Viego Build
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viego-build · 4 years ago
How To Build Viktor Like An LEC Pro
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It is the preseason, the time where League of Legends gets flipped upside down along with a massive collection of changes have been made to the match, and also this preseason is all about item varies. Some champions also obtained a ton of modifications in their own, such as Viktor. Nowadays, we're having a peek at what is changed for Viktor, not just with his kit, but also Viktor build and ability order too.
Viktor Abilities
Viktor has obtained a rework to his or her passive. He no longer has his Hexcore thing, which he utilized to update by spending gold onto it, in turn enabling him to fortify his abilities. Glorious Evolution now rather allows Viktor to fortify his skills, giving them distinct results and making them stronger. To fortify an authority, Viktor should collect 100 Hex Fragments. He gains these items by murdering minionscreatures, and winners. Minions provide one fragment every, while shooting down an enemy winner awards Viktor using 25 fragments. This makes searching for kills very beneficial, and will enable Viktor to snowball whether he receives a kill or two.
Siphon Power is a point-and-click capacity that deals damage to the goal and protects Viktor. The upcoming standard strike that Viktor casts in just a couple of seconds is enabled, coping additional magic damage to your goal. After reinforced, Viktor build profits movement rate upon casting Siphon Power and raises its protecting powers. This is a powerful capability for trading with competitions, dealing a nice chunk of harm to them while protecting yourself from injury.
Viktor can deploy Gravity Field, which continues for a couple of seconds. Any enemy status inside the gravity field are slowed and also develop a pile. Upon reaching three piles, they're stunned. After reinforced, Gravity Field grants Viktor's other skills (excluding his supreme) a slowing effect. Gravity Field is a superb subject of impact ability that simplifies your competitors options for engaging or escaping in that region. Should they attempt to run through it, then they will be amazed, leaving them vulnerable to you along with your staff and allowing you a opportunity to reposition.
Death Ray is Viktors E in his build. It fires a ray at a lineup, dealing a great quantity of damage to any enemy that it moves through. After reinforced, an explosion follows another following Death Ray is throw, dealing damage to the exact same area again. That is Viktor's key waveclear and trickle harm. A couple of points to Death Ray, together with an augment, turns Viktor into among the most powerful wave clearing winners from the sport.
For his supreme, build of Viktor summons that a Chaos Storm, interrupting enemies on spawning and coping damage in the region for its length. Viktor can opt to move Chaos Storm in almost any way, allowing him to keep damage on tripping enemies. Upon bolstering the rest of the skills, Chaos Storm also gains an augment. This fortify enables Chaos Storm to move quicker, which makes it much simpler to stick onto opponents.
Max Order
Death Ray is your priority ability to maximum for Viktor Build. As stated previously, this really is his principal waveclear and poking instrument. Once maxed and fortified, Death Ray deals unbelievable harm, permitting Viktor to make short work of incoming minion waves and enemy wellbeing bars equally.
Next up is Siphon Power. The damage and protect scaling with points in Siphon Power should not be underrated, and will give Viktor a great deal of additional survivability and burst harm in the game.
At length, Gravity Field is left for the last. This is largely because of how the excess damage and usefulness from both of the other spells are more powerful and much more frequently utilised compared to Gravity Field. The enhanced slow is fine, but maybe not game-changing, and also the other skills being on a shorter cooldown is considerably more significant than having Gravity Field on a shorter cooldown, because it is not likely to be cast over twice in a struggle. Put points to Chaos Storm at levels 6, 11, and 16.
Augment purchase is very static for many players. Death Ray is really the most optimal fortify for your own first, as Death Ray is Viktor build’s main spell for nearly all the game. Siphon Power follows that, with Gravity Field abandoned for last.
It appears like the vast majority of top Elo gamers, and our specialists from the LEC, have consented that Phase Rush is your ideal keystone rune to operate on Viktor. Stage Rush provides more flexibility and choices to weave in and out of risk, which can be helpful in this situation since that is basically Viktor's most important playstyle. This is normally followed by accepting Manaflow Band for extra mana and mana maintain, Transcendence for a few more Ability Haste, and Gathering Storm for your late match insurance.
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There's some debate around the finest secondary tree. This is normally personal taste, or altered based on the opponent you are facing. Utilizing former Fnatic midlaner Fnatic Tim "Nemesis" Lipovšek for instance, he conducts the Inspiration shrub with Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery.
The former allows for more gold to be funneled to your center products, granting you marginally magic boots of speed to get free after a time. The latter supplies sustain throughout the laning stage, awarding several snacks which, upon usage, restore some of lost health and mana while at the same time boosting your max mana. There are a few people who operate the Precision and Domination trees, however, Inspiration appears to be the most ordinary at right now.
Viktor Item Build
There are whispers going about a super secret OP construct for several mid lane mages at this time, but that appears to be getting addressed from the equilibrium group, therefore we will not be adding that in the item section. Rather, we are going to be focusing on a more conventional build that lots of gamers are finding success with at this time.
