#this took forever oml
duchezss · 2 years
So Shadow and Bone season 2....oh where to start. There was a lot to love of course, I loved seeing all my favs back, and the additions to the cast were nice. Of the new people, I particularly liked Tolya, Tamar, and even Nikolai at times. Overall I thought the writers did a good job of mixing Siege and Storm, and Ruin and Rising, and it flowed much better when they were combined. Now that’s about all the praise I have for the writers if I’m being honest lmao. 
For me it’s just so hard to look past some of the negatives so I’ll start there. My two biggest gripes are 
1. How much they pulled from Crooked Kingdom 
2. How rushed Wesper was 
Ohhhh the writers had it out for me fr. Crooked kingdom is perhaps one, if not my favorite, book of all time, and I will never forgive the writers for how much they massacred my precious child. They pulled sooo much of it for a single episode and plot point they had for Pekka, and it made me so angry. There was no build up or anything, and it was at times like that that made me wish they had kept the crows out of the show entirely, because then they couldn’t have messed up their plot this bad. Anyway once I finally got past that disaster I was met with something equally as heartbreaking. Wesper. Oh dear lord. Since Jesper is my favorite character (and more on him later cause wew), obviously Wesper is my favorite ship. I loved how it was a slow burn, and that all just got thrown away here. Don’t get me wrong I loved seeing them happy and together, of course I did they’re my favs, but it just felt off. It was too quick, and we really didn’t get any of that longing or wondering that was so key to their relationship before. They were quite literally just reduced to a hookup and some throw away lines and that just made me so mad. To be honest I think pacing was a problem for the whole season overall, they were trying to fit too many stories and too many characters and it just made everything feel far too fast paced. 
Anyway that being said, on to some more positive notes. Most of the very clear changes from the (S&B) books were really good. I liked that Siege and Storm was acknowledged for it’s important parts but otherwise skipped since it wasn’t that vital. I loved how Alina kept her powers in the end and will now help rule Ravka, and that Mal is off being the new Sturmhond. I loved the twins and they felt straight from the books, Nikolai was a little off but by the end I was chill with him. Most of the characters were pretty good, but I’ll dive into all of them in a second. My biggest compliment is how Kaz felt more Kaz this season, and he was finally his ruthless self. Most of the completely brand new story lines I was just ok with, but the hunt in Shu Han for the blade that ended up belonging and being made by the saint was so cool, I loved that addition and that the weapon actually worked. I also kinda loved that they immediately thought of the crows when they needed something stolen lmao, but I’m not sure how I feel about the fact that supposedly Nikolai hired all of them in the first place smh. 
So for my last little section here I thought I would just discuss the characters and what I liked and didn’t like about them this season, that and where the writers went wrong with them. 
Shadow and Bone Characters: 
Alina: I really enjoyed Alina this season, as I said before I loved that she kept her powers and that now she will be helping rule Ravka. It feels very on brand for her and I like the change. I thought there were some points where she suffered from mc dumbness syndrome, but it was very far and few in between so I’ll let that go. Overall she was good and I don’t have much else to say. 
Darling: Glad he’s gone lmao. My only real complaint is I felt like they really made him a s 2d villain this season, whereas last season he felt more complex. I guess it’s cause he got less screen time and you know what I’m ok with that. 
Mal: I was the biggest mal defender last season since he was so much better than the book, but oh boy I had my work cut out for me with that ending lmao. I thought he was good, and added a lot more emotional depth to his character which is good. The ending was cruel but fitting, and since they clearly want to continue with the Shadow and Bone storyline I wonder where it will take him. 
Nikolai: Ngl I was a big show!Nikolai hater all the way up until the season aired. From the few clips we got of him they just didn’t feel very Nikolai yk. Anyway needless to say he grew on me, not all the way, but enough. I thought he played a much better prince rather than privateer, but I loved how many quotes he had from the books. 
Tolya: I didn’t expect this, but he was actually one of my favs of the season. In the book I didn’t care for him all that much but in the show he was so much more interesting. I loved how they kept in his poetry, I liked how playful they made him. Anytime he was on screen I was having a really good time. He didn’t have too much emotional depth, but that didn’t bother me. Unexpected but welcome fav. 
Tamar: Yeah I really loved the twins this season. She was just as snarky as I wanted, and just like Tolya, I really loved it whenever she was on screen, even if it wasn’t much. She was just fun, and my only complaint is I wish we saw more of her, and more of her relationship with Nadia ugh we were robbed. 
