#this was from my 60 y/o coworker
wizardclown · 2 months
why am i reading advice to join a run club to meet people :((((
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rookflower · 1 year
i kinda like brackenfur, he's fine, but i find the sheer amount of "luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing" fandom he's accrued downright ridiculous at this point. he's the most inoffensive warrior cat but he's also the most "there's fucking nothing there" warrior cat. he doesn't overstay his welcome but it's because he only has like 3 vaguely memorable scenes or relationships total in all 6 and a half arcs he's been around for. you could replace him with a rock and basically nothing would change. where is the bar.
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saamaton · 1 month
gritting my teeth having to remind myself constantly that this is my last week of working full time before the semester starts next week and i get to enjoy the joys of being a uni student with only occasional shifts but guys idk if i have 4 more full work days left in me like i might not make it to the end of the week
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that-gay-jedi · 9 months
Fucccckk my 60+ y/o father who has been smoking since he was 12 just tested positive for covid augh!! I haven't seen him within the time frame to be exposed but I'm obviously worried abt him and his former coworker he caught it from who takes immunosuppressants. My dad may also be in the early stages of COPD, which would make covid more dangerous than simply smoking on its own already does. Thoughts and fuckin prayers and fingers crossed and knocking on wood don't break any mirrors!! Fuck!!
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pornoes · 4 months
Jesus fucking Christ.
- 60 y/o coworker who i had no relationship with at work (our connection didnt extend beyond who wrote our paychecks) got laid off in 2019
- he added me on Facebook, which is fine, but then started DMing me my own selfies with his commentary as recently as 2023. the comments werent particularly unsavory, but like, why DM them to me? And after not interacting for 5 years? Ew??
- i blocked him on Facebook after he did this a few times and he started TEXTING me every few months. And i never gave him me number!! He must’ve got it from the company and saved it for over 6 years now!!!!
- tonight he sent my husband a Facebook request. Leave. Me. The. Fuck. Alone.
I have literally never replied to him or fed into any of this. Some of his recent texts were fucking absurd… he found out one of my favorite bands is Wye Oak via Facebook i guess and has been going to the lead singer’s shows, apparently getting things signed by her and made out to me and taking selfies with her. Like what the fuck is this… obsession??? I’m creeped the fuck out and incredibly unsettled right now
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fluffyheretic · 11 months
I have a coworker who’s my age but has really bad back problems due to an injury and last week it was really bad and she had to take steroids for a bit. She was just telling me how she was telling our boss that they might make her more irritable and this upper class regular trips to europe 60 y/o business major literally inherited the business from daddy owner of the company we work at dudes response was just “well don’t you smoke weed? 🤨”
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sweetiejunie · 4 years
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Summary: You’re the not-so-typical girl next door
Genre: Slight fluff, smut «60-70% is just smut»
Beomgyu x reader
A/n: this was the smut i was hesistant about posting. I thought about it for a couple weeks and decided to just post it •_•
[Note: If ure only int in the ‘smut’ part, it roughly starts at the —.✿ฺ— till the end]
Beomgyu knew he recognised you from somewhere. He just couldn’t figure out where. The way you smirked, the way you played with your hair, all seemed familiar to him. But where?
That night soobin had invited him and yeonjun out to a diner with him and this girl he had been seeing, soyu. Apparently, and he quoted, soyu had ‘two hot friends that she met recently and thought a night out with everyone would be fun’. So in case you hadn’t figured it out yet, soobin invited them to some triple-date deal.
At first, beomgyu was reluctant to go. He didn’t like the idea of blind dating. The previous time someone had set him up with a girl they claimed to be ‘his perfect match’, the girl turned out to be the exact opposite of what he liked. She was loud, ill-mannered and overall just too childish. Honestly, he had no idea how anyone could have thought he would like her. Since then, beomgyu always preferred to choose the people he dated. But for some odd reason, he agreed to soobin’s proposal. Not sure why, but something told him he was going to regret it if he didn’t.
That’s how he ended up here, in a ‘U’ shaped booth with two of his closest friends and three, admittedly, really good looking girls. Aside from soyu, the other two girls were you and your coworker, Zoe. As these things would typically go, everyone would be paired up. In this case it was of course, soobin and soyu, yeonjun and you, leaving beomgyu with Zoe. Not that Beomgyu had anything against zoe, it was just that as the group started talking more, the contrast between you and Zoe’s personalities started to become more noticeable. Zoe was sweet, your typical girl-next-door, while you were more sly, mysterious. You were the girl every mother feared their son dating. Yet, something about you drew beomgyu in, something seemed like déjà vu.
Yeonjun was the first to point out this difference. “You know, you and zoe are pretty different, it’s kind of surprising you two are friends.”
“Y/N just started working at my salon recently and i dont know, the three of us just cliqued,” zoe stated.
“Where did you work before that?” Beomgyu asked you, hoping your answer could give some clues to his mystery.
“I just moved here from London last month,” you replied.
London, that’s one clue. Beomgyu made a mental note. You continued on about your story, telling them about, when you a teenager, how you had moved in with your grandparents and studied in korea until you graduated high school. How your parents thought your behaviour was getting out of hand and how they thought sending you abroad would someone solve that problem. In all honesty, they probably just didn’t want to have to deal with you anymore and sending you to an overseas dormitory seemed like a liable option. You were never a bad student, in fact you actually scored straight A’s and was always the too in your class. Your behaviour was what drew the line with your family, always getting caught skipping classes and trespassing on school property during the night. They were just done with it and sent you packing.
As beomgyu picked up each clue you dropped, he started to remember his neighbour when he was about 17. A girl that moved in with the elderly couple that lived next door and went to the same school as him. Rumours eventually spread about that girl. At school, he heard the students gossiping about her, saying her parents had threw her to live with her grandparents cause they didn’t want to deal with her. That in her previous school she seduced boys and slept around. Breaking school rules to the point of suspension, leading her here. Parents, including his own, were instructing their children not to befriend her and to stay away from her. The more beomgyu heard about the girl, the more intrigued he became.
Even though beomgyu was in a different class from her, just from all the talking, it felt as if he knew her. He saw her pretty regularly, in the cafeteria, in the halls and even at the bus stop, most of the time, if not always, she was alone. He felt bad seeing someone he ‘knew’ on their own but being the good child he was, he listened to his mother and stayed away. Of course, this made her an easy target for bullies, or so they thought. Every time they tried to pull a cruel prank on her, she never reacted the way they wanted. When they poured something over her head she would simple shrug and go to clean herself off.
When another girl talked behind her back, or straight up tried to insult her, instead of getting embarrassed or mad, she would laugh and reply with, “i know I’m a bitch. I never tried to hide it.”
Eventually, the bullying stopped and boys started wanting to get closer to her, something about her pulling them in. She however, never really showed much interest in any of the boys that threw themselves at her. Through her time in there, she never had any trouble getting one of the boys to be her ‘little assistant’ for the day, be it running to the nearest convenient store for her snacks or kneeling on the ground and tying her shoe laces. Any boy would have killed to be in that position, wanting to test their luck with her.
Throughout her time there, beomgyu never spoke to her. He never so much as asked for her name. But since they were neighbours, beomgyu saw her often, mostly on the bus, but he always kept his distance. Every now and then, students approached him asking for information about the mysterious girl, but he could never give them any, saying he didn’t know anything. People found it hard to believe, beomgyu was one of the most charming and best looking guys in the school, if he wanted to, he could get someone falling head over heels for him in minutes. But he knew better than to get involved with her.
She wasn’t the prettiest, maybe slightly above average at best. But her attitude automatically attracted people’s attention. The aura she possessed, one of power and manipulation. From what beomgyu had observed, she was a kind and friendly person and would have probably even made a good friend. But she had a strange way of figuring out what people wanted from her and then using it against them to do her bidding.
Beomgyu’s bedroom window faced out overlooking hers. On occasion, she would fail to shut her curtains all the way and beomgyu would look in, seeing a small section of her room, her figure walking past every so often.
One evening however, while beomgyu was studying, he suddenly heard a soft noise from across alley. Shocked, he snapped his head up. Only to see the curtains were still drawn. Looking out to the driveway, he realised the car that was normally parked there was replaced by a new black one. Thinking back, he couldn’t recall ever seeing the elderly couple driving it. It wasn’t their car. Intrigued, he continued to listen, hearing more noise which eventually he identified to be moaning. And suddenly they stopped, ending with a long sigh. Soon after, he saw her walking out from her house, in a plain tshirt, as she lead someone to the mystery car. It was a boy, one that he may have seen around campus before but never acknowledged. The boy placed a kiss on her forehead and entered the car, driving away.
