#this was like THE first whiplash fanart i made
nepptunii · 2 months
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i realized i never actually posted this full page so here u go
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merriclo · 1 year
i love looking at fanart for other fandoms, having no fucking clue what the hell is going on. idk what’s up w persona 5 but that akechi guy sure is pretty
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vampireassistant · 3 months
okay story time about the crazy grown ass woman from when i was a teen that would dump her hcs about otis csa from his dad and try to get me to tell her sex hcs about spotis cause it "helped her stress" and harass me for fanart
back when i just turned 16 there was this bitch who found me cause id post otis art on insta. grown ass adult woman btw. and she started to dm me and beg me for detailed hcs about sex (cause at 16 i was an obnoxious kinnie about spaulding and she shipped spotis) which in retrospect was extremely weird but that wasnt the fucked up part. she had like 10 different fics, some going over 40k words, where shed have entire chapters describing otis as a kid getting brutally raped by his dad. she was also super obsessed with otis having an ED and hip problems from where his dad broke his hips from raping him so much as a kid (keep all this in mind for when you read the screenshots). shed dm me randomly outta the blue while i was in class for my GED telling me her otis csa ptsd hcs. that was the shit that made me so disturbed. all of this was unprompted. and at 16 i was going through a lot with being homeless and my dad going to prison for dv so i was just letting her yap in my dms bc these things dont trigger me but it sure was fucking weird.
flash forward to about 2 years ago and she tried to ask jack for the otis bio pics and he was like hey....wait....aint you the cunt who used to fantasize child rape in my man's dms when he was a vulnerable teen and she deleted all her fics like they never existed. crazy shit.
screenshot dump just so yall can see how....strange this chick was:
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^ this one isnt too bad its just so random. source? what the hell are you on about? why are you fantasizing about the irl man bill moseley with your weird ED fetish?
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^ her randomly bringing up otis getting raped as a kid. again. as she always did. left the first part in just so you can see how she'd just shove it into every convo.
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^ the first screenshot is showing how shed fucking interrogate me to give her descriptions of her weird fetish. also she wouldn't stfu about woobifying otis for it. love how you can essentially see me being like Why Are You Thinking About This So Much
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^ this is just a general cringe screenshot cause im like yeah they used to rob places and kill people together of course cutter's dug a bullet or two out of otis before and vice versa. and shes like Fuck.....if otis went to the hospital.......how was my 16yo ass less cringe and more logical than this grown woman
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^ i actually clearly remember i was ghosting her during this time period because of school and also just. i didnt wanna keep having her bring up kid rape about my man every 4 messages. and here she is doing it again unprompted.
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^ im talking about my surgeries and this bitch just pops off with "otis hates sucking his dad off" i remember the whiplash this gave me and its been 6 damn years. it still takes me off guard every time i remember.
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^ to end this on a lighter note cause this always makes me laugh. ma'am do you even remember who youre talking about
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herrscherofmagic · 2 months
So I just caught up with HI3rd's new main story release last night. and upon waking up this morning, all I could think was...
"...damn, is this how the day-1 RWBY fans felt when Volume 4 came out?"
I never thought I'd unironically be comparing Honkai 3rd with RWBY but that's pretty much the only way I can convey my complicated thoughts at this point. An incredibly awesome concept with a lot of potential, juxtaposed with an execution that gives severe emotional whiplash and mixed feelings x-x
Just as I mentioned in a prior post, I really wish Part 2 was made its own story. The concept of Luoxing and Oxia & Langqiu and the Seven Shus and Dreamseeker... all of this could've (and in my opinion should've) been its own game. Unburdened by the lore of HI3rd, free to develop its own character and themes and unique story direction.
HI3rd then could've had a different Part 2, one that more closely builds off the prior lore. A Part 2 with a split focus on further developing older characters (like Theresa), giving more backstory for long-gone characters (like Squad Snowwolf), and building up the future story for the "new gen" characters (like Sora, Lyle, Timido, Adam, etc.).
I love Oxia so, so much. I love the concept of Luoxing and the Dreamseeker's character and their relationship with Senadina and the whole story of the Shus. But I dislike how this is all apparently just a "continuation" of the story of the Earthlings. I wanted Part 2 to wholly embrace this new setting, but it seems like that's not what we're getting, and all I can say is that I'm disappointed.
I'm still willing to continue with Part 2, but I'm finding it harder to go along with the story at this point. Maybe some future parts of the story will renew my interest in it, but at this point I think I'd rather engage with Honkai content purely from a fanfic/fanart perspective because the main story feels like it's getting too twisted up with different characters and plot lines and mixed settings.
Luoxing and post-Great-Eruption-St.-Freya easily could've been two separate games. Combining the two feels like doing way too much stuff in a game that was never designed to accommodate this sort of expansive storytelling.
The worst part of all of this is that it feels like the first few chapters all built up this identity of the Dreamseeker as an Oxia native, only to have that identity torn apart in just a few brief scenes. For me, Oxia was beginning to feel like "home" in the same way that Mondstadt, the Astral Express, or Sixth Street felt like "home". I never even felt that way about St. Freya, tbh, so I was excited to have that feeling in HI3rd. But even that feels like it's been cast aside by the story. Maybe that feeling will return, but that's pure speculation at this point.
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kiroonsmoon · 3 months
I know there's a lot of people refusing to play the renegade route in rejuvenation. Sorry if you answered this already but I'd love to know where you stand on this. Have you played renegade? If so what are you most looking forward to about it?
Oughhhhhahhhh Renegade (BEGINS FOAMING AT THE MOUTH) /neg. My thoughts on it are very mixed so to say. But yes I’ve played it, I like doing oc runs so I did my mono dragon run for Lucifer on it.
Renegade has most of my favorite scenes ever in Rejvu but simultaneously is my least favorite part of the game and is like, the worst mix of my criticisms of the game. Which is why I generally prefer Paragon to Renegade despite paragon having a less gripping story/events to me as of 13.5.
Basically if I could summarize it: I love the story and it has WONDERFUL, heartbreaking scenes but it also shares that with the most whiplash inducing humor and scenes possible as well. Which results in severe tonal issues that heavily damages my enjoyment of the route.
