#this was honestly such a cool moment for Sakura
noxxha · 2 years
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Naruto Shippuden Ep. 373
It was great seeing them all fight together. It was also beautiful to see Sakura showcase an upgrade in power - simple as it was, it was effective. And seeing Naruto and Sasuke surprised? Awesome honestly.
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wolfiesmoon · 2 months
But... there's only one bed! (WB edition)
umemiya, sakura, suo, kaji x gn!reader
you're on vacation with him, but uh oh, looks like your bedroom only has ONE bed, you know what that means😘 (barely proofread btw)
look at me reusing fic concepts because i'm a lazy btch (and proud), also don't expect this to be the last time you see this fic concept (let's just say i'm cooking some things up) also i do have a longer less silly wind breaker fic in the works dont u worry guys💋
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 Umemiya Hajime
he's, like, a little too casual about it tbh
"Oh, looks like we'll be sharing a bed. Don't worry, I don't snore!" he smiles at you like an innocent child
you're not even sure if he views this the same way you do, is it kinda like sleeping with a sibling to him?
kinda bums you out since he's your crush and all...🤕
he keeps on wondering why you look kind of down for the rest of the day but you assure him it's nothing
(he makes sure to get you ice cream as a cheer-up gift anyways)
DONT WORRY THO, when it actually comes time to sleep he gets cold feet
in a "oh my god i'm suddenly rethinking this entire up until now platonic relationship" kind of way
"What's wrong? You don't snore, so what's the hold-up?" you decided to tease him using his own words, resting your cheek in your hand and smirking at him
(on the inside you're freaking out at your boldness)
you might as well have hit him with a brick because he "suddenly remembers he forgot something in the bathroom" and has to leave for a few minutes to cool down
you do end up sleeping on the same bed but neither of you can really fall asleep, you know 😁
the friendship never feels the same after that, but that's a good thing, right?
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 Suo Hayato
"Oh, that's quite the surprise." he says with that signature smile of his, not looking bothered at all
and honestly, you wish you could say the same for yourself
you're sure that you probably look flustered in one way or another right now
(and suo being suo can definitely tell)
"Would you like to talk to the hotel staff and request another room?" he asks innocently as if he's not enjoying himself
you'd like to say you don't get flustered as often as Sakura but when Suo's involved all that kinda goes out the window because you like like him
"No, it's fine... But it's just because I don't want to trouble the staff, though." you're lying so hard rn btw
you just want to have your main character moment and sleep on the same bed as your crush and who could blame you???
"I see, you're as considerate as ever." he says calmly
WAAAY later, when the lights are already off and both of you are lying on the bed, facing away from eachother bc you're too embarrased to even breathe in the same direction as him rn😥
"You just wanted to sleep on the same bed as me, didn't you?" he asks all of a sudden and it makes you jump
you pretend to be asleep tho bc there's NO WAY you're actually answering that
"You're easy to read. It would be a bad thing in a fight, but I still like that about you."
you're glad the lights are off because you're probably making the silliest embarrased face rn
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 Kaji Ren
he nearly splits his lollipop stick in half when he sees a singular bed
initially you'd be inclined to think he's really REALLY mad considering his red face and all, but you get the feeling that he isn't all that mad after all
he turns to you and curtly says he's getting another room but before he can leave you grab his arm and drag him inside the room
"This room is completely fine, what's wrong with it?" you smile at him innocently, knowing damn well there's nothing innocent behind your words
you're getting him to sleep next to you no matter what muehehehe😈
he wants to say something back to you and you can tell he does but he just puts his headphones on and clicks his tongue instead, his way of begrudgingly agreeing to stay
mission accomplished
later, when it's time for bed, he tries to make you sleep on the bed and sleep on the floor himself but again, you're not gonna let him
he gives up surprisingly quick and falls asleep facing away from you (can't reveal the fact he's blushing hehe)
OH AND ALSO, you'd better not bring up the fact he woke up with his arms around you or you're really gonna get it😡
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 Sakura Haruka
faints and gets taken to hospital bc his head hit the floor a little too hard
ok no i'm sorry, let's be a little less silly for a just a moment🤕
he nearly faints but manages to not do that in front of you (he must stay strong!!!)
however, that doesn't mean he's faring well by any means
bro looks like steamed lobster 🦞
"Sakura?" you wave a hand in front of his face but he kinda seems unresponsive rn
he attempts to speak but all that comes out is a weird gurgling sound
and BAM now his nose is bleeding, and he didn't even need to get into a fight to get it that way
you really have that power on him💪
"S...Sakura? Seriously, are you okay?" you try to place a hand on his shoulder but he flinches away to the other side of the room
"I'LL SLEEP ON THE FLOOR." it comes out a lot less natural and a lot more choked out than he intended
you oblige his request for his own sanity and giggle to yourself about how cute he is when he's embarrased throughout the entire day
when bedtime arrives, you ask him if he's really fine with sleeping on the floor and he nods so hard you're worried his head's gonna fall off
so you begrudgingly let him ☹️
you should really be more than friends, though you're not sure if he can handle a confession considering he almost overheated just from the thought of sleeping on the same bed as you
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chubypotato · 5 months
Someone hitting you in front of him.
Once again it is a request from our beloved @ijustloveshingekinokyojin
Including Umemiya, Sakura, Suo, Kiryu and nirei
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You guys were just together looking for some item you've seen online and you really wanted them.
Seeing you so happy Umemiya heart couldn't help but to felt his heart melt.
Without you noticed Umemiya went into the store.
After a few second an unknown men went to meet you. Starting to talk to you.
Even though you told the guy to leave you alone he started to scream at you and even took your arm.
At the exact moment Umemiya cameback.
He didnt have the time to make a move that your fist meet this guy face.
When He tried to replicate you felt a hand on your waist and an important presence behind you.
That was of course your boyfriend. He's coming to help you.
"What do you think you're doing? "
Seeing the firing uniform the man left quickly.
When you asked Umemiya were he was he looked at you with adorable eyes showing you the product he bought that you guys came originally for.
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You guys were outside you went with Sakura and his friend on a patrol. You weren't used to go with him but you had nothing to do and you really wanted to spend time with him.
Sakura and you were behind everyone talking and stuff. You even manage to take his hand in yours. His face was slightly red but not that much noticeable.
When a men approached you and talking to you in an appropriate way. Telling you stuff you really didn't like and after all you are here to spend time with your boyfriend and to see how a Furin patrol is.
Sakura couldn't even say a thing before you jump on that guy to rip him apart. No thought needed just action. Your body moved before you could think.
The fight started and well obviously you won. Women supremacy. The men left running his tails between his leg. Not very brave for a men who went talk to you and even tried to flirt with you in front of the furin.
When you turn back everyone was looking at you. Such a pretty lady fighting like that. Quite impressive. The mouth were open not really know how to react or even what to say. But what did they expect you are Sakura 's girlfriend.
But honestly even him didn't know you could do that. The guy didn't even touch you once. You were so cool.
Sakura looked so proud like have you seen that? That's my girlfriend look.
"You can fight? Fight me. "
Bro now want to fight with and against you.
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Walking hand in hand with your boyfriend he was listening to you while you were talking about your last interest of the moment.
It was such a cute moment everyone could tell you were loving bird.
That nice moment were cut off by a bunch of men who came by you
Without a thought suo put you behind him to protect his significant other.
Unfortunately the guys wouldn't let you off so a fight start.
Suo was doing as always amazing but he didn't see one of the guy approaching you.
It was only when you sent him fly to another guy suo was fighting that he turn around to see you angry.
Seriously it was a nice afternoon, the weather was nice but no people pissed you off.
You went by Suo to be behind him again. Sure you know how to fight but you don't want to.
After that you guys went by an item from your interest of the moment to cool you off.
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Can we take a moment to appreciate how cute he looks on this image?
You guys were on a date in the arcade laughing and having fun playing.
It was such precious date to you since you could enjoy a passion in common but also cause let's not lie you beat every record on the arcade born.
After beating another record Kiryu told you he will comeback in a few and to just wait for him.
So here you are now trying to escape a boring conversation with a men who clearly want to take you home.
You wish your boyfriend would comeback soon but unfortunately it seems that he will take some time.
When you nicely said the men you didn't wish to speak to him and you already have someone he began to be more aggressive.
He took your arm begining to drag you closer to him. You couldn't do much since he has your arm so you hit him with you head on the nose.
He startind to bleed when his lift his hand to slap you.
You raise you arm ready to block him. But before you could a hand stopped him.
Kiryu came back. Finally. You were clearly not a princess in danger but if you could avoid fighting even though you know how to its better.
Kiryu was clearly really pissed off by this men. His pressure on the guy hand was strong and he didn't want to let go. Who do this guy think to touch you?
The guy otherwise did not let go to. They started to fight before a manager came to the situation and make everyone leave.
Kiryu look at you before giving you a plush he won while he was not with you that's why he left. Finally you guys ended up at his house playing game with the plush between your arm.
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You guys were walking on the street heading to a meet up with the other.
It was a nice day you actually came cause the meeting was called kinda late and you really wanted to meet your boyfriend's friend.
So here you are walking listening to Nirei talking about how Sakura tried to again started a fight and how he tried to stopped it while Suo encouraged it by his sarcastic comment.
At some point a guy came by you stopping you on your walks.
Dude tried to poorly rizz you when Nirei told him you weren't interested and then HE was YOUR boyfriend.
But the guy didn't like that his fist up he tried to hit Nirei when you stopped him and hit his elbow with your knee. Bam you broke it.
The guy left crying how much it hurts. Nirei was so impressed by you he even asked you to teach him how to do that.
You looked at him laughing when you slowly realise his friend was behind him. With all the sound the fight did obviously furin came to see what happened. And they saw everything.
And that is how you met you boyfriend's friends.
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mechaknight-98 · 6 months
Festivities (NSFW) FT Sakura Miyawaki
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Authors note: Sakura has been too hot this comeback, and it's her birthday today…so yeah enjoy
Part II
Sakura sighed as she sat alone on her birthday. She had expected this as her favorite boy toy had told her he would be busy but would make it up to her. Her other members all had schedules throughout the day which made it harder for her. Sakura didn't hate being alone. she liked being by herself and relaxing and reenergizing like a true introvert but hated the feeling of being isolated and today she felt it. So after she did her birthday live she was colored surprised when she got a knock on the Door. She squints as she opens it and shock paints her face Daigo smiles and enters her Dorm.
“Long time no see Kura.” the young man says to her. Sakura smiles
“Yeah oh my gosh, it has been so long. 3 years right?” Sakura asked. Daigo nodded.
“So how have you been?” Daigo asked
“Busy” Sakura replied
Daigo smiled, “Honestly same work has me drowning most days, but that's trivial. It's your birthday today! You know I had to come and celebrate with you. So what do you want to do today Kura?”
“Hmm? Let's go to the PC bang!” the Japanese woman said excitedly.
Daigo nodded but dreaded internally he knew what she was going to ask him to play with her and he was not happy about it. “What do you want to play Kura?”
“Destiny 2.” Daigo reels for a moment then acquiesces.
“Okay,” he relents as the two of them go to the PC bang. Sakura is elated. She hated being isolated as recently as it made her feel empty almost. After having spent so many years around sisters having space all to herself felt wrong. She was surprised to see her gaming pen pal of many years but appreciated the company, especially since her usual boy toy was with Chaewon and her schedule. She supposed this is the reason you don't fuck your managers but Sakura needed it with all the anxiety and doom-scrolling she would often fall victim to she needed someone to vent her fury on to.
