#this show just makes me foaming at the mouth feral
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asummersday · 1 year ago
Share some more ROTTMNT headcanons?
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the hamatos have movie nights and board game nights. there’s no schedule for them, sometimes someone will go “movie night tonight?” or will text the gc “board games? i’m feeling some murder mystery tonight” and that’s how it goes. everyone participates. even splinter, and he complains but only to put on a show. he enjoys it. they play uno, clue, game of life, they play new and old games, play the ones they like more often, and throw out ones that suck. donnie has a spreadsheet for it (of course he does). mikey and splinter, surprisingly, are fucking RUTHLESS during monopoly. the wins are always tied between the two and that one time leo won by complete accident (thats what he says. donnie doesn't believe him ONE BIT because his twin is a lying liar who lies). everyone loves monopoly just because the chaos and the backstabbing is the most entertaining part.
mikey had a “copy everything donnie does/eat/likes” phase and leo had a “copy everything raph does/eat/likes” phase. (i am a firm ‘leo is the younger twin’ truther)
april an leo are face mask and skin care routine besties. she’s the reason he even KNOWS what both of these things are. she’s also the reason he even makes his dumb puns, because SHE makes them (and 9y/r leo was smack in the middle of his ‘copying his big bro’ phase. it extended to april, who basically became his big sister). donnie constantly tells her he still has not forgiven her for that (jokingly)
Lou Jitsu was ABSOLUTELY Sexiest Man Alive at one point i'll tell you that
donnie’s eye starts twitching when he’s annoyed (mostly when leo annoys him). it happens so often that it starts twitching when leo isn't even in the same room and donnie will go “leo's doing something stupid again”
leo doesn't fall asleep easily but when hes a sleep my mans ASLEEP. nothing can wake him up. hes usually a light sleeper but when he hasn't slept in 3+ days and passes out at 12:30pm on the couch? he's literally dead to the world. his brothers take FULL advantage of this. stacking food/objects? yes. drawing on his face/arms/legs etc? for sure. mikey paints his shell sometimes. he once painted all of starry night without leo waking up once.
raph is wary of cass when she first joins, but when they find how many interests they share, they become almost instant best friends. they're inseparable and hang out all the time its amazing. everyone is terrified of them because they've seen how violent their sparring sessions get.
mikey watched lilo and stitch when he was like 5 and instantly zeroed in on the whole ‘voodoo spoon’ thing and tries to do the same thing. his dad and raph are extremely concerned (and slightly off-put. mikey was a weird child)
when he was younger, he had a terrible case of separation anxiety. it gets better as he grows older, and then comes slamming back full force after the krang. if his brothers aren’t in his immediate sights, he will just. panic. it takes… too long for him to stop having panic attacks when he wakes up and one or two of his brothers aren’t present (especially leo. he latches onto leo the longest after. it takes nearly as long as leo’s recovery does for mikey to be able to sleep without leo in the same room)
splinter, the old sap, actually has hundreds of pictures of his boys growing up. so much that he has dozens of photo albums spanning the years. you can tell exactly when april shows up in their lives because one day she’s not there at all and the next its like he got a fifth kid. he loves leafing through them on occasion, reminiscing and definitely not crying. not all the albums survived the shredder, but enough did to still recount the years. after the invasion, splinter moves the albums from his room and into a shelf in the living room. (hes caught his kids more than once poring over the books, either alone or huddled together on the floor. he always leaves, allowing them this moment alone.)
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henrycangelbaby · 4 months ago
Thinking about John Price and his cute little assistant (reader) who ends up pregnant. 
A/N: Guys i was inspired while scrolling on the john price x reader tag, this legit came to me as a vision and now i have to write it (I plan on expanding on this idea so just stay with me!!!!)
Imagine being John Price's cute little assistant, just the sweetest little thing that John is kinda obsessed with. Like don't get me wrong she is amazing at her job, smart, put together and well organized and John does feel that her addition has been a positive one, taking some pressure off his shoulders and making sure his team is always prepared for whatever they are doing. She is very good at what she does, but that doesn’t stop John from admiring her. He knows he shouldn't be bit, he can't help it, she's young and sweet and a little bit innocent and he just wants to protect and love her all the time. 
In the beginning she was shy, only addressing him as sir and knocking on his door hesitantly whenever she needed to speak to him but gradually their boundaries became less and less. More often than not she works out of his office, whether he’s there or not, he insists on buying her an early lunch when she lets slip that she didn't have breakfast that morning. He has even picked her up from a night out once or twice, a little bit tipsy and calling the most trusted person she can think of that just happened to be her boss. He takes care of her as well, helping her get her makeup and clothes off before tucking her into her bed with a bottle of water and pain killers for the morning. He doesn't mention it when he sees her next, knowing how embarrassed she will be when he tells her the loneliness her tipsy self admitted. 
When she starts to get sick John is having absolutely none of it, driving her home and ordering her to take some time off (he even visits later that night to bring her some soup for her stomach). He doesn't expect her to look so sad when she comes back supposedly better from her “flu”, he doesn't expect to see her eyes shine with tears when he asks “what's wrong babygirl?”.  He sits them down on the couch in his office together, putting an arm over her and pulling her close for comfort. He certainly does not expect her to look up at him with those shiny wet eyes and admit she did something bad before crying that she's pregnant. It’s news to John who never even considered that his girl would be dating (let alone sleeping with) people. When he vocalizes this and she admits that her baby daddy isn't a very good guy, it's over for John. 
Suddenly he's all over her, promising to be there for her, that she can come to him whenever she needs. And he actually means it. Suddenly she’s staying in the spare bedroom in his house, not only does it have more room but John can keep an eye on her. She entirely moves into his office working on his desk with him, he gets her a comfy chair so she can be supported in the later months. He gets up to hold her hair back when she has morning sickness and ensures she gets enough nutritious food each day. When she starts showing, oh my god John doesn't know what to do with himself. That little bump peaking out of her tight skirts makes him foam at the mouth. Of course he prioritizes her comfort, insisting she change shoes and stop wearing those uncomfortable looking heels, but he keeps her in her formal work attire for just a little longer, just so he can see her cute tummy poking out of it. 
Speaking of her bump. He simply can't resist putting his hand on it. He feels so protective over it, best believe he goes feral if anyone tries to touch it. Hell all but breaks loose when his precious baby looks up at him with teary eyes telling him how uncomfortable she was when some rando put their hand on her stomach, (someone definitely lost their job that day). He eventually has her sitting in his lap, cooing over her and reassuring her that they won't get in trouble, that really he is the big boss anyways. He just loves having her there, perched on top of him he rests his head on her shoulder both arms coming around to cradle her now bigger bump. 
John mandates maternity leave when she starts getting big, maybe around seven months when she spends a lot of her time complaining about back aches and swollen ankles, of course he does what he can to help her but it gets to the point where he knows that she should be resting. He has to basically forcibly put her on leave, reassuring her panics about money by promising to take care of her. And oh boy does he. He gives her foot massages and holds her belly, when she starts outgrowing her clothes best believe he would hand over any of his so she can fit in them more comfortably. He's just all over her, unable to stomach the fact that soon she will have a real live baby. That baby is about to become the most protected baby in the entire world.
That's all I have for now because I fear if I begin rambling about the rest of the 141 neither of us might make it out alive. (just know this baby is going to be so damn spoiled it’s crazy). 
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javierpena-inatacvest · 5 months ago
hi Madeline! it’s me ready to annoy you with more javi THOTS
I know that man goes feral seeing you pregnant , especially when you start to show because everyone will know that HE made you that way and that you belong to HIM and it just makes him feel so primal and feral
Cassidy oh my GOD 😩😭 (y'all gotta stop doing this to me (pls actually don't), my baby fever is already so bad and this is not helping 💀) You are 100000% correct and now I can't get this out of my head and what was supposed to be a little drabble has decided to turn into a full blown thing WHOOPS
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Summary: Javi thought he couldn't love you anymore than he already did- that was until the two of you found out you were expecting. Now that your baby bump is finally starting to show, Javi can't get enough of you.
Word Count: 3.7k
Pairing: Husband!Javier Peña x Pregnant Wife!Reader (no use of y/n)
Warnings: SMUT (18+), unprotected p in v (listen... she can't get pregnant if she's already pregnant soooooo), oral (f receiving), vaginal fingering, breeding kink (bc this man will keep you barefoot and pregnant as long as you let him), creampie, Javi is literally obsessed with you and is foaming at the mouth 24/7 watching you carry his baby, Javi is so excited to be a dad, Javi loving his cute lil family so much it makes me wanna vomit
A/N: Me: Damn, I need to write about something other than babies and breeding kinks. Also me: .... No. Don't mind me while I run laps in frantic circles and howl at the moon thinking about this because good lord, you know this man's breeding kink is an unstoppable force of nature
"What are you looking at?"
"Well that look on your face definitely doesn't say nothing, Jav."
You couldn't help but giggle at the way Javi's eyes had been glued to you from the moment he had entered the kitchen, arms crossed over his chest and hip resting against the counter, admiring you like some sort of breathtaking piece of art as you worked on finishing up dinner.
Because truth be told, to him, that's what you were. Javi had no problem making it very clear to you that he was convinced you were the most beautiful woman to ever walk the face of this earth- beauty not just in the way that you appeared, but a beauty that came deep within your soul that had changed him in a way he would have never thought possible. A beauty that had given him a life he swore he would never deserve- that someway, somehow, you had wanted to spend the rest of your life loving him.
Even after over a year together, a new house, and a ring on your finger, Javi found himself falling harder and harder for you with every passing day. He was honestly convinced it was physically impossible to love you any more than he already did.
That was until four months ago, when the two of you found out that your love would no longer be spread between just the two of you- In a few months from now, it was soon going to be the three of you.
After watching you grow and carry his baby the past four months, Javi learned that despite all odds, he could love you more that he already thought possible.
"Your face says 'I'm thinking very dirty thoughts about my wife' or 'I'm really focusing on trying to hold in a fart' and if the second one's the case, I don't think it's very fair you still get to look that hot while you fart". You smirked, raising an eyebrow at Javi, reaching next to him to grab the dish towel you had been using to wipe your hands before mirroring his stance against the countertop.
"Luckily for you, it's not number two." Javi huffed, rolling his eyes at you before his gaze traveled down to your stomach.
Over the past few days, you had finally reached the point where you were starting to look pregnant, and not just like you had eaten 7 Thanksgiving dinners (as you lovingly liked to coin it). Your bump was now beginning to protrude out of your tighter fitting shirts, excited to see your belly starting to grow, giving your hand a new place to rest on top of the subtle curve, making you grin every time you placed it there.
You had also discovered that not only was Javi just excited about your adorable bump, your husband was ecstatic about it. Your pregnancy was now no longer the hardest secret he'd ever had to keep for the first 12 weeks of your baby's life, it was now an opportunity boast about the fact that you were his beautiful, pregnant wife, and that you and that baby were his.
At this point, there probably wasn't a soul in Laredo that didn't know you were pregnant, because everywhere Javi went, it was a chance to let anyone and everyone know he was going to be a dad, and you were the one carrying his baby.
"Hey, I have to leave our meeting early today because my wife has an ultrasound today for our baby."
"I know peanut butter and pickles is a weird combination, but my wife is pregnant, and what the baby wants, the baby gets."
"Just wanted to get the truck checked out since my wife and I have the baby to drive around in a few months."
And while maybe it was overkill, he just couldn't help it. There was something about becoming a dad, seeing you pregnant, knowing that he was the other half of your baby growing inside you that drove him absolutely feral.
If that gold, diamond band wrapped around your finger wasn't enough to prove that you were his, the baby he had put in your now barley bulging belly sure as fuck was.
Javi reached out his hand, fingers splayed across your stomach with an undeniable smile spread across his face as you rested your palm over his grasp, the two of you staring down stomach.
