#this would be when she's like 14 or 15 they could've gotten away with just making her look Ezra's age lol
sagechan · 1 year
Ezra breaking down into Kanaan's arms when he learns his parents died is just. idk how to explain it. you can see how the two of them work together like a well-oiled machine similar to Anakin and Obi-Wan. the bond between Master and Padawan is there as it was in the old days, but it's different now, Kanaan is accepting that his role for Ezra can't just be the Wise Master. he is also the caring father now, the guide into a new way of being Jedi. Kanaan is haunted by one war already, Ezra is being raised in this new one about to start. and all the while they're experiencing a constant grief for a loss that none of the others on the Ghost crew can really understand, the loss of an entire culture, a way of being, an entire order of hope and peace wiped out, and they are its last, broken remnants. all they really have is each other. it's a support system built between the two of them, both of them hurting, both of them healing the other.
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AITA for not giving my girlfriend enough attention?
This will be long, there's a lot to put and I don't want to miss anything, sorry if anythiny isn't important, just trying not to miss anything. I want to start this off by saying it's been many years since this happened, I'm past this whole thing, but curious as to what others think because I've gotten mixed answers. After reading the reactions to the jar of pickles story, I have a feeling I'm going to get a lot of ESH and I understand lol.
I (15f at the time) was in my first relationship with a girl I'll call Elle (16f at the time). Now I had a really bad childhood, this is important to the story because I spent most of my life in foster homes and it definitely affected our relationship. This all happened right after I moved to a new state (so long distance relationship). Elle and I never really had any big issues in our relationship before this (besides the one time I was "kidnapped" and I'll get into that later). We ended up staying together for 2 years. We talked daily and very often, before school and after school, sometimes during school. All this to say we had a very good relationship (Extra: I was 13 to 15 during this relationship, she was 14 to 16 during it)
With all that out of the way, here's the story. I had met Elle right after I was moved back in with my biological mother, my mother was not in a good place at all, she moved us to a new state to start over, I met Elle because of this move. We stayed for a while before my mother got back into bad habits and moved us to another state. My communication with Elle dropped around 2 months after this move. My mother fell back into bad habits again and it caught up to her. I was removed from her care and placed in another foster home, they took my phone and I didn't have a way to contact Elle for those 2 months. Elle knew about this, I warned her when my mother ran away and when the cops showed up that I wasn't sure what was happening but I might not be in contact.
After those two months, I got a phone from my foster family and was able to talk to Elle again. We went back to talking daily for another year before the communication dipped a bit. I once again had warned her that this might happen as I was moved to another home with stricter rules. I fought to get back in contact with her again, it only took a month this time. A few months later, I was going through the process of being adopted, if you've ever been adopted, you know how much there is to do and how stressful it is. I could've pushed through and just talked to her daily but I was 15 and I was stressed and needed time, so I told her I'd be offline for a bit again. I had lost my sister, mother, and home less than a year before this and I was not ready to be adopted. (You don't have to agree with my choice, I don't know if it was the right or wrong one but it was what I picked to do)
I was offline for a month, when I came back we talked like normal. Everything was fine for a week, then she told me she felt like I was neglecting her. I would take months offline and refused to give her attention and she couldn't vent about it to anyone because she wasn't ready to tell her family about us and our friends all thought she wasn't being understanding enough. I tried to explain that I was in a bad spot and anytime I wasn't giving her attention was not my fault (I shouldn't have phrased it like that when talking to her but again I was 15). Most of them had been due to me having no way to contact her, once was me needing time to myself because of everything going on in my life, and once was because I had been "kidnapped" by a family member and wasn't allowed to be online (which she was upset with me for because she couldn't understand how family can kidnap you or how I couldn't just take their phone and contact her). I don't blame her for not wanting to be in a relationship like this, it was only her second relationship and it definitely wasn't the type of relationship any 16 year old wants. However, she blamed me for not giving her attention when she needed it and blamed me for not finding other ways to contact her. She then dumped me for being a bad girlfriend. I did later vent to many of our friends about her blaming me for what I couldn't control. So, Tumblr, aita for not giving my girlfriend enough attention?
(Please don't bash either of us too much in the comments, we were dumb kids in our first and second relationship and I'm sure we've both grown up a lot since this. I don't blame her for being upset, I wish things had gone differently. I've aged out of the system now, I'm an adult and in a healthy 4 year long relationship.)
TL;DR I wasn't able to give my (15f at the time) girlfriend (16f at the time) enough attention because I was moving states and homes due to foster care and had a month to two months every now and then that I couldn't contact her, she felt neglected in the relationship and broke up with me. Aita?
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niragisimp · 11 months
The Pain Before (Niragi x Reader) Part 15
Part 14, Series Masterlist, Masterlist
The players ran throughout the hotel, all trying to get down to the lobby as quickly as possible. The thought ran through Niragi's mind for moments on end, but in the end, he decided against going back for you. You would be far safer in his room, tucked away where no one would dare to enter. Especially in a game such as this.
The crowd gathered around the girl crying out for her lost friend, and it only took a moment of Niragi stirring the pot for everyone to turn against each other. This was more than perfect; the prime time and conditions to finally make those pathetic excuses for "friends" that you have pay for what they put you through.
For some reason or another, Niragi couldn't help but find joy in firing off rapidly into the crowd. His laugh echoed throughout the halls, the various shots of gunfire beginning once Aguni gave the order to find the Witch. 
The thought had occurred to Niragi more than once when he began firing, what he would've done to his bully, your brother, Haru, if he had gotten the chance in Borderlands. But you took care of that all on your own, it seemed. He recalled the night he demanded you meet him on the rooftop, the night he humiliated you. He still wasn't sure why he did what he did. Maybe he wanted some form of payback for having the live through the torment of that bullying. Maybe he just wanted to see if you were anything like your brother.