“So Diago when did you fly in?” Sakura asked as they walked together. She grabbed him tightly clinging to his warmth in the cool early spring air
Daigo counted in his hands “Um two days ago.” Daigo answered
“Was it just for me?” Sakura asked hopeful
“Of course, my little Cherry Blossom,” Daigo responded Sakura smiled and grasped him close tighter,
“Your Korean has gotten much better,” Sakura noted.
“Well, I have an excellent teacher.” Daigo praised Sakura she smiled. She loved how sweet and kind he was to her.
“How is everyone? This comeback has been…extensive from what I've seen.” Daigo asked choosing his words carefully as he saw a myriad of emotions in Sakura’s eyes. The main one is Fatigue.
Feeling comfortable Sakura slipped out of Sakura Miyawaki the it girl, idol, host, and fell into Kura.
“Oh god, it's overwhelming. Our company has been running us ragged. Can you believe they have us going to California right before the world tour?” Daigo raised an eyebrow. A world tour hadn't been announced previously, but he let it rest.
“Well for that Cali trip, I may be able to potentially confirm that you may or may not see a friend there.” Daigo obfuscated.
Kura looked at him confused, then asked,
“What state are you from Daigo? When you speak English your accent doesn't sound like this from anywhere.” Daigo smiled
“I'm from Cali Kura.” Daigo chuckled and watched as Kura put the pieces together.
“You're coming to visit?” Daigo nodded to which Kura smiled brightly and hugged him, but then a sad feeling washed over her
“I wish you could stay in Korea,” Sakura said wistfully.
“But then I wouldn't be your cool American friend I'd just be your loser gamer friend in Korea.” Daigo half-joked. He looked at Kura before adding. “Your hair is pretty this way I like it.” Sakura smiled as she twirled around accidentally whipping his face with her ponytail. Daigo reeled from her unintended attack. As Sakura turned around ( and realized what happened ) she profusely apologized for her actions, but Daigo took it in stride.
After the PC Bang and dinner, Daigo led Kura up to her dorm.
“So Kura need anything else?” Daigo asked politely as he stood in the open doorway. Sakura’s eyes narrowed.
“Yeah your cock.” she says huskily as she slams the door shut with surprising force. She quickly pulls down Daigo’s sweatpants and gets on her knees. She begins to mercilessly suck his cock
“Shit Kura.” Daigo hisses at her aggressive behavior. While it's a bit of a turn-on, it's still shocking she began to fondle his balls hoping to coax a large load from him
“Can you give me two loads for my birthday one large one down my throat and the other in my pussy, I need it,” she said as she came up for air. Before going back down on him. Daigo groans as he hardens in her mouth. After he's reached full mast Sakura smiles
“There we go.” she cooed as she led Daigo to her bedroom. Where she quickly resumed her vacuum-tight seal. As she sucks Daigo off she also lathers his cock with her spit before using her tongue to stimulate the tip before poking his slit with her tongue causing Daigo to jerk his hips. Sakura smiles around his cock. Seeing the usually calm and collected Daigo so flustered encouraged her to suck harder and harder until
“Fuck Kura I'm cumming.” Daigo said in English but Sakura based on his body still got the message as he exploded into her mouth. She kept sucking to extend his orgasm for as long as possible. Daigo eventually had to pry her off of him. Sakura opened her mouth to reveal his load and she swallowed.
“Thank you for the meal,” she said luridly before wiping the drool off her cheek.
The action itself was enough to get Daigo hard again. He dropped his pants fully and ripped Sakura’s off before lining up his cock with her pussy. Sakura gave a sexy lip bite to Daigo driving him wild and he plunged into her. Her sodden pussy greedily accepted the intrusion. Daigo grunted as he bottomed out.
“You're such a slut you know that?” Daigo said with a virile vigor as he whispered huskily into Sakura’s ear. Slowly he pulled out of her. As he did he said, “We go on one date and you're on your knees demanding two loads.” sakura’s eyes rolled to the back of her head. Daigo slammed back into her sex hard sending a ripple through Sakura’s body. Daigo watched with Devilish glee as Sakura’s ass rippled.
“Oh fuck.” Sakura moaned
“Is that it? are you just a breeding bitch in heat needing your stud to fuck and breed you,” Daigo said.
Sakura moaned. Her body tensed around Daigo’s cock at the mention of being bred. She loved it. The thought of being claimed by and filled to the brim made her wetter and tighter.
Daigo thrust into her deeper “Do you like that? Does the thought of being my exclusive breeding bitch make you wet?” Daigo asked.
“Oh God yes. Please make me yours. Ruin all other cocks for me.” Sakura moaned
Watching Sakura’s body and her responses made something click for Daigo “Has my little Breeding bitch been with other cocks. Bad girl.” Daigo said as he smacked her jiggly ass. Sakura’s tone took on an even higher pitch.
“Ah fuck, Ah fuck.” she moaned as Daigo thrusts into her relentlessly he never increases his pace. He keeps the same constant slow in and out but the intensity of the thrust is what wrecks Kura as she nears her climax.
“Are you close?” Daigo asks. Sakura looks over her shoulder and nods.
“Ready to become my breeding bitch forever?” Daigo asks and Sakura nods again giving in to her body’s demands
“Yes ruin and stain my slutty pussy with your cum. All I'll be good for is breeding. Fill me. Make me yours.” Sakura screams before Daigo explodes in her pussy triggering Sakura’s orgasm. Daigo continues to fuck her through it. As Daigo drops more and more cum into Sakura’s cunt her orgasm high raises higher and higher. As their bodies continue a feral heat claims both of them as they continue fucking. Kura’s pussy begins to drip beneath them as Daigo continues to pound her sopping sex.
“Does my breeding bitch like her birthday gift,” Daigo asks with a noticeable lusted husk in his voice.
“Yes.” sakura moans unsatisfied. “I need more. Breed me again.”
“Such a greedy bitch. Do your other cocks make you feel this way?” Daigo questions.
Sakura’s body and mind were now Daigo’s, “no cock has ever claimed me like yours.” sakura said as Daigo kept ravaging her. Sakura’s words and body beginning to affect him as well. He was never this aggressive to a woman but something breeding and Kura activated something within him he didn't know he had, and it bonded him to her as much as she bonded to him.
“Fuck Kura your pussy is so tight.” Daigo praised, and Sakura was elated proud her stud liked her pussy so much.
“Don't you love the way my greedy pussy sucks in your cock.” Sakura said in a lusted daze
“Yeah, my breeding bitch has the best pussy.” Daigo’s unexpected words of praise and his ferocity sent Kura over the edge again and she came again. Gone was the talented, accomplished, confident, and dominant megastar. In her place a dumb submissive and breedable bitch who was a cum dump for her stud. It was liberating to her. Her anxiety washed away with each drop of cum as her thoughts only centered around being bred. She groaned as Daigo kept thrusting into her and he continued to claim her slutty pussy.
Her surprise orgasm however took her partner by surprise and led to him cumming in her again. Sakura’s greedy cunt readily accepted the baby batter, but the fatigue of their activities prior caught up to them and they collapsed onto Kura’s bed together side by side. As they basked in the post-orgasm glow and enjoyed the company of each other a sad realization hit Sakura causing her to pout. As Sakura pouted, Daigo took Notice
“What's wrong Kura?” Daigo asked concern filling his voice.
“Now I'm going to miss you and that dick of yours.” she lamented. Daigo chuckled.
“Well I don't know about that second part but we can still play together.” Sakura’s pout slightly faded before saying
“Okay, but the next time I see you I want the same treatment.”
“What am I your boyfriend now or something?” Daigo teased
“Yes. Yes, you are. As of now, you are my stud and I am your breeding bitch got it?” Sakura asserted
Unsure of how to respond Daigo said “Um okay” Sakura smiled happy to get good games, good food, and good dick for her birthday. With all her needs met she fell asleep in Daigo’s big arms
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
I'm obviously revealing how young I am here, but as a kid I honestly thought that Finding Nemo was, in fact, a film about an older man who had lost his wife and then met a plucky effeminate twink and that it was actually a romance about gay step parenting.
This seemed so normal and unremarkable to me that I didn't get corrected until I was almost 13, when someone compared me to Dory and I said "yeah except I'm not a guy" and they just stared at me in confusion.
That was the day I realised, after some frantic internet research, that the rest of the world did not think being attracted to both genders was the default and that actually, I was the weird one for just assuming from like, birth, that everyone was bisexual except for a special few folks who had odd preferences.
I then had the most bizarre coming out moment of asking my parents if they were actually straight and how that worked, which they both spoke affectionately of for years after while laughing.
To be fair, the other media I liked was... Cardcaptor Sakura and Sailor Moon and a variety of other shows that my parents also liked, all of which treated being bisexual as a complete non-issue, too. So naturally, my kid brain just assumed Disney had a big extremely popular (in my country anyway, it was utterly everywhere) animated film about a fish and his bisexual dad and his soon to be gay stepdad and that everyone was just cool with it. Made perfect sense to me!
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thelovelywriteress · 3 months
➷ With Zodiac Cursed Reader
▶︎sᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ xғ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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╰┈➤ Sakura knew from always that this whole town was filled with strange people. But yet a girl turning (animal) wasn't something he was supposed to to stumble upon. (Part 2)
Sakura had make big name for himself around the town so it wasn't suprise you recognised him. But surprisingly even Sakura recognised you from the 'girl always occupying a corner at Kotoha's cafe.'
He himself wasn't much interested in you but from some words around he got to know you especially avoided boys.
You were run away girl. Thankfully you stumble upon this great town that was protected by Furin High. But this means you were only one that was responsible for hiding your secret.
You avoiding boys made you highlighted in eyes of thugs around. While you tried to be with Kotoha or someone else most of time but still somehow here you was-! surrounded by some thugs in dead way ally.
"Aren't you little miss with high standards in men?" You give a deadpan expression, so that's what your actions had been interpreted as.
"I aren't. I don't like boys in general. You can say I got interest in my own genders." You lied but unfortunately these thugs weren't going to back off.
Unfortunately while you were trying to make some distance between you and them, one of them roughly grabbed your wrist that end up getting your panic mode on.
"Hey! Let it go."
You loose your cool but thugs smirk at your change. While you were afraid to push or punch these, you were scared you would end up getting bumped into someone and transform.
In the mist of this all, another hand come and grabbed the wrist of thug who was holding your wrist.
"Honestly guys like you, are losers."
And before they could replied him, he was already punches them to ground and in blink of eyes everyone was running away.
You were honestly amazed. So this was the Sakura, everyone talk about. Seeing him live in action was literal different experience.
Sakura spared you a glance and was walking away and even though you wanted to walk away too, it didn't go right with your morals. Only if you didn't care about your morals.
"Uhm excuse me?" You called for him though your voice seems to deaf to his eyes.
"hey. Hey. HEY YOU!" Feeling annoyed by your constant calling, he suddenly turn around and unfortunately at same moment you slipped and fall into his arms.
While Sakura was shock with the blush appearing on his cheeks, a scream left your mouth and in mere moment Sakura was on his knees with a (hair colour) (animal) on his knee.
He was literally dumbfounded for a moment. Was this some trick? Were you messing with him? IS HE PART OF SOME MAGIC SHOW?
Sakura stare down at the (animal) on his knee. Did that girl's voice come from its mouth?
Both he and you simultaneously stare into each other's eyes, before you guys broke into screaming contest.
"Stop, stop. Your voice is way louder."
No way. . .that damn animal spoke like actual human.
He forcefully throw it away as (animal) did a quick landing.
"Why are you in fighting pose?" You sweatdrop. Was he really ready to fight a damn animal?
"What happened to that girl? Why are you speaking? Is it some trick."