I’m going to be putting my more detailed thoughts under cut. All my positives and negatives towards it. I’m putting it undercut because of 1) spoilers and 2) speaking from personal experience I know it’s unpleasant to see some bashing and criticizing something you love dearly. And I don’t want to subject people to that if they do not want to see that. My criticisms point largely to a specific character I know people are major fans of and love dearly. I don’t want to subject people to unpleasant things like that.
Again all of this is subjective and my opinion. You aren’t bad for liking something I don’t like.
Still here? Good great! First things first let’s start with some positives. Because despite everything I do like this route.
The fights were fun! I had a great time with the battles (expect with Spacea/Timepa but this isn’t an issue on the devs it’s just Mono Dragon is NOT good for that fight).
The scenes when the game takes itself seriously are fucking phenomenal. Adrest’s death and then the failed world with the host and M2 are a phenomenal beginning to renegade in my eyes. And Zumi’s art like always fucking rocks. The failed world really sets up the tone well for renegade. Which M2 finally snapping and attempting to murder the only person she’s been stuck for years. Fantastic beginning to a route about destroying the world.
And Karma Beast Talon….oh karma beast Talon. It’s my favoritest fucking boss battle and segment of the entire game. Everything down to the story, music, setting and Talon’s character mixes into one of the best written arcs in rejvuenation ever. Talon’s arc was way better than I could’ve ever expect and the best of his character is shown in his karma beast route. Just seeing his desperation and pain at learning his best friend died, his mother is on death’s door, he was never anything but a puppet that leads him to becoming a monster of his own despair and that on top of the art in music. Chef’s kiss, I love it so much.
I also loved the Ren chase (hell I made fanart of this moment), M2 getting called the fuck out and Venam + Amber battle and Amber’s death…oughhh all good fucking scenes.
However, all these things are torn down by one thing, the humor. Even more specifically M2.
M2..M2, gosh, she’s a fucking lot. I honestly still don’t know how to feel about her. The only thing I’m 100% certain on and don’t have any mixed thoughts on his her design. Her design fucking rocks, probably my most favorite design of all the Melia’s.
M2 is easily the worst part of renegade and the game for me. She’s very poorly written to me. Which is unfortunate. I like her concept I really do. However the problem is I couldn’t really truly understand and appreciate her concept until I sat down and truly thought on renegades story while removing all the silly stuff from my brain.
Basically: M2 is completely shot down by the humor she brings and it negatively affects her and the story as a whole.
Now I’m not saying renegade has to be 100% serious and grimdark. That’s just not realistic and I would just have issues with it the other way instead. However the humor it shows is not for renegade. The humor of renegade (and M2…) is very lol xd and sudden and random. It’s very very very jarring. Especially for such a dark and grim route. Renegade’s humor would be better placed in paragon. Rejvu’s humor is already hit or miss and renegade’s humor is nearly all miss.
Now humor in renegade can work, hell it’s even required. Stories can’t be all dark, you need a breather in there. However, balance of the humor is very important and Rejvu’s renegade route does a really piss poor job of it. Some jokes can work though! The fucking bait and switch with the item during the Ren chase seen is probably my favorite joke it all of Rejvu honestly. It uses the expected actions of the player and turns it on their head. It even works in a character sense! M2 is smart, she’s been taking notes on you and uses what she knows on you against you. It makes for a great joke and prank, I couldn’t even be angry that all my pokemon had 1 hp! It was a fantastic humorous moment that made me go “you son of a bitch” and crack a smile. I also think M2 calling Kanon an incel is a joke that works as well. However I do have problems with that as well, but that doesn’t relate to the humor, I’ll get into that later.
Renegade would’ve benefited from more humor like that. Not the clones, which made me more and more annoyed as time went on. The clones should’ve been left in Ren’s Chase as NPCs that act as obstacles and that’s it. Not the random beef M2 had gotten with random unimportant NPCs offscreen, which just made me more annoyed with her (and not the fun kind of annoyed). The kinda annoyed where I wanted to bash her head into the wall.
However the biggest offender of them all is Guilty or Nah. I’m going to be blunt. Guilty or Nah is not needed and brings absolutely no substance to the story and actively damages it. I hate it. You are actively chasing down someone WHO YOU PLAN ON ERASING FROM THE ENITRE UNIVERSE. And when you finally catch up to them, guess what happens! The most completely unnecessary and tonal whipping lashing gameshow thing I have ever seen in a piece of media. ITS NOT GOOD. IT SUCKS IN LITERALLY EVERY WAY POSSIBLE FROM A NARRATIVE PERSPECTIVE. It needs to be cut from the story completely. The most important part of the chases are the emotions and perspectives of the victims. Karrina’s, Ren’s and The Hag’s deaths/near death would’ve been so much better and impactful if Guilty or Nah was completely axed. Look at me in the eyes and tell me if Talon (+ Florin in one route) suddenly got a Guilty or Nah before being erased it would do anything for the scene and their arcs. If like anyone has any reasons I would genuinely love to hear it because I cannot see any reason for Guilty or Nah’s existence.
Anyways now that’s out of the way, less negative thoughts more kinda musing I had. M2 to me is a very….nostalgic character. She comes from an older version of Rejvu, which again cool in concept. However it also alienates newer Rejvu fans like me who weren’t around for the older versions. This is definitely compounded by me play renegade first but even if you played paragon first and know every version is canon…a newer rejvuenation player will not have the context of what M2 is talking about in regards to her version. I was completely unaware Ren and Kanon used to be major fucking assholes until my Rejvu veteran friends told me. Basically, a veteran will have a different reaction and feel for m2 than a newer player, with newer players not having all the context unless they ask friends or go looking around. Which they may not have or do.
Anyways yeah! My renegade thoughts. This got way more longer than I meant it too but I have a lot of thoughts on renegade as a whole. It could be so great but it’s extremely brought down by its humor and alienates a lot of people who don’t like the humor it has (cough like me cough).
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fated-normal-767 · 5 months
Theproject. Fandom predictions
-Alastor becomes a tumblr sexyman . Someone makes an au where everything about him is different and he’s yellow colored now instead of purple .
