#stefano van remo
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nothingtoknow222 · 1 year ago
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Van and Gian getting scolded by Scott and Sungchul 😅 “idiot sandwich “
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nothingtoknow222 · 1 year ago
OMG THX SO MUCH I LOVE THIS!!!!!! ( I love how on the white board there’s little Easter eggs)
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Happy Christmas to @simplyjustangie222! I know you asked for something related to Halverton that was either about the holidays or humorous so I combined all three (featuring Exton). This was an EXTREMELY fun prompt to come up with so thanks for the opportunity to draw these boys!! :D
BIG THANKS to @seijis-epee for putting together Fence Secret Santa 2023!
Also on ao3
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iffeelscouldkill · 4 months ago
Fic: rolled a nat 1 on intelligence
A/N: I was inspired to write this ficlet by @7-sided-dice's headcanon about the Halverton boys playing D&D :D It's a double drabble, or 200 words exactly - I was considering not doing a drabble derivative this time around, but the wordcount turned out really close to 200 anyway, and the editing and touching up always makes my writing better, so I like it xD
Shout out to the anon who asked for more Halverton fics! I hope you enjoy!
It was going well, Scott told himself. Sure, Van and Gian had bickered for ten minutes over whose character would be the tallest, and Sungchul had wanted more subclasses than was possible, but after a few turns they'd settled down and got into it.
Now, they were hanging on his every word as he described the scene.
"The door creaks open to reveal an old room, dust hanging thick in the air. But you can just make out a spectral figure hovering in the middle. This spirit may be here to offer information. Or mislead you to your doom."
"We could ask it about the weird tome we found," Sungchul conferred with the others.
"We should leave it alone," Gian countered. "I think it's a trap. Let's investigate the room."
But Van looked directly at Scott. "I stab the ghost!" he declared.
"You-" Scott began.
"With my sword," Van added, in case that wasn't clear.
The other two stared. Scott could feel his headache from earlier returning. "Before we do this, I just want to check, are you su-"
Scott suppressed a sigh and considered crumpling up his notes.
"Okay." It had been going well. "Everyone roll for initiative…"
A/N: I've played D&D twice ever - three times if you count the practice session a friend and I did to get the hang of the mechanics - but in one of those sessions, which was with a group of friends of friends, I was playing a Swashbuckler Rogue and I decided that stabbing the ghost seemed like something my character would do, so I did it xD When I was looking for ideas for Halverton chaos, it was the perfect inspiration :D
Look, proof from my notes!
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One of these days I will get the chance to play more D&D.
I thought about giving the fic a more "D&D-realistic" title since I'm pretty sure rolling a nat 1 on intelligence isn't a thing, and then I rationalised that it didn't have to make sense and it was better than my other ideas xD
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applesandbannas747 · 2 years ago
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Harvard 🫱🏾‍🫲🏻 Scott
Feral teammates
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sensurround11 · 2 years ago
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The calm, collected one keeping the impulsive, angry one in line.
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spellsword177 · 3 years ago
Thoughts on Fence: Rise (Volume Five)
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Warning!  The following will contain spoilers for Fence:  Rise (Volume Five).  Please proceed at your own risk.  Volume Five is in the bag, and, as usual, I cannot wait to see The Halverton Training Camp story arc concludes in the next issue.  Naturally, I had some thoughts in order from least important to most important.
It was great seeing Kally and Tanner again if only for a moment.
So far, I like MacRob the best out of the competing schools, Halverton is okay, but I cannot stand the snobs from Lowther who seem to think their all that and a bag of chips despite placing fourth.  I’m very interested to see more of Terrell Holmes, Nate Spencer, Gian Torres, and Marcus Washington who all seem very cool and interesting new additions.  I’m also curious to  see more of Hector Ramirez and Stefano “Van” Remo as we didn’t see much from either of them.
