#this would all be so much simpler if veils just let us sheer it a little. like a particularly murderous sheep.
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Other things players FL will do for bragging rights: go through the arduous process of getting a veils-velvet scrap just to use it on a single segment of an ambition that the game explicitly states isn't worth it for a vanity status that has exactly 1 (one) use and it's Joining A Club
isn't veils-velvet one of the hardest T8s to get, too? the only non-discordance method is a nonsense amount of scraps, and the discordance method by itself is still... well. the discordance.
#though admittedly if you're far enough into railway to have discordance unlocked at all#and you STILL havent gotten far into your ambition#i feel like you deserve to take the discordance route. just for like. the hustle#ask#fallen london#this would all be so much simpler if veils just let us sheer it a little. like a particularly murderous sheep.#make it a game of 'can you get enough fur to make a cool suit before the big serial killer bat turns around and eats you'#(you cannot. but you COULD try.)#(and you'd probably get like 500 cp of wounds for your arrogance)
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Hjarta | Chapter 9

Fanfic summary: In an AU where Eivor was adopted by Randvi’s family instead, he ends up falling in love with the man his sister has been promised to despite the arranged marriage between their clans.
Point of view: third-person
Pairing: Sigurd Styrbjornson x Male Eivor
Author’s note: Warning! This chapter is slightly nsfw ;)
This story is also on AO3 | Previous chapter | Next chapter
Eivor trudged through the glimmering waves of snow that concealed the path ahead of him and held tightly onto his cloak, shielding himself from the cold weather as he ventured underneath the deep night sky.
At the moment, the moon was hovering just above a summit of clouds and parting the sheer darkness with its piercing rays of light, casting a delicate veil over the village’s facade.
Blots of shadows gathered in the spaces that lay between the torches standing along the trail, and in the distance, Eivor could hear the faint voices of people who were still awake.
Overall, it was a rather peaceful night to end the bustling day, and the Wolf-Kissed found himself eager to get some sleep. Despite the weariness that clung onto his body however, Eivor’s mind wasn’t quite ready to rest just yet.
No matter what he did, his thoughts always seemed to drift back to the elusive prince. He hadn’t seen Sigurd ever since their last encounter in the longhouse, but even then, it had become nearly impossible for Eivor to think about anything else.
He was constantly worrying about the man. He feared for his friend’s well-being and questioned if there was any way to ease the prince’s agitated nerves, but was never able to corner him during a break.
Eivor would catch glimpses of Sigurd here and there as he bolted from place to place, but it felt as if the man hardly had any time to blink. Let alone sit down for a talk.
It concerned Eivor to see the prince always teetering on the edge of his breaking point, but with the man’s never-ending list of duties constantly occupying him, he didn’t know what else to do anymore.
Part of him even suspected that Sigurd’s absence may have been intentional. They were both fully aware of the emotions they harbored for one another, and Eivor wondered if perhaps the man felt it necessary to distance himself from the Wolf-Kissed for the sake of the wedding. They had seen how easy it was for the two of them to get attached, after all, and maybe Sigurd thought it was no longer worth the risk.
If that was the case, then Eivor just hoped it was working better for the prince than it was for himself. They may have been separated for an entire week by now, but the young man only noticed a rise in his fondness for his companion.
It was starting to become an unbearable battle as Ingrida had predicted, and the fear swelling in Eivor’s chest gripped him harder the more he realized he was losing this fight. At this point, he simply wanted to get the wedding over with. Sigurd’s mere presence alone was enough to send the young man into a frenzy, and even though Eivor wished he could’ve stuck around for a longer period of time, he knew that things would only get worse if the Raven Clan didn’t leave soon.
Perhaps it was a selfish method of coping with the sudden change in their lives, but it was the last one he had. He didn’t know how else he would get Sigurd out of his thoughts, and the stress was starting to weigh him down.
Arriving at the longhouse, Eivor felt a kiss of relief settle into his bones as he stepped into the warmth of the building, finally escaping the arctic winds whirling around outside.
There was no one occupying the main hall besides him at the moment, and the only other presence Eivor spotted was a few of the dogs that roamed their village quietly sleeping on the floor.
It was an uneventful night, contrary to what the Wolf-Kissed expected. Normally, either Arngeir or Ulfar would still be wandering around at this hour -- wrapping up any unfinished business -- but neither of them were anywhere to be found. The fires in the war room had been snuffed out, and the only light Eivor could see was the one coming from the torch that stood beside his chambers.
When he took a closer look into the shadows however, he suddenly noticed another figure standing there, waiting patiently by the doorway. They didn’t say anything upon Eivor’s arrival, and yet, they seemed to be expecting him.
...It was Sigurd.
What was he doing here? Eivor assumed that the man would’ve been fast asleep by now, but the prince was here, silently thinking to himself with his back pressed against the wall. It looked like he had been there for a while, and if Eivor hadn’t taken a few steps closer, he would’ve thought that Sigurd was asleep based on how his head drooped from his neck.
“Sigurd...?” Eivor said, approaching the man with curiosity. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you tired?”
The prince’s head perked up once he heard his name, and a certain glint twinkled in his eyes.
“...Ah, Eivor. There you are.”
Eivor smirked and crossed his arms. “Were you waiting for me?”
Sigurd nodded, attempting to hide the fatigue in his voice. “Yes, actually. There’s something important I wanted to talk to you about. I would’ve come to you sooner, but... as you may’ve guessed, my schedule didn’t allow it.” He glanced at the darkness outside. “...I hope it’s not too late.”
The younger man shook his head. “No, not at all.”
“Are you sure?” Sigurd checked. “I don’t want to disturb you. I know you must be eager to get some rest.”
Eivor waved his hand in a dismissive but comforting way. “No, I’m sure. Come on in. Tell me what’s on your mind.”
His friend smiled in relief. “Thank you, Eivor. I promise, I’ll make it as brief as possible.”
Strolling into his chambers, Eivor walked past Sigurd and headed through the doorway, beckoning the man to follow him as the torch’s flame flickered briefly in his wake. Their footsteps echoed gently within the longhouse’s walls, and upon entering the room, it felt as if they had closed off the entire world, setting aside a piece of haven just for themselves.
Eivor swiftly removed the cloak from his shoulders once he was inside and slid it off, tossing it onto a nearby table. Afterwards, he placed his weapons down just beside the accessory, and set them on the wooden surface with a gentle thud.
“So,” Eivor said, bringing his attention back to Sigurd, “what troubles you, my friend? A shadow of unease stalks your every move.”
The prince chuckled, casually pacing around the room. “Is it so obvious? I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. You’re quite gifted when it comes to reading people.”
Eivor turned around to face him. “Indeed. Which is why I hope nothing too grave has happened?”
“No, no,” Sigurd reassured. “It’s just...”
The older man came to a stop and rested his hands on his hips, letting out a conflicted sigh.
“To be honest, I don’t even know where to start. I expected this to be much simpler before you arrived, but now that I’m actually talking to you... I’m at a loss for words.”
The Wolf-Kissed leaned against the table’s edge. “Then start from the beginning.”
A light laugh fluttered from Sigurd’s lips. “...You say that like it’s so easy.”
He trailed off into silence and combed a hand through his hair, taking a moment to gather his thoughts.
“Listen, Eivor, I’m not exactly sure how to say this, so... bear with me. But over these past two weeks, I’ve been thinking about you without pause. I know you said you didn’t want to take things further -- and I respect that -- but with the wedding just a day away from now, it’s become almost impossible for me to ignore how I feel.”
The young man tilted his head. “What about Randvi? Do you still not feel anything for her? Even after all the time you’ve spent here?”
Sigurd shook his head. “Randvi is a good woman, but she’s not meant for me. And I’m not meant for her. I can see that now. There’s nothing between the two of us. There’s no connection like the one you and I have.” He took a few steps in Eivor’s direction, steadily closing the distance between them. “The truth is, Eivor...”
His expression suddenly sank. “...I want you. I know our people are depending on this alliance, but I’d be lying if I said I was willing to go through with this marriage.” His gaze fell to the floor. “I want our people to be safe. I want to give them a world where they won’t have to live in fear anymore. But what happens after the war’s finished? What happens when Kjotve’s dead? Do Randvi and I just live out the rest of our lives as a couple, despite not being in love?”
Sigurd brought his eyes back to Eivor. “How could anyone find happiness in a life like that? Perhaps it’s selfish to think this way, but... part of me wishes I could make my own decisions. I wish I could just walk away from this wedding, and be with someone I truly love.”
