#this would be too much with món though
the-offside-rule · 7 months
Theo Pourchaire (ART GP) - Dancing Queen
Requested: yes
Prompt: Dancing Queen by Abba
Warnings: drunk???
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Y/n found herself somewhere she didn't exactly expect herself to be on a Friday night, or any night. Sure, she planned it, but the idea of sneaking onto a yacht in the Monaco harbour to party was a plan nobody thought would have worked, but it was crazy enough for Y/n to at least try it. And so, she found herself knocking back shots surrounded by people she didn't know. She was asked over and over how she got in. She pretended she was friends with the owner and for some strange reason, they all believed her. Y/n decided, in her moment of drunk brilliance that she should go and dance.
"Qui es-tu ?" A voice asked her. She turned and saw a boy, around her age qith a glass in his hand looking at her very confused. "Well parlez vous you too." She replied, clinking glasses with him. "I don't speak French." She continued on. "Oh, right." The boy looked ever more confused now. "I just wanted to know if I know you?" He asked. "Well I don't think so." She said, pretty unphased. "Who brought you here?" He asked. "Well I was invited of course." He shook his head. "No you weren't."
"Yes I was! The person running the party asked me to come along. I'm just such good friends with-" she paused. "them." Nice save. "So you were invited by Theo Pourchaire?" He asked in disbelief. "Yes, I was invited by Theo." She grinned, thinking her lie worked. "That's simply not true." The boy replied. Y/n was offended. "As if you'd know." She muttered, sipping her drink again. "I do know. I know it for a fact." She nearly spat her drink out laughing. "And how exactly would you of all people know?" She set her glass to the side. "Because I'm Theo Pourchaire." Her face didn't change at all. She still remained cool and calm. "Well there's my best friend." His eyebrows knotted into confusion. "Don't you know? We're secretly best friends! It's so secret that even you don't know." Theo's serious expression softened into a much more light hearted one. "I suppose it was secretive. Now bestie-" He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and led her to the bar. "How about we fill up your drink?" Y/n smiled and nodded. "Sounds pretty good."
For the first time the whole evening, Y/n was seen with her 'best friend' and some even believed it, because it seemed as though they were inseperable. As they danced, on one particular occasion, Theo was pulled aside by one of his friends, so he excused himself and spoke to them for a bit. Y/n decided to go to the bar and treat herself to another drink. As she waited for her drink to be made, a stranger came up to him, smiling. "Hi." She said. Y/n smiled back. "Hi." She replied. "You must be Theo's best friend?" Y/n nodded. "I am, yes." She grinned once again at the misconception. "I don't know if you know but it's quite obvious to me and pretty much everyone else that there is something else going on with you two." Something else? Those words haunted her. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Come now, don't tell.me you don't see it?" Y/n simply shook her head no. "Well, it's very clear to me that one of you likes the other. The only thing stopping you is-" She paused trying to think. "I'm not quite sure. What is making you not want to date him?"
"I barely know him!" Y/n exclaimed, making the stranger laugh. "Oh please. Once the fans figure out he has a girl best friend." Y/n's eyebrows twisted into those of confusion. "The fans?" She asked. "His fans? He's driving in Formula 2! Món dieu and you call yourself his best friend." She chuckled. It had only hit her now what this all meant. She not only gate crashed a rich party, but a rich racing driver's party, one of which probably has a lot of fans. "Oh god." She muttered, taking a sip of her drink that had just been placed on front of her. "Well, I'll let you enjoy your evening." The stranger bids her farewells and dissolves into the crowd. Mortified, Y/n downs the last of her drink and runs frantically about, searching for a way off the boat. What on earth had she gotten herself into? If people on the boat who all knew Theo thought they were in love, imagine what others that didn't know him would think. Those being his fans. Of course they would assume things and to be quite frankly, she wasn't exactly the most angelic person.
"I need to introduce you to my best friend. This is-" As Theo turned, he had just realised there was nobody beside him. "Where is she?" He asked. "You mean the girl that was behind you like ten minutes ago? She left. To the bar I think." Theo began frantically looking around for his best friend but she was nowhere to be found. Like Cinderella after midnight, she disappeared and it didn't matter how hard he looked for the Dancing Queen, he couldn't find her. He ran to the side of the boat and looked again. He saw nothing, while our Dancing Queen stood hidden around a corner and watched him, before turning and fleeing the scene.
