#this was around the time of the blm movement during the pandemic too
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belladonnafleur · 1 year ago
I rarely ever reply to posts but I have a story my friend told me that basically proves this post right.
My friend from high school liked vintage cars; she drove a red Corvair. She's a really safe driver; I have never felt unsafe in her car, not once. One time, she was driving in her town, and a cop pulled her over. She had no fuckin idea why, but she was freaking out because she had no idea what she did wrong; she told me that she was almost crying because she still lived at home and her mom would've killed her. The cop goes up to her window and asks her "What year is it?"
She had no fuckin clue what he meant at the moment, then she realized that he pulled her over only to ask what year her car was from. She got pulled over because this cop, probably meaning well, thought her car was cool and wanted to know how old it was.
It's insane to me that cops have no idea how much power they have. She could have been fined at best and dead at worst when she literally did nothing wrong.
I have a hard time talking about American law enforcement, because I have ptsd (like a therapist told me this and everything) from my own experiences with cops and because it's so balls quaking insane.
Like, a cop in the United States can pull you over for any reason. Which is a nice way of saying no reason, because literally anything can be used after the fact as justification. A cop can say its cuz you looked at him, or didnt look at him, or it looked like you were holding something, or looked like you were driving too perfectly for it to be natural. It's insane.
There are apparently no circumstances where a cop can't just kill you. The line the courts have applied is "reasonably believed" you were a threat, but that's such a nebulous nothing limit that people get shot for reaching for their license, having their phone in their hand, you're running away with no weapon, not being able to follow conflicting commands, like anything. And cops are almost never charged, because every court is going to believe he could "reasonably believe" he was threatened. Fuck, if you give me enough time, I can make any situation seem juuuuust plausibly threatening enough to pass that bar. It's insane.
A cop can just rob you. Like tell you to give him your wallet, take all the cash out, and just walk away with it. Exactly like you would imagine getting robbed in an alley would go, except no one can help. And he doesn't even have to hide it, he just drops it in a box at the station and they put it in their bank account. It's legal. You can't prove it wasn't drug money. I can't prove any money wasn't at some point drug money. It's insane.
If a cop just walks in your front door and says "I'm here to kill you and your entire family" YOU ARE GOING TO PRISON IF YOU STOP HIM. There is no positive defense for assaulting a police officer in the United States, and doubly so if you kill him. You have effectively no defense against a homicidal cop, which happens same as any other job. Unless for some reason you have cameras all thru your house and clearly caught the audio of him saying that he's there just to kill you, you have zero chance of not going to prison, probably for life. And that's assuming you aren't killed "resisting arrest" while being taken into custody. It is a crime, in this country, for you to defend yourself under any circumstances if the person you're defending yourself from is a cop. That's insane.
You don't have civil rights if a cop says so. You have the right to have a gun, right? A lot of states have open carry. A cop can shoot you if he sees you have a gun. Doesn't matter if you have a license and everything. So you effectively don't have the right to bear arms if a cop can shoot you for exercising it. You have the right to protest. Unless a cop tells you to stop. He doesn't need a real reason to tell you to stop. And if you don't stop, you can be arrested or shot. So you don't really have the right to protest, do you? A cop cant just search your car or house, right? Unless he claims he heard something, or smelled something, neither of which can be proven. So a cop can search whatever he wants, as long as he pretends there was a "reason". So you dont have protection from unreasonable search and seizure, do you? These are no longer rights- they're things the cops allow.. for now. But legally, those rights have already been found to not actually be rights, because any random cop can decide to take that right from you, for any reason. It's insane.
These aren't like crazy things that I'm just making up, these aren't some weird twisted way I'm looking at something, these are all very real things that we all just.. ignore? Police abolitionists and the media bring these things up all the time, and the overwhelming response to it is: so what? Don't break the law and it won't matter. Blue lives matter. More police funding. Cops should have tanks. It's insane. And I always feel like im just rambling and sound insane when I say this kind of stuff because if you wrote a book and had the dystopian government doing the stuff that the police in this country do every single day, those same people who "back the blue" would line up to say stuff like "*Books government* wouldnt have a chance before us real americans stopped them" on twitter and not even get a hint of the irony.
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fandomtrumpshate · 5 years ago
Black Lives Matter: Resources for supporting the protests
Unfortunately, while the pandemic has disrupted all of our lives in countless ways, it hasn't put a stop to (or even slowed down) injustice in our country, as we've all been recently reminded with the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and other Black Americans.
We at FTH have put together some resources for those who want to help out, whether by joining the protests or supporting the protestors. Stay safe, stay loud. Black Lives Matter.
If you’re protesting:
Two articles on protesting as safely as possible under pandemic conditions: from VICE and from Buzzfeed News.
Here is an article on how to prepare for and protect yourself against tear gas.
And in case you wind up in a situation where it seems necessary or useful to record the police, Teen Vogue recently posted a great piece on how to take such videos as safely and effectively as possible.
If you want to show up in person but aren’t sure you feel comfortable marching, you can also provide on-the-ground support by working at and/or supplying a mutual aid station. SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice) is running mutual aid stations to support protestors in several cities. You can read about SURJ here and find out more about your local chapter.
If you want to donate:
One of the best ways to support from home is to donate to a bail fund to get arrested protestors out of jail. This is always vital during any mass protest, but is particularly urgent now because COVID spreads so much more easily in indoor spaces, especially crowded ones.
You can find a directory of local bail funds here. This is a great way to have a lasting impact, because bail funds “recycle” donation money as much as possible; although state bail laws vary, most or all bail money is returned once the defendants show up for their court dates, and that money becomes available to free someone else.
You can find a list with organizations that are supporting the protests here (from Paper Mag) and here (from GQ) which are mostly focused on the Twin Cities.
If you’re in a city or state with active protests and you know of a local group that is helping the protestors, we encourage you to reblog with the name and links. Your FTH organizers in Chicago want to suggest the Chicago Freedom School, an organization that builds youth-led social organizing and which has been providing food to protestors, and offered shelter after the sudden imposition of the citywide curfew last night (at which point all the roads and public transit were shut down, stranding protestors.) You can donate to CFS here.
If you want to offer non-monetary support from home:
If you can’t donate (or if you have donated and want to help in other ways too) there are lots of ways to help.
One great thing to do is to call your local police stations (either in-city or in-state) and demand that arrested protestors be released. Before you do this, it’s a good idea to read local news about the number of arrests that have been made, and to find out (if possible) where specifically those arrested protestors have been taken.
You can find further suggestions for things to do from home in these resources guides, one by blacklivesmatter and one from a collective of NYC-based community activists.
Finally: there is a ton of information flying around, and a lot of it is unreliable.
Buzzfeed News is keeping a running list of misinformation and hoaxes about the protests. The article has been updated several times since posting, but you can also follow the reporters on twitter for even more rapid updates.
kyleauxren is also maintaining a (partially-crowdsourced) twitter thread on hoaxes and misinformation. There is some overlap with Buzzfeed’s list, but also some things they missed.
Both lists include spoof versions of some of the highest-profile justice organizations and bail funds, as well as “protests” being organized by white nationalist organizations and sympathizers in order to undermine and discredit the BLM movement. Whether you are donating or planning to attend a protest, make sure to do some research before committing yourself or your resources. The examples in these threads can help you develop a sense of what to look for.
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radicalurbanista · 4 years ago
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there is one possible good outcome of this year that I’ve been thinking about a lot
It requires a lot of action before and after the election and a focused political strategy for the next few election cycles. It will have to meet certain conditions at critical times, but if it does, it could mean the end of the republican party the passage of Medicare for All and a Green New Deal, and a labor party. Basically, it depends on splitting the Democratic party after ensuring Democrat control of Congress and the White House, DSA expansion, and eliminating the electoral college.
1) Circa the 2020 election
Biden wins the electoral college
This is almost completely dependent on white moderates in swing states voting for Biden and on massive protests during what will likely be a highly contested legal battle for the presidency. The protests are to show leaders that we reject any legitimacy of another trump term. Protests against trump will face even more violence at the hands of police and their conspiring with white nationalists. There is still the possibility of a coup. But voting alone will not ensure trump’s removal from office, everyone needs to be out in the streets and organizing strikes and protests. It will be a lot easier than stopping trump after he’s secured a second term. If this fails, protesting conditions will become even more hostile, and Americans will see no relief from the economic depression or pandemic. The U.S. may end as a dictatorship, but I have no idea when.
Democrats take majority control of the senate
This is essential as well. There are many senate seats this year where Republicans could be replaced by Dems. Here is a more thorough guide on who could be unseated. This will help with passing bills that Dems agree on. The more the better. Without this, splitting the party won’t be possible yet.
Democrats expand control of the House
This will make splitting the Dem party easier.
DSA (Democratic Socialists) expand control at the local and state level
The emergence of DSA to a national party requires many more wins at the local level. This will give them the chance to become the left-wing national party. 50% of Democrat voters support socialism, and that’s pre-pandemic and pre-depression. It is these voters who will be attracted to the DSA as they grow.
Democrats expand control in state legislatures
Once the census results are in and states have to redistrict, Democrat-controlled state legislatures will likely produce less gerrymandered conservative districts. This will secure more representational elections for the next decade.
2) Before the 2022 election
Eliminate the electoral college
This is another very difficult part. Conservative Dems (like Biden) oppose eliminating the electoral college. His current views may not matter once the DNC tells him to do otherwise. It will likely be moderate and left Dems who push this agenda forward, as it is within the best interest of the Dem party to make the popular vote chose the presidency. National support for it may also be higher than ever after the election, meaning more pressure on Dems to act while they can. If the electoral college is eliminated, Republicans will lose their chance at winning the presidency again, meaning trump 2024 won’t be possible
Begin major canvassing for M4A, GND, police defunding, and abolishing ICE
Once Dems control Congress and the White House, the left can be more on the political offense rather than defense. The DNC opposes Medicare for All and the Green New Deal, but support for them will only likely increase as more people die from COVID-19, suffer under medical debt, face record breaking unemployment and evictions, and climate crises continue to destroy areas. These bills are popular, and the DSA supports them, which will give them leverage in winning more elections and even in poaching Democrat representatives like Bernie and AOC. Support for abolishing ICE and the police are only likely to grow thanks to continued BLM organizing.
Counter Republican campaigns at the state and local levels
Republicans are unified, backed by money, and think long-term, but this election is different because their only platform is supporting trump. Should they lose the White House and Congress, and lose the electoral college, they will have to create a whole new base and platform goals to win a national election ever again. Local organizers will have to counter republican strategies at the local and state levels in hopes of killing the party. Republicans might be able to find a way to attract half of the voter base again, but they might also be clinging too tightly to racism, which, although strong, is no longer enough to win the presidency through popular vote. They could also lose southern state control as cities like Atlanta and Houston grow and their voters flip the state blue.
3) Circa the 2024 election
Enter the DSA into national elections
If the electoral college is gone and the DSA was won more local and state seats in 2020 and 2022, the DSA has a chance to enter national elections. As a popular left-wing party and with the decline of the republican party, the DSA can now attract left-wing previously “captured” by Dems. They may likely not win the presidency, but the DSA will force Dems to be the nation’s right-wing party and become the left-wing party in doing so. Formerly republican voters will likely switch to Dems as the Democratic party becomes more conservative and if republicans no longer have a chance at winning national elections.
Center campaigns around major bills not yet passed (M4A, GND, police defunding, and/or abolishing ICE)
This keeps important issues relevant and keeps Dems on the defense as to why they won’t pass the bills.
4) After
Continue building revolutionary potential now that the two national parties are welfare capitalism/socialism-lite and neoliberalism.
The DSA will likely capture much of the working-class vote, Millennials and Gen Z, and POC. If republicans are still around, their goal will be to find a new way to split the working class vote, likely requiring collaborating with Dems. However, their old strategy of splitting by rural/urban may no longer work. Businesses will do everything they can to stop a party from representing workers: it’s why the parties realigned after the New Deal.
This is all possible and will offer actual harm reduction to the working class for the first time since the 70s. None of it will be possible without massive organizing and protest efforts on the ground. None of it will be possible without strong interracial ties and community building. Voting is essential, but it’s the bare minimum and inadequate alone. During this period, BLM and new leftist movements could grow, we could see a militant left party to further curb U.S. domestic authoritarianism. We could see national policy that interferes less in the Global South. We would likely see increased protections for workers, a redistribution of wealth, and new public infrastructure. We could even see the end of the U.S. by the close of the decade, or at least how it would finally happen.
I’m happy to explain any point further, but I thought I’d put my degree to use and share a possible political strategy for the next decade that could use protest and direct action with electoral politics to end U.S. dominance and global capitalism while making the conditions for final stages of revolution less hostile. The next decade will be turbulent regardless, but would this ^^^ is the best way for that turbulence to lead to liberation.
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destinyc1020 · 4 years ago
I personally love that Tom has close friendships including with black men! I remember Z saying in an old Essence interview she needed a partner that was “woke” and that seems like Tom. It’s also why I was shocked that she was with a dude like JE.
I agree. I personally think it's GOOD to have a diverse array of friendships. 😊 You can tell Tom & Law are close, because anytime you’re calling someone a “brother”....you two are pretty CLOSE lol. Esp if a black man is calling a white man “brother” too? Lol... 😂  
Another Anon brought out to me in private the other day that Tom probably also reached out to Law especially during the whole George Floyd/BLM movement that took place last summer during the pandemic. I agree. I definitely think that he did. Law is a black, gay man living in America. I don't think I need to say anything more. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I'm sure the George Floyd incident affected him deeply just like it did any other black person in America. That was also the first  time (it seems) like people of  VARIOUS races and ethnicities around the   
WORLD stood up and said, “hey, this is NOT right!” Even though that man broke the law, suffocating a man (who clearly suffers from anxiety) to death on the side of the street for a fraudulent $20 dollar bill is just ridiculous. 😔
Meanwhile, other ppl can get away with attacking police, being armed, threatening police, murdering ppl, and shooting out high schools, and be walked away in hand cuffs without a scratch. 🙄
Make that make sense!!! 🥴
So yea, I def think Tom reached out to Law during that time as well, and that's why I wrote on my blog long time ago (while the whole protests were happening) that we really don't know what ppl are doing BEHIND the scenes. So we shouldn’t make assumptions that they “don’t care”.   
Tom was dragged by fans around that time for NOT speaking up "soon enough" (by their standards I guess 🙄), but I've always felt that there is NO WAY Tom has been childhood friends with Tuwaine for years, dated Zendaya (of all women 😏) for years, has been friends with Law and uses him as his stylist, and takes annual family trips to Kenya to do charity work there, and he not be just a LITTLE bit "aware" of social justice issues. No freaking way he's not aware.
C'mon..... 😏
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That's why I always say on here that simple, deductive reasoning and common sense will usually bring you to the correct conclusion.
Of course, we can ALL learn more, and there's nothing wrong with saying that "I don't know or understand exactly what a particular group in society is going through". It's OKAY to admit that. The point is, are you OPEN and willing to learn more? Are you agreeable to stepping outside of your comfort zone/bubble and try to see things from another person's pov for a change? That's all that really matters honestly imo.
Again, life doesn't exist ONLY on social media.
Re: JE....
If it wasn't obvious at the time, then it should prob be pretty obvious by now that JE was def a rebound. Plain and simple. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Anytime you're jumping headlong into a new rlshp THAT quickly after a major breakup from a previous rlshp that lasted YEARS, then it's pretty much a rebound. 
Wasn't it a little obvious? She didn't care about anything lol. 😅 JE had JUST broken up with his own gf (and I use that term loosely lol) like weeks before he was going to Z’s birthday party. They had obviously been talking while he was still dating Cari, cuz she had invited him to a family trip to Greece for her birthday in a haste. 👀  JZ had barely even been on a date together before he's on a trip with her for her birthday overseas lol. 
