#this was such a fun concept to write
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Happy Spooky Season, Axel! This might be a little unusual but with the spirit of Halloween coming up, how would the ROs react to MC being a werewolf?
Maybe it can happen in a camping trip, similar to The Quarry? Maybe not separately bcuz I would love to see how they handle it as a group, but I won't complain with individual reactions either. Do whatever would be more comfortable, dear Author. Happy Halloween in advance!
rural connecticut had a way of making everyone feel a little uneasy. perhaps it was the countless urban legends people told around it, perhaps it was the way that the state was where the nation’s first witch trials occurred—three decades before they happened infamously in salem, massachusetts.
the air was crisp with the sort of chill that lingered in your bones but didn’t quite feel threatening yet. the fire crackled softly as you stoked it, watching the flames flicker against the growing dusk. everyone was scattered around the camp, still settling into the space.
D was busy doing what they did best—getting under C’s skin with sarcastic jabs, teasing them about the way they kept folding and refolding the map as if it would magically change the directions. M, ever the stoic one, was trying to ignore them, but you could see the slight twitch of their lip, an indication that D was close to getting on their last nerve.
V was standing beside you, hands in their pockets, looking vaguely amused by the whole scene. W, on the other hand, just shook their head and smiled, the picture of someone used to D’s antics by now. it was a strange mix, this group—too many strong personalities in one place—but it worked. everyone knew their role, how far to push, when to back off. at least most of the time.
D had started flicking small rocks at C’s back and making loud, obnoxious comments about how they were overpacking again. “C, honestly, it’s a camping trip, not a three-week expedition. You don’t need an entire suitcase for a weekend.”
C shot D a venomous look from over their shoulder, folding the map they’d been fussing over with a little more force than necessary. “keep it up, and you’ll be sleeping outside the tent tonight.”
“i’d love that, thanks,” D fired back, their smirk relentless.
you fed the fire another branch, staring into the flames as V leaned closer.
“you’re quiet,” they said, voice so soft that it was almost drowned out by D’s exaggerated laugh in the background.
you shrugged. “just thinking about all the coursework i still have waiting for me when we get back. feels like i should be doing something instead of sitting here.”
V smiled, the kind that crinkled the corners of their warm brown eyes. “it’s a holiday. you’re supposed to be relaxing. the work will still be there when you get back.”
M wandered over, looking unusually tense. “you lot heard about the wild predators around here lately?”
you glanced up, the firelight reflecting in M’s eyes, giving their worry an edge.
“what do you mean?” V asked, straightening up.
M ran a hand through their hair. “there have been some sightings—wolves, maybe coyotes—attacking other animals around these parts. i was checking for some news around the area and it showed up on my phone.”
D chimed in before anyone could respond. “oh, come on, your highness. it’s connecticut. we’re not in the middle of the appalachian region or yellowstone. we’ll be fine. plus, this place was ranked one of the best camping spots in the state. we’re practically in a five-star resort.” their grin was wide and mischievous, but you noticed the slight edge to it, a crack in the usual rodomontade.
W, usually the voice of reason when M couldn’t be, spoke up next. “we’ll stick together either way. there’s strength in numbers. we’ve got a fire, flashlights, and C brought a hunting rifle. if anything comes near us, we’ll handle it.” they squeezed M’s shoulder reassuringly.
but M’s worry lingered in the air, a quiet tension settling over the group despite W’s calm reassurance. you noticed it—the way M kept glancing at the treeline, how they kept rubbing their arms like the air had turned cold with every passing minute.
you had nodded in agreement with W, trying to push away the strange feeling that had settled over you. It was probably nothing. this was just camping—people did it all the time. and yet, something about the stillness of the woods, the way the sun was sinking so fast behind the trees, left you uneasy.
as the sun sank lower and the sky shifted from blue to deep indigo, you all gathered around the fire for dinner. D had somehow managed to snag a pack of white claws, and C cracked open a can of pepsi, glaring at D as if it was their fault no one had thought to bring more non-alcoholic options.
the fire felt like a buffer between you and the world, the flickering light casting shadows over the campsite. the mood was light, despite the earlier worries. cheeriness spilled out from the group in bursts, warming the cool night air. but as the conversation started to smooth out more, a sound rose up from the woods behind you—a long, eerie howl, distant but unmistakable.
it came from far off at first, just a faint sound on the wind, but it was enough to make everyone pause, the laughter dying in your throats. V’s eyes darted toward the tree line, and M’s face went pale.
“that’s probably just—” D started, but their voice faltered, betraying the nervousness beneath the joke. “i mean, it’s probably some sort of a mating call, right?”
no one answered.
then, another howl. closer this time. too close.
W stood up, their face pale, hands clenching nervously. “we should probably—”
“i’m getting the rifle,” C interrupted, standing abruptly. their face was tight, their jaw set, as if they were angry more than scared. “whatever’s out there, i’ll scare it off.”
“we should all go with you,” M said quickly, grabbing their flashlight. “like W said, strength in numbers, right?”
everyone nodded, uneasy but moving in unison, as if drawn by the same invisible thread. you grabbed your flashlight, the cold metal heavy in your palm, and followed as C led the way into the woods.
the flashlights carved weak paths through the dark, illuminating only fragments of the trees and underbrush. every step felt wrong, like the forest had swallowed you whole. you could hear the rustle of leaves, the crunch of dead branches, but no animals. no insects. it was too quiet, and the silence buzzed in your ears.
“where are all the animals?” M whispered, their voice barely more than a breath.
and then, just as you turned to respond, there was a sound—a low, guttural growl, so deep it seemed to shake the ground beneath your feet.
it came from behind you.
you froze, heart slamming against your ribs. the others turned in slow motion, flashlights swinging wildly through the dark, their beams landing on a pair of glowing yellow eyes. the creature was huge, hulking, its fur bristling in the cold air, muscles rippling beneath its skin. it wasn’t a coyote. it wasn’t even a wolf, not really. it was something else, something too large, too wild, too impossible.
“shit! C, get your fucking rifle no—” D exclaimed, but the creature was already moving. in one fluid motion, it lunged toward your group, its teeth bared and its claws extended.
without thinking, you shoved W out of the way, just as the creature’s jaws snapped inches from their face. before you could react, you felt the searing pain of teeth sinking into your arm, claws ripping through your skin as the creature dragged you backward into the underbrush.
the world seemed to wobble around you, the flashlight slipping from your grasp as you screamed, thrashing against the weight of it. the burning, tearing pain spread like wildfire through your body, but the more you fought, the deeper its teeth sunk into your skin.
“shoot it! C, shoot it!” V’s voice cracked, desperate, as they, D, and M scrambled to pull you free.
there was a crack—a gunshot—and the creature jerked back, snarling in pain. C had fired, the rifle smoking in their hands. the beast staggered, blood dripping from its shoulder, before it let go of you and fled into the night, vanishing into the trees as quickly as it had appeared.
you were left on the ground, panting, clutching your arm as the pain pulsed in waves, so sharp and overwhelming you could barely breathe. blood soaked through your shirt and jacket, your vision swimming in and out of focus as the others rushed to your side, their voices a blur of panic and urgency.
“oh shit, oh fuck,” W rambled, dropping down beside you, their eyes filling with tears and panic. “hold on, we’ll need to get you to a hospital. now.”
nobody argued. they packed up the camp in minutes, the fire doused, gear thrown haphazardly into the car. you were half-conscious by the time they bundled you into the backseat, your arm throbbing in time with your heartbeat, every movement sending fresh spikes of pain through your body. you could feel the blood seeping through the makeshift bandages they’d wrapped around your arm, could hear D’s voice, low and tight, muttering curses under their breath as they sped toward the nearest hospital and probably broke many speed limits.
but beneath the pain, beneath the terror, there was something else. a heat. something wild and feral curling low in your chest, spreading through your veins, something you couldn’t name but felt terrifyingly real.
the fever started small. just a dull, persistent heat behind your eyes that made you squint against the light of the hospital room. at first, you thought it was something else, something ordinary—a delayed reaction to the bite. the doctors had warned about infection. C had been furious, pacing the length of the small room with that same tight look they always got when they were trying not to say something filled with rage. they were pissed, but more at themselves than anyone else. they’d been the one to insist on bringing the rifle, after all. M kept a hand on your forehead, their fingers cool against your overheated skin, and whispered reassurances, half to you and half to themselves.
“it’s probably rabies,” M had said, voice low and steady like they were trying to convince themselves more than you. “you’ve got the shots. it’ll be fine.”
W and V exchanged a glance over your bed. you didn’t miss it, the way their eyes flicked toward each other, something unspoken passing between them. you’d noticed it before, during those first few days when they’d both taken turns sitting with you. they weren’t saying it out loud, but you could tell—they didn’t think this was just rabies. and part of you, the rational part that had clung to M’s words, didn’t think it was either. but you weren’t ready to ask.
the fever crawled through your body, starting in your chest and spreading to your limbs like fire under your skin. it wasn’t normal. you knew it wasn’t, but there was no explanation that made sense. the doctors couldn’t find anything except for signs of a violent infection. but that didn’t explain the dreams, the way your senses had started to shift in ways you couldn’t fully articulate.
at night, when the fever hit its peak, you’d wake up drenched in sweat, your heart pounding in your chest as if it were trying to break free from your ribcage. your skin felt like it was too tight, like something inside you was pressing outward, demanding to be let free. there were flashes of something more—brief moments where your senses sharpened, where you could hear footsteps down the hall or smell something faint, metallic. but those moments came and went, and you told yourself it was just your mind playing tricks.
M and C were the ones to step in with the rational explanations, repeating the same things over and over until you almost believed them.
“it’s just an infection,” they said. “you were bitten by a wild animal, after all.”
D, though, tried to lift your spirits, as they always did. they’d show up with bags of sweets, grinning, trying to make you laugh even when your head was throbbing and your skin was burning up.
“maybe it’s not rabies,” they’d joked once, tossing a gummy bear into the air and catching it with a quick snap of their teeth. “maybe you’ve been cursed. like some old angry spirit or whatever. we should get a shaman.”
that had gotten a weak laugh out of you, but it had been hollow, thin. there was no shaking the feeling that something was wrong, that whatever had bitten you had left more than just physical wounds.
but eventually, after days of burning and aching, the fever broke. your body cooled, the heat fading into a dull memory, and the doctors were quick to say that you’d recovered. you’d survived the infection. but you knew better.
when they discharged you, your friends were there waiting, trying to make light of the fact that you looked half-dead. you could see it in their eyes—the way they studied your gaunt face, your hollow cheeks, the way your skin clung too tight to your bones like you’d been starved for weeks instead of days. D had tried to joke about it, something light-hearted about your diet, but no one had laughed. not really.
you didn’t say much. you couldn’t. because something in you had changed during those fevered days, something you couldn’t put into words. and you couldn’t shake the feeling that whatever had happened wasn’t over yet.
the first full moon passed without you realizing it. you’d felt strange for days—restless, anxious in a way that didn’t make sense. there was this pull, this quiet urging in your chest, like something was trying to guide you somewhere. but you couldn’t pinpoint it, couldn’t find the source.
then one night, after a long day of feeling like your skin didn’t quite fit, you found yourself wandering through the campus. it wasn’t intentional—you didn’t decide to go out, but your feet carried you across the quad, past buildings and students, and toward the woods on the outskirts of the grounds. it was like something was calling you there, something you couldn’t ignore.
the woods were quiet, eerily so. the usual sounds of campus life—the chatter of students, the distant hum of traffic—faded into the background as you entered the trees. you didn’t know why you were there, but your body did. and then the pain started.
it began as a dull ache in your limbs, like the kind you used to get during growth spurts when you were younger, but sharper, more insistent. then it spread, climbing up your spine and into your chest until every breath felt like you were inhaling fire. you dropped to your knees, gasping, clutching at the ground as your body twisted and contorted in ways that was decidedly inhuman.
your bones cracked, loud in the stillness of the woods, like twigs snapping underfoot. your muscles shifted, stretched, and you could feel your skin pulling, stretching over something much bigger than you. it was agony, every nerve ending on fire, your mind screaming in protest as your body changed. you tried to hold on to something, some shred of yourself, but it slipped away as the beast took hold.
your hands, once familiar, turned into something else—claws, long and sharp. you felt your teeth elongate, your jaw stretching into something animalistic. your senses exploded, everything around you suddenly too loud, too bright, too overwhelming. you could smell the earth, the dampness in the air, the faint metallic scent of blood from somewhere in the distance. the hunger hit you next, sharp and undeniable, driving you forward.
you didn’t think. you couldn’t. your mind was gone, lost to the beast moving on autopilot. all that mattered was that you were starving. you ran, your new body moving faster than you’d ever imagined possible, every muscle coiled and ready to spring.
there were livestock near the edge of the woods—sheep, maybe, or cattle. you couldn’t tell. it didn’t matter. you didn’t care. all you knew was the hunger, the need to kill, to tear something apart. you leapt over the fence, your claws finding purchase in the soft flesh of a sheep. it struggled, bleating in terror, but it was no match for the strength coursing through you. you tore into it, your teeth sinking deep into its neck, blood hot and thick in your mouth.
you didn’t stop until the animal was still, its blood staining the ground, the scent of it filling your nostrils. by the time the moon began to sink below the horizon, you had lost track of time, of how many animals had fallen to your claws. your body felt heavy, exhausted, but the hunger had been sated, at least for now.
when you woke the next morning, you were back in your bed with the window of your room open. naked. covered in blood and mud, leaves clinging to your skin like some reminder of the night before. you stared at the ceiling, your heart pounding, your chest heaving with every breath. you didn’t remember getting back. you didn’t remember much at all.
the memories of the night were fragmented—flashes of pain, of running, of blood. you didn’t know what had happened. you didn’t want to. but the evidence was there, on your skin, in the way your muscles ached, in the taste of blood still lingering in your mouth.
you couldn’t tell anyone. how could you? you didn’t even know what had happened. and you didn’t want to freak anyone out. so you kept it to yourself, burying the truth deep inside, hoping that whatever had happened would go away. that it had been a one-time thing.
but deep down, you knew it wouldn’t.
it was subtle at first, like a creeping shadow that you didn’t even notice was there until it had fully swallowed the light around you. you started to look tired all the time—bags under your eyes, your face pale and drawn, as if sleep didn’t offer the relief it was supposed to. the first person to notice was M, of course. M was always the one to notice. they didn’t say anything at first, just offered quiet glances whenever they caught you staring blankly off into space or saw you rubbing at your temples as if that would shake the lingering headache you couldn’t seem to get rid of.