Start out using a Doran's Ring and two Health Potions for its laning stage. This will give you all of the stats you need early on, while making certain that you can top your health up in the event that you take a few transactions or will need to endure a gank in the enemy jungler. Upon your initial remember, you need to attempt and pick up a Lost Chapter, which will develop into your very first core thing, Luden's Echo. Following that, work towards updating into Sorcerer's Shoes, followed closely with a Lich Bane as the following center thing. These core things allow Viktor the capability to waveclear efficiently, and possess very potent trading and skirmishing power.
Following those, there is a little more of a decision to be made. If in need of usefulness, Zhonya's Hourglass may be a strong consideration, but in the event that you're able to forgo the defensives, Rabadon's Deathcap will permit you to pack a great deal more of a punch with your damage output, which will feel good once you're getting into the group battling phase of this match. After having a Void Staff to negate some of your competitor's magic fight will surely assist in melting through these gyms.
If you did not elect to your Zhonya's Hourglass sooner, today could be a fantastic time to receive it. If you are not needing the armour, or you're not taking much aggro out of your competitors, you may select a more competitive thing for example Morellonimicon to attempt to cut back on the competitions recovery, Cosmic Drive for more movement rate, or possibly a Banshee's Veil in case the enemy group has a great deal of magical damage.
Laning Phase
Focusing on past hitting as many minions as possible is very critical for any midlaner. This is particularly true for Viktor, because every previous strike makes him closer to attaining an authority fortify. Your intention is to consume as numerous hex objects as you can, hopefully attaining an update or two prior to the mid game begins.
Start looking for chances to punish your competition with the unbelievably large range supplied from Death Ray. Many champions do not have means of fitting its own range, letting you essentially exchange damage at no cost. Attempt to work together with your jungler for times to ramble or gank. Obtaining a takedown will help you in receiving a historical augment, enabling you to take charge of your lane which much earlier.
Team Fights
Viktor is among those sins of AoE in League of Legends. Your work is to nuke everyone down you can in a place, particularly the squisher aims. The sheer quantity of area control supplied by Chaos Storm, Gravity Field, and Death Ray will put fear in the hearts of each squishy member of the opposing group seeking to walk your choice.
The motion rate increases supplied by both your apparel and out of Phase Rush should help you in kiting from these posing a hazard for you, while letting you discount their wellness bars out of range. These motion speed fans may also help you in pursuing down goals, or permit you to get to a priority goal who is not expecting you to become so quickly.
People who dismiss Viktor's damage output will probably suffer the identical destiny that Yiliang"Doublelift" Peng failed in everybody's favourite clip. Hopefully your competitors will be rescuing Flash to their next game also.
Conclusion - Viktor Build
In conclusion, Viktor is a remarkably strong AoE mage who will absolutely ruin anything in his path if performed properly. He's among those greater skill-capped champions from the sport, requiring both robust understanding of the sport and powerful mechanical ability to pull off properly. This permits for rewarding gameplay which makes Viktor build both enjoyable to understand and main. We would recommend anybody aspiring to find out a new mage at the mid lane to provide Viktor an attempt!
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viego-build · 4 years ago
How to build on the Top Lane Like an LEC Pro
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The top lane comes with a gruelling 1v1 where only the most powerful comes out on the top. Though many want to check their mettle playing with this function, it's a harsh and hard one to make sure. 1 single mistake could break or make the lane, and also continuous jungler disturbance makes these small errors all the more easy to create.
Between G2 Esports' Martin "Wunder" Hansen, Fnatic's Gabriël "Bwipo" Rau, Rogue's Andrei "Odoamne" Pascu, and many others, the LEC has an abundance of top lane talent, and watching them on the stage can teach us some invaluable lessons and show us the best Aatrox build. 
Aatrox Build as a LEC pro
The top lane is a surprisingly diverse role, with champion picks ranging all the way from Karma build to Aatrox build being viable, so long as you wish to play them. In general, however, you can categorise the top laners into one of two types: tanks and carries.
Tanks are the more reliable sort of toplaner. Whether you fall behind, win hard, or just go even, you'll always be an asset to your team as long as you can scale and bulk up. The top three picks at Worlds across all regions were of the tanky sort -- Ornn, Renekton build, and Volibear. In the late game, tanks are usually in charge of initiating team fights, soaking up damage and peeling for their mid and botlaners.
Carries like Aatrox build or Camille build may be less common in professional play, but they are arguably considered more fun by the average player. Rather than sit and wait until late game, top lane carries will win lane at any cost and snowball their way into the mid game. Their late game role is to either wreak havoc in team fights, often by taking out prime targets on the enemy team, or to split-push lanes.