-Lucifer fanart is incredibly religious and well rendered and takes 10 hours to draw or is a 10 second shitpost . The shitposts almost always get more notes .
-There’s at least one person really dedicated to drawing Salus and Eris covered in bugs with oddly poetic words within the drawings . They have a massive following and are the leader of a rarepair in the community .
-Bitches get really obsessed over those eye angels and twinkify them .
-Someone makes an Alias human design that fucks so hard it immediately obliterates all white twink interpretations of it .
-There is so much fanart of all the characters dying in glue traps it’s unreal .
-Someone draws Dalilah buying wonder bread .
-There’s at least one really massive pervert scandal ala rainbow dash cum jar . (My bet is on Iris being the trigger for it)
-There is a disproportionate amount of thirst for Zephyrus .
-There’s a lot of healing / post theproject fanart for Ares . He’s drawn with cattle a lot . (Weirdly enough, whenever I see characters healing they always interact with cows in SOME way.)
-Ares has a cane in most fanart, also .
-Kronos gets headcanoned as blind by someone because of the sunglasses . It takes off .
-Oulixes is used as the main villain in countless whump fics . As is deserved .
-At least some people thirst for him and are immediately cancelled .
-Aion and Hannah are drawn having the dungeon meshi bathing scene together . (I imagine fanartists of them to be a lot like Revolutionary Girl Utena fanartists who have some of the most poetic art I’ve ever seen)
-Shimmer’s personality gets reduced to haha funny weed guy . There is an ongoing debate on what their gender is .
-Phantasm is infantalized . There is a non insignificant portion of the fandom that will send you death threats for shipping them .
-All the character designs get 10% more creaturified .
-Aphrodite gets thirsted over so hard . People self project onto him . He’s like the fandom spelunky . People who disliked Dolos and liked Aphrodite during their first playthrough make aus where they’re two seperate people .
-There’s a lot of fanart about various characters dealing with disabilities / skills in their day to day lives .
this made so much sense I was temporarily sent into an alternate universe where all of it has already happened and I got whiplash so bad I felt nauseous and had to lie down. You. I mean I entirely agree that this is what would happen but you phrased it so perfectly it felt like 10 years worth of punches to the gut condensed into one post. How did you do that.
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cursedvibes · 1 year
real ones ALWAYS knew tengen was a hottie esp when she was first introduced 😔 everyones suddenly changing their tune after seeing her younger version so fast.....theyre all SNAKES.......if u dont like her at her (older/current ver) then u dont deserve her at her (younger ver/not sure which era xP) 😢 although i am glad that more ppl started talking abt her n paying attention tho but i cant believe thats all it took 😭 i cant wait for more of her n kenjakus relationship to be revealed that tenken edit was a banger !!!! (since we're on the topic on crackships thoughts on yukiten-)
This switch-up on Tengen is giving me whiplash man...
I mean, I'm happy people are finally appreciating her as an actual character and are starting to see her influence on the story and I'm certainly stoked for the up tick in fanart (hope it last past the release of Vol 23), but it's just so weird to go from the fandom being like "ugly old man, stop taking up screentime" to "oh she's a woman?? who knew? not like she literally told us that. she's hot? suddenly I can recognize her as an actual character"
If you only like/are interested in Tengen when she's young and pretty, you're missing out. Have you seen her hands?! Also, ageing is her whole thing. It's literally her superpower. It's part of what makes her so interesting. And in terms of her relationship with Kenjaku, the older she gets, the more her body ages, the more appealing she becomes for them. This young appearance is like a slap in the face because she only looks like this for a few years after the merger, the thing Kenjaku dedicated 1000 years to preventing. Her looking like this means they failed.
I feel if you're gonna be in it for the old people yuri, you shouldn't exclude the "old" part of it. I mean, ultimately people can ship and enjoy a character however they want, I just want Tengen to get appreciation for who she really is (old, stubborn, dangerously disinterested and passive granny) and not just be the hot girl of the week.
I'm really looking forward to the exploration of their relationship and characters in the future. Like all the drama of how Kenjaku currently copes with having almost reached their goal and having lost Tengen (you're doing amazing honey, sitting all alone, talking to yourself). I'm stoked for their backstory too. I still believe they used to have a teacher-student relationship and to a degree still do (Tengen calls Kenjaku a child, they call her old like every other sentence). Just how they both contributed to jujutsu society existing the way it does is so fascinating.
YukiTen...now that's something I haven't thought about at all. I can see the potential with the vessel breaking away and defying her "destiny" thing, but honestly, to me it just feels like Yuki suffering through hanging out with her abusive, conservative grandma. Also, wouldn't this count as twincest? selfcest? Their relationship is certainly interesting and honestly nightmare fuel from Yuki's perspective. Is she just hearing constant whispers from the previous vessels? Screams? You could've gotten a lot more drama out of their interactions. Instead of muddy Choso, I would've been really interested in hearing how Yuki feels about fighting and dying for the person she was made to submit her body and soul to. She managed to keep her personhood, but ultimately still died for Tengen's sake. Pointlessly. Honestly, her death ended up being not so different from Riko's aside from the fact that she chose it. Even if she won, would protecting Tengen really feel that much better? She's basically fighting to perpetuate the system she technically wants to dismantle.
Anyway, I have a lot of thoughts about the two, but I don't ship them.