Genya: I really enjoyed her, and I liked how they didn’t shy away from her storyline as a whole. I thought her relationship with David was very cute, but lord just let my girl be happy. Overall she was really good and I don’t have any complaints. 
David: Let’s all pretend the ending didn’t happen cause I’m still mad wtf. Anyway I loved him a lot this season, I love how awkward and blunt he is, and since he was one of my favorite characters in the book of course I loved seeing him on screen. His relationship with Genya was so sweet and they actually mean everything to me. 
Zoya: I found myself liking her a lot more in the shows than I did in the original trilogy. She was sassy, and snarky, and someone I would roll my eyes too, but for once it was in a good way. She didn’t get that much screen time, but I liked when she was there and I was chill with her. 
Six of Crows characters: (oh boy): Just as a foreword, I felt like the crows suffered this season because half of them felt like they were just there to be a part of a ship (Inej, Wylan, and Matthias), while the other half got to be their own person (Kaz and Jesper) and Nina was somewhere in between. 
Kaz: Starting off on a good note oh my god Kaz was so Kaz this season, Freddy is iconic. Last season he kept getting beat up for no reason, and this season he was doing the beating oml (Freddy is an icon). I loved how they dove into his flashbacks and they took the time to flesh out his trauma and how that affected his relationship with the rest of the crows. To me, he had the best characterization of any of the crows, and I loved getting to see him finally be dirtyhands. He was ruthless, and exciting to watch, I’m glad they at least got one of the crows right. 
Inej: I will never forgive the crimes these writers committed against Inej dear god. My biggest complaint is how they didn’t talk or even acknowledge her past and her trauma. She deserved much better, and by doing this, it makes her seem like a villain with kanej. Suddenly it’s not two very hurt and wounded people meeting in the middle, it’s just poor Kaz and uncaring Inej, and I hate that. It’s not that her past it too “graphic” for the show cause they should it with Genya, and it just makes me sad. It felt like she was just an accessory to Kaz, instead of her own person who deserved her own arc.  
Jesper: Oh where to start, well first off you already heard my gripes about Wesper, so I just wanted to talk about Jesper because they messed him up to lmao. One of Jesper’s biggest hurdles in the duology is learning to accept his powers, and even by the end of Crooked Kingdom he still isn’t at the point quite yet, and that’s ok. It was such a beautiful aspect of his story, and it makes it all the more upsetting that they basically gave him a single episode arc and suddenly he was over it and proud to be a grisha in the show. He deserved more than that, and also how is he so good with his powers in the show? He’s not trained at all smh. Anyway, another thing I was upset about was how his addiction and adhd were completely brushed under the rug this season. It’s like he was only allowed to have one problem. Now all that being said I loved the flashback with his mother omg, and Kit is truly the perfect Jesper, even with a dicey script and story he was perfect. 
Wylan: I feel like they did a pretty decent job with Wylan, the whole problem was that he wasn’t given enough solo time to really flesh out all the good stuff. He suffered more from all the Wesper screen time. The few time they dabbled into his past were great, and I loved every detail, even if it wasn’t much. Jack was so good with the tender moments, and I agree with everyone when they said he’s the real life Wylan. Without his ship I just really don’t have much to say about him, and I feel like that’s kinda sad. He deserves to be his own character, and while I know he’s past isn’t super relevant yet, he should’ve had more growth and time on his own. 
Nina: Nina was kinda similar to Wylan in the sense that we didn’t get much, but the few things we did get were great and I wish I got to see her develop more. Frankly I feel like she got the least about of screen time besides Matthias, who hardly counts, and I can’t help but feel it’s cause she couldn’t be in a relationship. These writers really make it feel like characters are nothing more than their relationships, and that makes me sad. 
Matthias: This mf had a cameo ever episode in which all he did was have a wet dream about Nina, and tbh that’s so real. Can’t mess up a character if they don’t touch them I suppose. Yeah I really don’t have much to say, I’m just excited about his dynamic with the crows cause that always made me laugh. 
So yeah overall, a lot of complaints, but I just want to add that I don’t hate this show. I hate how everyone is saying if you were disappointed in the season that means you’re praying on it’s downfall, which I’m not. I think enjoying something and still having critical opinions can and should co-exist. While it’s not exactly what I wanted or needed, and while I think it fundamentally messed up so many things from the book, I did enjoy it once I finally separated it from the source material. Of course I want to see the ice court heist, but I hope the writers will learn from the backlash that the source material is important and should be prioritized more. 