Then, after only MONTHS of dating, she threw all caution to the wind when it came to her standards in how she wishes to date someone in the public eye.  By the 5-month mark, she does things totally different while dating him, even allowing him to kiss her in public.... Again.... she doesn't care all of a sudden lol? Lol😅   He's off making friends with other women and hanging with his "girl pal" (who’s his current gf btw  😏) and her friends while he's out of town, and Z is either oblivious or just let's it happen even though the dude has a track record a  mile long for cheating. 👀  
Z didn't care about his track record.... Didn't care about the fact that he always seemed uncomfortable around her friends and "people" 🥴..... Didn't care about his (supposed) "racist" friends... Didn't care about the way he's treated ppl, etc.  These are things you CARE about when you’re trying to come into a seriousl rlshp from a healthy place, and aren’t just rebounding with the next dude you feel attracted to in order to forget about your ex. 
Dude was a rebound.... and I'm sure her close friends and family knew it too. 😏 Prob why they didn't get too cozy with him. They knew it.... He prob knew it too come to think of it lol. 😅 They just let her do her thing and have her fun, which is fine.  She probably needed it. 🤷🏾‍♀️   I mean.... when your own mother doesn't even bother to follow your bf on social media, and acts like she doesn't even recognize his name when mentioned lol....
Ha!! 😅
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This is OT, but tbh I'm still digesting that Audrey v2.0 tea.  🤔 I'm not 100% sure it isn't true. It would actually explain a LOT of the actions that took place after the Tomdaya breakup. 👀  Plus, obviously Tom isn't perfect, but I actually see more reasons why Tom would possibly initiate a breakup (or maybe just a break?) with Z (and maybe later on regretted it), than I see reasons why Z would break up with Tom just out of the blue. 🥴 And her being the dumper doesn't really fit with her previous pattern.....Not when she was dumped by Trevor (who was cheating on her btw 🙄). 
And I'm not even sure if she broke up with JE tbh... esp with the way she's been paying him dust lol. 😅  Either he did smthg to make her dump him, or maybe he dumped her?  Guys usually hate being the dumper, but it just seemed like he just drifted over there in Australia and maybe they grew apart?   And based on the rlshp quotes that Claire was posting around that time (which, she mysteriously never posts anymore lol 😆), it seems like their rlshp may have been a bit toxic, and maybe it wasn't an amicable breakup. 🥴
I just keep wondering.... If Tom is such a "nice guy" like everyone says he is, why would Z break up with him even if they were having issues? 🤔 I always ask myself that question. But I can see Tom (who's more impulsive, and admits to having a short fuse) initiating a breakup (which seems to be HIS pattern tbh) NOT because he didn't love her, but possibly because he was frustrated w/the obsessive hiding, they were fighting more, and maybe she didn't have as much time for him anymore due to her (or their) busy schedule(s). There was also the long distance thing, which made it more challenging. Either that, or they both just mutually called it quits because they felt that it was for the best at the time. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Idk, I go back and forth with this all the time lol. 😅 I guess my biggest question is: If Tom was such a good bf (and that's what most ppl say, that he's a good person), then I'm just trying to figure out what would lead Z to break up with him? 🤔 Esp when she seems fairly chill....
Anyway, that's neither here nor there tbh. The bottom line is, JE was there for a reason and a season. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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flywithmelp · 4 years ago
Since CNCO hasn’t really posted anything good in a while, it’s made me bored and i started to think about their problematic behaviors. So, this is a post about some of them because I have nothing better to do and I need to entertain myself like it’s a reality TV show. Just a few things I want to discuss. So, Let’s analyze them, ladies
Let’s talk about first the lack of content the whole last year. CNCO the first couple years of their career were worked like crazy under Ricky Martin’s management. Constantly touring, making albums, interviews, and not getting a lot of time with family as most bands are overworked. Once they got under Walter’s label, their work schedule wasn’t as bad but they also lost a lot of fans from it. As we all know their team sucks right now and although they were traveling, performing, doing their thing like they were suppose to, their team wasn’t promoting them/handling them like they should. Their team just doesn’t seem smart, and it seemed like they were doing all this hard work for almost nothing. I think once quarantine hit, they were just burned out. They had hit that point were they found an escape to hang out with their family and resume back to their normal lives and they took it. Joel went to California while the others were in Miami which made all content kinda weird for a lil while. Then the Black Lives Matter movement happened and all content stopped for a while which is understandable but they also should’ve taken that moment to educate themselves and find their voices. After that, it took a while for them to get back on track and them on MTV was cool but also random because their team did it so poorly. They released Beso but then all of a sudden announced a cover album, which at the time I hated but I understand now. But, anyways, It was all so confusing and messy and nothing is ever done right so we’re left with crumbs. I think once they start traveling again they’ll get back into the groove of things but right now they’re way too comfortable.
I wanna talk about Richard next. Richard unfortunately comes from his family who has a very traditional way of thinking that can be very damaging towards woman. I hear him make a few comments here and there but he doesn’t seem as bad as the rest of his family. Like, some of the comments Yashua has made are just gross. Also, he’s probably the one you’ll hear the most making comments that sound a bit like toxic masculinity/homophobia, which again is unfortunately how it is in a lot of Latino households. Another thing, is that he says the words ‘Chris Brown’ way too much. I do see growth in him though. I think one of the reasons he’s not as traditional as his family is because of his daughter, he loves that girl very much and learns from her everyday. He’s also the only one who had a voice during BLM, and actually used it with passion. I loved seeing him so passionate about that. He had to be corrected a few times during time but he took the corrections and learned from it and that it what I like to see, we’re making progress with this one.
Now, Joel, its no secret that i’m not the biggest fan of him. One of his biggest problems is that he CAN’T take correction and anytime anyone tries to call him out, he gets super defensive. Like with BLM, he had no reason to get all defensive and block fans that were trying to educate him. I really think he sees a lot of his fans as annoying little girls, and that’s why he gets all petty on twitter anytime anything happens. I assume it’s some kind of insecurity he has that makes him like that and i can’t imagine how annoying it is to have the fans constantly in his business but cmon there’s ways to be mature about it but he has never gone that route even though he’s super grown now. His friends are truly, problematic clout chasers & i don’t know how he doesn’t see that. And i’m so certain that those friends constantly talk shit to him about the other CNCO members which is what creates a barrier between him and the rest of the guys. But, as long as I’ve been a fan of them I’ve never liked Joel’s attitude, he kinda walks around with a holier than thou attitude and it’s not cute in the slightest. Not to mention the fact that he’s with Sam S right now. I reallllllyyy liked single Joel, he was laughing, playing around, hoeing around with the other boys and it was so amazing to see. I want THAT joel back pls can someone get him away from that girl.
Ok, Zabdiel. With him it’s just him being dumb, dumb. I don’t know how he was raised but I still feel like he needs to make smarter decisions. The main things he’s done is when he said the n word and also the durag, which are both damaging to black culture. I’m 100% sure he was not aware of the significance of the word when he said it seeing as though he didn’t even speak english, but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be called out for it. I wanna hope that he’s learned since then. The durag was another one that was just like bro, what are you doing? It’s not fashion, friends. Again, I think he’s learned as after people started letting him know, he stopped wearing it. He seems to be good at learning his lesson, although, I wish he would actually apologize for some of these things.
Erick, this poor boy was thrown into this group at 14 years old, he was literally a child. He’s not super problematic but in that video of Zabdiel saying the n word, you can hear him say it as well. Probably not knowing what it meant either but still needs to apologize. Also, going to Mexico during a pandemic like damn, i know they get tested all the time but they literally went to a club full of people not wearing masks cmon now. He’s also admitted to being a cheater which is pretty shitty of him. Idk he just turned 20 so maybe he’ll start growing up soon.
Christopher, an unproblematic king. No actually he really just minds his own business and lives his damn life without bothering other people. But, he did do the whole go to a party full of people barely wearing a mask. That’s Florida for you. I wish he was a bit more vocal politically but none of them are anyways I just want them to be. Also, he’s just a big hoe which could be a problem but i feel like he’s always upfront about his intentions.
Fin. End of rant. Let’s discuss.
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tuesdayx · 4 years ago
So I thought it would be fun to do a song-by-song breakdown of our latest album Essential.
Essential started as some rough demos designated for a side project in late 2019, which then became our largest album to date in terms of song selection. Many of the themes deal with learning to cope with the changing world thanks to Covid, with a perspective of someone who had to keep working at an "essential" job with no option of self-quarantine. I was happy to continue working and being able to pay my bills over the past year, but there was always elements of stress, fear, and tension lingering over myself and everyone else in my position.
So here we go; starting from the top let's look at the Songs of Tuesday X's 6th album Essential.
1. Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams: the title was a reference to the 9/11 conspiracy memes, which as stated in the opening lines, "has nothing to do with this song." Written in January of 2020 before Covid had made any significant impact in the US, the song touches on many themes which happened to occur throughout the year, such as [another] Californian forest fire (Australia too), new diseases (Covid), a riot (the BLM movement over the summer, which I will state everything that movement has been fighting for is 100% justified and the United States is in desperate need of Police reform, as does our political system which has remained inherently racist to this day.), Civil War (and exaggeration for sure, but the civil unrest and political division in our country will soon split us apart further), more corporate giants(companies like Amazon profited more from this Pandemic than ever before and have helped further the gap between the American working class and the top 1%). Favorite line: "I won't get philosophical, I only wanted your attention."
2. The Only Difference Between You and Me is a Sense of Apathy and Your Brand New Nikes: This song is a blithing criticism of the American political system. Our two party system has left Americans with a choice between "the lesser of two evils" and allows politicians with no true interest in our needs to rise to power. The use of 3rd parties as an alternative is a overly simple compromise that would only just begin to alleviate the problems created in our political system. Both of our main parties are considered conservative parties to the rest of the world, and any progressive measures that would benefit society and reduce the effects of climate change are considered radical and preposterous by politicians with financial stakes in our crooked system where corporatations hold control and the people are treated as fuel for an otherwise worthless currency. Favorite line: "Listen to the radio, they played my favorite song. Now I'm bored and wanting more."
3. Blame it on the Elves: the title is a reference to an episode of the Podcast "Lore" by Aaron Menke (i can't recall which episode, but you should check it out anyway because it's great listen.) An instrumental interlude inspired by ragtime music of the 1920-30's, with an edge of course.
4. Class of Dropouts: This song was written when I was 16 during my sophomore year of high school and was originally featured on my now unavailable album "trees" before adopting the Tuesday X monicker. I brought it back 6 years later because I loved how raw and punk it was. The lyrics are dorky but I decided to leave them as is, it's a cool track for high school stoners to blare and let out their teen angst. Favorite line: "Walking in on my friends fucking."
5. Polaroids on My Bulletin Board: This is a song about growing up. As a 22 year old (now 23) who decided not to go to college straight out of high school, I felt isolated from my peers in a way. By going into the workfield right away I sometimes feel like I skipped a few years and missed out on a lot of opportunities. I regret not leaving my hometown sooner than I did and chasing my dreams of being a touring musician in a band. More often than not I reminisce of my youth playing shows and getting into trouble, as I now feel old and out of place in a scene I grew up in. Favorite line: "I know what it's like to be alive, I know what it's like to live a lie."
6. Labradoodle Underpass: Going back on the theme of growing up, this is about my recent experience with shows as an adult. When I was a teenager I felt ambitious and ready for anything, and I would drop literally everything to go to the nearest show. As an adult I feel introverted and constantly anxious about the world around me. I've missed out on a lot of great shows due to my own self doubt's and anxiety. Now that shows have been canceled for over a year I feel even more regret by not appreciating them more while I could. Favorite line: "23 years and a lingering fear that anything could happen, why am I here?"
7. Some Shit: This was me trying to be modest mouse lol jangly guitars and half talking/half singing vocals describing the world around me. I guess in a way it was an exercise in writing character description and setting, but otherwise it's just a chill track that almost feels aimless at parts. Favorite Line: "it's just some shit I learned from a friend. Just some shit I learned when I was trying to prepare."
8: Woe is the World: On the album this is a chorus snippet that barely a minute long (the full version is available as a bonus track on bandcamp, and it was actually a demo that turned out better than the final version.) I originally wrote this song when I was 15 with a different set of lyrics, but I came back to it while writing this album and re-wrote it to reflect my mental state and the world around me. Overall, just another melancholy track in a sea of melancholy songs. Favorite line: "you've never felt more alone than you do now, was everything worth it in the end?"
9. Then Why Was it Named Gideon?: the title is a reference to a line in Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour (my favorite series) and like the first track on this album doesn't have much to do with the song. "Gideon" is a simple love song, talking again about how growing up sucks but having the right person by your side can make all the shitty times worth it in the end. Favorite line: "it's time to move on, you're taking too long."
10. I am Here, I'm Looking at Her, and She is Beautiful: This song is entirely about the book "Perks of Being a Wallflower". That's it. Nothing else, let's move on. Favorite line: "Over Christmas I read them a poem about a brown paper bag and the boy who wrote it."
11. Try to Be a Filter, Not a Sponge: Like the previous song, this one is also mostly about "Perks of Being a Wallflower", but with elements of my own experience with toxic relationships. I like to think of it as the character Charlie's experience with Mary Elizabeth overall though. Favorite line: "She called my favorite book washed out trash, said I have no taste and I'm still too sad."
12. Lavender Spray Bottle: This instrumental dates back to 2017. I recorded the guitar part as a demo on my phone and forgot about it. Over time I forgot how to play the guitar part, so I used the demo as a basis and layered everything else on top of it. The title is a reference to a bottle of water with lavender essential oils mixed in that my ex used to fend away spiders in the house we lived in at the time.
13. Hindsight is 2020: I will admit, this is my favorite song on the whole album and was actually the last to be written and recorded. With a simple guitar part and layers of vocals, this song is a direct reflection of life during the peak of the pandemic. With curfews in place and rising case counts, I had to learn to cope with life at home during my late nights away from work. My partner was quarantined during this time and I reflected on the mental strain this put on her. Favorite line: "Don't go to work, you need the money but you're not happy when you're there. Sometimes life is so unfair."
14. I Don't Know How to Deal With Serious Emotions Without Turning Them into a Fucking Joke: the title came from a meme I found on my phone from high school. The song itself was about my own inability to handle serious emotions without coming off as sarcastic. In both the music and lyrics, the song starts as a simple confession before exploding into raw chaos. Favorite line: "it's so hard. I'm so scared, what have I become?"
15. Say Hello to My Little Friend: the last instrumental on this album. A short haunting tune that reflects the final two tracks. The title is probably a reference to Rambo or something, but I never watched it and I thought it fit the feeling of this song.
16. Minneapolis: What became one of the most emotional tracks on this song actually began as a joke. My partner was snap chatting a friend one night and they asked me to write them a song on the spot. So I improvised the first two verses and chorus of this song, referencing her going to school there at the time. I found I actually liked what I had written however, so I refined the track and changed it from a sassy country song into a melancholic lament of my experience in the twin cities and southern Minnesota. Favorite line: "I miss Camp Snoopy, and Paul Bunyon's log flume ride that went around the whole damn mall."
17. Before the Sunrise: the final song on the album is an intimate look at my relationship with my partner. Through past experiences i have become riddled with self doubt and always looking at improving myself as a person. With hopes that one day I'll be the person I'd like to be for mine and their sake, it's an optimistic tribute to my best friend. Favorite line: "the cycle ends until the sun rises again, you're my best friend."
Thank you all so much! Check out Essential and our other music on Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple, and other places! I hope you all enjoyed this personal look at these songs that got me through the worst parts of 2020.
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t100ficrecsblog · 5 years ago
an interview with @changingthefairy-tale​
What are you working on right now? Right now, I’m focused on BellarkeFic-for-BLM (I just got an amazing canon prompt I’m really excited to finish). I’ve also been participating in this round of the Chopped Challenge, which has been fun and challenging. In between prompts, I’ve got two WIPs that I’m slowly cranking through. Shoutout to every single reader who’s been incredibly patient while I’ve been so slow on those updates — though, reminder that you can donate to a BLM organization (even a $3 donation works) and request an update to get those higher on my prio list while I’m focused on that initiative.