The Wolf-Kissed shrugged. “It’s not selfish to desire freedom, Sigurd. I think anyone would want that.”
“True,” he conceded, “but I’m going to be a king someday. If I want to do right by my people, I’ll have to put their needs before my own. Though, of course, it’s much easier said than done.”
Sigurd let out a breath and turned away from the younger man, shifting to a more downcast demeanor.
“...I’m sorry, Eivor. I don’t know why I’m putting all this on you. You probably have enough to worry about, and I imagine you’ll have a busy day with the wedding tomorrow. I’m not even sure why I came here.” He began making his way to the room’s exit. “I should let you rest.”
“No, wait...!” Out of instinct, Eivor reached for the prince’s hand and grabbed onto his wrist, halting the older man his tracks. A stunning silence ensued after the abrupt gesture, and within a heartbeat, Eivor found himself staring back into Sigurd’s eyes.
The prince looked absolutely baffled by the response. Despite their closeness in the past, Sigurd didn’t appear to be expecting such a knee-jerk reaction from the other man. It was clear he had built a metaphorical wall between the two of them during their time apart, and was being forced to confront his fondness for Eivor now that he had broken the barrier again.
“I...” Eivor allowed his hand to linger, not willing to retreat just yet, “...Sigurd, listen to me. I battle with these emotions on a daily basis as well. I care for you too. You know this. But... we are both bound by duty. We both have people depending on us, and as much as I want to take this further, I can’t. It wouldn’t be right.”
Sigurd relaxed in Eivor’s hold, refusing to pull away from him. “...I know. It’s just difficult to accept, I suppose. I’ve spent all my life wandering the world without someone there to join me, and now that I’ve found you -- the gods want me to let you go. It... it feels wrong.”
The Wolf-Kissed frowned out of empathy. “...Perhaps in another life, when we are free from the restraints of this realm, can we finally be at peace with who we are. But until then...” Eivor felt his heart drop, “...we have a war to win. And we need this alliance to do it.”
Sigurd mirrored the man’s pain. “...Indeed.”
Letting his hand slip from Eivor’s grasp, the prince simply stood in the shadows without saying another word as the two of them drowned in a pool of regret, doing anything they could to break the surface.
It felt unfair to the younger man that he couldn’t be open about his affection for Sigurd, but he understood the gravity of what they were facing.
Their clans needed this marriage to work. They needed this joining to push back Kjotve’s forces, and to eradicate his cruelties from this kingdom for good.
But even then, Eivor wished desperately that he could embrace Sigurd to his heart’s content. He wished he could stick with the man the same way Ulfar did with Linnea, and part of him secretly envied the other people in his clan for being able to live without these concerns.
How different would things be if he were able to show Sigurd his true emotions? How much closer would they have become by now? He supposed he’d never find out. The burdens of this war far outweighed any desires he might’ve held, and he knew it would jeopardize the alliance to suggest anything else.
Still, it didn’t mean he wasn’t torn.
“Eivor?” Sigurd said abruptly, pulling the young man from his thoughts.
Eivor brought his focus back to the prince, suddenly realizing how the man was gazing out the window and into the night’s darkness. A newfound boldness had latched onto the warrior’s troubled visage, and merely just by watching him, Eivor could tell something was on his mind.
“...Yes?” He asked. “What is it?”
Sigurd’s brow crinkled with doubt, and he looked directly into the Wolf-Kissed’s eyes.
“Forgive me for being forward, but... would you be willing to lay with me tonight, Eivor?”
Eivor practically froze on the spot, taken aback by the blunt question. He wasn’t necessarily opposed to accepting the offer, but he found himself in shock nonetheless.
“What-- now?”
Sigurd caught onto his hesitation. “I realize this is sudden, but I have only until daybreak before I’m officially wed to Randvi. After that... my clan is returning to Fornburg to gather our forces. We’ll finally meet Kjotve on the battlefield alongside your people, and once that happens, I’m not certain I’ll ever get the chance to see you again. I... I want to cherish these last few hours with you.”
The younger man stumbled over his thoughts. “But what about the wedding, Sigurd? You’ll be a husband soon.”
The prince lowered his head in guilt. “I know. I’m not blind to the dishonor of my proposal, but as I said, I wish to share one last moment with you. Before I’m forced to leave you behind. Of course though, that’s only if you’re willing to do it. If not, then I’ll leave. No questions asked.”
Eivor’s words clumped together in his throat, and he gazed down at Sigurd’s hands, feeling the urge to reach for them once again. A fraction of his mind twisted at the idea of even considering the man’s offer, but the rest of him wanted nothing more than to leap into his arms.
He had been dreaming of an opportunity like this ever since he first grew attached to Sigurd. He spent day and night wondering what it would be like to welcome his touch, and now that it was finally presenting itself, he didn’t know whether he should’ve refused it... or embraced it.
What if someone found out? What if they couldn’t keep it a secret? Ulfar had already expressed some skepticism of their relationship in the past, and Eivor dreaded the possibility of anyone else discovering their furtive meeting. It would mean the end of this alliance if their secret was exposed. The Raven Clan would no doubt classify it as a betrayal, and Eivor didn’t even want to think about what his own people would do.
Still... he longed for Sigurd’s affection. His heart hammered at the thought of feeling his warmth, and the temptation of accepting his offer was growing more and more irresistible by the second.
Surely, it couldn’t cause that much harm, could it? It would only be for one night, and they wouldn’t see each other again after the marriage was set in place. No one would ever know about their encounter, and they could carry on with their lives as usual. Plain and simple.
Deep down, though -- Eivor knew it was wrong. He knew the potential risks of what he was walking into, and he knew it could cause great harm if things didn’t go according to plan.
At the moment however, he found it difficult to care.
“...Just for tonight, right?” Eivor whispered, stepping closer to Sigurd until they were mere inches apart.
The prince brought a hand up to the other man’s cheek and gently caressed it, holding Eivor in place.
“Just for tonight.” He assured. “Just you... and me.”
Eivor took a deep breath and closed his eyes in contentment, finally deciding to accept the proposal.
“...Okay, then.” He agreed. “I trust you.”
Craning his neck downward, Sigurd pulled the younger man further into his embrace and planted a soft kiss on his lips, instantly tightening his grip once they touched.
It felt as if a flame had just been ignited in his chest. Sparks of intimacy traveled across the top of his skin, and a newborn fire now burst throughout his veins, prompting him to bring Eivor even closer.
He deepened the kiss and slid his hands down the sides of the Wolf-Kissed’s waist, latching onto every muscle he felt beneath his fingertips. He held the man firmly in his grasp and pushed him back towards the table, only breaking their kiss to lift his companion.
In one swift motion, Sigurd pressed his arms under the crook of Eivor’s legs and brought him into the air, afterwards setting him down on the table’s surface. He drifted away from the man’s lips and began pecking kisses along the length of his neck, still delicately caressing Eivor’s cheek in his palm.
Meanwhile, Eivor wrapped his arms around Sigurd’s neck and rested his head on the prince’s shoulders, allowing bliss to overtake him as he felt the man’s kisses roaming further down his body. He felt a pair of hands tugging at the laces on his shirt once the kisses reached his clavicle, and within seconds, his collar had been peeled apart, revealing the skin underneath. But it didn’t stop there.
Sigurd continued to undo the rest of Eivor’s clothes and pulled them off one-by-one, discarding them until the man sat half-bare before him. By now, the only thing concealing Eivor’s body was a pair of trousers that rested very loosely below his hips, and even that didn’t stay in place for long.
Bringing the kisses to a temporary halt, Sigurd peered into his companion’s eyes with a gaze smothered by lust and shrugged off his cloak, taking a moment to remove his own clothing. To his pleasant surprise, Eivor decided to help too and began fidgeting with the buckles on his armor, hastily unstrapping them in order to reach the flesh beneath.
Within a heartbeat, Sigurd’s tunic was sliding off his shoulders and onto the floor, leaving his torso completely exposed. Numerous scars of different sizes dusted the pale complexion of his skin, and thanks to the flickering candlelight, the ridges of his muscles became sharpened by the shadows that threaten to envelop him.
But the prince didn’t give Eivor much time to marvel at the view. As soon as his tunic hit the floor, Sigurd lifted the man once again and returned to his barrage of kisses, carrying him over to the bed.