"Watchya thinkin' about, Jav?" You teased, speaking on behalf of both you and baby Peña as Javi stared at both his and your hands covering your bump, silently admiring the simple moment you were sharing.
"Can you believe we fucking made this?" Javi laughed quietly to himself, still in shock every time he really thought about how he was going to be a father. "That we're actually gonna have a baby?"
"Actually, I can, considering we were both there, and it was very fun." You giggled, lacing your fingers between Javi's and bringing his hand up to your mouth to plant a soft kiss on it, "It's crazy, Javi. I can't believe we're actually gonna be parents."
"Yeah? Fun, huh?" Javi smirked, bringing his other arm to wrap around your waist, fingers beginning to dig into your hips as he pulled you closer.
"Out of all the things I enjoy doing with you, Javier Peña, making babies is very high on that list."
Biting down on your lip, you leaned further into Javi's touch, your bump barley getting in the way of being chest to chest as he craned his neck down, engulfing your mouth in an electric kiss that had you feeling like you were floating.
"Fuck- I'd make 100 babies with you, Hermosa." Javi groaned, feeling the growing bulge in his pants starting to press against your thigh in between kisses.
"100?! Jesus, Jav, are we planning on running a circus?" You laughed, Javi too wrapped up in the thought of you carrying another one of his babies to even process your joke.
"I don't fuckin' care. I'll give you as many babies as you wanna have. You're so fucking sexy being pregnant."
Without your lips ever parting, Javi swung you around so that your back was pressed against the counter, caging your body under his before letting his kisses travel down your neck and collarbone, across your chest and south towards your stomach, until he was dropping to his knees in front of you.
"Javi, I've spent the past three months eating nothing but Hot Cheetos and pickles and complaining about how I need to throw up every thirty seconds, last time I checked, that's about as far from sexy as you can get." You tried your best to muster out some sort of laughter, but with the way that Javi was kissing you, letting his hands roam up to the waistband of your shorts, slowly beginning to tug your bottoms off your hips until you were in nothing but your underwear, Javi was making it very difficult to play into your joke.
Not that you were complaining.
"Nuh uh," Javi hummed, gently tracing his fingers over your covered folds, arousal seeping from your core into the dampening cotton, "Do you know how fucking sexy it is seeing you carry our baby? Knowing that you let me get you pregnant? Grow our kid and give us a family? Baby, if that's not the fucking sexiest thing I've ever heard, then I don't know what the fuck is."
Rubbing and forth, the pads of Javi's fingers applied more pressure to your clit, making you let out a whimper as he finally tended to the throbbing ache that had been rapidly building between your legs. At this point, your underwear was clinging to the outline of your cunt, swollen and puffy with anticipation as your slick soaked the fabric.
"Fuck, you're so wet for me already, baby girl." Javi tutted, hooking his fingers around the waistband of your panties and shuffling them down your legs, revealing the shiny mess smeared between your thighs from your weeping hole.
Scooting himself closer, Javi hooked one of your legs over his shoulder, wrapping his arm around your thigh to hold it in place and keep you balanced. His fingers slid through your folds, parting them with a V of his fingers to softly kiss your clit, big brown eyes looking up at you, pooling with lust as he watched you writhe under his touch.
"F-fuck, Javi, oh my god." You whined, noticing the shift in how your changing body and hormones made you even more responsive to Javi's touch, your pussy already beginning to clench around nothing with the way your stomach was swirling with arousal. "Please, baby, fuck."
"Please, what, Hermosa?" Javi smirked, peppering more soft kisses to your sensitive nub, knowingly driving you wild.
"T-touch me, baby, please. Please, don't fucking tease me, I just- Fuck-"
Before you could finish your plea, Javi had his head buried between your thighs, lapping you up like a man lost in the desert, finally finding his oasis. Long, flat strokes of his tongue swiped against your clit, already working at an unforgiving pace, ready to make you fall apart for him over and over.
Your hand shot down, digging your fingers through the thick, brown locks of Javi's hair, trying to find any way to brace yourself as an all too familiar tingle began to build in your spine as your sensitive bundle of nerves throbbed against his tongue.
You were convinced there wasn't a man on the face of this earth who loved eating you out more than Javi, riding a serotonin high every time he settled his mouth between your parted legs, worshiping your pussy until it wept for him like a dam finally breaking its seal and flooding him with your slick.
As if you weren't close enough already, Javi slid two of his fingers into your entrance bumping up perfectly against the sweet spot inside you, curling just enough to send you moments away from spiraling.
Without faltering his pace, Javi's lips latched around your clit, sucking intensely while his fingers pulsed at the perfect rhythm, feeling your pussy flutter around him.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuck!" You threw your head back, orgasm rushing through you forcing your cunt to clamp down around Javi's fingers, slick gushing around them. Javi's strong grip held your legs in place, trembling with pleasure as you came, letting you catch your breath as your chest heaved while you came down from your high.
Javi placed a soft kiss on your sensitive clit before tossing your legs off his shoulders to stand, hands cupping your jaw to lock your lips in a passionate kiss, the tangy taste of you still fresh on his tongue.
"Turn around, mi amor." Javi cooed, gently letting his hands down your body, running over the swell of your stomach until he reached your hips, guiding you to face the edge of the counter until your forearms were resting on the ledge, bare ass pressed against the bulge straining against the denim of his jeans.
You craned your neck over your shoulder to see Javi frantically working at his belt, metal quietly clanging until a swift tug had his pants and boxers pooled around his ankles. You let out an audible moan as you felt his tip swipe through your folds, collecting your arousal to coat his cock, stroking himself with the mix of your slick and his precum.
"Fuck, you're so perfect," Javi whispered, pressing a kiss onto your shoulder and trailing the pecks of his lips up your back and neck, "So fucking beautiful carrying our baby." One of your hands shot back, grabbing at Javi's waist to brace yourself as he pushed into your heat, shaft filling you up inch by inch until he had bottomed out, hips flushed with your ass.
The sweet stretch and sting of Javi's length had you reeling, your sensitivity from your last orgasm on top of the already increased sensitivity from new waves of hormones, jaw going slack at the sensation of his fullness, greedily pushing your ass back into him to take as much as you could.
"Move, baby, fuck- please," You whimpered, bracing yourself against the counter, grinding your bottom half into his hips to do anything to ease your ache, "Javi, fuck me baby, please, I- oh fuck-"
Before you could finish your plea, Javi was beginning to pound into you at an already punishing pace, punching into you g-spot in a way that made your eyes nearly roll in the back of your head.
"You want me to fuck you, Momma? I'll fuck you, hermosa. Whatever you want, baby, you know I'll give it to you." Javi smirked, fingers digging into the curve of where your hips meet the meat of your ass, thrusting into you with thick drags of his cock, intoxicated by the warmth and wetness of your velvety walls.
Releasing the grip of one of his hands, he wrapped it around your front, splayed as it slid down the curve of your belly to reach between your legs, rubbing firm circles into your clit.
You couldn't help but buck back into him, feeling your stomach swirl with arousal and anticipation of your impending orgasm beginning to build, the combination of the snap of Javi's hips and pressure against your sensitive nub making you feel like you were melting under his touch.
"Fuck, Javi- Fuck, oh my god. Fuck, you feel so good. Oh shit- don't stop, baby." You moaned, feeling your pussy starting to flutter around his cock as he continued to fuck into you, your borderline incoherent babbling only egging him on more as his thrusts became faster.
"I won't stop, pretty girl. I won't stop until I fuck you so full of me, you'll be dripping out of me for days. Fuck- I won't stop until give you as many fucking babies as you want." Javi grunted, gritting his teeth as he rammed into you, feeling the knot beginning to tighten in his own stomach at the thought alone of being able to get you pregnant again.
With his one hand still rubbing your clit, his other arm scooped around your front, pulling you from resting your weight on your forearms against the counter to have you stand up straight, your back flushed against his chest. With you pressed against him, Javi couldn't help but suck and nip at your pulse point, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he pulled you in closer, holding you steady while your body began to tremble on the brink collapse.
"I know you're close, baby. It's alright, mi amor, I've got you. Wanna feel you soak me. Cum all over my cock before I fill you up." Javi groaned, his words hot against your skin between kisses along your neck and shoulder blade, shifting his grasp to cup one of your swollen breasts in his palm, fingers gently toying with the hardened buds of your nipples.
The added sensation was all it took to send you over the edge, orgasm crashing through your body with an unforgiving wave of intensity, pleasure radiating through every inch of you as your cunt clamped down around Javi's cock, gushing with your arousal as you came.
Knowing you had reached your end, Javi began to chase his own high, his thrusts becoming sloppier and more erratic as your body melded with his, nearly going limp in his grasp from how good he had made you feel.
"That's my girl. Fuck, I can't wait to get you pregnant again, let everyone see how you're all mine carrying our baby. Gonna be such a good Mom, giving us a family, making me a dad. Oh fuck- I love you so much. So fucking much. Te am- ahhhhhh, fuck!"
Before he could finish his thought, Javi was spilling inside you, the hot ropes of his spend coating your walls, a low groan humming deep in his chest as he filled you with every last drop he had to give. Javi's body slumped into yours, his head resting on your shoulder as both of your chests rose and fell with heavy breaths, hearts racing in sync as you came down from your highs.
Carefully slipping his softening cock out of your heat, you could feel the mix of your spend smearing between your thighs and dripping down your legs as Javi grabbed your waist, turning you to face him so your mouths could meet in a still messy dance of tongues and teeth.
"Holy fuck..." You huffed, finally managing to get a word out through your breathlessness and giggles, looking up at Javi, blissed out grins stretched across both your faces.
"Holy fuck..." Javi parroted, the two of you happily giggling half naked in your kitchen, the both of you staring down at your stomach as Javi rested his hands to cradle your bump.
"This one's not even here yet, and you're already thinking about number two?" You snickered, raising an eyebrow at your husband, gently tracing circles with his thumb around your stomach.
"Don't think I didn't hear what you said. Let's get this one first, then we can think about another one." You teased, giving Javi a little nudge as his cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment, sheepishly darting his eyes towards the ground.
"Sorry, I- I just, God, something about you being pregnant- drives me fucking crazy. I love both of you so fucking much, I swear." Javi sighed, soft smile spread between his cheeks, eyes glancing back and forth between your bump and equally happy grin stretched across your face.
"We love you too, Javi." Pressing up on your toes, you planted a soft kiss on Javi's cheek, draping your hand across his, resting happily on your stomach. "Listen, if you want baby number two, you gotta help me finish cookin' baby number one. And baby number one is hungry. Do we have anymore sour-"
"Sour gummy worms? I picked some more up on the way home from work yesterday."
"Oh thank God, I was about to go drive to the store pantsless to get some if we didn't. Fuck, I wonder if we still have-"
"Watermelon? Got that and green grapes too, just in case." Javi chuckled, pressing a gentle kiss into your messy hair.
"God, I love you." You beamed, making your way towards the pantry, "You keep this up and we're makin' baby number two on an expedited timeline there, Jav."
"Sour gummy worms and watermelon is all it's gonna take?"
"Like I really needed that much convincing anyways? I told you earlier, making babies with you is one of my favorite things to do. Sour gummy worms and watermelon is just a nice bonus."