“you okay?” they asked one evening. the two of you were studying in the library, the lamplight casting long shadows on the dark wood of the table.
you forced a smile, shrugging like it was nothing. “yeah, just tired.”
but the truth was, you weren’t just tired. you were exhausted—bone-deep, soul-deep tired in a way that made you feel hollow. your body was fighting something, that much was clear. but fighting what? you didn’t know. you told yourself it was the aftereffects of the fever, that maybe you hadn’t fully recovered yet. but even as you said it, you knew it wasn’t true.
then the cuts and scratches started showing up.
you’d wake up in the mornings and find a fresh gash on your forearm, or a thin, red line across your cheek that hadn’t been there the night before. they were never deep, never serious, but they were constant. every week it seemed like there was something new—an unexplained bruise on your ribs, a scratch across your neck. at first, you brushed it off. maybe you were thrashing in your sleep, scratching yourself without realizing it. but then C saw them.
“what the hell happened to your face?” C asked one morning, frowning as they reached out to touch a thin scratch running down your jawline. “did you fall or something?”
you shook your head, pulling back before their fingers could graze the raw skin. “i don’t know. it was just there when i woke up.”
C’s eyes narrowed, concern creeping into their voice. “you sure you’re okay? you’ve been… off, lately.”
you wanted to brush it off, to tell them you were fine. but the truth was, you weren’t fine, and you had no idea why.
“i don’t know what’s going on,” you admitted quietly, and it felt like the first real thing you’d said in days.
C sighed, running a hand through their hair. “maybe you should see a doctor again. this… this isn’t normal.”
you nodded, though the idea of seeing another doctor made your stomach turn. what were you supposed to say? that you were waking up with scratches and bruises and no memory of how you got them? that something felt wrong inside you, like you were losing control of yourself? no. they’d throw you in the loony bin faster than you could say “stop.”
but it wasn’t just the tiredness or the scratches. it was the way your body had started craving things, strange things. like meat.
you’d never been picky before, but now, every time you sat down to eat, all you could think about was meat. not just any meat, though. it had to be rare. blood-red, almost raw. the first time it happened, you’d been out with your friends, grabbing dinner at some burger joint near campus. you ordered your usual, but when the burger came, perfectly cooked with a slight char, the sight of it turned your stomach.
“you gonna eat that?” D asked, eyeing your untouched plate. “or are you saving it for later?”
you frowned, pushing the plate away.
“it’s overcooked,” you muttered, even though you knew it wasn’t. it just wasn’t what you wanted.
W raised an eyebrow, glancing at your plate. “it’s medium-rare.”
“yeah, well, it’s not rare enough.”
C snorted. “you want it raw or something, starkid?”
you didn’t respond, because the answer, disturbingly, was yes. you didn’t want it cooked at all. you wanted the blood. the thought made you feel sick, but it also made your mouth water in a way that scared you.
from that night on, you couldn’t stop thinking about it. every time you sat down to a meal, you found yourself staring at the meat on your plate, wondering what it would taste like if it hadn’t been cooked at all. you started ordering steaks rare, almost raw, the blood pooling on the plate, and when you ate, it was like nothing had ever tasted so good.
“you’re getting weird,” D said one night, watching you tear into a steak that was practically still mooing. “like, seriously. are you okay?”
you glared at them, your fork clutched tightly in your hand. “i’m fine, D.”
D raised their hands in surrender, chuckling nervously. “alright, jeez. just checking.”
but you weren’t fine, and D knew it. they weren’t the only one. everyone had started to notice. it wasn’t just the way you looked—paler, thinner, with dark circles under your eyes and fresh cuts on your skin every other week. it was the way you acted. you were on edge all the time, your temper shorter than it had ever been. the smallest things set you off.
one afternoon, D asked you a simple question—reminding you about an assignment for one of your classes that was due the next day—and you snapped at them, yelling about how you didn’t need them hovering over you all the time. the words came out before you could stop them, and the look on D’s face—hurt, confused—was enough to make your stomach twist with guilt. but you couldn’t take it back. the anger had bubbled up out of nowhere, hot and irrational, and once it was out, you couldn’t control it.
“i was just trying to help because you asked me to remind you of it a month ago,” D said quietly, staring at you like they didn’t recognize the person standing in front of them.
you wanted to apologize, but the words got stuck in your throat. instead, you just muttered something under your breath and walked away, leaving D standing there, hurt and confused.
after that, things got worse. you started pulling away from everyone, isolating yourself without even meaning to. it was like you couldn’t stand to be around them anymore, like their presence irritated you in ways it never had before. every little thing set you off—the way M asked if you were feeling okay, the way W smiled at you with that concerned, worrying look in their eyes, the way C hovered like they were waiting for you to explode.
you didn’t want to explode. you didn’t want to be angry all the time. but you couldn’t help it. it was like something inside you was constantly simmering, waiting for a reason to boil over. and the worst part was, you didn’t know why.
it was V who finally brought it up, one night after you’d barely spoken to anyone all day. they found you sitting in the common room of your suite, staring blankly at the TV which wasn’t even turned on, your mind a mess of half-formed thoughts and simmering frustration.
“hey,” V said quietly, sitting down beside you. “you’ve been… different lately.”
you didn’t say anything, just kept staring at the TV, hoping they’d drop it. but V wasn’t like that when it came to their friends. they weren’t going to drop it.
“i mean it,” they said with all the firmness they could muster. “we’re all worried about you. you’ve been acting strange. D’s scared to talk to you now, after what happened last week. C’s been trying to keep it together, but even they don’t know what to say anymore.”
you swallowed hard, still not looking at them.
“i don’t know what’s going on,” you whispered. it was the truth, and saying it out loud felt like admitting defeat.
V sighed, their hand resting lightly on your arm. “maybe you should let us help. we all want to. you don’t have to go through this alone.”
but that was the thing, wasn’t it? you didn’t even know what ‘this’ was. how could you ask for help when you couldn’t explain it, couldn’t even make sense of it yourself?
“i’ll be fine,” you said, pulling away from them. “i just need some space.”
V didn’t push anymore. but you could see the worry in their eyes, the way they wanted to say more but didn’t. instead, they just nodded, standing up and giving you a small, sad smile.
“alright,” they said. “but if you ever want to talk…”
you didn’t respond, and they left, leaving you alone with your thoughts, your guilt, and the growing fear that whatever was happening to you, it wasn’t going to stop.
your friends decided to keep an eye on you after that, though they tried not to make it obvious. you noticed it in the way C watched you out of the corner of their eye during study sessions, the way W lingered after class to ask how you were doing, the way D, despite your outburst, kept showing up with snacks and stupid jokes, trying to make you smile.
but none of it helped. because the truth was, you didn’t know what was going on, and that terrified you more than anything else. you didn’t want to be around them, didn’t want to hurt them, didn’t want them to see what you were becoming. so you did what you always did—you pulled away. you stopped answering texts, made excuses to avoid hanging out, buried yourself in your coursework.
what they don’t know won’t hurt them.
the night of the next full moon came quietly, as if it was trying not to disturb anyone. but the air held something heavy, something ominous, that felt like it was waiting just beneath the surface of things.
the group hadn’t planned to spend the night together—it was a tuesday, after all—but V had been restless all day, pacing their room, chewing on their nails, staring at their phone like it held all the answers to the questions swirling in their mind. something didn’t feel right. it had been gnawing at them since morning, a nagging anxiety that wouldn’t let go. and then, just after sunset, they’d gone to check on you, only to find your room empty.
you’d disappeared again.
their heart raced as they dialed W’s number, each ring on the other end making their throat tighten. W picked up on the second ring, sounding out of breath. “V? What’s wrong?”
“it’s... it’s them. they’re gone again, W. i think something’s wrong. i don’t know, i—” V’s voice cracked, panic bleeding through. “we have to find them. i have a really bad feeling about this.”
W didn’t hesitate. “i’m on my way. call the others.”
V nodded, even though W couldn’t see them, their fingers already flying over the screen to call M, then C, then D. within minutes, the group had assembled, all of them tense, worried. they didn’t need to explain why they were worried—everyone knew. the last time you’d disappeared in the middle of the night, you’d come back with fresh cuts and bruises, looking like you’d crawled through hell and didn’t remember any of it.
they couldn’t let it happen again. not tonight.
the group spread out, flashlights slicing through the darkness as they searched the familiar haunts around campus. the woods near the edge of campus were always a good place to start—isolated, quiet, and easy to disappear into. but as they ventured deeper, the silence began to settle over them, thick and unnerving. no wind, no birds, no rustling leaves. just the sound of their own footsteps crunching on the forest floor.
a dreadful sense of deja vu hit them all at once.
“i don’t like this,” D muttered, keeping their voice low, as if speaking too loud might make something worse happen. “it’s too quiet.”
M, who’d been leading the way, stopped in their tracks, holding up a hand. “did you hear that?”
everyone froze, straining their ears. for a second, nothing. and then, faintly, the unmistakable sound of chewing—wet, visceral, like something tearing through flesh.
V’s stomach churned. “we need to move. now.”
they followed the sound, their footsteps quickening, hearts pounding in their chests as the chewing grew louder, more grotesque. and then, as they turned the corner of a clearing, they saw it.
a massive creature, hunched over the carcass of a bull, its fur matted with blood. the moonlight glinted off its golden, beastly eyes as it tore into the animal with sharp, deadly teeth. it resembled the same creature they’d saw during their ill-fated camping trip. its muscles rippled under its coarse fur, claws like knives glinting as it gripped the bull’s body. and then it stopped, its head snapping up, eyes locking onto the group.
they didn’t have time to react, didn’t even have time to scream, before the creature snarled, baring its teeth.
V took a step back, heart slamming against their ribcage. “did... did it follow us?”
but W, standing frozen beside them, didn’t answer. they were too focused on the beast’s eyes, those glowing golden eyes, which seemed to flicker with something—recognition? for the briefest moment, the beast hesitated, its snarl faltering, the wild fury in its gaze dimming. it stared at them, unmoving, like it was trying to remember something it had once known but had long since forgotten.
“what’s it doing?” D whispered, their voice barely audible.
the creature’s breath came out in ragged, heavy pants, steam rising in the cold night air. for a moment, it seemed almost human, that look in its eyes. then, with a sudden jerk, it turned and bolted, vanishing into the darkness of the woods, leaving behind the bloody remains of the bull.
“we need to follow it,” W said, their voice trembling but certain.
“what?” C snapped, still staring after the creature. “are you insane? that thing will kill us.”
W shook their head. “it didn’t, though. it recognized us. i’m telling you, something’s amiss here. it’s not the same creature from our camping trip.”
for a second, no one moved. they were all too stunned to process what had just happened. but then V nodded, their face pallid but determined. “W’s right. it didn’t attack. it... it hesitated.”
C opened their mouth to argue but then closed it again, sighing heavily. “fine. let’s go. but if that thing turns on us..."
“it won’t,” D spoke up firmly, though their hands shook as they gripped the flashlight tighter. “i... i think W has a point.”
they followed the werewolf’s trail, moving quickly through the dense trees, their breath visible in the cold night air. the deeper they went into the woods, the darker it became, the flashlights barely cutting through the gloom. hours seemed to pass as they searched, the group growing more and more exhausted. but none of them would give up. they couldn’t. not after what they’d seen.
just as the first hint of sunlight began to break through the trees, M stopped, pointing ahead. “there. look.”
lying on the forest floor, half-hidden by a tangle of leaves and branches, was you. naked, covered in blood and dirt, shivering uncontrollably. you were mumbling something under your breath, your voice hoarse and broken, words slurring into nonsense.
V was the first to reach you, dropping to their knees beside your trembling body.
“oh my god,” they whispered, brushing the matted hair away from your face. “you’re freezing.”
C was right behind them, shrugging off their coat and immediately wrapping it around your bare shoulders, trying to cover the worst of the cuts and bruises on your pallid skin. they crouched beside you, their expression a mix of anger, fear, and helplessness.
“you idiot,” C muttered, their voice rough, almost choked. “what the hell happened to you?”
you didn’t answer properly, your lips trembling as you mumbled something incoherent, your body curling in on itself. you couldn’t stop shaking, your eyes unfocused, glazed over, like you were still caught somewhere between the transformation and waking.
W knelt down on your other side, handing C the scarf they’d brought with them.
“here,” they said softly, “wrap this around their neck.”
C took the scarf, wrapping it carefully around you, their hands surprisingly gentle despite the frustration etched into their face.
“you’re gonna be okay,” D muttered, though you could hear the doubt in their voice.
W leaned in closer, slipping their arms under you and pulling you against them, ignoring the blood and dirt smearing onto their own clothes.
“shh,” they whispered, their voice soft and soothing as they held you close. “it’s okay. we’re here. you’re safe now.”
you whimpered, the sound low and pitiful, like an animal in pain, your body still trembling uncontrollably as they held you.
“hey, hey,” W murmured, rocking you gently, their fingers brushing through your hair in an attempt to calm you. “it’s okay. you’re okay.”
the rest of the group stood around you, their faces concerned and drawn, their eyes wide with fear and confusion. no one knew what to say. no one knew how to explain what had just happened.
M stood off to the side, their arms wrapped tightly around themself as they watched you, their expression unreadable.
“what do we do now?” they asked quietly, their voice trembling.
“we get them back to the suite,” V said, standing up and glancing around at the others. “they need help. medical help.”
“no hospitals,” C said sharply, standing up as well. “we can’t explain this. we just... we just need to get them somewhere safe.”
D nodded, though their eyes were filled with worry. “i agree, C. but we also can’t leave them like this.”
C sighed and closed their eyes for a few seconds. “we’ll take it one step at a time.”
together, they lifted you, supporting your weight between them as they made their way back through the woods. the sun was fully up now, but none of them noticed. they were too focused on getting you back, on making sure you were okay.
as they walked, V kept whispering to you, their voice soft and reassuring, though you weren’t sure if you could hear them.
