#thomas hawkins
earlypalaeoart · 8 months
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Frontispiece by John Samuelson Templeton for Thomas Hawkins' Memoirs of Ichthyosauri and Plesiosauri, extinct monsters of the ancient earth, 1834
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philoursmars · 10 months
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Il y a une petite quinzaine, je suis allé avec Julien et Katie, au Louvre-Lens pour une expo temporaire : "Animaux Fantastiques". Une très belle expo ! Ici des dragons et leurs cousins, les dinosaures !
John Martin, illustrateur pour le livre de Thomas Hawkins - "Le Livre des grands dragons de la mer, ichtyosaures et plésiosaures" -Londres,1840
Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins - Iguanodon - Londres,1855 (on est bien loin de la représentation actuelle de ce dinosaure !!) - et...voir le dernier.
les 3 suivants : Rahan, Bibi Fricotin et autres magazines des années 70
Eric Pellé - "Multispecies incroyabilis" (E. Pellé est un préparateur en ostéologie du Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle)
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drachenwiki · 1 year
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Hawkins was right, those primordial dragons were evil. This one even carries the number of the beast.
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too-much-fandoms-trash · 10 months
Okay so I've binger The Artful Dodger in a day, and I'm so in love with this show. I've started rewatching it as soon as I finished.
Anyways, a thing I noticed that makes me screech because it's cute is that Belle's last name is Fox. Now, in the french version of Oliver Twist, Jack's nickname is translated as Le Renard, which means the fox.
They're LINKED. I don't know if it was intentional but I LOVE IT. And if we don't have season 2 with the two of them being happy and in love I will RIOT.
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bearsspace · 2 months
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HEAR ME OUT, Hear me out please, jingle jingle jingle 🔑🔑🔑, Static and Signal, yes?, jingle jingle jingle 🔑🔑🔑, BEING BEST FRIENDS LIKE OMG SO FUN, jingle jingle jingle 🔑🔑🔑, So here's a WIP of that, cause I can't stop thinking bout this two, my sons.
Also I did some changes on Duke, just some new piercings and new hairstyle, and that's my design for Virgil, let me know what you think bout it, tee-hee.
Jingle jingle jingle 🔑🔑🔑, hope the little key thing could help with the attention spawn, jingle jingle jingle 🔑🔑🔑, cause I can't seem to shut up sometimes, my bad.
Hope you like it! XOXO ♥
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jake-s-azaleea · 2 months
MC: Oh shoot. MWAF is angry.
Jessy: How can you tell?
Jake: I am no person reader but I think you can read him by his hands. Like right now, he's holding a gun. I don't think that means he's happy to see us.
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kb-jank · 2 months
so I've been rewatching Static Shock because of @bearsspace 's Duke and Virgil art, and I'm not even a season in and its already so clear how good they'd get along.
Like Virgil's story focuses on not only actual racism and systemic issues, but the allegory of race within the bang babies/metahumans. Duke's story also does this with We Are Robin and Robin War; the robins are a group of mostly disenfranchised kids who rise up to protect themselves and their communities while being targeted by cops. WAR also makes direct comparisons to racism/systemic issues.
Besides their stories having some similar themes, they're also similar in the way they interact with their communities directly. (Let me mention here that Duke's mom and Virgil's dad are both social workers). Both Duke and Virgil are able to talk and connect with the people they're saving, and this includes the "villains" they encounter who really just need help (ohoho! another part of their stories connected to systemic issues).
Of course a lot of heroes do this but it's special for Virgil and Duke. Virgil's able to connect and help his foes not only because he's a bang baby, but because the standing he already has in his community. Like he spends a lot of time at the community centre and it means a lot to him. One of the things I really love about Virgil is that if he wants to get info on someone he starts knocking on doors and talking to people. It's special for Duke because not only does a big part of his story centre around bringing a community together to protect itself, but in contrast to the rest of the bats, his whole thing is LITERALLY being in the daylight. Like the whole premise of his character is being a beacon, Duke will always have a connection with the public the rest of the bats can't.
I also think it's really funny how both of them almost immediately become superheroes the first chance they got. Like Virgil's bestfriend is like, "You could be a superhero!" and he agrees instantaneously and does it. Duke's kinda just like, "Ugh, I GUESS I'll join this group of vigilantes if you REALLY want me to!" and "What? You want ME to lead this vigilante group? Aw shucks well SOMEONES gotta do it!" and "Not like being a vigilante is important to me or anything but I will literally let nothing including Batman's trained sidekicks stop me." then he jumps out of a moving cop car off a bridge.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Duke decides to join the family tradition and date a superhero. That's why Virgil Hawkins (Static) came to dinner
He has two hands and a lovable personality. He can easily one-up everyone with Virgil Hawkins on the left and Jaime Reyes on the right
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sgippy · 9 months
i have never, in my life, ever been moved like this by a show. i have never cried like this over a show. but that’s because this really is more than a show. this was reality for the thousands, millions of queer folk who came before us. it reminds us: we should always remember to celebrate those that made it possible for us simply to be able to exist and live and love freely. to be.
