“Do you think I can get a can of fruit juice?” he asked.
“If you can’t, Jesse Coste can probably get it for you,” Van said.
Someone gave a soft laugh, and Van looked over to see Marcel still knitting away; the thing interwoven with his needles was looking recognisably hat-shaped. It was a little mesmerising watching Marcel’s hand flick and his needles move.
Van had never found crafts that interesting, but he was intrigued enough to say, “That looks cool.”
Marcel’s gaze cut over to him and he gave a smirk like he’d won by getting Van to say something complimentary. “My way with long, pointed objects extends beyond the épée.”
Scott made a noise somewhere between a snort and a choke.
Never one to back down from an implied challenge (especially from Exton), Van said, “I’m sure I could master those just as well, if I tried.”
Marcel raised an eyebrow. “Well, if you were prepared to take instruction from a superior knitter, then we could see.”
One of the Leventis twins muttered, “Jesus Christ, get a room.” Van was drawing breath for an indignant retort when the other twin came back from the vending machine, putting a can of drink down in front of his brother. The grumpier twin (Van was pretty sure this one was Aster) looked at it and made a face.
“Did it have to be lemon?”
“There wasn’t any peach,” his twin replied, a little tiredly, dropping back down into his chair.
Aster sighed – and then looked up in surprise as Gian placed a can in front of him, picking up the lemon one.
“Here; it was the last one,” he said, ears pink. “I know you like peach flavour best.”
Aster’s mouth hung open for a couple of seconds, before he said, “That’s Aster – I’m Thomas.”
“No, you’re Aster,” Gian said, mildly. “I can tell you two apart.”
Aster’s mouth closed again, and he gave a kind of shrug before opening the can of peach juice. Thomas grinned.
As Gian walked over to the Halverton table, Van raised his eyebrows. “Is this a part of ‘crushing Exton’?” he hissed.
“You’re one to talk,” Gian returned. Van had no idea what that was supposed to mean.
He dug through his pockets and took out a battered deck of cards, shuffling through it for something to do with his hands. Maybe he could talk Scott into a game of Scopa.
Over on the Exton table, Jesse checked his phone and made a noise of discontent. Marcel gave him a sly look.
“Still no reply?”
“He’s probably busy training,” Jesse said. He was speaking quietly, but his voice carried in the near-silent cafeteria – and Van was straining his ears for potential gossip material. “I’m sure he’ll message back any day now. We used to spend all our time together – he won’t go silent on me forever.”
Marcel smirked. “Well, he might be busy with that Cox guy.” Jesse glared at him, unamused. “I can’t relate, though-” Marcel pulled out his own phone. “Harvard is always very responsive.”
“Harvard?” Van repeated, forgetting that he was pretending not to listen in. “As in, the Kings Row captain?”
Gian and Scott both looked over, also thirsty for new gossip. Even Sungchul took out an earphone.
Marcel looked as smug as the cat who’d got the cream. “We’re just having some fun,” he said. “Seeing where it goes.” For some reason, it made Van feel irrationally annoyed.
“Didn’t Harvard also go out with Dafna, a while ago?” Gian mused. “From Coach Ponomorenko’s team?”
Scott gave a snort. “I hope you’re prepared to face the wrath of Aiden Kane,” he said, in a voice that carried.
Marcel glanced at him and raised his eyebrows. “And why?”
Scott only smiled knowingly. Aster supplied, “They’re rarely seen without each other.”
“And did Aiden ask Harvard out on a date? No?” said Marcel. “He’s free to challenge me if he wants to prove himself.”
Van was sure that he’d bested Harvard on the piste multiple times.
“Fencers are all so competitive,” Sungchul murmured. His fingers were flying over his phone screen, and Van recognised that he was playing Tetris – another entry on the list of things that Sungchul had casually mastered.
“What’s your score now?” he asked, idly.
“500,671,” said Sungchul. “I’m going for a new high score.”
Thomas Leventis raised his head quickly like he’d sensed blood in the water. Looking back, Van would identify that as the moment everything went to hell.
“Mine is 502,573,” he said. “Can you beat that?”