At that moment, beomgyu knew. He cheeks grew red as he felt his pants tighten just at the thought. Shaking his head to rid himself of the thought, he looked back down, only met by her gaze. She had turned around and saw his silhouette at his window. Quickly crouching down to hide, he clutched his chest. He was screwed.
That morning, he feared having to face her again. She saw him, he was one hundred percent certain about it. He stood at the bus stop, his mind still a complete mess. Hitting his head with his hand until he noticed her walking out of her house. Immediately he froze, expecting her to accuse him of his deed. But to his surprise, she didn’t. She didnt so much as spare him a single glance. Part of him was relieved, but the rest of him was starting to panic more, overthinking what it could possibly mean. But maybe she didn’t see him afterall. At school, beomgyu never muttered a single word about it to the others. The thought of having o share what he knew wasn’t something he was very fond of.
That night, beomgyu laid at his usual spot on his bed, reading. Interrupted when the sudden light from her bedroom lit up the otherwise dark alley. Looking across, she had just taken a shower, she was in nothing but a towel, her hair wet and skin sprinkled with water droplets. He couldn’t help but stare at the sight in front of him. No matter how perverted he knew he was being, he couldn’t tear his eyes away. He watched as she entered her room, closing the door behind her. He figured next she would approach her window and draw the curtains, like usual. But instead, she sat on her bed, her back facing him. Placing her clothes next to her, she unravelled the towel around her, letting it drop and gather around her hip. Her bare back, now exposed to him. He knew it wasn’t much, but combined with the thought from the previous day, it was enough to get him worked up.
Not wanting to be seen again, he ran to turn his room lights off. He sat the edge of his bed, still facing her, as he started to palm himself. He studied her actions carefully, taking in the way she carefully dried herself with the towel, using a hairdryer to lightly blow dry her hair. He felt himself get harder in his sweats, just imagining what a front view would look like. Just as the thought came to mind, she stood up, towel falling on the floor, her rear end now on show to him. He wished how he could reach out and squeeze her with his hands. Sliding his hand into his boxers, he started moving his hand on his length. He felt as if he had a front row seat to the show that is your life. He continued jerking himself off as she continued on with her nighttime routine, struggling to keep himself silent. Eventually, she turned around to put her clothes on, allowing beomgyu to see her body clearly while she dressed herself. That alone got him to come undone, ruining his boxers as he continued to ride out his high. His hand lazily running along his now softened dick.
Again, the next morning beomgyu was terrified to see her. But once again, she acted as if nothing had happened. Whenever he passed her on the streets or in school, she always acted as if she didn’t know him. At this point, beomgyu thought he had gotten away with it. Cause he couldn’t think of any reason why someone would leave their curtains open, knowing that their neighbour is spying on then.
With the third night rolling around, beomgyu kept his lights off, using only his table lamp to study. Once again, he looked over, her curtains were open but today, she was just sitting on her bed, dressed only in an oversized shirt and panties, reading a book with her bedside lamp on. The lamp wasn’t the brightest, but it was enough for beomgyu to see what she was doing. He sat staring at her for nearly an hour, watching her switch between her book and her phone. Finally, she put her book down beside her. Beomgyu assumed she was probably going to bed until he saw her pull her panties off, throwing them on the floor.
He watched as she slowly slid one of her hand under her shirt, massaging her breast as small high pitched moans left her lips. His eyes widen, his mouth falling open. Immediately, beomgyu felt himself getting aroused. Moving closer to his window, as if one feet could get him any better of a view, his forehead was pressed against the glass. Her other hand moving down to touch herself. Beomgyu’s hand shamelessly moving to his own pants as she started pumping her fingers in and out slowly, as if she was teasing him intentionally. After a few minutes, she stopped, pulling off her shirt, exposing her body to him. Her hands going back to what they were originally doing. Only this time, he could see her kneading and playing with her breast as her fingers rubbed her clit. Beomgyu began stroking himself, eventually completely ridding himself of his pants and boxers, leaving himself bare for anyone to see.
Beomgyu closed his eyes, imagining that it was her hands around him instead of his own, the feeling of her small, fragile hands around his dick, pleasuring him. Suddenly, another moan escape her lips, causing him to shoot his eyes open, he stare falling back on her and how her back arched as she got closer to her high. Fuck, how much he wished he could jump over the alley and take care of it for her. The thought of roughly fucking her against her bedroom door, making her regret torturing him like this, even if she didn’t know it.
Beomgyu admired as her moans got louder, echoing across the alley, filling his ears, letting him bask in the sound. As he watched her fingers pumped faster, his hand speeding up its movement. His leaned against the window, not wanting to miss a second. Soon, he had to use his free hand to muffle to sounds of his own grunts, feeling himself coming as soon as she did, finishing at the same time. Streams of his cum dripping down the wall he leaned against. He was still panting for air as he stayed focus on her. Her chest rising and falling as she tried to catch her breath.
Up till graduation, beomgyu would spend his evenings looking out his window, his hands down his pants at whatever she gave. Most days, it was nothing, just her studying or watching netflix shows. Some days it was her naked in front of the mirror, preparing for bed. But on the days he got lucky, he would be able to see her pleasuring herself. And on rare days, he would even be able to see her get fucked by other men. How he wished he could be one on top of her, but he knew that wouldn’t happen.
Beomgyu would admit that, within those months, what he did was wrong, but it just felt so right. Every evening he looked forward to the show she was going to perform. However one day, a few weeks after graduation, it all just stopped. Her blinds where drawn once again and all he could remember was overhearing his parents talking about how the elderly couple next door was sending their granddaughter to study in the UK.
For some reason, it stung. Even though they didn’t even know each other, beomgyu felt as if he had been abandoned. Now and then, he found himself checking out his window, in hopes she would suddenly appear again, but it never happened.
This brings us back to the present. Beomgyu sat in the booth next to zoe, unaware that she had been talking to him for the past few minutes.
Was it really you? What were you doing back so soon? Was all that was going through beomgyu’s mind.
“Beomgyu!” Yeonjun called, snapping his fingers in front of his face to get his attention. “Zoe’s talking to you.”
“What? Oh, sorry i spaced out. You were saying, zoe?” Beomgyu apologised, trying to keep his focus on the girl he was supposed to be giving his attention to.
But as she continued talking, he still found himself stealing glances at you. The way you laughed at something yeonjun told you. And the way you lightly hit his shoulder when he made a joke.
Just as zoe was about to say something else, beomgyu interrupted her, “yeonjun, let’s go order some milkshakes for everyone.”
“What-,” before yeonjun could reply, beomgyu grabbed his arm, forcing him to get up and follow him.
When he was sure they were far enough away, beomgyu spoke again, “listen, dont ask any questions. We need to trade.”
“What why? Aren’t you and zoe having a good time?”
“I- we are,” beomgyu started, “it’s just, i need to talk to y/n. I think she used to be my neighbour.”
“Then why dont you just asked her like this? There’s no way im trading. Zoe is cool and all but y/n is cool,” yeonjun replied, putting emphasis on the last part.
With that, yeonjun walked back to the table, leaving beomgyu to sigh in frustration. There was no way he could just ask you like that in front of everyone. Going to order a couple milkshakes, he returned to the table. This time, he noticed Yeonjun’s arm around the back of the booth. It was his usual, eventually, his arm would end up around you, pulling you closer to him. It was infuriating, but there was nothing he could do about it.
Some ways through the night, you had excused yourself to go answer a phone call. Seeing this as the perfect opportunity, beomgyu excused himself after you. Following you to an empty hallway that connected with the bathrooms. An emergency exit at the end. He waited around the corner, calling your name the moment he saw you put down the phone.
“Y/n, hey.”
“Oh hi beomgyu, where you waiting for me?” You asked, perking an eyebrow at him.
“No-,” he considered lying for a second, but saw no point for it. “Actually, i was. I wanted to talk to you.”
“Well what is it that you couldn’t say in front of the others?” You asked, folding your arms and leaning against the wall. After all these years, you still had the same powerful aura that left him speechless and flustered.
“I- er. I don’t think you would remember but... i think we used to be neighbours... We went to the same school.”
You chuckled at his hesitation, “i do remember you, beomgyu. The moment i saw you even.”
“Oh, why didn’t you say anything earlier?”
“Probably the same reason you couldn’t. Dont think I didnt know about you jerking off, watching me every night. I’m not blind beomgyu,” you smirked.
Beomgyu swallowed hard, looking at the ground as face turned a shade of red, “you knew? I’m sorry. But if you knew, why didn’t you say anything?”
“Where’s the fun in that? Knowing that i got my hot neighbour jerking off to the sight of me was thrilling. Teasing you every now and then, my poor boy,” you leaned in closer to him before practically whispering the rest, “got me so damn turned on.”
Once again, beomgyu was at a loss for words. He felt the blood from his head rush to between his legs. The thought of him jerking off to you turned you on?
