#this video has two of the dumbest takes from both sides
redxluna · 1 year
Shosho, on the same video: Mehmed never thanked Mahidevran for saving his life!
Me: Yes, because a literal infant should've learned speech in that moment to express gratitude. And, after that, well, Mahidevran literally murdered him before he could emulate the behavior of Selim II.
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Kai cenat Headcannons
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● Kai loves constantly annoying or pulling pranks on you he just loves seeing get irritated. He pulled a prank on you, telling you to 'shut up' constantly every word you say. He was laughing but not too long since you beat his ass to get back at him. "Bro, ow why you gotta hit me like that, yo?" Kai said, rubbing his arms since you hit him so hard. "That's what yo ass get for pranking me, nigga." Y/n said laughing at him, as he glarer at you.
● He has you on your streams 24/7. His fans love you. They love the dynamic friendship y"all have together.
● He does the most dumbest shit and it you always have to get him out of it like it's annoying but it's funny as fuck.
● Nigga is a big back he may not look like a big back, but no he's a certified nig back nigga would be stealing or eating alot of food.
● If somebody tried to do something to you, he'd defend you.
● His mom and sister love and be teasing him since you guys would be a cute couple, but y'all brushed it off, y'all were just close.
●You're practically a part of Amp. His friends love you and are treated like a part of the group.
● Randomly dancing together.
● You'll scare him during his streams when he's playing a horror game.
● You tease him about being short. He only allows you to tease him, and he actually finds your jokes funny, to be honest.
● Y'all be doing crazy challenges together that can possibly make you both end up in the hospital.
● Try not to laugh videos with the rest of the amp members.
● That one time he brought nicki minaj on his stream, you were so happy because he knew how much you loved nicki and got a chance to meet her, Nicki liked you so much.
● You're his biggest supporter through everything, even through his ups and downs.
● Y"all be making secret joke no one could understand of how close you two are.
● Kai wanted to have you around every time through everything he appreciated you and is very glad to have as his best friend he couldn't be more grateful.
● If you were going through something with your mental health, he would always stop everything for you and would check up on you and make sure you're alright.
● When amp popularity soared, Kai became a household name, a beacon of positivity and laughter in a world of negativity, But through it all y/n remained by kai's side,being his confidant advisor and most important, his best friend.
● Kai and Y/n have the most infectious humor together and very entertaining qualities. You both are everything funny since y'all are both unserious and someone who can take his sense of humor.
● Kai is very humble and didn't let the fame change him. You'll expect a lot of support from his fans, friends, and family members. If kai was facing a lot of hate or backlash, you'll be listening to him rant and give him words if encouragement.
● Kai loves spoiling you he'll put you anything you want that you never had growing up. He bought you a car, and you were never much happier and more grateful. "Nah, what?? Yo, thank you for everything. You didn't have to do this." Y/n said, wiping the tears from her eyes as kai smiled at her. "No, you deserve it. we been through so much, and you were there through my ups and downs, you my best friend." Kai said as you both hugged each other longingly.
● Kai takes you everywhere together. Your friendship was never boring. He was taking you on trips traveling across the world. Attending exclusive events, meeting people, and just having fun, from red solo carpets, concerts, and having such a fun experience together.
● You never turned your back on kai even if he be annoying arms times, you would never be fake like everyone else Is on social media, you never talked shit about him ever and never used him for clout, you was like a sister to him.
● As y/n and Kai's friendship grew even stronger, they faced through challenges, good time, bad times, fame, but through it all, y'all were inseparable, bound together. Kai loves you, and he's lucky to have you by his side.
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
Eri…if I could go back in time and tell last month me you would be sending me this ask I would’ve thought I was sent into another dimension but I AM SO GLAD WE ARE HERE OMFG!!!!!!!
Girl Dad Gojo… goodness the two of them would be thick as thieves until she is older and utterly unimpressed by her father, the greatest sorcerer of all time, because to baby girl he is simply papa or aka the loser who cried when she learned how to ride a bike
The first time she get sick he is a total wreck. He just wants to keep her safe but her fever has her in tears and all he can do is hold his whimpering sick baby. He’s reminded of how human and small he actually is because of this tiny babe wrecking his heart. He stays up the entire night to make sure she sleeps good (he of course gets sick the next week and he’s even worse at being a baby about it than she is)
Anytime she tries to crawl he is lying on the floor right there besides her yelling outloud play by commentary of her movements like she’s a sports athlete and he’s the excited announcer cheering her on
The first time she takes her first steps, he’s away on a mission. Of course he’s so proud but he’s angry and hurt he missed one of the biggest moments of his baby’s life… but the minute he warps home and the second he sees her waddling to him with the biggest gummy smile all that anger and frustration just melts away, especially when you gasp seeing her walk more than four steps without falling, and of course it is to him. He doesn’t shut up about it for MONTHS!
When she’s a little bigger and has playtime Satoru is right there with her and taking every one of her ideas very seriously! If she tells him he is a pink feathery dragon that shoots out glitter then you bet your cute ass he’s going to be the best pink feathery glitter shooting dragon ever!
He loves tea time with her and has a secret stash of cookies for them that you don’t know about cause it’s just for them!
When she learns how to make friendship bracelets the first one she makes is for him and Gojo cries when she hands him the mismatched colored beaded bracelet. He wears it EVERYWHERE! He about beats the ever living shit out of a curse user for making fun of the colorful bracelet when they see it
They for sure tag team against you because as much as she is half yours, she is still a Gojo and learns from the Gojo considered to be the best
However, when you have to leave for a trip and leave the two of them alone they are having the biggest ball for the first hour. Until they both crack and are FaceTiming you crying about how much they miss you
He dramatically sings all her favorite nursery rhyme songs to make her giggle, he also does funny voices for all her stuffed animals
He doesn’t let her win at ANYTHING video game wise because as he tells you “it’s keeping her humble”
When she tugs at his pant legs he doesn’t hesitate to kneel down to her level to speak to her eye to eye or let her whisper into his ear because they are both AWFUL gossips and noisy as hell!!! They also argue about the DUMBEST things like which digimon is best and because they’re both stubborn and ridiculous they make you pick sides!
The first time she sees a curse and cries clutching him so terrified is when Gojo swears he understands all over again why he was born to be a sorcerer, born to be the strongest. Yes it’s to protect the world but he was born to protect his world, this little stinker who sticks her tongue out at him when he eats the last bite of cake and happily grins when she gets to cuddle you and he doesn’t
Because yes you are his gravity keeping him stable and so strong, but she is his universe
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thedigitalvalkerie · 8 months
Introducing a bunch of my sonic ocs that no one really asked for, but I felt like drawing!
The "Squad of the Future" redux because the squad got bigger
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Each character and a little bit about themselve's under the readmore!
Angel Robotnik-Cemerald the Cat
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The oldest of the squad, being a few hundred years old now, though she lost track a long time ago. She is a clone created by Eggman, using both His and Vick's Dna, made to be the perfect heir to share his eventual kingdom with. ... Well she got his smarts and his love for building, but thats about it. She has to keep her little half brother, Draco, out of trouble.
Draco Johnathan Cemerald-Robotnik the Hedgecat
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The "brains" of the group, 12 year old Draco is the son of Vick Cemerald and Shadow Robotnik. He has a problem with his arrogance, but doesn't hesitate to put himself between his friends and danger. He's constantly bugging his big sisters, both his half sister Angel as well as his full sister Raven. Demetre is his very best friend.
Demetre the Porcupine
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Demetre is Draco's keeper, aka the one to always humble the dumbest smart person he knows. With his ability to fire his quills at a rapid rate, he's more of a long range attacker. He enjoys science, like Draco, though isn't quite on his level.
Henry the Bearded Dragon
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Henry is a quiet kind of guy, usually having his nose in a book or drawing sick comics. He's a tad self conscious about his looks, so he tries to look the part of "bad boy". But with his big heart and stupendous healing abilities, he's a great ally to have.
Kevin the Armadillo and Mesmer the Hedgehog
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Kevin is the literal big brother of the group, with his little Sibling Mesmer always by his side. They may not be the strongest of the squad, but their experiences in life make them invaluable. Mesmer is always reminding everyone that theres time to smile, while Kevin reminds them of responsibility that they all share.
Lexis the Sloth
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Lexis is the powerhouse, with an explosive power to gather potential energy and turn it into kinetic energy. To prevent herself from making a destructive mistake, Lexis prefers to spend her free time sleeping, either in a bed or where ever she can get cozy.
Prince Kappa of the Kingdom of Shells and Princess Marina of the Kingdom of Urchins
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Prince Kappa and Princess Marina are two royals from the same continent, one madly in love with the other. I'll give you three guesses as to which is which. Marina's father, King Marin, wants the two to be wed in order to combine the two kingdoms. Kappa, however, as a single heir to a kingless kingdom, does not want this. He does not like Marina in that way and just wants to be friends who hang out.
Jaque the Hedgehog
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The Dream Walker, Jaque has the ability to enter the astral plane in his sleep as well as the dreamscapes of others. He is incapable of having dreams of his own. Usually he's the therapist of the friend group, unable to help himself on coming upon nightmares when called out to.
Piper the Retriever
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Although not the oldest, Piper has big Mom friend energy, scolding the more irresponsible of the group often. While having no powers to speak of, she has a great sense of leadership though claims that shes no leader. She loves to take care of her friends, especially when they forget to eat, sleep, or sometimes breathe.
Axel the Meerkat
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The strongman, loving to casually show off his strength, Axel has, you guessed it, strength class abilities. He is a mute sort, never seeming to utter a word, though no one really knows why. His best friend Gou seems to understand him regardless.
Gou the Porcupine
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Gou is a Speedster, only able to launch a single quill at a time but with great precision and speed. His best friend Axel tends to keep his class clown attitude in check, but with his big mouth its hard to get out of the tricky situations they get into. He uses a cyber sleeve on his right arm to gather intel, and to also sometimes watch videos on TuYube.
Dr. Nikolia Moore the Tigeress
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Nikolia is the team's Medic, being the only one of them certified with a doctorate in medicine as well as nutritional health. Her deadpan face can be intimidating to most, but her heart is that of a mother. A mother who will rip off the head of something hurting an innocent, a friend, or worse, a child. She is a strong believer in Doctor/Patient Confidentiality, and would never out someone for anything with out asking if it was okay to speak on the matter. She and Angel are Colleagues.
And that's all for now! Thank you for reading thus far.
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kiragecko · 1 year
What is the dumbest thing the (NTT) Titans would admit to be talked into?
Okay, it is a new week and I am awake! This is hard because I haven't got up to many shenanigans in my life, while these guys are all adrenalin junkies.
(Like usual, I will ignore your suggested Titan lineup and do as I please ;)
Dick - Multiple times a year he is convinced to compete in a weapons-free match against Donna. He almost always loses. This isn't the dumb thing - the fights are VERY fun. No, Dick agreed to have one of these matches ON LIVE TV, for charity. The amount of sexist thugs who suddenly decided they could take him, after! The obnoxious videos from Tim of him wiping the floor with Cassie, weaponless! The obnoxious video from Tim of Bruce taking down Diana, weaponless! (Which Dick can't prove is faked!) Tim's only doing it for fun, but the stupid two-bit criminals are serious, and if Dick has to defend Donna's skill one more time he's going to have a hissy fit.
Donna - Cassie talked her into helping plan a surprise party for Tim. It was awful! She spent most of her time trying to keep Dick distracted, only to find out near the end that Tim hates surprises, so it was a 'surprise' party. Every aspect had been carefully vetted with Tim. Dick knew what was going on, and Cassie only wanted Donna to keep him distracted because she was still being petty about Damian being on the Titans. Now Dick thinks Donna's taken sides in the Damian Problem!
Wally - Currently, Wally is trying to convince everyone that it was agreeing to a playdate between the twins and Damian. A bored speedster can be talked into almost anything, though. He will, if forced, admit to trying to vibrate through the entire Earth to get to the other side. Yes, it was unbelievably stupid. Please stop talking about it.
Roy - Getting Lian the model Batcave she so desperately wanted. Especially since he recognized that Dick would never let him get away with an inaccurate one, and asked for a floorplan. They don't need this many action figures. Lian does not need an action figure of every superhero who has ever existed. It isn't an insult for his 5 year old to not have your action figure. Uncle Hal NEEDS to stop bringing her more Green Lanterns. They do not need every Green Lantern. There are hundreds of Green Lanterns. Isn't there an identity risk in giving me a figure of your civilian doctor, Dick? Please. Please, stop.
Garth - facilitating an argument between Vic and Gar the first time he met them. Why are they like that?
Raven, after you made it really clear that 'dumb' did not mean 'horrific', no matter how innocently stupid the original bad idea was - going to a anime convention while her empathy was on the fritz. She made it 4 hours, and for 15 minutes, it was the calmest anime convention that has ever existed. (She got some really cool xxxHolic and Revolutionary Girl Utena merch, though.)