You explained him about your situation. Though he unexpectedly listen patiently and even drop his fighting pose but still didn't look convinced.
He ask for proof like a typical boy and when he was shown one, his whole face turn red.
While you did explain how and why you transform into an animal, you didn't tell him when you turn back. . . and that you turn back without clothes.
While transformation fog hid most of the body for while, he still didn't like the fact you were technically naked behind it or the moment fog vanished, you will be.
His eyes quickly laid on the clothes nearby that he assumed was yours and throw them in your direction. While you wanted to tell him to not let word about it, he already fled the scene.
Sakura's eyes was closed all way as he tried to forget the previous scene in this mind,
"Damn it."
He was too focused to forget the scene that he didn't even notice the Nirei who was coming in same ally.
"Sakura-san looked in hurry." He thought but continue on his way.
"That dual hair boy literally run with this tail in between. He run like he have never seen a girl naked."
Nirei's mind literally remember the standing Sakura but last words were little strange. Sakura was the boy, who barely handles verbal affection. He doubt Sakura can do these things. Maybe this girl forced herself on him(?)
"Plus he is to blame anyways! Hmph! He was one who was in hurry. He should take responsibility for his actions."
It was like a lightning struck Nirei. N-No. Sakura-san wasn't this type.
"Atleast he throw my clothes before running away."
Nirei have heard and misunderstood things very deeply. But he still believed there was more to this situation, afterall Sakura is not or can not pulled such situation on this own.
I post it but it didn't include somethings. Sucks to be writter sometimes.
I know it wasn't much but part two will be fun, i promise!
Maybe I will drop some fruits basket fiction before part two of it, who knows!😗
May or May not write this chapter because I like my boy blushing.🤭
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smilingangel582 · 4 months
Wind breaker, here I come! I couldn't watch the new episode yet due to some minor issues! Well... I wanna see more fics from others, but I'm too impatient 😤 so I'm writing one again!
Can't think of a better lee than Sakura, so... im gonna put a switch, Nirei and Sugishita! Totally ler Suo and Umemiya!
The other characters aren't gonna be part of the fic because... I never read the manga but ik bits of spoilers from it... soooo imma skip them till the anime introduces them... yeeet imma add some of the teeny tiny bits I was spoiled from the manga!
My spelling sucks ik and I'm a faster writer, so... I tend to make a lot of misspelling stuff as I type fast. (It's not ADHD or anything special... I'm just a hyper person in real life... hehe)
Warning spoilers from the anime and perhaps manga "my imagination after episode 8"
The big man himself
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Sakura Haruka, an outsider, but everyone in this town accepted him as family as quickly as Sakira pummeled five dudes in an instant whiff.
What the hell is this town...?
His thoughts are often reserved and well kept to himself. Even as he walked through the hallways, he noticed familiar faces greeting him as grade captain and respectful gestures. Sure Sakura can take in most and yet...
"Omg! He's the first year grade captain who beat shishitoren second in command!"
"His look is so cool!"
A small blush crept up to his cheeks, he just grunted in response, leaving them mid-praise towards him.
It's almost like an attack mechanism to Sakura, like compliments are his weakness, and the opponent strikes it mercilessly till he's crumbled.
Honestly, Sakura hates that about himself.
"Sakura-san! We need your help!"
Hearing Nirei's voice in front, he looked up, his bangs lifting at the sight of Suo and Nirei...
And Sugishita???
"What the hell do u want?" Sakura grumbled.
Suo's calmly allows to explain themselves, "Now Sakura-kun, us first years have a job to do... its specifically by Hiragi-san"
Straightening himself, Sakura nods seriously, "OK... sure"
Suo stares for a moment before chuckling into his hand, this made Sakura frown, "What's so funny?"
"Oh, nothing... I just thought how cute it is that you actually listen to your senpais..."
Sakura got flustered and began to sputter angrily, "Q-Quiet! I don't respect... well, uh, I m-mean... ugh, never mind. What the heck do we need to do anyway?"
Suo noticed in amusement how Sakura faltered in defeat, then he replied, "Oh nothing... Sugishita-kun and Hiragi-san over-watered one of Umemiya-san's precious tomato plants..."
Sakura blinked.
"And... whats the issue?"
Sugishita snapped, grabbing Sakura by the shirt, "It's a big problem dumbass!"
Sakura gritted his teeth in fury, "Who you calling dumbass?! Dumbass!"
Sup calmly separated them and began to run over what they should do, "So... the big issue is... they are a special gift from his -I quote 'Kotoha-chan'"
Now that made sense. Sakura pinched the bridge of his nose... no wonder they dragged him to the roof when Umemiya isn't around.
"Now what should we do?" Sakura asked folding his arms.
"We have to distract Umemiya-san, and make him forget about that plant" Nirei said, sweating buckets throughout their whole conversation. Sakura stumbled in surprise. He really forgot Nirei was actually there...
(Ps. I did, actually... teehee ^w^)
"Oh..." Sakura said blankly, putting two and two together. He turned now, "So good luck... its not my problem anyway"
"Waiiit!" Nirei clung yo his jacket, "You are out grade captain! Dont abandon us pls!!"
"Sakura-kun, we told u the story so... basically you are involved" suo shrugged nonchalantly, Sugishita glared daggers as if he's blackmailing Sakura, "You better help..."
"I could care less!"
Before anyone could pass out any words through their conversation. Sakura heard the door on the rooftop open, Umemiya came.
Oh shit.
"Ah! My cute little underclassmen!" Umemiya rushed towards the group with joy and then without warning ruffling everyone's hairs.
He specifically embaraced Sakura, showing he's a favourite.
"Ahhh! Sakuraaa" a childish cry of bliss came from the leader's lips, as he almost squashed the first year.
Sugishita glared and growled like a rottweiler, Suo claimed he's a jealous puppy further angering him.
"Well, well! What brings you lot to my humble paradise!"
Sakura squirmed out of his grip, grumbling, "Trying to protect that stupid plant of -hmph!"
He forgot... he forgot... Sakura luckily closed his own mouth before digging his own grave... and yet... Umemiya looks like he already got a shovel close to him.
"Hmm..." Umemiya smirked, now flicking his forehead, "Sakura.... When you lie, I can tell that your ear turns red"
He got flustered "I-i do not! I'm not lying!"
Sakura noticed Nirei seemed anxious, Suo with a calm and an unapologetic smile and Sugishita totally ignoring him. They all abandoned him... he was bait after all...
"Oh no~ Sakura-kun," Umemiya sang playfully, suddenly stepping forward with incredible speed, "You shouldn't shift your attention to something irrelevant when your opponent is right in front of you"
Sakura gasped when he felt Umemiya grab his waist instantly. Without realising he was pinned to the wall, he slid down when those fingers made a funny sensation over his sides...
Wait... is this... tickling?
Resist! Resist! Resist damn it! Come on, Haruka! U have to!
Sakura felt his own thoughts fighting the urge to laugh as mad fingers scurried up his ribcage instantly. He struggled and kicked in reflex, surprisingly arching is back like a flexible sprig when Umemiya skillfully tickled his lower ribs.
"G-gah!" A squawk left him. While Suo and the rest awkwardly saw what was happening, the eye patch guy had to comment, "Oh wow... Sakura-kun are you ticklish?"
Umemiya grinned at that, "Oh, he is... how cute, little bro... but be careful. Your big bro is a biiiig tickle monster!"
Sakura suddenly jolted when Umemiya traced his waist beneath the shirt. The tingling sensation on his bare skin was insane. Its perhaps because Sakura never felt tickling before that he actually felt it like something so strong and unbearable.
How embarassing... he's giggling like a four year old.
"Shihihihihit! Hahahaha, whyhehehe whhhyy hahaha??!" Sakura squirmed, now twisting on his stomach, trying to escape.
Why is this man even tickling him?
"Why?" Umemiya grabbed his sides, pulling him closer to him, "Because you are obviously hiding something from me... aaaand... your are too cute!"
"Dahahahahamn ihihiiiiHIHIHIT! NOHO!" Sakura's laughter kicked an octave when Umemiya traced his armpits - not even tickle - just gentle featherlight tickling he never expected to tickle so much!
But...it feels good... it's the first time someone ever touched him so playfully...
Not cruel jabs that sting like poker sticks or burning hits from harsh punches... just mild subtle ticklish jolts like electric shocks.
"Suo, Nirei, can you grab him for a moment?"
Hearing this, Sakura snapped into reality. Huh? Why? Why are they restraining him?
Suo grabbed his wrists up above his head, the warm concrete floor beneath him, giving his wishes before his doomsday, Nireo sitting on his shins... and Umemiya on the side with a wide grin.
"I would've resorted to other easier methods, but I guess you like being tickeld. Eh Sakura?"
Blush, Sakura yelped, "N-no! Obviously not! Ugh, y-you bastard... and -" Sakura turned to the other three."Are you guys ditching me????"
Suo gives a gentle grin, "Sorry, but you are strong enough to handle this unlike us, plus..." Suo gives a teasing scribble under Sakura's armpit, making the latter jolt in surprise, "Umemiya-san said you like it"
Sakura exploded, "I NEVER SAID THAT -AAAH!"
Umemiya launched his tickles instantly before Sakura could express anything. Sakuta couldn't even focus his priorities as multiple spots are being targeted.
"Saakuraaa~, what's the juicy secret you're keeping from me?"
Gosh... the others guys are supposed to be on his side! Did they all deviate from the plot just to mess with Sakura? Unbelievable!
Sakura panicked with a squeak when Umemiya kept lingering around his stomach. He felt a plunging sensation in his gut as Umemiya poked his naval.
"D-Doho nohohot pohohohoke thahahat!" Sakura shrieked, now bucking himself tryinf to shake them off but they all remained resilient.
"Wow, Sakura-san, you really are sensitive" Nirei unconsciously squeezed his kneecaps making it worst despite his feigned innocence.
Sugishita watched with an unreadable expression his face was so judgemental, and Sakura hoped it didn't mean 'cute' to the taller guy.
Suo leaned towards Umemiya now, not even bothering to lower his voice through Sakura's booming laughter, "His armpits seem pretty sensitive too, boss"
It's bad... though Sakura has never been tickled before, his alert senses are tingling mad. Its bad...!
"Oh...?" Umemiya slowly crawled his fingers up the boney ribs and finally into the light muscular armpits, "Here? Is Sakura sensitive under there?"
Squeal. To say Sakura let out such an embarrassing sound was not a lie. He wanted to crawl it yo a rock and die right now for making such an absurd noise like a squeal.
"Ehh? Already? Wow, that didn't take long?" Suo teased, and Umemiya winked back, stopping gradually as he persisted, "Tell me, kid~"
"Ahahahahaha ohoohohohok ohohohok! Ihihihits yohohour duhuhuhuhumb plahahahant thehehe ohohone Kohohohotahaha gahahave yahahaha!"
Sakura confessed... all it took was a tickle to his armpits to spill the milk.
Umemiya stopped instantly. Uh oh... all of that may be fun and games but Nirei realised that they were suppose to keep him distracted not make Sakira confess...
Umemiya sigh, scratching the back of his head, "Well I wanted to make Sakura confess about liking to be tickled... I almost forgot why I started this..." he smiled now ruffling Sakura's messed up hair and his still blushing face flowing more red.
"Well im glad you kept your comradeship safe sweet brother" Umemiya grinned.
Sakura blushed to the tips of his ears, huffing, "Not like I did anythjnf but be a victim..."
It was all OK...
"So... what's this about my plant?"
Or... It wasn't
"Did I hear you say it was Kotoha's plant?" Umemiya's smile darkened, sweet to bitter ...its bad now.
