#thomas 001
jaceeverett · 1 year
WHO: Jace & @tommybrowning
WHERE: Merrock State Park
WHEN: May 12, 2023
In a little over a week, Jace would be spending almost every day in the park, hiking the trails, driving around in a state-regulated vehicle, talking to visitors, helping out guests... and although he had spent plenty of time there as a kid, he figured that there was nothing wrong with getting to know the land all over again. Quite literally, as he set out to tackle a different trail every day, figuring that by the time that he slipped into whatever uniform they talked him into wearing, he would know the place like the back of his hand... or hopefully would, anyway. That particular afternoon, he found himself stopping to take a break near the creek, dropping onto one of the fallen logs that he made a mental note to take care of when it was his responsibility. Probably. It did make for a nice bench to sit and watch the waterfall that the creek formed as the water rushed down the rocks.
As he was sitting, he heard the sounds of someone else coming up the trail -- multiple feet, he reasoned, not turning to look, but instead closing his eyes and focusing on the sound. No, not multiple people. One person and a dog, from the sounds of it, the leaves crunching under foot, the unmistakable pant of a dog as it made its way closer. Jace opened his eyes back up, chancing a look over his shoulder, and quickly turned his head again. Fuck. The Browning siblings just kept turning up everywhere, which he figured was the product of living in a small town... he was bound to run into them sooner, rather than later. Maybe it was better to rip the band-aid off right away. Taking a breath, he steeled himself, staying where he was on the log, and waiting to see if his brother approached, said anything, or walked on by. Unsure of which would be easier to deal with.
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cagenewman · 1 year
WHO: Cage & @tommybrowning
WHERE: Lake Malory
WHEN: Volunteer Week, April 2023
The upside of running your own business? When you wanted to take the afternoon off to go stand knee-deep in lake water, pulling up old lures and untangling line from the reeds, you could do that. The downside was that he knew he was going to have to work twice as hard the next week to get back on top of his paper work and personal projects, but... it was worth it. Lake Malory was one of Cage's favorite things about Merrock. Sometimes he spent whole afternoons out on the water with Colton, or fishing on the banks with one of his brothers. Other times, when he needed to clear his head, he would just take a drive, walk out to sit on the dock and think. It only seemed fitting that he would volunteer his time that week to cleaning it up, whenever he could.
Right in that moment, Cage was holed up along the shore, about six inches deep in churned up water, fishing waders doing their job of keeping him dry as he used his pocket knife to slice through a tangled line, wanting to do his best get it off of the fallen tree that it had completely tangled in when he heard the sounds of someone else nearby, glancing up, and then doing a double take. Of all the people to have ended up at the lake that day... Cordelia's brother.
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docolives · 1 year
WHO: Livvy & @tommybrowning
WHERE: From Brush to Canvas
WHEN: May, 2023
Although it had been a long time since her days in San Francisco, the moment that Livvy's heels clicked across the floor of the art gallery, she felt like she was back in those days. Afternoons exploring art galleries with her friends, attending fancy soirees with the man she was dating at the time, going out to the nicest, fanciest restaurants in the Bay Area. Maybe it wasn't quite the same situation, but Livvy did feel somewhat thrown back in time as she entered From Brush to Canvas, letting her eyes adjust from the sun outside to the fluorescents overhead, spotlighting paintings that were hanging on the walls, from chains, on meticulous displays around the large, open room. Sometimes, it was just nice to get out.
She had dressed the part that evening, slipping into a deep red dress, black heels, a black jacket, the same matching wine-shade on her lips, and her hair left loose, tumbling across her shoulders from where it had started to grow out of the bob she had impulsively cut it into after signing her divorce papers. Smiling politely at the man behind the front desk, she accepted one of the brochures, politely declining a tour, and instead stepping up to one of the first paintings she saw, moving her eyes over the brush strokes, the colors, the composition... unaware of the fact that someone was approaching from the side.
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narilily · 1 year
WHO: Nari & @tommymaddox
WHERE: Creek Fest
WHEN: September, 2023
Nari had decided to slip away from Lavender Lane long enough to find something delicious to enjoy, a blood orange refresher in one hand, container of broccoli cheddar soup in the other as she stopped by one of the picnic tables near the Creek, dropping to sit carefully. There was already somebody nearby, and once craning her head a bit to get a view of their face, she broke into a smile, recognizing him instantly. "If it isn't Tommy Maddox himself. What brings you out here to the quiet woods?"
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wickedlydirtymen · 7 months
for @courtesons
For years, Thomas had found himself teaching young adults who were either blissfully stupid, or he had the ones who could stun a room with their intellect. No one had ever truly impressed the older gentleman. Some had come close, but there wasn't ever something special. That was until he met one student, Peter Parker. Brains, Braun, the kid had it all. For the first time in fifteen years, a student had truly caught his eyes.