“you’re gonna be alright,” they kept saying, over and over like a hymn. “we’re gonna figure this out. we’re not gonna let you go through this alone.”
but deep down, none of them could really tell what would come up next.
#this was such a fun concept to write#have some platonicity of the stygian six#i’ll probably make this a whole interactive AU for next halloween lmao#if: the ballad of the young gods#interactive fiction#interactive novel#twine wip#interactive story#ro: c lacroix#ro: v næsholm#ro: w ostendorf#ro: d diaconu#ro: m whitlock singh
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“...is that my hoodie?”
synopsis -> “the reader and mark are roommates and mark finds the reader masturbating in his room while wearing one of his hoodies then fucks her” [requested]
an: this ended up longer than i intended so im posting it separately
warnings: smut! mutual masturbation (both male and female), rough sex
your roommate mark! has just left for the weekend, excited to finally go on a trip with his group of friends which meant you had the whole apartment to yourself — which also meant, you could masturbate in peace and be as loud as you needed, not having to bite down on your pillows, hiding under the covers as you fingered yourself to oblivion.
so when mark walked back into the apartment, the sound of spongebob playing on the tv hitting his ears, nothing out of the ordinary, he never expected to burst into your room and see you seated perfectly in the middle of your bedsheets, legs wide open, a perfect view of your fingers going in and out of your pussy.
“hey dude, have you seen my hood-”
“oh my god!,” you yell crossing your legs together and grabbing the nearest pillow in an attempt to cover yourself up as mark turned into a mumbling mess, frozen in place, staring at you with wide eyes “i uhm -i -uhh s-sorry i didn’t know i-,”
“mark!,” you snap him out of his daze, cheeks bright pink as you assess what just happened, “can you please leave?,” you ask, the embarrassment eating you up alive. you were so lost in trying to chase your own high that you didn’t even hear him enter your shared apartment. maybe you shouldn’t have blasted spongebob on max volume.
“i-uh yeah, sorry,” he smiles sheepishly getting ready to turn around and leave when he remembered why he was even in here in the first place, “wait...is that my hoodie?”
still clutching the pillow between your legs, you were now very aware of the hoodie that clung way too big on your body, “i-uhm yeah, must’ve gotten mixed in the laundry,” you wince, the awkwardness taking over you as you refused to meet his eyes, looking everywhere but him.
mark’s eyes narrow, his pupils darkening at the thought of you touching yourself in nothing but his hoodie, all his blood rushing to his cock. he takes a step towards you, catching your attention, “what are you doing?,” but the words seem to catch in your throat, leaving you unable to speak.
“i came back here for my hoodie,” his voice an octave deeper than you’re used to.
“oh i-um, can you wait outside? i’ll change real quick,” you mumble, but instead of stepping away, mark takes another step closer.
“no its okay, you can keep it…if you let me watch,” he smirks, casually heading toward the chair across from your bed. it almost feels like you’ve set the stage for an audience – for him.
“what?,” you ask, eyes wide, not sure if you heard him properly.
“-or would you like it better if i finished what you started,” he teases, a smirk curling at the corners of his lips.
"i-mark, what? we don’t have to do anything just give me a sec-,”
he lets out a low, dark chuckle, cutting you off mid-sentence, “touching yourself in my hoodie and you don’t expect me to care?”
"you’re gonna be late for your trip,” you say, words lacking conviction.
"fuck that, they can wait…c’mon pretty girl, show me what you were doing,” he taunts and you can feel your arousal leaking onto your pillow. you have never seen this side of mark before and it’s turning you on more than you would like to admit. you had no control when your fingers slipped back down to your core finally giving in to his request, body hitting the headboard behind you, pillow being tossed to the side like you were in some sort of trance.
“just like that baby, you’re so sexy,” mark hisses, settling into the chair, making himself comfortable. the pet name makes your pussy twitch as you stare right into his eyes, lust completely taking over, "say my name," he orders.
“mark-,” his jeans feeling more and more restricting as your moans hit his ears.
“that’s right baby, you can be as loud as you want,” he orders, reveling in your moans, “you don’t think i hear you at night, muffling your moans against your pillow?,” he continues earning another moan of his name from you, lips falling in an exasperated sigh.
“you don’t think i don’t touch myself to the sounds you make?,” he groans, the sound of his zipper echoing throughout your room, cool air hitting mark’s hard cock, “we have thin walls, y/n, i hear every whimper...every sigh,” he grunts, pumping his member as he watches you fuck yourself, fingers slipping in and out of your hole, your juices glistening under the lights, inviting him, “you don't think i hear you moan my name?,” he growled, grip on his member tightening, "always pictured how you'd look like pretty girl, but it really doesn't beat the real thing," he compliments, eyes gazing all over your figure, drinking you in.
mark’s pretty pink cock makes you salivate, frustrated whines slipping from your lips, fingers not reaching where you want it to, “fucking yourself on vibrators and dildos when you could’ve just knocked,” he chuckles, teasing you, “i could’ve helped you any time you wanted, pretty girl,” he continues and you’re not entirely sure what possessed your roommate to act like this but you needed to feel him.
“mark, please come here,” you beg, “please help me now,” you whine, his cock twitching in his hold.
mark wastes no time, immediately making his way over to you, hands wrapping around your thighs as he pulled you to the edge of the bed, making you yelp at his dominant behavior. he takes hold of your chin, tilting your face up to make you meet his gaze, “im gonna fuck the shit out of you, baby,” a devilish grin on his lips, “gonna make sure i make you moan myself,” he grunts by your ear before sucking on your neck, wet and red, tongue marking you.
the vulgarity in his words and actions makes your stomach jump as you grab his shirt, pulling it over his head before pulling him down for a messy kiss, mark quick to respond, teeth clashing as his hip grinds into you, cock swiping at your wet folds, collecting your juices, moans spilling into the kiss.
your hands find its way to the bottom of mark’s hoodie, ready to remove it off of your body when his large hands stopped you, “keep it on,” he grunts against your lips as he aligned himself within your core, entering you with no warning, “—fuck!,” you cry out at the stretch, back arching. mark doesn’t give you any time to adjust as he starts pounding into you.
“god, you’re so fucking tight,” he says, clutching your hips so tightly you were sure it’s going to leave bruises, “so fucking warm,” your moans fueling him to go faster as your hips started rutting against his, matching his tempo.
“you look so fucking sexy in my hoodie,” he grunts, one of his hands making it’s way to your stomach, making sure the hoodie doesn’t ride up as he pushed down on the fabric, cock hitting you deeper making you cry out in pleasure, the bed frantically squeaking below you, hands gripping your bedsheets trying to hold on to something.
“d-dont stop mark, fuck, f-feels so good,” your praises go straight to his head as he lifts one of your legs up to his shoulders and you swore you could feel him in your guts, the tension in your stomach feeling intense, "holy fuck, mark!,” you cry out, every thrust hitting you exactly where your fingers couldn't.
"yeah baby, scream my name,” his name the only thing you can mutter out, feeling your orgasm coming to a close.
“only i can make you feel this good, huh baby,” the sound of skin slapping against each other bounces off the walls, your eyes rolling back, back arching, hands finding their way to his shoulders, nails coming in contact with his skin as you tried to last.
mark kisses you again, hiding his hisses in your moans as your pussy tightened around his cock, the tension in your stomach breaking, heavy breaths slipping past your lips as your orgasm completely washed over you, “yeah that’s it baby, so good for me,” he coaxes you through it, continuing his brutal pace, desperate to reach his own high.
pleasure quickly turning into pain as he continued chasing his own orgasm, “h-hurts mark,” you whine under him, tears brimming in the corner of your eyes, hands gripping his bicep.
“you can take it baby, i know you can,” he charges, hands grabbing your ass as he brought you further into your bed, raising both of your legs above his shoulders, cock jamming right into your cervix, muffled, unintelligible sounds escape your lips, tears falling down your cheeks but you don’t stop him, falling in love with the pain, your stomach coiling once again, heat traveling throughout your entire body down to your toes.
“mm-gonna come,” mark groans above you, cock twitching inside you, as his fingers squeezed your clit immediately sending you over the edge, making you see stars, toes curling, pussy sucking in his cock so tight. mark struggles to not come right inside you. he quickly pulls out before finally reaching his own high, body landing on top of yours, cum messily landing all over his hoodie, down to your sheets. guess he can't use that hoodie now.
it takes him a while to catch his breath, looking at your fucked out state under him, hoodie still hugging your body, tear-stained cheeks, lips flushed, juices leaking out of your cunt and he can’t help but land another tongue filled kiss on your lips, bringing you back to reality.
“god, we should’ve done that a long time ago,” he says, breaking the kiss, making you giggle.
"yeah, we really should’ve,” you sigh happily, fingers tracing the outlines of his cheekbones.
he smiles at you sweetly, your own features mirroring his, “you okay pretty girl, it wasn’t too much?,” his voice much gentler from his previous actions as he softly wiped away your tear stains.
“i'm okay, mark, that was perfect,” you nod quickly, kissing him again, feeling him smile through the kiss. before it could go any further, his phone rings from his jeans on the floor, making the two of you jump.
he picks it up, flashing you a sheepish grin before answering, putting it on speaker, “bro, where the fuck are you? we’ve been waiting for 30 minutes now, if you’re not here in 15 we’re leaving without you!,” chenle yells through the phone, hanging up right away.
“chenle’s kind of scary,” you laugh, making him smile.
“yeah, he really is,” he responds, chuckling.
“go,” you say with a grin, your eyes flicking to the door.
“do i have to?,” he pouts, making his way back to you, head settling on your stomach, arms wrapping around your waist, making you giggle.
"mark, you’ve been planning this trip for a month…just go,” you say sternly, fingers running through his hair, attempting to make him look presentable.
he sighs before leaning up, chasing your lips and kissing you deeply, "we’ll talk about this when i get home."
"ill be here…watching spongebob," you giggle, pointing to the t.v. that was still playing.
he rolls his eyes, a small grin on his lips, “no playing with yourself until i get back,” he whispers, earning a playful slap on the chest from you.
once he finished getting dressed and you slipped on your shorts, you walked him to the door, hands lingering around the other, the sweetness of the moment hanging in the air, completely opposite from the crude behavior that was happening in your bedroom, until his fingers pinch the cheeks of your ass making you yelp in surprise.
"what? i don’t think you realize how insane it drives me every time you walk around in this tiny thing," he groans cheekily, pulling you against him, his head resting in the space between your neck, laugh vibrating through his chest, making you squirm in his embrace, a smile tugging at your lips.
it takes all of mark’s willpower to pull away from you, you practically had to push him out the door.
“oh and feel free to wear all of my hoodies from now on, roomie,” he says before kissing you goodbye and leaving the apartment, your giggles ringing in his ear.
#i lowkey cant tell if i like this or not#but it was fun to write and i loved the concept#so here it is anyways#mark lee smut#mark lee x reader#nct smut#nct x reader#nct 127 smut#nct 127 x reader#nct dream smut#mark lee fluff
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thinkin about a hidden relationship w best friend’s brother!rafe — lol this is so unserious but i <3 rafe
perspiration clings to your every pore as you saunter into the kitchen with a swish of your hips, clad in a tiny triangular bikini that barely covers your peaked nipples. rafe cops an eyeful as you lift an arm to push your hair out of your face, scowling before he eats the space between you and presses his chest to your bare back.
“why you parading around in this shit, huh?” he rasps in your ear, a broad palm snaking down to palm at the globe of your ass. the sides of your boobs are visible, spilling from the sides of the flimsy material, every movement sending you closer to a nip slip. rafe curses his sister; if it weren’t for her, he’d have his way with you right over the kitchen counter.
“i’m tanning.” you roll your eyes as if it’s obvious, tipping back your head to take a long sip of water.
“slut,” he seethes.
“prick,” you trill back, a perky grin cracking your expression; he fights his own amused smile, pinching your exposed side until you squeal and leap away from him. you brush past him, every inch of your skin begging to be touched, groped with hands and teeth and lips.
“come back here,” he demands; you blow him a kiss as you make your way back to the pool to lounge with sarah, balancing a cap precariously on top of your head until loose wisps curl around your ears where they’re pressed flat to your temples. you wiggle your fingers through the open doorway in a taunt.
bending down, you set your drink down by the edge of the pool and before you can straighten yourself, a pair of warm hands grab at your sides, lifting you and spinning until you’re moved out of his path; your head spins. rafe grins, sticking his middle finger up in a gesture that has your nose crinkling in disdain even as heat prickles up your spine from his touch alone. sarah groans.
“stop bothering her, you perv!” she yells, and you dip your head to hide the flush that creeps over your neck and heats your cheeks. she rolls onto her stomach and lays down, eyes falling shut, and rafe takes the opportunity to sneak a filthy kiss, prying your lips open with his tongue and a set of rough digits clamping around your bared throat. his spit clings and stretches across your bottom lip as he pulls away.
“comin’ to my room later, princess?” he whispers; you shoo him away, flustered, but nod regardless.
“get outta here,” you giggle. he winks, his tongue pressed to the inside of his cheek.
you wobble your way back over to sarah’s side, lightheaded. she scowls in her brother’s direction.
“he’s such a dickhead,” she murmurs. you snort and roll your eyes.
“tell me about it.”