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ducavalentinos · 2 years
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Rafa x Sofía | Narcos México: 1x04: Rafa, Rafa, Rafa!
@curaheed imagine all this, but with our Móncito sorry not sorry 💕
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hausofmamadas · 2 years
DESMADRE PERSONIFIED | Our one and only pinche menso, pistolero loco, lovable psycho, and personal Jesus, Ramón Arellano Félix
♫ To the tune of Depeche Mode’s Personal Jesus bc duh ♫
Hear ye, hear ye - gather round and bear witness to this demon that I have finally exorcised from my mind, body, and soul. All i have to say is f u c k Adobe Premiere Rush for making me start almost from scratch … not once … no, not twice … but THREE GOTDAMN MF TIMES ughsksmwmduej pinche mas allá de la chingada mierda, por dios
To be honest, if I never hear this song again, I probably won’t be upset not me telling a guaranteed lie, this is a lie and furthermore, if I never see another clip of Manuel Mansalva’s stupidly handsome face again, that would probbb be fine too djdjsjsjsjs not me lying thru my teeth like beyond full blown felony fraudulence, but you take my point mmkay. I even had another long, blathering essay that I was going to assault the interwebs with, like I did with my Benjamin video. It was going to be all about how great the show was at dropping little context clues or hints, as a device for character development in a show that was very much not a character study, which resulted in some surprisingly rich, dynamic side characters like our sweet Tasmanian devil Ramoncito, along with a selection of choice THoT Thurst Thoughts for all my Món sisterwives of the OG Narcos/Nmx Thot congregation. But I’m tired, cranky, and hangry, so I’ll do us all a kindness by making this brief.
But seriously, this concept has been living in my mind, rent-free for months since the first time I saw that legendary scene at Christine’s in S3 a scene which I still maintain is one of the most masterful uses of a song in a tv show in the history of television, whatever fight me that sparked yet another Depeche Mode music kick in a series of about 8 or 9 total Depeche Mode kicks I’ve had in my life, thus far.
Sidebar/update no one asked for: as always, I stan for my main Mr. Mín but making this vid did reignite mi pasión, mi corazón for all things Ramón-related, so might be into a Mon phase over here shhhh don’t tell anyone. And even though tumblr has giffed the shit out of every possible scene he was in, I’m prob gonna gif the shit out of him too anyway, so do prepare. But have no fear fellow Min stans I know all -12 of you were clutching your pearls aghast that you may be deprived of all of my Min/Min-adjacent/Alfonso content sksksksk I have some exciting Carlos Calles Aqui en La Tierra gifs that are guaranteed to make Tumblr and perhaps the internet collectively bust a nut so
Enjoyᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
taglist: @tinylittleobsessions @cositapreciosa @cherixrosa @criatividad-e @ashlingnarcos @purplesong1028 @kesskirata @southotheborder @mandaloria314 @narcos-narcosmx @curaheed @gangstababydoli @artemiseamoon @carlislecullenisadilf @mmasalva @mmasalvafics @thesolotomyhan @fleurfatale89
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thesolotomyhan · 3 years
There's a lot we could talk about with Món: from his speedo, to his ass (or lack of lolol) to how he would propose, but i'll go right into the serious important question here reina: do you think he could be committed, faithful to a woman 100%? like Mín is with Ruth, as far a we know? bc i have to say s3!Món did established he's a party boy, he likes having fun, likes going out with his friends to the clubs, where obviously he attracts the attention of viejas who dgaf if he's married or not, so would he have the strength to say: thanks, but no thanks i'm married? I can see it going both ways: him cheating, not seeing the big deal about it and just asking you to forgive him later, OR him following Min's path once he found the one. I love mi ninõ hermoso with all my heart, pero I have doubts if he could do faithful...perhaps once he's older, what do you think? PS: This though was prompted by me reading the wedding hc, which btw made me feel SO MUCH AND CRY !!!! ( hermoso cariño oh my goddd !!!!!!!🥰🥰😭😭) it was perfect! BUT it got me thinking about this like: ok what happens after the marriage? would he let go of his partying ways? would be faithful to his princesa? Or would he act a bit like Pablo you know? su esposa claramente es el amor de su vida y su prioridad SIEMPRE, but he also compartmentalizes some of his feelings and needs with a different woman. SO SORRY! this got long and deep.....no pressure for you to answer it! it's just a thought I had and needed to share with you! I'll shut up now dssjdjsds ;)
