#the process was brutal
cemeterything · 2 months
as well as being incredibly misogynistic and demeaning, "catfight" just isn't an accurate term for what's being described most of the time. if you refer to two women fighting as a "catfight" i'd better see them growling at each other with blood under their nails and deep jagged scratches carved into their skin where they tried to disembowel each other with their bare hands. they'd better be tearing out chunks of each other's flesh with their bloodstained teeth and trying to gouge each other's eyes out. if you're going to be a sexist loser you can at least do us real sicknasty perverts the favour of not half-assing it.
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astawionbwehehe · 10 months
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[😠] astarion disapproves
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sewerdraws · 4 days
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The fruity urge to get golden clawed jewelry to match your boyfriend's fucked up evil arm
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iamstandingwater · 8 months
Saw a production of Romeo and Juliet recently where the actors never actually left the stage but sat in the shadows in the scenes they weren't in, watching the action. It made everything feel really claustrophobic and also managed to visualise the fact that every single character in the play is complicit in its tragedy precisely because they are more content to sit and watch than make an effort to change. All of them perpetuate the cycle of violence that traps the two lovers and leaves them with nowhere and no one to run to. In the Capulet's tomb, Juliet ran at her silent onlookers, desperate, pleading, looking for a way to escape. But the citizens of Verona only really understand one language and that language doesn't speak of change, it demands violence. Juliet knows what is expected of her, this young girl with a knife in her hand and death on her lips. Her chance at a life that transcends the horror of everyday brutality and the terrible tedium of misery and pain is dead on the floor at her feet and none of her family members, her friends, the people who claim to care for her, will let her out alive.
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mono-rogue · 6 months
Vox is no longer watching(?)
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I never realized how much I wanted to do the "Previous" and "Next" thing until now... so much... power...
Heh... spontaneous comic continuation, am i right? The Vox and Alastor dynamic's gonna be fun ;)
In the speedpaint, there's a bit more scrapped ideas for you to see, even a deleted panel. The process is brutal...
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dandp · 4 months
Remember when Phil was judging all of Dan's meet and greet looks and how that was somehow only five hours ago
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Thinking again about the actual description of Trent’s fate, specifically the “no word publicly”. It suggests that instead of the out-in-the-open sensationalized courtroom trial we’ve built up, Trent might have just gotten disappeared. A meeting with the king, a short and sharp internal affairs investigation, no release of information to citizens, simply a new archmage one day and everyone knew better than to ask what happened to the old one. It’s definitely A Timeline for Astrid and Caleb, and a much different relationship for them with the rest of the Assembly.
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thunderjackal · 4 months
spspsps tma fandom come get your feed of toxic old man yoai
ANYWAY i think a lot of elias's problems could have been solved if they let him wear dresses into the institute tbh
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captainhysunstuff · 9 months
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A reactionary comic about rereading a fic that I recently recommended that was way darker than I remembered, lol. I still love it for how they pretty much drive each other crazy, but that word choice and the consent issues... *cringes* At least there are valid warnings beforehand, and the first fic was pretty PG. Sorry. *laughs sheepishly*
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a-hypnos-v · 1 year
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A Human Rocky portrait I’ve started workin on, I’m really proud of it so far! So here’s a couple of screenshots of the process I guess.
I was originally going for a tired, spaced out look but for some reason he looks weirdly intimidating?? Idk looks cool so I kept it.
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hermanunworthy · 6 months
walks out of sophomore slump covered in blood. hey guys. think im gonna go curl up in a hole and hibernate for the winter actually
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jewishbuckley · 2 days
tease tidbit tuesday
tagged by @wikiangela
He watches Evan pick the man slightly off the ground, spinning him around, before depositing him on the ground – still clinging, one arm wrapped around his middle.
A flash of disappointment washes over him, but he doesn’t allow himself to feel it in its entirety – at least not yet. Maybe when he gets back to his hotel room. It’s not so much about Evan so much as it’s a reminder that he has a knack for running after men who don’t want him, or can’t want him, or aren’t ready to want him.
no pressure tagging @dadbodbuck @911varietyposts and anyone else who wants to do this!
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
"I feel like the abuse I went through wasn't bad enough :( I don't even remember it"
Yeah so... are you prepared to hear information that could potentially hurt you
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ciderjacks · 6 months
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really shitty Dulcie doodles I did while watching episode 8. Bc her miserable little expressions are so good. Also ok Why is she getting treated so badly by everyone all the time. Leave my beautiful wife alone. She’s doing her best.
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meredithbeckham · 11 months
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don't you dare cry.
a softer world, the 100.
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honeyed-lemonade · 1 year
the amount of SHIT hermie went through to get that damn mascot suit is so on-brand
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