#this was meant to be a sketch. um
raffi-cat · 3 months
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concept: peafowl watcher grian
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anzuhan · 3 months
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pinkavtomation · 1 month
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Some kind of strange insect
Original sketch under the cut
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sketchy-tour · 1 year
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First off some silly human stuff cause Human Dandy and Wally are precious to me I spin them in my mind like microwaved potatoes.
OH AND ALSO I've been sketching up Reboot Dandy ideas!
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Don't ask me why the two Dandy AU designs I've come up with have specific details about their glasses. IDK. But I just...like the idea that Reboot Dandy tries a little bit too hard to be seen as "cool" by Wally. The two are dumbasses who tease each other to show affection but sometimes...SOMETIMES Dandy takes those teases to heart and never tells Wally. But man when they get compliments??? Shit makes them flustered so fast.
Reboot au by @/bloodrediscream
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bizlybebo · 3 days
sorry im still dead and will probably continue 2 be…. take this as penance
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autistickaitovocaloid · 2 months
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Redraw of Kaito from the exit tunes presents vocalonation album cover because I thought his pose + outfit was cute.
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
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Soft silly DCA n ReaderBot moments,, aka tfw u have a crush on that one silly jester guy but u feel like UR th joke when u r soft around them
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squiddcakes · 10 days
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The chucklefucks <3
I haven’t drawn these two in a while and wanted to see how different they look since then. They look relatively the same, my art style’s just improved lol
For those unaware these two were made for a “fake game” zine that got cancelled— but I got so attached to them and the concept that I kept them around. The premise is that an anxiety-ridden college student gets haunted by the demonic spirit of a dead rockstar and the two work together to win Vee concert tickets to her favorite artist, “Von Bomba”, while also figuring out the mysterious circumstances around Andi’s death.
At some point in time I’ll get to covering their story, but for now you get one off illustrations and concept art !!! 💥
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salcreus · 1 year
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WIP I'm never finishing so I'm sending it to the wild. You'll never guess what the name of this concept was 🙏
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omchar · 2 years
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the soldier and his person, the guy and his knight
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adhdavinci · 2 years
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I Am Not Immune To @woelfin-sheeps-clothing Spargus outfit redesign
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trollbreak · 5 months
For sake of asking
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ragnars-tooth · 1 year
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Tam Farrell’s no good bad horrible weekend
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cottoncandylesbo · 2 years
used to think fallout new vegas was my favorite game of all time- it's certainly a fantastic game, still do I love every ounce of that thing. but man does disco elysium blow it out of the water. just in terms of writing and atmosphere I want to drink disco elysium like a soup
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moonstruckme · 2 months
Would you pls write a tattoo artist Sirius x fem reader where it’s her first time getting a tattoo and she’s really nervous but he’s really hot idk sorry totally fine if not !!💗
Thanks for requesting <3
cw: mention of needle
modern au
tattoo artist!Sirius x fem!reader ♡ 1.1k words
A bell rings as you enter the shop, and you cringe internally. It seems as though now you’re committed to being here. 
“Hi,” a blonde woman behind a desk greets you with a polite smile. “Do you have an appointment?” 
“Oh.” You hesitate, your footsteps stalling like you might back right out the door. “Um, no.” 
“That’s alright.” She waves you forward. “We have space for walk-ins today. I’ve got an appointment coming in a few, but go ahead and fill this out,” she slides a sheet of paper in front of you, “and Sirius will be out for you in a minute.” 
You take the pen she offers you with a terse smile, and even your name is hardly legible with the trembling in your fingers. Sirius, you think as you tick boxes while hardly looking at them. That’s a boy’s name. Isn’t it? You’re not sure how you feel about a boy doing your tattoo. You’d always pictured a cool, tatted-up girl with a throaty voice and a calming demeanor to set your nerves at ease. You’re tempted to ask this woman if you can just book an appointment with her for later, but when you look up she’s slipped behind the curtain to the back room. 
A few moments later, a different head pops out instead. 
“Hello,” this new man says, grinning whilst your stomach bottoms out. Fair skin, dark hair tied loosely behind his head, and tattoos from his neck going down as far as you can see before they disappear under the waist of his pants. His grin is sharp and welcoming at once, spreading over his fine features like it’s been well practiced. 
“Hi,” you manage. 
“You about done with that?” 
It takes him dropping his gaze to the paper under your hand before you realize what he’s talking about. 
“Oh.” You give a weak laugh, pushing it toward him. “Yeah.” 
“Beautiful.” He picks it up, looking it over briefly. “Ready to head back?”
You can feel your heartbeat in your mouth. “Mhm.” 
He holds the curtain open for you. You turn yourself a bit sideways to avoid brushing either him or the curtain as you go through, and he makes an amused face. 