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@chaotic-iguana @rhoorl @bbiophiliaa @purpleprincess75 @angelofsmalldeath-codeine
@pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24
@3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85
@partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed @pedrohoe04 @theorganasolo
@endlessthxxghts @beware-my-thorns @missladym1981 @milly-louise
@jay-zzle @the-one-with-the-grey-color @persephone-girl @bitchesuntitled
@pedropascallvr @millennial-teenybopper @vee-bees-blog
@hopplessilse @mxtokko @its-nebuleuse @msmorningstaarr
@amyispxnk @honeyedmiller @mountainsandmayhem @picketniffler @burningnerdchild
@copperhalfcent @theoraekenslover @bloodyinspirationaldemon @vee-bees-blog
@samgirl4life @pigeonmama @survivingandenduring @itsokbbygrl @javierpena-inatacvestnotifs
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hrhmimieucliffe · 11 months ago
⚠️🔞NSFW Ramblings🔞⚠️
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When I tell you that this card literally made me feral, like I was not expecting this, my mouth literally just fell open. I love Zayne so bad. I love being a Zayne girlie. The way he's just sitting there, I mean phew, I would literally pounce on him and ride him crazy, going at it like we're rabbits.
Either that, or I'd just get on my knees and start going in. Like, I'm talking grapefruit technique levels of vacuuming his cock like a rabid animal. I don't know whether I'd want to be on top of him or beneath him, he's just so... mm.. Good lawhd. I would drain him of his essence. On a pool table too? I'll play with his balls real good. We can play pool with our bodies. BALLS IN THE HOLE?! YES PLEASE‼️‼️‼️
I can just imagine being on top of him on that pool table, making him moan like crazy with how slow you ride him, every roll of your hips, making him grip your hips and guide your movements with his big strong hands, trying not to be loud so that no one else hears your little teaching session.
If Zayne has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Zayne has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Zayne has only one fan, then that is me. If Zayne has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Zayne, then I am against the world.
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no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the bathroom sink to the shower, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, while I gasp for air, scream, and see the light, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, doggy, backwards, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, on a chair, being carrier, against the wall, outside, in a train, on a plane, in the car, on a motorcycle, on the back of a truck, on a trampoline, in a bounce, in the pool, in the garden, bent over, in the basement, against the window, having the most toe curling, back arching, leg shaking, dick throbbing, fist clenching, era ringing, mouth drooling, ass clenching, nose sniffing, eye watering, eye rolling, hip thrusting, earthquaking, sheet gripping, knuckles cracking, jaw dropping, hair pulling, teeth jitterbug, mind blogging, soul snatching, overstimulating, vile, sloppy, moan introducing, heart wrenching, spine tingling, back breaking, atrocious, gushy, creamy, beastly, lip biting, gravity defying, nail biting, sweaty, feet kicking, mind blowing, body shivering, orgasmic, bone breaking, world ending, black hole creating, universe destroying, devious, scrumptious, amazing, delightful, delectable, unbelievable, body numbing, bark worthy, can't walk, head nodding, soul evaporating, vulcano erupting, sweat rolling, voice cracking, trembling, sheets soaked, hair drenched, flabbergasting, lip locking, skin peeling, eye widening, pussy popping, nail scratching, back cuts, spectacular, brain cell devolving, hair ripping, show stopping, magnificent, unique, extraordinary, splendid, phenomenal, mouth foaming, heavenly, awakening sex ‼️‼️
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"Call me strawberry because I want all his seed all over me." - Me in like 2018 or something.
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tempobaekh · 4 months ago
Short N’ Sweet
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pairings: frank castle x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, suggestive, allusions to sex at the end and a tiny mention of sexual acts?? readers physical appearance is not mentioned
a/n: i am going absolutely feral for this man, like foaming at the mouth feral, gnawing at the bars of my enclosure kind of feral. and i also love sabrina and because of Halloween i got this idea, this might be a little late since yknow Halloween is over but i just got this idea so we can ignore that:) also i wanna thank my biggest fav frank writer @agirlcandream84 for inspiring me to write this. i absolutely love her work and the way she writes frank please go read some of her work. okay enough yapping from me
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Halloween night was finally here, and you could barely contain your excitement. The costume you’d been planning had been kept under wraps—literally—and you’d teased Frank endlessly about it, keeping him guessing for weeks, knowing full well the look on his face would be priceless.
Ever since you’d seen Sabrina Carpenter's iconic outfits from her Short N’ Sweet tour, the idea had taken root. Glitz, glam, a bit of sparkle, and a lot of confidence—that was going to be your vibe tonight. And you knew it would knock Frank’s socks off.
Or maybe more like knock his pants off.
Frank, being Frank, wasn’t exactly putting in the same level of effort. He’d gone with his usual all-black getup: a black shirt that fit him just right, dark pants, combat boots, and his well-worn jacket. Not much of a costume, but with his gruff demeanor and dark eyes, he still looked intense and dangerously handsome.
You’d teased him about needing a 'proper' Halloween costume, but he’d only smirked, knowing you’d be the one to steal the show. Still, he was eager to see you; he’d been waiting all week, and you could feel the thrill of his anticipation even through the closed door.
“Are you ready, sweetheart?” he called out.
With one last deep breath, you slipped on a towel and cinched it tight around your chest, and stepped out of the bathroom, strutting a little as your heels clicked on the hardwood as you made your way toward him
He looked up when he heard you approaching, his gaze immediately sharpening with curiosity. You watched as his eyes narrowed slightly, scanning you up and down in curiosity. "You gonna tell me what the costume is, sweetheart?” he asked, a little smirk creeping onto his lips.
A mischievous smile played on your lips as you took a step closer, letting him get a little look at your carefully styled hair and the faint sparkle of the makeup you’d applied.
“Mm, you could say that,” you teased, giving him a wink. “But the real costume’s under here. Want to see?”
“Hell yes, I do,” he murmured, his gaze darkening, lips twitching in that half-smile of his that always drove you wild. “C’mon, darlin’—let me see it.”
Your heart skipped a beat. You took a step back, giving him a grin, and with a flourish, you unwrapped the towel and tossed it aside, holding out your arms as you posed.
Frank’s reaction was immediate. His jaw went slack, his dark eyes going wide as he took you in. His gaze roamed up and down, lingering on every detail—from your heels up your bare legs, taking in the glittering, skin-colored tights that shimmered like liquid gold. He lingered on the lacy, sparkling red bodysuit that hugged every curve perfectly, bedazzled in red crystals that caught the light with each tiny shift and gave you an ethereal, almost unreal glow. The garters—lacy, sparkling, and just suggestive enough to make his jaw clench—added an extra edge to the look.
When he finally found his voice, he only managed a rough, “Damn, sweetheart.”
Laughing, you spun around, tossing the towel aside and letting him see the details you’d added just for him. He took in the bedazzled kiss mark on the top of your right inner thigh, positioned right where he always planted kisses with his face and tongue buried between your legs as you writhe and moan with pleasure under him. And when you turned around, you knew he’d see the second kiss mark on your left shoulder blade—another favorite spot of his when he has you on your hands and knees and thrusting into you from behind.
You felt the air between you shift, and a shiver ran down your spine at the brief image in your head.
“You like it?” you asked, turning around and looking at him, enjoying the way his eyes roamed over you, taking in every last detail.
Frank’s throat bobbed as he swallowed, but he didn’t answer right away. Instead, he closed the distance between you, his large hands resting on your hips before he traced one finger down to that kiss mark on your thigh.
"Sweetheart…" he murmured, sounding almost reverent. “You look…”
"Too much?" You asked, feigning a worried tone, but you couldn’t hide your smile.
"Too much? No… no, darlin’, it's perfect," he said, reaching out to gently run a hand along your arm, his fingers grazing the crystals. His voice was low, roughened with restrained desire as he brushed his thumb over the spot. “Did you put this here just for me?”
You smiled, heart racing. “Maybe. Figured it might be a nice little reminder for you.”
His fingers skimmed up to your waist, tugging you closer, his hands warm and possessive. “Can’t lie… I’m definitely thinkin’ about ditchin’ Josie’s altogether tonight.”
“But it’s Halloween,” you teased, giving him a look that only seemed to make him hungrier. “We can’t just skip it, Frankie. Besides, I want to show off a little.”
“You’re killin’ me here,” he muttered, his voice dropping as he leaned down, brushing his lips against your neck. His fingers flexed against your waist. “Whole place is gonna be starin’ at you. Don’t think I’m gonna be able to keep my hands off you, darlin’.”
You laughed softly. "Guess you'll have to try, Castle."
He let out a low groan, and you felt his hands slide lower to your behind. "Yeah, easy for you to say when you’re wearin’… this." His eyes dipped down to the kiss mark on your thigh, a possessive gleam in his gaze as pulle away and traced the outline with his thumb again. "This here… You’re just tryin’ to drive me insane, aren’t ya?"
You shrugged, an innocent smile on your face. "Maybe. Or maybe I’m just giving you something to look forward to, and besides, you're the only one who gets to take it off me.”
That got his attention. His hands tightened on your waist, pulling you flush against him, his voice a low murmur in your ear. “You keep talkin’ like that, and we’re not makin’ it to Josie’s tonight, baby. But we’re not stayin’ long. Got… plans for when we get back.”
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t stop the grin across your face. "Come on, big guy. Try to survive the night without dragging me home too early."
When you arrived at Josie’s to meet up with Karen and her friends from her law firm, you caught more than a few looks. Heads turned, eyes lingered, and you could feel Frank tense beside you, his arm protectively draped around your waist as he pulled you in close.
Every now and then, he’d lean down to murmur, “You know, you’re lucky I’m keepin’ it together.”
“Oh, I know,” you replied each time with a wink, enjoying every bit of his attention.
As the night went on, Frank’s hands couldn’t seem to leave you alone, not that you minded. They’d drift to the small of your back, settle on your hip, or tug you closer to him. It wasn’t possessive so much as it was protective—he just wanted you to himself and wasn’t shy about it.
The night was fun, filled with drinks, laughs, and compliments from Karen and Marci who appreciated the sheer effort you’d put into your costume. But the real thrill was feeling Frank’s hand skimming along your waist, his fingers brushing the bare skin where your tights met your bodysuit. Every time he leaned down to murmur something downright filthy in your ear, you could feel the low, restrained fire in his voice that would make your thighs clench.
Finally, as midnight approached, Frank leaned in close, voice low and warm against your ear. "Alright, darlin’. I think we’ve done our part here. Time to go home."
You couldn’t help but smile as you glanced up at him. "Couldn’t wait to get me alone, huh?"
"Not one bit," he admitted, his fingers lacing through yours as he led you out of Josie’s and into the cool night air.
The drive back home felt like a blur, and as soon as you got home, his hands were on you the second you closed the door. He pulled you close, capturing your lips in a kiss that was anything but gentle.
Frank’s lips moved against yours with a fervor that made your knees weak, his hands roaming your back with an almost desperate energy. His touch was firm but reverent, like he was savoring every inch of you. The smooth leather of his jacket pressed cool against your bare arms as he pulled you flush against him, his strength and warmth radiating through the layers between you.
“You’re killin’ me, sweetheart,” he murmured against your lips, his voice low and thick with want. His hand drifted to your thigh, his fingers brushing over the kiss mark there, and he let out a soft, possessive growl. “This right here? This ain’t fair.”
You smiled against his mouth, your breath hitching as his fingers teased along the edge of your garter. "I thought you liked it," you teased, your voice a little breathless.
"Like it?" He pulled back just enough to look at you, his dark eyes blazing as they swept over you. "I can’t think straight, darlin’. All night, all I’ve been thinkin’ about is gettin’ you alone."
His hands slipped to your hips, gripping just firmly enough to remind you of his strength as he guided you back toward the couch. You let out a soft laugh, but it caught in your throat when he leaned down, trailing kisses along your jaw, then down your neck. He paused just at the hollow of your throat, his stubble grazing your skin in a way that sent a shiver down your spine.
“Frankie…” you whimpered, your hands tangling in his hair as his lips continued their path, brushing over the crystals adorning your shoulder blade.
He hummed against your skin, his breath warm and tantalizing. “You knew exactly what you were doin’, wearin’ this,” he said, his tone somewhere between a grumble and a purr. His fingers toyed with the edge of the bodysuit, skimming over the the crystals adorning the fabric. “You’re lucky I got any patience left.”