“I only wish you would have let me watch you as well,” you said out of the blue, causing beomgyu’s head to snap up in shock.
“I think you owe me. Don’t you, baby boy?”
By just listening to your words, beomgyu was getting harder by the second. Looking down, it was blatantly obvious to everyone.
“Poor thing. Do you want help with that?” You asked, you hand ghosting over his clothed dick.
Beomgyu tried to keep his cool but ended up frantically nodded at your statement, “why dont we go somewhere else?”
“You dirty boy. We’re in a public place and all you can think about is getting off. Tsk. I think you should take care of it yourself, don’t you?” This time, you walked towards the exit door, leaning against it and got beomgyu to face you. “I want you to jerk off. Right here. I think you owe me, after months of watching me do it.”
“Or you know what, im just going back to join the others,” you quickly said, cutting off beomgyu’s argument.
“No!” He said, a bit too eagerly, clearing his throat immediately after.
“I knew you weren’t as innocent as your portrayed,” you shot him a smirk, palming him through his jeans and watched as beomgyu’s eyes shot open.
Undoing his zipper, you pulled his dick out, leaving beomgyu to savour that short moment of having your hands on him. He was almost completely hard by this point, the tip red, pointing slightly upwards. Slowly, he grabbed himself and started pumping his length.
Leaning closer to him, you put your arms around his neck and whispered, “have you ever fantasied about this before? You jerking yourself off in front of me in a public place.”
Shaking his head as a response, he started working himself faster, feeling himself get more turned on by your words, using the precum that was leaking out as lubricant. He felt embarrassed you could have this kind of an effect on him but he couldn’t care right now.
“Fuck, you know baby boy, since high school, ive always found you really attractive. And seeing you like this right now is actually really hot. I’m actually staring to wonder how you would feel.”
“Then let’s go somewhere more private. I swear ill take really good care of you,” beomgyu suggested, hoping it would convince you, losing his breath as he felt his dick start to twitch in his hand.
“No, i think i like it here. Do you remember how i looked back then? I always made sure to be within your view so you could see me.”
Beomgyu shut his eyes as he listened to you speak. He remembered those days as clear as crystal. Right now, he wondered if anyone walked by, would they know exactly what you two were doing? He felt nervous getting caught. But at the same time, the though thrilled him. He couldn’t remember the last time he was so turned on, excited and worried at the same time.
“Look at me baby. I can’t wait to see the look on your face when you come. I bet it must be so hot right? I wonder what your friends would think if they knew what you did. Would they think you’re a pervert? Would they think you’re so lucky right now? While they’re stuck back there being good boys with their dates, you’re here, getting off.”
Looking up at you, beomgyu saw your signature smirk as you watched his hand moving up and down his length. His hand moved faster as he got closer got coming. Never in a million years would he have thought he would be in this situation. The girl of all this teenage fantasies watching him jerk off in a public hallway. The more he thought about his, the closer he got. A struggled groan coming from his throat.
“Fuck, im- im cumming.”
Taking a step aside, you watched him spill his cum onto the back door. You gaze never leaving beomgyu’s face until he relaxed. He looked down, tucking himself back into his pants and laughed.
“Well, fuck. I never thought i would do that,” he stated, “so what do you want to do now? I’ll go anywhere with you.”
“I’m going back to the table,” you shrugged.
“Wha- I’m sorry, what? Why?”
“I left yeonjun alone. In case you forgot, he was supposed to be my date for the night.”
“You’re still planning to spend the night with him?” Beomgyu asked, completely shocked by your answer.
“Of course i am. It’s rude to leave halfway.”
“I was really hoping this wouldn’t be a one time thing,” he admitted, a different look in eyes.
“Trust me, it wont be,” with that you started to walk away from beomgyu, leaving him on his own to make himself decent again before joining you and the others back at the table.
Sure, it hurt seeing you still with yeonjun, his arm around your shoulders, whispering things into your ear that made you laugh. But the thought of being able to meet you again was enough the keep beomgyus’s head up. It felt as if all his teenage fantasies were coming through.
Ahhhh i freaked out about posting this. Hope u liked this!!! Inspo from smt i read a few years back (i dont rly remember what cause its been so long).-.
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power-of-wilh · 4 years
dead poets society for the ask game? :o
Dead poets society: Favorite teacher and why?
I had a history teacher my senior year of highschool who was assigned to teach us about the time frame from the American industrial revolution to the Great Depression.
I was never previously interested in history, especially US History. But this teacher would pose it to us as more of a question or puzzle.
Instead of the usual “Well x, y, and z happened. Remember that.” He would pose it to us as more of a “This was the societal norm and x happened. How do you think that led to y and z?” And he would give us tidbits of history not in the curriculum to help us puzzle out why the historical events happened and why they mattered.
He really sparked my interest in history as a form of puzzle. He also would have been considered Dark academia if the aesthetic had been invented.
He wore a different suit or mismatched suit with bow or bolo ties every day and drank 2 cups of black coffee per class period (there were 5 class periods). He also spoke in a borderline transatlantic accent and knew Latin fluently. He was rumored to be gay with his equally dark academia coworker who had started teaching the same year as him back in the 60s. There was also a local legend he was a vampire because my everyone’s grandmothers year book had pictures of him looking exactly the same.
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kiiyudono · 6 years
Y'all wanna hear the funniest shit I've heard all week?
Too bad. So the day after the superbowl I'm at work cutting a customer's hair and we begin discussing the game (I know like 10 whole facts about football) when my coworker hops into the convo with us about some wierd things she knows about football.
Coworker- "And I learned last night that getting sacked is when you tackle somebody and you accidentally get their crotch in your face. "
And my customer, who is an guy around 60 y/o just starts snickering and I quickly changed the subject. After my customer left I had a little chat with my coworker who I will call sarah from now on so it looks a lot less wierd
Me- "So I don't know a loy about football and I could be wrong here but im pretty sure 'getting sacked' doesn't mean teabagging somebody when you tackle them."
Sarah - "oh no it does"
Me- "Sweetie no, it means the quarterback got tackled before he could toss the ball"
Sarah- "what no, I asked my mom last night and everything " *she then pulls out her phone and does a quick google search* "Im gonna kill my mom, I can't believe I just said that in front of a customer!"
Que me laughing so hard I nearly pee myself
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iamsonyeondone · 6 years
watch out // kim yugyeom
♥ barista! reader & dancer! yugyeom (feat. rest of got7)
♥ fluffy!!
♥ 3k words
♥ summary: if you hadn’t left your watch in the bus, you wouldn’t have found out that the handsome stranger sitting next to you found you cute too
now i’m convinced im a dad friend with all my damn puns in my titles
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Your feet tapped impatiently against the concrete pavement, fingers twitching along the hem of your sweater while your eyes scanned the road like a hawk. As usual, you were late for work once again and if it weren't for your merciful boss with a heart of gold, you would have been retrenched by your third shift in a split second. But as time had passed since your first, you had learnt about the numerous alleyways and shortcuts you had come to know off during these past few months. Just in case time wouldn't be on your side that day, your fingers tapped acroos your screen in a frantic manner, sending a quick message to your manager and another one to your coworker to cover up for you while you strategized the best way to come about your late situation. It only took a minute for your mind to register the plan as your eyes lit up to see the bus arriving, your feet quickly bringing you to the end of the bus stop just as you had calculated every step and move.
"I'll just have to run through the alleyway beside the flowershop, through the little opening in the fence and I might just make it," you muttered to yourself, while you occupied the seat that was nearest to the back door. After the next stop, and the usual scurrying of passengers alighting and boarding the bus, you were greeted by a tall and handsome stranger taking the seat beside yours, while you shuffled in your seat to give space to the imaginary personal bubble that surrounded him. It was basic manners to not invade a stranger's privacy – if only the countless strangers you had met in your life had been taught the same. Just as you were about to steal a glance of the good-looking stranger beside you, your next stop was in view and the anxiety bubbling in your stomach threw out most of your manners out the window. You flooded the man with your countless 'sorry' s while you squeezed your way out of your seat and mumbled another million apologies to the other passengers you had to wiggle through. Oggling a handsome stranger can wait for another time, but your top priority was the convenient and well-paid job that you were definitely not going to risk. Not on your watch– Speaking of watch, where is your watch?
Just as you were about to check the time ticking on your wrist, the unfamiliar feeling of bareness on your left wrist was explained as your watch was nowhere to be found. Shit. Who cares, with whatever time you had left, you ran as fast as your legs could carry you, sneaking past the alleyway beside the flowershop and crawling through the broken fence. In a few minutes, you barely managed to arrive at the cafe, and less than decent looking to say the least. Your coworker, Youngjae, snifles his giggles as he picked a few dry leaves clinging onto your hair and brushing through your hair to make you a little more presentable to be a barista.