What’s something you’d like to write one day? My absolute dream job and the ultimate goal is to become a showrunner for a prime time TV show. I love TV shows — I love the way actors and directors and crew take a script and breath life into it, I love how you take a general idea for a story and mold it into something amazing as you go, I love how a series gives a story more time to be fleshed out and explored, I love the concept of a writers room and collaborating on a story. It’s a different ballgame from fic writing (which I do for fun) and travel writing (which I do for a living), but I’m determined to make it happen. JRoth, I’m coming for your job, babe. 😉
What is the fanwork you’re most proud of? I’m still really new to fic writing, especially compared to some of the powerhouse writers in this fandom. And I’m sure one of my WIPs (when finished) will probably supersede this. BUT, my one-shot about Madi calling Bellamy on The Ring (She called you for 2,199 days) is something I’m really proud of. I’m a long-winded writer, so one-shots have never come naturally to me. This one just…clicked. It’s got some good lines in there that I’m proud of, and based on the feedback I’ve gotten, it really made readers feel something and connect to the story. It’s not my longest story or my most thought-out. But it shows my growth as a writer these past few months, and I’m proud of that.
Why did you first start writing fic? I started writing fic as a creative outlet for my writing. My day job is writing about travel and credit cards. And while I enjoy that, it’s just not as creative. My dream is to write for a TV show though, and I was craving a way to flex my creative writing muscles in a low-stress way. I started watching The 100 when it first came out, but I didn’t really get into the fandom until I came back to the show during the S5/6 hiatus. That’s when I started reading fics and reblogging stuff about the show on Tumblr. During the S6/7 hiatus, I had this idea for a Greys Anatomy AU, and my sister (who is also a major fan of the show) was like, “You literally write things for a living. If you want to write a Grey’s AU for t100, there is absolutely nothing stopping you.” I published my first chapter on that The Choices We Make in Dec. 2019, and the rest is history.
What frustrates you most about fic writing? For me, I think that the most frustrating thing isn’t even about fic writing itself; it’s the fact that it’s a side-hobby and not something I can dedicate my full attention to. When you write all day for your day job, then do some for your freelance gig, and then turn around and try to write for a few hours every night for fic… that gets hard sometimes — especially since starting quarantine where I’m not traveling, going out with friends, getting a break from it, etc. Fic writing is a creative release for me, and I absolutely love crafting and writing these stories that involve some of my favorite fictional characters. And I love interacting with other writers and fic readers, I love talking about ideas and exchanging headcanons and fangirling over my favorite writers’ works. But (because there’s always a but), sometimes I just don’t have the mental energy or capacity to write at the end of the day when I’ve turned in 3 deadlines for work. I’ve got all these ideas floating in my head, but only so much time and mental energy I can dedicate to it.
What are your top five songs right now? Oh boy. So I live alone, which means I’ve got either music or Netflix on in the background 24/7 because ya girl doesn’t like silence. I have a different playlist for different moods. I’ll share my fav song from each of those playlists. Lol Fvck Somebody by The Wrecks (On my “Summer state of mind” playlist for when I wanna dance it out in my kitchen like an idiot)
Don Quixote by Drapht (On @talistheintrovert​’s “My Good Bitch Murphy” playlist for when I’m feeling *edgy*)
that way by Tate McRae (On my “Pandemic Jams” playlist bc I like angsty music and this song is a Bellarke MOOD)
Washington on Your Side from Hamilton (On my “Feeding my Broadway Obsession” playlist for when I wanna sing show tunes and plot overthrowing the government)
Tea by Noah Davis (Shameless plug for Noah bc it’s a bop and I literally dated Noah’s older brother in junior high — so proud of this kid for making his dreams a reality)
What are your inspirations (books, songs, other fic, really good cake)? All of the above, except I like pie more than cake. lol But really, I kind of use everything around me for inspiration. “The Choices We Make” is inspired by my love of Grey’s Anatomy. “Intertwining your soul (with somebody else)” is inspired my the first draft of my YA novel (though the setting was adapted to a grounder canonverse AU). “The Day He Shut That Rocket Door” and “She called you for 2,199 days” were inspired by @historyofbellarke‘s headcanons that were brought up in S7 speccing conversations (shoutout to her for enabling my angsty ass). My most recent WIP “There are some things written in the stars” that I started as part of Chopped (but will continue because I’m obsessed with the idea) is inspired by my love of Timeless. And I have an entire Notion database filled with fic ideas — some one-shots and some multi-chapter fics — that are inspired by quotes, songs, conversations with friends, books I love, shows I adore, random HCs that pop into my head while I watch, my own life experiences, etc. I take inspiration in any form it decides to come in. 💕
What first attracted you to Bellarke? What attracts you now? I’m a ho for enemies to lovers — the idea that you can put your worst foot forward and show someone all the ugly parts of you… and that they’ll see that and somehow look past it to see the good stuff too, falling in love with your whole self instead of just the pretty parts. Yeah, it’s my favorite romance trope. And that tension is what originally drew me to Bellarke. Now, it’s a combination of things. I love each of these characters in their own right. I relate to Clarke in a lot of ways, and I aspire to be her level of badass. I straight adore Bellamy Blake (flaws, stupid decisions, and all) and would marry him in a heartbeat if he were real — I’m not even kidding. lol But I also love their dynamic. They are partners, best friends, perfect compliments to the other. They see each other in a way no one else does, and they are the one person the other constantly risks everything for. They are both so driven by their responsibilities to their people, yet that all typically goes out the window the moment the other is at risk. I don’t believe in soulmates in real life, but it’s nice to get to believe in this fictional world that they are just made for each other.
BESIDES Bellarke, what character or pairing do you like best on t100? My favorite character besides Bellarke is John Murphy. His arc has been BY FAR the best on this show, going from that little shit in S1 to this “asshole we love” in the middle to now a true hero in this final season. And through it all Richard Harmon has been amazing to watch on screen.
My favorite pairing besides Bellarke is Linctavia. Yes, that ship is problematic in a lot of ways, but I still loved their dynamic. Lincoln helped Octavia navigate this new world that she was so desperate to be apart of while being mindful of her safety. And I thought they were a good match — he helped tame her fire without putting it out, and she helped challenge the way he was raised. Given time, I think they could have become one of the most stable and loving relationships on t100. Of course, that couldn’t happen because Jason needed Bell’s actions in 3A to have heartbreaking consequences, O to spiral for her own character journey, and whatever mess happened off-screen between Ricky and him. But they still remain my favorite ship aside from Bellarke.
Why did you decide to start writing for bellarkefic-for-blm? The second I saw that Sam was planning on doing this, I reached out to ask how I could help/write/be involved. The BLM movement is so important, and this is an amazing way for me to contribute while pursuing my passions. It’s a way for the fandom to get involved and do something good. And ultimately, this helps organizations that need donations. Shameless plug for everyone to please go check out the Bellarke Fic for BLM page — check out the many amazing writers and artists we have participating, and send in prompts. Most of us are allowing WIP chapter update requests, and there are a number of us (myself included) who are matching donations made! No donation is too small, and you’ll be supporting a movement that is a necessity in the U.S. and beyond.
What’s your writing process like? My mind is literal chaos, so I plan and outline like hell in order to make sense of everything. When I get an idea for a fic, it goes on my Notion database. Within Notion, I write down my inspiration for the idea, and a pretty in-depth summary of where I want the fic to go — dialogue ideas, any feelings/emotions I want to invoke, literally just a brain dump of all my ideas. From there, I’ll arrange that brain dumb into an outline. If it’s a one-shot, I’ll generally write the whole thing in the Notion doc. But multi-chapter fics will get a checklist within Notion for me to keep track of progress, and I’ll actually write the fic in Google Docs. I generally start writing from the beginning of a story, but if I get stuck or have an idea for a later scene, the fact that I’ve outlined heavily allows me to jump around as ideas come to me. I’ll read each one-shot or chapter after I’m done to make sure it flows before publishing. I post chapters for my WIPs as I write them, which I should really stop doing. lol For my readers’ sakes, I should work ahead and publish on a schedule rather than making them wait for my slow ass to finish chapter to chapter. But right now, that’s my process!
What are some things you’d like to recommend? Oh goodness, too many fics to possibly name. Instead, I’ll link to my AO3 rec bookmarks (which isn’t all-inclusive of the amazing fics I’ve read in this fandom, but it’s got some good favs in there) and shout out all of our awesome Bellarke Fic for BLM writers. Y’all should check out their work (and send in prompts)!
Where’s the best place to find you (twitter? tumblr?) I’m @changingthefairy-tale on Tumblr and @changingthefairy_tale on AO3! My ask box is always open for anyone who wants to scream about the show, ask about specs, talk about my fics, etc. Come say hey!
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thepropertylovers · 4 years ago
What Foreigners Really Think of The U.S. Right Now
The other night, after the kiddos went to bed, we decided to watch the second Borat movie that just came out (have you seen it?). It was insane and hilarious all at the same time, but it got me wondering: what do folks who don’t live in the U.S. think of The United States of America right now? What is their perception of us?
So I decided to pose this question on Instagram and wow. Y’all did not hold back. I want to thank everyone who submitted for your candidness and honesty, even if some of these were hard to swallow. It’s important to note that just because these are their opinions of America, it doesn’t mean it is all necessarily true. Regardless, it was interesting to read everyone’s thoughts and get an outsider’s perspective.
We received hundreds of submissions and couldn’t post them all, but below, people from all over the world share what they really think of the United States at the moment.
Leadership is out of touch with reality and messing things up real bad, not just for the U.S. but also for the world. What’s worse is that half the country is being misled successfully. It just shows poorly on the country all over. -Annonymous
Your president is a disaster when it comes to foreign politics and corona. No class, no knowledge. A joke. Very scary to watch. But half of the voters are happy with it. And that is even more scary. Very difficult to understand the hate and ignorance in your society right now. -Mikkel
It’s just weird. Everything basically. I totally understand now why the U.S. is described as '“flawed democracy” in the democracy index. It’s just a crazy system which is not providing equality among people- regarding the vote especially. This system leads to the fact of the two big parties (similar in the UK basically). But democracy is about diversity in opinions and options. Not just two. -Max
The US is more divided than ever. The two parties cannot work together nor do they appear to want to. The government is no longer run by reason, facts, and policy aiming for the betterment of the entire country and or world in the long or medium run; rather it’s instant gratification for the few who benefit from nepotism. Lies and misinformation are used to build a dictatorship hiding in the form of “patriotism”. And those who could act as a check or balance focus on their own personal gain, putting their needs above those of the persons they should be representing. -Joel
I personally don’t think there is a very good atmosphere in the USA, especially right now, Trump’s administration does not protect the American people or the economy. He only cares about himself and his male-white supremacy. The worst of all is that lots of Americans think Trump is actually a good leader (idk why, honestly). But thank God that people are starting to wake up and fight about what they believe. We can see it through BLM protests, feminist movements, and so on, and the whole world is proud about those people fighting for their rights. America was once the land of dreams, but nowadays (with all that is happening) it is even scary to go there. Lots of things have to change and those changes have to start, voting and defending your rights and your beliefs are the first step. Greetings from Spain. -Antonio
The main reasons I can think of are vote suppression/gerrymandering, expensive health care wealth inequality, racism, lack of fun control… -Brian
Definitely find the hypocrisy of the Republicans so annoying, Trump still being in office, the fact that there has been no police reform or justice for Breonna Taylor, the gun laws, and the COVID numbers just to name a few. -Brian
Here in the UK it seems like CARNAGE over there..don’t get me wrong, it’s wild here too but Trump is insane and it’s really odd seeing so many Americans supporting him. -Dan
Really worried about the fact that you might go for 4 more years with Trump and the fact that he’ll for sure contest the results if he loses. Add to this, all the racial violence and in particular the way some policemen act without being condemned by any judge. And finally the pandemic which seems to be even more out of control than in other countries. This is coming from someone who lives in France where we’re going to be under lockdown for the second time since the beginning of the pandemic (2nd lockdown starting tomorrow evening and will last at least until December 1st 😢). -Estelle
To put a long story short, let’s just hope Cheeto doesn’t get reelected otherwise our UK trade deal will be a disaster and we don’t need any more negative influences in the UK around gender and sexual equality.-Christian
I think with this administration, the US has demonstrated how to shipwreck a whole nation economically, ideologically, socially, and politically within a really short period of time. After just 4 years, we’ve come to associate the US with widespread narrow-mindedness, a lack of respect and courtesy to other nations (and minorities in its own country for that matter), short sightedness when it comes to global phenomena like environmentalism or migration patterns, and a celebration (by some at least) of almost barbaric notions of violence, oppression, and backward thinking, all under the camouflage of its constitution and socio-historic heritage. We’ve really admired the Obama administration over here in Europe, which-despite its flaws and shortcomings- has opened up the US to international partnerships and has established an ongoing discourse shaped by mutual respect and politeness…the contrast couldn’t be more pronounced these day…-Sebastian
I look at our Prime Minister and government and then see Trump and think we really could have it so much worse! Vote!! -Ant
As an American living in London, I can tell you that the news coverage here makes the US look like an absolute joke. Mainly due to 45, his lies, his bigotry, and his insane desire to make covid seem as though it’s a falsehood “created by the left” while hundreds of thousands of Americans have ben victimized by this pandemic. What was once seen as a country of opportunity and freedom, is sadly no longer held to that level of greatness in comparison to its neighboring countries. It saddens me because I had plans to move back home within the next year or so, but if the US continues on its path, I can see myself in London for the unforeseeable future. I can’t live in a country where I am seen or believed to be lesser than another because of my sexual preference. I can only hope and pray that this election brings the change we need to be that country of greatness once again. -Rob
Very poor to be honest. And I’m not necessarily [talking about Trump]- I think the immediate reaction is to blame him. Though, he is pretty awful. There was obviously a huge level of social and other problems in the US, and the current administration has exploited them to the breaking point. Whereas more “skilled” past administrations had the ability to leverage those issues for their benefit, but not let it boil over. I actually thought Trump would be a positive for the US and world- in that his incompetence would force other world leaders to step up. Meaning more equity in how disputes etc. are assessed and the US wouldn’t bully smaller nations. I think the US has hit the point in its journey with capitalism that the USSR hit with socialism in the late 80’s that led to its collapse. Does that mean collapse for the US, I don’t know but the system isn’t providing equity and equality for all as it stands. -Paul
Worried but also hopeful for you guys because I don’t think all citizens in America reflect the current administration. It’s been really great to see people voting early and making their voice heard. No matter what happens just know you did what you could in this moment in time. Even though the current administration provides a scary outlook for the future. As long as the current and future generations lead with love, there will hopefully be a brighter future. Love from Canada. -Ajetha
I've been subscribing to all of the US News since the Black Lives Matter Movement commenced and honestly, it made me scared as a Filipino Asian to step foot in the States ever since. I have big dreams of flying over there and probably working there as an immigrant after I finished college. However, when I found out about the racial injustice that is currently ongoing in the country, I became hesistant of still wanting to live there. Although, I'm positive that there are still people like you two that will be open about working immigrants, I really hope that racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia will end for good among every human beings in the US and also around the world. I do wish and pray that the 2020 US election will make certain amends to the current situation y'all are experiencing because it's getting pretty scary out there. -Harvey I’m an American living overseas working for the US government. I’m trying my hardest to stay overseas so my family and I don’t have to come back to the mess that is the US right now. From politics to COVID, it’s not a good time. While the virus may be surging again in Europe, at least the people comply with the government rules. Sometimes I believe Americans take freedom and liberty a bit too far, especially when it comes to the greater good. -Anonymous