He tossed Eivor onto the cushion and instantly crawled over him, pinning his wrists down while tackling the laces on his trousers. His breathing had become more ragged at this point, and a faint red tint now stained the color on his cheeks.
Just before he could pull the laces loose however, a mischievous smirk spread across Eivor’s face and the man quickly switched their positions, pushing the prince so that he was now underneath him. He grabbed both of Sigurd’s wrists with a playful sense of agility, and locked the man in place before showering him with his own array of kisses.
He could feel the prince smiling as their lips met once again, and in addition to the excitement that now fueled his every move, Eivor also detected a warm rush of passion blossoming in the depths of his heart. His mind was screaming at him to stop what he was doing, but in the heat of the moment, he felt nothing except for pure bliss.
This was what he wanted. This was what he always dreamt about. It may have been wrong, and it may have been foolish, but by Freya -- Eivor would’ve been lying if he said it didn’t feel good. It was the one thing he never allowed himself to indulge in, and now, it felt incredible.
So, for the time-being, he simply shoved aside all worrisome thoughts and focused entirely on the man in front of him, eager to spend the rest of the night with his temporary lover.
He imagined he would be bathed in regret upon waking up from this mess, but right now, he didn’t care. At the moment, all he wanted was Sigurd. All he wanted was to be with him. He had spend so much time enforcing the barrier that stood between the two of them, and now, he was finally done with it.
He was breaking free from the shackles that this alliance had put on him, and he was no longer willing to stop.
A choir of birds whistled in harmony, bringing life to the stillness of the new day. Ribbons of golden light could be seen dancing across the quiet village, and in addition to the chatter that was now rising from the wildlife, the faint melody of music could also be heard ringing in the distance.
There were quite a few people wandering around, despite the early hour. Most of them were helping with preparations for the upcoming wedding, and the rest were simply just there to take in the morning view.
It was the start of a joyous day as far as the villagers were concerned. The alliance they had been planning for so long would finally be forged, and their days of living under Kjotve’s iron fist would come to an end.
As for Eivor, the young man was still trapped in his bed’s embrace, completely motionless in his slumber. His head remained buried in the warmth of his pillow, and he could feel a soft draft tickling the parts of his body that were exposed.
His mind was entirely clear of any worries for once. Not a single thought of war or death interrupted his dreams, and his soul remained unperturbed.
In spite of the comfort that now encompassed him however, there was one thing that was missing. He no longer felt the sensation of someone’s arm on his hip, and the space behind him seemed to be lacking a familiar weight.
“...Sigurd...?” Eivor mumbled softly, rolling onto his side.
There was no one there.
The spot beside him was cold with absence, and all of the prince’s clothes had been retrieved from the floor.
Sigurd was already gone, and Eivor was left with nothing but the company of his own regret.
“...Oh, you fool...” the young man muttered to himself, dragging a hand down his face. “...What were you thinking...?”
Freya willing, no one would ever learn about their forbidden escapade. There were already enough problems occupying the people of Bjornheimr, and Eivor’s mind went into a state of panic at the idea of anyone uncovering their affair, regardless of how temporary it may’ve been.
He supposed he would just have to carry on as if nothing had happened. He would have to attend the wedding with a fake smile on his face, and pretend that everything was fine.
But deep inside, Eivor knew he’d carry this encounter with him for many days to come. He longed for Sigurd’s love even more now, and instead of the felicity he should’ve felt for his sister’s marriage, he experienced only loneliness, and the desire to be with the prince again.
He was trapped in a hole he had dug with his own two hands, and now, he prayed that there’d be some way to climb out. He didn’t want the tragedies of Ingrida’s prediction to come true, but after everything that just occurred, he had a feeling it’d be impossible to stop it.
The Nornir were forcing him down this path they created, and he had already reached the point of no return.
#hjarta#assassin's creed valhalla#ac valhalla#sigurd styrbjornson#eivor wolfkissed#eivor wolfsmal#eivor varinsson#male eivor#sigurd x male eivor#ac valhalla fanfic
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handmaid - 35
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap, guns
A/N: once again i am veryyyyyy late but i rly don’t wanna let go of this fanfic. hope you enjoy this chapter x
The static sound of silence and the full view of darkness was what she woke up to. She wasn’t sure when she had lost conscience but at the moment the only thing she could see was the flickering light of a single lamp dangling overhead. Sometimes breaking through the silence, the irritating and yet somber noise of single drops of waters hitting the ground would make themselves heard leaving Y/N to feel like she was in imminent danger. As she tried to move, she noticed her ankle was tied to a shackle bolted to the ground which grounded her in the reality she had found herself in. However, instead of screaming or wondering what to do her first instinct was to lay her freed hands on top of her textile covered stomach trying to almost feel for the wellness of life growing inside her.
Taking a deep breathe, she looked around, trying to understand where she was yet the low light room didn’t give much. However, the existence of a staircase a few inches away from her led her to believe she found herself in a lower floor than regular, maybe some sort of basement. Wherever it was, it was quite clear to the young handmaid it was a hard enough place to escape. The sheer chilliness of the room made her scared enough for her own safety, wondering what plans Mr. Williams had for her and if she would ever return to her life. What she’d give to return to the life she had known, in that sheltered, clueless mindset everyone believed she have.
She sighed, biting onto her lip so she wouldn’t start crying. Her mind kept rushing, rushing too fast even with the events and stories told to her by the same man who now held her captive. She wondered what all of these years were, they surely weren’t truthful yet unlike lies they were palpable, palpable years of being placed right under everyone, hearing whispers of several other high society people pitying the orphan taken under a powerful’s family’s wing. What good was it to train someone to be submissive for the rest of her life for her safety? It was useless as she was standing idly at the feet of the same man who had brought her mother’s demise.
All those thoughts did no little to help to tears remain in their ducts and soon, a few of those were rolling down her cheeks hitting the ground along. Along with this, one of her hairpins fell to the ground, the sound removing her from her pitying state. She grabbed it from the floor, looking at the details through the veil of her teary eyes. It was a rather sharp hairpin, she herself had noticed that prior when the hairstylist had stuck it into her hair, lightly scratching her scalp.
Her eyes moved from the sharp edges to the shackle around her ankle and the key hole just a bit centred in the metal. Shaking like a leaf, she inserted the hairpin into the keyhole, shimmying it enough to cause the lock to give in, freeing her in the process. She found herself dumbfounded with it before quickly getting on her feet and climbing up the stairs to the door. Her hand gripped the door handle and pushed it down, however, the door proved to be locked. She sighed, looking around the room for any exits but there were no windows or any other doors. There was a drawer unit and her most hopeful self hoped there would be maybe a pair of spare keys.
Her hands rushed through the drawers which were mostly empty except the very last drawer where a small razor phone was. She looked around, ensuring her safety before she grabbed the phone with shaky hands, sighing in relief once she noticed one small bar on signal. Y/N quickly pressed the number on the phone, bringing her nails to her mouth as she waited and waited for the recipient to pick up but nothing came out of it.
- Please pick up ... I really need your help, I ... - she interrupted herself as she heard steps from above her. Quickly, she stuffed the phone back on drawer, rushing over to the chain which she shackled on her ankle again.
The door opened rather fast, beams and beams of light streaming through the badly light room which hurt her eyes. Two voices were distinct and her eyes were glued to the door as Mr. Williams walked in with a smug look, however, it wasn’t him that made her heart beat a bit faster, it was Sebastian coming from behind. His pristine ironed suit was completely wrinkled, his tie loose enough to dangle around his neck, heavily wrinkled forehead, a very far cry from the put together man he normally was.
- You have a visit, birdie. - he stopped Sebastian from taking any steps further towards her. Ignoring her, Mr. Williams turned to face the mob boss, taking a particular pleasure in seeing him in agony over his own actions. - Told you she was safe. All it takes is just a signature and you can give her a happy ending.
- No, before I sign anything you gotta assure me that once you have that document she can go. - Sebastian wasn’t stupid. If there was a spark of his father that lingered in this psyche it was a very analytical and rational thinking, troubleshooting if you’d like to call it. For all he knew, he would sign those papers and Williams would do whatever he pleased with Y/N. The mob boss just couldn’t risk it with her. No, her safety came first. - She leaves, I sign it.
- Why should I believe you won’t just back away once she leaves?
- You’ll just have to trust me.