Kory - joined a trivia contest. This was actually dumbness all around, as everyone forgot that trivia contests set on Earth, EVEN IF THEY'RE SPACE THEMED, are pretty Earth-centric. Humans rarely know the indigenous name for stars systems.
Vic - replaced both arms with chainsaws. He has no excuse. He had to get Joey to attach the second chainsaw and he STILL didn't recognize the inevitable problem concerning 'not having chainsaw arms at some point'.
Gar - The PSAs he recorded for COVID. He stands behind the subject matter, but the scripts and editing ...
Joey - Agreeing to paint Dick nude. If he'd done something small, and easy to conceal, everything would have been fine. Kory and Dick could have stored it somewhere private. It was a good painting. But he hadn't done something small. And it had still been in the Tower when the Titans had to make a safety broadcast. Enough had been visible to make Nightwing's public life miserable for MONTHS, and Joey feels awful.
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sidewayspeace444 · 1 year
If they had those two pop up together over the next few weeks, that would be the dumbest decision they’ve made yet. (Besides participating in this shit in the first place) Basically since after Ghosted, the only media mentions of them together were by DM and Scott on that lame podcast. Everything else was pushed by biased blogs, the leeches (from both sides), and the trolls that either believe this bs or are pushing it to try and upset other people. They literally have the perfect set up to end this farce. The only reason they would have to do it is the strike, but they can get people talking in other ways.
A lot of celebrities have been seen out at concerts and just existing in the world. There’s also interviews that they could have him do that are just fun, and they could leave out the movie/work plug that they throw in at the end. (I don’t think he could handle the Chicken Shop Date girl… I think her names Amelia?) Put him on Hot Ones, or make him do thirst tweets.. hell, throw the playbook out and have the man take his shirt off. Have Scott return to his suspiciously timed TikTok account and they can post dumb shit. (Never another scare video, though) Just like, put in some effort! Unless your fake girlfriend has rubbed off on you that much.. in that case, go sell feet pics on Facebook and Insta and have fun I guess.
They do have all of the crumbs to end it. I think at this point 10+ year blogs are so set on being right they’ll continue to push this narrative until this is proven wrong.
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armpirate · 1 year
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Pairings: tattoist!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, friends to lovers, tattoo au, virgin reader.
Summary: They say there are two versions for every story, and it's important to hear both of them. Everybody is hearing your side of the story, but it's just fair to get to know his.
After breaking up with his girlfriend, the only thing he wanted was to have fun with no attachment. You wanted to get rid of your virginity, and he wanted to tick you off his list. What he didn't expect was getting so emotionally attached to you that he would regret the deal.
Previous || Next
The girl keeps making eye contact with me, teasing me every time she moves the straw near her lips with a smirk. I only grin in response, knowing perfectly fine what she's trying to do and where this could actually go. As usual, my eyes travel away from her to fix on a different point inside the pub. It's something that has always worked... There's nothing worse for someone than having the attention taken away from you for no reason. I smirk to myself when I feel a tap on my shoulder, and her friendly smile is filled with second intentions. A little bit of sweet talk later, we're both making out outside. Until we break the kiss to breathe, and the blonde I wanted to go home with is a totally different person.
And that's when I snap back to reality. Because that thought only crossed my head while I'm still sitting on the counter, and it ended up with Y/n. It always ends up with her. Trying to get her out of my head, even with the dumbest thoughts, only ends up being a big total fail from my side. And why? I don't know.
It could be regret knocking at my door. But I've regretted the way I talked to her as soon as those words slipped my lips. I was low enough to attack her with her own situation, that she only trusted me to know. And I used it to hurt her, only because I felt hurt over her opinion about the deal.
The way she said it... It made me feel useless, as if she were only around me for the sex and advice, but wasn't that what I signed for? It was obvious she'd use everything she learns sooner or later, it's literally the point of our deal. But my blood was boiling just at the thought of that dickhead touching her.
For the eightieth time, only that day, I pick up my phone and enter in our chat, just to be unable to type anything at all. What am I supposed to say now? It'd be dumb to think she isn't annoyed still, and this won't make it.
Before I save my phone in my pants again, I see a message from Leslie. She keeps insisting on seeing me again, and it's starting to piss me off. I know Mark meant well when he gave her my new phone number, but this is being a little bit too much. And the fact that I'm already pissed off in general doesn't help when I click the block button and forget about it.
Pissed off, I stand up from my place and head outside. I guess it's time to get back home.
And what's better than video games to free your mind?
I take a seat on the floor, resting my back against the couch, after I've changed my clothes to some baggy comfortable ones. I'm finally immersed in something that isn't my own thoughts, feeling able to escape from the mess I made.
—Jungkook, just stop playing if you're gonna be this bad —Tae calls me out through the earphones.
—Who will you play with, huh? —I ask, raising my eyebrow while my focus is on killing people from the other group.
—Anyone else, literally —he sighs—. If you're so distracted because of that girl, just go and talk with her.
I tried that, and I failed as well. Just a few days ago I drove to her house, and stood in front of the main door for twenty minutes until I gave up. There was no point for me to stay there. How would she even react if she had seen me there out of nowhere?
It's going to be a long night... Well, as they all have been since I fought with Y/n.
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If last night I thought there was no hope left, I receive a text from Soo. She's inviting me again to go boxing with her. I wish she'd just accept I'm fine with doing it on my own, because we aren't at the same level, and I like being a bit rough when it comes to it?
"Tam, Mel and Y/n are also here"
And that text makes me think that maybe it won't be a bad idea after all. I wanted a chance to see Y/n and that doesn't seem forced. My sister invited me and she just happens to be there, so it's not a bad idea at all.
When I get there, I suddenly want to backtrack and leave the gym. I don't know what her reaction will be when she sees me, but there are high chances that she won't like it and I'm just risking it on making things uncomfortable for everybody. But, at the same time, if I don't see her now, I'm not sure when I'll be able to gain strength to step in front of her and talk to her directly about what happened.
I step in in the gym class, seeing everybody messily working on their boxing skills on the punching bags that are hung around the room, while others just seem to be resting a bit. And that's when I see her. Cheeks slightly tinted in red, some wet locks sticking on her forehead and side of her face, while her lips are parted trying to get some air back. And I can't believe how much I missed that image.
The trainer walks to me, greeting me with a tight hug before he pats my back. I've always trained with him only, so he's surprised to see me here with so many people.
—My sister insisted —I excuse myself.
—Good —he laughs—. Pick a punching bag and make it yours.
—Umm —he looks at me interested when he's aware of my pensive expression—. How about we get in pairs and work on our abilities together? I've seen it's really helpful.
Convinced by what I've just said, he nods and turns to the whole class before he speaks:
—Guys, get in pairs.
I see Soo goes straight to Melanie as soon as those words get to their ears, while Tammy walks straight to the guy she's been trying to hook up with for months. About Y/n, I see her looking around, trying to find someone that's in the same situation as her. And she finds someone actually. The boy walks to her with confidence, just to receive a deathly look from me, while I point to somewhere else in the room so he doesn't get near her. His expression turns from a confident one to a scared one, changing the pace of his tracks to walk somewhere else in the classroom.
I walk to her, noticing her ponytail is a big mess at this point, and there's no way she'll be able to concentrate on the exercise that way. Throwing my boxing gloves on the floor, I walk to her. Her hair falls over her shoulders, before I hold it all up again and style it on a messy bun so it won't bother her later.
—What are you doing? —she turns to me, once I'm done— Your sister is there.
—They all are busy with their things.
It's not like they'll interrupt their gossip and dumb talk to pay attention to us. Yet Y/n still needs to make sure their eyes are on us. She turns to me again with her lips slightly pressed against one another.
—I'm not doing this with you —she assures me, when she's aware I'm already wearing my red boxing gloves.
—Too bad I'm the only one free.
—Then I'll change partners with someone.
She starts looking around, but everyone has their partner already, and I highly doubt anyone would want to trade at this point. I call her name, the softest way I'm able to, getting her to look back at me with acceptance. But it only seems to be about the gym class, because whenever I try to get closer to her, she steps back, until she finally decides to hide behind the punching back, holding onto it so I get ready to punch it.
—We need to talk about what happened —I throw the first punch.
Although I try to be as careful as I'm able to, I still make her whole body move with the punch I give.
—Do we? —she cuts me off— Because I don't think we have anything to talk about when you disappeared for a week.
How do I tell her that I've been trying to do exactly that for a week, and that it took my sister to invite me to her friends' hang outs to finally dare to do it? It's ridiculous and pathetic. How do I tell her that I've been thinking about her non-stop ever since I stepped out from her house later that night?
She keeps looking at me though, silence isn't enough and she wants me to fill it with an answer to her question.
—I wanted to call you —I assure her once she changes places.
She scoffs, getting ready to give the first punch to the punching back.
—What was it? You lost your phone? Broke it? —she changes her position, now kicking the boxing back to make my body move.
—I was embarrassed.
She suddenly stops. Eyebrows knitted together as she processes what I've just admitted.
—I'm sure you're used to being an asshole like that —she keeps going back to punching and kicking the punching bag, hitting it harder each time.
—Not with you though. And I didn't know how to reach out to you after I behaved like that —I sigh—. You had every right to be pissed off that night. I was a douche, that comment was...
—Disgusting? —she gasps, stopping again— It was. And don't try to say you didn't feel every single word. You said it because you were annoyed, I get it, but that doesn't change the fact that somewhere, in the back of your head, you don't think those words aren't true.
—I never said I didn't believe those weren't true —she bites her lip, and I'm seeing she's starting to position herself to hit something that isn't the punching bag anymore—. The wording was fucked up because it came up as an attack to you, but would you be really looking in my direction if you had more choices?
Wait, was that what actually hurted me that day?
I never thought about it that way, but the fact that she could have anyone she'd want to if it weren't for her being pathologically unable to keep a normal conversation with a man... Yeah, it sucks a lot. The fact that she'll be able to act the same way she does with me with anyone else makes my head hurt and my blood boil. But it's something that's likely to happen eventually, whether I like it or not. And it's not fair to try to hold her accountable for it.
—It doesn't change the fact that you were offensive for no reason —she faces me
—I didn't mean it that way. I... —I think about what I want to say exactly, but I give up when I'm unable to— I'm sorry about what I said.
My lungs and throat totally shut when she suddenly hits my stomach after some other punches directed at the punching back I'm holding. I guess I deserve that.
—This conversation isn't over —she assures me—. Don't think everything is set and done only because you apologized.
And while it might not be the reply someone would be happy with, I am indeed happy after hearing that comment and being aware that she doesn't want to end things there.
After what happened during gym class, and after taking a cold shower, I get dressed and pick my phone, finally daring to send her a text. I can't believe it's actually been a whole week since I've done this.
Me: Can I come to your place?
Y/n takes quite long to respond. I keep seeing the "Typing..." thingy under her name several times, until she finally sends in her answer. My stomach turns in its place when she first sends a dry "No", just to send in later how she wants us to meet in my place instead.
✸ ✸ ✸
I've been walking in circles on the exact same spot for way too many times, I'm afraid I might end up digging a hole at this point. And it only gets worse when she finally rings the bell, making my heart jump out of my chest. She looks serious, but slightly nervous, when I open the door for her.
It's kind of uncomfortable at first. As if we hadn't done this a million times already.
—Do you want something to drink? —I ask, pointing towards the kitchen.
Her hair swings in sync with her head when she shakes her head. So straight to the serious talk, I guess.
I walk over my couch, thinking it'd be better to discuss this while we're both sitting than standing in the middle of my house. Although she stays up, until I pat on the free seat next to me on the couch. Now she is indeed nervous, moving her fingers on her lap, lost in her own head.
I think it might be easier if I were the one who started speaking.
—I crossed the line the other day —she nods, still not looking at me—. And hiding for a week didn't make it any better.
—No. Because it seemed like you didn't care —although she raises her head to look at me, she avoids looking into my eyes—. It felt like I was the one who had to go after you to make things up.
—I didn't know how to do it —I scratch the back of my head—. I didn't know how to properly reach out to you after that night. I wasn't sure if texting you out of nowhere or going to your place would be invasive.
—But coming to the training wasn't? —she asks that question with an accusing tone, while she raises one of her eyebrows.
—Was it that obvious I went because of you?
Her lips pressed tight against one another, as she slightly nods her head.
—I rather train by myself —I sigh—. But Soo told me you were going, too. I saw the chance, and I took it.
—So your plan was to come to the training, and?
—Apologize —I finish
—Right —her gaze drops back to her thighs—. You know, I wasn't annoyed because of the jealous act. That pissed me off, but not because you were jealous, but because you feel like you're free to meet up with someone, yet that same rule doesn't apply to me. I don't like the double standards. And then you said that crap, acting like I'm only doing this because you're the only one I can do it with...
From my point of view, I wasn't meeting with Leslie to get in her pants. That was never the main point of it, and it'd never be. But of course she can't know that, especially when I didn't even tell her what was going on.
—How did you feel when I said that?
