#tho heavily hinted i guess
idv-sunsxin3 · 7 months
Pavia, Diggers // Car Ride
Note // Same prompt as the one with Horropedia except is with the other 2 glasses sillies (separately) this time/ lh
Warning// a bit suggestive on Pavia's part??? Maybe.
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(When he's driving)
Guys, we should make a debate in where Pavia either drives on a Lamborghini or a Ferrari/j
There are times he drives normally for the sake of keeping a low profile at times... and there are time when he is a fast driver, not more said.
Would most likely get a speeding ticket... well, if the officers ever managed to catch him. 😭
Even if he doesn't put seatbelt on himself, he would be the type of lover who would nag you to put them on-
(not like you're complaining as you grip on something as if your life depends on you;;;/ih)
He likes to linger his hand on your thigh and give it a squeeze whenever he drives- crazy.
He would do the same when so much traffic happens, to at least subside his frustration on the road. Italian cursing at how long it's taking;;; definitely the grumpy driver type.
Sometimes, he likes to put bags underneath your legs during the ride, saying that "it's safe if it doesn't shake around"-
But no!!! In reality, he does that just so he can grab one of your legs and spread it open before reaching out, whatever he needs to take out - this man.... 😭
The good side of it is that Pavia's 5 wolves are often tagged along as they sit on the back seat--- Pavia for some reason helps them open the windows sometimes so they can stick their head and stick out their tongues while the car moves- its a very funny sight when it's 5 dogs in both windows of the car;;;;😭🤣
The wolves are at least trained enough to be careful- and they would know when to get their heads back in whenever Pavia warns them that he'll roll up the windows again with the power window switch.
"Hold on tight, baby~ this will be a pretty bumpy ride."😈
If you really appreciate your life a lot, you might as well ask if you both can just take a taxi./lh
Yet i feel like knowing him, he won't take no as an answer;;; <//3
(When he's a passenger)
Mmm if he ever is in a car ride with you along with other party members Vertin assigned, he probably wouldn't like the fact how close he is to touch other people during the entire ride---- even if he doesn't show it, I guess the menacing death smirk might give it away(it does).
As long as it's just you beside him, he won't be too salty about it--
He won't give you a break from how clingy he is tho- he wouldn't keep his hands to himself if he's not the one taking the wheel;;;;
Pulling you close, sneaking a hand on your knee, make you cuddle against him, have his chest touch your back as he whispers flirty Comments on your ear- technically trying to make others get third wheeled and calling them single in many different ways;;; 😭
Like Horropedia, he's most likely the "are we there yet" passenger....---- except in a more grumpy impatient vibe as if he doesn't want to stay in this vehicule any longer--- he's not burning it down just because you're here/ih
"Come on, little girl...- How long do we have to stay in this car?"
The Italian grumbles, trying to get his sly hands busy by playing with your hair a bit through his calloused fingers. His arm is resting heavily on your shoulder.
"Soon." That's what the young girl answers with a calm tone, already used to the intimidating energy the older one tends to bring.
Pavia ends up leaning his back into the cushion, sighing as you tiredly pat him by the shoulder. The small gesture of comfort is unknown if it is playful or sincere.
Suddenly, the other seems to have other plans. He catches you off guard by lifting you smoothly with his hands on your waist before placing you between his lap.
He whispers on your ear, a quiet voice with a hint of rasp and longing.
"Stay close to me for now, so I don't have to talk to these poor teammates here...-"
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(When he's driving)
Diggers driving an old-fashioned volkswagen that has a lot of colorful graffiti paint all over it seems very in character, in my opinion. He even has this colorful van decorated with a lot of stuff in his insight 2-- Which was what most hippies drove before.
Not only is it affordable and durable, but it's also spacious in the back that he can make it as a comfy place to rest.... which is also where you usually nap together or have these quiet cuddling sessions.🥺♥️
He usually keeps the vehicule in a peaceful area where it's not near the city, like a grassfield or in the middle of a forest.
I'm not sure if he'll be a full licensed driver, but I feel like he would drive at a less extreme speed for the sake of  stress--- prefers to drive and see how empty the road is and how peaceful the landscape would be- rural areas specifically.
And when he finds the perfect spot to settle, you would stay there for the night or even a couple of days.
Diggers probably like acoustic music or something that gives a "groovy" impression. Yet, he is very flexible enough to let you go crazy with the radio box- pick a song, or music, whatever hat interests you--- whether he knows the tune or not, he might try to sing along and enjoy the different kinds of vibes with you djdbdbdb-
You and Diggers plan to move the van out to another rural field within london- most likely a village your boyfriend seems to have known.
The moment you finished packing what you need at the back of the van, Diggers calls you back from the driver seats window.
"Darling! You're done?" The voice of your boyfriend resembles one of an ecstatic puppy.
"Come inside!"
As you were about to hop into the passenger seat- you got surprised by a.... big pile of flowers sitting on your seat???
Oop- some of them fell off the moment you opened the door.
"I- what??? What is this???" You laugh softly, already imagining the jolly grin Diggers might be wearing from the other side of the mountain of flowers.
The pile looks like they're 100 roses.
"Oops--- forgot to give you these. Surprise!" He bubbly says as he leans on the steering wheel lazily.
"...." You pause, sighing out after recovering from the laughter, "Oh g-  thanks, baby-- but how can I even see your face like this??? Where do i sit???" 🤣
As if the option of the back seat was out of the window, Diggers responded:
"How about my lap?"
You both now started laughing again like the dorks you are,,,/lh
(When he's a passenger)
He's most likely the type to play some tunes on his guitar, entertaining and serenading those who surround him as he sits in the vehicle
Is actually very nice that he gets to go somewhere without worrying about the gasoline cost-- /ih
He'll be fine sitting anywhere- but he'll be more pleased if he gets to sit right next to you- where he believes he should be <33
He'll have an arm behind your neck while chilling, sometimes holding hands just to play with your fingers while talking to someone.
Maybe even spend the entire car ride trying to teach how to play the guitar- having you on his lap as he guides your hands on where to place the strings. 🤭🥰
He would be most likely a tolerable passenger, a pretty peaceful one. He'll  even would try and nap the entire ride if he can.
Though, whenever he spots a police car passing by through the window- I can imagine him immediately crouching so he doesn't get spotted, very self-conscious by the fact there are some officers looking after him,,, maybe;;; <//3
He trusts any driver as long as it's anyone that is not Pavia.... Convince me otherwise--- 😭
He would freak out and scream when the speed is too high- even cling on to you.
His grip is firm that you don't even know whether he is trying to hold on to you so he doesn't get thrown off or because he wants to cover you from any incoming crashes---/ih
You'll have to comfort him a bit after that;;
I'll never forget about the drive thru headcanons <333
//Them ordering take out at a McDonald's drive thru with s/o. If you don't eat McDonald's, just imagine it/ih
Arches eyebrow... and wearing this look of "pookie, out of other restaurants, you decide one of the most low-quality ones???"/ih
Also not him having beef by the fact the ice cream in McDonald's sucks- the machine is even broken in almost every restaurant--- sobs;;;
At the end, he brought you there anyways, because you made him/ih
The reason why he would buy you a happy meal is probably because you're baby--- you don't even know if it's sweet or insulting./ih 😭🫠
Whenever you want to order but the cashier cant hear you when he's the one who's in the driver seat- I can imagine you guys with this meme./ih
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Pavia is creepily respectful enough to keep this funny straight look while technically facing your butt, it's crazy;;; 2x
Next time, Pavia will drag you to somewhere better now that you finished dragging him to such "monstrosity of creepy clowns, grimace shakes, and broken ice cream machines"/j. More better than Olive Garden even---;;;
"Ehhhh-- what would you like to order, sweetie?" :)
"Anything is alright."
*turns back to the window* "1 hamburger, 2 French fries- and a milkshake, please." :)
Most hippies don't seem to like materialism- but food is food, he wouldn't even dare to say no to if you want to order food at places like McDonalds dbbdbdnd;;; Like, most prices there were like less than $1 (plus tax) back in the 1960s...- 🤔🤯
(I feel like you would boss out of this by paying for him at times- like this is probably better than the McDonald's from 2020s/ih)
Man, happy meals were only first introduced in 1979- so they weren't a thing yet for a while in Diggers' timeline. If they ever get premiered, He would buy you one for you whether or not you like it- he just likes how there are chicken nuggets and juice boxes inside colorful boxes that seem to be meant for children-- yet for him, it doesn't matter. You will have it anyway, even if he's broke;;😭🥺
The first boxes when they were first introduced were circus wagons. The first toys were tops, stencils, wallets, puzzles, and erasers. Initially, meals included a hamburger or cheeseburger, fries, a soft drink, and cookies.... yum.