A dark gray cardigan was buttoned around his rather fit frame as he stood behind his desk reading. Notes were sprawled all over the large desk as he began to file them away. That was when he heard the knock to his slightly ajar door. Grey-ish hues peered over the top of his glasses as he turned to the door. A warm, pleasant grin cheered onto his lips. "Ah, Mr. Parker." There was a sort of rasp to his voice as he spoke. "Please, come on in."
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inkher0 · 11 months
⦻rigin: Entry #21
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CW: Intense gore, upsetting imagery, intense body horror, Emetophobia, Implication of past SA, Mass event death, Suicide mention, cannibalism, character death, Period-typical homophobia/transphobia
Read On Ao3
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sacrificedbelicfs · 5 months
( @fragmcntedsouls | abel. )
She shouldn't have called. After all he'd been through because of her cause, he should be left alone, but they were so close to the endgame. Her hand could almost reach out and touch it, though it seemed to move further the more she stretched.
Almost. She knew that word too well, better than most. Her feet carried her forward only part of the way as he finally came into view. Getting him out was one of the best things she'd ever done, maybe the only good thing. Sending him back? That held its own weight: why did he have to be a hero? His strength was unlike anything she'd ever seen, and she needed some of that right now. It wasn't all for nothing, and if anyone could see that, she knew Abe could.
"You came."
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pruenakamura · 30 days
closed starter for @harperthomas location: belle blossoms
Prue couldn't believe she was doing this. She had never bought flowers before in her life, but here she was buying some for Renee. What was she even doing? She hadn't admitted her feelings for her best friend to her and yet, she wanted to get her some flowers? What was the end goal there? She wasn't sure but as she walked through the door and looked around, she became more hesitant to even do this. Spotting a woman, she walked over to her and smiled nervously. "Hey. So, if I was to buy a bouquet for a... for a friend, what do you suggest?"
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spellbcok · 11 months
for scarlett thomas. @youllalwaysbemyporcelain — 18: murderous clown
the familiar flash of red caught lorelai’s eye from her hiding spot. as soon as scarlett neared, lorelai pulled her down next to her and put a hand over her mouth. “sh, it’s me,” she whispered and let the other process who she was before removing her hand. “have you seen the clown? it is really giving its best pennywise impersonation right now. right down to the murdering.” although from what lorelai had witnessed this one didn't have a preference for just children.
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frestoniia · 9 months
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" Blimey! "
Craig is momentarily stunned by the sight before him. Of course, he'd seen a great many trains in his life, but they were all of the decidedly faceless variety. And though he'd heard of nonfaceless vehicles before, he'd never actually seen one in real life. It was a bit surreal, honestly.
... Ah, but it was probably impolite to stare, wasn't it?
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" Ah, sorry! I wasn't trying to be rude. It's just... I've never seen an engine like you before. "
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murdcrofcrows · 9 months
who: @descorts ( father thomas )
where: faceless ship
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as much fun as roaming around the ship was, frankie needed a break from the constant din of the crowd. that's what brought her further out onto the deck for a MUCH needed smoke. she hadn't expected it to be so cold out there, but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. just wish she would've grabbed a coat. frankie also hadn't thought she'd get company out there. "kind of crazy, right? being out here, willingly, on this big boat with ice cold water as far as the eye can see?" she didn't exactly recognize her new conversational companion, but that was the point wasn't it? perhaps they'd leave the moment she spoke or they realized she was smoking. frankie wouldn't be offended, it had happened far too many times for her to count. "crazy how trusting we all are now that i think about it. we're just sitting ducks, free for the taking." they really had moved on that ship like a bunch of lemmings. despite their better judgement.
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alphacxntauri · 2 years
•Sunshine ane midnight rain🖤🌌
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fiaxsouza · 1 year
Closed: @thomas-carrigan
Location: The Grocery Store
"Hi! I totally don't mean to ambush you in the middle of the cereal aisle, but can I ask you a question." Being out here longer than she anticipated was starting to become a bit lonely and a part of her had been playing with the idea of getting a pet. However, she didn't know what exactly. The internet had been a great starting point until it sent her down a wormhole and overwhelmed the heck out of her. All she had were horses growing up as her dad did not care for the idea of animal shedding around his home. "I heard that you're like a fantastic vet and me wanting to potentially be a new pet owner, I am curious to see if you'd share your experience and expertise with me?"