She seems surprised by my question, as if it were an unexpected bomb that she didn't know how to defend herself against. And that makes me wonder how many times she's felt forced to hide her real feelings, or eat up her own thoughts so she wouldn't hurt others.
—Pathetic —she sighs heavy—. I felt pathetic. It made me feel like you were doing me a favor and just saw me as that.
Clearly, whatever happened in her past has made her as insecure and defensive as she is. But the fact that I dropped those words, and that I used a wording that made her feel that way, only makes me want to bang my head against a wall.
—I promise I didn't mean it that way —I assure her—. It pissed me off how you said you regretted the deal. I said the first thing that crossed my mind. How you talked about it... it made me feel like you're only talking to me because of that. Like all of these moments are only because you need my help —I want to touch her, I crave the feeling of her skin, but my hand drops on my lap before I'm able to reach hers—. You're not pathetic. I'm an asshole for making you think that way.
Her eyes widen slightly as she hears my apology and my thoughts about this whole issue. I wonder what's genuinely going through her head right now.
—You're an asshole —she seconds what I say, just to say something unexpected shortly after—. But get pizza for dinner and I'll consider forgiving you.
She's slick and fast, giving me a tiny smile while she looks at me after dropping the best make-up phrase I've heard. I pat her head, feeling her hair soft under my palm, before I lean over the table to reach my phone.
—Ham and cheese?
We've eaten pizza way too many times not to know she hates rough flavors. I remember the face she made when she first got one slice of my Pepperoni pizza after I dared her to try it.
Forty minutes later, we're both lying on my couch, eating the pizza I've ordered while watching the most gore film that's ever been made. At some point, when the killer tears one of his victim's body apart with a chainsaw, I ask:
—Does this make us psychopaths?
The fact that neither of us are even flinching would be concerning.
—Maybe —she nods, while chewing on her food.
It's all good and nice, until we both realize there's only one slice left inside the box. It's a matter of time before we both start arguing for it.
—You had the last one the last time —she whines
—And you had the last one the last last time —I emphasize my words pointing at the back with my thumb.
Does it make sense? No. But I enjoy bickering with her for no reason, and I've been missing all of this a little bit too much.
We both play rock-paper-scissors to make up who will get the last slice. The first few times we both use the same things, until I change mine to scissors and she chooses paper. Her hand is lifted in the air, while I jump on my seat and celebrate my victory just to piss her off. Clearly, it doesn't last long, because I divide that same slice in two just so she can get a bit more.
—Here —I hand it to her.
—Thank you —she smiles shyly, holding the slice with one of her hands.
When we both start picking all the things up, I see her attempt to leave my house, walking nervously to the door while she looks for her things around the place. Can I seriously let her go after a week without her? Answer is quite predictable.
I make her turn on her feet, pulling her body as close to mine as I'm able to, before I lay my lips on her, covering them softly with a delicate kiss. She's the first one moving her lips on mine, wrapping her arms around my neck as she tries to pull me closer to her body.
I break the kiss first, basically because the need of asking her to stay the night is bigger than the need I have of kissing her right now.
—Stay the night —I whisper—. Nothing has to happen. Just stay.
Actually, I don't want anything to happen. I just want to be with her, feel the warmth of her body next to mine as we try to get some sleep. That's all I need.
Y/n changes to one of my oversized t-shirts before she joins me in my bed, under the sheets. And although everything seems to be fine, I can tell there's something going on through her head by the way her eyebrows keep twitching and frowning momentarily.
—Let it out.
—What? —she looks at me confused.
—Whatever is running up here —I caress her temple—, let it out.
—Do you think Soo knows?
—Doubt it. Why?
—You said she told you I was there today.
The fact that that question was the only thing keeping her from relaxing next to me makes me cackle.
—All night you've been thinking about that? —I lift my eyebrows surprised— She said Tam, Mel and you were there. She didn't single you out. It was a general statement to encourage me to join her. She knows I've had a hard time socializing with people.
—So she invites you to places to get you to open up? —I nod— That's sweet.
Actually, it's been like that ever since I moved here. Because, according to her, I needed to make more friends apart from Taehyung, and how neither of us could leave in our bubble for too long. Only for Jimin to be added to the group, shortly after I met him as my therapist.
—Fake it 'till you make it —I sigh.
That's been my motto all my life.
—I have a hard time believing you struggle with that.
—I find it easy to meet people on a superficial level. I struggle when I have to open up and actually build friendships.
It was tough after what happened in Seoul, but it got slightly worse when Leslie cheated on me and disappeared shortly after.
We're back to being in silence, but I can sense there's something still bothering her.
—Let it out —he insists again.
—Why did you meet up with Leslie?
This time she doesn't play around, she directly asks the question while she waits for me to give her an answer.
—I shouldn't have —I look away as soon as her eyes fall on me again—. She showed up, and wanted to apologize properly for what happened between us. We had dated for too long, and I didn't want to hold the negativity any longer. You know, be cordial with her, move on from all that.
If only I had known she'd pull the bullshit she did, I wouldn't have given her a second.
I know Y/n asked why I met up with her, but I know she's waiting for a longer answer, that also includes an explanation as to why I didn't tell her I was meeting up with her when I canceled our plans.
—I didn't tell you through text because I didn't think I had to —I shrug—. But I was going to tell you when I drove to the bar. You don't have to worry about her —my hand reaches her under the covers, as if I needed her to understand I'm serious—, seriously.
I genuinely don't care about anything else, but the fact that I'm with her right now. It might seem dumb and stupid, but that tiny smile of her -that she keeps trying to hide- is the only thing that assures me everything will be alright. 
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kyurilin · 2 years
To finish off my writing posts for the end of the year, here's just a post about my other writing projects I have going on!
Obviously Stray, the erasercloudmic story from my pinned post is being worked on albeit slowly. I have maybe a third of it written (which is still 27k words) and it's done very similarly to Mic's Bullshit Life although it does switch characters up. @shabby-blog can attest that it's a fun read as they've read what I have and are currently my biggest cheerleader in actually getting it done one day
I have. Two entire alternate versions of Crumbled Rooftops. You can blame shabby for these entirely but also me. I feed off of angst and well. These are angst. One of them (called Everything Crumbles) is Crumbled Rooftops but Hizashi dies and Nemuri lives, which after the anime made Shouta almost watch Hizashi get hit by decay became infinitely sadder. It changes the entire dynamic of Oboro coming back by like, a huge degree but hey it's great for when I wanna be REAL sad. The other is All That's Left, and in this one Shouta dies so it's just Hizashi and Oboro having to pick up the pieces. This one was an excuse to push Hizashi to his breaking point and make people scared of his power tbh. Neither of these are likely to be posted and both of them are currently VERY early stages but hey if you ever want to read them and cry hit me up
Also Crumbled Rooftops adjacent, my doc aptly titled Here Be Crumbled Rooftops Angst Snippets which is literally what the title says. Basically it was a place to dump all the little side stuff before the story that lived in my head rent free so I could get it out of my head and somewhere else.
I have a document that STILL is just called AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Which is appropriate for the fact that it's an Erasercloudmic story where Shouta realizes he has a crush on both his friends and doesn't know how to cope, Nemuri teaches him about polyamory, canonly Oboro and Hizashi make out when they're bored and AREN'T dating yet and then try to compete for Shouta's affections only for Shouta to get so flustered he tells them he likes them both. Very early stages but I have IDEAS guys it's gonna be cute and I may keep the screaming title lmao. This one (when I randomly get the desire to start it) will be posted I promise I just have to write it.
I have an entire finished story I wrote this year that won't get posted, I wrote an urban explorers rooftop gang polycule story that is absolutely the dumbest thing I could have written, it reads more like an outline than a story, but I binge watched a bunch of urbex videos in a row and knocked it out in four days. It's lovingly called I Found My Heart in the Abandoned Roller Disco and no. You cannot read it. It's staying in my Google docs. You are allowed to know that Shouta and Oboro have a moment in an abandoned roller skating rink that is the cutest shit. But unless I ever get the urge to rewrite it the way I did the original doc for matching tattoos, urbex rooftop gang polycule is staying buried.
Oh. And one last one. Shouta's adventures through joining the hero course, trying his best to ignore the two loudest idiots on the planet (and failing), becoming friends with the two loudest idiots on the planet (and the class president and an upper class student), losing one of his friends, pushing the rest away, getting tough love from Nemuri Kayama, being occasional jogging buddies with Tensei Iida, and eventually running into Hizashi Yamada again. Lovingly being called Get in the Van Shouta, There's Cats in Here based on a playlist that me and Shabby joked Hizashi would make for Shouta in high school if he and Oboro kidnapped him to give him a better life, this is the prequel to Mic's Bullshit Life from Shouta's perspective. And yes this one is started, yes it will take me a long time to write, but there's so many little Shouta stories I've wanted to write that all have to do with my rooftop gang headcanons and I've been in my feels about Mic's Bullshit Life, so I figured what better way to tie it together by taking the mentioned high school stories from Mic's Bullshit Life and adding them to these other stories I would otherwise write as one-offs.
Anyways yeah I've not written as much as I did last year and I've still yet to start a few ideas I had last year, but at least I've been writing!!!! Can't say I haven't lol.
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daikushiji · 4 years
hi! i like your "i'm gonna marry this man" with oikawa, suna, and iwaizumi ❤️ can i request the same for tsukishima, osamu, and kita?? 😳👉🏻👈🏻
“I’m gonna marry this man” (pt. 2)
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pairings: tsukishima x reader, osamu x reader, kita x reader
a/n: hellooo bby and thank you!!! i hope you gonna like this one too <33
[part 1 and part 3 here!!]
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Tsukishima Kei
we all have to thank noya for this one
he was wandering around the school thinking about some new ideas for a tiktok
when he saw you two acting all lovey dovey by the vending machines
you once told tsukki your favourite snack and now he always buys it for you before leaving to go to practice
honestly he knows all your favourite things like the back of his hand
will he ever admit that he’s actually so whipped for you? ofc no
but still there he is offering you the drink that you like so much before you could even say that you’re thirsty
as you drink it, a silent giggle escapes his mouth
with a starstruck look on his face, he reaches out a hand to tuck in a strand of hair behind your ear
and when you look up, his gaze is already on your figure, eyes softening when they meet yours
seeing you smile at him, he feels his heart pounding like never before
and he wants to tell you about it, but he remains silent, just wondering how lucky he was to have met you
needless to say you’re pretty surprised to see the video noya posted where he calls you two a married couple
thinking that it's better to not tell anything to tsukki, you just brush it off
but the first thing you see at school the next morning is your boyfriend charging towards noya 
”what are you doing?”
”i’m gonna delete that dumb video”
”why? you don’t want the world to know how much you love me?”
your teasing tone has him turning his head to the other side to finally face you
amused by his flustered expression, you pull his glasses down
and kiss the indent marked between his eyes, just to see his cheeks getting even more red
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Miya Osamu
he videocalls you all the time, especially just to annoy you with the dumbest questions ever
(he’s so glad you can’t hit him through the screen)
”is cereal a soup?”
and right after you hang up, he sends you a full paragraph explaining what he thinks
osamu loves to cook or clean on facetime with you because it feels really domestic
he will randomly start drawing doodles around you and then take pictures to set them as his wallpaper 
you often catch him staring at you, but he always plays it off saying he was frozen because your wifi sucks
you make him feel so at ease that the two of you can even just do your own things in silence while on facetime 
and it’s never awkward because you both love being in the company of one another
but his favourite type of calls are when you two fall asleep together
he usually calls while you’re getting ready for bed to chat
and then spending the rest of the night either having deep conversations or taking random screenshots of the other doing weird crap 
no wonder you have so many photos of him sleeping saved on your camera roll
he looks just so adorable with his mouth slightly open and his head sinking in the pillow
so you post some of those saying that the biggest flex of your future husband is being a pretty sleeper
as you two are chilling on the couch, osamu gets a text from his twin
”eew so this is what i look like when i sleep?”
he doesn’t even pay attention to the tiktok, his eyes are fixed on one particular word in the caption
dying of embarrassment, you try to escape his embrace
but he stops you pressing his lips to the corner of your mouth
with his hair brushing your face, you feel him smiling into the kiss
then two arms wrap tightly around you, as he buries his face into your shoulder
”can’t wait for you calling me that”
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Kita Shinsuke
he always has his hand on or near you
walking you home, he holds your hand the entire way
when the school halls get crowded, his hand rests on the small of your back to guide you
going out to eat, he wants to sit beside you and not in front of you because he needs to lace your pinkies together under the table
when you two are studying together, he will touch you with either his elbow or his knee the entire time
and then randomly take your hand in his to press them up to his warm cheek 
he’s almost always tracing his fingers across your arm or down your back
and most of the time he’s not even aware that he does it because the feeling of your skin under his fingertips just feel so natural to him
you love to record these lovely moments between you two and sometimes you even post them on tiktok
“i guess that now you’re their boyfriend as well”
pressed into his chest, you’re reading to him some funny comments that your followers left under the videos with him
he chuckles softly, as he keeps smoothing your hair back to press his lips to your temple
then cupping your jaw, he gently tilts your head towards him
“sorry but i’ve already decided to spend the rest of my life only with you”
you nuzzle into his hand, leaving a quick kiss on his palm
“do you think we will get married one day?”
dragging some lazy pecks down to your ear, he engulfs you into a desperate hug
“well i’m gonna ask you for sure, i just hope you’ll say yes”
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antebunny · 4 years
Parent Trap AU
...with a side of on-the-run hacker!wwx AU, and celebrity!lwj AU. Full series here.
