#this was a test drive of the poly ship
clericofshadows · 6 months
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after seeing some of my mutuals do this for their pairings I wanted to do this for my OT3 and the masshenko goodness so here it is :) it's hard finding one of these for poly ships but this one is lovely and fits well
some thoughts and fun facts under the cut!
This sheet is done with the year 2186 in mind, so ME3/Post-ME3 era depending on how you look at it
A defunct bioware site for ME2 listed Zaeed's age as around forty (this is on his wiki page under trivia). I think that's bullshit and made him nearly 60, as he should be.
Regis refuses to remove the two-year gap from his age and insists he's still the same age as Kaidan. Do not argue with him about this.
Kaidan was Regis's first relationship :). Before they got together, Kaidan experimented a bit. Zaeed has the most experience and is the only xenophile among them.
Regis is the one who actually initiates intimacy most of the time, but Zaeed is overall more spontaneous about it. Kaidan goes with the flow and enjoys watching a lot of the time.
Regis is also a blushing, stuttering mess sometimes. He's gotten better about it, but sometimes he still can't believe he's got it made. As for jealousy... there's a reason why he likes to make them match. And because he doesn't want anything to happen to what he has.
Zaeed most of all likes doing random shit for his lovers. Here, I serviced your gun. Here, I fixed that bent plating. Here, I made some tea and drinks for you so you can get your blood sugar back up. Kaidan affirms "I love you" the most out of all of them, closely followed by Regis, who also likes doing things for them. Such as making desserts and testing out his recipes on his crew first.
Regis's clothes are often stolen by both of them. He likes it, but also is annoyed that they stretch out his tighter clothing... this is what he gets for having boyfriends who are much broader than him. But he does enjoy making them all match when they can. It's all about staking his claim :)
Regis may be tall, but he is going to be the little spoon 99% of the time. Or sandwiched in the middle.
Regis and Kaidan use "love" for each other and Zaeed. Zaeed sticks to "baby, babe, and sweetheart" as well as "Kaid" for Kaidan. Regis and Kaidan often use "Zee" for Zaeed as well. Regis doesn't have any nicknames for his name, but Reggie will sometimes come out, mostly to annoy the hell out of him.
Regis confessed first to Kaidan and was the first to bring up how enamored he was with Zaeed during their Omega shore leave and vorcha mafia fun times in 2180. Kaidan was the first to confess to Zaeed that they wanted more after Regis's death.
I think it's hilarious to make the "big bad merc" scared of bugs. He can blast the head off of reaper abominations and even stand the sight of the collector drones, but a spider will do him in.
They can all drive and all ride motorcycles as well.
Regis is a dessert kind of guy. Zaeed enjoys being behind a grill. Kaidan ends up being in charge of dinner most of the time.
They're all really open and out with each other and their relationship, but Zaeed and Kaidan are more overt about it. Regis can be a little awkward about it even after doing everything with them. plus Zaeed and Kaidan have an exhibitionism kink
Regis doesn't like seeing his loved ones get hurt. Zaeed wishes he was there on Mars. Kaidan knows better than to argue about it and knows they can protect themselves.
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fayoftheforest · 2 years
Kyle Stan and Kenny for the ask game? :3
(ask is in reference to this post. thank you for the ask!!)
Sexuality Headcanon:
Stan: flip flops between labels but eventually settles on "queer" because he likes the ambiguity
Kyle: my god, this bitch is gay! good for him, good for him.
Kenny: doesn't deal in labels. if you ask him to define his sexuality he'll just laugh. if you keep pressing he'll be like "my type is hot people. so dont worry, I'm not going to hit on you."
Gender Headcanon:
Stan: this fella is a walking identity crisis! he uses he/they pronouns but if you ask him to define his gender he will break down into garbled screaming and run away to go shake and sob in a corner :)
Kyle: cis man, comfortable with his gender identity and aware of where he sits on the spectrum thanks to countless conversations about it with stan. he thinks he's only interested in presenting and being perceived in a masculine way until someone calls him "pretty boy" and then kyle.exe stops working 🥴
Kenny: no label, any pronouns, whatever whatever whatever. "gender? no thanks, I just ate."
A ship I have with said character: okay firstly I must state my affinity for STYLENNY SUPREMACY 🛐 but in terms of non-poly ships:
Stan: Style (shocker), Stutters, Stolkien, Stary, Stenny, Staig, t4t Stendy
Kyle: Style, K2, Cryle
Kenny: Bunny, Crenny, K2, Twenny, Stenny
A BROTP I have with said character:
Stan: Stan & Craig. they openly loath each other, but they secretly see a part of themselves in the other and so are motivated to help each other out in their problems in a fucked up egocentric kinda way >:D
Kyle: Kyle & Tolkien & Wendy form an unlikely friendship because they enjoy doing hobbies together that their friends find boring, like reading and being sensible. they're also the go-to group when one of them needs to rant and rave whilst the other two nod their heads sympathetically
Kenny: Kenny & Bebe as unstoppable beings of sheer power
A NOTP I have with said character: (no hate to people who ship this, it can be cute but it's just not my cup of tea;
Stan: Stendy, when it's basic bland and cishet
Kyle: Mutual Kyman makes me deeply uncomfortable for reasons that I don't need to get into because I'm sure you can all guess. Once sided Kyman (from Eric) can be interesting though, but it's gotta be done Just Right for it to pass my personal vibe test
Kenny: I don't love Kenny ships where he's written with predatory/rapey undertones (this was more prominent in the early fandom days I think). write him however you want but at the end of the day we all know he's a consent king with so much love to give <3
A random headcanon:
Stan: he has acne!! he's self conscious about it but tbh it's cute on him
Kyle: loathes the summer with a passion because of his hayfever. loathes the winter with a passion because he just gets one cold after another. this guy loathes the weather 24/7 and he will make it EVERYONE'S problem >:(
Kenny: my guy can fall asleep anywhere. on a bus? lights out. in class? snoozing. right in the middle of a conversation? zzzzz. his go to response to any problem or crisis is a nap. it drives his friends up the wall but what are they gonna do, whake him? when he looks so sweet and peaceful curled up like that? you'd have to be a monster to distrupt that bliss
General Opinion over said character: good god I love these guys 🥹
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lazysimp · 3 years
Little Runaway /// Uzui Tengen x Fem reader (18+)
✧Click Here for Male version✧
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Rating: Explicit
Summary: A debilitating injury leaves you bed-bound at the Butterfly estate as you recover from your injuries alone, or so you thought
This is a continuation of Little Slayer
Word count: 5.5K
Warnings/tags: !Some Spoilers from manga! Somnophilia, dubious consent, Exhibitionism, Reader is bisexual, Poly ship, Facesitting, Oral sex (giving and receiving), Spanking, Group sex, She/Her pronouns, All characters are adults, SMUT 18+ Only
“It does not look too terrible,” Aoi mumbled, her fingers running our the large bandages covering your arms, “In a few weeks it will barely even be noticeable.
You do not bother to hide your trembling lip from her, “How can I be a slayer with useless arms? I cannot even feed myself let alone lift a sword.”
She sighed, putting away the excess cloth, “You will have to stay here a few more weeks to recover, and then you should be mostly back to normal. Even though Shinobu managed to create an antidote, the poison tore up the veins in your arms. It is going to take your body some time to heal.”
“I should be out there helping, not sitting in this bed,” small tears gathered in the corners of your eyes. You have already been recovering for two weeks, the thought of being trapped in this bed any longer was going to drive you mad.
Aoi awkwardly rubbed your back, “Don’t be so hard on yourself, you assisted in taking down two powerful demons. Even if you had not been injured you deserved a break, we were all beginning to wonder if you ever slept.”
“I have slept plenty, I am ready to get back out there,” You lift one bandaged arm, trying to ignore the pain the movement caused to examine the damage. “Are you sure there is no way to speed the healing up, I am willing to try anything?”
“No slayer, the only thing that will make you better is rest and food. Thought if you would like to recover more efficiently I do have one suggestion.”
Your upper body lurches forward, your nose almost slamming into Aoi's face, "What, what is it?”
“Well, you are not the only slayer I am caring for at the moment, this means you do not get the full attention you need to heal quickly. If you knew someone who could care at all times your body would heal much faster.”
You groan falling back to the bed, “Not this again.”
“All I am saying is you should tell them what happened,” Aoi grabbed a washcloth and brought it towards your face, “I know they would come in a heartbeat to help with your recovery.”
“I already told you, I don’t want them to see me like this, I look pathetic.”
“You look like someone who was injured slaying a demon, there is nothing pathetic about that.” She wrings the water out of the cloth and wipes down your chest, “What is pathetic is to continue to write them pretending nothing is wrong because you are too scared of rejection.”
Your upper lip curls up, “What makes you so sure they would come to care for an injured slayer.”
Aoi scoffed, lifting your arm to bring your wrist to your face, “Last time a checked Uzui does not gift a gold bracelet to every slayer that visits his house to recover.”
You could not wiggle your arm free from her hold, the muscles still too weak to respond to your commands, “It was a parting gift, nothing more.”
“A parting gift really?” She pulls your arm closer to her face examining the intricate engraving on the gold band, “A gold band that is a match to the gold bands on his arms is only a parting gift.”
“Yes,” you growl trying fruitlessly to pull your wrist free.
She rolls her eyes, releasing your arm, “You are so deep in denial. How can you possibly convince yourself that they feel nothing for you? They practically begged you to become theirs, the only reason you are not recovering in their bed right now is that you are too scared to ask.”
“You can’t know that for sure,” you mumble, looking at the stack of letters by your bedside.
“Really, then let’s test my theory,” She pulls one of the blank sheets of paper off of the small table and hands it to you, “tell them what happened to you and where you are staying, you do not even need to ask them for help. I guarantee by tomorrow they will all be here fighting for the chance to take care of you.”
“And if you are wrong?”
She rubs the bottom of her chin, “Hm, If I am wrong I will clear my schedule and wait on your hand and foot until you are fully recovered.” A sly smile spreads across her face, “But if I am right you must buy me a new hair clip, a nice one, not one of those cheap ones at the market.”
“I feel like this is a lose-lose situation,” you groan, squeezing your eyes shut.
“Nu-uh, you have nothing to lose because they will come to take care of you. Well, you will be out at least five yen, the hair clip I want does not come cheap.”
“How is this not extortion,” you growl, trying to find a way out of this.
“Oh please, you can so dramatic. All you have to do is write a short letter telling them you were injured and will not be able to see them for a few weeks. Don’t you think they deserve an explanation for why you have not been visiting?”
You open your eyes to glare at her, “that was a low blow.”
“Well I am tired of hearing your whining, it was pathetic a week ago, not it is just sad.” She thors the rag into the bowl of water, “I am trying to be sympathetic but honestly you are being dull. They are in love with you, they want you. The only reason you are alone is that you are acting like a coward, and that is coming from me.”
“What if they had changed their mind while I was gone? I could not handle going back to being nothing to them.”
Her eyes softened, she reached out and laid her hand over yours, “And this is better? You only eve speak to them in letters, exchanging small talk about demons and the weather. I cannot guarantee they have not changed their minds but can you really lie there and tell me it is not worth it to ask?”
You open and close your mouth, you could not argue with what she was saying. Truth be told they were worth the risk, even a day with them would be worth a lifetime of pain but a small ounce of self-preservation still held you back, “I’m scared,” you whisper, “I don’t think I could survive their rejection.”
“Uzui already told you how they felt, the only reason they are not at your bedside right now is that you have not told them you are injured. They would drop everything and travel here, all you need to do is ask, I promise they will not say no.”
“Aoi,” you whimper, “please can we drop this.”
She gave your hand one gentle squeeze, “Fine, I will drop it, for now, you are due for your meds anyways.”
Fuck, “Do I need to take all of those? They make my head feel funny.”
She laughed, “Trust me, the only reason you are not screaming in pain is because of these meds, your nerves are still very inflamed from the venom, missing even one dose will make you wish you had let the demon finish you off.”
“Here,” she raises the small cup to your lips, “drink up.”
You hold your breath and open your mouth letting the bitter liquid slide down your throat. “Ugh, that is terrible.”
“It tastes awful but there is nothing we have found to even be half as effective.” she stands up, wiping her pants, “You make sure to call for assistance if you need something, this medication has a strong impact on the level of consciousness, some people report dreamlike states where-”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” you wave off her speech already having heard it a dozen times. “Don’t stand up by yourself, don’t sign anything, don’t talk to strangers, make sure you are not hallucinating before you go to the bathroom.”
“Alright I’ll check on you in a bit,” She points her finger, her lip curling up, “But so help me if I find you out of bed, I refuse to have a slayer injured on my watch.”
You nod, too weak to even think about leaving the bed the medication already making the world around you spin. With nothing else to do you work on controlling your breathing, each small breath allowing you to lessen the effects of the drug in your system.
The sky outside your window darkened leaving you in complete darkness, you try to fight off the heaviness of your eyelids but each blink was a battle. Soon you had no choice but to allow them to close, your mind finally resiting.
You used to love sleep, allowing your mind to turn off was heavenly. But ever since you left the Sound estate you found your mind wandering places it should not. Tonight was no different once sleep finally overtook you.
The dreams always started out the same, you would arrive at the large estate exhausted and starving. Each member would swarm around you, now having the routine down you were in a warm bath only moments later while food was being heated.
When your skin was clean and hair groomed they would listen to your adventures as you eat, Suma flinching whenever you even mentioned a demon getting too close. Hinatsuru would ask about the places you got to see while traveling and Makio would want to know all about the demon you slew. Tengen always ended up pulling you into his lap after you finished your meal, gently rubbing your thigh as you talk with the girls.
When your eyes grew heavy and your head starts to nod forward Tengen would gently guide you back to their room. Your breathing would grow haggard, already trembling with excitement, the exhaustion fading away.
You bring your hand down your stomach, there was no harm in letting yourself feel pleasure as you dream, after all, no one has to know what you are doing while you think about a married man and his wives.
Dreaming was your only escape from the cruel world you lived in, here your arms were not injured and you were surrounded by the people you love.
Tengen would be the first in this realm to take charge, using his hand to position you exactly where he wanted. Your legs were spread open wide, one knee held by Suma whose eager eyes watched as Tengen’s mouth licked a trail up your thigh, collecting the juices that had covered them.
“Tengen,” you whine, your voice cracking, “Please don’t tease me.”
“Shh little slayer, I want to savor my meal,” Tengen groaned, using his tongue to clean your other thigh. Your dreams always felt so real but tonight was different, before his touch felt muffled, as if someone was touching you through a sheet. As his hot tongue runs up your inner thigh its warm wet heat nearly has your back arching off the bed.