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hayden-christensen · 1 year
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@pscentral event 18: adaptations
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ashchoo · 1 year
Tw! for loud audio lmao
bruh it’s 1am and I stayed up making this shit 💪💪 the grind never stops
(( @thelone-copper @clownsuu ))
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thatonearoacefreak · 6 months
Chikin Nuggit X Hazbin Hotel crossover comic :))
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click for better quality lol :)) I can’t draw chairs T^T
here’s the original by @bloodmoon24
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Here’s a smol bonus :D
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I did their mugs lol :D
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chanelbootzmando · 9 months
“Din,” Luke said, his voice hazy, desperate, but happy. “You’re home.” 
“Cya’rika,” Din whispered in response, just as desperate, his voice ragged like gravel and it was not long before he had closed the distance between them to sit on bed next to Luke. The seal of his helmet released with a click as he pulled it off and set it on the bedside table. He didn’t even bother with the rest of his armor as he settled over Luke, and the familiar press of his cool beskar sent a chill through the Jedi’s body.
hey guys i wrote my first ever dinluke fic called Welcome Home :) its over on ao3 if you would like to read it <3 it is explicit though so make sure to read the tags. i hope you enjoy!
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i-write-things · 10 months
Hey Pen, hope things are going good for you. An idea struck me today. Yan!Chrollo (not so sure about the regular one but, who knows, maybe it works) Takes darling to meet the Troupe and maybe get along with them and all that, they're his group after all. (and since darling's been confined and only seeing him, so it got tiresome/boring - for the darling, that is) BUT darling ends up falling in love with one of the members instead. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. What do you think? Sorry if it doesn't make sense or it's weirdly worded.
Oh, this...this would break my man's dead heart.
Chrollo is very patient. Yandere or not. It takes quite a bit to truly upset him. But this? Yes...this does it.
If it where anyone else, perhaps a friend of yours, a stranger, ect., then it's no problem for Yan!Chrollo. He'll just make sure you don't love them. For example, he'll spread false information about them that will make you hate them. Or, y'know, he could just kill them. A classic choice.
But a troupe member? He feels betrayed in two different ways. More so from you. He knows he shouldn't feel that way, because his darling hasn't fallen for him yet. And he especially knows he shouldn't feel that way towards his troupe member. It's not their fault, after all. Plus, he's quite confident that his members would never dare to try to steal you from him. But that doesn't take away from the fact he is upset.
Taking you to meet the troupe was supposed to be a nice thing for you. You've been cooped up in whatever place he has been keeping you in. So he decided to take you out somewhere to interact with others. He knows very well that humans are social creatures. So not only would it do you some good to interact with other humans other than him, but it would also serve another purpose. Anything you tell them, they tell him.
So you can imagine he doesn't care all that much when you first start requesting to go along with him when he sees the troupe. He thinks maybe you just want to interact with other humans, he understands. He also is pretty relieved. This could not only mean that they would tell him more about you, but it's also a good sign you're going to come around soon and maybe return his love.
However, what he isn't slow to notice, is how you spend most of your time with one member in particular. And while at first, that's just who he assumes you get along with best, he very quickly realizes otherwise. The way they make you smile much easier than he does, despite being 10x more charismatic. The way you tend to stand closer to them when talking to them, as opposed to how close in proximity you stand to him while talking.
The next time he mentions going to see his troupe, he denies your request to go along with him. If you keep pushing, he will eventually respond with "Why? So you can speak to your crush, [troupe member]?" Yes, he does call you out like that.
If you deny it, he just chuckles in a similar fashion to when he chuckled right before he revealed to Hisoka he couldn't use nen anymore. He then goes on to tell you about everything he notices about your behavior around them that points to having a crush. If you just act shocked, but never deny it, he just leaves about his business. Until you ask a question that makes him slowly turn around.
-"Why?" -"Why? Why won't I let you see them? Well, simply put, I find it unfair how I put all my patience towards you. How I care about you and think about you constantly, yet you fall for a person who would have likely killed you had they not known your association with me." Yes, he goes for a low blow like that. Of course he does, he wants you to forget all about them, and love him instead.
After that, he just leaves. He leaves you alone for quite a bit, actually. He wants you to reflect on what he said. Can't you see? They wouldn't care about you even a fraction of what he cares about you! They wouldn't keep you company, give you constant attention, give you gifts, and do all the things he does.