"Maybe I don’t want you to be patient," you replied, your voice soft but laced with mischief as you tugged him back to meet your lips.
Frank chuckled darkly, his hands tightening their grip on your hips. "Careful what you ask for, sweetheart," he murmured, his lips brushing against yours. The way he said it, low and promising, sent a thrill straight through you.
And with that, he captured your lips again, deeper this time, his movements slow and deliberate, like he was setting the stage for something as bold and electric as the confidence you wore tonight.
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Note: gifs, pictures, and header DOES NOT belong to me. CREDITS TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNERS!! Feedback and reblog is appreciated.<3
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gay-dorito-dust · 4 months ago
consider: batboys reacting to their s/o who is fucking obsessed with Viktor. like they keep rewatching all of arcane and over analyze and froth over that man. (me fr)
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Tim is equally as interested in arcane and in Viktor just as much as you were in all honesty.
So needless to say season two act two broth the both of you, but you were taking it much harder then he was as you swore that Viktor will return as the machine herald in act three, you were being delusional but it was better to be that then accept that your favourite character was gone forever.
Tim would retort and say that the Viktor wasn’t entirely Viktor and would make a fucking power point made with incredible detail pointing to the exact moment Viktor’s character changed entirely. He, like many others, firmly believed that Viktor was corrupted or playing host to the arcane and sighting as Salo as a major reason as to why that might be.
You two would spend countless hours rewatching season one a week before season two came out and cried…Only to cry again somehow ever worse after season two with Isha being the brave little soul that she was. You’re both very, very delusional and hope that she’s somehow alive even though she most likely isn’t, which means jinx will become a menace and make it everyone’s problem.
You also agree that the commune was too polished and perfect to not have something weird going on underneath the surface, while also agreeing that Skye is what the arcane is disguising itself in hopes of using the guilt Viktor felt towards her death to its advantage.
Damian doesn’t watch shows unless you force him to.
He doesn’t find any interest in doing such things but he had to admit the art style of arcane had him greatly intrigued. That and the story was well written as were the characters complex with their ambitions, motivations and actions that they thought were right.
You going apeshit over Viktor however, expect to be on the brunt of his side eyes when you openly simp for the man of science.
‘THATS MY HUSBAND!’ You yelled and Damian swore he had became deaf after that. So whenever you’d visibly look excited to see Viktor -even though it had only been a few scenes since you last saw him- he’s bracing himself for the outburst you’d let out each and every time.
He comes to adore the show but not nearly as much as you however but he has to applaud the writers and everyone involved with such an enriching story and three dimensional characters and how it seemly the story is. After all it takes a talented person with a good eye to pull together a perfect story out of thin air. But other than that he picks up on the finer details that you might’ve missed yourself and you rewards him with kisses and hugs for doing so.
Much like Tim, Damian believes that the arcane is using Skye’s likeness to manipulate and corrupt Viktor due to his guilt over her death. He was all about destroying the hexcore but all notions of that seemed to disappear not long after the commune he builds grows in concerning numbers. Almost like an unsettling hivemind especially when they all die the way that they did.
Dick finds your attraction and or obsession for Viktor hilarious and would record you every time he came on screen, especially so when he had grown his hair out a little.
You were barking like a fucking dog for that man, foaming at the mouth and going absolutely feral as though you were going to leap through the tv and tackle the fictional character. ‘That’s my husband!’ You’d yell the moment you see him and Dick is pouting like a child as he crossed his arms over his chest.
‘I thought I was your husband.’ He says and you’d have to console your pouty man with a bunch of kisses and reassurances that he was still number one in your heart. Dick had doubts as he once asked you ‘if Viktor was real would you stay with me?’
Your silence spoke volumes for Dick who only pouted even more and you had to console him…again. You love your dickie bird and you had to reassure him the Viktor was fictional and not real, thus your love and attention would forever more be his. Needles to say he was a happy little pup for the rest of the day…that is until he saw your eyes glued to the screen whenever Viktor came on and shushing him so that you could hear his soft voice speak.
You swore you’ve never heard Viktor yell, well other than that one scene in arcane where he’s running but then again you were screaming at the screen along with him. Needles to say you were inconsolable when he died and Dick had to deal with you making a memorial for a person that wasn’t real and praying for his return as the machine herald.
Jason loves the story arcane tells.
Probably sees himself in a lot of the characters from the undercity/zaun to be honest as it almost reminds him of his time in Crime Alley.
Jason is a fan of a well written story as a man who is a lover of literature and theatre, so when you shown him arcane his ass was sat on the couch from episode one and was immediately hooked.
So when you openly thirst over Viktor and scream ‘THATS MY HUSBAND! LOOK AT HOW FUCKING PRETTY HE IS OH MY FUCKING GOD!’ He’s chuckling at your enthusiasm and your obsession with the man it was downright hilarious.
‘Do you like men with long hair?’ He asks teasingly.
‘I like men with intellect, dignity, a good heart and a little softie.’ You replied as you poked his chest. ‘Long hair doesn’t suit every man unfortunately, I think it’s got something to do with the face shape but yeah…I don’t think many could suit it as effortlessly.’ You add with a shrug of your shoulders.
Jason will be more than willing to listen to you as you go on about the theories you believe might be true in regard to Viktor, the hexcore and the arcane itself. He loved it when you get this passionate about things you love that he couldn’t help himself but give you a kiss on the lips each time you seem to be tripping up on your word because you were that excited to have someone to talk to about all this, especially if it was your beloved partner. ‘What was that for?’ You’d ask after he pulls away from the kiss.
‘You looked adorable and sexy when you talk theories and speculations for what will happen next, it’s a good look on you and I couldn’t help but kiss you.’ Jason replied as he kissed you on the lip once again and you were quick to talking about how Viktor had to come back in act three and how you think Viktor was being used as a puppet.
Jason throws in his thoughts and opinions but he just loved to sit and listen to you and admire that beautiful brain of yours.
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monimccoythings · 7 months ago
Hello, Neighbor (C!Wolverine x reader)
I'm so sorry, as much as I adore Hugh Jackman the second I saw that Wolverine something inside me broke and I went feral. I needed to do this. I just love mutual pinning. I'm not specifying which Wolverine because it's a small spoiler (not entirely plot relevant!) but I think we all know who I'm talking about.
Slight NSFW themes, nothing big
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X- You usually find him working on his motorbike in the garage below your shitty apartment complex, a cigar in his mouth, and dressed in a thin white tank top that clung to his sweaty and impossibly muscled body like a second skin.
X-Not gonna lie, since the very first moment you laid eyes on your new neighbor you have had the hots for him. Who wouldn't??
X-He was the quiet type. Reserved, with a permanent scowl that seemed to drive away anyone who crossed his path. You understood, maybe he valued his privacy. But that didn't mean you weren't going to be as kind as you could everytime you two met.
X-Easier said than done. It was hard to form a coherent thought let alone two sentences when he was in front of you in a leather jacket whose seams were about to burst from the inmense pressure his bulging biceps were submitting them.
X-You saw the corner of his mouth twitch upwards at your antics. Gosh, now he must think you're an idiot. Why wouldn't earth swallow you up once and for all and end your misery??
X-Still, no matter how much you embarrassed yourself you still came for more. Even if it left your heart nearly bursting out of your chest and your insides twisted in knots. It was all worth it just to see his frown loosen.
X-One day, he even dared to show a small smile. And you, being the current monarch of kindness and stupidity, thought it would be a great idea to tell mr. 'dark and broody' that he had a nice smile. He immediately tensed and mumbled some excuse to quickly retreat to his apartment, leaving you alone in a hall that stank of mold and booze.
X- As you dejectedly made your way towards the apartment, you mentally kicked yourself for stepping over his limits. Who were you kidding? That man could have a supermodel every night if he wanted to, of course he wouldn't have any interest in you. He was just being polite. And now you have ruined it. Way to go, Y/N.
X- Fuck. Shit. God fucking damnit. What was that? One compliment and he already turns into a fucking lovesick mutt. He needed a fucking drink.
X- The cold bitter taste of the beer, helped cool the burning fire inside him. He shouldn't have allowed it to go that far. Not with you.
X- He could argue that he barely knew you at all and he had to be careful, but he would be a lying bastard, wouldn't he?
X- When he saw you for the first time, absentmindedly looking through your mail, the animal inside him riled against the bars of his cage, demanding to consume you and possess you. It was overwhelming.
X- He had memorized everything about you: your routine, the music you liked based on what his sensitive ears heard, the way the corner of your eyes crumpled when you smiled, your scent, the sound of your voice, your dressing patterns...
X- He knew each time you went out and each time you brought a man with you. He hated every single one of them, he watched from afar with clenched fists and foam in the corners of his mouth, and desired nothing more than to rip those men to shreds with his claws.
X- He knew when you touched yourself, how poignant and musky your scent became, nearly driving him insane. How husky and soft your voice sounded when you moaned. Sometimes he found himself wishing it was his name you were calling in short breaths, sometimes he wished he was the one making you sigh in pleasure.
X- He was a dangerous man, unstable, full of rage and trauma, with many enemies who would do anything to get back at him. And besides, he was still hurting over Jean, he doubted he could open his heart to anybody else that wasn't that redhead. It was better this way.
X- So he vented his frustrations in alcohol, one night stands and bar fights. Claws unfolding when the treacherous thought of your delicate face came to mind. He had given you thousands of reasons to turn away from him, like the others.
X- Yet, there you were... Always with a smile, always with a nice word for him. If only you knew what he was, what he did, would you run away from him?
X- He couldn't afford this. This couldn't be for him, the closer you got the more dangerous it would be. This itch inside him that wouldn't let you go entirely was urging him to go across the hall and pound on your door until there were no more barriers between you two.
X-However, he knew, that the second he set foot on that corridor, all of his self control and restrain would be thrown out of the window. Even so, he still opened the door of his apartment.
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jez-bez · 6 days ago
Cirphu make me feel so insane and not normal as do phayurain so maybe it's just a bossnoeul thing
anon, my mysterious friend, I couldn't agree more!
PhayuRain have a special place in my heart because they're the first ones I fell in love with <3 and I've gained a whole lot since finding them! Friends (more like family 💜), kickstarting my passion for writing and a whole bunch of self understanding kjsbdjisbfsa
CirPhu on the other hand? Shoot me in the heart and resurrect me just to do it 67 more times. I'm sosososososo feral about them for reasons too many to write down at this late hour of the night heh trust me when I say Cir is my wittle baby who can do no harm ✨
Honestly, and I mean honestly BossNoeul is my ultimate comfort couple/space and I don't know why??? They just love each other so fucking much whether it's romantic or platonic! Who cares! They love each other and it shows. Their loves makes me feel loved from thousands and thousands of kilometers away *happy sigh*
And they have crazy chemistry that makes me foam at the mouth most of the time. Have you seen Boss' heart eyes too?? That man is gonegone for his dear friend hhhhhhhh same boss, same
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 1 year ago
Feral | JJK One Shot
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Summary: Jungkook comes back from his Global Citizen Festival and tells you something funny that happened to him. Pairing: Jungkook x f!Reader | Established Relationship, idol!au Word Count: 2.5k~ Warnings: Explicit language and mature themes, mentions of bdsm, sub space and pet play A/N: Hey guys this is my first One Shot that I've uploaded to Tumblr and I'm scared but excited to see what you think. My asks and DMs are open if you have any feedback or just wanna say hi! A big thank you to @trina864 for helping me and encouraging me to start posting on here. Hopefully I'll be coming back with more fics very soon! P.s. Horribly edited so please excuse any errors
"Did you get to watch my performance tonight?" Jungkook asks, bright eyed and bushy tailed walking into our hotel room. I look at him with a pained expression "I'm sorry baby I really wanted to but I had an early morning meeting to talk about this big case we've been working on" I explain apologetically. "Oh" he deflates, sad that I wasn't watching. "That's okay, I know how hard you've been working lately, I understand" he says nodding his head, coming over to the bed to sit next to me and see what I'm working on. He acknowledges all the sleepless nights I've been having, and no matter how much he tries to get me to come to bed, I never listen. Most early mornings he finds me sleeping on my desk having passed out from exhaustion and he picks me up and brings me to bed to get at least a few comfortable hours of rest. 