“I’m Sirius,” he says, leading you towards the chairs in the back of the room. There’s music playing from a speaker in the corner, something quick and bass-heavy that’s probably meant to pump up more seasoned customers but makes your skin feel twitchy. Sirius gives you an expectant look. You blink in response. “And you are?”
“Oh, sorry.” You tell him your name. The syllables feel new and awkward on your tongue. 
Sirius tosses you another winsome smile. “No worries,” he reassures you, and you wonder if he gets this reaction a lot. If everyone feels this way around him, like having his full attention directed at you is a little intoxicating and a lot overwhelming. “Is this your first tattoo?” 
“Yeah.” You sit in the chair he gestures to. “How’d you know?” 
He chuckles, the sound sharp and bright. “You’re a tad jumpy, love.” You feel heat rush to your face, but then Sirius gives your calf a little pat and it all goes there instead. “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you. You usually have problems with needles?” 
“Not really.” You squirm a little, making sure your skirt isn’t riding up your thighs. “I just don’t have any idea how badly it’ll hurt.” 
“Oh, it’s not too bad usually. Do you have an idea of what you want?” 
“Um, yeah.” You get out your phone, showing him the picture you’d found. “Could you maybe do this, like, by my hip?” 
Sirius leans closer to see. “As little as that one?” You nod, and he grins. “Yeah, that’ll be easy! I can do that in five minutes, gorgeous, don’t you worry.” 
“Really?” you ask, hope inflating in your chest. 
“Yeah, let me just…” He turns around to a small desk, drawing a careful sketch before pulling on a pair of disposable gloves. “Alright, where do you want it?”
You pull down the waistband of your skirt, pointing to the bit of skin where your hip turns into your stomach. You hold your breath as he presses the paper to your skin. When he peels it back up, the design stays. 
“Like that?” 
Your reply comes out on an exhale, soft and a bit dizzy. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s perfect.” 
“Brilliant.” Sirius looks down at his work, then back up at you. You can’t decide which makes your stomach hurt worse. “Then I think we’re ready to get started. You alright?” 
You ignore the tingly feeling in your fingertips and force yourself to answer before you can think too hard. “Yeah.” 
Sirius looks like he can tell you’re faking it, but he blazes forward anyway, giving you a reassuring smile. “Great, just lie back for me. Like that, yeah. Cool if I roll the top of your skirt down so it doesn’t get in our way?”
You nod. He’s careful and professional as he takes the waistband of your skirt, folding it over itself until it sits beneath your hips, but still a gloved knuckle brushes up against the skin of your lower abdomen. Your heart hiccups.
“Okay, love, here’s what we’re going to do.” You look up to find Sirius’ eyes already waiting for yours. They’re lighter than you’d thought from a distance, a grayish blue like the ocean during a storm. His one hand is resting on the temporary tattoo, and you wonder if he can feel your heartbeat bumping through your skin. You certainly can. “I’m going to touch the machine to you for just a second so you know how it feels, and then I’ll take it off. Sound good?” 
You nod again, bracing yourself. “Okay.” 
The machine buzzes to life, and it’s an effort not to flinch. You press your lips together in case you make a sound. Sirius’ brow pinches concentratedly as he touches the needle to the stencil he’s made on your skin. It’s over before you can process it. 
“How was that?” he asks you.
You look up at him in surprise. “Fine,” you say honestly. It stung, but not nearly as bad as you’d expected, and only for as long as he was touching the needle to you. 
“Beautiful.” Sirius seems as relieved as you are, his grin flashing canines. “In that case, you’re golden. Just sit pretty for me, yeah?”
You feel like he has to be intentionally flustering you now, but you don’t have time to dwell upon it before he sets back to work. The sting really is negligible, especially with Sirius’ fingers pressing into your skin to steady his touch and his elbow resting lightly against your thigh. You feel hot in all sorts of places. 
Those gray-blue eyes flicker up to check on you when he pauses every now and then. “You’re amazing,” he praises. “Doing so well, love.” 
It doesn’t help.
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demonsword586 · 6 months
Just searched through the entire internet (and accidentally downloaded PB's whole insta on my pc) but I finally found it!!
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Behold! The early sketches of devils! They are pretty similar to the end designs but we do have some exceptions!
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Like opened eyes Buer!! Look at him! He looks so suspicious and handsome!...or like he's smelling something sussy
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Um Astaroth...that you? Omg he looks so freaking beautiful. But personally I prefer him with long hair. Suits him better.
Also Gusion,who did this to you?! Wait,imagine if he was meant to be a tired skater boy instead of a math teacher! ...Math skater even?
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Morax!!! His smile! Omg I just wanna kiss him and hold him and omg his head shape...actually he lost a bit of hair I think.
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