Pampering you with food is one of the wholesome things I can imagine - even eating it while being inside his van at some parking lot. Feeding each other with these silly dorky grins,,,,
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codenamesazanka · 8 months
There was that joke in the fandom about Horikoshi looking through fanfics to see what theories to make canon like the "Dabi being Touya" or "the UA traitor" (even tho most of those were just stuff hinted at in the canon before hand). Since we're doing the whole "sharing memories" bit, the one fanfic trope he can definitely throw in the manga right now is the "Spinner tells Shigaraki he used to have a tail that got cut off by bullies"
Is that a popular trope? Enough to be a thing Horikoshi would pick up on. I don't think it's anywhere near the same level as 'Dabi is the lost Todoroki son' and 'UA Traitor is _____'… but it would be interesting if Spinner Tail Trauma is made canon.
Though at this late stage, I don't know if I want it, to be honest! If it's a memory, it's angst fuel to develop characters other than Spinner - guy wouldn't even be there for it. It would a real iffy choice to show something deeply personal and traumatic that happened to Spinner, something so unjust, without Spinner there—and really only for the benefit of the contrived connection between Shigaraki and Deku.
I guess because Spinner is still unaccounted for, he can still show up so it doesn't have to be just a memory, but. Still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. HeroAca resolutions are less about the victims and what they're owed, and more about how cool and merciful the Heroes are for saving them. This would be that, but even more so, and infinitely worse.
Plus, it would make the heteromorph riot mini-arc even more of a mess. Not to say there's levels of suffering that can be compared, but in-universe and in story, Shoji is kinda framed as having been worst off - his parents weren't heteromorphic like him, he got bashed in the face with a rake and was heavily scarred for life after he saved a girl from drowning, then he even has to wear a mask to prevent people from thinking he's resentful for being the victim of a hate crime. All that, but he came out of it with a strong and golden moral core, ready to be a great and inspirational Hero who protects the status quo.
Shoji's positioned as being in the right: here was a kid who suffered terribly, but he still managed to overcome the odds and be a Good Person, who thought deeply about the Right Way to end discrimination and is putting it into action (which is being a model minority). So what's everyone else's excuse?
Meanwhile, Spinner's backstory is that he only gets sprayed with pesticides, succumbs to being a NEET hikikomori, and goes running off to join terrorists without a single original thought in his head. For the narrative to work, he needs to be the selfish, hypocritical loser who didn't try hard enough to overcome his hardships that were comparatively mild.
If Spinner was revealed to have a tail cut off by bullies, the bnha balance of heteromorphic good and evil would collapse. A young boy's classmates mutilates him as the apex of heteromorphobic bullying, and the victim was left to languish as a high school dropout shut-in? That's not something that can be fixed by waiting out generations (just wait for the adults to die! their mindset would go with them—oh, but the perpetrators are the new generation…) or having the victim change their behavior (there's just no excuse for chopping off a child's body part). That reveals something much darker in the fabric of society that Heroes' plucky 'work-harder! plus ultra!' optimism are unequiped to handle.
At the very least, it's something that "Stop holding a grudge" and "Sorry for not realizing earlier" (as the rando hero tells the PLF guy in Chapter 373) and "Shine bright until your torments feel ashamed" are utterly insufficient and unconvincing in resolving. Not quite as inspirational, you know?
I'm sorry anon! I know you were asking as a joke, offering a fun idea. And I do like it! I'm still not opposed to Spinner having that canon backstory if the writing around it was to suddenly radically change the story and expand it by 300 more chapters to fix everything. I still love the idea that Spinner had a tail. I just took it too seriously and overthought it. My apologies. Thanks for the ask.
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100% done w kotlc book one, here are my summarized thoughts (you can read my thoughts as i progressed through the book, heres my thoughts from when i hit the 25% mark, the 50% mark, and the 75% mark)
okay, woooowwwww. that ending was so chaotic, i barely understood a thing. prolly the only thing i dont like abt this book. i might need to reread to like properly soak in everything that happened
onto notes, my guess abt biana was right ??? woah okay. i wonder about alvar tho, it wasnt confirmed here that hes w the black swam but it wasnt denied either. we still dont know who snuck the notes into her locker, n ill believe that its alvar until proven otherwise
i think its fairly obvious in retrospect that mr forkle was some kinda elf, the way he reacted to the jogger was wayy too protective. rlly smooth foreshadowing there, miss messenger
i had also guessed that sophies powers stretch a lot further than she thinks, which is basically very heavily hinted at by aldin. since i made that guess we discovered shes a polyglot and an inflictor, which is mind boggling considering those were both in the span of like fifty pages max. i wonder what else we're gonna get in terms of sophies powers
also, is it weird that i laughed at the idea of bronte teaching sophie? shes been complaining abt her alchemy mentor but now its gonna be bronte. hes gonna make her life living hell, n i promise i feel for her but dear god is it gonna be funny. either that or ill daydream abt boiling him alive
its also fairly obvious by now that the series is gonna have a romantic subplot with a love triangle between keefe n sophie n fitz. i mean, fitz n keefe are best friends n she found both of them cute on sight, it was obvious from the beginning, but the "i like you more as a friend than a sister" thing that fitz said at the end (or smth to that effect) basically guaranteed it. since i obv have moots who post abt kotlc, i already know who its gonna be, but lets pretend i dont for the time being
also, perhaps i judged fitz too harshly upon first meeting him 👉🏼👈🏼
im still fairly suspicious abt the allergy n (as i mentioned) alvar, but also i wonder abt keefes dad. theres more to him, i just know it. maybe in book two ill find out more
also can i just say, im terrified for the next one. its literally called 'exile'. WHAT HAPPENS TO SOPHIE PLEA-
thats all i can think of rn, time to go read the next one !! also yall lmk if you want me to post my thoughts abt book two as i progress, like i did w this one (imma start it as soon as i post this), n also lmk if you wanna be tagged in said posts about my thoughts
@aylin-hijabi @that-multi-fandom-hijabi @tastetherainbow290
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
Studio Anon here, after a while of lurking/doing my own thing. Luckily my emotions are much more in check and I’ve strayed from Viv stuff for a bit to relax and hang out with my loved ones! Coming back and seeing Viv throwing a hissy fit, Raph wanting to look/act like Angel (my goodness-), and somehow people still defending episode four is… really comedic, actually.
Everything is awful but man, somehow it just keeps getting worse!
Anyway, just writing my own general feelings on this and the ideas I had for a rewrite long before everything went to hell. I never really was interested in HH until maybe Helluva Boss’ trailer dropped. I found it strange that HH wasn’t even out yet but somehow this ‘spinoff show’ was already made and posted in the public. I thought it was really weird tho, considering HH is owned by a company now, technically, while HB is sorta just there? I only watched since it’s animation and I felt like I had to support it.
Buuuut the longer I had to stare at HB’s ugly designs (and seeing the new ones for HH) I simply wasn’t interested anymore.
I guess I dodged a bullet because jesus it just gets worse.
I don’t know how, genuinely, Viv is a shit artist and writer? She went to a prestigious art school for as far as I remember and got her shows made and animated. I’m studying myself, and god knows I’d want my stories out there! It’s clear that Viv has some idea of what she wants to do, but that’s the thing-,
All she had were concepts (also publicly displaying her fetishes in the public, which is also its own can of worms).
I know in my right mind I couldn’t send people out to work on my stories since they’re heavily in development- even then my character designs are complicated as shit so I wouldn’t dream of anyone animating. Viv’s style being the way that it is + her general palettes being Just Red makes it hard to focus on or do anything with.
I also don’t know how Viv is able to just show off her rape fantasies out there and I’d rather not talk about it (sex-repulsed and all), but the general lack of focus and priority in gay ships is really disgusting.
So, as a writer, I made a general outline of what I’d make Hazbin Hotel and/or Helluva Boss be about.
Redemption is an easy theme to work on for both. ‘Sins of the father’ as a trope could work too. I’ll just use HH for now, as this post would be lengthy should I cover both.