Your head falls back, now resting in the lap of Makio. “Relax,” she muttered, her hands trailing down your chest to latch onto your swollen nipples, “We have all night.”
“Have to take my time with you,” Tengen cooed, one finger slinging through the middle of your slick folds, “Your pretty hole needs to be niced and stretched if it is going to take my cock tonight.”
His slick fingers circle around your entrance, giving you a moment’s warning before breeching your tight cunt. Your thighs shake, your muscles working to close but Hinatsusu joins in holding you open leaving you completely exposed to Tengen as he got to work.
“My, my, one finger and you are already creaming all over me.” He tsks his tongue, “Such a needy girl, how long have you been walking around with the mess?” His curious red eyes gazed at the pussy spread before him, admiring how you twitched around one finger.
“Is it our fault you are this messy? Were you thinking about us on your walk here naughty girl?”
“Tengen, don’t talk like that,” you order weakly, barely able to speak your cheeks flaming with embarrassment.
His lips curled into a devilish smirk, “You don’t have to pretend with us,” the finger inside you curled up. The entire room could heat the vigorous thumping of your heart against your chest, nearly ribbing from its cage. “Relax your legs, little slayer, let us see this sweet pussy.”
You could deny him nothing, your these thighs fell open completely, your puffy lips spreading to reveal your tight clit. You were breathing heavily, too nervous to be in control as they all admired your pulsating cunt. Your fearful eyes scanned each member, watching their reaction carefully.
“Fuck,” Suma moaned, her hands gripping your knee tightly, “It is not fair you get her first Tengen.” Her mouth was already drooling at the sight of such a beautiful woman spread open in front of her, a beautiful pussy just waiting to be feasted on. She was half tempted to push Tengen out of the way and fulfill her craving.
“Wait your turn Suma,” Tengen growled, adding another finger to tease you, “little one will need your tongue to clean up the mess I am about to make.”
You want to bring your hands up to hide your face too embarrassed to focus on but for some reason, you could not move the appendages so you had to settle on looking up at the ceiling. Only that proved to be even worse as Makio’s full breasts now filled your vision.
“Hey there,” she smiled, her fingers pinching your nipples and pulling on them until they grew stiff, “Like the view.”
Your train of thought crashed at her teasing smile, you look down only to see Hinatsuru slip off her own dress, her blush rose nipples hardening when exposed to the air. Taking advantage of your distracted mind Tengen’s clever tongue flickered across your tender clit. Your body jumps shocked at the immediate pleasure his mouth brings.
He seemed to enjoy your flavor, his hand settling under your hip so he can tilt it up giving him even easier access. He breathed in the scent of your arousal, preening as the sounds of your moans filled his ears, your head thrown back in pure bliss.
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Suma trail one hand down her own abdomen, circling her small clit frantically as she watched Tengen lap up your juices.
“Oh, it feels so good,” you pant, your back arching up as he sucks the bud onto his mouth, using the tip of his tongue to draw small circles.
“Fuck,” He mumbled, releasing the suction. “I could feast on this cunt for hours. Your taste is divine.” His hot breath fanned against the tender flesh. “How does that sound, do you think you could handle me for a few hours?”
You shake your head, already at the end of your rope.
‘Mmh, shame, we will have to work on building up your endurance,” he lowered his mouth again, adding another finger to your cunt loving the vice grip you had around the digits. Fuck his cock was already throbbing at the idea of your pretty pussy spasming around his length as he stretches you out.
“T-Tengen, please, I-I think I am going to come,” you screamed, your back arching off the bed.
Makio pushed down on your shoulders, holding you steady as your legs started to shake. Having no mercy Tengen increased the pace of his fingers now scissoring inside you as he worked throbbing clit with his lips. It was not long until the strong tingle in your abdomen rapidly spread throughout your body.
You could feel your hold clench around his fingers as your body convulsed, your mouth open in a silent scream. Tengen continued to milk the pleasure from your exhausted body, only stopping when you fell limp under him.
The only sound in the room was your frantic breathing. You always woke up like that, startled awake by what you had been dreaming about. Only tonight was different because instead of waking up cold and alone you were surprisingly warm.
“I know you are awake little one, open your eyes already,” a deep familiar voice laughed.
Immediately your eyes slammed open but nothing could have prepared you for the sight you encountered. Tengens chin was glistening, his eyes full of hunger you have never seen. On each side of you were Suma and Hinatsuru holding open your limp legs. Your head falls back onto a pair of soft thighs.
“I was beginning to wonder if you would ever wake up,” Makio laughed from above you, her hands on either side of your head.
“W-What is happening?” you look down at the unimaginable sight of Tengen in between your spread thighs, your mind nearly breaking as you try to piece together everything.
“Aoi sent us a letter saying you were injured,” Hinatsuru brushed her hand up your thigh, “We rushed here as quickly as we could once we heard the news. We did you not tell us sooner you were hurt we would have been here the day you arrived?”
“You were here for a week and you did not bother to let us know you were hurt,” Makio growled from above you, the lust decorating her face now gone. “Were you ever going to tell us?”
“I-I,” your breathing starts to grow frantic, what in the hell was happening? One minute you were dreaming and the next your dream becomes a reality. “I don’t understand what is happening,” you mumble your mind fuzzy, “When did you all get here? Why are you in between my legs?”
“Shh,” Suma moved up from her place at your legs and grabbed one of your bandaged hands, “I know you are probably really confused so let me explain.”
You nod, eager to understand the world around you.
“We arrived here less than thirty minutes ago, we all rushed here when we heard the news of your injury from Aoi’s letter,” she paused to give you time to process the information. “When we got here you were sound asleep, Aoi said you would not be up for hours, we were going to take turns watching over you, but when Tengen tried to leave to get some food you yelled out for him to stop teasing you.”
Your breathing stops, your mind replaying the events of earlier, “I spoke out loud,” you whispered.
Tengen snorts, “You did more than speak little one, you begged me to touch you.”
Your mouth falls open in horror, “What happened after that?”
Tengen looked down at your exposed sex, “Well, we tried leaving, wanting you to get some rest but we are only human, how could we resist those little whimpers begging for more?”
“Y-You mean-”
“That I ate your little pussy while you begged for more?”
A startled squeak left your lips at his confession, “You did?”
A wolfish grin spread across his face, “Oh yes darling, I did.”
Your face was so hot you were sure you could fry an egg on your cheeks, “You mean my dream was real, it all happened?”
“Regretfully I cannot see into your beautiful mind but judging by what you were whimpering I would say your flamboyant dream matched pretty well to what we were doing.”
You wanted to bury yourself in a hole, the noises you had been making were mortifying, the idea that anyone heard them, let alone the four people at your side was enough to make you combust.
“Don’t look so embarrassed,” Hinatsuru cooed, “Watching you find pleasure was beautiful, I could watch it every day and never grow tired of that sight.”
Tengen hummed in agreement, “And the flamboyant sounds you made were enough to nearly push me over the edge, if not for my training I would already be staining the sheets with my seed.”
“Wait, you all arrived here to help with my recovery after Aoi sent you a letter telling you about my condition?”
Hinatsuru nodded, patting her hand gently against your, “We left as soon as we heard, we were so worried, she told us how close you were to-to dying.” She choked out a sob, “Why would you not call for us,” her lips pressed into a thin line, “Did you not want us to come here?”
“No,” you try to reach out but your arms could not respond, “That is not it at all,” You look down wishing you had on clothes, you already felt so exposed, “I did not want to bother you.”
“Bother us?” Tengen echoed, lifting himself up into a sitting position between your legs. “Is that what you think you are? A bother.”
You take advantage of his move, pushing your thighs together to gather some privacy, “Not exactly-”
Tengen runs his hand through his loose hair, “I thought I took care of your doubt the night you left but it seems you still have some doubts where you stand in this relationship.”
He looks over at the woman by your side with a new, darker look in his eye, “Darlings would your hold her legs for me please, I believe we need to teach the little runaway here her place.”
“Hey wait,” you try to scramble away but Suma and Hinatsuru locked onto your legs anchoring you in place.
“Hm,” Tengen’s hand rested under his chin, “On second thought flip her around, I want that flamboyant ass in the air.”
“Ah,” you squeak as you are tossed in the air and gently flipped around, landing on the bed with your arms held behind your back, your cheek squished against the mattress.
“W-What are you doing,” you try to look over your shoulder but the position they place you in prevents you from being able to see anything.
“I have tried being a patient little one, I waited weeks for you to finally confess your feelings, and what is my reward for this? A letter telling me how you almost died. Can you even imagine how that made us feel? You almost died having never been ours.”
His large hand runs up your slick thigh, “And now you lie here in the bed speaking about not wanting to bother us!” His large hand comes down across your ass laying a sharp spank. “I refuse to believe the only reason you did not ask for our help is that you did not want to be a bother.” Another sharp sting spreads across your ass as his hand descends, “So tell me the truth, why are you running away from us?”
“I-I can’t” you sob, burying your face into the sheets.
“Wrong answer,” Another precise slap arrives on your skin, the sharp tingle spreading through your body, lighting your skin on fire.
“Please tell us why you do not want to be with us,” Hinatsuru whispered, her lips kissing away the tears gathered in the corner of your eyes, “What did we do wrong?”
“Nothing,” you sob, “you did nothing wrong, it’s me that is wrong.”
“What is wrong with you?” Makio asked, shoving Hinatsuru out of the way, “Because from my viewpoint you are perfect.”
“I’m not,” you turn your face to bury your head onto the mattress needing to hide, “And one day you will see that and want nothing to do with me. And then what,” your chest heaves, too tired to resist letting it all out, “I will be left all alone.”
“Darling,” Tengen cooed, his hand running up your naked back where your loose shirt had ridden up, “Do you truly believe we would leave you?”
You nod your head, your throat too tight to let you speak.
“But that is not true, I could never get tired of you!” Suma yelled, pushing Hinatsuru out of the way for her turn. “The way you hold me when I cry, and how you make sure Hinatsuru will buy my favorite food when at the market. The way you make sure that each of us feels included, can’t you see we will never get enough of you?”
Tenge’s hand settled on the flaming skin of your ass, massaging the sore tissue, “If you think for one minute I am ever letting you go then I have failed at making you feel appreciated.” His hand stops at the back of your neck, gently squeezing the column, “Because this is something I could never live without. Your smile, your kindness, your love, your flamboyant attitude, I need all of it.”
His bodyweight presses over you, his long erection settling in between the cheeks of your ass, “Now little one, I am going to show you how you belong to me,” the head of his cock slides down to settle on the outside of your entrance, “After this, there is no question you belong to us do you understand?”
You glace back in shock, watching helplessly as his hips thrust forward, the large head piercing into your tight hole.
A small whimper leaves your throat as the burning stretch nearly becomes too much, he was so fucking big that even with his fingers stretching you earlier there was no way he was going to be able to fit all of it inside you.
“Fuck,” he hissed from above you, his hand braced against your tailbone as he sank into your warmth. “You are so tight.”
Your hands reach out looking for something to hold onto and two warm hands answered your call, their fingers intertwining with yours.
“You are doing so perfect,” Hintsuru hummed, kissing your knuckles. You squeeze down around their hands as hard as you could, your legs trembling as another inch slides inside.
Just when your thought It would all become too much his cock finally kissed the end of your hole. He froze for a few seconds giving your poor pussy time to adjust to his intrusion. This gave Makio just enough time to fulfill her plan.
Manipulating your body she adjusts your arms until your weight was settled onto your hands, your elbows locked and your ass in the air where Tengen was buried to the hilt. With the help of Suma she carefully lifted your body until she could easily slide under you, her mouth now directly under your dripping cunt.
“H-Hey,” you whine, Makio’s pussy now directly under your face, her breasts pressing against your upper thighs, “What are you doing?”
“This,” She groaned, using her fingers to spread open the lips of your pussy and latch onto your throbbing bundle. You nearly fall forward, the combined attack overwhelming.
Tengen, not one to be outdone drew his hips back, his cock slowly withdrawing from your abused hole only to slam back in. The strength of his thrusts had his balls collide with the top of Makio’s head but she did not seem to mind, in fact, it seemed to egg her on, she grew even more aggressive in pleasing you. Her tongue lashed across your clit as she sucked on the tender bud.
The tongue on your cunt vibrated as Makio let out a low groan. Tengen continued to plow into you in a purposeful rhythm, each thrust well aimed to nail the upper part inside your pussy making black spots appear in your vision each time he hit it.
Your fingers dig into the sheets as you hold on for dear life.
“You feel that,” Tengen growled, his cock kissing the end of your hole, “Feel how deep inside you I am?” His hand came down to slap your ass, “This pussy is mine little one, not yours, mine, and if you think you can keep me from this pussy then I will have to fuck you until you are too tired to argue.”
“Tengen,” you sobbed, your head falling forward. Suma shifted forward, her hands giving your head a comfortable place to rest on Makio’s thighs as the pair worked to drive you even higher. Your legs were shaking uncontrollably, as the throbbing in your clit started to spread. Your chest grew too tight for you to even breathe.
Tengen kept his movements steady while Makio’s tongue worked wonders on your clit, sucking on the tight bud whole flicking her tongue over the tip. It was not long until your mouth opened into a silent scream, your entire body tense as you come all over Makio’s face, your sweet juices coating her tongue as you convulse.
Makio greedily lapped up the mess as you continued to come on her face, the pleasure too strong to let you relax until another mind-shattering sensation overtook you. This time the tingling spread to your head making the world begging to grow hazy as your breathing stopped. You were sure you were screaming but you could hear nothing over the sound of your own pounding heartbeat.
With the high gone your breathing decreased slightly but Tengen was still going, his fat cock continuing to stretch your clenching hole. You lie there and let him lay his claim, too tired to even speak.
When it almost became too much mercifully his cock started to pulse and seconds later his hot cum began to fill you, leaving no inch uncovered. Only when he was sure every drop had emptied inside you did he pull his hips back, admiring how your gaping hole clenched around nothing, his cum already leaking out.
Makio’s magical tongue gave one last long lick up your slit before she shuffled out from under you. You close your eyes for a few seconds, trying to collect your bearings while the world around you spun. One strong arm wrapped around your waist, gently manipulating your body until you were settled on your back.
You did not even jump when a soft tongue began to clean your throbbing sex, lapping away the mess Tengen had created. Another careful pair of hands brought your head into their lap, their fingers tracing the lines of your face. The last pair of hands dragged a warm cloth across your drenched body.