"You wanna know something funny that happened today?" he says with a toothy grin. I hum in acknowledgement and close my laptop taking a break to give him my full undivided attention. "After one of my songs today I took my inner ear out because I could hear Army chanting something and I wanted to try to understand but I couldn't. So I asked them to do it a bit louder and I guess they were barking at me. Like 'woof woof woof woof'. It happened to me before when I was on Good Morning America and I wasn't really sure what it meant but it looked like they were having fun so I think that would mean it's a good thing right?" he says with an amused expression. "Yes Jungkook it's a good thing" I say giggling at his confusion. "So what does that mean when they bark at me?" he says looking at me and tilting his head at me just like Bam does to him. 
I take a few seconds to think about it but for the life of me I can't really seem to put it into words without making it even more confusing for myself. "Um, well I guess the basic thing that it means if they think you're really hot, like beyond hot" I start. "So sexy?" he says encouraging me to continue. "Yeah pretty much and have you ever really heard the expression of 'going wild' over something?" I ask. "Yeah?" he says dragging it out starting to understand the action a little bit more but still showing some confusion. "Well it's pretty much based on that among other things. Another thing people say is 'going feral' with is like beyond going crazy like when dogs are like foaming at the mouth" I say brining up an extreme example trying to help him get the picture. "You mean like when they have rabies?" he says now thoroughly amused. "I mean kinda but not really" I say tilting my head from from side to side a few times.
"One more thing I could think to link it to would be something a little on... well a little on the explicit side" I say cringing at having to explain this one. "Explicit? Army? Noooo!" he says laughing knowing damn well he has been showing a more explicit side of himself lately, amused that Army is following suit. "You're familiar with some basic concepts of bdsm right?" I say feeling a bit awkward bringing it up. "Well... yeah we've kind dabbled in it a little bit right?" he says with a smirk and poking my side" I flinch a bit at it and laugh nervously "Yeah but anyways, have you heard about pet play?" I ask hoping that I won't have to explain it too much. He tilts his his head up towards the ceiling in thought trying to remember if he's heard anything about it but comes up empty handed. "Mmm can't say that I have" he says and waits expectantly for my continued explanation. 
"Basically it kind of links to a degradation kink, you know when a person gets aroused by getting humiliated. You know, stuff like that" he nods his head showing me he's trying to follow. "So they are saying, well not all of them but I'm sure some of them are thinking this. But they are saying that they want you to degrade them and put a leash on them and treat them like they’re your pet and you can do as you please with them" I say cringing at the fact that I have to have to have this sort of conversation to begin with. "Uh huh" he says feeling slightly uncomfortable but still rather amused. "I mean you're hot so I'm not surprised that people are ready to submit to you like that. "Like you do" he says now dropping his voice an octave, making me shudder. "We're not talking about me right now" I say laughing it off, getting off the bed and putting some distance between us. Jungkook swings his legs over the edge of the bed and stares at me with a hunger in his eyes that had not been there moments ago. 
"Well why not? We're already on the subject, why not continue?" he says leaning his arms back on the bed and spreading his legs. "Because we're talking about your fans, you know Army?" I say continuing to back away from him until I hit a wall. "I don't want to talk about Army anymore, I spent some time with them today so now I want to spend some time with you" he says purposely toying with me, pushing all the right buttons. I let out a slight whimper not knowing how else to respond. "It's been a while since we tried something new hasn't it?" he says sitting up a bit. "Would you like to be my pet? Let me do whatever I want with you? I already know you like it when I call you names. What has been your favorite one recently? Slut? Whore? Bitch?" I whimper again while squeezing my thighs together. "Ah that's right, how fitting, would you like it if I put a leash on you, and let everyone see what a dirty little bitch you are for me? Make you crawl to me? I might even make you drink out of a bowl like the pretty little bitch you are. But wait that might be something you would enjoy. Would you like that pup?" he says waiting for my answer. 
I start to respond but he holds his hand up cutting me off. "Aww look at that, my dumb pup forgot that dogs don't talk. Now try again love, bark once for yes and twice for no" I squirm in place not sure exactly how to respond since the thought of it does intrigue me and I can't lie when I say that I can feel myself getting wet. He raises his brow at me waiting for me to respond and I finally decide to let out one little bark under my breath while hanging my head in shame. "I'm sorry pup what was that? I couldn't quite hear you?" I let out another bark in response now feeling my cheeks starting to heat up. "One more time for me, just a little bit louder. Do you want to be my dumb little pup? My bitch? Poor baby has made up her mind but is too embarrassed to bark. Come on, just a little louder. "Woof" I finally respond loud and clear this time, hoping he won't make me do it again. 
"Aw there we go. Looks like you aren't the dumb little bitch I thought you were. Puppy was just too shy to admit she wants me to play with her". I breathe out hoping he'll stop there but he decides to continue. "On all fours, now" he orders. This I can do, and I've done it multiple times without question when he has me in this sub space that I've been tipped over in. "Good girl" he says with a tone of voice he reserves for when he talks to Bam. For not knowing what this is he seems like quite the natural. "Baby come" he says ordering me to come to his side. I wince at the thought of me crawling over to him and he notices my hesitance, "Aw looks like my dumb little bitch still needs training. Puppy come here" he says in a more playful tone. I decide to surrender this time and crawl over to him and see his eyes rake over my body with a expression that I have never seen before but it makes me feel nervous but sexy. Once I sit in front of him I see him play with his lip rings and then rest on biting his lip for a second just gazing down on me. 
"You did so well love" he says cupping my face in his hand and rubbing his thumb over the apple of my cheek praising me for all that I've done. "You can come out if you want to" he says gently, coaxing me out of my sub space. I blink a few times and reach up to place my hand on top of his and he gives me soft smile, "There she is" he says and he looks down at me lovingly, "Looks like you really enjoyed that" he says helping me stand up. "You're one to talk" I say rubbing my aching knees that I only now just noticed. "Speaking of which you seemed like you're quite a natural for someone who isn't familiar with pet play" I say suspiciously. "Yeah about that..." he says trailing off. "Jeon Jungkook did you lie to me?" I say feeling utterly betrayed. "I'm sorry but you just looked super shy I just had to watch you explain it to me" he says pulling me onto his lap. I burry my face in the crook of his neck to hide my reddening face. 
"You're so mean"I mumble, "Aw come on you know I love you, plus look at you, you're my adorable little pup who listened so well" he says rubbing my back. I sit up and look at him, "But I thought I was your bitch" I say with a roll of my eyes. "That too, but you're my cute puppy first and foremost" he says ruffling my hair. "Hey! Don't do that!" I whine fixing it, "We're not playing like that anymore". "Alright alright, I'll stop. We can pick this up later" he says giving me a quick kiss on my cheek and placing me on the bed walking over to his bag on the floor. "Huh" I scoff, "What makes you think I wanna do that again?" I say crossing my arms over my chest. "Do I really need to see how much of a mess you've made down there right now?" my eyes widen at his words and I cross my legs in response. "Exactly" he laughs pulling out his laptop and his phone, walking over to the small couch in the corner. 
"What are you doing?" I ask curiously watching him prop up his phone. "I'm gonna go on live for a bit to check up on Army to see their reaction, especially since I dropped the teaser for 3D" he says with a smile. "You dropped it at the festival? Wow I can imagine the screams, especially after seeing their reaction to the proof teaser at your last concert in the US" I say shaking my head and smiling at the thought. "Yeah I'm even more excited to release it now!" he says feeling proud of himself. "You and Jack worked really hard on it so I'm sure they're gonna love it. Let's be real, if you just recoded a whole three minutes worth of you just breathing everyone would go crazy over it. That's basically what Hobi did in Jack in the Box right?" I finish laughing. He let's out a chuckle in response, "Yeah you're right, I'm sure it's gonna be great! Are you gonna go shower?" He asks watching me grab some stuff out of my bag. "Yeah I definitely need one, my back is killing me after having to sit in front of my computer all night. 
"Okay wait for me and I'll join you in a bit yeah?" he says with a sly smile. "You better hurry up then mister, I'm not taking a three hour shower because you're still on live" I say remembering the nights he would stay up talking to and spending time with Army. "Okay just give me like 15 minutes" he begs. I laugh and start to walk over to the bathroom but he calls out to me. "Wait!" I turn around at the sound of him, "Can I have a kiss?" he says with a pout, to which I can't help but agree to. I give him a kiss and he deepens it and he promises between kisses that he'll give me a massage to entice me into really waiting for him. I nod my head and roll my eyes and turn to walk to bathroom to which he responds with a loud slap on my ass. "Hey!" I yell back scolding him, but he puts up his finger to his lips as he presses the button to go live telling me to stay quiet. I huff silently and close the door behind me and start the shower and hear him make excuses for the noise.
"Oh I think it's just the sound of someone taking a shower next door. Yeah it's loud huh? I guess the walls are pretty thin here. Oh! Jin! Jin Hyung!" I hear him continue, sounding excited at what I could only think is the sight of Jin commenting on the live. Smiling I get into the shower and let the warm water wash away all the stress from the day until I hear a slight jiggle of the door nob. "Ya! Woman open the door!" I laugh at his pleading and leave him there complaining for a while before letting him in. "Oops" I say "I guess I forgot" I finish, feigning innocence. "Uh huh, you forgot" he says rolling his eyes at me and giving me another slap on the ass. "Just get back in the shower" he says and I give him a kiss before doing just that. 'Tonight is gonna be a long night' I think to myself as I bite my lip standing under the stream of water, waiting for him to join me.
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ijwrsmff · 1 year ago
One Piece requests are open you say!? I'm going absolutely feral over Mihawk, as always, then I saw him in the live action and foamed at the mouth. If you're okay with it, can I please get domMihawk with his wife nsfw🤌
I. Got. So. Into. This. I am so weak for Mihawk. And I could never think of him as anything but a dom XD I picture him as a pleasure dom, so the story revolves a bit around that. I was a bit out of my comfort zone with this, since I haven't written much smut. So I don't know if it sounds weird, or isn't up to par with what I usually write, so any feedback or constructive criticism is welcome ^~^ feel free to send in your thoughts and opinions in my ask box! I'd love to hear it!
Word Count: 2,732
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It was a relatively stressful day, trying to clean up the majority of your mansion you shared with your husband. It was massive, but so many rooms needed a good makeover. Dust and broken wood, just anything really. Some rooms were so bad it took hours to completely clean it. But if it meant making Mihawk smile, you’d do it all over again. All he had to say was redo it and you’d oblige without any hesitation. 
When he came home, you were laying in bed just staring at the ceiling and trying to relax. You didn’t even get out of bed when you heard the front door open in the room beneath you. You were nearly falling asleep, and when he came in you just rolled over and smiled. One hand holding your head up as you laid sideways, just taking in his appearance. It never got old, and you were convinced you were married to the most handsome man in the world. 
“Dear, I appreciate all the hard work you did to make everything look so…nice.” He walked over to the bed and played with your hair. “I haven’t seen every room, but seeing you so exhausted has me convinced you worked on the whole mansion.” He smiled fondly, and eventually removed his coat and laid down on the other side of the bed. 