Sakura gulped but suo being the rescuer instantly grabbed everyone and scurried away before the leader of Borfurin could catch up.
Sakura couldn't say he hated his day but he really wondered what happened to the tomato plant Hiragi said he was gonna replace...
No one will know the depths Hajime Umemiya would go to cherish what Kotoha gave him.
Sakura shivered... a bigger tickle monster is lurking inside the leader.
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The end was rushed, ik! Ik! It came too cute, too, so the plot was messy! Sorryyyyy my badddd also don't blame me! It's so late, and I'm hyper from caffeine! Byeee
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animeomegas · 2 years
Omega!Neji x Alpha!Reader - Yours.
Congratulations to Neji as the winner of my first poll! (Also shout out to the literal two other people that voted for Kankuro with me XD) As promised, here is a Neji x reader wedding drabble. Enjoy~
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Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol and both reader and Neji having consumed some. Suggestive content but nothing explicit.
It was almost 01:30 when the last of your guests stumbled off home, and 02:00 before you and Neji were able to start the short journey from the centre of your clan’s small compound where the wedding had been held, to the northern edge where your house resided.
As the cool air caressed your heated cheeks, you were grateful that the walk would be short; the alcohol, euphoria and exhaustion was mixing in a way that made you want to sit down. Even Neji, arguably the most graceful person you knew, was stumbling a little as he walked, leaning heavily on the arm you had linked with his.
Neji. Your husband. Yours. Just thinking that had a giddy laugh bubbling up.
“What are you laughing about?” Neji asked, his voice sounding a little breathless.
You slowed down and turned to face him properly, enchanted by the way the moonlight seemed to seep into his skin. The elaborate bun that his hair was styled in was looser than it had been this (technically yesterday) morning, with more strands than intended framing his face. A part of Tenten’s speech automatically came to mind.
“Neji insisted he wasn’t nervous, and that the date would probably be mediocre, but no one spends three hours and uses two hair masks before meeting up with someone they don’t care about,” Tenten had said, recounting the morning before yours and Neji’s first date.
“How beautiful you are,” you said, clumsily pecking him on the cheek. “Did I tell you how much I love your hair?”
“Once or twice,” he snorted, pulling on your linked arms to encourage you to start moving again.
“And the way you wore my clan’s traditional wedding kimono, I wasn’t expecting that,” you said. Honestly, you had almost cried and got a bit too horny at the same time which had been a unique experience. “I feel bad for every other clan marriage in the near future, because none of the omegas will be able to pull it off like you did. You look like an ethereal spirit in pastel green.”
“Personally, I feel sorry for the alphas; they will never be able to compete with you, to look as striking, to say better vows, to kiss their omegas the way you kissed me,” Neji’s voice trailed off quietly as he spoke, perhaps remembering the kiss.
“I know they will be happy forever,” Lee had said with a startling amount of sincerity during his speech. “Because I have never met any pair whose passion has burned as brightly! My rival and I have competed many times, but in matters of love, I will have to concede for the moment, because he has truly chosen a special alpha.”
The conversation fell silent for a moment. You tried to commit as much of this to memory as you could, focusing on the sound of the leaves rustling on the trees, the sight of the empty compound at night, the warmth and weight of Neji by your side. Perhaps slightly less romantic, you also noticed the way your feet ached, heard a few drunken mumblings from your guests also making their ways home, and spotted a wine stain on your top.
“We all saw how smitten y/n was during the vows, but what you didn’t see was all the terribly awkward pining that happened to get here,” Sakura had grinned at you during her speech, seemingly more than happy to horrifically embarrass you. “Like the time at Ichiraku’s ramen stand when I said Neji’s name and they smiled automatically, dribbling broth into their lap.”
Less romantic perhaps, but not imperfections, at least not to you; these were all signs that your day had been fun, and that was more important than anything. As your front door came into view, you were proud to say that you didn’t regret a single moment of your wedding day, and you told Neji as much.
“Surely it’s not over yet,” he replied, pulling your house key from kami knows where and unlocking the door. “There’s still so much we could do to make the last moments of the night… perfect.”
Your mouth dried up at the look he was giving you and you swallowed heavily. His lips were still stained slightly pink and you couldn’t draw your eyes away from them. How could one person be so beautiful?
“I’ll never forget the advice y/n gave to me before my fight with Neji at the chunin exams,” Naruto had said in his speech, winking at you when you had mouthed a violent threat because of what he was about to reveal. “They said ‘Try to aim for that stupidly beautiful face, pretty boys hate that’.”
“The things you do to me,” you muttered as Neji shut the front door and stepped right up until his chest was pressed against yours. It was common knowledge that Hyuuga had especially intoxicating scents, but the way Neji’s floral scent was filling your brain and clinging to your skin shouldn’t be possible.
“I’m more interested in the things you’ll be doing to me,” Neji’s whispered, his lips hovering about a centimetre away from yours.
There was so much pressure between you that you felt like it was burning you. It was building and building, and you didn’t know who would be the one to pop it first.
“But first,” Neji breathed, eyes fluttering closed.
Yours closed automatically, a heavy anticipation pressing on your chest.
“We both need a shower.”
Of course.
You had never showered so fast in your life, desperate to keep the whole endeavour less than ten minutes at all costs. Neji had showered first and taken much longer, but he had been disadvantaged in having to take off the elaborate wedding kimono, something you had done while he was showering.
Body? Done.
Hair? Done.
Teeth? Done.
Towel dry? Eh, good enough.
Eagerly, you wrapped the towel around you and stepped out into the hall, padding along the corridor until you reached your bedroom. A flash of excitement twisted in your stomach as you pushed open the door.
The sight that greeted you took a few moments to comprehend.
It was Neji, wearing only his short, silk dressing gown, the royal blue one that you loved so much, and laying on your bed. In many ways, it was a better sight than the one you had been using to motivate yourself in the shower. But it was also different.
Because Neji was asleep.
You crept over to him, arousal dropping into something fonder. Yep, he was asleep. His chest was rising and falling softly, lips ever so slightly parted and hair fanned out behind him like a dark halo. The sight of your new husband sleeping so peacefully suddenly filled you with so much emotion that it was difficult to bear. You gently brushed a stand of hair out of his face.
No matter, you decided, dropping the towel and changing into pyjamas, you had two weeks of honeymoon starting tomorrow and you would more than make up for tonight.
Once you were changed, you slid Neji under the covers before joining him, and with one final glance at the clock that proudly proclaimed it to be 03:37, you turned off the light and let all the positive feelings, new memories and the presence of your new husband lead you to sleep.
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ecargmura · 3 months
Wind Breaker Episode 12 Review - Grade Captains
The man, the legend, Kaji Rrrrrrrren (Ren Kaji in Western order) is here. As I read ahead in the manga, Kaji is legitimately one of my Top 5 favorite characters in Wind Breaker. While his introduction is a bit chill, if this anime ever gets a second season, that’s when my boy Kaji will shine. You know he’s popular when he gets a high-quality voice actor announcement two episodes before his official debut, ranked 3rd in the second popularity poll, and is plastered in merchandise despite the lack of screen time like how Sae Itoshi gets so much merch despite his minuscule screen time in Blue Lock.
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This episode is Sakura slowly getting adjusted to what it means to be a Grade Captain and what it means to take on a huge responsibility. He doesn’t feel like he’s qualified to be a leader, but the leader isn’t chosen because he wants to—he is chosen due to general consensus. That’s how it works in the real world. Heck, Kaji is also Grade Captain and he’s the least leader-like person out there. Don’t worry, Sakura. Suo and Nirei got your back like how Enomoto and Kusumi got Kaji’s back.
Ren Kaji is like if Sakura got character development, but still maintained his prickliness. That’s Kaji in a nutshell. His introduction alone shows that he’s a lot cattier than Sakura from yelling like he’s hissing at people to jumping over a bridge. If Sakura is a cat, then Kaji is like the big brother cat. He has a habit of eating lollipops and having his music super loud. However, what makes Kaji different from Sakura is that Kaji knows how to rely on others and can count on them. This is a good lesson for Sakura to follow because he slowly realizes what it means to open up to others here. Kaji’s voice actor is none other than Nobuhiko Okamoto. I’m sure that mainstream anime watchers will instantly recognize his voice the moment he yelled. Yes, he’s Bakugo. I’m not too familiar with My Hero Academia, but some of Okamoto’s other roles include Himmel from Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End and Genya Shinazugawa from Demon Slayer. To be honest, Okamoto is great with the angry boy typecast and I’m assuming that’s the reason why he got casted as Kaji. Nonetheless, the voice suits him.
Also, I have to give props to Kotoha here. She has always been a big motivator for Sakura. She teases him, but she knows that riling him up will get him to do something. She realizes that he’s stuck on what he should do now that he got voted Grade Captain, and Kotoha realizes that he hasn’t said anyone’s names so far, other than Umemiya’s. If you look back, he’s always saying “You”, “that guy”, or giving someone a nickname like “Scraggles” for Togame or “Shark-Teeth” for Hiiragi. This is a good way for Sakura to realize that if he wants to take on responsibility, he needs to start by learning people’s name—something he has never done before. While he’s terrible with remembering so many names, he got Nirei to help him out as he has very good memory and can memorize a person’s name and face. See, haters? Nirei ain’t useless. I love that he doesn’t have to burden himself with so much at once. He can take baby steps until he feels confident.
Some of my favorite parts of the episode is Enomoto rolling his R’s and Sakura wall-jumping. He’s very cat-like, so it makes sense he can do that. However, wall jumping always makes me think of Mario. It’d be cool if someone edited Sakura’s wall-jumping with Mario sound effects.
This was a chill episode overall. I honestly can’t wait to meet the four devas next week. One of them is my favorite character in Wind Breaker. Next week is the finale. Wait, what do you mean next week’s the finale? No! I don’t want to part with Wind Breaker! Please announce a Season 2, Cloverworks! What did you think about this episode?
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aaaaafro · 2 years
It's Wrestling - LE SSERAFIM - Sakura x M! Reader. (+18)
tw: a whole lot of wrestling stuff, a bit of rough sex? I honestly don't know but hope y'all enjoy it. Good luck.
As I suspected this has been the longest smut I've ever written lol, got this idea after watching a match of Will Ospreay vs Bea Priestley and I suddenly remembered, oh yeah, sakura did wrestle.
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'Make it, please!' You plead in your mind as your legs were about to give out pedalling on your bike, hitting the brakes as soon as you see the signage on the window.
Your heart drops seeing that the lights are already off from the outside. "Fuck."
"Can I help you?"
"Holy shi–..." You almost jumped off your shoes hearing a soft spoken voice coming from your behind.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that." Not even a minute in the conversation yet you're already lost in her eyes.
"I-it... It's u-uhm... You see..." A complete mess who can't even form a comprehensible word. You just decided to give up and just signalled towards the poster.
"Oh, you're here for the tryouts?" You just nodded at the beautiful lady's question.
She chuckled before straightening her posture, just as then she gave you a quick scan from head to toe. She looks somewhat satisfied before saying; "Follow me."
You couldn't even question her as your feet acted on their own and started following the woman to the back of the building.
She then took a key from her pocket and used it to open the back entrance. You hesitated but got convinced once she cutely peeks her head from the inside saying; "come on in."
The two of you head towards the ring side to a near table with steel chairs. She pulls down the blinds to completely cover the windows before turning on the lights and the moment it shines the ring you're starstruck.
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"Woah." You're in awe as she walks back towards you.
"I know, it's not that big but it's just for the tryouts... You okay?" She questioned as you're too lost admiring your dream right in front of you.
"Y-yeah, sorry it's just... So cool." The woman holds a chuckle as the two of you finally took a seat.