General worldbuilding; due to Lucifer’s habit of toying with human life, comparing them to nothing more than insects, God punishes him and Lilith (who could’ve been some kind of angel too? I know she’s from a different religion entirely, so let’s say she was a random angel) by sending them to Hell to deal with the worst sinners. He and the princes of hell (how do they not address this in Hazbin?), scorned and disgusted by Heaven, try to be controlling over their own citizens. Mimicking/acting out their anger towards God by playing God in their own rings. They’re evil and horrible leaders. Lilith makes Hell feel like a home for her and Lucifer at least, bearing a daughter to restore some humanity within the Pride ring.
So Pride, at least, is less threatening now that Lucifer has a daughter.
The other princes could then ‘rightfully’ call out Lucifer’s behavior, maybe serving as some antagonists for Charlie as she tries to convince them to bring their sinners in for redemption.
So TLDR; the princes and Lucifer have internal problems that Charlie would try and resolve somewhat since she believes in redemption.
Going off to the main story, Charlie is told of Heaven being evil and awful for what they’ve done to her parents and believes it until she meets V (or Ex-Overlord Vaggie in this rewrite). V was recently cast out of the other Vs and was maybe slated to die in the extermination until Charlie unknowingly saved her from her fate. Maybe we could even get a hint of V being an angel/exterminator before with one hesitating to kill her off. The two talk and when Charlie mentions Heaven being an ass, V could tell Charlie about Heaven being good, eventually causing Charlie to start thinking about redemption, and start the hotel.
V is given more thought in the story as Charlie’s love interest and the gateway to her learning more about the two sides. Charlie is so used to Hell being the way that it is that she never considered redemption until she hears and talks to V more. The two try and kickstart some sort of redemption but V is hesitant in getting redeemed and asks that, since Charlie is the princess of hell, they could ask Lucifer for a sinner or two to redeem.
Very loose from here, but after some talk, Lucifer gives them a rundown hotel to make their own, the Vs find out and gets Lust Sinner Angel down to take them out, but is charmed by the idea of redemption. Nifty, Alastor, Husk, and Sir Pentious are all from different rings and it takes Charlie a lot to convince the princes and to try and reconnect them to Lucifer, who seems to be caught off guard with how much Charlie is willing to give this a shot. Lilith on the other hand gets suspicious of V, which could lead to Lilith exposing V of being an exterminator and, “Messing with our daughter’s head so she’ll get killed in the next extermination!”
So drama with the parents, the princes, and struggles with redemption.
It all crashes down on Charlie and the Hazbin crew as they’ve began to grow closer on one another, V especially. The other princes could then be more empathetic (they aren’t as prideful as Lucifer, and Lucifer might love his wife more than his kid tbh) and try to reconnect with Lucifer in the same way Charlie connects to the other ring sinners.
Slowly but surely, the crew better themselves, and before the next extermination, the Angel Gabriel (ain’t he the whole Angel with the flaming sword?) flies down to see Charlie doing her best. Drama here, tension there, V is the first to get ‘redeemed’. Uh oh, angst!
V, after all this time, doesn’t want to be redeemed if that means she can’t stay with Charlie, which is why she was hesitant. Lucifer and the sins come in, try to kill Gabriel or something and there’s signs of a war, but Charlie stands her ground and tries to find some way to get both sides to work together on something, at least.
So. Purgatory.
I haven’t been mentioning Lilith much but she very much loves her daughter, and having enough pride in her (Charlie) ideals to make things better, to give people a chance at redemption, reminds her of her angel days. That peaceful life.
So she agrees.
The Hazbin crew get to work with her in purgatory, V gets to be all happy and cute with Charlie, and everyone learns to try and be better.
There. That shouldn’t be too hard. Maybe a little complicated but those are my surface thoughts. What do you and the others think?
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changbinsboobs · 1 month
Hi, can you do a reading about what attracts Twice at first sight? Thank you
Hi, here you go:) The deck used is The 3rd Eye Tarot. Enjoy💗
*That reading is for entertainment purposes only!
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Nayeon - Knight of Cups
The look in someones eyes. Also (don't come for me) but i think she really likes women👀 i got a really really strong feeling with that card. She likes someone feminine, with a doe look in their eyes. Im also getting that something that immediately attracts her at first sight is if her gaydar goes on. Like if she can smell you're gay than that immediately wakes her interest at least initially. Other small things im picking is she likes large black eyes, so if that person has that it catches her attention, same for long, lightly colored hair. Like something in light pastels, ombreish, soft and warm or blonde.
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Jeongyeon - 9 of Cups
Ehm, im having slight difficulties with this one, but i guess if a person looks extravagant it catches her attention. But if its done in a tasteful way. This could also apply for someone who has "lots of watermelons under one armpit", like they have everything in control and can multitask well and take care of multiple things at a time well. And if someone seems poised. Like, have e certain demeanor about themselves of confidence that they excude, like nothing bad can happen to them, and if it does they can deal with it effortlessly.
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Momo - 5 of Swords
She seems pretty reserved and i don't think theres such a thing as "first sight attraction" for her. She holds her cards close to her chest and doesn't relax easily with new people, ESPECIALLY men. I think its pretty difficult to earn her trust, especially when it comes to romantic stuff and so i think she's immune to whims of the heart like attraction at first sight.
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Sana - 3 of Wands
Sana likes people that are brave and daring. Not afraid to take action, not afraid to talk whats on their mind and most importantly not afraid to pursue her😏 i get the feeling she likes to be chased and she likes acting "cocky" and teasing but in a very endearing way. I fell like she likes receiving such energy and treatment from both sexes, in fact she enjoys it more from men as they are more entertaining to watch. But what actually attracts her is when women exhibit such characteristics. I feel like what would attract her at first sight is a girl that would shamelessly approach and pursue her. A girl that would shamelessly say whats on her (and everyones) mind and stand for something she believes in and pursues her goals shamelessly.
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Jihyo - King of Wands
She likes queen treatment. And what attracts her is guys that have king/provider qualities. Or a guy with big dick energy. I also feel like she relies more on sexual attraction so if she deems someone sexually attractive that would definitely attract her at first sight.
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Mina - Knight of Swords
I feel like she mikes heavily masculine people, like very strong ceo vibes. Someone that doesn't let shit slide, doesn't wait around or procrastinate, someone that always knows what they want and is on their way of getting it before you can even blink. I would even say she likes people that are rash. Idk where that comes from, im getting a slight hint of maybe having someone like that home, probably her father? Very fast and rash energy, sternness in a way? Like "i have a job and i will do it, im not letting anything take my focus away from it".
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Dahyun - 4 of Cups
I don't think she has something like that. She seems way too much in her own thoughts and in her own world for something like that to catch her attention in people really. I believe she has to have repeated contact over a longer time with someone to actually find something about them to find attractive. This can be something concerning her current energy and state tho. Maybe at this current point of the reading she is preoccupied with something, so that theres not much space for her to pay attention to people and what she finds attractive.
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Chaeyoung - 7 of Wands
She's attrected to people like her. If she sees someone that has the exact same style as her, or taste in music, or taste in food or whatever. She feels instantly attracted to them. Same goes for people that she has sort of a "love-hate" dynamic. Like people that are confrontational and try to trigger you or are a little to mean and toast you etc. She feels attracted to people like that too. Maybe someone that looks nice and dandy but is actually rough around the edges.
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*im sry i clicked on the wrong gif and now idk how to remove it😭
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Tzuyu - Ace of Wands
She likes tall slender men. She's another one that gets attracted by physical appearance, if that guy has those qualities. She also gets kinda guided by her sexual attraction, although not as much as Jihyo. She also like light skinned guys, preferably blonde. Im getting a strong feeling that she really really likes European/American foreigner men that specifically have Germanic and Scandinavian features. Very pale, light eyes, bright blonde hair, tall and skinny.
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okay so I watched the knuckles series (by following the example of the pirates of course ) and I have to say while it was a very enjoyable watch, I have no clue what I watched and I’m mostly confused and have come away feeling mostly neutral. I don’t hate it, but it hasn’t dug its hooks in like other sonic things have for me.
Like some bits I very much enjoyed watching and would happily see again and others I couldn’t stand and dread the idea of watching again.
there were plenty of moments where Knuckles went against what I adore about him, and others that perfectly capture what I adore about him. Boy was so adorable though. Loved lots of the expressions he made.
okay I’m gonna get a bit more specific from here and cuz I got no clue what’s going on with the tagging and it gets long I’ll put it under a cut.