"Jaebum's not going to be here until the evening so you're safe," he chuckled, unable to sustain his giggles as you slipped on your apron and checked if anything was out of place in the reflection of the glass walls. With a brief salute as a sign for Youngjae to begin his break, you took over and wiped the counter while you waited patiently for the next wave of customers. Just as you were about to restock the pile of muffins on the display shelves, a figure stood at the front of the cashier. With a friendly smile prepared, you greeted the customer only to be met with a slightly familiar face. Have you met him before? An ex-schoolmate perhaps? And the small smile that crawled onto his lips only confirmed your suspicions. But where the heck have you seen him?
"May I take your order?" You smiled, your fidgeting and nervous fingers were on standby, ready to punch in his order.
"I'm actually here to return something but a chocolate shake sounds nice," he ordered, his small smile only growing wider as you recorded his order. Return something? Did you drop your watch at the bus? You politely asked him to wait once he had paid while you prepared his order, a tsunami of questions flooding your mind as your muscle memory took over to finish the order. You served him his order but was greeted by his face, a little too close for strangers.
"When do you have your break?" It was a simple question but your brain seemed to malfunction from the distance between the both of you. To be met with a handsome stranger, it would be abnormal for you to not shortcircuit under his gaze. After a few painfully long seconds, you stuttered a reply, mentioning that your break would only start a few hours later. "Sure!" he chimed, his smile reaching his ears – and he's cute too? But his determination to wait that long for someone he barely knew only raised more questions in your cramped mind. He threw one last smile your way before his long legs carried him to an empty spot a few tables away from the cashier, his eyes always trailing back to yours somehow. 'This is not the time for you to slack and drool over a guy, (y/n). Get your shit together,' you thought to yourself, patting your warm and rosy cheeks to settle down before customers began rolling in. A few hours felt like minutes when Bambam comes strolling in with a wide smile, greeting you with your handshake before he slipped on his apron to take over while you went on your break. And just at the mention of that one word sent you goosebumps while your eyes scanned the same spot the stranger had sat in. And there he was, still patiently waiting while he daydreamed, finding interest in the passers-by strolling past the cafe and occasionally scrolling through his smartphone. But your thoughts were interuppted by Bambam, his voice echoing from behind you.
"You know Yugyeom? Why is he even here anyway? I thought he had dance lessons today," Bambam mumbled he last two sentences, as he rearranged the dry cups onto their corresponding shelves. "His name is Yugyeom?" you questioned, folding your apron while you looked back at Bambam. Not only to get an answer to your question but also because Yugyeom was a second closer to turning his head your way. Bambam nodded before a customer stood in front of the cashier as duty called for him to do his job. It's now or never.
He was here to return something not anything more, but a part of you hoped that maybe you might get something more than you wished for. It wouldn't be bad to get a handsome guy's digits once in a while. You made over to his table, the cup he had been sipping on was now completely empty as he greeted you with that same warm smile, making your heart skip a beat. He invited you to the seat opposite of his while his fingers fetched something from the back of his jean pockets. In a swift movement, your watch was presented in his hand, your eyes lighting up at the sight of it. It may not have cost much but it being a gift from your parents had an overwhelming sentimental value to it. You thanked him profusely, unable to wipe the plastered grin on your face while Yugyeom looked towards you with interest. 'How can someone look this adorable?' he thought to himself, a soft chuckle eliciting from his lips as he placed the watch into your grasps. But the lingering feeling of his skin against yours raised more questions into your mind as you peeked up towards him, a confused look etching your features as his hand remained atop on yours.
"I've stalled enough," he paused, as you watched him avert your gaze. Were your eyes playing tricks on you? Was his cheeks turning pink? "C-can I get your number? I find you pretty cute but uhm I never really got the courage to ask," he chuckled nervously, using his free hand to rub the nape of his neck. You were beyond flustered that someone who seemed out of your league had actually gone out of their way to ask you out. Shyly, you nodded your head and asked for his phone, the tall male eagerly retrieving it as he passed it to you. As much as you tried to hide your trembling fingers, you tapped the screen as your number was displayed on it. "I can't pick up calls as often b-but messages are fine," you informed him, placing his phone in his hands. It was as if his smile could grow even more wider from the mood-booster you had just given him. You found it amusing that this man, who could probably get a number from a random stranger on the street, wanted yours and to top it all off, he seemed like a kid in a candy shop when you presented your digits to him. Cute was an understatement.
"Y-you think I'm cute too?" he questioned. It seemed like your thpughts had been voiced out as you groaned, covering your face so that he couldn't get a peek of your rosy cheeks. Before Yugyeom could reach out and remove your hand from your face, his phone rings, the name on the screen sending him into panic as he debated to pick up the call. But he couldn't run away from his duties forever.
"Hello? Yeah sorry, I got caught up with an appointment. I'll be there- 60 push ups?! N-No sir. O-ok bye," He ended the call with a groan as he kept his phone safe in his backpocket. "I'll leave you a message tonight...ah shit, I forgot-"
"The name's (y/n). Nice to meet you, Yugyeom," You smiled, shaking his hand as he looked at you with a raised brow. "Bambam told me that you actually had somewhere to go?" you giggled, the sound of it melting his heart as he chuckled sheepishly. "Yeah but I kinda found something more important," Yugyeom smirked yet the tinge of pink on his cheeks go unnoticed, as he inched closer, your cheeks imitating his.
“That’s enough flirting for today you two,” A familiar and dreadful voice echoes into your right ear as you cringed to yourself, furrowing your brows as you cursed under your breath. By the shock and nervous look on Yugyeom’s face, you could already envision the grumpy old man standing behind you, throwing daggers into your head with his eyes while his signature move of clenching his jaw while he simultaneously jutted it out. Yugyeom excused himself, sending a small apologetic smile as his eyes never left yours, leaving through the glass doors. Now onto the more important subject at hand.
“(y/n), your break is already over but what were you doing throwing heart eyes at Yugyeom?” Jaebum raises his razored brow, the disappointed look on his face made you turn away as you gnawed on the inside of your cheek. Was it that obvious? But another question pops up into your head as your neck nearly snaps from turning your head towards him. “You know Yugyeom?”
“Yeah? We all go to the same studio. And stop changing the subj-” Jaebum shook his head until you interrupted his train of thoughts once more, already forgetting Angry Jaebum, as your eyes glanced from him to Bambam and then onto your manager once more. “You guys knew him that long and never introduced him to me?” you whined, a look of disbelief painting your features.
“(y/n)…” Jaebum trailed off, his signature look appearing once again, while you huffed and made your way back to the cashier, rolling your eyes once your face was out of his sight. Bambam snickered while Youngjae watched Jaebum disappear into the backroom. “You guys better have a good explanation for not telling me about that fine specimen,” you glared while Bambam ruffled your hair, your attempt at looking furious was obviously not portraying the message. “Sure, kid. But you better get to making the drinks or you’ll get your butt kicked,”
As the sun began to set and the hustle and bustle of the café died down, you took to wiping down the tables and cleaning whatever there was left. The little shop was left with a few students lost in their essays while others were having heart-to-heart talks with their friends or lovers. You hoped that they would be the last few customers for the day until the dreadful ringing of the bell hanging above the entrance rang again, signaling another customer had come through. Or that’s what you thought. You looked towards the door with a plastic smile only to see the familiar tall boy with that damn heart-clenching smile, your lips curling into a more genuine grin.
“I’ll wait for you by the corner,” he spoke as his hand softly grazed yours. You nodded your head as you made your way back to the counter, a tray full of dirty plates and coffee-stained cups. You couldn’t wipe the smile off your face or calm the pounding of your heart as you cleared the dirty plates and cups into the sink, slowly making your way back to the front while Bambam looked towards you with another knowing look. But this time, it was more annoyed - a raised brow and a half smile made it’s way onto his face as his gaze fell back onto Yugyeom, who was too busy admiring the way your hair fell perfectly around your face to realize that his friend was judging him from a mile away.
“What’s with that face?” You scoffed, sneaking a bite of a prototype pastry that Youngjae had made that morning. Bambam sighed as he nodded his head towards his friend, your eyes trailing back to Yugyeom’s as both your eyes were interlocked, turning his cheeks rosy pink while you looked away, earning the ‘you guys are unbelievable’ look from your coworker. “What is this? A cliché drama? Right in front of my salad?” 
“It's not the time for memes, you doofus. And keep the damn milk before it spoils," you rolled your eyes while you bashfully and intently avoided eye contact with Yugyeom. "You better make some cute kids so I can be titled the cool uncle," Bambam added in while a rag was thrown right towards him, landing straight on his face. You groaned quietly in frustration while the red hue on your cheeks grew more saturated. Having kids? With Yugyeom? Who does he think he is? A freaking fortune teller? Just as you were about to malfunction from the numerous thoughts bombarding your mind, the doorbell rings to announce that the last customers had just left, her arms wrapped around her boyfriend as they walked through the streets. Bambam and you sighed in relief as you began to walk over to the last table while he wiped the counter clean and arranged the ingredients into their rightful places. After about half an hour of cleaning and checking if everything had been settled, you slipped off your apron and swung your bag over your shoulder.