You snuggle into their hold, letting them each care for you in their own unique way. Only when the cloth grew cold and the tongue on your sex stilled did you crack open one eye.
“How are you feeling?” Hinatsuru asked, wringing out the wet cloth into a basin.
“Fuzzy,” you mumble, turning your head to bury your face deeper into Makio’s lap.
“Do you understand now?” Tengen hummed, his callused fingers rubbing across the back of your injured hand. Do you understand how much we love you little one?”
“I-I,” you press your lips together, how could you make them understand what you were thinking. They all knew early in life they would belong to each other forever but they have barely known you for a year.
“I want to,” you whisper, “I want to believe more than anything that you love me.”
You press your thighs together wincing at the ache in your sex, “But I don’t think I will ever be sure of your feelings for me. It is just too good to be true.”
Tengen barked in protest but you continued, “But the one thing I am sure of is my feelings for all of you. The days I was able to spend with all of you were the happiest of my life and I want nothing more than to give you all of my days. I am yours.”
Hinatsuru shot forward her arms wrapping around your shoulders, pulling you into her chest. “We love you so much,” she sobbed, burying her face in your shoulder, “And we will spend all of our time making sure you never doubt that.”
Suma joins in on the hug, her body pressing against your back, “I won’t let go until you believe us.” She declared, tightening her arms even more.
Makio laughed, pushing Suma to the side so she could have room to join in, “I think it will be fun to convince you our feelings are permanent, I love a good challenge.”
“Hm,” Tengen’s large hand settled on top of your head, urging it back until his gaze was able to meet yours, “I agree with Makio, getting you to believe us sounds like a very interesting challenge,” he leans in closer, his lips brushing against your forehead, “One I am happy to spend the rest of my life on.”
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otakusheep15 · 3 years
Just a few of my favorite ships, some including self ships with myself (Marcus) and others with the characters. Includes both mono and poly relationships, so be warned. Also, I didn't think I'd ever have to specify this, but if I include more than one brother in a polyship, they are not involved with each other. Some of y'all be wildin' over here lol. They're brothers.
Also yes, I am writing in the third person when referring to myself, shush.
Also also, this is mostly just a test drive to see if the tags are okay again, so I’m not expecting much from this post. 
Self Ships
Mammon x Marcus
Partners-in-crime type of relationship
Chaotic crackheads who constantly get in trouble
Marcus is an enabler
He's also the brains of the group
Is usually in charge of the brain cell since Mams abuses it
Mammon is the brawns since marcus is hecking weak
Marcus will bail Mams out of punishments when possible
Both are major simps, but it took them forever to realize
The bros got pissed off about it and forced them together
Who confessed first: Marcus
Levi x Marcus
Gaming buddies who sometimes make out
And cuddle on occasion
Borth get flustered around each other so easily and it's adorable
Neither can figure out how to make the first move, so there's a lot of awkward pauses
They give off Jeremy and Michael from BMC if they were gay and dating
Couples cosplays for the win!
Marcus cosplayed as Ruri-tan once as a joke and Levi almost died
Asmo caught it on camera and refuses to delete it
Who confessed first: Marcus
Asmo x Marcus
More of a friends with benefits kind of relationship
But they're also best friends
They help each other to grow some confidence
Asmo helps Marcus be confident with his outer appearance
Marcus helps Asmo with his inner confidence
Overall very wholesome, except when it isn't
Fashion show and self-care 'dates'
They sometimes invite Levi or Satan and gossip for hours
Who confessed first: Asmo
Beel x Marcus
The most wholesome relationship
Marcus bakes for Beel all the time
He also helps Beel with his workouts (mostly moral support)
Lots of hugs
In this scenario, Marcus and Belphie are besties
Beel is very happy about that
Baking dates that always end up with Beel eating everything
Marcus goes to all of his games despite hating sports
Who confessed first: Beel
Belphie x Marcus
Mostly consists of cuddle dates
They're very tired boys
Lucifer has had to drag them out of bed many times
The planetarium is their spot
Marcus likes when Belphie talks about stars
In this scenario, Marcus and Beel are besties
The three hang out a lot
Neither has any sense of personal space when it comes to each other
Who confessed first: Marcus
Barbatos x Marcus
Chaotic gremlin and overworked mother vibes
Marcus is constantly trying to get Barbs to relax
Barbs says no and proceeds to work
Baking dates except the baking actually gets done
Marcus begging Dia to give Barbs some off time so they can hang out
Dia agrees and Barbs is upset about it
But it's fine cause now Marcus can help Barbs relax for once
They go shopping together for ingredients
Who confessed first: Barbs
Beel x Marcus x Belphie
Basically just combining their individual ones
But now it's all three of them
Literal Attic Club Sandwich
A.k.a. Marcus being cuddled to death
Now Belphie can hold Beel back from eating stuff while they bake
Most dates consist of either going out to eat or sleeping
And that's basically it
Who confessed first: the twins (Belphie brought it up first)
Levi x Marcus x Barbs
Marcus likes reptiles
That's it, that's the ship
It's honestly the tails
He thinks they're cool
Are Barbs and Levi also dating? Nobody knows
The three form the introvert squad
Every date is just sitting inside and vibing
Levi teaches Barbs about gaming and anime
Very wholesome, very adorable
Who confessed first: Marcus (confessed to both at the same time)
Mammon x Marcus x Levi
Chaotic trio
Mammon forces the other two outside every now and then
They hate it, but they go anyway
Mammon also orders the food
The other two have social anxiety
Levi and Mammon fight over attention and it's funny
They have a shaky truce that's bound to break any second
Marcus breaks up all potential fights
Most dates are individual since they always argue over what to do
There are regular cuddle sessions between the three tho
Who confessed first: Marcus
Non-self Ships
Lucifer x Diavolo
Obvious starting ship
Kind of enemies to lovers if you squint
Dia is such a simp for Luci
Luci is also a simp, but he hides it better
For awhile, they had to sneak around so no one would notice
But then someone (probably Mammon) leaked a photo of the two being romantic
It blew up and now everyone knows
Mammon was almost murdered that day
Who confessed first: Diavolo
Lucifer x Barbatos
The passive aggressiveness in this relationship is a lot
They're constantly throwing jabs at each other
NSFW warning - lots of hate s*x between these two
I just want them to hate each other but also date
Is that too much to ask?
Dia is basically their adopted child at this point
And so are all of the brothers
Just two overworked parents trying their best
Who confessed first: Lucifer
Mammon x Diavolo
Sugar daddy x sugar baby vibes
And it started out that way too
Dia would buy stuff for Mammon and Mammon would do whatever was asked of him
But then one of them caught feelings (probably Dia)
They talked about it and decided to start dating
It was a bit rocky at first, but they got there
They're each other's emotional support
Constant ranting about insecurities and how lonely they felt before
But now they aren't lonely cause they have each other
Who confessed first: Diavolo
Levi x Simeon
Basically canon already lol
Levi is such a fangirl and it's adorable
Simeon takes all of Levi's ideas very seriously
They simp for each other so hard and it shows
Author x reader pairings are my weakness
Levi helps Simeon when he has writer's block
Overall very adorable and sweet couple
Who confessed first: Levi (he was fangirling and let it slip)
Levi x Barbatos
Serpent bois
Barbs helps Levi with his anxiety
Levi helps Barbs learn to relax
They balance each other out well
Levi starts going to in person classes more to see Barbs
They hang out at the castle a lot
Baking dates but it's actually just Barbs baking while Levi watches
Also video game dates but it's only Levi playing while Barbs watches
Barbs loves listening to Levi rant about anime or games
He thinks it's really cute
Who confessed first: Barbatos
Satan x Solomon
Magic buddies except they kiss sometimes
Very salty couple
Nobody knows if they're actually dating or not
Some people think they're joking
They love the confusion
Many library dates that end with them making out in the back
The tension surrounding them before they started dating could have been cut with a knife
They play pranks on Lucifer a lot
Who confessed first: Satan (it was very passive aggressive)
Satan x Barbatos
They also play pranks on Lucifer a lot
Satan helps Barbs around the castle if he needs it
Dates are mostly sitting on opposite sides of the sofa reading books
They often hang out in the castle library and nerd out
Major power couple vibes
Barbs constantly threatens Satan to clean his room
If he doesn't, Barbs will do it himself
Oh yeah, and they make fun of other demons together
Who confessed first: Satan
Asmo x Solomon
Again, very obvious
They go on double dates with Satan x Barbs
Chaotic party couple
They're also very poly and open to threesomes or new partners
The most powerful couple
Like, the kind you see on magazines and stuff
And they know it, they know how powerful they are
Everyone is jealous of them for something
Neither one of them can actually cook, but nobody needs to know that
Who confessed first: Asmo
Beel x Barbatos
Underrated pairing tbh
Cooking partners! Cooking partners!
Barbs tries out any new recipes with Beel
Neither one speaks very often, so they usually sit in comfortable silence
Beel helps Barbs out with any chores around the castle
He also gives Barbs lots of physical attention, like hugs and cuddles
Cause it's obvious that Barbs is very touched starved
In return, Barbs gives Beel a lot of verbal affection
Both also like giving the other gifts
Probably the most wholesome ship I ship
Who confessed first: Beel
Belphie x Diavolo
Enemies to lovers! Enemies to lovers!
NSFW - they started out as enemies with benefits, lots of hate s*x
But then, they catch feelings
Surprisingly, Belphie falls for Dia first
He hates that he did, but he couldn't deny it
Dia spoils the heck out of Belphie
Belphie is constantly dragging Dia away from work to cuddle
Barbs is not happy about it
Who confessed first: Belphie (he really didn't want to tho)
Diavolo x Barbatos
Classing servant x master ship
They've been close for a while, so it was (probably) bound to happen
Not much changed after they got together
Now they just kiss sometimes
Lucifer was the first to find out when he caught them making out in Dia's office one time
They're all too afraid to bring it up
Both try to keep it as lowkey as possible, but Dia is way too affectionate
It's still really cute that they try tho
Who confessed first: Diavolo
Barbatos x Simeon
Luke is their adoptive child
(or more like grandchild since they're old)
It's a surprisingly wholesome relationship
Both are pretty reserved, so most dates are in private
They have cooking dates, and they'll sometimes bring Luke along as well
Family bonding and all that
Also lots of shopping dates since they're that one boring couple who thinks shopping together counts as a date
Neither is very physically affectionate, but they are both verbally affectionate
So that means lots of compliments and praises
Who confessed first: Barbs (he was surprisingly flustered about it)
Lucifer x Diavolo x Barbatos
No one knows how this happened, but it did
Dia is the excited golden retriever of the group
Barbs and Luci are the tired old cats who need a break
Dates usually consist of going on vacation together to have some time off
They also spend time in Dia's office doing paperwork cause they're so busy
Barbs and Luci are both lowkey competing for Dia's attention, but neither will admit it
Dia spoils the heck out of them even after they ask him to stop
He goes really overboard with it, so it's a valid concern
Who confessed first: Diavolo
Simeon x Levi x Barbatos
Don't ask me where this came from, I have no clue
But just think about how adorable it would be
They can all nerd out together
Levi gains a bit more confidence thanks to their encouragement
Barbs and Levi help Simeon with his writing
Simeon and Barbs help Levi bake foods from anime
And Levi and Simeon help Barbs with his castle stuff
The other two love to get Levi flustered since it's so easy and he looks really cute
Who confessed first: Levi (he was a mess the entire time, but it was so endearing)
Asmo x Solomon x Barbatos
Yet another classic
Solomon is dating both of them
Are Asmo and Barbs dating? Probably, but who knows for sure
They're lowkey chaotic, but good at hiding it
Asmo and Solomon are constantly dragging Barbs out to party
They have gotten in trouble for it many times since Barbs has to work
Solomon helps Barbs with work while Asmo provides moral support
Barbs is the one thing standing between Solomon and Asmo and getting arrested
Who confessed first: Solomon
Conclusion of this post: Barbs is surprisingly shippable, and I have more ships than I thought I did
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You said you aren’t big on poly ships, but may I interest you in some… Rio x Doppo X Hifumi x Jyuto? Imagine all the silly situations that could lead to!
Riou x Doppo x Hifumi x Juuto... I am trying to wrap my head around how this would work. Are they all living together? Is Riou's tent just staked out in the middle of Doppo and Hifumi's living room? Or is it, what, downstairs in the bushes outside their apartment? Doppo staggers home from work to find Riou and Hifumi attempting to outdo one another in cooking luxurious feasts for him to taste test. Juuto runs himself ragged driving them all to work and back (except for Riou, who is busy being a house spouse. Tent spouse?)
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kpoppwriter · 4 years
Dating XiaoKun ~
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❧ A/N: I fuckin pulled out my laptop at 1:29am to write this cause I’ve been thinking about this poly!ship for days also gonna try a new layout for hcs in this post so we’ll see how it goes
~※ Main Masterlist ※~
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♡ wow ok dating two amazing boys ♡ you lucky...hella lucky ♡ these two are very very caring ♡ like individually, they’re very caring ♡ but together? the literal best ♡ Xiao is clingy ♡ he loves physical affection from either of you  ♡ hugs, kisses, cuddling, all big yeses in Xiao’s book  ♡ despite his love for physical affection, ♡ PDA is at a minimum from both boys ♡ holding hands and a reassuring hand on the back is the most you’ll get ♡ in private and with the boys, anything’s fair game ♡ Kun is still Dad™ ♡ he takes care of you and Xiao a lot  ♡ loves to cook for you both ♡ he gets a lot of joy out of watching you eat his food  ♡ I feel like Kun would give good hugs ♡ like really good hugs 🥺 ♡ I just really wanna hug someone  ♡ imagine getting serenaded by them ♡ like they’re working on a new cover and just sing it for you ♡ and you just sit there like “woah these boys can sing” ♡ I cried when I heard Xiaojun’s cover of For Life no joke  ♡ there’s a reason besides his voice but it was partly because of his voice ♡ ok i keep getting distracted back to the hcs ♡ oH pulling pranks on Kun with Xiao ♡ then hiding when he starts looking for you to scold you  ♡ you guys are in the closet trying to stifle your laughter ♡ “I know you two are in here” *quiet giggles from closet* ♡ if you’re ever sad, these two are the best boys for getting comfort ♡ just lots of hugs and advice if you want it ♡ if you’re really sad, Xiaojun might cry  ♡ he’s just really empathetic ♡ dates would mostly be cafe dates or late night drives ♡ those are just the typical dates ♡ but I feel like there’d be special dates ♡ like to an amusement park or water park  ♡ ok this is gonna be long if I don’t stop now ♡ I have a lot to say about the next part 👀 ♡ ahahaha y’all better get ready for this ~ ♡ okokok I have thought about this a lot  ♡ Kun is a dom obvi and Xiao is a switch ♡ in this pairing, Xiao is a pure switch  ♡ ok they kinda kinky  ♡ choking, hair pulling, bondage, sensory deprivation, daddy kink ♡ marking, orgasm control, edging, voyeurism/exhibitionism, teasing  ♡ there’s probs more but that’s what’s on the top of my head ♡ Kun is a soft yet strict dom ♡ he’s more into spoiling his sub(s) then punishing ♡ but he will punish if need be ♡ don’t test him ♡ I can see Xiao easily subbing for Kun  ♡ but some days he has dom days  ♡ which means there’d be two doms in the bedroom that day ♡ good luck ♡ Xiao is a cute baby boy sub ♡ like the cutest ♡ not a bratty bone in his body  ♡ has sensitive nipples  ♡ don’t ask me where that hc came from my brain is working  ♡ Sub!Xiao wants to please so bad ♡ Dom!Xiao is playful and teasing but a bit rougher  ♡ Kun isn’t much for public sex but is into public teasing ♡ as is Xiaojun ♡ will 100% touch you under the table at dinner  ♡ Kun will participate as well  ♡ so. many. pet. names.  ♡ both cute ones and naughty ones 👀
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daisybeewrites · 3 years
Academy Blues — Prologue
word count: 1.8k
warnings: not any for this chapter
ship: Dousy, background Fitzsimmons and Philinda
okay y’all.. here it is. the first installment of my first LONG TERM SERIES!!!!!! ahhhh i’m so excited. literally i cant wait to continue this and see where it takes me. i have an idea and a few different planning sheets, but honestly i have no idea where exactly this will end up. i love each and single one of you <3 thank you for reading!! this is also posted on Ao3, and linked in the masterlist.