- You better not play me. Even if she’s out of this room, I have my own ways of making sure she doesn’t leave. - he threw the key towards Sebastian who strutted towards Y/N. Her gown was severely messed, almost a symbol of what he had done to her. It was his fault she was all over this mess, he could’ve protected her, he promised her he would protect her and here she was, shackled to the ground. He could feel his heartbeat pounding against his skull as he uncuffed her, hands still shaking.
- You’re gonna run. Okay, angel? You’re gonna run, run as far and fast as you can and you won’t look back, okay? - Y/N’s eyes didn’t seem as worried as he would expect, instead they held this creased look as her hand moved to cup the side of his face, the other hand pushing a piece of his hair away from his forehead.
- What about you? - her eyes quickly moved from Williams to Sebastian.
- Angel, it’ll be okay. You gotta run, okay? Run. - he helped her onto her feet, expecting her to start running the moment she was up. Instead, she stood a few seconds immobile looking at him as her mind told her something bad was coming. She could just feel it, nevertheless the push on her back by Sebastian caused her to start running up the stairs. If only she could get to Dan or Mr. Forrest, they surely could help Sebastian.
Sebastian watched her leave, his heartbeat calming down as he realised she was safe. It didn’t matter what else would happen, she was safe and that was all that matter. Maybe Williams was right, maybe this wasn’t the life for him, a life with her sounded better, a life with her just sounded ... simpler, easier. Just him and her somewhere in a small town starting a family. With that thought in mind, he has handed the document and a black pen, his eyes wondering to the line asking for his signature. It almost seemed to mock him, mock him for not being able to keep a dynasty and her safe. With his gaze away from the paper, he quickly signed it, handing it over to the despicable man.
Mr. Williams smirked out of delight, eyes turning upwards to the door, giving one of his men the sort of look that led some doubt into his mind. This quickly got confirmed as the door was firmly locked, the darkness barely lit by the lamp on the ceiling involving the two of them.
- You probably don’t remember her mother, you were too young but god ... does she resemble her, those beautiful eyes, exactly the same. Sometimes the universe does give you a second shoot. Maybe I couldn’t be with the mother but I guess the daughter will do just fine. - he raised his arm towards the now ex mob boss, pointing his gun at him. - After all why should I only control one family when I could control two?
- YOU FUCKING BASTARD! - before he could make any moves towards him, a shot burst through his leg, weakening his stance sending him against the floor.
- Did you seriously think I would let you go on and marry her? Get her family support and gain your position back? I didn't peg you for a gullible one but I guess I was wrong. - he chuckled taking another shot to the same leg. - I will take such pleasure in raising your kid. I will raise your child to know just how weak you were, how you never rose up to the challenge. You will cease to exist, gone, just like things should be.
His mother used to talk to him about death when he was younger, how people just shouldn’t fear it and that when it comes everything is white. Sebastian had to disagree as once another bullet hit him, this time close to his stomach, he didn’t see white, no, he saw her. He saw her, the very first time he saw her on the floor, he saw her eyes peaking from the covers whenever she would sleep near him, her touch, and her laughter. In that moment all he wished was for her to be somehow outside the house, to be safe, far away from all of this. Maybe it was this hope, this conviction that kept him pulling on the single thread belonging to his life. He really hoped she was safe.
- Drop it. - a feminine voice boomed through the room. Mr. Williams furrowed his eyebrows turning around to a scenario he never expected to experience. Y/N had her arms forward, holding one of his guns and point it at it. - I said, drop it.
- Well, well ... - he lowered down sightly, placing the weapon on the floor before putting his hands up. - What are you gonna do, birdie? You’re gonna kill me?
- Shut up. - her hands were far from being stiff, shaking with the fear of the situation she was standing in but still firmly holding her revolver.
- What are you gonna do, birdie? You’re gonna shot me? For who? Him? Listen to me, Y/N, you and I are the same. We work hard and those above us mistreat us. Join me child, you will have the power you deserve. You won’t serve anyone else, no more hand me downs, no more screaming.
- I will not join you, you’re not powerful, you’re a coward. You’ll never be anything other than a coward even if you become the head of the family. You’re a coward, only cowards murder innocent, only cowards are so insecure in their own skin they would crave power. - she lowered her weapon. - I will not be the one to kill you.
- Well, isn’t th ... - he was interrupted by a gun shot echoing through the room sending him onto his knees leaving only a very weak Sebastian holding the same revolver he had placed on the ground.
- She won’t but I will. - she had never seen this side of him. He sounded cruel, cold yet she couldn’t blame it, what she could do was be worried about him as he held a weapon with one hand and the other hand held onto his gashing wound. - I will kill you, slowly, painfully. Before you’re dead, I will make sure all your stupid bastards are dead, all your men are dead, and I will have you front and centre to their deaths.
- Y/N .. - the man winced in pain from the gunshot, eyes looking up to the handmaid who had took a few steps back.
- Don’t you fucking say her name! - he shot him once more, no sign of mercy in his actions.
- Sebastian. - she called out to him, effectively gaining his attention. There were no words exchanged, she just looked at him, her lip trembling ... disappointment even.
There are moments in your life when you can chose to be the villain or the hero of your story. You can either live being the villain or others can tell your story and keep it on. Sebastian looked at her, from her eyes to her hands laying on top of her stomach. No, he wouldn’t be the villain, he wouldn’t be his father. He lowered his weapon, cuffing the man he most despised where he had just had the woman he loved captive.
Once that was done, whatever was left of the adrenaline keeping his wounds from hurting ran out and the pain overtook his muscles, sending him against the ground. Y/N rushed from her standing position, lowering herself to catch him before his head hit the ground. She pulled him over her lap, pushing his hair away from his face.
- C’mon, you have to get up. - she spoke softly but he could hear the underlying anxiousness. - You have to get up, we have to get out of here, okay? Just you and me.
- No, angel. - he reached to his pocket, her music box still there, and he placed it softly on her hand. - I don’t think I can. You can, you can go, take the next plane out of this place, go to France ...
- No. - she threw the box away. - You have to get up, you will get up, you’ll come with me to France. Just us, no one else.
- You deserve everything you’ve ever dreamed of.
- You are my dream.
tag list: @lilya-petrichor @xoxohannahlee @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater @nikkipea @madisonpillstrom @cevans98 @thelostallycat @sideeffectsofyou @anxiousdreamersworld @captainchrisstan @lookiamtrying @sarge-barnes-sir @stuffforreferences @thebadassbitchqueen @sebastianstansqueen @nsfwsebbie @strangerliaa @emzd34 @everything-is-awesomesauce @dreams-in-blxck @krismeunicornbaobei @buckysteveloki-me
#sebastian stan#sebastian stan x reader#sebastian stan/reader#sebastian stan x you#sebastian stan/you#sebastian stan x y/n#sebastian stan/y/n#sebastian stan au#sebastian stan imagine#sebastian stan fanfic#sebastian stan drabble#mob boss!sebastian stan#mob!sebastian stan#mobster! sebastian stan#mafia!sebastian stan#mafia boss!sebastian stan
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How To Build Viktor Like An LEC Pro

It is the preseason, the time where League of Legends gets flipped upside down along with a massive collection of changes have been made to the match, and also this preseason is all about item varies. Some champions also obtained a ton of modifications in their own, such as Viktor. Nowadays, we're having a peek at what is changed for Viktor, not just with his kit, but also Viktor build and ability order too.
Viktor Abilities
Viktor has obtained a rework to his or her passive. He no longer has his Hexcore thing, which he utilized to update by spending gold onto it, in turn enabling him to fortify his abilities. Glorious Evolution now rather allows Viktor to fortify his skills, giving them distinct results and making them stronger. To fortify an authority, Viktor should collect 100 Hex Fragments. He gains these items by murdering minionscreatures, and winners. Minions provide one fragment every, while shooting down an enemy winner awards Viktor using 25 fragments. This makes searching for kills very beneficial, and will enable Viktor to snowball whether he receives a kill or two.
Siphon Power is a point-and-click capacity that deals damage to the goal and protects Viktor. The upcoming standard strike that Viktor casts in just a couple of seconds is enabled, coping additional magic damage to your goal. After reinforced, Viktor build profits movement rate upon casting Siphon Power and raises its protecting powers. This is a powerful capability for trading with competitions, dealing a nice chunk of harm to them while protecting yourself from injury.