ayy dios- wow ok bestie sooo,,, my ass wants to lean into him following benjamins example once he for sure knows he found his amor de la vida ya know like to the point where he finds no other comparable and he becomes infatuated,, and i mean looking at benjamin and francisco who are both married but still go out to have a guys night i feel as though ramon would start to become more like them,,, like by s3 hes starting to become more mature so if were talking about that then yeah haha,, but also i can see where your getting your doubts from because yeah hes joven and just feels like one not being the type to be held down but honestly i do feel like when hes finally found the one hes going to be out here acting a bit more mature when you’re not around and following mins example :(
awwww 🥺 thank you for that comment haha that wedding hc had me llorando media noche for him :((( i couldnt handle it :( im happy you enjoyed it haha and again UGH YOUR QUESTIONS LOL como me pones a pensar,,, so maybe ,, maybe not if you get where im coming from but he would love to go partying with you tho if you wanted to but he might occasionally go partying just maybe not so much and if he becomes infatuated with you :( there is no one like you for him to be looking at someone else :( ayy no because i feel like it runs in the family that no one would be disrespecting your name much less putting their hands on you in front of him ,, so i feel like he wouldnt lean into being like pinche pablo you feel? ok ok im done rambling too haha
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ielts1984 · 3 years
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IELTS 1984 - vocab
Phở (English below) -> Một bài về món Phở với rất nhiều vocab cho mọi người, mình viết cả tiếng Việt (với phụ đề tiếng Anh) và 1 full version tiếng Anh bên dưới cho mọi người dễ theo dõi nhé. Phở có lẽ là món nổi tiếng nhất trong ẩm thực Việt Nam (Vietnamese cuisine), và cái mùi thơm đặc trưng của nó đã theo bước chân của người Việt đi đến nhiều ngóc ngách trên thế giới (reach every corner of the world). Phở được yêu mến đến nỗi bạn có thể tìm thấy quán phở (a Pho establishment) cách vài bước chân ở thành phố, từ xe vỉa hè (a humble food stall) đến nhà hàng sang chảnh (a bourgeois sit-down restaurant) với máy lạnh để giúp khách ăn (patron) thoải mái ăn Phở trong thời tiết nóng ở VN. Thứ mình yêu nhất ở phở là nước dùng (broth), nấu từ hầm (braise) thịt nạm bò với lửa nhỏ (low heat) trong nhiều giờ, cùng với nhiều loại thảo mộc (herb) được nướng trước để tăng hương vị (enhance the flavour). Nước dùng đúng chuẩn phải trong vắt, có vị và hương bò, và một lớp mỡ mỏng bên trên (a thin film of fat). Cũng như tiếng Việt có rất nhiều giọng địa phương (dialect), mỗi vùng lại có cách riêng để nấu phở. Ở miền Nam, phở được ăn kèm với tương đen và tương đỏ (chilli and hoisin sauce), thứ không có ở miền Bắc (not present), nơi tỏi ngâm chua (pickled garlic) được ưa thích hơn. Một điều khác nữa là cách ăn kèm với rau, ở miền Nam phở được ăn với nhiều loại rau sống (an assortment of fresh herbs) như quế, ngò gai, trong khi ở miền Bắc rau được thái (chopped) và đặt lên trên, để trang trí (garnishing) và cân bằng vị béo (rich flavour) của nước dùng. Dù phở là món nổi tiếng nhất của cả nền ẩm thực (the nation's food culture), mình phải thừa nhận là không nên ăn phở hàng ngày. Phở có nhiều natri (từ muối và bột ngọt (MSG) trong nước dùng), có quá nhiều thịt đỏ (packed with red meat), và gần như không có chất xơ (fiber). Tốt nhất là không nên xem phở là một thức ăn cơ bản (a staple food), mà nên xem là một món quà đặc biệt (a special treat) và ăn 1-2 lần/tuần là tốt nhất. ===== Pho is likely the most well-known dish in Vietnamese cuisine, and its signature aroma has followed the footsteps of Vietnamese migrants far beyond their homeland, reaching every far-flung corner of the world. It is so beloved a soup, that you may find a Pho establishment every few steps in nearly every major city in Vietnam - from a humble street food stall, to a bourgeois sit-down restaurant, noticeably never lacking an air conditioner to help patrons survive enjoying this typically hot dish in the oppressive Vietnamese heat. What I love the most about Pho is the broth, which is made by braising beef brisket over low heat for hours, coupled with a variety of herbs like cinnamon, star