Sungchul lowered his phone very slowly.
“In my sleep,” he said.
“Oh, boy,” said Scott, at the same time as Jesse sighed, “Here we go.”
Ten minutes later, Van was part of a tight circle of onlookers watching as Sungchul and Thomas spun blocks and erased rows at lightning speed. He had no idea what was happening, but it was apparently very important.
“502,580,” Sungchul said.
“502,620,” Thomas returned, immediately.
Van looked at the clock on the wall. “Uh... I think we need to go check in with Coach?”
“Here’s the thing,” Coach Brooks told the assembled members of Halverton and Exton who had managed to tear themselves away from the Tetris showdown. “There’s good news, and bad news.
“The good news is that the Halverton bus is ready to go. The bad news is that Exton’s engine problems are going to take a while longer to fix.” Coach Brooks looked meaningfully at her team. “However, we do have room on our bus for some extra passengers.”
Van’s eyes widened. The prospect of sharing a bus with Exton for the rest of the drive to the meet... Of helping Exton...
An hour ago, they all would have jumped at the chance to get one over on Exton by leaving them in the dust.
On the other hand, although Van would never admit it aloud, their rivals could sometimes be tolerable. And well, ‘crushing Exton’ was more fun when Exton was actually there to be crushed.
Scott made eye contact with his teammates, and Van gave a slight nod of assent.
“Yes,” Scott said to the two coaches. “We’re more than happy to be generous with our bus space and help out a fellow team in need.”
Aster rolled his eyes, while Jesse gave a nod that could be interpreted as gracious or mocking, depending on how you wanted to read it. “We’re honoured by that generosity.”
“All aboard, then,” Coach Brooks said, somewhat amused.
Marcel turned to Van. “Hey, now’s your chance to prove how well you can master needlecrafts! I can’t wait to be impressed.”
Uh-oh. Van cast around for someone, anyone else to be his seatmate. Coach Donati, counting her students onto the bus, suddenly frowned.
“Where’s Thomas?”
Coach Brooks looked around. “And where’s Sungchul? Would someone go and get them?”
Never mind – Van was not going to get saddled with that job. “Sure – let’s go,” he said, and bounded onto the bus.
#Fence comic#Halverton High#Exton#Stefano Remo#Gian Torres#Scott Langtree#Sungchul Park#Jesse Coste#Marcel Berre#Aster Leventis#Thomas Leventis#Coach Brooks#Coach Donati#there was only one cafeteria#well - more like a room with a vending machine#but *handwave*#tbh when it comes to Halverton I'm also tempted to tag There Was Only One Braincell#because they're such doofuses#my fic
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Praline! 👋 For the ship ask game, how about #2, 9, 14 for the Weather Boys??? 🌤
Hi Kwoc! Thanks for the ask :)
2. Who comes up with the best date night ideas?
I wouldn’t really say one of them is better at planning or suggesting a date idea over the other, but I do think that Scott would have the most variety.
I get the vibe that Scott’s more likely to explore activities to do with Thomas and get out of the house to do things (not to say that he isn’t a comfy guy and wouldn’t be down for a movie marathon and cuddle session). As an avid LOTR fan, I think interests in fantasy-related activities comes with the territory (renaissance faires and DnD).
Thomas on the other hand occasionally suggests events they could go to from flyers that he might have seen or places he’s been recommended, like a farmer’s market. I think it’s less planning and more “Ooh what’s this?” But it’s fewer and far between the types of dates that Scott plans. Everything is inter-spliced with the tried-and-true mall date and classic “drive around and park the car in a secluded spot to make out” session lol.
I do think that Thomas would be more open to doing things spontaneously the further into the relationship they are. For example, going to the local yarn store because some small business that Scott mentioned he likes just released a new batch of hand dyed wool, or Thomas having a craving for some pastry he’s never made before and calls Scott to ask if he wants to go down to the store and buy the pan and ingredients with him.