#rafe concepts!#rafe cameron x fem!reader#rafe cameron x female reader#rafe cameron imagine#rafe cameron blurb#rafe cameron brainrot#rafe cameron drabble#rafe cameron x smut#rafe cameron x y/n#rafe cameron fluff#rafe cameron fic#rafe cameron fanfiction#rafe cameron x you#rafe cameron x kook!reader#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron thoughts#rafe x fem!reader#rafe x y/n#rafe x you#rafe x reader#obx x y/n#obx x you#obx x reader#outer banks fic#outer banks fanfiction#writer#writers on tumblr#writing#writing for fun#outer banks fluff
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hi!! I think your art is *so cool* o(≧∇≦o)
do you think you could draw more moshang? either post canon or that au you did last time?? (baby mobei has my heart and all I own)
(˵ •̀ ᴗ •́ ˵ ) oh! how about return to childhood—moshang flavor?
don't question this king, shang qinghua, he knows what he's about
#just because junshang is going to throw a fit and doesn't know how to capitalize on a good thing doesn't mean mbj is the same#svsss#moshang#mobei jun#shang qinghua#mbj#sqh#return to childhood#he's finally small enough to fit on sqh's lap!#he's going to have sqh carry him *everywhere* until his qi evens out and he becomes full-sized again#maximize the spoiled prince vibe - sqh is going to be exhausted by the end of this he is not having as much fun as sqq#anyway the demon court is just going to have to bite their tongues and deal with it otherwise they'll have a full sized mbj come after them#though tbh this would be a fascinating au because yeah... just like with lbh there's probably enough people who'd be willing to gun for mbj#when he's small and severely weakened#but i love the idea of his throne suddenly being to big for him so he just makes sqh assist (cuddle)#anyway anon thanks for the prompt!! i am SO happy to draw more moshang and welcome any and all suggestions#either just about them or about the childhood!au#i really should play with the concept more... i have not been able to get into a writing mood lately but it'd be nice to finally write#a svsss fic - i've got at least a couple for both mdzs and tgcf after all#until then though: art!
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Spice in Space
“Of course your food is a biohazard,” Zhee said while the security scanner approved our delivery.
“The label’s just a precaution,” I said. “Pretty sure this is mostly pepper.”
“Right, yes, the food flavoring that gives your meals the flavor of fire.” Zhee tilted his head, bug eyes looking at everything at once while managing to roll sarcastically. “Not a hazard at all.”
“I don’t mean the really spicy kind,” I said as the box slid out of the scanning machine. “Just the regular spices to sprinkle over eggs and whatnot.”
Zhee picked up the box in his pincher arms. “Right, because eating fire-flavored unhatched creatures is a perfectly normal thing to do.”
I laughed and followed him out into the spaceport. “It is where I’m from!”
“Absolute maniacs, all of you,” Zhee declared with a flick of his antennae. “Now where is that food stall? The briefing said it would be tiny.”
“Tiny and close,” I agreed, looking around. Once past the security checkpoint, this place was a riot of booths and pedestrians with an artsy wave pattern on the ceiling that seemed to dampen the sound. It wasn’t as loud as most spaceports I’d been in.
“I see a directory,” Zhee said. “Let’s just check that.”
“Wait, there it is!” I pointed to a little kiosk between full-sized restaurants. It only held enough room for tubs of ingredients, a gigantic hot plate, and the guy currently scraping food around on it with flair. The sign said “Earth Fry.”
“Of course,” Zhee said, moving toward it. “I should have just looked for the fire.”
As we maneuvered through the crowd of Strongarms, Mesmers, and miscellaneous others, the guy tossed the food with his spatula, caught it deftly in a takeout box, and handed it to the customer waiting at the side: another human. No surprise there. By the time we arrived, he was ready to greet us.
“Hello! Can I interest you in some Earth Fry?”
Zhee held up the sealed package. “We have Earth ingredients for you. Apparently they are hazardous.”
“Oh! Yes, thank you! That’ll be the hot sauce and other stuff.” He took the box and found a flat surface to put it on, then accepted the payment tablet I held out for him. “Thanks for being so fast. Somebody got a bit clumsy during the lunch rush and knocked over a few things. Paid for ‘em, but I can’t get all of these local.” He signed for the delivery while I tried to place his accent. Australian?
“Luckily we were just coming from a trade hub,” I said. “This stuff is straight from Earth.”
“Excellent. It’s been a while since I was home, and you can’t beat the real thing for spices.” He handed the tablet back.
“Very true,” I agreed. “Where are you from?”
“Melbourne,” he said while I congratulated myself on guessing right. “Still getting used to how little any of that matters out here. To the average offworlder, Earth is one place with one type of person.”
“And we’re all lunatics who eat poison, right?” I agreed with a sly glance at Zhee.
He spread his pinchers. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
“Hey now, the garlic is only poisonous to some creatures from Earth,” the guy said, pointing to an airtight tub. “And the onions. If you want the real toxins, the alcohol stores are that way.”
Zhee looked at the ceiling. “It’s like you all have a death wish. Or take pleasure in hurting yourselves.”
“Some of the pain tastes good?” I said with a wave toward the hot sauces.
At the same time, the guy said, “There’s a reason they call us space orcs.”
I laughed. “Do they still? I wouldn’t think enough people even know what an orc is.”
To my surprise, Zhee recited, “Mythological creature from your planet, famed for strength, durability, and lack of foresight. Rumors do go around.”
“I suppose that’s one way to put it,” I said.
“Nobody thinks that’s funnier than my family,” said the Australian. “I get no end of jokes about it. Especially from my mom’s side — she’s from the US, and thinks we all say ‘space’ funny.”
“Does she?” I asked. “Interesting word to focus on.”
“Right? She insists that it sounds like ‘spice,’ and I just don’t see what she’s on about. But!” He held up a finger and fiddled with his collar. “That did lead to my favorite shirt.” With a dramatic sweep of his overshirt, he bared a bright red T-shirt that said “Spice Orc.”
I burst out laughing. “That’s fantastic!”
“Mom was pretty proud of herself for this one,” he said. “Gave it to me for my last birthday.”
Zhee declared, “Appropriate. Entirely in character for your species.”
“And we even brought you spice!” I laughed.
“That you did!” he said, resettling his clothes. “Care to try some? The shredded beef dish is particularly tasty.”
I looked at Zhee, then turned back without waiting for a response. “We’ve got a couple minutes. I’d love some. With extra garlic, please!”
“Coming right up!” He spun his tongs like a gunfighter, and began tossing ingredients onto the hot plate where they sizzled madly.
Zhee just grumbled and looked put-upon, but didn’t object. I planned to make a big deal of enjoying the tasty fire-and-poison meal on our walk back to the ship.
These are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book.
Shared early on Patreon! There’s even a free tier to get them on the same day as the rest of the world.
The sequel novel is in progress (and will include characters from these stories. I hadn’t thought all of them up when I wrote the first book, but they’re too much fun to leave out of the second).
#have a fun little short one#about food and other nonsense#human food is the topic that never runs out of aspects to discuss#and related concepts#my writing#The Token Human#humans are weird#humans are space orcs#haso#hfy#eiad#this one was inspired by a typo by the way#from way back in the summer#I took a screenshot because I knew it would be good for a story#and I was right
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I bet aziraphale wrote about the day the universe was made, about the angel whose voice recited the words that created the stars, about how bright they shone, and still shine, in those angel eyes✨🪐
Here you have some detailss and a cropped version with just!! them!!!

edit: prints link !
#Good Omens#good omens fanart#good omens season 2#there is something something abt the diary(?) that aziraphale writes#that theyve might wrote abt that time too#and i also thought abt the possibility that crowley will found and read them someday#i had like three separate pieces that make this concept a bit more linear? im really excited because i had a really fun time making this#it was challenging but oh so regarding to make a full piece since 2021#anyways i really love them and they have inspired me to push myself a little further so im really grateful for that#also FOR THIS SECOND SEASON THAT NO ONE HAD THE RIGHT TO MAJE IT THST GUTGRENCHING AND FUNNY AND GOOD?!?!#aziraphale#crowley#ineffable husbands#fanart#art#aziracrow#angel crowley my beloved#i hope i nailed the love at first sight eyes on aziraphale bc that was what happened there right?#artists on tumblr#good omens 2#angel crowley#myart
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Bite Me*
Summary: Part of Halloween Kinktober, Freaky Fun
The one where your boyfriend, Harry, is a vampire.
And you wish you could feel what he felt.
Word Count: 3.2k
*Contains Mature and Explicit content! Please only consume what you feel comfortable with!💞You are so much more important!*
“Easy…easy, sweet dove. Need to relax for me. Can smell how nervous you are. Take a deep breath, hm?”
Shaky fingers gather in front of your stomach as you nod nervously. Staring up at your boyfriend with anticipation and remorse. “Sorry, I just…I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Nothing,” he says quickly, reaching up to brush some hair behind your ear. “There is nothing wrong with you, darling. It’s chemical. You’re meant to feel nervous around me. It’s nature’s design. To keep you safe.”
You nod again, catching a glimmer of light from the sharp tooth peeking out from behind his lip. “I know, I just…I wish it would stop. I wish we could just be, you know? Without me being so…”
He studies you for a moment, a look of adoration on his face as he hums again and cups your cheek. “I know.”
You nestle into his touch rather contently before he begins to smile, now dipping down to nudge his nose with yours.
“If you want…I can make the bad feeling go away,” he whispers with a slight purr. “Can make it all better again.”
Hopeful, your lashes flutter. “Really?”
He nods once. “Mhm. Just wanna help you, dove. Want you to feel good.”
And now you understand what he means, the thought sending a spark down to your toes. It’s rare he feeds from you. After all, he considers the act to be degrading and disrespectful. He only ever feeds from animals or blood bags unless you’ve specifically asked.
But the truth is, you love when he feeds from you. For a plethora of reasons, one of which being the overwhelming sense of need and dependance on him that follows. Or the way his eyes grow darker and his entire demeanor changes. How much stronger he becomes feeding on human blood, specifically the blood of someone he loves.
But another reason lies with his fangs. The venom that becomes injected into your bloodstream, forcing you to feel whatever emotion or desire he feels.
It’s a trick used to lure and calm his prey into submission while he feeds, but you find another use for it. Because if he’s filled with serenity or anger or lust…you feel it, too. You feel him. Only him.
And it’s your absolute favorite feeling in the world.
His other hand now reaches for your neck, fingers gently tapping the sides of your throat. “Just say the word, darling. And I’ll give you anything you want.”
You feel your chest deflate, all the air evaporating from your lungs as he slowly urges you back against the wall. Bracing you there as he awaits your decision.
He knows what you want. And he knows that you’d tell him otherwise.
Your fingers tangle in the dark shirt on his chest, desperate to keep him near you. “Do it. Please.”
He tilts your head back, letting his lip curl up until his fang is revealed. “Are you sure, my dove?”
Another fervent nod. “Yes. Please, Har…please, need to feel it. Need to feel you.”
He leans closer, letting the tips of his sharp teeth graze over the sensitive skin of your throat. Right above your pulse point. “Gotta be really sure, darling. Don’t want to hurt you. Or lose control.”
“You won’t,” you exhale, feeling more confident than you sound. “Know you won’t.”
Truth be told, you wouldn’t mind if he did. Even in his darkest moments, he remains your fiercest protector. Never allowing anyone to hurt you.
Not even himself.
You feel him breathe against your neck, perhaps preparing himself for what he’s about to do. Or maybe he’s indulging in your smell. Reveling in the realization of what he’s about to do. What he’s about to taste.
Then, almost as if overcome with a surge of confidence, he bites down – hard. Enough to break the skin and allow his venom to travel into your system.
It’s instantaneous, the feeling. The way your muscles dissolve into jelly, the way your mind fills with a certain haze, and the way your stomach begins to coil.
It’s overwhelming, but it’s him. And you whimper as his other hand falls to your hip to keep you steady, making sure you remain upright and in his arms.
He waits a moment or two to make sure the venom has taken effect before he slowly retracts his fangs and pulls away. You know if he’d punctured you any deeper or kept the sharp teeth inside of you any longer, the taste of your blood would have driven him mad. Tempting him beyond reason until he began to lose control.
But he knows his limits by now. Knows exactly how far he can push himself around you, and you admire him for it.
Your legs shake as you slump against the wall, held up by his grip as he studies you carefully. Looking for signs of remorse or panic.
He’s learned a trick for sucking a majority of the poison out of your system – if it were to come to that. And while it’s tricky and tedious, you know he’d do it in a heartbeat if he felt you were in danger or if you regretted your choice.
Instead, you simply smile at him, and nod languidly. “M’good, Har,” you assure him. “M’so good.”
He seems to exhale a grateful breath, thumb stroking your cheek gently as he now glances over your wound. “I need to clean it—"
“No,” you whimper, keeping him close. “Not yet. Don’t go yet.”
He chuckles, the corner of his mouth curling into a smirk. “All right, dove. I’m here. How do you feel, hm? You feel calm yet?”
You nod again before your lashes flutter. “Yeah. Calm, and…and happy, I think?”
He hums. “I imagine. You do make me happy.”
“It’s strange, though,” you admit, brows furrowing in thought. “Feels…heightened. Or more potent. There’s this…this yearning. This need for something.”
He regards you for a moment more. Curious and seemingly amused by your confusion before suddenly, your eyes snap to his.
You suck in a sharp inhale – something akin to a gasp. “Are you…are you horny?”
You expect his surprise, but all you find is smug fascination. “Well,” he begins slowly, letting his knuckles graze delicately beneath your jaw, “the term horny is a little juvenile. And it could never even begin to describe what I feel for you.”
He steps closer, lips ghosting just above yours while you feel your breath hitch.
“But…yes,” he whispers, glancing down at your mouth with a smile. “I suppose I am. Can’t exactly help it, darling, can I? When you look…and taste…and smell so goddamn divine.”
Another whimper bleeds from your throat as he begins to guide you away from the wall and toward the bed just to the left of you.
“Tell me…how does it feel, dove, hm?” he murmurs, touch strong yet determined. “Do you feel me? Feel how much I need you?”
This nod is quick and zealous. Because you do. It’s all you feel. This desire to have – to take and ruin. In the best possible way. It’s a similar sensation to the lust you already feel for him. Your hunger to explore the dangerous but loving man you call your own.
“Yeah?” He’s grinning like a mad man at the way you so quickly fall apart. “Can I tell you a secret, darling?”
You whimper pitfully as you gaze up at him.
Lowering his voice, he tightens his grip. “When I’m with you…I always feel like this.”
With that, he nudges you down to sit on the mattress before surging forward to press his lips to yours. Kissing you so hard, you feel dizzy. It’s perfection. Like quenching a burning flame. Like taking that first drink of water on a hot day. Fixing a desperate need – succumbing to a craving.
And it feels as though this kiss fixes every one of your problems. Because it does – he does. Breaks you and puts you back together again all in the same moment. It’s almost addicting. You feel insatiable, hands disappearing into his curls as you yank him down until his chest is flush with yours.