"Don't keep loverboy waiting, I'll close up shop so shoo!" He teased, earning a chuckle and a soft nudge on his shoulder. You could always rely on him just like you did towards a brother, or that’s what you perceived it to be. You hugged him tightly before leaving the break room, a wide smile plastered on your face as you peeked out to where Yugyeom had been sitting. His black hair fell onto his eyes, his head hung low with his relaxed shoulders as a combo gave it away that he took a little nap at his seat. You giggled at this adorable giant sleeping ever so peacefully, looking like an overgrown kitten while his head rocked softly back and forth. With a soft nudge to his shoulders, he stirs awake instantly, nearly knocking the table with his long limbs as he stood upright.
"You must be exhausted," you incquired, making Yugyeom shake his head furiously at your words. By the guilty frown on your lips, he had to leave a little white lie roll of his tongue while he changed the topic, unconsciously grabbing hold of your hand as he brought you out of the cafe. You stiffened by the contact as your shoulders began to tensen up while your feet followed his pace obediently. It was only when his eyes trailed back to yours - which your eyes were glued to the skinship he had initiated - that Yugyeom pulled away, his ears tinting pink while a million apologies tumbled your way.
"It's okay, Yugyeom. I was just surprised," you smiled softly, as he melted at the way you had looked so endearingly towards him. He barely knew you yet you had him wrapped around your finger. Maybe the both of you were going at a faster rate than average, but everything felt too right, just being with someone who emitted so much warmth spiritually. "I actually wanted to walk you home since it's late out but I have absolutely no idea where you live," he laughed nervously, as he shook his head slightly to ruffle his bangs into place. You snifle your giggles as he followed your lead, following you like an obedient puppy.
The night was filled with conversations and learning more about the other as time flew by, every step bringing you closer to your home but also a step closer for your little hang out to be put to an end. As you stepped right outside the entrance of your apartment complex, you smiled bashfully before thanking him, earning a blushing Yugyeom with a wide grin plastered on his face. "Take care when you're on your way home," you chimed as you waved him goodbye while the tall friendly giant walked backwards, waving goodbye as well. That night felt unusually peaceful somehow, the sound of your noisy neighbors being tuned out by your thoughts as you snoozed like a little baby. Everything felt so perfect. Maybe too much. But you stop your doubts to let the situation be. How long had it been since you felt peace?
A/n: planning part 2 to this because i need to push myself out of my comfort zone and write some ANGST bubs :)) so have some fluff before i try to drown myself with attempting to write some emo tingz
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cali-holland · 7 years
New Year’s Day- Tom Holland One Shot
Tumblr media
Pairing: Tom Holland X Reader
Prompt: You celebrate New Year’s with Tom by throwing a party.
Word Count: 1700
Based On: New Year’s Day by Taylor Swift
Masterlist   Tom Holland Masterlist
*Gif is not mine*
“Hey, you’re Tom Holland!” You and Tom turned at the sound of his name. A girl around your guys’ age came bounding up to the two of you in the middle of the grocery store’s snack aisle. “Can I take a photo with you? You’re an amazing Spider-man.” She stated, holding up her phone in one hand as her other rested on Tom’s bicep. You distracted yourself with the variety of chips before you, stifling your laughter at the thought of the girl trying to cop a feel of Tom’s muscles. He smiled for the photo and she left with a “thank you” and a “happy New Year’s”.
“Ah, don’t you just love fangirls?” You asked teasingly.
“I’m just glad she didn’t completely scream my name.” He replied, adjusting the beanie resting on his head. He placed his head on your shoulder comfortably as he wrapped his arms around you. Despite the butterflies in your stomach at his loving touch, you stepped away from him to grab a bag of chips.
“What was that for?” He questioned, dejected.
“A fan just spotted you. I don’t want her- or anyone else- taking photos of us in a compromising position. Next thing you know, they’ll be thinking we’re a couple.” You said as you continued down the aisle, despite part of you wishing that assumption was true.
Tom desperately wanted to say “What if I want them to think that?” but he withheld from the statement, knowing a simple grocery store was not the time nor the place. Instead, he stayed silent and helped you finish your shopping for your New Year’s party.
You and Tom spent the next few hours preparing your penthouse for your annual party. Shortly before the said party would start, you disappeared to your room to get ready. You heard Harrison arrive as you completed your look. Leave it to him to be the first guest.
“Are you going to do it tonight?” Harrison asked Tom.
“I’d like to, but I don’t think she feels the same.” He replied. You froze in your place- who was it that Tom liked and why would he wait to use a big night for you to make a move?
“I see the way she looks at you, and the way you look at her. You’re both in love and it kills me that you haven’t asked her out yet. If I had a girl like her at my feet, I wouldn’t wait to be with her.” You heard Tom sigh and Harrison continued his somewhat motivational speech, “With a few minutes to the ball drop, bring her out to the balcony and kiss her as you enter the new year. She’ll love that.”
“You’re right. I’m going to do that.” Tom said, feeling truly encouraged to express his feelings. You decided that you would have to wait until the ball drops to learn who this mysterious girl was, so you emerged from your room and greeted the boys.
“Harrison, you made it.” You smiled, giving him a hug.
“Of course I did.” He replied. You pulled away from him and realized Tom was eyeing you up and down, and not exactly trying to be secretive.
“Y/N, you look lovely.” He finally stammered out as his eyes reached yours.
“Thank you,” You blushed lightly, “I thought the dress was too sparkly at first, but sparkles are a girl’s best friend, right?”
“I’m pretty sure it’s diamonds.” Harrison stated, making you slap his arm. He grumbled an “ow” as the doorbell rang. You left to greet your other guests, leaving the other two to officially start the party.
At 11:55 PM, you entered the kitchen to grab yourself a refreshing glass of water. Tom followed you in there and smiled over at you.
“It’s nice party you’ve got going on here.” He said.
“Thank you. I tried.” You laughed lightly. Your smile vanished as you heard a crash coming from the other room, “Excuse me, I’ve got to go handle that.”
“Y/N,” Tom stopped you before you could leave.
“Yes?” You replied, turning to face him.
“Meet me on the balcony in three minutes.” He said and your heart skipped a beat.
“O-okay.” You answered softly. You continued on your way to check out the damage, and your mind kept racing over Tom’s words. He had told Harrison he was going to kiss the girl he loves on the balcony when the ball drops- was that girl you? You were so hopeful and couldn’t wait for the next three minutes to happen.
“Sorry, Y/N, we dropped one of your glitter balls early.” Harrison said sheepishly as he tried to corral the glitter into one big pile.
“It’s fine. You were only ahead of the game by a few minutes.” You laughed, getting down on your knees to help him.
“Hey, Harrison,” One of your dingy coworkers said, flipping her hair at him. “Will you be my New Year’s kiss?”
“Um, sorry, I don’t do that.” Harrison said awkwardly. She pouted and stumbled away. Your friend looked back to you and you both shared a laugh.
“Sorry, I had to invite her since I invited everyone from work.” You stated, standing up with glitter in your hands. Harrison followed your actions, his hands also tainted with gold glitter.
“I’m flattered by it. I mean, I do New Year’s kisses and I’d like one this year, but I just haven’t given it much thought.” He shrugged as you both dumped the glitter into your trash can. People began to countdown from 60 seconds and you turned to look out the window at the balcony. You were going to make your way outside when you saw Tom standing there, but you halted upon seeing that he wasn’t alone. There was another girl out there talking to him. As the clock struck midnight, you saw her lean in with a smile and kiss him.
“Happy New Year, Y/N.” Harrison smiled at you. He knew of Tom’s plan, but he just assumed his friend chickened out- he had yet to see Tom smooching with the unnamed female on the balcony. Out of jealousy and despair, you turned to Harrison and kissed him. He was certainly surprised by the kiss and a million thoughts were going through his mind- had he misinterpreted your actions as signs of affection for Tom when they had been directed toward him all along? As you pulled away from Harrison, he made eye contact with Tom, who was pulling away from the stranger. Both boys shared a look of fear, though Tom’s eyes sparked with more anger than Harrison’s.
“I’m so sorry, Harrison. I got swept up.” You said, leaving him alone to save yourself from further embarrassment. The moment you disappeared into your bedroom, Tom arrived in front of his best friend.
“You kissed Y/N? What the hell, man?” Tom exclaimed.