You've gone from having a least a little human interaction, coming from him, to none for a solid couple of days. While he spends this time away, he just thinks a lot about what it is you like about said member and not him? He would change a couple of things about him to be more similar to them, but at the same time, he wants you to fall for him, not them.
You're not the only one to hurt from being alone for so long. Chrollo is also missing you deeply. Don't worry, as he comes back, he has a gift for you that he stole got for you. Then he'll continue to give you some extra attention. Hopefully your time away from everyone have you enough time to think about how lucky you are to be with him.
Oh, and as for the troupe member, he doesn't say anything to them about it. After all, it's not their fault. And if they ask why he stopped bringing them, he straight up tells them, "Hm...They needed some time to themself, that's all."
...He trusts them, but it doesn't take away from they fact they still worried about you.
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stillsolo · 14 days
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  please be safe, gran'pa. and please . . . at least have pants.              ❝don't worry, gran'pa, i'll find you!❞
               semi-sel & canon div. matt the radar technician                      @techniiciian adored & written by aer.                                              est. 2016. rebooted 2023.
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cupophrogs · 1 year
Hello! I got a little question for ya!
Do you think Poppet would get along with this sad-looking-jester-but-is-actually-a-ray-of-sunshine animatronic?
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His name is Storm and they use He/Him and They/Them prounouns! ^^
It's okay if you don't want to answer, don't pressure yourself! ♥️/p
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runefactorynonsense · 2 years
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Spooktober - Day 22 - Bats
No spoopy for you.
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pkmn-ken · 2 months
[MMM finale]
Ken runs through blackthorne city gym, desperate to escape the gym trainers and petrel. As he runs through, he can’t help but notice the lava around the gym. Terrified of the lava, she frantically leaps across ledges and grabs onto the sliding stones that glide across the gym, just to avoid it, while also evading the trainers chasing her, eager to battle. As he continues his journey through blackthorne gym, Ken nearly slips on the sliding stones, almost falling into the lava. He manages to grab onto the stone, hanging from it like a cartoon character holding onto a cliff side for dear life. The tip of his tail touches the lava, which burns slightly. He winces in pain and pulls herself back up onto the sliding stone slab, climbing to safety. Ken manages to make it across, he’s almost there, just one final jump and he would be right there, in front of Claire. As Ken is about to make the jump, Petrel grabs him and pulls him back. Ken squirms a bit, struggling to break free from Petrel’s grasp, but to no avail.
Claire returns from the cave behind the gym, only to witness the chaos ensuing before her as Petrel struggles to contain the poor hybrid struggling in his arms. The moment Ken spots Clair, he freezes his eyes light up. ”Claire?!” Without a second thought, he uses dragon rage on Petrel to make his escape. He makes his way to Claire quickly and leaps into her arms, nearly knocking her over. Claire is startled at first. Well, who wouldn’t be? A team rocket grunt with the features of a dragonair can be quite startling. Claire panics and sends out her kingdra to attack Ken, but the kingdra doesn’t attack him. Instead, it inspects Ken. The kingdra makes some sort of noise of recognition. it seems to….recognize Ken? Claire seems confused by this development at first, how could her Pokémon recognize a team rocket grunt that it had never seen before….unless the grunt was….no, it can’t be.
Claire walks up to Ken, curious as to why her Pokémon isn’t attacking the grunt, she decides to investigate herself. She takes a moment to look at Ken’s features, noticing they’re similar to a dragonair’s. She takes off his hat to get a better look at the horn on his head, then takes off his gloves to look at his— well, claws. She then notices a black smudge on his wrist and pulls back the sleeve to reveal Claire’s trainer ID, which was seemingly inked onto his wrist, sort of like a tattoo of sorts. It took Claire a moment to connect the dots, to realize that this was indeed her Pokémon, the dragonair she had lost to team rocket 4 months ago, except it seems they turned her Pokémon into a human-like being, a human-Pokémon hybrid to be specific.
Claire turned her attention to Petrel, who was now charging at her with his Wheezing. Claire immediately put a stop to that madness with her Kingdra. The kingdra uses Dragonbreath, followed by a hyper beam, knocking out the wheezing indefinitely, along with scaring off petrel. Claire sighs with relief, then glances at Ken, looking at his current state once again. “Perhaps I should bring you to Bill, he might now how to turn you back.” Ken frowns, not liking that idea one bit. “But, it’s fun being a human… :<. I get to do allll sorts of things as a human!” Claire looks at Ken for a moment, confused at first by what he just said. “you…want to stay the way you are?” ”yeah! :D”
Claire chuckles at Ken’s enthusiasm. “Alright then, but first we should get you out of that team rocket uniform, and find you something better to wear. Can’t run around Johto dressed like a criminal.” Claire takes Ken back home, happy to be reunited with her— well, friend? Her Pokémon? Either way, she was happy to have Ken back, safe from team rocket’s grasp.