“It’s no problem, really! You have pirates to hunt, I’m sure you don’t have too much time for much of anything. Especially cleaning all that mess.” You laughed a bit, and rolled over to lay your head on his chest. He was always so warm, it was welcoming every time. His arm wrapped around you as the other rubbed your shoulders, making you sigh. Just feeling his touch was enough for you. 
His hand wandered, rubbing up and down your arm to shoulders and back down again. It felt so nice…and as he moved to face you, he had that look on his face. That look that meant trouble…or even something more. Your theory was confirmed when that hand slowly traveled to your neck. Just one finger traced over your sensitive spot on your neck. His mark he left the other day was barely visible anymore. 
Mihawk moved closer and lips were mere millimeters away from yours. “You know…I can show you how much I appreciate your efforts.” He waited for you to make the first move, or even signal you weren’t opposed to the idea. He knew you weren’t always in the mood, as everything he did was being considerate. 
You leaned forward and gave him a peck on the lips, closing the gap between you. Knowing he would take the lead from there, it was no surprise when he rolled his body over yours. He remained close, biting your lower lip as a teasing gesture. You could feel the heat of his chest on your breasts and stomach, as he deepened the kiss. 
He pulled back, making you whine, as he whispered “You’ve worked so hard…now allow me to take care of you.” He tilted his head and leaned back into the kiss. All you could do was nod and hum, and before you knew it his hand traced around your neck. He pulled back, but only for a short time as he trailed his tongue down your neck, to where the mark was over the most sensitive spot on your neck. 
You let out a small moan as he kissed, sucked, and even bit it. Never hard enough to draw blood, just enough to make the previous mark turn a brighter and more defined color. He did love to mark you, and you loved it just as much. Sometimes, when he was feeling territorial, he left marks all across your body. You had the feeling he was about to do just that. 
Once the mark was properly defined, he trailed kisses down until he reached your shirt’s edge. With little effort, he tore through the shirt and discarded it to the side, along with your bra. His lips got closer and closer to your nipple, until he swirled his tongue around it, never touching the stiff peak. It made you whine once more, and you could feel his smirk on your chest. 
“Baby…please don’t tease me!” You wanted to feel as good as possible, and him being such a tease wasn’t helping. He tended to do that, but it only helped you reach your climax faster once he finally got you to it. You didn’t really WANT him to stop teasing, but you wouldn’t tell him that. Even if he already knew, being the perceptive man he was. You loved that about him. 
“Darling, I plan to take my time. I’ll make you feel better than you ever had before meeting me, and treasure every inch of your body.” His smirk turned into a genuine smile, before returning back to a smirk. “I will take care of you, for as long as we live. My beautiful wife, always so eager to spend time with me…to love me…to let me show you pleasure whenever possible.” 
With that, he finally used his tongue to make your nipple become even more stiff, loving the feeling of his mouth on one of your most sensitive parts. You couldn’t stop the moan that came out, and it only got louder when he softly bit at your nipple. When he removed his mouth, you even whined out a small noise, already missing the feeling. 
With one hand, he moved lower on your body, until it was cupping that sweet spot between your legs. He moved his hand ever so slowly, but enough to make you feel that burning pleasure you loved so much. His thumb traced over your clit, before removing it to get rid of your pants, leaving your panties on. 
You whined, and moaned, craving more. When you reached out your hands to feel him, he used his free hand to pin yours above your head. “Don’t worry about me, your pleasure is far more important.” Was all he said, grabbing the rope from the drawer next to the bed. It was softer than most ropes, as he didn’t want to risk a rope burn on your arms and wrists. 
He skillfully used his hands to attach the rope to the headboard, before lowering himself so you could feel his hot breath on your thighs. “Be good for me…make as much noise as you can, and tell me how good you feel. I want you to tell me how much you love it. How much you love me.” He nibbled at your thighs, leaving a few marks with his mouth and teeth alone. 
He took both his hands, and spread your legs as much as he could without causing you discomfort. Sliding your panties to the side, he slid his tongue along your lips, never touching your clit or where you wanted him most. “Aren’t you my good girl? My lovely wife, and the one I love more than anything else. Each time I touch you, you must say thank you, understand?” 
You nodded, but that wasn’t good enough for him. “I need to hear you say it. Use your words, darling.” Everything about the situation made you blush more and more, it was always extremely difficult not to blush. He was good at what he did, and you loved nothing more than to let him take complete control. He refused to use his tongue anymore on you until you agreed. 
“Yes sir…” It sounded pathetic, but that was good enough for him. When he slowly eased his tongue into you, all you could do was let out a moan as you yelled “THANK YOU SIR!” It felt so good, and your voice dissolved into a series of moans, as you repeated the words as much as you could. 
He used one of his hands to rub your clit, which only made you moan louder. You were lucky no one else was in the mansion right now, it would be too embarrassing to let someone hear you like this. Not that Mihawk cared, if anything he loved knowing people could hear at any moment, and show them that you were his and his alone. 
He rubbed circles on your clit, and slid his tongue in and out of you for several minutes, until he removed both his tongue and finger. Your voice was pathetically needy, and you made sure to vocalize your wants. Even if you could barely get words out, when you went from pleasure to nothing. You tried to close your thighs and rub them together, but his grip was too strong to allow that to happen. 
“Don’t worry, love. I’ll make you feel even better.” He then did the opposite of what he was doing before, and used his mouth to suck on your clit. He pulled back momentarily to ask, “How many fingers would you like? You have to speak up, I can’t hear you enough.” He used one finger to trace up and down your slit, never entering. 
“I…I want three, sir. But not all at once!” You knew your limits, and he needed to slowly ease you into it. His hands were large, so both of you knew three right off the bat was too much for your body. Even if he was already aware, you knew he wanted to hear you say it. He always made sure you vocalized anything and everything you wanted. 
“As you wish, darling.” He placed his mouth back over your clit, toying with it with his tongue before sucking on it. He then slowly eased a single finger inside of you. The actions made your moans get much louder, and you could feel him smile against you. “Good…you're such a good girl for me. Keep going, I know you can be louder.” He began thrusting his finger inside of you slowly, before speeding up just a bit. 
As he commanded, you moaned so loud that you knew your throat would be sore later. It wasn’t difficult to put everything you had in your moans, since he was making you feel so good. Even without all three fingers, you felt yourself getting just a little bit closer to ecstasy. When he inserted the second finger it only got harder to keep that edge away. 
When he inserted the third, you practically screamed. As he spoke lowly around you, you could barely contain it. “So good for me…doing exactly what I want you to. Aren’t you being such a good girl for your sir.” His thrusting fingers sped up, and you were so close already. 
“S-Sir please let me cum! I want to so badly, please I need to!” All you could do was beg. “You make me feel so good, I want to reach there! I love you, only you! Always going to be you, I want to feel this good every day, please!” You could feel yourself quivering around his fingers, as you screamed louder in wanting to reach your climax. 
“Hm…Have you earned it? I want to hear you say why you deserve it.” He continued his motions, making you scream and shake trying to hold it in. “I want you to feel good, baby. But I need to know you’ve been good today.” He already KNEW why you deserved it, but the jerk you loved was making you say it. As he always did. 
“Please sir! I worked so hard today, I cleaned every room, I ate three meals, I’ve drank so much water, I didn’t even touch myself without your permission! I need to cum so bad, please sir I can’t hold it in much longer!” If he continued with this, you really wouldn’t be able to prevent it from happening. You would try your best, but feeling his fingers inside you and his warm mouth around your clit, it would get more and more difficult to hold it back. But you knew better than to cum before he said you could. 
“You were so good today. Cum. Cum on my fingers, you can do it love.” He moved his fingers even faster, and used his other hand to rub your clit so he could talk to you through it. “I’m so proud of you, my good, good girl. You’ve earned this and more, show me how good I make you feel. How much you love me, and everything I can do for you.” His pace was relentless, and as the greatest swordsman in the world, he was capable of going harder and faster than most people in the world. 
“THANK YOU SIR!” You cried out as you did as he demanded. You came hard, and could feel your fluids coating his fingers. You screamed, and thanked him repeatedly. Declaring how much you loved him, and saying how much you loved everything he did to and for you. Your words became a jumbled mess, and you felt yourself go limp as you spasmed and twitched from the pleasure. 
Mihawk smiled, and slowly removed his fingers. While he made eye contact with you, he put those fingers in his mouth and tasted everything you could give him. It made you blush, just seeing the lewd expression he made while he licked and sucked at his fingers until there was nothing left. He moaned at the taste, never removing his eyes from yours. 
When he was done, he untied you from the bed, and laid down on his back next to you. You were completely spent, and he lifted you to lay directly on his chest. You could hear his heartbeat, and how it raced. “I didn’t get to make you feel good…” Was all you said as you closed your eyes, coming down from your high. His response was as expected. 
“My pleasure matters far less than yours. Just knowing how good I make you feel is enough for me.” He rubbed your back, and muttered, “You were so good for me today…you make me so proud. I fall even further in love each time I see you.” Aftercare was always important, and for you, being in his arms for a while was always refreshing. 
“Thank you sir…I love you so much.” You could feel yourself getting closer to falling asleep, worn out from how good you felt. He was always so kind and gentle with you…when you wanted him to be. He could be rough when you felt up to it, but he was more of a “pleasure dom” than anything else. Being his sub was all you wanted, and knowing he cared so much made everything worthwhile. 
As you fell asleep, he muttered, “Don’t worry, love. Rest. I’ll be right here when you wake up.” He wasn’t really tired, but he was one to keep his promises. You knew he would be there. He never left you when you were coming down, knowing it was far more comforting when you were in his arms. 
He always took great care of you…and you knew in your brain and heart that he would continue to do so. Mihawk was there for you, your loving husband. Knowing he loved you made the world of difference, and you would continue to love him for the rest of your days. Just as he would to you. There wasn’t a man in the world you would rather be with than him. He would love you, treasure you, be there for you, listen to you, whenever you needed or wanted. That was all you really needed. To know he would never leave you, and travel the world just to come home to you. 
You loved him with all your heart, and would risk everything just to be with him and make sure he was safe. Your husband…the words were familiar, but made you smile every time. So as you fell asleep, you smiled, just knowing he would be there when you awake. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind he would love you as much as he could. His soft spot, his soft side that only you saw. He was perfect in every way. 
You would love him in life, and as your vows said, even loving each other in the world beyond. Whatever awaited you in the future, you knew it would be a future with him. 
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ceilidho · 1 year ago
forever thinking about witch and ghost their dynamic is everything to me 😭 gruff, brooding giant weirdo ghost just forcing his way into witch's life and making room for himself no matter how much she foams at the mouth at his audacity 😭😭 with enough spankings she'll settle (but only for a little before she's whacking him with rolled up scrolls for disturbing her intentionally set belongings) and i like the feral x feral-er thing hehe anyway sorry for the rant i just love them thanks 4 writing them 🎀
Omg no I totally get it, I love a feral4feral relationship lmao, I wish I could commit to writing it more. One day when I write a situationship fic where reader is equally as toxic/relationship avoidant, that dynamic will manifest itself in the best possible way.
I love a reader character that bites and hisses and scratches and doesn’t want anything to do with Ghost but he’s like…ripping open the shower curtain like “stop screaming, it’s just me, move over.” NO respect for her personal space, bugs her phone, stalks her location, sends her vaguely threatening texts if she goes on a date with someone else, or even shows up and violently intimidates the guy ❤️❤️ and then she tries to stab him with the fork ❤️❤️ that’s love 2 me
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the-widow-olivia · 1 year ago
Saw that Rhys Darby was going to be in an episode of Night Court, and I got really concerned for any Night Court fans out there who have no idea that there is a flotilla of pirates about to descend on them.
So I made a helpful guide we can give to fans of other shows when OFMD cast members show up.
So your favorite TV show has cast an OFMD actor!
Hello! It's us, the friendly queer pirate crew, here to enjoy your television program alongside you. We don't bite (and even if we do, it usually sets off a hilarious chain of events that ends in a lovely wedding).