But you weren't. You were just another victim all the same, just as Niragi was. But Niragi refused to be a victim any longer, and he was going to be taking you with him on that path; whether you wanted to or not. As the militants began chasing after the other players, Niragi felt a certain kind of bliss in knowing he could do as he pleased, all the while you were safe and secure. He was certain you weren't the Witch, how could you be? He had eyes on you almost every moment of the day, even if they were the eyes of a snake.
You groaned and shook in your sleep, the sweat from your brow dripping down onto the pillow as you tossed in your turmoil.
The fires raged on, the screams of your parents hollowing throughout the street as you watched on, the police holding people back as the firemen tried desperately to extinguish the flames. The fire was a lot bigger than you expected it to be, but as long as it got the job done. That man would never lay a single finger on you, ever again.
The police questioned you over and over again.
"How did the fire start," was the main concern of theirs. You could've told them the truth, but where would that have gotten you? Locked away somewhere, probably in an asylum or prison for at least the next twenty years or so. The smell of gasoline wasn't as prominent on your hands anymore, at least. Everyone in the area smelled of it, so why would it seem suspicious that it was on you?
Haru beat on your door over and over again, telling various profanities and slurs, nearly breaking the door at one point or another. You were huddled up in the closet, shaking as you held your knees to your chest. You cried silently to yourself as Haru screamed drunkenly.
Looking at your phone, you scrolled through the limited contacts that you had. Your mother, father, Haru, and a few distant relatives. You contemplated calling your aunt who housed you for a while, but you knew she was tired of dealing with a child that wasn't her own. You leaned your head back on the closet wall as you pursed your lips together, trying not to make a sound as you covered your ears, sick and tired of being harassed and violated by the one person who was supposed to protect you from harm.
The thought was a sudden one, almost like a foreign voice looming over in your mind. "Wouldn't it be nice if all this stopped?" You shook your head, trying to get rid of the voice that lingered ever persistently.
"You can make it stop. All of it."
You froze at the thought, telling yourself it wasn't a thought worth lingering. All you had to do was save up enough money to move out, and then you would be free of this, or so you had hoped. "But would that really stop that monster from finding another victim?" Your eyes opened slowly. Oddly, you never felt as calm before than in that moment. You wiped the tears from your face and simply waited for the beating outside of your door to stop.
It didn't take long for Haru to pass out drunk in his room. You grabbed the rope, tying it around the handle of the doorknob, securing it to your own. You gave it a good tug, and it didn't budge. "Good." The smell of gasoline filled your nostrils, but you knew to only do enough near the outlets for it to start and spread, the rest would surely take care of itself. Once the lighter dropped, the eruption of flames made you stumble backward, the heat blaring in your face. The heat captured your attention as you waited patiently. "But shouldn't I be panicking? Maybe even regretful?" "No."
Your eyes sprung open as you sat up hurriedly, your heart beating fast as you felt a droplet of sweat run down your neck. You glanced around the familiar room, an odd sense of calm washing over you, only to be disrupted by the sound of gunshots in the distance. Swinging your legs over the edge of the bed, you carefully made your way to the door, pressing your ear to the wood. Various screams and gunshots were all that could be heard. Out of the corner of your eyes, it called to you. Turning back, you focused in on the small television flickering on and off, your eyes going wide as the reality hit you; the Ten of Hearts had officially begun.
Pushing every anxious thought to the back of your mind, you pushed through the door leading to the hallway, leaving Niragi's room behind you. Making your way carefully through the mostly empty halls, you found yourself in the lobby, picking up a phone and letting it scan your face. You briefly glanced at the girl lying in the middle of the floor, pausing briefly at the knife in her chest. Your head whipped towards the sound of dangerously familiar laughter followed by gunshots, the sound of bodies dropping echoing through the halls. "Niragi..."
It wasn't long before you saw his face, and your eyes met almost instantly. "Y/N, there you are! I thought you'd wait in the room!" Niragi had a grin you couldn't quite place on his lips, and for the first time, you felt an odd sense of panic as you looked at him. "... Niragi... What's going on...?" You barely got the words out before his laughter erupted, making you jump slightly. 
"Isn't it great, Y/N? I never would've dreamed the Ten of Hearts would be this much fun!" You took a step back before you even realized it, but Niragi noticed plenty. He moved his gun to the side, walking towards you with a confused look on his face. "Hey, what's wrong? I'll clear the game for us, you go back to the room." You couldn't do much else but look at him, almost as if trying to recognize him.
Niragi could sense the change in your eyes when you looked at him, tilting his head a bit, "What's that look for?"
His hand gently reached out, trying to tilt your face up to look at him properly when you stepped back suddenly, and Niragi then realized where he had seen that look before. His eyes went wide a bit, "No, no, no..." Echoed through his mind as his memories came to him.
The pouring rain as you ran into him in the alley, Haru just moments behind you. The fear, the reaction, it was all the same. The sight of you on the floor in the hallway in Niragi's shirt, looking helpless and scared as he mocked you and threw you to the side. The look on your face mirrored it all. Niragi quickly reached out, his hand barely brushing against your swim cover, "Wait!"
Feeling your heart start to race, you turned and ran in the opposite direction, your feet moving before you could comprehend what Niragi was even trying to say. You bolted up the stairs, hoping the floors above would prove to be safer. After several floors, you slammed into someone rounding the corner, stumbling backward and picking yourself back up hurriedly, fists raised in defense. You paused for a moment at the white jacket, your stance softening slightly.
Chishiya couldn't believe his luck; finding you here like this so quickly. Without waiting for your response, he quickly pulled you into a tight hug, surprising you both. "... I'm glad you're okay." He swallowed the lump in his throat, his hand never leaving your arm as he pulled away, not bothering to look at the shocked look on your face. He pulled you along hurriedly, "Come on, quickly." He didn't wait for your answer as he tugged you along, keeping you close as he silently maneuvered through the halls, stepping over the littered dead bodies in his path.