"So you want to be a professional wrestler?" She asked, doing that cliché thing where her chin is resting on her hand thingy with a smirk.
"Y-yes ma'am." You replied.
"Oh right, I totally forgot to tell you my name..." She extends her hand with a bright smile she said her name.
"Miyawaki Sakura." You gladly took her hand and shook it right after introducing yourself.
"Alright newbie. I just have a few questions here, give me your honest answers, okay?" Aggressively nodding your head cause Sakura to produce an adorable chuckle.
"Why do you want to be a pro-wrestler?" Is her first question.
"I could say things like because their moves are awesome, or I want to win the championship but to be honest, I just want a way to express myself with this craft. I love professional wrestling and the way it can create characters and stories. I dream of creating a legacy of myself in the future..." You then paused for a second
"What can I say? It's wrestling." Ending with an awkward chuckle.
After finishing your answer, you noticed that there's a moment of silence from her and once you looked you just saw her staring at you with a smile, however that may have broken her out of her trance as she hurriedly looks back to her questionnaire.
"Right, back to it then... Who would be your favourite pro-wrestler of all time?" She continued.
"If we're saying in-ring wise, I'd go with Will Ospreay..."
"Ooohh." She reacted.
"But mic-skills I'm going CM Punk." That earned you impressed nod from Sakura as she then jotted down notes.
"Right, so what would be your finisher?" She asked.
"Well, I was thinking of a modified tombstone pile-driver but since I'm not that well built perhaps I'll stick with a shooting star press or like a cutter for now..." Again Sakura was impressed as she wrote down your answers before slamming the pen and pad on the table.
This startled you along with her suddenly sitting up from her chair, you quickly followed suit as she signals you with a finger to follow her.
Sakura then skillfully rolls inside through the bottom rope and that alone surprised you. Obviously you think her only job is just to interview and background check the potential candidates but she looks really comfortable inside the ring.
"What are you waiting for? Your legacy won't get itself in the ring." Her comment took you by surprise, it's more motivating than insulting to say the least.
Quickly reaffirming yourself as you jump from the floor towards the ring apron like it was nothing, Sakura lets out a whistle as you finally slip in through the ropes.
"Miss Sakura..." Your call of her earned you a look of disbelief from the woman in front of you.
"Don't call me that!" Her voice clearly states that she's offended by your formality.
"M-ma'am S-sakura?" You tried once more but to no avail as she crosses her arms and just shakes her head.
"S-sak... Sakura?" A sudden shift from her expression allowed you to let out a sigh of relief.
"Just call me that the whole interview alright?" She asked and you just accepted it.
"S-sakura, I'm really sorry for asking but what's your p-position here?" Perhaps that was too vague for a question and it did raise her brow before smirking at you.
"Just so you know, I'm the one who runs all of this for you..." She said seductively before walking closer to you.
"Uh... can you be more specific?" You nervously replied.
She cut off her act and replied nonchalantly: "I'm the boss here."
"W-wait, s-seriously?" Your reaction causes Sakura to broke down into a laughter.
"S-sakura, are you really the owner?" Raising a finger to ask for a minute as she tries to recollect herself even going as far as tearing up from the laugh that she just had.
"Whooo, jeez never had to laugh that much in a while, you look so surprised..."
"Why? Is it because I'm a woman does that mean I can't have any interest in wrestling?" She asked with a pissed off tone.
"N-no, that's not w-what I meant..." You hurriedly replied before she started laughing uncontrollably again.
"Oh god... My stomach hurts. I'm kidding."
"No, I'm just one of the management department, I'm here to scout talents. I got caught up with some paperworks and needed to stay a bit late." That actually makes sense.
"O-okay, it's just that... You're p–..." Your words were swallowed to the void failing to reach Sakura's ears.
"What's that?" She asked before moving closer to hear you better.
"N-nothing, I-i said y-you're pretty c-cute, t-that's why I-i'm surprised that you're into w-wrestling." Currently a stuttering mess, Sakura notices this and made things worst when she pinches your cheek.
"How adorable." Said the one who's out there looking all cute and stuff with her bright smile.
"Alright, we need to continue." Sakura stops and starts doing stretches.
It's inappropriate for you to stare but she can't blame you after all her baggy pants didn't even stand a chance against her curves as she went to reach for her toes.
Her sports top wasn't much of a help either as she starts bending forward to do some frontal stretches. Of course your leering wouldn't go unnoticed as Sakura eyes your mischief.
Perhaps she's letting you, as she presses on harder accentuating her curves even more to your liking, gulping a solid amount of spit signals Sakura to stop, as you shamefully looked away.
"Right! Now newbie! Do you have any experience with a woman?" You almost choked on pure oxygen with her statement as you cough away trying to hold yourself together.
[Cough] "W-wha–... Expe? You..." You're a mess and this is pure entertainment for Sakura.
"Jeez what were you thinking? I obviously mean wrestling." She replied holding in a laugh.
"Y-yeah I know that, well I never really have any in-ring experience." Her eyes went wide with your statement.
"Any?!" You nodded in shame.
"Then what the heck are you doing here?" She was furious to say the least.
"Well, I did study a lot of it online... And uh... I..." You hesitated knowing she might get even more mad with what you're about to say.
"What now?" She asked crossing her arms.
"I did b-backyard w-wrestling." You're not really proud of it but it's the only thing closest to an actual experience you have.
An overly exaggerated sigh escapes Sakura as she massages her forehead for a bit before recomposing herself with a couple of neck circles she finally went back to normal.
"Okay! I assume you know your cues then?" She was surprisingly enthusiastic even after what just happened.
"Y-yeah, they taught me back then." You replied.
"Right, now we're going to do a little scuffle." She then prepares herself in front of you.
That caused you to panic and stop her right away; "W-woah! Wait, you're gonna do it with me?"
"Do you see anybody else here?" You shook your head and she gave you that 'i thought so' look, though that didn't really convince you.
"Oh seriously? I thought your favourite pro-wrestler is Will Ospreay?" Sakura presses on
"Yeah that's right."
"Then I'm sure you've watched Will Ospreay vs Bea Priestley?" That was actually a pretty good point.
"But no! Obviously those two are in a relationship during that time." You reasoned.
"Oh, so you're suggesting that we should start dating then?" Sakura replied.
"Eh?" You stood there bewildered by her reply.
"Oh come on! One!" She shouted.
Suddenly your instinct kicks in and your body just moved on its own, going into a collar and elbow tie-up with Sakura. The two of you then kayfabe a struggle as she starts giving you cues.
Once more your instincts gets the best of you letting her overpower you. With the loud echoes of your stomps and struggle you hear Sakura whispered; "Two."
Positioning an underhook she then gave you a hip toss. To which you sold like your whole life depended on it. She then went down and put you in a headlock to which you're not even going to complain as your face was right next to her boo-.
"Good boy." You heard Sakura whisper before letting go of your face.
"Great, now shall we move on?" Speechless you just nodded.
"One!" With that, the two of you got tied up once more.
"Four." She continues, as you took her by the arm and did an irishwhip to the rope.
She then signals with a clap in which she suddenly gave you a head scissor with her thighs before taking you down. You just took the spot as she dusts herself clean.
"Great... great..." Sakura compliments you with a slow clap.
"Can you take a hurricanrana to a pin?" She asked as she turns away from you and with not much of an argument you just nodded.
"Alrighty then." She starts running towards you applying a head scissor but instead of taking you down you supported her weight for a bit.
"Ready?" You asked her but since her face is partially covered with her hair you didn't clearly see her face but you did notice a nod.
Taking the go signal, you gave her a little boost before floating over and landing on your back with Sakura's legs still trapping your head.
It took you almost a minute to remember that Sakura is still on top of you scissoring you with her thighs resting on either side of your face. Somehow though this doesn't seem to bother her as well, until you say;
"Uh... S-sakura?"
"Oh, right s-sorry." She finally lets you free standing up.
"O-okay, obviously, it's not always high flying luchador stuffs that people want. Let's see your grappling game." Said Sakura who's just got done fixing herself.
"You'll have the dominant position~." The moment you heard that, your relaxed heart rate suddenly doubles.
Unlike earlier which are obviously more dangerous spots, you'd think that now isn't really the time to be nervous, however the way Sakura delivered that line your instinct once more alerts you about something yet you're not sure how to respond.
"One!" Sakura cuts you off from your trance, tying up once more.
She then starts rapid firing cues to which you to transition from arm wrenches, to ankle grabs and leg sweeps but ultimately ending with you over Sakura in a full control position.
"Mhmmm." Was that a moa-? Not wanting your question to be answered you hurriedly got off from Sakura.
"Sakura?" Your call woke her up from her state as she slightly panics before getting up as well.
"Right..." She looks shy for a second before turning away from you.
"Now, for the last section. I will be testing your resolve." It's almost ridiculous how she sounded talking about testing 'resolve' specially as she's still facing away from you.
Sakura seems to have noticed your smug look and decided that playtime is over; "Okay newbie, take off your clothes."
"Eh?!" It really was a 180 degrees turn from her shy self earlier to now.
The confidence in her eyes, her posture, and the way she just stood there waiting for your response. Of course, your only choice is to strip yet your hands are frozen in place and your knees are about to give.
"A-all o-of my clothes?" With a straight face Sakura just nods.
On shaky hands you start by taking off your watch, followed by your shirt, you then check to see Sakura's reaction however she's just standing there almost ice-cold expressionless. It's honest scary but also... Hot.
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You continued taking off your shoes along with your socks. Meanwhile it's like Sakura's eyes never left you as your hand then reaches for your pants.
Slowly sliding them down on a shaky grip, your brain keeps sending you warnings, like a combat plane who has a been locked on with a missile. Once your pants are off you're not left with your boxers.
"Go on then." Sakura's calm voice was not helping at all adding the bonus of her just standing there and staring daggers into you.
"I-is this r-really–..." You realize that no amount of reasoning that's gonna get you out of this.
There's really not much of a choice anymore, as Sakura's gaze seems to have gotten more and more aggressive, you then hook the waistband of your boxers and slowly slid them down.
In such state of chaos you've managed to catch a glimpse of Sakura as she bites her lips as soon as you're fully exposed. Obviously that baffled you but just as then she suddenly tossed you something.
"Now cut me a promo." Looking at the thing she gave it was actually a microphone.
"P-promo?" Sakura then gave you one of those are you serious look before responding;
"Yeah dummy, what did you think? We're not only looking in ring skills, you'd have to show me your mic skills as well, don't tell me you don't have any."
Her smug tone motivates you but you're on the ropes with how things are. First you're naked in the middle of the ring. Second this gorgeous woman in front of you is telling you to cut a promo from out of nowhere.
"C-can you a-at least give me a lead or anything?" You asked.
"Uugghh! Fine." That groan of frustration was cute though if you'd say so yourself.
Sakura then reaches for another mic before walking closer towards you. As she does, Sakura begin to give you a scan from head to toe seemingly pausing right in the middle before continuing.
Just as she's finally inches away from you. You begin to get nervous as Sakura raises the mic to her face. Without breaking eye contact with each other she grins.
"Do you really want to be a pro-wrestler?" She asked.
"Yes!" You answered.
"Are you willing to do anything?" Her tone suddenly shifting from serious to sultry each word.
"Y-yes?!" Before you can even question what Sakura's point was with that question she suddenly drops on her knees right in front of you.
"S-sa... Kkura..." A devilish smile greets you as her face levels with your member.
"N-now, now, since you said you'd do anything–..."
"Tell me what would you do to me?" Her needy eyes was locked on yours.