Allthough on social policy the US is no real example for us (I think there is more social ‘security’, more justice, high standards in education for all in most of the EU countries), they always have been a ‘safe haven’ in big international politics. It now feels like ‘they have our back’ doesn’t imply anymore. -Jasper
Well personally I think the country seems in total disarray, instead of focusing on the real issues in the streets both house of the capitol are focused on bashing each other during the election campaign which is a circus due to the sitting POTUS. The obsession with the right to bare arms and the gun culture bewilders most other countries, you have teenagers walking into schools with Assault weapons and yet people still want guns to be available, worst still you ban one type of assault rifle but another just as powerful is kept on sale, it’s plain weird. -Philip
Neither candidate represents their party well. As an outsider looking in, it just baffles me that either of these men could potentially be the leader of the free world...It genuinely feels like worrying times are ahead for the US. -Marc I'm from India and living in Germany at the moment. The race problem in the US is as bad as the class/caste problem in India. Even if I don't have money I can go to a government health center in India. I just had an operation and stayed at the hospital for 18 days here in Germany, I had to pay only 180 Euros, everything else ( the operation and the many tests and scans that followed) was covered by the insurance. When my friends at the US heard about it they were shocked about low the hospital bill. There are really great labs (I'm a researcher) that I would like to work but I have no intentions of working/living in the US for a longer period of time. -Maithy
I think the US has become a joke to the rest of the developed world. Neither candidates running for president are fit to run such a powerful country. I can't help but feel after the election if Trump wins the left will riot and if Biden wins the right will riot. The country might just rip itself apart. American politics has zero empathy and zero morals. Honestly its terrifying. -Andrew
The US has always been a bit confusing to me - the two party system, the focus on religion, the divide in income and possibilities- as well as being the beacon of light in the fight for human rights, the strong personal pride in creating caring societets, the blending of and openeses for ethnicities and cultures... But for a while politics have become not at all about politics, religious beliefs are taking charge in policy work, the wealthier part shows little companion towards the less wealthy, the public spending is way above budget year after year while health care seems to be crazy expensive and not for all. The intrusion of US interest in politics in other countries are blunt to say the least, creating conflict where human lives have no value if they’re not US lives... School shootings that seems to be acted upon as that is part of normal lives, and schools to expensive for even middle class kids to study at... This is a shift in trust and soft power that affects all of us. -Olof
To be honest, I couldn’t come to the US right now, it scares me. The leadership, the gun laws, the violence and the divide of the nation. It sucks, because I love America and have been there 7 times in the last two years from Australia for work... but not anymore. I’m not coming back now until peace wins. -Anonymous
The fact that such a hate filled government is presiding over what is one the greatest countries in the world is scary. And it is seriously mind blowing that out of such a powerful country filled with some of the greatest minds in the world it’s these two men are the best you can do to be your next president. Unbelievable. Seriously unbelievable. -Rachel
I think the orange dude in office is making you guys look bad. But also, good (?). Seeing the black lives matter movement and so many of you stand up to the problems your country faces has been inspiring. One thing our countries have in common is how we are divided into very distinctive opposites sides. I mean, where do all these racists, bigots, utterly, madly conservites people came from? I few like a few years ago things did not seem so much as a boiling pan about to explode. Or maybe they were all hiding and when a lunatic like them rose to power (how that happened still boggles my mind) they all showed their true colors. It’s scary. I hope Trump doesn’t get reelected. Brazilians loooove to imitate americans🙄, so if he gets reelected it makes that much probable that our lunatic will also be in office for four more years. P.S. have you guys watched the show Years and Years from HBO? A really good watch is this election times! ☺️ -Taty
Re. The US atm. Unfortunately your president has made your country a laughing stock around the world and he's destroyed relationships with allies. It's gonna take time to rebuild all of that. He's also moved an entire branch of your government to the far right, even though the majority of the country if left/centr of left. So you've a supreme court that doesn't represent you and it's looking like they're going to try and take away rights from people. You have a healthcare system that doesn't look out for its people and there's this bizarre fear of universal healthcare that seems insane to every other 1st world country. If if Biden wins (and I really hope he does for everyone's sake), there's going to be a lot of work in undoing the damage Trump has done before he can even get into what he wants to do. All the while you've an ultra conservative highest court. There's also the massive political division and the systemic racism. It's a lot. It's not impossible, but it's going to take so much time and people who want it to change. -Ciara
I’ve been sitting here for an hour thinking about your question and there are many different outlooks I could raise so I’ll keep it generic. I’ll start with the elephant in the room known as Covid. Each day, our morning news informs us of what your leaders are doing and daily case numbers in the US. We sit here completely shocked at how your government has let it reach this point. You may have heard that Melbourne has just come out of one of the strictest and longest lock downs in the world. I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone to have to do, but I will say, I feel much more comfortable to be able to go to the shops knowing the numbers are at about 2-3 a day instead of in the thousands. I do think that your government does need to address this now, could even be making it compulsory mask wearing. It’s hard for me to comment about your economy as we don’t here much about it, but I will say Trump ‘says’ make America great again, let’s get more jobs, they are pro life, yet how is someone who is prolife not doing anything to stop a virus that is killing people? Isn’t your unemployment rate worse (pre-covid) than what it was when Obama was president? I think as a generic outlook, if change isn’t made in the election, the outlook from a Australian does not look like it would be something you’d want to be apart of. I love America. Have visited a couple of times, even thought about moving there, but at the moment, I’ve never been more thankful to not be there. -Ben
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years ago
💙Humble Attempt Anon💙
*** All submitted by @anon-annoyed on @skippyv20
May 20
For fun and entertainment - gave the riddle a try
5 years old ‘ COVID security ………
There is video of Fauci stating a pandemic was coming I think it is 5 years old
transmission admission??………
Will China admit it knew more then started earlier? WHO?
1st. June. ……………
HMTQ People cover comes out
A pollution solution …………
Covid 19 has taught lessons in solving pollution problems
free at last………
PH? Free finally? Annulment?
kiss 💋 me 😱😱😱…………
HMTQ can get kisses from her 3 Cambridge grandchildren?
another Father???……………
Artificial’s real dna Father is announced?
Spanish,French and judo 😂😂😂……………
MM riduciliousness
lies,damm lies, and MM………
Damm. (archaic and original) a small, essentially worthless coin from India So
Money flaunting PR homes are lies
an expensive squat…………
The cost of pr using TP’s house is going to be an expensive bill to pay In terms of owed favor?
A Greece-y gamble. …………
A double word play on greasy person from Greece that MM took a chance on and will be burned by it?
“ is one sitting comfortably’ good, Once apon a time “
Apon is front eh Middle Ages meaning same as upon. Are we about to see a Middle Ages divorce reminder in this fairy tale of dread?
Great job! Love it! Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
May 29
2nd attempt at a MM ANON riddle
First want to say my thoughts and prayers are with you dearest Skippy. May your family be surrounded by Light!!
looting/ shooting …………
DT;s statement
“ tic-toc Nanny”…………
Nanny doing the dance
“ ok! Charlotte, get Louis too” ………
Including Louis on the tic toc
“ George,do it properly “………
Charlotte bossing George around
W&K , It’s a challenging schedule ma’am” …………
Laughing at the Tatler article with HMTQ
” there having a bike day at Brands Hatch with Ducati “ ………
The whole Cambridge family went to track and rode bikes while PW rode Ducati
“ Nottingham cottage ma’am”…………
Prince Harry finally able to say he is there
“like old times ma’ am”……………
Prince Harry able to be honest about being at NC like old times with a pause of relief
” I’ll have a quiet word with Donald “…………
HMTQ having to give DT the details of the soon Anulment anouncments
“ not Philip, his diplomacy is wanting”…………
PP not handling the details since he is not delicate
“exiting times ma’am”………
Exiting the drama, announcing the A Nul ment and finally being free !!
“ one shall insist on compliance Christopher “
Insisting on being compliant with all the agreements for A Nul ment (hope so)
Wonderful! Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 8
Another humble attempt at the MM riddle
DOJ requesting PA to appear in JE court
A Stern retort. …………
Hmmmmmmmmmmm can figure anything for this one.
the sept. Soothsayer ………
Fortune teller - when Kate is due with 4th baby
A 14 day suicide for the trade…………
Tatler magazine has created a suicide for themselves with the Kate article
in court today ………
Is this regarding MM or PA? The demand for PA to be in court or that MM is in court …hmmmm
Beatrice tooo tu!! ……………
Beatrice looks to become a senior royal as she is showing great charm and ability
wonderful Wessex………
Sophia being praised for her awesomeness
more photos from Kate??? ………
All 3 kids will have a new picture released soon thus 3 question marks?
no fuss birthday …………
PP wants no fuss for his birthday on the 10th
“ shall one suggest a gathering of 8 .” ………
Cambridges are 5, HMTQ and PP make 7 and Harry makes 8??
” no, silly’ Balmoral?? ………
headed to Balmoral for the meet up of 8
MM desperatum iri videbatur……
MM desperate situation hmmmm hers or the BRFs?
Great! Thank you….I think MM is the desperate one….😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 9
Riddle humble answer another attempt
everyone and their brother,brother ………
Trooping the Colors…PH will be there this Saturday?
wow!! What a photo Kate!!……………
A second photo coming like the umbrella one ?
little Louis gets a surprise ……………
Agree with PG that this is them telling him a baby is coming
a well rounded future of three( four) ………
Well rounded meaning the 4th will be a girl?
A birthday tic-toc dance…………
PP gets a tic toc dance for this birthday on the 10th
“ do Catherine , come and bring the children “…………
DoC bringing the children for Trooping the Colors mini even
“maybe a change of routine “…………
Trooping the colour change of routine will be at 2:00 AM - 5:00 AM Saturday, June 13
“ Both of you are an example hope”………
Sophie and Catherine are shining examples of hop for the monarchy
“ yes George,I’ll see if we can get to a match”
George is missing sports and hoping to see a match
Thank you…looks great!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 10
super humble attempt at the riddle (love these riddles so much )
Covid 19 gone from New Zealand with a capital G
everything is now B&W……………
The protests and movements are making everything B&W
“ but’ tomorrow is another day”…………
Gone with the Wind famous line - echos of Carrying On
“ but old thing, I look like bloody Bela Lugosi” …………
PP complaining about something he was asked to wear
“ shutup Philip”………
Telling him to just get o with it
“ just Take the bloody picture “.………
PP famous quip at the photographer most likely said again
”they’ve hardly ever been on a train William “…………
Taking the train to Balmoral
“ yes , they’d be very excited 😜 “ …………
How excited the kids will be to ride the train
🎼we’re all going to the zoo tomorrow 🎼……………
Hmmmm can’t crack this one (PG’s the smart song one!! So grateful)
she lies for exposure………
MM;s never ending lies for keeping in the press
yachting’ secret exposure !! ……………
Ohhhh a yachting owned secret coming - a picture thus exposure
this time it’s explosive!! …………
It will be a big explosive exposure this time
“ great scoop Beth.”
Hmmmm can’t crack this one
Wonderful! Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 14
Humble Riddle Attempt…THANK YOU MM ANON!!!!!!!!!
Adeleville……… Adele’s connection to Grenfell memorial and IT connecting to her….does Adele use Sunshine Sacks? hmmmm
Westfield?? ………… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westfield_Group the malls in LA The Grove are owned by this group https://caruso.com/ and I remember seeing the CEO in a pr fluff of IT
Charlottes delivery …………… Maybe referring to Baby 4 coming same as Charlottes. But not possessive plural hmmm
🎼grab the cash with both hands🎼………… Pink Floyds “Money” Dark Side of the Moon 1973…hmmm
another scam charity …………… BLM has been showed to be directly connected to Dems …scam?
she’s a race… ist …………IT is a race onto her self for sure and clearly is a ist..and JM is now going to turn
she publishes the book ………………… Will JM publish a book now? With all the skeletons?
we will destroy her, we have the tapes…… JM saying she has the tapes and will leak them?
“ no more Mrs, nice ma’am!! “ …………IT no longer Mrs???? TOOO exciting to think about….
“ ones gloves are orf Christopher ………… Hmmm https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/orf/ of disease of sheep to human. Could the sheep following IT finally be seeing the disease she is? And LG is able to move forward with final finals?
“ it was a very good year,old thing “……..PP telling HMTQ it has been a great year (period)
This is great! Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 16
humble riddle notes - PG & LK THANK YOU I learn so much and am so grateful
Shetland lift-off……… https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-53049513
LIZA with a ‘ don’t know em…LM;s public facebook post that she has never met them
” it’s shopping Jim, but not as we show it……… PG & LK have linked to Star Trek, I have never watched that show so completely miss the reference and am so grateful to them for their interpretations. Interesting that it is half a quote. Does this have to do with MM mirror site? Maybe LK was right and the Jim reference is supposed to lead us to a person within the firm? Maybe Prince Edward’s youngest son?
“ matter of fact it’s all dark” .. everything to do with IT..dark and ugly …LK’s interpretation was enlightening and taught so much. Wanted to add that June 21st is also Father’s day in the United States.
first jet easy …………Jet return to Scotland so easy to get to Balmoral
Brexit,old white guys drinking a lot. …………LK & PG interrupted this I am lost
a moment of reckoning ……… According to the Cambridge dictionary “a time when the effect of a past mistake is experienced or when a crime is punished”
a virtual Wimbledon?? …………plans to show highlights from past games
Catherine to the rescue …… baby 4 to lift the spirits of all or maybe she will narrate/ host the virtual Wimbledon event? Or BOTH?
“ Ahhh , a relaxing night old thing “ …“Sydney’s provided a new box set” ……“Boardwalk Empire” ………“ bit violent old thing” ………“ Epic Philip!!”…… “ones usual Sydney “…“great!! No bloody tic toc. PG’s excitement was so fun to read and lifting THANK YOU for that PG, MM Anon and LK for these riddles and interpretations.
This is great! Thank you!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 16
riddle attempt humbly (Love how I learn through these, I now search the news for clues0 THANK YOU MM Anon!!!!!!!!
MM Anon
“she Ascot nothing on me” ………… IT only went to Ascot once and it was when Doc did not attend https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1296617/meghan-markle-news-kate-middleton-royal-ascot-megxit-royal-family-latest-spt
para-thanks William ……… PW visiting the paramedics to thank them first outing https://people.com/royals/prince-william-steps-out-for-first-official-public-duty-to-thank-first-responders-during-covid-19/
PC , LOST weight??…………That PC lost “dead weight’ of IT with 2 question marks meaning Artificial and IT…hope so!!!!
Oxford,Oxford ……… Protests https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8428313/Black-Lives-Matter-protesters-march-Oxford-ahead-meeting-Cecil-Rhodes-statues-future.html
STIR-oid ………news that steroids help with sick Covid patients? https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/16/health/dexamethasone-covid-drug-recovery-trial-bn/index.html “Stirring an old remedy” “Finding value in an old medicine”
falling tragedy …………UK headed to recession a tragedy from falling to the Covid 19 https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/uk/2020/06/how-uk-has-been-left-worst-all-worlds-over-covid-19 and/or the tragedy of IT is falling into place to a end!!! A NUL ment (hopefully)
the Paris peasants are revolting ……… ……… There are 2 spaces for answers to this one so thinking there must be 2 meanings : 1) the anniversary of Richard II’s chat with the Revolting Peasants at Mile End (1381), and of Owen Glendower’s declaration that he was allying himself with the French against Henry IV, in 1404. Perfidious Welshman. No wonder there are a couple of border towns on the English side where it’s still legal to kill a Welshman as long as you do it with a bow and arrow and at certain times of the day or week. And today https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/france-medical-workers-protest-unrest-and-fires-ensue/1879407 So happening on this day in past and present
“ we can still dress-up cabbage 🥬 “ …“Anne, my yellow ensemble”…“Sydney ‘ a photo”…“that’s a keeper, old thing” …“ here we go , tic-toc, the three of them”… “O, and Catherine!!” … “ ehhhh, And William “ … “ make it a double Sydney “… “ how entertaining Philip “ PP telling HMTQ they can still dress up for Ascot/his bday and she wears the yellow dress and PP thinks it is a good shot and then he sees all 3 Cambs o tic toc and Catherine and then William join in as well so he tells Sydney to double the drink and HMTQ is very happily entertained by it all.
You are doing a great job! Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 18
another humble attempt…..LOVE LOVE the riddles!!!!!
“NEVER���……… No chance of IT returning to BRF
“ ………” mon dieu” …… “ “ My God (in french) President telling PC he can’t believe IT is still around and feels sorry for the BRF
🎼some sunny day 🎼……… Well Meet Again (Alternate) Vera Lynn a remembrance of her as she passed away
“ good to meet again Mr President “………HMTQ speaking with French President
air corridor ………Britons could yet take foreign holidays this summer as ministers draw up a list of countries who could be exempt from tough quarantine laws, Matt hancock confirmed today.