Chishiya looked ahead, his eyes narrowing as he listened carefully, not realizing his hand had slid down to yours. He quickly crossed the hallway, pulling you into a room he knew hadn't been used in weeks. Closing the door firmly behind you, he finally dropped your hand and turned to you, "Are you alright?"
He tried not to let his shock show as you buried your face in his chest, hugging him tightly, your body nearly shaking. He awkwardly positioned his arms around your back, "... Stay here until I come back to find you, okay?" You forced yourself to pull away, wiping away tears you didn't realize had been falling. You nodded your head in understanding, sitting on the edge of the bed in the room.
With one last look, Chishiya turned and left the room, pulling the door firmly closed behind him. "I'll be back before you know it." He murmured to her through the door, knowing she probably couldn't hear it anyway. He pulled his hood up over his head, shoving his hands in his pockets. It was there when he felt them, nearly forgetting they were even there. Thirty-nine cards glided across his fingertips as he walked forward silently, for once having an odd sense of purpose in this excuse for a world.
The door ripped from the hinges, falling to the floor with a loud echoing thud. Niragi's eyes narrowed as he stepped in quickly, his boot overlapping his kick imprint on the wood. "Shit." You were gone. He rummaged through the room, checking the bathroom and closet, nearly screaming in anger when he couldn't find you. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He yelled, throwing the desk chair across the room. The smoke from the basement was already reaching the higher floors of the hotel through the vents, and Niragi could feel himself running out of time.
He ran his hands through his hair, pacing back and forth in his room, his gun dangling from his shoulder. "Where is she? Where is she? Where is she?!" Niragi could've sworn he saw you walk past the room, bolting out and looking both ways down the hallway, his heartbeat starting to become rampant as he found nothing, no one in sight. He paced in the hallway, cursing himself for not going after you earlier.
Niragi just watched as you gave him that look, the look that mirrored your horror when he first met you, running from your stepbrother. He couldn't move his body to go after you as you ran from him, his feet frozen in the ground before he could think to react. The only thing on his mind now was finding you, and ensuring your safety. Niragi ran through the halls, his mind trying to form some plan of action as he stepped over the various bodies that were littering the halls.
He checked your room, the cafeteria, and even Kuina and Chishiya's separate rooms. The smoke was thickening through the halls, Niragi coughing in response. He cursed to himself, running towards the fire exit. He started making his way down until he stopped, turning and bolting up the stairs. The roof. He would be able to see you from the roof if you made it outside.
Pushing the door open, he hurriedly stepped out onto the roof, ignoring the various sounds of screaming from below. He grabbed his rifle, looking down through the scope to see if you were out already. His shoulders tensed when he heard the voice he loathed the most in the world.
"Looking for someone?"
Niragi turned his head, immediately turning the safety off his rifle, holding the grip of his gun firmly in his hand. Niragi's tongue traced his teeth in irritation, barely glancing at Chishiya.
"... Where is she?"
Chishiya stood there, his hands lingering in his pockets. "Not sure who you mean."
Niragi's voice boomed, "You know damn well who I'm talking about! Where the fuck is she?!"
Chishiya merely smirked, "Oh - You mean Y/N?"
Niragi pointed his rifle at him, taking a heavy step forward, his finger resting on the trigger.
Chishiya just shrugged his shoulders, "You'll never find her if you kill me."
He scoffed, nearly rolling his eyes, "Stop acting like you're fucking better than me. Did you really think she would pick you over me?" Chishiya stood there silently for a moment, not letting anything show on his face. But the truth was, he never thought about it. He just assumed it would all go according to plan, even if he had to adjust a few things he didn't account for.
"She belongs to me." Niragi held up his gun, ignoring the sight on the scope, smirking as he saw Chishiya react for once to his words. He lowered his hood, his face a mild scowl, "She doesn't belong to anyone." Niragi smirked, proud he finally found something that would irritate Chishiya as much as Chishiya irritated him.
"Is that why she's covered in my marks? Because she doesn't belong to me?" Niragi chuckled lowly, his eyes darting to the sudden movement of Chishiya's hands in his pockets, his full attention darting up as cards rained down, a sudden heat lashing out from a plastic water gun.
You couldn't help the burning sensation in your throat, the smoke leaking out from the vents. You thought about it carefully, coughing into your elbow, your eyes mildly burning from the fumes. Leaving the room, you left a note in case Chishiya happened to come back to look for you, telling him you were leaving. The gunshots had died down severely from earlier, so you figured it would be rather easy to get to someplace safer, even if the game hadn't been cleared yet.
Your attention turned to the window in the hall, looking down at the huge bonfire that reeked of human flesh as bodies were piled on top of bodies. You shuddered at the smell and sight, hurriedly making your way downstairs. You were just above the lobby floor when you glanced down at the lobby, staying tucked away behind the corner as you watched on. There was a young man in white, yelling at Aguni with a probably broken nose.
Scanning the crowd, your eyes found Kuina, but no Chishiya or Niragi. You thought about it worriedly for a moment, wondering if either went back to look for you. Your mind wandered to Niragi, wondering if he was safe, regardless of how much he reminded you of Haru in that brief moment, part of you understood. To be the one dealing harm instead of taking it was always a thought in the back of your mind as well.
Blinking rapidly, you pulled yourself out of your thoughts as a small group of people lifted the girl who had been stabbed, carrying her body over to the large fire burning outside. Within moments, the smoke from the basement and outside seemed to spark violently, the rooms starting to burn and decay around everyone. You quickly ran down the stairs, getting out of the building as the game clear announcement echoed through the empty halls.
You looked around hurriedly, ignoring the various shoves and pushes that came as others ran past you. Your eyes searched, your heart starting to beat loudly as fewer and fewer people started emerging from the building. Just as the panic started to build, you felt a hand on your arm, tugging you forcefully away from the burning building. You looked up, to see a focused Kuina pulling you along with her.
"Chishiya, I found her!' Your eyes looked around, steadying once you found white. "Chishiya...?"