Wow I didn’t think I’d have so much to say on this topic 😆🧶✨ I just realized I made Scott a “I want to share my interests with you so that we can do them together” type of person and Thomas “this made me think of you so let’s do this activity together” kind of guy and I think that’s so cute? 🥹💓 They just fit 😭💞✨
9. Who believes in ghosts?
I had to sit and think for a bit on this one. I definitely think Scott is an all or nothing kind of guy, either he totally believes in ghosts, or not at all, while Thomas on the is open to the idea of supernatural forces but doesn’t actively believe or disbelieve in it. This is subject to change though while I solidify my thoughts writing these characters 🤍
14. Who’s better at writing professional emails?
In high school? I think Scott would be better because he seems like the type to be very attentive to his words and reference “how to write a professional email” blogs. Thomas crosses me as the type to have close and amicable relationships with his teachers and just ask what he needs in-person or from his classmates. If for whatever reason he needs to email a teacher, it would be short and polite.
In college? I think they would both be very good at professional emails but in different ways. Thomas retains his preference for brevity, keeping his emails short and to the point, while Scott makes me think he knows just how to use his words in order to convince someone to grant him a favor or extend a deadline.
Send me a ship and a number!
#weather boys 🩵🩶✨#scott langtree x thomas leventis#thomas leventis#scott langtree#praline answers#fence asks#fenceasks
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Problems of having a twin is that others will mistaken your identity. This cause things to therefore get complicated

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OMG THX SO MUCH I LOVE THIS!!!!!! ( I love how on the white board there’s little Easter eggs)
Happy Christmas to @simplyjustangie222! I know you asked for something related to Halverton that was either about the holidays or humorous so I combined all three (featuring Exton). This was an EXTREMELY fun prompt to come up with so thanks for the opportunity to draw these boys!! :D
BIG THANKS to @seijis-epee for putting together Fence Secret Santa 2023!
Also on ao3
#fence comic#scott langtree#sungchul park#gian torres#stefano van remo#coach brooks#jesse coste#marcel berre#aster leventis#Thomas leventis#i love him#mgg
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Well, now that we got the next cover for Fence Redemption... I can't be the only one who thought of that... right?
#fence comic#fence#thomas levantis#aster levantis#or was it leventis??#anyway i am obsessed with them#i love how one of them is like >:( and the other is just :)#My art#fence fanart
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Okay so this is my FAVE trailer that I’ve made and I love it so goddamn much so I just wanted to share it on tumblr as well because I’m really happy with it and it took me about fifty thousand years to make. I had another trailer ages ago for the TCATF but it wasn’t that good because I hardly used the characters. This time I have a load of faceclaims involved and I hope you like this as much as I do!
Kenna Rys - Adelaide Kane
Dom Hunter - Torrance Combs
Annelyse Adair - Elodie Yung
Raydan Lykel - Orlando Bloom
Val Greaves - Ivana Baquero
Adder Lykel - Sybilla Deen
Gabriel Amarne - Donald Sutherland
Sei Rhuka - Jamie Chung
Whitlock - Alexander Vlahos
Will Jackson - Michael Huisman
Luther Nevrakis - Anthony Stewart Head
Prince Tevan - Chris Pine
Hex - Lana Parilla
Rose Blake - Celina Sinden
Tristan Blake - Thomas Brody-Sangster
Empress Azura - Emily Blunt (as Queen Freya)
Diavolos Nevrakis - Tyler Blackburn
Helene Leventis - Gwendolyn Christie
Rowan Thorn - Mekia Cox
Zenobia Nevrakis - Sophie Turner
Lia - Emilia Clarke
#just really wanted to share it#playchoices#choices#pixelberry#choices stories you play#playchoices trailer#the crown and the flame#kenna rys#tcatf#choices tcatf#dominic hunter#annelyse adair#raydan lykel#val greaves#adder lykel#gabriel amarne#sei rhuka#whitlock#will jackson#luther nevrakis#prince tevan#hex#rose blake#tristan blake#empress azura#diavolos nevrakis#helene leventis#rowan thorn#zenobia nevrakis#lia
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Fandoms I Will Be Writing For (Updated)
So I have decided to compile a list of all the fandoms/characters I will be writing for. In parenthesis are how/the format I will write for them. I can write platonic or romantic. Here goes!