So it’s kinda hard for me to remember what happened, but I will say I love wades mother, she was amazing, loved her and Knuckles’ dynamic and would welcome it if she appeared again. (Also, new headcanon unlocked that knuckles is such a mamas boy he’s a magnet for motherly figures)
I really am not a fan of his sister Wanda tho. The childish sibling banter did entertain me at first (and made me think that knuckles was going to reflect on his relationship with his brothers) but it went on too long and just made Wanda feel like she never matured past being a bratty teenager. (And judging by what I’ve seen I think she’s gonna be on ‘top _ worst sonic characters’ lists for a while)
my opinion on Wade himself hasn’t really changed. I have no strong feelings towards the guy
We didn’t get as much as I wanted, but I loved the Wachowski family stuff. I needed so much more of knuckles being the trouble kid and the family trying to help.
It’s pretty annoying that the start of the show set up Knuckles learning to chill, be a kid on earth and settle in with his new family. Only to drop it basically immediately and the closest thing it has to a resolution is Knuckles finding his jam.
and yeah, I could see plenty of moments where they had the perfect opportunity to explore knuckles on a deeper level but chose not to. But I am glad they at least hinted at it with those expressions I keep raving about
On that. Cuz Pachacamacs appearance was what springboreded what was going on in a different direction. What is going on here? Is this a Knuckles thing? But Wade speaks to him to, but that was under knuckles’ guidance? I think? So can anyone in this world talk to spirits? Can only certain people be spirits? I mean. One Knuckles got over the initial shock he accepted the fact he was talking to a dead tribe member (I’m also sad that nothing was done with the idea that in this universe Knuckles and Pachacamac were alive at the same time) I got so many more questions on how spirits work in here, but I’m just gonna move on. (Although, maybe this sets up knuckles speaking to Tikal 👀. Or maybe his dad or even his mum.)
But considering what Pachacamac’s role is in the games making him so comedicly focused felt weird. Yeah this universe has different events. But still feels weird cuz of how we know Pachacamac.
I don’t even know what to say about the whole fire powers fire demon (who’s heavily implied to be iblis) I need way more time to think what is going on. Like does any of the pre existing lore apply? If so those are some WILD implications. If not, did that mean they just made this guy like iblis cuz it’s a fire creature that fans will recognize??
A minor thing but I can’t hear our house without thinking of the chemist warehouse add. And a few of the other songs are strongly associated with other things and I couldn’t help but think of them when they played. I don’t see this as a good or bad thing. It is just a thing.
hmm. I had more thoughts but after that ghost tangent I can’t really remember them. I guess I’ll have to come back later with another post if I get them back.
So, for now my closing thoughts are: it’s not a terrible show. Lots of writing choices I disagree with, but I don’t nessicaily think they’re bad. And there’s definitely enjoyment to be found (more if you watch it with some friends) but it��s not really to my taste. Especially with how much irs advertise as about knuckles and then not. Some moments made me very happy some made me want to nope out some I don’t even know.
congratulations to Wade fans, I’m gonna find what bits I wanna cherry pick and I’ll be on my merry way.
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mayorofcattown · 1 year
the 'yorishima is natsume's grandpa' theory is interesting to me cause on the one hand I feel like there's still a pretty high chance grandpa is gonna be Just Some Guy, but also I have literally no idea what narrative purpose yorishima is supposed to have if he's not the grandpa
like he doesn't really have anything to do with the overarching exorcist politics, the role of 'vague mentor figure to natori' is already covered by takuma, and yet he's already featured pretty heavily in the manga despite how recently he was introduced...
and esp when you remember when he was introduced it becomes even more interesting. the arc he was introduced in was the first 'real' continuation of the arc that brought up natsume's grandpa in the first place (I mean technically the arc abt matoba's curse is earlier, but that has basically nothing to do with natsume or the book so I don't think it counts even if it references it). We joke abt how long its been since they mentioned natsume's grandpa, but if that narrative thread is being carried by yorishima it would explain why it's been unacknowledged for so long
But on the flip side, yorishima doesn't really react That much to seeing natsume. He certainly reacts enough to hint that he has some kind of familiarity with reiko sure, but not to the extent you would expect from someone who could have theoretically fathered a child with them. Like idk abt you but if some kid showed up at my house who looked almost identical to a chick I'd had a brief relationship with 40+ years ago, with the same surname I'd be a bit more perturbed by it than just being mildly annoyed. Unless he just assumed Reiko found someone else I guess? It still seems unlikely for him to be that chill around natsume
He certainly seems to be old enough to be grandpa tho, given he wasn't surprised by his uni friend having adult daughters or you know. dying of 'vague illness'
either way I guess he seems like he's supposed to have some connection to reiko/natsume's past, but its hard to gauge whether he's the grandpa himself, or he just idk. knows the guy who is??
but part of me does kinda hope its him just cause it'd be really funny to see natori and matoba's reaction if he is. can you imagine finding out that this weird old guy who used to give you loquats turned out to be the long lost grandparent of this random orphan you found? I'd lose my shit
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nikethestatue · 2 years
Hi! I saw the former gw*nriel confession and I always thought I was the only one and it felt like a bad thing. Last August a friend told me to read ACOSF alone. I am not really a big fan of a long series and prefer stand alone and my friend said that ACOSF can be a stand alone. So I did picked it. And honestly, I don't feel any connection to the characters but I still didn't like the whole Inner Circle, the sisters, but Elain and Az's interaction, no matter how few, made me think there's something between them especially the "charged glance". Look, I like Gwyn and I don't feel a thing towards Elain during ACOSF so Elriel interaction kinda made me doubt Gw*nriel because honestly, Elriel is more heavily hinted tho I wouldn't deny Gwyn and Az's moment. I was then told to read the bonus chapter because it only "confirmed" Gw*nriel more but it made me doubt the ship further but I believed in the secondhand necklace. I believed they were mates. I actually led myself to believe they will have the next book and hated Elriel due to the brewing ship war.
But thankfully I was led to light. I began Acotar, acomaf, acowar last September and just finished ACOFAS last week. Hahaha yey for me I guess because I now love Feysand, Elriel, and Cassian. I finally understood where Elriels are getting their quotes and why everyone hold importance to canon scene because lies and headcanons are given more value in this fandom and I think that's what divides and creates this messy and toxic shipwar in the fandom. Gw*nriel will now always be a crackship for me and there's nothing wrong for crackships. But I am officially an Elriel who are just waiting for their book.
PS: I didn't know Elain actually did alot of things in the series, I'm so sorry to other Elriels since I also thought she was just there in the background doing nothing. How Cassian, Rhysand, Amren and Az saw Elain made me happy. Because they are all right. I'm sorry this is long.
This is actually a very interesting and I think important thing to understand--I think so much frustration on part of Elriels, and the essence of this shipwar lies in that Elriels have been with these characters for 4 books. 5 now. Whereas from what we've noticed, many Gwynriels read only ACOSF, if that.
And all the canon-based arguments and 'evidence' usually went over people's heads, because they couldn't connect the dots, since they didn't have any reference points for previous books.
So I can quote 20 pages worth of stuff regarding Elriel, but if you haven't read any of the previous books, can't understand the setup, how everything unfolded, then it would just be noise to you.
And I think that's why ultimately, the arguments make no real sense--we are talking about apples, and Gwynriels are talking about matches. There is no common ground because so many don't know anything beyond ACOSF, don't understand the IC, don't know who and what Elain is and what she did, and how everything connects.
So they start placing unbelievable importance on gwyn and stating that Azriel is getting a book. But if you look at the entire landscape of these books, you'd understand that none of it makes sense, and that the only natural progression is through Elain, because she is literally connected to EVERY part of these books. Every scene. Every person. From Koschei, to Lucien, to Vassa, to Beron, to every person in the IC, to the Cauldron--Elain is entwined with all of them. By comparison, Gwyn is entwined with no one except for Nesta. She might be a lighsinger and a secondary character in Nesta's book.
I'm glad you got to read all the books, Anon. It definitely is a series, and needs to be looked at holistically.