i honestly couldn’t think of many better ways to pay homage to those queer lives, especially the ones lost, who fought bravely even in the face of death than telling their stories like this; exactly as they were. intricate, raw and real. giving another voice to all that love. the fight might not be over yet, but their contributions have left a lasting impact on this world. telling these stories isn’t just necessary, it’s crucial.
i can’t thank the writers, actors and absolutely everyone else involved in creating fellow travelers enough for bringing this vital, beautiful, poignant, devastating and endlessly meaningful, impactful, important story to life. thank you thank you thank you
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nocturnes-dc · 1 year
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I wanted to draw bats but he just wasn't working for me so simplify and hand it is. Just Bruce trying to figure out why all his kids are so small 🦐. And a wip of those three playing a crane game.
I'm starting to really like them as a trio. I was thinking of adding Malik but I'm not too sure. 🤔 Want to do something with Connor (Superboy) with duke cause there is exactly one fic. I read and really enjoyed lol rare ship or crack I don't know but we'll see.
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incorrectnessduskwood · 2 months
Dan: I'm afraid to look childish, you know? Jessy: You just have to be relaxed, talk about adult things. Dan: Okay, got it! *later* Thomas: So, what do you do for fun? Dan, panicking: Taxes.
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giu-world · 8 months
Jessy: Everybody has their obsessions. I'm fascinated with books, ancient legends and trouble, Cleo loves kitchen and cooking, Richy loves set on fire things like mines and Jake loves MC.
Thomas: But does he love MC as much as Cleo loves cooking?
Jessy: I found that Jake watches MC while she sleeps.
Jake: We have agreed to never mention this again.
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slytherinlizzy · 1 month
A silly headcanon about how I imagine the group finally meeting up in person for the first time. (Containing F!MC)
• When the group finally has the chance to meet up after the events in Duskwood have calmed down, everyone would travel wherever Jake and Mc are without doubt to ensure their safety.
• Jake, who makes sure everything's safe in the holiday home's area Mc chose out carefully.
• Both arriving hours later than the others, just so they could go unnoticed on the streets and bus at night.
• Barely entering the house, Mc would immediately find a mess of red hair in her face, arms holding her close. They kept whispering reassuring words and small news for long moments, Jessy hardly wanting to let go of the woman. By the end, everyone was hugging everyone, only Jake standing near the front door, only letting his sisters and Mc by his side.
• Quickly overhwelmed and overstimulated, the man was extremely grateful for Mc to hush everyone and make an attempt to usher them all to sit down on the couches and chairs in the connected living room-kitchen.
• Jake going all tense because Phil was there too. Not noticing at first, but sharing the same feelings as the black haired man, Mc quickly froze down as well. She knew she would sit between Jake and Jessy either way, and that gave her another reason.
• Never leaving Mc's side, the girls would sometimes have to close the oldest Donfort out of the room if they want to have girl talk.
• All five of them giggled and spread out on the beds in the girls' room, having a huge pajama party on the very first night. Even though they were in their twenties, they were gossiping and laughing like teenagers, and even Hannah was having a great time.
• At dawn, when all of them fell asleep except for Mc, she sneaked down to the bottom floor, carefully entering the only bedroom down there. For Jake's sake, she looked for a three-bedroom house so that he wouldn't have to sleep with Dan, Thomas and Phil for two whole weeks.
• As she closed the door behind her, she saw a slumped figure on the bed leaning towards his laptop. Jake was working even there, paranoid that someone was after them. Mc was at least as worried, but she lacked these skills to fall into complete paranoia.
• They sat silently next to each other in bed, watching the rising sun, and when it hurt too much to blink, they allowed themselves to close their eyes. Just for a moment.
• Mc jolted up in a room covered with bright sunlight at hearing a huge clatter from the kitchen, while someone grunted "fuckshit". Glancing down at Jake's black strands on her shoulder, she stayed in bed, not looking for the unfortunate person who had probably woken up the whole house by then, except for this man who was fast asleep next to her.
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batgirltrilogy · 1 year
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team up in dakota city!
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mae-kent · 2 months
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button release! lots of friends in here today.. AND SINESTRO?? buy these for $2 each and find more fanmerch on our site here! also find our project supporting palestine here.
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bearsspace · 2 months
"They are not even a good duo" Me and Bro:
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To the people on my reposts on the WIP, that said that they had've the same idea before I KISS Y'ALL BRAINS ♥.
Hope you like it! XOXO ♥
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