“ to be honest,he was an obnoxious old bastard” ……… Maybe Lord Hague being described ? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-53061432
world beating cherry …trace testing hoping to be the cherry on top of COvid19 getting in control …https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/letters/boris-johnson-foreign-aid-dfid-coronavirus-test-trace-a9572941.html
non app- licable …… What does not applicable mean in court? “Not Applicable” or “N/A” is often seen on forms or in tables or for questions. It’s the answer you would give if a question did not apply to you. For example, if there were a question “What is your date of marriage?”, but you have never been married, you could answer “N/A”, because the question does not apply to you.
“ Bolt-hole. ………… Another markled celeb https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-8435543/David-Victoria-Beckham-LOSE-planning-row-neighbours-31-5m-London-mansion.html
self interest
………https://www.heraldscotland.com/opinion/18525189.letters-triumph-naked-self-interest/ Something to do with Scotland’s feeling toward the UK serving their self interest
BOE- more money!! ……………https://www.wsj.com/articles/central-banks-pump-more-cash-into-economy-to-fight-recession-11592482055 Bank of England printing more money as many countries are.
pepper sprayed……… hmmm lots of stories of pepper spray by police hurting protestors was IT in the ned just a pepper spray on the BRF….annoying and painful but forgotten and healed up in a little bit of time….hmmmm
“ O Philip, it’s the last one “……… “Always Downton Abbey old thing”
HMTQ being bummed Boardwalk is doe and PP saying can always watch DA…..does this maybe mean that the gangster back room drama of IT is over and that they can go back to just living the DA life again…….We can HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wonderful! Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 20
another humble attempt at MM Anon riddle - LOVE YOUR RIDDLES
Hello!! ………… Welcome back to the family being together - a BIG HELLO!!
“ It’s a rally Jim , ……… “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer broke down what drove Tuesday’s market rally.
viva espana ………… People were singing this in SF along protests
🎼drink, drink, drink,🎼…………… “Drinking Song” or “Drink, Drink, Drink” is an exuberant song composed by Sigmund Romberg with lyrics by Dorothy Donnelly. It is the most popular piece in the 1924 operetta, The Student Prince.[1] It was a success for tenor Mario Lanza, who performed it in the 1954 movie, though the part was played on screen by another actor, due to a contract dispute.[2]
black wall……… History of Black Wall being destroyed 99 years ago and Trump trying to bring bring attention there by holding rally there
MM , another agenda!! ………… IT’s new agenda of BLM the never ending circling door of IT’s missions and agendas
bollotics …… this meaning fits all this for nothing to resolve it BLM feels like bollotics
Bollotics The art of defining why something can’t be done without any real reason - is a urban word for Red Tape, when everyone knows it is total bollotics that is preventing things from progressing and yet nobody can resolve it.Often found in the work place e.g. when a department refuses to allow a change because there isn’t a process for it, that is Bollotics, just do it and shut the **** up.by MowgliCub October 10, 2013
“ Kate and William,the children are with nanny “ ………… “ Dover Sole and lemon parfait old thing “………… cream caramel,and Irish coffee Sydney!! ………… “September 9th ma’am. …… “ Stay over Catherine “ –
Sounds like the family is celebrating and knowing the children won’t go back til September so asking them to stay in Balmoral for the summer
This is great! Thank you!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 21
Thank you! This is great😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
short attempt at riddle (LOVE THE RIDDLES)
give us a hug…………PH is back and with the family? getting/giving a hug
Duchess of Cambridge Royal collection ………Her amazing photographs
in the footsteps of lord Lichfield ………… photographer in RF now is DoC https://www.theguardian.com/news/2005/nov/12/guardianobituaries.artsobituaries
EOS C700 Christmas present … … camera ready for Christmas present Camb baby 4?? https://www.usa.canon.com/internet/portal/us/home/products/details/cameras/cinema-eos/eos-c700
“slow the testing down”…………President Trump said that’s how you slow the spread stop the testing
Kung-flu…………… PT also called the COVID 19 this i his speech
Size matters………… School class sizes will be small in the fall
reopening NYC……… NYC opening up after Covid19 lockdown- IT going there?
“ get ya hair 💇🏽‍♀️💇🏼‍♂️cut” …………… hmmmm hair salon open
“ 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️🍺 “ ………… Everyone excited for the pubs to open - PW said he was
Rachel for president?? …………… LC said IT has presidential ambitions
archificial daddy day?? ……… hmmm no father’s day cause no real Archie
spotted in St Johns Wood………PH seen there? St John’s Wood An affluent district of leafy residential streets, St John’s Wood is known for Lord’s Cricket Ground, the headquarters of English cricket and a venue for domestic and international matches. The Beatles made many recordings at Abbey Road Studios and fans use the crosswalk outside to recreate the iconic album cover for photo ops. Boutique stores and chic eateries dot St John’s Wood High Street.London borough: Westminster; CamdenLondon Assembly: West Central; Barnet and CamdenPostcode district: NW8Sovereign state: United Kingdom
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dippedanddripped · 5 years ago
Between a global pandemic and important BLM protests, fashion isn’t likely to ever look the same. But there’s one thing that hasn’t changed in the slightest: fashion is one big illusion. Its hubris and self-importance are chief amongst the greatest findings uncovered during the pandemic as luxury brands and retailers plot their next steps. But can business really continue as usual?
In the throes of the public health emergency, the death of George Floyd sparked demonstrations consisting of thousands across the globe. The industry responded sharply with pledges to learn, change, and grow, though the optics of change have long been more appealing to the industry than actionable change. However, whether the fashion industry will truly foster systemic change in the years to come will prove to be its biggest challenge, especially in the face of a generation of socially-aware customers.
Slowly but surely, the industry is reopening as if there was never a pandemic, as if the open letters and the promises for change were yesterday’s news. While the menswear and couture shows moved largely online, across the globe, physical fashion weeks are being announced in accordance with the country’s health guidelines. Individual brands like Dolce & Gabbana, Dior, Balmain, Etro and Burberry will host their own shows.
Meanwhile retailers, too, are opening their doors, and are continuing to slash the value of clothing as excess inventory piles up. For many, it is too late. Some department stores and retailers have already filed for bankruptcy while many others face bleak prospects, hovering between staying afloat and sinking under – no matter their skill or discernment. Will the glut of unsold products serve as a wake-up call for one of the world’s most polluting industries? Have consumers expectations changed in light of the pandemic?
Publishers are tasked with the predicament of advertisers drastically cutting their marketing budgets and mandated quarantines made producing physical issues more difficult. Furthermore, in the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd, the American publishing industry faced a reckoning of its own, as it was tasked to confront racial inequity within an industry supported by outdated modes of luxury. The world of content, and those who shape it, is likely to change, though to what extent is an answer that lies ahead.
While fashion figures out the way forward, the virus continues to accelerate across the globe, with the World Health Organization warning that the worst could be yet to come. We asked industry pioneers across fashion design, journalism, buying and merchandising, public relations and communications, consultancy, and chief executives to forecast the future of fashion, and how much will actually change – here’s what they had to say.
Social Change
For a long time now, fashion’s priority when it comes to change is in the optics of change, rather than enacting policy. Conversations surrounding race, feminism, and sustainability have dominated fashion’s agenda in recent years, though it is evident that real progress is moving at a glacial pace. Across social media, during the protests for racial justice which attracted thousands of demonstrators around the globe, performative activism ran amok on Instagram feeds and Twitter streams, a hollow and empty act that drew ire from critics.
Less than a few weeks later, consortiums of creatives banded together to call for real change. Within the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA), people like Kerby Jean-Raymond, Virgil Abloh, Public School’s Dao-Yi Chow, and womenswear designer Prabal Gurung created an actionable list of demands that the Council could be held accountable for. The Kelly Initiative, a growing list of Black professionals put together by Jason Campbell, Henrietta Gallina, and Kibwe Chase-Marshall, pressed the CFDA for “equitable inroads for Black fashion talent.” Aurora James, founder of footwear brand Brother Vellies, founded the 15 Percent Pledge which urges major retailers to dedicate at least 15% of their shelf space to Black-owned businesses.
Teen Vogue editor Lindsay Peoples Wagner and public relations specialist Sandrine Charles co-founded the Black in Fashion Council to represent and secure the advancement of Black individuals in the fashion and beauty industry and to build an equality index for companies across the industry in the coming years. The different groups and what they individually represent are fashion’s most concerted efforts to truly signal change.
Though as fashion’s problematic relationships with sustainability and feminism have proven in recent years – issues only exacerbated by the pandemic – social change is a waiting game, though the moment is poised with endless possibilities for a rewritten system.
Aurora James, founder of Brother Vellies and 15 Percent Pledge
“Right after the tragic killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, we saw a lot of brands and influencers from across industries posting messages of solidarity, but not actually changing anything about their business. They say they stand with the Black Lives Matter movement but don’t have diversity in their boardrooms or in the content they put out. I hope that as an industry, we continue to evaluate what business as usual looks like and start thinking more about how we can diversify internally, how we are actually treating the people we work with. I am optimistic about the industry’s future. [Although] I don’t think it will happen overnight.”
Nate Hinton, founder of The Hinton Group
“I think that the industry can change. I don’t know how rapidly it will change. If it doesn’t, if the establishment and the people in certain positions don’t change, then people like me will change it for ourselves. You can’t keep asking an oppressor — not that I’m calling anyone an oppressor — to change their ways because the person in that mindset doesn’t understand that they’re doing the thing that they’re doing most of the time. People are [now] calling out where they see an injustice or a lack of diversity. The people will change it for you if you don’t change it yourself.”
Robin Givhan, fashion critic at The Washington Post
“I don’t think the industry is going to look the same. I don’t think it should look the same. None of the issues people or activists are bringing up now are new. Some companies have chosen to acknowledge those deficiencies in the past and perhaps make some incremental changes.Then there are other companies that these issues have been raised with them in the past and they have chosen, essentially, to do nothing. I think that there are some companies that have engendered enough goodwill that their gestures might be taken as more sincere or, at least, with a wait-and-see attitude. [Then] I think there are other companies that have no goodwill and their gestures will be met with extreme scepticism and even disregard; they have a lot more ground to make up.”
Lindsay Peoples Wagner, Editor-in-Chief of Teen Vogue & Sandrine Charles, public relations specialist. Co-founders of Black in Fashion Council
“Us starting Black in Fashion Council really comes from the realization that a lot of brands can say things on social media, or post the right inspirational quote but only care about this moment to make themselves look good, without implementing systematic change. We’ve gathered industry leaders from all across the industry so that we can be more proactive about change, and have productive conversations and strategies around changes that need to be made so that the next generation has a better experience. I believe systematic changes are possible when we move the conversation from canceling people and into accountability.”
Saul Nash, dancer and designer
“It feels across all industries that we’re on the wave of a revolution. You would hope it would stick and we can go forward. Fashion is an institutional system set up over decades; in terms of racism, it’s a question of whether institutions are willing to readdress the structures in order to tackle issues that are happening. Lockdown has been a time of reflection. After all this reflecting, it’s a question of how we’re going to put the reflection into motion for the future.”
Heron Preston, designer
“I don’t think the internal messaging matches the external messaging for every single brand in terms of how diverse their staff is and the content they put out, but hopefully it will in the future. A lot of brands who are posting messages of solidarity are the same people who don’t actually care about the movement behind the scenes. We really need to check people for their actions and hold them accountable for the positions they claim to stand for. Once this all settles down, that is when the real work starts.”
Bhavisha Dave, co-founder of Capsul India
“Communication is the most critical thing when it comes to any business. Today’s young consumers are so used to having conversations about everything, sometimes even uncomfortable topics, [so] they will demand the same from brands. A brand or a platform needs to get comfortable to have those kinds of conversations.”
Robert Burke, consultant
“The consumer today has more discretion and higher standards than they have ever had, and rightfully so. The brands have been veiled by the press or lack of transparency, or were never really held accountable for diversity, workplace treatment, factory, sustainability. The smart brands are going to communicate with their customer and discuss these things in a very straightforward and direct way, whether that be with Black Lives Matter, MeToo, discrimination in the workplace — if they can communicate directly with their customer, they can gain their respect.”
Maxine Bédat, founder of New Standard Institute
“This moment is a reckoning across the board. Companies will need to address racial justice issues and make sure the company is representative both at the retail floor and the executive leadership. It’s up to the leadership of the company to make the right choices. But it’s also up to the individual citizens who continue to make change a priority, demanding these things of brands. It’s a two way street and that’s how change happens. This is a call to action to stay engaged, to stay on top of brands, and to stay on top of legislators to create laws that will address social and environmental inequities.”
Kibwe Chase-Marshall, designer, writer, advocate and co-founder of The Kelly Initiative
“Powerbrokers relied upon the cult of manufactured pedigree to maintain their strongholds on access to opportunity with glossy IG profiles eclipsing resumes and reference-checks. Then a global health-pandemic occurred, Americans initiated a world-wide #BlackLivesMatter call-to-action, and the entire fashion mechanism came tumbling down. Brands will each have unique relationships with internal culture evolution amid this complex moment; considering Anti-Blackness within boilerplate discussions of diversity-and-inclusion was a “no-no” just a couple of months ago. Many will launch smoke-and-mirrors, PR/marketing campaigns to obscure visibility of their disinterest in a redistribution of power and access, but hopefully, enough dynamic leaders of influence will commit to the hard work of atonement and, at times for some, painfully disruptive course-correction.”
Fashion Month
Fashion week is not dead. Despite COVID-19 limiting international travel and physical gatherings, fashion councils and federations around the globe mobilized. It began with Shanghai, Moscow, and continued to the recent digital versions of London, Paris, and soon Milan Fashion Week.
But France’s Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode and the Italian Camera Nazionale della Moda are committed to physical fashion weeks to take place in September, in line with the government’s health guidelines. New York and London are looking into similar ventures. Prior to that, in August, Copenhagen Fashion Week will embrace a hybrid physical-digital experience to enhance the virtual side of things for the international press unable to travel to the event. Dolce & Gabbana will host their first physical fashion show in July with a live audience while Dior will have a live-streamed event in Lecce, Italy, but with no audience. Burberry will present its Spring/Summer 2021 collection in the great British outdoors on September 17 to accommodate attendees. Chanel is committed to six shows per year, according to Chanel’s President of Fashion, Bruno Pavlovsky. Luxury conglomerates such as LVMH and Kering have been relatively tight-lipped about changing the schedule, echoing other megabrands’ stance.
Meanwhile, consortiums of industry insiders such as those formed by Dries van Noten, or The Business of Fashion, are calling for radical, systemic change to a format that is over-reliant on tradition and a cycle that is ultimately damaging to business. While COVID-19 offered a moment to share ideas and form collaborations, great things still happen through physical human connection and one thing is clear from the current discussions: fashion week is a crucial aspect to the system, however, it becomes clear its structure and format need rethinking.
Pascal Morand, Executive President of the Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode
“There was a wish for a physical fashion week — not from every brand, but some brands wanted it. In July, we decided to work on an alternative project. We will see how that plays out. But the nature of a sensory or emotional experience is not the same as a digital one. Digital cannot replace physical because physical expression is so important. With September, we’re doing the exact same as we did in February and March. We’re following the government health guidelines, that’s the same now. We’re hoping that a digital fashion week will provide us with more insight into the ways physical and digital can be combined.”
Cecilie Thorsmark, CEO of Copenhagen Fashion Week
“It’s hard to replace the emotions experienced at a live show or the personal interactions with brands with digital solutions. However, we need to re-evaluate physical fashion weeks. Copenhagen Fashion Week is a biannual event, we merged men’s and women’s, but even that could be rethought. Should it only be once? I don’t have the answer. For certain, there is a need to add a digital layer to fashion week and for brands to show in different ways post-pandemic. There are so many forces asking for change at the moment but it must happen collectively and collaboratively. The word ‘system’ is key because only when the response is coordinated will systemic change happen.”