In the end, all the chaos starts because Lan Jingyi gets offended.
“What do you mean you haven’t heard of my uncle?” Lan Jingyi demands. 
He glares down at Wei Sizhui from the top bunk. Lan Jingyi and the other two boys in Wei Sizhui’s cabin got into a fight over who would get the top bunks, and after several heated rounds of rock-paper-scissors, they went to Lan Jingyi and Ouyang Zizhen.
“Stop shouting!” Jin Rulan yells from the other side of the room. He yanks his headphones off and directs his own glare at Lan Jingyi, who scowls back.
“He said he hasn’t heard of Hanguang-jun!” Lan Jingyi yells right back.
Jin Rulan frowns. “The singer? So?”
“I’m sorry,” Wei Sizhui interrupts, before they can get into a fight. “My dad and I travel a lot, so I’ve never stuck around in one place long enough…”
Lan Jingyi frowns, this time with suspicion. “What does your dad do?”
He’s a genius-level hacker wanted for a felony he didn’t commit and he’s been on the run from at least two organizations for the past nine years.
“…He’s a computer engineer.”
“Really?” Ouyang Zizhen perks up from his top bunk. Wei Sizhui knows vaguely that he likes graphic design. “That’s so cool.”
Wei Sizhui smiles weakly. “Yeah. Um.” He tries not to panic thinking about what to say if anyone asks him any more questions about his dad’s job.
Lan Jingyi flounders for only a second. “Still,” he insists. “You guys have heard of him, right?” When Jin Rulan and Ouyang Zizhen both nod, he points his iPhone victoriously at Wei Sizhui. “See?! He’s famous!”
Wei Sizhui shrugs helplessly. He doesn’t know why he hasn’t heard of Hanguang-jun. He suspects that it’s because he moves around so much, he’s never really had the chance to make friends, so all the music he knows is the music his dad listens to. Wei Sizhui knows his dad is doing his best, but sometimes it’s unbearably lonely.
Which is why he’s at this summer camp in the first place. His dad pulled a lot of strings (read: committed a lot of forgery) so that he could make friends. And now it seems he’s already made a mistake in not knowing Lan Jingyi’s (“Well, he’s not really my uncle, but we’re related…somehow”) uncle. 
“But you’ve at least heard his songs,” Lan Jingyi insists. “Like, uh.” He clears his throat, then shoots a look at Jin Rulan, cheeks flushing. “Our Vow? Water Under The Bridge? I Promise? Someone Like You? At First Sight?” He shakes his head in disappointment when Wei Sizhui just continues staring at him blankly. 
“Wait, I’m pulling it up on Spotify,” Ouyang Zizhen chimes in. He rolls over onto his stomach and fishes his phone out of his pocket.
“I can’t believe this,” Lan Jingyi says, still shaking his head. “You’ve at least heard the chorus of Under Moonlight. There’s no way you haven’t.” He clears his throat again, and then clearly chickens out again.
“Go ahead, sing it,” Jin Rulan says, smirking.
Lan Jingyi glares at him, then a thought brightens his face. “Maybe you’ll recognize him!” He whips out his phone and starts typing furiously.
Wei Sizhui opens his mouth to protest, seeing no reason why he would recognize the singer’s face but not their voice, but he’s too late. Lan Jingyi is already clambering down the ladder, and proudly presenting the Google Image results for “Hanguang-jun.” Then Wei Sizhui’s mouth, despite not being closed, really falls open.
“I know him,” he blurts.
“So you do recognize him,” Lan Jingyi says, pleased.
“No, I…” Wei Sizhui stutters. 
Now it’s his turn to fumble for his phone. He opens Photos and taps on Albums, then opens Favorites. At the top, timestapped April 5, 2010, is one of the only photos Wei Sizhui has of his dad. His dad hates being caught on camera, for obvious reasons. Still, Wei Sizhui doesn’t hesitate to open the photo and show it to Lan Jingyi.
Lan Jingyi cranes his neck to peer over Wei Sizhui’s shoulder, and his mouth falls open too.
The photo is a still image of two people. On the left is Wei Wuxian, Wei Sizhui’s adopted dad. He’s dressed in a sharp black suit, a red flower tucked into the right breast pocket. He’s throwing up peace signs for the camera. His arms are draped around the other person from behind, and his smile is blinding. 
The other person is clearly Lan Jingyi’s uncle, Hanguang-jun. The man has the same striking face, the same light brown eyes. He’s dressed in an all-white suit, save for the light blue flower tucked similarly into a pocket. He has the same ribbon wrapped around his wrist. The main difference between the Google Images that Lan Jingyi pulled up and the photo that Wei Sizhui has is that in Sizhui’s, Hanguang-jun is smiling softly.
It’s a wedding photo.
“No way,” Lan Jingyi breathes. “I recognize that guy! My uncle carries around a picture of him in his wallet!”
“Wait, really?” Jin Rulan perks up at this bit of drama, taking his headphones off completely. 
Ouyang Zizhen also perks up, abandoning his quest to find Hanguang-jun’s music. He slides down his ladder, colliding with Jin Rulan’s attempts to get out of his bed. After minimal cursing, both boys make their way to Wei Sizhui’s bed, where Lan Jingyi is still gaping at the photo.
“Wait, that really is Hanguang-jun,” Ouyang Zizhen says. “I guess your dad met him, Sizhui?”
“Oh my god,” Jin Rulan says at the same time. “That’s my uncle.”
This time Jin Rulan is the one to pull out his phone. He scrolls through his videos until he gets to the very beginning, narrating as he goes. “It’s the only video I have of my uncle,” he explains. “My uncle–I mean, my mom’s other brother–doesn’t like to talk about him, because he went to jail like a decade ago–”
At this, Wei Sizhui winces, suddenly remembering why he’s not supposed to talk about his dad with other people. 
“–But my mom does, and she sent this to me,” Jin Rulan finishes.
Finally, he finds the right video, and opens it.
The video was filmed on a 2010’s iPhone, so the video quality is poor. Still, the audio is clear enough when the camera is turned around to view the filmer. The man taking the video has a half-fond, half-exasperated scowl on his face. He’s wearing a violently purple sweater, under which the collar of a black shirt peeks out.
“He’s going to break his legs before I have a chance to break them for him,” the man says, rolling his eyes. “Look.” 
The camera is flipped around, showcasing a staircase and Wei Wuxian, leaning over the railing. Wei Wuxian looks back and grins at the camera. 
“It’s going to work, just you wait,” Wei Wuxian says. 
“I’m going to watch you break your legs,” the man says again.
“Aw, Jiang Cheng, have a little faith,” Wei Wuxian retorts. He leans over the railing again. “Wait, shh! He’s coming!”
Jiang Cheng dutifully falls silent, as Wei Wuxian leans further and further over the railing. 
“Lan Zhan!” Wei Wuxian shouts, and then he jumps over the railing.
Jiang Cheng starts running to the stairs, and any and all sounds are drowned out by the background wind noise of the man running. When he stops, he points the camera over the stairs. 
There’s a scattering of books across the hardwood floor, and a man in white, whose face is obscured by Wei Wuxian, held in his arms. Wei Wuxian wraps his arms around the man's neck and twists to look up at the camera. 
“I told you he’d catch me!” Wei Wuxian shouts victoriously.
“You made him drop all his books!” Jiang Cheng shouts back, from behind the camera. 
The camera is flipped back to Jiang Cheng, who’s still rolling his eyes. “Somehow this is my dumbest brother-in-law,” he says. 
“Jiang Cheng, don’t be jealous!” Wei Wuxian shouts from the other floor. “We’ll find you someone one day!”
Jiang Cheng’s face colors purple, and the video ends.
The four boys are silent for a moment.
“So that was Hanguang-jun?” Ouyang Zizhen says, after their moment of silence is over.
“I guess so,” Jin Rulan says. 
“You’re telling me my uncle and your dad were married?” Lan Jingyi demands.
“And he went to jail?” Ouyang Zizhen adds. “Sizhui, what happened there?”
Jin Rulan wrinkles his nose. “Why does your uncle still carry around a photo of him if they split up?”
“Why did they split up?” Lan Jingyi asks. “Was it the jail thing?”
“Seriously, what did he go to jail for?” Ouyang Zizhen asks.
In eerie unison, all three boys put down their phones and look at Wei Sizhui expectantly.
Two weeks into summer camp, and Wei Sizhui has already made his first three friends, and blown his dad’s cover. He’ll be wanted by the FBI after this, for identity forgery, if they aren’t already–Wei Sizhui isn’t entirely clear, and his dad doesn’t clarify.
Wei Sizhui smiles nervously.
“Who did you say your dad was again?” Lan Jingyi asks.
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One Punch Man ship reviews bc I’m bored
GenoSai: do I even have to say it?? They compliment each other so well and are already besties. They make me so happy and I love their love. Genos literally came into Saitama’s life and brought so much new life and excitement when Saitama thought he’d never get any. Genos gives him love and appreciation all the time and never abandons him. Saitama isn’t connected to his feelings, but he cares about Genos and would do just about anything for him, to keep him safe. Genos constantly teases Saitama and Saitama grumbles and takes it with some banter, Genos is super emotional and Saitama does his best to comfort him, they fucking love shopping together and just hanging out period, they talk about the dumbest shit and somehow they still understand each other with the one brain cell they both share. It takes Genos forever to realize his feelings are deeper and Saitama has to be TOLD by their friends that he should fucking realize his feelings already. Just...I could keep going but I’ll stop! 2718873737839439/10 (let’s not talk about the age gap btw, 6 years isn’t bad and Genos is a legal adult.)
FubuSai: the stereotypical straight ship ppl gravitate to. Eh. I can see it, but at the same time I feel like they don’t completely compliment each other. Are they a hot couple? Duh. But I feel like their pride and communication issues would get in the way. 4/10
TatsuSai: hnghhhh. Someone mentioned this before, can’t remember who, but Saitama literally thinks she’s a child in canon. So that just....makes it gross. Same problems as FubuSai but worse. I’d rather see them as hesitant friends w a weird bond. 0/10
SonSai/SonicSai/idk the ship name: eh, toxic. Cant see them getting past communication issues and pride, again. Plus Sonic wants to kill his ass. Also, I just feel no romantic tension?? Even in fanfic it just falls flat for me. 3/10
MumenSai: a favorite!! Wish I saw it more, it’s very cute. Mumen is so kind and would absolutely be there to help him w self esteem and just help him be a better person period. And Saitama would have a cute little kind guy to tease and open up to. I could maybe see Mumen’s kindness getting on Saitama’s nerves when he’s in a bad mood bc Mumen almost never snaps and Saitama feels shittier, or maybe Mumen being mad at Saitama for being kinda lazy at home while Mumen is working his ass off and he’s like babe I just got home, please stop playing the fucking game and pay attention to me I have a concussion again. Prob too nitpicky on this one, heh, but 8.4/10
Genos x Sonic: wtf? As a crack ship, sure. That’s hilarious. But as a serious ship, 1.3/10 bc I could MAYBE see them bond over their love of my chemical romance or sum.
Anyone x Puri: -128382839287473828739219833468282/10. Fuck Puri.