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thegeminisage · 6 months
i'm 'tell me what it was like in 2014' anon and can i just say. i am so honored by the time and care you put into that answer. WOW. it was such a delight to read and kind of vicariously experience. i'm 18 now so i was 9 when winter soldier came out, needless to say it was not really on my radar. But i've always been interested in those kind of golden tumblr age fandoms (doing destiel from 2020-2022 was like. the best experience of my lifeeee) and even like in middle school i was scrolling through pinterest screenshots of avengers incorrect quotes etc. that creative generativeness and collective celebration seems like. such a utopia honestly. what you described, and the cultural context of it being the mid 2010s and how media and politics and the internet wereback then seems so perfectly aligned. i'm happy you got to experience something so special! re: not easily conquered. i read it a few years ago just because of how renowned it was and. well you KNOW. and anyway the crazy fucking whiplash i got from realizing the supernatural blogger i followed later was EMILY??. the fandom's interest in history and culture is also especially beautiful to me. i will literally never see the winged victory the same way again. ik people always say fics written 2012-2015 have crack in them but stucky was on another level. people were doing literal highbrow analysis and art..that banana fic. i have i love you like rlb saved on my notes app from like 2018 when i was in middle school. the dedication and like crazy amount of work that went into the fandom is just out of this world to me. like i'd give my soul to be there honestly.. you just dont get things like that anymore. again thank you so so much for your wonderful long answer, and like honestly. if i ever pursue some project on fandom history i might ask to interview you or sth. but anyway, suffice it to say: i really really wish i could have gotten to see it first hand, but thank goodness i can still go back and read fic and look at fanart and. thank you it's been long long time by helen forrest. and i''m so glad people who were active online then are still on tumblr to talk about it all
hi sorry it took me a minute to reply i was doing accursed ten year rewatch of Movie. i have an extended reply.
you should listen to this...someone sent this to my friend and it unlocked memories i didn't knew i had
much like rlb, which was insane of you to remember, because i sure didn't. dropped that on the groupchat earlier and got to gleefully watch the horror of memories unlocked unfold on their faces
also so true about destiel tumblr. sustained madness. i romanticized stucky tumblr a little in my answer bc of nostalgia like i wasn't also making mortal enemies at the same time (i sometimes spot the urls of people who made me mad back then and have a ratatouille flashback) i was making those lifelong friends BUT you're not missing anything major bc the destiel madness FAR exceeded the stucky madness. there was just so much more mania to it.
when i was in high school i had the enduring desire to have been born in the 60s so i could be a hippie full time. i thought their clothes and anti-establishment attitudes were groovy. i feel like this is you about mid-2010s tumblr and i absolutely love that for you.
that said, you may not get movies like cap2 anymore but you will certainly get fandoms like it...i recently got into trek and reading spockanalia and all their vintage fic from the 60s and 70s and 80s and seeing in some ways how spock shock is so similar to destiel madness (and THEY didn't even have the internet) has taught me that the girlies gender neutral have been out here and primed to go insane from day one and that as long as there are mentally ill teens and 20-somethings who like media there will always be people who go insane about the media. they will grow into the 30-somethings and 40-somethings and higher that write the good fic and sell the smutty fanzines under the tables at cons. there will never be another tos or cap2 or nov 5 but certainly there will always be SOMETHING to go joyfully nuts about on the internet. the tricky part is just finding ur people
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starfolk7 · 8 months
1 for Lies of P and your other fandoms (how yould you forget Pino and friends? xD)
Omg you're right I blanked and forgot to list that in the tags MY BAD JFHDHD
1. List 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
I guess I'm gonna organize these by fandom lol
- Diversity! Since it's been around for so long, there's tons of fics to read. If you can think of it, someone has probably written it. There's a Mewtwo fic I found in college that's basically a retelling of the events of the first movie, but holy shit it's written so beautifully it made me cry in front of my friends rjrhdgde. It's a dense read, but still one of my absolute favorite fics to this day. That's just an example of things you can find!
- Sub-fan bases. Basically, if you're a big fan of a certain Pokémon, a type of Pokémon, one of the games, etc., you're going to find your people very easily. Kind of falls under the first one a bit but ya know lol.
- Some of the cutest and also the most badass fanart comes out of this fandom. I have both art of a Sylveon with a lollipop and art of Mewtwo breaking out of their armor from the first movie. The duality of man djrhdgs
-Maybe I've gotten lucky and just found really nice people, but so far my experiences in the community have been largely positive! I've met some of the loveliest people by posting my Dark Souls and Bloodborne fics, and it really got me back into writing OCs again (you know that's my lifeblood lol)
-Character and lore analyses. Not that I agree with all of them, of course I don't, but if you want an analyses of anything in these games, there's some mad lad out there that's done it, whether it's a post or through an entire fic. Gives you tons to think about!
-ART!! Holy shit there's so many amazing artists in this community. We don't talk about how much SoulsBorne art I've snagged at conventions (I got more of it and Elden Ring stuff at Magfest don't look at me fjfhdhd)
Lies of P
-I haven't been in this fandom for long, but so far everyone I've met has been very sweet! They're also super OC-friendly. I can't tell you how many Stalker and Puppet OCs I've seen, among others, it's really amazing!
-Probably gonna say this for all of my fandoms but the ART OMG. There's so much gorgeous fanart floating around for this game it's insane. Still on the hunt for more Romeo pieces tho rjrhehe
-Headcanon diversity. Do you want a totally mute P? One that talks sometimes? One that's Had Enough? What I'm getting at is there's a P out there for everyone! People have been exploring all the different character angles on him and it's wonderful to see.
-THE HYPE. Since this is an early access game still in development, the hype that cranks up every time an update is announced is INSANE. I don't think I've ever seen this level of it for an indie game. I got in just in time to witness this for the Violence update and the rush it gives you seeing everyone so excited is amazing!! It helps that every single update has just been an absolute banger. We have reason to be super excited, the devs do stellar work!!
-LORE. Do you wanna feel like Charlie at the corkboard in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? Because that's where I'm definitely at right now. Since we're in the last act of the game, there's so much speculation and so many theories about how the game will end. On top of that, people have been playing in the lore sandbox ever since this game started. I know I've def been up at night wondering how the hierarchy of Heaven works and what certain layers of Hell were like before Certain Events TM (I'm being vague because I know at least one person wants to play this bear with me lol). Basically there's tons to explore and the community collectively goes insane about different bits, we have fun here lmao
-I'm bundling art and memes into this one because oh my GOD. The tonal whiplash is a rollercoaster ride. You can go from the most heart-wrenching art of Gabriel you've ever seen to a piece that goes "V1 is a shrimp now" and sometimes you just need that snap back to some levity. The memes are absolutely top-tier. It helps that the voice actor for Gabriel already does memes and shitposts on his YouTube channel, so he just carries that over for Ultrakill stuff sometimes and y'know what? This game is dark, I'm gonna need these memes for when the ending makes me bawl like a baby. The Violence layer already has me feeling the creeping sense of dread (if you know you KNOW).