He lightly jogged up to you both, his hands tucked away in his pockets. "Glad to see you made it out," he murmured, his face hiding away his emotions.
"Where's Niragi?"
Your voice was a bit hoarse from the smoke, but you figured if anyone would know, it would be Chishiya, the man who always has an eye on one thing or another.
Kuina looked from you to Chishiya, almost like she was trying to study Chishiya for a moment before turning away, her hand still firmly on your arm, almost in a consoling way. Chishiya's lips parted for a moment as he seemed to think, "... I would figure if he isn't already out here, then..."
You felt your heart drop to your stomach, your throat going dry as your eyes went blurry. "Wh... What...?"
Kuina's hand lightly squeezed your arm, keeping herself planted by your side as she gave you a sympathetic look from the corner of her eyes. She could relate to losing a loved one, even if they were a terrible person.
The three of you watched as the Beach burned, lighting up the sky brightly. Your hand was lodged securely in Kuina's, her thumb softly stroking the backside of your hand. You couldn't tear your eyes away from the fire, looking at every discreet movement, every flame that lashed out a bit too far. The words echoing around you didn't make it to your ears, the only thing you could hear was your heartbeat and the overwhelming voice in your head asking you the same question over and over again, "Why didn't you try harder?"
As the dawn rose above the horizon, the last three standing on the hill decided to move on. Kuina kept herself at your left, with Chishiya mirroring her on the right of you. His fingers briefly brushed against yours, grabbing your attention. "... Are you ready?"
His voice was oddly soft, making Kuina's shoulders tense, sparing him a quick glance as you answered, your voice still hoarse. "Y-yeah... I'm ready..." You wiped your face, the tears streaking the ash that gently coated part of your cheeks.
Kuina couldn't help but linger for a moment on Chishiya as you and him started walking forward. She narrowed her eyes for only a second, her hand clenching into a fist briefly, angry at Chishiya but proud of herself for finally figuring out his body language. He knew where Niragi was, and if he was alive or not. 
A loud groan echoed through the rubble of the Beach, various burnt boards moving to the side as he groggily stood up, the pain shooting through every fiber of his being. His eyes opened, his vision mildly blurred by the popped blood vessels in them. He looked around, groaning with each step he took, the agony almost making him forget what he was looking for.
Niragi looked up at the rising dawn, his body burning, pain shooting across every bone and muscle. "Y/N... Y/N?!" He screamed out, his eyes casting over the rubble, looking for any sign of you. He grabbed at his side, the raw flesh stinging with every movement. "I'm coming, Y/N... I'm... coming..." He said groggily, limping out of the rubble, dragging himself forward, only one goal on his mind; to find and protect his world.
AN: Thank you so much for reading this far! I appreciate every single repost, comment and like that have kept me going this year. This is the end of "The Pain Before", which captures season one. The aftermath will follow shortly! Please continue with your support, and please look forward to "The Mending After", part two!
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cincincinnanom · 2 years
A character study and thoughts on Mori
I'm honest when I say I really really hate Mori. But I don't hate his writing. He is a very well written character. We don't know his past (much like Dazai in that sense) most of what we know is that
when he was 26 he was a war doctor.
he took in Dazai when the boy was 13 after a suicide attempt
he killed the then port mafia boss when Dazai was 14
and let Dazai join the mafia at 15. And with that being said that's all we really know about him and his past. He knew Yosano's ability and saw how she could help people but he also saw a young girl he could use. Which one, disgusting and two, was surprisingly smart or a plot standpoint. Without Mori we wouldn't have half of our supporting cast or some of our main cast.
Mori and Fukuzawa, without them we wouldn't have the groundwork for why everyone in the show works. Without Mori the Ada would have never gotten Yosano. Without Mori having Dazai, Chuuya would be with the sheep. Akutagawa would be dead in the slums with his sister. Without Mori we would have never gotten Akutagawa's amazing character. Without Mori we wouldn't have Kyokoa. Without Mori bringing up Dazai Atsushi would have died or been sent to prison.
Mori is responsible for half the plot working and that's what makes his character so good. He lies and hurt people for fucking gain and fun. He chose a suicidal kid to be his witness because he knew that Dazai was perfect for it, being just like Mori himself. And Elsie, she just fascinates me. She is very much an aware person to some extent. We know Elsie used to be more of a doll, but after Yosano she's more snappy and rude like Yosano herself. And after Dazai we see her acting a bit more like Dazai, she's smarter and
she fucking knew how Akutagawa dies. The first time we see her aside the op is drawing Aku bleeding from his neck with x eyes.
Along with what Mori says in the 2nd to last episode of season two, that he only likes girls under the age of twelve (*sounds of reaching and coughing in disgust*), leaves open interpretation of what he's done to the fucking kids his in charge of. Why did Dazai make sure Gin looked male when she came to the mafia? I don't think we want to know the answer. Q is just now 13 and they were sealed away for many reasons by Dazai but also Q is younger than Kyoka.
It's just horrible to think about what could've happened to them.
Not to add Mori clearly isn't a very good doctor for Dazai, not even trying to stop him from harming or killing himself, he also encourages it and helps him.
We know Mori is manipulative and a gaslighter, He let's Oda fucking die and kills Oda's kids knowing very well that Dazai could've handled it fine.
and With that, Mori caused his own best subordinate to leave, Dazai left because of what Mori did. If Mori didn't happen in bsd we wouldn't have a plot
but really manz can go die in a hole he's served his propose let Chuuya be the new boss, he'd be better at it than Mori in my opinion
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thejewishgaymer · 10 months
Ramblings on the Dr Who 60th Anniversary
So saw the 3rd Dr Who Special, and like the first one, was pretty solid until the end with the barely explained Deus ex Machina. I like the idea that as the Doctor goes on, he's constantly running and running and never stopping to take a breath, which helps to explain the reboot of the show, although tbh these specials should've been apart of the previous series. 15 is now gonna take the reins and 14 is gonna live off in domestic bliss. Ngl though when David said he was so happy I thought they were gonna kill both ours and his hearts by someone knocking on the door saying that Wilf had been shot dead, granted I also thought Donna was gonna die given that she had had 2 fake outs and it felt like they were building something up with that, also with how Kate mentioned to Donna she could work with Unit, idk. I also also thought that "The Boss" the Meep mentioned was gonna turn out to be the Toy Maker, could have been a nice way to tie all 3 together, given that 14 says the Toymaker came back due to the salt he used at the edge of the universe (I also noticed Kate said to put a ring of salt around the box when they took it away).