That was only the start, as her hands begin to travel from your calves up to your thighs, you can feel your member twitching which caused you to try and cover it up. However Sakura has other plans, without breaking eye contact with you she pries away your hand before taking your member into her hand.
As soon as your skins touched, you can feel your moan escaping your lips. This was ecstasy to Sakura who then started pumping your length;
"Tell me boy, what is it you want?" She's inviting to say the least, it wasn't a question more of a demand.
"I w-want y-you–.”
"At-ta-ta-ta! Use your words properly. We can't afford you stuttering like that in front of a crowd."
"I want you to suck it! Suck my fucking cock." A smile of success flashes on Sakura's face before taking all of your length into her mouth.
Licking, kissing, biting? Slobbering her spit all over it, occasionally trying to take it all in but failing to do so, as her tongue then focuses on the tip. Like a snake hunting its prey before swallowing it whole.
With a pop she releases your member getting a few licks on the base of your cock as she then gave you a smile and a wink before asking; "What's next?"
"Take your clothes off." You asked as she suddenly blushes and acts all shy.
"B-but..." Seeing the truth behind her little façade you decide just to play along.
"Do you really think I care about what matters to you? Didn't I tell you to take your clothes off, you slut!" Having enough of her games you suddenly grab the single strap of her top before pulling it off.
The jiggle on her breast was majestic the moment they were released, this caused a blush from Sakura as she tries to cover them up.
"Now you're gonna be embarrassed? You have gotta be kidding me. I've been ignoring it but I can see the sluttiness in you." You honestly don't know where you're getting all of this but she doesn't seem to mind even when you swat away her arm that's covering her breast.
"W-what a-are you doing?!" Sakura panics as you slid your member in between her orbs.
Despite her pathetic acts of resistance, she's actually the one pressing her breast together giving you a better feel of her ridge, along with her spit on your cock that helps ease up the thrusts you're currently doing.
"Y-yeah, that's right you slut." You groan as Sakura keeps the contraption on your length.
It was a sight of a lifetime but it only gets better from here. When all of a sudden she starts squirming on her knees and a second later you see her white baggy pants comes flying across the ring.
You took a peek to see her white underwear forming a wet spot right in the middle of it and that's when you knew you had this right in the bag.
Her breasts were smooth and supple, but before you even realize it you're getting closer and closer to your climax, while Sakura looks like she's just getting started still squirming on her knees.
Of course you don't want to spoil the fun so you regretfully pull out of her ridge. This earns you a whine of disappointment from Sakura as she just kneeled there waiting for what else you're planning to do.
"One!" Her eyes widened, it's as though her instinct was ready that she quickly took a stance and grappled with you.
"Five!" You did a sweep that took Sakura off her feet and you then flipped her over.
Now in all fours Sakura's face was bright red though it didn't stop her from sticking up her rear-end for a better angle, then again your member twitched at sight of her glorious backside.
"W-what a-are you doin–mhhmm." Her cry was like music to your ears as you start to tease her clothed holes.
"Isn't this what you want?" You asked before shifting aside the stupid cloth obstructing her core.
"Nnnhhnngg!" An airy moan was the best response you could ever get from her in that current state.
"F-fuck!" Sakura screams before digging her face on the mat to try and muffle her moans as your tongue explores her core.
Addicting is the only way to describe it, maybe it's her fem-wash and sweat mixing, maybe it's the surprisingly pleasant humidity of the night or maybe it's just Sakura overall but you're addicted.
Obsessing over her taste, the way her moans sound when it reaches your ears, the way her body arches downward, the way her face contorts each lick and suck you deliver to her submerged core.
This isn't even wrestling anymore you're just lapping her up and yet she's not complaining, well she wouldn't be able to even if she wanted to, since only airy gasps and occasional curses are the only thing that's coming out of her lips.
"F–fuck me p-please!" In the midst of your feast you've manage to hear Sakura's needy voice.
For most of the time you've been eating her up she did form a few words but not to this degree and that alone made you stop, in which even she was annoyed but Sakura knows her needs and now she needs a little bit more than your mouth.
"You want me to what?" You know your cards and you're gonna play them.
Sakura though stayed on all fours wiggling her ass in front of you, giving you a good enough answer to your question but you're not gonna give it to her that easy.
"Three!" You shouted and she quickly picks herself up giving you an arm for an irishwhip to the corner turnbuckle.
You're honestly impressed by Sakura's ability to switch from being a slut to a professional in a fraction of a second. However that doesn't change the fact that you're so turned on seeing how she's still kayfabing hitting the turnbuckle. Shortly you followed and stare at Sakura who's using the ropes as supports just then as if there's a light bulb lit up in your head and you had this ridiculous idea.
Gently lifting her head up to see her needy eyes was beaming with lust, you then brought your lips next to her ears and whispered; "brace yourself."
You spread her arms putting them over the rope that helps her chest get pushed up. Gosh she's sneakily voluptuous.
Seeing her eyes burning with desire you then deliver a knife edge chop across her chest. A whipping sound echoes through the whole ring as Sakura winces as she slowly falls on the apron.
You'd feel bad seeing her riding in pain but you can't specially when Sakura's fucking dripping off her snatch, with that you can clearly say that this girl is really something else.
"Come here." Aggressively getting her up to a standing position.
Once more placing her arms up the ropes for a better support you then took one of her leg placing it on top of the middle rope and so is with the other one.
You honestly thought that your night couldn't get any more better as you look at Sakura squirming, widespread on the corner turnbuckle of the ring, her panties are just useless at this point due to the fact that they're completely soaked with her juices.
"W–wait, what's t-this?" Sakura then again making it seem like she didn't like the position she's currently in.
"Oh, so you're still keeping that shit act. We'll see." You're not having none of it as you position yourself right in front of her.
A long moan then rips through the air, as you rub your rod on her clothed, drenched core. You can clearly see her clutching on the ropes with her whole might.
Not really wanting to tease her any further, you move aside the useless cloth and pushed your self inside her, well there wasn't even an ounce of effort you had to give, that's how wet she is.
"F–fuck! Uugghh! You fuckin~!" Her sounds of pleasure melts into a high-pitched screech as you start pumping in and out of her.
You can clearly see the red markings forming on her hand as she tries her best to hold on while you're just hammering your whole length balls deep into her. Sakura who's now a moaning mess starts to shake, you're aware that she's currently riding on her orgasm, you stopped and took a step back.
"Haaaa–! Holy shi–!" This is ridiculous, she couldn't even complete a sentence for god's sake.
You gently lifted her head for a bit before delivering another knife edge chop that once more echoes through the whole room.
"J-just finish me... Finish in me please?" Her last plea as her core drips her juices out.
If a finish is what she wants, that's what she's getting. You removed both her legs and arms from the ropes before support her whole weight as she just went limp from all of the pleasure and pain she was in.
"Powerbomb to a jack-knife pin." You whispered as she did her best to recollect herself.
You then pushed her towards the rope before lifting her up to your shoulder, her core was inches away from your face and you just said fucking before pushing her all the way through getting a few licks in.
Once again Sakura plays the pro-card delivering punches on your head to try and breakaway, however you've had enough and drove her spine first on the canvas.
Without letting go of her legs you brought them up to your shoulders with her calves wrestling right next to your face, you once more moved her panty aside and penetrated her.
You won't lie it has been a long and arduous night but god was it one to remember, as you savour her walls clenching your member as you slam yourself inside her. Wet and loud slaps of flesh are the only thing that can be heard as Sakura's voice have complete been silence due to her exhausted state.
By each slams you can feel your balls tightening and it's only a few pumps away to your climax as you whisper to Sakura; "W-where d-do you want i-it again?"
"I-inside p-please! Ah fuck– I'm cumming!"
A groan from the two of you syncs so are your orgasms, her core flooding with the mixtures of both of your fluids there's nothing else hotter than this.
After almost an eternity of riding in pure pleasure, you finally pulled out and came oozing out of Sakura is pure warm love juice.
You two laid in the middle of the ring too spent to even think of anything else. It took both of you almost 5 minutes to finally recover from your highs.
"Woah." You exclaimed and suddenly hear a small chuckle coming from Sakura.
As she slowly slithers her way to cuddle with you, resting her head on your chest as she hugs your sweaty torso.
"Was I too rough?" You're seriously concerned though, after realizing what you've done to her.
"Nah, you're good..." She smiled before placing a kiss on your cheek.
"It's wrestling." She added as the two of you cuddled naked in the middle of the ring.
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sblvrgg · 10 months
i'm so mad at gege after the last episode cause it made me start thinking about female characters in jjk so here i am.
(jjk anime and manga spoilers ahead)
nobara is such a great character, she looks like the usual "girl of the trio" for like the first two seconds you know her but she's so much more and SO BADLY USED IN THE PLOT EXACTLY LIKE SHOKO
everything about yuji/megumi/nobara is a sort of parallelism with satoru/suguru/shoko but it doesn't work out completely cause we know almost nothing about shoko and the little we do know it's mostly written in the extra volume about jjk characters and techniques, it's not like gege actually tells us more about her in the plot and he could have done that in the hidden inventory arc even if it was meant to be focused on satoru and suguru AND THIS MAKES ME FURIOUS
like okay you just want a female character with healing powers? great (not great, but let's not focus on this rn) BUT AT LEAST MAKE HER ACTUALLY HEAL SOMEONE???? I LOVE HER BUT SHE'S SO USELESS, EVERYONE DIES IN SHIBUYA AND SHE'S JUST THERE DOING NOTHING WITH YAGA BECAUSE SHE CAN HEAL BUT SHE CAN'T FIGHT??? HELLO???
in the hidden inventory arc she's not even involved in missions, we have more scenes of her in the opening/ending that in the actual episodes. i don't need to know her whole story but if you put her there as the only character (beside satoru and yuta) who can use reversed technique then MAKE HER ACTUALLY USE IT WHEN NEEDED
and no, i'm not talking about this just because i want our beloved satosugu back. as a suguru kinnie i'm 100% convinced that his death was the only right option for his character from the moment he left jujustu tech. i have some mixed feelings about gojo's death but just because i think gege could've handled it better, not because i absolutely need him back like some delulu maniacs in the fandom (no offense, i'm suffering with you all but some people are crazy). but in shibuya she could've been more useful, at least in helping the students.
nobara at least has a strong personality and a cool technique, she's not just another sakura or orihime (i hate orihime but sakura is great too ofc, i just mean that nobara unlike them isn't the girl put there just to heal her male companions and have a crush on one of them) or shoko herself (and thinking about it shoko is even more useless cause sakura and orihime at least help and heal their crush).
we know a lot about her past, i was crying like a baby watching her say goodbye to fumi and then... she dies, just like that. her goal isn't even that difficult to achieve, it's not some big dream like suguru's, it's something extremely personal and she's not gonna reach it cause gege killed her. i love nobara too but honestly she doesn't have that great development merely because she dies before she can actually become stronger. everytime she fights she gets severly wounded or is there to support others or she's the one who needs support. i feel like she doesn't have her big moment before dying (like maki does for example, i know she's not dead yet but i wouldn't be so mad if it happened cause she has a great development since jjk 0. i would cry like a baby again though, pls gege don't kill her i'm begging you).
and no, i don't think nobara's death is necessary for yuji or the plot in general either. yuji has already seen nanami die in front of him, sukuna has killed who knows how many people and he could do nothing about it, he was still mad at mahito for junpei so why kill nobara too?
gege doesn't even show her in the afterlife when gojo dies (and a delulu part of me hopes that's because she's still alive), like i know that in that airport there are people from his past and the focus is on them, his blue spring and whatever but damn she's one of his students too, he talks about megumi and the fact that he still had things to explain to him but he doesn't even mention her? (he doesn't mention yuji either okay i know, i would've liked that too but at least they have a cute moment before the fight against sukuna).
instead of focusing on those that should be the main female characters we have mei mei though. don't get me wrong, she's our mommy, i'm barking (respectfully) every time i see her on screen or in the manga but is all that screentime really necessary? do i really need to see her in bed with ui ui or walking like a runway model for minutes? mmmh i don't think so.
i don't know, maybe i'm the one missing something in this story, maybe i'm not getting it completely but still, as much as i love jjk i'm mad. i could go on for days about this and what's happened in the manga these last few months, but i'm gonna stop for today.
at this point i'm convinced that gege introduced too many characters and he can't handle them properly, unlike other mangakas like horikoshi who literally shows you the backstory of every single kid you see, even the one drawn in the corner of a panel in that one chapter that everyone forgot about (horikoshi has problems handling fem characters too, but this is a whole other problem and it's something that involves a lot of different animes/mangas).
that's it, going back at crying now, thinking about how my life could be way better if i put this same effort in my studies.