You may notice at some point during our time together that one or more OFMD fans will begin foaming at the mouth or melting into the floor as though they have no bones. This is perfectly normal, as all OFMD fans suffer from a severe form of brain rot previously only found in goats.
However, be warned, the following "normal" items may cause ferality in OFMD fans:
- Oranges (petrified or regular)
- The color teal
- The color purple
- The color black
- The color red
- Fuck it, all the colors. We own colors now.
- Goldfish
- Cats
- Seagulls
- Snakes
- Beanies
- Gloves
- Cake (can be combined with oranges)
- Garlic
- Soup
- Garlic soup
- Legs (pronounced "ligs")
- Eyes (“EYEEE!” however, will just make us laugh)
If an OFMD fan becomes a little too feral, you can soothe them by playing Gnossienne No. 5 and putting a blanket over their head until they calm down. Note: Results may vary if said fan is in “clowning” mode.
OFMD fans are a friendly bunch, but we are often socially anxious. Here are a few phrases you can practice at home if you want to befriend an OFMD fan:
“Wow, that Rhys Darby sure has nice legs.”
“That WJW with Con O’Neill got me right in the feels.”
“Our Flag Means Death deserves a third season and all the Emmys.”
Anyhoo, we’re delighted to be here enjoying TV with you, and you are all invited to Calypso’s next birthday. (BYO bathtub)
The Crew
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ropes3amthoughts · 5 months ago
Oh man you guys I feel ill thinking about him…Kabru…Kabru…sighs dreamily and eyes turn into hearts and I twirl my hair and go teeheehee omfg you guys look at some of these Kabru from later chapters like
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He has such. Pretty face…I can’t get o at it I feel like my heart is convulsing or whatever the word is oughhhhhhhhhh look at him
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He looks so gorgeous here o my look at him oh my god his eyes his lips his nose I’m going crazy hey gorjus I wont you my sweet apple pie nom nom nom I actually don’t like apple pie he can be like japchae instead I can slurp that shit up when I’m hungry mmmmmm japchae one time I was hungry and I ate like an entire family sized serving of it that stuff is so good and it’s moist so you can just eat it up like that I love moist food because I don’t like drinking the same time as eating so it means I can just eat all the stuff I want when I’m hungry like a cat I don’t blame cats for liking wet food I think they’re justified in that if I were a cat I would like wet food and if I was a cat I’d like Kabru and I’d go meowwwwwwww meow meow meow meow mreow miau meow mew mrow purrrrrrrrrr purrr purrrrrrrrrrr cat in heat yowling MEOW MEOW MOWW MEOW MEOWWWWWW MROW MEOW MEOWWWWWWW
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Love the side views of him something about his nose makes me want to kiss him he’s so gogoues he makes me smile and go like wowwwwww meowza amazing wow nice great
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This might sound crazy but why he look cute tied up
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Oh man 💕💕💕💕💕 Kabru low cut neck part on his shirt…. there’s a whole barnyard up in my head when I see him I’m going woof meow moo oink cluck caw baa and all the animal noises I’m going feral I’m falling to the floor foaming at the mouth hrgghhh snarl gr snrrrr grrr areee argh arf arf arf arf HIS OUTFIT WITH THR NECK CUT AGH
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Fun fact this is one of the few times we see Kabru’s shoulders in Dungeon Meshi iirc this is the only time in the manga canon story line we see him no shirt and shoulders showing and this is one of three times he’s shown across main content and extra content with no shirt/shoulders showin he’s so scrawny here tiny like a paperweight i could wrap my arms around him oh that would be noce kiss handsome beauyfii
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Kabru so cute here loook at him sitting down oh my cute he’s lovely just lovely very easy to love my sweet guy my dear majestic guy
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Dreamy sigh sigghhhhhh I love Kabru you guys I love him so mcuh what a great guy a beautiful man he’s so perfect to me he’s just oovely sighhhhhh Kabru…Kabru Kabru <33333333333 mh sweet Kabru
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auspicioustidings · 7 months ago
good girl tearing through graves and kortac to get good boy (and herself) hour of the pound my beloved…..
God you write them so well, everything is so good i’m like frothing at the mouth whenever you update‼️
i cant stop thinking about good girl finally making it back to 141 and the Vaqueros with good boy and both groups of men trying so hard to show that they’re happy she’s back too but none of it working because she’s been through too much
none of them can touch her. it hurts too bad. she nearly bit Rudy and Soap’s hands off while they tried to pet her hair while she was eating. she even tears apart a book that Ghost gets her because it has to be a trick.
they’re just trying to get her comfortable and pliant again so they can ship her off wherever in the world next, or find some reason for her to slip up so they can punish her, or get her into their bed and she won’t have it
(deep down, past a certain point of Stockholm syndrome, she just started to want them to like her. she just wanted the softness and the sweetness good boy got. she wanted to be their girl and their pet.
why was she never good enough?)
Oh that last line hits so hard <3
Ok so starting with the escape, there are a couple of big fuck ups that allow you to tear your way out of there.
Nikto was never allowed to fuck you because they view him as a feral animal who would have gotten too possessive and dangerous had he been given the opportunity, they did not consider he's been simmering with resentment over it and waiting for his opportunity to tear apart the handlers who cattle prodded him whenever he would try get under your clothes during training (he already is possessive and weird about you and the idea of you running wild out in the world gets his blood racing)
Mace was Ghost's pet before he was ever the pound's and his loyalty will always lie with his original master first - Ghost was a good master and Mace wants that for you
Roze would usually not get involved, but she's found that recently seeing you crying is making her furiously uncomfortable so she wants you out of here
Kate has been biding her time on taking the pound down after she 'adopted' her (future at the time) wife from them, she's never forgiven them for the state they put that woman in - them pissing off the 141 & Los Vaqueros presents her with the perfect time to activate sleeper agent Alex (who you haven't seen, but he has seen you) because she knows that this time they won't stop her
Alex has been trying to help you this whole time and getting increasingly upset about not being able to do more (Halloween week should have been so much worse for you, but so many of Konig's people conveniently had emergencies that week and had to skip their hour)
There are people in that building clearing a path for you in the shadows. You don't come across Horangi because he's currently hiding from Nikto, knowing if he is caught then he's absolutely fucked. Most of the 'nurses' are foaming at the mouth after being poisoned by Roze while Mace and Graves are in a fight to the death inside the clinic. The first time you have ever seen Alex is when he runs into you and good boy in the hall, hands you a knife with a nod and then takes off to deal with the people on your tail.
Good boy talks to you. Like fully, truly talks to you. You don't remember after because it's all a complete blur, but he was a human man fighting tooth and nail to protect the woman he loved during that escape.
Nobody has been able to stop Konig. He blocks the exit and he's so huge and you are so terrified of him from all that he's done to you. He's confident in your submission, backhands your boyfriend when he tries to get between you and tugs the o-ring on your collar to bring you towards him. "Trying to fly away from me spatzi? Come, let us clip your wings."
He truly thinks you will acquiesce, he is smiling indulgently with that ever horrible glint in his eyes that means he is excited about punishing you. You use the knife the man in the hallway gave you and bury it in his belly. You pull it across and rip it back out. You do not stop to give him any last words, you do not yell at him or tell him how you feel about him nor do you let him do the same to you. Because he's not worth your fucking time. You just grab your boyfriend and keep fucking going.
You meet Ale and Ghost near the entrance. They have started fighting their way in while you were fighting your way out and oh boy are they surprised to see you snarling and covered in blood barrelling towards the exit. Your body gives out on you as you fight hard against Ghost, only managing to bury the knife in his shoulder before he has your failing limbs restrained. The last thing you see is your boyfriend's face near yours. He's crying you think.
When you wake up in a new place (it's a lakehouse, beautiful but it does not escape your notice that it's in the middle of the wilderness), you're too unwilling to let anyone near you to notice things. People were on your side. Most of the men in this house are injured (Gaz nearly died, Price is in a sling for months) because in the background they were willing to die fighting to get you out of there. It's how good boy got caught, they were all throwing themselves into danger to get to you. You had people inside the pound who were on your side and you never would have gotten out without them.
But you don't know any of that. So yes, you are stuck thinking that you were never good enough to be their good girl. You had to get yourself out of there after all. They only came because good boy was there, because it couldn't possibly have been for you. You tried so hard to get them to like you and it failed. They had a tracker in you (the pound cut that out the first day), so they must have let the pound pick you up. They don't want you, they're just stuck with you because of good boy.
You are not loveable. You don't have the ability to be good. So you don't try because you can't face being rejected again. Better you be bad and don't let anyone close. Better you actively try at something you know you will succeed at, making everyone want to stay away from you.
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rafedaddy01 · 2 years ago
hi my loveee!! I’m not sure if ur up to see this still but i would love it if we could pretty please get some “i missed you” smut for rafey? not like a breakup or anything but just maybe reader’s his girlfriend and she went on a long trip and it’s they’re first time being apart for more than a couple days and seeing each other after that they’re both just FERAL!! like i mean suffocating because they’re each other’s life source kinda feral and NOBODY can contain themselves it’s just in my spirit 2 see him goin crazy 4 the woman he loves likeeee🙈🙈‼️
missed you
18+ only! Smut ahead
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“Rafe! I miss you so much!” You all but tackled your boyfriend over as you threw your luggage down and pounced on him like a wild animal.
“I miss you too, pretty girl” he took in your smell as your hair was sprawled over his face.
“We’re gonna have so much sex to make up for missed time” a evil smirk curling your lips as you pulled back to stare at him. “Is that so?” He asked as he walked the two of you over to the bed.
You nodded your head as he set you down. Slowly, but seductively, you stripped every item of clothing off of your tan body.
Rafe watched every move you made, practically foaming at the mouth.
“Your turn” you said as you discarded the last item of clothing on the floor. He wasted no time. Removing his shirt and jeans next. Leaving him in him boxers. “All of it” you told him.
“I’m building suspense” he joked as he pulled the boxers down and his massive erection sprung up to his lower stomach. Your mouth watered at the sight. You’ve missed him so much these past few weeks.
Your family took a yearly vacation to “bond” although there wasn’t much bonding, rather arguing.
But you were finally back, and you were in your favorite place ever. You couldn’t imagine living without him. He was your everything and you his.
“Spread those legs, pretty girl” Rafe ordered as he rolled the condom on and waited for your next move. You did it without hesitating, swinging one leg over and opening up for him.
He all but groaned out at the sight. He missed you so much it was excruciating for him to live without his pretty girl for 2 weeks. The love you felt for each other was unbearable.
“I missed you so much!” He said leaning down and capturing your lips in a kiss.
“Rafey I missed you too. Now please fuck me! I need it! I need you!” You whined out as his tip brushed against your entrance. He right away got to work, sliding his thick cock through your folds and to your clit rubbing it to get you more wet. He soon inserted himself fully in you. Holding still as both of you groan from the satisfaction.
“P-please move” you said throwing your head back as his hips started moving.
“F-fuck, pretty girl. I missed this pussy so much. Your no longer allowed to leave” he said through clenched teeth as his pace quickened. He dipped down to kiss your neck, nipping at the flesh.
“Shit, rafey!” You moaned out as his hips slammed against your body.
“That’s it, pretty girl. Give me all you got. We’ve far from done tonight” he groaned as you clamped down on him from his words. “Fuck” you moaned and arched your back. “I-I’m gonna cum” you moaned.
Rafe pulled out and flipped you over, pounding into you from the back. Sending you into a spiral. He always got much deeper in this position.
“Fuck!” You cursed.
“S-shit!” He groaned as his head dipped back to indulge in his pleasure.
“I-I’m cumming!” You said with a scream. He didn’t stop thrusting, instead speeding up his hips until all that was hear was skin on skin.