However I wish they had bothered to explain what a "Bi-generation" is, like all we got was "I thought it was a myth!" and nothing else. Not a "Well the Timelords thought that..." Or a "The Master once researched..." Nothing. I think that maybe they were hinting that it was something to do with the Toymaker? I liked Mel returning, I never watched her series with 7, but still. That being said, I wish it was Martha Jones instead, now granted maybe it was originally meant to be Martha but Freema didn't want to/couldn't return, I don't really know. Overall I think the reason why the 2nd special worked so well was because it was a very limited cast, with a very compact idea and "simple" plot. The 1st Special was working off of the back of the original version of the Star Beast, but still felt like it could've had more teeth. Unlike some other people I never really held RTD on this podium of "prime Dr Who writing", In fact none of the Showrunners so far have really been that, but Russel has always had this problem of "bigger than the last", Where first it was the Dalek Empire returning, then Daleks + Cybermen + an alternate universe, then it was the Master + Martha travelling the world + the power of literal prayer + future earth killing it's own past, and then it was Dalek Empire again, but with Davros, + all of 10's companions and characters from spin-off shows at the time + expending an entire regeneration to keep the same face with a two parter + a whole other Doctor being born + Donna becoming the DoctorDonna + the fate of all reality + said 2nd 10th Doctor now living in bliss with Rose, and THEN it was the Master returning via magic ritual whatever + the Timelords leaving the Time war to invade Earth + Wilfred Mott seeing some random woman who may actually be the Doctor's Mother given that in earlier drafts she was, and when casted she was casted as the Doctor's mom, but that was then changed to "Just a woman" so we don't really know. Seriously we complain about Moffat being annoying with all his time shenanigans but RTD didn't know when a story arc should've ended small. This isn't all to say RTD is bad or that Disney is killing Dr Who or whatever people want to say, I am glad Russel included brief explanations of Amy, Clara, and Bill, though would have liked 13's companions, and I did like the banter between everyone in the Unit building. I think personally, this should've gotten more time in the oven. Maybe also a bit longer in general.
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edgyandoverzealous · 1 year
Show Log: Ninjago Masters of Spinjitzu Pt.2
If you don't know the drill these are my thoughts opinions and reactions during my first watch through of Ninjago Masters of Spinjitzu. I made one of these a couple of days ago and I'm back with so many more thoughts. Also spoilers, duh, for up to the episode listed below, and please no spoilers! We good? Good.
Season 2 Episode 14:
• I told you I'd riot. Grab your pitchforks my boy has lost his whimsy. I'm damn near certain at this point.
• Lloyd Garmadon loves his dad and genuinely believed that he'd break through to him, and he did, for a moment, but then his dad, who Lloyd believed to be all powerful, failed to fully break through.
•The pain in Lloyd's eyes (shut up shut up shut up, I know they're Legos) as the Overlord took control again and told Lloyd his father was gone. The way the line was delivered to be saw raw and wrong as Lloyd got overwhelmed and lost consciousness.
• The way he limped over to the shoreline immediately after waking up and how serious he's gotten. I just-- why must you torture my boy, he's just a kid.
• Give him one parent but take away another I think the fuck not. (I'm conflicted more on Lloyd's mama later) Give my boy his dad back, please.
• I think the only reason they aged Lloyd up was so that much pressure and stress wasn't portrayed on a literal elementary school aged kid. But guess what, and say it with me, 14/15 year olds are still just kids and should not be put in life changing and traumatizing scenarios.
• Additionally, destiny was talked about like a deity this episode, if "destiny" has a form as the Overlord did this episode I will give a swift kick to the groin for my boy Lloyd because what the ever loving fuck? The baby, the boy, my boy.
• Also Nya. My blorbo, my babygirl, my favorite girl. They turned her evil??? They turned her evil.
• But she called after both Jay and Kai as they fell which is very important to me. It shows that she cares about both of them when in other media the "damsel in distress" might only call after her love interest, a lame trope imo.
• She then got kidnapped and fed pure darkness. Like what the hell? Not my Nya, not my girl. The boys are fucked, truly, they lost their girl. The one that makes them tech and upgrades their shit with better combat skills shown canonically, they're so screwed.
• I'm fairly certain she could've kicked their asses but whatever invincible soldiers with their invincibleness and Nya without any super weapons or tech.
• She said goodbye forever but istg if Jay and Kai don't rescue her and find a way to bring her back I'm gonna send a strongly worded email to Ninjago productions and explain why they single handedly ruined their show.
• Because brilliant, beautiful Nya has on multiple occasions carried the entirety of the Ninjago Masters and they would collapse without her. Additionally I believe good written women in what is primarily a show written for boys is incredibly important because it portrays women as complex and strong people which they fucking are.
• Also Jay's character writing is giving me whiplash (more on that later) but I think he's back to normal now?
• Nya got kidnapped and he lost his shit as any good boyfriend would do. They kiss but haven't put a label on it and Nya means the world to him and it shows in the show consistently. Very nice, I appreciate.
• I feel like Kai's reaction should've been a little stronger after they all fell into the sea, because him screaming Nya's name and then acting calm and rational was, ngl, kinda weird kinda suspect.
• but then again no one believes in Nya more than Kai. Kai knows his sister and that she is stronger than most of the team and smarter than most of them too.
