#this was a gift for nova and i just think. well look at them
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#this was a gift for nova and i just think. well look at them#fi adonna veras#covrem iatras#veriatras#mod rovin#art#digital art#original character#oc#oc art#vial of pyrite
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Brighter Than a Supernova | Bob Floyd x Phoenix's Little Sister
Summary: Bob planned to simply stop by Phoenix's Hanukkah party for a few minutes before heading back home. He'd hang out with the guys for a bit, even though he never quite felt like he fit in with them, and he'd meet the little sister Phoenix often referred to as annoying. But he had no idea how bright and magical one night could be compared to every other night that had come before.
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, feeling insecure, loss of virginity, smut, drinking
Length: 9000 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Phoenix's Little Sister (OC)
This was written for the Winter RomCom Challenge hosted by @bellaireland1981! Check my masterlist for more. Beautiful banner made by @ryebecca
"Bob, you're coming over tomorrow night, right?"
When he turned to look at his friend, Bob couldn't help the feeling of apprehension that washed over him. "I think so."
Natasha sighed and reached for his hand and gave him a little squeeze. He hadn't been at Top Gun as long as everyone else, and he felt like he didn't really fit in with them. Even now, the other guys were all hooting and playing keep away with Reuben's phone while Bob stood off to the side on the tarmac.
"There's nothing to be nervous about. It's just a Hanukkah party," she whispered with a smile. She always seemed to be able to tell when he got lost in his own thoughts, and he would be forever grateful that she was the pilot he got to fly with.
He shook his head and looked over at their Super Hornet. "I've never been to one before," he muttered. "And I'll probably just end up sitting quietly all night."
Now Natasha was squeezing both of his hands. "But we already drew names for our gift exchange. And you won't be the only one newer to the group. My obnoxious little sister, Nova, is coming in from New York, remember? She's graduating from college in the spring? She hasn't met any of the guys yet."
"Bob, I really want you to come," she said firmly, looking up at him with her dark brown eyes. He trusted her in the air, he might as well trust her on the ground, too.
"Okay. I'll be there."
But when Bob parked his truck in front of Phoenix's tiny house on Saturday evening, his hands were shaking slightly as he held the wrapped gift. He absolutely hated that he got this way around the guys. They hadn't done anything to make him feel this way, really. He just generally didn't fit in anywhere, something he was very aware of at age twenty eight. But he would do this for Natasha.
He climbed out of his truck with the gift and a bottle of wine and walked up to the front door. Should he knock? Or just walk inside? It sounded noisy even out here, so after he tapped on the door a few times and nobody opened it, he just let himself in.
"Bob's here!" Jake called out from the couch, waving him over to where he was drinking a beer while Javy tried to spin two dreidels at the same time.
"Bob!" Natasha practically shouted as she ran his way. He had to juggle the bottle of wine so he didn't drop it. "Can you help me make latkes? Nova and I have been peeling potatoes for what feels like hours, and now we're heating up the oil."
"I don't know how to make latkes," he told her, but his eyes caught on the woman standing in the kitchen laughing at Bradley. He could only see her profile, but she had long, dark brown hair just like Natasha. Only she was a little taller and a bit curvier, and when she turned to look over her shoulder, he wanted to run and hide.
"It's easy, Bob. It's just a potato pancake. Nothing scary," Natasha whispered, trying to sound reassuring. "Come meet Nova, and you can help us cook."
He swallowed hard, realizing that the brunette goddess holding a potato peeler in one while she smiled directly at him was Natasha's little sister. The one she always referred to as obnoxious and annoying. This was... decidedly not what he had imagined.
Bob didn't know where to look. Every part of her was so pretty. She was wearing black leggings and a cropped long sleeve shirt that was purple and said NYU on the front. He could see some of the soft looking skin just above her leggings, and his eyes dropped to the floor in embarrassment. She was barefoot with neon orange painted toenails that for some reason made Bob a little short of breath.
"Bob, this is my sister Nova," Nat told him, rubbing his back gently as his gaze wandered back up along her curves. His eyes landed on her face as Natasha said, "Nova, this is Bob. Please don't annoy him."
"Hi," she said with a little smirk on her face. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and reached her hand out to him. "I've heard a lot about you, Bob."
He was terrified that he would stutter or trip over his words, but he just said something stupid instead. "You don't look annoying."
She laughed as she shook his hand. "Oh, I can assure you, I am." Her eyes were the same color as her sister's, but they were looking at him playfully as she nibbled on her lip. It was easy to tell Nova and Natasha were sisters, but there were some differences, too. Bob had the fleeting thought that he wouldn't mind just looking at her all night until he identified them all.
"Feel free to ignore her," Nat told him as she went to stand in front of the stove. "I usually do."
"I don't see how that would be possible," Bob murmured, and Nova laughed again before he realized what he'd said. He could feel his cheeks flush as he tried to look at anything besides her, but as soon as he did, Bradley dove for her attention.
"So tell me all about New York CIty," he said as if he'd never heard of it before. This was fine though. Better even. Nova and Bradley could just flirt all night, and Bob could help cook and then probably leave soon. That way everyone would win.
After a few minutes, he desperately wanted to ask Natasha if they could cook any faster so he could open his impersonal gift from one of the guys and get going. But he found that making latkes was actually pretty enjoyable.
"That's too much egg," she told him, laughing at his messy hands as his glasses slid down his nose. "You need more flour." But her hands were a mess, too, and Bob was trying to adjust his glasses on his shoulder.
When he turned to the side, he saw Bradley, Mickey and Jake all talking to Nova, but she was actually looking right at him as he very awkwardly shrugged his shoulder against his glasses. "I got you, Bob," she said, closing the distance to him and helping him out. She adjusted his frames on his face, and then she ran her fingers along his hair and behind his ears. "Better?"
He watched her pull her hands away and wished she wouldn't. "Yes," he whispered. "Thank you." Then he just stared at her as she made no move to back away.
"You're welcome. Do you celebrate Hanukkah?"
He swallowed hard as he washed his hands and shook his head. "This is my... first time."
Her eyes lit up. "Oh! Perfect! You can help me light the candles, and I can teach you the prayers."
"Might as well light the menorah now," Natasha told her as she flipped some of the squishy looking potato blobs over in the hot oil. The kitchen smelled like fried food, and there was a huge box of donuts that the other guys already got into. Javy brought the dreidels into the kitchen, and he was currently spinning five at one time. This holiday actually didn't seem so bad. Especially when Nova reached for his hand.
"Gather around," she announced with the kind of confidence Bob would never have, and all the guys followed her to the other side of the island. But she kept Bob right there with her and smiled up at him. "Here you go," she said, handing him the lighter. Then she stuck some candles in the menorah.
"Don't you light them from left to right?" Bradley asked as he sipped a beer and ate a jelly donut while glaring at Bob.
"Yes!" she replied as she put the last candle in for the eighth night.
"You want me to light them for you, Bob?" Bradley asked, and Bob was just about to hand the lighter over when Nova reached for his hand.
"I'm going to say a really pretty prayer in Hebrew about how Hanukkah is a time to celebrate miracles," she told him, seemingly ignoring the rest of the guys as Jake started whining that he was hungry. But Bob was transfixed. He was suddenly dying to hear this prayer. He could see the light smattering of freckles on Nova's cheeks as he stood this close to her. He never noticed before if Nat had freckles.
It would be a Hanukkah miracle if Bob could get through the evening. When she told him to light the center candle and then pick it up, he did. And then her hand joined his as they lit the candles together, but Bob wasn't looking at the menorah. He was looking at her face and the way her lips moved as she almost sang the prayer. Then he kept his hand on hers as long as he could, the warm candlelight making her face glow.
When she dropped her hand to her side, Bob could feel her fingers kind of tangle with his, and he had no idea what to do about it. He was suddenly painfully aware that he'd never had a girlfriend before, and he almost wished she was paying this much attention to someone else.
"Latkes are done!" Natasha announced, and Bob took a step away from Nova. He cleared his throat and then turned to leave the kitchen as everyone else made a dash for the food. When he retreated for the relative quiet of the powder room, he could feel dark eyes on his back.
Bob realized he'd been in the bathroom for long enough that someone might think he was sick, but he couldn't stop splashing cool water on his face. He had been prepared for something else tonight, but not this. Maybe Nova was just an annoying little sister to Phoenix, but to him, she was exquisite. He needed to leave now before he could embarrass himself more.
After he dried his hands, he quietly opened the door, but then he paused. He could hear voices. Two female voices, and he could easily tell them apart as he stood there eavesdropping.
"Natasha, you lied to me," Nova whispered loudly. "You said Bob was kind of nerdy!"
Oh no. She must have thought Bob was extremely nerdy. Perhaps he could make a run for the front door, and maybe nobody would notice he'd gone.
"I mean, he is," Natasha replied softly.
"No, he's not!" Nova hissed. "He's hot! You know I have a thing for glasses and biceps, you rotten liar!"
Now Bob was frozen in place. He was pretty sure they were talking about him, but there was a chance he misheard.
"Nova," Natasha snapped a little louder this time. "Bob is one of my best friends, and he's very kind. Do not toy with him."
There was a pause, but then Bob heard her soft response. "I wouldn't. You can tell how sweet he is from a mile away."
He looked in the mirror one more time before leaving the powder room. It wasn't that he was bad looking, it was just that he was awkward. Compared to the other guys, he was a joke. Maybe Nova somehow hadn't noticed that yet. He forced himself out to the small hallway where the two sisters were standing close together near the kitchen, and the way Nova looked at him just didn't make sense.
"Grab some latkes," she said as he walked past. "I'll save you a spot on the couch for the gift exchange?"
Bob swallowed hard. "Sure. Thank you."
When he ducked into the kitchen, he heard her whisper to Nat, "He has nice manners, too."
Nat groaned. "I can't believe you have a crush on my WSO."
"Yeah, well, you shouldn't have kept this information from me."
Bob was anxiously piling a plate with more latkes than he could probably finish when Nova flounced into the room, picked up her half empty glass of wine along with an unused one and winked at him. "I'll be in the living room, and I have a glass for you," she said.
He looked down at the potato concoctions on his plate, and they looked good. He tried a bite, and it was delicious, but he'd lost his appetite. Nova Trace had a crush on him, and now he had to go sit with her and drink some wine without looking like a moron.
After a few more bites, he pushed his plate aside and headed to the living room where she was sitting right next to Bradley. He had his arm draped across the back of the couch a little possessively, and Bob froze, blinking at the scene before him. He had the undeniable urge to remove Bradley's arm and wrap her up with own.
"Bob," she called, scooting away from Bradley and patting the cushion. Once he squeezed in between her and Bradley, he realized he was touching her no matter what he did. And then she took his arm and draped it around her shoulders, leaning back against his chest a little bit. "It's a tight fit," she said, handing him a glass of wine.
"Seriously?" Bradley grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and shaking his head. Bob wasn't sure what to say as he had an armful of the cute girl who was in demand. This was all new to him. So he just drank all of his wine and pretended to watch everyone open their gifts.
When he set his empty glass down on the table, Nat handed him a small box wrapped in silver paper. He didn't recognize the pretty handwriting that said To: Bob.
"Oh," Nova whispered, reaching for it. "You don't have to open it."
"It's from you?" Bob asked, and she looked up at him over her shoulder, face just inches from his.
"Yeah, but it just seems kind of dumb now," she muttered, playing with the hem of her top. "Nat made it seem like you were super nerdy or something," she laughed. "And clearly that's not the case. You're hot."
Bob chuckled; this whole entire night was completely absurd. "I've never been called hot before."
Nova rolled her eyes. "You know what? Just go ahead and open your present," she said, shoving the small box closer to his chest while she blushed.
Bob started to carefully tear into the paper when Bradley leaned across Bob and asked, "I'm sorry, Nova, but did you just call Bob hot?"
"Yes," she replied immediately.
Bradley stood and grunted while he put on the hat that Javy just gave him that said 100% Certified Fuckboy. "She picked Bob. Nice work man," he said, patting Bob's shoulder. "Who needs a beer?"
"I do," Nat told him as she eyed Bob and Nova together on the couch with curiosity. Bob wasn't sure what he should even say to her. It wasn't like he was going to date her sister or something. She lived in New York.
"Open it," Nova whispered. "Just open it so I can get my embarrassment over with."
Bob couldn't believe she seemed more embarrassed about the gift than she did about announcing to the room at large that she found him attractive. When he took the lid off the box and looked inside, it was filled with a set of sky blue dice.
"I'm sorry," she said with a laugh. "Nat said you play Dungeons and Dragons, and I found the dice and thought they were pretty, and now I'm noticing that they're kind of the same shade as your eyes." She took the box from him, put the lid on and set it aside.
"Wait," he said, reaching across her to pick it up again. "I do play. And light blue is my favorite color. How did you know?"
"I didn't," she said, cheeks pink. "It's my favorite color, too."
He could see her freckles again as she grinned so close to him. Bob suddenly realized that the living room was getting loud as he held the box between his body and hers. "Thank you. I really like them. I was a little afraid to see what the guys were going to buy for me, so I'm glad it was from you."
"Nat dropped down on the couch on the other side of Bob as she spun the keychain around her finger that Bob got for her. "Thank you," she said, kissing him on the cheek as the airplane charm hit her palm. The guys were spinning as many dreidels on the coffee table as they could while fighting over the mound of chocolate candy coins. "You know, if it's a little too loud, you could always step outside for a minute," she told him, patting his thigh before joining the guys.
"Let's take a break," Nova said as she stood and pulled him to his feet. Bob felt like Nat had just given him some sort of permission. But for what? "I could use a break as well. It's hot in here."
She opened the front door and slipped out into the darkness on the small porch, and Bob joined her, closing the door and stifling the sounds inside. "Aren't your feet going to get cold?" he asked softly, looking down at her neon toenails.
"Good call," she replied before wrapping her arms around his neck and standing on the tops of his shoes. Bob's hands went to the soft curve of her waist immediately, startled by the sudden turn of events that had Nova's body pressed to his. "Is this okay?" she asked casually, looking up at him as she let her fingers trail down his neck.
His body was throbbing in delight as his brain cried out in terror. "Y-Yes. It's... very okay. You're very pretty." His eyes went wide as she laughed, and it sounded too intimate this close. He could feel her bare skin against his fingertips, and it was so soft. Softer than anything. He couldn't help the way he let his palms spread out on her back, as he blurted out, "I like you."
He noticed her soft smile first, and then her eyes closed. Bob was admiring how her eyelashes brushed her cheeks as she said, "I like you, too." And then she kissed him. She just kissed him. It was suddenly time for kissing. And then it was over before Bob really got to enjoy it. Nova was looking up at him like she was trying to gauge his reaction, but he just stood there trying to figure out what to do next.
Her fingers stilled on his neck before she released him and tried to step away, her face falling into a much shyer look. But he kept his hands on her back. Her lips were softly parted, and Bob wanted them on his again. Even though he wasn't quite sure if he was doing any of it right, he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers a little too hard at first.
She moaned softly as she brought her hands back up around his neck, and Bob eased himself back a little bit, making the kiss softer. This felt good. She had smooth skin and eager lips, and now her fingers were in his hair as her cheek bumped his glasses. He felt like he was getting the hang of things when she parted her lips and tasted his tongue.
Bob's hands slid down to grab at her hips through her leggings, and Nova laughed softly as she tasted him again. The soft vibrations against his lips had him more aware of his body than he ever had been before, but not in a bad way. He seemed to be making her feel excited as she wiggled her curvy hips back and forth slightly in his hands.
Nova broke the kiss and raked her fingers along his forehead and back through his tidy hair. "You smell good," she told him, leaning in close again and running her nose along his neck. "Like... something outdoorsy mixed with a fried potato."
He couldn't help but laugh as she kissed the spot next to his Adam's apple. "That sounds like it would smell bad."
"It doesn't," she reassured him with a giggle. "It just makes me want to taste you." Bob had to press his lips together and count to ten in his head as Nova ran her tongue in a slow and steady stripe up his neck to his ear. When her lips met his earlobe, his hands on her hips were pulling her body closer to his as she said, "I could eat you up."
She was still standing on the tops of his feet, but now Bob had her back pressed against the doorframe. They were making out, and it was all coming pretty naturally for him. She kissed his neck and told him something sweet, so he decided to go ahead and try the same thing. "I think I love kissing you," he said, his voice raspier than normal as she tipped her head back.
Nova was moaning his name as he kissed the front of her neck, and she pressed her thigh against him. And oh no... Bob had an erection. She didn't seem bothered, but he pulled himself a few inches away from her and looked down at her pretty face. "Do you want to go back inside?" she asked, her chest rising and falling as she caught her breath.
"Should we?" he asked softly, sliding his hands back up to her waist as she shrugged.
"Probably. But I'm sure they all know exactly what we're doing out here."
His eyes went wide. "They do?"
She smiled and ran her fingers along his cheek. "Yeah, I'd venture to guess they know we were making out, Bob."
How was he supposed to go back inside now? He thought about just leaving; his truck was parked right there on the street. But he didn't want to go without his new dice. Or Nova.
He cleared his throat. "Yeah... maybe we should go back in."
"Okay." But first she wrapped her fingers around the back of his neck and pressed one more soft kiss to his lips. "Just let me know if you want to take another break, because I'd be more than happy to tag along."