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Early Game
The top lane early game may just be the least forgiving of all the lanes. Any small error, such as wasting a Summoner Spell, missing a cannon minion, or forgetting to ward, can be exploited by a good player. This one mistake will inevitably snowball into a lost lane if you don't get any help. In order to win lane, you have to understand your champion's win conditions, the matchup you're playing, and the enemy Aatrox playstyle.
Manipulating the Wave
Aside from warding, another thing that will protect you from ganks is proper minion wave control. Think of top lane as consisting of three zones. The safe zone is near your turret -- here you can farm without fear of ganks, in most cases. In the middle of the lane -- the part that connects to the river -- you are in more danger, but still relatively safe. Being in this zone or near your turret means that your jungler has a relatively easy way to gank for you.
The deadliest spot is near the enemy turret. Here the enemy jungler has many ways to get to you, and you have a long way to trek if you need to escape. Moreover, it'd be nigh impossible for your jungler to successfully pull off a gank, unless they are willing to tower dive with you.
The most important terms that relate to minion wave control are freezing, shoving and slow-pushing.
Freezing involves attempting to "suspend" the minion wave in a particular location. Usually you will want to freeze the wave near your turret, which is both the safest zone for you to be in and the most dangerous one for your enemy. Freezing by your turret means your enemy is vulnerable to ganks, as they will be forced to walk into your safe zone if they don't want to miss out on priceless gold and experience.
Freezing can be difficult to accomplish, but it's highly rewarding. You freeze the wave by last-hitting minions, matching the damage that the enemy does to your minions, but making sure you always have one minion less than the enemy. If you ever have more minions than the enemy, the lane will instead push towards the enemy turret ever so slowly.
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Shoving means killing the enemy minion wave as quickly as possible, therefore "pushing" your minions towards the enemy turret. Shoving is useful after the enemy toplaner has died or recalled. Your minions will die to the enemy turret before they can return, and that means that they will lose out on gold and experience. You should also shove the wave before you yourself recall, so as to avoid coming back to the lane with the enemy minions at your turret.
Shoving the wave is very simple. You simply need to attack the minions as quickly as possible, utilising both basic attacks and abilities.
Slow-pushing refers to two things. By default, you should always be slow-pushing, which means only last-hitting the minions, rather than attacking them at random. If you're always pushing, you will always be in the enemy safe zone, and therefore unsafe.
The second variety of slow-pushing is also called crashing, and it involves building up a large minion wave by killing all of the enemy minions besides melee minions. Since melee minions are tanky, they will occupy your wave for a long time. Eventually, another of your minion waves will join the first wave, and so on until you end up with a huge minion wave. This big wave will then"crash" on the enemy turret, forcing the enemy crew to respond. This can be a very helpful method for the late match, because it will either result in some favourable 4v5 team struggle, or it is going to wind up getting you that turret outright.
Aatrox build in mid and late game
Outside of Teleport plays along with a potential skirmish near top lane, so you won't be joining your staff until mid game starts. At that stage, you may have won, lost, or gone during the laning stage. If you won, you need to find it easy to keep to jumpstart your guide in staff fights.
Your part in the group struggles is greatly champion-dependent. As Aatrox build, then you are going to want to attempt and engage the conflicts or peel to your own team, whereas a transport ought to find key targets and attempt to kill them. Carries can also forgo team battling completely and split-push instead.
If you misplaced the laning stage, you might find it rather hard to rejoin the match, however there are ways to deal with. In the event that you were playing with a tank, then you may discover that you're still able to stay helpful to your group in staff fights by leading with usefulness. If you can not make yourself useful, simply try to catch up in farm and also prevent dying until you're doing.
If you are playing a winner who is a fantastic split-pusher, then you can look at doing this rather than engaging in each team struggle. Split-pushing involves moving into a side lane and draining waves to create pressure. By always pushing into the turret, you compel the enemy group to respond in some manner.
Normally they'll be made to send a participant your way to cope with you personally, but if you are a powerful dueller such as Jax, and you are ahead, they may want to send two or even longer to manage you. Though this sounds like it is bad news for you, this means your staff will get a significant advantage if they opt to team combat, push another lane, or even catch an objective.
Whether you need to split-push or group battle is dependent upon the particular match, the winners being played, along with the overall direction the sport has gone. By way of instance, when playing champions with amazing tide clear such as Aatrox build or Ryze, it is going to be significantly more challenging to stress a side lane.
Another problem in League of Legends might be that your staff can't acquire a 4v4 if they are quite behind. In case you skipping out to a staff struggle means your staff will automatically shed, as you are very ahead or they are really behind, then it is far better to steer clear of split-pushing and stick with the staff.
Particular winners are far better at split-pushing compared to others. A powerful, portable dueller with quick wave clear is your ideal option. This sort of winner can take care of the 1v1, push fast, and escape if need be.
With these suggestions, you ought to be equipped to have the very best lane than previously. We'll see you around the Summoner's Rift.
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viego-build · 4 years ago
Viego Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends
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