TatsuKing: eh. Indifferent on this one too. I can see them getting along and Tatsu being the mean but supportive gf in public, but a sweet gf in private. King could be like her calm oasis of video games and sweet blonde shy bf. I sway more towards ace/aro King and queer non binary Tatsu, but this is still good. 6/10
FubuPsy/Fubuki x Psykos/idk: hell yeah!! This series NEEDS more wlw ships, both for me to project onto and to cry over. Prob my fav Fubuki ship, cuz they’ve known each other since they were young and had a tenuous friendship. I didn’t use to ship it until I saw that scene in the wc after the MA arc (u know the one) but here we are. They’re big personalities so any interaction is bound to be chaotic at first, but I really think they’d work. Pride put to the side, Psykos could be someone for Fubuki to finally rely on other than the Blizzard Bunch, someone to confide in, a badass partner to fight monsters with, talk about nothing for hours with, be a super fashionable #girlboss couple with, and someone who would really see her for who she is-especially w Psykos knowledge of her from the past. Hell, Psykos might even know her better than Tatsumaki. Fubuki could be an anchor to her like she currently is in the wc, providing a quiet comfort and making her open up little by little. Would prob be toxic at first bc of the MA arc and their desire for power, but is a very good ship I think. 9/10
Speedal/Sonic x Mumen: an old fav! Sonic would have a hard time not hating Mumen at first bc he’s the picture definition of a hero, sum he hates. But hanging out with him would show him Mumen is a GOOD guy genuinely and he’d be like ohhhh shit I’m in love w this man. Mumen would thoroughly appreciate someone to make him live a little, break some rules and stand up to ppl when they talk over him. He’d DEFINITELY be upset when finding out Sonic is an assassin, but would prob be conflicted bc he knows Sonic is a good person despite that. Would prob make Sonic give up on killing for them to be together. Sucks bc of the assassin thing and bc they haven’t met in canon! So we’re not sure how they’d interact with each other, sigh. 7.4/10
Okamaitachi x Bushidrill: a very underrated ship! To be clear, I headcanon Kama as a trans woman and so does most of the fandom. Anyway, very sweet and already built as a friendship bc of their partnership under Atomic Samurai. I can’t remember who writes fic and makes art of them on tumblr but AAAAA it’s so good! Very sweet. Basically depicted Bushi as a nervous himbo who’s honest about his feelings but scared to say them and Kama as a sweet lady who’s crazy about Bushi. Very sweet. Want more of them!! 6.1/10
OneZon/Zombieman x One Shotter: never even thought of the ship till I saw @megidolan art work! Very wholesome, and from what little we know of Shotter we know he’s a sort of nervous yet strong willed guy, and Zombieman would totally help him calm down bc he’s so chill. I could see them sharing cigarettes and talking shit on heroes while cuddling u know? 7/10 only because I don’t see enough of it but very good concept.
Mumarou/Mumen x Garou: a lot of ppl are gonna hate me for this but....I don’t like it. I’ve tried! I just—idk. I’ve read so many good fics about them that make me like it a bit, but the concept is just eh. I think their relationship is, in most reps, really cliche angsty stuff. I wish I could elaborate I just...gah! Basically, there’s better ships for the both of them imo. Sorry!! 4.3/10
Sonic x Flashy/SonFlash: yes!! Prob my fav Sonic ship. They have soooo much tension, it’s almost worse than Genos’ tension w Saitama. Flashy LITERALLY poisoned Sonic so that he wouldn’t be forced to kill him at the ninja graduation. He cares. They’ll never say it out loud, but they care. They have someone who understands what they went through in each other and someone they’re both so similar to, yet so different from. Sonic is more vocal about his expressions and let’s people know it while Flashy often keeps things to himself, they could really influence the other to be more this or that. I could see a lot of comfort with these two, and not much is needed for relationship development; they already have so much unspoken between them after meeting for the first time in years. Love it. Wish I saw it more! 10/11
KingSai: wonderful! Out of the few ppl Saitama is close to, def my second fav pick for a ship for him. There’s a post saying how Saitama doesn’t cut King off when he’s going on rants about games and stuff bc he’s talking TO Saitama, not at him like Genos tends to do on accident. They’re already great buddies! Saitama could find a shy gamer man who he can talk to about manga and stuff and also a passionate bf who could break out of his shell w Saitama and be himself with no lies. King can have someone to protect him, duh, someone who finally understands his weird sense of humor, and someone to shower him in the love and kindness he deserves when Saitama is in the mood to be all out like that w his affections. Plus he’s Saitama’s anchor and brings him back down when he’s super anxious and depressed and tells him what’s up that he needs to fix without sugarcoating it. Would def have a bunch of inside jokes and go on dates that are just staying inside playing video games all night. Domestic af. 10/10
Fubuki x Mizuki: my first wlw Fubuki ship! Hard to find but very good. Mizuki is this big ball of kindness, energy, and raw power that would make Fubuki go ‘Ohhhhhhh, big pretty lady make brain go brrr.’ I could see Mizuki grounding Fubuki when she’s in over her head, giving her random gifts bc she saw sum and thought of her, doing a marathon run and wildly waving at Fubuki in the crowd, and all around being a dependable woman confident in herself and in love with a mysterious esper. Prob a little shy when it comes to anything physical bc she loves Fubuki so much and is overwhelmed by the realness of being w her. Fubuki gives Mizuki advice on ‘acting like a proper hero’ or whatever and though Mizuki thinks she doesn’t need it, Fubuki still helps her a lot w her career and being taken more seriously by others. Would give Mizuki someone who loves her for who she is and would go wild on her in private when she can be open about her affection, would be someone Mizuki could exercise with and listen intently to Mizuki’s physical knowledge, and would absolutely bandage her when she’s all banged up. Hnghh love this ship. It’s only behind the FubuPsy ship juuuuust a little bc they haven’t met in canon so we can’t be sure about their interactions and stuff. 8.8/10, I love WOMEN
Batarou: how could I go this far without mentioning them?! They have SOOOO much tension in the centichoro fight, like come on. Both snarky assholes who are huge softies one the inside, Badd being the more logical one (still a himbo, tho) and Garou being the more chaotic one. Probably take forever to admit their feelings bc they’re so prideful and stupid <3 flirt through constant wrestling matches and it takes Genos saying ‘they should kiss already, they’re getting on his nerves’ for them to finally realize what’s up. (@rayadraws has a great au where Garou Genos and Badd are a chaotic friend squad and Genos is the only brain of the group, haha. Very good au y’all check it out!) Would constantly pick on each other affectionately and switch into concerned SO when the other is hurt like the big teddy bears they are. Raise Zenko together for sure. Garou would fumble being romantic and Badd would find it both hilarious and cute. 11/12
Zombie mask/Amai x Zombieman:
So. I don’t like Amai Mask and I used to hate him, BUT the webcomic and fic have really helped me calm down on him (he’s still a dick tho), so it’s easier to want to ship him and stuff. Bc of Amai’s anger issues and controlling behavior, I could see this relationship being super toxic and icky—but I think they have some form of understanding that pulls Amai back from being a complete dick, you know? Start off as fuck buddies and slowly form something else from spending companionable time together other than screwing. Zombieman pulls Amai back from his angry fits and soothes him over with his logic. Talk maaaaaad shit about heroes, but only when they’re alone because Zombieman knows Amai will talk loud af about the heroes they’re roasting and Zombie doesn’t wanna stop a fight from happening. Zombieman loves making Amai flustered and has a secret check list in his head of all the things that get Amai red faced. Loves to listen to Amai rant about things for hours and loves to watch his face go through almost cartoon like expressions as he talks. He won’t admit it, but Zombie loves to be spoiled by Amai’s shit tons of cash and often takes rides in Amai’s limos when he wants to smoke and think to himself. Amai has a hard time realizing how his feelings have changed, but gets hit hard with it when he wakes up to Zombie making them breakfast one morning while wearing Amai’s underwear. Amai also loves to spoil Zombie and takes him out to restaurants and buys him cool new weapons on the weekends. @batneko has pretty much gotten me into this ship and I strongly suggest looking at their works! 7.9/10
DemonKnight/Genos x Zero/Drive Knight: I’m pretty sure this used to be a crack ship before the past like 10 manga chapters—and now here we are! Not a fav bc 1. ZERO LEFT GENOS TO SELF DESTRUCT AFTER THEY COMBINED TO FORM THE FUCKING JET HE WAS JUST LIKE lol bye SO LIKE if he left him to die that’s super hard for me to forgive and ship grrr 2. Disregarding the manga’s canon and looking at the wc, while I love the little trip they went on where Zero demonstrated his abilities and helped Genos kill monsters, it’s super sus. He knew alllll of this info on Metal Knight and was super supportive and understanding when Genos said he needed time to think. Like,,,what are his intentions? We know so little about him—is he trying to trick Genos or was he being sincere? THAT STUFF ASIDE, they’re a really fun ship. They’re both huge fucking nerds and can keep up with their talk on robotics for hours, they’re both cyborgs so they understand each other’s pain, and they’re both super cool and angsty. I think they could really settle into a deep bond that can go platonic or romantic, just depends. Genos needs more ppl in his life so hell yeah! Plus, he can really let go with Zero bc they don’t have that teacher/student relationship and Zero, if he’s really a sincere and kind guy like in the wc, can be there for Genos and listen to him. Don’t have much to say on this ship other than @wellthisisembarrassing makes GORGEOUS art of them! 6.3/10
Webuiko/Suiko x Webigaza: YEAH I KNOW THEY HAVENT INTERACTED IN CANON AND WE DONT KNOW MUCH ABOUT THEM BUT HEAR ME OUT. Webigaza—cool af determined cyborg idol who’s surprisingly down to earth when talking with Child Emperor. Suiko—sassy and honest fighter who doesn’t take shit and is very passionate. Suiko would go to talk to Web then immediately freak out bc aaaa she’s way prettier than she thought, she can’t do this! Web would have to gently encourage Suiko to talk and at first is like ‘ah man, must be an adoring fan, ugh I’m so tired. At least she’s hot’ but when Suiko snaps out of her shyness Web is like oh! She’s super cool wtf. Always bump into each other during fights and help each other get fixed up, Suiko using her muscle power to lift Web’s pieces (and give Web a great view of Suiko’s muscles holy SHIT) and Web would patch Suiko up. Not to be stereotypical, but they’re def a masc/femme couple. I love the idea of this ship soooo much and I really hope they interact! 6.6/10 only bc they haven’t met 😭😭😭 look them up on here! There’s some great art of them by a few blogs
Dr. Kuseno x Bang: pretty sure @baldyborg came up with this one! Super cute. Just two old dudes finding a nice friendship in each other, maybe after Bang helps carry Genos to Kuseno’s after a day of fighting. Bang would find Kuseno to be a very cute little nerd man and would be sooo impressed by Kuseno’s mad scientist skills. Kuseno would be super impressed when seeing Bang in action too. They’d prob talk as soon as they meet each other and Genos would be in the background like you guys it’s been an hour, please fix me I’m on the verge of death 🧍🏻Bang would give Kuseno advice on training techniques to teach Genos and advice on making his bodies more martial arts ready or sum, meanwhile Kuseno would give his take on how to be kinder to Garou so that Bang would learn to repair the relationship with a gentleness he’s seemingly lacking (yes I’m talking about the chapter where he and Garou start fighting and Bang is just not doing enough to reach out to Garou, he’s being a callous old man! So yeah I’m still mad about that). Genos and Saitama would prob be out on a date and Saitama would be like oh theres Bang, wonder what he’s doing? Then Kuseno would walk up and kiss Bang and Genos and Sai would be shocked like SIRS 👬 Genos would tell Bang he doesn’t need another adoptive dad and Bang would be like....ok.... I see them retiring in a cottage together and Bang would become a huge softie. Yes I’m actively ignoring chapter 141 of the wc, shut up. 7.6/10
TankTop master x Mumen: they have a nice friendship going on in the manga right now! Just bros supporting bros. Tank is the picture definition of a muscly himbo and Mumen is his cute passionate bf. Also workout buddies af!! Don’t have much to say other than pretty good ship, just not a fav. 5.2/10
To sum it up—
GenoSai: 2718873737839439/10, Batarou: 11/12, SonFlash: 10/11, KingSai: 10/10, FubuPsy: 9/10, Fubuki x Mizuki: 8.8/10, MumenSai: 8.4/10, ZombieMask: 7.9/10, Dr. Kuseno x Bang: 7.6/10, Speedal: 7.4/10, OneZon: 7/10, Webuiko: 6.6/10, DemonKnight: 6.3/10, Okamaitachi x Bushidrill: 6.1/10, TatsuKing: 6/10, TankTop Master x Mumen: 5.2/10, Mumarou: 4.3/10, FubuSai: 4/10, SonSai: 3/10, Genos x Sonic: 1.3/10, TatsuSai: 0/10, anyone x Puri: -1283828319833468282/10
If there’s any ships I left out, it’s bc I don’t know them, don’t wanna talk about them, or just don’t have an opinion strong enough. Also, I know there are some poly ships like Genos x Saitama x Fubuki, but I’ve read only one fic about that (it was pretty good, here’s the link https://archiveofourown.org/works/5406992 ) so I don’t feel like talking about it. Hope no ones offended! All my opinion here :)
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softholand · 4 years
gingerbread kisses - t.h
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pairing: tom holland x youtuber!reader
warnings: a lot of dialogue and some good old festive fluff
words: 2.5k
a/n: this is like a part two of my youtuber!reader series, it can also be read on it’s one but if you haven’t read chocolate kisses yet, you can do it here i really hope you guys enjoy it and please let me know what you think!! ✨
It was another normal workday at your flat, you had all your lights and camera set in your living room, ready to start filming. Today’s video was going to be a Q&A with a special guest, Tom Holland.
It was expected that your baking video with him was going to be one of the most successful ones, but you weren’t expecting the number of views that, to this day, a whole month later, kept coming.
With so many comments almost begging you to bring him to your channel again, you finally gave in and asked him to do a Q&A with you, but since it was the end of the year and Christmas was just around the corner, you decided that, while you answered your viewer's questions, you two could build gingerbread houses.