Nate Hinton, founder of The Hinton Group
“I think fashion week should change but whether it will — I can’t predict that. I think a lot of brands and designers were being forced to create on a schedule. The business stopped looking at fashion as an art form but as a commercial entity. It was treating designers as businesses — which they are, their brands are businesses — but they weren’t given the space to actually create quality products hence the rise of fast fashion, pre-collections, six fashion weeks per year, and the dilution of fashion. It watered down our industry. It took away from those collections and those runway experiences that made you gasp. I think people are just tired of it, frankly. The retailers, the organizations pushed for too much and now some artists and the designers are saying “we’ve had enough.”
Sara Maino, deputy editor-in-chief of Vogue Italia
“We can’t think about not having fashion shows. We definitely need a clean up because in the last couple of years there’s been too much of everything, everyone has something to say. The industry has become quantity over quality. There needs to be a slowdown, yes, but you can’t replace the fashion shows, the events, the presentations.”
Saul Nash, dancer and designer
“In terms of shows, for someone like myself, the physical space is quite important. I think that being able to touch clothes and see them up close is key. If it is a case where digital fashion week is what’s available, I think I could adapt performance to meet that. It would be an interesting challenge to try something.”
Gert Jonkers, editor-in-chief and publisher of Fantastic Man
“You always hear ‘fashion week and fashion shows are all about the storytelling behind the collection’ but what it is sometimes is just the collection and you just want to see clothes. The core thing of fashion brands is the clothes they make. When you see a series of presentations that are anything but the clothes it makes you realise the subject is missing.”
Reese Cooper, designer
“Being one of the newcomers, we always looked forward to being with the right people in the right place physically. Moving shows to the digital space, like Instagram. It’s harder for us to reach outside of the existing followers base. So the physical show and physical fashion week gave us the opportunity to meet and network with buyers, press, and potential new teammates. It really does help us move forward. Physical fashion week has its business value, but the cultural aspect is equally important to me. Having all of my friends and family together in place, it creates this energy that everyone looks forward to. Moving it to digital is just half of the fun.”
Loic Prigent, filmmaker and journalist
“Fashion is about change. I don’t think anyone has the new formula ready yet but designers seem generally excited about something new. The strongest point of view will win as always. I don’t like to take too much time to think about the what ifs but I don’t think councils or federations will have the agility to change things. After all, it took Helmut Lang to strike out on his own in 1998 to move the shows to New York.. It was Simon Porte Jacquemus who decided to show off-calendar in the lavender fields. He took action, he thought it was best for his label. This is the kind of decision-making we need.”
Andrew Keith, president of Lane Crawford and Joyce
“Shows have evolved over the past 25 years I’ve been in the business. They’ve morphed from showing a collection to press, and key wholesale and retail partners to a message to customers. Now with the speed of information, social media and influencers they’ve become they are less important to us from a retail perspective. [Yet] I’m not sure there won’t be shows. For some brands, it’s core to their DNA and necessary for their vision and storytelling. The contentious issue is the conglomerates don’t want to change and while the young guard are all pushing to change the dates to show and sell in June and July, they don’t want to wait until September, and they want to do women’s and men’s together.”
Ida Petersson, Womenswear and Menswear Buying Director of Browns Fashion
“We need to look at fashion weeks not with a nostalgic view but with a future lens. From a buying perspective, tech innovation definitely needs to be applied to a greater extent than I have witnessed to date. At this stage, online fashion week is a really tough space to be in for a buyer. The virtual buying tools are not developed enough for the experience to be efficient and most times we are still either buying by flicking through hundreds of little photos and sketches or being shown a collection through an iPhone, resulting in the selections taking up to three times as long as a pre-COVID-19 appointment.”
Retail and the Consumer
As luxury shopping destinations reopen in the aftermath of a mandated lockdown, large department stores and smaller, independent boutiques, with controlled traffic, are tasked with navigating the new world order. For many businesses, the doors remained closed even when lockdown measures were lifted. Jeffrey, a Nordstrom-owned US retailer closed its doors. Others face uphill battles of regaining momentum — Neiman Marcus filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the United States. Meanwhile, a lurking global recession is compounded with fears of a second wave of infection, stores are bracing themselves for reduced footfall and sales.
Another integral aspect to the conversation surrounding retail and the consumer is the intersection between morals and resource management: the world produces an unsustainable amount of clothing that is ultimately destined for landfills. According to McKinsey & Company, the value of excess inventory from Spring/Summer 2020 collections is estimated at $160 billion to $180 billion worldwide which is more than double the normal levels for the sector. Whether retail, the physical act of experiencing a store or online-shopping, and the market that drives it, can withstand the pandemic is yet to unfurl but, undoubtedly, business is tested with unprecedented challenges.
Maxine Bédat, founder of New Standard Institute
“Regardless of what happens we’re going to keep getting dressed. There’s a real opportunity to take stock from a company perspective — and companies are doing that, with a lot of fear — and this will mean a lot for what, and how much, they produce going forward. Even the largest players are thinking about these things. That has always been the elephant in the room in terms of the sustainability conversation: how do we make this one piece more sustainable versus thinking about what the right size for the whole industry is. This isn’t rocket science, it’s a matter of prioritizing these issues.”
Stefano Martinetto, CEO of Tomorrow London Ltd
“It’s obvious that luxury brands need to be protected in their brand equity. So why shouldn’t independent designers? Why should there be discounting on some brands in November and May but not on others? Is there a future for retail-wholesale-independent-designer relationship or if this generation of independent will be wiped out by the next financial crisis, will they come to market as direct-to-consumer? It’s a big risk since I’m a believer in retailers as curators. We need to rewrite the rules. We are playing with rules that are fifty years old and only work for two or three conglomerates and fast fashion.”
Robert Burke, consultant
“The last few years, everyone has said, ‘the system is broken’, but nobody has had the conviction to change it, but because of the pandemic it’s been a forced hard stop. Brands are going to take control because they are very shaken by what happened and realize how delicate the wholesale relationship is. You’ll see even small brands go after their direct-to-consumer business. They can control their own message, they can control their own sales and pricing and get products out there. They can have a relationship with the customer. The pandemic has shown us that if you have a good relationship with your customer, you’ll end up ahead.”
Ida Petersson, Womenswear and Menswear Buying Director of Browns Fashion
“The current model has been unsustainable for some time with too much product being produced and people’s mental and physical well-being from designers, through editors and buyers being tested beyond reason. We just didn’t have the headspace to sit down, take stock and explore change. It’s up to us now to ensure this progress is not just upheld but continues to be pushed forward.”
Heron Preston, designer
“It looks like the system is starting from scratch working with a whole new supply chain. It looks like [we’re] not plugging-in to what currently exists as we know it, but [we’re] plugging-in to how we would like the future to operate. We have to work within a whole new library of materials, factories, vendors, and people that are set up to work in the way that the world is asking us to. We can no longer retrofit failed systems; we have to start fresh and brand new.”
Andrew Keith, president of Lane Crawford and Joyce
“There is definitely a great deal of discussion about how we manage discounting and bring it under control so we don’t have such an extensive approach to it. We’re looking at how we can be more effective at selling the right product at the right price at the right time. Because of antitrust laws, we cannot set down or agree to a global approach to discounting. But things do look likely to change.. The cadence will change as brands look at how they will design products and deliver in accordance with the new schedule we are all working towards.”
Peter Baldaszti, CEO of Nanushka
“We fully support every initiative aiming at bringing our industry closer to normality, more reasonable operation. On the other hand, at least in the short term, I’m a bit sceptical with our outlook. In the current climate, customers have decreasing disposable income, they will need more accessible price points while brands have huge amounts of excess inventory and at the same time the industry is working on a shift towards less discounting and less products on sale. It’s contradictory, it’s going to be a bumpy ride but the concept is really good and something we all have to work towards.”
Bhavisha Dave, co-founder of Capsul India
“Streetwear isn’t something that’s organic to India in the global sense that it’s understood. Of course, there’s street fashion and youth labels but the way streetwear is understood is only a recent phenomenon. The good part about that is that being the only platform of streetwear in the country, we can create our own definition of streetwear in India and that’s something we are doing to the extent that our philosophy is to buy less, buy well by virtue of the fact that streetwear is expensive. People will need to feel good and wear good clothes.”
Peter Semple, Chief Marketing Officer of Depop
“We look at resale or secondhand as the future of fashion consumption. The journey we’re on with resale and secondhand is reframing what ‘desirability’ and ‘aspiration’ is and how to reshape those things that would usually be considered part of the traditional luxury market in order to be understood in the secondhand market too. We see sustainability and focus on environmental impact as becoming dominant themes for everyone in the future.”
The publishing industry was in a precarious situation long before COVID-19 caught the world by surprise. Staff count was diminishing, subscriptions and the number of issues dwindled, and in some cases, magazines were on the brink of folding, some did. In a fashion industry largely shaped by fast-paced, timely digital transactions, the world of magazines struggled to keep up with the pace of the industry. In light of the pandemic, there were further salary cuts, furloughs and lay-offs at editorial titles. Some publications combined issues, others moved their focus online. Editorials were captured via Zoom. Others, like Vogue Italia, have been experimenting with new forms of covers from blank slates to children’s illustrations. Editorially, there will be a shift towards a more practical function.
This new frontier was compounded with the death of George Floyd. Throughout the demonstrations, the publishing world faced a reckoning as allegations of racism surfaced. Adam Rapoport was fired from Bon Appetit following the surfacing of images of the former editor-in-chief wearing makeup derogatory to Peurto Ricans. Anna Wintour was forced to apologize for Vogue’s lack of inclusivity during her 32 year tenure. Refinery29’s Christene Barberich stepped down after women of colour shared negative experiences of working at the company. Around the same time, Samira Nasr was appointed the first Black editor of Harper’s Bazaar US.
The power structure of publishing is set to change as much as its format. The ivory towers which formerly represented fashion and its appeal are no longer considered as luxury, rather problematic. The culture of exclusivity that defined fashion of yore is outdated in the current climate. In order for publishing to strike a chord with readers, the tone must align with today’s values which are at odds with the glistening mien of old world luxury.
Robin Givhan, fashion critic at The Washington Post
“From my point of view, as someone who writes for a newspaper, I honestly don’t feel the existential angst some people do if they were working specifically for a fashion magazine. I cover the news and shifts of the industry. In some ways, this is an incredibly interesting time because the industry is in a state of upheaval. There is a lot of potential to change, there is a great deal of uncertainty. Those are interesting stories that will ultimately have an impact on consumers and that’s always been my point of view in the industry. I think it’s a different situation if you are doing fashion shoots, if you are engaged with partnerships with design houses, or if the bulk of your advertising comes from the fashion industry.”
Sara Maino, deputy editor-in-chief of Vogue Italia
“As humans we adapt to situations. The pandemic brought us much closer, there was more exchange of ideas. There’s been an evolution of content and communication with things like Instagram, a very powerful tool in both positive and negative ways, but the magazine is at the core, it’s where everything starts. The magazine is like the house, to speak metaphorically, and you go out and choose different paths and see what’s there. We just have to think beyond digital because it can’t be the new normal.”
Gert Jonkers, editor-in-chief and publisher of Fantastic Man
“I feel there is still a need for magazines — more than ever, I would say. You need some sort of distraction from scrolling through Instagram. Good pieces and an edited focus on reality really works. Interestingly, we used to always think ‘magazines have to be in print, it’s important to have the physical object in your hand’ — and I still think that — but why not also read magazines online now because I can’t be bothered for two weeks for the paper version to arrive? I care for the content. Overall, I think you see a huge desire for truth and reality. The current state of the world has made people interested in these things.”
Nate Hinton, founder of The Hinton Group
“I’ve always taken a particular approach to the media. I think for a long time in the media, there were certain things that were considered the gold standard. If you were in this publication or had this kind of story or got your designer this profile, you ‘made it’ in a certain sense. But the democratization of fashion with social media and peoples’ access to what they like and for people to put out their own opinions — you see there’s successful apparel brands that are making more money than designers. You can talk about fashion but what is fashion without being able to sustain your business and so those designers picked up on this, ‘so what if I’m not in the most popular magazine in the world, my customers are buying my clothes.’ You have to balance that. Listen to what the brand ethos is, build a community around that and pay attention to the people who actually like what it is you do.”
Alexia Niedzielski & Elizabeth von Guttman, co-founders of System magazine
“At System, we’d argue that the function itself of a fashion magazine shouldn’t necessarily need to change. But the form, the means of sharing the material, and the values are all up for grabs. Which makes this period as exciting as it is unsettling. [Our] magazine’s editorial goal is to explore the people and dialogues at the heart of fashion, in any given six-month period. The industry we focus on finds itself at a crossroads – on one hand it is in a state of flux, shifting its processes and values, its people and its possibilities; and on the other hand it feels like fashion continues to resist some of those changes because they may render it a less financially buoyant sector.”
Robert Burke, consultant
“The customer today is so discriminating, they want a brand that represents their values. It’s extremely important. All of this has caught the brands, editors and magazines off guard. The exposure that’s happened, especially in the last few weeks, has been enormous. I think that’s a good thing and it’s very important. Today, you can’t separate fashion from society or politics.”
Andrew Keith, president of Lane Crawford and Joyce
“The role of an editor and curator will become even more important depending on how brands and fashion weeks approach the future. How do you distil a fashion season and have a more singular approach for customers?”
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kelzamgaming · 5 years ago
Commander Night 6/11/2020
First time playing Commander in store since the pandemic began in the south, in store where half of the player base and the co-manager are bigots. Needless to say with the BLM movement and political climate and WotC’s bans the same day, it was a frustrating experience being surrounded by whataboutisms, “All Lives Matter” types and so on. But, I did have a good time playing the game itself, at least.
Game 1: Gyruda (Me) // Norin (Bigot) // Shabraz & Brallin // Nezahal
The bigot that played Norin is notorious for constantly abusing Rule 0 and asking to bend the rules. I’m don’t like being made to be the jerk and say no since everyone else doesn’t care that he has a wishboard and an Un-card in the deck. I was already expecting to deal with bullshit.
Well, Turn 3 I managed to get Sphinx’s Tutelage out and I’m playing against two mono color decks. Score! I milled most of Norin’s best cards, including his Purphoros. Eventually I got Gyruda out and milled into a clone, milled again. A bit of removal was necessary to take out the Nezahal player’s Psychosis Crawler. 
The game ended rather quick, though, because around Turn 8 or 9 I managed to mill the Shabraz player’s Dockside Extortionist into his graveyard, and got 8 treasure tokens. I had planned on casting Deadeye Navigator and Soulbonding it to Gyruda with a couple mana open to have a blink available for removal. Buuuuut Deadeye + Dockside at that point was infinite mana, so infinite mana from blinking Dockside, then blink Deadeye, soulbond it to Gyruda when it comes back and blink Gyruda til everyones milled out.
Game 2: Trynn & Silvar (Me) // Saskia (Bigot) // Shabraz & Brallin // Nezahal
Understandably, Shabraz and Nezahal wanted to try again because the game didn’t last long. Before Game 1, the bigot told me about how he had build 5-color Gyruda with Gyruda as the Companion. I think he got salty and wanted to one-up me, because he asked if he could play Humans too, and it was Saskia. I’m very confident in my Trynn & Silvar deck, so I said sure.
I drew a Sol Ring T1 but had two tapped lands and a basic land and wanted to get the tap lands out of the way. T2 I drew a signet, so I played my basic land, into a Sol Ring, into an Orzhov Signet into a Rakdos Signet. T3 I played Judith and Verge Rangers. T4 I played General Kudro of Drannith and Trynn. Needless to say, I had a scary board and started getting concerned about a board wipe, so I played Silver T5. By T6 At this point I was expecting Saskia  to come out of nowhere with Infect or something, so I played Thalia, Heretic Cathar to slow the table down. Everyone was pretty open to damage at this point so I rolled a d6 to see who I was swinging all in at, and swung into the bigot Saskia player for 27 damage between my tokens and non-tokens. I reasoned that I had committed to the board super heavy and needed to start taking players out so there was one less chance of a board wipe in the following turns. He scooped despite still being at 14 after that. I finished the other two off.