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crystalmagpie447 · 1 year
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ottiliere · 2 years
Ok so, 2 things
1. Oh? System Dirks are coming in here to show their appreciation? Because ours also DEVOURS this AU. It is genuinely so relatable and cathartic. When people don't think sharing vent art is good, I point at this AU and how it shows the ugly side of recovery so perfectly.
2. I was idly scrolling through the JTHM tag as I do frequently and got such intense whiplash seeing your recent post about asks in it. Like. Complete opposite side of our dash radar. What is this I hear about a JTHM ask?? I am fascinated already I font care if it's related to Dirk or not I just genuinely would love to hear your thoughts on it.
1) pulling all the dirks who follow me in for a hug through the walls of my plastic isolation bubble. it really makes me so happy to hear this. I can't give an extended answer to this point because I spent so much time talking about the next one but I hope you feel the mind waves of love I am bombarding you with.
2) The ask I got was in fact about Dirk, but as I'm drafting it it is...drifting...very much...into being about JTHM. "hear my thoughts on it" … this would be nothing shorter than a dissertation. I think about JTHM very often. I don't think it's possible for me to be concise about this in any sense of the word.
JTHM, to me, is one of the formative experiences that made me who I am. It is one of my favorite pieces of fiction ever made, that I have ever engaged with, and I know for a fact I will struggle to find something that is told in such a captivating way from an author with such an open soul. I discovered fanart of it by chance on DeviantArt, and, being naturally drawn towards edgier themes, searched everywhere on the internet until I found it uploaded onto some woman's livejournal account. I was obsessed with JTHM for a very, very long time. I reread it periodically, once or twice a year, and I have been doing this since I was 12. It has heavily influecned the way I go about making art and telling stories and engaging with everything I watch or read or what have you.
Everything about this comic blew my mind as a child, artistically absolutely, thematically especially. The narrative style that is glib with occasional moments of morose clarity that never lasts too long... we will never see anything like the suicide scene in anything else ever written again, of that I'm sure. It is unique in its existence. once you read that it unlocks something in your brain and you just can't go back. Multiplied by a million if you read it at a formative age you weren't really supposed to be reading it. Like homestuck.
Nny... he is the base of the character trope I always return to in fiction, usually unconsciously. I didn't realize that what I was doing to dirk mirrored nny until some friends pointed it out... it is a fascinating phenomenon. He is the first of his kind I have ever encountered in anything, ever. Blatantly unwell, the focus of a story that isn't necessarily slotting him into an antagonistic role. Like, he's the protagonist who I guess is also the antagonist but he's also a human. He's this guy with severe mental illness who is lead around like a puppet on strings first by the society that torments him for existing and then by the creature living in his walls that steals his memory and cognitive ability and manipulates him into doing his bidding. I had never seen that before? Usually I am not one for "made mentally ill by inorganic sources" trope, but the fact that it's stated in the comic that he was already seriously unwell before he became a flusher... it's just sad. He is not a good person, but his life is inherently tragic and the outcome of a society that does not care for him, or people like him, at all. forgive me for the comparison, but he is like the joker 2019. I mean this in a way that I love joker 2019. if you didn't like joker, well. sorry. but it's true.
This ties in, obviously, with the way that Jhonen goes about fiction: he does whatever he wants, to an extent. I have recently very closely befriended some individuals and while pondering how we were meshing so well on the creative side of htings, it eventually came to light that the singlemost defining moment in our lives was how we all read JTHM at a very young age. And it is insane, stepping back and looking at all of our narrative and art styles and seeing that the similarities we've all evolved independently stemmed from JTHM, in addition to our view of what it's like to be an artist. we are but jhonen's warriors in a world that is currently characterized by a very homogenized mixture of “art”. I mean, just look at the current box office trend. look at the “genre” that is marvel movies. not that I don’t enjoy marvel movies, I DO like them, my loki phase was strong and hard, but objectively... these things are what they are: mass-produced consumables. there is a reason people got excited when it was announced that Cronenberg was making a new film (which was awesome btw); art is dying. milquetoast narratives, stories afraid to push boundaries and be "weird", authors not trusting the audience to pick up on their intended message so instead of leaving it just a little ambiguous, they must instead spoonfeed it to every reader... There is some equation of what it means to make art and how it equates with your moral standing; my stance has always aligned with dear Jhonen's.
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in a way my view of the world is the direct inverse of nny's; I truly believe in the best of people, I love humanity, I love the world and I am fundamentally incapable of being outwardly cruel towards others. my natural setting is to logically empathize, to put myself in the shoes of other people and look at their life the way they're living it. there is nothing more important to me than showing unconditional positive regard towards others. I have not always been this way. I used to foster great amounts of animosity in my heart for the things that have been done to me. I used to be an abjectly miserable person, I used to be violently suicidal every day for years and years and years etc. now though... I don't know how to describe it. something alights upon you after vast quantities of self-reflection, detached from the scrying eyes of swathes of people, of strangers, fandom most relevantly but I do also mean society as a whole. at this point in my life there is nothing more important to me than being a nice person, and helping others in what ways I can. if that's through posting raw depictions of mental illness, I will happily do so. I didn't realize that people didn't KNOW they can do this, and it is heartwarming that I can touch people in such a way even parasocially. I have worked on myself, I love people and I love when people are weird and their true creative selves because that is what the world needs in this day and age. art is dying. If you let bitterness into your heart it will consume you. it will cloud your judgment and prevent you from making a true connection to the medium, it will block you from making what you REALLY want to make. It will poison how you interact with other humans on a fundamental level, if you are constantly walking into interactions suspecting the worst intentions.