The two of you roll and writhe around on the bed for a minute or two before he leans back to offer you air. He knows you won’t take a moment to breathe otherwise, and his smug smirk merely worsens the ache between your thighs.
“Not so nervous now, hm?” he muses.
You hook your leg around his hip and attempt to grind yourself against his thigh. “Please…”
“Please what, dove?” He presses his lips to the base of your throat, trailing them down your sternum and toward your chest. “What’s it feel like, what do you need?”
But you don’t have any answer for him. Instead, all you can do is stare at the stunningly generous man as he works his way down your body. As he unbuttons your shirt and kisses over the swell of your breast.
The stain of your blood from his lips smears across your nipple before he takes it into his mouth. Sucking and licking at the tender skin while he kneads the other one in his palm.
You arch from the mattress, desperate to disappear into his strong frame while he chuckles darkly and allows his fangs to reemerge.
He uses them sparingly – not as a weapon but as a toy. A tool in the game of your lust.
The sharp edge pricks your skin, enough to make you gasp his name and tug on him harder. He smiles a bit bigger and carries on with his quest. Moving down your stomach and toward the waistband of your pants.
Cold, nimble fingers pop the buttons free and tug the fabric down your legs. Revealing your trembling thighs to his hungry gaze. He looks at you like you’ve been served to him on a platter. But not in the way another vampire might.
No, Harry’s look of mesmeric adoration lies in the idea of your body. In the warmth of your cunt and the soft skin of your legs. In the way you draw him in, the way you hold him, clench around him.
It’s hard for him to feel most things these days.
But he always feels you.
He settles his body near your ankles, providing him the right angle and amount of space to spread you open and study you.
His thumb reaches for you. Pushes into your clit before dragging down between your folds as you gasp.
His expression reveals nothing. No inkling as to what he’s thinking but you know his mind is running wild with ideas.
He finds your soaked little hole, circling it once before dragging the wet substance back up and through.
“Shh,” he coos, taming your desolate cries. “It’s okay, dove. I’ve got you.”
“Har,” you whimper, fingers itching to reach for him as he settles onto his stomach. “Please…”
You can see the reflection of light on his fangs. The way they extend past his red, swollen lips and ghost above your skin.
He nips at your hip a time or two – a slight sting that dissolves into something excruciatingly pleasurable – before he dances his mouth down. Torturing you with what’s to come instead of simply giving it to you.
“You smell divine, darling,” he purrs, groaning deep within the back of his throat. “Just might kill me again.”
You’d laugh if you had the strength, instead peering down your body at him with a desperate need. “H, I need…need—”
“Need me, hm?” He exhales a gentle breath across your clit and it’s so very cold. But it makes you jump, a new wave of arousal seeming to soak the sheets beneath. “Need me to make it better, yeah?”
You nod swiftly. “Yes…yeah. Hurts, Har.”
“Hurts?” he repeats with faux sympathy. “Oh, dove. Bet it does. Bet it’s all achy.”
Your head moves on its own accord, and you feel your stomach quiver when his cool hands curl around your thighs, keeping them spread.
“I imagine,” he whispers, returning his eyes to your pussy. “Cause I know how much it aches for me.”
He dives in, tongue lapping at your warmth and wetness without mercy as you cling to the sheets and arch from the bed.
His arms fold over your hips, keeping you pressed down and pliable to his intentions as he begins. Licking, sucking, and nibbling at certain spots – but never the spot you need him most.
The tantalizing edge of his fang grazes your soft, sensitive cunt. Sometimes harder, sometimes softer. But always impatient, desperate to feel you anyway he can.
Truth be told, you suppose he enjoys feeding on you this way just as much. In fact, this is what he claims is his nourishment whenever he’s feeling weak and unwell. One taste of your pussy and he’s a changed man.
He has you every day. Makes sure you’re at his beck and call – which you already are, anyway.
If he’s working, if he’s cooking, if he’s reading. He merely gives you a look and calls you by that familiarly loving nickname, and next thing you know, you’re sitting on his face.
The stretch of your muscles is almost distracting, but not nearly as distracting as his groans of pleasure. The way he curses to himself as he swallows you down. Nudging at your cunt with his mouth like you’re the best meal he’s ever had.
And then…those perfect lips find your clit. He sucks, and moans, and you cry out his name. Grasping onto his hair in a futile attempt at stability and more.
He lets you tug him closer. You imagine – if he were still alive – he’d be suffocated by your pussy. Which…he’d probably enjoy.
As it is, he continues his ministrations almost mercilessly while you squirm beneath him and attempt to buck up against his tongue.
“I know,” he whispers, almost soothingly, and it feels like a vast contrast to the way he forces you into so much pleasure. “Know, darling. Can hear your pretty, little heart racing. Try to breathe, yeah? While you still can.”
You suck in a greedy gasp, eager to obey, as you focus on the sounds coming from between your thighs. It’s sinful and sensual and it echoes around the room until it’s all you hear.
“Doing so good, babydove,” he murmurs, glancing up just long enough to see the first tear slip from your eye. “It’s a lot right now, I know. I know, but you can take it. Always do so good for me. Let me see you cum, yeah? Let me see this pretty pussy cum for me.”
And you want to more than anything. Chasing the need in your own belly along with the need from his venom. The combined rush of ecstasy that makes stars explode across your eyelids as more destitute sounds fall from your tongue.
His hands suddenly slip beneath your back, forcing you from the bed as he repositions you and nearly pulls you right through him.
Large fingers grope the tender flesh of your ass as he holds you against his mouth and sucks the sensitive nerves between puckered lips.
“Tell me,” he ushers softly, a golden hue to those vivid eyes watching you closely. “Tell me how bad I need you. Tell me how much I love you—”
“Har,” you gasp, trembling in his touch. “Can’t…can’t…m’gonna cum, I…please—”
“Try. Tell me. Tell me that you feel me—”
“I do,” you whine. “I do, I feel you. Feel you, Har. So good. It’s so good, please—”
“All right, darling. You gonna let me taste you? Need to taste you, darling. Can’t live without it—”
He pulls away just enough to raise his hand and smack it down your cunt. The cold metal of his ring catching your clit before two more spanks are laid in succession.
You moan loudly – almost undone by the eroticism itself – before he dips back down, and grazes the delicate bud with the edge of his fang.
You feel him slip a finger inside. Pumping you once – twice – before he adds a second. Wanting to fill you and finger-fuck you to the edge as quickly as possible.
It hits you then. Overpowers you and knocks the wind from your lungs.
You fall apart in his hands, against his tongue. Moaning and whimpering as your toes curl and your eyes roll to the back of your head. It feels as though you cum twice as hard – perhaps a result of the venom or the symbolism of his need for you. The way your taste has satisfied his thirst.
“Yes, yes…there you go, that’s my fucking girl.” His tone is rough but riddled with lust. He groans like he’s never been filled with so much devotion. An anxious almost obsessed sound that drags your orgasm on at least a few seconds longer. “Give it to me, dove…fucking give it to me—”
“Harry—” You gasp his name like it’s the last sound you’ll ever make. Tears building in your eyes before they cascade down your warm cheeks.
Ever the sadist, Harry works you through until your cunt is throbbing and far too sensitive to the touch. Despite your cries and whimpers for mercy, he carries on. Thrusting, licking, and sucking until you can hardly breathe.
Eventually he releases you and leans back. Perhaps able to hear the erratic racing of your pulse beneath your chest as he now works to hush your anxious mewling.
Crawling up your body with care, his fangs retract, and he buries his face in your neck to keep you still. Pressing his chest to yours in an effort to help calm you.
“It’s okay,” he whispers, lips grazing your skin as he speaks. “It’s okay, dove. You’re okay. God, did so fucking good for me, darling. Always taste so good, make me so happy.”
You tiredly grasp onto his arms, needing to hold onto him just as tightly as he’s holding onto you. Wanting to share in this moment as he smirks against your throat.
“You okay?” he asks you now. “You’re nervous again.”
“No, I’m…I’m okay,” you assure him through a pant. “I just…it feels so good. So…heavy, you know? Overwhelming.”
He chuckles softly and pushes up onto his elbows to get a good look at you. Thumb finding your cheekbone as he traces the delicate curve of your face with great adoration. “Are you saying I overwhelm you?”
You nod, smiling giddily as you tug your bottom lip between your teeth. “In the best possible way.”
Grinning himself, he leans down to capture your lips with his. And it’s soft and slow and an oddly angelic end to such a devilish evening.
“Har?” you whisper, lashes fluttering shut as you nose your way under his jaw.
“Yes, dove?”
Your kisses trail below his ear, making his fingers flex. “You know what I think?”
“What's that, darling?”
You begin to smirk wickedly as you slip your hand around the back of his neck and tug him closer. Allowing the edge of your teeth to finally make contact with his skin.
He stills.
“I think it’s my turn now.”
Just wanna put in a quick note and clarify that even though she was feeling a bit of his horniness and desire, she was still very much horny all on her own HAHAHA this was 1000000% consented to from beginning to end from both parties!
Also vampire!harry is so fun?? And I loved this?? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME??
~ Freaky Fun Masterlist
~ Main Masterlist
~ Blurb Masterlist
Amazing divider by @firefly-graphics! 💞
Taglist: @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @keepdrivingkisses @swiftmendeshoran @tiredinwinter @straightontilmornin @justlemmeadoreyou @harrysdaydreams @tiaamberxx @peterparker1sgf @myfavfanficsever @littlenatilda @vamprry @fdl305 @tchalametishot @ssaama @indierockgirrl @likeapplejuicenpeach @vane28282 @lukesaprince @closureesny @lc-fics @0nlythrowharrybeaux @hannahdressedasabanana @scndsofsummer @theofficialprongs
#harry#harry styles#harry styles x reader#harry styles x you#harry styles imagine#harry styles blurb#harry edward styles#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles smut#smut#harry styles concept#vampire!harry#freaky fun#harry and dove#concept#harry styles one shot#harry styles fanfic#harry styles writing
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You're my dad! Boogie woogie woogie
Species swap au, anyone?
Sangheili Tucker and human Junior
#rvb#red vs blue#rvb tucker#rvb junior#rvb species swap au#lavernius tucker#junior blarrgity blarg-tucker#my art#batsy art#i could NOT get this out of my head so im making it happen#i started fuckin writing for it too#and PLOT?????#im not sure why this has grabbed me as hard as it did but hoo boy#give me strength to make it functional#i also pondered an active swap concept but this is more just 'youve always been switched' instead of 'aw fuck alien temple made me an alien#which is ALSO fun#i want both#but i have solid ideas for the first one so thats the one im going with
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so i do think it's very interesting how, at least from what i've observed, people see/depict worst logan as kind of different from the x men logan in terms of their propensity for violence, or rather how this violence is released. i think it has to do with a couple of things:
as many have pointed out, wade is the only one who has ever been able to match him in a fight. so it makes sense that people would headcanon their relationship as involving fights on the regular. but also;
most of what we see from him in the movie is him fighting, and so we assume that he has a tendency towards it, especially since the past he's trying to escape from is exactly that: him being violent towards others, including those who don't deserve it. i think this has definitely subconsciously shaped some people's perception of him in some way.
but i think it's good to remember that what we are shown isn't proportionate to who he is, because the movie necessarily can't develop his character much outside of the plot. i don't think worst logan and x-men logan are different at all in the sense of x-men logan being "gentler", because not only have we just not had the chance to see worst logan act otherwise, but x-men logan also has this same animalistic violence in him. we can see how quickly he unleashes himself in the movies when the situation calls for it, and even when he's doing it to protect, there's still that rage underneath it all.
worst logan is violent towards wade because 1. he's projecting, and 2. wade can take it. but also it's a symptom of something else that he hasn't worked through, possibly decades of trauma he hasn't worked through. i'm working on a fic that explores this rn, but my headcanon is that his post-x-men rampage was a sort of addiction for him because of the release it gave him, which he then replaced with getting shitfaced, and finding someone who could take him in a fight (wade) could be a reversion to the former addiction if he doesn't work on it. (i think that especially with superhero movies, it's so easy to brush off violence as just another normal thing, but realistically, a failure to unpack all that baggage could escalate his problems into something way worse.)
so imo i think worst logan is practically the same, if not very similar, to x-men logan, just that he's a variant that was dealt the worst card, but we interpret his character differently because all we're shown is what he became because of it. we all know logan is gentle with his lovers, and i think that unless wade shows that he enjoys it, logan would not be violent towards him just because wade can take it. just because you can doesn't mean you should, and i think he of all people would understand that
#user: gossippool 😝#gossippool metas#wow i've been thinking about this for a LONG time but that post i reblogged prompted me to write this finally#i've always been so interested in exploring the concept of violence and how it manifests#and the devastating consequences of leaving it unchecked#so. yeah#i don't think there is really a point to this lmao it's just something i want to say#and again. disclaimer that i still love reading fics where they fuck and fight and where logan just stabs wade for no reason#but it should be all in good fun and not because of an underlying problem left untreated#deadpool and wolverine#deadpool & wolverine#poolverine#wolverine#logan howlett#deadpool
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My wife has convinced me that I should create a cohesive archive of all the little ficlets and blurbs I write on here, so I have made Maybe Someday, a collection of stories I may or may not expand on someday. I am slowly adding stories to it as I find them. I have only somewhat recently started tagging my posts so it’ll take some digging to find some of the older ones but I feel like it’s what I should do!
So that’ll update periodically if u even care
#I have this innate desire to let myself fade into irrelevance always#and create concepts and then send them off into the wind never to be found again#truly sometimes I’m like should I write a 3k fic and go back to a post I made in 2017 and just replace the original text with it#and tell no one#which like!!!!! is fun in theory but ultimately what happens is I lose my work#and I am trying to move away from this core belief that i am not worth preserving lmfao#anyway we are all works in progress and so is this ao3 collection
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OK QUESTION with the one series with the different universe we see how you think the X-Men would react to a similar Logan being so close with Deadpool.
How do you think our main universe reacts to the relationship especially when they compare this new Logan to the fallen hero?