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acidrcins · 10 months
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did you hear the latest scoop ? we’ve got a new student joining us ! a little birdie told me that they’re called CHAE SEORI, but they kinda remind me of BAE SUZY — don’t ‘cha think ? you’re probably thinkin’ they’re just another TWENTY-SEVEN year old in their FIRST year of some MASTER'S DEGREE IN BIOCHEMISTRY , but wait ‘till you hear about their POISON GENERATION ! nifty, huh ? they’re pretty PRINCIPLED on nullivi, but you should watch out for their VINDICTIVE just in case ! anyway — if you wanna check them out, i heard they’re staying at the YELLOW HALL. oops ! you didn’t hear that one from me !  ༊*·˚
hello, i'm liv and v excited to b here! im a sl*t for anything superpower related and im also still off that gen v high so very excited to be here! all i can offer is this intro post, which i hope covers all the Key Aspects of miss chae seori. if i may summarize, shes just trying her best to be a good person while making questionable decisions and internalizing everything bad that her family has ever said abt her ‪♡‬ a cate dunlap wanda maximoff dupe rly
do like this post if u would like to plot because i would LOVE to and i much prefer d*scord hehe
also tw for mentions of nausea
𖥸 ─ basics
chae seori (often seen with gloves and a mask)
scorpio sun, pisces moon, scorpio rising
born 12 november 1996 in a small town in the outskirts of seoul 
currently a first year masters student, studying biochemistry & living in yellow hall
makes poison out of her fingertips & can infect those through physical contact or through air (if in close proximity)
there have been rumours going around that seori is able to give a kiss of death but she would like to debunk those rumors! her lips are harmless really its just the air around her
big on wearing patches but she wont tell you. will make u guess whether she has one or not. (justifies by saying shes just having fun)
𖥸 ─ personality
tl;dr morally grey girl, who's trying to prove herself as a good person (but it's hard when your powers are literal poison). a little bit of a manic pixie dream girl too
positive: principled, collected, intuitive, charming, inquisitive
negative: reticent, elusive, vindictive, temperamental, self-centered
alignment: chaotic neutral (the only principles she follows are the ones she sets for herself)
character inspirations: heavily inspired by gen v's cate dunlap, the hunger games' finnick odair, mcu's wanda maximoff, looking for alaska's alaska young, yellowjackets' natalie
archetypes: the vixen, the philophobic, the antihero
associated aesthetics: shades of gray, smiles that don't seem to reach your eyes, making questionable decisions but finding ways to justify them to yourself, dark eyes and darker nights, flirtatious touches with a hint of danger, red lipstick, unexplained headaches and waves of nausea
in control of her emotions but has tendencies to lash out. she is working really hard to be a good person!!! (by her standards) (she is thisclose to just saying fuck it and just embracing that she is a Villain tho pls someone enable her)
but she can get very resentful lmfao (example A: in her most recent biochemistry class, she told herself urself it was ok that the guy in class just mansplained a concept that she had already understood in middle school but then also gave him a wave of nausea once class ended because he was so fucking rude and deserved it)
keeps up a facade of being coquettish and flirtatious ( i never watched doona but that was the vibe i got from her gifs lmfao ) i think she can be quite charming tbh the queen of breadcrumbing ‪♡‬ keep them close enough, but never enough to touch. it's sort of a coping mechanism. safe space where no one can see what a shit person she really is and how she doesnt really deserve love
no one really knows much abt her and she intends to keep it that way
heavily motivated by wanting to know more! generally the kind of person who would conduct wild ass experiments or "would you love me if i were a worm" i kinda picture it like how finnick in catching fire is like he's paid with secrets!! same vibe with seori :D
𖥸 ─ background
pretty ordinary life growing up. parents are not particularly rich but they don't struggle either. happy small town family ‪:)
shit hits the fan when shes twelve and her brother is fourteen and they find out hes an anomaly. superhuman strength and speed. finds out after he saves a dog from getting hit by a car
if it had been anyone else, perhaps, they would've been the town's outcast but because it's her older brother, all conventional good looks with conventionally lauded powers, they worship him. he becomes the town's superman, girls come up and take pictures with him, he even gets featured in the town parade and seori is just there in the shadows
it gets even worse two years later when she finds out shes also anomaly! but unlike her brother, seori causes an incident of projectile vomiting after a particularly envious moment where her family forgets her birthday and instead, spends the day with her brother. it is messy and disgusting and it happens in the town center. no one forgets. and seori is no longer there in the shadows, she's actively cast out, whispers about why she cant be more like her brother and this is why anomalies should not be given rights
it takes seori some time to figure out her powers but she gets the hang out of it. not that it matters lol shes the black sheep, the 'villain' because goddamn shes literal poison. even her family treats her that way
she doesn't believe those words until one day she gets into a heated argument with her family. tells her mum that shes a person too and wails her father that no one has called her by her name in years and she's nothing but a stain in their family. they don't deny it and in a fit of rage and hurt and anger, she manages to cause irreversible brain damage to her brother
and that is the moment seori realizes she is the villain everyone talks about and she is the monster (doesnt help that her pupils are dark and her veins are black) !!! not a pretty look (think the monsters in sweet home before they transform kind of vibe) and so she runs
runs and runs and runs to seoul where she gets by on illegal means. she is ashamed of the things she has done (e.g., disrupting the storeowners vision long enough to get food to eat, sent someone into unconsciousness and pretended to be their granddaughter caring for them to get a house to stay, batting doe-eyes to boys who will buy her a pack of ramen) and since then shes actively working on being a better person
swears to keep her feelings in control, only uses her powers when justified (although her moral compass is cracked)
𖥸 ─ wanted connections
thank you if you made it this far! ‪♡‬ ‪♡‬ mwah mwah i appreciate u also i love plotting and just brainstorming so here are some rough ideas but OFC always open to talk !!
friends ! or better yet, friends who only meet late at night and you talk about the stars and your feelings and in the morning you pretend you have no other who the other is
someone who's immune to her....
fellow individuals in #STEM
ok this is really specific BUT what if.. our muses were enemies... and they kissed... and seori's feeling INTENSE emotions and accidentally fucks ur muses' vision up and gives them a headache and she has to pretend like it didnt excite her
she doesnt believe she deserves to be loved, so i would LOVE an angsty first love breakup thing. bonus points if she broke ur muses heart
she accidentally poisons u (she swears its an accident)
u catch her doing some immoral shit and tell her shes not a good person
a sam/cate situation. someone enable her to just fuck it youre not a good person so embrace it!!!
i love angst and antagonism so lets beef (ic)
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sleepy-meep · 1 year
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May I brag about why I bring Riddle into my oc mess. Spoilers for Book 1 for those who don’t know
They would say that Yume would not have any magic, and yet there was a hint of magic but they won’t really call it magic in the end. And yet in the morning Yume turns into a male tho in the night he turns into a girl which he doesn’t know why.
Yume is well aware that they lost their memories, even if they know their own memories from Earth and yet, they don’t know what other memories they never have.
Yume had a signature spell of their own, ‘nullification’ or ‘void’s touch’ a devastating spell that stops the person’s magic or emotions around. That heavily affects Overblot very effectively. A second signature spell that they won’t unlock unless they remember who they really are is called ‘Galaxy Rose’ a spell that summons galaxies tho it’s unfortunately undiscovered.
Out of all the cast aside from the homies (Ace, Deuce, Jack, and Epel) they were close to Riddle, tho they did that just to check on his own well being from his Overblot. And yet Riddle can’t be fully mad at Yume when he discovered their secret, tho he has to admit they were interesting and at the same time mysterious.
Before Yume was insecure about removing their own bandages since their stitches would scare a person, it now they move on without it. Tho they are concerned if Yume is sensitive to the stitches tho they say that it’s just practically normal. Tho Yume can quietly guess that the stitches was part of a memory loss… tho they would hate it if they fully remember, tho the best they can do was just move on since they don’t want to deal with the past.
Random fact about Yume, aside from the homies, Yume and Takara are like besties. Tho Takara had to get used to Yume changing genders. They are good friends with Hana, tho Yume can’t help but feel rather nostalgic when lookin at Hana.
Tho there are times where Yume either stay as a male or female for one day or weeks.
If anyone wants more scenarios about Yume and Riddle, they happen to get along decently well. Tho they both never bother to make a move for pure reasons, tho Riddle swore that Yume loved coffee and yet he is still confused why Yume just casually drink tea with no problem when Takara pointed that out. Yume happens to be a professional chef and does introduce Riddle to different types of food, tho they both did have a good time spending time with each other studying together and having pleasant conversations from time to time. Tho Yume found it strange when Takara suddenly ships them.
Tho Riddle may looked mean but he means well when he wanted the best for Yume, tho he isn’t used to seeing Yume as a girl tho, probably because she looked rather charming? But they both did get along well….
Aside from Riddle checking on Yume incase they are doing something very stupid.