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thomas-reyes · 2 years
For: @liu-yu​ Setting: Thomas’ desk in the Sun open space / Yu’s ___________
This had started a couple of years ago. Thomas had not been a huge fan of it at first. He usually was the one with the code-name, the secrecy, the one in control of the narrative, and even more often, the one to torment others with his simple presence. He wouldn’t have called ph4ros a nuisance, but Thomas couldn’t precisely call them a friend either. They were on friendly terms, as long as they kept from benefiting from the other’s work.
He was sipping on “an excuse of a coffee cup”, which would be how his coworkers called his habit of surviving on a ridiculously high amount of cafe con crema with an unhealthy dose of sugar. If only he’d been one to care for criticism. Instead, he made a point of adding an extra sugar if someone was staring loudly his way in the break room (and then pour the inhuman beverage down the bog). 
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He was finishing an article trashing dear old Boris Johnson (something he’d have done for free) as the notification popped up on his screen. “New message from 𝚙𝚑𝟺𝚛𝚘𝚜“
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wickedlydirtymen · 5 months
a starter for @courtesons based on this.
"That's it, boy. Just giving you a little taste.." Thomas's words were soft for a man who loved to dominate. They were misleading, almost a gentle, sternness that kept his sluts in line. Of course, he could get a bit rougher, rowdier if he so wished, but he loved watched these studs fall into place with a simple fatherly sternness. Shoving his cock slowly about half way in, he peered down to the man beneath him, between him as he sat over him. "God, you look good with my cock stretching that pretty mouth..." His cock was long and thick, almost as long as a ruler. Something that would remind these slutty, eager students just who the real man was here.
"You want this cock don't you?" His other hand reached forward, pinning the other's hands together. Lyndon was a sight of pure beauty in his grasps. Those flaming locks pressed against his couch. Slowly, he shoved his cock back in, about halfway, smirking down.
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seraphilim · 1 year
@ncrthernaura​   ||   closed starter.
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rain soaked through the thin silk of her chemise, coating the skin of goose-pimpled arms and chilling her bones down to the marrow. the icy droplets were unrelenting. a thin arm—decorated in costume glitter which clung to her stubbornly despite the torrential downpour—was hooked over the woman’s head of sopping ember tresses, yet did little to shield her face. still, she raced onward. it was surely a sight to behold : a petite young lady, scantily clad in a wild assortment of colors and textures, racing through the tight, flooded streets of brookyln with nothing but the thunderous clipping of her heels to warn pedestrians ahead before she’d charge past.
it felt like an eternity of weaving around corners, pushing past umbrella-wielding passersby, and backtracking to reread street signs through the haze of rain and mist before eliza fell upon the doorstep of a familiar brick building — one that had become a second home when she could not bear being alone. when the fear of what lurked in the dark night’s shadows became too great. no time was wasted in buzzing herself in.
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the thunder outside echoed her own footfalls as she flew up the stairwell, crying out as if her voice would not carry into the homes of every other resident within, shattering their peace :     “ thomas ! tommy ! “     her fist pounded against his door but, in those short five seconds, eliza had already dug out her own spare key and begun jostling at the old, finicky door handle. with one strong push, she threw herself against its heavy wood. the young woman all but tumbled into his home; yet, she still somehow maintained a unique aura of grace despite the chaos ( a well-trained talent of hers, to always appear perfect ).
a puddle quickly began to form at her feet as wet slipped from off her fallen curls and the lace of her silken shift. it streamed down thin, shaking appendages and dangled from the tips of her painted nails. it was not fear nor distress, not even the cold rain, that caused the girl to quiver. unreadable doe eyes sparkled wildly.     “ they found her ! she was completely mutilated and hanging from the rafters and . . . “     she gasped for air.
anya parker had gone missing five days prior. she was the lead dancer at the burlesque club where eliza had begun working only four months earlier . . . or was. now, she was dead, murdered brutally, and the club had been ( temporarily ) shut down for investigation.     “ the place is a MESS. blood and writing all over the walls, curtains torn. and her, like, intestines were basically falling onto the stage . . . seriously inconvenient. “     eliza, along with some of her fellow entertainers, had stumbled onto the gory scene upon arriving for work. as soon as the police had arrived and she’d offered her statement, the frantic girl had run like a bullet to thomas ( which was apparent by the considerably skimpy costume still adorning her drenched frame ).
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“ i was so thinking niklaus would promote me to a lead if she didn’t turn up. although, i guess he still could . . . since she technically won’t be showing up anymooore. but then some girls were saying how they’d shut us down, and that this is the second body this year and . . . UGH ! “     she huffed with a pout, gliding further into the humble home before swiftly perching herself atop the kitchen counter. right leg crossed over left, and her chin rested against a propped-up hand.     “ i can’t go back to waiting tables. i’ll kill myself ! oops, is that bad to say right now ? “
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