Viktor can deploy Gravity Field, which continues for a couple of seconds. Any enemy status inside the gravity field are slowed and also develop a pile. Upon reaching three piles, they're stunned. After reinforced, Gravity Field grants Viktor's other skills (excluding his supreme) a slowing effect. Gravity Field is a superb subject of impact ability that simplifies your competitors options for engaging or escaping in that region. Should they attempt to run through it, then they will be amazed, leaving them vulnerable to you along with your staff and allowing you a opportunity to reposition.
Death Ray is Viktors E in his build. It fires a ray at a lineup, dealing a great quantity of damage to any enemy that it moves through. After reinforced, an explosion follows another following Death Ray is throw, dealing damage to the exact same area again. That is Viktor's key waveclear and trickle harm. A couple of points to Death Ray, together with an augment, turns Viktor into among the most powerful wave clearing winners from the sport.
For his supreme, build of Viktor summons that a Chaos Storm, interrupting enemies on spawning and coping damage in the region for its length. Viktor can opt to move Chaos Storm in almost any way, allowing him to keep damage on tripping enemies. Upon bolstering the rest of the skills, Chaos Storm also gains an augment. This fortify enables Chaos Storm to move quicker, which makes it much simpler to stick onto opponents.
Max Order
Death Ray is your priority ability to maximum for Viktor Build. As stated previously, this really is his principal waveclear and poking instrument. Once maxed and fortified, Death Ray deals unbelievable harm, permitting Viktor to make short work of incoming minion waves and enemy wellbeing bars equally.
Next up is Siphon Power. The damage and protect scaling with points in Siphon Power should not be underrated, and will give Viktor a great deal of additional survivability and burst harm in the game.
At length, Gravity Field is left for the last. This is largely because of how the excess damage and usefulness from both of the other spells are more powerful and much more frequently utilised compared to Gravity Field. The enhanced slow is fine, but maybe not game-changing, and also the other skills being on a shorter cooldown is considerably more significant than having Gravity Field on a shorter cooldown, because it is not likely to be cast over twice in a struggle. Put points to Chaos Storm at levels 6, 11, and 16.
Augment purchase is very static for many players. Death Ray is really the most optimal fortify for your own first, as Death Ray is Viktor build’s main spell for nearly all the game. Siphon Power follows that, with Gravity Field abandoned for last.
It appears like the vast majority of top Elo gamers, and our specialists from the LEC, have consented that Phase Rush is your ideal keystone rune to operate on Viktor. Stage Rush provides more flexibility and choices to weave in and out of risk, which can be helpful in this situation since that is basically Viktor's most important playstyle. This is normally followed by accepting Manaflow Band for extra mana and mana maintain, Transcendence for a few more Ability Haste, and Gathering Storm for your late match insurance.

There's some debate around the finest secondary tree. This is normally personal taste, or altered based on the opponent you are facing. Utilizing former Fnatic midlaner Fnatic Tim "Nemesis" Lipovšek for instance, he conducts the Inspiration shrub with Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery.
The former allows for more gold to be funneled to your center products, granting you marginally magic boots of speed to get free after a time. The latter supplies sustain throughout the laning stage, awarding several snacks which, upon usage, restore some of lost health and mana while at the same time boosting your max mana. There are a few people who operate the Precision and Domination trees, however, Inspiration appears to be the most ordinary at right now.
Viktor Item Build
There are whispers going about a super secret OP construct for several mid lane mages at this time, but that appears to be getting addressed from the equilibrium group, therefore we will not be adding that in the item section. Rather, we are going to be focusing on a more conventional build that lots of gamers are finding success with at this time.
Start out using a Doran's Ring and two Health Potions for its laning stage. This will give you all of the stats you need early on, while making certain that you can top your health up in the event that you take a few transactions or will need to endure a gank in the enemy jungler. Upon your initial remember, you need to attempt and pick up a Lost Chapter, which will develop into your very first core thing, Luden's Echo. Following that, work towards updating into Sorcerer's Shoes, followed closely with a Lich Bane as the following center thing. These core things allow Viktor the capability to waveclear efficiently, and possess very potent trading and skirmishing power.
Following those, there is a little more of a decision to be made. If in need of usefulness, Zhonya's Hourglass may be a strong consideration, but in the event that you're able to forgo the defensives, Rabadon's Deathcap will permit you to pack a great deal more of a punch with your damage output, which will feel good once you're getting into the group battling phase of this match. After having a Void Staff to negate some of your competitor's magic fight will surely assist in melting through these gyms.
If you did not elect to your Zhonya's Hourglass sooner, today could be a fantastic time to receive it. If you are not needing the armour, or you're not taking much aggro out of your competitors, you may select a more competitive thing for example Morellonimicon to attempt to cut back on the competitions recovery, Cosmic Drive for more movement rate, or possibly a Banshee's Veil in case the enemy group has a great deal of magical damage.
Laning Phase
Focusing on past hitting as many minions as possible is very critical for any midlaner. This is particularly true for Viktor, because every previous strike makes him closer to attaining an authority fortify. Your intention is to consume as numerous hex objects as you can, hopefully attaining an update or two prior to the mid game begins.
Start looking for chances to punish your competition with the unbelievably large range supplied from Death Ray. Many champions do not have means of fitting its own range, letting you essentially exchange damage at no cost. Attempt to work together with your jungler for times to ramble or gank. Obtaining a takedown will help you in receiving a historical augment, enabling you to take charge of your lane which much earlier.
Team Fights
Viktor is among those sins of AoE in League of Legends. Your work is to nuke everyone down you can in a place, particularly the squisher aims. The sheer quantity of area control supplied by Chaos Storm, Gravity Field, and Death Ray will put fear in the hearts of each squishy member of the opposing group seeking to walk your choice.
The motion rate increases supplied by both your apparel and out of Phase Rush should help you in kiting from these posing a hazard for you, while letting you discount their wellness bars out of range. These motion speed fans may also help you in pursuing down goals, or permit you to get to a priority goal who is not expecting you to become so quickly.
People who dismiss Viktor's damage output will probably suffer the identical destiny that Yiliang"Doublelift" Peng failed in everybody's favourite clip. Hopefully your competitors will be rescuing Flash to their next game also.
Conclusion - Viktor Build
In conclusion, Viktor is a remarkably strong AoE mage who will absolutely ruin anything in his path if performed properly. He's among those greater skill-capped champions from the sport, requiring both robust understanding of the sport and powerful mechanical ability to pull off properly. This permits for rewarding gameplay which makes Viktor build both enjoyable to understand and main. We would recommend anybody aspiring to find out a new mage at the mid lane to provide Viktor an attempt!
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7. Furling
When Kyrie fell asleep that night, she felt the familiar pull of the Dreamscape. She entered curiously. It had been a while since she had felt compelled to enter the Dreamscape the way she had felt compelled to enter the Fragment.
When she exited the vines covering her side of the garden, she could see that Daniel was already waiting for her in the centre of it. He was smiling at her in a way that made her slightly uncomfortable.
“This is new,” she commented, gesturing to the garden. “Summoning me here instead of to your base.”
“I went to sleep with your rock in my hand,” Daniel said with a cocky grin. “It worked.”
“I can see that,” Kyrie replied. “Why is it that you summoned me?”
“I’ve just come from an interesting place. I know what you are,” Daniel said. Kyrie tried not to freeze on his words. “We went to a planet that once was the meeting place of four great races. We recognised the writing of the Nox and the Asgard. There was a third writing, that we called the Ancients. And then there was a fourth, indecipherable except for the name of the race. The Furlings. You. You’re a Furling.”
Kyrie contemplated her response. Elder Rhea couldn’t very well blame her for revealing something Daniel Jackson had deduced on his own. “And you came to this deduction all on your own?”
“It makes sense. You said you had an alliance with the Asgard, you knew of the Nox, you withdrew from the galaxy. You. Are. A. Furling. You are a being of the fourth race.”
“I can’t very well deny it after you put it all together,” Kyrie said at last.
“But why? Why be so secretive? Why withdraw from the universe?”
“When the Ancients left, and the Goa’uld began to crop up, and the Replicators began to threaten the Asgard...we decided that it was best to withdraw completely. We grounded all of our interstellar ships. The shipyards are rusting, before you ask. We closed off all of our colonies. We cloaked Illyria. For all intents and purposes, we disappeared. It was for our own protection.”
“But you could be helping the Asgard in their fight against the Replicators right now! You could have prevented the Goa’uld from rising to power if you had stayed.”