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter (headcanons, imagines, gif series, preferences, and ships)
Ron Weasley (imagines, gif series, preferences, and ships)
Hermione Granger (headcanons, imagines, gif series, preferences, and ships)
Draco Malfoy (imagines, preferences, and ships)
Cedric Diggory (imagines, preferences, and ships)
Severus Snape (headcanons, preferences, imagines, gif series, NSFW alphabet, and ships)
Narcissa Malfoy (headcanons, imagines, gif series, NSFW alphabet, and ships)
Lucius Malfoy (headcanons, imagines, gif series, NSFW alphabet, and ships)
Young! James Potter (headcanons, imagines, gif series, and ships)
Young! Sirius Black (headcanons, imagines, gif series, and ships)
Young! Remus Lupin (headcanons, imagines, gif series, and ships)
Young! Lily Evans (headcanons, imagines, gif series, and ships)
Young! Bellatrix Black (headcanons, imagines, gif series, and ships)
Four/Tobias (headcanons, imagines, gif series, preferences, and ships)
Tris (headcanons, imagines, gif series, preferences, and ships)
Eric (headcanons, imagines, gif series, preferences, and ships)
Christina (imagines, gif series, preferences, and ships)
Peter (preferences and ships)
Caleb (preferences and ships)
All members (headcanons, preferences, NSFW alphabet, and ships)
Once Upon A Time:
Regina Mills (headcanons, imagines, gif series, preferences, NSFW alphabet, and ships)
Emma Swan (headcanons, imagines, gif series, preferences, NSFW alphabet, and ships)
Dark! Emma Swan (headcanons, imagines, gif series, preferences, NSFW alphabet, and ships)
Ruby (preferences and ships)
Mulan (preferences and ships)
Mr. Gold (headcanons, imagines, gif series, preferences, NSFW alphabet, and ships)
Game of Thrones:
Cersei Lannister (headcanons, imagines, gif series, preferences, NSFW alphabet, and ships)
Margaery Tyrell (headcanons, imagines, gif series, preferences, NSFW alphabet, and ships)
Tyrion Lannister (headcanons, imagines, gif series, preferences, NSFW alphabet, and ships)
Tywin Lannister (headcanons, imagines, gif series, preferences, NSFW alphabet, and ships)
Daenerys Targaryen (headcanons, imagines, gif series, preferences, NSFW alphabet, and ships)
The Freshman/The Sophomore:
Chris Powell (preferences and ships)
Kaitlyn Liao (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
James Ashton (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Rebecca “Becca” Davenport (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Zig Ortega (preferences and ships)
The Crown and The Flame:
Kenna Rhys (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Dominic “Dom” Hunter (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Valentina “Val” Greaves (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Annelyse Adair (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Raydan Lykel (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Rowan Thorn (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Sei Rhuka (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Helene Leventis (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Diavolos Nevarkis (preferences, imagines, and ships)
Most Wanted:
Dave Reyes (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Sam Massey (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Mirasol Bautista (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Dave Reyes x Sam Massey (headcanons and imagines)
The Royal Romance:
Liam (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Drake (preferences and ships)
Hana (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Maxwell (preferences and ships)
Olivia (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
High School Story:
Michael Harrison (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Maria Flores (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Aiden Zhou (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Emma Hawkins (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Caleb Mitchell (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
It Lives In The Woods:
Connor Green (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Ava Cunningham (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Lily Ortiz (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Noah Marshall ([before he betrays you] headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Lucas Thomas (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Stacy Green (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Andy Kang (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Red Carpet Diaries:
Thomas Hunt (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Addison Sinclair (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Victoria Fontaine (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Matt Rodriguez (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Teja Desai (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Seth Levine (preferences and ships)
Endless Summer:
Jake McKenzie (preferences, imagines, and ships)
Sean Gayle (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Quinn Kelly (preferences, imagines, and ships)
Estela Montoya (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Grace Hall (preferences and ships)
Craig Hsiao (preferences and ships)
Raj Bhandarkar (preferences, imagines, and ships)
Michelle Nguyen (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Yvonne (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Adrian Rains (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Kamilah Sayeed (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Lily Spencer (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Priya Lacroix (headcanons, preferences, imagines, and ships)
Jax (preferences, imagines, and ships)
Alfred Pennyworth (headcanons, imagines, gif series, NSFW alphabet, and ships)
Hannibal Lecter (headcanons, imagines, NSFW alphabet, and ships)
The formats I will write in are:
Gif Series
NSFW Alphabets
Ships (Please include your sexuality and the fandom you want. This is so I pair you with the correct gender you want. Also, you may either send in a description of you and be paired with what I think is your match, or ask to be shipped with a character, which I will write headcanons and a description of your relationship.)