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it almost seems like critical thinking is a dying skill...or, at least, it is when it comes to interacting with art and not relying on other people to tell you what to think. but even still I still do not hold ire towards those who seek me harm for what I make. I do not answer many of the asks I get on purpose, the death threats, etc... because these people are hurting in a multitude of ways, and they have not yet learned how to cope with their own pain. You could call being an optimist a character flaw, maybe it is. I don't know. That is, for better or worse, the epitome of what I am: an unrelenting pollyanna who believes in the best of people and the potential they have to heal. The one anon hate I got about the AU months ago that I actually deigned with an answer; they eventually came off anon and admitted they were just frustrated they didn't know how to properly use tumblr's UI to filter me off their dashboard and displaced their emotions onto me. They apologized. Such is life. We are all humans inhabiting this great big earth and I love to love people. contrary to what I depict in my art, I am a very happy person. I love my friends and I'm currently in a very good life situation with occasional downfalls and eventual upturns. Jhonen, I know, as stated in the second interview image, was often like this as well. nny was a speakerphone for little observations about life and pessimism; he was a character, a means to tell a story.
so ya I guess those are some of my thoughts about JTHM. not all of them though. here’s some nny
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starhallows · 2 years
THANK YOU for saying what you said on twitter! I was seriously disappointed by this season and I’m tired of walking on eggshells around it. The heart of the Kathony story is their shared love for their families. And their families treated them terribly. Especially the Sharmas. I cannot forgive how Mary and Edwina treated Kate. And there was no resolution to that at all. The whole triangle storyline was yucky. Edwina was not “fleshed out” she was a plot device. I only rewatch Kathony scenes.
For context, this was my tweet:
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Prompted by, but not limited to, CVDs and Shonda's comments yesterday.
Am I about to get in trouble? I think I'm about to get in trouble.
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I have seen the tweets and the reaction some people have to any kind of criticism regarding season 2, and that's just not for me. It seems to be contained to Twitter, so I've been curating my timeline for the past month. I said it yesterday, and I'll repeat it: no one should be attacking anyone as long as you are respectfully stating your opinion. The fact that some people are doing it says more about them than I think they realise. Be respectful but call shit out; there are at least 2 other seasons left, we need to try and get heard.
I've been pretty much silent about the season so far because I didn't know what to say when I finished it the first (and only) time. It was pretty late when we finished binge-watching, and I'd had a long week, so I blamed the hype and my high expectations for the way I felt.
Instead, I created this happy bubble, reblogged gifs, read fic, gushed over edits and fanart... and I've been reluctant to burst that bubble. I did read the deep dives and the reviews that fans were writing, but there are aspects I can't comment on (because I'm white as snow).
Having said that: the season has issues.
It has issues with characterisation (hello, Edwina, my love, how's the whiplash?), plot, character motivations, pacing... I could make a 2000 word essay about it - I sent a 15-minute voice note to a friend of mine the other day ranting about the show, and I hadn't even moved past Kate and Anthony - so I'll try to summarise some "hot takes" (that aren't hot because everyone has already talked about it). Don't get me started with the Featheringtons, Benedict, Polin and Philloise... OR FRANCESCA (honestly, Frannie, babes. Just run away to Bath with Aunty Winnie, and we'll write you fic, we promise. We'll make Franchael Week a thing if we have to)
Let's start with the elephant in the room. The only "nice" way I can describe my feelings about the Edwina arc is: I see what you were trying to do, but you didn't do it.
What we know about Edwina from the books is that, yes, she is innocent, but she is also intelligent. Edwina knows that her family is not doing great financially, no matter how much Kate and Mary try to hide it from her, and that's why she pushes for Anthony - she knows that Anthony will give her the security she and her family need.
What we see from Edwina in the show is that she is young and naive, and incredibly sweet. You understand why Kate wants to protect her, it makes the audience want to protect her, I was in love with her from the beginning. When we meet Edwina at the beginning, we very quickly see a side of her that is unsure, almost as if she knows this is their big chance, and she feels all the pressure she is hiding. "I hope they like me," she says, and you feel for her. Then, she tells Kate she wants Anthony because he is honest in episode 2, and there was this moment in episode 3 when I had hope for her character development and depth. When Edwina doesn't get proposed to at dinner, and she cries when Kate is doing her hair, she chastises herself, "I should have been better, I should've known better..." and I thought we were going to see what was under the surface of this perfect diamond. And then, we just didn't.
They made Edwina fall in love with this perfect persona Anthony kept presenting, and she wouldn't listen to anyone: not her sister, not Daphne, not all the noise Anthony's eyes must've made while he looked at Kate like I look at chocolate cake.
And still, even after the proposal, there would have been hope for something more. They could have fixed it, which brings me to...
*long and deep sigh* I will never forgive them for turning Mary into a doormat. You can take Mary out of the entire season, plop her in for episodes 7 and 8 and nothing changes, and it breaks my heart because I LOVE Mary. She could've just tried to find Kate in ep 6, and she would've won so many browny points in my book.
Kate is completely alone until she falls off that horse (aka Mufasa the horse pulls a Scar):
I don't have words to explain how much this hurts. Kate, who sacrifices her future and happiness for her sister; who is ready to let the man she loves go so Edwina can marry and love him instead; Kate, who has no prospects and is going to leave once the season is over to go back home and will be forced to live through others. Kate is isolated from everyone the entire season, and all everyone can do is be angry at her for things.
Anthony is angry because he can't feel feelings, and now he has them for her, and it's all her fault.
Lady Danbury gets angry because she knows that there's something between K&A while Anthony is pursuing Edwina. You know, the match that Kate has been against since the very beginning? The one LD pushed for? The same LD that will talk to Kate about her part in the emotional affair but never calls Anthony out?
Edwina is angry, and she's not even angry with Kate for the right reasons! Be angry because your sister pushed you until you met all these standards, and she was projecting her idea of perfection onto you, not because she is willing to sacrifice everything for you even if it destroys her! What? Episode 6 is a shitshow, and it shouldn't exist.
I could go on, but I think I've ranted enough. My asks are always open if anyone wants to talk about the season and its characters.