“I cannot and will not make excuses for my Elders or predict what we could have done. What we could be doing. It’s not my place. I am a Scholar, Daniel, not an Elder, not even an Elder to be. My sacred geometry did not predict that. I cannot simply criticise my governing body like you are asking me to do.” Kyrie’s voice sounded thick.
“But you’re a Seer, and you said Seers had the power to guide-“
“Not that kind of power,” she responded uncomfortably. For once, Kyrie wanted to be the one with her head in her hands. “Look, I’m uncomfortable with some of the things I am directed to do, I admit. I did not want to conceal things from you. There are things I must yet conceal. I must ask you not to reveal what I am, should the occasion arise that I finally introduce myself to others of your kind. And I ask the Alchemy that you do not fall into the hands of a Goa’uld or other enemy who finds out of our existence from you…” Kyrie sighed.
“I’m...sorry. I did not think of that. That the Goa’uld could have learned of you through me if…”
“By the Alchemy, it will never come up. But you must understand that our situation has become more complicated now. You cannot tell the Asgard of me, either, understand. It is very important...you must…the journey you are on right now is one that you must take alone with the Asgard for now. I- we- cannot help. Yet.”
“Well, that at least makes sense.”
“It does?” Kyrie asked, genuine surprise in her voice.
“Yes. We must prove ourselves to the other races one at a time. We probably couldn’t handle two at a time. So yes, it makes sense.”
“Oh. I will still be here, of course. I can answer questions- probably more, now that you know what I am. I just can’t offer you the aide you seek.”
“If you had just told me from the start, this would have been so much simpler.” Kyrie sighed.
“Perhaps. Perhaps it would have been harder. It would have been nice if the Fragment had shown me this,” Kyrie said.
“Not omnipotent, eh?” Daniel said with a smirk.
“I never claimed to be,” Kyrie said, an edge to her voice. “Visions in the Fragment offer guidance, and then I must interpret that guidance to offer my own guidance.”
“So I’m getting secondhand guidance, is what you’re saying?”
“If you want to put it that way, yes. I would never lie to you outright.”
“But you would, as you say, conceal things from me.”
“I was ordered to. Surely there are things that you are ordered to do yourself that you do not like?”
“Yes, but-”
“Then you must respect that I have aspects of my life that are much the same. You and I are not that much different, Daniel Jackson.”
“You’re an alien with the power to see beyond and see my future, but if you want to call us ‘not that different’, sure, go ahead.”
“It is comments like that that make the Asgard and my Elders make comments of their own that allude to your race as children. You are one of the better of your kind. I expected better of you.”
“That was harsh.”
“That was the truth.”
“I’m glad I know what you are. I can learn so much from you.”
“If you could see it, you would see that I was rolling my eyes at you.”
“I still don’t fully understand the veil. Our conversations would make so much more sense if I were able to see your facial expressions. When others of your society veil, are their veils aways so opaque, or is that just a Seer thing?”
“I’m going to regret you knowing that I’m a Furling. You should just save your questions and live with us for a Cycle.”
“I’d rather know now.” Kyrie sighed.
“No, the veils are not always opaque. My mother veils because she likes it, but she wears sheer blue veils that match her outfits. And hers aren’t electronic like mine is. My eyes were damaged by the Fragment the first time I went into it. I can adjust how much light enters my field of vision with an electronic veil so that I can properly see. Seers wear opaque veils because our eyes are...unsettling to most.”
“In what way?”
“If you were a Furling child, I would demand an apology for nosiness.”
“But I’m not a Furling child.”
“No, you are a Scholar, and I am in a deep hole with you. When my eyes were damaged, they became an opaque, milky white. It is the Mark of the Seer. Most people don’t want to see that, so we veil.”
“That seems a little unfair to you.”
“It is the way we have lived for thousands of Cycles. I do not mind it. Besides, I get away with a lot of facial expressions that I would otherwise have to make apologies for were I not veiled, because I am terrible at masking my emotions. I was constantly having to apologise for them as a child.”
“I take it apologies are big in your society? You’ve mentioned having to make public ones before.”
“Ah yes, for the swimming clothes and the public rudeness. That was...not fun. My mother shrieked at me over the holoscreen for my indecency despite my explanation. Yes. We are an ultra-polite society. There are standard apologies for most everything. Your Colonel will offend a great many of us when he comes to visit. I do not need a Vision to know that.” Daniel chuckled at this.
“He offends a great many people on our world as well. It’s kind of his thing.”
“Mmm. I advise you to do the bulk of the talking on your official visit here.”
“And you won’t give me a hint of when that might be?”
“You know me better than that by now, Daniel.”
“It was worth a try.”
“If we stay here talking, will our bodies experience actual rest?”
“Not entirely, so no, I will not let you keep me here the entire time to answer your questions. Besides, time passes differently in the Dreamscape than in the real world, never mind the differences between Illyria and Earth. I do have a job and a life, as do you. They will come searching for me if I do not appear on time, and though my Krewe leader is somewhat understanding of my...situation, I do not wish to overstep my boundaries with them. I’ve already fainted once on the worksite and left early another time.”
“Your work, do you enjoy it?”
“Immensely. Our forebears are fascinating. They did not use the Fragment or Seers to guide their lives as we do now. Learning about them and adding to the body of knowledge is quite satisfying.”
“I know what you mean. I’ve been to dozens of worlds now, and we’ve learned so much about Earth cultures just from visiting other worlds- it has been amazing. Some worlds are like living museums. I wish I could spend more time studying, but unfortunately my team is assigned to do a lot more than just study.”
“You will have your fill of studying one day, Daniel.”
“Another Vision of my future?”
“No, just a hunch. Everyone retires from active roles in their own time to do research, at least on Illyria. I suspect it’s the same on Earth.”
“Why isn’t the Seer destined to bring the Tau’ri to Illyria an Earth scholar instead?”
“That would be too easy. We have Earth scholars. There are more Furlings than you think on Earth monitoring different Timelines and ensuring that events happen as planned.”
“That’s a little…interventionist.”
“We’re all over the universe. It’s what we’ve always done. As soon as Lakme and Lakira charted the stars, we were out there, in the universe, doing what we did best.”
“But I thought you said your ancestors didn’t follow the Fragment or Seers?”
“They didn’t, not at first. They didn’t understand the Fragment for a long time. But there was just this innate sense of knowing among our people of how to guide civilisations or people or places along the right path without fully getting involved.”
“For millennia, leading right up to you.”
“Leading right up to me.”
“I suppose this is where I should stop asking questions and let you go with grace.”
“Perhaps for now. I have answered many of your questions tonight without very much ducking about the subject. You should be glad.”
“I am. Thank you for not ducking my questions tonight.”
“Thank you for not dragging me into the Fragment. The Dreamscape is a far kinder place to meet. Stay well. We will meet again soon.”
“I hope so. You stay well, too.”
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Seeker Files: When Walls Fall Away

So this was meant to be written and posted on Seeker’s birthday, October 28th, when it takes place. You can see how well that worked. But I got it done.
Sometime during the deep hours of early morning, when the inside of his lab was draped in muffling shadows, Seeker sat up on the unadorned mattress that served as his bed. Setting his feet on the cool floor, he sat for a minute on the edge there, and then shifted around, twisting his head a little to glance behind him.
Farid was sleeping deeply, as he always did after they made love. His dark hair was tousled, his mouth slightly open, and most of the blankets were on his side, as usual. At least a few things seemed the same about him, thought Seeker, with an unacknowledged grimace. Seemed like they were really him. The rest....
Seeker breathed out, and watched Farid quietly for a bit through lowered, pensive eyes. Then he rose to his feet, silently pulled on pants and a sweatshirt, and padded downstairs.
The night air brought a shiver to his limbs as he stepped outside. Seeker glanced around without purpose. Even in the darkest hour, it was never truly dark here, with the swathes of honey-coloured grass rustling in the breeze and the soft, insistent glow of exanite casting a thin sheen over the area from all sides. Seeker tilted his head back, staring at the indigo sky. For all its marvels, exanite in this instance did present one drawback. Abundant as it was in this place, its light overtook everything - especially the stars.
He swallowed a yawn as he rubbed briefly at his face, moving away from the stairs and onto the grass. He began pacing slowly around the smooth hexagonal columns of exanite that encased his lab. His brain felt fuzzy, and listless, and he didn’t need that right now. He needed clarity and focus.