“I didn’t kiss her. She kissed me! You know I have no interest in Y/N romantically!” The music died down and everyone was now watching the two boys.
“Okay, party’s over! Happy New Year everyone! Door’s that way!” Tom announced and people groaned, but left anyway.
“Do you want me to leave too?” Harrison asked.
“Yes.” He let out a deep sigh, “I’m not mad at you, mate. I believe you.” Tom patted him on the back before watching his friend migrate out of your apartment with the others. Once everyone had left, Tom looked around your place and sighed. Glitter was everywhere, food was crumbled on the floor, and drinks were threatening to hurt someone on your usually pristine wood floors. He began to pick up the mess around him. Guilt was eating him up so much that he could still feel the stranger’s lips on his and it was horribly displeasing to remember that moment. Cleaning up was all he felt that he could do.
“Tom?” You asked, stepping out from your bedroom that you had confined yourself in. You looked around, confused to see no one there, “Where is everyone?”
“I, um, I told them to leave.” Tom replied, “You’re upset- I didn’t want you to worry about the party any longer.”
“Oh, well, thank you.” You said, feeling saddened that he hadn’t said what you had been hoping to hear all night. “You don’t need to clean up.”
“I want to. It’s the least I could do.” He continued to clean up the bottles scattered around your living room. You aided him in gathering all of the fragile glass bottles. You both cleaned your place in silence; there was a tension in the air, but neither of you knew quite what to say. Once all of the bottles were taken care of and there was no more food lying around, you sat on your couch to take a break. The clock was soon to strike 1 AM and, so far, New Year’s Day was not a good day for you. Tom wordlessly sat beside you as you plucked off your pristine white heels.
“I saw what happened with Harrison.” Tom spoke up after a few silent moments and you nodded, not trusting yourself to verbally respond. “I need to know- did it mean anything to you?” You looked down and closed your eyes. Your response was easy: no, the kiss meant nothing to you. Your feelings were much more difficult to comprehend: you were disappointed that Tom chose someone else over you.
“No,” You finally answered, “I didn’t do it because I like Harrison. I did it because I expected to get a kiss when the ball dropped, but you were preoccupied.”
“Y/N, that girl- I don’t even know her.” He said.
“Really? I have her number if you’d like to get better acquainted with her- well, more acquainted than you already are.” You got up from your sofa as Tom continued to speak.
“What? No, I don’t want that.” He stood to follow you in your path back to your room. You grabbed for the handle, but Tom stopped you by taking your hand in his and forcing you to face him.
“Then what do you want, Tom?” You questioned. Instead of responding, Tom leaned down and kissed you.
“You.” He replied, pulling away, “I’ve always wanted you. I love you, Y/N.” You smiled at him as you finally heard him say it.
“I love you, too.” Tom kissed you again as the clock struck 1 AM on New Year’s Day.
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lesbian-sora · 7 years
Run Rudolph Run
Day twelve!
Summary ~ Dan genuinely likes working as an elf at the mall’s Santa set up. It’d be better if the cute guy who plays Santa would actually talk to him, but things don’t always go the way you want them to.
Genre ~ Fluff, pre-relationship
Words ~ 1391
Warnings ~ Talk about depression and anxiety and therapy/medication for them
Author’s note ~ I got nothing to say today, lads, except that Dan and Phil looked GREAT at the Star Wars premier.
Prompt me!
Buy me a coffee!
Yesterday’s fic!
Dan groaned and rubbed his temples. His mum had informed him that he was old enough that he would be in charge of purchasing gifts for all of his friends this year, and he’d winced when he checked his bank account for his birthday savings. So, he’d gone on the job search and discovered that his local mall had openings at “Santa’s Grotto” for elves. He’d assumed that he’d be way too tall for the job, but apparently they were desperate and decided that a tall elf was better than no elf. At first, everything had been great: The pay was good, he liked his coworkers, and the manager was nice and worked with his schedule. However, the manager was the one in charge of picking what music was played and she had a soft spot for 60’s rock, and her favorite was by far the song “Run Rudolph Run.”
As if on cue, the classic guitar riff sounded over the speakers. The parents in line smiled at the song and a couple danced with their kids, but Dan, who had heard the song 11 times in his three-hours of work, was not so enthusiastic.
“Okay! Santa needs a break real quick!” the manager in question announced. “We’ll be back out in five minutes.” She gestured to Dan and he followed her and the fake Santa into the back, his heart in his throat. There were a lot of reasons Dan liked this job, the only downside really was the music, but his favorite reason was now standing in front of him wearing a bushy fake beard and a cheap red coat.
“Hi, Phil,” Dan grinned, helping the other boy get ready to go out there before a line of scrutinizing children.
“I think you mean ‘Hi, Santa,’” Phil joked.
Phil Lester went to Dan’s secondary school, but he was a year older. Dan had had a giant crush on him since his first day of his 11th year when he’d dropped everything he owned and Phil stopped in the middle of a crowded hallway to help him. He hadn’t actually gotten a chance to talk to Phil aside from that as neither of them were very active in the extra-curricular activities the school offered. When Phil walked through the door to Santa’s Grotto, Dan had thought that all of his prayers were being answered, but that wasn’t the case. In all the time they spent together, Dan hadn’t been able to pry anything more out of him than basic greetings and pleasantries before Phil made an excuse and ran off.
Dan dutifully took his position at Phil’s side to help kids on and off his lap and give out candy canes. He prepared himself for the next few hours to be a pretty much silent horror show between him and Phil, but the other boy leaned over to nudge him. Dan looked down to see bright blue eyes sparkling up at him over plastic-y hair. “So, how many times has Maggie played ‘Run Rudolph Run?’”
“Eleven. I’ve been counting,” Dan answered without thinking. “I’ve only been here three hours, Phi-- er, Santa. Someone please save me.”
Phil laughed and looked like he was about to say something, but a little girl walked up, and they both had jobs to do. “What do you want for Christmas?” Phil asked her. “Have you been good?”
“I’ve been very good all year. I kept track. This year, I want Dory Operation, a cotton candy machine, and a rainbow lights mermaid Barbie doll,” she said primly, reading from a Post-It note. She looked up at him and added, “I’d also like to know what your favorite cookie is so I can tell my mummy what kind to make.”
Dan blinked at her in surprise, but Phil rolled with it perfectly. “That’s very impressive. How did you keep track of how good you were?”
The little girl beamed. “I made a chart! I can show you November’s, if you want.” Before Phil could say anything, she’d reached into the little Hello Kitty bag she had on her back and started unfolding a sheet of paper. It was a page from a calendar for November with a number one to ten on each day in carefully written crayon. “I wasn’t very good this day because my big brother was bothering me and I pushed him and he fell down the stairs,” she admitted, pointing to the lowest scored day, which was an orangey-yellow three.
“That is a bit naughty,” Phil said sternly, looking down at her.
“That was the worst day, though, I swear!” she insisted. “Every other day I do my homework and brush my teeth and I’m nice to grandma!”
“Well, if that’s the case, I guess you’ve been good enough this year,” Phil chuckled, eyes sparkling. “I can promise that you won’t be getting coal in your stocking this year.”
“Thank you, Santa,” she said, looking almost smug. Then her eyes lit up and she tugged on Phil’s coat. “Wait! You didn’t tell me what cookie you like!”
Phil stroked his beard in thought for a moment before saying, “Snickerdoodle,” with a decisive nod.
The little girl took out her list again and carefully wrote that down. “Thank you,” she said, hopping off his lap. When Dan offered her a candy cane, she shook her head. “No, thank you. I’m allergic to peppermint.” Then she was gone.
“I think that was Hermione Granger,” Phil joked. Dan sputtered out a laugh, and only just managed to contain himself in time to help a mother set her baby up on Phil’s lap. He hopped back behind the camera to help get the baby’s attention and take a photo. Thankfully, the baby didn’t cry the whole time and the mother laughed and took the candy cane Dan offered her. When they were alone again, Phil said, “So, Dan, what do you want for Christmas?”
Dan grinned and said, “The souls of the innocent!” in a low, silly voice. He could only pray Phil got the reference.
A wave of relief washed over him when Phil responded with, “How about a bagel?”
“Two bagels?”
The rest of their shift passed with them trading bits between kids and just barely managing to focus on their jobs. When it was over, they walked together to the employee breakroom to get changed. They were walking together to the tube station near the mall when Dan finally crossed the line. “You’re awfully chatty tonight. What’s up?”
Phil quieted down and almost seemed to shrink back into a shell. “I- uh, sorry? I sometimes talk too much and it can get annoying. My bad.”
“That’s not what I meant at all!” Dan insisted, kicking himself for saying anything. “I’ve been trying to get you to talk to me for weeks now, so tonight was great for me. I thought maybe you hated me or something.”