This is such an interesting question that I thought about it for a while before answering because I wanted to do it justice. Firstly, I want to clarify that my answer takes place in a world where all the X-men are miraculously alive somehow except for Logan (maybe by some time shenanigans or just twisting the plot).
The world at large would be shocked to see The Wolverine again, especially after he was confirmed dead and his bones were buried. The TVA wouldn't want the entire world to know about them, and Logan and Wade would probably be the type to never really formally address his existence (since they aren't actually official heroes or a government body).
His resurrection would likely spark a lot of conspiracy theories and people wondering if he had a secret mission where he pretended to die or if he had a reason to stage his death. It's almost like the urban legend of Bigfoot with how rarely he shows up (somehow always next to the same red vigilante).
Aside from the initial shock, the public reception would be very positive. Who wouldn't want to see your childhood superhero back in action again? People would be excited to see him rejoin the X-men only to be extremely confused when he showed no interest in returning to his superhero work (especially when they assumed he either died and came back or was on a mission and so would naturally want back his spot).
As a matter of fact, after initial sightings of him in his suit, he just sort of... fades away. He never really makes public appearances or is involved in much of anything. He looks different than he did before and he always dresses casually. This combined with the lack of media about him after the initial outrage means that he only occasionally gets recognized in public.
(Something he's secretly very grateful for. He disliked being reminded of his past, of a world where he wasn't a failure. Of the version of him that was revered instead of feared and hated. He has to stop himself from flinching sometimes when people loudly yell out, "It's The Wolverine!" He lays low for a while in Wade's apartment, only accompanying him sometimes on covert missions until people mostly stop caring about his existence.)
But more than public confusion is the confusion of the X-men. They heard the truth through Colossus that this Wolverine was from another universe than their own and that he'd helped save their timeline.
(And most of the X-men were very confused because... why does Colossus know this of all people? Why didn't Logan just come to tell them himself? They knew Colossus was in cahoots with this vigilante vaguely from the time he visited the mansion, but they didn't know he was actually close to him. And why did being Deadpool's friend give him exclusive access to The Wolverine and his situation?)
They expected Logan to show up at their doorstep, one day. He apparently had the X-men in his own world, and while Colossus never really elaborated further (despite their prodding) they could surmise something happened to them if Logan was staying here. It's a perfect fit: the X-men who lost their Wolverine and the Wolverine who lost his X-men.
But he never does. At first, they chalk it up to him going on one of his solo trips. He liked to do that—to go out into the wilderness or disappear on some unspecified mission. He never really stayed in one place too long. (It was his personality, wasn't it? He got antsy being tied down to commitment and wanted to be free from everyone. It was fine even if it was inconvenient, it was just how he was.)
But then he never makes an effort to get involved. To reach out to them. He doesn't show any interest at all in returning to his old life or taking up the helm of an X-man again.
This Logan couldn't be all that different from theirs, right? Even if he was a lone wolf type who kept up his guard and acted gruffly, he only really had them. They took him in and fed him and clothed him and he showed up when shit went sideways in return. A perfect, neat, package with a bow on top.
But then a month passes. Then two. And even if he was the type to do his own thing, this was a little ridiculous. He'd just come back to life and didn't even bother showing up?
They all cornered Colossus, one day. Asked him about his well-being and what he was doing. Why he wasn't reaching out and when they should expect him to come back.
His answer shocked them. Apparently, Logan wasn't out on a mission at all. Instead, he was staying with Deadpool at his apartment and just... living there. Existing. He wasn't even particularly busy, he just hadn't visited. When they inquired further, Colossus smiled slightly and said that he seemed happy there. Content. That Wade was good for Logan and Logan was good for him, too.
It was... hard to wrap their heads around. Logan—fierce, closed-off, restless—just staying in one place? Content to just live with someone and accompany them on mercenary jobs.
Since when did Logan prefer teamwork? He always tried to turn joint missions into solo ones, and went out of his way to brush people off.. More than that—Logan, a mercenary? He'd rather pick up illegal work for some extra cash than return to being a hero? To being with them? Why did he decide to stay in a shitty apartment taking shady jobs for rent instead of just staying for free at their mansion? It made no sense.
It all came to a head when Laura (who'd been staying with them but largely kept to herself around the X-men) had her birthday party. They had parties often for the children in the mansion, that wasn't anything new. Except for the fact that the Wolverine was coming. She'd been excited when she mentioned that both Logan and Wade were going to show up (they didn't even know she'd stayed in touch with them).
(Why was the first time they saw Logan at a birthday party for someone else? Were they not enough? They'd taken him in despite his... difficult personality. What more did he want?)
And Logan comes. But he's entirely different than their Logan, the one they remember.
He's more... relaxed, somehow. He looks less hostile and cagey, letting his muscles relax and his head lean back. He looks like a man content with life instead of the guy who ran away the first chance he got, who always had an itch under his skin to move and never stayed too long.
He sticks to Wade like glue. They're always touching, somehow. An arm around the shoulders, a hand placed firmly on Wade's waist, fingers intertwined, legs pressed together. Logan is touchy in a way he never was with them.
And the way he looks at Wade—like he hung the stars and the moon and the sky itself. Even when they try to catch his eye from across the room, to get him to come over, he doesn't pay attention. His eyes are firmly locked on Wade's face, a warmth there (a softness) that they'd never seen before.
Wade gawks at the mansion and its decoration, flitting between Colossus and Negasonic and Yukio, gleefully grabbing some of the food. And Logan stays by his side the whole time, only watching him, murmuring in his occasionally which makes Wade either jab him in the elbow or cackle.
(And Logan lets him. He doesn't even retaliate aside from a grunt when Wade punches him in the arm, rolling his eyes and flicking his forehead in return but entirely content to let Wade at him. The trust there was so obvious it was painful. The familiarity. The warmth.)
The first time Logan takes his eyes off Wade is when Laura comes up to them. His eyes soften as he looks at her, almost imperceptibly if not for the fact that in their memories, his eyes were always hard. Guarded. They could count on one hand the number of times they saw even a semblance of that expression, normally involving Jean or Rogue.
Laura hugs him, grinning as she prattles on about whatever she'd been doing lately. Logan hugs her back, arms coming to wrap firmly around her. Easy affection. She pulls back and Wade hugs her too, spinning her around in the air as she laughs and hits him and asks him to put her down.
When Logan looks at them, the fondness is so obvious it's painful. They were used to seeing Logan show emotion—anger, sadness, fear, arousal. But never softness. (Especially not for a tumor-ridden mercenary and an experiment built off of his DNA.)
The party continues like that, with Logan leaning against Wade and basking in his presence. Hiding in his shadow when he's tired, leaning his forehead against Wade's shoulder.
Until they finally decide to approach them. Scott and Jean hold hands as they approach him for the first time, tired of observing him all night. Storm follows closely behind.
"Logan, nice seeing you man. It's, uh, been a while," Scott smiles crookedly at him. He expects Logan to respond how he normally does. To grin back, insult him, and start up their typical banter.
Like a well-oiled machine, they kept their rivalry going. Logan and Scott would act like they hated each other in public and fight like children over Jean until she inevitably chose Scott (and then it'd repeat). Sometimes, in the quiet of the night or an emotional moment, they'd become more. But that was rare, and Scott preferred the comfortable rhythm they normally kept to.
But Logan barely looked at him, nodded, and then turned back to Wade as he talked about some kid's show.
"Logan, that was a little rude, don't you think? We haven't heard from you in a while, it's good to see you're doing well." Jean lightly scolded him before letting her face melt into a smile. It was meant to be welcoming. Kind.
Scott tightened his arm around Jean. He knew Jean would always choose him, in the end, but it was annoying to see Logan flirt with her. She'd entertain him enough, and occasionally the three would wind in bed together in a moment of passion. But Jean was his, in the end.
Except, Logan didn't react. He just grunted in response. When his eyes met Jean's they were completely devoid of any attraction. He didn't flirt with her or pay her any attention. His eyes were solely on Wade.
It was only when Wade's eyes flicked toward them and he waved that Logan bothered to acknowledge their existence.
"Oh, hey! You guys are the real deal! The original X-men! The ones that took the 2000s by storm and made Marvel a shit ton of money," he rambled. His face was... interesting, to say the least.
Logan snorted. "Did you not expect to see the X-men in the X-mansion, bub?" The first time he verbally admitted they were even there.
"Considering the budget on my previous movies? Fuck no. It was too expensive to even have a good cameo, let alone actually have them on screen for more than a minute to have a conversation."
...What the hell was he talking about? He sounded clinically insane. And Logan was living with this guy?
But Logan laughed, genuinely, and it was like the world stopped spinning. He smiled and his eyes wrinkled, forming crescents. He teased Wade back in response, but they were stuck in that moment.
Logan was never like that. Never open, never soft. He cared, in a distant way, but he never really stayed. (Was it really that? Was it that he never tried to stay, or that they never gave him reason to? That they never gave him the chance before shutting the door in his face.)
But here it was. Physical proof that he was capable of looking at someone so softly. Of melting his hard exterior and becoming someone softer. Someone capable of cherishing the person they loved, of being domesticated.
Because there was really no other way than "domesticated" to describe him. He used to be like a wild animal—all sharp edges, jagged teeth, and razor-sharp claws. He snarled and growled at anyone who got too close and cornered him. He'd drop by for food, but snatch it and run off.
(But that's the thing about wild animals, isn't it? To get them to calm down, to stop seeing you as a threat, you need to be patient. To reach out. To prove you're safe. Did they ever really try?)
And now he even looked different. His hard muscles had filled out with a layer of fat. He looked healthy, like he wasn't just a tool built to fight and gnaw on the scraps he was given. He looked like a person who went home and ate a warm, balanced dinner at night. Who got adequate sleep and had all of his needs taken care of.
They thought that Logan's personality was rough, sharp, and jagged. That he was just Like That, and that it was useless to try to change it.
(After all, the bad boy is just someone you flirt with. Not someone you take him. Jean had said that, hadn't she?
And Logan had told her he could be the "good guy." Tried to show that he was capable of being more than just how he acted when he was hurt and alone. But she brushed it off. They all did.
And yet here Logan was. Soft and entranced by Wade in a way he never had been, even with her. Looking at him with something so much deeper than lust or attraction or infatuation. Looking at him with devotion. Reverence. Complete and utter love.)
But Logan wasn't Like That. He had always wanted to be soft. To be able to curl up next to somebody and trace the curve of their spine with his fingertips. He'd always yearned for a home he could feel genuinely warm in, where he'd be accepted and allowed to be vulnerable even if it wasn't pretty.
He'd only been hard because he had to. Because if he wasn't, the biting words and indifference of everyone around him would cut so deep he'd never recover. Because if he let himself love and be vulnerable with the X-men and they still viewed him as a passerby, as a tool, as an outsider, as just someone to sleep with—he'd break.
But Wade gave him a home. Gave him the chance to finally love and be loved and not feel afraid. To finally relax and open up. To show his emotions without fear of being scorned and to know he'd always be taken seriously. To not just be seen as the bad boy, but as a broken man desperate for anyone to cling to and feel cared for.
He was finally seen as more than just a stereotype. He was seen and loved for he was.
He was used to being hidden. Like a shameful secret. Jean was embarrassed to like him. Scott hid him away during the night and fought him during the day. He was a temptation, but that was it. They'd always choose each other first. Every member of the X-men had their person, but he was nobody's.
But with Wade, for the first time in his life, he was the first choice. He was the priority. He got to eat at the table instead of being fed scraps thrown onto the floor.
Logan thought it was natural to be treated as lesser. To be an afterthought. But with Wade, who cradled his face like he was something precious and was willing to die for him, he realized that he could be loved just as fiercely as he loved Wade. As an equal. As partners.
And so when he saw the X-men, he reacted the same way they had all those years ago: with indifference. With the same detached care he'd grown so used to. He spared them the effort of a few words, of reluctant acknowledgment, but that was it. If they never wanted to look closer at him or care about his needs, it was fine. But he'd do the same.
After all, there was so need to scramble to collect crumbs when he was well-fed. There was no need to look for a shitty room in an empty-feeling mansion when he already had a home.
#poolverine#deadclaws#kitkat#deadpool 3#deadpool and wolverine#logan howlett#wade wilson#deadpool movie#wade x logan#wade/logan#THIS WAS SOOOO FUN TO WRITE#I HOPE YOU ENJOY#i love this concept#eventually itd be fun to write more character analysis of everyones povs#i love them#poolverine angst#x men#mcu#marvel#marvel cinematic universe#scott summers#jean grey#asks
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It's summer for you, winter for me. Warm me up with strawberry fluff! As always, my muse, your muse, the one and only, Eddie.
Midsummer's night, because I don't have a lot to inspire you with. I'm thinking something cute but weird? Maybe some human body softness where Eddie is a bit of a freak and we love him for it. And we're told our bodies are lovely, even when they're doing weird shit.
I lalalove youuuuu. xo Rhi
RHI!!!! <3 i adore you. thank you for this prompt - i had far too many ideas for it, but ended up on settling for this one, which coincidentally feels like the most subtle of them all? either way, it definitely turned out being the softest. give me an eddie munson who just wants to sniff me like a dog. this definitely got a bit long but i hope you enjoy, my dear <3
the smell of you
warnings: weirdos in love? idk. i have a skewed sense of what is actually weird i think. mentions of death and coffins jokingly. eddie 'manhandles' reader sort of. not edited.
wc: 2.2k+
come enjoy a sweet summer treat with me <3
The entire apartment is quiet – too quiet – as you drop your keys into the old crystal bowl on the counter. The clink resonates through the air, louder than the soft murmur of the stereo static you can hear from down the hall.
“You dead?” you call out again, slipping off your running shoes and tossing down your headphones onto the counter as well now, “Do I need to call the coroner?”
Your tone is lilted, teasing with airiness as you continue to wander deeper into the apartment and head straight for the room you know Eddie has to be in. Like the waves pulled by the moon, there’s an incessant string tied around one end of your soul that connects you to his, and you follow it all the way down the hallway. The bedroom door is wide open, and you can hear his mumbled yell of a response without clarity before you even cross the threshold.