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Daisy hated the sound of the bells at The Academy. Screeching, awful, way too loud, the bells were the bane of her existence. They all wore standard-issue watches from the lab that monitored vitals and gave them reminders, and also told the time, for god’s sake! Fitz had even modified hers so that she could play snake on the tiny watch face! There was no need for the bells to be so excruciatingly disruptive. Though, Daisy guessed, there were many things more tortuous than bells ringing every hour and fifteen minutes.
Daisy slowed to a jog, cutting her morning run short. The bright side to being a third-year was that you chose your schedule, for the most part, and that meant Daisy had a free first period for four out of five days of classes. She usually spent this free period getting an extra hour in at the gym, boxing or sparring with Mack or Bobbi, two fourth years that had reluctantly taken her under their wings, or sleeping in. She reserved sleeping in for especially rough nights where visions of ashes and earthquakes and lightning returned time and time again, no matter how many deep breaths she took or sheep she counted.
But this morning was not one of those mornings. She had been up before sunrise, a little before her usual alarm and silently headed out of her dorm for a run. It was humid this time of year on most Virginia mornings, but never so hot that it made Daisy feel as if she was being smothered. The cooler air chilled her sweaty skin, her chest rising and falling as she jogged up the three flights of steps to the second years’ dorms. Down one long hallway, and she arrived at her room.
Daisy had been given her own room at the start of last year, complete with poly-adaptic-proto-whatever panels, which she had painted a pastel shade of purple, to compliment the greens of her cacti and the dark purples and blacks of everything else in her room. Even May had agreed that the stark white was too ”psych wing” for a bedroom. Daisy was grateful for the space, but considering the panels and the private room were only necessary since...
She shuddered. Grabbing her shower caddy, Daisy set off to the bathroom at the opposite end of the hall, hoping no one else was spending a free first period at the dorms.
Her shoulder-length waves were wet from bouncing against her neck, and starting to become annoying now that the sweat had dried and was starting to itch. Picking the white tiled shower furthest away from the door, Daisy quickly turned the water on, checked the temperature, pulled her sports bra and shorts off and hopped into the shower. Shampoo, condition, soap body, rinse. Checking her watch, Daisy found that she had showered in record time, less than three minutes. After spending another five just enjoying the hot water, she hopped out and changed into her class clothes.
Dark purple leggings, Coulson’s grey vintage SHIELD tee and a pair of white running sneakers she had “borrowed” from Jemma completed her look. Passing the mirrors, Daisy tried not to glance at herself. If her hair was messy or her undereye bags a bit too dark, she didn’t want to know. Instead, she headed back to her room to pack her bag for the day.
SHIELD-issued laptop, extra hard drives and a charger, Advanced CS 3: Ethical Hacking: Theory and Application, Advanced CS 4: Secrets of The Coding Languages, Physics notebook, an essay that was three days late on some boring book about international laws, and her sparring gear were all thrown into the black bag. She gave a second glance at the Russian notebooks Bobbi had loaned to her, promising that she’d learn without taking the class. Oh well, she still had all of this term to start. Plus, would she ever really need more than the dirty words?
One look at the alarm clock that sat on her dark hardwood night table showed that she still had almost forty-five minutes before she had to be in the computer lab. Sitting down on her bed, Daisy ran a hand over the grey blanket May had given her.
Daisy’s relationship with May and Coulson had been something of a problem with other students when she first got here. Some had been okay with the obvious paternal love Coulson showed for Daisy, showing her around and checking up on her, scheduling lunch dates and reminding her of tests. May was more subtle, texting her links to tai chi videos when she noticed Daisy getting too stressed or letting Daisy do her own thing if she saw that she was overwhelmed. Of course, none of the other students knew her family history, what she had gone through just to realize that May and Coulson were more her parents than her biological father and mother could ever be. She would see them later today—May during field training and Coulson in between lectures in the canteen.
Daisy walked over to her window to open her blinds, staring out at the campus she had grown to love. The large brick buildings scattered around acres of the Virginia countryside; green fields meant for physical activities like sparring or obstacle courses, or simply basking in the weather to study or chat; the dorms—red brick and concrete melded together to upgrade and expand the charming style of previously-built homes.
Grabbing a protein bar, Daisy headed to the canteen to make a green smoothie (and maybe snatch a cup of joe before she had to listen to an hour-long lecture on the reason SHIELD must cooperate with the UN’s stupid rules at 7:30 in the morning). Smelling the pines and morning dew surrounding her, she smiled slightly. Maybe this term wouldn’t be so bad.
Daniel Sousa was a man of honor. He was a man of great strength. Agent Daniel Sousa, previously Officer Daniel Sousa in the US Army, was a man who could fix his damn alarm clock on his own.
Just, not today. Or the day before.
So, Agent Daniel Sousa was now hurrying his way to class at The SHIELD Academy, books in hand and gym bag slung over his shoulders. Catching a glance at himself in the shiny glass doors of the bio-chem building, he groaned. He hadn’t even brushed his hair. And, looking down, he discovered he was wearing two different shoes.
This is the college experience everyone raves about, he thought bitterly. You see, Daniel Sousa had enlisted to the army straight out of high school, forgoing university. He climbed the ranks impressively quickly, earning his place as second-in-command and reconnaissance scout in the 28th Infantry Regiment. Unfortunately, after only four years in the army, Sousa was injured in the field, losing his leg and almost his life.
He came back to the US a war hero, and yet, he felt he wasn't finished. So, when a recruiter named Peggy Carter knocked on his door claiming to be from SHIELD (“Wow, you guys are still a thing?”), he leapt at the chance to continue fighti-...doing good. The Academy wasn’t exactly what he had bargained for, though. Trying to earn his B.A. and training to be an agent at the same time was grueling, but nothing he couldn’t deal with.
No, six different one hour and fifteen minute long classes plus mandatory physical therapy every day wasn’t going to break him. Learning how to be a communications agent and re-starting field training and catching up on general college education was no problem. Pressuring himself to be the best, to break the limits, to get past all his weaknesses was just another miniscule feather to add to the pile.
Unless his stupid alarm clock broke. Then yes, Agent Daniel Sousa would fail, buckle under the weight and be left on the floor to die.
Maybe he was being a bit dramatic.
One bunny-slippered right foot and a sneakered left leg carried him forward, propelled by a quickly chugged orange Celsius and his sheer will not to be late.
Daniel heard the late bell ring out, understanding that, on his first day of class, he would be counted late. It wasn’t like him, not at all. Especially when his first class was a refresher course on field tactics and covert strategy, something in which he was already aces.
He let out a sigh, slowing as he rounded the corner into the comms building. At the Academy, most buildings were grouped into categories: the cafeteria, gym and pool, and student resource building all to the south; the gun range, obstacle course, and specialized gym to the east; bio-chem labs, tech labs, and smaller rooms for lectures to the west; the computer labs and comms buildings right smack in the middle; and dorms to the north.
He swiped a key card with his driver’s license picture and student ID, unlocking the sliding doors that led to the computer labs. It was quicker to short cut through them than to walk around the building to the entrance closest to communications classrooms.
It wasn’t because he knew a certain broody brunette spent her mornings in the lab.
No, it wasn’t, because she wasn’t in her usual seat in the corner, typing away.
He slowly walked through the rows of computers, searching for a familiar black backpack. Nothing was there.
“Hey, Sousa,” an accented female voice called behind him. He whipped around to see who it was, feeling just a twinge of disappointment when Elena, or, as most people knew her, Yo-Yo, was leaning against the door frame. Yo-Yo, a fourth year operations trainee, who was very close with Daisy.
“Hey, Yo-Yo. Good morning,” he called, “I’m running a bit late.”
Elena checked her nails casually, “Way to state the obvious. You were running faster than I could trying to get here before the bell.”
Daniel rubbed the back of his neck and blushed. “Yeah…”
“Daisy’s running late today, too.”
Daniel looked around, pretending that hearing Daisy’s name didn’t make him want to smile. “Oh, of course. She’s usually here early.”
Elena nodded, chuckling a little at his response. She couldn’t tell if he was oblivious or just a bad liar. It was charming, really. “Right. See ya ‘round, Sousa!”
“See ya,” He replied. He thought he heard a quiet ‘Lovable nerds’ coming from the direction she left, but he couldn’t be sure.
And so, with a last look around the computer lab, Daniel set off to arrive late to May’s lecture.
okay okay,,, what do y’all think?? like/reblog and let me know! it’s the best way to support writers and it only takes a second! stay tuned for more chapters!!
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squashfolded · 3 years
all your oc's look so cool!! can you give like a summary/rundown of the static city universe? or just talk about any oc you want :>
Ah thank you sm!! 🥺💕 and sure thing!! I’m super bad at putting lore into words but I’ll give a brief (probably won’t be brief) description 👀 basically here’s the three protagonists and their planets of “origin” (Sym was originally from a space cult not a planet)
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Ember is accidentally kidnapped from her home planet when said space cult attacks it and is dropped off on the planet Flicker and meets Jia, who lives in the forest and they really hit it off but Ember needs to find civilization to survive so and Jia won’t go with her so they part ways and after finding out there’s basically no way home to her planet and even if there was it’s classified as “destroyed” she starts a new life on this planet and works as an engineer and one day ends up in the forest again and sees Jia, who remembers her and they talk again and it turns out Jia is part of a species that are basically gods called Nexulae who can control this universe’s magic/life force called “static” with her tentacle hair and this planet is abnormally overflowing with it and her species also makes these sort of living space ships shaped like animals and made out of plants and other living organisms and it’s basically a whole ecosystem and they can space travel with them and they sort of evolved to be the caretaker of the planet they’re assigned and restore any damaged habitat with their living spaceship which acts as a sort of appendix for the planets ecosystem and depends against interplanetary threats
Anyways so they keep meeting up and grow closer and but Jia doesn’t even begin to understand her powers and it kind of scares both of them since there’s no record of her species anywhere so Ember keeps asking around and a space pirate tells her about an encounter with a entity that sounds and looks very similar to Jia and gives them coordinates and after a couple of test drives to the moons they set off for this planet and arrive and meet Sym! Who tells them their tragic backstory and basically they left the space cult of evil nexulae and cut their tentacle hair off (very very hard to do their species is nigh indestructible) to get rid of their powers but the power manifested in other ways and they ended up hiding on one of the many planets almost destroyed by the space cult and saving it’d inhabitants from extinction by basically fusing them together and having hybrids and now they’re all super animals that can withstand lots of disasters but also there’s no intelligent life so Sym is very lonely and becomes good friends with Jia and both Jia and Sym catch feelings for Ember and it becomes a kind of poly cule situation
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And also all three of them have autism and relate to each other heavily but are still very different Jia is very self isolating and tends to try and take responsibilities on herself even when she can’t mentally handle it Ember is more outgoing and short tempered and the others tease her for it but she’s very smart and loves inventing things and building things and is probably the most socially competent of the three, Sym has a lot of trauma from being in the cult and is very scared of failure and hurting others but also craves affection and cares very deeply for Jia and Ember and can even be a bit possessive, they also had encounters with other people finding the planet but they always tried to hurt the creatures on the planet to eat them or take them and Sym scared them off
More of the species on Ember’s planet
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Almost every animal on this planet is a mammal and it’s very dry and desert-y!
This is the leader of the space cult she killed her own brother when they both watched over the same planet
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This is one of the cult leader’s most dedicated followers she’s the one that destroyed Ember’s planet (spoilers it’s not entirely destroyed)
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This is very long and rambly I’m sorry 😭 I have a lot more lore in my brain but idk how to word it all I should make a lore document or something in google docs 😳ty for asking again!!
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chriscdcase95 · 4 years
Pitch Perfect Bella Square Headcanons
So anyone who knows me well enough or follows my blog would know, I have a bit of a habit of writing crossover stories, or even writing headcanons and prompts for ships I’m into or fics I may or may not write. To the point of borderline addiction.
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Anyways, I decided post for my headcanons for the Bella Squared Poly ship. Some of these ideas I have implemented into my ongoing story Love’s Sacrifices, which crosses over Pitch Perfect with Carmilla the Series. Others may be put into future fics.
This also contains crossover prompts, and Bella Conrad parenting.
1. The Bechloe Blooper kiss is the canon version of PP3′s ending. This isn’t even a fanfic related headcanon; I genuinely take it as canon over the actual movies ending.
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2. Beca, Chloe, Aubrey and Stacie formed the poly unit Bella Squared before Bella Conrad's first birthday. How will be detailed in an upcoming AO3 story I plan to write once I am finished Love's Sacrifices. It's going to be a crossover with MTV's Scream and Sweet/Vicious. However the circumstances of how they got together are tied so much to Bella’s biological father that Stacie isn’t ready to tell that story yet.