“Tom, where are you? I’m about to start this without you!” You shouted from the living room floor, where you were seated. “I’m coming, I just had to get something before,” Tom answered, appearing in front of you, wearing a ridiculously ugly Christmas jumper, making you burst out laughing.
“Oh my God! Where did you get that?” You asked, trying to recover from your fit of laughing. “Oh, don’t worry, darling! There’s one for you too!” He stated, taking an identical jumper from behind him.
“You’re not letting me get out of this, are you?” You questioned, sighing when you saw him shake his head. Once you took your (his) hoodie out, replacing it with the ugly sweater, you were finally ready to start recording.
“Hi guys, welcome back to another video! This week we have a special guest that you guys have been asking since our last video together.” You said, giving Tom time to sit next to you. “It’s Tom!”
“It’s me!” He exclaimed, smiling at the camera. “This time we’re not baking anything but, since Christmas is almost here, I thought it was a good idea for us to build some gingerbread houses!” You said, pointing to the kits you had bought on your last trip to the grocery store.
“It’s been so long since I’ve done this!” Tom smiled, clearly excited to start. “But, instead of just sitting here, I asked you guys on Instagram to send some questions so we could answer while doing our houses. What do you think?” You questioned, looking at him.
“Dangerous… but fun!” He said, making you laugh. “So, we have the Christmas tree with the lights on, it’s starting to snow outside, I’ve made us some hot chocolate and of course, we cannot forget our ugly sweaters, courtesy of Tom.” You grinned.
“You’re welcome!” He praised, making you roll your eyes. “I’d said we’re ready to start.” You announced, to which he gave you two thumbs-ups.
Once you had taken the house out of its package, you laid all the biscuit parts in front of you, Tom doing the same beside you.
“So, the first question is “What’s your best/worst memory together?” You let them know while putting the baking glue on your biscuit. “Do you wanna start?” Tom offered, to which you shrugged. “It’s okay, you can go first.” You said, seeing that he already had the answer at the tip of his tongue.
“Best memory is your twentieth birthday party.” He stated, without taking his eyes out of his project. “Why?” You asked, also concentrating on building the house.
“C’mon, y/n! You know why!” Tom finally looked up, making kissy lips to you. “Tom! It’s supposed to be a surprise for the end of the video!” You whined, earning a chuckle from him. “Okay, fine! I’ll behave!” He said, making you laugh this time.
“I think my favorite memory of us is at the Far From Home premiere party! We had so much fun!” Tom declared, making you smile. “Yeah, that was nice!” You agreed, thinking about your favorite memory with Tom. “Mine is probably when we went to New York, I loved that trip!” You confessed, remembering all the crazy things you and Tom did back then.
“Yeah, that was a good one!” Tom agreed, smiling at you. “Worst one has to be the time paparazzi locked us outside of that restaurant. It was awful, I honestly thought I was gonna die that day.” You remembered, feeling chills cover your body. “Yeah, same!” The boy next to you answered, clearly feeling down just thinking about that event, so you made sure to quickly change the subject and ask the next question.
“So, the next question is, what was your best trip?” You asked, motioning for Tom to go first. “Mine has to be Bali, I loved that place and I’m dying to go back.” He stated. “Tell me about it, I was so jealous when you guys went there!” You whined, remembering the photos he kept texting you. “What about you, y/n?”
“Oh, 100% Christmas in New York!” You told him, without even having to think. “It was magical!” You smiled, remembering the trip like it was yesterday.
“Nice! I never spent Christmas in New York!” Tom commented, before going for the next question. “What’s the other Starbucks order?” He asked, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.
“Yours is tea!” You said, rolling your eyes. “Hey, I drink coffee too!” Tom uttered. “Rarely! Most of the time is Chai Latte or a Royal English Breakfast Tea.” You stated and of course, Tom had to agree.
“Yeah, you’re right! I should try more of their stuff. But you also always get the same, White Chocolate Mocha or Peppermint Hot Cocoa at this time of the year.” Tom listed, making you smile knowing that he knew your drink orders.
“But it’s just soooo good! I can’t help it!” Tom chuckled, before passing your phone back to you for the next question. “That’s a good one, who’s the messier one?” You questioned. “I don’t even think I have to answer this, you guys realized that from our last video together!” You declared, making you both laugh.
“Ok, I’ll give you this one. I’m pretty messy! But I’m trying to get better at it, I promise!” Tom added, to which you chuckled. “My house is built, now I just have to decorate!” You announced, making Tom gasp by your side. “What?! There’s no way! I’m still trying to make these walls stick together.” He whined, making you chuckle.
“That’s because you’re not using enough glue, look, you have to put a straight line across the whole biscuit, otherwise it won’t stick.” You told him, showing exactly how to do it. “But the glue it’s showing on the other side.” He reasoned. “It doesn’t matter, Tom! We’ll just make it look like snow. See?” You pointed to your own house and he nodded, going back to work, focused on finishing it so he could start decorating.
“Next question, what’s the most useless talent you have?” Tom asked, already laughing. “Mine is really stupid but I can put my feet on top of my head,” Tom stated, demonstrating exactly what he was saying, almost knocking everything that was on the table in front of you off.
“That’s not a talent, you’re just flexible.” You rolled your eyes, to which he laughed. “You’re only saying this because you’re jealous you can’t do it.” He smirked, clearly trying to get on your nerves. “Shut up, I have a much better one, I can lick my elbow.” You said, also showing your completely useless talent. “That’s… weirdly impressive.” Tom expressed making you both laugh.
When Tom was finally done building his house, he joined you and started to decorate. You told him and your viewers that you were going for more of a white Christmas theme, while Tom expressed his desire to make the house as colorful as possible.
“Tom, I think the next question is for you.” You gave him a look, before continuing. “What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured?” He gasped, putting one of his hands over his chest while you laughed. “Why are you coming for me today?” The brown-haired boy asked, pretending to be offended.
“I’m sorry, but how many times have you broken your nose while filming?” You asked once you had stopped laughing. “Three, actually, two and a half, the last one wasn’t a complete fracture.” He explained, trying to not make a fool out of himself.
“Well, I’ve never injured myself badly, just some paper cuts, which for me it’s very dumb.” You mentioned. “See? Your answer is dumber than mine and still, I get the title.” Tom shook his head, making you laugh. “So, taking a break from the questions, what are you doing with your house?” You questioned, taking a moment to observe his work.
“I’m gluing some gummies on the roof.” He exclaimed, putting the icing on the sugar-coated candy before sticking it on the house. “And you?” Tom asked, stopping his movements to look at yours.
“I’m putting shredded coconut on the roof and a little bit on the floor, to make it look more like snow.” You smiled, happy with what you had done so far. “Uhh, bougie!” Tom uttered, sticking his tongue out.
“Shut up! Okay, question number… I don’t even know what number we are, so… weird habits of each other? Oh my God, Tom makes SO much noise to eat, it’s ridiculous!” You blurted, to which he immediately complained. “I do not!” He exclaimed. “Yes, you do!”
“You never said that to me!” You laughed at Tom defending himself. “I have told you, at least, a hundred times!” You stated. “Well, at least I have control of my own body, you can’t stop bouncing your leg for literally two seconds.” He exclaimed.
“That’s because I have anxiety and you know that! I’m always moving a part of my body!” You practically yelled. “Still annoying!” Tom said. “Well, I can’t help it!” You interjected. “Neither do I!” He replied. “Next question?” You asked. “Please!” He shot back, making you both burst out laughing.
Once you stopped, Tom took your phone and asked the next question. “Do you have nicknames for each other?” He smirked, making you panic. “Hey, you said you’d behave!” You warned, pointing a finger at him. “I will, promise!” He told you, but that didn’t stop you from being nervous about his answer.
“I sometimes call her cherry, because she can do that trick with the cherry stem, it’s unbelievable!” He smirked, making you blush. “That’s actually pretty easy to do!” You said, trying to make light of the situation. “Oh yeah, it’s totally easy to tie a knot with a cherry stem with your tongue. Super chill!” Tom added, without taking that stupid smirk out of his face.
“Stop it! I don’t think I have a nickname for you, I call you spider-boy sometimes but just to spite you.” You smiled, sticking your tongue out. If Tom wanted to play, you could join his little game.
“I wish I could tell them all the other names you call me in bed,” Tom whispered, making you almost choke on your hot chocolate. “Thomas!!!” You screamed, trying desperately to clean the mess you’ve made. “Fine…” He replied, taking a sip of his drink.
“Ok, since we are almost done with the houses, the second to last question is: If you could, what would you change about your first kiss?” You asked, immediately regretting choosing the question. “Oh, that’s cool! Let me see… no, I don’t think I’ll change anything about it, maybe the place. It was a little too crowded.” He replied, not even trying to hide his smirk.
“Really? That’s all you’d change?” You asked, giving him the chance to take back his answer. “Yep, that’s all! What about you, y/n?” You shook your head, feigning disappointment that he didn’t choose to make you his first kiss. “I’d change the person, you idiot!” You answered, throwing one of the icing packages at him.
“Hey, that hurt!” Tom protested, throwing it back at you. “Stop it! We have to finish these so we can end the video.” You warned, pointing an accusing finger at him. “Oh, I’m done!” He announced, showing off his finished gingerbread house with a very colorful roof, windows, and door. “Already? I still wanna do a garland on the door. I even bought special sprinkles for it.” You stated, rushing yourself. “Of course you did!” Tom mocked, to which you simply flipped him off.
Once you had also finished your house, you and Tom did a quick cleaning of the table, before going back to filming. “We’re back!” You said, to which Tom added. “And we’re finished!”
“I’m really happy, they turned out so pretty!” You beamed, looking at your finished works. “They did!” Tom agreed, smiling widely. “So… before we end this video, we do have a last question, one that was the most asked and that is: are you guys together?” You said, finally acknowledging the elephant in the room.
You and Tom shared some guilty looks before blurting it out together. “Yes!” Tom’s smile was so wide that it made you smile too. “Yes, guys! You were all right! Tom and I are in a relationship now and we are so happy to finally share this with all of you!” You grinned, looking at your boyfriend, that of course was looking back at you.
“Yeah, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world and I honestly couldn’t be happier,” Tom murmured, making you blush. “Stop it!” You smiled, now completely lost in his eyes. “I think you have to finish the video now, darling!” He joked, bringing you back to earth.
“Oh, yeah, right! So… that was everything for today’s video, I hope you guys enjoyed it! Don’t forget to give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel! Please, let me know what you guys thought in the comments section down below and… I think that’s it. Do you wanna say something?” You asked, shifting your eyes to Tom. “Thank you for having me again and I hope to come back soon for another one!” He said, giving the camera an adorable little wave. “Bye guys! See you next week!” You cheered, getting up to stop the recording. “We did it!”
“Yay! Can I eat now?” Tom quipped, before smashing his house in half. “Thomas!!!!” You shouted, not believing what he had done. “What?! We’re not supposed to eat it?” He wondered, putting one of the cookie pieces in his mouth. “I mean, yeah, but not… like that!” You tried to reasoned, to which he scoffed.
“C’mon, you didn’t think I wasn’t going to make a mess, right?” He smirked, signing for you to come closer. And you did, sliding right in front of him, straddling his waist.
“You’re an idiot!” You teased, clasping your arms behind his head. “Hmm, c’mere!” Tom lifted your chin and there was nothing more to do other than kiss his lips, so you did, only this time, instead of chocolate, they tasted like gingerbread.
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tagging some of my mutuals ✨ @stuckonspidey @definitely-not-black-cat @missnxthingg @bi-writes @uglypastels @screamholland @peeterparkr @wazzupmrstark @tomhollandthing @lauras-collection @tommybaholland @mrs-hollandstan @duskholland @allyz @hazinhoodies @hollandcreep @worldoftom @whatevsholland @geminiparkers
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Hello! Can I have male matchup for Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and The Maze Runner?
𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗘: 20 years old, 5'1", Southeast Asian. Chubby with brunette hair in Nov bute, chocolate brown eyes, and a small beauty mark on my forehead. My style is in between soft grunge and soft punk but loves to wear Korean makeup style
𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗢𝗡𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗬: Muggleborn Ravenclaw with a patronous spirit of Hummingbird, an ENFJ-T/ENFJ-A, my enneagram is 4w5 and my moral alignment is Neutral Good. I may have a slight introverted tendencies who's religious, I describe myself as firey, confident, satirical, and passionate. Super talkative, sometimes hyper, giggly, nerdy, actually sweet and nice though I can be aloof. I tend stand boldly and fiercely on what I believe, and unbothered to be true to myself, clumsy, unfortunate and inattentive. I have "no bullsht attitude" towards the people that I hate, sarcasam and savegry is my main language. But on the other side, I overthink a lot and cry over small things many times, small mistakes leads me to probe even more that sounds like a drama queen, yet recognizes a soft spot for dumb jokes, cheesy pickup lines and prefer people with a good sense of humour who see myself as equal. Chill in academics, but very competitive that manages to the top, and have modesty towards some people that deserves respect. One notable feature about her is her multi-potentiality due to being naturally gifted in artistic fields.