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firagaarmor · 1 year
You were given a chance to experience 5 threesomes but you have to mix and match idols from different groups. How would you build your threesomes from these idols
Yujin (IVE)
Wonyoung (IVE)
Gaeul (IVE)
Rei (IVE)
Liz (IVE)
Chaewon (Lesserafim)
Sakura (Lesserafim)
Yunjin (Lesserafim)
Kazuha (Lesserafim)
Haewon (NMIXX)
Sullyoon (NMIXX)
Sumin (STAYC)
Seeun (STAYC)
Yujin (Kep1er)
Xiaoting (Kep1er)
Chaehyun (Kep1er)
Youngeun (Kep1er)
Dayeon (Kep1er)
Mashiro (Kep1er)
Karina (Aespa)
Giselle (Aespa)
Winter (Aespa)
Ningning (Aespa)
Yeji (ITZY)
Ryujin (ITZY)
Chaeryeong (ITZY)
Eunbi (Soloist/IZ*ONE)
Chaeyeon (Soloist/IZ*ONE)
Yena (Soloist/IZ*ONE)
Yuri (Soloist/IZ*ONE)
Minju (Actress/IZ*ONE)
Hyewon (Actress/IZ*ONE)
Gonna try to create pairs that's not very common. Also gonna cheat a bit and put more then 5 kek
Gaeul and Chaeyeon
These two might come as a surprise, but I consider them both my ult biases. They're both kinda underrated, Gaeul in IVE and Chaeyeon as a soloist. Threesome with these two would be pretty cool cause I consider both Gaeul and Chaeyeon as a Switch of course myself included so that would be an interesting dynamic
2. Liz and Youngeun
This is might seem like an odd pair, and it is. They're both someone I sort of consider a younger sister, Liz being the shy one and Youngeun being the outgoing one. Honestly I'd love to just spend a day off with both of them.
3. Rei and Mashiro
Both are Japanese. Both are very THICC. Rei has the upper hand on her upper body (Tits), but Mashiro makes up for it on her lower body (Thighs). I think their dynamic is gonna be pretty fun. Mashiro is like your loving noona who likes to pamper you and Rei is like the cold younger sister who can switch between a cold, mean bitch and a loveable cutie goofball
4. Eunbi and Hyewon
A royal pair from IZ*ONE days (Prayer circle manifesting new KangBi moments @iznsfw ) Both are busty women who love to get very VERY touchy with each other. From their interaction, it would be fun to see a cute, subby Eunbi begging to cum as a dom, mean Hyewon fingers her but always stopping before Eunbi cums
5. Xiaoting and Kazuha
I blame @fillinforlater's On her fic series for making my imagination go wild. Kazuha as the obedient sub who always listens helping her daddy tame the most brattiest of brats, Shen Xiaoting
6. Yunjin and Giselle
Both hot girl. Both have THICC thighs and a nice ass. Anal one then switch between.
7. Chaewon and Winter
@sinswithpleasure's A Family Affair. Simple as that
8. Chaeyeon and Chaeryeong (Yes, I picked Chaeyeon more than once XD)
There's just something so hot with this pair. It's taboo yes, but it's also so addicting. Imagine getting a lap dance from the two. Fuck that would be heavenly. Also of course. HIPS DON'T LIE
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tora-the-cat · 12 days
That's some real shit you just said about Hinata in Boruto!! It'd make so much more sense for her to be very indulgent with her children, and it'd better explain why Boruto acts the way that he does.
Instead of being afraid OF her, the more in-character reason should've been because he hates the idea of DISAPPOINTING her. Like god damn, Hinata and Temari are two entirely different characters with veeeeeeeeeery different temperaments; Shikadai fearing Temari MAKES SENSE. She can be scary as hell and she's got no qualms with using corporal punishment!! WHY WOULD HINATA DO THE SAME AWFUL SHIT SHE GOT PUT THROUGH to her own kids?????? It doesn't make sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah yeah, I get that narratively, it ties back into Naruto thinking "Moms are scary" and continues the idea that the more things change, the more they stay the same. BUT. Boruto and Himawari should've thought that AFTER Hinata popped a can of whoop ass on someone who threatened her family; NOT by unleashing her wrath on her fucking kids!!!!!!!!!!
And I'm not too sure if you're reading the Boruto manga too or if it's just the anime, but there's a scene in the manga that's HIGHLY out of character as well. When I saw it I was just like, "Wtf????" So unfortunately it's not just an anime specific problem... :(
Right??? Hinata and Naruto are both the kinds of parents that would spoil their kids fucking rotten, cause they just don't know any better. poor auntie Sakura had to teach Boruto table manners because Hinata is scared of being too assertive and Naruto never learned them. Hinata and Naruto would NOT be perfect parents, but they'd be bad parents in a very specific way. They'd be overindulgent. Naruto would treat them like adults WAY too young without realizing it's bad. Hinata would never believe a bad thing a teacher said about her kid if the teacher was not LITERALLY Shino Aburame (this is, in fact, why Shino is Boruto's teacher. I will be taking no further questions). And we almost see this in the show!! Boruto IS arrogant! He IS selfish! He has never been denied a thing in his life! His mommy says he's a miracle!!!
But then. Boruto talks about Hinata. and it's just like....'haha, moms, am I right? moms? all moms are exactly the same? annoying and scary but only COMEDICALLY scary. because they're women' and like. sigh. so close Ikemoto now try again without the sexism. And maybe. Read Naruto?
Yes!! You see, Boruto being afraid of disappointing Hinata makes a lot of sense!!! Honestly, another point on Hinata and Naruto being flawed parents is that Boruto....probably has to do a fair amount of emotional labor at home. Not gonna get into it cause that would be its own post, but Boruto is probably VERY aware of his mom's emotional state and REALLY hesitant to upset her, just cause it sucks when his mom is upset and it always feels at least a little like his fault. #eldestkidproblems or whatever ykyk. Being afraid of disappointing her would just make so much sense given the characters and their dynamics, while still filling the purpose of showing how light Boruto gets off for domestic terrorism lmao
As far as the 'moms are scary' throughline....We've got plenty of scary moms. Naruto thought moms were scary because he grew up a pariah that was probably threatened by MANY moms to not talk to their kids, he's not familiar with 'protective anger' because no one has ever gotten angry on his behalf, and Kishimoto thinks its funny to pretend women pose any threat to his cool male characters #feminism. It just so HAPPENS that if he DID have a living mom she would've been scary as shit, but. in canon it's just not a perspective it really makes sense for Boruto to have picked up because it was cultivated by very specific rearing factors.
Much as I would LOVE for Hinata to have a badass protective moment, I sadly doubt it's gonna happen, given that post shippuden Hinata seems to just....not be a shinobi anymore. which, and I say this with full scincerity, good for her! But like. the fact that she can't even stick to a wall to LITERALLY save her life in The Last is. blood boiling lmao. And! even if she did get a little protective moment, it'd be cool for her kids to realize how cool she is, but even then they wouldn't really be scared of her, you know? Like event trying to give Boruto the benefit of the doubt, there's no angle I can come at this where it makes sense for Boruto to be SCARED of Hinata Uzumaki.
I have watched an entire six episodes of the Boruto anime, and all due respect I have less then zero intention of reading the manga. As you can see, I'm clearly having a great time. SO I have NOT read that scene, but I'm more then happy to take your word for it lmao. thanks for the ask <3
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thequietkid-moonie · 5 months
HIIIIIIII, can I request tbhk characters x gyaru S/O who get made fun of for their fashion taste?
Lots of love<33
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Gyaru S/O is constantly made fun of
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Tsukasa, Yako ]
[ Toilet Bound Hanako-kun / Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun ]
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× Gyaru is a japanese fashion style, it a little complicated to explain so i recomend to search about it
I have to admit that i have mixed feelings for the gyaru fashion style, there are some outfit that i think are reaaaaally cool but there are others that i find weird, haha but anyways, this was quite interesting to write! hope you like it!
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Tsukasa Yugi
Tsukasa can be quite violent but that doesn't mean that he doesn't love you, because when he does fall in love he is really serious about that love and has no problem with expressing how much he loves you with everything he has and with whoever is in front of him (as if it wasn't obvious with how clingy he is)
Tsukasa tends to do as he please and what he wants so he doesn't really has filters when speaking, he will tell you from the start that he find your fashion style weird, but he mean it in the best way posible, no matter how much he insist on saying that is weird he also find it fascinating and pretty funny!