• That being said it feels likely that he felt a need to stay strong and focused so they didn't all fall apart as well which with my interpretation forgives the initial reaction.
Season 2 episode 6 - 13:
• Lloyd's mom dropped him off as a baby to the Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys. As a baby. I was right. His attachment style is anxious avoidant. It's plain as day when he interacts with his mom.
• At least she's back now and supportive as she appears to love her son. Hopefully she's not evil and doesn't betray him. I don't think she is so far she's pretty motherly and seems to have a thing for Wu.
• She's a homie hopper. Likes both brothers.
• It's not cool how she said she chose the wrong brother though because Lloyd wouldn't have been born is what I got from that, my own mommy issues peeking through I presume. But Lloyd is such a good boy, legitimately, so he deserves appreciation.
• Also I'm pretty sure Lloyd doesn't get what's going on between Wu and his mom because when he asked her "So how'd you meet him" she replied with "Who, Wu?" And he went "what? no. My dad.😐"
• This proves, to me, that his mind is not at a teenager level of development yet as his body is. That or he has no exposure to romantic situations and therefore doesn't know the social cues. Yet again, my boy didn't deserve this and also he's just like me fr fr?
•Zane's dad is alive!!! Woohoo!! And he's adorable an adorable inventor.
• And the sanest insane person I have ever seen. I mean mans went I'm not a fighter and then proceeded to fly the blimp into Garmadon's face. I love him.
• Also his story reminds me of the Greek myth of Icarus and Icarus' dad. Because he was locked in a tower gaurded by a monster and told to invent in order to see his son again.
• I am in love with Zane's dad. Literally like 💍🧎
• He's so, y'know smart and loving and shit. He's also ambitious, patient and slightly insane so my type.
• If there are more parallels I'll cry. *death glaring at Zane* please don't fly too close to the sun I will be annihilated on spot.
• Cole is so comfortable with his dancing now, not him moonwalking and singing over enemies after he got his weapon back he's so silly.
•Just a little guy who likes to sing, dance, and beat up bad guys.
• Why did they turn Jay's idiot meter up so high?
• Like my mans was fully just dumb dumb baby there for a bit there. "I don't pack clean undies. Like my mommy advices cause real men only wear one :P."
• Like bbg. No. Nya deserves better, you have to keep using that brain you goofy goober, you can't just lose you braincells because she likes you---- *sudden self-realization* oh no...
• Additionally his cowardice seems to be heightened. Which understandable the boys are going through the wringer in terms of stressful situations. Which once again say it with me, teenagers are still kids, and you should not chuck them into dangerous, traumatizing, experiences. You will cause psychological issues for the rest of their lives. Woo.
• Also Jay's parents are so real for telling him he's not allowed to save Ninjago unless he eats his veggies. 🫡🫡🫡
• god this is unhinged and I sound like a 27 year old dad, I'm 18 wtf?
• Nya my beloved builds so much cool surprises and shit and Jay is always so pumped for them <333 I love them.
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mazegays · 4 months
could've followed my fears all the way down
hi everyone!! so, a quick question/vote for yall regarding the next couple of updates: would you a) prefer two chapters over two days, one saturday and one sunday b) two chapters in one day c) skip an update this is because i have realized that one of my update days is a day i will be attending a concert, so it is not very likely that i will remember to update. if you pick a or b, that will be the next update in two weeks, and c means that you'll get the chapter 28 on time and chapter 29 will be posted four weeks after that.
Chapter 27
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28
“How are we going to tell him?” Minho hasn’t been able to figure out how, exactly, they’re going to tell Thomas about the Tree. The one they planted when they thought he was dead.
It should have been done sooner. It’s been long enough now that it’s going to seem like they’ve been keeping it from him on purpose. They should have told him before he was well enough to be able to demand to go see it immediately.
Minho knows they’ve messed up. He just doesn’t know how they’re going to fix it.
“I don’t know,” Gally says, “Just coming right out and saying it seems wrong. Should we take him down there and show him before explaining?”
“Explaining first would take the shock out of the whole thing, it might make it easier when he does see it.”
Minho’s not really sure how they’ve kept Thomas away from the Tree the whole time—he’s been able to walk around on his own for a while now, at least short distances, but they haven’t brought him to the firepits at all.
“We can’t hide it forever. I’m surprised he doesn’t know about it already.”
“I’m not saying we should. He’s only been to the greenhouse, though, he wouldn’t have been able to see it. And who wants to tell their friend about a memorial tree for them?”
He sees Gally shake his head out of the corner of his eye. “Well, there’s certainly not a handbook for that.”
Maybe they’re overthinking this. Maybe it’ll all be fine, and Thomas won’t really react aside from being upset that they planted the wrong type of tree in a very wrong spot.
“I’m sure it’ll be okay, Gally.” He tries, but he doesn’t really believe himself. He loves Thomas, really, but he’s not exactly known for having measured reactions.
“You’re back!” Thomas lights up when he sees him, which is very cute, and Minho feels Gally straighten up at his side.  “Anya’s cleared me to work in the kitchen again, and I only have to wear this shucking sling for six hours a day now!”
“What, you got bored of reading all day?” Gally teases, and it’s like he wasn’t fretting just a few moments ago.
Minho’s pretty sure Thomas is the only person who can make both of them relax that quickly.
“Frypan will be glad for your help,” He tells Thomas, earnestly. It’s nice to see him this excited about something.
They haven’t had much cause to be excited, ever. Especially not recently. For once, their luck was good enough that Thomas’s injuries hadn’t gotten too much worse when Rosa moved him, but it still set back his healing.
“She also told me not to go down to the fire pits alone, that there’s something you needed to show me there.” Thomas narrows his eyes.
They’re not getting out of this one.
Anya meant well, as she usually does, but Minho would have liked to be the first to mention it to Thomas.
“Maybe it’s something better shown than explained,” Gally says slowly, like he’s not sure what else to tell Thomas.
“Well, it’s not that bad, is it?” Thomas studies them for a moment before going back inside.