Tho if I want to be more silly with the two, Riddle would find himself flustered around Yume.
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bottomtrevor · 2 years
got any Michael headcanons u wanna share with the class? >:B
This prompt made me realize I don’t think as much of Michael 😭😭 digging thru my Trevor brain-rot brain to find crumbs of Michael ngl
This one isn’t really a headcanon bcz I think it was hinted heavily in canon but I’m not sure— I think Michael may be a sociopath. Doesn’t necessarily make him a bad person, of course, I think he just struggles to emotionally connect with others. Doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want to or can’t FEEL emotion— yes he cares for Amanda, yes he loves his kids, yes he cares for his friends/associates (all in his own way) and doesn’t like killing when it’s senseless (or at least that’s what he tells Trevor, I believe), but he definitely is exploitative and looks for his own benefit
WHICH brings me to my next point which I assume is also fairly popular— Michael’s exploitative nature was heavily expressed towards Trevor, especially in the earlier years after he’d understood that Trevor was really attached to him. So like Trevor was doing shit for him which he knew wouldn’t be done for him in return. There was always an (unintentional?) power dynamic — we know Trevor was relatively “chill”er in his youth, so I think he was more easily influenced by his need to please and be around Michael? Michael also sometimes (both unknowingly some times, and knowingly at others ) used “positive reinforcements” to not only keep Trevor on the right path, but also to keep him dedicated to himself. Why? Because uhh repressed LGBT activity makes a man possessive I guess
HES A SOCIAL MEDIA LURKER FR. he looks at posts from his friends and family, never interacts online but might mention something that caught his interest in a face-to-face conversation. (Amanda posts 2 pics asking which outfit looks better at 3pm. “The red one looked best by the way.” Michael replies when they’re in bed getting ready to sleep.)
Used to be obsessed with working out, obviously. He was a jock 🙏🏻
He just likes being a big spoon 🤷🏻‍♀️ never even acknowledged it to himself tho bcs that’s the kinda corny even he can’t stand
Can’t dance
Neutral towards pets/animals. Doesn’t have a particular favorite and doesn’t hate any particular one.
He gives me momma’s boy vibes (not like the vibes Trevor has tho? Much milder) I don’t know why. Can’t even elaborate on this one
Literally the entire fandom agrees: R E P R E S S E D H O M O
hasn’t cried since he was born 🚩
Before, his reaction to almost everything would be a knuckle sandwich 👊🏻💢 . (Being around the trigger-happy Trevor didn’t help) now his reaction to almost everything is just a blank stare ( “😐” looking ass) he worked hard to manage violent impulses and he knew he could only get them under control if he distanced himself from “bad company”
He doesn’t even miss his old surname at all. I think part of him would’ve gladly left it in the past— he didn’t really have a connection to it
Suspects that Ron has....something going on for Trevor (Franklin doesn’t believe him). Call it a crush or whatever. He definitely wants to tease Trevor about it
hes dismissive when it comes to heart-to-hearts. Doesn’t like lengthy emotional talking— he’d rather brush it under the rug. If it’s not a problem he can shoot at, please don’t bring it up 👍🏻 he CAN say corny shit every now and then if someone REALLY needs to hear it but he doesn’t really mean much of it half the time.
Jimmy and Tracey tried showing him vines and low-quality meme vids . He was not impressed. (He laughs at the kind of shit Franklins VA posts on his insta 😭 I wouldn’t say boomer humor exactly but.....lowkey boomer humor)
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the-nysh · 2 years
Do you ship any canon ship, in manga/anime? I can't bring myself to ship or even support like 95% of canon ships in manga, they're just... very bland. The dynamics are boring most of the time, there's always some mysoginistic element going on (even in shojo mangas. Why can't the heroine physically save the male love interest for once :/ w h y), and the parties included most of the time have way better chemistry with their same-sex "best friend" (I'm talking about canon straight ships).
Depends on what kind of stories you're reading, how good the author is at setting up and committing to their romance, and how you even define what's 'canon' at all really. Cause the only 'canon' I care about is whether a pair has an interesting canon dynamic (meaning they're a core part of or the focus of the story already) that piques my interest and keeps me invested in their story. To see how they turn out. Otherwise I usually don't 'ship' if their relationship has no focus/development or if the story isn't even about the pair's journey together. Cause not all stories even have romance, or are even structured in a way for a mutual confession at the very final chapter either - cause some, like in Mob, subvert that 'expectation' with no canon couples anyway. So it really depends.
Most shoujos (with clearly advertised romance) that spend their real-estate building a 'main' pairing (unless there's triangles for more twists and drama to keep readers unsure and guessing) usually end up together as....the story properly tells, cause that's literally what those stories are about. Ex: like in Skip Beat, the slowest of the slow burns where the main paring dances around each other indefinitely - some might not consider them technically 'canon' if they haven't openly confessed yet, but if the story is literally about them navigating their developing relationship and growing as people, then...by definition that's what's canon. BLs that focus on a 'main' pairing and properly develop them as advertised are the same. (Oh, and I've read some 'bad' shoujos where the author tried to appeal to both sides of the love 'triangle' but it just turned into a wasted mess that pleased no one. So do yourself a favor and don’t read past the first half of Vampire Knight; ohh what a wtf that became.) More 'harem' type stories with a huge cast of 'suitors' usually end up favoring one pair over another as the story progresses...with extremely obvious hints from the author about where their story's going. Ouran Host Club and Fruits Basket turned out like this, where you could tell who was going to be 'endgame' based on how the drama unfolded, and sure enough, the main 'ship' became a satisfying established item just as I hoped. The authors played their cards right and I have no complaints!
In stories like shonens where romance is not the main focus, but more a side thing or B plot, I can say that fma is probably the most satisfying that developed it naturally (without any bs) over the course of the story, and is probably the only ‘married with kids’ ending that felt genuinely deserved. (So I cheered when Ed/Winry finally became an established item!) Say for Bleach I actually did not have a problem with Orihime, since the story spent several arcs developing her side and how the feelings were mutual, so that becoming endgame was not a surprise to me at all; I was fine with it (even tho I had dropped the manga much earlier for other reasons.) Let’s see...other stories like Inuyasha and Full Metal Panic I was on board with their main pairings too. So for the most part, yes, if authors do it well (with proper setup and payoff) then I have no problem supporting their main het couples.
The only time it’s really a problem to me is when it’s rushed and feels like it comes out of nowhere (Kny, Naruto), or say...when the author heavily teases it the entire story but never commits (aaaah Soul Eater was so close!) Some leave it as a more open-ended thing (Kekkaishi) and that’s ok. Others completely sever it and leave it tragically hollow, unaddressed, and unsatisfying (Blade of the Immortal, damn wtf that felt almost cruel to simply part ways forever.) Others end up with no pairings at all if the story never needed them (or romance) to tell their messages (ex: orv, a korean novel which isn’t a manga or japanese, but it refreshingly had no romance at all despite the many teases going both m&f ways for the mc.) Edit: and also who could forget Blue Flag, where instead of the ‘main’ m/f pair, the mc chose his male best friend for a m/m ending instead!
So...what can I say? (Read more mangas beyond shonens not advertised as romance??) Cause most of the mangas I have read with properly advertised romance between their main ‘canon’ pairs turned out just fine to me - and it’s more of an outlier where they turn out ‘bad,’ but that’s also due to poor planning or rushed endings on the author’s part. Also if the (often male) author knows they don’t do romance well, then it’s preferable they don’t add it in over trying to shoehorn in something unsuitable last-minute. But for the most part, I’m here for the ride, and if I don’t like where the canon story is going, regardless of whether it even has ships or not - cause that’s more a secondary thing, then I’ll drop it. (But I also think...if an unfinished story’s not about a het pair at its core, then it’s presumptuous for readers to assume they’ll become ‘canon’ at all...if canon itself doesn’t even care about them - so yes I’m talking about bnha here, where nothing’s confirmed ‘canon’ yet, but it’s obvious even to Japanese readers what m/m relationship already represents the canon heart of the story.)  
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atomicsuperrobot · 1 year
So some Thots™ on Ruin:
Something is super fishy with that normal ending; why go to all that trouble to save Cassie if he's just gonna off her in the end? I feel like some of what he said was true, like the stuff about M.X.E.S. (what does that stand for, anyways?); but in general, I just don't think that that's Gregory. We have no proof. And is that really Roxanne that we hear at the end, or is it the Mimic trying to lure her out in case she survived a fucking elevator dropping??