Eventually he stopped, stretching out an arm and pressing one palm flat against the smooth exanite wall so he could lean on it. He was exhausted, as much from his mental struggling as from his exertions with Farid. He found himself staring blankly at the swaying grass, and blinked heavily.
Eventually, his eyes dragged up to squint at the soft flush of light above him, and then at the ground again. He did this a couple more times, each movement of his head accompanied by a more thoughtful frown. And then he did something he had never done before - he went up.
Up, past the shimmering angles of exanite, where slender roots were twined within the crevices from the golden tree that grew above as it clung to nearly nothing. Stairs shivered into existence beneath Seeker’s bare feet as he climbed the empty air, like panes of frosted glass, supporting him for a few moments and then fading away when he had passed.
He had never known what lay beyond the tumbled grey rocks and sheer walls of exanite that surrounded this small glade, and for reasons he hadn’t voiced even to himself, he never tried to find out. He knew that it was hidden, technologically as well as physically; tracking tech was useless here. And presumably, being in Isigrol, somewhere beyond here lurked the horrors of the Strain. But in an uncharacteristic display of willful ignorance, he preferred to know the place only as his safe haven.
Now he paced a slow, wide spiral around the exanite that held his lab, and around him the waving grass receded, and the dark rocks fell back. Translucent leaves brushed at his face, trembling in a fitful breeze that darted past. Beneath the tree’s broad spread, he stepped out onto a pitted plane of exanite. He continued forward, and a few paces ahead, he hauled himself with shaky arms onto the narrow beam of an Eldan-made strut. It jutted out like the bowsprit of a beached ship into the open air.
Deliberately, but with a lack of caution he might have later regretted, Seeker picked his way out of the tree’s embrace along the strut. As the view opened up, his eyes widened in astonishment.
Up here the air was unburdened by exanite’s magnificence, though it still burned softly around the edges of the glade. He tilted his head back. An infinite array of stars stretched out above him. But as he glanced about, he saw that it was also around him, more a globe than a dome, for where the exanite ended the stars began, as though the entire world were just - this. A golden isle with all the galaxy’s seas around it, waiting to be traversed.
Seeker stood there for a long time, just staring. It had to be an illusion of some kind, it had to be. Logic, rationality, reason all dictated that he was in Isigrol, on Nexus. There should be more - well, terrain. But as the moments passed relentlessly in silent regard, disbelief gave way to a simpler question - did it matter?
He hardly even noticed when his legs began to protest their continued efforts to balance atop the narrow strut. Almost absently, he sank down, seating himself on the ancient metal. His eyes remained fixed on the spherical sky, and as wonder receded slowly to acceptance, Seeker let his thoughts drift elsewhere.
It hadn’t been until his earlier talk with Farid that he really registered what day it was. Thirty years. That was how long he’d managed to stay alive, in spite of everything. Truthfully, he had never expected to make it this far. He had figured for a long time now that if the Dominion didn’t kill him, his own body would. And it had, in a way. Yet - here he was.
Still breathing. Still beating. Still breaking.
Seeker inhaled rather hoarsely, and dragged one sleeve across his eyes before his expression could steady again. Something in his chest was aching, but now he could recognise that the feeling wasn’t a wholly bad one. He had lived for so long with a massive wall in front of him that at some point he had forgotten how to see beyond it. It had taken many people chipping away at him for many years to persuade him to lift his eyes again. But more than anyone, it had been Farid - Farid who showed him that a wall was merely a veil, and that life was worth living on both sides of it.
How do you do it? Because clearly I don’t know.
Because I haven’t got a choice. My whole life is hanging by a literal thread. So if I’m stuck between cry and laugh, I’m gonna laugh.
That’s still a choice though.
Yeah. So, make it.
Seeker drew one knee to his chest and wrapped his arms around it, shivering more insistently in the chilly air. He didn’t know how to react to what he was feeling. Loss, and lost, the freedom of being cast adrift and the pain of making the right decision. And now, the wall was gone. Suddenly life was stretching out before him, unpredicted, unknown, unknowable. In a way, he was starting over, and this time, he had nothing to use as a crutch - not his hatred of the Dominion, not his love for Farid. From here, he would have to construct his own path. And more importantly, allow himself to savour it. Because he had promised him.
Tomorrow - because they had both agreed that breaking up was a terrible birthday present - the word would begin to filter out. This time, though, it would not be due to death, and Seeker thought on the whole that this was an immense improvement.
Look, Farid, he thought wryly. I’m practising my optimism again. A few more weeks of this, and you won’t even know me.
And in the spirit of that, he set his attention on the stars again, and not on how intensely sad the previous thought might have made him.
#wildstar#wsrp#seeker eldanhand#farid patel#seeker/farid#seeker files#i've had this blog planned for over a year and i finally got to write it yaaaayyyy
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After choosing the perfect wedding gown, your next major quest is to find accessories that can elevate your looks and beauty. This is the time, and naturally so, when you have a keen eye for enhancing your elegance and sophistication with style. Therefore, selecting the right accessories for your wedding dress is extremely important for you as a bride.
The sheer charm of these wedding gown accessories can also connect your outfit with your overall wedding theme. So which accessories should you adorn yourself with so that all of your guests will swoon over your phenomenal allure?
Selecting the Right Accessories for Your Wedding Dress
5 Bridal Accessories to Compliment Your Gown
Here is a list of 5 gorgeous bridal accessories that will best complement your wedding gown:
1. Selecting the Right Accessories for Your Wedding Dress: Earrings
There is no doubt that the successful purchase of your wedding dress along with exquisite accessories means fulfilling half of the preparation of your big day celebration. So the list of your required accessories should start with earrings, which are almost every woman’s natural weakness.
Image Credit: iconogenic © 123RF.com
Earrings have always been designed to add and bring exceptional grace to any woman’s dress ensemble or outfit. Whether you are going to purchase a classy pair of pearl studs or wearing hoops to elicit that charming girl vibe, you can find them for every occasion, including your wedding day.
To find the right pair of earrings, just take a cue from your hairstyle. For example, if you are leaving your hair down and over your ears, small studs or drops will do the trick.
2. Selecting the Right Accessories for Your Wedding Dress: Bridal Shroud or Veil
A bridal shroud or veil is an intriguing and iconic accessory. There are different types of veils according to length. And each one comes with its own styling tips.
Bridal Veils. Image Source: JJsHouse.com/Pinterest
It should be noted that whatever veil length and design you choose, it should complement your wedding dress as another bridal accessory:
A birdcage veil typically comes to the length up to the nose or even the entire face, which gives a vintage 1950s or 60s feel. If you’re going for the vintage look, this is it!
The flyaway veil is a wispy, multi-layered veil that falls over the shoulder at its longest. It is perfect for a casual wedding, and is is adorned by a beautiful bride with a playful personality.
The elbow veil passes over the shoulder past the upper arms, and ends just above the elbow.
A fingertip veil stretches a bit longer down.
Other types of veils are waltz veil, sweep veil, and chapel veil, which are much longer.
3. Selecting the Right Accessories for Your Wedding Dress: Wedding Event Rings
A perfect wedding ring is an integral part of this solemn occasion because it is well conceptualized with classic and modern essence of the nuptials. The reason why the wedding ring is a must-have accessory with your bridal gown is it symbolizes an endless and eternal circle of love between a bride and a groom.
Check out this freshwater pearl wedding band for women. Isn’t it simply stunning?!?!?! The Pearl Source can create one personalized just for you.
Your ring is also a symbol of the vows you have spoken, a commitment you and your partner have made to each other for life. Contemporary developers are using uncommon and cutting-edge options for creating precious wedding jewelry rings. You can choose a unique wedding ring from here that will stay with you for a long time to come.
4. Selecting the Right Accessories for Your Wedding Dress: Diamond or Pearl Necklace
When it comes to a wedding gown, there is no better companion like a diamond or pearl necklace. A diamond or a pearl will prove to be a great augmenter to your irresistible grace. As an essential component of bridal jewelry, one of the most popular types of necklaces is made of silver wire, diamond crystals, Swarovski crystals and fresh water pearls.
A Royal Wedding of The Crown: Queen Elizabeth Weds Philip wearing a diamond tiara and layered pearl necklace. Image Source: Daily Mail
Moreover, pearl or diamond jewelry is always in fashion for a bride and her bridesmaids. Though the most popular color for bridal jewelry is white, some brides also prefer cream or golden pearls to match their wedding gowns.