anise, and onion, all of which are pre-grilled to enhance the flavour. A quality, authentic Pho broth must be transparent, packed with beefy flavour and fragrance, and have a thin film of fat on top. However, I am not really a fan of the pho noodle itself, as it seems a bit too soft to me. I personally prefer the harder texture of the noodle in Bun Bo, a classic, spicy Vietnamese soup. Just as all the dialects of Vietnamese are incredibly diverse from one another, every region in this country also has their own way to prepare each dish. In the South, Pho is typically served with chilli and hoisin sauce, while that practice is not present in the the North, where picked garlic is preferred instead. Another difference is how herbs are served; in the South we often eat Pho with an assortment of fresh herbs, like Thai basil or sawleaf, in contrast to the North, where herbs are chopped and put on top, both as garnishing and to balance for rich flavour of the broth. Even though Pho is a traditional delicacy and the most renowned dish of the whole nation’s food culture, we must regretfully admit that it is not advisable to have it every day. It is often high in sodium (from salt and MSG in the broth), packed with potentially too much red meat, and there is virtually no fiber at all, except from the greens. When watching one's diet, it would be best considered not as a staple food, but as a special treat to be enjoyed once or twice a week at most, to ensure no guilt or negative consequences arise from such a lovely meal. ----- Written by IELTS 1984's academic team --
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ducavalentinos · 3 years
but why all these doubts with móncito? the last season show too he is a loyal guy with who he loves so why wouldn’t he be with the love of his wife you know
DJDJSJDSJDS I hear you anon, you’re right. I was just thinking aloud with that ask, but that's what I do often, I tend to think and question things, sometimes way too much (pls feel free to ignore it lol), I'm super stunned it sparkled this deep conversation over fidelity and Móncito (this nickname is so cute too ayy <3) Okay, I will put my thoughts underneath here and basically my thought process as to why I was being doubtful:
Overall, I just think men, on average, tend to instinctively compartmentalize more, which it’s not a bad thing in itself imo, and their approach and relationship with s*x and women is obviously different, in particular ways, than our own is. I think it’s more complex, paradoxical and to use a spanish word here: a desmadre haha, (and it can’t be all attributed to s*xism, as much as some school of thoughts insist on it). It’s interesting and it’s something I’m only beginning to understand, I was completely lost when I was younger, but now I’m like: OOohh I see, I think I get it. For example, since I was talking about Pablo in that ask, I now understand his need for the relationship he has with Valeria on the show, which during my first watch I was like: que cabrón!, even though I also understand why it hurt Tata, why it hurts women and I don’t think any woman has to accept that, but it is a fact that many men will be pulled into that behavior, esp. when they are young (as Món is), or if they themselves don’t understand the factors that drives them towards that, or maybe if they are simply uncaring about their loved one. With Móncito, I can see this happening, hence my doubts, not because he would be uncaring towards his princesa and her feelings, quite the opposite I think, I think cheating would bring him a lot of self-loathing actually :(( but just because of what I mentioned above, however, it’s def. something I can also see him outgrowing as he gets older. We don’t know how Mín or Francisco were in their 20′s do we? perhaps they were like Món is in S3, if less chaotic lol, and then once they found their true love, once they became fathers, they changed their acts, as far as we know. I also think fatherhood would deeply change Ramón, and of course maybe there would be some slips up, and it would also depend on the woman he’s with and her personality, her boundaries and all that, but ultimately I think he has potential for faithfulness now that I really thought about it. Again I was thinking aloud when I wrote that ask and trying to get a better picture of him and what married life would be like with him on this aspect. So yeah, that’s it honestly, next topic: let’s talk about which shampoo and hair conditioner that man uses, because that is something I need to know asap! 😂😂😂
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