#my writing#bts#rm#rap monster#kim namjoon#jeon jungkook#jungkook#v#kim taehyung#kim seokjin#jin#park jimin#jimin#jhope#jung hoseok#suga#min yoongi#alfred pennyworth#hannibal lecter#cersei lannister#margaery tyrell#tyrion lannister#tywin lannister#regina mills#emma swan#dark emma swan#mr gold#four#tobias#christina
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FENCE Countdown Challenge by @laurentschiton, @seijikatayamas and @verelaurent
Day 3: fav BROTP
There can only be one answer to this, though these two characters haven't been officially introduced yet: Aster and Thomas Leventis because nothing in this world can beat twin power! (As a twin sister, I know this from personal experience ٩(๑> ₃
Another interesting brotp, though, would be Harvard and Dante. I can see them meeting in a pub and complaining about their boyfriends like:
Harvard: "You know, I always tell him to be more cautious and that good looks are not everything and he should be more considerate of the other's feelings before breaking their hearts... I mean, being called a playboy isn't the best reputation to have."
Dante: "Ha! They literally never listen! I can't count how often I've told Jesse, there's more in this world but fencing and that it won't kill him, if he loses one or two matches. You wanna know, what he replied? He's not familiar with the verb 'lose'."
Harvard: "It's his dad who formed him, I think. Jesse can't be blamed, he wishes to meet his standards. I do believe, Aiden wouldn't be as reckless, if his family was...different."
Dante: "And then, there are those fan letters to support their false attitudes! Like, man, are we the only ones wishing for their best?!"
Harvard: "...yeah!"
Both sulk.
Okay, this accidentally got a bit out of hands...but I mean it!
#fence comic#Fence countdown challenge#fencecomic#day 3#cs pacat#c.s. pacat#c. s. pacat#captive prince trilogy#ooc
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Hello! do you Know that wealth and Amen are one of the best in Gospel Music Industry.. They are the best when it come,Spoken words, gospel Rap, Soft rock and worship…. Read and Unveil the truth about WEALTH AND AMEN….

WEALTH – Biography
OBIORA JUSTINE IZU best known by his stage name WEALTH is a Nigerian gospel minister, song writer, poet, rapper, dancer, instrumentalist and the founder of TRIBE of ZION movement. Even thou as a teenager wealth was popularly known as a dancer his close friends and siblings admired his voice and ability to play with words so they persuaded him to write his own songs
Wealth wrote his first song in the year 2006 and since then till known he has written several songs, poems and has featured in hits songs of different genres.
Wealth is a Christian with the burning desire to minister to young people. His passion for the things of god and young people and has greatly influenced his art as it is very evident in the lyrical content of his songs and poems
He spent most of his teenage years in the north central part of Nigeria and can speaks English and two Nigerian languages
He is the third child in a family of six that hails from Ezeagu local government in Enugu state Nigeria. He was born on the 14 of december1991 in Abuja Nigeria
He attended modern science primary school Garki from 1998-2000 abundant life academy Apo from2001-2002.
His secondary education was at Government secondary school garki from2003-2006 and St. Thomas secondary school Nwofe in Ebonyi state from2006-2009.
He got his National Diploma in civil engineering at Nassarawa state polytechnic lafia from2013 -2014/15. Leventis agricultural training school in the year 2010
Wealth enjoys spending time alone, reading books, playing games and sports, listening to music, traveling, dancing ,making friends ,watching movies and documentaries on religious, historical, archeological and astrological findings.