3. Going with the above, Stacie did eventually find out who Bella’s father is due to a blood test (previously narrowing it down to four guys) but upon finding out what kind of man he is, she doesn’t want Bella to have anything to do with him.
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4. When Stacie became a mom, she changed, like really changed. She is the right balance of being a fun mom and being a responsible one - the kind who plays pretend with Bella and make sure she eats right and does well in school. One thing that hasn’t changed of her was her sex drive, but that’s something having three live-in girlfriends can help her deal with.
5. Before Bella Squared was formed, Beca was so used to the idea of becoming an Aunt to Bella, that she wasn’t prepared to be a mom just like that. Afterwards, being considered a new mom is still a rather alien feeling to Beca, and her heart melts every time Bella calls her “Momma Becs”. Beca also became one of the most overprotective of the four (next to Stacie); she is the kind of mom who has a panic attack at the thought of her daughter getting a cold.
6. Crossover with Ginger Snaps: Chloe is Canadian born and initially grew up in Bailey Downs, Ontario. In fact, in Chloe’s early childhood, she was neighbors with a certain duo of sisters; she had an early bi awakening from crushing on the older sister. Chloe’s family moved to the states in the mid 2000′s but Chloe does recall seeing these animals in the woods, and it took a while for her to believe they are mundane wolves. As such, Chloe is a believer in the supernatural in the present day.
7. Crossover: Beca grew up in Haddonfield, Illinois. The most that town had going for it was it’s history with this serial killer that dated back to 1978, but even then no one can tell what is fact or the subject of urban legend. There’s like three different versions of the story, and what happened after the first rampage. A lot of people say a lot of things, but unlike the other kids, Beca wasn’t interested in learning the truth.
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Unlike Chloe, Beca doesn’t talk extensively about her past or upbringing in Haddonfield that often; she claims that it was pretty uneventful, other than her parents divorce, a “scarring prank”, and a toxic relationship she had in high school. That said, there may be more she’s not talking about...
As of this post I haven’t thought of any quirky, crossover past for Aubrey or Stacie.
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8. Aubrey was Stacie’s partner before Beca and Chloe got involved in the relationship. As such Aubrey is considered Bella’s second mom. In their initial parenting, Aubrey and Stacie recorded lullaby covers of songs to grow Bella’s brain while she slept; mostly Heather Dale and Sabaton stuff. They’d play it in her room as she slept. By the time Bella starts going to school, Mordred’s Lullaby, Crashing Down and Carolus Rex prove to be quite the influence on her.
9. Going with the above, Aubrey has (albeit lightly) implemented her Military Brat upbringing into her parenting of Bella. She taught Bella strategy games to grow her brain, such as chess by the time she was five. With the above songs influencing Bella, she ends up growing into a force to be reckoned with.
10. Crossover: Going with the above, if I were to write a follow up to Love’s Sacrifices, I think I would include a teenaged version of Bella with the above thought process in mind. The story would also be a crossover with Legacies, just because; despite Bella not being supernatural, as far as we know, I can see her getting active at the Salvatore Academy to some capacity. 
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With this in mind, she grew up subjected to Twilight jokes from her peers.
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ladynox · 3 years
20 Questions - Writer’s Edition
Tagged by @kaydeefalls & @im-the-punk-who
How many works do you have on AO3? 15. I use to be a pretty profilic writer when I was a teenager (before AO3 thank fuck 😂) but I lost interest. Picked it up again somewhere in my 20s, only to lose interest or the drive or something again. Roswell's the first fandom I've written for in almost decade. Hopefully this time I'll be able to stick too it. Id' forgotten how much I enjoy writing. What’s your total AO3 word count? 233292. Most of that is from just the last year alone! Crazy! How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Currently posted to AO3? Just three. Yu-Gi-Oh!, Captain America and Roswell New Mexico. If we're counting the stuff lost to long dead Yahoo groups or forgotten notebooks, or the stuff still on the internet because I can't remember my password but I will never own up to? Probably 8? With the addition of Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon, Digimon and Final Fantasy 7. There might have been more but I can't remember anymore. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? The 1-3 and 5 were co-written with @beautifulcheat 1. The Great New Mexico Fake-Off (Roswell, malexa, complete) Michael takes up baking after watching The Great British Bake Off and starts gifting his bakes to the people he loves. Mostly fluff and pining. 2. Milestones (Roswell, malexa, WIP) based after the series, in that nebulous well adjusted future we dream of for our favorite idiots. 😂 Maria, who has been living in a v poly relationship with Michael and Alex for years, realizes she's pregnant. Michael is ecstatic. Alex is conflicted, which dampers some of Maria's joy. Still a pretty fluffy and very domestic fic. This one's on hold because we're both busy with work, school and certification exams. So we only really have time for one, which is the following monster of a fic:
3. The Truth is Right Here (Roswell, malexa, WIP) X-Files/White Collar fusion where Michael is both Scully and Neal, and Maria and Alex are both Mulder and Peter. Yes you heard right. The alien is the skeptic. But the agents don't know he's an alien yet. hahah 4. Testing the Bonds (Captain America, Steve & Bucky) Bucky comes out to Steve during the war. 5. Petit Fours (Roswell, malexa, complete). Companion piece to Fake-Off. An assorted collection of text fics or short fics. Mostly about everyone else's reaction to how bad Michael is at keeping the secret that he's the one baking the cake. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Hmmm looking over these fics, I realize that I don't really write angsty endings. I tend to like my angst with a happy ending, or a hopeful one. Whatever that might look like given the subject matter of the fic. So I guess the closet would be The Message (YGO, puppyshipping, complete). The fic starts after an incident of domestic violence. Jou is basically working through the horror/guilt he feels at what he's done. It's not a happy ending, but there's hope different decisions will be made. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? A New Year, A New Hope (Roswell, malex, complete) is entirely made up of marshmallows from start to finish, so likely that one. Fake-Off's also tooth rottingly sweet. Surprising no one I'm sure hahaha. I love happy endings so I write a lot of fics with those. Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written? Yes I do! I'm counting fusion fics as crossovers too. I *love* AUs in general. They're super fun. As for craziest.... well I've already mentioned Truth above, which is likely the craziest because of how ambitious it is. I both love and regret ever starting this monster. Have you ever received hate on a fic? Oh yeah definitely. hahaha One day people will figure out the back button. Do you write smut? If so what kind? Yeah but not a lot. I want to write more smut honestly but I have a hard time writing it. I don't have a problem with action scenes so it's all mental. Just start thinking it's gonna suck or it doesn't make sense or it's boring. Dumb brain, cockblocking me. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of? Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope. Have you ever co-written a fic before? All the time. It's the best. Everything Kat and I write is just to amuse the other, makes writing so much fun. Also, she and I have opposite writing strengths and weakness so it really works out well. What’s your all time favorite ship? Er? I gotta choose just one? Seems kind of pointless to pit different fandoms against each other. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I mean I have every intention of going back and finishing it but probably Six. A malex The Last of Us AU that I had a lot of grand ideas for but have lost all drive to finish. I do think that what's written can largely stand on its own as a 1 shot. One of these I'll go back edit it, give it a good "in conclusion" so to speak. XD What are your writing strengths? Hmm? Character voices/studies, I think. I like doing stream of consciousness a lot. What are your writing weaknesses? Everything. Kidding. Kidding. Probably smut and dialogue. Though I think I'm getting better at dialogue. Lately I've been getting the dialogue on paper before the descriptions. That use to not be the case! Yay! Improvement! What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? Use it sparingly and carefully. Most of your readers are probably not going to be able to read that language. The last thing you want is to confuse or annoy your readers. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Gundam Wing 🤣 All of those fics are lost to time and I'm totally ok with that. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? I am proud of everything I've posted to AO3. Um... @beautifulcheat, @maeglinthebold @jocarthage, @tasyfa and anyone else who wants to do it.
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the-writing-avocado · 4 years
Time To Meet...
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Asher (know as Thorne in the Cursed Caves and the Cursed Caves only)
A bit about him
He is based off a person I know IRL and as such has adhd, tics and is trans, because I know someone and feel a tiny bit more confident in my ability to not misrepresent them because I can base it off a someone I know and can observe. 
He loves music, and is poly, but also not dating because of the nature of his occupation. Which I can’t go into because Oh No! Spoilers. Out of all of the people in ‘the squad’ Asher is the most okay with physical contact and legit he and Atrix used to spend hours just curled up on a couch together sneering and shipping book characters. Honestly they aren’t likely friends. 
Asher is very impulsive, and has no issue with arguing against authority. It means he’ll call Atrix’s BS but it has also gotten him into a lot of trouble before, which Atrix has had to get him out of using sly words and making use of every single loop hole in existence. 
His abrupt honesty is refreshing though, and their shared love of books and anarchy makes them lethal friends. Especially when they were younger. When they get started, they will find every way possible to debunk stupid rules and undermine authority whilst staying out of trouble. 
His past
It isn’t particularly tragic. But that is not to say it isn’t disturbing. He spent as much of his time possible away from home, doing volunteer work, sports, art classes, anything. He wasn’t particularly brilliant at school, but he got through and passed his tests and as far as everyone was concerned he was going into volunteer work to help the less fortunate, which involved a lot of travelling.
He met Atrix at Ivory-Sans in the library and they became fast friends, hanging out frequently and causing mischief. If it wasn’t for Asher, Atrix’s secret hideout records would be very sparse. He spent more of his time hanging out at Ivory than at home, unwilling to tolerate his mother’s medieval views. 
His actual job it much darker, although it does involve a lot of travelling. 
He got bullied a lot of his tics, and was required to take medicine to lower his magical ability whilst he was as school so that his tics wouldn’t result in magical outbursts. He hates humans because of the oppression he inadvertently faced  because of them and if it weren’t for the fact that he trusts Atrix, he would have joined the opposing side, ready to wage war against humans and drive them from Mistynn for good.
Cursed Caves Taglist ask to be +/-
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Ringwaldt Deities Part 5
So lets hop around a bit and take a quick look at some fun friends.
Well technically not Deities, the Elemental Lords can and are worshiped enough that they can spare power to a small number.
Most of their flocks are warlocks granted arcane power though there are a few clerics and paladins.
There are additional elemental lords.
Ygn’ys : NG : Arson, Ash, Fire, Good, Redemption, Smoke
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of  Flames
Home;  Elemental Plane of Fire(The Whistling City)
Favored Weapon;  Flaming Weapons
Symbol;  A Blazing Hand
Sacred Animal;  Cardinals
Sacred Colours;  Red, Orange, and Black
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(Art by; https://www.artstation.com/artwork/6aJVkx ).  An Angel serving under Ygn’ys
Ven’tuss : NE : Air, Cloud, Evil, Lightning, Plague, Wind
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of Gales
Home;  Elemental Plane of Air(The Roaring Gale)
Favored Weapon;  Thrown Weapons
Symbol;  A Green Cyclone
Sacred Animal;  
Sacred Colours;  Green
Gla’cyes : LN : Flotsam, Flowing, Ice, Law, Loyalty, Oceans, River, Water
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of Twisting Waters
Home;  Elemental  Plane of Water(The Frozen City)
Favored Weapon;  Freezing Weapons
Symbol;  A Snowflake with a blue ring  around it.
Sacred Animal;  Seals, Penguins, Bears
Sacred Colours;  Dark Blues and Crystalline Blues
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(Art by; Unknown found no Pintrest without link to original).  How I imagine Glac’yes  prefers to appear
Terma : CN : Caves, Chaos, Earth, Entropy, Metal, Petrification, Radiation
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of Earth
Home;  Elemental Plane of Earth(The Carved City)
Favored Weapon;  Two-Handed Weapons
Symbol;  A Mossy Cubic Stone
Sacred Animal;  Moles, and Badgers
Sacred Colours;  Heavy Tawny Browns and Light crisp Greens
Fompor : LG : Archon, Fire, Flowing,  Good, Kyton, Law, Smoke, Water
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of Steam
Home;  The Whistling City
Favored Weapon;  Whistling Longsword
Symbol;  A Kettle red hot on the bottom with a sapphire on its side
Sacred Animal;  Frogs
Sacred Colours;  Cast Iron Grey and Red(Females) or Blue(Males)
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(Art found; https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/179236.html ).  Fompor identifies as both genders.
Ince’dym : CG : Arson, Chaos, Earth, Fire, Good, Metal, Riot
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of Magma
Home;  The Volcanic Tower
Favored Weapon;  Flaming Weapons
Symbol;  A Volcano about to Erupt
Sacred Animal;  Camels,  Sleeper Sharks
Sacred Colours;  Silver and Red
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(Art by;  https://looceyloo.tumblr.com/image/177664250413 );  An elemental prince of Ince’dym
Tempest’atybus : LE : Air, Cloud, Evil, Fear, Ice, Law, Storms, Water, Weather
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of Storms
Home;  The City of Perpetual Rain
Favored Weapon;  Shocking Weapons
Symbol;  An Ice Blue Lightning Bolt with a Worried Eye as the Background
Sacred Animal;  Albatross,  Leopard Seals, Orca
Sacred Colours;  Icey Blue and Bright Gold
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(Art by; https://www.reddit.com/r/characterdrawing/comments/g6j82d/oc_commission_lazarith_ninar_elemental_elf/ ).  Clerics of the Lord of Storms tend to be overly dramatic
Verma : CE : Air, Caves, Chaos, Demon, Earth, Evil, Protean, Wind
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of Dust
Home;  The City of Twisting Caverns
Favored Weapon;  Unarmed Strikes
Symbol;  A Cloak Clasp Holding  Carved stone.
Sacred Animal;  Antlions
Sacred Colours;  Dusty Brown and Dry Dull Greens
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(Art found;  http://granbluefantasy.jp/theatre/detail.php?contents=monsters&id=16 ).  The earth summons of Verma are often odd.
Maarh :  TN : Earth, Inevitable, Memory, Rivers, Water
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of Swamps
Home;  The City of Reeds
Favored Weapon;  Javelin, Longspear, Net
Symbol;  Reeds erupting from a Swampy Soil
Sacred Animal;  Alligator, Boar, Python, Turtle
Sacred Colours;  Deep Green and Soft Maroon
Cyn’dus : NG : Air, Ash, Fire, Good, Liberation, Revolution, Wind
Adjective;  Elemental Lord of Cinders
Home;  The City of Sweeping Winds
Favored Weapon;  Pistols
Symbol;  Two hands of Ash grasping a brilliant ball of flame
Sacred Animals;  Drops Bears, Sloths
Sacred Colours;  Ashen White and Green
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(Art by; https://www.deviantart.com/art/Shadows-and-Ashes-724473786 )  One does not forget the face or shape of a herald of Cyn’dus.  But yeah change ouit the black for white and you got a good example of their heralds.