Then she opened the door, and the bright light and loud laughter coming from inside were enough to have him reaching for Nova's hand as she stepped down from his feet and onto the living room floor. She looked back at him with a coy smile as she laced her fingers with his. It was so obvious that they had been kissing. Bob knew he was blushing, and her lips looked a little puffy from the way he'd been enjoying them. When Jake fist bumped him as they walked past, Javy winked, and Bradley was on the couch with Nat pouting.
But Nat smiled and shook her head as Nova led Bob into the kitchen. "Want some more wine?" she asked, pulling a bottle from the refrigerator. There was something about the way she looked in the semi darkness as the candles from the menorah burned low. Her face was cast in warm light as well as shadows, and Bob found that leaning down to kiss her again was the most natural thing in the world.
The cold bottle was pressed to his arm, and she kissed him back. When Bob opened his eyes again, his glasses were crooked and two of the candles had burned out. The kitchen was even darker now as she pecked his cheek and then strolled out into the living room. He took a few seconds to consider that now he'd initiated more kisses than she had. The desire to follow her and kiss her again was so strong, he almost tripped when he thought about her going back to New York. Had he ever felt this way about a girl after a few hours? No. Absolutely not.
He knew he should have found another place to sit in Nat's tiny, loud living room, but when he saw the spot on the couch next to Nova was empty, he couldn't force his steps in any other direction. She tracked him with her eyes, clearly feeling no shame about what was happening here.
"How much have the rest of you had to drink?" she asked the guys. Jake was laying on the floor laughing while Javy tried to spin a dreidel on his nose. Bradley's cheeks were bright red, and he was half asleep at the other end of the couch. Mickey actually was asleep in the armchair. The only one who looked okay was Reuben.
"A lot," Javy said. "We turned dreidels into a drinking game, and clearly Nat is better than the rest of us." Nat winked at Nova who winked back. "And Mickey can't hold his liquor for shit."
Nova laughed at him in the armchair. "Is that a WSO thing, Bob? Or can you handle another glass of wine?" she teased.
"I can handle what you give me," he replied before he could consider how that might sound. She gasped softly and kind of nodded as she poured some more into his glass from earlier.
"I guess we'll find out."
She tapped her glass to his, and they joined in the game with the others. Bob had never played before, but he was a quick study. It certainly didn't hurt that Nova kept touching his hands as she taught him what to do. And two glasses of wine later, Bob felt lighter and more carefree. His right hand was resting on her lower back, and she leaned in to his side as the game progressed. And the best part was, Nat seemed more than okay with this.
In fact, as midnight was fast approaching, Nat stood and stretched. "I'm beat. I don't care who stays over, but Nova is in the extra bedroom, so the rest of you can fight over the couches."
Bradley and Mickey both snored in response while Reuben started to gather Jake and Javy off the floor. "I'll drop the two of you off," he said. "It was nice to meet you, Nova. Thanks, Nat."
"Thanks, Nat," Javy and Jake echoed as Nat waved. Nova blew them each a kiss.
Once they were gone, Nat started to gather up the empty wine bottles to take them into the kitchen, and Bob figured he should get ready to go as well. "Do you need help with anything?" he asked his friend, but she just waved him off. "No, I insist," he added.
He picked up some more of the trash the guys left, and as soon as he and Nova both stood, Bradley stretched out on the couch. "Just leave the rest of the mess. It's honestly fine. We can clean it up tomorrow," Nat said as she looked at her sister.
Nova nodded. "Yeah, I'll help you clean everything when we wake up."
They carried the trash they had already gathered in their arms to the kitchen, and then Nat hugged her sister before kissing Bob's cheek. "I'm assuming I'll see you again quite soon," she told him with an amused expression before she headed for the stairs.
Bob wasn't sure exactly what that was supposed to mean, but he wasn't going to dwell on it. Right now he had to figure out a way to say goodbye to the woman in front of him. He wondered if there was some way he could tell her that the few hours he spent with her somehow meant something to him. If she lived in San Diego, he thought he would very much like to take her to dinner. Maybe he could figure out a way to say so without completely ruining the moments they'd shared tonight.
"Nova, I-"
It was time for more kissing. She didn't hesitate at all, almost like she felt as comfortable with this as he did. Her hand found the bottom of Bob's tee shirt and eased the fabric up so her palm could rest flat on his abs. She nibbled gently on his lip before she let him taste her tongue. She was sweet like wine. Then his hands were back on her hips again as she eased his shirt up a little further.
"You had a lot to drink," she whispered with a wink, rubbing the tip of her nose against his. "Maybe you should come upstairs with me?" Bob wasn't drunk in the least, and he thought he knew what she meant. When his posture stiffened, she looked up at him. "It's just a twin bed, but we can both fit. If you want."
"You mean to... sleep?" he asked, embarrassed that he had to confirm instead of just knowing how to do things.
Her hand glided down to the top of his jeans, and she laughed softly. "We don't have to mess around," she said as she kissed his lips softly. "But I don't think I can keep my lips away from yours."
When Bob nodded in agreement, heart pounding rapidly, she took him by the hand. Mickey and Bradley were both sound asleep in the living room where Bob made sure to grab his box of dice. Then he let Nova lead him upstairs.
She looked back to smile at him a few times and tugged on his hand when he started to fall behind. Once they were in the extra bedroom with the soft lamplight and the door closed, Nova seemed a little more hesitant.
"Well, there's the twin bed," she said, gesturing toward it before putting her hands on her hips. Then she crossed her arms over her chest and laughed as she looked at the floor. "And I mean, obviously this was all a ploy to get to spend more time with you. But also, I don't think you should drive home after drinking so much wine." She paused before adding, "But mostly I just kind of thought maybe you and I could keep talking and making out."
Bob smiled when she looked up at him. "Yeah, I would like that."
She bit her lip, and Bob swore he had never in his life seen a woman who was so eager to be around him. He toed off his shoes before reaching for her hand again. And then he decided he was going to go for it. He was going to say what was on his mind as they both sat down on the edge of the bed together.
"Hey, Nova? I..." he paused as he looked at her pretty face, and he had to clear his throat before he kept going. "You're really... I like you a lot, and I just wanted you to know that if you lived in San Diego, I would ask you on a date."
She scooted a little closer and let her hand come to rest on his thigh. "Where would you take me?" she asked, pressing her lips to his jaw as he stuttered.
"I would... I'd take you to um, a restaurant that I like called Starlite. It's in the city. It's really pretty inside at night, and they have fairy lights and champagne. And I think you'd look beautiful sitting at one of the tables with me."
"Oh my god," she moaned against his jaw, and Bob had absolutely no control over how his body was reacting to her. "Tell me more."
He tried to keep talking as she moved her hand further up his thigh, but he wasn't sure he was making sense. "I'd get you whatever you wanted, of course. But the steak is really good, so I'd ask if you wanted that. And. And I'd be hoping the waiter was really slow, because you'd look so pretty with the soft lights all around you. I'd want to keep you there with me as long as I could."
"I want to go," Nova whispered, kissing his ear. "I can practically picture it."
Bob closed his eyes, willing his cock to stop having a mind of its own as her fingers went as high as the bottoms of his boxer briefs. If she kept this up, Bob would have to excuse himself, and he really didn't want to leave her right now. Then she straddled his thighs and wrapped her arms around his neck, and Bob's arms were full of her.
"I wish we could," he whispered, unsure what to do with his hands. "I'd take you there tomorrow, but Nat told me you're flying back east in the evening." He finally let his hands settle on her waist as she nodded sadly.
"I am," she said as her lips brushed his. "But just humor me. Would you kiss me at Starlite?"
"I'd have to," he replied immediately. "It would be mandatory. All the light and shadows on your face... you'd be ethereal. And if you were looking at me, I wouldn't be able to help myself."
"Bob," she moaned against his lips, nibbling on him softly as her fingers went to his hair. "And where would you take me for our second date?"
He laughed as she licked his tongue. "You'd go out with me a second time?"
"You're joking right?" Nova asked, pulling back a few inches as she played with his hair. "This is all hypothetical, and it's still the best date I've ever been on."
"Okay," Bob replied, and he couldn't help but smile as she nodded for him to go on. "For our second date, I'd take you to the Mission Hills Rooftop Theater."
"What would we watch?" she asked, smiling as Bob let his hands drift up a little bit under her shirt.
He shrugged. "Probably a foreign film. You'd think it was cool, but I'd just be watching the way the colorful lights flickered across your face."
She squeaked softly. "Can we pretend we're at the theater now?"
"Sure," he whispered with a smile. "We're at the theater. You look beautiful, reading all the subtitles. But I lost track of the plot of the film already."
"Why's that?" she asked with a grin.
"Can't pay attention to anything except you."
She pushed on his chest until he was laying on his back, her long hair brushing the side of his face as she leaned down to kiss him. She was rubbing herself against his hard length through his jeans and making little sounds that he'd never heard before. His hands were stroking higher, and he could feel her bra with his fingertips. He didn't want any of this to stop.
"Now you seem like a respectable guy, Bob," she murmured. "Would you take me home with you after our second date or make me wait until our third?"
Oh no. Bob loosened his grip on her as he went silent. Nova was still kissing her way across his cheek to his ear when her movements slowed. She eyed him curiously before nudging the rim of his glasses with her nose.
He swallowed hard and closed his eyes. "I don't know. I've never... taken a girl home before."
She looked down at him with a soft smile on her lips. "What?" she asked as she pushed her fingers back through his hair.
Bob was terrified that she would stop touching him as soon as he said the words. She was so lovely, gravitating right to him all night just the same way he subconsciously felt like he wanted to be near her. He already recognized that he could fall for his friend's little sister. Maybe he already had.
He took a deep breath as he adjusted his glasses. She was waiting for him to respond, and there was no point in lying about it now. "I'm a virgin."
Nova's brow creased, and her lips parted wordlessly. She examined his face, probably trying to see if he was lying, because there's no way someone his age shouldn't have lost his virginity by now. And it was a million times worse for a guy than for a girl. He knew that. It was all so very embarrassing.
She didn't laugh, rather she kissed the corner of his lips and simply asked, "How?"
Bob shrugged. "I'm awkward."
"No. You're hot," she replied, shaking her head. "That's not it."
He tried to turn his head and look away, but she followed his gaze until he returned her soft smile. "I'm not really sure," he whispered. "I got close a few times, but it just didn't seem right. That sounds dumb."
"No, it doesn't," she replied, surprising Bob as she kissed him again. "Are you picky?" she asked between each soft press of her lips to his.
"Yeah. Kind of," he told her honestly. "Always have been. Picky about who I spend time with.
She brushed her fingers back through his hair again, and Bob melted at her touch. "That makes sense. A guy like you should be picky."
Somehow Nova was making him feel a lot more normal about this as she wasn't shying away from him. "Picky," he confirmed. "And the timing was never right."
"That's important," she said with a smile. "You have to do what feels good to you."
Bob swallowed hard. He was picky, but he really liked Nova. And for some reason, tonight out of all nights kind of felt right. He could easily blame Nat's Hanukkah party and the soft glow of the menorah candles on Nova's face for getting him to this point. She was on top of him, still kissing him, and he didn't want this to end.
"This feels good to me," he blurted out, reaching up to push his fingers through her dark hair. "Tonight feels right."
She nodded, smiling as she crawled off of him, leaving Bob a little cold as he missed the feeling of her immediately. He sat up on the bed as she crawled up to the pillows and whispered, "Come here." She coaxed him along until she was laying on the pillows and he was on top of her, bracing himself with his arms so he didn't hurt her.
"Okay, so, we already went to Starlite for dinner and then to the Mission Hills Rooftop Theater. I'll give you until our third date to make your move," she whispered, grinning up at him as she ran he hands up his biceps. "Where are you taking me?"
He took a deep breath; now was not the time for this wave of confidence to falter. "Cliffs beach. I'm packing a picnic, and we can sit in the bed of my truck and watch the sunset while we eat."
Nova moaned again and hooked her leg around Bob's thigh, pulling him impossibly closer. "Dinner was perfect. But now that the sun went down, I'm a little chilly."
"Well, I could keep you warm." He kissed her. "I'd hold you as I tried to work up the nerve to ask you if you wanted to come back to my place."
"I'm wrapped up in your arms, patiently waiting for you to ask," she replied with a smirk.
He nodded, and he knew he was blushing. This whole thing was kind of silly, but it just made sense. "I really like you. I could probably fall for you. If I let myself," he whispered, and she whimpered softly. "Do you want to come back to my place, Nova?"
Her hands were all over his face and in his hair, and eventually she took his glasses off and set them on the nightstand. She kissed him slowly as she rolled her hips up against his, and Bob blushed as he got hard again. When she carefully pulled his shirt off, she set it next to the pillow, and then she explored his body with her hands. But as soon as she pulled her own NYU shirt off and was laying beneath him, she arched her back.
Bob reached beneath her, and he fumbled for a few seconds before he unhooked her bra. As he pulled the black lace away from her body and looked down at her breasts and her confident face, he marked this as the furthest he'd ever gone with a woman. She seemed to sense he needed a moment as she ran her fingers through his hair as he stuttered, "You're gorgeous."
Nova looked up at him with her playful dark eyes, but right now they seemed a little more serious. "I could probably fall for you, too."
Then his lips were on hers, and his hands went to her breasts gently stroking each soft handful. He could fall for this, he was sure of it. He wanted to take her on all of those dates, and he would have if he could have. He was charmed by her, and she seemed equally interested in him.
"Bob," she moaned, breaking the kiss and tipping her head back as he pushed himself against her core. He brought his lips down to taste her breasts, and soon she was rolling her hips a little faster. "That feels good," she whispered as she looked up at him. "I like that."
Nova responded just like that to everything he did. When he kissed the side of her neck, she blushed a pretty shade of pink. She shivered for him when he ran his fingers down her side. When he paused with his hand just above the top of her leggings, she whispered, "Bob, you're making me kind of crazy."
She guided his hand down a few more inches with her own, but she didn't get annoyed when he took his time pulling her leggings and underwear off. His heart was pounding as he looked at her, completely naked. Maybe she could sense his hesitation, because she sat up, too, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'll tell you if I don't like something, okay? And you do the same?"
He nodded. "I like everything so far. I just don't want to mess this up."
"You won't," she promised, taking his face in both of her hands and kissing him softly at first. Then her lips became more demanding, and Bob wrapped one strong arm around her, pulling her on top of him. She giggled against his lips before swiping his tongue with her own.
Her fingers roamed his bare torso and found the light trail of hair below his belly button. "I'm going to take your jeans off," she whispered, carefully unbuttoning and unzipping them. Her hair was already kind of a mess, and he knew his must have been as well. But then all thoughts left his mind as she started to pull his pants down. Bob wasn't dumb; he knew he was at least average size from the amount of time he'd spent in naval locker rooms. But he was surprised by her soft gasp when she pulled his underwear down far enough that his erection sprang free. Then his jeans, socks and underwear were in a pile at the bottom of the small bed, and he was naked, too.
He grunted as she wrapped her hand around him. This was the best thing he ever felt. Until she kissed him there. "Oh god, Nova. Wait," he moaned, and she looked up at him with wide eyes. "Don't we need a condom?"
She responded by licking his length before crawling up his body to kiss his lips. "I can go ask my sister if she has any if you want to use one."
"No!" he gasped, nearly headbutting her as he sat up. "No, don't do that." Bob wasn't sure that Natasha would respond kindly to that question coming from her sister. "Please don't."
But Nova was all smiles as she straddled his waist. "Okay," she whispered as he braced himself with his hand behind him on the bed. "I won't alert Natasha to the fact that we're about to have sex."
Bob sighed in relief and reached out to push her hair behind her ear. "Actually, if you could not mention her again right now, that would be great."
Now she was laughing softly as she scooted up until Bob could feel her wet pussy rubbing his cock. "Promise," she confirmed as he looked up at her face. When he glanced down between them, all he could see was her perfect body and his cock jumping against her in excitement. "I'm on birth control anyway," she whispered, kissing along his jaw. "And I know you're a little nervous, but so am I."
"Why?" he asked, surprised by her words.
Nova hummed as she kissed her way back to his lips. "I want this to feel good for you." She wrapped her arms around his neck as she slowly rolled her hips against him and made the softest sounds. His heart rate picked up as she added, "I want you to think about our hypothetical dates after I'm gone."
He was sure he would be thinking about Nova for a very long time. She was all gentle fingers in his hair and confident smiles. She was beautiful, and Bob could easily get addicted to this.
She guided him to lay back on the pillows as she asked, "You ready?"
"Yeah." His voice sounded hoarse as he looked up at her and pushed her hair over one shoulder. When he let his hands trail over the soft skin of her shoulders, breasts and sides, she shivered as she kissed him. Bob could feel her hand around his length, and then his head tipped away from her as he moaned. "Does that feel good?"
Good. That didn't seem like the right word for it, but now his brain felt a little hazy. Nova's lips ghosted over his as he moaned again. She felt tight and inviting, and when she rolled her hips with him inside her like this, Bob gripped her hip a little tighter. His other hand ended up tangled in her hair as he traced her freckled cheek with his thumb. "Nova," he gasped against her lips before devouring her.
Her soft noises got a little louder, and each roll of her hips had Bob praying that this would never end. Every passing second was better than the last. Every time she whispered his name and tasted his tongue was too exciting. When she ended up on her back, looking up at him with wide eyes and parted lips, he kissed her neck and pushed himself deep inside her.
"Oh," she moaned, and he had to slowly shake his head to keep his focus. Her leg was hooked up around his hip, and he was suddenly very aware that he didn't know how to make her orgasm.