Salvation experience
A brief description of my Christian background
I was born into a Christian home and my parents are devoted Catholics as a child my parent made sure we attended block rosary, catechism and received 1st Holy Communion and until today my parents still emphasis on the importance of visiting the chapel and blessed sacraments.
As a teenager I was confused about religion, even thou I was a Christian I didn’t understand what it means to be one, because I couldn’t differentiate believers from unbelievers. The contradiction in church doctrines and verities of religions, gods, science theories on evolution and the big bang, opinion of people who don’t believe in anything got me questioning the authenticity of God. As a teenager I was confused about religion, life and my purpose on earth. There were so many questions on my mind but the more I researched the more confused and lost I became.
Where and when I gave my life to Christ
I was lead to Christ by Sister Rose A lady from Christ embassy who evangelized to me at area1 basketball court in the year 2011 while I was waiting for the arrival of my dance crew members. with so much wisdom and kind soft words she thought me about Christ and answered most questions that I pricked me for years and after an hour question and answer she lead me to Christ and encouraged me to study the scripture day by day with the rhapsody of reality she gave me.
Experience after giving my life to Christ
After giving my life to Christ I didn’t notice any change in my body or mind immediately I only felt joy in my heart .Before I was lead to Christ I could read motivational books with hundreds of pages but anytime I open the bible I would fall asleep. But after the encounter I started reading the bible with ease and started enjoying messages from preachers.
Before I encountered Christ I had no regard for spiritual things like fasting, tithing, prophesy etc. I pray ones in weeks and go to church once in months. I saw those that evangelize door to door as jobless fanatics but after the encounter I started understanding and adhering the principals of god.
My life did not change automatically in fact after giving my life to Christ I struggled with addictions, bad habits and even fell into temptations and was tormented by guilt but as I kept on studying the bible and listening to preachers of the word sin started losing grip over my life.
After giving my life to Christ I started losing interest in things I love and loving the things of god, I started felling remorse over things that I would gladly do and that made me lose lots of friends
After I encountered Christ. I started living life with purpose, direction and consciousness/fear of god. Also the confusion I had about my purpose in life due to multiple talents and skills I had started making sense.
After giving my life to Christ I got the confidence to preach the gospel to every artist I come across and make them understand why they should use their talent to serve god.
Ministry /call experience
Unlike most artists I did not start entertainment in church I began as a street performer but after giving my life to Christ I destroyed hundreds of songs I have written and decided to depopulate hell with my god giving abilities and talents. Which is the most important assignment giving by Christ to every believer (mark 16:15)
Entertainment can serve as a tool for transformation and also as a weapon of mass destruction in the hands of the enemy. It’s obvious that the devil is using this channel to poison the hearts of men.
Ever since I became a gospel minister my thought has been on how to win the youths to god through music and It was for these purpose that i formed the tribe of Zion movement, A group of talented youth that make the gospel more attractive via spoken word, rap, a cappella and music in genres and style that would meet the taste of people of various age bracket and status. And yet would be filled with the word of god. The youths are the future and the best way to communicate the gospel to them is to speak their language
I was once a chorister at our lady queen of Nigeria Catholic Church area3 in the year 2009 and
I am currently a chorister in the saints of harmony choir of shepherd’s house assembly
I am the founder of tribe of Zion; preach the gospel through art movement
I am privileged to have ministered in most churches around north central Nigeria
I am born again baptized of water by immersion and also of the Holy Ghost.

Download – Wealth and Amen – SONGS/ MP3. Hello! do you Know that wealth and Amen are one of the best in Gospel Music Industry..
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Scenographer Giorgou Anemoyianni Exhibition 28 November 2016- 15 December 2016
Vassilica Agiou Markou, Heraclion Crete by Museum Nikos Kazantzakis
Curators: Museologist Curator: Antonis Leventis Artistic Director and Curator of Scenography: Maria Chaniotaki - Kafousias
Architect : Klelia Ninou
Lighting Designer: Thomas Oikonomakos
Videos: Dimitris Daglis
Giorgos Anemoyiannis (1916-2005), Greek Theatre and Costume Designer. Born in Heraclion Crete.