(Also lmao at everyone thinking that the Mimic was bullshit when it was actually 100% true, at least in some capacity. Don't worry, I know we're all embarrassed whenever MatPat turns out to be right- in his defense, tho, for at least FNAF, the story is already so convoluted that his theories feel mostly sane by comparison...)
I do wonder about the V.A.N.N.I. system. (I've already forgotten what that stands for...) Helpi in particular is a bit of a mystery, himself, since he seemed increasingly corrupt as time went on.
The bit with the Candy Cadet foreshadowing the ending was actually kind of clever. Like, towards the end it was kind of obvious, but his tale was really the nail in the coffin.
What the fuck was up with those mascot costumes? Why were they there; where did they come from?? And why was there a SCOOPER down there to begin with???
Poor Bonnie; it feels kind of rude for them to show us this and not have any kind of follow-through. Especially since he didn't even look damaged enough to be irreparable; something about that kind of stinks. It feels like they did things this way on purpose; Monty very obviously was the culprit, and someone obviously wanted him to be in the band- I don't think Monty himself had any particular aspirations until someone literally put it into his head that he did. I suppose he might've already been jealous of Freddy; it wasn't Bonnie's position that he really wanted, and therefore I don't think attacking him was his decision. This was all a setup, and Bonnie was a casualty. I suppose it's still possible that some spare parts of his were used by the mimic, much like how everyone believed it used Bonnie in his entirety.
Apparently you can fix Chica in the game; or rather, you can give her her voice back. I don't really know the steps to facilitate this since the no-commentary playthrough I watched didn't do this. That said, it doesn't really seem to do anything; all that happens is a brief jumpscare before Chica powers down again- idek why she was powered down in the first place. Maybe this is supposed to have dividends further down the line? Another bit of DLC, maybe?
Cassie seems to have a much more sympathetic bent towards the animatronics- at least, everyone but Monty. (And I guess Bonnie, since she doesn't really seem to have anything to say if you manage to find him.) She also mentions something about the FazWrench looking like her dad's; I wonder if her dad used to work for the company.
The bit with Roxanne came a little out of nowhere, but in retrospect, there were hints towards as much- mostly in Roxy Racers, where those weird cutouts would appear in AR mode. The first one you see alludes to her relationship with Roxanne (I am guessing that Roxy is her favorite animatronic, much like Freddy is Gregory's), and the second alludes to her relationship with Gregory- possibly even depicting how the two first met. Its second form seems to reflect her current state; apparently Cassie cared about Gregory a lot, though it's unknown whether or not this friendship was largely one-sided like the normal ending would somewhat suggest.
It's interesting how Cassie's mere presence seemed to loosen something up in Roxanne's mind, putting her in an almost robotic (heh) state, which is unusual for the animatronics- maybe. We don't actually know what they're supposed to be like outside of the virus, and Freddy himself feels heavily like an exception. When she catches Cassie by the arm and Cassie shrieks at her to let her go, she becomes apologetic and confused, before hesitantly muttering about an error. It's possible that when Cassie finds her again (having somehow wound up stuck under a forklift), something in her mind has been a bit scrambled, and she latches onto the first thing she remembers when she "sees" Cassie (I wonder about that honestly). She natters politely about the things she remembers, and asks after Cassie, still in the mind of cheering her up even in her altered state. In AR, she repeatedly "smiles" at Cassie... which makes it even sadder when Cassie performs the deed and sticks the wrench into an eye socket, Roxy's AR form reflecting fear and sadness as she (still so politely) asks what Cassie is doing, only to natter once more about carrot cake, as if she's still not quite present. When she shows up again out of the blue (and how she does this is a mystery), her voice is once again somewhat emotional, as she urges Cassie to run. It's hard to tell what's going on after that, what with Maybe-Greg's and Cassie's conversation happening at the same time, but it sounds almost like her voice switches in and out of that weird sort of "customer service" daze. At the end of the normal ending, you can hear her say Cassie's name again in that same tone of voice... but, it's hard to say for sure whether that really is her.
There's a theory that the Freddy you run into in Fazerblast might not be the one we know, given the writing under one foot that appears to read something like "prototype". It still is a mystery how he lost his head, and if he isn't Freddy per se, where the "real" Freddy has gone. Perhaps he is the "friend" that Maybe-Greg mentioned; that could also be Vanessa, though... or Vanny. We don't really know what happened to her, after all. There are in-game comic pages, but since the playthrough I watched didn't look at them (and I have no idea how many there technically are anyways), I don't know what they show us; supposedly though, it rules out several endings to the main game as canon, and introduces a few questions in general.
Where was DJ Music Man? With his size and strength, you'd think that he'd be both hard to miss, and unlikely to stay buried for long. And why are there so many Mini-Music Men around? Wasn't there only supposed to be just one?
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somewhereinthepines · 2 years
same anon here;) (i hope i’m not bothering you) i was wondering and honestly can’t come up to any conclusion, so i wanna ask your opinion - why do you think Chris x Ryan is such a rare pair? especially considering the popularity of Travis x Laura ship. i mean if it was the age gap that is so disturbing, it would apply to them as well? it’s really puzzling to me. (i love both)
oh, no worries, you don’t bother me! i honestly, a pretty chatty person, so it’s not a problem for me to answer questions or just talk about things! 
and well, what i will write below is a personal guess, which is as good as any. i might be wrong on a thing or two, and i suppose that all of these assumptions can be read as separate reasons for specific kinds of folks. but ah…let’s see. 
i think, that the most possible reason is that we have very little in canon to go by. a lot of chris/ryan stuff is knit between the lines of the story vs being bluntly shown. in comparison, travis & laura have a lot of moments in canon, and you can influence their relationships. you can control, if travis will kill laura/re-capture her again or not. you can determine how good/bad their relationships are. and there is literally an ending, where travis continues keeping the gal in the basement, basically. with ryan and chris, there are dozens of hints, lil bits here and there, but so very little that you can actually conjure up, esp gameplay wise. so this might be the first why. lack of basic info/scenes, when it comes to mister h & ryan. and i’ve noticed, that many people don’t actually look past what is presented to them or just don’t get interested in certain tiny plot-pockets. everyone ‘read’ the story through their own prism, after all. that’s only fair…
then, there is a bit where dylan/ryan is prob the most popular ship in fandom. it’s so hella rare to see someone writing anything else for these characters, beside them being coupled together. and dylan is clearly a ‘whump’ of the fandom too, the ‘precious baby’, so he gets more stuff by default. like ryan doesn’t seem to get any ships beside, him being with dylan, and then occasionally with kaitlyn or laura. every other ship with him is stretched thin and in-between. meanwhile, dylan got paired with almost every male character in the game, at least once. so it says smth too, i guess. like where most people’s pref lies. or what appeals to them the most. kinda same thing happens with travis/laura, where travis automatically makes people want to investigate deeper into his narrative. 
lastly, i suppose that yeah big age gap can turn some folks off. and it’s actually somehow more ‘alright’ with most people, when such a thing is portrayed between male and female. or even female and female. vs male/male. not sure why. but i’ve noticed it before. and to think about it, this can also be joined with the fact, that a lot of fellas have problems with picturing mentors & their protage (even tho they’re of legal age) relationships as smth, that won’t be based/established on manipulation/power struggles. but personally, i think, that it’s one of those things, that heavily depends on how a person even views these terms or a possible dynamics on main. how they translate the power struggle, and is it always black/white or not. 
the quarry did a good job with giving ‘hints’ on certain aspects, but mostly never speaking them out loud. and it’s once again individual. for me the quarry is less of ‘the wolf would kill someone they love, bc they’re outta control’, but more like ‘the wolf loves you so uncontrollably. loves you so much, that they cannot help, but be so very deadly toward you’. in fiction, love is so very much fun, when it’s the extreme kind of one. but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. 
anyhow, this is like my top 3 main guesses on the topic. hopefully, this helped! 
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shidoukanae · 3 months
Speaking of S2 finale thoughts,,, based on implications i've picked up/the possibilities for what comes next,,,,
Things that could happen in the last chapter of the season:
-Lyla finally gets to meet Twilight and Twilight is the person who saved her when she collapsed.