Tsukasa is quite mesmerized by your style and with each day that pass it just become part of his day greeting you at the first hour of the day (or when you came to school depending on that if you are human or supernatural) and taking a moment to apreciate your outfit, always giving you a compliments along with a big hug (most of the time he repeat the same compliment but his big wide smile shows that he is being sincere)
He totally loves your style, he find it quite funny and actually love playing with it a lot, is not rare for you to have him clinging onto you while playing with your clothes and accesories (with time he just learn to don't be too harsh or even try to steal it so you don't have to be without your precious clothes or accesories)
In all honestly, Tsukasa just loves you so much that he loves talking about you with Sakura and shows you off at every chance he has, and your beautiful fashion style only gives him more reasons to show you off, insisting that you have to show your amazing outfit to everyone in the broadcasting club whenever you are wearing something that he finds specially cute or mesmerizing
Tsukasa is so in love and even proud of you and your relationship that it will be a surprise when he find out that there are some people that tend to make fun of you because of your fashion style, and this isn't a pleasant surprise, he is mad at whoever dares to say something bad about his precious partner and he will make sure they don't say something like that about you ever again (there is no way he will let them go away with making fun of you and the more hurt you are the more harsh he will be with them)
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Once Yako falls in love she does it really hard, it take her a while but once you get right to her heart it is going to be quite obvious how much she cares for you and likes you (mainly for the obvious soft spot she has for you)
Yako can be a little blinded by her love for you, finding all about you quite interesting and mesmerizing (specially if you are a human), so you having a gyaru fashion style is something that she will love and hate
It makes you happy and she feels intriged by it, by how much accesories and colors you use, she will give some criticism coment about your fashion style, mainly in hopes to help you improve it and make you look even more beautiful (mainly when she thinks is too much or that it doesn't suit), but also you can heard quite a lot of compliments about your style
Yako won't really be too willing to try an outfit with your style because she has her own style, however it isn't imposible and she would be willing to try a not too exaggerated or extravagant outfit (just let her make it), still she is more than willing to use a single garment or accesory if you ask her, something that matched her own outfit (although, if you gift her an accesory is more probably that she doesn't use it often because she prefer to keep it somewhere safe as her little treasure, but don't point it out or she will get defensive over the fact)
Over all, Yako likes quite a lot your style and is really supportive over it, besides, if it makes you happy then she doesn't see why not just be yourself, thats why she doesn't tolerate other people talking bad about you or your style, most of the time she doesn't do more than scolding (more like insulting) whoever had say something bad about you and tell you to don't listen those idiots
But getting to know that you are being made fun of because of your style make her furious, no one should made fun of you just because you are just being you, she is going to be back and forth from angrily rant about how mad she is with those idiots and trying to comfort you, she is quite protective over you but reminds as calm as she can because she doesn't want to cause problems, however if the bullies came to physicaly atack you or say something that really have hurt you then she will take the matter into her hands, it doesn't matter if is a supernatural or a human she will teach them a lesson (even if she have lose part of her power already that doesn't mean she isn't still powerful, and she will make those idiots regret even just thinking bad about you)
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putschki1969 · 7 months
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2024/02/19 Blog post by Wakana ふむふむの日2024を振り返ろう♪〜映画と衣装と肩の骨〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Looking Back At February 6 2024 ♪〜Movie, Dresses And Shoulder Bones〜
The other day, I went to see the movie "Golden Kamuy" with a friend 😊I received a special git at the cinema! A panel drawn by the original creator\\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// I was so happy because I didn't expect to get something like this! 😍 The girl I went with is a big fan of the original work, actually, she is such a hardcore fan that she and her husband have even gone on a proper pilgrimage to Abashiri which is a place from the manga. I also enjoyed the manga so I decided to go and watch the film with her! The visuals were so powerful and the music was so wonderful that (despite the fairly fantasy-like setting) I felt a strange sense of reality that made me cry many times... It was the first time I watched a movie at the cinema since ``The Boy and the Heron'', I had a lot of fun! 😆 (By the way, the girl who went with me was the same friend who went with me when I watched “The Boy and the Heron” for the second time♪) Being at the movie theater for the first time in a long while got me really excited, initially, I only wanted to get some oolong tea at the snack bar but then, I ended up with all of this😂 How did this happen? When I looked at the menu, I got really excited 🤣I got a large popcorn and a hot dog *laughs*
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
I couldn't finish the giant popcorn and had to take it home *laughs* I quietly stuffed my mouth with the hot dog before the film had even begun🤤 Even though I had told myself that it would be better to wait until the film was over to avoid getting tired...🥺 Such a fickle nature🥺(Thankfully the movie was so interesting that I didn't feel sleepy at any point)
Now, I would like to talk a little about my “Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~” which was held on February 6th! Here I am together with Saku-chan who joined me on the piano 😊We also made sure to take a picture where we look a bit cool📸 With this premium online live I celebrated a milestone, the 5th anniversary of my solo debut. I wanted to start my celebrations together with everyone from my fan club! For some reason, those five years actually feel like a longer time... or rather, it feels like a lot more years have passed already. I included the entire “journey” from my solo debut up until now in the setlist!
M-01 Yureru Haru M-02 Tsubasa MC M-03 Ai no Hana M-04 Aki no Sakura (Acoustic ver.) MC M-05 Orange MC M-06 Haru wo Matsu (Kalafina) M-07 Shirushi MC M-08 Kinmokusei M-09 Flag MC M-10 magic moment MC M-11 Sono Saki e
There are songs from my 1st album "Wakana", my 2nd album "magic moment", my EP "Aki no Sakura" and my 3rd album "Sono Saki e"! I ended up cramming in as much as possible since I wanted to create a setlist that would allow me to look back on the past 5 years.😊 During my MCs I tried to express my feelings from each period, hopefully I was able to share some fresh thoughts with you.
I once again realized that the "chat" may be the best part of an online live performances! At live performances with an actual on-site audience it's not really possible to have a real conversation, but online, everyone can talk about all sorts of things. Of course, even if there are no words exchanged between us, I know that people are watching and supporting me but I always feel very relieved when people say a lot of things in the chat (*´- `) It's honestly so reassuring to know that everyone is watching and listening (^-^)
Despite all of that, my surprise lyric mishaps keep happening, whether it's been 5 years or 15 years, I will never get rid of those...😂Why? ? 😂 I could really feel everyone's surprise and kindness from the chat messages, it was a special sense of gratitude that I probably couldn't experience at a live performances with an on-site audience. Thank you again to everyone who watched and supported me! ! My 5th Anniversary celebrations have only just begun. At my upcoming band live on May 12th, I would like to have the time to reflect even more on the past five years ! Details will be posted soon! Please be patient a little while longer~・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
Lastly, I would like to post some pictures of my dress from February 6th 😆This is the same dress I wore on the cover of my 1st album "Wakana"♪ I also wore it during the encore for my ``VOICE'' tour, at that time, it was altered a bit so it would work better for a live performance 😍 I had my hair down, which is quite unusual for me ♡ The makeup artist also added some sparkling hairpins 😍
I always wonder why my shoulder bones are so prominent...🤣 I think it's a skeletal issue because I am pretty sure not everyone's shoulder looks like that, right? 😂 I don't have any particular pain or problems in this area but I always feel like there's just a lot of bone sticking out. I envy people with smoother shoulders🥺
Anyway, I'm glad I was able to fit into a dress from 5 years ago ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ For some reason, that got me super excited! 😂😂 Easy peasy🤗 Yay!
So, that’s it for today! Until next time~ ☆( *'▽'*)/
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『Wakana 5th Anniversary Live』 Details Revealed
To commemorate the 5th Anniversary of Wakana’s solo debut, a special band live will be held for the first time in 3 years! Once again, Wakana will be joined by Satoshi Takebe to deliver a unique live performance together with other musicians. Please look forward to it!
Title: “Wakana 5th Anniversary Live (tentative)” Date: May 12, 2024 ◆1st Stage◆ Open 14:45 / Start 15:30 ◆2nd Stage◆ Open 18:15 / Start 19:00 Venue: I’M A SHOW (capacity: 398 seats) Starring: Wakana, Satoshi Takebe (Music Director/Piano), etc. 【Ticket price】 All seats reserved 8,500円 ※An additional 600円 drink fee will be charged at the venue
Advanced Ticket Lottery for BL Members
[Ticket Sales Service] SKIYAKI TICKET ※To apply, you will need to register your SC ID at "Botanical Land" and your SKIYAKI ID on the SKIYAKI TICKET site/app. Pre-registration is possible, so it is recommended to do this before the application period starts. Please note: The registration procedure includes a verfication via text message which apparently does not work for some overseas phone numbers. ※On the day of the event, present the screen displaying the QR code issued to the SKIYAKI TICKET app (no prints or screenshots permitted); Please note: To display the electronic ticket, a separate app is required
Quantity limit: Up to 2 tickets per person Payment method: Credit card/convenience store payment Ticketing method: Download the dedicated app to issue a QR code ticket Application period: February 21 to February 27 Announcement of Results: March 1~ Payment deadline: March 8
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hoongiri · 2 years
when you're cold — le sserafim headcanons
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˚. ⋆ ☄︎ 🔭 how le sserafim would react to their s/o being cold
 pairing — ot5 le sserafim x gn!reader
 genre — fluff, slight crack
 warnings — none
✧ sakura
"kkura, i'm cold."
as soon as she heard you she immediately looked up from her phone
her love?? cold?? that simply wont work
she instantly looked around for a blanket or jacket that she could tuck you into
.. which made you giggle because she was literally wearing a jacket
it took her a little bit to notice but when she did, you couldnt help but chuckle at your adorable girlfriend
"wah- here! i can't believe i didn't notice sooner..."
she draped her jacket over your shoulders, making sure to position it so it wouldn't slip off
insert a very happy sakura proud of herself for fulfilling your needs
you weren't completely satisfied, though .. now kkura was going to be cold :(
she kept insisting that she was fine, but you weren't satisfied
"kku, c'mere! please, please, please!"
she finally gave in after you pleaded for about two minutes
she usually gives in pretty quickly tbh so this didn't surprise you
cue a cuddly sakura and her cuddly s/o
you were basically trapping sakura in your arms but did she care?
of course not
she's 100% whipped for you (as you are for her)
this was initially what you had in mind to warm you up, but you couldn't complain that you got her jacket too
you two would stay there for a few hours until one of you has to use the restroom and then you'd return to this position
✧ chaewon
she's such a tease
literally replied with "okay, cool" when you told her you were cold
which made you playfully punch her arm in response
"what do you want me to do?!"
she obviously knew what you wanted, and she couldn't help herself from giggling at the pout on your face
cue lots of pouts and whines from you and even more giggles from chaewon
"i'm cold, too, but i suck it up!"
she didn't seem to be budging so you turned away from her direction to proceed to pout
"fine, come here."
grabby hands <3
once you're close enough, she wraps her arms around your waist and she nuzzles her face into the crook of your neck
this was definitely one of your favourite positions to be in
taking in the smell of her perfume, your body relaxed at her touch
"is baby happy now, mm?"
you muffled a response that satisfied her
after a few moments of comfortable silence, however ...
she saw this as an opportunity to tackle you to the ground
"chaewon!!! >:("
you couldn't really complain though
i mean you're still in her arms
so why not just spend some time laughing on the carpet with your beloved girlfriend??
✧ yunjin
tease pt. 2
"hi cold, i'm yunjin"
as soon as you start to get pouty though she caves
"love, noooo..."
BIG cuddler
loves trapping you in her arms
"i've captured you >:)"
you call her your personal heater
she's so sweet
"is this comfortable?"
always makes sure you get exactly what you wanted <3
she likes comfortable silence but it really depends on the day
sometimes she'll sing to you as she warms you up
THE huh yunjin.. singing just for you.. omg
she loves to play with your hair as she does this too
depending on how long your hair is, she'll make little braids with it
"yun, what are you doing?"
"appreciating you, my love." <3
while being affectionate like this she loves to use so many petnames
her favourites are love, my love, baby, sweetheart, and any short version of your name
you two often take turns rambling / listening to the other person
she's comfort personified honestly
can and will spend the rest of the day holding you
✧ kazuha
she's the sweetest
"okay, what would you like me to do?"
immediately goes to her closet to pick out your favourite sweater of hers
she even puts it on for you :( <3
"all better?"
will sit next to you to keep an eye on you as you warm up
she's so comfortable with you
checks in on you every few minutes
"doing okay?" "mhm!"
will hold your hand as you both are scrolling through whatever on your phones
i feel like kazuha is the type to feel sleepy with those she is comfortable with
so eventually she puts her phone down and rests her head on your shoulder
sleepy kazuha is so cute
before she falls asleep though she definitely plants a sweet kiss on your forehead
"goodnight." <3
she doesn't seem big on affectionate words, but she for sure shows you love through her actions
her falling asleep on you is basically an honor since it shows that she trusts you to see her like this
eventually you fall asleep too, and you two enter dreamland together <3
✧ eunchae
eunchae is the cutest baby angel in the world
if you told her you needed something or were hungry, too cold/too hot, etc, she would honestly panic
like oh no they need me right now.. what do i do?? how do i fulfil my girlfriend duties??
most likely her first relationship
"eunnie, can you hand me the blanket, please?"
she will NOT stop there
she feels the need to go above and beyond for you to make sure that you know how much she cares for you
"i won't just give you the blanket, i'll wrap you in it! >:)"
insert manchae turning you into a blanket burrito
she's so proud of herself too
standing there like >:)
literally celebrates herself for doing something for you
will eventually second guess herself though
"do you want another blanket? more pillows? plushies?"
don't be surprised when she makes you a whole pillow fort
you two are NOT moving for the rest of the day
the members have to come bring you snacks and drinks as if the pillow fort is your hotel
she just cares for you so much and wants to take care of you because she is always taken care of <3
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