At this point, the bigot got frustrated at losing and demanded to randomize pods, again. He some Swamps and Forests and told everyone to pick a card at random and Forests were in a pod together and Swamps were in a pod together. Well, bucko, guess what? We’re still in the same pod together. The other two players switched out.
Game 3: Kruphix (Me) // Kaervek (Bigot) // Krenko // Morophon
Tonight I wanted to use all the decks I’d built during quarantine that I hadn’t played at the shop yet. Kruphix was a lot different, and it didn’t have Black! Occasionally I find it funny to shock people that I have some decks that don’t have Black in them.
My Kruphix deck is a group hug, big mana deck. It’s goal is to eventually draw or mill everyone out. There’s not a single Eldrazi in the deck. The Morophon player, however, specifically stated he was playing Morophon Eldrazi. I told everyone I was playing in in group hug mode. Kruphix, after all, has four arms for one-arm-bro-hugs+3 pats. I laid back most of the game after an early Abundance into a Mystic Remora. Kaervek and Krenko duked it out while Morophon struggled to get going due to a pretty budget mana base.
I kept a slow hand with no ramp in it, which is usually a bad idea. But, eventually I got Kruphix out and had enough lands to start coming back around to my turn with 7+ mana on Kruphix. I’d bided my time long enough, and was down to 3 life because of Kaervek and people just swinging at whoever was open, so four open arms became four angry fists. I had 14 mana stored up going into my turn and used it and tapped some Forests and dropped a Nyxbloom Ancient. Everyone was tapped out, so I was safe. Then, I dropped a Doubling Cube and taped all my lands for mana. I had around 64 mana. I dumped all but 7 of it into a Prosperity that the Morophon player couldn’t counter with his Kozilek, the Great Distortion, and used Abundance to put every nonland card in the deck into my hand. I didn’t have enough to draw everyone out with Prosperity, but left enough mana to cast a Windfall. I also had a Library of Leng on board at that point since I was keeping 10-12 cards in hand, minimum, due to a few rounds of the Mystic Remora before it got destroyed, and I didn’t want the bigot/Kaervek player or Krenko player to wheel my hand away.
Post Games
We got a couple promo pack and I got a Vadrok, Sprite Dragon and Unmoored Ego, as well the Sorin from M20. I found out a friend of mine had a foil extended art Ayara and managed to trade for that and some Zombie goodies. The commentary and bigotry and ignorance casually slung around started to weigh on me after I walked out the door. I’d considered it my home store for years now despite knowing how backwards and wrong the beliefs are of some people there, including the co-manager. They’ve treated me well and as a friend in many respects, and that’s probably because I’m white, despite being openly gay and comfortably safe at the shop in that regards. The only other shop in a 30 mile radius barely has the player base for Commander and... I just don’t know what to feel or think right now. I’m glad I got some fun games in before we inevitably go back into lockdown since COVID-19 is spiking again. 
I have a lot to think about.
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scrambledgegs · 5 years ago
Clear and present Terror
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An episode from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
   Back in the early 1990s, it was during my grade school years that my siblings and I enjoyed watching The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, starring none other than Will Smith (whom I was lucky enough to have seen in person around 5 years ago and was immensely star-struck). There was a particular Fresh Prince episode that I never forgot – the one where Carlton Banks (the Bel-Air born-and-raised, naïve-and-sheltered son of Will’s successful attorney, Uncle Phil), encounters his first brush at racism. I did not fully understand the context of the episode, but for some reason it stuck in my head and heart as a kid.
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     Many years later, this episode resurfaced just last May 2020 when The Fresh Prince became available on Netflix. When that particular episode came out, I sat up in familiar surprise, as it triggered flashbacks of my childhood. I now understood it on a deeper level, watching it with the eyes of a thirty-three-year-old.
    The episode entitled “Mistaken Identity,” starts off with Carlton borrowing a Mercedes-Benz from one of his father’s wealthy White colleagues and drives off to Palm Springs. Unknown to him, Will has snuck inside the car and suddenly surprises him during the drive. The two African-American male teen cousins are driving at night and are not familiar with the area, and thus, drive at a slow pace to check directions. They are eventually made to pullover by two White policemen, and then asked to step out of the car.
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    Immediately, Will knows what is happening while Carlton remains totally clueless and makes one blunder after another. They are accused of not only stealing the luxury car, but accused of being the perpetrators behind a whole series of car thefts in that area. The police officers put the two behind bars in the county jail.
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    Uncle Phil and Aunt Vivian eventually come to their rescue due to Will’s witty and street-smart quick-thinking and get them out of jail, but the episode ends with Carlton and Will arguing about what transpired. Back in the comforts of the Banks estate in posh Bel-Air, Carlton remains adamant in his belief (or denial) that the cops were merely doing their job because they were driving “below the speed limit.” Will retorts that Carlton should open his eyes to reality and leaves the room exasperated. Wizened Uncle Phil ends the episode by admonishing Carlton that he had a similar experience when he was much younger, also being stopped by White cops on the road. He has always asked himself if they were really “just doing their job.”
    It has been more than 25 years since I last saw that particular episode, and I realized, what has really changed since then?
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The #BlackLivesMatter Movement (BLM)
    The ultra-sensitive and once-tabooed subject of racism has exploded into our immediate line of sight, due to snowballing economic repercussions and unravelling anxieties from COVID-19 and the worldwide lockdowns. During these dark times, certain people like Chinese nationals, including Chinese-Americans and Asians with Chinese features have been the target of hatred and racism. For instance, a close Filipina friend of mine living in a European country, was recently shouted at by someone driving a motorbike as she walking on the street. The motorist angrily shouted at her repeatedly to “close her mouth” in the language of that country. I’ve also heard of stories of Asian immigrants in Europe being thrown bottles in their direction by the locals of that country, and there continues to be many other similar, saddening stories across the globe.
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    Still, the Black American struggle has specifically been put at the forefront of the United States and the world today, as the homicide of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police during this pandemic, sparked the resurgence of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement. This anti-Black racism (and “anti state-sanctioned violence against Blacks”) movement, has since then spread like wildfire to many states all over the U.S thanks to social media platforms. Other countries and prominent individuals have also rallied to the cause and expressed their solidarity through social media. The message rings loud: It is not to diminish the experiences of other marginalized peoples and groups, but aims to cast the bright spotlight on the distinct and continuing struggles of African Americans and people of African descent. African Americans wish to speak their hard truths in front of a global stage, and we certainly can’t blame them.
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The Innocence Files
    It would be hypocritical of me to talk about struggle and experiences of African Americans, but I would like to reference my insights from a Netflix true crime docu-series, The Innocence Files that in my opinion, gave much context to their centuries-long discrimination. The Innocence Files was a tremendous and tragic eye- opener. It is about the Innocence Project, co-founded by attorneys, Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld who challenge the U.S. legal and criminal justice system to overturn wrongful convictions against minorities, particularly African Americans. Due to issues of police coercion, misguided eyewitness accounts and ridiculous, terribly inaccurate and “leading evidence,” the wrongfully convicted are put away on death row in maximum security prisons for decades. Furthermore, when White prosecutors, as well as judges, are found to be in the wrong after convictions are overturned, do not receive any form of punishment. There is no personal accountability, nor retribution. In fact, most of them go on to have stellar careers.
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    As a non-American, it helped me better understand the situation of the Black community in United States, and my heart really went out to them. It infuriated me, and I found myself cursing at the TV. It is clear that slavery is not dead in America – but exists in modern-day, in the forms of marginalizing practices, systemic discrimination and prejudiced people in positions of authority. African Americans are still very much caught up in vicious cycles that continue to cripple them and the generations to come.
In the words of my friend, a Chinese-American, true-blue, born and raised New Yorker: “it starts all the way back during the slavery years…and how the government would red line certain neighborhoods to decide on which neighborhoods get more funding. This results in many domino effects…social infrastructure is built on the economics of how funding gets allocated. So, if African Americans are stuck in a bad neighborhood, they get less financial help from the get-go. It becomes a vicious cycle, and even if they do get a good education which is hard enough growing up in a poor neighborhood with little resources, they still face the reality of racism in corporate society that is dominated by the Whites. It starts even with your resume.”
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     Yet, I still must say that in my opinion, I condemn opportunists (who are not all African American even) who used the BLM to their advantage and justification to murder, loot, engage in arson and cause unnecessary damages to neighborhoods and livelihoods. I get they are pushed to their wits end - but we got to draw the line somewhere. I believe there are still boundaries as to the way we express ourselves. There are even celebrities and common people alike getting onboard to further their own public image. They aren’t making things better but instead, muddling the urgent and important message of this cause. Nakikiepal at nakikiuso lang.
Fear, Ignorance, Prejudice and Racism
    Let’s admit it though. All of us in this world have bits of prejudice inside of us. Some are unfortunately, more pronounced than others, while those on the extreme end of the spectrum, let it dictate their life mantras; thus, taking things too far. However, this is also not to say that “a little” or “subconscious” prejudice is okay either because these ideologies can also be manifested in small yet oppressive ways if we are not careful. Such network of beliefs is rooted from or formed in our upbringing, especially from beliefs handed down by our families or through experiences. This includes single or limited encounters that can cause us to generalize and stereotype all people in a particular culture, sub-culture and group. This is another deadly train of thought that we ought to regularly keep in check. Self-awareness and admitting one’s shortcomings are the first steps.
Re-examination as a Non-American from the Philippines
    Again, I am not in the best position to talk about the subject matter of racism, especially in the context of the Black American struggle, but if I may so, share some of my experiences from living in the United States for five years (2004-2009), and how the recent fiery current events have gotten me to take a step back too and assess my own thoughts.
    To give a short background, before living in the U.S. (as well as Japan), I had only lived in the Philippines my whole life. Fortunately, as a college student in the U.S., in the melting-pot and liberal state of Massachusetts, I met all kinds of people of diverse backgrounds, heritages, ethnicities and nationalities that finally opened my eyes to a whole new world beyond the sheltered Metro Manila bubble. I had a number of African-American friends and classmates, and in my experience, I can easily say they were smart, kind, warm-hearted and tremendously multi-talented. I graduated from college in May 2008 – the same year that Barrack Obama won his first Presidential election. Like most people from the largely- democratic states in the East Coast, I was ecstatic and celebrated the much anticipated “Change is Coming.”
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    However (please read on first that I may qualify…), after graduation and seeking employment in 2008 – during what were also the bleak years of the Financial Crisis, I experienced different kinds of encounters with African-Americans when I moved to New York City. I must admit that these encounters initially caused me to irrationally adjust my overall rosy view of them. Looking back, I admit that I failed to factor in that I was encountering strangers in a big city, on the streets and subways and was not in the vicinity of school anymore, so of course things will be starkly different. These were also hard times. Among the encounters that I remember were the following.
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    The stories I have just narrated are also examples of limited negative encounters that pushed me to initially engage in stereotyping. Often times, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. However, like I said, I failed back then, to piece together the whole context of my encounters – that I was living in a bustling American city, the Big Apple no less, with all kinds of characters in existence. This has has taught me to be try to be bigger than my biases and fears and resist from making sweeping statements. I know for one that given different situations, I do not hold the same fears and notions against African Americans, or all kinds of peoples for that matter. If you get down to it really, all nationalities and races are of course, capable of anything – whether it is trouble and crime, and likewise, capable of good just the same.
    I do question myself if I was wrong to react in those ways? This can be subject to debate. You tell me, as I myself am unsure. I can say however, that regardless of race, I would have been scared by any male figure that approached me during those tense situations. It just so happened that all those situations I recall, involved African American men – this is something I have later on reexamined as well. Why were they more often than not, African American? Today, I realize it says something more about the United States’ unequal systems and cultures, rather than about African Americans themselves.
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    Things brings me to ask myself as well, am I truly color-blind? I would give the honest answer of No I am not. However, I know I wouldn’t deliberately hurt or oppress anyone because of the color of their skin, heritage or background – this may be the case for most of us, but the times of today are telling us that this is still not enough for change to happen. Turns out we have to be more in touch with our thoughts and emotions because they turn into actions. We have to make conscious efforts to re-work our thoughts if they detour towards that prejudiced lane, and if we do witness any form of oppression, it is our obligation to be vocal or concretely do something.
     For us Filipinos, I also just have to say that it shouldn’t be about joining the BLM or related bandwagons just for the sake of, or to feel like we have done our part by simply posting black squares and hashtags. For me, this is a total cop-out if we aren’t making deliberate choices everyday to do right by our immediate community.
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Terror is Everywhere
    It is important to understand the true narrative of the BLM and related riots in the United States, and although they may not directly apply to the Philippines, there are tons of relevant issues that hit close to home.
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     It is easy to not get involved or to judge situations from the confines of our homes, but something my dad used to, and still always says is that, if we don’t do our part in speaking out, or showing protests through our own ways against injustices done to our neighbors – then we might as well be accessories to the crime. One day similar injustices will be hurled against us, and because we didn’t speak out, there will be nobody left to speak out on our behalf.
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djsinquarantine · 5 years ago
UNITED WE STAND. TOGETHER WE RISE! A session of tribute, support, strength, and uplift., By Team Awesome
Basic Details: This stream was live on June 9th, 2020. It was live on Twitch at: https://www.twitch.tv/dj_spen/. During our study of it, viewership peaked at around 110 viewers. The full title of the stream was: ”UNITED WE STAND. TOGETHER WE RISE! A session of tribute, support, strength, and uplift”.
During the stream, promotions were put out in the chat for a United We Stream t-shirt whose proceeds were going to be completely donated to the George Floyd Fund and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. The stream was broadcast from Baltimore, US. 
Visual Experience: DJ Spen performs a live set from a room in his home in tribute to the BLM Movement. One camera was positioned behind him while the other was situated in front of him. The name of his record label, Quantize recordings is on a sign in front of him. In the room, the audience can see the artwork and photographs of Black musicians and collectable records framed behind him as a disco ball hangs in the background. DJ Spen was very animated during his set. He would dance, jump and bob along to the music as he played, while still remaining pretty focused on the mixing work he had to do for nearly each track. At times, he would approach the camera situated behind him to sing and dance in front of it. Occasionally, a woman, his spouse or partner perhaps, (MrsDJSpen) would join him in the frame and dance along with him. Although there were no flashy digital graphics or inventive angles like we’ve seen in other streams, DJ Spen’s boundless energy helped keep the stream visually interesting and the audience engaged. Below the video were a few extensions, including links to his Instagram, Soundcloud, and merchandise store. All of his merchandise had the slogan, “DJ SPEN’s Pandemic Praise Party,” with an image of praying hands. A relatively new feature in Twitch was the Hearts Deluxe button on the screen that listeners could click to send hearts (like Facebook Live). However, it was not as active and most audience engagement was spent on the chat. At the very end of the livestream, DJ Spen signed off with an image of George Floyd, to which the chat responded with hearts and “Rest in Peace.”
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Sonic Experience: According to an ad from DJ Spen’s Facebook account, multiple djs played with a variety of styles during the stream, although we only caught DJ Spen. Spen’s style was very derivative of black gospel, funk, and disco music. DJ Spen incorporated these styles into house mixes that included elements of soul house, funky house, and R&B. In one track, he overlayed high-powered house beats with Martin Luther King’s “We Shall Overcome” speech, a testament to the Black Lives Matter movement and decades of Black activism that has gained international traction. He played some of his own personal mixes, as indicated below, mixes that he came up with on the spot, and some songs that were more quintessential and easily recognizable. He also made frequent use of loops, and would beat match multiple tracks at the same time to create a new mix. The mixes sounded balanced, with no instances of clipping or peaking and the sound quality through the streaming platform was good. DJ Spen also spoke during his set, often echoing messages presented in the tracks he played, which mixed seamlessly into the music. He said “there is power in a teeny word called US” while he played The Power of Us, one of his own remixes, and “brothers and sisters, no matter what color you are, you are a star,” which added to the strength and solidarity I felt during this livestream.