I adored Dante letting Bobby put pom hair ties in his hair.  If that isn’t love, I’ll eat your hat.  Unofficial boyfriend anyone?  It was also great Bobby getting the role of Team Manager; I’m happy for that little ray of sunshine.
The only reason Aiden isn’t better at fencing has to do with his personal lack of interest and Harvard’s ranking.  If Harvard improves his low lines, Aiden would likely move up alongside of him.
I suspect Seiji will at minimum either lose a point or even a practice match in the next volume.  The question is will it be Scott Langtree (who will be disappointed not to gain a new teammate), Marcus Washington (who shows the greatest talen), or Saunchul Park (who is clearly out for blood) that lands the blow.  Seiji is very disciplined and fast, but he is also arrogant and a bit predictable which is likely a major contributor to how Jesse beat him.  He may want to be a bit more dynamic in how he approaches his future matches.  As for Jesse and Seiji, I’m not surprised they were more at one time than simply friends as it was heavily hinted at in France.  I don’t for a moment believe Seiji ever saw Jesse in that way nor do I think what they had together was in any way healthy.  The real villain is Robert Coste.
I’m not surprised, but I am disappointed that once again Nicholas is at the bottom of the fencing order.  In all fairness, he is being forced to improve his two weakest areas of technique and defense through these drills.  I’m pleased he’s shown improvement, and I look forward to him proving once again to be a fast learner.  All he needs is Jesse’s skill to be monster at fencing possibly even the greatest.  I suspect the series will end with some combination Nicholas, Seiji, and Jesse on the piste at the state finals.
Previously, I have posted about which person will be the first to realize how Nicholas is related to Jesse.  Once again, we have movement in which Bobby Rodriguez noticed similarities in Jesse’s and Nicholas’s respective styles.  I suspect Coach Williams may already know, but if she does, she isn’t making it obvious in any way.
Finally, we have the return of Kyle Allen who conveniently didn’t mention how he was Jesse’s cousin, though I suspect his mother is Robert Coste’s sister making him also related to Nicholas.  I can say he is clearly overplaying how close he is to Jesse as he had no idea who Nicholas was, or the fact Jesse is eyeing him as threat for Seiji’s attention and a potential threat on the piste.  Likewise, he isn't attending Exton with Jesse Coste even though they are "so close." Out of everyone, he would be the last person to recognize and except Nicholas Cox as Jesse Coste’s long lost half-brother.  I would love for the rematch where Nicholas wipes the floor with him, but I’ll settle for his shock over Nicholas finally beating Emmet Scott by the end of the training camp.
The next chapter cannot come soon enough.  Maybe Nate Spencer’s statement of “It’s the Kind of Place that changes everything” may prove to be prophetic foreshadowing.  I will look forward to whatever may transpire. Go King's Row!
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nothingtoknow222 · 1 year ago
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Happy Halloween everyone! I couldn’t make the animation on time but here’s this!
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iffeelscouldkill · 1 year ago
Fic: Pink Nightmare
Fandom: FENCE Wordcount: 100 Summary: "You think it was another supply room incident?" "You have those at your school as well?"
What "supply room incidents" look like at Halverton.
Here's another Small Fandoms drabblethon drabble! I really enjoyed this one xD I thought it would be fun to write a fic about Halverton's "supply room incidents" (you KNOW there's a story there), and my friend gave me the very off-the-wall prompt "pink nightmare" which was just the right level of weird to spark inspiration xD
The first sign of something amiss is a crash, followed by fluent cursing in Italian.
Scott closes his eyes. Gian and Van have an ongoing prank war, and in hindsight it was stupid to send them to the supply room together.
Minutes later, the two reappear, Gian looking smug and Van looking furious. His hair is covered with pink glitter.
"What-" begins Scott. Van draws himself up indignantly.
"Gian has turned my beautiful hair into this - PINK NIGHTMARE!"
Sungchul loses the battle with peals of laughter. Scott pinches the bridge of his nose.
"You're both banned from the supply room."
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