Phil awkwardly cleared his throat, looking quite a bit like a meerkat. “Yeah, I promise I don’t hate you,” he half-chuckled. “I just, um-- I have a lot of anxiety, particularly in the social department.”
Dan nearly bit his tongue off to keep himself from saying something stupid. “I, uh -- What changed? If you don’t mind me asking.”
Phil shrugged. “I changed my meds recently because they weren’t working for me. They started really kicking in day before yesterday.”
“I get that,” Dan nodded seriously. When Phil looked at him curiously he shot him a wry grin. “I had to go through about twelve different therapists and prescriptions before I found the one that worked for my depression.”
“I didn’t know you were depressed.”
“That’s kinda the point of the meds, Philly,” Dan joked. When Phil groaned in embarrassment and hid his face in his hands, Dan chuckled and said, “Hey, don’t worry about it. It’s not just neurotypicals who say dumb stuff.”
“Well, I’m glad you found something that worked for you,” Phil said with a soft smile.
“Me, too,” Dan grinned. “Hey, and you definitely don’t have to answer this, but what made you decide to change your prescription?”
Phil’s mouth dropped open in a little “o” of surprise before it split into a shit eating grin. “Oh, there’s this really cute guy I work with that I’ve wanted to talk to for months.”
Prompt me!
Buy me a coffee!
Yesterday’s fic!
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gbonillla · 7 years
1-134 ahahaa
is this the same anon? lol. 
1: Name: Ma Gessele Bonilla
2: Age: 22 y/o
3: 3 Fears: Lizards, Clowns, and Frogs
4: 3 things I love: Sleep, food, sunsets
5: 4 turns on: Charming, funny, clear skin, humor
6: 4 turns off: douche, guy who thinks he’s all that, takes forever to reply, smells bad, etc. 
7: My best friend: I actually have two but mainly Shan. 
8: Sexual orientation: I’m straight. 
9: My best first date: July 2 2016, when Daren took me to see the sunset. 
10: How tall am I: 5 ft. LOL
11: What do I miss: What or who? LOL. In terms of what, cuddling and in terms of who, my grandfather. 
12: What time were I born: I really don’t know. 
13: Favorite color: Gray and black 
14: Do I have a crush: Nope.
15: Favorite quote: idk, rn. “If it’s meant to be, it will be”
16: Favorite place: Tantalus, Spitting Cave. 
17: Favorite food: Spaghetti
18: Do I use sarcasm: lol, rarely. 
19: What am I listening to right now: Sixteen by Chelsea Cutler.. I’m on youtube sooo. haha.
20: First thing I notice in new person: Face LOL
21: Shoe size: 6
22: Eye color: Dark brown
23: Hair color: Dark brown/ Brown
24: Favorite style of clothing: Baggy clothes + Jeans + Shoes (Slippers) LOL, Tomboyish type of style…can be girly when I want to. 
25: Ever done a prank call?: Yes, back in middle school. 
27: Meaning behind my URL: nothing really. just took the first letter of my second name and add my last name with extra L. 
28: Favorite movie: London has fallen and transformer. 
29: Favorite song: Quit You by Lost Kings
30: Favorite band: none. LOL
31: How I feel right now: Alright haha. 
32: Someone I love: Family and Friends. 
33: My current relationship status: S I N G L E
34: My relationship with my parents: Like cats and dogs haha. 
35: Favorite holiday: 4th of July and Thanksgiving. 
36: Tattoos and piercing i have: Tattoos: NONE. Piercings: Earlobe (2 both sides)
37: Tattoos and piercing i want: Crescent moon on my right shoulder blade.
38: The reason I joined Tumblr: My friends had it, so why not? 
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? Nah, we hang out. 
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? From my friends yes–thats if we feel like it. Mostly just “YOYOYO”, “sup” “I fell asleep” HAHA
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: Nope, because I don’t kiss girls. 
42: When did I last hold hands? 2 months ago and it’s because my friend told me to hold the shift or gear stick so I can control it. LOL Does that count?
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: 20-30 mins. I don’t put on make up soo, it’s not that long. 
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? I don’t shave my legs, they’re perfectly fine. 
45: Where am I right now? In my room
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? Bestfriend: Shan
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Reasonable level. 
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Yes
49: Am I excited for anything? Nope. Nothing really excites me anymore. 
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Nah, cut them off my life recently. 
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? Everyday.. just kidding ! mostly everyday though because I work in a retail job soo
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? Last year.
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? That’s fine. Do whatever you want. 
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? nahh, I trust my friends. 
55: What is something I disliked about today? nothing, it just started lol.
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? uhhh, Selena Gomez LMAO
57: What do I think about most? what most?
58: What’s my strangest talent? Idk, 
59: Do I have any strange phobias? uh, I just really hate lizards. 
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Both. 
61: What was the last lie I told? uh, about doing my chores LOL
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Video Chat
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Ghost yes, aliens…sure. 
64: Do I believe in magic? nah, they’re all tricks. 
65: Do I believe in luck? Yes. 
66: What’s the weather like right now? the sun is up but it’s a little gloomy. 
67: What was the last book I’ve read? Milk and Honey
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? Sure
69: Do I have any nicknames? Yes Jess (Gess), Gee, (my coworkers call me these names: Jesabelle, Jai, Jaiisel. 
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? I think the cut on my forehead. 
71: Do I spend money or save it? Spend money with food. Yes. 
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? nope
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? nooo, people in this house rarely uses that color. LOL
74: Favorite animal? dogs
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Obv, sleeping lol.
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Not my last name for sure. 
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Anything but a sad song. 
78: How can you win my heart? Give me your attention, text me, etc. 
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? brahh. Haven’t thought about this and I don’t want to think about it. 
80: What is my favorite word? Fam 
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr. Does it matter? LOL
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? I have nothing to sayy HAHA
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? Not that I know of. 
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Make this guy fall inlove with me…jk. The power to give me the brain so I can reach my goals in this life. 
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? The question that I’ll be afraid to tell the truth on. 
86: What is my current desktop picture? Just a plain ass gray color. 
87: Had sex? yes
88: Bought condoms? yes
89: Gotten pregnant? no
90: Failed a class? nope
91: Kissed a boy? yes, 
92: Kissed a girl? nah
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? yes
94: Had job? still have 
95: Left the house without my wallet? no fam
96: Bullied someone on the internet? nah, I’m not that bad. 
97: Had sex in public? noooo way
98: Played on a sports team? nahh
99: Smoked weed? nahh, 
100: Did drugs? noope, only drugs I’d be taking are tylenol, advil etc. 
101: Smoked cigarettes? nope
102: Drank alcohol? Yes
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Nah. Though I eat vegetables I like. 
104: Been overweight? nope, 
105: Been underweight? yes
106: Been to a wedding? yes
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Yes, when I’m binge watching. 
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Nah
109: Been outside my home country? Yes
110: Gotten my heart broken? Yes
111: Been to a professional sports game? Sure
112: Broken a bone? Yes
113: Cut myself? Once
114: Been to prom? Yes, junior and senior year
115: Been in airplane? Yes
116: Fly by helicopter? nope, have you? lol
117: What concerts have I been to? I forgot what it’s called. LOL
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? NOOO
119: Learned another language? Yes, Japanese and Korean
120: Wore make up? Nah, rarely. 
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? After 18
122: Had oral sex? Yes
123: Dyed my hair? YEs
124: Voted in a presidential election? Nah Fam.. didn’t want to LOL
125: Rode in an ambulance? Nope. 
126: Had a surgery? No
127: Met someone famous? Nah, I don’t go out. Jk
128: Stalked someone on a social network? HAHA yes,
129: Peed outside? Brahh, yes. Bonfire night at the beach LOL
130: Been fishing? Once or twice. 
131: Helped with charity? Uhhh, i guess so
132: Been rejected by a crush? Yes, middle school days
133: Broken a mirror? I think.
134: What do I want for birthday? Idk, my birthday isn’t until 11 months and so days. 
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mostlyexcited · 7 years
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Well, I did it. No more fall marathon for me. No 60-mile weeks, no PR, no pre-race nerves. No expo, no finish line selfies, no medal. No bib to hang in my room. No race T-shirt to wear the next day. 
And that’s okay. Actually, it’s more than okay. It’s the best possible action I could do for myself. For a few reasons:
1) I’m still injured. Less so than before, but still injured. Running a marathon with a cranky knee? Pretty dumb. Running a downhill marathon with a cranky knee? Really dumb. Racing a down downhill marathon with a cranky knee? Straight-up idiotic. That’s asking for a longer and more painful road to recovery, if I even made it to the start line. 
2) Things are looking up. My physical therapist recommended new shoes for me, approved my list of strengthening exercises I created, and gave me additional ones to try. And they’re tough! She says I should be back to normal in a month. A MONTH. This is the first time I’ve had anybody give me a timeline and I’m so happy! (And not going to screw it up!)