"Nova?" he gasped as she reached for his hand. But he should have known she'd be willing to help him with this as she showed him where and how to rub her.
"Fuck," she whined, taking a few gasping breaths. "That feels so good." He kept moving his hips, too, and a few seconds later, as she was nibbling on his lip and whining, he felt her squeezing around him. "Bob. Bob. Bob!"
Her back was arched off the bed, and her breasts bounced with every wild breath she took, and then he had no idea it would all happen so fast for him. He tucked his face against her neck and shoulder as he bucked into her without finesse. He couldn't control it. He came so hard, his vision looked like a kaleidoscope of colors when he opened his eyes. But she was right there, and she was perfect.
He half collapsed against her chest as she played with his hair, and it felt like it might have been a long time before he moved. Bob wrapped his arms a little tighter around her, and even though he thought he should feel timid, he didn't. He felt so relaxed and almost loved as she touched him like this. When he tipped his face up to look at her, she was smiling.
He was picky, and the timing never felt right before now. But Nova was lovely, and tonight was the right night. "My Hanukkah wish is to go on all of those dates with you," he whispered, and she closed her eyes as she blushed. "And see how pretty you'd look with the sun setting and all the fairy lights."
She leaned up slightly to kiss his lips. "I wish we could."
As she laced her fingers with his, Bob whispered, "Maybe we can trade phone numbers? And talk until you get tired of me."
She nodded and asked, "And what if I don't ever get tired of you?"
Bob studied her face as she ran her fingers through his hair and down his neck to his shoulder. "Then we'll go on the dates for real."
Eventually they fell asleep around four in the morning after talking and having sex again. When Bob woke up at nine, it was to Nova's lips on his neck and her voice in his ear. "Morning, Bob."
He just held her a little tighter. When they went downstairs, nobody was surprised they'd spent the night together, not even Nat. She greeted him with a kiss on the cheek, and he ended up staying all day, even after Bradley and Mickey both left. He just wanted to be around Nova for as long as possible, but eventually he had to leave so her sister could take her to the airport. So she could go back to New York.
"I'll miss you," she promised when she walked him out to his truck. She took his phone and saved her number for him.
"Should I text you now? So you have mine, too?"
She wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered, "Fair warning, once you text me, I'll write back and probably never stop."
Bob laughed softly and quickly typed up a text to her while she kissed his neck.
I miss you already, and I didn't even leave yet.
Then he kissed her back until her sister started yelling out the front door about going to the airport. "Bye, Bob," Nova whispered before kissing his cheek and bounding back in the house. As he drove away, his phone lit up in the cup holder with a series of texts from her, and he hoped she was telling the truth when she said she wouldn't stop.
Five months later...
"Are you really this nervous to see her again?" Natasha asked him as they walked through JFK airport together. "You've talked to her everyday for months. Hell, you flew out to see her for a weekend in March."
Bob blushed as he thought about those three days when he'd been here during a late winter snowstorm that kept him and Nova inside her apartment for most of the weekend. She'd hardly let him out of her bed. And while they weren't dating, not exactly, Bob knew he wanted to be.
"Yeah, I'm a little nervous. She has no idea I'm here for her graduation. Do you know how hard it was to lie to her?"
Nat laughed as they walked outside in the May sunlight to get a cab to Nova's apartment. Bob was slightly afraid she'd be upset when they got there. Or maybe there would be evidence of another guy. It might break his heart, but he'd have to accept it. But he just couldn't get past that night they spent together during Hanukkah, and he'd been falling in love with her since then. Even over the phone.
"I'm sure she'll be happier to see you than me," Nat told him. It seemed like no time passed at all before they were pulling up to the building he'd only seen once when it was surrounded by a layer of snow.
He got out of the cab and stood awkwardly on the sidewalk as Natasha got her phone out. She looked up at him with a smile as she called her sister. "I'm here," she said before looking at the blank screen. "She screamed and then hung up."
Bob laughed nervously with his backpack on and Nat's hand rubbing his arm in a soothing circle. "If she's not excited to see me, I'll just get a hotel room or try to exchange my ticket for something earlier," he mumbled.
But the next thing he knew, Nova was throwing open the door to her building. She barely looked at her sister before she gasped, "Bob!" and launched herself down the stairs and into his arms.
"Hi," he whispered as she clung to the front of him and shamelessly kissed his lips and neck right in front of her sister. "I missed you."
She moaned softly and wrapped her arms around him as she let her cheek rest on his chest. "You brought me Bob? Is he my graduation present?" she asked Natasha as Bob ran his fingers through her hair and chuckled.
"Something like that," she replied, reaching for the key that was still in Nova's hand. "I'll meet the two of you inside."
As Nat let herself in the building, Nova looked up at him. "You lied to me. You said you had to work this weekend."
"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'll never do it again." She was melting into his touch as he cleared his throat and added, "I know you're still going on interviews and trying to decide on a job, but I took next week off just in case I could persuade you to come back to San Diego for a bit."
She smiled. "Now why would I want to do that?"
Bob shrugged. "I just really think we should go on those three dates before I ask you to be my girlfriend."
"Starlite. Mission Hills Rooftop Theater. Cliffs beach," she said softly.
"In that order," he confirmed. "But I'd be taking you home with me after each one."
"Then yes."
Happy Holidays! I'll be thinking about Bob and Nova through the New Year. Thanks to @mak-32 @beyondthesefourwalls and @ryebecca
#winterromcomchallenge#bob floyd#robert bob floyd#bob floyd imagine#robert floyd imagine#robert bob floyd fic#bob floyd fic#bob floyd fanfiction#bob floyd x oc#robert floyd x oc#bob fucks#bob fluff#top gun imagine#top gun maverick imagine#top gun fan fiction#top gun maverick fanfiction#roosterforme#brighter than a supernova
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You Belong With Me
Pairing: Mae x Noa
Note: Inspired by the photo Freya shared and this gorgeous rendition by @cj-k. Thank you for letting me share this beauty!
Mae found him by the fire, sitting with his pile of books and rolls of parchment. The hut he had crafted reminded her of a scholar's study, and she supposed it was. Or as close to one as it could be. It was still a shock to her that he could read, that he was teaching the others in the clan.
She told herself she did not wish to disturb him, but the truth was that her throat had closed up. This ape...he was the first that had showed her mercy and compassion, and he had nearly died saving her life. She had later saved his in return, but it did not feel enough, somehow.
"So late," Raka observed, glancing up at her at last. "And so..." His voice trailed off as he squinted in the dim light, trying to read her expression.
Mae quickly morphed her face into neutrality. Steeling herself, she forced herself to speak, to move forward with the inevitable. "I wanted to return this to you," she said, removing the familiar medallion from around her neck. She hesitated, feeling oddly bare without it, before extending it to him. "It is yours, after all."
Raka did not take it. He merely looked at the circular symbol, then met her gaze. "It was...a gift," he said gently. "For Noa. And now...it is yours."
Mae's hand shook. "Just take it."
"It is yours," Raka repeated.
"I don't want it!" she snapped, her voice cracking in the night.
Silence fell, heavy and uncomfortable. Raka closed his book, his dark eyes narrowing in a way that saw too much.
Mae let out a sound of exasperation and looked away. Her eyes wandered until they focused on the fading words of one of the tattered old books: The Words of Caesar. She knew this book. Raka read from it weekly to the others; she had listened only twice, too afraid to hear more.
With a sigh, Mae took a step forward and gently laid the necklace across the book so that the medallion rested on Caesar's name. She stared at it only briefly before finding Raka's gaze once more.
Sadness--and knowing--shone in his too-human eyes. She opened her mouth, but no words came out. She felt as stripped of voice now as she had in the wilderness. So she forced herself to turn, moving mechanically to the flap of the door. She reached for it, but then Raka halted her when he spoke.
"I finally found..." he started, "why we call them...Nova."
Mae hesitated. She did not want to know the reason, and yet she turned, angling her head slightly. Waiting. Dreading. Curious, despite herself.
But Raka only smiled gently. "A tale...for another day...I think."
"Maybe someday I could hear it," Mae whispered.
Raka bowed his head, his eyes shining. "I look forward...to that day...Mae."
Tears welled in her eyes, but she nodded, not trusting herself to speak. She darted outside into the chilly night. The moon shone brightly in the sky, and Mae practically sprinted away, heading past the rebuilt structures and toward the small hut the apes had built for her.
Her breathing was ragged as she flung back the animal pelt that served as a door. She she stood there a moment, taking in what had, for the past few weeks--or months--been her home. A bedding of blue cloth and sack stuffed with feathers for her head. A blanket of warmth. Pelts draped over the sides like makeshift walls for privacy. A bucket. A basket of nuts and fruits.
It was not like the bunker with mild human comforts, but it was...hers.
Mae did not know how long she stood there in silence, but a hoot of an owl had her finally moving.
Her hands shook as she knelt and hastily stuffed the few items she possessed into her ragged rucksack. She swiped at her face angrily, wiping away the tears that threatened to fall.
Mae whipped around in alarm, reaching for the knife in her boot on instinct. Noa stood in the makeshift doorway, watching her with a sort of calm wariness, his stance almost defensive. She hated that look, that stance--it was so frighteningly human.
His eyes tracked the knife in her hand, his nostrils flaring. In his right hand dangled the medallion. Her throat went dry.
Mae slid the knife back into her boot. "I have to leave," she managed to say, her voice hoarse.
Confusion gleamed in Noa's eyes. "Why?"
"I can't stay here. I'm not..." She struggled to explain how she felt, but forced her way through. "I don't belong here."
"You..." Noa's mouth worked as he mulled over her words, as though he could find no understanding in them. "You would...disappear into the night?"
Mae swallowed thickly, but said nothing. Could say nothing.
"Where would you...go?" He took a step inside, his face incredulous. "You said...you said you had...nothing left."
He had not spoken cruelly, but the words found their mark and Mae flinched. When she had returned here with an injured and scarcely-breathing Raka, she had planned on staying only long enough to see him recover. But then she had stayed longer, and finally admitted the truth to herself, to Noa--that she could not return to the others, to the bunker. That was the agreement, the price for her mission.
He had only asked if she had delivered her book. She said yes. They had spoken no more of it.
Mae had seen the satellites rotate, and knew she had succeeded. That hope for humanity had burned so brightly in that moment, but at some point these past few weeks, she had started to feel a sense of impending doom. She didn't know when she stopped hoping to be found by more humans and when she had started to dread it.
Mae wanted humanity to regain their dominance, their strength, but she wanted this clan, these apes who had accepted and forgiven her, despite what she had done, to remain untouched. She knew it was Noa and Raka's influence that aided in that forgiveness, but she was grateful none the less.
They did not deserve to be caught in the crossfire.
"Mae," Noa said, drawing her attention back to him. "It is...not safe," he insisted. "Out there...alone."
"It's not safe if I stay either."
He looked to her rucksack, then back to her, and took another step closer. "You are safe here...with Eagle Clan. With me."
Mae felt her heart shatter. He did not realize it was he who was not safe--because of her.
"I can't stay," she forced herself to say. "I can't, Noa. And whatever this is..." She waved her hand between them, letting the silence fall.
Noa angled his head. "What is...this?"
"It's..." Words failed her. She didn't know how to explain what it was between them. All she knew was that it would not end well. It couldn't possibly end well. "It's not important."
Noa stared at her.
"Not...important?" He angled his head slightly as he prowled closer, eyes narrowed. "Not important," he repeated, testing the words and making a face, as though finding them sour.
Mae could only say nothing. Could not bring herself to speak another lie. Not to him.
He stood close now, a mere inch taller but somehow towering over her. She glanced away, unable to bear the look on his face.
After what felt like an eternity, he reached up and gently slid the medallion back around her neck. Then he leaned down, bringing his mouth close to her ear. "You are a better liar...than that."
A tear slid down Mae's cheek. As he pulled back slightly, her eyes found his, and the intensity in his gaze took her breath away.
Against her better judgement, her right hand slid up his strong arm, curling into his fur. Her other hand found the band on his other arm, her fingers brushing against the soft feathers.
His arms went around her, angling himself almost protectively, like it was the most natural thing in the world. For a long moment they just stood there, locked in an embrace that seemed to stop time.
Noa's eyes seared into her soul, more human than she had ever seen. "You were...wrong," he breathed. "You belong...with me."
(This picture feels like a cliffhanger, so I ended this just so. In my mind, of course Mae stays. ;))
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Let’s hope that heaven doesn’t try anything when Alastor and Theodora have only just reunited after around 100 years. 😡
Also I’m guessing that soul rot is related to the desire to see a loved one badly enough that it destroys them from within. 🤔
Side note, how does Theodora react to being a grandma!🤩

Vaggie: “I don't want to interrupt… but are we in danger of being attacked any minute?”
Lucifer: “No, I … kinda… sealed hell”
Husk: “What the hell does that mean?”
Lucifer: “No one can get in or out. And that's not easily broken. I'll feel it when they're trying to break it and when it is completely”
Angel: “An’ how long ‘till that happens? That Sera chick was awfully determined to come back with another exorcist army. And smiles ova there ain't gonna hold ‘em off this time!”
Alastor huffs, and right himself slightly.
Alastor: “I am not helpless”
Angel: “No offense, but ya struggled to get that pot from that top shelf with ya tentacles yesterday”
Alastor: “It simply… fluctuates”
Lucifer: “It doesn't matter, you're not fighting pregnant!”
Theodora: “Excuse me, what you sayin’?!”
She looks up at her son who's got a bit of a sheepish expression on his face.
Alastor: “Well, strange set of circumstances really - I had no idea it was possible… And here I am-”
Lucifer: “He's Pregnant”
It's a rare occasion that Lucifer is interrupting Alastor's rambling instead of the other way around. The radio demon holds his breath and to see his dearest Mama's reaction. Her wide eyes look at the bump and back up.
Theodora: “An’ here I thought you done filled out a bit, darling…”
Lucifer: “He's usually still a stringbean”
Theodora: “An' who dat... other pappy?”
He clears his throat, the rubs the back of his neck.
Alastor: “The one that tried to make a good impression by acting like a fool”
Lucifer: “Hey, I tried, okay!”
She is a bit shocked, yes. But if she's disappointed or about to suffer a heart attack, then she has a very good poker face.
Theodora: “Yoo shacked up wit' de devil himself”?
Alastor: “... Apparently”
Lucifer has an unimpressed face, but in all fairness, it's quite the feat explaining to your mother you're in a relationship with the king of hell.
Theodora: "Well, I'll be! I never thought I'd see da day I'd become a maw maw”
Alastor: “You- did not?”
Theodora: “Sugar, I saw ya ain't too keen on it”
He smirks, he can't exactly argue. This is very much new, and Lucifer is the exception of the rule.
Alastor: “Technically, you are already one”
He mumbles softly, going through Nova's hair, who's still snuggling into him.
Lucifer: “That's Nova and she had uh- not exactly a nice father-”
Alastor, disgusted: “That is far kinder than deserved -”
Lucifer: “Sooo- we adopted her not too long ago”
And still, it gives the little girl a tiny smile, even admits the turmoil. And Theadora positively melts at the sight.
Theadora: “What a fine little girl to have as my granddaughter.”
Nova looks up surprised, not having expected to be accepted so quickly.
Nova: “Th-thank you? But- I- I didn't do anything”
Alastor: “Oh but you did.”
Nova: “What?”
Alastor: “Your being wonderful all the time”
There, got her. Her cheeks turn pink, and she hides her face again with a soft shy smile. She whispers something to her Papa, too quiet for Theadora to hear. Alastor's smile has a sad note to it now, but he nods.
Alastor: “Yes that's right dear. Felix is now in our care as well”
Lucifer, sad: “We… his mum she uh.. just… died- and yeah. It's who I asked Sera to bring back but, well… you saw ho that worked out”
Theadora: “I’ll surely have a lil’ chat with her when I see her!”
The room is quiet and sad after that. It's so fresh.
Alastor: “We should see how he is doing…”
Lucifer: “I'll go… I think it's time for her gift, huh?”
Alastor nods. Silently asking him if he sure he wants to go alone. He gives a soft smile. ‘spend some time with your mum’.
And so he goes up the stairs.
#ask#send asks#ask blog#ask me anything#hazbin hotel ask blog#alastor the radio demon#hazbin alastor#hazbin hotel alastor#alastor#hazbin hotel lucifer#lucifer x alastor#lucifer hazbin hotel#lucifer#hazbin lucifer#lucifer morningstar#alastor x lucifer#radio demon#radioapple#mpreg#alastor's mother#alastor's mom#angel dust hazbin#angel dust hazbin hotel#angel dust#angel
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It's crazy to me that people call Jonathan a himbo, he's so methodical and clever! It makes sense that Mina would be attracted to someone bright too
Yes, anon, you’re so speaking my language!!! I do wish people would stop calling Jonathan a himbo because — nothing against himbos — but Jonathan is not one of them! And yes, it totally makes sense that Mina would attracted to someone as clever as him, and since she’s also so smart, I’m sure the feeling is mutual.
Before y’all come shouting in my inbox “what do you have against himbos??” and “Jonathan is totally a himbo, what are you talking about?” Let me clear things up:
First of all, I love himbos!!! Kronk from Emperor’s New Groove — peak himbo, imo — is one of my favorite characters. Am I attracted to them? Well…no. As you can probably tell from my last Nova’s Notes, I’m more the kind of person who’s attracted to cleverness or when people nerd out. BUT I cherish himbos for all of their wonderful qualities and if I ever get the opportunity to meet one in real life, I would love to be friends with them! <3333
Secondly, for anyone who’s still saying Jonathan is a himbo…

Himbos have to embody all three qualities equally to be considered himbos! If they are not kind? Not a himbo. Not strong? Not a himbo, I’m sorry! I do make the rules of himbo, I simply follow the rules.