-Twilight reveals they know Lyla's been to the novel world. And, considering they've predicted her life ~5 years ahead of time and it seems strange they wouldn't be aware of things like Sienna hearing a voice in their own novel, maybe it's likely they were predicting meeting Lyla soon
-Twilight is older!Fian who time-traveled/world-traveled and has been waiting for the right moment to approach Lyla in this world based on instructions future!Lyla has given him. Which has been lampshaded potentially because Lyla confused Twilight with Fian when she went between worlds so like,,, it could be a thing,,,,
-The more boring answer is that Lyla was saved by her brother (i think she has two? so not the glasses brother but the other one) or an unrelated stranger. Big doubt on this tho because it just doesn't make sense narratively
-The season ends with us getting Lyla's real name. That real name is Helene (suggesting Lyla is the original Helene reincarnated). The reason why her real name can't be Lyla is because it's heavily, HEAVILY implied "Lyla" is NOT the same as Lyla (as her soul doesn't match Lyla's body and Fian is unable to use his teleportation powers on "Lyla", further suggesting both Lylas are entirely different people).
-Adding evidence onto the above theory of Lyla = OG!Helene:
=Helene and irl!Lyla live eerily similar lives. They both are rich gals from "royal families" who have morally-bankrupt siblings (with glasses and similar hair colors, at that) while being fearful of their highly influential mothers. Both of them are isolated by and angry at their families but are constantly kept powerless by the "high society" that chains them in place. They're also both hinted to be the ones best suited to inherit their individual families, though less so on Lyla's side so far.
=Fian loved the original Helene after she came and rescued him from a shitty situation. Coincidentally, Fian falls in love with Lyla after she too rescues him from that same shitty situation. But since Lyla hasn't met Paris or Daniel in the same situations OG!Helene did in the original novel (lampshaded by Paris saying him witnessing Fian's awakening subdued all feelings he had of hurting Fian due to feeling an instinctive bond towards Fian), naturally they have no interest in her and have migrated to Ellie/alternate!Helene as their love interests as a result
=Lyla and "Lyla" are not the same person. The sea witch (idk her name yet noooOOOO) states that Lyla's body and soul are different. Fian Friendship Pact'd her with her "Lyla" name, but since (i guess???) his powers can only teleport him to souls of people and not their bodies, him being unable to teleport to her further cements that "Lyla" isn't somehow a reincarnation of Lyla de Belliana but instead is someone else entirely.
=Paris and Phillip, who have both interacted with Helene and Lyla at separate times (and coincidentally have a romantic fascination with both those gals respectively), note that Helene and Lyla are alike in some unexplained way. Paris doesn't elaborate but Phillip suggests they both share an aspect of "being lonely". Which. Huh.
=OG!Helene was kindly and saintly and used her powers for good. Granted, there's not much we know about her but it seems she cared deeply for Fian (enough to be at his side when he died and exchange last words with him) and probably held hostilities towards Paris for killing Fian. Which sounds pretty similar to Lyla!
=If Lyla = OG!Helene I'm not sure where current!Helene fits into this. How can both Helene's coexist in the same 'verse if this is true? And if OG!Helene got pulled back into her 'verse in the body of her dead sister, does that mean current!Helene is someone else? But that can't be right, can it? Especially when Paris still holds romantic feelings towards current!Helene like he did in the novel and Helene still is treated like a saintly person like she was in the novel? Is it possible she maybe swapped Lyla's soul with her own somehow? Idk but it's all a bit curious...
Things that probably won't be resolved by the S2 finale but definitely should be at some point:
-The mysterious gift that Helene gave Ellie in exchange for the magic explosives has yet to be shown. Really sus when you think about it.
-The sea witch's gemstone introduced in the very early chapters has yet to reappear in the plot. But considering it canonically contains the memories of an actual character in the plot (specifically, a gal who seems to have a lot of influence in mermaid society and who was Sienna's teacher), it's just gotta come back into the plot bet
-Paris has yet to act on his intentions to get closer to Helene as he hinted on. I suspect he's gonna do some crazy shit to try and win her affections because he's falling in line with his OG novel self and it's gonna be entertaining af to watch Helene handle him the way she always does
-Lyla just got a funny little pocketwatch from Ellie that's a replicas of Christopher's. That's gotta come back into the picture at some point even after she's yeeted to the real world again
-we still don't know what OG!Helene said to Fian at the part where Lyla stopped reading or why OG!Helene lost control of her magic enough to end the world. We also don't know her relationship to OG!Paris and OG!Daniel. So like. Maybe Lyla should. I don't know. READ THE ORIGINAL NOVEL IN ORDER TO GET MORE INFORMATION ON HOW OG!HELENE GOT TO THE THRONE OR SOMETHING????? (i say this very lovingly btw bc i get why the story has been avoiding looping back to this considering it's not something Lyla really has much context to atm/time to digest in the real world)
-We're going to have to get Lyla's irl name at some point. And she's going to have to tell it to Fian in order to attempt bringing her back home (tho probably at the cost of not being able to return in Lyla's body. which,,, she might be very hesitant to do considering she's already afraid of Fian seeing her irl self,,, now imagine how afraid she'll be of letting everyone else from her friends to her other "family" from seeing her)
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chaand-jalne-laga · 4 months
Hi. Lol. Finally yaad aa gaya ki I have another blog. Hehe. :) Come. Let's begin.
So we are back to where we left them last. In each other's arms. Under the 'moon light'.
2. They come out of their two-seconds trance and Tara is shocked by the glitch of the moon dropping down in spite of taking so much of care. Deva too looks flabbergasted by the rate his heart is roaring. Lol. Whatever.
3. Chacha and chachiji are staring at them with a lot of sus. Kya bhai? Aise kya dekh rahe ho unko? Tumhare hone wali dammad hai namaste nahi karoge kya? Bloody manner-less people.
4. "Aap theek hain?" Kyunki mera dil toh bohot zor se dhadak raha hai. Lol. Yahin kehne wale the na tum Dev?
5. Hmm. Dev Malik? Did I miss his false first name? Lol. I don't even remember anything from the last epi. Folks. Please halpppp. Okay? Dev ka first name was there in the last epi? Batana niche.
6. Kind of cryptic lines tho. So. Tara. He is already dropping ~not-so-subtle~ hints for you and staring at you with that knowing gaze. So. Did you guess him? Did you? I think not. Whatever.
7. This lil sister is. Okay. I know she is kind and considerate and all that. But she is also really dumb. Aur cheekh ke bol pagal. Taaki usse sunai hi de jaye, bewakoof.
8. Kunwari Ananya. Lol. Chachiji is something y'all.
9. Lol. Yeh log kitna khush hoke apne-aap ko introduce kar rahe hain for a good first impression. They don't even know that the kid whose life was ruined because of them is the man standing in front of them. First impression kya last impression bhi already bani hui hai ji inki toh. Lol. Whatever.
10. Lol. But the way that bg dancer came and took Tara away from him. He is absolutely in love with her. But is also heavily broken.
11. This choreography sucks. Yeah. It could have been better. But nvm. *shrugs*
12. Tara ko shocked and intrigued dikhane ke chakkar mein they completely made her as if she unwilling to dance at all. Bilkul stoic and rigid and forced. Nvm. *shrugs*
13. And we see that brother (Rohan?) drinking and enjoying the party. Such an asshole. Took money from his sister and yet came to the party leaving behind his ailing father.
14. He is about to answer her third question but she spots her brother and now is in no mood to hear the answer.
15. Dev is heart broken and full of rage that Tara left him in the middle of him speaking.
16. I think that trauma incident has affected more than one person. Poor ailing Baba is roaming in the streets while hallucinating about that fire incident. Tara running around with her car trying to spot him. Really. Hats-off to all those children who are literally ready to go to hell for their parents. Tara has somehow created a soft-corner in my heart. Coz I have seen my father irl taking care of his ill mother doing everything to keep her fit too. And I too have the same sentiment towards my parents.
17. Dev is emotional seeing Tara in front of him after so many years. He really did miss her. See? He loves her. I said it already. He cannot just stop recalling those few moments he got with her.
18. And now that chaand has been neatly packed and placed in his car 'with love' by Shagun. He looks at it with a yearning.
19. Nothing seems to be working out for Tara as she is now frustrated to know that some 'ameer admi' from another sheher has bought Badshah.
20. And yahan pe our Dev is having repeated flashbacks of his tortured past and thus takes the jeep to a secluded place only to burn down the chaand kept in his car. So. There you have it. Chaand Jalne Laga. Quite literally. This show doesn't miss to promote it's name whether it be through dialogues or props used by the leads.
21. Wow. NGL but the ending of each of the episode is so damn freaking amazing tho. Ok bye. God bless you.
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