(From Helen Vakethianaki’ article http://www.cretalive.gr/…/diadromh-sto-chroma-kai-sto-oneir…) “The Exhibition is based on periods chronologically. The presentation of the exhibits based on the creation of “live” scenographic spaces said the famous Scenographer Maria Chaniotaki who was the Curator for the Exhibition. “The Anemogiannis Scenographical work is very important because it was a great artist and Theatre and Costume Designer for the history of theater in Greece. Many important Theatre Designers in Greece appreciated his art work as a great example in their own Scenographical works” says Mr. Chaniotaki
(Maria’s Chaniotaki and Thomas Oikonomakos photos by mobile phone)
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What do you think the sibling dynamic between the Leventis twins from Exton are like? How do you imagine their fencing styles differ from one another?
According to Fence Disarmed, Aster is on the team and Thomas is the reserve, however Seiji believes that Thomas was the stronger fencer the year prior.
i think they get mistaken for each other a lot and it annoys them. individually they’re quite competitive with each other but have worked on putting that aside for the team. i think aster is quite aggressive while thomas is more defensive and careful, which is why aster is on the team because he can drive up the score rapidly.
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Who is your favorite Fence character and why?
Ooh another ask! I have two answers to this. One would have to be my genuine canon favorite, and the other being my own personal canon interpretation of the character.
My favorite character based on solely canon content alone would have to be Nicholas! He’s just so charming that you can’t help but want to root for him. He’s headstrong; strong-willed and obstinate. His determination is admirable. The unstoppable force to Seiji’s immovable object. I also find Nicholas’ character rather novel in the fact that he’s not afraid to stand up for himself (and not in a typical way). Nicholas is definitely a curve ball in comparison to most main characters I’ve read, most usually have a decent pacifist stance, but I’m refreshed to see that he’s not afraid to throw a punch.
And my favorite character based on fanon (or my own personal interpretation that is) would have to be Thomas—the sunshine Leventis twin! I’ve drafted my own “praline-canon” series involving a romance between him and a fencer from another school, because I think the sunshine twin deserves love too. He’s sweet and shy. Perfectly well-meaning and bright but prefers to let his brother take the lead most of the time (except in fencing, of course). I plan to post a more elaborate “praline-take” on his character another day if you’re interested anon :)
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Ummm I don't know if this counts as an observation but did you guys notice how the Leventis twins' hair style changed. I was mindblown by this so I thought I shared this observation with y'all. So in Volume 1 of fence the twins' hair are short whereas in Fence Redemption its longer and I feel like they are more attractive. 🤔🫣

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Looking forward to learning more about the duality of the Leventis twins
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Ok Praline - for the headcanon ask game - #17, for both Aster and Thomas Leventis
#17: Soft spot - I think that Aster and Thomas share a soft spot for each other. They have a bond that only twins would have—a person that they’d spent nine months together in the womb and has likely seen the other at their highest and lowest, and as such are deeply fond of one another.
Aster: I like to think that Aster also has a soft spot for his girlfriend (an oc that I created). I feel like that’s a cop-out answer though, so to add onto that, Aster has a fondness for small things that look like bigger objects and vice versa; like a lego bonsai tree, or a gigantic lawn chair that could fit a family of four. He finds it amusing.
Thomas: In my mind, Thomas has a soft spot for children/babies. I gave the Aster and Thomas a nephew (or first cousin once removed—cousin’s child to be accurate), and he’s a cute little baby (or toddler if speaking of my college au), and Thomas is completely wrapped around his finger. He loves how soft and small and absolutely precious his nephew is, his chubby baby fingers, his big curious eyes, and the sweet bubbly joy of his laughter. He’s already succumbed to baby fever 😆🧸✨
Last headcanon but I think that both Aster and Thomas have a soft spot for people with freckles… which both my oc and Scott have 🤭☀️
(Link to headcanon prompt meme here).
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