Now on to our good friend Jonathan Harker’s case.
He is undeniably kind. From what we’ve seen so far (not to mention later), he is not only loving to his fiancée, he is kind to strangers as well. He takes gifts from the villagers, even if he does not understand them. Just a couple of entries ago, he was willing to risk his life over a child he didn’t even know (and the same night after he had screamed running away from the women, too). Some of the Dracula Daily book club on here suspects (as do I) that some of the reason he’s so eager to spring into action the next day is to put a stop to Dracula’s evilness for other people, not just for himself. Heck, he’s even talked about Dracula’s good qualities after finding out he’s a prisoner!!! So, kindness? Yes! ✅
As for strong, there’s not as much evidence here, but I would call him somewhat strong because not just anyone could successfully scale a castle wall twice in one day like that! That takes a lot of strength in your core, arms, back, etc. Sure, Dracula can do it — but Dracula is also a vampire with super strength. Maybe it’s easier than I think it is, but I’m not exactly going to look for a castle to try it!! So for Jonathan to crack his knuckles and go “yeah, he can do it, why can’t I?” is both hilarious and shows that he must know something of his own strength. However, he’s also a solicitor and I doubt he’s built like a bodybuilder. So, strong? Maybe not as much as a typical himbo, but let’s give him the check mark because Lizard Fashion is nothing to sneeze at. ✅
Now for the ditzy part….I’d have to say no to that. Himbos are meant to not be “the sharpest tool in the shed” (yes, I did have to hit you with a Smash Mouth reference, sorry not sorry) and Jonathan is farrrrr from that.
Everything he has done so far has been methodical and smart. I covered this in my other Nova’s Notes (you can look under the hashtag on my page if you want to see more :D) so I really don’t want to go through too much I’ve already gone through, but the arguments I’ve seen for him being a himbo — based on the entries we’ve already read — are that he’s not smart because he:
Doesn’t heed villager’s warnings
“Let’s” himself become a prisoner
Is nice to Dracula after he knows he’s a prisoner
Talks about his fiancée a lot (???????)
For the first point, we’ve gone over this, but here we go again — he doesn’t heed the villager’s warnings, no. But keep in mind none of them actually say “The Count is a super dangerous man!! Don’t trust him!!!” Here’s the passage:
“When I asked him if he knew Count Dracula, and could tell me anything of his castle, both he and his wife crossed themselves, and, saying that they knew nothing at all, simply refused to speak further. It was so near the time of starting that I had no time to ask any one else, for it was all very mysterious and not by any means comforting.
Just before I was leaving, the old lady came up to my room and said in a very hysterical way:
‘Must you go? Oh! young Herr, must you go?’ She was in such an excited state that she seemed to have lost her grip of what German she knew, and mixed it all up with some other language which I did not know at all. I was just able to follow her by asking many questions. When I told her that I must go at once, and that I was engaged on important business, she asked again:
‘Do you know what day it is?’ I answered that it was the fourth of May. She shook her head as she said again:
‘Oh, yes! I know that! I know that, but do you know what day it is?’ On my saying that I did not understand, she went on:
‘It is the eve of St. George's Day. Do you not know that to-night, when the clock strikes midnight, all the evil things in the world will have full sway? Do you know where you are going, and what you are going to?’ She was in such evident distress that I tried to comfort her, but without effect. Finally she went down on her knees and implored me not to go; at least to wait a day or two before starting. It was all very ridiculous but I did not feel comfortable.
So here’s the thing: you can see that the only thing the innkeeper’s wife explicitly warns him against is going to the castle that night because it’s a day in their culture where evil spirits are considered to have full sway.
The innkeeper’s wife does ask him if he knows “where he is going and who is going to” — he says no, but she does not speak further on the matter. When he asked about the Count before this, they just refused to speak! I know that may seem like an implicit warning — and it is — but some people on here act as if Jonathan was supposed to have known why they were crossing themselves and immediately have left? Like, he obviously feels uncomfortable, but as he states before and afterwards: he has a job to do. If you were in his position: a newly-appointed lawyer (or position of your choice), and you went to a place where the locals told you not to visit your client that night because it was a night where evil spirits would come out: would you honestly believe them? And if you asked about what your client was like and they just crossed themselves and refused to speak on the matter, would you simply leave the town and tell your boss “nah, sorry, the villagers warned me against him. I decided this client’s not for me”? I guess that honestly depends on you, but I would think not if you want to keep your job!! I know that’s not ideal, but to be fair, he also is not given a fair warning before going in.
There is also that incident in the carriage where he hears those villagers talking and he picks up bits and pieces (including the words werewolf and vampire) but a) they’re not talking to him and b) he doesn’t pick up enough to even indicate who they’re talking about!! In fact, he thinks they’re badmouthing him!!! (Which is understandable, he can only hear a bit and he’s translating on the fly). Again, how he is supposed to automatically know: “oh, Count Dracula is a vampire and I must flee this place immediately.” We know that because Dracula has been a pop culture icon for 100+ years, but Jonathan doesn’t have that kind of knowledge. I feel it’s kind of ridiculous to call him not smart for not knowing this.
However, and this is important, he does take some of this warning to heart. He does take the crucifix and the other vampire-repellent gifts the villagers bestow upon him, despite his skepticism and ignorance of the culture (thanks, English colonization /s). He feels uncomfortable and anxious before he even goes into the castle, literally saying goodbye to Mina in his diary in case he doesn’t make it back!! He keeps the crucifix in his room and uses it to ward off bad dreams and for safety against Dracula (which is not really how he’s supposed to use it, but he wasn’t really told how, so I don’t really blame him for that).
I don’t think a himbo would’ve picked up that something was amiss at any of these points, not until it was too late at least. I think for this test, just picture Kronk (or your fav himbo) in this situation. Would they even notice something was up? Or would they go cheerfully towards the castle?
As for the second point — this is kind of unrelated to the himbo question but — what kind of victim-blame mentality is this????? I have seen people unironically (at least I’m pretty sure it is?) post that Jonathan deserves the abuse he’s getting because he didn’t heed the villager’s warnings (which I already talked about above) and/or he’s “rude” to Dracula. I’m sorry — WHAT???? So if you’re rude to somebody they’re to allowed to lock you up in their castle???? That’s a fair trade? I beg your pardon?! Just…ok. Believe what you want, but maybe let’s not blame the guy who’s been a prisoner in a random stranger’s castle for a month and is sure he’s about to die? Yes, this is fictional and not that deep, but still — weird take.
Back to the himbo question, I mean, he doesn’t really let himself become a prisoner. He’s at Dracula’s castle for a job. Once he’s done with that job he’s ready to leave, but Dracula makes him stay because he literally locks him in!!! He then explicitly tells him he will stay longer and Jonathan has to accept because he is there in place of his boss, and saying no would be like speaking (negatively) for his boss — and Jonathan is not going to do that. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think a himbo would be able to see all of that subtext within that conversation. I actually don’t know this kind of interaction between a true himbo and Dracula would go, but I imagine not well. Dracula thrives off of interesting conversation and wit, as well as being able to maintain a facade of host and guest. I just don’t see if someone like Kronk could maintain that for long because he would probably be like “but I don’t want to stay longer, let me go” or something, which would end the “game”.
Moving on to the third point, he is nice to Dracula after he knows he’s a prisoner for a reason. When he realizes he’s locked up (which he realizes super fast, by the way), he sits down and has a good, long think about what he can do. More passage evidence!
“I am thinking still, and as yet have come to no definite conclusion. Of one thing only am I certain; that it is no use making my ideas known to the Count. He knows well that I am imprisoned; and as he has done it himself, and has doubtless his own motives for it, he would only deceive me if I trusted him fully with the facts. So far as I can see, my only plan will be to keep my knowledge and my fears to myself, and my eyes open. I am, I know, either being deceived, like a baby, by my own fears, or else I am in desperate straits; and if the latter be so, I need, and shall need, all my brains to get through.”
So he knows Dracula is up to something (or he’s jumped to conclusions) and either way, talking about it is a bad idea. The only way through is to act like nothing’s wrong for now and try to get information out of Dracula. Other than that, he’s going to need to use his brains! Yes, he does talk to Dracula and acts nice — but it’s with a plan and a purpose. Dracula has creeped him out from the start, but he has always been able to maintain good cheer around him. Now, he will put that to use.
So for this himbo test, it’s kind of similar to the second one. Were Kronk in this situation, he would make it by for a while because he probably wouldn’t notice the doors are locked. But once he did…I’m not sure if it would be like the second point where he’d immediately tell Dracula “hey why are all of the doors locked” and the game is up or if his shoulder angel/devil characters would come out to help him. I guess it depends! And to Kronk’s credit, he has figured things out before (e.g. figured out who Pacha was and in relation to Kuzco) *but* it took him like 12 hours after the fact and that’s not how Jonathan operates. Jonathan figures out things pretty quickly. Does he need time to think sometimes? Yes. But he’s pretty much always thinking and trying to figure out more once he’s at Castle Dracula. I just don’t see these two in the same vein here.
For the final point, I haven’t seen much evidence for this, but it needs to be addressed. I think sometimes people tend to equate WifeGuy with “no thoughts, head empty only for wife” and that can be true!!! There are definitely characters like that and I do love them so. Jonathan is undeniably a WifeGuy (and Mina’s not even his wife in name yet), bringing her up anytime he gets a chance. I would argue though that just because he’s in love and brings her up a ton doesn’t mean he’s also not clever and methodical. You can be in love and smart: these can coexist. Mina is a very smart character from what we’ve seen already and she’s in love too!
I don’t really have a Kronk case study for this one, but like anon said — I think Mina is attracted to Jonathan for his smartness and it goes both ways. They love each other for many other reasons (there’s a lot to love!), but I imagine that’s kind of the cherry on top for them.
Why does this matter? I think calling Jonathan a himbo is reducing his character a bit here. Again, I’m not saying being a himbo is bad, but it does discredit his methodical ways and strategy he has in the castle. His methodical nature is part of personality and pretending that doesn’t exist erases his character, in my opinion. Additionally, it raises the question: could a himbo become a lawyer? I…don’t think so…but maybe? Find me a himbo who’s a lawyer and prove me wrong I guess! Wait is Phoenix Wright a himbo…? Question for another time.
In conclusion, Jonathan Harker only passes 1 part of the himbo test (kindness) with flying colors. The strong test he only passes by the tail of his lizard fashion, and as for ditzy? He fails miserably. Recall that for someone to be a true himbo, they have to possess all three traits equally. Even if you could make the case for one, you’d still be missing another. So, no, I don’t think Jonathan Harker is a himbo. You can maybe argue with me that he has himbo moments (if that’s a thing, idk), but overall? No.
#sorry if this sounded heated#but this question did make my day anon thank you <3#I didn’t mean for this to become a rant but it did#and a himbo case study I guess?#thank you for coming to my ted talk#dracula daily#dracula#jonathan harker#himbo#case study#nova rambles#kronk#anon ask#anon answered
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dorm leaders react to mc/reader cooking by giving them presents
Riddle Rosehearts
-he will be, first of all, flattered to receive something from you
-when he sees the contents of the container you gave him, he has mixed feelings of good
-flamingo-themed donuts and hedgehog-shaped cupcakes
-he will praise your skill and creativity with it
-will subtly ask you to make more, they are amazing with tea
Leona Kingschoolar
-it's hard to give him something, because he's always sleeping and when he's woken up, one of two things: he'll get irritated and ignore you or he'll pull you and won't let you go anymore
- so you just leave it in a place where he will find it when he wakes up
-hum smells good and so does the herbivore's taste
-he opens the container and the smell of meat floods his senses
-pieces of meat in the shape of a lion, rice and lasagna rolls arranged to resemble the shape of the sun
-he turns when he wants and demands his food
Azul Ashengrotto
-oh~ a gift, he already thinks it's good without even looking
-he opens it and sees octopus-shaped jellies and sea-themed cupcakes
-he thinks it's so cute and the taste is so rich
-he will ask if you can sell him the recipe or make it at some time in the restaurant
Kalim Al-Asim
-Are you giving him a gift?! Is he getting a gift from you?! this boy is super nova the moment you show him
-he opened with enthusiasm and his eyes look like stars they are so bright
-cookies stuffed with themes of monkeys, rugs and lamps
-he will praise you to infinity
-will definitely ask for more after eating
Vil Schoenheit
-He raised an eyebrow before smiling
-he opens the box and sees apple-shaped candy and a piece of blueberry pie
-you assure him that they were made in the healthiest way possible and that it wouldn't break his diet
-he thanks you for your consideration and eats
-he says that in addition to being good to look at, it also tastes very good
- very well potato
Idia Shroud
-...It's for me?
-he may try to appear calm on the outside but there are certain details you see that say he's in a... good panic?
-oh, ohhhh, a traditional Japanese meal with a dessert that resembles his hair
-so cuteeeee, he sniffed and accepted with good gratitude
- yearned for more, but didn't ask you directly
Malleus Draconia
-(Sorry, I couldn't think of anything for him)
-but no matter what you cooked for him, he would definitely love it
#twisted wonderland#disney twisted wonderland#twst#twst wonderland#twisted wonderland x reader#disney twst#twst headcanons#twst riddle#riddle rosehearts#leona twst#twisted wonderland leona#twst leona#leona kingscholar#azul twisted wonderland#twst azul#azul ashengrotto#kalim al asim#kalim#twisted wonderland kalim#vil twst#vil twisted wonderland#vil#twst idia#twisted wonderland idia#idia shroud#malleus draconia
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"Another, please" Dad Kai Anderson X Mom Reader
A/N: its christmas time, so i thought i would give you all a gift<3 THIS DOES INCLUDE SMUT!!!
Work. Absolutely destructing. but thankfully it was friday and the rest of my day was focused on spending time with Kai and our 4 year old daughter, Nova. i was just so ready to plop down on the soft couch with a glass of red wine in my grasp. i pulled out of the packed parking garage and onto the busy road. traffic was being a pain in the ass, so naturally i took back roads and arrived home about 20 minutes early. i was so exhausted, but everything changed when i opened the door, just to see kai sitting on the floor with a crown on his head. and our daughter nova sitting across from him. "mommys home! look daddys a princess!" she said jumping up and pointing at him. i softly chuckled. "i didnt expect you to be home yet..." kai said taking the crown off and walking over to me with nova. "awh... you were so pretty" i said brushing the hair out of his face. he let out a scoff. "what? your just being a good dad" i said picking up nova. i pressed a small kiss on kais cheek. "i wanna kiss!" nova exclaimed reaching for her father. she cupped his face and pecked his nose. kai kissed her forehead. "ok, how about mommy can go give you a bath then we can watch a movie?" kai asked our daughter. "yeah!" she said very happily. i smiled at kai while i took nova upstairs into the bathroom. i couldnt stop thinking how sweet kai is with nova, its made him into a completely new person. although he wants her to be the leader of "Fear Is Truth" when he dies, he doesnt want her being around too much while shes still very young. it always reminds me of when i found out i was pregnant, kai made EVERYONE know if they even touched me, he would kill them. hes very protective of his daughter, shocking. i snapped out of my little mind trance when nova was tapping my leg. "mommy? wheres the water?" she asked sitting in the empty tub. "oh baby, im sorry. mommy got a bit distracted" i said turning the knobs on the wall. soon warm soapy water filled the tub. "bubbles!" she exclaimed smiling and blowing them in front of herself.
After her bath we walked back downstairs as kai scrolled through HBO. "hi daddy!" she smiled, running over to him. she climbed onto the couch and bounced eagerly. "movie!" she exclaimed. i sat down next to her. i ran my hand through her hair. "shh baby, calm down". "ok!" she was very bright and happy about everything. we looked for movies until suddenly she turned over to look at kai. "daddy? why is your hair blue but mine isnt...i want blue hair! im tired of brown" she said pouting. me and kai laughed. "well...i have hair dye in my hair" he said looking over at her. "i want!" she said smiling. "ummm...we'll see" i said looking at her. finally kai settled on a movie. not even halfway through, nova was fast asleep, laying on her fathers thigh. i paused the movie. "hm?" kai said loudly. i quickly shushed him. but when he opened his mouth to protest, i pointed to nova. "ohh" he whispered. he picked her up and took her to her room. i stayed on the couch. i sat there thinking. i wanted something, but i didnt know what.
i got up and scanned the kitchen for our wine. my eyes landed upon it and i poured me a glass. by the time i finished pouring it kai had come back down. i took a few sips. he come behind me and looked over my shoulder. "let me taste" he spoke. i turned around to hand him the glass but he gently moved my hand away. he pressed his lips to mine. i set the glass on the counter. my hands snaked their way around his head. next thing i know were on the couch. his lips still connected to mine. "babe...i want another" he mumbled against my lips. "really?" i said laughing a bit. "maybe..." i said before kissing him again. "wanna try" he asked. "sure" i agreed. his hands worked quick of my pants. mine doing the same to his. we removed piece after piece of clothing from each other. i could feel his clothed cock rub against me. he took off my panties as i worked on his boxers. his red and hard cock sprung free, hitting his lower stomach. pre cum leaked from his tip. i could feel my wetness grow from the sight of him above me. he simply stroked himself a few times, before pressing his tip into me. "oh fuck..." i moaned. he adjusted a bit before thrusting slowly, but deep. he let out a soft groan. his hands held onto my waist, and my legs were tight around him. his pace became faster after some time "ohhh yeahh" he moaned. i felt myself growing closer to my orgasm. "kai! yes, your doing so great." i yelped throwing my head back. "shh quiet" he said before kissing my neck. i whined. my orgasm was so close and i was going to be hard to keep quiet. the knot in my stomach twisted and churned. "oh fuck im so close" i whine. "shit....mmph...me too" was all he was able to get out. he thrusted harder and harder and finally i came. thankfully we knew we were going to be loud so we clamped eachothers mouth shut. his seed flew into me. maybe we will have another.