Minho doesn’t know what he saw, and he’s not sure he wants to.
Neither of them follow for a long moment.
This is not going to go well.
finish on ao3 or under the cut
Thomas has been isolated from the wider community for months, with only their friends, really, as company.  Jorge, when he had the time to spare.
Not that any of them really spend a lot of time with people outside of their fellow Maze survivors outside of their jobs; they’ve had each other, and that’s been okay.
He can’t look at the forest without panicking, which rules out moving to Gally’s cabin—at least for now.
“Minho, what do we do if he freaks out?” He hisses. Thomas really doesn’t need to hear this.
“We’ll handle it, like we always do. We’re good at calming him down now.”
“Okay, but it’s a tree. Thomas hasn’t done well with any trees, lately.”
Which really sucks, because Thomas had planned a nice setup around both this cabin— he’s not sure he can call it theirs  yet, they’ve hardly talked about anything— and his.
“He hasn’t had a panic attack in front of everyone before.”
“One, it won’t be everyone, two, the medical cabin is nearby if we need to go somewhere to help him through it, three, everyone here has had a panic attack before, they’ll understand.”
“He’ll hate everyone seeing.”
“He will, but that’s why we’ll move him if we can.” How is Minho being this calm, this rational, about all of this?
Gally doesn’t know, but he knows he knows better than to think this isn’t affecting Minho.
Just because he doesn’t show it, doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
He used to get so upset when he couldn’t get a rise out of Minho. Now, he knows it’s a well-practiced front on Minho’s part, not that Gally’s words and actions just didn’t affect him.
“I just— I don’t want him to get hurt more, Minho.”
“I know. I don’t, either, but we can’t keep him here forever, and I don’t want to. He likes being with our friends and helping out. He’s going to find out.”
“Are… is something wrong?” Thomas glances between them, brow furrowed.
He knows something’s wrong, of course, he’s too good at reading them by now not to know.
“We’re just not sure how you’ll react to what we have to show you.” Minho answers.
“Then tell me about it first.” This time they do follow him inside. He sits cross-legged on the bed, watching them.
“It’s something we did while you were missing.” Minho starts, then corrects himself. “... When we thought you were dead.”
“Like a memorial?”
“Yeah, exactly like that.” Gally’s not sure how the words make it out of his mouth.
Why is this so terrifying?
“And you couldn’t tell me why?” Thomas is defensive now, tone sharp.
He thinks it’s an insult to him that they didn’t tell him, that they think he can’t handle it.
(Isn’t that exactly what they think, though?Isn’t that what they’ve been worried about this  whole time?)
“We weren’t sure what you would think, Thomas.” Minho says. He sits on the bed, and though Gally doesn’t think they’re doing it on purpose, they lean into each other a little bit. “It’s not really decorated—we found you before we could let ourselves think about putting your stuff on it or anything like that. But we weren’t sure how to tell you.”
“We didn’t want you to think we’d wanted you dead, or anything.” Gally takes the other side of the bed, and is gratified when Thomas turns to him. “We didn’t, we don’t, but it’d been long enough that we didn’t know what else to think.”
“Sonya told me about the big one.” Thomas murmurs. “She said it all felt fake. I thought you might have done something, it makes sense.
Gally almost wants to shake him.
This is one of the things he just doesn’t get about both Thomas and Minho; they can, at least outwardly, completely disconnect emotion from everything else. He’s only seen them do it when something bad happens to them, though.
Anyone else, and they’ll be as angry or sad or whatever else it is that they need to be. They both still react in anger, fear, whatever it is, but it’s lessened when it’s something they think they can take apart logically.
‘It makes sense’ that they thought he was dead?
Well. Yes, it does, but Gally would have been hurt by the fact that it hadn’t even been two weeks and they were already metaphorically burying him.
He can name all the times he’s seen Thomas upset because someone did something to him, and most of those he caused.
“Thomas,” He whispers, not willing to speak louder. Minho shoots him a look, probably knowing what he’s going for.
They can’t ignore this.
Some days, Gally wakes up earlier just to watch Thomas sleep, because he’s still there, breathing, alive, and his corpse isn’t rotting somewhere in the forest where they’ll never find it.
Minho does it too, he’s caught him at it before.
All three of them have nightmares, that’s a given, but they never talk about them. Not really.
Not the new ones. The older ones are easier, most of the time.
“I know, Gally.” Thomas scoots a little closer to him, rests his head on Gally’s shoulder. Minho’s holding his good hand, he realizes. “I don’t want to think about it.”
“Do you want to go see it?” Minho asks. “We don’t have to. We can wait.”
“I want to. What did you even do?”
“It’s a tree.” It’s better to get that out of the way, probably.
“Do you need help putting the sling back on?” All three of them know Thomas doesn’t, he’s been doing it for long enough on his own now— and they’ve been leaving him here, alone, with nothing else to think about.
Of course he figured it out.
What else has he been thinking about, with nothing else to do?
“Yeah, please.” Thomas moves so his bad arm is out, so Minho can help him with the sling, but otherwise stays close to Gally.
When he glances down, Thomas has his eyes closed; Gally can’t read his face.
What is he thinking?
How much does he know that he hasn’t told them?
<- 26 28 ->
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god-save-the-keen · 5 years
Luke Danes, the most perfect man, propmt list!
Tumblr media
1. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm great. It's big, fat, happy sunshine day for me."
2. "Name, are you a gigolo?"
3. "Ever worry that if a bird flies into your head it might never get out?"
4. "My life meant nothing until you used my toothbrush."
5. "Will you just stand still?" *Kiss her/him*
6. "Name, this thing we're doing here, me, you, I'm in. I am all in."
7. "And it's so good to have someone to share this hate with."
8. "Are trying to kill me?" *Losing his/her patience.*
9. "I just like to see you happy."
10. "When you make plans, then you have expectations, and when you have expectations, they… you will get disappointed."