Myths of the Deity
-The Elemental Deities are noted for their unique traits as they are greater elementals whose mantles are powerful enough to stabilize and let them attain a sort of pseudo godhood.  This makes them closer towards, say Arch-Angels, Arch-Fay and Demon Lords.
-These are the 12 most prominent of said lords though it's hard to say if there are any others beyond them and as likely it is also equally unlikely which drives many researchers to search the Elemental Planes for knowledge of this.
-Under each Elemental Lord are great elemental princes powerful elementals of great capability under a particular lords dominion.  Each lord has half a dozen at least with the beings varying from being the children of the lord to being the empowered servants.  Elemental Princes often act as heralds and great agents for their particular lord.
Rituals, Holidays, Sacred Days
-Earth Priests celebrate the success in finding new materials and the crafting of new earthenware be it swords, jewelry, pots or more.  Earth holidays thus are one days that riches or caravans or on an annual date when a particular mine vein was found.
-Fire Priests celebrate the rise of the great flaming orb of the sun each dawn. As such their greatest celebration is on the solstice, the longest day of the year and also upon the shortest great bonfires are raised.  Fire Priests celebrate the construction of baths, bakeries, and smithies.
-Water Priests celebrate the first major snow of winter in areas with it or the coming of a monsoon season or the first spring showers in wonder.  Water Priests celebrate the construction of great waterways, aqueducts and baths.
-Air Priests celebrate changes in the weather so the most holy days for them are Autumn and they hold great celebrations over the course of Autumn to commemorate. Air priests celebrate the construction of ships, and large towers that strike high into the sky.
-All elemental priests hold eclipses as dark days of ill content and fear.
-Elemental Clerics have the Rite of Limb :  This involves immersing one’s arm in the element.  Earth Priests immerse their arm into a box full of coarse sand.  Water Priests immerse their limb in freezing cold water. Air Priests immerse their arm into a container filled with poisonous miasma. Fire Priests immerse their limb into a blazing bonfire.  When one draws the limb free should it be scared and or otherwise damaged but not destroyed that is blessed and if the limb suffers no damage that person is considered incredibly blessed.  Such blessed limbs are often magically tattooed to enhance and provide those who have undergone the ritual to empower themself.  Those who fail such a test are punished with their other arm being immersed if this limb also suffers the same fate then the cleric is healed but demoted for their failure.
-Elemental Clerics of two elements will undergo the Rite of Limb twice once for each element they hold to.
-The Rite of Gate : Clerics of an Elemental will create a small portal to one of the cities within the elemental plane they are aligned and enter into it they will live among those within the city for a full year and return to the portal to return to their fellows at the temple if they do so they have passed the test.  Clerics that do not return could be those that died, were enslaved or simply decided to stay instead of going back to their fellow clerics.
-Elemental Priests have very exclusive marriage rites based around the elements.  Fire Priests wear light near see through fabrics of red/orange.  Water Priests strip to nothing except minimalist greens and blues that are often accentuating rather than scandalous.  Earth Priests have their wedding clothing incorporate small plates or gemstones and often include thin chainwork.  Air Priests wear nothing or thin gossamer white or light green dresses.  A poly relationship and marriage between 1 Priest of every Element well rare is perfectly accepted by most Neutral Aligned Elemental Lords
-‘May the spirit of the element guide you’.  With Water Priests means to go with the flow.  With Earth Priests it means to stay resolute on a choice.  With Fire it means adapt rapidly but not to reverse course.  With Air it means go slow to build momentum.
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lazysimp · 3 years
Little Runaway /// Uzui Tengen x Male reader (18+)
✧Click Here for Fem version✧
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Rating: Explicit
Summary: A debilitating injury leaves you bed-bound at the Butterfly estate as you recover from your injuries alone, or so you thought
This is a continuation of Little Slayer
Word count: 5.5K
Warnings/tags: !Some Spoilers from manga! Somnophilia, dubious consent, Exhibitionism, Reader is bisexual, Poly ship, Facesitting, Oral sex (giving and receiving), Spanking, Group sex, He/Him pronouns, All characters are adults, SMUT 18+ Only
“It does not look too terrible,” Aoi mumbled, her fingers running our the large bandages covering your arms, “In a few weeks it will barely even be noticeable.
You do not bother to hide your trembling lip from her, “How can I be a slayer with useless arms? I cannot even feed myself let alone lift a sword.”
She sighed, putting away the excess cloth, “You will have to stay here a few more weeks to recover, and then you should be mostly back to normal. Even though Shinobu managed to create an antidote, the poison tore up the veins in your arms. It is going to take your body some time to heal.”
“I should be out there helping, not sitting in this bed,” small tears gathered in the corners of your eyes. You have already been recovering for two weeks, the thought of being trapped in this bed any longer was going to drive you mad.
Aoi awkwardly rubbed your back, “Don’t be so hard on yourself, you assisted in taking down two powerful demons. Even if you had not been injured you deserved a break, we were all beginning to wonder if you ever slept.”
“I have slept plenty, I am ready to get back out there,” You lift one bandaged arm, trying to ignore the pain the movement caused to examine the damage. “Are you sure there is no way to speed the healing up, I am willing to try anything?”
“No slayer, the only thing that will make you better is rest and food. Thought if you would like to recover more efficiently I do have one suggestion.”
Your upper body lurches forward, your nose almost touching Aoi’s face, "What, what is it?”
“Well, you are not the only slayer I am caring for at the moment, this means you do not get the full attention you need to heal quickly. If you knew someone who could care at all times your body would heal much faster.”
You groan falling back to the bed, “Not this again.”
“All I am saying is you should tell them what happened,” Aoi grabbed a washcloth and brought it towards your face, “I know they would come in a heartbeat to help with your recovery.”
“I already told you, I don’t want them to see me like this, I look pathetic.”
“You look like someone who was injured slaying a demon, there is nothing pathetic about that.” She wrings the water out of the cloth and wipes down your chest, “What is pathetic is to continue to write them pretending nothing is wrong because you are too scared of rejection.”
Your upper lip curls up, “What makes you so sure they would come to care for an injured slayer.”
Aoi scoffed, lifting your arm to bring your wrist to your face, “Last time a checked Uzui does not gift a gold bracelet to every slayer that visits his house to recover.”
You could not wiggle your arm free from her hold, the muscles still too weak to respond to your commands, “It was a parting gift, nothing more.”
“A parting gift really?” She pulls your arm closer to her face examining the intricate engraving on the gold band, “A gold band that is a match to the gold bands on his arms is only a parting gift.”
“Yes,” you growl trying fruitlessly to pull your wrist free.
She rolls her eyes, releasing your arm, “You are so deep in denial. Are you really able to convince yourself that they feel nothing for you? They practically begged you to become theirs, the only reason you are not recovering in their bed right now is that you are too scared to ask.”
“You can’t know that for sure,” you mumble, looking at the stack of letters by your bedside.
“Really, then let’s test my theory,” She pulls one of the blank sheets of paper off of the small table and hands it to you, “tell them what happened to you and where you are staying, you do not even need to ask them for help. I guarantee by tomorrow they will all be here fighting for the chance to take care of you.”
“And if you are wrong?”
She rubs the bottom of her chin, “Hm, If I am wrong I will clear my schedule and wait on your hand and foot until you are fully recovered.” A sly smile spreads across her face, “But if I am right you must buy me a new hair clip, a nice one, not one of those cheap ones at the market.”
“I feel like this is a lose-lose situation,” you groan, squeezing your eyes shut.
“Nu-uh, you have nothing to lose because they will come to take care of you. Well, you will be out at least five yen, the hair clip I want does not come cheap.”
“How is this not extortion,” you growl, trying to find a way out of this.
“Oh please, you can so dramatic. All you have to do is write a short letter telling them you were injured and will not be able to see them for a few weeks. Don’t you think they deserve an explanation for why you have not been visiting?”
You open your eyes to glare at her, “that was a low blow.”
“Well I am tired of hearing your whining, it was pathetic a week ago, not it is just sad.” She throws the rag into the bowl of water, “I am trying to be sympathetic but honestly you are being dull. They are in love with you, they want you. The only reason you are alone is that you are acting like a coward, and that is coming from me.”
“What if they had changed their mind while I was gone? I could not handle going back to being nothing to them.”
Aoi's eyes softened, she reached out and laid her hand over yours, “And this is better? You only ever speak to them in letters, exchanging small talk about demons and the weather. I cannot guarantee they have not changed their minds but can you really lie there and tell me it is not worth it to ask?”
You open and close your mouth, you could not argue with what she was saying. Truth be told they were worth the risk, even a day with them would be worth a lifetime of pain but a small ounce of self-preservation still held you back, “I’m scared,” you whisper, “I don’t think I could survive their rejection.”
“Uzui already told you how they felt, the only reason they are not at your bedside right now is that you have not told them you are injured. They would drop everything and travel here, all you need to do is ask, I promise they will not say no.”
“Aoi,” you whimper, “please can we drop this.”
She gave your hand one gentle squeeze, “Fine, I will drop it, for now, you are due for your meds anyways.”
Fuck, “Do I really need to take all of those? They make my head feel funny.”
She laughed, “Trust me, the only reason you are not screaming in pain is because of these meds, your nerves are still very inflamed from the venom, missing even one dose will make you wish you had let the demon finish you off.”
“Here,” she raises the small cup to your lips, “drink up.”
You hold your breath and open your mouth letting the bitter liquid slide down your throat. “Ugh, that is terrible.”
“It tastes awful but there is nothing we have found to even be half as effective.” she stands up, wiping her pants, “You make sure to call for assistance if you need something, this medication has a strong impact on the level of consciousness, some people report dreamlike states where-”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” you wave off her speech already having heard it a dozen times. “Don’t stand up by yourself, don’t sign anything, don’t talk to strangers, make sure you are not hallucinating before you go to the bathroom.”
“Alright I’ll check on you in a bit,” She points her finger, her lip curling up, “But so help me if I find you out of bed, I refuse to have a slayer injured on my watch.”
You nod, too weak to even think about leaving the bed the medication already making the world around you spin. With nothing else to do you work on controlling your breathing, each small breath allowing you to lessen the effects of the drug in your system.
The sky outside your window darkened leaving you in complete darkness, you try to fight off the heaviness of your eyelids but each blink was a battle. Soon you had no choice but to allow them to close, your mind finally resting.
You used to love sleep, allowing your mind to turn off was heavenly. But ever since you left the Sound estate you found your mind wandering places it should not. Tonight was no different once sleep finally overtook you.
The dreams always started out the same, you would arrive at the large estate exhausted and starving. Each member would swarm around you, now having the routine down you were in a warm bath only moments later while food was being heated.
When your skin was clean and hair groomed they would listen to your adventures as you eat, Suma flinching whenever you even mentioned a demon getting too close. Hinatsuru would ask about the places you got to see while traveling and Makio would want to know all about the demon you slew. Tengen always ended up pulling you into his lap after you finished your meal, gently rubbing your thigh as you talk with the girls.
When your eyes grew heavy and your head starts to nod forward Tengen would gently guide you back to their room. Your breathing would grow haggard, already trembling with excitement, the exhaustion fading away.
You bring your hand down your stomach, there was no harm in letting yourself feel pleasure as you dream, after all, no one has to know what you are doing while you think about a married man and his wives.
Dreaming was your only escape from the cruel world you lived in, here your arms were not injured and you were surrounded by the people you love.
Tengen would be the first in this realm to take charge, using his hand to position you exactly where he wanted. Your legs were spread open wide, one knee held by Suma whose eager eyes watched as Tengen’s lips traced up along your thigh avoiding your obvious need.
“Tengen,” you whine, your voice cracking, “Please don’t tease me.”
“Shh little slayer, I want to savor my meal,” Tengen groaned, using his tongue to tease your other thigh. Your dreams always felt so real but tonight was different, before his touch felt muffled, as if someone was touching you through a sheet. As his hot tongue runs up your inner thigh its warm wet heat nearly has your back arching off the bed.
Your head falls back, now resting in the lap of Makio. “Relax,” she muttered, her hands trailing down your chest to latch onto your swollen nipples, “We have all night.”
“Have to take my time with you,” Tengen cooed, one finger slinging down the length of your cock to circle around your tense hole, “Your pretty hole needs to be nice and stretched if it is going to take my cock tonight.”
His spit slick fingers circle around your entrance, giving you a moment’s warning before breeching your tight ass. Your thighs shake, your muscles working to close but Hinatsuru joins in holding you open, leaving you completely exposed to Tengen as he got to work.
“My, my, one finger and you are already leaking,” He tsks his tongue, “Such a needy boy, how long have you been walking around with the mess?” His curious red eyes gazed at the erect cock before him, admiring how your hole twitched around one finger.
“Is it our fault you are this messy? Were you thinking about us on your walk here naughty boy?”
“Tengen, don’t talk like that,” you order weakly, barely able to speak your cheeks flaming with embarrassment.
His lips curled into a devilish smirk, “You don’t have to pretend with us,” the finger inside you curled up. The entire room could heat the vigorous thumping of your heart against your chest, nearly ribbing from its cage. “Relax your legs, little slayer, let us see this sweet ass.”
You could deny him nothing, your thighs fell open completely. You were breathing heavily, too nervous to be in control as they all admired your pulsating cock. Your fearful eyes scanned each member, watching their reaction carefully.
“Fuck,” Suma moaned, her hands gripping your knee tightly, “It is not fair you get him first Tengen.” Her mouth was already drooling at the sight of such a beautiful man spread open in front of her, a beautiful just waiting to be feasted on. She was half tempted to push Tengen out of the way and fulfill her craving.
“Wait your turn Suma,” Tengen growled, adding another finger to tease you, “little one will need your tongue to clean up the mess I am about to make.”
You want to bring your hands up to hide your face too embarrassed to focus on but for some reason, you could not move the appendages so you had to settle on looking up at the ceiling. Only that proved to be even worse as Makio’s full breasts now filled your vision.
“Hey there,” she smiled, her fingers pinching your nipples and pulling on them until they grew stiff, “Like the view.”
Your train of thought crashed at her teasing smile, you look down only to see Hinatsuru slip off her own dress, her blush rose nipples hardening when exposed to the air. Taking advantage of your distracted mind Tengen’s clever tongue flickered across your tender head of your sex, cleaning away the precum that had gathered. Your body jumps shocked at the immediate pleasure his mouth brings.