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗦: Arts, choir, poetry, karaoke, makeup, fun/deep/dumb conversations, expanding my knowledge in Christianity, documentaries (about saints, real crime stories, and inspirational people), reading interesting stuffs, talking about social issues, and creative writing, chilling both indoors and outdoors, kittens, cute things, night sky, playing video games from my sister's PSP, late 90s-2000s songs (mostly rock, pop, and country) sometimes Catholic songs, kpop and ppop. Fonds to eat a lot adoring desserts, pasties, and sweets especially chocolate.
Sorry this took a bit longer!
For tmr I match you with…
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You have entire conversations in sarcasm.
I'm assuming sweets don't really exist in the tmr universe, but if they did, Minho would have the biggest sweet tooth so bonding over your favourites would be a thing.
He's probably pretty competitive so expect a lot of little competitions between the two of you. They're just silly things, like who can get to the other end of the Glade the fastest. Winner gets a kiss, so you really can't lose :)
These competitions continue all the way into the Safe Haven.
You're one of the only people outside of the Runners who know that the entire maze has been mapped already.
Minho asks you to take a look to see if your artistic mind picks up something everyone else missed.
In fact, this is probably how the two of you got close.
Now for hp I match you with…
Cedric Diggory
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There’s a healthy competitiveness between the two of you.
The second he learns you like cheesy pickup lines, he bombards you with them. It becomes a game between you to see who can come up with the dumbest ones.
You shared your first kiss when you both snuck into the Astronomy Tower to watch a meteor shower.
So there are plenty of late-night dates either at the tower or by the lake, where you two just talk and watch the stars for hours.
Sneaking each other into your respective common rooms.
You probably steal his Hufflepuff scarf. He pretends it annoys him, but really, if you hadn’t stolen his he would’ve probably gotten you one of your own lol.
And finally, for pjo I match you with…
Jason Grace
Jason is a pretty laidback guy, but like you, he doesn’t hesitate to stand up for what he believes in.
He has the worst sense of humor. You can expect all the dad jokes to come out lol.
Lying in the grass together at night, just vibing to music and looking at the stars.
He’ll totally watch true crime documentaries with you. It fascinates him, though he isn’t sure why.
Please introduce him to gaming. He gets really into it and it’s so funny to watch.
I had a good time coming up with these, and I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for requesting, and have a lovely day/night :)
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sparkandwolf · 4 years
You Love Me Then? (read on ao3)
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale Rating: General Summary: “I don’t like Scott,” Derek repeated, turning toward the TV to incorrectly guess the Jeopardy answer he should have known the answer to.
Stiles laughed and whispered, “Oh, you love him then?” Derek tackled him onto the floor, hoping that would be enough to finally have his mouth closing, but Stiles just grinned and smirked and Derek had never wanted to kiss him more.
For @sterekvalentineweek day three: Secret Crush
“You like Scott, right?” Stiles said out of the blue causing Derek to choke on the egg roll he hadn’t finished chewing yet. Once he could take a deep breath and refill his burning lungs, he threw a fortune cookie at Stiles to get his attention. 
“You think I like Scott?” Derek asked, hoping the incredulity in his tone was clear enough for Stiles to know he was actually insane. 
Stiles shrugged, “I mean, yeah. Isn’t it obvious?” Derek gaped at him, but before he could argue, Stiles rolled his eyes and gestured to the dorm room around them. “This place is practically Scott and I’s home and it’s rare that you don’t have his favorite snacks in the cabinet. You always have a fridge full of that gross energy drink he practically lives off of and--” 
“You like all those things, too!” Derek argued, holding out his hand in a lame effort to beg Stiles to stop. Stiles shook his head and raised his eyebrows. Derek hoped he didn’t catch on to what his words could have indicated. 
“When they’re here, yeah. I would much rather prefer some pretzels or other salty goodness,” Derek smacked him when he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, but that didn’t stop him from continuing, “and those energy drinks are good when we’ve got our all-night study sessions but would it kill you guys to keep some Gatorade or seltzer in here?” Derek shook his head lamely as Stiles rolled his eyes again. “And to top it all off, every time we’re here, you rush to get a seat next to Scott and force me to sit next to Isaac. Not that I don’t love the guy but…” Stiles trailed off, linking his fingers and placing them with finality on his lap as if waiting for Derek to retort. 
“I don’t like Scott,” Derek repeated, turning toward the TV to incorrectly guess the Jeopardy answer he should have known the answer to. 
Stiles laughed and whispered, “Oh, you love him then?” Derek tackled him onto the floor, hoping that would be enough to finally have his mouth closing, but Stiles just grinned and smirked and Derek had never wanted to kiss him more. 
In truth, Derek couldn’t like Scott because he liked Stiles. He even thought he loved Stiles. Derek had bought those snacks and drinks because he thought Stiles had loved them, too, and he always took a seat next to Scott because he wasn’t sure he would be able to resist wrapping an arm around Stiles’ shoulders or threading his fingers through the hair Stiles had let grow out during his Freshman year. Looking down at Stiles at that moment led him to believe it was quite possibly the dumbest thing he had done all year. 
“Isaac likes Scott,” Derek said, shaking his head like he had let his friend down. He hadn’t, as Isaac wasn’t exactly shy about his crush on Scott, but Derek knew he should have told Stiles how he felt right then and there instead of scapegoating off his roommate. 
“I knew it!” Stiles cheered, pushing Derek off of him and thrusting his fist in the air. “Scott likes Isaac, man. We’ve gotta do some meddling!” 
“Absolutely not,” Derek said immediately, but Stiles silenced him by grabbing his face in his hands. Stiles was so close; all Derek had to do was lean just a smidge forward and their lips would connect. He could say it was an accident, that his back gave out or he got a shiver he couldn’t hold back or--
“Our two best friends are oblivious idiots, Derek.” Derek could only think, They’re not the only ones. “It’s our job to give them the happiness they deserve with each other, right? Right?” Stiles prodded, shaking Derek’s face with each question. Derek sighed, closed his eyes in quiet resignation, and nodded slowly. 
“And what do you suggest we do?” Derek regretted the question immediately as Stiles pulled out his phone and opened his notes app that already contained a bulleted paragraph titled, Scotty Doesn’t Know (cause he’s stupid). 
Stiles left excitedly a few hours later, deciding that both of them needed a good night’s sleep so their plan could start the following morning. Derek barely got a word in edgewise, but he knew he wasn’t about to say to Stiles when his smile lit up so widely. Instead, he leaned his back against the door and looked up at the ceiling, cursing his own stupidity and trying to figure out how to tell Isaac what was gonna happen. 
“It’s been three weeks, Derek!” Stiles complained as he barged into the room where Derek had his nose pressed into the textbook, studying for his rather important quiz in the morning. 
“And?” Derek asked with a sigh as Stiles sat next to him, pushing the textbook aside to rest his head in Derek’s lap. Three weeks might not have been enough time for Scott and Isaac to figure their crap out, but it was definitely enough time for Stiles to get even more comfortable with physical contact. Part of Stiles’ plan was for him and Derek to always partner up together on their group excursions and to sit next to each other during movie and video game nights, and Stiles had apparently taken that in the most serious manner a person could. He was consistently pressed against Derek’s side or resting his head or feet in Derek’s lap and it was only a matter of time until Derek snapped. 
“And?!” Stiles yelled, smacking Derek’s chest with one of his hands. Derek caught it and held it there, seemingly to stop the assault, but mostly because he wanted to hold Stiles’ hand. “How could they be so stupid?! I mean, we’ve left them alone for minutes, even a half hour that one time where we got distracted by the arcade--” 
“You mean, you got distracted and made me pay for almost 10 games so you could be in the number one slot again?” Derek interrupted, flicking Stiles’ nose with his free hand. It was a mistake as Stiles turned his face into Derek’s abdomen, hiding it from any further abuse. 
“I wasn’t about to let some preteen who-- That doesn’t matter,” Stiles waved his free hand, “because even when we were gone, nothing happened. How do two people who are so madly in love spend so much free time together and not even know it?!” Stiles groaned, pushed off of Derek’s lap to walk to the mini fridge. He reached in to grab a red Gatorade from the top shelf, glancing at it for a moment too long. Derek felt his heart racing when Stiles looked back. 
“What?” He asked dumbly, hoping his feigned ignorance would convince Stiles there was nothing further to think about. 
“Uh, nothing? Nothing,” Stiles decided, shaking his head as he twisted off the cap of the drink and took a large gulp before settling it back in the fridge to keep its cold temperature. “Isaac even bought him a gift card from that stupid Boba place Scott likes so much, enough for their two favorite drinks. Like, he couldn’t be any more transparent!” 
“Yeah, he’s-- Yeah,” Derek agreed because he wasn’t sure what else he could say when Stiles was this heated. 
“I feel bad for Isaac, you know? He’s made it so obvious he has more than friendly feelings and Scott just hasn’t--” Stiles froze, his words halting as he pulled out the makeshift snack drawer. Derek could see the wheels turning in his head as the assortment of pretzels and salty goodness - as Stiles had so eloquently described it - came into view. 
“Stiles?” Derek asked cautiously, standing to make his way over to Stiles before resting a hand on his shoulder. The touch seemed to snap him back into reality as he shoved a small bag of pretzels at Derek’s chest. 
“Please tell me that I’m not imagining things,” Stiles said, kicking the mini fridge open and reaching in only to toss the half empty Gatorade at Derek who caught it by dropping the pretzels on the ground. “You-- I-- Oh my god, am I the stupid one?” Stiles asked, seemingly to himself. 
Derek chuckled and muttered, “You’re not stup--” 
“That wasn’t a denial! Oh my god, you like me! All this time - the last three weeks at least - I’ve been so focused on Scott and Isaac, I didn’t realize that you had been-- I’m the one who couldn’t see what was right in front of me…” Derek could see Stiles’ brain checking off boxes on the list they had made for Scott and Isaac and internally chastising himself. For a moment, all Derek could see in his face was rejection and it broke his heart. 
“You don’t have to feel obligated or anything, just-- I’m glad you know now and we can move on--” Stiles reached his hand into the snack container and chucked multiple bags at Derek, smacking him in the face and chest. Derek held his arms up to protect himself, but Stiles grabbed them in retaliation, pushing him against the wall so they were chest to chest. That feeling Derek had those few weeks ago where he could just lean in and kiss Stiles and make his feelings known was back, but he couldn’t be the one to make the move. His cards were laid out on the table - or the floor, more accurately, that was currently littered with bags of salty snacks and a bottle of Gatorade - and it was Stiles’ turn. 
“How do two people who are so madly in love spend so much free time together and not even know it?” Stiles repeated that time in a whisper, as if considering his earlier sentiment toward Scott and Isaac.
“Well, I thought you weren’t into me and Scott thought Isaac and I were a couple up until last night and Isaac was convinced Scott was into you…” Derek trailed off as Stiles’ eyes narrowed. 
“You knew all of this and you did nothing?” Stiles asked. Derek could only shrug lamely, spreading his fingers the best he could through Stiles’ tight grip on his wrists. 
“I told Isaac what you said but he didn’t believe me!” Derek argued, trying to move his arms so he could stop feeling so out of control with Stiles so close to him. “Will you let me go so I can explain?” Derek pleaded, letting his arms fall limp and his back sag against the wall, powerless against Stiles in more way than one. 
“No,” Stiles said simply, running his fingers down Derek’s arms until they rested on his chest. He patted the thin t-shirt softly, licking his lips before glancing up at Derek. “I’ve got something I’ve gotta do first,” Stiles said, pressing somehow even closer to Derek, a question in his eyes that Derek would never say no to. 
Derek nodded frantically before Stiles crashed their lips together. He was still backed up against the wall, Stiles’ hard body pressed against every inch of his, when his arms finally caught up with his brain. Now that they were free, he wound them around Stiles’ neck, one threading through his hair as he had always wanted to do, while the other cupped Stiles’ jaw, his finger resting against the rapid pulse beating under his skin. It calmed him to know that Stiles was just as excited, just as nervous, as he was. He was so focused on the way Stiles’ skin felt underneath his palm and the way his hair smoothed through his fingers that he had to pull away to remind himself to breathe. 
“God dammit,” Stiles said, pushing off of Derek to put unwanted space between them. 
“I-- What?” Derek asked, his chest heaving with emotion and his lungs burning as they tried to regain the oxygen Stiles had taken from them. Stiles ran his hands through his hair and burst into laughter, surprising the hell out of Derek. He thought Stiles was angry, frustrated, maybe even pissed, but the joy that echoed through the room knocked him off his feet as he slid down the wall. 
“I can’t believe we’ve both been putting all our effort into pushing our best friend’s together when we could have been doing this,” Stiles complained as he leaned down to grab the Gatorade from the floor, downing the rest of it in a few long gulps. 