For ivory wedding dresses, a shining diamond necklace will enhance your personality as well as beauty. These offer timeless beauty and elegance. Furthermore, for a gown with a simpler style, you can try a bold statement necklace or fascinator.
5. Selecting the Right Accessories for Your Wedding Dress: Bridal Crown
Finally, a majestic wedding crown is what you need as your defining accessory for your big day. There are different types of styles of bridal crowns that are really on the rise these days.
Giselle Pearl Wedding Tiara. Image Source: Olivier Laudus
A shining crown would be so great to complement a tidy hairdo or to accentuate your amazing curls. A bridal barrette having some jewels attached to it will be perfect for you when you let your hair down. It keeps your hair tidy while still showing off your lovely curls.
For brides having a princess-flair, a bridal tiara is a perfect fit. It will give you a fairy-tale look that is being desired by most brides. It’s perfect to incorporate a vintage feel to your bridal ensemble.
As a bride, your wedding day is the most special day of your life. You can make it memorable with your style and swagger using accessories that give you the most enchanting look. So try these tips to make sure you’re selecting the right accessories for your wedding dress for your special day.
The post 5 Gorgeous Accessories to Elevate the Look of Your Wedding Gown appeared first on Pearls of Wisdom by The Pearl Source.
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Final Evaluation
I think all of my photographs are effective and of the same quality because they have all used a different composition and a different prop yet they still share similarities so they relate and don’t look completely different. For example, they all have a red undertone to them (all except for the one black and white image) which is something they all share while being quite different photographs. I decided to use this red undertone as my model is wearing a red shirt which shows up as such a vibrant colour and also, a lot of the photographs naturally turned out with very warm colours due to the lighting. I think the third image in the photo set is effective because of the clarity of my model even through the smoke, so her facial expressions and details are still clearly visible, which is important. I also think the fifth image is effective because her face is so detailed and clear with all the smoke around her and her facial expressions are still readable which is also important. I also believe the composition is effective as while it is different for each image, there is something keeping them connected, and this is the use of ‘weight’. I added a prop or element into the photograph so while the model is centre, the prop adds some weight to the side she is holding it, making it more unusual and effective. I was heavily inspired by different artists. The first was Rankin, as he takes very detailed, close up shots of models and shows a lot of emotions. The main thing Rankin communicates is the raw emotion of the model and that was something that inspired me a lot, and something I really tried to include; I wanted a show a lot of fear and anger which I think can be seen through my models emotions, but I kept my shots clear and detailed also. One image by Rankin shows Anna Kendrick using her hands and this is what first inspired me to use hands in my own photoshoot and my own idea progressed from there. Another artist that inspired me was Elena Kalis, who mainly does underwater photography but I was mainly influenced by the atmosphere of some of her photographs. While some are very happy and just generally pretty pictures, some have a very deep, dense atmosphere which is something I wanted to include to improve the emotion given. The colours in Kalis’s photographs really capture this atmosphere and add to it, for example the washed out blue gives an empty space so is more eerie while the model is dressed in bright clothing so stands out, yet her body positioning shows her emotions- such as the awkward positions show fear and vulnerability.The theme I chose for my project was ‘concealed’ and I definitely think I pushed my creative boundaries. The first idea I came up with was simply using hands to conceal the face and body in as many ways as possible, and I knew quite early on I wanted my models hands painted black, as I wanted her hands to represent her inner self, pushing her away from the outside world and being harsh and angry while the girl underneath was shy and scared. This was virtually the only idea I had and I did pursue this as in all my photographs the models hands were used to conceal her face or a body part, however once in the studio I had many more ideas also. The first idea was using a sheer piece of cloth we found in the studio and it was red so fit the colour theme of my photos, and there were so many ways to use this. In one image, my model is simply using the cloth to cover the side of her face, so this is a simpler use of the cloth, however in another one of my final images, I have used a much slower shutter speed of 2” to capture my model throwing the cloth and letting it fall back down in front of her face. This idea was very on the spot and quick, but I ended up with one of my personal favourites, as the photograph is blurred with the use of the slow shutter speed, while the model is still very detailed and in focus, and the cloth created a red hue for the entire photograph, while also concealing her face. Another idea that I discovered and used for my final mages, was using extra hands, this wouldn’t have been possible originally but there was an extra person in the studio, so it was then possible. I used his hands with the models to conceal her face and body even more to symbolise her ‘inner demons’ that are almost clawing their way out and she’s fighting them, as seen in my second image the extra’s hands are around my models throat and in my fourth image he has put only one hand at the side of her face, like it’s clawing upwards and also adds to the creepy, malevolent atmosphere. The last idea was probably my favourite ‘prop’ to use as when photographed it captured so beautifully and creatively. It was the idea to use a portable smoke machine, which is small and easy to manoeuvre. We tried using it many times in different ways: from above, from below, from the left and from the right. The most unique thing was that no two pictures looked alike because the smoke moved in different ways every time, as it can’t really be controlled. I personally enjoy how in some photographs, the smoke completely conceals the model's face, and in others, it just creates a hazy ‘shield’ across the entire shot, while keeping the model in focus. The smoke really added to the atmosphere as it definitely looked chilling and ghostly, while also portraying the haziness of her mind, so it can be viewed in a physical or more mental, metaphorical way. I also think I pushed my creative boundaries when editing, although I didn’t want to over-edit as I did like the original photographs. Firstly, I changed the exposure of each image and the shadows, so it was much darker, as the flash on my camera made it too bright for my liking, so the background was very dark and then I used Viviza 2 to bring brightness back into my model’s face and body. I also made sure there was enough clarity so detail was visible in each image, and then changed the saturation, so for coloured images, the reds really stood out and in the black and white, there was an easily recognisable contrast between light and shade. These were the more simple editing techniques I used. I then decided to change the hue slightly of each image in sections, so for her skin and face, the tone was very red and warm, but for images where smoke was used, I made the smoke much more cool-toned so it contrasted and was very eye catching; in my first image the smoke is very white and bright and in the image where it completely covers her face but she is still visible (the last image), there is a blue tone used. The last of the editing techniques I used was frequency separation and air-brushing. I used both of these techniques to remove imperfections on my model’s face, such as the odd blemish or different pigmentation in the skin, and I felt air brushing often looks too fake, so I used frequency separation to keep the model’s texture but remove imperfections. Overall I do think I used my time effectively in this project. The first half of the project I focused on finishing my artists analysis’ in lots of depth but without falling behind, so I often finished these at home. Editing was my main focus in class as it requires photoshop and other editing softwares which I have no access to, so I focused on finishing these in class to a high standard. Towards the end of the project I felt more pushed for time, especially for the comparison as this requires two artists and a comparison paragraph so this took up a lot of my time, and also for ‘part 4’ of the project. I spent about one hour in total in the black studio taking some good quality photographs so I could keep my editing to a minimum, yet keep them looking professional and also fulfilling the brief- concealed. However by the end, it turns out I had no spare time and I wasn’t running out of time either, so it was planned quite well. In my group crit i received good comments, improvements and how to further my work. From my peers, it was said that I had a good gothic horror theme and also an underlying theme, as opposed to just the main theme of ‘concealed’. My peers said they also enjoyed the smoke I used, as it was unique and covered my model further in a very different way, as sometimes it fully concealed her, and sometimes it simply created a simple ‘film’ over her. Something that was questioned, and later enjoyed, was the use of black hands, as I used to to symbolize inner demons and an inner fight, so it shows the underlying theme, and also the sixth photograph, about how I got the blurred images, and I explained my use of a slow shutter speed and the use a red veil to get the natural red hue, and by her simply throwing it up and bending down, it concealed her with her own body and face. To develop my work further, I was advised to follow a gothic horror theme, as it seems to be my strong point and also something I thoroughly enjoy in photography, and also following a narrative instead of just random photographs following a theme/ brief, as it allows me to explore the theme further and give structure to my work, such as how the ‘demonic hands’ slowly take over my model’s entire body until the point of pure insanity. Lastly, if I had more time on this project, I would have liked to develop it further. I would firstly like to take some more photographs in the white studio as I feel I didn’t have much experience in there, and I could have worked on editing them better also. I would also have tried to experiment with different ideas for my own photographs following the theme of concealed; for this I would develop it by using more models, so I had different people yet a clear theme is visible throughout, and I would also like to experiment with different props, some more complex ones. Lastly, I would like to use art-based editing techniques on my final photographs to provide a variety of skills and aesthetics, compared to just editing with the computer software.
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