#kai anderson#american horror story#kai anderson x reader#american horror story kai anderson#evan peters smut#evan peter#evan peters
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@lwasanta the time has come yet again! LWA secret santa 2024!!
My gift is for @codie.sys on Bluesky!
Constanze was never good with gift giving. She was never good with really anything except for her inventions. That must've been why she worked good with Akko, someone who also wasn't good with much of anything.
She was confident to make Christmas great for her girlfriend. Akko could barely take care of herself, especially on a holiday like Christmas.
Take care of herself. Wait a minute. That was the key. She definitely needed better help keeping herself in order. Constanze was best at that. She kept a tight ship at all times. She knew she could help her girlfriend do the same.
Planning. The planning board was where she had to go. She unveiled a massive chalkboard, perfect for her plans. She started drawing, drawing… maniacally drawing…
Large periods of silence for anyone else would be a sign of something terribly wrong. But for Constanze, who was silent all the time, she was able to hide her struggles pretty well.
She couldn't focus too hard in classes. Akko was someone who was hard to generally assist. How could she make something to help her?
Akko struggled with time, didn't she? Of course, an alarm clock. But it couldn't be any ordinary alarm clock, not for Akko it couldn't.
She got to work. The design couldn't be too weird, maybe something portable?
Her phone already existed, but it was the only thing she could think of. She was a terrible gift giver, but at least she thought of her needs, right?
She had to pull it off somehow. She was going to make it work.
Constanze hasn't shown up at the dorm recently, something that worried Amanda. “Hey, Jasminka… do you think I should check on Conz? I haven't seen her in forever…”
Jasminka nodded. She was munching on her chips, as per usual. She always seemed to love those.
Amanda always forgot how to work Constanze's bed. She always wished that Luna Nova would just install a robotics lab for her to work, she didn't even know how she ended up with a lab underground in the first place.
She found the switch behind her bed, and fell in.
She didn't see anyone there, but she ventured in.
She found Constanze, asleep on the floor, unshed tears in her eyes. Her beloved massive chalkboard, completely blank.
She shook Constanze awake, her eyes slowly opening. “Conz, you alright?” She asked. She looked distraught.
“You can't finish your gift for Akko, huh…” she asked. Constanze nodded.
“Well, maybe Akko doesn't need some big thing. What were you thinking of making her?” Amanda asked yet again.
Constanze went to one of her drawers, and pulled out one of her alarm clock designs. “Ah… you can buy an alarm clock at the store, y'know? But, this kinda looks special… you wanted to make something unique for her, didn't you?”
Constanze nodded. Amanda nodded back. “Okay, maybe we can scrap that. You don't need to impress everyone you meet, you just have to make sure they know you thought of them. Maybe… we could pick something out for her, together?” Constanze lit up at the idea.
“Alright, then, we can go get it tomorrow. You need sleep for now. And remember, she's Akko. She isn't gonna be dissapointed by one gift!” Amanda reassured her.
The two went back up to their dorm.
The next day, they headed into town, to the general store. The store was bustling with last minute Christmas shoppers, them included.
They went to an isle with various accessories, and Constanze laid her eyes on a specific one. A cat alarm clock. Akko liked animals, cats included, and it fit the original alarm clock idea, so she loved it. She knew Akko would too.
“You wanna get that one?” Amanda asked. Constanze nodded. “It's cute, I think she'll love it.” She commented.
Amanda walked toward the check out area, but Constanze didn't want to. She was trying to get Amanda's attention. “What is it?” She asked.
Constanze led Amanda to an isle. The food isle. They were already setting up for Valentine's, as the Christmas season was ending.
She picked out a chocolate arrangement shaped like a heart. “Don't you think it's a bit early for Valentines?” Amanda asked. Constanze stuck out the arrangement. “Alright, if you insist.” Amanda complied.
The check out line was long, but they only spent about 25 dollars on the whole package. They went back to Luna Nova, where Constanze went back to her lab, to package her gift. She had kept gift wrap in her lab since day one, for occasions like this. She stuck her gifts in a cardboard box, and wrapped It in colorful paper. It was finally over.
Lights out. It was time.
Constanze snuck out, gift in hand. She navigated to Akko's dorm, sticking the gift outside the door.
She also slipped a not under the door, telling her that the gift was outside.
Now she just had to pray the gift wasn't stolen.
She felt like her own little Santa Claus. If Santa Claus was a short girl with blue hair, who spent half her time going insane in a robotics lab, instead of relying on elves.
And so, it was done.
It was time to wake up. Akko awoke happily, her head hitting the top bunk as she did, waking up Lotte along the way.
“Ugh… Akko…”
“It's Christmas, Lotte!!” Akko squealed. Lotte squinted, she hadn't even gotten her glasses yet. “Ah, Christmas… I should see if my parents sent me anything…” Lotte murmured, getting up and putting her glasses on, going to check her orb.
Akko looked at the door. There stood a note. “Present is out front. -Constanze”.
Akko opened up the door, to see a present outside the door. “Constanze got me a present!” Akko said. “Great!” Lotte replied, her mood improved after reading an email from her parents back in Finland. “Let’s see what's inside!” She said, encouraging Akko to take a look.
Akko ripped open the paper, and popped open the box. She grabbed her alarm clock from the top. “Aww, a kitty cat!” She cooed. “It's an alarm clock, Akko.” Lotte replied.
“Yeah, because we know she's always late.” Sucy groaned.
“Sucy?” Akko and Lotte yelped in unison. “Yeah, I was awake the whole time. You know I'm always listening.” Sucy said, with her usual blackness.
“There's still something in the box.” Akko commented. She pulled out a heart box. Inside the box were an arrangement of chocolate, and a note.
“I love you. I'm sorry I couldn't be original. Have these as a reminder of your sweetness.”
Akko's heart melted. She passed the note to Lotte. “It's so sweet… she has such a way with written words, even if she rarely speaks.” She commented.
“Ah, the sparks of young love…” Sucy remarked.
Meanwhile, there was only one thing on the mind of Akko. Constanze was going to get so many kisses after this.
#little witch academia#lwa#lwa secret santa 2024#atsuko kagari#constanze amalie von braunschbank albrechtsberger#amanda o'neill#jasminka antonenko#lotte jansson#sucy manbavaran
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A Gimmick-Verse Story : Mars vs Grass and Family Confusion
Mars was a very well known red planet, not one of the large ones like her cousins.
Mars had sent out universe wide letters to anyone listening, talking about how she talks to herself and other gimmicks she happens to be.
Although She stated it was a form of coping, Dromaeosaur, Sealand, JCJenson, Ursa, and Nova Scotia had advised that Mars goes outside and touch some lovely green grass.
No Frills had drawn a picture of mars with an arrow pointing to a patch of grass.
Asteroid Belt had also shown a picture of the word “Touch” spelled with grass as well
But no attempts had worked.
Soon enough though, their cold distant cousin Neptune got involved.
“Mars, grass is friend” Neptune stated, smiling and showing mars a picture of a sign saying “Friend” with trees and grass in the background.
Mars decided to decline this offer from Neptune and instead gave her a gift she couldn’t ever reject “Maple Syrup”.
“Take this maple syrup and shut up nepnep” Mars said, holding a handful of maple syrup in her arms.
This small action changed everything, within seconds Neptune was charging at Mars for the delicious thick liquid she grew to love. However, where Neptune goes, WM follows. (I didn’t mean to word “delicious thick liquid” like that my bad guys)
WM sprayed Neptune with three whole bottles of water telling her no.
“It’s a gift from family” Neptune said, huffing.
“Yea but you can’t have syrup” WM replied, poking tunes face before looking at Mars. “Please mars i’m trying to weed Tune off the maple syrup”
Mars stood there watching the pair as Neptune had made gestures to a near trash can as to say WM’s statement “saying no to maple syrup is bullshit”
“I will hit you with a shoe” WM says jokingly.
Neptune could be considered a syrup addict with how she responded saying “My maple syrup…give me, give me” (Side note : i got inspired by the hobbit and lord of the rings btw)
Mars had decided to sit back and watch it all unfold….that was until Goose came into the picture. Turns out goose had a pixelated one of WM’s many water bottles and also sprayed Neptune.
“NO MAPLE SYRUP FOR ANYONE” Goose yelled out.
Mars didn’t seem to like seeing all this chaos forming so she sided with her cousin.
“Yeah, let my bro have the maple syrup!” Mars stated siding with her cousin.
“Yeah i accept the gift” Neptune said, taking the maple syrup and going back into her tower that was made by WM for safety purposes.
Goose gets ready to spray more and gets ready to yell more but is stopped by mars.
“Too much noise can’t hear ya mate, nice spray you got there though.” MArs spoke, holding more maple syrup.
Goose moved back and yelled “AHHHH GET IT AWAYYYYY” quickly throwing 10 Canadian geese at Mars.
“ATTACK!!!” Goose yelled once more pointing at Mars.
I wouldn’t say this could go wrong butttt….yeah it went wrong fast because almost immediately Mars stands tall grabbing an asteroid.
“Yeah I’m not scared of those anymore-” Mars baseball threw the asteroid and made the geese explode.
Goose stood there shocked and devastated “MY CHILDREN!!!!!”
Neptune who watched from above in her tower was surprised to see this happen. “Oh shit man…Mars that was a little much man” Neptune spoke, drinking maple syrup with goose spraying at her tower saying no maple syrup.
“Ya think? I can’t be bothered carding for them anymore Neptune, neither should you. Anything associated with Earth is not worth it anymore” Mars said with a somewhat serious tone.
“My fiancee is from Earth, the only things i care about from Earth is them, Canada and Maple Syrup. What did Earth do to make you hate it so much?” Neptune asked, noticing the shift in tone.
“Ah, right… well i don’t hate the Earth, i just don’t want to care about it anymore. I’ve had enough, enough treading on needles, enough fights, enough faking everything just to keep “ the special planet” happy. Earth doesn’t need me, I don’t need her either. I used to be alone…I can do it again.” Mars stated.
Neptune noticed that it seemed like Mars was speaking to herself but also not at the same time? She couldn’t tell, Blue and Red, ironic colors.
Neptune nodded “That’s understandable my sibling of the solar system. Plus you have me man, red and blue you don’t need everyone.”
“Heh- our orbits are pretty fat apart mate, but thanks anyways” Mars said, more relaxed.
“Well then distant cousins and your welcome” Neptune replied, shaking mars hand after climbing down the tower.
Mars and Neptune had shook on it having a cousin bonding moment.
The End
Shout outs : @the-red-planet-mars @bored-dromaeosaur @the-principality-of-sealand @truly-jcjenson @ursa-major-actually @the-province-of-nova-scotia-real @no-frills-fr @definitely-waste-management @the-official-goose-god
guys I’m sorry it’s so long i tried to break down as much as possible to make it simple.
I also only tagged the gimmicks who had a speaking role so I apologize for those I didn’t tag but who reblogged 😅
anyways hope you folks enjoyed im gone drink water and get some sleep peace out ✌️
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115. The Father He Always Needed.
Despite Lana’s stubbornness, which led to a compromise allowing her to have her own space with Conrad, Nova and Joseph still took the opportunity to reorganize the house to be more newborn-friendly.
The guest room on the first floor was remodeled into Conrad and Lana's bedroom, equipped with everything they would need for a newborn.
The location was ideal, as it was more remote than the rest of the house and had its own bathroom, providing extra privacy and making it easier on Lana's condition—no need for constant trips up and down the stairs.
Clary quickly claimed Lana's old room as her own. It was one of the biggest rooms in the house after the master bedroom, which thrilled her.
Lana also gifted Clary her old PC setup, which made Clary scream with excitement.
She wasted no time asking her parents to change the color scheme to match her style, turning the space into the room of her dreams.
Clary’s old room was transformed into Nova’s new home office.
Lana was determined to visit Conrad’s parents, despite Conrad’s objections.
He hoped to change her mind, but Lana was set on her decision.
She believed it was only right for them “to meet” their grandchild and that it would help Conrad heal from his past more.
“Lana, I don’t think my home is a healthy, peaceful environment for you to be in, even for a little while,” he tried to convince her.
“They can’t say or do anything that would throw me off balance, Conrad. But I believe it may strengthen the small bond you’ve started to build with them—if not with your mother, then at least with your father. They deserve to know about their grandchild and about you being happy,” she said, lightly brushing her lips over his.
“Deep down, I know what you mean, Lana. But trust me, those people are not the best influence on your ‘balance’ right now. We can visit them after the baby is born, if you want” he said, still hoping she would change her mind.
“I want to look them in the eyes when I announce how far you’ve come, honey. We are going, and I promise, if something doesn’t go well or if you feel pressured, I won’t argue—we’ll leave ASAP, okay?” she said, climbing onto his lap, cupping his face, and looking into his eyes.
“How can I say no to you, Lana? Fine, we’ll visit them,” he agreed, kissing her.
On the last evening before Lana and Conrad were set to leave for Chestnut Ridge, after the family dinner, Joseph asked Conrad to stay behind.
“Conrad, son, do you mind staying a little longer with me?” Joseph asked as everyone else was leaving for the night.
“Uuugh... sure, Mr. Snow,” Conrad nodded. “Go rest, my love. I’ll be there soon,” he said, kissing Lana’s cheek.
“Okay, honey,” Lana replied, giving her Dad a curious side-eye.
As they were left alone in the room, Conrad felt a small wave of anxiety creeping into his chest.
"Why would Joseph want a word with him alone?"
He spoke first. “Mr. Snow, did I…?”
“Relax, son, you didn’t do anything wrong,” Joseph immediately interrupted, as if sensing his worry. I just wanted to talk to you, man to man. Get to know you better, if you don’t mind. And you have every right to refuse or disagree with me. Just a casual talk, alright?” he added, trying to break the ice.
“Sure, Mr. Snow,” Conrad agreed, smiling.
He felt a strange gratitude, like his own father was trying to connect with him.
For a moment, it stung his heart, wishing his father had ever spoken to him like that.
“Call me Joseph. I think we’re way past the ‘Mr. Snow’ step. Do you mind if we move to my office?” Joseph asked with enthusiasm, placing a hand on Conrad’s shoulder.
“Not at all, Mr.—I mean, Joseph,” Conrad replied with a small smile.
As they entered Joseph’s office, he motioned for Conrad to sit down.
“Do you mind a drink?” Joseph asked, pouring from a beautifully crafted glass bottle.
“Uhh… I have to drive in the morning…” Conrad hesitated.
“C’mon, it’s just one drink, not a big deal,” Joseph said, handing him a glass.
“Yeah, sure,” Conrad replied, accepting it.
“So…” Joseph started while sitting on the couch opposite Conrad. "With all the women in this house battling for your attention, I haven’t had the chance to properly thank you for what you’ve done for Lana," he said with a playful tone. "I’m truly grateful that you came here, despite everything—that you talked to her and supported her in whatever decision she made. That really shows a man of great honor. Even before I met you, I was sure we’d have an understanding moving forward," he said proudly.
Conrad’s eyes widened with his heart racing before he managed to compose himself. "Uh, thank you, Mr. S—Joseph. Those words truly mean the world to me. I also wanted to thank you—for Lana. She’s become my main purpose in life. And thank you for accepting me into this amazing family, for treating me with a respect I never could have imagined,” he said sincerely.
“I’m happy to hear it, Conrad,” Joseph replied, sipping his drink.
There was a pause as if Joseph was carefully choosing his next words. “I don’t mean to pry, but I can see it in your eyes…”
Conrad, mid-sip, glanced at Joseph, surprised.
“I see that you’ve been through something deeply troubling. And I see that you try to hide it behind a carefully crafted version of yourself,” Joseph continued.
Conrad, caught off guard, slightly choked on his drink.
“I’m sorry, did Lana mention something?” he blurted out.
“No,” Joseph smiled knowingly. “Lana didn’t tell me anything, and she doesn’t need to, son. I recognize it because I was once in your shoes,” Joseph said. “Again, I don’t mean to push, and I understand some things are hard to talk about. But I just want you to know—I know how trauma looks. And I know how important it is to have someone to talk to. I’m wishing all the happiness to you and Lana. I know you’re very close and share a lot, but it’s not always easy to speak up about certain things to the woman you love. If you ever need to, I’ll always be here. It doesn’t matter how big or small. Understood?”
Conrad froze, processing what he had just heard.
His ability to speak momentarily escaped him before he came back to his senses.
“Joseph, I… I don’t know what to say. I’m truly speechless. I understand, and I really appreciate the support,” he said with his voice distant, almost drowned out by the pounding of his heart.
“Good,” Joseph said, smiling. “Enough heavy thoughts. Now, onto something more fun—how do you feel about fishing?”