Some tracks included:
Bad Luck - DJ Spen Bootleg Mix
Funky People - Lissat & Richard Grey
I Can’t Breathe - Roland Clark
Rolling Down A Mountainside - The Main Ingredient
Technology: This stream seemed to be set up in DJ Spen’s living room or personal studio. DJ Spen had a setup that included 4 CDJs, a keyboard, mixer, loop mixer, a microphone and a multi-speaker setup. He would mostly utilize the CDJ and mixer, but on some tracks, made heavy use of the loop mixer to add complexity and rhythm to a track by looping certain phrases or beats. He would also at times speak into the microphone to give statements of unity, peace and justice for George Floyd. There were two different camera angles set up for the stream with one capturing DJ Spen’s back with his elaborate set up in front of him and the other capturing DJ Spen’s front and his decorated wall in the background. In terms of technical difficulties, all three of us experienced a network error and had to refresh the feed and the feed would sometimes stop and buffer before continuing. It is unclear whether this was a problem with DJ Spen, Twitch or ourselves. One other user from the UK experienced constant buffering during the stream as well, but said that it did not take away from the experience overall. 
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Social Experience: Viewers in the chat were highly supportive of the stream’s cause. They regularly ‘sang’ along to music (such as when a particular track regularly repeated the word ‘yeah’ to which the chat responded with ‘yeah’ emojis), and also repeated and/or encouraged messages of solidarity and love put out by DJ Spen and his music. Although the chat rules asked that users avoid being critical of both the DJ and the music or else they’d be banned, there doesn’t seem to have been a single instance of someone breaking these rules during our study which speaks to the level of support in the chat. Another interesting moment occurred when DJ Spen’s wife, who was also active in the chat under the handle of ‘MrsDJSpen’, came into the frame to dance along with her husband. When this happened, the chat sent many loving messages such as “YALL ARE TOO CUTE!! <3 <3” and “Go Mrs Spen”. Some people in the chat seemed to know one another with one user by the name of ‘lexie2408’ asking three other users in the chat if their little sister could ‘be added to our group’. It’s unclear what group they were referring to. The mods of the stream were also very welcoming and cooperative with us. Not only did they allow us to post our survey link in the chat, but they also would go on to post it for us near the end of the stream as well when Frank’s stupid ass began having difficulties. There seemed to have been a lot of cell phone emojis in the chat which means a large portion of the viewers may have been watching on their mobile devices.
Liveness: One aspect of the performance that felt particularly rooted in the sense of “liveness” was DJ Specs spontaneous mixes. As a DJ, I understand that to a certain extent, the way a track is played can be planned, but a great deal of experimentation and improvisation happens during a performance, and that was certainly the case in DJ Specs set. Because each configuration of a mix is unique, the ones DJ Spec created by layering multiple tracks and adding / removing certain effects is anchored in that particular place and moment in this particular livestream. Even though the performance is digitally replicable, the stream we attended cannot be 100% replicated by DJ Spec or anyone else in another live streaming situation. In supporting the steam as much as they did, the viewers in the chat created a dynamic between the stream and the viewers’ responses. This, in particular, is a special aspect of personal interaction that wouldn’t be reproduced in recordings of the streams.
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cowboy5 · 5 years ago
COVID-19 Diaries
If you could use this as a historical data during the 2020 Pandemic. Honestly this pandemic wouldn’t have been so bad if I could go to the gym.
My current record for not leaving the house is 6 days straight. And I’m damn proud of that.
My current routine is wake up - put on a lightweight moisturizer - do Insanity - real skincare - dick around all day.
Thank god I have the $100 Uber credit and the lunch allowances. Downside is that now I eat out way too much. 
Oh god that Python2to3 migration for work was miserable. The hot switch deploy was the epitome of Murphy’s Law. But I gotta make it work.
I am blessed to be able to Zoom with people I love. On the day of my birthday it was a giant SSBU fest - Nik, Thao, Jason, Brian, Alan, Mylinh, and Scott all in one zoom chat and fighting each other. Funny, we should’ve been out dancing in DC if that wasn’t the case.
It’s not like the night life in DC is that good.
I played soccer (seriously) one time. I was very sore the next. Well see you next decade bro.
The saddest thing was going to Eden Center and only see a shop or two open and everything else closed down during dinnertime. Huong Viet is closed - how the hell are they supposed to launder money now? Hopefully nobody loses a hand or two because of this.
I am obsessed with sunscreen now. Thanks.
I did a Sunday Funday with Julian. Went to McDonalds and bought 20 nuggets, ate edibles, and played TFT to our heart’s content. RANGIEEEEEEE is so cute.
Speaking of edibles, them stroopwaffles....
I watched so much TV - Avatar (the Last Airbender), Lovebirds, Insecure, Never Have I Ever (Mindy Kaling is obsessed with pink dick), Fraiser, 90 Day Fiance (obsessed!), RuPaul.
But I’ve been reading alot more too. Just finished Tiffany Haddish’s book.
Been trying to donate as much time and energy as I can to the BLM movement. Shoutout to those that donated for my fundraiser.
I’ve done more cardio in the last two months than I did the last two years. I really want to dance again.
I’m sorry you’re going through what you’re going through. I know I’m not the best at comforting you when it comes down to it. I have that capacity to my other friends but you’re different. You shouldn’t be penalized for it. I promise my best to step up. Sorry if I’m a bit annoying in the process. You deserve better.
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the-black-dragons-den · 5 years ago
Hello! How're things going with you these days? Hope it's going alright
Hi! I’ve been meaning to respond to this for days but I also wanted to take this as an opportunity to just kind of, elaborate on my life because it’s been kind of crazy! I am so sorry for turning this into a novel about myself because a simple “I’m doing better, thanks!” probably would have sufficed to answer, but I also needed to get this all out!
Also you know you are one of my favorite mutuals, I adore your blog, and your presence on my tumblr feed always makes me smile! Thank you for checking in with me, that’s super sweet of you!
TLDR; My mental health is a daily struggle but I’m taking real steps to take care of myself. My financial situation has dramatically improved, I didn’t catch Coronavirus, and in general things are looking up! I’m also trying to decide what the heck to do with my life - seek a better job now or go back to school to train to get a better job. 
Here’s the long version!
At the end of last year, my fiance and I both quit our jobs due to a SUPER toxic work environment. That lead to a very long and stressful battle to win my unemployment benefits from that employer (but I did win eventually!) That whole thing was really hard on my mental health, but worth it in the end. Even with that, we basically blew through all of our very meager year-long savings (that was intended to go toward my fiance’s much needed dental work) for rent and groceries, right around the 2019 holidays so that was a really hard time. We both found jobs (mine part-time and his first one temporary and his current one full-time and awesome) but we still spent the first couple months of this year going to the food bank every week and barely making rent. We’ve been in hard times like that before but having to spend ALL of our savings was gut-wrenching. 
So, roughly 3 weeks after my fiance got his new awesome job, Coronavirus became a big threat in our area and he was immediately laid off. Luckily, he was guaranteed his job back, and was able to get unemployment during that time. I’m still on unemployment while I’m working this part-time job, but more on that later. Anyway, that means we both received the extra pandemic benefits with our unemployment payments. 
My job now is merchandising, which means that I work for a company that’s contracted by stores in the area, and I go to those stores and do things like setting displays, compliance scanning, etc. Honestly, so few people who don’t work as merchandisers know the job even exists, but I promise that a bunch of the displays at your local stores are not put there or stocked by store employees. It’s part-time, I work independently and for the most part don’t have to interact with a ton of people (which is really helpful for my anxiety). So, all in all, not a bad job for me, especially while I try to figure out what’s next.--
---Anyway, I didn’t stop working at all during the pandemic, which was good for our finances but again, hard on my mental health. (This is kind of whiny but it was incredibly wearing that I was an essential worker, but I watched other essential workers get raises and hazard pay and an outflow of support, and because people don’t know merchandisers are a thing, no one really thought to thank or support us, or give us more money.) I actually took on several more stores during April and May to cover for coworkers. I really am grateful to have had a job but let me tell you, being out there in the pool of stress exuding from everyone’s pores every day for hours at a time really wound my brain up. 
However! Despite the mental health struggle that, let’s be honest, is impossible to avoid with my pre-existing conditions and the state of the world, things are looking up! Between unemployment benefits, the stimulus, my fiance’s severance, and his return to work and subsequent promotion and raise (SO PROUD OF HIM!), we are financially more steady now than... we ever have been. We’re slowly getting his dental work taken care of, which we’ve been trying to do for nearly four years. We’re never worried about rent, we have money saved, and OH OH OH, I am now 82% paid on my debt!!! I racked up credit card debt several years ago when we were very broke (buying groceries and necessities no less) and have been paying it for 3 years now, and I’ve actually made real progress! I have a “good” credit score! That feels amazing! My fiance even accidentally dropped and shattered his phone, and we were able to order a new (still relatively inexpensive) one that night, without having to sacrifice grocery money or anything which was awesome (especialyl because he needs his phone for work).
Additionally, I recently ask my job if I could cut back on hours because I was getting so burnt out and I needed to do this for my mental health. Between my fiance and I, I’m the driver so I have to make time for errands, and because he works full time (and a decent bit of overtime), I try to handle as much of the household chores as I can. But that altogether with work and making sure we can both get to needed appointments and stuff is A LOT to handle. And because he’s making good money now, I can actually take this step back from work, cut back on my hours, and we’re not super hurting for money because of it. We’ve never had a time together when we haven’t been calculating our hours day by day, trying to get more work time at any opportunity, scraping for every cent we earned. This is so amazing and different. 
So I’ve cut back on my hours for the sake of my mental health. I’ve downloaded a mood-tracking app to try to get more insight into my patterns, moods and behaviors. I’ve made time for relaxation - long hot baths are my thing. I’m almost debt-free which is a huge weight off my shoulders. I just... want to be able to get out of bed most mornings without having a mental breakdown, that’s the first goal. It’s a struggle, but it’s a goal!
I’m also trying to make time to decide what to do with my life. I completed 2 years of college but never finished. I’ve only ever worked kind of crappy entry-level jobs. I really struggle with customer interaction (super wearing on me, makes me miserable) and I’d love to find a career where that’s limited, but I’m not sure if that means I’ll need to go back to school. My parents are also pushing me to make sure I seek a career in a field that pays well and is growing, which is logical, but has already made them discourage me out of the idea of being a paralegal, which I was really interested in... I’d like to go back to school but I really need a path before I make that decision. None of my passions (make-up, music, or being a paralegal apparently) are really things I could make a financially lucrative career out of, unless I had the dedication and talent of much healthier person, mentally. I’d like to be a forensic analyst maybe, but my parents are trying to talk me out of that one too. My dad has always wanted me to be an architect but I am not adept with math and I don’t want to design boring office buildings. In the meantime, it’s really hard to find a job that I get into without a degree, that allows me that minimal interaction with people and actually pays decently well. So I’m struggling but now I have time to actually think about it and figure it out, which is awesome. 
LASTLY, I promise ---- I have nothing but support in my heart for the BLM movement, and I have been horrified by the actions of local and national police forces, and deeply proud of some of my peers who have been going to protests daily, helping speak out against the horrors being committed upon the colored communities in our country. I have not had the ability to participate in any protests, but I can’t explain the deep emotional grief that I feel over the unjust deaths, the tear gas and rubber bullets, the plowing down of innocent people. Videos of brutality make me ache with despair but I share them because I’m so fearful that if the wrong people come out on top in this situation, these videos and records of what was done to the American people will be destroyed. Though I am lucky to be surrounded by peers who share my feelings, these events have definitely strained my already tenuous relationship with my very conservative parents, and feeling so alienated from them has brought up a lot of childhood pain. However, as a very sheltered white female, I understand that my grief and despair cannot compare to the grief of black, brown, and other non-white communities during this time. 
In conclusion, 2020 has been a real shit year so far but I’m standing here fighting back with every fiber of my being to make life better for me and my fiance, to get on top of my mental health, and to figure out what I’m doing with my life now!
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deepstheeskimo · 5 years ago
I hope all the red squirrels die of COVID
Forget potential NHS breaches and the economy facing the fate of hibernating hedgehogs that settled down in their pile of leaves but forgot to set an alarm for early November, COVID-19 now has us all arguing about bits of tin.
When Black Lives Matter and its usual two sides of debate rolled around yet again, I did not bother posting anything on my Instagram or Twitter. I saw it as boring and bandwagoning. Whenever we have these debates, two sides of usual suspects come out and repeat the same old arguments with nobody being persuaded to change sides and everyone going home with much the same opinions.
I am a staunch supporter of BLM and racial equality. As a middle class, comp-ed, countryside-raised, heterosexual, white boy, I spent a long old time at university educating myself on the history of colonialism, the civil rights movement and traditions of BAME activism since ‘Britain outlawed slavery’ in 1833. Self-education makes you a more rounded, better person.
When everyone posted black squares on Instagram and merrily hash-tagged, it actually angered me. Well done, cheers for noticing the rest of the world. It only took you being furloughed during a pandemic to ‘clap for our NHS’ and to behave in a personable way to supermarket staff, to eventually spare a thought about mental health and finally - after pausing to wheezily bend double and applaud your profession as the real heroes in all this, your eyes have fallen on centuries of structural racism. Anyone want some academic essays on Angola? Thought not. Pat yourselves on the back anyway, I’ll be back in a sec.
Spurred on by another round of phoney interest, the real activists are now looking to press for some actual change and turns out that the way to make Gary ‘n’ Sandra really squeal is to blow a raspberry at their sainted bits of tin. Going for the Cenotaph always gets the debate in the press but picking something visual that dads on Facebook can’t moralise about is a much better way of keeping it there. So, we end up with Robert Baden-Powell being 24 hour protected by some furloughed painter and decorator in a pop up tent. Bloke clearly just drank too much poster paint in primary school and his wife was fed up with his horrible sexism cluttering up the kitchen for the last twelve weeks. “But the boys dewn the yard larff” he protests.
People were on the news openly and happily offering to fight those that would vandalise the statue. Well bring it on pal, I’ll have a war of words. Here are some of his from 1933: it "augers well for the future of Italy” to see that Benito Mussolini had turned scouting into a nationalist youth. 100 years on from ‘Britain outlawing slavery’ but the nation’s elite had yet to get past fascism.
In 1939 your man’s diary was praising Mein Kampf as "a wonderful book, with good ideas on education, health, propaganda, organisation etc.” Either help me move Robert a few feet closer to his precious Brownsea Island or I’m throwing you in after that bigoted old goat. Oh and, you might have agreed about the aforementioned virtue signallers that only care when they choose. Well if it has taken ‘they’re getting rid of moi statyew’ for you to finally give a fuck about civil rights and Britain’s colonial past then you are hardly better.
Part time Timothy Dalton impersonator and full time MP for Bournemouth East, Tobias Ellwood has been doing the Zoom media rounds today spouting off a manicured line about how statues need protecting because “we cannot hold historical figures to ‘21st Century standards’”. Ok, sure. It is fairer he agrees, to hold them to the standard of the day in which they were erected. Poole’s statue of Baden-Powell was erected in 2008. Tobias somehow has a majority of over 8,000.
At this point Danny and Stacie have looked away from Instagram and towards the most dystopian part of Snapchat – the ‘news’ section. They are aghast. “They’re banning Little Britain? Oh no, Come Fly With Me too?!”. Where will they get their crass racial stereotypes from now? Soon they calm down and it’s back to subconscious circling of the wagons “What’s next, Chinese Alan off Gavin and Stacey? HA HA HAH”. Twitter’s Tory Boys spin the yarn that this is “comparable to censure” which yes is true in the very loosest sense that both are indeed things. Comparable in the same way are nihilism and toast.
Best idea of the day has come from Mark Howell, an Independent Councillor on Poole’s Council and its Deputy Leader. He pushed for a Museum of Scouting to be built nearby to celebrate the movement and attract tourism. Great plan. Let’s take the statue in there as the main attraction. He can even look out a window at his precious island as I rampage around in combat chamo stomping on red squirrels like how Jonny Kingdom terrorises Dartmoor.
Seriously though, the Museum is a good idea and would help the local economy. Big market too, which will have grown following the news story. Just make sure to include a section of the tour for information on RBP’s dark side too, complete with a couple of donation boxes for some charitable causes.
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