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Thurs 28 Jan ‘21
Zayn is doing a Zach Sang interview!! A whole long talk with someone we can trust to ask him good questions and be respectful and be funny, um YES THANK YOU?! What a good choice for such a rare interview, I love that. We don't know when, but Zach is asking for questions now. And parts 3 and 4 of the NIL comic are up, set to songs 3 and 4 off the album. Who is chasing our protagonist and why? Stay tuned for weekly updates! Meanwhile back in Bradford, Zayn's sisters Doniya and Safaa show off the mini Aristocats themed princess paradise they've created for baby Khai and Zayn's niece Zaniyah to share, complete with mini pink poofy furniture and their names painted on the walls with pink sparkles and pictures of Aristocat Marie. If that doesn't make little Khai feel wanted and welcomed for visits IDK what could!
Another set of pap pics of shirtless Niall working out in his garage in LA yesterday; he's tummy out, waving a laptop overhead while juggling a can of water and a phone and a towel and looking like a raccoon caught in the trash in most of them, just being a living meme. They (Niall) say you only get papped by choice and this is no exception- observe how he chooses to just stay right there in view staring the pap down while they snap him, doors still open (and is right on top of any opportunity to remind us about the wonders of canned water besides)- but that doesn't mean he's gonna look happy about it by god! The one of him craning his neck to look at the camera over his own crotch while weight lifting in particular was uh a choice and a half of a pose to drop into when you know there are paps shooting. He also won Irish Song of the Year in the RTE’s voted awards (of course he did!) for No Judgement.    
LTHQ posted the first of probably many things about the upcoming one year anniversary of the Walls release: a fanart contest, with chosen pieces for each song to be posted to spotify on Sunday, the anniversary. I look forward to the 'find the larry art they accidentally let slip in' treasure hunt! Fans hoped in vain that the 28th would bring a special anniversary merch drop (or We Made It merch, is it EVER coming??), but alas; no merch drop today. Louis just liked a post from footballer Steven Gerrard about a 40+ artist (including Liam Gallagher) livestream to benefit stagehand and food security charities (because ofc he did it’s like that post was crafted just for him) and another friend of his (Donny boy boxer Dave Allen) said they "just talked to him earlier", he's just on the phone all the time huh? Lockdown mood tbh, I get it.
And in today's Holivia watch? A NEW HIGH LOW... the tabloids are out to prove they've utterly lost the plot and will just write LITERALLY ANYTHING including just wholly making up the story of H and O's ENGAGEMENT!! I feel sorry for the fans who are dutifully trying to swallow everything they're being fed, the whiplash from last week's "Harry doesn't like marriage" stories must be painful! APPARENTLY Harry "dropped to one knee" (but was it the si knee or the no knee? Inquiring minds want to know!) outside "his LA house" (hmm) and brought Olivia to tears (of laughter I'm guessing) by quoting Shakespeare (“Love me!... Why?” perhaps, or “et tu brute?”...?) In case this wasn't Wattpad Imagine enough for you, they also tell us that Olivia "has always been a fan" like... ew? Also, since when? But that's not all! They've already had time to PLAN it all out-- for example, Harry is "designing the dress" aww- that's almost enough to make you wish it was true, I bet he'd look really pretty in something he designed himself! Anywaaaaay, if they're concerned about people not buying what they're selling this is uh, NOT the right approach to combat that lol, Jeff you might wanna have words with these people! If they're trying to make me laugh however, KUDOS it is going REALLY WELL. Also! Harry's "secret" finsta (hahhahaha we're beyond that surely, can we all agree that the things we're seeing with this account are very much for us to see at this point?) unfollowed someone, Harry recorded a message sending congratulations for his new music to 14 year old singer Jackson Dollinger, and another Harry from another band (Judd, McFly) shared a terrifying memory of being driven around LA by a gleeful Harry (Styes, 1D)  in a Ferrari and the realization that if they'd d*** he'd be relegated to a footnote.
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purekesseltrash · 3 years
My Year in Review
It’s been a fucking wild year.  To put it mildly.  A wild, wild year.  It has been, by far, the year that I have written the most.  I have written 21 fics in 2021 with a total word count of 258,649k, all for My Hero Academia.  I have developed as a writer the most in this year and it isn’t ever close.
It all starts with Rooftop Necromancy.  I wrote the entire thing on January 6th 2021, a date which, as an American, is a bit infamous.  Picture me, getting into an insane hyperfocus stage over metalhead Aizawa and Hizashi and just powering through a fic, only to surface for air and realize that a bunch of Qanon morons have attempted a coup on the fucking House of Representatives.  Picture the surprise and whiplash I felt.  I’m gonna be an old lady one day and someone is gonna ask one day what I was doing and I’m gonna pull up pictures like ‘I wrote a fic of this cockatoo man sucking off this tired boi’.
Anyway though.  Rooftop has let me know so many people that I wouldn’t and I am incredibly grateful for that.  @kyurilin mentioned the Rooftop fucking owned in an erasermic discord and then mentioned that she wrote Cars fanfic and I immediately was like ‘yes, hello, I love you so much’.  And that love has continued.  She just... she’s so nice you guys.  I pester her so much and she’s right there.  She reads all of my google docs.  She reviews EVERY SINGLE ONE of my fics.  She let me, me the biggest goober in the world, read a fic she never would show the light of DAY and it was a glorious fic.  She’s such a good friend?  I’m so lucky?  
@ifyougoillfollow is also someone I know thanks to Rooftop.  They were the first person to comment on Rooftop and if you look at those comments, it is embarrassing how much I was like ‘hello i love you plz be my friend’ but their writing is so fucking good and they are so smart and they leave the nicest reviews in the world and legit, without their reviews,  Rooftop as a series might never have gone on.
@mckittericks is also someone I know thanks to Rooftop.  Id noticed that username steadily leaving kudos on all of my erasermic fics and then following me on tumblr and THEN.  I got THE REVIEW.  The review that was so nicely thought out and that made me cry and I immediately just messaged them on tumblr like ‘hi hello how are you, we are friends now, I love you’.   And god, their comments on my fic and beta help?!!?!?!?!?!  I would pay for it a million times over.  I love it so MUCH.
And then I got into shoutoko, lol.  I got into the BNHA Big Bang and got ready to write Bury Them Deep where I was able to beta for @illogicalruse.  And their story was so fucking fun and clever and wonderful and I kinda fell in love with them as a person just from their writing.  You ever read someone’s writing and just want to be buddies?  Yeah, it was that.  I also got to meet @sarathewise from that Big Bang and again, another person who fucking rules and who I value a ton.