11. "You know my father always told me that whatever does not kill you makes you stronger." "You're gonna be really strong."
12. "Have you seen Name1 or Name2?" "No, but have you tried the insane asylum, where everyone in this room is supposed to be."
13. "On the verge of blubbering here." "Not doing too well myself." "Not you, too." "I'm blubbering. You're freaks!"
14. "Name, what is it exactly that you want me to do? I'm not mad, I'm not holding a grudge, I heard your apology, I feel I'm being polite, I listened to your donut bit, I got you your coffee. What would make you happy?"
15. "Go to hell!" "Right back at ya!"
16. "You ate that?" "No, I didn't eat it!" "Oh, of course." "I'm upset not suicidal!"
17. "He's systematically buying up the town. He's gonna turn it into Nameville, where everyone will have to wear cardigans and have the same grass height!"
18. *About a messy room* "I'm having nightmares where I'm being chased by boxes with arms and they tackle me and throw clothes on top of me and secure it with masking tape and while I'm lying there, you're standing in the corner laughing putting gel in your hair!"
19. "You know what?" "What?" "This is nice."
20. "We should have eaten before we came." "Shh! And, yeah."
21. "Name1, this is Name2. She/He owns the Independence Inn." "Oh." "That's "hello, nice to meet you" in slacker."
22. "So are you going to act?" "Yes, I am. I'm going to act like you never came in here."
23. "That's it, gets upstairs and change." "Whatever you say, Uncle/Aunt Name." "It's Name. Just Name. Mister Name. In fact, don't address me at all!"
24. "You're really just gonna stand there and watch me eat a Danish?" "Cable's out. I'm starved for entertainment."
25. "Me? Raising a kid? I don't even like kids. They're always sticky like they've got jam on their hands. Even if there's no jam in the house, somehow, they've always got jam on their hands! I'm not the right guy to deal with that. I have no patience for jam hands!"
26. "That's what you want?" "Yes." "That's really what you want?" "Yes!" "You got it." "Thank you!" "You're welcome!" *As they cross over a bridge, Person1 pushes Person 2 into the water.*
27. "Can I ask you stupid questions?" "There's no such thing." *Frustrated* "How does the ink come out of pens?!" "Okay, there is such a thing."
28. "I think you can hack anything."
29. "I guess if you can find that one person, you know, who's willing to put up with all your crap and doesn't want to change you or dress you, or you know, make you eat French food, then marriage can be all right...but that's only if you find that person."
30. "Crazy people. The whole town should be medicated and put in a rec room with ping-pong tables and hand puppets."
31. "Doesn't matter what time it is. I'll always be around."
32. "I warned him/her. I warned him/her when I first met him/her, if he hurt her/him...Ah. Maybe I could key his/her car." "Better yet. Key Name1's car and tell him/her Name2 did it."
33. "Get away from me you mental patient!"
34. "Is this bothering you?" "This conversation? Yes."
35. "I hate that he/she's pleased."
36. "Hamsters can't laugh." "Oh, this one laughed - trust me."
37. "Your mother called me an idiot."
38. "C'mon, you gotta think positive here. Bright side, good thoughts. Rainbows, unicorns. *slowing down* Clowns. *Pause* Little ... cute ... *Longer pause*... furry ... *Giving up* Okay, I'm out."
39. "I can't imagine anyone seeing you as a disappointment."
40. "That's the wrong table." "Since when is there a right table?" "Since the coffee cake I baked for you and the stupid balloons I blew up for you are at that table over there."
41. "Will you marry me?" "What?!" "Just...looking for something to shut you up."
42. "This is not an herbal tea morning. This is a coffee morning." "Every morning for you is a coffee morning."
43. "It's like my life isn't even real to me, unless you're there, and you're in it, and I'm sharing it with you."
44. "I never thought in my wildest dreams that it would happen, that you and me would happen. But we did it."
45. "Don’t add stuff from your to do list to my to do list."
46. "You wanted something festive." "You made me a Santa burger." "It's not a big deal."
47. "The only way out of this life is in a body bag."
48. "Listen, I know I'm not the easiest guy/girl in the world to build a life with and to share a house with, but there is no one who will be more here for you than me. I will never leave. I will never think about leaving."
49. "You won't have to hear my opinion on anything ever again, okay?" "Oh, don't tease."
50. "The things you find amusing astound me sometimes."
51. "Wow, I feel important." "You are important."
52. "Last time you gathered up some of my stuff, you accidentally brought me four bras/brief and no pants." "That could've been intentional."
53. "God, that's terrible! It's like drinking 'My little pony'!"
54. "We kissed." "I remember." "It was a great kiss." "Yeah." "So you concur?" "Dear god, yes."
55. "All you need is six dancing penguins and Mary Poppins floating in the corner--" "--to bring back two of the worst hours of my childhood!"
56. "An ice rink? How did this happen?" "Jack Frost brought it." "Did he look like Name Lastname?" "A little. Not as handsome/gorgeous."
57. "Your slave is here." "And where's the french maid outfit?" "I've got it under the plaid."
58. "You kept this in your wallet." "Eight years."
59. *Awkwardly grabbing the another person's head* "I'm not good at hugging."
60. "I'm prepared to jump up and down if necessary."
61. "I can be a movie guy/girl. You like movies."
62. "You're watching me watch the movie. It's creepy."
63. "I shouldn't have gotten into a business that involves dealing with people."
64. "It just my favorite time of the year. The whole world changes color." "I think I'm blacking out."
65. "Keeping tabs on me?" "Always safer to know which direction the tornado's coming from "
66. "Fresh coffee will be ready in a minute unless you want to just roll up a dollar bill and go nuts."
67. "What the hell was that?"
68. "The only bright side of my day is being asked to be a prostitute." "That's something to cling to."
69. "What? Relationships? Look who you're asking."
70. "You enjoy typing to people more than talking to them?"
Use it, shared them, ask for a request, have fun! ❣️
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