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rucow · 4 months
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kosalus · 1 year
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but everybody knows that home is where your teeth sink, love
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pandalilysbox · 9 months
I haven't had time to properly read in agessss whatcha reading now?
honestly i’ve been on the same three books for months and months and months bc i can’t actually focus at all 😭😭😭
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carpisuns · 2 years
hi i’m the artist of that tink piece you reblogged. i saw your tags and just had to come say omg same except my tink collection is very much still going 🙈 so glad i reach another tink collector with my art! 😂✨✨✨✨✨
i actually haven’t collected tinkerbell stuff in many years but i was obsessed with her when I was a kid! i started collecting tinkerbell stuff when I was like 10 and then I got so much of it as gifts for like the next 6 or 7 years lol. I don’t have any of it now but I had a Ridiculous amount of tinkerbell stuff when I was a teen.
Anyway although I am no longer a think collector I appreciated the cute art and I’m glad you are having fun with it!! I can attest that there is a lot of cute tink stuff out there so I hope you find some good ones ✨
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lillylvjy · 2 years
This is not a we ball moment.
I just deleted my whole fic I planned on posting tonight.
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hitomisuzuya · 2 months
Yandere! Aventurine x fem!reader. Smut. Cock warming. Orgasm denial.
I'm working through writers block oml so this might sound a little unhinged😭
Aventurine wields orgasm denial while you cock warm him like a weapon. Tools he uses to train you crave him like he craves you. "Isn't this nice?" He said in a shaky, content sigh as he threw back his head. There was nothing like the comforting feeling of your pussy enveloping his cock.
Every move he made with you was all part of his plan.
How could he possibly keep his hands off his precious, doting secretary? Especially when your pussy was stretching tight and perfect to accommodate his cock.
His elegant, gloved fingers find purchase on your hips, holding you still in his lap as he ruts his cock up inside of you. He needs you to feel every drag of his cock on your sensitive walls, the friction slowly igniting every pleasureable nerve inside you.
"Mh..mhm," You murmur shakily, your back arching as he settles you on his cock. He can already tell that pleasure was starting to fog your mind. That's what he counted on. The pleasure of his cock slowly melting down your brain until all you could focus on was him.
"You'll be a good girl, and tell me when you are about to cum, right?" He purred, encouraging you to be a good girl was another weapon in his arsenal. He knew it made you feel weaker when he said those two little words to you.
Aventurine's cock pulsed as you nodded, a shaky moan escaping from your part lips. He knew what it was time to do now. To wind you up. To make you squirm, and struggle to bounce even a little on his cock.
Keeping one hand on your hip, gloved fingers found your throbbing clit. He bit back a groan feeling your juices soak through the material. The only justifiable way to soil his gloves in his personal opinion.
Your pussy fluttered and clenched around his cock, the friction of his gloves on the swollen nub made your legs shake. The fingers on your hip would tighten as you struggled up roll your hips down into his cock.
"Ah, ah, ah, remember what you promised," Aventurine cooed, making you look at him. He delivered a playful pinch to your clit, making you gasp and whine while you tried not to squirm, "you promised you would be a good girl."
It is such a pleasure for him see you fight the need to bounce yourself stupid on his cock, trying to be still and forced to feel every squeeze and clutch of your pussy as it continues to drool on his cock.
To see the need to have him fuck you consume you, your body twitching and aching as his cock pulsed against your spongy spot. His fingers continue their agonizing dance on your clit, the calculating smile every present as he watched you fall apart.
"I..I'm going to cum.." You whimper weakly, focusing your hazy, half lidded eyes on his breathtaking ones as he made you look him.
"Good girl," Aventurine praised, wanting so badly to fuck you dumb right then and there. But a gambler had to have patience. Hands aren't won hastily.
You whined as he took his fingers off your clit, letting your head drop into his neck. He held you until you stopped shaking from being denied your release. You were starting to crack and break so well.
"Let's start again, shall we?" He slowly rocked his hips into you again, prodding the head of his cock a few times into your sweet spot before his fingers returned to your clit.
Once, twice, three times. He didn't know how many times he would put through it. Whatever it took to ensure you would be forever wrapped around his finger.
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