I also had the pleasure of having @starblazer124 as an artist, a fellow midwesterner and wonderful human, and the incredible @shabby-illustrations.  Fucking Shabby, man.  I talk to Shabby at least once a week and have since the big bang.  They have read all of my google docs before they go out and they give me feedback which just FEEDS ME so much.  And they have made me art!!!!  And man, when I decided that Kyuri needed fanart of ‘Present Mic’s Totally Bullshit Life’, I knew exactly who to go to and who would understand that fic like I did.  And I was not wrong.  Shabby rules.
I’ve met alot of other cool people through Shoutoko and BTD.  @the-worm-in-the-dirt has given me amazing feedback and validation and has blessed me with being shown their work and I can’t wait to see what they create this year.  @yeehawshira fucking getssssss me and Tokoyami and is a fabulous artist.  @wingedaria let me just worm my way into her life because I was such a huge fucking fan of her Shoutoko work.
And then there’s Leave Her Johnny, the pirate/regency/smuggler AU that I wrote and kind of forgot about.  But I got a comment from @aubreyms asking if she could cosplay Mic from the fic and I was like ‘?????  That was even an option?!?!?!  Of course?!?!?!’ and then I promptly bragged about it to a select few people and forgot about it.  And then she and @burbanowl made a whole fucking series of tiktoks based on the fic and like.  Y’all.  It was such an honor.  It was so cool.  I... I can’t even begin to say how lucky and honored I feel.  Corndog Patrol read the fucking fic and left a kudos like ?!?!?!?!?!
If 2022 is anything like 2021 in terms of friends and fandom, I will be a lucky, lucky person indeed.  I love you all.
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wackernagels · 3 years
I'm so gd thankful that people speak up over the dumb Cowboy bebop fancasts more because seeing all these people cast various bland white actors for Spike even is unbearable. Imo even someone like Julia should be cast as Asian bc stuff like physical features in anime don't always reflect upon the character's obvious Asian/Japanese name or heritage, and the Syndicate is based off of the Chinese Triad so generally I'd just find her being white and also part of it kind of iffy in a live action. But also like, just bc a character has blonde hair in an anime doesn't mean they MUST be white. And Spike's skin tone even is at times made more pale than it actually is in fanart, esp if you compare various official artworks of the character to the fanart, or even compare it to Faye's skintone.
No yeah that’s honestly one of my biggest gripes abt those kinds of fancasts bc spike and stuff adjacent to spike’s past is heavily based on Chinese diaspora communities so the fact that some people have the audacity to be like ‘spiegel is a German surname spike is white’ just??? Really grates on me??? What kind of white man uses tiger balm????
Tbh I assumed julia was white Bc she’s blonde and cb does have a track record of mostly realistic hair colors (idk abt vicious but maybe he’s just fucked up in various ways), but it’s completely possible she’s just one of those people who dyes her hair. She’s a bad bitch either way.
Side note but when I first watched cb I was actually pretty impressed with how they drew black/brown people. The the bar is kind of low since the only other black person I’ve seen in 90s anime/manga is usopp one piece but it seems like cowboy bebop made a genuine effort to have good representation and diversity and??? It fucks hard. There’s just something so joy sparking about it and the whiplash when I assumed they were going to cast a poc for live action vicious and they didn’t just. Really set me off Bc mf literally uses a katana and I didn’t want any of that kill bill shit. I’m sure mr Alex hassell is a great actor and I’m sure he tried his best but he just ain’t the right kind of guy to play vicious imo.
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miraculeure · 4 years
Back to Us (by DarkReyna16)
Hi everyone, welcome again! I would like to dedicate my first ever fanfic recommendation to my favourite fanfic ever, one that just made me fall in love with MLB all over again. Back to Us is an AMAZINGGGGG fanfic by @insanitysbloomings​ (DarkReyna16 on A03) that’s angsty, lengthy, but also fluffy and soft. The story basically revolves around Adrien and Marinette 7 years post-Hawkmoth and the consequences that have come from a combination of defeating Hawkmoth, not revealing their identities, and bottling in 7 years worth of emotions. The fic has some major Adriennette with just the right amount of Ladynoir and Marichat moments. It’s a slow-burn (which are honestly my go-tos when I want to procrastinate) and has a realistic strangers-to-friends-to-lovers vibe to it. It also has lots of Nino and Alya for fans of DJWifi (or Ninalya) and there relationship in the fic is exactly what I hope they’ll be like in canon. Lots of artists have done fanart for this comic, but I haven’t included all them due to reposting rules, but would definitely recommend checking them out! I included this one by @edendaphne​ because it’s one of my favourite moments in the fic of Nino and Alya. Please check @edendaphne​ out if you don’t know about them already. They have lots of amazing fics and beautiful artworks that I’ll hope to write about later! *Just a note: It is rated as Mature on A03 and has tags of minor character death so just be warned there. It’s definitely not explicit though in my opinion, so I think it’s a pretty safe read for any young adult age.*
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Synopsis by DarkReyna16:
After a reveal so shocking it rocks the core of Paris itself, the villain Hawk Moth is finally defeated...at a great personal cost to heroes Ladybug and Chat Noir. With the city safe, they go their separate ways, returning to the lives they were forced to put on hold since receiving their Miraculous.
Now, seven years later, Marinette Dupain-Cheng is on the rise, studying at the fashion college of her dreams by day, working at her dream internship by afternoon...and occasionally moonlighting as Ladybug by night. This routine is set so firmly in place that, once it's shattered by an old-yet-new enemy, and the reappearances of a cold friend and a hot partner, the whiplash threatens to send Marinette spiraling down into chaos.
As Ladybug, she can do anything...but soon those limits will be tested, whether she is in or out of the costume.
And this is the link to the fic on A03 (you can also just google Back to Us DarkReyna16 and it’s the first link to pop-up): https://archiveofourown.org/works/7253290/chapters/16467754
Happy reading :) (PSA: I literally cannot stress or put into coherent words how much I love this fic.)
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