“Uhh, fishing?” Conrad asked, thrown by the sudden shift in conversation.
“Mhm, fishing,” Joseph confirmed, sipping his drink.
“I’m from Chestnut Ridge—fishing is pretty common there,” Conrad answered neutrally. “I don’t mind it.”
“Great. That’s the answer I was hoping for. My friend Oscar and I often take a couple of days to just relax and fish. You should join us sometime.”
“With pleasure,” Conrad nodded.
“Good. I’ll keep you in mind next time. But for now, you should get some rest before the trip, hm?” Joseph said, finishing his drink and gesturing toward the door.
“Yeah, I believe so,” Conrad agreed, setting his empty glass down and following Joseph out.
As they reached the foyer, Joseph patted Conrad’s shoulder.
“Thank you for the talk… and for everything else, son. Good night.”
“I should be thanking you, Joseph. Really.” Conrad smiled. “Good night.”
The next morning, the family gathered for their final breakfast before Lana and Conrad’s trip to Chestnut Ridge.
Lana was eager to find out what her Dad had wanted from Conrad the night before and was determined to make him talk.
"So, what was all that about yesterday? What did my Dad want from you?" she asked with curiosity.
"Nothing that you need to worry about, honey," Conrad replied softly, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead before sitting down at the table.
"Come on, don't be like that. Spill," she whispered, eyeing Joseph as he took his seat.
Conrad simply smiled at her, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.
Before Lana could press further, Clarissa, ever the bubbly distraction, stole the attention for herself.
"Conrad, how long will you and Lana be away? I'm going to miss you! You still have to show me that trick with the cards—I have to know how the heck you're doing it!"
"We won’t be gone for too long, I promise. And when I’m back, I’ll show you the trick—unless you figure it out by then," he teased with a smirk.
"You better! Oh, and make sure you guys don’t miss my birthday, or I swear, I will never speak to you again," she said, dramatically folding her arms and looking between him and Lana.
"Relax, Clary. Even if I wanted to, you wouldn’t let me forget about it," Lana giggled, shaking her head.
Eventually, the whole family gathered outside to say their goodbyes, taking a few photos, thanks to Nova, who always wanted one more shot.

As they got ready to leave, Clarissa reminded them again about her birthday, making sure they’d come back in time.
In the time he’d spent with the Snows, Conrad felt more love than he ever had before.
It was hard for him to believe a family like this existed, and even harder to believe he was a part of it now.
Sometimes, he’d pinch himself, wondering if it was all a dream.
Even the thought of returning to Chestnut Ridge—the place that once felt like pain and loneliness—didn’t weigh as heavily as it used to, thanks to all the love and support he had received.
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#simblr#sims 4#ts4#sims 4 gameplay#storytelling#sims 4 stories#ts4 snow legacy#ts4 simblr#gen 2#Lana#gen 1#115#valerio#Clarissa
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Maybe Sometime || Nick Folio x OC

Pairing: Nick Folio x OC (she/her)
Summary: When Nova found herself at the birthday party of her childhood best friend Danielle, she didn’t even know what California got in its pockets for her this time.
Warnings: mentions of death of a family member, mentions of alcohol consumption, MDNI, 18+, fingering, steamy make out session I guess lmao, let me know if I forgot something ♡
A/N: Surprise! ♡ I've been working on this the last couple of days and planned it to be a two part series. Let me know if you liked it :)

The late-summer morning sun of California hit her skin when Nova left the airport building, her mission clear in her head. Finding her best friend and making it back to her house without getting a sunburn since she wasn't used to being in the sun anymore.
Her new job at a legal office made her leave her hometown San Francisco and brought her to Seattle, while her best friend found her soulmate back here in San Francisco about three years ago.
So, when she saw her at her car, kissed by the sun with her auburn hair perfectly blown out and smiling from ear to ear while waving at Nova, she couldn't help but feel jealous for a second. It wasn't that she didn't think Danielle deserved it all, she was more than happy for her. But when she was truly honest with herself, she really wanted to have a snippet of luck that her best friend had.
While Danielle grew up with rather wealthy parents and had time to figure herself out when it came to jobs and careers, Nova's always been very clear. She grew up in a middle-class family with two older brothers and a single mother. She had a beautiful childhood, but compared to her best friend Danielle, she was often very aware of the fact that nothing in life was simply given to her.
When she started her journey to become a lawyer at 18, she knew she had no chance but stick with that choice, leading her to the point where she was now. In her last year of law school and working part-time in a legal office to get work experience.
When she finally reached Danielle, she felt like looking the exact opposite of her friend. Her colored black hair hanging on her shoulders without any volume while her eye bags almost began to look purple because of the sleep deprive law school and work gave her.
"It is so amazing to see you, Nova." Danielle exclaimed while hugging her childhood friend tightly. "How was your flight?" - "As good as a two-and-a-half-hour flight between a crying child and a snoring businessman can be."
Danielle gave Nova an apologetic look. "I'm so sorry you had to go through this, if you want, I can buy you a ticket for business class for you flight home." - "Please don't, you know I don't like you gifting money to me."
Danielle grabbed Nova's bag and put it in the trunk before she got into the driver's seat while waiting for Nova.
The drive to her house was rather quiet, the old friends chatting about the past and catching up.
When they got to her house, they were greeted by Danielle's fiancé Derek, who gladly showed Nova the room where she would be staying for the next two days.

It was around 9PM and the party was going well. Nova took a sip out of her water cup, letting her gaze roam around the garden area, when someone sat down next to her.
"I'm Nick." - "And I'm not interested." She said not even looking at him. Nova didn't want to be that rude, but parties always freaked her out. She didn't like crowds of people and she liked them even less when they were drunk.
"I'm sorry for bothering you, imma just-..." The boy next to her said while standing up but before he could go away, she stopped him. "No wait... I'm sorry for being rude. I just don't feel that comfortable at parties."
He raised his eyebrows at her, before slowly sitting back down next to her again. "I'm just here because I've literally known Danielle since forever." - "Same here but with Derek."
That sparked her interest and for the first time she looked at the person next to her. He wore a black ripped jeans and a black tank top, displaying his tattoos in all their glory. He had big brown eyes that almost looked doe-like and his short dark hair set perfectly on his head.
He noticed her staring at him, so he asked her: "Are you okay?"
"Totally." She answered finally breaking her gaze to not hyperfixiate on the nostril that decorated his nose. She too had one when she was younger but had to take it out due to professional reasons at work. Nova found that rule stupid, but she would have found it more stupid if she had let herself get fired over metal in her nose, so she just took it out.
"Where do you know Derek from?" She asked the boy interested. "He is the bassist in a band that toured with us." - "Toured with you?" - "Oh yeah... I'm the drummer of a metalcore band... Bad Omens... If you ever heard of us."
"No, sorry. But that actually sounds really cool." She answered him honestly. She remembered being heavily obsessed with Black Veil Brides when she was younger so she definitely knew what she would listen to on her flight home.
"Do you live somewhere around?" He asked Nova and shot her a smile that made her stomach tingle a little. "Uhm... No... I live in Seattle at the moment, because of my job." - "What do you work as? If you don't mind me asking." - "I'm in my last year of law school... I'm becoming a lawyer."
"Woah, that's awesome." He took a sip from his cup. "Yeah, you better not get in trouble or imma kick your ass in court."
"Maybe I need to get in trouble so I can hire you and see you every day." Nova's mouth fell slightly open at his statement. Was he flirting?
"What makes you think I would defend you?" She flirted back, trying to get a reaction out of him.
"Oh, I will convince you." - "And how exactly you wanna do that?"
He licked his lips before looking her in the eyes. "I can't just share my tricks with you. They won't work anymore!"
Nova laughed at his statement before taking a sip out of her water cup.
"You're not drinking?" Nick asked carefully. "No, I don't drink at all.”
He nodded. "Is there any reason for it? Or do you just not like it?"
"I don't wanna get all sad and shit." She joked halfheartedly. In fact, there was a very specific reason.
"If you don't mind sharing, I would love to hear it." He encouraged her.
For a couple of seconds, she thought about if she should share the story with him. When she looked at him, she saw something she couldn't quiet explain. His gaze made her feel understood.
"I can tell you, but I don't wanna shout it over the music." She answered him and he instantly stood up and reached out his hand to her. Hesitantly she took it and with that he safely dragged her through the groups of people gathered in the garden area.
Within two minutes they found themselves on the couch in the small living room upstairs. Only a small lamp lit the room. She couldn't help but calm down a little. She had never been a big fan of large groups of people and even less of parties.
“I really don’t know how I haven’t freaked out already.” Nova let out under her breath.
“I totally get that. Even though I should be used to the noise and tumult by now, I just don’t like this whole thing. Don’t get me wrong I love performing, but this is something totally different.” Nick explained himself and brushed through his hair with one hand.
Nova now noticed that he in fact had abandoned his drink. “You shouldn't have left your drink.”
“But I wanted to. I don’t wanna get drunk if I have the opportunity to get to know someone as interesting as you are.” Nova blushed. “How do you know I’m not boring as hell?”
He began to smile a little. “You’re gonna be a lawyer. You have a mysterious background story, and you look extremely beautiful.”
Nova started to smile while rolling her eyes. “Are you doing that with everyone you find attractive? Luring them into an darkened empty room?”
“No, only with those I want to kidnap.” Nick said with a blank expression before starting to laugh. “I’m kidding.”
After that they fell into a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes.
“Do you still wanna tell me why you don’t drink?” Nick carefully asked, making sure Nova was comfortable with it.
"If you pity me for a second, I'll get up and leave and you'll never see me again, got it?" Nova stated causing Nick to nod frantically. "I swear, I'll not pity you."
"My dad died when I was fifteen." - "Oh." - "Oh my god! You already start to pity me!" - "I'm not but how am I suppose to react if someone tells me their father died!" Nick defended himself.
Nova examined him for a good second and it didn't go unnoticed by her that his cheeks blushed a little while she did so.
"Okay. I believe you." She started again. "So, he died. To find better words, he was actually kind of murdered." Nicks eyes widened in shock but he decided not to say anything that scared her away again. "He was run over by a drunk driver almost eleven years ago. They never found the driver."
Nick nodded when Nova looked at him again. "That is really brutal, I hope you talked to someone about it." - "Yeah, me and my older brothers have been in therapy ever since and I kinda coped with it by becoming a lawyer. I want to make sure everyone gets their right punishment."
"Soo, you're kinda like Batman?" Nick joked and with that Nova started to laugh. She really did expect everthing but not that a cute drummer accused her of being Batman in the middle of the night.
Without even thinking, she spoke her next words. "So, you wanna be my catwoman?"
With that the atmosphere in the room shifted. Nova's cheeks felt like they were burning. Did she really just suggest to a total stranger to be her love interest? It wasn't that odd for her to drop the bomb about her dead dad but this was totally out of place for her. She was very careful about the people she chose to have around her and even more extreme when it came to intimite connections. Random hook ups weren't her thing, but something about Nick made her change her mind in an instant. He fascinated her. The way he instantly built a comfort zone around the two of them just by the way he presented himself intrigued her.
"I think that is the most charming thing someone ever said to me." Nick confessed to her and than chuckled. "I actually would love to become your cat woman if we had more time."
"I'll fly back tomorrow. But if you'll ever happen to be in Seatlle please let me know." Nova answered him honestly while sliding closer to him.
"I would love that." Nick mumbled. His gaze wandered to her lips and than back to her face. "I would really like to kiss you." - "Than do it."
With that he pressed his lips to hers and within seconds she found herself on his lap, one leg on each side. His lips slightly tasted like the whiskey he consumed before and even though she hated alcohol she couldn't get enough of him.
She let her hands wander to cup his face and pressed him even closer to her, while his hands found themselves on her hips. She couldn't help but sigh when he grabbed her a bit harsher.
Slowly but surely his lips started to wander. He placed soft kisses on her jawline and than on her neck, quickly finding her sweet spot. Nova gasped and without even thinking she grinded her hips against him. He quietly moaned her name. With that she knew she would do anything to have Nick closer to her.
His hands started to wander, while their lips met again, and quickly found their way to the button on her shorts. With a skillful movement he opened her shorts. He broke the kiss. "Is this okay for you?"
"Yes, don't you dare and stop now." She moaned and moved her hips again, causing him to moan quietly as well.
Quickly is hand found its way into her pants and underwear. He ran his hands through her folds. "God, you're so fucking wet. Is this all because of me?"
"Yes." She moaned out. Quickly he found her clit and started to move his fingers in slow circles. Immediately she let her head rest on his shoulder and moan his name.
"Be a good girl and stay quiet for me." He demanded and she instantly obeyed. Her hands found there way into his hair her while he fastened his pace.
Than his fingers began to wander again. "You think you can handle my fingers inside of you?" He groaned in her ear causing her to look at his face again. His pupils almost looked black in the dim light of the living room, sending shivers down her spine. She began to nod.
Right when his finger started to push inside of her, Novas phone began to rang, shooting them straight back to reality.
"Really?" Nova breathed out before grabbing her phone, Nick's hand still in her pants. It was Danielle calling her.
She showed Nick and gave him an apologetic smile before answering her phone. What she didn't expect was Nick still continuing to push his finger into her and even adding a second all at ones. So she suppressed a moan before she spoke. "Hello?" - "Where are you, Nova? I haven't seen you in almost an hour."
Nick began to curl his fingers inside of her. She took a deep breath before answering with a slightly breathless voice. "Oh, I needed a break from the people. Imma be back in a minute." - "I hope so, it's ten minutes before midnight and therefore my birthday, lady."
Nick began to attack her neck with kisses and again found her sweet spot in almost milliseconds.
"Yeah, give me a second. I-... I'll come… I‚lol come down."
With that she quickly ended the phone call and whimpered.
"As much as I would like to continue but if we don't show up downstairs within the next minute, Danielle will kill me." Nova told Nick breathless.
He let out an disappointed sigh and slowly removed his hand from her, causing her to whimper at the loss of connection. He again shocked her when he brought his fingers to his mouth and licked them clean. Nova's mouth fell slighty open at his action but he just smirked at her and brought his lips back to her mouth.
She tasted herself on him and almost lost it again, but she knew they needed to get downstairs.
Sadly she needed to pull away from him.
They quickly rushed downstairs and managed to join the group of people right in time for Danielle's birthday.
For the rest of the evening they were glued to each other's side and both of them hoped their night, full of not so innocent touches and innuendos, would never end.
If only they had thought about exchanging numbers...

#bad omens fanfiction#nick folio fanfiction#nick folio fanfic#nick folio fic#bad omens fic#bad omens fanfic#bad omens rpf#collapsedglasshouseswrites#nick folio x oc#nick folio x reader
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Modern au: date night (pt2)
Nova is waiting impatient in restaurants as she look over the clock even it not late but nova feel very anxiety "what if he didn't come" she look over harry who supports her from other table
Nova: ughh..what when he- *shiro sitting in front her* o-oh...hi
Shiro: *look at her up and down* you look really cute...
Nova: *laughs nervous* thank...*see shiro wearing purple suit as she thought he gonna wearing green* ...i think you wearing green..
Shiro: ...purple is your favorite colors...oh i also thought you gonna wearing purple dress *place a gift on table*
Nova: well...green is your favorite colors...*look at all gift on table as she pick up chocolate box* but you really look good in purple..
Shiro: *little blushing* you also look good in green...actually you look good whatever color is it...
*meanwhile harry on other table who watch them from other table give a support smile for nova as he know tonight well getting well. Nova and shiro look into menus but yet both so considerate as they don't who should order first*
Shiro: you first-
Nova: NAH NO!..it okay you first you the one who pay...uh...well sorry for Shouting loudly..(feel little embarrassed)
Shiro: ....it okay i know you *smile* well i order for you than i don't feel hungry much
*nova look down as she looks at harry who sit at other table before slow standing up tell shiro she gonna go to bathroom before teleport to harry*
Nova: can i talk? I feel really bad! I Shouting at him like that do you think he well feel hurts because of that...
Harry: clam down it not that bad..he understand what you are and see he also smile..
*meanwhile shiro watch them for his table know all along that harry was there to help nova..he just smile*
Shiro: such a anxiety diva...
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Tay Friend head canons and stuff i guess.
The beloved autism is currently mad at me and i am suffering due to stress and low social battery. What do i do to fix this? Feed you lot i guess lol.
Pspspssp @onyxonline I’m back at it again lol
Starting off strong with
Maya :D (now confirmed roommate and best friend heheh) @fishy0bishy
Maya defiantly is gonna be the one that gets the most spontaneous gifts, due to their shared passion for nature, and Tay’s tendencies to hand out any plant matter as humanly possible. She’s also gonna be the one, (along side Andri probably,) to slowly chip through the masking Tay does so that at least in their little group they can be a little bit more wild.
They would have defiantly met in the green house, cause ofc a magic school has one of those duh. Tay goes there when thing’s are a little bit too much cause the greenery reminds them of the bush of home, and well i think we all know why Maya is there lol.
Maya is the BEST. stim toy ever. Period. Tay would spend hours just tracing their finger along Maya’s wood limbs with their finger if they could SSSKSK.
Andri (support and enabler) @north-heats-stronghold
Absolutely calls Tay Dudelet. Like a mix of dude and dudette?? Get it?? (M sorry XD)
Lil silly man makes Tay very giddy and wild. They go crazy. I love the idea that Tay would eat Australian foods and everyone one is like. The fuck. Will force feed Andri fairy bread, and he will enjoy it /jk
Emotionally conscious enough to provide Tay a safe place to go crazy and not having to worried about masking. Which is excellent. Also provides correct complements for things that others simply wont catch, completing tasks they don’t like, doing something with confidence, speaking their opinion in large crowds ect. Very good for them yes yes.