He seemed to enjoy your flavor, his hand settling under your hip so he can tilt it up giving him even easier access. He breathed in the scent of your arousal, preening as the sounds of your moans filled his ears, your head thrown back in pure bliss.
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Suma trail one hand down her own abdomen, circling her small clit frantically as she watched Tengen lap up your cum.
“Oh, it feels so good,” you pant, your back arching up as he sucks the tip onto his mouth, widening his tongue to drag across the underside.
“Fuck,” He mumbled, releasing the suction. “I could feast on you for hours. Your taste is divine.” His hot breath fanned against the tender flesh. “How does that sound, do you think you could handle me for a few hours?”
You shake your head, already at the end of your rope.
‘Mmh, shame, we will have to work on building up your endurance,” he lowered his mouth again, adding another finger to your ass loving the vice grip you had around the digits. Fuck his cock was already throbbing at the idea of your pretty hole spasming around his length as he stretches you out.
“T-Tengen, please, I-I think I am going to come,” you screamed, your back arching off the bed.
Makio pushed down on your shoulders, holding you steady as your legs started to shake. Having no mercy Tengen increased the pace of his fingers now scissoring inside you as he worked throbbing cock with his lips. It was not long until the strong tingle in your abdomen rapidly spread throughout your body.
You could feel your hole clench around his fingers as your body convulsed, your mouth open in a silent scream. Tengen continued to milk the pleasure from your exhausted body, only stopping when you fell limp under him.
The only sound in the room was your frantic breathing. You always woke up like that, startled awake by what you had been dreaming about. Only tonight was different because instead of waking up cold and alone you were surprisingly warm.
“I know you are awake little one, open your eyes already,” a deep familiar voice laughed.
Immediately your eyes slammed open but nothing could have prepared you for the sight you encountered. Tengens' lips were glistening, his eyes full of hunger you have never seen. On each side of you were Suma and Hinatsuru holding open your limp legs. Your head falls back onto a pair of soft thighs.
“I was beginning to wonder if you would ever wake up,” Makio laughed from above you, her hands on either side of your head.
“W-What is happening?” you look down at the unimaginable sight of Tengen in between your spread thighs, your mind nearly breaking as you try to piece together everything.
“Aoi sent us a letter saying you were injured,” Hinatsuru brushed her hand up your thigh, “We rushed here as quickly as we could once we heard the news. We did you not tell us sooner you were hurt we would have been here the day you arrived?”
“You were here for a week and you did not bother to let us know you were hurt,” Makio growled from above you, the lust decorating her face now gone. “Were you ever going to tell us?”
“I-I,” your breathing starts to grow frantic, what in the hell was happening? One minute you were dreaming and the next your dream becomes a reality. “I don’t understand what is happening,” you mumble your mind fuzzy, “When did you all get here? Why are you in between my legs?”
“Shh,” Suma moved up from her place at your legs and grabbed one of your bandaged hands, “I know you are probably really confused so let me explain.”
You nod, eager to understand the world around you.
“We arrived here less than thirty minutes ago, we all rushed here when we heard the news of your injury from Aoi’s letter,” she paused to give you time to process the information. “When we got here you were sound asleep, Aoi said you would not be up for hours, we were going to take turns watching over you, but when Tengen tried to leave to get some food you yelled out for him to stop teasing you.”
Your breathing stops, your mind replaying the events of earlier, “I spoke out loud,” you whispered.
Tengen snorts, “You did more than speak little one, you begged me to touch you.”
Your mouth falls open in horror, “What happened after that?”
Tengen looked down at your exposed sex, “Well, we tried leaving, wanting you to get some rest but we are only human, how could we resist those little whimpers begging for more?”
“Y-You mean-”
“That I sucked your cock while you begged me for more?”
A startled squeak left your lips at his confession, “You did?”
A wolfish grin spread across his face, “Oh yes darling, I did.”
Your face was so hot you were sure you could fry an egg on your cheeks, “You mean my dream was real, it all really happened?”
“Regretfully I cannot see into your beautiful mind but judging by what you were whimpering I would say your flamboyant dream matched pretty well to what we were doing.”
You wanted to bury yourself in a hole, the noises you had been making were mortifying, the idea that anyone heard them, let alone the four people at your side was enough to make you combust.
“Don’t look so embarrassed,” Hinatsuru cooed, “Watching you find pleasure was beautiful, I could watch it every day and never grow tired of that sight.”
Tengen hummed in agreement, “And the flamboyant sounds you made were enough to nearly push me over the edge, if not for my training I would already be staining the sheets with my seed.”
“Wait, you all arrived here to help with my recovery after Aoi sent you a letter telling you about my condition?”
Hinatsuru nodded, patting her hand gently against your, “We left as soon as we heard, we were so worried, she told us how close you were to-to dying.” She choked out a sob, “Why would you not call for us,” her lips pressed into a thin line, “Did you not want us to come here?”
“No,” you try to reach out but your arms could not respond, “That is not it at all,” You look down wishing you had on clothes, you already felt so exposed, “I did not want to bother you.”
“Bother us?” Tengen echoed, lifting himself up into a sitting position between your legs. “Is that what you think you are? A bother.”
You take advantage of his move, pushing your thighs together to gather some privacy, “Not exactly-”
Tengen runs his hand through his loose hair, “I thought I took care of your doubt the night you left but it seems you still have some doubts where you stand in this relationship.”
He looks over at the woman by your side with a new, darker look in his eye, “Darlings would your hold his legs for me please, I believe we need to teach the little runaway here his place.”
“Hey wait,” you try to scramble away but Suma and Hinatsuru locked onto your legs anchoring you in place.
“Hm,” Tengen’s hand rested under his chin, “On second thought flip him around, I want that flamboyant ass in the air.”
“Ah,” you squeak as you are tossed in the air and gently flipped around, landing on the bed with your arms held behind your back, your cheek squished against the mattress.
“W-What are you doing,” you try to look over your shoulder but the position they place you in prevents you from being able to see anything.
“I have tried being a patient little one, I waited weeks for you to finally confess your feelings, and what is my reward for this? A letter telling me how you almost died. Can you even imagine how that made us feel? You almost died having never been ours.”
His large hand runs up your slick thigh, “And now you lie here in the bed speaking about not wanting to bother us!” His large hand comes down across your ass laying a sharp spank. “I refuse to believe the only reason you did not ask for our help is that you did not want to be a bother.” Another sharp sting spreads across your ass as his hand descends, “So tell me the truth, why are you running away from us?”
“I-I can’t” you sob, burying your face into the sheets.
“Wrong answer,” Another precise slap arrives on your skin, the sharp tingle spreading through your body, lighting your skin on fire.
“Please tell us why you do not want to be with us,” Hinatsuru whispered, her lips kissing away the tears gathered in the corner of your eyes, “What did we do wrong?”
“Nothing,” you sob, “you did nothing wrong, it’s me that is wrong.”
“What is wrong with you?” Makio asked, shoving Hinatsuru out of the way, “Because from my viewpoint you are perfect.”
“I’m not,” you turn your face to bury your head onto the mattress needing to hide, “And one day you will see that and want nothing to do with me. And then what,” your chest heaves, too tired to resist letting it all out, “I will be left all alone.”
“Darling,” Tengen cooed, his hand running up your naked back where your loose shirt had ridden up, “Do you really think we would leave you?”
You nod your head, your throat too tight to let you speak.
“But that is not true, I could never get tired of you!” Suma yelled, pushing Hinatsuru out of the way for her turn. “The way you hold me when I cry, and how you make sure Hinatsuru will buy my favorite food when at the market. The way you make sure that each of us feels included, can’t you see we will never get enough of you?”
Tengen’s hand settled on the flaming skin of your ass, massaging the sore tissue, “If you think for one minute I am ever letting you go then I have failed at making you feel appreciated.” His hand stops at the back of your neck, gently squeezing the column, “Because this is something I could never live without. Your smile, your kindness, your love, your flamboyant attitude, I need all of it.”
His bodyweight presses over you, his long erection settling in between the cheeks of your ass, “Now little one, I am going to show you how you belong to me,” the head of his cock slides down to settle on the outside of your entrance, “After this, there is no question you belong to us do you understand?”
You glace back in shock, watching helplessly as his hips thrust forward, the large head piercing into your tight hole.
A small whimper leaves your throat as the burning stretch nearly becomes too much, he was so fucking big that even with his fingers stretching you earlier there was no way he was going to be able to fit all of it inside you.
“Fuck,” he hissed from above you, his hand braced against your tailbone as he sank into your warmth. “You are so tight.”
Your hands reach out looking for something to hold onto and two warm hands answered your call, their fingers intertwining with yours.
“You are doing so perfect,” Hintsuru hummed, kissing your knuckles. You squeeze down around their hands as hard as you could, your legs trembling as another inch slides inside.
Just when your thought It would all become too much his cock finally kissed the end of your hole. He froze for a few seconds giving your poor ass time to adjust to his intrusion. This gave Makio just enough time to fulfill her plan.
Manipulating your body she adjusts your arms until your weight was settled onto your hands, your elbows locked and your ass in the air where Tengen was buried to the hilt. With the help of Suma she carefully lifted your body until she could easily slide under you, her mouth now directly under your dripping cock.
“H-Hey,” you whine, Makio’s pussy now directly under your face, her breasts pressing against your upper thighs, “What are you doing?”
“This,” She groaned, using her fingers to wrap around your length and guide your sex right into her waiting mouth. You nearly fall forward, the combined attack overwhelming.
Tengen, not one to be outdone drew his hips back, his cock slowly withdrawing from your abused hole only to slam back in. The strength of his thrusts had his balls collide with the top of Makio’s head but she did not seem to mind, in fact, it seemed to egg her on, she grew even more aggressive in bringing you pleasure. Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked on your length, her evil tongue tracing your leaking slit.
The tongue on your sex vibrated as Makio let out a low groan. Tengen continued to plow into you in a purposeful rhythm, each thrust well aimed to nail the upper part inside your hole making black spots appear in your vision each time he hit it.
Your fingers dig into the sheets as you hold on for dear life.
“You feel that,” Tengen growled, his entire length now stuffed inside your hole, “Feel how deep I am?” His hand came down to slap your ass, “This hole is mine little one, not yours, mine, and if you think you can keep me from this then I will have to fuck you until you are too tired to argue.”
“Tengen,” you sobbed, your head falling forward. Suma shifted forward, giving your head a comfortable place to rest your head on her thighs as the pair behind you worked to drive you even higher. Your legs were shaking uncontrollably, as the throbbing in your cock started to spread. Your chest grew too tight for you to even breathe.
Tengen kept his movements steady while Makio’s tongue worked wonders on your length, sucking on the tip whole flicking her tongue. It was not long until your mouth opened into a pitiful moan, your entire body tense as you come all over Makio’s face, your cum coating her tongue as you convulse.
Makio greedily lapped up the mess as you continued to come in her mouth, the pleasure too strong to let you relax until another mind-shattering sensation overtook you. This time the tingling spread to your head making the world begging to grow hazy as your breathing stopped. You were sure you were screaming but you could hear nothing over the sound of your own pounding heartbeat.
With the high gone your breathing decreased slightly but Tengen was still going, his fat cock continuing to stretch your clenching hole. You lie there and let him lay his claim, too tired to even speak.
When it almost became too much mercifully his cock started to pulse and seconds later his hot cum began to fill you, leaving no inch uncovered. Only when he was sure every drop had emptied inside you did he pull his hips back, admiring how your gaping hole clenched around nothing, his cum already leaking out.
Makio’s magical tongue gave one last long lick up your slit before she shuffled out from under you. You close your eyes for a few seconds, trying to collect your bearings while the world around you spun. One strong arm wrapped around your waist, gently manipulating your body until you were settled on your back.
You did not even jump when a soft tongue began to clean your throbbing sex, lapping away the mess Tengen had created. Another careful pair of hands brought your head into their lap, their fingers tracing the lines of your face. The last pair of hands dragged a warm cloth across your drenched body.
You snuggle into their hold, letting them each care for you in their own unique way. Only when the cloth grew cold and the tongue on your cock stilled did you crack open one eye.
“How are you feeling?” Hinatsuru asked, wringing out the wet cloth into a basin.
“Fuzzy,” you mumble, turning your head to bury your face deeper into Makio’s lap.
“Do you understand now?” Tengen hummed, his callused fingers rubbing across the back of your injured hand. Do you understand how much we love you little one?”
“I-I,” you press your lips together, how could you make them understand what you were thinking. They all knew early in life they would belong to each other forever but they have barely known you for a year.
“I want to,” you whisper, “I want to believe more than anything that you love me.”
You press your thighs together wincing at the ache in your ass, “But I don’t think I will ever be sure of your feelings for me. It is just too good to be true.”
Tengen barked in protest but you continued, “But the one thing I am sure of is my feelings for all of you. The days I was able to spend with all of you were the happiest of my life and I want nothing more than to give you all of my days. I am yours.”
Hinatsuru shot forward her arms wrapping around your shoulders, pulling you into her chest. “We love you so much,” she sobbed, burying her face in your shoulder, “And we will spend all of our time making sure you never doubt that.”
Suma joins in on the hug, her body pressing against your back, “I won’t let go until you believe us.” She declared, tightening her arms even more.
Makio laughed, pushing Suma to the side so she could have room to join in, “I think it will be fun to convince you our feelings are permanent, I love a good challenge.”
“Hm,” Tengen’s large hand settled ontop of your head, urging it back until his gaze was able to meet yours, “I agree Makio, getting little one to believe us sounds like a very interesting challenge,” he leans in closer, his lips brushing against your forehead, “One I am happy to spend the rest of my life on.”
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yeehawclem · 5 years
Some mf modern!clementine headcanons 🤠
Is slightly taller than canon Clem bc she's actually well nourished n shit so she's abt 5'5" (which is still tiny but hey)
Realised she likes girls when she was abt 8 when a pretty girl from her class complimented her natural hair and she was like "oh Heck me", but decided to deal w that later
She remembered again when she was about 16 when she first met violet
Is a lil on the vegetarian side when it comes to food and loves to eat fruit n shit.
Drinks like 7 cups of coffee every day
"sleep? Who's she?"