You wouldn’t have even needed him to verbally respond to find him in this tiny apartment. You two could get separated on the streets of a bustling city, of a buzzing New York sidewalk, and you still wouldn’t properly lose him. It’s more than just soul ties and his gravity that keeps you pulled to him.
Something unspoken. Something homely.
“Sorry, what was that?” you hum as you spy him face-down in the bed, pillow muting him by the mouthful, “Say it one more time, and this time not into the pillow.”
When he finally properly turns over, he’s a vision. Sleep lines folded into his skin and a bit of drool in the corner of his mouth, eyes squinting in irritation not at you but the sunlight flooding in through the bedroom window. Messy hair, messy shirt, messy everything. A kind of mess you just want to collapse into currently, curling up in all that he is from the day’s exhaustion.
He’d mentioned wanting to take a nap before you’d left for the gym. Something about the summer heat draining him, trailing off as he’d rambled about how he’d probably thrive as a vampire.
“I said,” he huffs, sitting up, the frizz of his hair becoming a makeshift halo, “If you call the coroner, request the comfiest coffin possible.”
“Why do you need a comfy coffin if you’re already dead?”
“You dare deny me of being buried in tempurpedic memory foam? In my hour of need?”
You roll your eyes as you huff out a little laugh, forcing yourself to turn away from him long enough to strip out of your socks. But just as you reach down for the pieces of clothing, you catch sight of the source of that stereo static flooding the room.
Your shared record player, spinning a blood red pressing of one of your more recent vinyl purchases. The album has been played through, but the player no longer had an automatic stop mechanism, probably from years of use.
The center of the record is probably scratched, and Eddie knows it, from how sheepish he looks when you glance over your shoulder at him.
“Speaking of death,” you walk over quickly, purposefully, before carefully lifting the needle and cutting the static finally, “Care to explain why you’re burning scratches into my Momento Mori vinyl?”
“I’m sorry,” he quickly apologizes, nearly flinging himself off the bed as he scooches quickly to the end, clearly fully awake now, “I put it on and thought I’d just lay down for a quick second, but then the bed was so comfy, and I thought it wouldn’t hurt to take a quick nap, and then…” he trails off, looking up at you through his lashes with big eyes already pleading for forgiveness, “I’ll buy you a new one. Swear it.”
It’s impossible to be mad at him when he’s looking like this, inhumanely soft and easily forgiven, “You’re lucky you’re cute, or you really would be dead.”
He doesn’t respond with words, but instead the outstretch of his hands, fingers flexing as he beckons to you. The needle rests on its perch, the vinyl left behind to gather dust for a few extra moments, as you go straight to him.
When his palms slip beneath your old t-shirt and meet your skin, they’re pleasantly warm.
“You were right,” you admit as his knees spread, delegating even more room for you to stand in front of him as your hand wanders to cradle the side of his face, fingers tangling in sweaty curls from his rest. Your thumb mimics his on your own skin instinctively, tracing a large arch right up over his cheekbone, “It’s hot as balls outside.”
“Told you so,” he murmurs, smiling softly in satisfaction as he leans lazily into your touch.
“You did,” you agree quietly, half-entranced by his relaxed face, no sight of pride in the room currently.
He resembles a cat as he continues to preen under your gentle hand, and you almost expect him to start purring right before you find the strength to pull away, removing his hands from where they'd wandered to your lower back.
One swipe of his finger along your sweaty spine, and you’d remembered what your original intentions had been immediately upon getting home.
“Wai- Where are you going?” he’s seemingly brought back down to Earth the moment he loses the pattern your thumb had been tracing, the press of your fingertips into his scalp. When he reaches back out to latch onto you again, you take a step back, “Get back here-”
“I need to shower,” you laugh, shaking your head and smacking his hands away as he continues to barter, “I’m all sweaty and smelly, let me go clean up and then we can nap togeth-”
“You can shower after we nap,” he nearly whines, finally catching your shirt between his fingers and tugging, uncaring for if he stretches the fabric. A small price to pay to have you close to him, “C’mon, sweetheart. I know you’re just as exhausted as I am.”
You swear you meant to take another step backwards, but somehow, you end up back between his knees, “Did you not hear me, Munson? I stink.”
He doesn’t give you any time to react – in an instant, he’s throwing his face forward, burying it against your stomach as you let out a gasp and immediately try to pry him away with far too gentle of hands in his hair.
If it were anyone else, you’d probably be mortified. But Eddie just takes a dramatic deep breath in, nose buried just shy of your belly button, and when his shoulders start to shake with muted laughter, you can’t stop the smile from breaking. Your fingers are still twisted in his hair, still pulling back in an attempt to get him away from you, but he’s resilient.
And all your faux resistance is weak in comparison. Soon enough, you’re back to melting into him.
Only once you’re relaxed once more, no sign of trying to pull away again any time soon as his hands once more evade the space beneath your shirt to wander up and down your sticky skin without a care in the world, does he lift his face away from you long enough to breathe and speak, “I’ll have you know – I love your stink.”
“Shut up.”
“I’m serious.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“I’m your idiot.”
The game of banter is cut short when he goes back to pressing his nose into your clothes that surely can’t smell good. No amount of deodorant or perfume could erase that underlying stench of sweat. Hell, the shirt is still a bit moist from it all: from the walk to the gym, from your workout itself, from the walk home. It’d been through the ringer, and you’re back to tugging him away from you.
“I refuse to believe you like how gross I smell right now,” you reinforce, eyes darting towards the bathroom connected to your master bedroom, “I promise I’ll be quick with the shower.”
“Baby,” he fights back, wrapping his arms around you securely, no intention of losing this battle, “You remember that time we went to the fair, and you were complaining about how you were sweating, so I tried to lick your face?”
Your nose scrunches quickly at the memory, “I do, unfortunately.”
“You really think I’d be willing to lick the sweat off your body but be afraid of you smelling a little bad while we cuddle?” his shoulders drop as he looks up at you, head tilted, almost as if amused with the conversation, “What kind of man do you take me for?”
“The kind that gets off on annoying me.”
His jaw drops, putting on a fake look of offense before he dramatically throws himself back onto the bed, laying flat as he makes a fist to mimic stabbing his chest, “You wound me.”
You’ve heard those words a thousand times in a hundred different ridiculous voices. You’ve seen this scene enough to have it mesmerized at this point, down to the over-exaggerated pout of his lips and the lingering of the fist against his sternum.
You never grow tired of it. You never will.
“Need me to kiss it better?” you joke as you prop a knee up on the bed, following the same script as always.
And he hits his queue perfectly when he lifts his head eagerly at the expected response, wiggling his brows a bit. “Absolutely. Doctor’s orders, in fact.”
“Great,” you see an opportunity, and take it, “I’ll get right to it, after my showe-”
You don’t even get the final syllable of the word off your tongue before he’s clenching his thighs around your own, knees pressing hard before he wraps his legs the rest of the way around your waist to pull you in. A squeak of surprise leaves your lips as you begin to fall forward, but Eddie is quick to break the fall with ease. Catching you with his eager hands, maneuvering for you to half drop to the mattress while some of you still lands atop of him.
He has you right where he wants you, turning his head to be face to face with you, noses nearly brushing, “Unfortunately, the doc said you have to kiss it better now, or else you’ll be comfy coffin shopping.”
“A fatal wound?” you gasp, nearly mocking him. It doesn’t offend him – if anything, his boyish grin only grows wider, “First, I’m smelly-”
“Again, I like when you’re smelly.”
“-And then I inflict a fatal wound upon my lover? Oh, how dare I.”
Slowly, all your insecurity of how you currently smell is simply fading. The entire ordeal has become an art of childlike, whimsical jokes – and Eddie is an artist. A professional at the dance, locked and loaded with his incomparable skill set equipped for disarming you this way. The ability to make someone feel loved, imperfections and weirdness aside.
He likes you, even when you claim you don’t smell your best. And you like him, even when his hair is tangled beyond recognition and one of his socks is half-hanging off his foot from a nap.
You like him when he’s embarrassing you in public, tongue chasing after you with the threat of licking your sweat away, and he likes you when all you can do in response is a weak palm to his chest (that isn’t even making an effort to push him away) as you giggle relentlessly.
You like each other on the good days, the bad days, the weird days.
Disarmed entirely, you don’t even notice when his face conveniently slots itself far too close to your armpit as you two scooch further up into the bed. You’re more occupied with the way your legs tangle up, toeing each other’s socks off properly as he slings a heavy arm across your torso.
“We’re gonna have to wash the sheets,” you mumble, exhaustion catching up as the two of you finally settle.
He hums absentmindedly, nuzzling into your skin a bit further as he makes himself comfortable. “And wash away your sweet, sweet stink? I don’t think so, sweetheart.”
“Oh, fuck off,” you laugh, unbothered as your fingers start to trail up and down his back over the t-shirt, smoothing out wrinkles along the way, “I’m serious. We need to change them soon anyways, I think I got crumbs in the bed the other night with those crackers.”
“Bury me in the crumbs of all your midnight snacks,” he almost slurs, clearly drifting back off.
You snort in response, relaxing and letting your own eyes shut. Matching all your deep breaths with his own, a million different last words crossing your mind to whisper to the boy you’re sure is once again asleep.
I love you.
I adore you.
I would like to spend the rest of my life with you, if you’ll have me.
And maybe some of those unspoken thoughts slip out without you realizing, because he squeezes you just a little bit tighter, presses his face just a little bit deeper into your skin as his scruff tickles you.
The only actual thought you can know for certain that you say, though, is, “Do you think they actually make coffins with memory foam inside?”
To your surprise, even despite the almost-snores that had been escaping him, he answers in a heartbeat.
“Oh, definitely. We’ll order two.”
#ghost's stories#summertime sweetness#eddie munson#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson x you#eddie munson fluff#stranger things#peep me making fun of myself in there about the way i constantly like to write him doing the whole mock stabbing himself thing#i just want to find me an eddie munson to be so comfortable with that afternoons like this would be a regular thing ya know#give me a man who likes my stink#a man who offers to order us matching tempurpedic coffins#i don't think that's how you spell that word if i'm being completely honest#it's canon in my head the two of you would go 'coffin shopping' just cause you both wanna know what it's like to lay in one#also in my process of brainstorming and writing this i realized i really do not understand the concept of being weird because#halfway through writing this#i questioned if it was even weird/weird enough?#this doesn't feel weird to me this just feels like the normal progression of getting comfortable in a relationship#it was this or eddie being unbothered by sounds of indigestion or however you spell it#ANYWAYS im rambling my bad <3#i hope i made you proud rhi!! <3
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pope heyward x bambi!reader
bambi!reader is a sweetheart. she bakes, she crafts, she naps, and she loves all things pope. you'll find her lounging at the beach, making sandcastles, surfing (badly), or helping out at heyward's seafood (and, in the process, securing her place as heyward's favourite child). she's a little ditsy, spending most of her time outdoors catching critters and falling asleep in places that no one should nap. she's cuddly, a little flighty, and very clumsy. more bruises and scrapes than you can count; you will always find her with pope's arm around her or his hand in hers to keep her from toppling over. kie and sarah are her very best friends (and partners in critter catching and crime!), and the boys only tease her a little for being so clumsy (fine, a lot).
check out the tag pope and bambi for more of these two!
bonus heyward content
#pope and bambi#pope heyward#pope heyward x reader#pope heyward x y/n#pope heyward x you#pope heyward concept#pope x reader#pope heyward drabble#pope heyward blurb#pope heyward fanfiction#pope heyward fluff#pope heyward fic#pope heyward prompt#pope heyward series#obx pope#outer banks#outer banks x reader#outer banks x you#obx x y/n#obx x you#obx x reader#writers on tumblr#writer#writing#writing for fun#pope obx#pope outer banks#obx fanfiction#obx fandom
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Touchstarved LIs and Cuddling
Two posts in two days? On my account? Someone pinch me!
Also half-spawned from @asexual-abomination, because we’ve had this conversation a thousand times.
TW/CWs: Potential Accidental Canon Divergence (this will probs be a warning on ALL my TS stuff until the game’s released), mentions of sleeping together but it’s purely literal and genuinely not a euphemism for sex, hand-waving the touch curse a bit, Ais is an asshole about personal boundaries, Mhin is meant to be read as combatively shy but willing, partially proofread.
Can be read as platonic or romantic! Same as before! Also I’m gonna be making a lot of references to the “No one asked but I found Mortal Kombat’s best cuddler” video by Brian David Gilbert for Polygon because it’s a good vid and you should watch it if you haven’t already!)
(One day I’ll make a custom sparkle banner for the cut, mark my words! Also rqs are open! Likes and reblogs appreciated!)
🕊️ Kuras
Definitely one of the Emotionally Vulnerable & Safe Cuddler types from BDG’s video.
I don’t think. Kuras needs to sleep? At least I don’t remember there being anything in canon to suggest that. But! I think he enjoys the occasional catnap, and can be persuaded to actually sleep with you if you ask him about it.
Like you hit him with the “isn’t a good night’s sleep supposed to be good for you?” and “shouldn’t you be a good example for your patients?” and he gives you a good-natured—if slightly stiff—chuckle as he guides you over to the cot in his office.
The cot’s kinda narrow since it’s only build for the one patient to sit/lay on it, so by default a lot of spooning/honeymoon hugging(? Spooning when you’re facing each other) is happening.
There’s not really a blanket situation happening, but he’s really warm and his hands are eternally soft so it’s just super pleasant.
And after a while he starts to get his wings involved, too. At first it’s only when you’re asleep, but later on, after you learn about his status as a fallen angel, he’s more open about it, even if he gets all shy when you ask.
And there’s something just so peaceful about how he holds you. His hands never wander, and he keeps his voice soft. The first couple times he asks to pet your hair or touch your face, and soon enough it just becomes a rhythm for the two of you. <3
🪄 Leander
This man wants to hold you SO BAD.
Literally will get on his hands and knees if you ask him to. Touchstarved isn’t just the name of the game, babes!
Brags so much about his big bed at the Wet Wick but the man is so clingy you two end up using like. 20% of it.
He’s tryna be all suave, inviting you to come over and lay your head on his chest but on the inside he is screaming.
For the first dozen times he just stays up, watching you snooze or daydream against his chest. Then after a while he starts to doze off before you do.