LET THEM TRAIN TOGETHER!!!!! Really wanna make something where Andri get Tay to agree on training together and Tay all confident and chatty as a witch and everyone’s like :00000
My god, if magic does influence them outside of their ‘magic girl form’ and Andri can change his body heat at will Tay is gonna be ALLL over it. Massive heat stealer. Andri will never escape their cold hands XDDD
Drapes all over him. Or leans. They’re not tired! Just listening to you :>
Miguel (comfort- he did not sign up for this XDDD) @novalizinpeace
Was it because he’s (slightly) intimating so he’ll scare off people? Is it because of the big fluffy jumper? Did Tay sense weakness? Who knows, but now Miguel is now stuck with them lol.
Reread up on their bios (again) but honestly, he kinda asked for this position lol. With his powers, he’s literally the ONLY person in the entire school that will have even the slightest clue on how Tay is feeling with masking and repression (yippee!!!) at stages, even they don’t know, so it is excellent to have someone that will understand and not brush them off for being ‘to immature’ or ‘to emotional’. Probably looks like a sad kicked puppy to him HAHA.
They can do parallel play!!! More so when Miguel first gets there with his worries about ‘how good his English is’, cause Tay is fine to just sit and do their own thing, together :> No talking required!
Defiantly would hold onto Miguel’s sleeves if they’re walking together lol.
Miguel is not ready for when someone insults him and Tay goes apeshit on them haha. No one is mean to their friend >:)))
Rosa (bad influence lol) also belongs to Nova :> ^^
Met through Maya, and was utterly terrified of her haha. (Tay’s also bigger than Rosa, which makes it more hysterical.)
Resorted to bringing Rosa different seeds in hopes she wouldn’t bite them. And once they were more use to each other started bringing her native Australian plants, (which are apparently weird as shit to the rest of the world??? Y’all basic).
Rosa probably tolerates them more than other people cause their quiet lol.
Plant scientists! “This is a banksia. When the big fires come, they use the heat to melt the wax around the seed pods and shoot their seeds out once the fire is gone.”
“… technically?”
#♾ art#my art#oc#smiling critters oc#oura thorn#smiling critters#spellcasters au#Tay Bridgeback#Spellcaster! Oura Thorn#north heat#Sunny yolk#merrit ferret#Lizzy spiral
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Alastor you good after using that much energy?
Rosie catches up soon, Felix already on the jungle gym, Nova close behind. Alastor watches them, head stuck somewhere else. His shoulders are tense and his eyes have slight bags underneath. She sits down next to him on the bench he is occupying.
Rosie: “Darling, how are you?”
Alastor: “... Lucifer's hope of me having a ‘relaxing day’ are certainly not met”
Rosie: “No, I suppose not. Do you feel alright?”
Alastor: “The headache is back far worse than before and I am fucking tired… but we'll be fine”
Rosie: “Tell Doctor Chaim to check you over, just in case, okay?”
He nods, looking into the middle distance. Rosie pulls her friend closer, occasionally glancing to the children playing, making sure they are alright as well.
Alastor: “I didn't ask her for much. I never did. Couldn't she just… not?”
Rosie: “I wish she had been a better friend for you, dear. I am sorry”
Alastor: “I should have listened to you… and Husker. And not make a fool of myself”
Rosie: “It is hard to lose so much history. You honoured it for a long time, but you did the right thing”
Alastor hugs her tight, and she wastes not even a second to return it.
Alastor: “Thank you”
Rosie: “Of course”
They stay like that for a small while, before Rosie pulls back, cupping Alastor's face.
Rosie, smiling: “Since you are having such a rotten day, I think it is only appropriate to cheer you up with a little gift!”
Alastor: “Rosie you don't have to -”
Rosie: “Ah ah! No buts! I won't hear it. You will get a gift and except it, young man!”
He chuckles, trust his dear friend to lift his mood.
Alastor: “Very well, I suppose it would be rude to do otherwise”
Rosie: “It sure would be!”
She pulls out a small potted plant. It is definitely an earth plant, that much is sure. The deer inspects it closely, then his eyes widen.
Alastor: “Is that…?”
Rosie: “A Magnolia seedling. Magnolia stellata, to be exact. It should grow nicely in your bayou if you plant it on the few higher and dryer spots you have”
He stares at the soon-to-be tree. Some magnolias are native to the bayou, but the Stattella variation are certainly not. It was a miracle one survived there anyway, when he was a child. He and Mama had found it there and it had soon become their favourite. That tree he buried her under.
Alastor: “You remembered”
Rosie: “Of course, how could I forget that?”
His eyes get a slight shine as he takes one of his friends’ hands.
Alastor: “My dear friend, your intention to lift my spirits very much succeeded”
Rosie: “That is everything I hoped for”
#ask#send asks#ask blog#ask me anything#hazbin hotel ask blog#alastor the radio demon#hazbin alastor#hazbin hotel alastor#alastor#radio demon#hazbin rosie#hazbin hotel rosie#rosie
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The following texts references sexism, homophobia and transphobia.
Domhildr belongs to @soupedepates
Amandine belongs to @corneille-but-not-the-author
I feel like the lobby in this house is getting bigger and bigger with each and every one of my visits.
Maybe it’s just me that feels smaller, despite the heels, despite my situation, despite the fact that I’m grown now.
“Auntie Leoooo!”
Well, here come three of the few good things about Christmas. I didn't even have the time to get my coat off before getting jumped by my two nephews and my niece. I barely see them at all since they moved to Belgium. The laugh escaping me is sincere.
“Nice try, kiddos, but you're not getting the gifts before dessert!”
Danil, the oldest, puffs his cheeks.
“No fun.”
“I don’t care about the gifts! I just want a hug from auntie,” Nina whines.
Meanwhile, Saveliy keeps holding out his arms to ask for uppies, which is kind of hard with his siblings glued to my leg and my eight-centimeters heels.
“Kids, let your aunt breathe, will you?”
My brother-in-law arrives to get Danil and Nina off me, and takes his youngest into his arms before smiling politely.
“Hello, Leonova. Sorry about this, they've been all giddy since this morning.”
“Good evening, Zachary. It’s no problem. Is my sister around?”
Zachary is nice enough, compared to some other members of this family. We just don’t have much in common is all. If I'm completely honest, he’s a little bland, but as long as he makes my sister happy…
“Yes, she's in the dining hall with your brother. They've been waiting for you too.”
I thank him with a nod and head over to the dining room. Dear god, the Christmas tree is even taller than last year. Imagining Father climbing on a ladder to decorate it is pretty comical, even if he surely didn’t do it himself. But I'm not really interested in trees. No, what matters is my siblings, chatting together near the window, and their faces lighting up when they see me.
“Hi, Novushka!”
Misha’s looking a lot better than last time. Her hair has grown back to her shoulders, even if it’s thinner and curlier than before. When I hug her, I only feel a flat torso against mine. It’s a little strange, but at least she seems alright. And she’s told me the chemo worked. That's all that matters.
“Heyy, Misha, I want a hug from Nova too!”
Misha laughs and lets Denevan come embrace me. My littlest brother is twenty-four now, and he sure looks smart in his brand new suit and tie. It’s weird to see him all grown-up when I practically raised him. Fresh out of business school just like his sister and already well-off. Wonder who he gets that from. He lets go of me, looks around confusedly.
“Kal isn't coming this year either?”
“Well? Have you changed your mind?”
Kalerich glances at me and shrugs.
“You know they don't want me around anymore. I don’t see why this year is any different.”
Yeah. I know. Otherwise you wouldn't have taken refuge at my place. Maybe a part of me likes to rub it in, the way you fell from grace, the way you went from the golden heir to a college dropout no one believes in anymore, the way I'm the most successful out of both of us now.
And the other…
“No. I'm sorry, Deni.”
“You know it’s complicated between him and Father, Vanya,” Misha adds hastily.
Denevan makes a face. He doesn't know, actually. He just thinks Kalerich and Father had an argument over who would inherit the company, which isn’t untrue. But he doesn't know about the rest and I think that's for the better.
“Well, I'm glad to see you three are still as chummy as ever! Now, let us all sit down and catch up, alright?”
Ha. Speaking of the Devil, here he comes with his most faithful priestess. My father and stepmother. Ivan and Honora Delavriskov.
And at his command, we all sit down, because the lambs don't resist when the shepherd guides them home, now do they?
So here we are. My dad, sat at the far end of the table. Honora to his right, Denevan to his left. Misha sits between her mother and husband, I sit next to my brother and my niece. My nephews face each other at the other end.
No matter what I do or how much I work my ass off, I'm still seated next to the kids. They make sure I know my place even though I've carved one for myself.
It doesn't matter. It’s fine. It’s only one evening. I start eating with the others, chatting with my brother, listening patiently to Nina when she tries to ask me for a food she doesn't know the name of. I talk like I'm a convict and the conversations are my last cigarette as I await for the moment of my public execution. I’m not disappointed.
“Leonova, why is your hair cut so short every time I see you?”
Because everyone says it suits me. Everyone except Honora, apparently. But I know the lengths I have to go to get even one compliment from her. They're hardly worth it. She doesn’t let me reply, anyway.
“If you keep going like that, we'll soon see your scalp,” she continues. “And your make-up makes you look like a stolen car. No man is ever going to be interested in you with this kind of look.”
Well her hair will fall off sooner than mine with all the dye she puts on her roots. And her ensemble is tacky at best, horrid at worst.
And I don't want a man to be interested in me. Or rather, I don't give a flying shit.
“Your mother has a point, Leonova.”
She isn’t my mother. She's never been. I don't care if I'm ungrateful, because she was oh so kind to take in her husband’s late mistress’ three children that he had behind her back.
My mother, my real mother, died almost twenty years ago because no one fucking cared. Not my father, not the doctors, not her family, no one.
But I don't say it.
I’m a good daughter. Good daughters smile and let their father speak.
“How old are you already?”
“I'll be turning thirty this february, Father.”
But it's not like you care enough to remember my birthday.
“Thirty! Thirty, and you’re still unmarried.”
Because you forced me to cut off the only person I've ever wanted to marry.
I still remember her eyes. Full of hurt. A cold hurt. But the worse was how disappointed she seemed. Disappointed in me.
I could have told her. That it was to protect her. But I didn't.
Keep calm. Breathe. Don’t let him get to you.
“I'd rather focus on my career for now.”
He bursts out laughing. No one else laughs but no one else comes to my defense either.
“Your career? Look at your sister! She can juggle her work, children and marriage just fine.”
“Dad, it’s different,” Misha tries. “I’m a dentist, Leo has a lot more responsibilities than–”
“What do you even do that takes up so much of your time?” Honora cuts her off, her eyes fixed on me.
I stab my turkey with my fork. Sauce splatters to the sides of my plate.
“I’m a marketing manager. I thought I already told you.”
“Marketing manager? I was already marketing director at your age,” my father scoffs.
Yeah. Because you inherited your father’s company, just the way Denevan will inherit yours. Meanwhile I had to make my way in a luxury company all on my own, while trying to handle my superior that wants me under his desk before promoting me and scares all the women in my team because he gets too handsy.
But a cheating, lying asshole like you wouldn’t understand that, now would he?
Because we’re nothing without you and your goddamn money. But I make my own, now. I don't need this. I don't need you.
Kalerich’s dubious stare comes back to my mind.
Why do you still go?
“It’s been going well so fa–”
“But you're still single.”
I am not.
I have a girlfriend. Her name is Ether. She wants to be a gynaecologist. She’s hard-working, kind, too kind, laughs loudly, swears too much, forgives too easily, never sleeps enough, likes her coffee with a lot of sugar, has the most beautiful smile I've seen and I've been treating her like garbage. But I'm in love with her. I'm in love with her. Even if I know she deserves better, I keep coming back to her.
But I don’t say it.
There’s a crucifix on the far wall and I feel like it’s looking right at me.
I smile for the imaginary camera.
“That's right.”
My father sighs in disappointment.
Disappointment. Again.
Disappointment in her eyes when I told her it was over.
Disappointment in Domhildr’s mouth when I told her I had a girlfriend.
Disappointment in Ether’s words when she learned about the cheating.
Disappointment on Denevan’s face when I told him his brother wouldn’t be here.
Disappointment, disappointment, disappointment, you're a fucking disappointment–
“You're lucky I've started looking through potential fiancés for you.”
… What?
“I should have done this much earlier, to be honest. I thought you’d manage to find someone decent, but it looks like I've overestimated you.”
My blood runs cold. My stomach is nothing but a mess of knots all tightening simultaneously.
Denevan’s nervous eyes dart between me and our father. Misha looks like she's frozen in her seat. Zachary pretends to be busy helping Saveliy cut his meat.
I’m on my own.
My tongue feels like it’s made of lead.
“You… You can't just–”
“Oh, but I can. That's the better option for everyone.”
“Your father's right,” Honora agrees. “I mean, I don’t want to speak ill of your tastes, Leonova, but the man you were with for some time…”
She wasn’t a man. She wasn't happy as a man.
That's why she couldn't have been happy with me or this family either.
Not when Father chuckles with so much disdain.
“Right, him. He turned out to be quite… well, his whole delirium about being a woman… Who could have thought? Either way, it wasn’t normal. I’m glad you had enough sense to break up with him. Those people are sick and we’re not doctors.”
“Those people”. I dated one of “those people”. Goddammit, I loved her. I probably still do.
How dare he? How dare he talk about her like she's sick when Misha, his eldest daughter, was actually sick with something she could have not recovered from?
Who am I kidding. Legitimate or not, it doesn't matter. We’re still daughters and not sons.
“What was his name again? Ar–”
Her name was Amandine.
Stop. Stop talking about her like that. Stop, stop, stop.
I stuff some meat into my mouth and Honora looks at me disapprovingly.
“Don't look at us like that, Leonova. Do you have any idea how you made us look to our acquaintances and business partners? How many justifications we had to come up with for you? I mean, everyone thought you were…”
Misha’s face turns sour.
“Mom. That’s enough.”
“No,” I interrupt. My voice sounds like dry ice. “They thought I was… what?”
“You know what I mean!” Honora exclaims.
“No, I don't. They thought I was what?”
“A homosexual.”
The room goes dead silent. My stepmother’s eyes widen.
“What? There's no point in sugarcoating it. And since Leonova isn’t like that, I don’t see why I should beat around the bush.”
Leonova isn’t like that.
“Auntie Leo? What's a homosessual?”
“Nina, be quiet and eat your food,” Zachary whispers furiously from the other side of the table.
I smile at my niece like I don't want the ground to open and swallow me whole along with this entire godforsaken household.
“You can ask your parents later, Ninoshka. Okay?”
She stares at me with her big blue eyes, but obeys and goes back to picking at her food. Six years-old are more perceptive than they look. But I can't let her see through the cracks. She'll realize their presence soon enough anyway.
“Leonova, you have to understand. Your father and I are just worried for you. That's why I'm not so sure about the short hair… People might get the wrong idea…”
I hate how sincerely worried Honora sounds. How she genuinely thinks she’s doing this for my own good. She treats me like I'm her real daughter, always has.
That's probably the worst thing she could have done.
But I don't say it.
I just smile. I don't reassure her. I’m not sure I'll be able to contain the venom in my voice if I try to.
“Well, no harm in looking for fiancés for you, then?” my father asks with a smile.
“No. Not at all.”
The words are gravel in my mouth.
“Good. At least there’s still hope for you. We wouldn't want you to end up like your disappointment of a brother, now would we?”
My siblings stare at their plate. Danil frowns. Kalerich has always been his favorite uncle. But Zachary’s eyes dissuade him from trying anything.
I feel nauseous.
“Let's resume eating, then,” Honora exclaims joyfully. “Anyone want seconds?”
Saveliy raises his hand enthusiastically, Danil mumbles that he’d like that. Misha looks like she lost her appetite. Denevan passes me the wine with the most discomfited expression I've ever seen on him. Bless his heart.
I pour myself drink after drink, barely touch my dessert, only taking a bite out of Nina’s because she offered me to. By the time the kids open their gifts, I'm not sober at all anymore. There’s a bunch of wrapped packages with my name under the tree and the mere thought of opening them in front of everyone makes me want to puke.
“I’m going out for a smoke.”
I don’t ask for anyone to join me. My father and Honora only give me disapproving glances, Misha doesn’t smoke anymore, Zachary will be too uncomfortable to join me and Denevan has never touched a cigarette in his life. No one says a word when I walk out the room, no one says anything about how wobbly I am on my heels.
Everything in this house is too big. It makes me feel like I'm twelve again.
I go out to the porch and take a huge whiff of cold air before lighting up my cig. I check out my phone. There’s one text. From Domhildr, of all people.
Merry Chrysler! (hoping you haven't broken up with your girlfriend again cuz right now my legs are closed)
The little fucker. At least the message makes me snort. I contemplate calling her, not for sex of anything, just to chat. She's from a muslim family, does she even celebrate at all? Well. She’s probably busy anyways, with her roommate or her friends or whatever. And she might get the wrong idea. We’re not friends, after all. I don’t have friends.
I start scrolling mindlessly through my contacts. Kalerich hasn't texted me. He’s probably watching a series or out to town to kill time. Spending Christmas alone. There’s a pang of guilt in my chest but I barely feel it under all the alcohol and resentment.