“Do you feel bad for me, too?” Derek teased, grinning when Stiles raised an eyebrow at him. “You said you felt bad that Scott is such an idiot and still doesn’t know Isaac’s in love with him, so now do feel bad for me? Cause you’re such an idiot?” Derek explained. Stiles glared at Derek but there was no heat in it. When Stiles went to smack him, Derek grabbed onto his arms and tackled him to the floor, hovering over him until he broke the silence. 
“Oh, you love me then?” Stiles retorted with a wide grin splitting across his face. Derek nodded, his eyes losing their humor as he agreed wholeheartedly. 
“Yeah, I guess I do.” 
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atsukashii · 4 years
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GENRE : ☆ fluff  //  ☾ angst  //  ♨ personal faves
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☆ devils advocate   ♨
in a world of guardian angels, somehow, you got stuck with a guardian demon who is too hot for his own good.
☆ back again
when pro hero ground zero destroys your shop trying to take down a villain, you can’t help but be mad. You don’t expect though, is for him to show up the next day to help you.
☾ remember me  ♨
you bought something forbidden from the universe, and now you must pay the consequences of buying yourself a soulmate. (guardian angel au)
☆ safe and sound
you had originally thought you were a fearless hero to be, but the moment you watched Katsuki get taken by the league of villains, you knew you had one fear, being without him.
☆ soft hours
the world knows Katsuki Bakugou as the explosive number two pro hero. You know him as your husband who is soft for only three people on the planet; you and your children
☆ snow day  
you and your boyfriend make the most of the first snowfall of winter - but both of your competitive sides makes it a disaster. 
☆ dynamite  
current theory: your boyfriend secretly got his hero name off a famous pop song.
☆ stay
formal events are definitely not your thing, and its a good thing that your boyfriend hates them just as much as you.
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↳  s/o who sleeps with a baby blanket 
↳  meeting future married s/o  
↳  fall feelings  ♨
↳ quirkless modern au katsuki
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☆ apartment 204   ♨
where bakugou is your hellish asshole of a downstairs neighbour, and also the cute, broody regular at your work you’ve been hitting on for the past few weeks. status : completed. 
☆ all my friends
after bakugou’s bandmate shows him a youtube video of you almost taking a firework to the face, he thinks its the second dumbest thing he’s ever seen - right after the stupid thing his heart did when he saw your face on the screen status : ongoing
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☆ crush culture 
confessing to someone you’ve liked for a long time is scarey stuff, even when the person you’re confessing to has a smile like the sun and radiates good energy.  
☆ jealous, love
contrary to unpopular belief, Eijiro Kirishima does get jealous, especially when sleazy guys are trying to hit on his girlfriend
☾ ☆  r.i.p to the youth  ♨
the world has gone to shit and you have lost almost everyone close to you, including Kirishima. apocalypse au.
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↳ meeting future married s/o  ♨
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☆ growing phases
eijiro kirishima is the really hot and super kind tattoo artist next door, and you’re just a shy florist who is addicted to coffee and seeing a certain red-head smile. You like the guy that’s been slipping sketches under your store door, but you don’t know that its the guy trying to get you to date him. status : on hiatus
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☆ euphoria
there is nothing good about being sick... unless you're being doted on by your pro hero boyfriend... then okay, there may be a few good things.
☆ finders keepers
you become a makeshift nurse to a spy even though you have literally no medical training. It doesn’t help that your random patient is a brooding mystery wrapped in a too attractive package. 
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☆ confetti love 
when Kaminari surprises you with tickets to see your favorite band for your birthday, you finally tell him how you feel in the best way how
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☆ chance encounter  ♨
bickering with Japans number 2 hero about ice cream flavors in a supermarket wasn’t how you expected to spend your Friday night. 
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↳ mineta messing with s/o : k. bakugou, s. todoroki, i. midoriya & h. shinsou
↳ reader with adhd :  e. kirishima, d. kaminari, k. takami
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↳ map of the soul event
↳ 12 days of Christmas 2020
↳ flower prompt list
↳ bnha bookclub bingo 2020
↳ 1k follower event
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©️ 2021 all rights reserved to atsukashii, do not change, edit, translate, or repost any works on any platform.
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wormstacheangel · 4 years
What are the best episodes with Castiel to watch?
Hello! Sorry, this took me a while to answer but here you go! If I miss some it’s cause I don’t remember anything or I was just Bleh about it.
Castiel Epiosdes
4x01 ICONIC 
4x20 Jimmy is important to Cas and I love him. 
4x22 ICONIC Greenroom. Cas picks a side aka Dean.
5x03 Cas and Dean being friends! Gay panic is real my friends. 
5x04 THE END. “It's the end, baby. “
5x13 “Sam is my friend.” 
5x14 Cupid (He made a cameo video it was cute) and Cas eating raw meat off the floor.
5x16 “You son of a bitch! I believed in-” OWW
5x17 Drunk Cas.
5x18 At this point he’s just done with everything. So he just carves, YES CARVES, an angel banishing sigil into his own chest. He does not hesitate.
Season 6 is good for Cas because the whole time he’s apart of a civil war and is just a terrible liar.
6x06 I am trying not to make this list about Destiel but the scene where Cas pours Dean’s drink. 
6x10 Pizza Man.
6x19 Baby in a trenchcoat aka leader of the heaven rebellion but sure Dean. He’s just cute. 
6x20 ICONIC 
6x21& 22 Both show that Cas is slowly realizing that he is not in control. 
7x01 The whole episode is wild but Cas just going to heaven and saying I’m Daddy now really takes the cake. (not the actual words he used.)
7x02 Cas’s death #3?
7x17 MISHA -- OH um, I mean CAS to the rescue lol
7x21 His cute little laugh! Honey!Cas has my heart and soul. Bonus Destiel: “ When Castiel first laid a hand on you in Hell, he was lost!” RIP Hester Queen
7x23 “Cursed or not.” Also his little smile when he asks for the plan ahh!
aka all episodes in s7 with Cas in it is worth watching.
Okay, I’ll try to control myself now but watch all of s8 cause its beautiful.
8x02 We see Dean’s POV to the purgatory portal scene. Also, hear Cas’s reason for leaving Dean.
8x07 We see Cas’s POV of the purgatory pov scene. Also, learn how Cas escapes purgatory. 
8x08 “I’m gonna be a hunter.” He’s so CUTE!
8x10 Cas needs a hug. Please.
8x17 ICONIC. “what broke the connection?” AHH
8x21 Badass Castiel
8x22 & 23 Castiel wants to do good. He wants to help but he just puts his trust in the wrong people. It hurts me so much. Look he’s just a small child and he is dealing with a lot right now. 
Season 9 Cas looks good. Like fanservice time father of two!
9x01 First look at human Cas!
9x03 I can’t watch this ending again. It’ll make me spiral. But it’s a good human Cas and destiel episode. Also, fuck April. She gross. 
9x06 ICONIC BLESSED jilted lover. 
9x09 He looks good.
9x10 “I prefer the word trusting. Less dumb. Less ass.” They are both dumbasses.
9x11 Sam & Cas chaotic vibes
9x14 Cas storyline with the angels starts or at least makes it more clear idk
9x18 Gabriel! Also, “Damn it, Dean!” and Cas accepts his role as a leader. The angels are dumb. 
9x22 Sam & Cas dream team lol Also, Cas picks Dean over heaven again.
9x23  “--and for what again? Oh, that's right -- to save Dean Winchester. That was your goal, right? I mean, you draped yourself in the flag of heaven, but ultimately, it was all about saving one human, right? Well, guess what. He's dead, too.”
10x01 Cas draped across the bed like a victorian lady waiting for her husband to come back from the war
10x03 You know that scene where he’s lying on the floor bloody and dying and the Crowley saves him. And then Cas glows and heals with grace and he’s glaring up at Crowley? You know that scene. Yeah. Bonus: I’m gay and bloody Hannah is also hot. Small tip: Ignore the creepy/gross Hannah and Cas set up the writers are trying to do. They are siblings. 
10x09 Claire! That’s his daughter!
10x10 Claire and Cas make me cry.
10x14 Deleted scene of “Maybe he’s your boyfriend.” 
10x17 Sam & Cas! They are best friends, you guys!
10x18 Charlie and Cas meet! AND THEY ARE ALL HAPPY AND I CRY
10x20 Claire! Cas get’s her a birthday present, grumpy cat stuffy, and she keeps it! And I cry. And she saves him. And she cares about him. 
okay 10x21 cause of Charlie and Cas but also fuck this episode. Charlie deserved better. 
10x22 ICONIC gosh damn it. I-
10x23 Just for backstory for Cas in s11. Our poor boy can't catch a break. 
I worked on this for two hours now Nonny and I don’t even care. I miss Cas.
Season 11 hurts my damn soul because of Cas. I won’t include Casifer, though it was A LOT of fun to watch him.
11x01 “Dean, did it work?” I wanna hold this poor sad madly in love man. 
11x02 I can’t handle the torture. He looks so sad.
11x03 Bless you director, Jensen Ross Ackles.
11x04 Okay, not a lot of Cas but I love this episode. 
11x06 They don’t talk about his trauma but they show us a little when he tries to leave the bunker. And I cried. Once again. Let. Me. Hold. Him. 
11x10 Ambriel glad you are dead cause you were SO rude. Also, Amara girly, queen, I love you but apologize. Stop being mean to Castiel.
11x22 Cas get’s to talk and that’s nice
11x23 “I can go with you.” Sir, you just came back from being possessed by THEE satan and now you are ready to die by your future husband's side. You need therapy. 
Okay, I stopped watching live after season 11 because of the way they treated Cas so these next seasons I binged watched ( a couple of times) but wasn’t apart of the fandom so it feels like I didn’t fully grasp them. But here we go!
12x01 Cas meets his mother-in-law. Also the little, “Dean!” when he hugs him. 
12x02 Cas and Mick :)
12x03 Agent Beyonce and Zee lol Cas and Crowley and should have had a sitcom 
12x08 Cas gets a text (angel radio) that he’s gonna be a Dad and it looks like when Alice had a vision of the Volturi in Breaking Dawn Part 2 lol
12x09 Let me hug Cas! He’s sad over his family being gone. Also, Mary, I love you but I don’t forgive anybody for being mean to Cas. All the Winchesters are on thin fucking ice with me. 
12x10 ICONIC destiel. Cas in a female vessel. 
12x12 ICONIC “I love you. I love all of you.” 
12x19 Worried husband Dean. Excited soon-to-be father Cas.
12x23 Cas dies (again) from child birth.
Watch the first few episodes of season 13 for the famous widower arc cause wtf they gave us THAT. Also, I don’t care for the other world storyline so I pushed that out of my head. 
13x04 Cas annoying a cosmic entity. Fun fact! I dislike the trenchcoat cause it looked so stiff and the color was off idk didn’t look great but Cas looked beautiful when he looks up at the sun! Ah!
13x06 ICONIC BROKEBACKNATURAL Also, Jack and Cas meet and I cried damn it. “I missed you.” That’s his son!
13x07 Cas doesn’t put anybody or anything above his baby boy
13x12 Cas has the dumbest husband but at least Cas stabs lucifer. Bet Misha felt good
13x14 Badass Cas. He’s a top. lol 
13x16 ICONIC Cas looks...great. Like, watch it. I would do anything for cartoon!cas
13x19Just cause Cas faced someone who tortured him and it’s made to seem like he should get over it and it pisses me off. But Naomi is so cool so idk I like her but would fight her
13x22 Otherworld Cas is there and Cas just kills himself. He needs therapy. 
13x23 Cas’s face when Dean says yes. Also, family hunting trip yay
14x01 Dadstiel! Also, Cas looks good. 
14x03 Dadstiel.
14x07 Dadstiel. “Losing a son feels different.” And I cry. 
14x08 “because I love you Jack. And Sam and Dean--they love you.” THEY DO LOVE HIM AHHHH! Also, Empty deal is made as an excuse for the writers to do something with Cas later. 
I just realized season 14 is just Cas trying desperately to keep his family together. He’s trying to take care of them and he has the right words to say to everyone but not much happens besides him wanting to be a family man. 
14x14 gay on gay violence lol Also another family hunting trip! 
14x15 Fav episode! I just love Sam & Cas’s dumb chaotic energy in this ahaha! They are best friends damn it!
14x18 Cas is trying desperately to keep his family together and he feels responsible for Mary
14x19 Cas should have been allowed to kick Sam and Dean’s dumb flat asses for locking his baby boy in a box. 
14x20 AHHH
Divorce arc! All of s15 is great! Except you know...19&20 but we ignore that in this house. 
15x03 ICONIC but I will never watch it again
15x06 dude, they really be broken up. Cas kicks ass by himself and he’s fishing and he’s so cute. 
15x09 ICONIC Let him talk, Castiel!
15x11 Cas is THEE best Dad and let’s Jack eat hearts
15x13 Just for the family.
15x15 :(
15x17 Cas working to keep his baby boy
15x18 :( I mean at least he’s out but :(
Okay, this took me all day and I had fun! Nobody is gonna read it but who cares cause I just spent my day thinking of Cas when I had a pretty shit day so thanks, Nonnie! 
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