Definitely the type to tell you bedtime stories. Most of them are just recounting things that have already happened to/around him, but occasionally he does a little embellishing or a bit of improv for flavor.
He’s doing it to keep things interesting and maybe make himself look cooler to you? But he’s keeping it as low energy as possible so you don’t lose any sleep.
🦊 Vere
If Kuras is in the Emotionally Vulnerable and Safe Cuddler corner, Vere is on the fucking polar opposite side.
Definitely makes a big show of it the first time you ask, joking about his rates and the rules (“no kissing and hands off the tail!” shit like that.)
Also gives zero fucks about your comfort. He’s like a tiny dog taking his half of the bed out of the middle and you’re just gonna have to cope for a while.
Buuuuuut… if you talk nice, let him come to you, and show him you just want proximity and nothing else… maybe he’ll warm up.
And the jokes die down, and he gives you room to settle, and eventually he’s curling up right next to you and draping his tail over your legs.
Congrats! The cute fox boy is sharing a bed with you! Beware his flicking ears and squeak-snoring.
The whole process takes a good while, but I think it’s worth it <3
⛩️ Ais
Definitely kinda coy about sharing a sleeping place at first. It’s not Vere levels of mockery—mostly cause he doesn’t mean it the way Vere does—but Ais has a really annoying habit of getting under your skin.
But yeah, after some “arm-twisting,” he’ll let you lay down and get cozy.
He goes right to sleep more often than not, though, even if that’s not what the cuddling is for. Dude just closes his eyes and drops into dreamland like it’s nothing.
He says he’s just resting his eyes but that’s only the case maybe a third of the time.
I think he probably shares his sleeping space with Soulless, which usually means he’s all cramped up, but now that he’s only sharing the bed with one other body he takes the chance to sprawl.
You will end up flat on your back/face with Ais on top of you, it’s just a matter of when it happens.
He’s an asshole about it, too. He makes this big show of how cozy he is and how it’s been supposedly “forever” since he’s got to curl up like this, but if he gets the feeling you’re being serious he’ll get off.
🪡 Mhin
Inside of Mhin are two sleeping wolves.
One of them wants cuddles really bad but is abysmal at asking for them.
The other sleeps flat on their back like a corpse and startles awake at the slightest sound.
If you’re cuddling to pass the time instead of going to sleep Mhin gets all defensive either way. “Sounds like a waste of time when I could either just sleep or do something else” type shit.
You kinda gotta wrastle them into it, especially if they’ve been staying up for prolonged periods. “Rest isn’t sleep but it’s better than nothing.”
They’re not in the habit of initiating any of the cuddling (again, that wolf would sooner die than ask,) but if you “insist” (ask politely) they’ll let you take a crack at it, “if only to get some peace and quiet.”
If they doze off, like I said, they’ll startle awake at any sound so you’re probably not going to get a lot of sleep by proxy. But! You get to hold them and explain away all the noises, which is fun <3
#I had this thought while I was writing the Study Buddy ones#since I wrote both Vere and Ais as Big Nappers in that#also Angel/Angel Agacent Person Who Could Wrap Me In Feathers is a pretty fun type to have and think about#If I ever do one of those Concept Focused instead of Property/Character Focused headcanon drabbles#it’ll probably be for Partners With Wings#Because the religious trauma is going strong to this day lol—#Touchstarved#Touchstarved Game#Kuras#Leander#Vere#Ais#Mhin#Rosie Writes
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Steve drops Tony to run after Bucky. Same ole same ole.
But while Tony recruited Spider-man to assist he didn't dig to found out who he was. Just asked him to be honest if he was atleast 18.
So he doesn't know Peter is Spiderman.
Throw in some omegaverse.
Turns out Steve and Tony were together officially or not.
While in the hospital for his injuries, he finds out he is pregnant.
He tried to reach out to Steve - no answer
So here Tony is 6 months later with his private lamaze class he needs a partner aka an Alpha.
But no worries, the instructor has the PERFECT alpha to help.
Enter Peter Parker who volunteers to be a stand in Alpha for omegas.
Tony is just flabbergasted that this college kid would be doing this. Was he genuinely this good of a person or is he a creepy alpha or villian.
Peter of course tries not to be shocked about this client being Tony Stark but with all the pages of the NDA it's not surprising now.
Motor mouth Peter who explains how yes he loves to volunteer. He was a late bloomer and was for sure thought he would be an omega and took all the classes for it. But when he turned out to be an Alpha.
He spoken of how he was in an accident and so now he shoots blanks. And this is his chance it help fill a void as most omegas don't want to be with an Alpha who can't give them kids.
Tony asking if he was in sort of lab accident as a joke.
Peter brightens up.
" Funny enough I was! But... I .. signed an NDA about it. "
#writing prompt#i think this would be a fun concept#starker#starker prompt#ironspider#tony stark x peter parker#alpha peter parker#omega tony#omegaverse au#alpha steve#alpha beta omega#abo#abo au#winterspiderpurrs
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Birds of a Feather
Bit of writing for @divinit3a's cafe prompts! A little one shot set in @crystalmagpie447's winged dca au. Be sure to check both of them, the prompts, and the au out!
That all being said, enjoyed making this, hope you enjoy reading it ^^
Word Count: 1795
Chosen Words: feathers, flight, clouds, hope, restart
"Thank you for visiting Superstar Daycare! We hope you have a Faztastic rest of your day!" Sun says, shutting the door with a sigh.
You glance up from organizing the drawings from today, seeing he's slouched back against the door, defeated. Not that he'd ever admit it, of course. You're almost tempted to go back to your work without another word so to let him keep up his perceived joyous attitude. But, you desire to be a better friend than that.
Even if he doesn't want you to be.
You sort another work of art into the pile for next week's feature pieces. "Long day, huh?"
"Oh, not at all, Sunshine!" You hear his rays spin, and peeking up again his posture is ramrod straight again. "Today was wonderful, just like all the others before it! And before that, and before that, and before that..." Back to that chipper tone, as you had expected, but it never hurt to try.
Something you don't think Sun realized—likely due to not being created with them initially—is that wing's display an array of emotions as much as any other part of one's body language. When nervous, they quiver and flick and shrink in much like his own rays. When happy, they're bursting with life, shifting not dissimilarly to one's own arms. And when angry, well, you think he might have realized that one.
Whenever you pressed him too hard, asked too many questions, showed too much care, they would puff up, feathers stifled and quick in their movements.
You never told him these things, which may make you not so good a friend, but you knew if you let him in on the mannerisms he displayed, he'd do everything he could to stop them. 'Correct' them. You know, because when you'd commented on how his rays spun when he got excited, he was down in Parts and Services all but demanding them to fix his problem. Or at least, his concept of a problem.
So instead, you let out a quiet laugh. "I'm always here to talk, but if you say so, I'll leave it lie."
"Good. Glad that's settled."
With that, he takes a few quick strides over to the craft tables and begins cleaning them up. You sigh, but let it go. It's not your business after all, that much had been made clear to you.
As clean up goes along—quiet, save for small talk between the two of you, friendly, but nothing more—your thoughts go back to the Attendant once more. Specifically, his wings.
Always constantly using them, the both of them. You think that despite having them before you arrived even, they were still in a way a new and exciting feature for the two animatronics. Seeing even the smallest of reasons to exercise them. Be it to flit about the room just a little quicker, play with the children, or to do a survey of the daycare—or the entire Plex in Moon's case—just a quick flap of their wings, and it was possible.
You suppose it's something that can't be helped. Though only every so often, in times like this, where you feel just a little more isolated than usual. A little more lonely. That feeling is what had drawn you here in the first place, in a way. Besides the need for a paying job that is.
A chance for a restart, a fresh start even. When you first saw the Daycare, realized what a, solo existence, the two attendants had, it had gripped at you. Gripped at a particular part of your own being that you recognized. Despite having wings themselves, they're story was similar to yours. Outcasted from society and those around them for things outside their control.
An inability to take flight, versus an inability to fly elsewhere. Trapped, in every sense of word. The only difference being the cage in use.
"Penny for your thoughts, Dragonfly?"
You glance up, seeing Moon perched on the piece of the playset above you. You liked to come up here and sit sometimes, sit anywhere up high, just to get a taste for what could have been.
You'd accepted long ago the way things were, and for the most part it wouldn't haunt you. It wasn't your fault, wasn't something in your control. It just was. There were plenty of others like you, even, and they held no shame, so neither would you.
But that didn't control the longing that would ensnare you from time to time.
Back in the present, you scoff at the lunar animatronic. "Knowing you you'd take more than just a penny from me. Probably my entire wallet if you could get by with it, yeah?"
"Perhaps." Moon snickers, faceplate spinning. "You'll never know until you try though."
You laugh, then shake your head. "Figured as much. Hard pass, Moon-man."
"Hm. Care to just share what's on your mind then?" He reaches over and above you to the opposite edge of the playset, essentially laying horizontal above you, gaze focused down on you. "Free of charge."
You consider the offer a moment, then mimic his pose, going from lean back, to laying back perpendicular to him, face covered in the glow of his red eyes.
"You think it's silly to want something you can't have? That'll always be out of your reach and never within? Something you'll always have on the back of your mind, no matter how hard you try to live your life free of even a thought about it?"
Moon tilts his head. "What a loaded series of questions. I'm a jester, not a sage, you know." He chuckles, and usually you'd join in, maybe roll your eyes or the likes, but your heart's not in it.
It's something he picks up on immediately, wings behind him fluttering just a tad. But even in the darkness you catch it.
He puts a hand under his chin in thought. "Well, I suppose if you'd really want to get into it, yes."
You wait.
Nothing else.
"What?" He asks.
You shrug. "Thought you'd share a bit more as to what. You know, be relatable and all that."
Moon chuckles, it takes on a more sinister edge at the end.
"Not quite. But I'll listen to your plights if you'd like, Nightingale."
"Sometimes, more than anything, I wish I could fly." Your hands fold across your chest. "It's a silly endeavor, I know. But I still want it sometimes."
He must not have been expecting that, eyes widening just a tad. He asks a question you weren't anticipating. "Have you ever been?"
"A few times, when I was small. With my parents. They'd hold me below them and I'd pretend to be gliding all on my own." You close your eyes at the memories, filled with shrieks of laughter and childish glee. You think if they'd known that would be your only time up in the sky, they'd have taken you more often.
"What was it like?"
You open your eyes. Looking above you to the former naptime attendant turned security bot. His words were soft, holding a tender curiosity you wouldn't have expected.
You furrow your brow. "What do you mean? You know what flying is like."
"The sky." He rasps, and it clicks. All but confirming one of your deepest beliefs then and there.
You swallow, hiding the utter elation such information gives you, that hope for connection no longer so out of reach. You give it your best shot to provide an accurate, detailed, description.
"It's colder than you think it would be. When you get high up. But the sun's warmth usually helps with that. The wind feels lovely on your feathers though." Your hand reaches out above you for a moment. "And the clouds, they're wet. Or well, damp. It was quite a shock the first time my dad dragged me through one."
"What were you expecting?" Moon hums.
You chuckle. "I don't know, cotton candy, or pillow fluff, or something like that. I was only like four." Your hand drops back down. "It was a long time ago."
Moon stays quiet. You continue.
"And my first night flight. What a time. You always think if you could a little higher you'll reach the stars. Or at least that's what I thought, begging my mom to just 'go a little higher, just a little more'. She didn't always oblige me, but when she did, god, the buildings, the cities, the world, all of it felt so small." You shake your head. "And quiet. So, so quiet."
"Was that it then? The last time you were up there?"
Another head shake. "No. I think I was maybe seven or eight before I got too heavy to lug around."
Silence again, you think to look up to him again, gaze having become unfocused in your reminiscing.
He's also somewhere else it seems, faceplate twisting back and forth, optics just a tinge dim. He comes out of it when he notices your stare.
"I'll take you sometime." He states, nodding once.
Another nod. "Into the sky. I'll take you there. You hardly weigh a thing to me."
"First of all, rude. Second of all... why?" You're a bit in disbelief.
He shrugs. "Why not?"
Moon sits up then, back to his original position and you do the same.
"Because that's a big thing to offer!"
"Not offer." He pokes your forehead, eyes crinkling. "Promise."
You bluster. "Even worse!"
You don't get to pester him further about it, as he flips back over the edge of the playset, landing right as the lights come back on. Sun looks up to you as you peer over the edge of the playset. He tilts his head at you.
"What's with that look, Busybee?"
"I'm gonna get you out of here one day." You blurt.
He freezes. "What?"
"I, if, if you want, I mean." You fumble to recover. "If you ever decide you want to leave. If you ever want to get out just for a moment, I'll help you. I promise."
Sun's rays twist, otherwise motionless, even as you take the nearest slide and walk over to him.
Worried, you reach out for him. "Sun—"
Springing to life again, acting as if nothing happened. "So sorry, Sunshine! It seems I had a bit of a lapse there, won't happen again!"
"Oh. Gotcha. Okay." You turn around to get back to work, your short break now over, when his hand rests on your shoulder.
You look up, Sun's eyes crinkle as his rays spin.
"I hope one day I'll be able to take you up on that promise, and return it in kind."
You smile lightly, and nod. "Yeah. Me too."
And there we go! Hope i did the prompt and the au justice! Both were fun to work with. Excited to share more art and writing as the month goes on hehe
Tag list (if you would like added, see this post for more info, you can also dm me!):
@scarletcowboy @beemyhuneybee @fishm0ther @deviouscrackers @elsajoyagent8 @luckyyyduckyyy @zenkaiankoku @jogimote @local-shrub @milosmantis @robinette-green @everlightreader @sinister-sincerely @starredeclipse @dangerva @juukai @crystalmagpie447 @mothgutz236 @lizyxml @divinit3a @amarynthian-chronicles @crystalfay
#fnaf dca#dca fandom#fnaf sun#fnaf daycare attendant#fnaf moon#dca fic#x reader#winged dca au#cafeprompts2025#queue#hehehe your winged boys are fun to write for crystal#and i enjoy the concept of this au VERY much#do not think of the full original idiom it has NO meaning at all mhm mhm#take it as you will#either mean positively or#well#you know
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