A part of me likes to rub it in.
And the other
Keeps being jealous of you because at least now you have no expectations to meet anymore. Yet you're still someone. A parasitic, grim, lazy sack of shit, but you're someone without them. I’d be no one without them. I’d be nothing.
Or I'd just be Leonova and there’s nothing worse to be than myself.
I scroll past.
Amandine is still registered in favorites and in speed dial, even after all these years. My thumb hovers above the calling button. I haven’t tried texting her in a long, long time. Heard from a few rumors that she got into the police. Wrote seven drafts to congratulate her, sent none. Too afraid of the possibility that maybe, maybe she blocked me and my words will remain stuck in my phone. But god I want to call her. I want to hear her voice. I miss her.
But she’s better off without me.
So I scroll past again.
Only person left is Ether. She’s at her parents right now, with her sister. Her dad is an egyptian muslim, but her mom is greek and likes christmas, so they celebrate anyways. And I know they're a happy family. I know she loves her parents and her parents love her just as much.
It’s so unfair it makes me sick.
Why does she get that and I don't?
She invited Khaliun to come, too. Khaliun who’s infinitely better than me in every way and a much better girlfriend. I’ve met her and I could already tell this much. Does Ether keep me around just so she can feel better about herself for adopting a rabid dog that was about to be put down? Am I here to make her other lovers feel better about themselves?
She told me to call her if things got too much. I told her there would be no need. Now I need her but I’d rather die than admit it.
So I call. With every intention of being a bitch, of blaming Ether unjustly for having such a great time when I don’t, of ruining my life for good so I can prove to myself I'm just as bad as I think I am.
It’s ringing.
Pick up.
Pick up.
Pick up the fucking phone–
“Yeeeessss hellooo?”
My anger is swept away in a second.
That’s not Ether’s voice.
“... Khaliun?”
“Leonova! Hi! Yeah, it’s me.”
That's her laugh, no mistake.
… What is she doing with Ether's phone?
“Where’s Ether?”
“Uuuuh, right now? Very drunk and very busy debating in arabic with her dad. Her phone was ringing in her bag and she told me you might call, so I thought I’d answer.”
Ether… told her I might call? Why?
“Is everything okay? You sound off.”
I want to scream at her. For stealing my girlfriend away from me. For getting all the good times. For being so good and nice and everything I'm not.
Instead, all that comes out is a sob.
“Aw, Leo. Christmas is a tough time for you, huh?”
Yeah. Yeah, it is.
I'm tired of pretending it’s not.
“Do you want me to get Ether?”
I shake my head, and realize a second later that she can’t hear that over the phone, but it seems like she understands anyways. I hear some shuffling sounds.
“Okay. Hold on, I'mma go somewhere more quiet. Stay on the line, alright?”
I do. My make-up runs down my cheeks. I hear shuffling on the other side of the line, the sound of a door closing.
“So, Leo, tell me. What’s the big sad about?”
The question is stupid. Yet it makes me sob harder.
I’m so pathetic, crying to a twenty-three years old girl I keep talking shit about behind her back.
But I'm tired. I'm so tired. I want to go home.
I just don't know where home is anymore.
I got the things I wanted, it's just not what I imagined
Making the bed - Olivia Rodrigo
#noa writes stuff#lysara#lysara modern au#leonova#BOY DOES HER LIFE SUCK IN THE MODERN#the Delavriskov parents are worse than her#this is an Ivan Delavriskov hate post#and her siblings feel for her but can't do much#leo's still a terrible person but she's more sympathetic#mainly because there's no organ trafficking involved#also yep amandine and her are exes woooo#featuring#khaliun#who's a godsend atp
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Surely, We Can Make Miracles Chapter 6
Previous Chapter
In front of me, Shylock was smiling, and I kept my eyes on him.
Akira: Please live for a very long time…
Shylock: Oh my, Master Sage. Despite my looks, I've already lived for quite a long time, you know. We shall keep both you and the children separate from the investigation, so please put it from your mind.
Akira: But…
Shylock: Don't you fret. Just leave everything to us. If anything should happen, we'll let you know. I know. Mithra seemed bored, so why don't you look after him for a while?
Akira: Alright. And thank you.
And so, Mithra, Rutile, Mitile, Riquet, and I went around the island together.
Dianne: …
Riquet: Dianne.
Dianne: …Are you talking to me?
Riquet: Your name is Dianne, isn't it?
Dianne: Though it is, to dispense with an honorific is… Ahh, of course. You're a wizard, after all. Are you actually a hundred years old?
Riquet: I am sixteen years old. But far more importantly, I heard that you're amicable towards wizards, Dianne.
Dianne: I am.
Riquet: I gave my name earlier, but let me introduce myself again. I am the Central wizard, Riquet. I am both a wizard and a disciple of God.
Dianne: …A disciple of God?
Riquet: Yes. My duty is to use this strange power I have to help people and lead them down the right path. I'm very happy to hear that you accept wizards with open arms. If you ever find yourself needing aid, please feel free to tell me. I will guide you.
Dianne: Perhaps I'm simply repeating your own words back to you, but I am the lord of this land. I must guide those living in this castle, as well as those living on the island. Such is my duty.
Riquet: …
Dianne: I am grateful for your kindness. Please, give the Sage my regards.
Riquet: … Alright… …
Mitile: Riquet! Do you want to go try that whatever-cocoa cake? …Riquet?
Riquet: Mitile. What does "amicable" mean?
Mitile: Um, it means that you're friendly with someone…I think…
Riquet: I thought so…
Mitile: Is something wrong?
Riquet: No, it's nothing. Let's go. (Master Sage and Lord Arthur always look me in the eye when we're talking, but…) (Dianne didn't meet my eyes even once. Is that still being friendly with someone…?)
Akira: Then we'll leave everything to you.
Figaro: Yep. Take care, Master Sage. Mithra, look after everyone.
Mithra: Hah.
Rutile: You sure ate a lot at lunch, Mithra.
Mithra: Everyone gave me theirs. Oh, hold on, Master Sage. Please leave that thing behind.
Akira: You mean Saku-chan?
Mithra: You don't need it with me around. It feels icky, like the twins are lurking next to me.
Akira: But…
Figaro: I'll look after it, Master Sage. Just like he says, there's no need for the twins' familiar with him around.
Mithra: Heh. Exactly.
Akira: Alright. Saku-chan, I'm leaving you here, ok?
Mitile: Alright! We'll be going now, Dr. Figaro!
Riquet: If we find any good gifts, we'll get enough for everyone!
Figaro: Thank you. Take care, now. … The sea's so dazzling…
Faust: Figaro.
Figaro: Faust, Nero.
Faust: I was just talking to Nero about this as well, but we have several reasons to suspect Borda Castle.
Figaro: I've been thinking the same thing. I think Arthur's noticed, too. Something about the whole atmosphere here is just off.
Nero: Right. The lady of the castle and her people should be the ones investigatin' this.
Figaro: Can I leave this to you Eastern wizards?
Faust: Yes. The two of us, plus Shino and Heath, are going to investigate the castle.
Nero: What about the Sage? You've got their sacrificium. Are they somewhere safe?
Figaro: They're with Mithra.
Nero: With Mithra, huh… That's pretty much the safest place there is…
Faust: Or the most dangerous…
Figaro: Well, you're not wrong about that… Mithra might be a capricious, fickle, and barbarous man, but he is the next strongest after Oz. Mithra was pretty stunned by Nova's attack on Oz, too. …Because of <the Great Calamity>, during the night when he can't use magic, Oz can't protect himself, much less the Sage. I think he's finally realized that.
Mithra: What was it called again? To…to…toretta…
Akira: Torta di cocco.
Mithra: Yes, that.
Mitile: I wonder what kind of sweet it is!
Riquet: Owen seemed very happy with it, so it has to be delicious enough for his tastes!
Akira: (Riquet… You're so harsh on Owen when he's acting up, but do you consider him to be like a sweets friend…?)
Borda Island Souvenir Shop Owner: Step right up, step right up! You lot, take a look at this! It's a portrait of our one and only Sage!
Akira: Huh?!
Borda Island Souvenir Shop Owner: We've got portraits of the Sage's wizards who offered our young and beautiful queen their protection, too!
Mithra: How interesting.
Rutile: Let's go check it out!
Akira: Wah, how pretty…! Who's this supposed to be?
Borda Island Souvenir Shop Owner: The Sage, of course.
Akira: Huh… Huhhhh?!
Mithra: Not very similar, is it?
Mitile: The eyes look right! But the hair seems a little long…
Borda Island Souvenir Shop Owner: Have you people seen the Sage before?
Mithra: This is them.
Borda Island Souvenir Shop Owner: Huh… Huhhhh?!
Akira: N…Nice to meet you…
Borda Island Souvenir Shop Owner: No, no, how could I have been so rude! Now that I'm getting a proper look, you're definitely the Sage. What a blessing to see your face! May it make my shop a profitable one.
Akira: (Is he praying to my face…?)
Borda Island Souvenir Shop Owner: Master Sage, here! Could you leave a handprint for my shop right here?
Akira: A handprint?
Borda Island Souvenir Shop Owner: Yeah. So that when Borda Island sinks, we'll be remembered in song. Oh, maybe that was a little superstitious! But, I mean, you've heard the stories, right? About the prince of Adams Island?
Akira: The prince of Adams Island…?
I asked him that while spreading red paint on my palm. If I remembered right, Adams Island had sunk to the bottom of the sea alongside the Northern wizard Balthazar.
Akira: Adams Island had a prince?
Borda Island Souvenir Shop Owner: No clue, but that's what the traveling bards' songs claim. Their stories are always kinda overblown, though. But it sure makes 'em fun to listen to, though. Anyways, I'm pretty sure he wasn't Adams Island royalty, but the prince of a fallen kingdom. Right, right, it was like… The prince still roams, without his home~ A bracelet glitters and shines again~
The singing shopkeeper suddenly leaned towards me and peered into my face.
Borda Island Souvenir Shop Owner: The song says that come 'round dusk, there's someone who looks just like that fallen prince roaming around on the shore. Y'know how <the Great Calamity's> influence is making weird incidents happen all over? They say it brought back that prince too, even though he died ages ago.
Akira: …So the prince died and was resurrected?
Mitile: That can't be right. Mithra, didn't you say the dead can't be brought back to life?
Mithra: Yes. Neither wizards nor humans can be brought back. Though both humans and beasts can have their remains used for various things. Making the bones of a big monster move around is fun.
At first glance, Mithra seemed to be a creepy and shameless person, but he had parts of him that were as innocent as a little kid who loves dinosaurs, too. He can be fickle, so I'm sure if I asked him if he likes them he'd deny it, but he really does seem to like that kind of megafauna.
Akira: (Still, what an odd story… The resurrected prince of a fallen kingdom…)
Borda Island Souvenir Shop Owner: Ahh, so sorry for talking about something like that with you, Master Sage… I hope I didn't frighten you.
Akira: Oh, no, you're just fine. I mean, it's not like I've ever seen corpses or skeletons walking around myself.
Borda Island Souvenir Shop Owner: You look so delicate, but you're pretty strong on the inside. Good to hear. If I upset you, the new lord would get after me.
Akira: Miss Dianne would?
Borda Island Souvenir Shop Owner: …Ah, no, no! Don't mind me. Please, let me offer you this portrait! It's a painting of the Sage and all of the Sage's wizards! It'll be a nice memento!
I accepted the painting and held it up. With myself at the center and my wizards around me, we were drifting in the ocean's waters. There was a sunken city with mermaids and sea monsters painted in the darkness of the bottom of the sea, along with… A huge silver dragon.
Wizard Shopkeeper: Step right up, step right up! We've got weird magic tools galore! Even humans can use these!
Human Shopkeeper: Come right in, take a look at this! We've got tools made by upright and proper craftsmen! No strange curses on these!
Wizard Shopkeeper: Anything made by spiteful humans is going to come with that spite still attached and give you bad luck! You can purify it with this magic salt!
Human Shopkeeper: If you use tools with magic in 'em, your face'll turn into a fish! Even your friends' wives might turn into fish…
Wizard Shopkeeper: Woah, that's a lie! We've got a liar on your hands! No one wants to buy from a liar's shop, you know!
Human Shopkeeper: And everything you wizards sell is fake! If you buy it, it'll be nothing but salt by the next day! This here's a nice, safe human shop! Everything's made by this craftsman right here! Buy from a shop where you can see their face!
Wizard Shopkeeper: You brat…!
Human Shopkeeper: Oh, you wanna go?!
Wizard Shopkeeper: Y…….?! Wha…?!
Human Shopkeeper: What'd you suddenly go all pale for…
Wizard Shopkeeper: …Shop's closed now, we're closing up! There's some terrifying presence coming closer…! I'm gonna hide and get away clean!
Oz: …
Cain: Half the shops are closing up when you walk past, Oz.
Arthur: This must be the wizard bazaar. There's more human shops than I remember.
Cain: Yeah, sure seems like it… Even though that's the opposite of what we just heard at that shop.
Arthur: The opposite?
Cain: They said that Lady Dianne has permitted the wizards' summer bazaar to be held on a more regular basis.
Arthur: So they can keep their shops open year-round instead of for just a small portion of time once a year, then.
Cain: Yep. The ones opposed to the decision are from the Borda Island Merchants Guild. Look, you can see their flag here and there.
Arthur: You're right. There's a bunch of flags with a gemstone and wave design hanging all over the market. Having this many guild banners displayed when there's not a convention or festival is a bit odd. It used to be you could only see them to mark where the entrance to the guild itself was.
Cain: It's probably an intimidation tactic so that the wizards' bazaar doesn't get any larger than it already is. Arthur. You had a weird look on your face while we were in Borda Castle.
Arthur: Oh, you saw that.
Cain: Yeah, you were frowning the whole time.
Arthur: Sorry about that. I hope I didn't upset the people in the castle.
Cain: I don't think that's the kind of thing a teenage boy should be worrying about.
Arthur: I might be a teenager, but I'm still a prince. Besides, you should already know why I was making that face. Don't you?
Cain: Yeah… The castle servants' faces were all stiff and upset. Even though the Western people are usually bright and cheery. There was something wrong during lunch, too.
Arthur: Yeah. Lady Dianne was the only person smiling. No one else in the castle had anything even close to a genuine smile on their face. Maybe it's because she's only just become lord here so she's trying a bit too hard… I wonder if that ascension was poorly arranged. I'm a bit worried, to be honest.
Slender Dark-Haired Woman: Um… Could I have a moment…
Cain: Huh? …Wah.
Slender Dark-Haired Woman: Oh, I'm sorry.
Cain: Oh, no, you're fine. I was just a little startled when you suddenly grabbed my arm. What's up?
Cain: (Ah… She's got a Merchants Guild armband on.) (I guess she's one of the Borda Island merchants.)
Slender Dark-Haired Woman: Is it true that the Sage's wizards are investigating the recent incidents on the island…? …I need this to be kept secret, but if you'll help me avenge my husband, I want to help you…
Cain: Avenge? What are you talking about? Haven't the incidents been disappearances?
Slender Dark-Haired Woman: Disappearances… It's true that we've had those too, but… Do you not know…? Headless corpses are washing up on the beach. Three of them so far, and they're all strong, fit men… …I can give you more details…
Cain: (Woah, she's clinging onto me.)
Arthur: (Her shoulders are trembling, and she's crying…)
Slender Dark-Haired Woman: These things are happening to her people…to my husband…but the new lord only cares about wizards… But I've heard the Sage's wizards will help more than just other wizards. You offered your protection to Queen Liliana and the Western people, and to all the people of the world…
Cain: (Word has really spread about us since the Western queen's coronation ceremony…)
Arthur: (Cain… You manage to properly hug women in return at times like this…) (I'd be too embarrassed, so I can't do this sort of thing properly… But you really are a true knight.)
Slender Dark-Haired Woman: …I'm sorry, I lost my composure… My name is Natalie. Could I ask for your names as well?
Cain: I'm Cain.
Arthur: I'm Arthur.
Slender Dark-Haired Woman: And this would be…?
Oz: … Oz.
Arthur: Natalie. Would you be willing to give us more information on these headless bodies? Not now, as we're already in the middle of a different investigation, but soon. Is there someplace we can meet to talk about this?
Slender Dark-Haired Woman: Please ask for me at the merchants' guild. Please come see me soon.
Arthur: Of course. Thank you.
Cain: Why didn't we listen what she had to say immediately? What are we doing right now that's more important than that?
Arthur: She said three bodies.
Cain: Huh?
Arthur: She said three of them, all strong, fit men. Even though the man she loves washed up on that beach, would she really refer to his corpse like that?
Cain: You've got a point…
Arthur: Listening to what she has to say while we're doubting her grief would be unbecoming. I'd like to hear from at least one other person, first.
Cain: Gotcha. But it really makes me wonder why Lady Dianne didn't tell us about the headless bodies washing up. This is the kind of thing that can devastate a populace. I won't believe that news of it hasn't reached the castle.
Arthur: You're right… Lord Oz. It seems that something very strange is happening on Borda Island.
Oz: …
Arthur: Lord Oz?
Oz: …I will be separating from you for a short time. I will return before sunset. Be careful, Arthur.
Arthur: Of course. You take care too, Lord Oz.
Oz: Cain. Look after Arthur.
Cain: Of course. Not gonna tell us where you're going?
Oz: … Into the sea.
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