3) Somebody in better health just got an email saying they’re off the waitlist for this marathon. As soon as I hit that “Refund” button, somebody’s day was made. My frustration is nothing compared to the joy somebody else just found. I wish them health in the remainder of their training and the best of luck in the race.
4) Because of the support I’ve found. From e-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y. From my sisters to my fiancé to my running friends to my physical therapist to my coworkers. The race director of this marathon even wrote me a personal note, wishing me a speedy recovery. This injury made me look around. This support and love is remarkable and beautiful. I didn’t see it clearly before. 
5) I’ve been BUSY. We recently became engaged and are planning a wedding. We’re both journalists, and breaking news happens all the time. We have a rescue puppy who is barely five months old and are training her every day. We have PT appointments. We’re visiting family and friends and they’re visiting us. I started a running podcast. Our friends are getting married in far-away places. Life is so sweet and so good. Enjoying this stuff and not feverishly worrying about when I can do my long run is refreshing.
Don’t be fooled. I’m still frustrated. Very frustrated. I am so, so ready to get back to those long miles. Pulling out of a race isn’t a fun or celebratory act. It’s a reminder that you’re not ready and your body needs to heal itself before anything else. Mentally, that can be hard for runners to grasp and actively acknowledge. 
But I know that while this is a tough pill to swallow, it’s the only one that won’t sting going down. 
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worldlydeaths-blog · 5 years
NOPE. I'm out
Heres all the stories from my last job at a thrift store (or should I say 'theif't store)
My trainer was caught doing coke in the bathroom, she was arrested.
3 big guys that came in a "candy van", walked straight to me just as my manager left me alone up front, they were being vulgar to me and blocking my path to get out, my phone and everything was locked in my locker. I bluffed and told them that the cameras had eyes and ears on the counter where I was. They finally saw the 4 cams. Made one more horrid threat, that just stays with me to this day. 'If we find out where you live, we'll just have you our way. No cameras there, no witnesses.' 2 walked away I saw a space to get free, and took it. I ran to the back and told my tougher coworkers to walk back with me and stay with me til the 'candy van' guys left.
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Had a 60+ y/o man come in every Friday and "flirt" with me. Needless to say I did not appreciate that.
Had multiple people ask if I was transgender... like dude... I'm not a dude!
3 hobos tried to set up camp in the bathrooms.
Management tried to say I stole over $4,000, if I did I wouldn't still had been working there. I'd would've already quit if I freaking stole it. I quit right on the spot when they told me that.
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Ps. If you like in sc around Greenville, ask me which one I'll tell you. Because they're basterds that dont deserve 'help'.... they even have a charity collection jar but I'll tell you this... it's used more as a tip jar. It only helps the owner get more wine...
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studyfeather · 7 years
➸ 70 Q’s
thanks to @noodledesk and @kawaii-notes for tagging me!
I tag: @neskastudies @moonshinestudies and @studytune!! you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to (:
read my answers below the cut!
➸ 01: do you have a good relationship with your parents? I do! though I am closer to my mom and dad than my step-mom.
➸ 02: who did you last say “i love you” to? my dad? or maybe it was one of my sisters?
➸ 03: do you regret anything? sadly.
➸ 04: are you insecure? ...yes. but apparently I don’t seem to be to other people?
➸ 05: what is your relationship status? single. (or as the saying goes: a single pringle ready to mingle)
➸ 06: how do you want to die? peacefully and full of love.
➸ 07: what did you last eat? eggs and toast! breakfast foods are bomb
➸ 08: played any sports? nope. I was too sick in middle school and high school to be involved in anything. the sport I enjoyed playing the most was basketball, but not competitively. I would also play a lot of badminton with my siblings.
➸ 09: do you bite your nails?  I don’t bite them, but I do pick at them.
➸ 10: when was your last physical fight? maybe when I was like?? 7?? I was an aggressive child. 
➸ 11: do you like someone? //blushes. maybe a little bit? more more than a little? AAAA IDK ANYMOREE
➸ 12: have you ever stayed up 48 hours? nope.
➸ 13: do you hate anyone at the moment? not so strongly to hate, but more dislike?
➸ 14: do you miss someone? yes ; u ;
➸ 15: have any pets? yes! I have a cat named Tabitha who is d a r l i n g. she’s currently a ball of fluff who is shedding too much.
➸ 16: how exactly are you feeling at the moment? a little sick and a little bored? I’ve been stomach sick for the past couple of weeks and it hasn’t gone away ; u ; I’m also the only one home and have no one to bother.
➸ 17: ever made out in the bathroom? no. I’ve never even kissed anyone lksjldfkj
➸ 18: are you scared of spiders? nope! when I was younger my dad made sure we were friends with spiders, so they hardly bother me.
➸ 19: would you go back in time if you were given the chance? depends on what time we’re talking?
➸ 20: where was the last place you snogged someone? never been kissed yo
➸ 21: what are your plans for this weekend? I have a free day Friday, but have work on Saturday and Sunday :’’) probably won’t be getting very much sleep tbh. hopefully I’ll make some use of the time I have?
➸ 22: do you want to have kids? how many? yes? I think 3 would be good (:
➸ 23: do you have piercings? how many? one on each earlobe! earrings xx
➸ 24: what is/are/were your best subject(s)? art? it’s my most prominent subject. but I tend to do well in almost all subjects, as I know the best way to study for myself for each. however, the class I’ve ever really had a hard time with was a college credit economics class (mainly because I missed so many classes due to being sick). 
➸ 25: do you miss anyone from your past? yes ; o ;! I often reminisce times when I was younger
➸ 26: what are you craving right now? nothing tbh. any food I’ve been eating has been making me feel ill so I’m kinda trying to stay away from it unless necessary (but don’t worry, I’m making sure to eat enough!). 
➸ 27: have you ever broken someone’s heart? don’t think so?
➸ 28: have you ever been cheated on? no. I’ve never been in a relationship.
➸ 29: have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? never had one :’’) single pringle 5ever
➸ 30: what’s irritating you right now? my stomach. my legs? they feel a bit restless.
➸ 31: does somebody love you? I believe so? but not like -- romantically -- ??
➸ 32: what is your favourite colour? creamy orange! I also love white and gold!!
➸ 33: do you have trust issues? no. though I’m probably more trusting than I should be.
➸ 34: who/what was your last dream about? I don’t really remember?? I have a hard time remembering my dreams. I could remember them really well when I was younger, but not anymore. but I think it involved some of my coworkers?
➸ 35: who was the last person you cried in front of? my school advisor tbh. freaking about this next semester a bit. me = stressin’
➸ 36: do you give out second chances too easily? yeah :’’D
➸ 37: is it easier to forgive or forget? forgive.
➸ 38: is this year the best year of your life? I don’t think so? overall, I think 2016 may have been better, but 2017 so far has been better in some other ways.
➸ 39: how old were you when you had your first kiss? rip my virgin lips
➸ 40: have you ever walked outside completely naked? no?????????????
➸ 51: favourite food? cheese?? or things that are cheesy?
➸ 52: do you believe everything happens for a reason? maybe not everything, but some things, yes.
➸ 53: what is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? ...watched some kdrama episodes :^) stayed up too late tbh. I was catching up with The Bride of the Water God!!
➸ 54: is cheating ever okay? n. o.
➸ 55: are you mean? no! or at least I do my best not to be.
➸ 56: how many people have you fist fought? none.
➸ 57: do you believe in true love? yes.
➸ 58: favourite weather? chilly; overcast; rainy; breezy.
➸ 59: do you like the snow? Y E S. to drive in? not so much. to walk in? eh, whatever. but snow?? yes.
➸ 60: do you wanna get married? yes! ; o ; even though it seems unlikely at the moment.
➸ 61: is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? I’ve never had anyone call me baby. but depending on context, I’d think it could be creepy or sweet.
➸ 62: what makes you happy? family! a good book! genuine smiles! happy laughter! long conversations! cats!
➸ 63: would you change your name? there was a point in my life where I thought if I would ever change my name, I would change it to be Echo instead of Rachel. but, I like my name as is.
➸ 64: would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? //points to all the other kiss questions. 
➸ 65: your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? sweats ,, ,,, idk tbh
➸ 66: do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? mmm. I can act more of myself around them than other guys? but not fully. (tbh I’m really a goof and get embarrassed easily if I act as such in front of others who are not my family)
➸ 67: who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? my dad XD but outside of family, my boss. and before them, one of my coworkers.
➸ 68: who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? my dad, I think? or maybe it was my sister? my coworker? I think I have more deep conversations than I realized ; O ;
➸ 69: do you believe in soulmates? on some level, yes.
➸ 70: is there anyone you would die for? haven’t really thought about it?
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