Skipped 8th grade and went straight into highschool with her boys (the boys being duck, Gabe, Sarah, and Becca)
Her Georgia Boys all met Clem in some insane way, for example, sarah met Clem at the library when she was 15, where the then 11 year old clem was climbing the bookshelves and broke her arm when she fell. Sarah was just tryna vibe tbh
Childhood friends w duck, met Gabe and Becca during freshman year, her and Gabe have almost every class together so they got close
Got sent to ericsons during her senior year bc she be fighting peoples 🙄
Natural Hair Queen, she doesn't even remember the last time she's used relaxers, or if she ever did at all! This girl loves her curls
Speaking of curls she got that 4c hair bruh. Her haircare routine takes like 2 hours but it's a small price to pay for beauty
Babysat AJ when he was a baby, but now AJ is her little brother bc of an accident with his parents
Went to private schools prior to going to highschool, Ed and Diana where very adamant that she goes to private school. And when she said she wanted to skip 8th grade and go to the public highschool with her Boys, they went fucking wild bc Public Schools Are Wack
Clems goldfish Peanut and her hamster Gaylord are still alive to this day and they Old
Been dating Gabe since she was 13, she honestly can't see a future without him tbh.
She's also dating vi while at ericsons (poly ship). Gabe was actually the first person to know and he was surprisingly cool w it. (Lousim is in this au so shhh)
Lost her leg before she got sent to ericsons, it was part of the reason why she was going there anyway. She got in a car accident and almost killed a fellow student. His parents sued her family, her choice was going to ericsons or going to jail or summin idk I'm still working on that one
She now has a prosthetic leg and it looks Cool
She doesn't have her drivers license! She failed the test 3 times in one month and crashed the instructors car twice! Poor girl can't drive for shit, oh well, she bullies Gabe to drive her places anyway
Used to do ballet before she lost her leg, now she's in the theatre club n directs plays and musicals.
I have a bit more but this is just the beginning, I'll have family headcanons, her friends over the years, how she met the Ericson gang. And I have background history for her! Like where her parents from n shit.
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Grashir for the ship thing? It’s gotta be one of my faves!!!
Sorry for the wait babe, hope this makes up for it!
1. Who’s in your ship and is it monogamous, poly, open, etc?
Okay, so as per usual with my ships I’ve got the version where it’s just the two of them (after about 100 years in which they don’t pull themselves together!) and another version in which they live in the future and I very much hc that by then the way love is discussed looks different to today, so they’re a part of various relationships.
However, I always think they’re like gravity to one another. For better or for worse - (and has anyone done any tragic Garashir fics or are we all just like “the show was tragic enough” - cos I’m wonder about like… the way people can be constantly drawn to each other in a dysfunctional, unhealthy way, but they also just can’t let one another go) - they always get pulled into one another’s orbit more than by anyone else.
2. Is the ship romantic in nature?
They’re a pair of romantic bastards underneath all the posturing and avoidance yes! I imagine once they finally pull themselves together it’s all romance, trying to make up for years of lost time.
3. How often do/can they see each other (due to living on different planets, having stressful jobs, etc)
I wrote a little fic about this yaaay!
Not very often, is the answer, until they’re both hitting old-age and sort of semi-retiring. Then gravity wins and eventually has them together for good.
4. What are their things to do together?
- Arguing! Canon! (I love ships that argue lol).
- Recommending books and art and going to museums and judging paintings. They’d so be a crotchety pair that makes fun of some really pretentious bit of art right in front of them, while someone next to them tries not to giggleand someone else keeps sending them disapproving glares.
- Garak one time sets up an exhibition for Ziyal’s work, in honour of all the young people lost in the war before they could reach their potential.
- Also occasionally getting wrapped up in a plot inside an enigma, within a scheme that neither of them necessarily signed up for, but they’re going to ride out together (sexy spy times, anyone?)
5. How do they say “I love you” without directly saying “I love you”?
- Hey remember the time Elim gave Julian a rationed chocolate bar and then, because he was going on some dangerous mission, Julian gifted it back to him and then Elim made a joke about Julian needing to eat an isolinear rod and then they smiled at each other like they were the most carefree people in the galaxy even though they were in the middle of a dangerous conflict that both of them might not survive? That’s love, bitch
- I think they get dumb gifts for each other a lot for when they see each other again
- also they’re both very competitive, so it’s like “who can get the dumbest gift,” morphs into “who can get the most amazing gift ever,” morphs into “who can write the most flowery, poetic letter,” etcetcetc.
- Admitting the other one won is another expression of love.
6. Who unironically likes old earth movies and who suffers along?
Hmmmmm, so I think. Julian shows Elim more earth culture, which includes movies (he’s semi-canon into Bond) and Elim complains and pretends he doesn’t like them, but then Julian catches him watching the 1995 Pride & Prejudice and mooning over Colin Firth. (He dies when Julian shows him North & South)
7. Are any of them spiritual and any of them decidedly not?
Elim is canonically spiritual post-series (everyone needs to read A Stitch In Time!!!) and Julian never quite understands it. He’s happy that Elim has something for himself that couldn’t be destroyed by his upbringing, but Julian is just relentlessly scientific about everything – it’s not (because this is Star Trek and DS9 literally has Gods in it) that he doesn’t think there are higher powers of some kind, it’s the spiritual side – the praying, the afterlife, the rituals, none of that works for him. Also he sees the “Gods” as aliens.
“And have you proven love then?” asks Garak
“Hmm, I’ll have to run some more tests before I can give you a definitive conclusion,” answers Bashir, before kissing him.
8. Who’s more open about their affection and who’s more taciturn, but shows affection through unconventional means?
I think they’re both quite affectionate actually. They probably both suffer from not feeling good enough around third parties sometimes, especially in the beginning. Not all of the DS9 crew were happy about it at first (although Nerys was ecstatic, as she and Elim had become surprisingly good friends post-Dominion), which is a feeling that lingers in Elim’s heart.
And on Cardassia Elim is considered a bit weird to have gone for an outsider, who – worse – is federation and human. There are many who blame the federation and humans in particular for their trouble, even if they are providing aid now. So Julian tries to make his job easier for him by staying behind the scenes… at first.
So in public they try to be taciturn, discreet, especially once Elim becomes a political figure-head, but then after some time this becomes a game, “secret lovers.” They find ways to sneakily contact the other – letters, gifts, flowers (obnoxiously large bouquets), coded messages and as they become more brazen, they seem to just naturally throw caution to the wind – if people can’t accept it, then they’re not people they want to get to know anyway.
In private they’re absolutely immediately an old married couple, except for with more desperation, because they’re making up for time they don’t get in one another’s company.
9. Who likes space and who prefers a good ol’ planet?
Julian will always be a space-farer at heart, whilst Elim belongs on Cardassia
10. Finally, what are their favourite things about one another?
The more I think about it, the more they’re quite similar – I think what they most love is that the other one drives them to be better. Passion, kindness, learning… they want to make one another proud.
- More simple things though. Elim loves Julian in the midst of a rant or an explanation that’s gone on for 10+ minutes, at his most gesticulative, most intense; it’s sexy as hell. Also Julian when he’s exhausted himself from working so hard, caring so much, when he just flops down and manages to fall asleep immediately. How he ever deserved someone who trusts him enough to be so vulnerable with him, he doesn’t know.
- Julian loves watching Elim in his quiet moments: reading, tailoring, gardening, speaking softly and comfortingly to people who are scared, drowsy in the morning making breakfast. Also he loves seeing Elim turn his oratory skills to politics. He’s not a born leader, he never wanted to be one, but he does it because it matters and he does it well.
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Love Letter
I wrote the following In July, but decided not to share it at that time. it's now October.  Circumstances change.
I know this isn’t going to be easy for me, so please bear with me.
I’m looking for a new dom for my sub.
I’ve know Ren for six months or so, in a long distance relationship through circumstance rather than design. Circumstance being that I live in California, while she lives in England. This is not a full time LDR, work and family (I’m also from England) bring me to the UK regularly. So in the time we’ve known each other, I’ve travelled to England every 10-12 weeks, staying for 4-5 weeks each time, and I have two more trips scheduled for between now and the end of the year.
When I met Ren it was supposed to be just for play, but we found we had so much in common, so many shared interests outside in the real world, so much chemistry that a serious relationship quickly developed. 
Ren isn’t just a delightful sub, she’s a wonderful mother to two lovely children, she’s fantastic company, intelligent, fun loving, really smart, caring, upbeat all the time, but... there’s always a but, and for Ren it’s a big one.
Let’s start by saying if there was ever someone who didn’t deserve the deck she was dealt it’s Ren. Over the last 6 years her self-esteem has been shattered by her prior partners, (I’ll say no more than that they have one way or another treated her badly) and as a consequence she has suffered from severe depression, has Generalized Anxiety Disorder, has self-harmed, and most recently has been diagnosed and is now being successfully treated for severe Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD).
Pause a moment there - this is the same woman, the woman who has been shit on by the world is also the wonderful mother, the delightful, intelligent, fun loving, smart, caring woman. My unicorn.
Ren’s seen a few big changes recently, most significantly she finally was able to divorce her husband and move to a new home. Two big steps forward, but at a cost of greatly increased anxiety. Just after this she heard that she was losing her job - she’s highly skilled but works in a poorly paid profession and because of the need to care for her kids, can only work part time. And she’s just lost her dom. We’ll come back to that in a minute.
In a scene, Ren is delightful, absolutely exquisite. I couldn’t ask for more, it breaks my heart to think of letting her go. Outside of a scene though, she can be very hard work. It’s more a question of providing support and encouragement over discipline. I have lost count of the number of hours I’ve spent helping her through the pain she feels. When she’s particularly low, it can be 3-4 hours a day. That’s not a complaint, I’d do it all again in a heartbeat even now while I’m writing this. It’s just a sign of the level of commitment you need to make. And just so it’s clear, Ren knows she has these problems and spends a lot of time in self-care activities and while it helps, it’s not enough.
Ren’s a working single mum, on a budget, she’s already very disciplined, very ordered, but she still struggles with some things and I have not been as successful as I would have liked in helping her address these issues (although today she has just proved to me that she can do this unbidden when motivated). I’ve not got to the bottom of why this is, and frankly it’s not been a high priority for me. I’ve been focused on helping her improve her self-esteem, manage her anxiety and encourage her to seek treatment for her PMDD (yay me!). This has really been my primary goal. And while it’s too soon to be sure, it really looks like we have succeeded, her anxiety and PMDD are both under control now. She is far far stronger today than she was three months ago.
Unfortunately, helping her get treatment for PMDD may have been my downfall.
After six years in the wilderness Ren is becoming whole again, free from her past, independent, far stronger than she has been for many years. Strong enough to tell me that she wants to move on. Ren needs someone full time, I know this, we’ve discussed it at length, and I had already put plans in motion to return to live in England to be with her. Now Ren has told me that while I am returning to England, it's not soon enough for her - she doesn’t want to wait. She also has concerns about my marriage. I am divorcing, she knows this, but right now I am married, and my divorce is something that Ren does not want to feel responsible for - she’s not responsible, that ship sailed long ago, but she says she will still feel responsible, and that’s enough. And my age, I’m 14 years older than her, too old in her eyes for a long term commitment.
Now obviously I’m not too happy about this, we are/were amazingly good together and had I not worked so hard to help her through her problems I might not be in this position today. I do feel significantly responsible for Ren’s recent improvement. For giving her the support she needed; for helping her apply for jobs; for showing her that there was a man who would fight for her, accept her for who she is, respect her for it; for being the consistent and reliable dom she needed; and most significantly for getting her back to the doc and having her PMDD addressed. 
This is where I get a little twisted - one of the side effects of the medication Ren is taking for PMDD is possible impaired judgement. And there's part of me that thinks, dumping your dom like this wasn't the wisest thing to do right now. So the treatment for PMDD that I helped her get, might possibly be responsible for Ren taking what I think is an ill-judged decision in deciding that she’d rather seek out her perfect Dom than accept this one with all his flaws. I’m not blind to the fact that there’s part of me that thinks ‘Hey, I did the hard work in putting her back together and it would be nice to enjoy some of the benefits’, OK, I fully realize that’s selfish of me, but it’s understandable, I’m a dom, not a saint. To be clear though, it's not the decision I have a problem with, it's the hurried way she approached it.  But we serve at our sub’s pleasure, and so here we are.
As it is, and I’ve never shared this with anyone, not even Ren, until now. I made a promise to myself that I’d help her come what may. And if that means 'setting her free' and helping her find a dom who’s worthy of her, that’s what I’ll do.
And so I’m looking for a new dom for my sub.
If you think that you might possibly be able to be the dom Ren needs, I’d like to hear from you. Before you all shout, as you might have gathered, I hold Ren in very high regard, and I will not let her settle for anyone who isn’t good enough. And just to be clear, I’m not going away. Ren and I have every intention of remaining friends.
So can this be you?
Let’s see shall we.
You’ve got to accept that Ren is a rich multi-faceted human being. If you are looking for a fuck toy, stop here.
She’s looking for more than just a play partner. Listen to Lou Reid singing Perfect Day, if you can’t offer that, you can stop reading here. Married guys (like me), guys in poly, or any form of relationship with someone else, you can stop here, she wants exclusivity. Btw, if you’re separated, divorcing, or whatever, you’re still married, so you stop here too. You don’t drink sangria in the park with Ren, and then later when it gets dark go home to your wife (read the lyrics, it will make sense).
Age 40-50, no exceptions. You will be fit and healthy, height/weight proportional.
No diseases, you will provide current STI test results, and you will always use a condom.
It will help if you a pro-Remain, if not, you need to be able to offer a coherent argument against. Intelligence matters. 
As a submissive, Ren has specific needs, and specific limits. She needs pain, she needs to be spanked, mild to moderate use of a riding crop and paddle is OK, but not severe caning. She needs bondage both for the restraint and the art. Obviously there are other things as well, but she can share that if you meet, and I’m sure there are things that we’ve not tried that she will enjoy. She has limits and you will respect them. You will not humiliate her in any way, not even name calling. Not in play, not as punishment. There are other things you will not do, obviously, and again she can share them if you meet.
You must be an experienced Dom, having a fetlife account or a tumblr blog doesn’t count. You will meet me first. You will provide government photo ID, and references, and I will follow up on references in person.
Ren needs a Dom who is close by, someone who can see her 2-3 times a week without fail and who will remain in close contact when apart. Long distance relationships don’t work for her (ask me how I know), she needs to know you are close by, which means you must be within daily driving distance. No, she will not relocate. She has joint custody of her kids with her ex and that’s not going to change.
You’ve got to accept that she is not at your beck and call. She’s a mother, her kids come first and always will. You don’t even rate second place; like I said, she has a very demanding self-care program that takes a lot of her time, that comes next. She also has a cat. You might aspire to a position above the cat in her hierarchy, but I wouldn’t count on it.
Don't take this as anything other than a mile marker down a road already travelled.
Applications are not currently being accepted. 
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