“Shit- rafe, too much” you begged
“You can take it, pretty girl” he said in between breaths as he lifted you up so your back was against his flushed chest
“No no no” you whined
“Shh, pretty girl. Let me show you how much I miss you” he whispered against your neck.
“Oh shit” you were officially in a sex haze, controlled by his cock. No thoughts in your mind as pleasure filled your body and his cock stuffed your pussy.
“So close” he said through gritted teeth. He thrusted up into you as a hand snaked around your throat.
He squeezed and that brought you back to reality as you gasped out for a breath “rafe!”
“Shit pretty girl, your squeezing me so hard!” He groaned as he continued his pounding torture.
“You gonna cum?” His husky voice whispered in your ear sending shivers through your body although you were a hot mess, it was calming in a way. “Go ahead, let go for me. Show me how much you missed me”
With that you released all over him a second time.
Rafe still haven’t cum, this man has restraint, instead he pulled out and flipped you over. His breathless body hovered yours as he examined every inch of you
“Good girl” he said. “Such a good girl for me” he ran his fingers through your hair before gripping it.
“Now give me another”
“Rafe, no!”
With that he dove into your cunt with his tongue
Instantly juices squirted out of your used hole, landing on his chest and making him groan.
Your whimpers sounding the room
“Holy shit, I don’t think I’ve ever made you do that!”
You were to tired to be embarrassed, just letting your head fall to the side and trying to not let your eyes close. Rafe brought a warm cloth from the bathroom and wiped you down.
He snuggled up close behind you and covered up
He wrapped you in his big arms and pulled close
“I missed you so much, pretty girl” he said brushing the side of your face with his nose
“W-what about you?” You asked, realizing he still hadn’t cum.
“Shhh, pretty girl. Don’t worry about me. You just sleep” he said rubbing your arm up and down.
“I missed you”
He kept whispering that in your ear as your eyes fluttered shut and you dozed off, exhausted from all the pleasure Rafe had given you.
“Don’t ever leave me again” he said kissing your cheek. His big arms wrapped around you tighter and pulled you to this naked body.
“And I’ll get mine once you wake up” his signature smirk returning. “We’re not done yet”
@v21sstuff @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings
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muffinsin · 1 year ago
Hello my FAVORITE child, your Mother stopping by to drop a HC request if ya don't mind humoring me. I give you free reign with the maidens.... they are replaceable . But my vases and flowers are off limits still. You still do no wrong and are so perfect, smart and intelligent.
Also make sure u drain the blood the way Alci showed with the maidens. Now to my ask...... *unfolds a long ass piece of parchment paper and puts on my glasses*
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Ok so hear me out. You know my HC on Feral Cass after her Cadou implant. Like babygirl is dumb ass rocks. She cant speak, talk, read, write, like nothing. Her whole brain gets wiped from something going wrong w her Cadou. She ask like a legit animal, like growling and snarls instead of words. U know feral feral.
SO like I would LOVE to hear your HC's on what Feral Cass would be like if she is like on a hunt and finds a pregnant women in the woods. For some reason or the other the women is lost from the village cuz preggo brain. Like she can smell that the women is with child and gets maybe curious about just what that means. *dumb ass rocks Cass but still has those baser instincts to know that this isn't normal prey* And maybe Cass like ends up protecting the women from an attack *cuz u know those woods aint never safe* so she is even more confused on why she did that. Why protect this "bloated "human ? Its just a human... right? She kills humans just to kill, what was different about this one type.
OK I go now... I ramble. BYYYEEEEE MY FAVORTIE CHILD!!!!!!
Hello, Mother @darkittensniper ! I suppose the vases and flowers being off limits is acceptable aims hatchets at the windows Being right and correct and all😌🙌 Dw, I know how to drain em >:)
Nooooow, abso-freaking-lutely! We love sum feral Cassie in this house🙌
Let’s get into it :)!
Noises, smells, visuals, everywhere. Cassandra loves and hates it at the same time
Her head jerks, from left to right, up and down. Her eyes wide, her lips parted enough to allow a glimpse of sharp, white canines dripping blood
Every little sound has her attention
Every little movement has her twitch and glance in the direction
Every scent makes her growl quietly
A hunt- a good hunt, this one will be. Certainly
If only she could settle on a prey. There is simply so much to choose from, she’s foaming at the mouth and growling in excitement already
Birds, boars, rabbits, villagers and hunters, Lycans and bears, even a varcolac!
She turns her head to the right, so fast it feels as though her neck is snapping
Cassandra snarls at the sensation, and for a moment it’s enough to drown out the noise she has just heard
Ah, but it returns. Panting
Yes, unmistakably
Female. Exhausted. Panicking. Crying
Cassandra’s eyes flash dangerously for a moment
She snarls for a mere moment again, her claw-like nails digging sharply into the handles of her daggers. For a second she considers dropping them, before the memory of the special engravings on its handle remind her not to do so
Then, a smirk appears on her face when she catches the direction of the strange scent
She is ready to hunt
She runs fast, uncaring and unaware of her dress getting stuck on twigs and thorns and ripping free again seconds after
Often, it nearly makes her trip. She pays it no mind, only keeps running
She can’t think, can’t talk, can’t do a thing but follow the noise and follow her basic instinct to discover, claim, and kill
The closer the gets, the more feral she seems to become
Her mouth waters at the loud heartbeat she hears, her eyes widen at the overwhelming scent that hits her
Suddenly she stops in her tracks, so sudden it’s as if she’s run into an invisible wall
She snarls, then whimpers, as though in confusion
Certainly, this scent is different than a normal one
Hunger and brutality is met with curiosity
As her legs come to a final halt and she stalks quietly, she finds her prey
She moves under twigs and through bushes, quietly snarking and smacking them away with the sharp sides of the daggers
Her lips curl upwards when she finds her prey again, this time being granted a closer look
Panting, crying, hissing and groaning, clutching her bloated stomach. Poor thing. Not that Cassandra understands
A woman. This much is clear
You’re unaware of the feral, beast-like brunette watching you from among the trees
You don’t hear her growl, her snarl of frustration when she can’t figure out what’s different about you
You don’t care, either, though
Not when all your attention is pulled to your foot and the harsh metal spikes piercing it
The flesh of your ankle is swollen and red, pulsing and radiating heat. You cry out and pant to yourself as you attempt to work on the sharp metallic teeth
A bear trap
Cassandra catches wind of this, too
Her lips are all too dry, and as her tongue darts out to lick them, her eyes flash to the blood covering your ankle
Hunger takes over her again, and as she inhales sharply, a small, excited squeak passes her lips
Her head jerks sideways again when a roar is heard, loud enough to cover her hiss and growls of displeasure and loud enough for even you to hear
A bear
She feels excited again, her bloodlust returning wholly, among something else
She needs to slay this beast
She practically tastes your panic in the air as the sound rings out and scares nearby birds
Is she about to watch the bear devour you? It doesn’t seem so
With a mind too clouded, the feral brunette can’t even entertain the idea of it
Instead, she swarms fast, the tip of her dagger grazing your shoulder as she stands in front of you
Protectively, even
She bares her teeth at the large animal coming from among the twigs and bushes, her own, sharp canines on display, blood and drool forming at her mouth
The beast stares for a moment, as though to think this over
Both are locked into a staring match, neither advert their eyes, neither moving at all
She takes in the black fur, the brown eyes, the mouth pulled to form a snarl similar to hers
Sharp teeth, perhaps even sharper claws on the animal’s paws
She practically vibrates with excitement, her flies buzzing both excitedly and aggressively
After a few seconds, she can’t stand the anticipation any longer
She charges, a growl and snarl coming from her
Yet, in her dizzying bloodlust and excitement, she is once again too fast and little strategic
As the bear moves sideways, Cassandra hisses. She slams against one of the trees, the wood hard against her shoulder
She snarls angrily, her body turning back to the bear running at her. It too is ready to charge now
She rips herself from the tree, her daggers slicing harshly into the bear’s massive neck
As blood spills and slaps her in the face, she laughs, the sound almost high pitched in excitement, the most human one she has been able to make so far
Clearly, she is enjoying herself
You watch in awe as she fights the beast, the show temporarily distracting you from the aching and biting pain of your ankle
The bear falls fast, a loud roar the last sound coming from it when daggers and teeth dig into its neck and rip brutally
A quick death, albeit a bloody one. You wonder if yours will be the same
The brunette hasn’t yet turned her attention back to you
She’s studying the body, sniffing and prodding, cutting and licking the blood off the blades, uncaring when she accidentally makes a cut at her own tongue or lip
You watch her, elegant, yet not elegant at all at the same time…her movements are fast and animalistic, feral
She snaps her head when she hears something, sniffs and tilts her head to examine the corpse
And yet, the way she holds her daggers, the way her back is just slightly arched as she has a look…she has something regal about her, a mere trace of elegance deep within
You turn your attention back to the bear trap
When you attempt to grasp one of the metallic claws and tug the trap open, you nearly scream in pain. It doesn’t budge, and you can’t see it properly with your stomach disallowing you to sit up as you’d like to
You bite down on your lip harshly, so that only a whimper comes from you, and gently stroke over your stomach to calm yourself
You remember what you have been told. To stay calm. To avoid stress. Well, that’s working out well for you…
Yet, you don’t realise that your pained whimper immediately has her head snap back to you
She’s back at you in an instant, her eyes following you when you flinch backwards
She feels- confused
Why did she save you?
Cassandra hovers over you, the blood at her face immediately catching your attention
Yet, with your leg stuck, you can’t even pull away as she climbs over you, the slightly torn parts of her dress almost ticklish against your trapped leg
You watch her face lower to your stomach, her expression almost confused
Cassandra snarls for a moment. No response comes from you or your stomach
Why is it like that? Why do you smell so odd?
She catches the scent, yours, and your blood. And another. A light one. Coming from your stomach
You tense as she inhales, her cheek brushing against your covered stomach
Cassandra only grows more curious. Uncaring about you, she sinks her teeth into the fabric of your shirt and pulls it up
Yet, when she doesn’t find a human curled against you like expected, but a large stomach only, she jumps back in surprise
Had it not been for the quick beat of your heart and the painful ache of your leg, you might’ve laughed at the strange view of this woman being startled by your stomach
However, she is quick to approach you again
With her head tilted sideways, she eyes you curiously
You realise- she isn’t going to hurt you. Nor is she going to hurt your unborn baby
Instead, she keeps sniffing about, eyes wide, fingers poking and prodding as though to confirm it’s your skin
When you attempt to sit up, you scream, having momentarily forgotten about the bear trap
Her eyes flash and widen, and for a mere moment the beautiful gold in them catches you off guard
You watch her move down your body, sniffing and inspecting you, as though checking for more wounds
Then, she is right at the beartrap
She grabs it, and with a firm yank, it comes loose
You scream, and for a moment, clutch your stomach tightly
Confusion sets in when Cassandra copies the action, her bloodied hands on top of you too
She seems unsure of her own actions, as though they’re driven purely by instinct, rather than actual thought and consideration
She watches you for a few more moments, before leaning close to your stomach again
You gasp in surprise when she suddenly smears her face against you, her bloodied cheek rubbing against you
Affectionately, almost
She growls as she repeats the action, again, and again
At last, she faces you again
Her head tilts. She takes you in, you realize. She is curious about you
“I’m from-the village”, you clarify for her. You wonder whether she can even understand you
She certainly looks human
“I got lost”, you admit, your voice raspy from screaming and crying
You don’t dare look down at your injured leg, instead keep your eyes fixated on her golden ones
She whines and snarls for a moment, then seems to come up with whatever she has been trying to think of
You shriek in surprise when her arms wrap around you and you’re lifted off the dirty ground
With certainty, she begins to walk, seemingly bringing you deeper into the forest
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